Articles for December 2019
Consistent truncations of supergravity and $\frac{1}{2}$-BPS RG flows in $4d$ SCFTs. (arXiv:1912.13516v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Anton F. Faedo, Carlos Nunez, Christopher Rosen, relevance 1.02

With the purpose of holographically describing flows from a large family of four dimensional ${\cal N}=1$ and ${\cal N}=2$ conformal field theories, we discuss truncations of seven dimensional supergravity to five dimensions. We write explicitly the reduced gauged supergravity and find BPS equations for simple configurations. Lifting these flows to eleven dimensions or Massive IIA supergravity, we present string duals to RG flows from strongly coupled conformal theories when deformed by marginal and/or relevant operators. We further discuss observables common to infinite families of ${\cal N}=1$ and ${\cal N}=2$ QFTs in this context.

Higher Anomalies, Higher Symmetries, and Cobordisms III: QCD Matter Phases Anew. (arXiv:1912.13514v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, relevance 1.89

We explore QCD$_4$ quark matter, the $\mu$-T (chemical potential-temperature) phase diagram, possible 't Hooft anomalies, and topological terms, via non-perturbative tools of cobordism theory and higher anomaly matching. We focus on quarks in 3-color and 3-flavor on bi-fundamentals of SU(3), then analyze the continuous and discrete global symmetries and pay careful attention to finite group sectors. We input constraints from $T=CP$ or $CT$ time-reversal symmetries, implementing QCD on unorientable spacetimes and distinct topology. Examined phases include the high T QGP (quark-gluon plasma/liquid), the low T ChSB (chiral symmetry breaking), 2SC (2-color superconductivity) and CFL (3-color-flavor locking superconductivity) at high density. We introduce a possibly useful but only approximate higher anomaly, involving discrete 0-form axial and 1-form mixed chiral-flavor-locked center symmetries, matched by the above four QCD phases. We also enlist as much as possible, but without identifying all of, 't Hooft anomalies and topological terms relevant to Symmetry Protected/Enriched Topological states (SPTs/SETs) of gauged SU(2) or SU(3) QCD$_d$-like matter theories in general in any spacetime dimensions $d=2,3,4,5$ via cobordism.

Planar kinematic invariants, matroid subdivisions and generalized Feynman diagrams. (arXiv:1912.13513v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nick Early, relevance 0.00

In recent work of Cachazo, Guevara, Mizera and the author, a generalization of the biadjoint scattering amplitude $m^{(k)}(\mathbb{I}_n,\mathbb{I}_n)$ was introduced as an integral over the moduli space of $n$ points in $\mathbb{CP}^{k-1}$, with value a sum of certain rational functions on the kinematic space $\mathcal{K}_{k,n}$. It was shown there for $m^{(3)}(\mathbb{I}_6,\mathbb{I}_6)$ and later by Cachazo and Rojas that collections of poles appearing in $m^{(3)}(\mathbb{I}_7,\mathbb{I}_7)$ are compatible exactly when they are dual to collections of rays which generate the maximal faces of a polyhedral complex known as the (nonnegative) tropical Grassmannian.

In this note, we derive a remarkable planar basis for the space of generalized kinematic invariants which coincides in the case $k=2$ with usual standard planar multi-particle basis for the kinematic space. We implement in Mathematica the action on formal linear combinations of planar matroid subdivisions of a boundary operator which, together with the planar basis, determines compatibility for any given poles appearing in the expansion of $m^{(k)}(\mathbb{I}_n,\mathbb{I}_n)$, by computing a certain combinatorial non-crossing condition on the second hypersimplicial faces $\Delta_{2,n-(k-2)}$ of $\Delta_{k,n}$. The algorithms are implemented in an accompanying Mathematica notebook and are evaluated on existing tables of rays, in the form of tropical Plucker vectors, to tabulate the finest planar subdivisions of $\Delta_{3,8},\Delta_{3,9}$ and $ \Delta_{4,8}$, or equivalently the set of maximal cones for the corresponding nonnegative tropical Grassmannians.

BV and BFV for the H-twisted Poisson sigma model. (arXiv:1912.13511v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Noriaki Ikeda, Thomas Strobl, relevance 0.29

We present the BFV and the BV extension of the Poisson sigma model (PSM) twisted by a closed 3-form H. There exist superfield versions of these functionals such as for the PSM and, more generally, for the AKSZ sigma models. However, in contrast to those theories, here they depend on the Euler vector field of the source manifold and contain terms mixing data from the source and the target manifold.

Using an auxiliary connection $\nabla$ on the target manifold M, we obtain alternative, purely geometrical expressions without the use of superfields, which are new also for the ordinary PSM and promise straightforward adaptations to other Lie algebroid based gauge theories: The BV functional, in particular, is the sum of the classical action, the Hamiltonian lift of the (only on-shell-nilpotent) BRST differential, and a term quadratic in the antifields which is essentially the basic curvature and measures the compatibility of $\nabla$ with the Lie algebroid structure on T*M. We finally construct a Diff(M)-equivariant isomorphism between the two BV formulations.

Notes on the Quantum Corrections of Swampland and Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture. (arXiv:1912.13509v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Sichun Sun, Yun-Long Zhang, relevance 16.94

We discuss the swampland and trans-Planckian censorship conjectures (TCC) from the entropy bound with quantum corrections, namely quantum version of Bousso's bound and energy conditions. We include the typical contributions from the entanglement entropy in de Sitter spacetime. The TCC is not much corrected, whereas the bounds on swampland conjecture from energy conditions can be relaxed due to quantum corrections.

Non-Abelian Three-Loop Braiding Statistics for 3D Fermionic Topological Phases. (arXiv:1912.13505v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Jing-Ren Zhou, Qing-Rui Wang, Chenjie Wang, Zheng-Cheng Gu, relevance 2.64

Fractional statistics is one of the most intriguing features of topological phases in 2D. In particular, the so-called non-Abelian statistics plays a crucial role towards realizing universal topological quantum computation. Recently, the study of topological phases has been extended to 3D and it has been proposed that loop-like extensive objects can also carry fractional statistics. In this work, we systematically study the so-called three-loop braiding statistics for loop-like excitations for 3D fermionic topological phases. Most surprisingly, we discovered new types of non-Abelian three-loop braiding statistics that can only be realized in fermionic systems (or equivalently bosonic systems with fermionic particles). The simplest example of such non-Abelian braiding statistics can be realized in interacting fermionic systems with a gauge group $\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_8$ or $\mathbb{Z}_4 \times \mathbb{Z}_4$, and the physical origin of non-Abelian statistics can be viewed as attaching an open Majorana chain onto a pair of linked loops, which will naturally reduce to the well known Ising non-Abelian statistics via the standard dimension reduction scheme. Moreover, due to the correspondence between gauge theories with fermionic particles and classifying fermionic symmetry-protected topological (FSPT) phases with unitary symmetries, our study also give rise to an alternative way to classify FSPT phases with unitary symmetries. We further compare the classification results for FSPT phases with arbitrary Abelian total symmetry $G^f$ and find systematical agreement with previous studies using other methods. We believe that the proposed framework of understanding three-loop braiding statistics (including both Abelian and non-Abelian cases) in interacting fermion systems applies for generic fermonic topological phases in 3D.

Higher Anomalies, Higher Symmetries, and Cobordisms II: Applications to Quantum Gauge Theories. (arXiv:1912.13504v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Yunqin Zheng, relevance 6.65

We discuss the topological terms, the global symmetries and their 't Hooft anomalies of pure gauge theories in various dimensions, with dynamical gauge group $G$, the Lorentz symmetry group $G_{\text{Lorentz}}$, and the internal global symmetry $G_{e,[1]}\times G_{m, [d-3]}$ which consists of 1-form electric center symmetry $G_{e,[1]}$ and $(d-3)$ form magnetic symmetry $G_{m, [d-3]}$. The topological terms are determined by the cobordism invariants $(\Omega^d)^{G'}$ where $G'$ is the group extension of $G_{\text{Lorentz}}$ by $G$, which also characterize the invertible TQFTs or SPTs with global symmetry $G'$. The 't Hooft anomalies are determined by the cobordism invariants $(\Omega^{d+1})^{G''}$ where $G''$ is the symmetry extension of $G_{\text{Lorentz}}$ by the higher form symmetry $G_{e,[1]}\times G_{m, [d-3]}$. Different symmetry extensions correspond to different fractionalizations of $G_{\text{Lorentz}}$ quantum numbers on the symmetry defects of $G_{e,[1]}\times G_{m, [d-3]}$. We compute the cobordism groups/invariants described above for $G=$ U(1), SU(2) and SO(3) in $d\leq 5$, thus systematically classifies all the topological terms and the 't Hooft anomalies of $d$ dimensional quantum gauge theories with the above gauge groups.

On 5d SCFTs and their BPS quivers. Part I: B-branes and brane tilings. (arXiv:1912.13502v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Cyril Closset, Michele Del Zotto, relevance 1.76

We study the spectrum of BPS particles on the Coulomb branch of five-dimensional superconformal field theories (5d SCFTs) compactified on a circle. By engineering these theories in M-theory on ${\mathbf X} \times S^1 $, for ${\mathbf X}$ an isolated Calabi-Yau threefold singularity, we naturally identify the BPS category of the 5d theory on a circle with the derived category of coherent sheaves on a resolution of ${\mathbf X}$. It follows that the BPS spectrum can be studied in terms of 5d BPS quivers, which are the fractional-brane quivers for the singularity ${\mathbf X}$. 5d BPS quivers generalize the well-studied 4d BPS quivers for 4d $\mathcal{N}{=}2$ gauge theories that can be obtained from ${\mathbf X}$ in so-called geometric engineering limits. We study the interplay between 4d and 5d BPS quivers in detail. We particularly focus on examples when ${\mathbf X}$ is a toric singularity, in which case the 5d BPS quiver is given in terms of a brane tiling. For instance, the well-studied $Y^{p,q}$ brane tiling gives a 5d BPS quiver for the $SU(p)_q$ 5d gauge theory. We present a conjecture about the structure of the BPS spectra of a wide class of models, which we test in the simple case of the 5d $SU(2)_0$ theory (more precisely, the $E_1$ SCFT). We also argue that 5d UV dualities can be realized in terms of mutation sequences on the BPS quivers, which are in turn interpreted as autoequivalences of the BPS category.

Categorical symmetry and non-invertible anomaly in symmetry-breaking and topological phase transitions. (arXiv:1912.13492v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Wenjie Ji, Xiao-Gang Wen, relevance 2.24

For a Landau symmetry breaking transition in $(d+1)$-dimensional spacetime that completely breaks a finite symmetry $G$, the critical point at the transition has the symmetry $G$. In this paper, we show that the critical point also has a dual symmetry -- a $(d-1)$-symmetry described by higher group when $G$ is Abelian or an algebraic $(d-1)$-symmetry beyond higher group when $G$ is non-Abelian. In fact, when restricted to the symmetric sub-Hilbert space, any $G$-symmetric system can be regarded as having a non-invertible gravitational anomaly, i.e. can be viewed as a boundary of $G$-gauge theory in one higher dimension. The conservation of gauge charge and gauge flux in the bulk $G$-gauge theory gives rise to the symmetry and dual symmetry respectively. So any $G$-symmetric system actually has a larger symmetry called categorical symmetry, which is a combination of the symmetry and the dual symmetry. However, part (but not all) of the categorical symmetry must be spontaneously broken in any gapped phase of the system, but there exists a gapless state where the categorical symmetry is not spontaneously broken. Such a gapless state corresponds to the usual critical point of Landau symmetry breaking transition. The above results remain valid even if we expand the notion of symmetry to include higher symmetries described by higher group and algebraic higher symmetries beyond higher group. Thus our result also applies to critical points for transitions between topological phases of matter. In particular, we show that there can be several critical points for the transition from the 3+1D $Z_2$ gauge theory to a trivial phase. The critical point from Higgs condensation has a categorical symmetry formed by a $Z_2$ 0-symmetry and a $Z_2$ 2-symmetry, while the critical point of the confinement transition has a categorical symmetry formed by two $Z_2$ 1-symmetries.

On AdS$_7$ stability. (arXiv:1912.13491v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Fabio Apruzzi, G. Bruno De Luca, Alessandra Gnecchi, Gabriele Lo Monaco, Alessandro Tomasiello, relevance 13.11

AdS$_7$ supersymmetric solutions in type IIA have been classified, and they are infinitely many. Moreover, every such solution has a non-supersymmetric sister. In this paper, we study the perturbative and non-perturbative stability of these non-supersymmetric solutions, focusing on cases without orientifolds. Perturbatively, we first look at the KK spectrum of spin-2 excitations. This does not exhibit instabilities, but it does show that there is no separation of scales for either the BPS and the non-BPS case, thus proving for supersymmetric AdS$_7$ a well-known recent conjecture. We then use 7d gauged supergravity and a brane polarization computation to access part of the spectrum of KK scalars. The result signals an instability for all non-supersymmetric solutions except those that have a single D8 on each side. We finally look at non-perturbative instabilities, and find that NS5 bubbles make these remaining solutions decay.

Axionic excitation from QCD Condensate. (arXiv:1912.13489v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Chi Xiong, relevance 1.25

A complex order parameter is used for describing inhomogeneous quark condensate and its phase is decomposed into a regular part and a singular part. An emergent gauge symmetry is found to connect these two parts. The singular part plays the role of an emergent gauge field while the regular part can be considered as an axionic excitation, provided that the chromoelectric flux tube is capable of inducing a vortex configuration in the quark condensate, with the help of axial anomaly.

Winding number for arbitrary integer value in Cubic String Field Theory. (arXiv:1912.13487v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Toshiko Kojita, relevance 0.69

We have focused on the topological structure of Cubic string field theory (CSFT). From the similarity of action between CSFT and Chern-Simons (CS) theory in three dimensions, we have investigated the quantity ${\cal N}=\pi^2/3\int (UQU^{-1})^3$, which is expected to be the counterpart of winding number in CS theory. In our previous research, it was reported that $\cal N$ can only take a limited number of integer values due to the inevitable anomalies in Okawa type solution. To overcome this unsatisfactory results, we evaluate $\cal N$ and EOM against a solution itself, $\cal T$, for more general class of pure gauge form solution written in $K,B$ and $c$ in this paper. Then we obtain general formula of $\cal N$ and $\cal T$. From this result, we show that there is an infinite number of solutions that $\cal N$ takes any integer value while keeping $\cal T=0$. We also show the gauge invariant observable of these solutions take appropriate values. Furthermore, we evaluate the integral form of the BRST-exact quantity as surface integral.

Index for a Model of 3d-3d Correspondence for Plumbed 3-Manifolds. (arXiv:1912.13486v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hee-Joong Chung, relevance 0.00

We consider the $S^2 \times_q S^1$ superconformal index of a 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ theory $T[M_3]$ when $M_3$ is a plumbed 3-manifold. We engineer an effective description of $T[M_3]$ by considering the homological block for plumbed 3-manifolds as a $D^2 \times_q S^1$ partition function of a 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ theory $T[M_3]$ with a boundary condition. We check that the superconformal index for such a $T[M_3]$ is invariant under the 3d Kirby moves.

Non-Abelian Gauged Fractonic Matter Field Theory: New Sigma Models, Superfluids and Vortices. (arXiv:1912.13485v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Juven Wang, Shing-Tung Yau, relevance 2.13

By gauging a higher-moment polynomial global symmetry and a discrete charge conjugation (i.e., particle-hole) symmetry (mutually non-commutative) coupled to matter fields, we derive a new class of higher-rank tensor non-abelian gauge field theory with dynamically gauged matter fields: Non-abelian gauged matters interact with a hybrid class of higher-rank (symmetric or generic non-symmetric) tensor gauge theory and anti-symmetric tensor topological field theory, generalizing [arXiv:1909.13879, 1911.01804]'s theory. We also apply a quantum phase transition similar to that between insulator v.s. superfluid/superconductivity (U(1) symmetry disordered phase described by a topological gauge theory or a disordered Sigma model v.s. U(1) global/gauge symmetry-breaking ordered phase described by a Sigma model with a U(1) target space underlying Goldstone modes): We can regard our tensor gauge theories as disordered phases, and we transient to their new ordered phases by deriving new Sigma models in continuum field theories. While one low energy theory is captured by degrees of freedom of rotor or scalar modes, another side of low energy theory has vortices and superfluids - we explore non-abelian vortices (two types of vortices mutually interacting non-commutatively) beyond an ordinary group structure and their Cauchy-Riemann relation.

Restrictions for $n$-Point Vertices in Higher-Spin Theories. (arXiv:1912.13476v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Stefan Fredenhagen, Olaf Krüger, Karapet Mkrtchyan, relevance 0.95

We give a simple classification of the independent $n$-point interaction vertices for bosonic higher-spin gauge fields in $d$-dimensional Minkowski space-times. We first give a characterisation of such vertices for large dimensions, $d \geq 2n - 1$, where one does not have to consider Schouten identities due to over-antisymmetrisation of space-time indices. When the dimension is lowered, such identities have to be considered, but their appearance only leads to equivalences of large-$d$ vertices and does not lead to new types of vertices. We consider the case of low dimensions, $d<n$, in detail, where the large number of Schouten identities leads to strong restrictions on independent vertices. We also comment on the generalisation of our results to the intermediate case $n \leq d \leq 2n - 2$. In all cases, the independent vertices are expressed in terms of elementary manifestly gauge-invariant quantities, suggesting that no deformations of the gauge transformations are induced.

${\cal N}=(1,0)$ Anomaly Multiplet Relations in Six Dimensions. (arXiv:1912.13475v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Clay Cordova, Thomas T. Dumitrescu, Kenneth Intriligator, relevance 2.81

We consider conformal and 't Hooft anomalies in six-dimensional ${\cal N}=(1,0)$ superconformal field theories, focusing on those conformal anomalies that determine the two- and three-point functions of conserved flavor and $SU(2)_R$ currents, as well as stress tensors. By analyzing these correlators in superspace, we explain why the number of independent conformal anomalies is reduced in supersymmetric theories. For instance, non-supersymmetric CFTs in six dimensions have three independent conformal $c$-anomalies, which determine the stress-tensor two- and three-point functions, but in superconformal theories the three $c$-anomalies are subject to a linear constraint. We also describe anomaly multiplet relations, which express the conformal anomalies of a superconformal theory in terms of its 't Hooft anomalies. Following earlier work on the conformal $a$-anomaly, we argue for these relations by considering the supersymmetric dilaton effective action on the tensor branch of such a theory. We illustrate the utility of these anomaly multiplet relations by presenting exact results for conformal anomalies, and hence current and stress-tensor correlators, in several interacting examples.

Kerr Black Hole Evaporation and Page Curve. (arXiv:1912.13474v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jun Nian, relevance 38.59

We compute the black hole entropy and the entanglement entropy of Hawking radiations due to photons during the evaporation of a 4d asymptotically flat Kerr black hole. The Page curve for the Kerr black hole is obtained, which qualitatively mimics the one for the Schwarzschild black hole but has some new features.

Note on Wess-Zumino-Witten models and quasiuniversality in 2+1 dimensions. (arXiv:1912.13468v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Adam Nahum, relevance 0.00

We suggest the possibility that the two-dimensional SU(2)$_k$ Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) theory, which has global SO(4) symmetry, can be continued to $2+\epsilon$ dimensions by enlarging the symmetry to SO$(4+\epsilon)$. This is motivated by the three-dimensional sigma model with SO(5) symmetry and a WZW term, which is relevant to deconfined criticality. If such a continuation exists, the structure of the renormalization group flows at small $\epsilon$ may be fixed by assuming analyticity in $\epsilon$. This leads to the conjecture that the WZW fixed point annihilates with a new, unstable fixed point at a critical dimensionality $d_c>2$. We suggest that $d_c < 3$ for all $k$, and we compute $d_c$ in the limit of large $k$. The flows support the conjecture that the deconfined phase transition in SU(2) magnets is a ``pseudocritical'' point with approximate SO(5), controlled by a fixed point slightly outside the physical parameter space.

The Lattice-Continuum Correspondence in the Ising Model. (arXiv:1912.13462v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Djordje Radicevic, relevance 1.11

Starting from the operator algebra of the (1+1)D Ising model on a spatial lattice, this paper explicitly constructs a subalgebra of smooth operators that are natural candidates for continuum fields in the scaling limit. At the critical value of the transverse field, these smooth operators are analytically shown to reproduce the operator product expansions found in the Ising conformal field theory.

The Four-Loop Cusp Anomalous Dimension from the $\mathcal{N} = 4$ Sudakov Form Factor. (arXiv:1912.13459v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Tobias Huber, Andreas von Manteuffel, Erik Panzer, Robert M. Schabinger, Gang Yang, relevance 0.00

We present an analytic derivation of the full four-loop cusp anomalous dimension of $\mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory from the Sudakov form factor. To extract the cusp anomalous dimension, we calculate the $\epsilon^{-2}$ pole of the form factor using parametric integrations of finite integrals. We provide uniformly transcendental results for the master integrals through to weight six and confirm a very recent independent analytic result for the full four-loop cusp anomalous dimension of the $\mathcal{N}=4$ model.

Fluctuation dynamics in a relativistic fluid with a critical point. (arXiv:1912.13456v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Xin An, Gokce Basar, Mikhail Stephanov, Ho-Ung Yee, relevance 0.85

To describe dynamics of bulk and fluctuations near the QCD critical point we develop general relativistic fluctuation formalism for a fluid carrying baryon charge. Feedback of fluctuations modifies hydrodynamic coefficients including bulk viscosity and conductivity and introduces nonlocal and non-instantaneous terms in constitutive equations. We perform necessary ultraviolet (short-distance) renormalization to obtain cutoff independent deterministic equations suitable for numerical implementation. We use the equations to calculate the universal non-analytic small-frequency dependence of transport coefficients due to fluctuations (long-time tails). Focusing on the critical mode we show how this general formalism matches existing Hydro+ description of fluctuations near the QCD critical point and nontrivially extends it inside and outside of the critical region.

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations for two interacting massless particles in de Sitter space. (arXiv:1912.13450v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Naohiro Kanda, Satoshi Okano, relevance 6.57

Recently, a conformally invariant model of interacting two massless particles in Minkowski space was proposed by Casalbuoni and Gomis. We extend this model to the case of de Sitter space in terms of embedding coordinates by assuming that two particles interact with each other along the geodesic connecting them. We analyze the Hamiltonian formalism in accordance with Dirac's prescription for constrained system. As a result, we find the first-class constraints that lead to a fourth-order differential equation for bilocal fields after canonical quantization. This result is analogous to Casalbuoni and Gomis' analysis performed in Minkowski space.

Persistent gravitational wave observables: Nonlinear plane wave spacetimes. (arXiv:1912.13449v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Éanna É. Flanagan, Alexander M. Grant, Abraham I. Harte, David A. Nichols, relevance 4.10

In the first paper in this series, we introduced "persistent gravitational wave observables" as a framework for generalizing the gravitational wave memory effect. These observables are nonlocal in time and nonzero in the presence of gravitational radiation. We defined three specific examples of persistent observables: a generalization of geodesic deviation that allowed for arbitrary acceleration, a holonomy observable involving a closed curve, and an observable that can be measured using a spinning test particle. For linearized plane waves, we showed that our observables could be determined just from one, two, and three time integrals of the Riemann tensor along a central worldline, when the observers follow geodesics. In this paper, we compute these three persistent observables in nonlinear plane wave spacetimes, and we find that the fully nonlinear observables contain effects that differ qualitatively from the effects present in the observables at linear order. Many parts of these observables can be determined from two functions, the transverse Jacobi propagators, and their derivatives (for geodesic observers). These functions, at linear order in the spacetime curvature, reduce to the one, two, and three time integrals of the Riemann tensor mentioned above.

Zero modes of local operators in 2d CFT on a cylinder. (arXiv:1912.13444v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Anatoly Dymarsky, Kirill Pavlenko, Dmitry Solovyev, relevance 3.95

Studies of Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) in two-dimensional CFTs call for calculation of the expectation values of local operators in highly excited energy eigenstates. This can be done efficiently by representing zero modes of these operators in terms of the Virasoro algebra generators. In this paper we present a pedagogical introduction explaining how this calculation can be performed analytically or using computer algebra. We illustrate the computation of zero modes by a number of examples and list explicit expressions for all local operators from the vacuum family with the dimension of less or equal than eight. Finally, we derive an explicit expression for the quantum KdV generator $Q_7$ in terms of the Virasoro algebra generators. The obtained results can be used for quantitative studies of ETH at finite value of central charge.

Gauge Theory and Boundary Integrability II: Elliptic and Trigonometric Case. (arXiv:1912.13441v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Roland Bittleston, David Skinner, relevance 4.86

We consider the mixed topological-holomorphic Chern-Simons theory introduced by Costello, Yamazaki and Witten on a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ orbifold. We use this to construct semi-classical solutions of the boundary Yang-Baxter equation in the elliptic and trigonometric cases. A novel feature of the trigonometric case is that the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ action lifts to the gauge bundle in a $z$-dependent way. We construct several examples of $K$-matrices, and check they agree with cases appearing in the literature.

An Effective Field Theory of Quantum Mechanical Black Hole Horizons. (arXiv:1912.13435v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Walter D. Goldberger, Ira Z. Rothstein, relevance 26.37

We develop an effective theory which describes black holes with quantum mechanical horizons that is valid at scales long compared to the Schwarzschild radius but short compared to the lifetime of the black hole. Our formalism allows one to calculate the quantum mechanical effects in scattering processes involving black hole asymptotic states. We point out that the EFT Wightman functions which describe Hawking radiation in the Unruh vacuum are not Planck suppressed and are actually {\it enhanced} relative to those in the Boulware vacuum, for which such radiation is absent. We elaborate on this point showing how the non-Planck suppressed effects of Hawking radiation cancel in classical observables.

New Results for Quasi Normal Modes of Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:1912.13432v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Plamen P. Fiziev, relevance 1.73

We briefly consider the data of collaboration LIGO/VIRGO for gravitational waves (GW) and the recent observations of Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), and we discuss difficulties for finding the right theory of gravity and the nature of the observed Extremely Compact Objects (ECOs). The only undisputable way to establish existence of event horizon of ECOs, is the extraction of Quasi Normal Modes (QNMs) from the ringing phase of the sources of GW. We present our method for calculation of QNMs of GW in the Schwarzschild metric with different boundary conditions. It is based on exact solutions of the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli equations in terms of the confluent Heun functions. We present also new numerical results of high precision ($ \geq 16$ digits) for QNM frequencies. We indicate the difficulties for comparison of theoretical results for QNMs with the observations.

Codimension-1 thick brane solutions in higher-dimensional $R^n$ gravity. (arXiv:1912.13395v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by V. Dzhunushaliev, V. Folomeev, A. Serikbolova, relevance 3.75

Vacuum plane symmetric solutions within $\alpha R^n$ modified gravity are obtained. The solutions can be regarded as describing thick branes with codimension 1 in a higher-dimensional spacetime. The dependence of the solutions on the values of four free parameters of the system under consideration is studied numerically. It is shown that when the parameter $\alpha$ increases, the solutions tend to saturation. We also show that in all cases under consideration the spacetime is asymptotically anti-de Sitter one.

Boundary action and profile of effective bosonic strings. (arXiv:1912.13381v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. S. Bakry, M. A. Deliyergiyev, A. A. Galal, M. Khalil Williams, relevance 1.61

The mean-square width of the energy profile of bosonic string is calculated considering two boundary terms in the effective action. The perturbative expansion of the Lorentz-invariant boundary terms at the second and the fourth order in the effective action is taken around the free Nambu-Goto action. The calculation are presented for open strings with Dirichlet boundary condition on cylinder.

Horava-Lifshitz four-fermion model revisited and dynamical symmetry breaking. (arXiv:1912.13378v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by T. Mariz, J. R. Nascimento, A. Yu. Petrov, relevance 2.63

In this paper, we develop studies of the dynamical symmetry breaking in the Horava-Lifshitz four-fermion model for the specific case $z=3$ and explicitly demonstrate that for various space-time dimensions, one could arrive at the theory displaying both dynamical generation of the Lorentz symmetry for the kinetic term and arising the positively defined potential at the same time. At the same time, for $D=3$, the Lorentz invariant Chern-Simons term is generated.

Quantum geodesics in quantum mechanics. (arXiv:1912.13376v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Edwin Beggs, Shahn Majid, relevance 0.79

We show that the standard Heisenberg algebra of quantum mechanics admits a noncommutative differential calculus $\Omega^1$ depending on the Hamiltonian $H=p^2/2m + V(x)$ and a flat quantum connection with torsion on it such that a quantum formulation of autoparallel curves (or `geodesics') reduces to Schr\"odinger's equation. The connection is compatible with a natural quantum symplectic structure and associated generalised quantum metric. A remnant of our approach also works on any symplectic manifold where, by extending the calculus, we can encode any hamiltonian flow as `geodesics' for a certain connection with torsion which is moreover compatible with an extended symplectic structure. Thus we formulate ordinary quantum mechanics in a way that more resembles gravity rather than the more well-studied idea of formulating geometry in a more quantum manner. We then apply the same approach to the Klein Gordon equation on Minkowski space with a background electromagnetic field, formulating quantum `geodesics' on the relevant relativistic Heisenberg algebra. Examples include a proper time relativistic free particle wave packet and a hydrogen-like atom.

$\mathfrak{gl}_N$ Higgsed networks. (arXiv:1912.13372v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Yegor Zenkevich, relevance 3.20

We generalize the framework of Higgsed networks of intertwiners to the quantum toroidal algebra associated to Lie algebra $\mathfrak{gl}_N$. Using our formalism we obtain a systems of screening operators corresponding to W-algebras associated to toric strip geometries and reproduce partition functions of 3d theories on orbifolded backgrounds.

Modular Invariance in Superstring Theory From ${\cal N} = 4$ Super-Yang Mills. (arXiv:1912.13365v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Shai M. Chester, Michael B. Green, Silviu S. Pufu, Yifan Wang, Congkao Wen, relevance 0.50

We study the four-point function of the lowest-lying half-BPS operators in the ${\cal N} =4$ $SU(N)$ super-Yang-Mills theory and its relation to the flat-space four-graviton amplitude in type IIB superstring theory. We work in a large-$N$ expansion in which the complexified Yang-Mills coupling $\tau$ is fixed. In this expansion, non-perturbative instanton contributions are present, and the $SL(2, \mathbb{Z})$ duality invariance of correlation functions is manifest. Our results are based on a detailed analysis of the sphere partition function of the mass-deformed SYM theory, which was previously computed using supersymmetric localization. This partition function determines a certain integrated correlator in the undeformed ${\cal N} = 4$ SYM theory, which in turn constrains the four-point correlator at separated points. In a normalization where the two-point functions are proportional to $N^2-1$ and are independent of $\tau$ and $\bar \tau$, we find that the terms of order $\sqrt{N}$ and $1/\sqrt{N}$ in the large $N$ expansion of the four-point correlator are proportional to the non-holomorphic Eisenstein series $E({\scriptstyle \frac{3}{2}},\tau,\bar\tau)$ and $E({\scriptstyle \frac{5}{2}},\tau,\bar\tau)$, respectively. In the flat space limit, these terms match the corresponding terms in the type IIB S-matrix arising from $R^4$ and $D^4 R^4$ contact interactions, which, for the $R^4$ case, represents a check of AdS/CFT at finite string coupling. Furthermore, we present striking evidence that these results generalize so that, at order $N^{\frac{1}{2}-m}$ with integer $m \ge 0$, the expansion of the integrated correlator we study is a linear sum of non-holomorphic Eisenstein series with half-integer index, which are manifestly $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ invariant.

On the relation between the canonical Hamilton-Jacobi equation and the De Donder-Weyl Hamilton-Jacobi formulation in general relativity. (arXiv:1912.13363v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by N. Riahi, M.E. Pietrzyk, relevance 0.00

We discuss the relation between the canonical Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the De Donder-Weyl Hamilton-Jacobi theory known in the calculus of variations using the examples of a scalar field in curved space-time and general relativity. By restricting ourselves to the Gaussian coordinates we show how the canonical Hamilton-Jacobi equation of general relativity can be derived from the De Donder-Weyl Hamilton-Jacobi formulation of the Einstein equations.

Disformally Coupled Quintessence. (arXiv:1912.13348v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Elsa M. Teixeira, Ana Nunes, Nelson J. Nunes, relevance 0.85

In this work we consider a cosmological model in which dark energy is portrayed by a canonical scalar field which is allowed to couple to the other species by means of a disformal transformation of the metric. We revisit the current literature by assuming that the disformal function in the metric transformation can depend both on the scalar field itself and on its derivatives, encapsulating a wide variety of scalar-tensor theories. This generalisation also leads to new and richer phenomenology, explaining some of the features found in previously studied models. We present the background equations and perform a detailed dynamical analysis, from where new disformal fixed points emerge, that translate into novel cosmological features. These include early scaling regimes between the coupled species and broader stability parameter regions. However, viable cosmological models seem to have suppressed disformal late-time contributions.

Bianchi type-V spinning particle on 2-sphere. (arXiv:1912.13339v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Anton Galajinsky, relevance 4.35

Integrable spinning extension of a free particle on 2-sphere is constructed in which spin degrees of freedom are represented by a 3-vector obeying the Bianchi type-V algebra. Generalizations involving a scalar potential giving rise to two quadratic constants of the motion, or external field of the Dirac monopole, or the motion on the group manifold of SU(2) are built. A link to the model of a relativistic spinning particle propagating on the near horizon 7d Myers-Perry black hole background is considered. Implications of the construction in this work for the D(2,1;a) superconformal mechanics are discussed.

Horizonless ultracompact objects and dark matter in quadratic gravity. (arXiv:1912.13333v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alberto Salvio, Hardi Veermäe, relevance 2.36

We show that in quadratic gravity sufficiently light objects must be horizonless and construct explicit analytic examples of horizonless ultracompact objects (UCOs), which are more compact than Schwarzschild black holes. Due to the quadratic terms, gravity becomes soft and eventually vanishes in the high-energy limit leading to a "linearization mechanism": light objects can be described by the linearized theory when their Schwarzschild radius is smaller than the Compton wavelength of the new gravitational degrees of freedom. As a result, we can analytically describe UCOs with a mass-to-radius ratio higher than for a Schwarzschild black hole. The corresponding spacetime is regular everywhere. We show that the Ostrogradsky instabilities can be avoided and discuss the relation with the Higgs vacuum metastability. Due to the lack of a horizon, light UCOs do not evaporate. Therefore, they may play the role of dark matter. We briefly discuss their phenomenology.

General solutions in Chern-Simons gravity and $T \bar T$-deformations. (arXiv:1912.13330v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Eva Llabrés, relevance 1.60

We find the most general solution to Chern-Simons AdS$_3$ gravity in Fefferman-Graham gauge. The connections are equivalent to geometries that have a non-trivial curved boundary, characterized by a 2-dimensional vielbein and a spin connection. We define a variational principle for Dirichlet boundary conditions and find the boundary stress tensor in the Chern-Simons formalism. Using this variational principle as the departure point, we show how to treat other choices of boundary conditions in this formalism, such as, including the mixed boundary conditions corresponding to the $T \bar T$-deformation.

EFT Compatible PBHs: Effective Spawning of the Seeds for Primordial Black Holes during Inflation. (arXiv:1912.13326v1 [astro-ph.CO] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Amjad Ashoorioon, Abasalt Rostami, Javad T. Firouzjaee, relevance 7.52

Most of the inflationary scenarios that try to explain the origin of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) from the enhancements of the power spectrum to values of order one at the relevant scales, run into clashes with the Effective Field Theory (EFT) criteria or fail to enhance the power spectrum to such large amplitudes. In this paper, we unravel a mechanism of enhancing the power spectrum during inflation without flattening the potential or reducing the sound speed of scalar perturbations. The mechanism is based on this observation in the formalism of Extended EFT of inflation (EEFToI) with the sixth order polynomial dispersion relation for scalar perturbations, that if the quartic coefficient in the dispersion relation is negative and smaller than a certain threshold, the amplitude of power spectrum can be enhanced substantially. The instability mechanism needs to be arranged to kick in at the scales of interest which is related to the mass of the PBHs one would like to produce, which can be ten(s) of solar mass PBHs, suitable for LIGO events, or $10^{-13}-10^{-17}$ solar mass PBHs, which can comprise the whole dark matter energy density. This can be accommodated within the EEFToI by endowing time-dependence to the coefficients of the dispersion relation, or in turn, to the couplings in the unitary gauge action. We argue that for the range of parameters that the mechanisms enhance the power spectrum to the required amount, the strong coupling is avoided.

Multiplicity-free $U_q(sl_N)$ 6-j symbols: relations, asymptotics, symmetries. (arXiv:1912.13325v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Victor Alekseev, Andrey Morozov, Alexey Sleptsov, relevance 0.13

A closed form expression for multiplicity-free quantum 6-j symbols (MFS) was proposed in arXiv:1302.5143 for symmetric representations of $U_q(sl_N)$, which are the simplest class of multiplicity-free representations. In this paper we rewrite this expression in terms of q-hypergeometric series ${}_4\Phi_3$. We claim that it is possible to express any MFS through the 6-j symbol for $U_q(sl_2)$ with a certain factor. It gives us a universal tool for the extension of various properties of the quantum 6-j symbols for $U_q(sl_2)$ to the MFS. We demonstrate this idea by deriving the asymptotics of the MFS in terms of associated tetrahedron for classical algebra $U(sl_N)$.

Next we study MFS symmetries using known hypergeometric identities such as argument permutations and Sears' transformation. We describe symmetry groups of MFS. As a result we get new symmetries, which are a generalization of the tetrahedral symmetries and the Regge symmetries for N = 2.

Quasinormal Modes of Black Holes Surrounded by Dark Matter and Their Connection with the Shadow Radius. (arXiv:1912.13320v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kimet Jusufi, relevance 6.82

The purpose of this article is twofold. First, we highlight a simple connection between the real part of quasinormal modes (QNMs) in the eikonal limit and shadow radius of BHs and then explore the effect of dark matter on the QNMs of massless scalar field and electromagnetic field perturbations in a black hole (BH) spacetime surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter (BHPFDM). Using the WKB approximation we show that the quasinormal mode spectra of BHPFDM deviate from those of Schwarzschild black hole due to the presence of the PFDM encoded by the parameter $k$. Moreover it is shown that for any $k>0$, the real part and the absolute value of the imaginary part of QNM frequencies increases and this means that the field perturbations in the presence of PFDM decays more rapidly compared to Schwarzschild vacuum BH. We point out that there exists a reflecting point $k_0$ corresponding to maximal values for the real part of QNM frequencies. Namely, as the PFDM parameter $k$ increases in the interval $k<k_0$, the QNM frequencies increases and reach their maximum values at $k=k_0$. Finally we show that $k_0$ is also a reflecting point for the shadow radius while this conclusion can be deduced directly from the inverse relation between the real part of QNMs and the shadow radius.

Implementation of the HMC algorithm on the tempered Lefschetz thimble method. (arXiv:1912.13303v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Masafumi Fukuma, Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Naoya Umeda, relevance 0.00

The tempered Lefschetz thimble method (TLTM) is a parallel-tempering algorithm towards solving the numerical sign problem, where the system is tempered by the antiholomorphic gradient flow to tame both the sign and ergodicity problems simultaneously. In this paper, we implement the hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm for transitions on each flowed surface, expecting that this implementation on TLTM will give a useful framework for future computations of large-scale systems including fermions. Although the use of HMC in Lefschetz thimble methods has been proposed so far, our crucial achievement here is that HMC is implemented on TLTM so as to work within the parallel-tempering algorithm in TLTM, especially by developing an algorithm to handle zeros of fermion determinants in the course of the molecular-dynamics process. We confirm that the algorithm works correctly by applying it to the sign problem of the Hubbard model on a small lattice, for which the TLTM is known to work with the Metropolis algorithm. We show that the use of HMC significantly reduces the autocorrelation times with less computational times compared to the Metropolis algorithm.

Modular Parametrization as Polyakov Path Integral: Cases with CM Elliptic Curves as Target Spaces. (arXiv:1912.13294v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Satoshi Kondo, Taizan Watari, relevance 2.63

For an elliptic curve E over an abelian extension k/K with CM by K of Shimura type, the L-functions of its [k:K] Galois representations are Mellin transforms of Hecke theta functions; a modular parametrization (surjective map) from a modular curve to E pulls back the 1-forms on E to give the Hecke theta functions. This article refines the study of our earlier work and shows that certain class of chiral correlation functions in Type II string theory with [E]_C (E as real analytic manifold) as a target space yield the same Hecke theta functions as objects on the modular curve. The Kahler parameter of the target space [E]_C in string theory plays the role of the index (partially ordered) set in defining the projective/direct limit of modular curves.

Computing the spectral action for fuzzy geometries: from random noncommutative geometry to bi-tracial multimatrix models. (arXiv:1912.13288v4 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Carlos I. Perez-Sanchez, relevance 0.18

A fuzzy geometry is a certain type of spectral triple whose Dirac operator crucially turns out to be a finite matrix. This notion was introduced in [J. Barrett, J. Math. Phys. 56, 082301 (2015)] and accommodates familiar fuzzy spaces like spheres and tori. In the framework of random noncommutative geometry, we use Barrett's characterization of Dirac operators of fuzzy geometries in order to systematically compute the spectral action $S(D)= \mathrm{Tr} f(D)$ for $2n$-dimensional fuzzy geometries. In contrast to the original Chamseddine-Connes spectral action, we take a polynomial $f$ with $f(x)\to \infty$ as $ |x|\to\infty$ in order to obtain a well-defined path integral that can be stated as a random matrix model with action of the type $S(D)=N \cdot \mathrm{tr}\, F+\textstyle\sum_i \mathrm{tr}\,A_i \cdot \mathrm{tr} \,B_i $, being $F,A_i $ and $B_i $ noncommutative polynomials in $2^{2n-1}$ complex $N\times N$ matrices that parametrize the Dirac operator $D$. For arbitrary signature---thus for any admissible KO-dimension---formulas for 2-dimensional fuzzy geometries are given up to a sextic polynomial, and up to a quartic polynomial for 4-dimensional ones, with focus on the octo-matrix models for Lorentzian and Riemannian signatures. The noncommutative polynomials $F,A_i $ and $B_i$ are obtained via chord diagrams and satisfy: independence of $N$; self-adjointness of the main polynomial $F$ (modulo cyclic reordering of each monomial); also up to cyclicity, either self-adjointness or anti-self-adjointness of $A_i $ and $B_i $ simultaneously, for fixed $i$. Collectively, this favors a free probabilistic perspective for the large-$N$ limit we elaborate on.

Gradient flow equation in SQCD. (arXiv:1912.13247v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Daisuke Kadoh, Naoya Ukita, relevance 2.08

We propose a supersymmetric gradient flow in ${\cal N}=1$ SQCD in four dimensions. The flow equation is derived in the superfield formalism and is also given for component fields of the Wess-Zumino gauge in a gauge covariant manner. We find that the flow for the component fields is supersymmetric in a sense that the flow time derivative and any supersymmetry transformation commute with each other up to a gauge transformation.

Thermodynamics of Isoradial Quivers and Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds. (arXiv:1912.13245v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ali Zahabi, relevance 8.92

The BPS sector of $\mathcal{N}=2$, $4d$ toric quiver gauge theories, and its corresponding D6-D2-D0 branes on Calabi-Yau threefolds, have been previously studied using integrable lattice models such as the crystal melting model and the dimer model. The asymptotics of the BPS sector, in the large N limit, can be studied using the Mahler measure theory, \cite{Zah}. In this work, we consider the class of isoradial quivers and study their thermodynamical observables and phase structure. Building on our previous results, and using the relation between the Mahler measure and hyperbolic 3-manifolds, we propose a new approach in the asymptotic analysis of the isoradial quivers. As a result, we obtain the observables such as the BPS free energy, the BPS entropy density and growth rate of the isoradial quivers, as a function of the $R$-charges of the quiver and in terms of the hyperbolic volumes and the dilogarithm functions. The phase structure of the isoradial quivers is studied via the analysis of the BPS entropy density at critical $R$-charges and universal results for the phase structure in this class are obtained. Explicit results for the observables are obtained in some concrete examples of the isoradial quivers.

Stringy Newton Gravity with $H$-flux. (arXiv:1912.13220v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kyoungho Cho, Kevin Morand, Jeong-Hyuck Park, relevance 0.00

A Symmetry Principle has been shown to augment unambiguously the Einstein Field Equations, promoting the whole closed-string massless NS-NS sector to stringy graviton fields. Here we consider its weak field approximation, take a non-relativistic limit, and derive the stringy augmentation of Newton Gravity: \[ \begin{array}{lll} {\bf{\nabla}^{2}\Phi}=4\pi G \rho+\bf{H}{\bf{\cdot}}\bf{H}\,, \quad&\qquad\bf{\nabla}\bf{\cdot}\bf{H}=0\,, \quad&\qquad {\bf{\nabla}\bf{\times}\bf{H}}=4\pi G\, \bf{K}\,. \end{array} \] Not only the mass density $\rho$ but also the current density $\mathbf{K}$ is intrinsic to matter. Sourcing $\mathbf{H}$ which is of NS-NS $H$-flux origin, $\mathbf{K}$ is nontrivial if the matter is `stringy'. $\mathbf{H}$ contributes quadratically to the Newton potential, but otherwise is decoupled from the point particle dynamics, i.e. $\bf{\ddot{x}}=-\bf{\nabla}\Phi$. We define `stringization' analogous to magnetization and discuss regular as well as monopole-like singular solutions.

Cosmological consequences of a scalar field with oscillating equation of state: A possible solution to the fine-tuning and coincidence problems. (arXiv:1912.13208v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by S. X. Tián, relevance 0.96

We propose a new dark energy model for solving the cosmological fine-tuning and coincidence problems. A default assumption is that the fine-tuning problem disappears if we do not interpret dark energy as vacuum energy. The key idea to solving the coincidence problem is that the Universe may have several acceleration phases across the whole cosmic history. The specific example we study is a quintessence model with approximately repeated double exponential potential, which only introduces one Planck scale parameter and three dimensionless parameters of order unity. The cosmological background evolution equations can be recast into a four-dimensional dynamical system and its main properties are discussed in details. Preliminary calculations show that our model is able to explain the observed cosmic late-time acceleration.

Collision of spinning particles near BTZ black holes. (arXiv:1912.13177v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Xulong Yuan, Yunlong Liu, Xiangdong Zhang, relevance 13.27

We study the collision property of spinning particles near a Ba\~nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole. Our results show that although the center-of-mass energy of two ingoing particles diverges if one of the particles possesses a critical angular momentum, however, particle with critical angular momentum can not exist outside of the horizon due to the violation of timelike constraint. Further detailed investigation indicates that only the particle with a subcritical angular momentum is allowed to exist near an extremal rotating BTZ black hole and the corresponding collision center-of-mass energy can be arbitrarily large in a critical angular momentum limit.

Pointed Drinfeld center functor. (arXiv:1912.13168v1 [math.QA])
in hep-th by Liang Kong, Wei Yuan, Hao Zheng, relevance 0.94

In this work, using the functoriality of Drinfeld center of fusion categories, we generalize an earlier result on the functoriality of full center of simple separable algebras in a fixed fusion category to all fusion categories. This generalization produces a new center functor, which involves both Drinfeld center and full center and will be called the pointed Drinfeld center functor. We prove that this pointed Drinfeld center functor is a symmetric monoidal equivalence. It turns out that this functor provides a precise and rather complete mathematical formulation of the boundary-bulk relation of 1+1D rational conformal field theories (RCFT). In this process, we solve an old problem of computing the fusion of two 0D (or 1D) wall CFT's along a non-trivial 1+1D bulk RCFT.

Unifying Inflation with Early and Late-time Dark Energy in $F(R)$ Gravity. (arXiv:1912.13128v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shin'ichi Nojiri, Sergei D. Odintsov, V.K. Oikonomou, relevance 0.00

In this work we shall present models of $F(R)$ gravity which realize in a unified way the inflationary era along with a post-inflationary early dark energy era, with the late-time dark energy era. We shall use two approach methods in order to realize the unified cosmological eras, firstly we specify a Hubble rate which may describe the three distinct acceleration eras, and then by using well known $F(R)$ gravity reconstruction techniques, we shall find the differential equation which may yield the $F(R)$ gravity that realizes the cosmologies. In our second approach, we shall present in a qualitative way, several $F(R)$ gravities which unify the inflationary era with the early and late-time dark energy eras, and we discuss several qualitative issues related to the terms that realize the post-inflationary early dark energy era. We quantify our analysis by numerically solving the Friedmann equation, using the redshift as the main variable, and expressing all the physical quantities as functions of the statefinder $y_\mathrm{H}(z)$, which depends on the redshift and the Hubble rate $H(z)$. For the model studied numerically, we present the behavior of some statefinder quantities, like the deceleration parameter, and we calculate the dark energy density parameter and the dark energy equation of state parameter at present time. After demonstrating that the dark energy era is viable, we investigate when the early dark energy term does not affect the late-time era, and this restricts the free parameters of the model.

Observation of the second LIGO/Virgo event connected with binary neutron star merger S190425z in the gamma-ray range. (arXiv:1912.13112v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by A.S. Pozanenko (1,2), P.Yu. Minaev (1), S.A. Grebenev (1), I.V. Chelovekov (1) ((1) Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, (2) National Research University "High School of Economics"), relevance 0.74

Observations of the gravitational-wave (GW) event S190425z registered by the LIGO/Virgo detectors with the Anti-Coincidence Shield (ACS) of the gamma-ray spectrometer SPI aboard the INTEGRAL observatory are presented. With a high probability (>99%) it was associated with a neutron star (NS) merger in a close binary system. This is only the second event of such type in the history of GW observations (after GW170817). A weak gamma-ray burst, GRB190425, consisting of two pulses in ~0.5 and ~5.9 s after the NS merging in S190425z was detected by SPI-ACS. The pulses had a priori reliability of 3.5 and 4.4 sigma as single events and 5.5 sigma as a combined event. Analysis of the SPI-ACS count rate history recorded these days (~125 ks in total) has shown that the rate of appearance of two close pulses with characteristics of GRB190425 by chance does not exceed 6.4 x 10^{-5} s^{-1}. We note that the time profile of GRB190425 has a lot in common with the profile of the GRB170817A burst accompanying the GW170817 event; that both the NS mergers were the closest (<150 Mpc) of all the events registered by the LIGO/Virgo detectors; and that there were no confident excesses of gamma-ray emission over the background detected in any of >30 black hole merger events recorded to the moment by these detectors. No hard X-ray flares were detected in the field of view of the SPI and IBIS-ISGRI gamma-ray telescopes aboard INTEGRAL. This, as well as the lack of detection of gamma-ray emission from GRB190425 by the GBM monitor of the Fermi observatory assuming its occultation by the Earth, can significantly reduce the localization area for the source of this GW event. The estimates of the parameters E_{iso} and E_{p} for GRB190425 are obtained and compared with the similar parameters for GRB170817A.

Lectures on Microstate Geometries. (arXiv:1912.13108v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Nicholas P. Warner, relevance 0.71

These are notes for some introductory lectures about microstate geometries and their construction. The first lecture considers BPS black holes in four dimensions as a way to introduce what one should expect from the BPS equations. The second lecture discusses the "no solitons without topology" theorem. The subsequent lectures move on to the construction and properties of bubbled microstate geometries in five dimensions. Since these are graduate lectures, they involve a strongly computational narrative intended to build some proficiency and understanding of supersymmetric solitons in five-dimensions. The narrative also regularly "plays tourist" pointing to specific features that are more general or have broader impact. The last sections contain brief comments on the larger setting of microstate geometries and describe some of the more recent developments. These lectures were given as a mini-course at the IPhT, Saclay in May, 2019.

Anomaly Constraints on Gapped Phases with Discrete Chiral Symmetry. (arXiv:1912.13069v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Clay Cordova, Kantaro Ohmori, relevance 9.02

We prove that in $(3+1)d$ quantum field theories with $\mathbb{Z}_N$ symmetry, certain anomalies forbid a symmetry-preserving vacuum state with a gapped spectrum. In particular, this applies to discrete chiral symmetries which are frequently present in gauge theories as we illustrate in examples. Our results also constrain the long-distance behavior of certain condensed matter systems such as Weyl-semimetals and may have applications to crystallographic phases with symmetry protected topological order. These results may be viewed as analogs of the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem for continuum field theories.

A note on one-loop soliton quantum mass corrections. (arXiv:1912.13051v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. R. Aguirre, G. Flores-Hidalgo, relevance 0.00

We develop an alternative derivation of the renormalized expression for the one-loop soliton quantum mass corrections in (1+1)-dimensional scalar field theories. We regularize implicitly such quantity by subtracting and adding its corresponding tadpole graph contribution and use the renormalization prescription that such added term vanishes with adequate counterterms. As a result, we get a finite unambiguous formula for the soliton quantum mass corrections up to one-loop order, which turns to be independent of the chosen regularization scheme.

Discrete scale invariance in holography and an argument against the complexity=action proposal. (arXiv:1912.13044v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mario Flory, relevance 11.72

The AdS/CFT correspondence often motivates research on questions in gravitational physics whose relevance might not be immediately clear from a purely GR-perspective, but which are nevertheless interesting. In these proceedings, we summarise two such results recently obtained by the author. One concerns, broadly speaking, the possible isometry-groups of a spacetime sourced by physical matter. The other one provides a possible argument against the recently proposed complexity=action conjecture.

Wheeler-DeWitt equation in Null-foliated spacetimes. (arXiv:1912.13038v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Abhishek Mehta, relevance 18.33

In this paper, the Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation is derived in null-foliated 4D spacetimes. WDW equation written in null-foliated spacetime presents an enormous simplification compared to the spacelike-foliated spacetime as the null-foliations are 2D. These can be solved exactly and uniquely to give the vertex operators of non-critical strings as a solution. A correspondence is established between null surfaces in 4D to string worldsheet geometry. Attempts are made to derive the physical consequences of this correspondence.

Lagrange point stability for a rotating host mass binary. (arXiv:1912.13035v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Martin D. Strong, Michael Crescimanno, relevance 1.20

In this new era of gravitational wave astrophysics, observations have indicated the likely existence of black holes with significant spin. In order to better understand the potential imprint orbital dynamics have on the multi-messenger data, we include rotation of the primary mass to leading order in the analysis of the stability boundary pertaining to the triangular equilibrium points, L4 and L5, in the relativistic, restricted, circular three body problem. We find that these rotation effects dominate the leading order relativistic corrections for the criterion of Lagrange point stability, making both L4 and L5 more stable for retrograde orbital motion.

From matter to galaxies: General relativistic bias for the one-loop bispectrum. (arXiv:1912.13034v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Juan Calles, Lina Castiblanco, Noreña, Clément Stahl, relevance 0.76

We write down the Lagrangian bias expansion in general relativity up to 4th order in terms of operators describing the curvature of an early-time hypersurface for comoving observers. They can be easily expanded in synchronous or comoving gauges. This is necessary for the computation of the one-loop halo bispectrum, where relativistic effects can be degenerate with a primordial non-Gaussian signal. Since the bispectrum couples scales, an accurate prediction of the squeezed limit behavior needs to be both non-linear and relativistic. We then evolve the Lagrangian bias operators in time in comoving gauge, obtaining non-local operators analogous to what is known in the Newtonian limit. Finally, we show how to renormalize the bias expansion at an arbitrary time and find that this is crucial in order to cancel unphysical $1/k^2$ divergences in the large-scale power spectrum and bispectrum that could be mistaken for a contamination to the non-Gaussian signal.

SUSY shields the scaling symmetry of conformal quantum mechanics. (arXiv:1912.13014v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A.A. Lima, J.V.S. Scursulim, U. Camara da Silva, G.M. Sotkov, relevance 4.96

Renormalization of the inverse square potential usually breaks its classical conformal invariance. In a strongly attractive potential, the scaling symmetry is broken to a discrete subgroup while, in a strongly repulsive potential, it is preserved at quantum level. In the intermediate, weak-medium range of the coupling, an anomalous length scale appears due to a flow of the renormalization group away from a critical point. We show that potentials with couplings in the strongly-repulsive and in the weak-medium ranges can be related by a dynamical supersymmetry. Imposing SUSY invariance unifies these two ranges, and fixes the anomalous scale to zero, thus restoring the continuous scaling symmetry.

Rotating Black Holes in AdS, Extremality and Chaos. (arXiv:1912.12996v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Avik Banerjee, Arnab Kundu, Rohan R. Poojary, relevance 19.60

Extremal black holes have vanishing Hawking temperatures. In this article, we argue that for asymptotically AdS black holes, at extremality, a particular class of correlators in the dual CFT can exhibit exponential, maximally chaotic growth with a non-vanishing temperature. Our approach, at extremality, is two-fold. First, we geometrically investigate the modes that are responsible for chaos. Secondly, we study the dynamics of a probe string to capture chaos in worldsheet correlators. For rotating BTZ at extremality, the corresponding Lyapunov exponent is determined by the left-moving temperature. In higher dimensional AdS-Kerr geometries, on the other hand, the corresponding Lyapunov exponent becomes a non-trivial function of the Frolov-Thorne temperatures.

A Positive Mass Theorem for Causal Fermion Systems. (arXiv:1912.12995v1 [math-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by Felix Finster, Andreas Platzer, relevance 10.89

Asymptotically flat static causal fermion systems are introduced. Their total mass is defined as a limit of surface layer integrals which compare the measures describing the asymptotically flat space-time and a vacuum space-time near spatial infinity. Our definition does not involve any regularity assumptions; it even applies to singular or generalized "quantum" space-times. A positive mass theorem is proven. Our methods and results explain why and how the causal action principle incorporates the nonlinear effects of gravity for static systems.

Compensated compactness and corrector stress tensor for the Einstein equations in T2 symmetry. (arXiv:1912.12981v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Bruno Le Floch, Philippe G. LeFloch, relevance 1.53

We consider the Einstein equations in T2 symmetry, either for vacuum spacetimes or coupled to the Euler equations for a compressible fluid, and we introduce the notion of T2 areal flows on T3 with finite total energy. By uncovering a hidden structure of the Einstein equations, we establish a compensated compactness framework and solve the global evolution problem for vacuum spacetimes as well as for self-gravitating compressible fluids. We study the stability and instability of such flows and prove that, when the initial data are well-prepared, any family of T2 areal flows is sequentially compact in a natural topology. In order to handle general initial data we propose a relaxed notion of T2 areal flows endowed with a corrector stress tensor (as we call it) which is a bounded measure generated by geometric oscillations and concentrations propagating at the speed of light. This generalizes a result for vacuum spacetimes in: Le Floch B. and LeFloch P.G., Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 233 (2019), 45-86. In addition, we determine the global geometry of the corresponding future Cauchy developments and we prove that the area of the T2 orbits generically approaches infinity in the future-expanding regime. In the future-contracting regime, the volume of the T3 spacelike slices approaches zero and, for generic initial data, the area of the orbits of symmetry approaches zero in Gowdy symmetric matter spacetimes and in T2 vacuum spacetimes.

One-loop CHY-Integrand of Bi-adjoint Scalar Theory. (arXiv:1912.12960v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Bo Feng, Chang Hu, relevance 0.00

In this paper, the one-loop CHY-integrands of bi-adjoint scalar theory has been reinvestigated. Differing from previous constructions, we have explicitly removed contributions from tadpole and massless bubbles when taking the forward limit of corresponding tree-level amplitudes. The way to remove those singular contributions is to exploit the idea of 'picking poles', which is to multiply a special cross ratio factor with the role of isolating terms having a particular pole structure.

Hot Cosmic Qubits: Late-Time de Sitter Evolution and Critical Slowing Down. (arXiv:1912.12955v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Greg Kaplanek, C.P. Burgess, relevance 6.43

Temporal evolution of a comoving qubit coupled to a scalar field in de Sitter space is studied with an emphasis on reliable extraction of late-time behaviour. The phenomenon of critical slowing down is observed if the effective mass is chosen to be sufficiently close to zero, which narrows the window of parameter space in which the Markovian approximation is valid. The dynamics of the system in this case are solved in a more general setting by accounting for non-Markovian effects in the evolution of the qubit state. Self-interactions for the scalar field are also incorporated, and reveal a breakdown of late-time perturbative predictions due to the presence of secular growth.

Beyond brane-Higgs regularisation: clarifying the method and model. (arXiv:1912.12954v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Andrei Angelescu, Ruifeng Leng, Grégory Moreau, Florian Nortier, relevance 0.17

The class of higher-dimensional scenarios, based on a brane-localised Higgs boson coupled to bulk fermions, can address both the flavour puzzle and gauge hierarchy problem. A key question arises due to the possibility of fermion profile discontinuities at the Higgs boundary: how to calculate rigorously the fermion mass spectrum and effective four-dimensional (4D) Yukawa couplings? We show that the proper treatment, leading to physically consistent solutions, does not rely on any Higgs peak regularisation but requires the presence of certain Bilinear Brane Terms (BBT). In particular, no profile jump should appear and the Higgs regularisations turn out to suffer from mathematical discrepancies reflected in two non-commutativities of calculation steps debated in the literature. The introduction of BBT can by replaced by vanishing conditions for probability currents at the considered flat interval boundaries. Both contribute to the definition of the field geometrical configuration of the model, even in the free case. The BBT could allow to elaborate an ultra-violet origin of the chiral nature of the Standard Model and of its chirality distribution among quarks/leptons. The current conditions are implemented via essential boundary conditions to be contrasted with the natural boundary conditions derived from the action variation. All these theoretical conclusions are confirmed in particular by the converging exact results of the 4D versus 5D approaches. The analysis is completed by a description of the appropriate energy cut-off procedure. The new calculation methods presented, implying the independence of excited fermion masses and 4D Yukawa couplings on the 'wrong-chirality' Yukawa terms, have impacts on phenomenological results like the relaxing of previously obtained strong bounds on Kaluza-Klein masses induced by flavour changing reactions generated through exchanges of the Higgs field.

Hot Accelerated Qubits: Decoherence, Thermalization, Secular Growth and Reliable Late-time Predictions. (arXiv:1912.12951v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Greg Kaplanek, C.P. Burgess, relevance 0.18

We compute how an accelerating qubit coupled to a scalar field - i.e. an Unruh-DeWitt detector - evolves in flat space, with an emphasis on its late-time behaviour. When calculable, the qubit evolves towards a thermal state for a field prepared in the Minkowski vacuum, with the approach to this limit controlled by two different time-scales. For a free field we compute both of these as functions of the difference between qubit energy levels, the dimensionless qubit/field coupling constant, the scalar field mass and the qubit's proper acceleration. Both time-scales differ from the Candelas-Deutsch-Sciama transition rate traditionally computed for Unruh-DeWitt detectors, which we show describes the qubit's early-time evolution away from the vacuum rather than its late-time approach to equilibrium. For small enough couplings and sufficiently late times the evolution is Markovian and described by a Lindblad equation, which we derive in detail from first principles as a special instance of Open EFT methods designed to handle a breakdown of late-time perturbative predictions due to the presence of secular growth. We show how this growth is resummed in this example to give reliable information about late-time evolution including both qubit/field interactions and field self-interactions. By allowing very explicit treatment, the qubit/field system allows a systematic assessment of the approximations needed when exploring late-time evolution, in a way that lends itself to gravitational applications. It also allows a comparison of these approximations with those - e.g. the `rotating-wave' approximation - widely made in the open-system literature (which is aimed more at atomic transitions and lasers).

Causal Diamonds, Cluster Polytopes and Scattering Amplitudes. (arXiv:1912.12948v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nima Arkani-Hamed, Song He, Giulio Salvatori, Hugh Thomas, relevance 8.87

The "amplituhedron" for tree-level scattering amplitudes in the bi-adjoint $\phi^3$ theory is given by the ABHY associahedron in kinematic space, which has been generalized to give a realization for all finite-type cluster algebra polytopes, labelled by Dynkin diagrams. In this letter we identify a simple physical origin for these polytopes, associated with an interesting (1+1)-dimensional causal structure in kinematic space, along with solutions to the wave equation in this kinematic "spacetime" with a natural positivity property. The notion of time evolution in this kinematic spacetime can be abstracted away to a certain "walk", associated with any acyclic quiver, remarkably yielding a finite cluster polytope for the case of Dynkin quivers. The ${\cal A}_{n{-}3},{\cal B}_{n{-}1}/{\cal C}_{n{-}1}$ and ${\cal D}_n$ polytopes are the amplituhedra for $n$-point tree amplitudes, one-loop tadpole diagrams, and full integrand of one-loop amplitudes. We also introduce a polytope $\bar{\cal D}_n$, which chops the ${\cal D}_n$ polytope in half along a symmetry plane, capturing one-loop amplitudes in a more efficient way.

Finite Action Principle Revisited. (arXiv:1912.12926v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by John D. Barrow, relevance 1.00

We extend the cosmological predictions from assuming the total action of the universe is finite. When initial and final singularities in curvature invariants are avoided, it leads to singularities in the gravitational action of the universe. The following properties are required of a universe with finite action: Compact spatial sections (ie a closed universe) giving a finite total lifetime for the universe. Compactification of flat and open universes is excluded. The universe can contain perfect fluids with -1<p/\r{ho}<2 on approach to singularities. The universe cannot display a bounce' or indefinite cyclic behaviour to the past or the future. We find new consequences of imposing finite action: the universe cannot be dominated by massless scalar fields, the kinetic energy of scalar fields, or a p=\r{ho} perfect fluid on approach to the initial or final singularity The ekpyrotic scenario with an effective fluid obeying p/\r{ho}>2 in a closed, flat or open universe is excluded. Any bouncing model with indefinite past or future evolution is ruled out. Einstein static and steady-state universes are ruled out along with past or future eternal inflating universes. Anisotropies cannot dominate the dynamics at singularities. This excludes density inhomogeneity spectra versus mass, of the form {\delta}\r{ho}/\r{ho}proportional to M^{-q}, with q>2/3.Higher-order lagrangian theories of gravity are constrained. The Gauss-Bonnet combination causes an action singularity even though it does not contribute terms to the field equations. Scalar-tensor theories dominated by the scalar field on approach to singularities have action singularities. Dark energy cannot be a cosmological constant. The dark energy must evolve in a closed universe that collapses to a future singularity that cannot be dominated by the kinetic energy of the scalar field.

Supersymmetry and deterministic chaos. (arXiv:1912.12925v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Stam Nicolis, relevance 0.00

We show that the fluctuations of the periodic orbits of deterministically chaotic systems can be captured by supersymmetry, in the sense that they are repackaged in the contribution of the absolute value of the determinant of the noise fields, defined by the equations of motion.

Exact spherically symmetric solutions in modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity from Noether symmetry approach. (arXiv:1912.12922v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Sebastian Bahamonde, Konstantinos Dialektopoulos, Ugur Camci, relevance 1.07

It is broadly known that Lie point symmetries and their subcase, Noether symmetries, can be used as a geometric criterion to select alternative theories of gravity. Here, we use Noether symmetries as a selection criterion to distinguish those models of $f(R,G)$ theory, with $R$ and $G$ being the Ricci and the Gauss-Bonnet scalars respectively, that are invariant under point transformations in a spherically symmetric background. In total, we find ten different forms of $f$ that present symmetries and calculate their invariant quantities, i.e Noether vector fields. Furthermore, we use these Noether symmetries to find exact spherically symmetric solutions in some of the models of $f(R,G)$ theory.

Supervariable and BRST Approaches to a Toy Model of Reparameterization Invariant Theory. (arXiv:1912.12909v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by B. Chauhan, A. K. Rao, A. Tripathi, R. P. Malik, relevance 0.21

We apply the geometrical supervariable approach to derive the appropriate quantum Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) and anti-BRST symmetries for the toy model of a free scalar relativistic particle by exploiting the classical reparameterization symmetry of this theory. The supervariable approach leads to the derivation of an (anti-)BRST invariant Curci-Ferrari (CF)-type restriction which is the hallmark of a quantum theory (discussed within the framework of BRST formalism). We derive the conserved and off-shell nilpotent (anti-)BRST charges and prove their absolute anticommutativity property by using the virtues of CF-type restriction of our present theory. We establish the sanctity of the existence of CF-type restriction (i) by considering the (anti-)BRST symmetries for the coupled (but equivalent) Lagrangians, and (ii) by proving the symmetry invariance of the Lagrangians within the framework of supervariable approach. We capture the off-shell nilpotency and absolute anticommutativity of the conserved (anti-)BRST charges within the framework of (anti-)chiral supervariable approach (ACSA) to BRST formalism. One of the novel observations of our present endeavor is the derivation of CF-type restriction by using the modified Bonora-Tonin (BT) supervariable approach (while deriving the (anti-)BRST symmetries for the target spacetime and/or momenta variables) and by symmetry considerations of the Lagrangians of the theory. The rest of the (anti-)BRST symmetries for the other variables of our theory are derived by using the ACSA to BRST formalism

Metric-affine Geometries With Spherical Symmetry. (arXiv:1912.12906v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Manuel Hohmann, relevance 0.00

We provide a comprehensive overview of metric-affine geometries with spherical symmetry, which may be used in order to solve the field equations for generic gravity theories which employ these geometries as their field variables. We discuss the most general class of such geometries, which we display both in the metric-Palatini formulation and in the tetrad / spin connection formulation, and show its characteristic properties: torsion, curvature and nonmetricity. We then use these properties to derive a classification of all possible subclasses of spherically symmetric metric-affine geometries, depending on which of the aforementioned quantities are vanishing or non-vanishing. We discuss both the cases of the pure rotation group $\mathrm{SO}(3)$, which has been previously studied in the literature, and extend these previous results to the full orthogonal group $\mathrm{O}(3)$, which also includes reflections. As an example for a potential physical application of the results we present here, we study circular orbits arising from autoparallel motion. Finally, we mention how these results can be extended to cosmological symmetry.

On complete solution of the quantum Dell system. (arXiv:1912.12897v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by H. Awata, H. Kanno, A. Mironov, A. Morozov, relevance 0.00

The mother functions for the eigenfunctions of the Koroteev-Shakirov version of quantum double-elliptic (Dell) Hamiltonians can be presented as infinite series in Miwa variables, very similar to the recent conjecture due to J. Shiraishi. Further studies should clear numerous remaining obstacles and thus solve the long-standing problem of explicitly constructing a Dell system, the top member of the Calogero-Moser-Ruijsenaars system, with the $PQ$-duality fully explicit at the elliptic level.

The Penrose inequality for nonmaximal perturbations of the Schwarzschild initial data. (arXiv:1912.12890v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Jarosław Kopiński, Jacek Tafel, relevance 2.93

We show that the Penrose inequality is satisfied for a class of conformally flat axially symmetric nonmaximal perturbations of the Schwarzschild data. A role of horizon is played by a marginally outer trapped surface which does not have to be minimal.

Relativistic deformed kinematics from locality conditions in a generalized spacetime. (arXiv:1912.12885v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by J.M. Carmona, J.L. Cortes, J.J. Relancio, relevance 7.84

We show how a deformed composition law of four-momenta can be used to define, at the classical level, a modified notion of spacetime for a system of two particles through the crossing of worldlines in particle interactions. We present a derivation of a generic relativistic isotropic deformed kinematics and discuss the complementarity and relations with other derivations based on $\kappa$-Poincar\'e Hopf algebra or on the geometry of a maximally symmetric momentum space.

Large N Gauge Theories with Dense Spectrum and the Weak Gravity Conjecture. (arXiv:1912.12881v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Prarit Agarwal, Jaewon Song, relevance 6.18

We find large N gauge theories containing a large number of operators within a band of low conformal dimensions. One of such examples is the four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theory with one adjoint and a pair of fundamental/anti-fundamental chiral multiplets. This theory flows to a superconformal theory in the infrared upon a superpotential coupling with gauge singlets. The gap in the low-lying spectrum scales as 1/N and the central charges scale as $O(N^1)$ contrary to the usual $O(N^2)$ scaling of ordinary gauge theory coming from the matrix degree of freedom. We find the AdS version of the Weak Gravity Conjecture (WGC) holds for this theory, although it cannot be holographically dual to supergravity. This supports the validity of WGC in a more general theory of quantum gravity.

Lorentzian Snyder spacetimes and their Galilei and Carroll limits from projective geometry. (arXiv:1912.12878v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Angel Ballesteros, Giulia Gubitosi, Francisco J. Herranz, relevance 5.97

We show that the Lorentzian Snyder models, together with their non-relativistic ($c\to\infty$) and ultra-relativistic ($c\to0$) limiting cases, can be rigorously constructed through the projective geometry description of Lorentzian, Galilean and Carrollian spaces with nonvanishing constant curvature. The projective coordinates of these spaces take the role of momenta, while translation generators over the same spaces are identified with noncommutative spacetime coordinates. In this way, one obtains a deformed phase space algebra, which fully characterizes the Snyder model and is invariant under boosts and rotations of the relevant kinematical symmetries. While the momentum space of the Lorentzian Snyder models is given by certain projective coordinates on (Anti-) de Sitter spaces, we discover that the momentum space of the Galilean (Carrollian) Snyder models is given by certain projective coordinates on curved Carroll (Newton--Hooke) spaces. This exchange between the non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic limits emerging in the transition from the geometric picture to the phase space picture is traced back to an interchange of the role of coordinates and translation operators. As a physically relevant feature, we find that in Galilean Snyder spacetimes the time coordinate does not commute with space coordinates, in contrast with previous proposals for non-relativistic Snyder models, which assume that time and space decouple in the non-relativistic limit. This remnant mixing between space and time in the non-relativistic limit is a quite general Planck-scale effect found in several quantum spacetime models.

Distance between collapsing matter and trapping horizon in evaporating black holes. (arXiv:1912.12863v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Pei-Ming Ho, Yoshinori Matsuo, Yuki Yokokura, relevance 15.57

Assuming that the vacuum energy-momentum tensor is not exceptionally large, we give a general proof for 4D evaporating black holes with spherical symmetry that the surface of the collapsing matter can never be farther inside the timelike trapping horizon than a proper distance $\sim \mathcal{O}(n^{3/2}\ell_p)$ when the black hole is evaporated to $1/n$ of its initial mass, as long as $n \ll a^{2/3}/\ell_p^{2/3}$ (where $a$ is the Schwarzschild radius and $\ell_p$ is the Planck length). For example, the distance between the matter and the apparent horizon must be Planckian at the Page time.

An Analytic Description of Semi-Classical Black-Hole Geometry. (arXiv:1912.12855v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Pei-Ming Ho, Yoshinori Matsuo, Yuki Yokokura, relevance 14.17

We study analytically the spacetime geometry of the black-hole formation and evaporation. As a simplest model of the collapse, we consider a spherical thin shell, and take the back-reaction from the negative energy of the quantum vacuum state. For definiteness, we will focus on quantum effects of s-waves. We obtain an analytic solution of the semi-classical Einstein equation for this model, that provides an overall description of the black hole geometry form the formation to evaporation. As an application of this result, we find its interesting implication that, after the collapsing shell enters the apparent horizon, the proper distance between the shell and the horizon remains as small as the Planck length even when the difference in their areal radii is of the same order as the Schwarzschild radius. The position of the shell would be regarded as the same place to the apparent horizon in the semi-classical regime of gravity.

Existence of New Singularities in Einstein-Aether Theory. (arXiv:1912.12845v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by R. Chan, M. F. A. da Silva, V. H. Satheeshkumar, relevance 10.18

How do the global properties of a Lorentzian manifold change when endowed with a vector field? This interesting question is tackled in this paper within the framework of Einstein-Aether (EA) theory which has the most general diffeomorphism-invariant action involving a spacetime metric and a vector field. After classifying all the possible nine vacuum solutions with and without cosmological constant in Friedmann-Lema{\^{\i}}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmology, we show that there exist three singular solutions in the EA theory which are not singular in the General Relativity (GR), all of them for $k=-1$, and another singular solution for $k=1$ in EA theory which does not exist in GR. This result is cross-verified by showing the focusing of timelike geodesics using the Raychaudhuri equation. These new singular solutions show that GR and EA theories can be completely different, even for the FLRW solutions when we go beyond flat geometry ($k=0$). In fact, they have different global structures. In the case where $\Lambda=0$ ($k=\pm 1$) the vector field defining the preferred direction is the unique source of the curvature.

Generic triangular solutions of the reflection equation: $U_{q}(\widehat{sl_2})$ case. (arXiv:1912.12808v2 [math-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Zengo Tsuboi, relevance 0.59

We consider intertwining relations of the triangular $q$-Onsager algebra, and obtain generic triangular boundary $K$-operators in terms of the Borel subalgebras of $U_{q}(sl_2)$. These $K$-operators solve the reflection equation.

Black Hole Memory. (arXiv:1912.12806v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Adel A. Rahman, Robert M. Wald, relevance 27.01

The memory effect at null infinity, $\mathcal{I}^+$, can be defined in terms of the permanent relative displacement of test particles (at leading order in $1/r$) resulting from the passage of a burst of gravitational radiation. In $D=4$ spacetime dimensions, the memory effect can be characterized by the supertranslation relating the "good cuts" of $\mathcal{I}^+$ in the stationary eras at early and late retarded times. It also can be characterized in terms of charges and fluxes associated with supertranslations. Black hole event horizons are in many ways analogous to $\mathcal{I}^+$. We consider here analogous definitions of memory for a black hole, assuming that the black hole is approximately stationary at early and late advanced times, so that its event horizon is described by a Killing horizon (assumed nonextremal) at early and late times. We give prescriptions for defining preferred foliations of nonextremal Killing horizons. We give a definition of the memory tensor for a black hole in terms of the "permanent relative displacement" of the null geodesic generators of the event horizon between the early and late time stationary eras. We show that preferred foliations of the event horizon in the early and late time eras are related by a Chandrasekaran-Flanagan-Prabhu (CFP) supertranslation. However, we find that the memory tensor for a black hole horizon does not appear to be related to the CFP symmetries or their charges and fluxes in a manner similar to that occurring at $\mathcal{I}^+$.

Second-order Gauge-invariant Cosmological Perturbation Theory: Current Status updated in 2019. (arXiv:1912.12805v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kouji Nakamura, relevance 3.70

The current status of the recent developments of the second-order gauge-invariant cosmological perturbation theory is reviewed. To show the essence of this perturbation theory, we concentrate only on the universe filled with a single scalar field. Through this review, we point out the problems which should be clarified for the further theoretical sophistication of this perturbation theory. This review is an extension of the review paper [K.~Nakamura, "Second-Order Gauge-Invariant Cosmological Perturbation Theory: Current Status", Advances in Astronomy, vol.2010 (2010), 576273.]. We also expect that this theoretical sophistication will be also useful to discuss the future developments in cosmology as a precise science.

Nonequilibrium Nonlinear Open Quantum Systems I. Functional Perturbative Analysis of a Weakly Anharmonic Oscillator. (arXiv:1912.12803v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jen-Tsung Hsiang, B. L. Hu, relevance 0.00

We introduce a functional perturbative method for treating weakly nonlinear systems such as a chain of coupled quantum oscillators with own baths. We demonstrate using this method to obtain the correlation functions of a quantum anharmonic oscillator interacting with a heat bath. These results are useful for studying the nonequilibrium physical processes of nonlinear quantum systems such as heat transfer or electron transport.

Single-field inflation in models with an $R^2$ term. (arXiv:1912.12757v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ignatios Antoniadis, Alexandros Karam, Angelos Lykkas, Thomas Pappas, Kyriakos Tamvakis, relevance 0.00

We present two cases where the addition of the $R^2$ term to an inflationary model leads to single-field inflation instead of two-field inflation as is usually the case. In both cases we find that the effect of the $R^2$ term is to reduce the value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$.

On the decoherence effect of a stochastic gravitational perturbation on scalar matter and the possibility of its interferometric detection. (arXiv:1912.12732v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lorenzo Asprea, Angelo Bassi, Hendrik Ulbricht, Giulio Gasbarri, relevance 0.00

We present a general master equation for the quantum dynamics of a scalar bosonic particle interacting with an external weak and stochastic gravitational field. The dynamics predicts decoherence in position as well as in momentum. We show how the master equation reproduces the results present in the literature by taking appropriate limits, thus explaining the apparent contradiction in their dynamical description. We apply our model to a matter wave experiment, providing a practical formula for determining of the magnitude of gravitational decoherence. We compare it with the standard experimental sources of decoherence.

Polyakov-like approach to the modified gravity and other geometric theories. (arXiv:1912.12713v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. A. Sheykin, M. V. Ioffe, S. N. Manida, S. A. Paston, relevance 0.00

We study the procedure that allows to rewrite the actions of some modified gravity theories like mimetic gravity and Regge-Teitelboim embedding theory as Einstein-Hilbert actions with additional matter contributions. It turns out that this procedure can be applied to brane action, which lead to a polynomial brane action. We also examine the connection between this procedure and Polyakov trick in string theory.

Q-systems with boundary parameters. (arXiv:1912.12702v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rafael I. Nepomechie, relevance 0.00

Q-systems provide an efficient way of solving Bethe equations. We formulate here Q-systems for both the isotropic and anisotropic open Heisenberg quantum spin-1/2 chains with diagonal boundary magnetic fields. We check these Q-systems using novel Wronskian-type formulas (relating the fundamental Q-function and its dual) that involve the boundary parameters.

Soft degrees of freedom, Gibbons-Hawking contribution and entropy from Casimir effect. (arXiv:1912.12698v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Glenn Barnich, Martin Bonte, relevance 20.03

Recent work on non proper-gauge degrees of freedom in the context of the Casimir effect is reviewed. In his original paper, Casimir starts by pointing out that, when the electromagnetic field is confined between two perfectly conducting parallel plates, there is an additional physical polarization of the electromagnetic field at zero value for the discretized longitudinal momentum besides the standard two transverse polarizations at non-zero values. In this review, the dynamics of these additional modes is obtained from first principles. At finite temperature, their contribution to the entropy is proportional to the area of the plates and corresponds to the contribution of a massless scalar field in 2+1 dimensions. When the plates are charged, there is a further contribution to the partition function from the zero mode of this additional scalar that scales with the area but does not contribute to the entropy. It reproduces the result obtained when the Gibbons-Hawking method is applied to the vacuum capacitor. For completeness, a brief discussion of the classical thermodynamics of such a capacitor is included.

A few numbers from the turnaround epoch of collapse. (arXiv:1912.12683v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Jan J. Ostrowski, relevance 0.00

The turnaround epoch of gravitational collapse is examined by means of relativistic Lagrangian perturbation theory. Averaged, scalar equations applied to the fluid's evolution reveal some scale-independent universality of parameters for a wide variety of initial conditions. In particular, the density contrast of the collapsing domain at the turnaround is shown to be significantly smaller than the value provided by Eulerian perturbative (homogeneous and spherical) model. Combined curvature and kinematical backreaction are shown to be of the order of the energy density. Possible improvements of our treatment are put into perspective.

New application of the Killing vector field formalism: Modified periodic potential and two-level profiles of the axionic dark matter distribution. (arXiv:1912.12670v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexander B. Balakin, Dmitry E. Groshev, relevance 0.61

We consider the structure of halos of the axionic dark matter, which surround massive relativistic objects with static spherically symmetric gravitational field and monopole-type magneto-electric fields. We work with the model of pseudoscalar field with the extended periodic potential, which depends on additional arguments proportional to the moduli of the Killing vectors; in our approach they play the roles of model guiding functions. The covariant model of the axion field with this modified potential is equipped with the extended formalism of the Killing vector fields, which is established in analogy with the formalism of the Einstein-aether theory, based on the introduction of a unit timelike dynamic vector field. We study the equilibrium state of the axion field, for which the extended potential and its derivative vanish, and illustrate the established formalism by the analysis of two-level axionic dark matter profiles, for which the stage delimiters relate to the critical values of the modulus of the timelike Killing vector field.

Transcendentality violation in type IIB string amplitudes. (arXiv:1912.12661v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Anirban Basu, relevance 0.00

We analyze transcendentality for certain terms that arise in multiloop amplitudes in the low momentum expansion of the four graviton amplitude in type IIB string theory in ten dimensions, based on the constraints of supersymmetry and S--duality. This leads to several contributions that violate transcendentality beyond one loop at all orders in the low momentum expansion. We also perform a similar analysis for the five graviton amplitude, obtaining contributions that involve single--valued multiple zeta values beyond tree level.

Casimir energy due to inhomogeneous thin plates. (arXiv:1912.12651v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Cesar D. Fosco, Francisco D. Mazzitelli, relevance 0.00

We study the Casimir energy due to a quantum real scalar field coupled to two planar, infinite, zero-width, parallel mirrors with non-homogeneous properties. These properties are represented, in the model we use, by scalar functions defined on each mirror's plane. Using the Gelfand-Yaglom's theorem, we construct a Lifshitz-like formula for the Casimir energy of such a system. Then we use it to evaluate the energy perturbatively, for the case of almost constant scalar functions, and also implementing a Derivative Expansion, under the assumption that the spatial dependence of the properties is sufficiently smooth. We point out that, in some particular cases, the Casimir interaction energy for non-planar perfect mirrors can be reproduced by inhomogeneities on planar mirrors.

On the stress-energy tensor of a null shell in Einstein-Cartan gravity. (arXiv:1912.12650v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by S. Khakshournia, R. Mansouri, relevance 9.78

The stress-energy tensor of a matter shell whose history coincides with a null hypersurface in the Einstein-Cartan gravity is revisited. It is demonstrated that with a proper choice for the torsion discontinuity taken to be orthogonal to the null hypersurface and consistent with the antisymmetric property of torsion tensor, the modified expression for the asymmetric stress-energy tensor is automatically tangent to the hypersurface. The main differences with respect to a previous work are addressed

Testing the equivalence principle via the shadow of black holes. (arXiv:1912.12629v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chunlong Li, Sheng-Feng Yan, Lingqin Xue, Xin Ren, Yi-Fu Cai, Damien A. Easson, Ye-Fei Yuan, Hongsheng Zhao, relevance 9.56

We study the equivalence principle, regarded as the cornerstone of general relativity, by analyzing the deformation observable of black hole shadows. Such deformation can arise from new physics and may be expressed as a phenomenological violation of the equivalence principle. Specifically, we assume that there is an additional background vector field that couples to the photons around the supermassive black hole. This type of coupling yields impact on the way the system depends on initial conditions, and affects the black hole shadow at different wavelengths by a different amount, and therefore observations of the shadow in different wavelengths could constrain such couplings. This can be tested by future multi-band observations. Adopting a specific form of the vector field, we obtain constraints on model parameters from Event Horizon Telescope observations and measurements of gas/stellar orbits.

Note on supersymmetric Dirac-Born-Infeld action with Fayet-Iliopoulos term. (arXiv:1912.12627v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ignatios Antoniadis, Hongliang Jiang, Osmin Lacombe, relevance 0.00

We study the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action with one linear and one non-linear supersymmetry in the presence of a constant Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) D-term added explicitly or through a deformation of supersymmetry transformations. The linear supersymmetry appears to be spontaneously broken since the D auxiliary field gets a non-vanishing vacuum expectation value and an extra term proportional to the FI parameter involving fermions emerges in the non-linear formulation of the action written recently. However in this note, we show that on-shell this action is equivalent to a standard supersymmetric DBI action ${\it without}$ FI term but with redefined tension, at least up to order of mass-dimension 12 effective interactions.

On the discrete version of the black hole solution. (arXiv:1912.12626v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by V.M. Khatsymovsky, relevance 17.14

A Schwarzschild type solution in Regge calculus is considered. Earlier, we considered a mechanism of loose fixing of edge lengths due to the functional integral measure arising from integration over connection in the functional integral for the connection representation of the Regge action. The length scale depends on a free dimensionless parameter that determines the final functional measure. For this parameter and the length scale large in Planck units, the resulting effective action is close to the Regge action.

Earlier, we considered the Regge action in terms of affine connection matrices as functions of the metric inside the 4-simplices and found that this is a difference form of the Hilbert-Einstein action in the leading order over metric variations between the 4-simplices.

Now we take the (continuum) Schwarzschild problem in the form where spherical symmetry is not set a priori and arises just in the solution, take the difference form of the corresponding equations and get the metric (in fact, in the Lemaitre or Painlev\'{e}-Gullstrand like frame), which is finite at the origin, just as the Newtonian gravitational potential, obeying the difference Poisson equation with a point source, is cut off at the elementary length and is finite at the source.

New black holes with hyperscaling violation and transports of quantum critical points with magnetic impurity. (arXiv:1912.12603v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xian-Hui Ge, Yunseok Seo, Sang-Jin Sin, Geunho Song %, relevance 6.51

We consider the magneto-transports of quantum matters doped with magnetic impurities near the quantum critical points(QCP). For this, we first find new black hole solution with hyper-scaling violation which is dual to such system. By considering the fluctuation near this exact solution, we calculated all transport coefficients using the holographic method. We applied our result to the surface state of the topological insulator with magnetic doping and found two QCP's, one bosonic and the other fermionic. It turns out that doped Bi$_2$Se$_3$ and Bi$_2$Te$_3$ correspond to different QCP's. We also investigated transports of QCP's as functions of physical parameters and found that there are phase transitions as well as crossovers from weak localization to weak anti-localization.

A gigaparsec-scale local void and the Hubble tension. (arXiv:1912.12600v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Qianhang Ding, Tomohiro Nakama, Yi Wang, relevance 0.00

We explore the possibility of using a gigaparsec-scale local void to reconcile the Hubble tension. Such a gigaparsec-scale void can be produced by multi-stream inflation where different parts of the observable universe follow different inflationary trajectories. The impact of such a void for cosmological observations is studied, especially those involving supernovae, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect. As a benchmark model, a 1.7Gpc scale with boundary width 0.7Gpc and density contrast -0.14 may ease the Hubble tension.

The NSVZ $\beta$-function for theories regularized by higher covariant derivatives: the all-loop sum of matter and ghost singularities. (arXiv:1912.12589v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Konstantin Stepanyantz, relevance 0.57

The contributions of the matter superfields and of the Faddeev--Popov ghosts to the $\beta$-function of ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric gauge theories defined in terms of the bare couplings are calculated in all orders in the case of using the higher covariant derivative regularization. For this purpose we use the recently proved statement that the $\beta$-function in these theories is given by integrals of double total derivatives with respect to the loop momenta. These integrals do not vanish due to singularities of the integrands. This implies that the $\beta$-function beyond the one-loop approximation is given by the sum of the singular contributions, which is calculated in all orders for singularities produced by the matter superfields and by the Faddeev--Popov ghosts. The result is expressed in terms of the anomalous dimensions of these superfields. It coincides with the corresponding part of the new form of the NSVZ equation, which can be reduced to the original one with the help of the non-renormalization theorem for the triple gauge-ghost vertices.

Color Confinement and Supersymmetric Properties of Hadron Physics from Light-Front Holography. (arXiv:1912.12578v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Stanley J. Brodsky, relevance 0.92

I review applications of superconformal algebra. light-front holography, and an extended form of conformal symmetry to hadron spectroscopy and dynamics. QCD is not supersymmetrical in the traditional sense -- the QCD Lagrangian is based on quark and gluonic fields -- not squarks nor gluinos. However, its hadronic eigensolutions conform to a representation of superconformal algebra. and provide a unified Regge spectroscopy of meson, baryon, and tetraquarks with a universal Regge slope. The pion $q \bar q$ eigenstate is composite but yet has zero mass for $m_q=0.$ Light-Front Holography also predicts the form of the nonperturbative QCD running coupling in agreement with the effective charge determined from measurements of the Bjorken sum rule. One also obtains viable predictions for hadron dynamics such as spacelike and timelike hadronic form factors, structure functions, distribution amplitudes, and transverse momentum distributions. The combined approach of light-front holography and superconformal algebra also provides insight into the origin of the QCD mass scale and color confinement. A key tool is the dAFF principle which shows how a mass scale can appear in the Hamiltonian and the equations of motion while retaining the conformal symmetry of the action. When one applies the dAFF procedure to chiral QCD, a mass scale $\kappa$ appears which determines the hadron masses in the absence of the Higgs coupling. The result is an extended conformal symmetry which has a conformally invariant action even though an underlying mass scale appears in the Hamiltonian. Although conformal symmetry is strongly broken by the heavy quark mass, the supersymmetric mechanism, which transforms mesons to baryons (and baryons to tetraquarks), still holds and gives remarkable mass degeneracies across the spectrum of light, heavy-light and double-heavy hadrons.

Second post-Newtonian order radiative dynamics of inspiralling compact binaries in the Effective Field Theory approach. (arXiv:1912.12546v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Adam K. Leibovich, Natália T. Maia, Ira Z. Rothstein, Zixin Yang, relevance 0.58

We use the Effective Field Theory (EFT) framework to compute the mass quadrupole moment, the equation of motion, and the power loss of inspiralling compact binaries at the second order in the Post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. We present expressions for the stress-energy pseudo-tensor components of the binary system in higher PN orders. The 2PN correction to the mass quadrupole moment as well as to the acceleration computed in the linearized harmonic gauge presented here are the ingredients needed for the calculation of the next-to-next-to leading order radiation reaction force, which will be presented elsewhere. While this paper reproduces known results, it supplies the building blocks necessary for future higher order calculations in the EFT methodology.

Magnetogenesis in Higgs inflation. (arXiv:1912.12540v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Mehran Kamarpour, relevance 1.28

We study the generation of magnetic fields in the Higgs inflation model with the axial coupling in order to break the conformal invariance of the Maxwell action and produce strong magnetic fields. We consider radiatively corrected Higgs inflation potential. In comparison to the Starobinsky potential, we obtain an extra term as a one loop correction and determine the spectrum of generalized electromagnetic fields. For two values of coupling parameter $\chi_{1}=5\times 10^{9}$ and $\chi_{1}=7.5\times 10^{9}$, the back-reaction is weak and our analysis is self-consistent.

Inflation with very small tensor-to-scalar ratio. (arXiv:1912.12515v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Koichi Hirano, relevance 0.00

We have investigated inflation models that predict a very small value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio, $r$. The spectral index $n_s$, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$, are strictly constrained by the Planck data. $n_s$ and $r$ are sensitive to the shape and magnitude of the inflaton potential, respectively.The constraints by the Planck 2018 data combined with other cosmological observations are compared with the predictions from the inflation models regarding $n_s$ and $r$. Furthermore, we discuss the comparison of future tensor-to-scalar ratio data with predictions from the inflation models with a focus on part of the quantum fluctuation origin.

Generalized Magnetofluid Connections in Curved Spacetime. (arXiv:1912.12503v1 [physics.plasm-ph])
in gr-qc by Luca Comisso, Felipe A. Asenjo, relevance 5.84

The ideal magnetohydrodynamic theorem on the conservation of the magnetic connections between plasma elements is extended to non-ideal relativistic plasmas in curved spacetime. The existence of generalized magnetofluid connections that are preserved by the plasma dynamics is formalized by means of a covariant connection equation that includes different non-ideal effects. These generalized connections are constituted by 2-dimensional hypersurfaces, which are linked to an antisymmetric tensor field that unifies the electromagnetic and fluid fields. They can be interpreted in terms of generalized magnetofluid vorticity field lines by considering a 3+1 foliation of spacetime and a time resetting projection that compensates for the loss of simultaneity in different reference frames between spatially separated events. The worldsheets of the generalized magnetofluid vorticity field lines play a fundamental role in the plasma dynamics by prohibiting evolutions that do not preserve the magnetofluid connectivity.

Power Spectrum Of Gravitational Waves In Different Hubble Parameter States. (arXiv:1912.12474v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Taimur Mohammadi, Behrooz Malekolkalami, Khabat Ghamari, relevance 0.00

In this paper, the equation of GWs was obtained by a new method in terms of scale factor and Hubble parameter. Also the power spectrum from these waves are compared .The method used to solve the GW equations is different from the ones~\cite{ mirza04, Beyond 20018, Yuki 2006}. In this way the equations describe the evolution directly from the beginning of the universe up to the present time in terms of scale factor.

Weak Field Limit and Gravitational Waves in $f(T,B)$ Teleparallel Gravity. (arXiv:1912.12469v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Salvatore Capozziello, Maurizio Capriolo, Loredana Caso, relevance 0.40

We derive the gravitational waves for $f\left(T, B\right)$ gravity, an extension of teleparallel gravity containing the torsion scalar $T$ and the boundary term $B$, and demonstrate that it is equivalent to $f(R)$ gravity. Gravitational waves, in this theory, show three polarizations: the two standard, plus and cross, of General Relativity, which are purely transverse, massless tensor polarization modes with two-helicity, and an additional massive scalar mode with zero-helicity. The last one is a mix of a longitudinal mode and a transverse breathing mode. The boundary term $B$ excites the extra scalar polarization and the mass of scalar field breaks the symmetry of the TT gauge by adding a new degree of freedom, namely a single mixed scalar polarization.

Combining gravitational and electromagnetic waves observations to investigate the Hubble tension. (arXiv:1912.12465v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Brayan Yamid Del Valle Mazo, Antonio Enea Romano, relevance 0.62

Recent estimations of the Hubble parameter $H_0$ based on gravitational waves (GW) observations confirm the discrepancy between the value obtained from large scale and small scale observations, such as low red-shift supernovae (SN). In order to investigate the origin of this discrepancy we perform a combined analysis of the luminosity distance of SN and GW sources and reconstruct the velocity and density field, obtaining evidence of a local inhomogeneity with a density contrast of about $-0.48 \pm 0.003$, extending up to a red-shift of about $0.083\pm 0.005$. The dominant monopole effect of this inhomogeneity on the luminosity distance is proportional to the volume average of the density contrast inside the sphere of radius equal to the distance of the source, which is suppressed outside the inhomogeneity by the inverse cube of the distance. As a direct consequence, since most of the GW sources are located outside this inhomogeneity, they are only negligibly affected by it, implying a value of $H_0$ in agreement with cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations, while most of the SN are inside the inhomogeneity, giving rise to the apparent discrepancy between the two different estimations.

Phase space of static wormholes sustained by an isotropic perfect fluid. (arXiv:1912.12460v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Stephane Fay, relevance 6.61

A phase space is built that allows to study, classify and compare easily large classes of static spherically symmetric wormholes solutions, sustained by an isotropic perfect fluid in General Relativity. We determine the possible locations of equilibrium points, throats and curvature singularities in this phase space. Throats locations show that the spatial variation of the gravitational redshift at the throat of a static spherically symmetric wormhole sustained by an isotropic perfect fluid is always diverging, generalising the result that there is no such wormhole with zero-tidal force. Several specific static spherically symmetric wormholes models are studied. A vanishing density model leads to an exact solution of the field equation allowing to test our dynamical system formalism. It also shows how to extend it to the description of static black holes. Hence, the trajectory of the Schwarzschild black hole is determined. The static spherically symmetric wormhole solutions of several usual isotropic dark energy (generalised Chaplygin gas, constant, linear and Chevallier-Polarski-Linder equations of state) and dark matter (Navarro-Frenk-White profile) models are considered. They show various behaviours far from the throat: singularities, spatial flatness, cyclic behaviours, etc. None of them is asymptotically Minkowski flat. This discards the natural formation of static spherically symmetric and isotropic wormholes from these dark fluids. Last we consider a toy model of an asymptotically Minkowski flat wormhole that is a counterexample to a recent theorem claiming that a static wormhole sustained by an isotropic fluid cannot be asymptotically flat on both sides of its throat.

General Relativistic Wormhole Connections from Planck-Scales and the ER = EPR Conjecture. (arXiv:1912.12424v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Fabrizio Tamburini, Ignazio Licata, relevance 7.82

Einstein's equations of general relativity (GR) can describe the connection between events within a given hypervolume of size $L$ larger than the Planck length $L_P$ in terms of wormhole connections where metric fluctuations give rise to an indetermination relationship that involves the Riemann curvature tensor. At low energies (when $L \gg L_P$), these connections behave like an exchange of a virtual graviton with wavelength $\lambda_G=L$ as if gravitation were an emergent physical property. Down to Planck scales, wormholes avoid the gravitational collapse and any superposition of events or space--times become indistinguishable. These properties of Einstein's equations can find connections with the novel picture of quantum gravity (QG) known as the ``Einstein--Rosen (ER)=Einstein--Podolski--Rosen (EPR)'' (ER = EPR) conjecture proposed by Susskind and Maldacena in Anti-de-Sitter (AdS) space--times in their equivalence with conformal field theories (CFTs). In this scenario, non-traversable wormhole connections of two or more distant events in space--time through Einstein--Rosen (ER) wormholes that are solutions of the equations of GR, are supposed to be equivalent to events connected with non-local Einstein--Podolski--Rosen (EPR) entangled states that instead belong to the language of quantum mechanics. Our findings suggest that if the ER = EPR conjecture is valid, it can be extended to other different types of space--times and that gravity and space--time could be emergent physical quantities if the exchange of a virtual graviton between events can be considered connected by ER wormholes equivalent to entanglement connections.

A Non-Abelian Analogue of DBI from $T \overline{T}$. (arXiv:1912.12389v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by T. Daniel Brennan, Christian Ferko, Savdeep Sethi, relevance 0.00

The Dirac action describes the physics of the Nambu-Goldstone scalars found on branes. The Born-Infeld action defines a non-linear theory of electrodynamics. The combined Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action describes the leading interactions supported on a single D-brane in string theory. We define a non-abelian analogue of DBI using the $T \overline{T}$ deformation in two dimensions. The resulting quantum theory is compatible with maximal supersymmetry and such theories are quite rare.

Recurrence Relations of the Multi-Indexed Orthogonal Polynomials VI : Meixner-Pollaczek and continuous Hahn types. (arXiv:1912.12381v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Satoru Odake, relevance 0.00

In previous papers, we discussed the recurrence relations of the multi-indexed orthogonal polynomials of the Laguerre, Jacobi, Wilson, Askey-Wilson, Racah and $q$-Racah types. In this paper we explore those of the Meixner-Pollaczek and continuous Hahn types. For the $M$-indexed Meixner-Pollaczek and continuous Hahn polynomials, we present $3+2M$ term recurrence relations with variable dependent coefficients and $1+2L$ term ($L\geq M+1$) recurrence relations with constant coefficients. Based on the latter, the generalized closure relations and the creation/annihilation operators of the quantum mechanical systems described by the multi-indexed Meixner-Pollaczek and continuous Hahn polynomials are obtained.

A universal holographic prediction for quantum-critical dynamics. (arXiv:1912.12377v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergei Khlebnikov, relevance 7.88

We consider decay of an initial density or current perturbation at finite temperature $T$ near a quantum critical point with emergent Lorentz invariance. We argue that decay of perturbations with wavenumbers $k \gg T$ (in natural units) is a good testing ground for holography---existence of a dual gravitational description---in experimentally accessible systems. The reason is that, computed holographically, the decay rate at large $k$ depends only on the leading correction to the metric near the boundary, and that is quite universal. In the limit of zero detuning (when the temperature is the only dimensionful parameter), the result is a scaling law for the decay rate, with the exponent that depends only on the dimensionality. We show that this follows from an analytical argument and is borne out by a numerical study of quasinormal modes.

Remarks on the large-$N$ ${\mathbb C}P^{N-1}$ model. (arXiv:1912.12376v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Antonino Flachi, relevance 0.45

In this paper we consider the ${\mathbb C}P^{N-1}$ model confined to an interval of finite size at finite temperature and chemical potential. We compute, in the large-$N$ approximation, the one-loop effective action of the order parameter associated with the effective mass of the quantum fluctuations. To discuss some generic features of the ground state of the model, we work out a mixed-gradient expansion and obtain an expression for the thermodynamic potential density as a functional of the order parameter, generalizing previous calculations to arbitrarily large order and to the case of small finite density. The technique used here relies on analytic regularization and provides an efficient scheme to extract the coefficients of the expansion. These coefficients are then used to deduce some generic properties of the ground state as a function of external conditions. For vanishing chemical potential and intervals of any size, we show that inhomogeneous phases are not energetically favored, but we find evidence that they may become energetically favored for large enough values of the chemical potential. We also show that there can be no transition to a massless phase for any value of the external conditions and clarify a seemingly important point regarding the regularization of the effective action connected to the appearance of logarithmic divergences and to the Mermin-Wagner-Hoenberg-Coleman theorem.

Logarithmic tail contributions to the energy function of circular compact binaries. (arXiv:1912.12359v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Luc Blanchet, Stefano Foffa, François Larrouturou, Riccardo Sturani, relevance 0.41

We combine different techniques to extract information about the logarithmic contributions to the two-body conservative dynamics within the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation of General Relativity. The logarithms come from the conservative part of non linear gravitational-wave tails and their iterations. Explicit, original expressions are found for conservative dynamics logarithmic tail terms up to 6PN order by adopting both traditional PN calculations and effective field theory (EFT) methods. We also determine all logarithmic terms at 7PN order, fixing a sub-leading logarithm from a tail-of-tail-of-tail process by comparison with self-force (SF) results. Moreover, we use renormalization group techniques to obtain the leading logarithmic terms to generic power $n$, appearing at $(3n+1)$PN order, and we resum the infinite series in a closed form. Half-integer PN orders enter the conservative dynamics starting at 5.5PN, but they do not generate logarithmic contributions up to next-to-next-to-leading order included. We nevertheless present their contribution at leading order in the small mass ratio limit.

A note on higher-order vertices of higher-spin fields in flat and (A)dS space. (arXiv:1912.12357v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Euihun Joung, Massimo Taronna, relevance 0.00

In this work we classify homogeneous solutions to the Noether procedure in (A)dS for an arbitrary number of external legs and in general dimensions. We also give a review of the corresponding flat space classification and its relation with the (A)dS result presented here. The role of dimensional dependent identities is also investigated.

Matters of Gravity: The Newsletter of the Division of Gravitational Physics of the American Physical Society. Number 54. December 2019. (arXiv:1912.12352v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by David Garfinkle, relevance 3.87

we hear that..., by David Garfinkle

APS April Meeting, by David Garfinkle

Gravity: Strings and higher dimensions, by Cynthia Keeler

The Eighth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, by Jay Tasson

Schwarzian quantum mechanics as a Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction of $BF$ theory. (arXiv:1912.12331v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Fridrich Valach, Donald Ray Youmans, relevance 1.92

We give an interpretation of the holographic correspondence between two-dimensional $BF$ theory on the punctured disk with gauge group ${\rm PSL}(2, \mathbb{R})$ and Schwarzian quantum mechanics in terms of a Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction. The latter, in turn, is equivalent to the presence of certain edge states imposing a first class constraint on the model. The constrained path integral localizes over exceptional Virasoro coadjoint orbits. The reduced theory is governed by the Schwarzian action functional generating a Hamiltonian $S^1$-action on the orbits. The partition function is given by a sum over topological sectors, each of which is computed by the Duistermaat-Heckman integration formula. We recover the same results in the operator formalism.

Anisotropy screening in Horndeski cosmologies. (arXiv:1912.12320v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Alexei A. Starobinsky, Sergey S. Sushkov, Mikhail S. Volkov, relevance 2.13

We consider anisotropic cosmologies in a particular shift-symmetric Horndeski theory containing the $G^{\mu\nu}\partial_\mu\phi \partial_\nu\phi$ coupling, where $G^{\mu\nu}$ is the Einstein tensor. This theory admits stable in the future self-accelerating cosmologies whose tensor perturbations propagate with the velocity very close to the speed of light such that the theory agrees with the gravity wave observations. Surprisingly, we find that the anisotropies within the Bianchi I homogeneous spacetime model are screened at early time by the scalar charge, whereas at late times they are damped in the usual way, hence they are damped at all times. Therefore, contrary to what one would normally expect, the initial state of the universe close to the singularity cannot be anisotropic, although it seems it should be inhomogeneous. At the same time, we find that in the Bianchi IX case the universe can be strongly anisotropic close to the initial singularity even in the presence of a scalar charge.

Braneworld Effective Field Theories--Holography, Consistency and Conformal Effects. (arXiv:1912.12316v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sylvain Fichet, relevance 5.57

Braneworld theories are often described as low-energy effective field theories (EFTs) featuring an infinitely thin 3-brane and 4D fields exactly localized on it. We investigate whether an exactly localized braneworld can arise as a limit of a theory of 5D fields. Using a holographic formalism we argue that such limit does not exist in the presence of gravity, therefore implying a discontinuity in the space of EFTs. We then present specific models involving exactly localized fields in which inconsistencies appear, which are solved when fields are taken as quasilocalized. Part of our arguments rely on conjectures from the "swampland" program. Our investigation motivates braneworld EFTs built from 5D fields, i.e. quasilocalized braneworlds. Observable effects from quasilocalization are significant for warped braneworlds such as Randall-Sundrum II (RSII), and are reminiscent of a conformal hidden sector. Focusing on the gauge-gravity sector we show that manifestations of the quasilocalized warped braneworld include i) an anomalous running of SM gauge couplings ii) a conformal contribution to SM gauge boson scattering induced by 5D gravity. Constraining these effects puts an upper bound on the 5D EFT cutoff, implying that the warped braneworld hypothesis could---at least in principle---be tested completely.

A theory of deconfined pseudo-criticality. (arXiv:1912.12315v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Ruochen Ma, Chong Wang, relevance 0.38

It has been proposed that the deconfined criticality in $(2+1)d$ -- the quantum phase transition between a Neel anti-ferromagnet and a valence-bond-solid (VBS) -- may actually be pseudo-critical, in the sense that it is a weakly first-order transition with a generically long correlation length. The underlying field theory of the transition would be a slightly complex (non-unitary) fixed point as a result of fixed points annihilation. This proposal was motivated by existing numerical results from large scale Monte-Carlo simulations as well as conformal bootstrap. However, an actual theory of such complex fixed point, incorporating key features of the transition such as the emergent $SO(5)$ symmetry, is so far absent. Here we propose a Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) nonlinear sigma model with level $k=1$, defined in $2+\epsilon$ dimensions, with target space $S^{3+\epsilon}$ and global symmetry $SO(4+\epsilon)$. This gives a formal interpolation between the deconfined criticality at $d=3$ and the $SU(2)_1$ WZW theory at $d=2$ describing the spin-$1/2$ Heisenberg chain. The theory can be formally controlled, at least to leading order, in terms of the inverse of the WZW level $1/k$. We show that at leading order, there is a fixed point annihilation at $d^*\approx2.77$, with complex fixed points above this dimension including the physical $d=3$ case. The pseudo-critical properties such as correlation length, scaling dimensions and the drifts of scaling dimensions as the system size increases, calculated crudely to leading order, are qualitatively consistent with existing numerics.

The entanglement membrane in chaotic many-body systems. (arXiv:1912.12311v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Tianci Zhou, Adam Nahum, relevance 19.93

In certain analytically-tractable quantum chaotic systems, the calculation of out-of-time-order correlation functions, entanglement entropies after a quench, and other related dynamical observables, reduces to an effective theory of an ``entanglement membrane'' in spacetime. These tractable systems involve an average over random local unitaries defining the dynamical evolution. We show here how to make sense of this membrane in more realistic models, which do not involve an average over random unitaries. Our approach relies on introducing effective pairing degrees of freedom in spacetime, inspired by the structure emerging in random unitary circuits. We apply this approach to some translationally invariant Floquet spin chains studied in the literature. We show that a consistent line tension may be defined for the entanglement membrane, and that there are qualitative differences in this tension between generic models and ``dual-unitary'' circuits. These results allow scaling pictures for out-of-time-order correlators and for entanglement to be taken over from random circuits to non-random Floquet models. We also provide an efficient numerical algorithm for determining the entanglement line tension in 1+1D.

Supersymmetric Continuous Spin Gauge Theory. (arXiv:1912.12310v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mojtaba Najafizadeh, relevance 5.39

Taking into account the Schuster-Toro action and its fermionic analogue discovered by us, we supersymmetrize unconstrained formulation of the continuous spin gauge field theory. Afterwards, building on the Metsaev actions, we supersymmetrize constrained formulation of the theory. In each formulation, we provide supersymmetry transformations for the $\mathcal{N}=1$ supermultiplet in four-dimensional flat space-time, in which continuous spin particle (CSP) is considered to be a complex scalar continuous spin field, and its superpartner which can be called ``\,CSPino\,'' is considered to be a Dirac continuous spin field. It is shown that the algebra of these supersymmetry transformations are closed on-shell. Furthermore, we investigate whether obtained supersymmetry transformations reproduce the known result of the higher spin gauge field theory in the helicity limit. Finally, we illustrate how these two separate set of obtained transformations are related to each other.

Rigorous results on topological superconductivity with particle number conservation. (arXiv:1912.12307v1 [cond-mat.supr-con])
in hep-th by Matthew F. Lapa, Michael Levin, relevance -3.33

Most theoretical studies of topological superconductors and Majorana-based quantum computation rely on a mean-field approach to describe superconductivity. A potential problem with this approach is that real superconductors are described by number-conserving Hamiltonians with long-range interactions, so their topological properties may not be correctly captured by mean-field models that violate number conservation and have short-range interactions. To resolve this issue, reliable results on number-conserving models of superconductivity are essential. As a first step in this direction, we use rigorous methods to study a number-conserving toy model of a topological superconducting wire. We prove that this model exhibits many of the desired properties of the mean-field models, including a finite energy gap in a sector of fixed total particle number, the existence of long range "Majorana-like" correlations between the ends of an open wire, and a change in the ground state fermion parity for periodic vs. anti-periodic boundary conditions. These results show that many of the remarkable properties of mean-field models of topological superconductivity persist in more realistic models with number-conserving dynamics.

Scaling and Diffusion of Dirac Composite Fermions. (arXiv:1912.12303v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chao-Jung Lee, Michael Mulligan, relevance -1.84

We study the effects of quenched disorder and a dissipative Coulomb interaction on an anyon gas in a periodic potential undergoing a quantum phase transition. We use a $(2+1)$d low-energy effective description that involves $N_f = 1$ Dirac fermion coupled to a $U(1)$ Chern-Simons gauge field at level $(\theta - 1/2)$. When $\theta = 1/2$ the anyons are free Dirac fermions that exhibit an integer quantum Hall transition; when $\theta = 1$ the anyons are bosons undergoing a superconductor-insulator transition in the universality class of the 3d XY model. Using the large $N_f$ approximation we perform a renormalization group analysis. The dissipative Coulomb interaction allows for two classes of IR stable fixed points: those with a finite, nonzero Coulomb coupling and dynamical critical exponent $z = 1$ and those with an effectively infinite Coulomb coupling and $1 < z < 2$. We find the Coulomb interaction to be an irrelevant perturbation of the clean fixed point for any $\theta$. At $\theta = 1/2$ the clean fixed point is stable to charge-conjugation preserving (random mass) disorder, while a line of diffusive fixed points obtains when the product of charge-conjugation and time-reversal symmetries is preserved. At $\theta = 1$ we find a finite disorder fixed point with unbroken charge-conjugation symmetry whether or not the Coulomb interaction is present. Other cases result in runaway flows. We comment on the relation of our results to other theoretical studies and the relevancy to experiment.

Quantum Chaos, Thermodynamics and Black Hole Microstates in the mass deformed SYK model. (arXiv:1912.12302v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tomoki Nosaka, Tokiro Numasawa, relevance 13.10

We study various aspects of the mass deformed SYK model which can escape the interiors of pure boundary state black holes. SYK boundary states are given by a simple local boundary condition on the Majorana fermions and then evolved in Euclidean time in the SYK Hamiltonian. We study the ground state of this mass deformed SYK model in detail. We also use SYK boundary states as a variational approximation to the ground state of the mass deformed SYK model. We compare variational approximation with the exact ground state results and they showed a good agreement. We also study the time evolution of the mass deformed ground state under the SYK Hamiltonian. We give a gravity interpretation of the mass deformed ground state and its time evolutions. In gravity side, mass deformation gives a way to prepare black hole microstates that are similar to pure boundary state black holes. Escaping protocol on these ground states simply gives a global AdS2 with an IR end of the world brane. We also study the thermodynamics and quantum chaotic properties of this mass deformed SYK model. Interestingly, we do not observe the Hawking Page like phase transition in this model in spite of similarity of the Hamiltonian with eternal traversable wormhole model where we have the phase transition.

The coset construction for non-equilibrium systems. (arXiv:1912.12301v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michael J. Landry, relevance 0.00

We propose a systematic coset construction of non-equilibrium effective field theories (EFTs) governing the long-distance and late-time dynamics of relativistic, finite-temperature condensed matter systems. Our non-equilibrium coset construction makes significant advances beyond more standard coset constructions in that it allows us to formulate non-equilibrium effective actions along the lines of those constructed by Crossley, Glorioso, and Liu [1-3] that account for quantum and thermal fluctuations as well as dissipation. Because these systems exist at finite temperature, the EFTs live on the closed time path of the Schwinger-Keldysh contour. Since the coset construction and the non-equilibrium effective actions may be unfamiliar to many readers, we include brief introductions to these topics in an effort to make this paper self-contained. To demonstrate the legitimacy of this coset construction, we successfully reproduce the known EFTs for fluids and superfluids at finite temperature. Then, to demonstrate its utility, we construct novel EFTs for solids, supersolids, and four phases of liquid crystals, all at finite temperature. We thereby combine the non-equilibrium effective action and the coset construction to create a powerful tool that can be used to study many-body systems out of equilibrium.

No slow-roll inflation \`a la Generalized Chaplygin Gas in General Relativity. (arXiv:1912.12298v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alexander Gallego Cadavid, J.R. Villanueva, relevance 0.39

The Generalized Chaplygin Gas (GCG) model is characterized by the equation of state $P = -A \rho^{-\alpha}$, where $A>0$ and $\alpha < 1$. The model has been extensively studied due to its interesting properties and applicability in several contexts, from late-time acceleration to primordial inflation. Nonetheless we show that the inflationary slow-roll regime cannot be satisfied by the GCG model when General Relativity (GR) is considered. In particular, although the model has been applied to inflation with $0 < \alpha < 1$, we show that for $-1 < \alpha \le 1$ there is no expansion of the Universe but an accelerated contraction. For $\alpha <-1$ we prove that there is indeed an inflationary period, although the second and third slow-roll parameters $\eta_H$ and $\xi_H$ are larger than unity for $\alpha \le -5/3$. Such a behaviour of the slow-roll parameters has two significant drawbacks on the model. First, the number of $e$-folds $N$ during inflation is $N \ll 60$ for most of the parameter space, especially for $\alpha \le -5/3$. This means that the horizon and flatness problems cannot be solved during inflation. Second, the slow-roll approximations are not valid for the model during inflation when $\alpha \le -5/3$. This is relevant since some studies have relied on these approximations in order to constrain the parameter space of the GCG model. In particular we show that the approximation $z''/z \approx 2a^2 H^2$ in the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation is not valid. We extend our analysis to the Generalized Chaplygin-Jacobi Gas (GCJG) model. We find that the introduction of a new parameter does not solve the previous problems. We conclude that the violation of the slow-roll conditions is a generic feature of the GCG and GCJG models during inflation when GR is considered.

Violation of the consistency relations for large-scale structure with dark energy. (arXiv:1912.12292v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Matthew Lewandowski, relevance 0.50

We study infrared effects in perturbation theory for large-scale structure coupled to the effective field theory of dark energy, focusing on, in particular, Degenerate Higher-Order Scalar-Tensor (DHOST) theories. In the subhorizon, Newtonian limit, DHOST theories introduce an extra large-scale velocity $v^i_\pi$ which is in general different from the matter velocity $v^i$. Contrary to the case in Horndeski theories, the presence of this extra large-scale velocity means that one cannot eliminate the long-wavelength effects of both $v^i$ and $v^i_\pi$ with a single coordinate transformation, and thus the standard $\Lambda$CDM consistency relations for large-scale structure are violated by terms proportional to the relative velocity $v^i - v^i_\pi$. We show, however, that in non-linear quantities this violation is determined by the linear equations and the symmetries of the fluid system. We find that the size of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the squeezed limit of the bispectrum is modified, that the bias expansion contains extra terms which contribute to the squeezed limit of the galaxy bispectrum, that infrared modes in the one-loop power spectrum no longer cancel, and that the equal-time double soft limit of the tree-level trispectrum is non-vanishing. In addition, we give explicit expressions for how these violations depend on the relative velocity. Many of our computations are also relevant for perturbation theory in $\Lambda$CDM with exact time dependence.

A model of quantum gravity with emergent spacetime. (arXiv:1912.12291v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sung-Sik Lee, relevance 14.95

We construct a model of quantum gravity in which dimension, topology and geometry of spacetime are dynamical. The microscopic degree of freedom is a real rectangular matrix whose rows label internal flavours, and columns label spatial sites. In the limit that the size of the matrix is large, the sites can collectively form a spatial manifold. The manifold is determined from the pattern of entanglement present across local Hilbert spaces associated with column vectors of the matrix. With no structure of manifold fixed in the background, the spacetime gauge symmetry is generalized to a group that includes diffeomorphism in arbitrary dimensions. The momentum and Hamiltonian that generate the generalized diffeomorphism obey a first-class constraint algebra at the quantum level. In the classical limit, the constraint algebra of the general relativity is reproduced as a special case. The first-class nature of the algebra allows one to express the projection of a quantum state of the matrix to a gauge-invariant state as a path integration of dynamical variables that describe collective fluctuations of the matrix. The collective variables describe dynamics of emergent spacetime, where multi-fingered times arise as Lagrangian multipliers that enforce the gauge constraints. If the quantum state has a local structure of entanglement, a smooth spacetime with well-defined dimension, topology, signature and geometry emerges at the saddle-point, and the spin two mode that determines the geometry can be identified. We find a saddle-point solution that describes a series of (3+1)-dimensional de Sitter-like spacetimes with the Lorentzian signature bridged by Euclidean spaces in between. Fluctuations of the collective variables are described by bi-local fields that propagate in the spacetime set up by the saddle-point solution.

Matrix ensembles with global symmetries and 't Hooft anomalies from 2d gauge theory. (arXiv:1912.12285v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Daniel Kapec, Raghu Mahajan, Douglas Stanford, relevance 13.40

The Hilbert space of a quantum system with internal global symmetry $G$ decomposes into sectors labelled by irreducible representations of $G$. If the system is chaotic, the energies in each sector should separately resemble ordinary random matrix theory. We show that such "sector-wise" random matrix ensembles arise as the boundary dual of two-dimensional gravity with a $G$ gauge field in the bulk. Within each sector, the eigenvalue density is enhanced by a nontrivial factor of the dimension of the representation, and the ground state energy is determined by the quadratic Casimir. We study the consequences of 't Hooft anomalies in the matrix ensembles, which are incorporated by adding specific topological terms to the gauge theory action. The effect is to introduce projective representations into the decomposition of the Hilbert space. Finally, we consider ensembles with $G$ symmetry and time reversal symmetry, and analyze a simple case of a mixed anomaly between time reversal and an internal $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry.

Dirac fermion, cosmological event horizons and quantum entanglement. (arXiv:1912.12272v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sourav Bhattacharya, Shankhadeep Chakrabortty, Shivang Goyal, relevance 33.00

We discuss the field quantisation of a free massive Dirac fermion in the two causally disconnected static patches of the de Sitter spacetime, by using mode functions that are normalisable on the cosmological event horizon. Using this, we compute the entanglement entropy of the vacuum state corresponding to these two regions, for a given fermionic mode. Further extensions of this result to more general static spherically symmetric and stationary axisymmetric spacetimes are discussed. For the stationary axisymmetric Kerr-de Sitter spacetime in particular, the variations of the entanglement entropy with respect to various eigenvalues and spacetime parameters are depicted numerically. We also comment on such variations when instead we consider the non-extremal black hole event horizon of the same spacetime.

Gamma function solutions to the star-triangle equation. (arXiv:1912.12271v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ege Eren, Ilmar Gahramanov, Shahriyar Jafarzade, Gonenc Mogol, relevance 0.69

In the paper, we clarify some relations between solutions to the star-triangle equation via the gauge/YBE correspondence. We consider two solutions to the star-triangle relation in terms of Euler's gamma function. We derive these solutions from the reduction of certain basic and hyperbolic hypergeometric integral identities. These identities can be interpreted as equality of the supersymmetric partition functions of a specific three-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric dual theories.

Black hole's tidal heating and angular momentum. (arXiv:1912.12263v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Lau Loi So, relevance 10.27

In 1985 Thorne and Hartle used the Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensor to demonstrate the tidal heating and angular momentum flux for a black hole. Later in 2004, Poisson used the gravitational perturbation method to study a black hole and obtained the same result. Poisson proposed a new idea, that the mass quardupole moment and current quadrupole moment can be written as the rate of change of the tidal gravitational field. Inspired by these two papers, we use the method of Thorne and Hartle to study other classical pseudotensors: Einstein, Bergmann-Thomson, Papapetrou and Weinberg. Moreover, we also constructed a general expression pseudotensor. We find that for (i) tidal heating: other classical pseudotensors give the same result as the Landau-Lifshitz contribution. (ii) angular momentum flux: except for the Einstein pseudotensor, all of them give the same value as the Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensor.

Supergravity on a 3-torus: quantum linearization instabilities with a supergroup. (arXiv:1912.12246v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Atsushi Higuchi, Lasse Schmieding, relevance 5.57

It is well known that linearized gravity in spacetimes with compact Cauchy surfaces and continuous symmetries suffers from linearization instabilities: solutions to classical linearized gravity in such a spacetime must satisfy so-called linearization stability conditions (or constraints) for them to extend to solutions in the full non-linear theory. Moncrief investigated implications of these conditions in linearized quantum gravity in such background spacetimes and found that the quantum linearization stability constraints lead to the requirement that all physical states must be invariant under the symmetries generated by these constraints. He studied these constraints for linearized quantum gravity in flat spacetime with the spatial sections of toroidal topology in detail. Subsequently, his result was reproduced by the method of group-averaging. In this paper the quantum linearization stability conditions are studied for $\mathcal{N}=1$ simple supergravity in this spacetime. In addition to the linearization stability conditions corresponding to the spacetime symmetries, i.e. spacetime translations, there are also fermionic linearization stability conditions corresponding to the background supersymmetry. We construct all states satisfying these quantum linearization stability conditions, including the fermionic ones, and show that they are obtained by group-averaging over the supergroup of the global supersymmetry of this theory.

Palatini $f(R)$ gravity in the solar system: post-Newtonian equations of motion and complete PPN parameters. (arXiv:1912.12234v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Júnior D. Toniato, Davi C. Rodrigues, Aneta Wojnar, relevance 0.00

We perform a post-Newtonian (PN) solar system analysis for Palatini $f(R)$ theories considering finite volume non-spherical planets and with emphasis to $f(R)$ functions that are analytical about $R=0$. First we consider the Will-Nordtvedt parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism, from which the metric is shown to depend, in general, on terms not covered by the standard PPN potentials. Hence, a full analysis of the PN equations of motion is performed. From the latter we conclude that, apart from redefinitions on the internal energy and the pressure, which cannot be constrained by solar system tests, the center-of-mass orbits are the same as in general relativity. We discuss further the physics of these redefinitions and use an argument to extend our analytical $f(R)$ results towards some non-analytical functions.

Multi-particle finite-volume effects for hexagon tessellations. (arXiv:1912.12231v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Marius de Leeuw, Burkhard Eden, Dennis le Plat, Tim Meier, Alessandro Sfondrini, relevance 0.40

Correlation functions of gauge-invariant composite operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory can be computed by integrability using triangulations. The elementary tile in this process is the hexagon, which should be glued by appropriately inserting resolutions of the identity involving virtual ("mirror") magnons. We consider this problem for five-point functions of protected operators. At one-loop in the 't Hooft coupling, it is necessary to glue three adjacent tiles which involves two virtual magnons scattering among each other. We show that the result can be simplified by using an adapted mirror rotation and employing appropriate summation techniques. The mirror-particle contributions then yield hyperlogarithms of weight two. Finally, we use these results to investigate braiding prescriptions introduced in earlier work on the problem.

On the emergence of an expanding universe from a Lorentzian matrix model. (arXiv:1912.12229v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by F.R. Klinkhamer, relevance 0.60

We present evidence that recent numerical results from the reduced classical equations of a Lorentzian matrix model can be interpreted as corresponding to the emergence of an expanding universe. In addition, we propose an effective metric to describe the emerging (3+1)-dimensional spacetime. This metric gives, at all times, finite values for the Ricci and Kretschmann curvature scalars. With these results, we are able to give a heuristic discussion of the origin of the Universe in the context of the matrix model.

Toda chain flow in Krylov space. (arXiv:1912.12227v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Anatoly Dymarsky, Alexander Gorsky, relevance 1.75

We show in full generality that time-correlation function of a physical observable analytically continued to imaginary time is a tau-function of integrable Toda hierarchy. Using this relation we show that the singularity along the imaginary axis, which is a generic behavior for quantum non-integrable many-body system, is due to delocalization in Krylov space.

Entanglement entropy of physical states in hypercuboidally truncated spin foam quantum gravity. (arXiv:1912.12216v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Benjamin Bahr, relevance 32.60

In this article we consider physical states in the hypercuboidal truncation of the EPRL-FK spin foam quantum gravity model. In particular, these states are defined on graphs which allow considering the entanglement entropy (EE) associated to the bipartition of space. We compute the EE numerically for some examples, and find that it depends on the coupling constants within the theory. We also find that there appears a maximum of the EE within the region of the coupling constant containing the non-Gaussian fixed point of the RG flow of the truncated model. We discuss the relation of this behaviour with the restoration of diffeomorphism symmetry at the fixed point.

Thin-shell wormholes in de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley massive gravity. (arXiv:1912.12208v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Takol Tangphati (Chulalongkorn U.), Auttakit Chatrabhuti (Chulalongkorn U.), Daris Samart (Khon Kaen U.), Phongpichit Channuie (Walailak U.), relevance 7.40

In this work, we study the thin-shell wormholes in dRGT massive gravity. In order to joint two bulks of the spacetime geometry, we first derive junction conditions of the dRGT spacetime. This results the dynamics of the spherical thin-shell wormholes in the dRGT theory. We show that the massive graviton correction term of the dRGT theory in the Einstein equation is represented in terms of the effective anisotropic pressure fluid. However, if there is only this correction term, without invoking exotic fluids, we find that the thin-shell wormholes can not be stabilized. We then examine the stability conditions of the wormholes by introducing four existing models of the exotic fluids at the throat. In addition, we analyze the energy conditions for the thin-shell wormholes in the dRGT massive gravity by checking the null, weak, and strong conditions at the wormhole throat. We show that in general the classical energy conditions are violated by introducing all existing models of the exotic fluids. Moreover, we quantify the wormhole geometry by using the embedding diagrams to represent a thin-shell wormhole in the dRGT massive gravity.

Extended galactic rotational velocity profiles in $f(R)$ gravity background. (arXiv:1912.12206v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Vipin Kumar Sharma, Bal Krishna Yadav, Murli Manohar Verma, relevance 9.52

An attempt has been made to explore the galactic dynamics via the rotational velocity beyond the Einstein's geometric theory of gravity. It is inspired from the geometric relation obtained in the power law $f(R)$ gravity model in vacuum. We analyse the action with a small positive deviation from the Einstein-Hilbert action (taking $R$ as $f(R)\propto R^{1+\delta}$) at the galactic scales for the explanation of cosmological dark matter problem and obtain the contribution of dynamical $f(R)$ background geometry in accelerating the test mass. In the weak field limits, we obtain the effective acceleration of the test mass due to a massive spherically symmetric source in $f(R)$ background and develop an equation for the rotational velocity. We test the viability of the model by tracing the motion of test mass outside the typical galactic visible boundaries without considering any dark matter halo profile. We obtain a nice agreement in the outer regions (up to few tens of kpc beyond the visible boundary) of the typical galaxy by using the known galaxy data.\\ We further explore the galactic dynamics for a galaxy NGC 1052 of which the dark matter deficient galaxies, i.e., DF2 and DF4 are a part (satellite galaxies) and discuss plots of the dynamical feature of rotation curves in $f(R)$ background for the model parameter $\delta<<1$ and interpret the results for its satellite galaxies.

Relativistic compact stars in the Kuchowicz spacetime. (arXiv:1912.12199v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by K N Singh, F Rahaman, N Pradhan, N Pant, relevance 5.00

We present an anisotropic charged analogue of Kuchowicz (1971) solution of the general relativistic field equations in curvature coordinates by using simple form of electric intensity $E$ and pressure anisotropy factor $\Delta$ that involve charge parameter $K$ and anisotropy parameter $\alpha$ respectively. Our solution is well behaved in all respects for all values of $X$ ( $X$ is related to the radius of the star ) lying in the range $0< X \le 0.6$, $\alpha$ lying in the range $0 \le \alpha \le 1.3$, $K$ lying in the range $0< K \le 1.75$ and Schwarzschild compactness parameter "$u$" lying in the range $0< u \le 0.338$. Since our solution is well behaved for a wide range of the parameters, we can model many different types of ultra-cold compact stars like quark stars and neutron stars. We present some models of super dense quark stars and neutron stars corresponding to $X=0.2,~\alpha=0.2$ and $K=0.5$ for which $u_{max}=0.15$. By assuming surface density $\rho_b=4.6888\times 10^{14}~ g/cc$ the mass and radius are $0.955 M_\odot$ and $9.439 km$ respectively. For $\rho_b=2.7\times 10^{14}~ g/cc$ the mass and radius are $1.259 M_\odot$ and $12.439 km$ respectively and for $\rho_b=2\times 10^{14}~ g/cc$ the mass and radius are $1.463 M_\odot$ and $14.453 km$ respectively. It is also shown that inclusion of more electric charge and anisotropy enhances the static stable configuration under radial perturbations. The $M-R$ graph suggests that the maximum mass of the configuration depends on the surface density {\bf i.e. with the increase of surface density} the maximum mass and corresponding radius decrease. This may be because of existence of exotic matters at higher densities that soften the EoSs.

Effective results on uniformization and intrinsic GCM spheres in perturbations of Kerr. (arXiv:1912.12195v1 [math.AP])
in gr-qc by Sergiu Klainerman, Jeremie Szeftel, relevance 0.00

This is a follow-up of our paper \cite{KS-Kerr1} on the construction of general covariant modulated (GCM) spheres in perturbations of Kerr, which we expect to play a central role in establishing their nonlinear stability. We reformulate the main results of that paper using a canonical definition of $\ell=1$ modes on a $2$-sphere embedded in a $1+3$ vacuum manifold. This is based on a new, effective, version of the classical uniformization theorem which allows us to define such modes and prove their stability for spheres with comparable metrics. The reformulation allows us to prove a second, intrinsic, existence theorem for GCM spheres, expressed purely in terms of geometric quantities defined on it. A natural definition of angular momentum for such GCM spheres is also introduced, which we expect to play a key role in determining the final angular momentum for general perturbations of Kerr.

Felix Klein's "\"Uber die Differentialgesetze f\"ur die Erhaltung von Impuls und Energie in der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie": an English translation. (arXiv:1912.12161v1 [physics.hist-ph])
in gr-qc by Chiang-Mei Chen, James M. Nester, Walter Vogel, relevance 0.00

We present an English translation of a second 1918 paper by Felix Klein which follows up on his earlier work.

Felix Klein's "Zu Hilberts erster Note \"uber die Grundlagen der Physik": an English translation. (arXiv:1912.12158v1 [physics.hist-ph])
in gr-qc by Chiang-Mei Chen, James M. Nester, Walter Vogel, relevance 0.00

We present an English translation of a 1918 paper by Felix Klein.

Gravitational wave generation in a viable scenario of inflationary magnetogenesis. (arXiv:1912.12089v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Ramkishor Sharma, Kandaswamy Subramanian, T. R. Seshadri, relevance 0.80

Generation of magnetic fields during inflation is a promising mechanism for the origin of the observed large scale magnetic fields in the universe. Among several attempts, a popular model is one where the inflaton and the electromagnetic field are coupled through a coupling function $f$ leading to a term in the Lagrangian density of the form, $f^2 F^{\mu \nu} F_{\mu\nu}$. A number of potential difficulties with such models have been raised in the literature. In our earlier work, we have suggested viable models of inflationary magnetogenesis which avoid these problems and at the same time can lead to either nonhelical or helical magnetic fields of astrophysical interest. Our models require a low energy scale for inflation and reheating (reheating temperature, $T_R < 10^4$ GeV) and generate a blue spectrum of electromagnetic (EM) field which peaks around the horizon scale of reheating. We show here that the anisotropic stress associated with these EM fields naturally source the production of a stochastic background of Gravitational waves (GW) with frequencies in the range of tens of nano Hertz to milli Hertz. These two extremes of the range can be probed respectively by pulsar timing arrays (PTA) experiments and the upcoming Laser Interferometric Space Array (LISA). The peak value of the GW spectrum energy represented by $d \Omega_{GW}/d \ln k$ is $ 10^{-6} $ for the models which lead to nonhelical primordial fields and $2 \times 10^{-6} $ for the helical case for $T_R=100$ GeV. In this case the spectrum peaks at a frequency $30 \mu$Hz for non helical case and at $40 \mu$Hz for helical case. These values are obtained when the ratio of EM energy density to the cosmological density at reheating $\epsilon \sim 1$ and decrease approximately as $\epsilon^2$ for smaller values.

Gluon propagator and three-gluon vertex with dynamical quarks. (arXiv:1912.12086v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by A. C. Aguilar, F. De Soto, M. N. Ferreira, J. Papavassiliou, J. Rodríguez-Quintero, S. Zafeiropoulos, relevance 0.46

We present a detailed analysis of the kinetic and mass terms associated with the Landau gauge gluon propagator in the presence of dynamical quarks, and a comprehensive dynamical study of certain special kinematic limits of the three-gluon vertex. Our approach capitalizes on results from recent lattice simulations with (2+1) domain wall fermions, a novel nonlinear treatment of the gluon mass equation, and the nonperturbative reconstruction of the longitudinal three-gluon vertex from its fundamental Slavnov-Taylor identities. Particular emphasis is placed on the persistence of the suppression displayed by certain combinations of the vertex form factors at intermediate and low momenta, already known from numerous pure Yang-Mills studies. One of our central findings is that the inclusion of dynamical quarks moderates the intensity of this phenomenon only mildly, leaving the asymptotic low-momentum behavior unaltered, but displaces the characteristic "zero crossing" deeper into the infrared region. In addition, the effect of the three-gluon vertex is explored at the level of the renormalization-group invariant combination corresponding to the effective gauge coupling, whose size is considerably reduced with respect to its counterpart obtained from the ghost-gluon vertex. The main upshot of the above considerations is the further confirmation of the tightly interwoven dynamics between the two- and three-point sectors of QCD.

Lagrangian BRST formulation of massive higher spin fields of generic symmetry type. (arXiv:1912.12079v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexander Chekmenev, relevance 0.00

We describe the procedure of dimensional reduction of massless fields in $(D+1)$ dimensional Minkowski space to massive ones in $D$ dimensions in the first-quantized setting. The procedure is compatible with Lagrangian and in a straightforward way determines the inner product for massive fields. Howe duality and the extensive usage of BRST formalism allows to keep the description concise. We consider both bosonic and fermionic mixed-symmetry fields.

Heterotic-Type I Dual Pairs, Rigid Branes and Broken Susy. (arXiv:1912.12062v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Carlo Angelantonj, Herve Partouche, Gianfranco Pradisi, relevance 0.39

The moduli space of toroidal type I vacua, which are consistent at the non-perturbative level, consists of independent branches characterized by the number (0, 16 or 32) of rigid branes sitting on top of orientifold planes. This structure persists also when supersymmetry is spontaneously broken a la Scherk-Schwarz. We show that all the components of the moduli space in dimension $D\ge 5$ indeed admit heterotic dual components, by explicitly constructing heterotic-type I dual pairs with the rank of the gauge group reduced by 0, 8 or 16 units. In the presence of spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry, the dual pairs we consider are also free of tachyonic instabilities at the one-loop level, provided the scale of supersymmetry breaking is lower than the string scale.

Supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models as anomalous gauge theories. (arXiv:1912.12034v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aya Kondo, Tomohiko Takahashi, relevance 3.85

We revisit supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models on the target manifold $CP^{N-1}$ and $SO(N)/SO(N-2)\times U(1)$ in four dimensions. These models are formulated as gauged linear models, but it is indicated that the Wess-Zumino term should be added to the linear model since the hidden local symmetry is anomalous. Applying a procedure used for quantization of anomalous gauge theories to the nonlinear models, we determine the form of the Wess-Zumino term, by which a global symmetry in the linear model becomes smaller in the action than the conventional one. Moreover, we analyze the resulting linear model in the $1/N$ leading order. Consequently, we find that the model has a critical coupling constant similar to bosonic models. In the weak coupling regime, the $U(1)$ local symmetry is broken but supersymmetry is never broken. In contrast to the bosonic case, it is impossible to find stable vacua in the strong coupling regime as far as in the $1/N$ leading order. These results are straightforwardly generalized to the case of the hermitian symmetric space.

Primordial Black Holes in Higgs-$R^2$ Inflation as a whole dark matter. (arXiv:1912.12032v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dhong Yeon Cheong, Sung Mook Lee, Seong Chan Park, relevance 9.43

Primordial black holes are produced in a minimal UV extension to the Higgs inflation with an included $R^2$ term. We show that for parameters consistent with Standard Model measurements and Planck observation results lead to $M_{\rm PBH} \in (10^{-17}, 10^{-15}) M_\odot$ primordial black holes with significant abundance, which may consist the majority of dark matter.

Topology of trace deformed Yang-Mills theory. (arXiv:1912.12028v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Claudio Bonati, Marco Cardinali, Massimo D'Elia, Fabrizio Mazziotti, relevance 0.80

In this paper we study, by means of numerical simulations, the topological properties of $SU(3)$ and $SU(4)$ trace deformed Yang-Mills theory defined on $ \mathbb{R}^3\times S^1$, in which center symmetry is recovered even at small compactification radii. In particular, we compute the topological suscpetibility $\chi$ and the coefficient $b_2$ (related to the fourth cumulant of the topological charge distribution). We find that these observables computed in the deformed theory when center symmetry is recovered are compatible with their values at zero temperature both for 3 and 4 colours

Can massive neutrinos be responsible for late time phase transition $\hat{\rm a}$ {\it la} deceleration to acceleration in our Universe?. (arXiv:1912.12026v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by M. Sami, Shynaray Myrzakul, Mudhahir Al Ajm, relevance 0.00

We attempt a novel mechanism to explain the underlying cause of late-time cosmic acceleration using a distinguished physical process taking place in the late Universe. The turning of massive neutrinos to non-relativistic might cause a phase transition at late times. We implement this idea using massless $\lambda \phi^4$ theory coupled to massive neutrino matter such that the coupling is proportional to the trace of the energy-momentum tensor of neutrfino matter. As massive neutrinos turn non-relativistic, coupling builds up dynamically giving rise to spontaneous symmetry breaking in the low-density regime. As a result, in the true vacuum, the field acquires non zero mass proportional to the energy density of massive neutrino matter and could give rise to late-time cosmic acceleration.

Creating ensembles of dual unitary and maximally entangling quantum evolutions. (arXiv:1912.12021v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Suhail Ahmad Rather, S. Aravinda, Arul Lakshminarayan, relevance 7.62

Maximally entangled bipartite unitary operators or gates find various applications from quantum information to being building blocks of minimal models of many-body quantum chaos, and have been referred to as ``dual unitaries". Dual unitary operators that can create the maximum average entanglement when acting on product states have to satisfy additional constraints. These have been called "2-unitaries" and are examples of perfect tensors that can be used to construct absolutely maximally entangled states of four parties. Hitherto, no systematic method exists, in any local dimension, which result in the formation of such special classes of unitary operators. We outline an iterative protocol, a nonlinear map on the space of unitary operators, that creates ensembles whose members are arbitrarily close to being dual unitaries, while for qutrits and ququads we find that a slightly modified protocol yields a plethora of 2-unitaries. We further characterize the dual unitary operators via their entangling power and the 2-unitaries via the distribution of entanglement created from unentangled states.

Quasinormal modes of Regular black holes: Non-minimally coupled massive scalar field perturbations. (arXiv:1912.12017v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Davood Mahdavian Yekta, Majid Karimabadi, S. A. Alavi, relevance 9.43

Black hole perturbation theory is a useful approach to study interactions between black holes and fundamental fields. A particular class of black hole solutions arising out of modification of Einstein's general theory of relativity are regular black holes (RBHs) which can be constructed using a nonlinear electrodynamic Lagrangian. Because of their importance, we are interested in studying the behavior of three kinds of such RBHs under perturbations generated by an external field. Indeed, we investigate the quasinormal modes (QNMs) of a massive scalar field propagating near the RBHs which is non-minimally coupled to the Ricciscalar tensor of background geometry. We numerically find the low-lying quasinormal frequencies of the perturbations by using the third-order WKB approximation. The frequencies of QNMs only depend on the properties of the black hole and are complex which their imaginary parts are important in determineing the stability of black hole against the scalar perturbations. We also study the greybody factors for RBHs in the WKB approximation using a numerical analysis.

Effect of Interacting Dark Energy on Expansion of the Universe. (arXiv:1912.12000v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Debasis Sahu, Bibekananda Nayak, relevance 0.00

In our present work, we study the evolution of the universe by assuming an interacting dark energy model, where dark energy interacts with matter. Basing on this model, first we calculated the dark energy density parameter and using this we have picturised the expansion of the universe. From our analysis, we found that presently observed accelerated expansion of the universe can be explained by interacting model, if the dark energy is quintessence type. Though equation of sate parameter of dark energy $\gamma_{\phi}$ for quintessence varies between $0$ and $-1$, our results predict that accelearted expansion is only possible for $\gamma_{\phi}$ less (more negative) than $-0.166$. It is also found that in early time the universe was undergoing an decelerated phase of expansion and transition from deceleration to acceleration would occur in recent past. Further, our model predicts that in near future again expansion of the universe will undergo a second transition from accelerated phase to a decelerated one and finally decelaration parameter will take a constant positive value $1/2$ as early universe indicating a constant rate of deceleration in far future like distant past.

Scalarization of horizonless reflecting stars: neutral scalar fields non-minimally coupled to Maxwell fields. (arXiv:1912.11989v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yan Peng, relevance 3.58

We analyze condensation behaviors of neutral scalar fields outside horizonless reflecting stars in the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar gravity. It was known that minimally coupled neutral scalar fields cannot exist outside horizonless reflecting stars. In this work, we consider non-minimal couplings between scalar fields and Maxwell fields, which is included to aim to trigger formations of scalar hairs. We analytically demonstrate that there is no hair theorem for small coupling parameters below a bound. For large coupling parameters above the bound, we numerically obtain regular scalar hairy configurations supported by horizonless reflecting stars.

Evidence of Odderon-exchange from scaling properties of elastic scattering at TeV energies. (arXiv:1912.11968v2 [hep-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by T. Csorgo, T. Novak, R. Pasechnik, A. Ster, I. Szanyi, relevance 0.00

We study the scaling properties of the differential cross section of elastic proton-proton ($pp$) and proton-antiproton ($p\bar p$) collisions at high energies. We introduce a new scaling function, that scales -- within the experimental errors -- all the ISR data on elastic $pp$ scattering from $\sqrt{s} = 23.5$ to $62.5$ GeV to the same universal curve. We explore the scaling properties of the differential cross-sections of the elastic $pp$ and $p\bar p$ collisions in a limited TeV energy range. Rescaling the TOTEM $pp$ data from $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV to $2.76$ and $1.96$ TeV, and comparing it to D0 $p\bar p$ data at $1.96$ TeV, our results provide an evidence for a $t$-channel Odderon exchange at TeV energies, with a significance of at least 6.26$\sigma$.

Galois Symmetry Induced by Hecke Relations in Rational Conformal Field Theory and Associated Modular Tensor Categories. (arXiv:1912.11955v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jeffrey A. Harvey, Yichen Hu, Yuxiao Wu, relevance 2.83

Hecke operators relate characters of rational conformal field theories (RCFTs) with different central charges, and extend the previously studied Galois symmetry of modular representations and fusion algebras. We show that the conductor $N$ of a RCFT and the quadratic residues mod $N$ play an important role in the computation and classification of Galois permutations. We establish a field correspondence in different theories through the picture of effective central charge, which combines Galois inner automorphisms and the structure of simple currents. We then make a first attempt to extend Hecke operators to the full data of modular tensor categories. The Galois symmetry encountered in the modular data appears in the fusion and the braiding matrices as well, and yields isomorphic structures in theories related by Hecke operators.

Spectral Fluctuations in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model. (arXiv:1912.11923v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yiyang Jia, Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot, relevance 0.00

We present a detailed quantitative analysis of spectral correlations in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. We find that the deviations from universal Random Matrix Theory (RMT) behavior are due to a small number of long-wavelength fluctuations from one realization of the ensemble to the next one. These modes can be parameterized effectively in terms of Q-Hermite orthogonal polynomials, the main contribution being the scale fluctuations for which we give a simple estimate. Our numerical results for $N=32$ show that only the lowest eight polynomials are needed to eliminate the nonuniversal part of the spectral fluctuations. The covariance matrix of the coefficients of this expansion is obtained analytically from low-order double-trace moments. We evaluate the covariance matrix of the first six moments and find that it agrees with the numerics. We also analyze the spectral correlation using a nonlinear $\sigma$-model, which is derived through a Fierz transformation, and evaluate the one and two-point spectral correlator to two-loop order. The wide correlator is given by the sum of the universal RMT result and corrections whose lowest-order term corresponds to scale fluctuations. However, the loop expansion of the $\sigma$-model results in an ill-behaved expansion of the resolvent, and it gives universal RMT fluctuations not only for $q=4$ but also for the $q=2$ SYK model while the correct result in this case should have been Poisson statistics. We analyze the number variance and spectral form factor for $N=32$ and $q=4$ numerically. We show that the quadratic deviation of the number variance for large energies appears as a peak for small times in the spectral form factor. After eliminating the long-wavelength fluctuations, we find quantitative agreement with RMT up to an exponentially large number of level spacings or exponentially short times, respectively.

Strong and weak lensing of Gravitational Waves: a semi-analytical approach. (arXiv:1912.11916v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Giulia Cusin, Ruth Durrer, Irina Dvorkin, relevance 0.65

In this paper we study gravitational lensing of gravitational wave events. The main point of the present work is to introduce a semi-analytic approach so that each ingredient can be varied and tested individually. Our analytic model for the source population is motivated by a numerical study and we compare semi-analytical and numerical results. We determine the expected magnification for events seen at a given observed luminosity distance. We find that while the probability of significant magnification of the observed LIGO-Virgo events is very small, the probability distribution of the magnification has a significant tail to high $\mu$ such that e.g. the variance of the magnification is very large and even diverges in the geometric optics approximation. For the 10 binary black hole mergers observed by LIGO-Virgo in the O1+O2 observation campaigns, the probability that one of them has been magnified with magnification of 5 or bigger is $\mathcal{P}_{\text{obs}}(>5)\sim 0.01$ while the probability of magnification by 50 or bigger is $\mathcal{P}_{\text{obs}}(>50)\sim 0.005$.

Photon Orbits and Thermodynamic Phase Transition of Regular AdS Black Holes. (arXiv:1912.11909v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Naveena Kumara A., C.L. Ahmed Rizwan, Ajith K.M., Md Sabir Ali, relevance 32.05

We probe the phase structure of regular AdS black holes using the null geodesics. The radius of photon orbit and minimum impact parameter shows a nonmonotonous behaviour below critical pressure, corresponds to the phase transition in extended phase space. The difference of the radius of unstable circular orbit and the minimum impact parameter can be seen as the order parameter for the small-large black hole phase transition. Our study shows that there exists a close relationship between the gravity and thermodynamics for the regular AdS black holes.

Cylindrically symmetric 2+1 gravity in terms of global variables:quantum dynamics. (arXiv:1912.11890v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alexander A. Andrianov, Yasser Elmahalawy, Artem Starodubtsev, relevance 2.63

We perform quantization of a model in which gravity is coupled to a circular dust shell in 2+1 spacetime dimensions. Canonical analysis shows that momentum space of this model is ADS^2-space, and the global chart for it is provided by the Euler angles. In quantum kinematics, this results in non-commutativity in coordinate space and discreteness of the shell radius in timelike region, which includes the collapse point. At the level of quantum dynamics, we find transition amplitudes between zero and non-zero eigenvalues of the shell radius, which describe the rate of gravitational collapse (bounce). Their values are everywhere finite, which could be interpreted as resolution of the central singularity.

Electromagnetism in Curved Spacetimes: An Introduction and the Coupling of the Doppler and Gravitational Redshifts. (arXiv:1912.11851v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Cameron R. D. Bunney, Gabriele Gradoni, relevance 4.01

Electromagnetism in curved spacetimes is reviewed to provide an introduction for current students of electromagnetism. We explore first the relevant prerequisites of electromagnetism in special relativity, covering appropriate mathematical preliminaries in differential geometry. Within special relativity, we provide the description of electromagnetic theory in terms of the Faraday tensor and show its equivalence to Maxwell's equations. We move to generalise the discussed theory to a general relativistic setting, introducing the reader to the foundations of Einstein's field equations, electrodynamics, electromagnetic radiation, and the propagation of electromagnetic radiation. We investigate gravitational redshift and present formulae for the combined effect of gravitational redshift and the Doppler shift and use dimensional analysis to show how one would use these formulae.

Binary Geometries, Generalized Particles and Strings, and Cluster Algebras. (arXiv:1912.11764v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nima Arkani-Hamed, Song He, Thomas Lam, Hugh Thomas, relevance 1.65

We introduce the notion of "binary" positive and complex geometries, giving a completely rigid geometric realization of the combinatorics of generalized associahedra attached to any Dynkin diagram. We also define open and closed "cluster string integrals" associated with these "cluster configuration spaces". The binary geometry of type ${\cal A}$ gives a gauge-invariant description of the usual open and closed string moduli spaces for tree scattering, making no explicit reference to a worldsheet. The binary geometries and cluster string integrals for other Dynkin types provide a generalization of particle and string scattering amplitudes. Both the binary geometries and cluster string integrals enjoy remarkable factorization properties at finite $\alpha'$, obtained simply by removing nodes of the Dynkin diagram. As $\alpha'\to 0$ these cluster string integrals reduce to the canonical forms of the ABHY generalized associahedron polytopes. For classical Dynkin types these are associated with $n$-particle scattering in the bi-adjoint $\phi^3$ theory through one-loop order.

Conformal bridge between freedom and confinement. (arXiv:1912.11752v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luis Inzunza, Mikhail S. Plyushchay, Andreas Wipf, relevance 5.51

We construct a non-unitary transformation that relates a given "asymptotically free" conformal quantum mechanical system $H_f$ with its confined, harmonically trapped version $H_c$. In our construction, Jordan states corresponding to the zero eigenvalue of $H_f$, as well as its eigenstates and Gaussian packets are mapped into the eigenstates, coherent states and squeezed states of $H_c$, respectively. The transformation is an automorphism of the conformal $\mathfrak{sl}(2,{\mathbb R})$ algebra of the nature of the fourth-order root of the identity transformation, to which a complex canonical transformation corresponds on the classical level being the fourth-order root of the spatial reflection. We investigate the one- and two-dimensional examples which reveal, in particular, a curious relation between the 2D free particle and the Landau problem.

Exclusion Inside or at the Border of Conformal Bootstrap Continent. (arXiv:1912.11748v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yu Nakayama, relevance 4.02

How large can anomalous dimensions be in conformal field theories? What can we do to attain larger values? One attempt to obtain large anomalous dimensions efficiently is to use the Pauli exclusion principle. Certain operators constructed out of constituent fermions cannot form bound states without introducing non-trivial excitations. To assess the efficiency of this mechanism, we compare them with the numerical conformal bootstrap bound as well as with other interacting field theory examples. In two dimensions, it turns out to be the most efficient: it saturates the bound and is located at the (second) kink. In higher dimensions, it more or less saturates the bound but it may be slightly inside.

Quantum Error Correction in Loop Quantum Gravity. (arXiv:1912.11725v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Deepak Vaid, relevance 10.98

Previous works (by Almiehri, Dong, Harlow, Pastakawski, Preskill, Yoshida and others) have established that quantum error correction plays an important role in understanding how the bulk degrees of freedom of an Anti-deSitter spacetime are encoded in the degrees of freedom of the boundary Conformal Field Theory. In previous work \cite{Vaid2013Elementary} I have argued that the Bilson-Thompson model \cite{Bilson-Thompson2006Quantum,Vaid2010Embedding} of elementary particles allows us to view elementary particles as gates for universal quantum computation. In the present work I show that the Bilson-Thompson model, where elementary particles are represented by elements of the framed braid group on three strands, provides an explicit model for the generation of qutrit (three-qubit) states which are the ingredients of Shor's quantum error correcting code. This allows, for the first time, to connect in a concrete manner the proposals of Almheiri, Pastawski, Preskill and others regarding the role of quantum error correction in quantum gravity, to a viable model of elementary particles. Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), the theory of quantum gravity in which such topological excitations exist, can thus serve as the glue which can connect AdS/CFT based approaches to quantum gravity to the well understood physics of the Standard Model.

Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. (arXiv:1912.11716v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration: R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, S. Abraham, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, C. Adams, R. X. Adhikari, V. B. Adya, C. Affeldt, M. Agathos, K. Agatsuma, N. Aggarwal, O. D. Aguiar, A. Aich, L. Aiello, A. Ain, P. Ajith, G. Allen, A. Allocca, P. A. Altin, A. Amato, S. Anand, A. Ananyeva, S. B. Anderson, W. G. Anderson, S. V. Angelova, S. Ansoldi, S. Antier, S. Appert, K. Arai, M. C. Araya, J. S. Areeda, M. Arène, N. Arnaud, S. M. Aronson, K. G. Arun, S. Ascenzi, G. Ashton, S. M. Aston, P. Astone, F. Aubin, P. Aufmuth, K. AultONeal, C. Austin, V. Avendano, S. Babak, P. Bacon, F. Badaracco, M. K. M. Bader, S. Bae, A. M. Baer, J. Baird, F. Baldaccini, G. Ballardin, S. W. Ballmer, A. Bals, A. Balsamo, G. Baltus, S. Banagiri, D. Bankar, R. S. Bankar, et al. (1185 additional authors not shown), relevance 0.60

Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo are actively monitoring the sky and collecting gravitational-wave strain data with sufficient sensitivity to detect signals routinely. In this paper we describe the data recorded by these instruments during their first and second observing runs. The main data products are the gravitational-wave strain arrays, released as time series sampled at 16384 Hz. The datasets that include this strain measurement can be freely accessed through the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center at this http URL, together with data-quality information essential for the analysis of LIGO and Virgo data, documentation, tutorials, and supporting software.

Schwarzschild Massive-Point-Particle Problem in Arbitrary Radial Gauge. (arXiv:1912.11709v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Plamen P. Fiziev, relevance 5.46

We present, for the first time, a correct solution of the Schwarzschild Massive Point (SMP) problem in {\em arbitrary} radial gauge and formulate the strict mathematical assumptions, which are necessary and sufficient for this. In GR, there exists a two-parameter family of such exact SMP solutions to the Einstein equations, which are physically distinguishable from the well-studied one parameter family of vacuum Schwarzschild solutions related with Schwarzschild Black Holes (SBH). The obtained here SMP family of solutions is defined by positive bare mass $M_0>0$ and positive Kepler mass $M<M_0$, or, alternatively, by the standard gravitational radius $\rho_g$ and mass ratio $\varrho=M/M_0 \in (0,1)$. The metrics of spacetime have an unavoidable jump at the place of a massive point particle. We also present a proper development of the theory of distribution defined by kernels with a finite jump which appear in the solution of SMP. The specific properties of these distributions are used for work with SMP. A series of physical properties of SMP solutions are derived and commented. Our findings are important for description of Extremely Compact Objects (ECOs) studied in relation with possible echoes in Gravitational Waves (GW) recently discovered by the LIGO/VIRGO collaboration.

Subgroup Of Finite Renormalizations, Conserving The NSVZ Relation In $\mathcal{N} = 1$ SQED. (arXiv:1912.11700v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by I.O.Goriachuk, A.L.Kataev, relevance 0.88

In supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics there is the exact relation between the expressed through the unrenormalized coupling gauge beta-function and the anomalous dimension of matter superfields. In the present report we describe the subgroup of general renormalization group transformations, conserving this relation exactly in all orders of the perturbation theory in terms of the renormalized coupling constant.

Cosmic event horizons and thelight-speed limit for relative radial motion. (arXiv:1912.11677v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Markus Pössel, relevance 10.85

Cosmic event horizons separate spacetime into disjoint regions: those regions whose light signals can reach us, and more distant regions we cannot, even in principle, observe. For one type of cosmic horizon, associated with universes that keep expanding forever, there is a simple intuitive picture of where the cosmic horizon is located, in terms of the relative speed between a distant galaxy and our own approaching the speed of light: Where the light-speed limit is reached, light signals from that distant galaxy will not be able to catch up with our own galaxy; that galaxy and more distant galaxies are behind the cosmic horizon. Applied to the usual recession speeds of galaxies, that simple picture turns out to be wrong. But there is another relevant concept of speed, derived from the relativistic relative velocity of galaxies, which in turn is defined via the parallel transport of four-velocities. This article shows how, using this concept of relative velocity, key elements of the intuitive picture are valid, and can be used in a simplified explanation for cosmic horizons. When phrased as a statement about relative radial velocities, the notion of light not being able to catch up with our own galaxy is consistent with the calculations, and the cosmic event horizon is indeed the limit where the relative radial velocity of distant Hubble-flow galaxies reaches the speed of light. While the derivation itself requires advanced concepts of general relativity, we also discuss consequences of this result for teaching about cosmic event horizons in less advanced settings, where students are not introduced to the full formalism of general relativity.

Multi-detector null-stream-based $\chi^2$ statistic for compact binary coalescence searches. (arXiv:1912.11667v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by William Dupree, Sukanta Bose, relevance 9.62

We develop a new multi-detector signal-based discriminator to improve the sensitivity of searches for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences. The new statistic is the traditional $\chi^2$ computed on a null-stream synthesized from the gravitational-wave detector strain time-series of three detectors. This null-stream-$\chi^2$ statistic can be extended to networks involving more than three detectors as well. The null-stream itself was proposed as a discriminator between correlated unmodeled signals in multiple detectors, such as arising from a common astrophysical source, and uncorrelated noise transients. It can be useful even when the signal model is known, such as for compact binary coalescences. The traditional $\chi^2$, on the other hand, is an effective discriminator when the signal model is known and lends itself to the matched-filtering technique. The latter weakens in its effectiveness when a signal lacks enough cycles in band; this can happen for high-mass black hole binaries. The former weakens when there are concurrent noise transients in different detectors in the network or the detector sensitivities are substantially different. Using simulated binary black hole signals, noise transients and strain for Advanced LIGO (in Livingston and Hanford) and Advanced Virgo detectors, we compare the performance of the null-stream-$\chi^2$ statistic with that of the traditional $\chi^2$ statistic using receiver-operating characteristics. The new statistic may form the basis for better signal-noise discriminators in multi-detector searches in the future.

Generalized Supersymmetric Pati-Salam Models from Intersecting D6-branes. (arXiv:1912.11633v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Tianjun Li, Adeel Mansha, Rui Sun, relevance 0.53

Following the scanning methods of arXiv:1910.04530, we for the first time systematically construct the $N=1$ supersymmetric $SU(12)_C\times SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R$ models, $SU(4)_C\times SU(6)_L\times SU(2)_R$ models, and $SU(4)_C\times SU(2)_L\times SU(6)_R$ models from the Type IIA orientifolds on $\bf T^6/(\mathbb Z_2\times \mathbb Z_2)$ with intersecting D6-branes. These gauge symmetries can be broken down to the Pati-Salam gauge symmetry $SU(4)_C\times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R$ via three $SU(12)_C/SU(6)_L/SU(6)_R$ adjoint representation Higgs fields, and further down to the Standard Model (SM) via the D-brane splitting and Higgs mechanism. Also, we obtain three families of the SM fermions, and have the left-handed and right-handed three-family SM fermion unification in the $SU(12)_C\times SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R$ models, the left-handed three-family SM fermion unification in the $SU(4)_C\times SU(6)_L\times SU(2)_R$ models, and the right-handed three-family SM fermion unification in the $SU(4)_C\times SU(2)_L\times SU(6)_R$ models. Moreover, the $SU(4)_C\times SU(6)_L\times SU(2)_R$ models and $SU(4)_C\times SU(2)_L\times SU(6)_R$ models are related by the left and right gauge symmetry exchanging, as well as a variation of type II T-duality. Furthermore, the hidden sector contains $USp(n)$ branes, which are parallel with the orientifold planes or their $Z_2$ images and might break the supersymmetry via gaugino condensations.

Prospects for improving cosmological parameter estimation with gravitational-wave standard sirens from Taiji. (arXiv:1912.11629v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ze-Wei Zhao, Ling-Feng Wang, Jing-Fei Zhang, Xin Zhang, relevance 1.16

Taiji, a space-based gravitational-wave observatory, consists of three satellites forming an equilateral triangle with arm length of $3\times 10^6$ km, orbiting around the Sun. Taiji is able to observe the gravitational-wave standard siren events of massive black hole binary (MBHB) merger, which is helpful in probing the expansion of the universe. In this paper, we preliminarily forecast the capability of Taiji for improving cosmological parameter estimation with the gravitational-wave standard siren data. We simulate five-year standard siren data based on three fiducial cosmological models and three MBHB growth and formation models. It is found that the standard siren data from Taiji can effectively break the cosmological parameter degeneracies generated by the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies data, especially for dynamical dark energy models. The constraints on cosmological parameters are significantly improved by the data combination CMB+Taiji, compared to the CMB data alone. Compared to the current optical cosmological observations, Taiji can still provide help in improving the cosmological parameter estimation to some extent. In addition, we consider an ideal scenario to investigate the potential of Taiji on constraining cosmological parameters. We conclude that the standard sirens of MBHB from Taiji will become a powerful cosmological probe in the future.

2 Fast 2 Fiducial: Gaussian processes for the interpolation and marginalization of waveform error in extreme-mass-ratio-inspiral parameter estimation. (arXiv:1912.11543v2 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alvin J. K. Chua, Natalia Korsakova, Christopher J. Moore, Jonathan R. Gair, Stanislav Babak, relevance 0.38

A number of open problems hinder our present ability to extract scientific information from data that will be gathered by the near-future gravitational-wave mission LISA. Many of these relate to the modeling, detection and characterization of signals from binary inspirals with an extreme component-mass ratio of $\lesssim10^{-4}$. In this paper, we draw attention to the issue of systematic error in parameter estimation due to the use of fast but approximate waveform models; this is found to be relevant for extreme-mass-ratio inspirals even in the case of waveforms with $\gtrsim90\%$ overlap accuracy and moderate ($\gtrsim30$) signal-to-noise ratios. A scheme that uses Gaussian processes to interpolate and marginalize over waveform error is adapted and investigated as a possible precursor solution to this problem. Several new methodological results are obtained, and the viability of the technique is successfully demonstrated on a three-parameter example in the setting of the LISA Data Challenge.

Brane mechanism of spontaneously generated gravity. (arXiv:1912.11520v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by A. A. Zheltukhin, relevance 0.00

The braneworld scenario is studied and the effective action of 3-brane living in 5-dim. Minkowski space is constructed. This action is proved to be invariant under spontaneously broken scale and Weyl symmetries and to encode a model of quadratic gravity generalizing the Starobinsky model. The symmetry breaking generates the Hilbert-Einstein term with the Newton constant $G_{N}\sim\frac{1}{\mu^{2}}$, where $\mu$ is a mass scale equal to the mean curvature of the vacuum hyper-worldsheet of 3-brane. This result proposes a brane modification of the mechanism of spontaneously generated gravity.

Superconformal indices, Seiberg dualities and special functions. (arXiv:1912.11514v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Vyacheslav P. Spiridonov, relevance 1.35

This is a brief account of relations between the theory of special functions, on the one side, and superconformal indices and Seiberg dualities of four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric gauge field theories, on the other side.

Nested algebraic Bethe ansatz for deformed orthogonal and symplectic spin chains. (arXiv:1912.11497v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Allan Gerrard, Vidas Regelskis, relevance 0.00

We construct exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues for $U_q(\mathfrak{sp}_{2n})$- and $U_q(\mathfrak{so}_{2n})$-symmetric closed spin chains by means of a nested algebraic Bethe ansatz method. We use a fusion procedure to construct higher-dimensional Lax operators. Our approach generalises and extends the results obtained by Reshetikhin and De Vega-Karowski. We also present a generalisation of Tarasov-Varchenko trace formula for nested Bethe vectors.

Hysteresis and beats in loop quantum cosmology. (arXiv:1912.11490v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by John L. Dupuy, Parampreet Singh, relevance 0.80

Differences in pressure during expansion and contraction stages in cosmic evolution can result in a hysteresis-like phenomena in non-singular cyclic models sourced with scalar fields. We discuss this phenomena for spatially closed isotropic spacetime in loop quantum cosmology (LQC) for a quadratic and a cosh-like potential, with and without a negative cosmological constant using effective spacetime description of the underlying quantum geometry. Two inequivalent loop quantizations of this spacetime, one based on holonomies of the Ashtekar-Barbero connection using closed loops, and another based on the connection operator, are discussed. Due to quantum geometric effects, both models avoid classical singularities, but unlike the holonomy based quantization, connection based quantization results in two quantum bounces. In spite of differences in non-singular effective dynamics of both the models, the phenomena of hysteresis is found to be robust for the $\phi^2$ potential. Quasi-periodic beats exist for a cosh-like potential, irrespective of the nature of classical recollapse whether by spatial curvature, or a negative cosmological constant. An interplay of negative cosmological constant and spatial curvature in presence of potentials results in rich features such as islands of cluster of bounces separated by accelerated expansion, and a universe which either undergoes a step like expansion with multiple turnarounds or quasi-periodic beats depending on a "tuning" of the steepness parameter of the potential.

Double-Janus Linear Sigma Models and Generalized Reciprocity for Gauss Sums. (arXiv:1912.11471v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ori J. Ganor, Hao-Yu Sun, Nesty R. Torres-Chicon, relevance 0.11

We study the supersymmetric partition function of a 2d linear $\sigma$-model whose target space is a torus with a complex structure that varies along one worldsheet direction and a K\"ahler modulus that varies along the other. This setup is inspired by the dimensional reduction of a Janus configuration of 4d $\mathcal{N}=4$ $U(1)$ Super-Yang-Mills theory compactified on a mapping torus ($T^2$ fibered over $S^1$) times a circle with an $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ duality wall inserted on $S^1$, but our setup has minimal supersymmetry. The partition function depends on two independent elements of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$, one describing the duality twist, and the other describing the geometry of the mapping torus. It is topological and can be written as a multivariate quadratic Gauss sum. By calculating the partition function in two different ways, we obtain identities relating different quadratic Gauss sums, generalizing the {\it Landsberg-Schaar} relation. These identities are a subset of a collection of identities discovered by F. Deloup. Each identity contains a phase which is an eighth root of unity, and we show how it arises as a Berry phase in the supersymmetric Janus-like configuration. Supersymmetry requires the complex structure to vary along a semicircle in the upper half-plane, as shown by Gaiotto and Witten in a related context, and that semicircle plays an important role in reproducing the correct Berry phase.

The correlation function of (1,1) and (2,2) supersymmetric theories with $T\bar{T}$ deformation. (arXiv:1912.11461v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Song He, Jia-Rui Sun, Yuan Sun, relevance 0.36

In the paper, based on recent studies on $T\bar{T}$ deformation of 2D field theory with supersymmetry, we investigate the deformed correlation functions in $\mathcal{N}=(1,1)$ and $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ 2D superconformal field theories. Up to the leading order in perturbation theory, we compute the correlation functions under $T\bar{T}$ deformation. The correlation functions in these undeformed theories are almost known, and together with the help of superconformal Ward identity in $\mathcal{N}=(1,1)$ and $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ theories respectively we can obtain the correlation functions with operator $T\bar{T}$ inserted. Finally, by employing dimensional regularization, we can work out the integrals in the first order perturbation. The study in this paper extends previous works on the correlation functions of $T\bar{T}$ deformed bosonic CFT to the supersymmetric case.

On-shell Methods for Form Factors in N=4 SYM and Their Applications. (arXiv:1912.11454v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gang Yang, relevance 1.23

Form factors are quantities that involve both asymptotic on-shell states and gauge invariant operators. They provide a natural bridge between on-shell amplitudes and off-shell correlation functions of operators, thus allowing us to use modern on-shell amplitude techniques to probe into the off-shell side of quantum field theory. In particular, form factors have been successfully used in computing the cusp (soft) anomalous dimensions and anomalous dimensions of general local operators. This review is intended to provide a pedagogical introduction to some of these developments. We will first review some amplitudes background using four-point amplitudes as main examples. Then we generalize these techniques to form factors, including (1) tree-level form factors, (2) Sudakov form factor and infrared singularities, and (3) form factors of general operators and their anomalous dimensions. Although most examples we consider are in N=4 super-Yang-Mill theory, the on-shell methods are universal and are expected to be applicable to general gauge theories.

Quartet-metric gravity, scalar-graviton dark substance and vacuum energy screening: extending GR vs. its WTDiff alternative. (arXiv:1912.11451v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Yury F. Pirogov, relevance 0.00

In the frameworks of the effective field theory of metric supplemented by some distinct dynamical coordinates parametrized, in turn, by a scalar quartet -- the so-called quartet-metric gravity -- the extension of tensor gravity through a massive scalar graviton in addition to the massless tensor one is consistently exposed. The field equations for the two realizations of such an extension originating from the classically equivalent prototype theories - General Relativity (GR) and its Weyl transverse (WTDiff) alternative - are derived and argued to be, generally, non-equivalent, with the pure-gravity case manifesting this explicitly in detail. A splitting of the cosmological constant onto the gravitating and non-gravitating parts, with a partial screening of the vacuum energy through an emergent scalar-graviton dark substance, is considered. A prior importance of treating the WTDiff gravity as a prototype one on par with GR, when looking for a putative next-to-GR extended theory of gravity with a scalar-graviton dark substance, is stressed.

Evolution of the accretion disk-corona during bright hard-to-soft state transition: A reflection spectroscopic study with GX 339-4. (arXiv:1912.11447v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Navin Sridhar (1), Javier A. García (2, 3), James F. Steiner (4), Riley M. T. Connors (2), Victoria Grinberg (5), Fiona A. Harrison (2) ((1) Columbia University, (2) Caltech, (3) Dr. Karl Remeis-Observatory and Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, (4) MIT, (5) Universität Tübingen), relevance 0.46

We present the analysis of several observations of the black hole binary GX 339--4 during its bright intermediate states from two different outbursts (2002 and 2004), as observed by RXTE/PCA. We perform a consistent study of its reflection spectrum by employing the relxill family of relativistic reflection models to probe the evolutionary properties of the accretion disk including the inner disk radius ($R_{\rm in}$), ionization parameter ($\xi$), temperatures of the inner disk ($T_{\rm in}$), corona ($kT_{\rm e}$), and its optical depth ($\tau$). Our analysis indicates that the disk inner edge approaches the inner-most stable circular orbit (ISCO) during the early onset of bright hard state, and that the truncation radius of the disk remains low ($< 9 R_{\rm g}$) throughout the transition from hard to soft state. This suggests that the changes observed in the accretion disk properties during the state transition are driven by variation in accretion rate, and not necessarily due to changes in the inner disk's radius. We compare the aforementioned disk properties in two different outbursts, with state transitions occurring at dissimilar luminosities, and find identical evolutionary trends in the disk properties, with differences only seen in corona's $kT_{\rm e}$ and $\tau$. We also perform an analysis by employing a self-consistent Comptonized accretion disk model accounting for the scatter of disk photons by the corona, and measure low inner disk truncation radius across the bright intermediate states, using the temperature dependent values of spectral hardening factor, thereby independently confirming our results from the reflection spectrum analysis.

The BFK-gluing formula and the curvature tensors on a 2-dimensional compact hypersurface. (arXiv:1912.11433v1 [math.DG])
in hep-th by Klaus Kirsten, Yoonweon Lee, relevance 0.00

In the proof of the BFK-gluing formula for zeta-determinants of Laplacians there appears a real polynomial whose constant term is an important ingredient in the gluing formula. This polynomial is determined by geometric data on an arbitrarily small collar neighborhood of a cutting hypersurface. In this paper we express the coefficients of this polynomial in terms of the scalar and principal curvatures of the cutting hypersurface embedded in the manifold when this hypersurface is 2-dimensional. Similarly, we express some coefficients of the heat trace asymptotics of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator in terms of the scalar and principal curvatures of the cutting hypersurface.

Hidden Analytic Structure of Higgs Amplitudes and Maximal Transcendentality Principle. (arXiv:1912.11422v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Qingjun Jin, Gang Yang, relevance 0.00

We present the computation of two-loop Higgs plus three-parton amplitudes with dimension-seven operators in Higgs effective field theory. The computation is based on the combination of unitarity cut and integration by parts methods in an unconventional way. The analytic results take remarkably simple form. In particular, the results show that the QCD and N=4 SYM results share the same leading transcendental parts. This generalizes the so-call maximal transcendentality principle to the Higgs amplitudes with high dimension operators and also with fundamental external quark states. Further simplicity also exists in lower transcendental parts, suggesting hidden structures beyond maximal transcendentality.

Gauge-invariant spectral description of the $U(1)$ Higgs model from local composite operators. (arXiv:1912.11390v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by David Dudal, Duive Maria van Egmond, Marcelo Santos Guimaraes, Ozorio Holanda, Leticia F. Palhares, Giovani Peruzzo, Silvio Paolo Sorella, relevance 4.95

The spectral properties of a set of local gauge-invariant composite operators are investigated in the $U(1)$ Higgs model quantized in the 't Hooft $R_{\xi}$ gauge. These operators enable us to give a gauge-invariant description of the spectrum of the theory, thereby surpassing certain incommodities when using the standard elementary fields. The corresponding two-point correlation functions are evaluated at one-loop order and their spectral functions are obtained explicitly. As expected, the above mentioned correlation functions are independent from the gauge parameter $\xi$, while exhibiting positive spectral densities as well as gauge-invariant pole masses corresponding to the massive photon and Higgs physical excitations.

Quantum Noise in Balanced Differential Measurements in Optics: Implication to the Wave Modes of Quantum Vacuum. (arXiv:1912.11362v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by C. S. Unnikrishnan, relevance 0.00

Experimental tests for assessing the physical reality of the hypothetical wave modes of quantum vacuum with zero-point energy are of fundamental importance for quantum field theories and cosmology. Physical effects like the Casimir effect have alternate description in terms of retarded interaction between charged matter, due to quantum fluctuations of material dipoles. However, there are simple quantum optical configurations where the hypothetical quantum vacuum modes seem to assume an essential real role in the observable quantum noise of optical signals. I present the logical and theoretical basis of a decisive test that relies on the comparisons of balanced homodyne detection with a novel differential scheme of balanced wave-front division detection, when the two real optical beams at the detectors are derived from one coherent beam as input. Both ideal and practical configurations of my experimental test are discussed. Results from the experiments on balanced detection, beam localization of optical beams, and atomic Bose-Einstein condensates are used to reach definite conclusions against the reality of the wave modes of quantum vacuum. It is shown that the entire quantum noise follows consistently from the state reduction of quantum superpositions of particle-number states at the point of detection, where the quantum measurement is completed. This is consistent with the demonstrated applications of squeezed light in interferometry and quantum metrology. This result achieves consistency between quantum noise in quantum optics and observational cosmology based on general relativity, by avoiding the wave modes of quantum vacuum with divergent zero-point energy density. Generalization from the limited sphere of quantum optics to general quantum field theories promises the complete solution to the problem of a divergent cosmological constant.

Scattering from compact objects: Regge poles and the complex angular momentum method. (arXiv:1912.11348v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Mohamed Ould El Hadj, Tom Stratton, Sam R. Dolan, relevance 0.70

We calculate the Regge poles of the scattering matrix for a gravitating compact body, for scalar fields and for gravitational waves in the axial sector. For a neutron-starlike body, the spectrum exhibits two distinct branches of poles, labeled surface waves and broad resonances; for ultracompact objects, the spectrum also includes a finite number of narrow resonances. We show, via a WKB analysis, that the discontinuity of the effective potential at the body's surface determines the imaginary component of the broad-resonance poles. Next, we examine the role of Regge poles in the time-independent scattering of monochromatic planar waves. We apply complex angular momentum techniques to re-sum the partial wave series for the scattering amplitude, expressing it as a residue series evaluated at poles in the first quadrant, accompanied by a background integral. We compute the scattering cross section at several frequencies, and show precise agreement with the partial-wave calculations. Finally, we show that compact bodies naturally give rise to orbiting, glory, and rainbow-scattering interference effects.

Abelian Chern-Simons vortices at finite chemical potential. (arXiv:1912.11321v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by S. Prem Kumar, Stanislav Stratiev, relevance 1.35

We examine vortices in Abelian Chern-Simons theory coupled to a relativistic scalar field with a chemical potential for particle number or U(1) charge. The Gauss constraint requires chemical potential for the local symmetry to be accompanied by a constant background charge density/magnetic field. Focussing attention on power law scalar potentials $\sim|\Phi|^{2s}$ which do not support vortex configurations in vacuum but do so at finite chemical potential, we numerically study classical vortex solutions for large winding number |n| >> 1. The solutions depending on a single dimensionless parameter $\alpha$, behave as uniform incompressible droplets with radius $\sim \sqrt {\alpha |n|}$ , and energy scaling linearly with |n|, independent of coupling constant. In all cases, the vortices transition from type I to type II at a critical value of the dimensionless parameter, $\alpha_c = s/(s-1)$, which we confirm with analytical arguments and numerical methods.

Brane universe and holography in spacetime of charged AdS dilaton black hole. (arXiv:1912.11319v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ai-chen Li, relevance 21.71

In the background of a charged AdS dilaton black hole, we investigate the movement of a self-graviting 3-brane and relevant holographic effects as the brane move close to the AdS boundary. The induced metric on brane corresponds to an exact FLRW geometry, while the evolution of brane is determined by Israel junction condition and the effective Einstein field equation on brane together. When the brane approaches the AdS boundary, AdS/CFT correspondence implies that a radiation dominated FLRW-universe ($P=\frac{1}{3}\rho$) should be given. According to the holographic renormalization procedure, we involve an appropriate surface counterterm into the gravitational action for achieving $P=\frac{1}{3}\rho$ on brane. This surface counterterm also plays a important role in caculating the mass of charged AdS dilaton black hole. Finally, we obtain the thermodynamic quantities and give an extend Cardy-Verlinde formula on brane.

Spectral Methods in Causal Dynamical Triangulations. (arXiv:1912.11311v1 [hep-lat])
in gr-qc by Giuseppe Clemente, Massimo D'Elia, Alessandro Ferraro, relevance 14.71

We show recent results of the application of spectral analysis in the setting of the Monte Carlo approach to Quantum Gravity known as Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT), discussing the behavior of the lowest lying eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator computed on spatial slices. This kind of analysis provides information about running scales of the theory and about the critical behaviour around a possible second order transition in the CDT phase diagram, discussing the implications for the continuum limit.

Gravitational waves in Modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity. (arXiv:1912.11309v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Tomohiro Inagaki, Masahiko Taniguchi, relevance 3.00

We study the gravitational waves in modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Applying the metric perturbation around a cosmological background, we obtain explicit expressions for the wave equations. It is shown that the speed of the traceless mode is equal to the speed of light. An additional massive scalar mode appears in the propagation of the gravitational waves. To find phenomena beyond the general relativity the scalar mode mass is calculated as a function of the background curvature in some typical models.

Induced cosmological and Newton constants from towers of states. (arXiv:1912.11296v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Hervé Partouche, Balthazar de Vaulchier, relevance 1.13

We consider quadratic gravity with only Ricci squared and Weyl squared kinetic terms at tree-level, coupled to specific numbers of infinite towers of free scalars, Weyl fermions and gauge bosons in four dimensions. We show that predictable cosmological and Newton constants are induced at 1-loop. This result is cross-checked using both the heat kernel method and Adler's approach.

SO(9) characterisation of the Standard Model gauge group. (arXiv:1912.11282v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Kirill Krasnov, relevance 4.21

A recent series of works by M. Dubois-Violette, I. Todorov and S. Drenska characterised the SM gauge group as the subgroup of SO(9) that, in the octonionic model of the later, preserves the split of the space of octonions into a copy of the complex plane plus the rest. This description, however, proceeded via the exceptional Jordan algebra J_3^8 and its group of automorphisms F_4, and remained rather indirect. The goal of this paper is to provide as explicit description as possible and also clarify the underlying geometry.

It is well-known that the groups SO(3), SO(5) and SO(9) have a complex, quaternionic and octonionic models respectively. The first of these is the familiar realisation of the (double cover of) the rotation group in three dimensions in terms of 2x2 special unitary matrices. Replacing complex numbers with quaternions and octonions one gets SO(5) and SO(9) respectively. Choosing a unit imaginary quaternion or octonion then equips quaternions or octonions with an almost complex structure, and thus introduces the splits H=C+C or O=C+C^3, where the first copy of C is the one containing the imaginary unit that generates the almost complex structure. The subgroup of transformations in SO(5) that preserves H=C+C is SU(2)xU(1)/Z_2. The subgroup of transformations in SO(9) that preserves the split C=C+C^3 is the Standard Model gauge group SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)/Z_6. We explain all these statements, as well as work out their analogs for the split quaternions and octonions.

Magneto-vortical effect in strongly coupled plasma. (arXiv:1912.11277v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Yanyan Bu, Shu Lin, relevance 0.69

Based on a holographic model incorporating both chiral anomaly and gravitational anomaly, we study the effect of magneto-vortical coupling on transport properties of a strongly coupled plasma. The focus of present work is on the generation of a vector charge density and an axial current, as response to vorticity in a magnetized plasma. The transport coefficients parameterising the vector charge density and axial current are calculated both analytically (in the weak magnetic field limit) and also numerically (for general values of the magnetic field). We find the generation of vector charge receives both non-anomalous and anomalous contributions, with the non-anomalous contribution dominating in the limit of strong magnetic field and the anomalous contribution sensitive to both chiral anomaly and gravitational anomaly. On the contrary, we find the axial current is induced entirely due to the gravitational anomaly, thus we interpret the axial current generation as chiral vortical effect. The corresponding chiral vortical conductivity is found to be suppressed by the magnetic field. By Onsager relation, these transport coefficients are responsible for the generation of a thermal current due to a transverse electric field or a transverse axial magnetic field, which we call thermal Hall effect and thermal axial magnetic effect, respectively.

A Special Class of the Scalar-Tensor Gravity with Scalar-Matter Direct Coupling. (arXiv:1912.11227v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Kim Jik-su, Kim Chol-jun, relevance 0.00

A role of the scalar-matter direct coupling in the evolution of scalar-tensor gravity was studied. If the coupling functions in the generalized scalar-tensor gravity satisfy a definite equation the scalar-tensor gravity is reduced to Einstein's tensor gravity. We consider the issue in Jordan frame and then Einstein frame. It is shown that the coupling strength in the right hand side of the master equation obtained in Damour and Nordtvedt(1993) must be added by a coupling strength $\hat{\beta}$ which characterizes the scalar-matter direct coupling. If a minimum of potential $\ln C(\varphi)$ does not coincide with one of the potential $\ln A(\varphi)$ or the potential $\ln C(\varphi)$ does not have any minimum and is a monotonic function, then the attractor mechanism of scalar-tensor gravity toward pure general relativity should be modified, and the combined potential $\ln A(\varphi)+\ln C(\varphi)$ will determine the attractor mechanism.

Emergent Dark Matter and Dark Energy from a Lattice Model. (arXiv:1912.11224v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luis Lozano, Hugo Garcia-Compean, relevance 0.53

We propose a quantum bosonic qubit model on a fcc lattice to obtain mimetic dark matter. The general relativity contribution is implemented similarly to other works but it differs strongly on the implementation of the constraint equations and their meaning. Different theories as mimetic dark matter, the vector mimetic dark mater, and tensor-vector-scalar models are implemented on the lattice. In all these cases, a generalized Gauss' law incorporates an additional topological defect depending on the type of generalization, but always fitting in the structure of the topological defects from general relativity contribution.

Two-dimensional perturbative scalar QFT and Atiyah-Segal gluing. (arXiv:1912.11202v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Santosh Kandel, Pavel Mnev, Konstantin Wernli, relevance 0.00

We study the perturbative quantization of 2-dimensional massive scalar field theory with polynomial (or power series) potential on manifolds with boundary. We prove that it fits into the functorial quantum field theory framework of Atiyah-Segal. In particular, we prove that the perturbative partition function defined in terms of integrals over configuration spaces of points on the surface satisfies an Atiyah-Segal type gluing formula. Tadpoles (short loops) behave nontrivially under gluing and play a crucial role in the result.

Entanglement branes and factorization in conformal field theory. (arXiv:1912.11201v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ling Yan Hung, Gabriel Wong, relevance 23.43

In this work, we consider the question of local Hilbert space factorization in 2D conformal field theory in the presence of a Kac-Moody symmetry. Generalizing previous work on entanglement and open-closed TQFT, we interpret the factorization of CFT states in terms of path integral processes that split and join the Hilbert spaces of circles and intervals. More abstractly, these processes are cobordisms of an extended CFT which are defined purely in terms of the OPE data. In addition to the usual sewing axioms, we impose an entanglement boundary condition that is satisfied by the vacuum Ishibashi state. This choice of entanglement boundary state leads to reduced density matrices that sum over super-selection sectors, which we identify as the CFT edge modes. Finally, we relate our factorization map to the co-product formula for the Kac-Moody algebra, which we show is equivalent to a Boguliubov transformation in the case of a free boson.

Geometric Obstructions on Gravity. (arXiv:1912.11198v1 [math-ph])
in gr-qc by Yuri Ximenes Martins, Rodney Josué Biezuner, relevance 0.56

These are notes for a short course and some talks gave at Departament of Mathematics and at Departament of Physics of Federal University of Minas Gerais, based on the author's paper arXiv:1808.09249. Some new information and results are also presented. Unlike the original work, here we try to give a more physical emphasis. In this sense, we present obstructions to realize gravity, modeled by the tetradic Einstein-Hilbert-Palatini (EHP) action functional, in a general geometric setting. In particular, we show that if spacetime has dimension $n\geq4$, then the cosmological constant plays no role in any "concrete geometries" other than Lorentzian. If $n\geq6$, then the entire EHP theory is trivial, meaning that Lorentzian geometry is (essentially) the only "concrete geometry" in which gravity (i.e, the EHP action functional) makes sense. Examples of "concrete geometries" include those locally modeled by group reductions $H\hookrightarrow O(k;A)$ for some $k$ and some algebra $A$, so that Riemannian geometry, Hermitian geometry, K\"ahler geometry and symplectic geometry, as well as Type II geometry, Hitchin's generalized complex geometry and $G_{2}$-geometry are included. We also study EHP theory in "abstract geometries", such as graded geometry (and hence supergeometry), and we show how the obstruction results extend to this context. We construct two theories naturally associated to EHP, which we call the geometric/algebraic dual of EHP, and we analyze the effect of the obstructions in these new theories. Finally, we speculate (and provide evidence for) the existence of a "universal obstruction condition".

$\mathbb{Z}_2^n$-Graded extensions of supersymmetric quantum mechanics via Clifford algebras. (arXiv:1912.11195v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by N. Aizawa, K. Amakawa, S. Doi, relevance 1.85

It is shown that the ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SQM) can be extended to a $\mathbb{Z}_2^n$-graded superalgebra. This is done by presenting quantum mechanical models which realize, with the aid of Clifford gamma matrices, the $\mathbb{Z}_2^n$-graded Poincar\'e algebra in one-dimensional spacetime. Reflecting the fact that the $\mathbb{Z}_2^n$-graded Poincar\'e algebra has a number of central elements, a sequence of models defining the $\mathbb{Z}_2^n$-graded version of SQM are provided for a given value of $n.$ In a model of the sequence, the central elements having the same $\mathbb{Z}_2^n$-degree are realized as dependent or independent operators. It is observed that as use the Clifford algebra of lager dimension, more central elements are realized as independent operators.

Higher-Derivative Corrections to Entropy and the Weak Gravity Conjecture in Anti-de Sitter Space. (arXiv:1912.11161v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sera Cremonini, Callum R. T. Jones, James T. Liu, Brian McPeak, relevance 17.35

We compute the four-derivative corrections to the geometry, extremality bound, and thermodynamic quantities of AdS-Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m black holes for general dimensions and horizon geometries. We confirm the universal relationship between the extremality shift at fixed charge and the shift of the microcanonical entropy, and discuss the consequences of this relation for the Weak Gravity Conjecture in AdS. The thermodynamic corrections are calculated using two different methods: first by explicitly solving the higher-derivative equations of motion and second, by evaluating the higher-derivative Euclidean on-shell action on the leading-order solution. In both cases we find agreement, up to the addition of a Casimir energy in odd dimensions. We derive the bounds on the four-derivative Wilson coefficients implied by the conjectured positivity of the leading corrections to the microcanonical entropy of thermodynamically stable black holes. These include the requirement that the coefficient of Riemann-squared is positive, meaning that the positivity of the entropy shift is related to the condition that $c - a$ is positive in the dual CFT. We discuss implications for the deviation of $\eta/s$ from its universal value and a potential lower bound.

Inflation from Fermions. (arXiv:1912.11124v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by David Benisty, relevance 1.13

A formulation of inflation driven by fermions $\psi$ is studied. Assumption of condensation for the spinor field simplifies the homogeneous solution of the Dirac equations and connects the spinor field with the scale parameter of the universe. Potentials which allow for a slow-roll dynamics yield new inflationary scenarios with initial de Sitter behavior. Investigating the scenario at the perturbation level gives the scalar spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio in agreement with Planck observations: As an example $V(\psi) = V_0 \exp \left[ \xi \log^{-1}|\bar{\psi}\psi|\right]$ gives $r \sim 10^{-4}$ and $n_s \sim 0.967$. The efficiency of inflation from fermions reveals the capabilities of the scenario and makes it a good candidate for the description of nature.

Energy inequalities in interacting quantum field theories. (arXiv:1912.11102v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Daniela Cadamuro, relevance 4.92

The classical energy conditions, originally motivated by the Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems of general relativity, are violated by quantum fields. A reminiscent notion of such conditions are the so called quantum energy inequalities (QEIs), which are however not known to hold generally in quantum field theory. Here we present first steps towards investigating QEIs in quantum field theories with self-interaction.

Nonperturbative Mellin Amplitudes: Existence, Properties, Applications. (arXiv:1912.11100v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Joao Penedones, Joao A. Silva, Alexander Zhiboedov, relevance 3.28

We argue that nonperturbative CFT correlation functions admit a Mellin amplitude representation. Perturbative Mellin representation readily follows. We discuss the main properties of nonperturbative CFT Mellin amplitudes: subtractions, analyticity, unitarity, Polyakov conditions and polynomial boundedness at infinity. Mellin amplitudes are particularly simple for large N CFTs and 2D rational CFTs. We discuss these examples to illustrate our general discussion. We consider subtracted dispersion relations for Mellin amplitudes and use them to derive bootstrap bounds on CFTs. We combine crossing, dispersion relations and Polyakov conditions to write down a set of extremal functionals that act on the OPE data. We check these functionals using the known 3d Ising model OPE data and other known bootstrap constraints. We then apply them to holographic theories.

Remarks on a compact Abelian Higgs model. (arXiv:1912.11091v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Patricio Gaete, José A. Helayël-Neto, relevance 0.46

Aspects of screening and confinement are re-examined for a recently proposed compact Abelian Higgs model with a $\theta$-term. Our discussion is accomplished using the gauge-invariant but path-dependent variables formalism, which is an alternative to the Wilson loop approach. We explicitly show that the static potential profile is the sum of an effective-Yukawa and a linear potential, leading to the confinement of static external charges. We point out the central r\^ole of the parameter measuring the stiffness of the vortex lines present in the model in both the Yukawa-like and the confining sectors of the effective inter-particle potential we have computed.

Phase Transition of AdS Black hole in Massive Gravity Revisited via New Prescription. (arXiv:1912.11075v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by M. Chabab, H. El Moumni, S. Iraoui, K. Masmar, relevance 13.56

We apply the new thermodynamical method proposed initially by Hindi. et al \cite{base} to revisit the phase structure of the AdS black hole in the massive gravity framework. In comparison to the standard thermodynamical method used in literature \cite{mass}, we show that this new technical approach can easily reproduce the critical behavior inherent to this black hole configuration and addresses some of the shortcomings of the standard method. We also show the ability of this new perception to find all possible critical points and regions in which phase transitions occur, an impossible task in the standard method.

Numerical Metrics, Curvature Expansions and Calabi-Yau Manifolds. (arXiv:1912.11068v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Wei Cui, James Gray, relevance 0.00

We discuss the extent to which numerical techniques for computing approximations to Ricci-flat metrics can be used to investigate hierarchies of curvature scales on Calabi-Yau manifolds. Control of such hierarchies is integral to the validity of curvature expansions in string effective theories. Nevertheless, for seemingly generic points in moduli space it can be difficult to analytically determine if there might be a highly curved region localized somewhere on the Calabi-Yau manifold. We show that numerical techniques are rather efficient at deciding this issue.

All-Mass $n$-gon Integrals in $n$ Dimensions. (arXiv:1912.11067v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jacob L. Bourjaily, Einan Gardi, Andrew J. McLeod, Cristian Vergu, relevance 0.34

We explore the correspondence between one-loop Feynman integrals and (hyperbolic) simplicial geometry to describe the "all-mass" case: integrals with generic external and internal masses. Specifically, we focus on $n$-particle integrals in exactly $n$ space-time dimensions, as these integrals have particularly nice geometric properties and respect a dual conformal symmetry. In four dimensions, we leverage this geometric connection to give a concise dilogarithmic expression for the all-mass box in terms of the Murakami-Yano formula. In five dimensions, we use a generalized Gauss-Bonnet theorem to derive a similar dilogarithmic expression for the all-mass pentagon. We also use the Schl\"afli formula to write down the symbol of these integrals for all $n$. Finally, we discuss how the geometry behind these formulas depends on space-time signature, and we gather together many results related to these integrals from the mathematics and physics literature.

Does scrambling equal chaos?. (arXiv:1912.11063v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tianrui Xu, Thomas Scaffidi, Xiangyu Cao, relevance 1.42

Focusing on semiclassical systems, we show that the parametrically long exponential growth of out-of-time order correlators (OTOCs), also known as scrambling, does not necessitate chaos. Indeed, scrambling can simply result from the presence of unstable fixed points in phase space, even in a classically integrable model. We derive a lower bound on the OTOC Lyapunov exponent which depends only on local properties of such fixed points. We present several models for which this bound is tight, i.e. for which scrambling is dominated by the local dynamics around the fixed points. We propose that the notion of scrambling be distinguished from that of chaos.

Radion-Activated Higgs Mechanism. (arXiv:1912.11053v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Cem Eröncel, Jay Hubisz, Gabriele Rigo, relevance 0.31

We study multi-scalar models of radius stabilization, with an eye towards application to novel extra-dimensional models of symmetry breaking. With inspiration from holography, we construct a multi-scalar effective potential that is a function of UV-brane values of the scalar fields, and that takes into account bulk gravitational backreaction. We study extrema of this potential, and additionally provide a "superpotential" method for generating static solutions for the extra-dimensional geometry. We apply these methods to some simple models of the Higgs mechanism where the Higgs itself plays a non-trivial role in radius stabilization. We conclude that mass mixing of the Higgs and radion is generic unless additional symmetries are imposed. We focus on models with moderate gap between the electroweak and Kaluza-Klein scale, as required by phenomenological constraints. We note that tuning of the Higgs mass relative to the KK scale is related to various classes of tuning of 5D parameters, with different resulting spectra and phenomenologies.

Three Point Energy Correlators in the Collinear Limit: Symmetries, Dualities and Analytic Results. (arXiv:1912.11050v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Hao Chen, Ming-Xing Luo, Ian Moult, Tong-Zhi Yang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Hua Xing Zhu, relevance 0.00

Energy Correlators measure the energy deposited in multiple detectors as a function of the angles between the detectors. In this paper, we analytically compute the three particle correlator in the collinear limit in QCD for quark and gluon jets, and also in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory. We find an intriguing duality between the integrals for the energy correlators and infrared finite Feynman parameter integrals, which maps the angles of the correlators to dual momentum variables. In $\mathcal{N}=4$, we use this duality to express our result as a rational sum of simple Feynman integrals (triangles and boxes). In QCD our result is expressed as a sum of the same transcendental functions, but with more complicated rational functions of cross ratio variables as coefficients. Our results represent the first analytic calculation of a three-prong jet substructure observable of phenomenological relevance for the LHC, revealing unexplored simplicity in the energy flow of QCD jets. They also provide valuable data for improving the understanding of the light-ray operator product expansion.

Generalised Cosets. (arXiv:1912.11036v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Saskia Demulder, Falk Hassler, Giacomo Piccinini, Daniel C. Thompson, relevance 0.13

Recent work has shown that two-dimensional non-linear $\sigma$-models on group manifolds with Poisson-Lie symmetry can be understood within generalised geometry as exemplars of generalised parallelisable spaces. Here we extend this idea to target spaces constructed as double cosets $M=\widetilde{G} \backslash D / H$. Mirroring conventional coset geometries, we show that on $M$ one can construct a generalised frame field and a $H$-valued generalised spin connection that together furnish an algebra under the generalised Lie derivative. This results naturally in a generalised covariant derivative with a (covariantly) constant generalised intrinsic torsion, lending itself to the construction of consistent truncations of 10-dimensional supergravity compactified on $M$. An important feature is that $M$ can admit distinguished points, around which the generalised tangent bundle should be augmented by localised vector multiplets. We illustrate these ideas with explicit examples of two-dimensional parafermionic theories and NS5-branes on a circle.

Helical vortical effects, helical waves, and anomalies of Dirac fermions. (arXiv:1912.11034v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Victor E. Ambrus, M. N. Chernodub, relevance 0.78

Helicity is a classically conserved quantity which can be used, in addition to and independently of the (vector) charge and chirality, to characterize thermodynamic ensembles of massless Dirac fermions. We identify a symmetry of the Dirac Lagrangian which is responsible, via the Noether theorem, to the classical conservation of the helicity current. We demonstrate the existence of new nondissipative transport phenomena, helical vortical effects, that emerge in a helically-imbalanced rotating fermionic system. These phenomena lead to appearance of a new gapless hydrodynamic excitation, the helical vortical wave. Our results also imply that the helical symmetry suffers from a quantum anomaly. We conjecture the existence of a new type of triangle anomalies in QED which involve the helicity currents in addition to the standard vector and axial currents.

An entropy current for dynamical blackholes in four-derivative theories of gravity. (arXiv:1912.11030v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Sayantani Bhattacharyya, Anirban Dinda, Nilay Kundu, relevance 18.80

We propose an entropy current for dynamical black holes in a theory with arbitrary four derivative corrections to Einstein's gravity, linearized around a stationary black hole. The Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory is a special case of the class of theories that we consider. Within our approximation, our construction allows us to write down a completely local version of the second law of black hole thermodynamics, in the presence of the higher derivative corrections considered here. This ultra-local, stronger form of the second law is a generalization of a weaker form, applicable to the total entropy, integrated over a compact `time-slice' of the horizon, a proof of which has been recently presented in arXiv:1504.08040. We also provide a general algorithm to construct the entropy current for the four derivative theories, which may be straightforwardly generalized to arbitrary higher derivative corrections to Einstein's gravity. This algorithm highlights the possible ambiguities in defining the entropy current.

Exploring the Membrane Theory of Entanglement Dynamics. (arXiv:1912.11024v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Márk Mezei, Julio Virrueta, relevance 20.83

Recently an effective membrane theory valid in a "hydrodynamic limit" was proposed to describe entanglement dynamics of chaotic systems based on results in random quantum circuits and holographic gauge theories. In this paper, we show that this theory is robust under a large set of generalizations. In generic quench protocols we find that the membrane couples geometrically to hydrodynamics, joining quenches are captured by branes in the effective theory, and the entanglement of time evolved local operators can be computed by probing a time fold geometry with the membrane. We also demonstrate that the structure of the effective theory does not change under finite coupling corrections holographically dual to higher derivative gravity and that subleading orders in the hydrodynamic expansion can be incorporated by including higher derivative terms in the effective theory.

Composite Fermions as Deformed Oscillators: Wavefunctions and Entanglement. (arXiv:1912.11021v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by A. M. Gavrilik, Yu. A. Mishchenko, relevance 21.30

Composite structure of particles somewhat modifies their statistics, compared to the pure Bose- or Fermi-ones. The spin-statistics theorem, so, is not valid anymore. Say, $\pi$-mesons, excitons, Cooper pairs are not ideal bosons, and, likewise, baryons are not pure fermions. In our preceding papers, we studied bipartite composite boson (i.e. quasiboson) systems via a realization by deformed oscillators. Therein, the interconstituent entanglement characteristics such as entanglement entropy and purity were found in terms of the parameter of deformation. Herein, we perform an analogous study of composite Fermi-type particles, and explore them in two major cases: (i) "boson + fermion" composite fermions (or cofermions, or CFs); (ii) "deformed boson + fermion" CFs. As we show, cofermions in both cases admit only the realization by ordinary fermions. Case (i) is solved explicitly, and admissible wavefunctions are found along with entanglement measures. Case (ii) is treated within few modes both for CFs and constituents. The entanglement entropy and purity of CFs are obtained via the relevant parameters and illustrated graphically.

The trident process in laser pulses. (arXiv:1912.11017v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Victor Dinu, Greger Torgrimsson, relevance 0.00

We study the trident process in laser pulses. We provide exact numerical results for all contributions, including the difficult exchange term. We show that all terms are in general important for a short pulse. For a long pulse we identify a term that gives the dominant contribution even if the intensity is only moderately high, $a_0\gtrsim1$, which is an experimentally important regime where the standard locally-constant-field (LCF) approximation cannot be used. We show that the spectrum has a richer structure at $a_0\sim1$, compared to the LCF regime $a_0\gg1$. We study the convergence to LCF as $a_0$ increases and how this convergence depends on the momentum of the initial electron. We also identify the terms that dominate at high energy.

Approximating higher-order nonlinear QED processes with first-order building blocks. (arXiv:1912.11015v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Victor Dinu, Greger Torgrimsson, relevance 0.00

Higher-order tree-level processes in strong laser fields, i.e. cascades, are in general extremely difficult to calculate, but in some regimes the dominant contribution comes from a sequence of first-order processes, i.e. nonlinear Compton scattering and nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production. At high intensity the field can be treated as locally constant, which is the basis for standard particle-in-cell codes. However, the locally-constant-field (LCF) approximation and these particle-in-cell codes cannot be used when the intensity is only moderately high, which is a regime that is experimentally relevant. We have shown that one can still use a sequence of first-order processes to estimate higher orders at moderate intensities provided the field is sufficiently long. An important aspect of our new ``gluing'' approach is the role of the spin/polarization of intermediate particles, which is more nontrivial compared to the LCF regime.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods in Quantum Field Theories: A Modern Primer. (arXiv:1912.10997v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Anosh Joseph, relevance 0.62

We introduce and discuss Monte Carlo methods in quantum field theories. Methods of independent Monte Carlo, such as random sampling and importance sampling, and methods of dependent Monte Carlo, such as Metropolis sampling and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, are introduced. We review the underlying theoretical foundations of Markov chain Monte Carlo. We provide several examples of Monte Carlo simulations, including one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator, unitary matrix model exhibiting Gross-Witten-Wadia transition and a supersymmetric model exhibiting dynamical supersymmetry breaking.

General F-theory models with tuned $(\operatorname{SU}(3) \times \operatorname{SU}(2) \times \operatorname{U}(1)) / \mathbb{Z}_6$ symmetry. (arXiv:1912.10991v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nikhil Raghuram, Washington Taylor, Andrew P. Turner, relevance 0.89

We construct a general form for an F-theory Weierstrass model over a general base giving a 6D or 4D supergravity theory with gauge group $(\operatorname{SU}(3) \times \operatorname{SU}(2) \times \operatorname{U}(1)) / \mathbb{Z}_6$ and generic associated matter, which includes the matter content of the standard model. The Weierstrass model is identified by unHiggsing a model with $\operatorname{U}(1)$ gauge symmetry and charges $q \le 4$ previously found by the first author. This model includes two distinct branches that were identified in earlier work, and includes as a special case the class of models recently studied by Cveti\v{c}, Halverson, Lin, Liu, and Tian, for which we demonstrate explicitly the possibility of unification through an $\operatorname{SU}(5)$ unHiggsing. We develop a systematic methodology for checking that a parameterized class of F-theory Weierstrass models with a given gauge group $G$ and fixed matter content is generic (contains all allowed moduli) and confirm that this holds for the models constructed here.

Higher-derivative couplings in string theory: five-point contact terms. (arXiv:1912.10974v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by James T. Liu, Ruben Minasian, relevance 0.00

We compute the tree-level $H^2R^3$ couplings of type II strings and provide some basic tests of the couplings by considering both K3 and Calabi-Yau threefold compactifications. Curiously, additional kinematical structures show up at tree level that are not present in the one-loop couplings. This has interesting implications for type II supersymmetry as well as $SL(2, \mathbb Z)$ duality in type IIB strings.

Extended BMS Algebra of Celestial CFT. (arXiv:1912.10973v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Angelos Fotopoulos, Stephan Stieberger, Tomasz R. Taylor, Bin Zhu, relevance 11.00

We elaborate on the proposal of flat holography in which four-dimensional physics is encoded in two-dimensional celestial conformal field theory (CCFT). The symmetry underlying CCFT is the extended BMS symmetry of (asymptotically) flat spacetime. We use soft and collinear theorems of Einstein-Yang-Mills theory to derive the OPEs of BMS field operators generating superrotations and supertranslations. The energy-momentum tensor, given by a shadow transform of a soft graviton operator, implements superrotations in the Virasoro subalgebra of $\mathfrak{bms_4}$. Supertranslations can be obtained from a single translation generator along the light-cone direction by commuting it with the energy-momentum tensor. This operator also originates from a soft graviton and generates a flow of conformal dimensions. All supertranslations can be assembled into a single primary conformal field operator on celestial sphere.

LieART 2.0 -- A Mathematica Application for Lie Algebras and Representation Theory. (arXiv:1912.10969v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Robert Feger, Thomas W. Kephart, Robert J. Saskowski, relevance 1.77

We present LieART 2.0 which contains substantial extensions to the Mathematica application LieART (Lie Algebras and Representation Theory) for computations frequently encountered in Lie algebras and representation theory, such as tensor product decomposition and subalgebra branching of irreducible representations. The basic procedure is unchanged: it computes root systems of Lie algebras, weight systems and several other properties of irreducible representations, but new features and procedures have been included to allow the extensions to be seamless. The new version of LieART continues to be user friendly. New extended tables of properties, tensor products and branching rules of irreducible representations are included in the supplementary material for use without Mathematica software. LieART 2.0 now includes the branching rules to special subalgebras for all classical and exceptional Lie algebras up to and including rank 15.

Snyder-de Sitter meets the Grosse-Wulkenhaar model. (arXiv:1912.10962v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by S. A. Franchino-Viñas, S. Mignemi, relevance 8.71

We study an interacting $\lambda\,\phi^4_{\star}$ scalar field defined on Snyder-de Sitter space. Due to the noncommutativity as well as the curvature of this space, the renormalization of the two-point function differs from the commutative case. In particular, we show that the theory in the limit of small curvature and noncommutativity is described by a model similar to the Grosse-Wulkenhaar one. Moreover, very much akin to what happens in the Grosse-Wulkenhaar model, our computation demonstrates that there exists a fixed point in the renormalization group flow of the harmonic and mass terms.

Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformation and hatted zeta-values. (arXiv:1912.10957v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A.V. Kotikov, S. Teber, relevance 2.13

We show an exact formula obtained in [1], which relates hatted and standard zeta-values to all orders of perturbation theory. The formula is based on the Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin (LKF) transformation between the massless propagators of charged particles interacting with gauge fields, in two different gauges.

Quantum dynamics of scalar particles in the space-time of a cosmic string in the context of gravity's rainbow. (arXiv:1912.10923v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by L. C. N. Santos, C. E. Mota, C. C. Barros Jr., L. B. Castro, V. B. Bezerra, relevance 0.00

We analyze the dynamics of scalar particles in gravity's rainbow considering the space-time of a cosmic string in this modified gravity. Thus, we solve the Klein-Gordon equation for two types of potential in which two possible rainbow functions are selected. In all cases studied we obtain exact solutions for the wave equation, derive the energy spectrum, analyze it in detail and discuss the dependence of the results with the choice of the rainbow functions.

Radial Anharmonic Oscillator: Perturbation Theory, New Semiclassical Expansion, Approximating Eigenfunctions. II. Quartic and Sextic Anharmonicity Cases. (arXiv:1912.10919v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by J C del Valle, A V Turbiner, relevance 2.38

In our previous paper I (del Valle--Turbiner, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A34, 1950143, 2019) it was developed the formalism to study the general $D$-dimensional radial anharmonic oscillator with potential $V(r)= \frac{1}{g^2}\,\hat{V}(gr)$. It was based on the Perturbation Theory (PT) in powers of $g$ (weak coupling regime) and in inverse, fractional powers of $g$ (strong coupling regime) in both $r$-space and in $(gr)$-space, respectively. As the result it was introduced - the Approximant - a locally-accurate uniform compact approximation of a wave function. If taken as a trial function in variational calculations it has led to variational energies of unprecedented accuracy for cubic anharmonic oscillator. In this paper the formalism is applied to both quartic and sextic, spherically-symmetric radial anharmonic oscillators with two term potentials $V(r)= r^2 + g^{2(m-1)}\, r^{2m}, m=2,3$, respectively. It is shown that a two-parametric Approximant for quartic oscillator and a five-parametric one for sextic oscillator for the first four eigenstates used to calculate the variational energy are accurate in 8-12 figures for any $D=1,2,3\ldots $ and $g \geq 0$, while the relative deviation of the Approximant from the exact eigenfunction is less than $10^{-6}$ for any $r \geq 0$.

The breakdown of weak null singularities inside black holes. (arXiv:1912.10890v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Maxime Van de Moortel, relevance 26.99

It is widely expected that generic black holes have a non-empty but weakly singular Cauchy horizon, due to mass inflation. Indeed this has been proven by the author in the spherical collapse of a charged scalar field, under decay assumptions of the field in the black exterior which are conjectured to be generic. A natural question then arises: can this weakly singular Cauchy horizon close off the space-time, or does the weak null singularity necessarily "break down", giving way to a different type of singularity? The main result of this paper is to prove that the Cauchy horizon cannot ever "close off" the space-time. As a consequence, the weak null singularity breaks down and transitions to a different singularity for which the area-radius $r$ extends to $0$.

The High-Energy Limit of 2-to-2 Partonic Scattering Amplitudes. (arXiv:1912.10883v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Einan Gardi, Simon Caron-Huot, Joscha Reichel, Leonardo Vernazza, relevance 0.00

Recently, there has been significant progress in computing scattering amplitudes in the high-energy limit using rapidity evolution equations. We describe the state-of-the-art and demonstrate the interplay between exponentiation of high-energy logarithms and that of infrared singularities. The focus in this talk is the imaginary part of 2 to 2 partonic amplitudes, which can be determined by solving the BFKL equation. We demonstrate that the wavefunction is infrared finite, and that its evolution closes in the soft approximation. Within this approximation we derive a closed-form solution for the amplitude in dimensional regularization, which fixes the soft anomalous dimension to all orders at NLL accuracy. We then turn to finite contributions of the amplitude and show that the remaining hard contributions can be determined algorithmically, by iteratively solving the BFKL equation in exactly two dimensions within the class of single-valued harmonic polylogarithms. To conclude we present numerical results and analyse large-order behaviour of the amplitude.

Non-minimal quasi-holes and topological degeneracy of FQHE. (arXiv:1912.10868v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Riccardo Bergamin, relevance 1.94

We extend the analysis of the Vafa $\mathcal{N}=4$ SUSY model of FQHE and discuss other observables which characterize the FQHE topological order. We consider in particular the braiding properties of quasi-holes with generic charge. As one naturally expects, any quasi-hole is associated with an irreducible representation of $SU(2)$ and the statistics of a bunch of $d$ punctures is described by the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov connection specialized to the corresponding representation. We also discuss the higher genus generalization of the Vafa model of FQHE and the corresponding $tt^{*}$ geometry.

Non-adiabatic cosmological production of ultra-light Dark Matter. (arXiv:1912.10859v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nathan Herring, Daniel Boyanovsky, Andrew R. Zentner, relevance 0.00

We study the non-adiabatic cosmological production of ultra light dark matter (ULDM) under a minimal set of assumptions: a free ultra light real scalar as a spectator field in its Bunch-Davies vacuum state during inflation and instantaneous reheating into a radiation dominated era. For (ULDM) fields minimally coupled to gravity, non-adiabatic particle production yields a \emph{distribution function} peaked at \emph{low} comoving momentum $\mathcal{N}_k \propto 1/k^3$. The infrared behavior is a remnant of the infrared enhancement of light minimally coupled fields during inflation. We obtain the full energy momentum tensor, show explicity its equivalence with the fluid-kinetic one in the adiabatic regime, and extract the abundance, equation of state and free streaming length (cutoff in the matter power spectrum). Taking the upper bound on the scale of inflation from Planck, the (UDLM) saturates the dark matter abundance for $m \simeq 1.5\,\times 10^{-5}\mathrm{eV}$ with an equation of state parameter $w \simeq 10^{-14}$ and a free streaming length $\lambda_{fs} \simeq 70\,\mathrm{pc}$. Thus this cosmologically produced (ULDM) yields a \emph{cold} dark matter particle. We argue that the abundance from non-adiabatic production yields a \emph{lower bound} on generic (ULDM) and axion-like particles that must be included in any assessment of (ULDM) as a dark matter candidate.

Gaussianity and typicality in matrix distributional semantics. (arXiv:1912.10839v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sanjaye Ramgoolam, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh, Lewis Sword, relevance 0.00

Constructions in type-driven compositional distributional semantics associate large collections of matrices of size $D$ to linguistic corpora. We develop the proposal of analysing the statistical characteristics of this data in the framework of permutation invariant matrix models. The observables in this framework are permutation invariant polynomial functions of the matrix entries, which correspond to directed graphs. Using the general 13-parameter permutation invariant Gaussian matrix models recently solved, we find, using a dataset of matrices constructed via standard techniques in distributional semantics, that the expectation values of a large class of cubic and quartic observables show high gaussianity at levels between 90 to 99 percent. Beyond expectation values, which are averages over words, the dataset allows the computation of standard deviations for each observable, which can be viewed as a measure of typicality for each observable. There is a wide range of magnitudes in the measures of typicality. The permutation invariant matrix models, considered as functions of random couplings, give a very good prediction of the magnitude of the typicality for different observables. We find evidence that observables with similar matrix model characteristics of Gaussianity and typicality also have high degrees of correlation between the ranked lists of words associated to these observables.

Multi-pole Dark Energy. (arXiv:1912.10830v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Chao-Jun Feng, Xiang-Hua Zhai, Xin-Zhou Li, relevance 0.00

While a scalar field with a pole in its kinetic term is often used to study the cosmological inflation, it can also play the role of dark energy, which is called the pole dark energy model. We propose a generalized model that the scalar field may have two or even multiple poles in the kinetic term and we call it the multi-pole dark energy. We find the poles can place some restrictions on the values of the original scalar field with non-canonical kinetic term. After transforming to the canonical form, we get a flat potential for the transformed new scalar field even if the original field has a steep one. It The late-time evolution of the universe is obtained explicitly for the two pole model, while dynamical analysis is performed for the multiple pole model. We find that it does have a stable attractor solution, which corresponds to the universe dominated by the potential of the scalar field.

Static charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes cannot be overcharged by the new version of gedanken experiments. (arXiv:1912.10826v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jie Jiang, relevance 10.06

Based on the new version of the gedanken experiments proposed by Sorce and Wald, we examine the weak cosmic censorship conjecture (WCCC) under the spherically charged infalling matter collision process in the static charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes. After considering the null energy condition and assuming the stability condition, we derive the perturbation inequality of the matter source. As a result, we find that the static charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes cannot be overcharged under the second-order approximation of the perturbation when the null energy condition is taken into account, although they can be destroyed in the old version of gedanken experiments. Our result shows that the WCCC holds for the above collision process in the Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet gravity and indicates that WCCC may also be valid in the higher curvature gravitational theories.

Super Chern-Simons Theory: BV-formalism and $A_\infty$-algebras. (arXiv:1912.10807v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by C. A. Cremonini, P. A. Grassi, relevance 1.70

This is a companion paper of a long work appeared in [1] discussing the super-Chern-Simons theory on supermanifolds. Here, it is emphasized that the BV formalism is naturally formulated using integral forms for any supersymmetric and supergravity models and we show how to deal with $A_\infty$-algebras emerging from supermanifold structures.

Lyapunov exponents and entanglement entropy transition on the noncommutative hyperbolic plane. (arXiv:1912.10805v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sriram Ganeshan, Alexios P. Polychronakos, relevance 22.13

We study quantum dynamics on noncommutative spaces of negative curvature, focusing on the hyperbolic plane with spatial noncommutativity in the presence of a constant magnetic field. We show that the synergy of noncommutativity and the magnetic field tames the exponential divergence of trajectories caused by the negative curvature of the hyperbolic space. Their combined effect results in a first-order transition at a critical value of the magnetic field in which strong quantum effects subdue the exponential divergence for {\it all} energies, in stark contrast to the commutative case, where for high enough energies trajectories always diverge exponentially. This transition manifests in the entanglement entropy between the `left' and `right' Hilbert spaces of spatial degrees of freedom. In particular, the entanglement entropy in the lowest Landau level vanishes beyond the critical point. We further present a non-linear solvable bosonic model that realizes the underlying algebraic structure of the noncommutative hyperbolic plane with a magnetic field.

The tetrahedral Zamolodchikov algebra for the fermionic Bazhanov-Stroganov R-operator. (arXiv:1912.10786v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Melikyan, relevance 1.61

We find the fermionic R-operator based on Bazhanov-Stroganov three-parameter elliptic parametrization of the free fermion model, and the corresponding Yang-Baxter and decorated Yang-Baxter equations, which are of the difference type in one of the spectral parameters. We also find a solution of the corresponding tetrahedral Zamolodchikov algebra for a specific case.

Nonlinear $\sigma$-models in the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Gravity. (arXiv:1912.10779v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by J. R. Nascimento, Gonzalo J. Olmo, P. J. Porfírio, A. Yu. Petrov, A. R. Soares, relevance 0.49

In this paper we consider two different nonlinear $\sigma$-models minimally coupled to Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity. We show that the resultant geometries represent minimal modifications with respect to those found in GR, though with important physical consequences. In particular, wormhole structures always arise, though this does not guarantee by itself the geodesic completeness of those space-times. In one of the models, quadratic in the canonical kinetic term, we identify a subset of solutions which are regular everywhere and are geodesically complete. We discuss characteristic features of these solutions and their dependence on the relationship between mass and global charge.

Tests of weak equivalence principle with the gravitational wave signals in the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1. (arXiv:1912.10758v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Shu-Cheng Yang, Wen-Biao Han, Gang Wang, relevance 0.56

The weak equivalence principle (WEP) is the cornerstone of gravitational theories. At the local scale, WEP has been tested to high accuracy by various experiments [1,2]. On the intergalactic distance scale, WEP could be tested by comparing the arrival time of different messengers emitted from the same source[3-5]. The gravitational time delay caused by massive galaxies is proportional to $\gamma+1$, where the parameter $\gamma$ is unity in general relativity. The values of $\gamma$ for different massless particles should be different if WEP is violated, i.e., $\Delta \gamma$ is used to indicate the deviation from WEP. So far, $|\Delta \gamma|$ has been constrained to $\sim 10^{-10}$ with gamma-ray bursts, fast radio bursts and gravitational waves[6]. Here we report a new estimation of $|\Delta \gamma|$ by using the gravitational wave (GW) data of binary black hole (BBH) coalescences in the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1 [7]. Our results show that $|\Delta \gamma|$ is not larger than $7.9\times 10^{{-15}^{+2.6}_{-3.0}}$ at 90\% confidence level for uniform logarithmic prior. For an alternative prior, the 90\% confidence interval of $\Delta \gamma$ is $[{-1.0\times 10^{-15}},~+1.4\times 10^{-17}]$. WEP may be obeyed on the intergalactic distance scale for GWs.

Weak-value magnetometry for precision tests of fundamental physics. (arXiv:1912.10693v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by Sounok Ghosh, Leong-Chuan Kwek, Daniel R.Terno, Sai Vinjanampathy, relevance 0.00

Progress in testing fundamental physics relies on our ability to measure exceedingly small physical quantities. Using a $^{40}$Ca$^{+}$ trapped ion system as an example we show that an exceedingly weak synthetic magnetic field (at the scale of $10^{-19}$ T) can be measured with current technology. This improved sensitivity can be used to test the effects of spin coupling that affect the equivalence principle and, if present, may impact the performance of the proposed entangled optical clocks arrays.

Threshold of primordial black hole formation in modified theories of gravity. (arXiv:1912.10690v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Che-Yu Chen, relevance 6.36

It is believed that primordial black holes (PBHs), if they exist, can serve as a powerful tool to probe the early stage of the cosmic history. Essentially, in the radiation dominated universe, PBHs could form by the gravitational collapse of overdense primordial perturbations produced during inflation. In this picture, one important ingredient is the threshold of density contrast, which defines the onset of PBH formation. In the literature, most of the estimations of threshold, no matter numerically or analytically, are implemented in the framework of general relativity. In this paper, by performing analytic estimations, we point out that the threshold for PBH formation depends on the gravitational theory under consideration. In GR, the analytic estimations adopted in this paper give a constant value of the formation threshold, assuming a fixed equation of state. If the theory is characterized by additional mass scales other than the Planck mass, the estimated threshold of density contrast may depend on the energy scale of the universe at the time of PBH formation. In this paper, we consider the Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld gravity as an example. However, this conclusion is expected to be valid for any gravitational theory characterized by additional mass scales, suggesting the possibility of testing gravitational theories with PBHs.

Remarks on highly supersymmetric backgrounds of 11-dimensional supergravity. (arXiv:1912.10688v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Andrea Santi, relevance 10.70

This note focuses on some properties and uses of filtered deformations in the context of D=11 supergravity. We define the concept of abstract symbol and give a strong version of the Reconstruction Theorem, namely a bijective correspondence from the space of highly supersymmetric supergravity backgrounds to the space of abstract symbols. We propose a general strategy to construct highly supersymmetric supergravity backgrounds and present an example in detail, which includes the computation of the ideal generated by the Killing spinors of two known pp-wave backgrounds with N=24 supersymmetry. Finally, we give an alternative proof, based on the isotropy algebra of a supergravity background, of a classical supersymmetry gap result of Gran, Gutowski, Papadopoulos and Roest.

Supercurrents in N=1 Minimal Supergravity in the Superconformal Formalism. (arXiv:1912.10673v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sergio Ferrara, Marine Samsonyan, Magnus Tournoy, Antoine Van Proeyen, relevance 3.66

We discuss the Einstein tensor, the supercurrent and their conservation laws of old and new minimal formulations of supergravity in the superconformal approach. The variation of the action with respect to the gauge field of the $R$-symmetry in the conformal approach (the auxiliary field in the super-Poincar\'{e} action) allows to find the Einstein tensor and supercurrent in any curved background. Hence generalized expressions for their Ward identities follow. This proceeding is based on arXiv:1805.09228, arXiv:1705.02272.

Partially Composite Dynamical Dark Matter. (arXiv:1912.10588v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yusuf Buyukdag, Keith R. Dienes, Tony Gherghetta, Brooks Thomas, relevance 2.25

In this paper, we consider a novel realization of the Dynamical Dark Matter (DDM) framework in which the ensemble of particles which collectively constitute the dark matter are the composite states of a strongly-coupled conformal field theory. Cosmological abundances for these states are then generated through mixing with an additional, elementary state. As a result, the physical fields of the DDM dark sector at low energies are partially composite -- i.e., admixtures of elementary and composite states. Interestingly, we find that the degree of compositeness exhibited by these states varies across the DDM ensemble. We calculate the masses, lifetimes, and abundances of these states -- along with the effective equation of state of the entire ensemble -- by considering the gravity dual of this scenario in which the ensemble constituents are realized as the Kaluza-Klein states associated with a scalar propagating within a slice of five-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) space. Surprisingly, we find that the warping of the AdS space gives rise to parameter-space regions in which the decay widths of the dark-sector constituents vary non-monotonically with their masses. We also find that there exists a maximum degree of AdS warping for which a phenomenologically consistent dark-sector ensemble can emerge. Our results therefore suggest the existence of a potentially rich cosmology associated with partially composite DDM.

Gravitational atoms: general framework for the construction of multistate axially symmetric solutions of the Schr\"odinger-Poisson system. (arXiv:1912.10585v3 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by F. S. Guzmán, L. Arturo Ureña-López, relevance 0.00

We present a general strategy to solve the stationary Schr\"odinger-Poisson (SP) system of equations for multistates with axial symmetry. The approach allows us to obtain the well known single and multistate solutions with spherical symmetry, Newtonian multistate $\ell-$boson stars and axially symmetric multistate configurations. For each case we construct particular examples that illustrate the method, whose stability properties are studied by numerically solving the time-dependent SP system. Among the stable configurations there are the mixed-two-state configurations including spherical and dipolar components, which might have an important value as potential anisotropic dark matter halos in the context of ultralight bosonic dark matter scenarios. This is the reason why we also present a possible process of formation of these mixed-two-state configurations that could open the door to the exploration of more general multistate structure formation scenarios.

Quantum corrected black holes: quasinormal modes, scattering, shadows. (arXiv:1912.10582v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by R. A. Konoplya, relevance 9.85

The spherically symmetric deformation of the Schwarzschild solution owing to the quantum corrections to gravity is known as Kazakov-Solodukhin black-hole metric. Neglecting non-spherical deformations of the background the problem was solved non-perturbatively. Here we analyze the basic characteristics of this geometry, such as: quasinormal modes and grey-body factors of fields of various spin and shadow cast by this black hole. The WKB approach and time-domain integration method, which we used for calculation of quasinormal modes, are in a good concordance. The analytical formula for quasinormal modes is deduced in the eikonal regime. The radius of shadow is decreasing when the quantum deformation is turned on.

Entanglement compression in scale space: from the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz to matrix product operators. (arXiv:1912.10572v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Karel Van Acoleyen, Andrew Hallam, Matthias Bal, Markus Hauru, Jutho Haegeman, Frank Verstraete, relevance 20.20

The multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) provides a constructive algorithm for realizing wavefunctions that are inherently scale invariant. Unlike conformally invariant partition functions however, the finite bond dimension $\chi$ of the MERA provides a cut-off in the fields that can be realized. In this letter, we demonstrate that this cut-off is equivalent to the one obtained when approximating a thermal state of a critical Hamiltonian with a matrix product operator (MPO) of finite bond dimension $\chi$. This is achieved by constructing an explicit mapping between the isometries of a MERA and the local tensors of the MPO.

Inferring parameters of the loudest intermediate mass black hole trigger in LIGO's O1/O2 data. (arXiv:1912.10533v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Richard Udall, Karan Jani, Jacob Lange, Richard O'Shaughnessy, James Clark, Laura Cadonati, Deirdre Shoemaker, Kelly Holley-Bockelmann, relevance 7.73

Gravitational wave measurements provide the most robust constraints on the mass of astrophysical black holes. Using state-of-the-art parameter estimation techniques and gravitational waveform models, we infer the source parameters of the loudest marginal trigger, 170502, found in LIGO from 2015-2017. If this trigger is assumed to be a binary black hole merger, we find it corresponds to a total mass in the source frame of $157^{+55}_{-41}~\rm{M}_\odot$. This is a factor of $\sim3/2$ higher than that of the heaviest confirmed detection, GW170729. The primary and secondary black hole masses are constrained to $94^{+44}_{-28}~\rm{M}_{\odot}$ and $62^{+30}_{-25}~\rm{M}_{\odot}$ respectively with 90% confidence. We find $\chi_\mathrm{eff}= 0.49^{+0.31}_{-0.63}$, the effective spin aligned with the total angular momentum vector, which has most of its support at larger values than the other O1/O2 events. Further, we find the inclusion of higher order harmonics narrows the confidence region for the total binary mass by 10%. Our study illustrates the necessary techniques for inferring the physical parameters of intermediate mass black hole binary candidates $(\gtrsim 100~\mathrm{M}_\odot)$ in the current gravitational wave network.

Banks-Zaks Cosmology, Inflation, and the Big Bang Singularity. (arXiv:1912.10532v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michal Artymowski, Ido Ben-Dayan, Utkarsh Kumar, relevance 8.59

We consider the thermodynamical behavior of Banks-Zaks theory close to the conformal point in a cosmological setting. Due to the anomalous dimension, the resulting pressure and energy density deviate from that of radiation and result in various interesting cosmological scenarios. Specifically, for a given range of parameters one avoids the cosmological singularity. We provide a full "phase diagram" of possible Universe evolution for the given parameters.

For a certain range of parameters, the thermal averaged Banks-Zaks theory alone results in an exponentially contracting universe followed by a non-singular bounce and an exponentially expanding universe, i.e. \textit{Inflation without a Big Bang singularity}, or shortly termed "dS Bounce". The temperature of such a universe is bounded from above and below. The result is a theory violating the classical Null Energy Condition (NEC).

Considering the Banks-Zaks theory with an additional perfect fluid, yields an even richer phase diagram that includes the standard Big Bang model, stable single "normal" bounce, dS Bounce and stable cyclic solutions.

The bouncing and cyclic solutions are with no singularities, and the violation of the NEC happens only near the bounce. We also provide simple analytical conditions for the existence of these non-singular solutions. Hence, within effective field theory, we have a new alternative non-singular cosmology based on the anomalous dimension of Bank-Zaks theory that may include inflation and without resorting to scalar fields.

AdS$_3$ solutions with $\mathcal{N}=(3,0)$ from S$^3\times$S$^3$ fibrations. (arXiv:1912.10509v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andrea Legramandi, Niall T. Macpherson, relevance 5.92

We study warped AdS$_3$ solutions in massive IIA supergravity preserving $\mathcal{N}=(3,0)$ and $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ supersymmetry. We consider solutions whose internal spaces decompose as an S$^3\times$S$^3$ fibration and a interval over which the rest of the solution is foliated. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for these solutions to exist, in terms of systems of ordinary differential equations and find several new analytic and numerical examples with internal spaces bounded between D-brane and O-plane behaviors.

Quantum gravitational wave function for the interior of a black hole and the generalized uncertainty principle. (arXiv:1912.10460v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Dong-han Yeom, relevance -5.83

We investigate the internal structures of a Schwarzschild black hole by solving the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. The generic bounded wave function has a bouncing point around $r \simeq M$, where $M$ is the black hole mass. Due to this quantum bouncing, there appears an ambiguity to define the arrow of time. If we introduce two arrows of time, one can then interpret that two classical spacetime is annihilated around the bouncing point. Finally, we provide a conceptual explanation based on the generalized uncertainty principle.

Formation and critical dynamics of topological defects in Lifshitz holography. (arXiv:1912.10450v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Zhi-Hong Li, Chuan-Yin Xia, Hua-Bi Zeng, Hai-Qing Zhang, relevance -2.18

We examine the formation and critical dynamics of topological defects via Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a (2+1)-dimensional quantum critical point, which is conjectured to dual to a Lifshitz geometry. Quantized magnetic fluxoids are spontaneously generated and trapped in the cores of order parameter vortices, which is a feature of type II superconductors. Time evolution of the average condensate is found to lag behind the instantaneous equilibrium value of the order parameter, a typical phenomenon in nonequilibrium dynamics. Scalings of vortex number density and the "freeze-out" time match the predictions from Kibble-Zurek mechanism. From these scalings, the dynamic and static critical exponents in the boundary field theory are found, at least at finite temperature, to be irrespective of the Lifshitz exponent in the bulk.

Three-dimensional and four-dimensional scalar, vector, tensor cosmological fluctuations and the cosmological decomposition theorem. (arXiv:1912.10448v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Matthew G. Phelps, Asanka Amarasinghe, Philip D. Mannheim, relevance 2.50

In cosmological perturbation theory it is convenient to use the scalar, vector, tensor (SVT) basis as defined according to how these components transform under 3-dimensional rotations. In attempting to solve the fluctuation equations that are automatically written in terms of gauge-invariant combinations of these components, the equations are taken to break up into separate SVT sectors, the decomposition theorem. Here, without needing to specify a gauge, we solve the fluctuation equations exactly for some standard cosmologies, to show that in general the various gauge-invariant combinations only separate at a higher-derivative level. To achieve separation at the level of the fluctuation equations themselves one has to assume boundary conditions for the higher-derivative equations. While asymptotic conditions suffice for fluctuations around a dS background or a $k=0$ RW background, for fluctuations around a $k\neq 0$ RW background one additionally has to require that the fluctuations be well-behaved at the origin. We show that in certain cases the gauge-invariant combinations themselves involve both scalars and vectors. For such cases there is no decomposition theorem for the individual SVT components themselves, but for the gauge-invariant combinations there still can be. Given the lack of manifest covariance in defining a basis with respect to 3-dimensional rotations, we introduce an alternate SVT basis whose components are defined according to how they transform under 4-dimensional general coordinate transformations. With this basis the fluctuation equations greatly simplify, and while one can again break them up into separate gauge-invariant sectors at the higher-derivative level, in general we find that even with boundary conditions we do not obtain a decomposition theorem in which the fluctuations separate at the level of the fluctuation equations themselves.

Primordial black holes and gravitational waves from parametric amplification of curvature perturbations. (arXiv:1912.10437v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Rong-Gen Cai, Zong-Kuan Guo, Jing Liu, Lang Liu, Xing-Yu Yang, relevance 12.82

We investigate a new mechanism to create large curvature perturbations on small scales due to parameter resonance in a single-field inflationary model with a small periodic structure upon the potential. After reentering the horizon, the amplified curvature perturbations can lead to observable primordial black holes as well as stochastic gravitational waves. The mass of primordial black holes and frequency of the induced gravitational waves depend on the model parameters. The primordial black hole could constitute all dark matter or a fraction of dark matter in the Universe, and corresponding stochastic gravitational waves fall in the frequency band measurable for the pulsar timing array and the space-based gravitational wave detectors.

On the first law of holographic complexity. (arXiv:1912.10436v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. Sedigheh Hashemi, Ghadir Jafari, Ali Naseh, relevance 38.65

In this paper, we examine the proposed first law of holographic complexity through studying different perturbations around various spacetime backgrounds. We present a general expression for the variation of the holographic complexity on arbitrary backgrounds by an explicit covariant computation. Interestingly, the general expression can be written as a function of gravitational conserved charges reminiscent of the first law of thermodynamics.

Differential Cohomotopy implies intersecting brane observables via configuration spaces and chord diagrams. (arXiv:1912.10425v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber, relevance 0.71

We introduce a differential refinement of Cohomotopy cohomology theory, defined on Penrose diagram spacetimes, whose cocycle spaces are unordered configuration spaces of points. First we prove that brane charge quantization in this differential 4-Cohomotopy theory implies intersecting p/(p+2)-brane moduli given by ordered configurations of points in the transversal 3-space. Then we show that the higher (co-)observables on these brane moduli, conceived as the (co-)homology of the Cohomotopy cocycle space, are given by weight systems on horizontal chord diagrams and reflect a multitude of effects expected in the microscopic quantum theory of Dp/D(p+2)-brane intersections: condensation to stacks of coincident branes and their Chan-Paton factors, BMN matrix model and fuzzy funnel states, M2-brane 3-algebras, the Hanany-Witten rules, AdS3-gravity observables, supersymmetric indices of Coulomb branches as well as gauge/gravity duality between all these. We discuss this in the context of the hypothesis that the M-theory C-field is charge-quantized in Cohomotopy theory.

Non-Riemannian Volume Elements Dynamically Generate Inflation. (arXiv:1912.10412v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by David Benisty, Eduardo Guendelman, Emil Nissimov, Svetlana Pacheva, relevance 0.64

Our primary objective is the formulation of a plausible cosmological inflationary model entirely in terms of a pure modified gravity without any a priori matter couplings within the formalism of non-Riemannian spacetime volume elements. The non-Riemannian volume elements dynamically create in the physical Einstein frame a canonical scalar matter field and produce a non-trivial inflationary scalar potential with a large flat region and a low-lying stable minimum corresponding to the late universe stage. This dynamically generated inflationary potential is a substantial generalization of the classic Starobinsky potential. Our model predicts scalar power spectral index and tensor to scalar ratio in accordance with the available observational data.

Gravitational redshift/blueshift of light emitted by geodesic test particles, frame-dragging and pericentre-shift effects, in the Kerr-Newman-de Sitter and Kerr-Newman black hole geometries. (arXiv:1912.10320v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by G. V. Kraniotis, relevance 11.43

We investigate the redshift and blueshift of light emitted by timelike geodesic particles in orbits around a Kerr-Newman-(anti) de Sitter (KN(a)dS) black hole. Specifically we compute the redshift and blueshift of photons that are emitted by geodesic massive particles and travel along null geodesics towards a distant observer-located at a finite distance from the KN(a)dS black hole. For this purpose we use the Killing-vector formalism and the associated first integrals-constants of motion. We consider in detail stable timelike equatorial circular orbits of stars and express their corresponding redshift/blueshift in terms of the metric physical black hole parameters (angular momentum per unit mass, mass, electric charge and the cosmological constant) and the orbital radii of both the emitter star and the distant observer. These radii are linked through the constants of motion along the null geodesics followed by the photons since their emission until their detection and as a result we get closed form analytic expressions for the orbital radius of the observer in terms of the emitter radius, and the black hole parameters. In addition, we compute exact analytic expressions for the frame dragging of timelike spherical orbits in the KN(a)dS spacetime in terms of multivariable generalised hypergeometric functions of Lauricella and Appell. Last but not least we derive a very elegant and novel exact formula for the periapsis advance for a test particle in a non-spherical polar orbit in KNdS black hole spacetime in terms of Jacobi's elliptic function sn and Lauricella's hypergeometric function $F_D$.

Complete prepotential for 5d $\mathcal{N}=1$ superconformal field theories. (arXiv:1912.10301v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hirotaka Hayashi, Sung-Soo Kim, Kimyeong Lee, Futoshi Yagi, relevance 2.66

For any 5d ${\cal N}=1$ superconformal field theory, we propose a "complete" prepotential which reduces to the perturbative prepotential for any of its possible gauge theory realizations, manifests its global symmetry when written in terms of the invariant Coulomb branch parameters, and is valid for the whole parameter region. As concrete examples, we consider $SU(2)$ gauge theories with up to 7 flavors, $Sp(2)$ gauge theories with up to 9 flavors, and $Sp(2)$ gauge theories with 1 antisymmetric tensor and up to 7 flavors, as well as their dual gauge theories.

Non-metric construction of spacetime defects. (arXiv:1912.10296v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jose M. Queiruga, relevance 10.61

We describe a spacetime endowed with a non-metricity tensor which effectively serves as a model of a spacetime foam. We explore the consequences of the non-metricity in several $f(R)$ theories.

Spontaneous Freeze Out of Dark Matter. (arXiv:1912.10276v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Thibaut Coudarchet, Lucien Heurtier, Hervé Partouche, relevance 0.00

We present a new paradigm for the production of dark-matter particles called the spontaneous freeze out, in which the decoupling from the thermal bath is enforced by the sudden increase of the dark-matter mass, due to the spontaneous breaking of some global symmetry rather than by the slow decrease of the temperature. We study the details of the spontaneous freeze out mechanism using a simple toy model and analyze the phenomenology of our scenario. We show that in order to obtain the correct relic abundance, the annihilation cross section of dark-matter particles into Standard-Model states has to be typically much larger than in the case of a constant-mass thermal dark-matter candidate. We present a string theory model in which such a scenario takes place naturally.

Infrared behavior of Weyl Gravity: Functional Renormalization Group approach. (arXiv:1912.10271v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Petr Jizba, Leslaw Rachwal, Jaroslav Knap, relevance 2.02

Starting from an ultraviolet fixed point, we study the infrared behavior of quantum Weyl gravity in terms of a functional renormalization group (RG) flow equation. To do so, we employ two classes of Bach-flat backgrounds, namely maximally symmetric spacetimes and Ricci-flat backgrounds in the improved one-loop scheme. We show that in the absence of matter fields and with a topological term included, the effective action exhibits dynamical breaking of scale symmetry. In particular, it is shown that apart from a genuine IR fixed point that is reached at a zero-value of the running scale, the RG flow also exhibits bouncing behavior in the IR regime. We demonstrate that both $\beta_C$ and $\beta_E$ reach the RG turning point (almost) simultaneously at the same finite energy scale, irrespectively of the chosen background. The IR fixed point itself is found to be IR-stable in the space of the considered couplings. Ensuing scaling dimensions of both operators are also computed. Salient issues, including the connection of the observed bouncing RG flow behavior with holography and prospective implications in early Universe cosmology, are also briefly discussed.

Measuring the Hubble function with standard candle clustering. (arXiv:1912.10255v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Luca Amendola (Heidelberg University), Miguel Quartin (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), relevance 0.95

Supernova Ia magnitude surveys measure the dimensionless luminosity distance $H_{0}D_{L}$. However, from the distances alone one cannot obtain quantities like $H(z)$ or the dark energy equation of state, unless further cosmological assumptions are imposed. Here we show that by measuring the power spectrum of density contrast and of peculiar velocities of supernovae one can estimate also $H(z)/H_{0}$ regardless of background or linearly perturbed cosmology and of galaxy-matter bias. This method, dubbed Clustering of Standard Candles (CSC) also yields the redshift distortion parameter $\beta(k,z)$ and the galaxy power spectrum. We forecast that LSST may be able to constrain $H(z)/H_{0}$ to 3--12\% in redshift bins of $\Delta z=0.1$ up $z=0.8$.

Ward identity for loop corrected soft photon theorem for massless QED coupled to gravity. (arXiv:1912.10229v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Sayali Atul Bhatkar, relevance 0.00

We study the loop level asymptotic conservation law proposed by Campiglia and Laddha \cite{1903.09133} for massless scalar QED in presence of dynamical gravity. We show that the equivalence between the loop level Ward identity and the Sahoo-Sen soft photon theorem \cite{1808.03288} continues to hold. In presence of gravity, the new feature is that photons also acquire a dressing due to long range gravitational force and contribute to the charge. Similar to the massive case, the terms in the asymptotic charge are directly related to the dressing of scalars and photons due to long range forces.

Pulsar timing residual induced by ultralight vector dark matter. (arXiv:1912.10210v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kimihiro Nomura, Asuka Ito, Jiro Soda, relevance 0.77

We study the ultralight vector dark matter with a mass around $10^{-23}\,\mathrm{eV}$. The vector field oscillating coherently on galactic scales induces oscillations of the spacetime metric with a frequency around nHz, which is detectable by pulsar timing arrays. We find that the pulsar timing signal due to the vector dark matter has nontrivial angular dependence unlike the scalar dark matter and the maximal amplitude is three times larger than that of the scalar dark matter.

Construction of consistent interactions in higher derivative Yang-Mills gauge theory with matter fields. (arXiv:1912.10195v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jialiang Dai, relevance 3.51

We show the consistent interactions in the generalized electrodynamics gauge theory with higher derivative matter fields by means of the order reduction method. We deduce the BRST deformations in the reduced Lagrangian and using the equations of motion of the auxiliary fields in the antighost number zero part in the resulting deformed action, we are able to obtain the consistent coupling terms added into the original Lagrangian density which are compatible with the deformation master equations. We emphasize that the order of deformations is truncated at four and the corresponding higher-order deformations are equal to zero precisely. Moreover, the local Abelian gauge symmetry turns out to be non-Abelian after the deformation procedure.

Bogomolny equations for the BPS Skyrme models with impurity. (arXiv:1912.10173v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ł. T. Stȩpień, relevance 0.00

We show that the BPS Skyrme model, as well as its (2+1) dimensional baby version (restricted), can be coupled with an impurity in the BPS preserving manner. The corresponding Bogomolny equations are derived.

The Relativistic Geoid: Gravity Potential and Relativistic Effects. (arXiv:1912.10159v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Dennis Philipp, Eva Hackmann, Claus Lämmerzahl, Jürgen Müller, relevance 0.00

The Earth's geoid is one of the most essential and fundamental concepts to provide a gravity field-related height reference in geodesy and associated sciences. To keep up with the ever-increasing experimental capabilities and to consistently interpret high-precision measurements without any doubt, a relativistic treatment of geodetic notions (including the geoid) within Einstein's theory of General Relativity is inevitable. Building on the theoretical construction of isochronometric surfaces and the so-called redshift potential for clock comparison, we define a relativistic gravity potential as a generalization of (post-)Newtonian notions. This potential exists in any stationary configuration with rigidly co-rotating observers, and it is the same as realized by local plumb lines. In a second step, we employ the gravity potential to define the relativistic geoid in direct analogy to the Newtonian understanding. In the respective limit, the framework allows to recover well-known (post-) Newtonian results. For a better illustration and proper interpretation of the general relativistic gravity potential and geoid, some particular examples are considered. Explicit results are derived for exact vacuum solutions to Einstein's field equation as well as a parametrized post-Newtonian model. Comparing the Earth's Newtonian geoid to its relativistic generalization is a very subtle problem, but of high interest. An isometric embedding into Euclidean three-dimensional space is an appropriate solution and allows a genuinely intrinsic comparison. With this method, the leading-order differences are determined, which are at the mm-level.

Ready for what lies ahead? -- Gravitational waveform accuracy requirements for future ground based detectors. (arXiv:1912.10055v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Michael Pürrer, Carl-Johan Haster, relevance 1.60

Future third generation (3G) ground-based GW detectors, such as the Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer, will have unprecedented sensitivities enabling studies of the entire population of stellar mass binary black hole coalescences in the Universe. To infer binary parameters from a GW signal we require accurate models of the gravitational waveform as a function of black hole masses, spins, etc. Such waveform models are built from numerical relativity (NR) simulations and/or semi-analytical expressions in the inspiral. We investigate the limits of the current waveform models and study at what detector sensitivity these models will yield unbiased parameter inference for loud ''golden'' binary black hole systems, what biases we can expect beyond these limits, and what implications such biases will have for GW astrophysics. For 3G detectors we find that the mismatch error for semi-analytical models needs to be reduced by at least \emph{three orders of magnitude} and for NR waveforms by \emph{one order of magnitude}. In addition, we show that for a population of one hundred high mass precessing binary black holes, measurement errors sum up to a sizable population bias, about 10 -- 30 times larger than the sum of 90\% credible intervals for key astrophysical parameters. Furthermore we demonstrate that the residual signal between the GW data recorded by a detector and the best fit template waveform obtained by parameter inference analyses can have significant SNR ratio. This coherent power left in the residual could lead to the observation of erroneous deviations from general relativity. To address these issues and be ready to reap the scientific benefits of 3G GW detectors in the 2030s, waveform models that are significantly more physically complete and accurate need to be developed in the next decade along with major advances in efficiency and accuracy of NR codes.

The UV Fate of Anomalous $U(1)$s. (arXiv:1912.10054v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Nathaniel Craig, Isabel Garcia Garcia, Graham D. Kribs, relevance 6.22

In four dimensions, anomalous Abelian gauge theories need to be UV-completed at a finite scale below which massive chiral fermions become part of the spectrum. In these constructions, the limit of vanishing gauge boson mass is singular --- the photon must have a mass. We show that this class of theories requires yet further UV-completion at a finite cutoff below which a radial mode must become part of the spectrum, and cannot be decoupled: a Stuckelberg limit does not exist. Further, a parametric separation of scales between the massive photon and the radial mode requires the presence of a large hierarchy of charges in the UV-completion, effectively probing the non-compact limit. If the low-energy spectrum contains a mixed $U(1)$-gravitational anomaly, such large charge ratio requires an equally large number of massive fermion species to be part of the spectrum. As a result, a tiny photon mass comes at the cost of a quantum gravity cutoff that lies parametrically below $M_{Pl}$. When the infrared fermion spectrum features both $U(1)^3$ and mixed gravitational anomalies, making the radial mode heavy correspondingly lowers the quantum gravity cutoff to coincide with the Weak Gravity Conjecture scale for values of the gauge coupling above a certain critical size.

Vacua with Small Flux Superpotential. (arXiv:1912.10047v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mehmet Demirtas, Manki Kim, Liam McAllister, Jakob Moritz, relevance 0.00

We describe a method for finding flux vacua of type IIB string theory in which the Gukov-Vafa-Witten superpotential is exponentially small. We present an example with $W_0 \approx 2 \times 10^{-8}$ on an orientifold of a Calabi-Yau hypersurface with $(h^{1,1},h^{2,1})=(2,272)$, at large complex structure and weak string coupling.

Double copy structure and the flat space limit of conformal correlators in even dimensions. (arXiv:1912.10046v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Arthur Lipstein, Paul McFadden, relevance 4.12

We analyse the flat space limit of 3-point correlators in momentum space for general conformal field theories in even spacetime dimensions, and show they exhibit a double copy structure similar to that found in odd dimensions. In even dimensions, the situation is more complicated because correlators contain branch cuts and divergences which need to be renormalised. We describe the analytic continuation of momenta required to extract the flat space limit, and show that the flat space limit is encoded in the leading singularity of a 1-loop triangle integral which serves as a master integral for 3-point correlators in even dimensions. We then give a detailed analysis of the renormalised correlators in four dimensions where the flat space limit of stress tensor correlators are controlled by the coefficients in the trace anomaly.

Scaling functions for eigenstate entanglement crossovers in harmonic lattices. (arXiv:1912.10045v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Thomas Barthel, Qiang Miao, relevance 17.68

For quantum matter, eigenstate entanglement entropies obey an area law or log-area law at low energies and small subsystem sizes and cross over to volume laws for high energies and large subsystems. The crossover can be described by scaling functions. We demonstrate this for the harmonic lattice model which describes quantized lattice vibrations and is a regularization for free scalar field theories, describing, e.g., spin-0 bosonic particles. In one dimension, the groundstate entanglement obeys a log-area law. For dimensions $d\geq 2$, it displays area laws, even at criticality, because excitation energies vanish only at a single point in momentum space. We sample excited states. The distribution of their entanglement entropies are sharply peaked around subsystem entropies of corresponding thermodynamic ensembles in accordance with the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. In this way, we determine entanglement scaling functions which correspond to the quantum critical regime of the model. We show how infrared singularities of the system can be handled and how to access the thermodynamic limit using a perturbative trick for the covariance matrix. Eigenstates for quasi-free bosonic systems are not Gaussian. We resolve this problem by considering appropriate squeezed states instead. For these, entanglement entropies can be evaluated efficiently.

Non-minimal (self-)running inflation: metric vs. Palatini formulation. (arXiv:1912.10038v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Antonio Racioppi, relevance 0.00

We consider a model of quartic inflation where the inflaton is coupled non-minimally to gravity and the self-induced radiative corrections to its effective potential are dominant. We perform a comparative analysis considering two different formulations of gravity, metric or Palatini, and two different choices for the renormalization scale, widely known as prescription I and II. Moreover we comment on the eventual compatibility of the results with the final data release of the Planck mission.

Solving local anomaly equations in gauge-rank extensions of the Standard Model. (arXiv:1912.10022v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by B C Allanach, Ben Gripaios, Joseph Tooby-Smith, relevance 3.59

We consider local (or perturbative) gauge anomalies in models which extend the rank of the Standard Model (SM) gauge group and the chiral fermion content only by $n$ SM singlets. We give a general solution to the anomaly cancellation conditions (ACCs) of an additional $U(1)$ subgroup for the ACCs that involve only SM fermions and we examine whether a corresponding solution exists for the remaining ACCs. We show that a solution to the remaining ACCs always exists for $n \geq 5$ in the family non-universal case or $n \geq 3$ in the family-universal case. In the special case where only a single family carries non-vanishing charges, we find a general solution to all ACCs, for any value of $n$.

Positivity Constraints on Interacting Pseudo-Linear Spin-2 Fields. (arXiv:1912.10018v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lasma Alberte, Claudia de Rham, Arshia Momeni, Justinas Rumbutis, Andrew J. Tolley, relevance 0.61

We explore the effective field theory for single and multiple interacting pseudo-linear spin-2 fields. By applying forward limit positivity bounds, we show that among the parameters contributing to elastic tree level scattering amplitude, there is no region of compatibility of the leading interactions with a standard local UV completion. Our result generalizes to any number of interacting pseudo-linear spin-2 fields. These results have significant implications for the organization of the effective field theory expansion for pseudo-linear fields.

Direct determination of cosmic string loop density from simulations. (arXiv:1912.10017v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Jose J. Blanco-Pillado, Ken D. Olum, relevance 6.35

We determine the distribution of cosmic string loops directly from simulations, rather than determining the loop production function and inferring the loop distribution from that. For a wide range of loop lengths, the results agree well with a power law exponent -2.5 in the radiation era and -2 in the matter era, the universal result for any loop production function that does not diverge at small scales. Our results extend those of Ringeval, Sakellariadou, and Bouchet: we are able to run for 15 times longer in conformal time and simulate a volume 300-2400 times larger. At the times they reached, our simulation is in general agreement with the more negative exponents they found, -2.6 and -2.4. However, our simulations show that this was a transient regime; at later times the exponents decline to the values above. This provides further evidence against models with a rapid divergence of the loop density at small scales, such as ``model 3'' used to analyze LIGO data and predict LISA sensitivity.

The Classical Symmetron Force in Casimir Experiments. (arXiv:1912.10015v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Benjamin Elder, Valeri Vardanyan, Yashar Akrami, Philippe Brax, Anne-Christine Davis, Ricardo S. Decca, relevance 0.00

The symmetron is a typical example of screened modified gravity, wherein the symmetron force is dynamically suppressed in dense environments. This allows it to hide in traditional tests of gravity. However, the past decade has seen great experimental progress towards measuring screened forces in the laboratory or in space. Screening relies on nonlinearities in the equation of motion, which significantly complicates the theoretical analysis of such forces. Here, we present a calculation of the symmetron force between a dense plate and sphere surrounded by vacuum. This is done via semi-analytical approaches in two limiting cases, based on the size of the sphere: large spheres are analyzed via the proximity force approximation, whilst small spheres are treated as screened test particles. In the intermediate regime we solve the problem numerically. Our results allow us to make contact with Casimir force experiments, which often employ a plate and sphere configuration for practical reasons, and may therefore be used to constrain symmetrons. We use our results to forecast constraints on the symmetron's parameters for a hypothetical Casimir experiment that is based on the current state of the art. The forecasts compare favorably to other leading laboratory tests of gravity, particularly atom interferometry and bouncing neutrons. We thus conclude that near-future Casimir experiments will be capable of placing tight new bounds on symmetrons. Our results for the symmetron force are derived in a scale-invariant way, such that although we here focus on Casimir experiments, they may be applied to any other plate-sphere system, ranging from microscopic to astrophysical scales.

Determining F-theory matter via Gromov-Witten invariants. (arXiv:1912.10009v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor, relevance 0.84

We show how to use Gromov-Witten invariants to determine the matter content of F-theory compactifications on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds $X$ over Hirzebruch surfaces. To determine the representations of these matter multiplets under the gauge algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, we use toric methods to embed the weight lattice of $\mathfrak{g}$ into the integer homology lattice of $X$. We then apply mirror symmetry to determine whether classes in this lattice corresponding to weights of given representations are represented by irreducible curves. Applying mirror symmetry efficiently to such geometries requires obtaining good approximations to their Mori cones. We show that whenever our approximations are smooth, they coincide with the Mori cone of $X$ and already contain information on the matter content of compactifications on $X$. We finally study the different birationally equivalent geometries arising from our construction, and the flops relating them.

Quantum mechanical path integrals in the first quantised approach to quantum field theory. (arXiv:1912.10004v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by James P. Edwards (IFM, UMSNH), Christian Schubert (IFM, UMSNH), relevance 4.00

Perturbative quantum field theory usually uses second quantisation and Feynman diagrams. The worldline formalism provides an alternative approach based on first quantised particle path integrals, similar in spirit to string perturbation theory. Here we review the history, main features and present applications of the formalism. Our emphasis is on recent developments such as the path integral representation of open fermion lines, the description of colour using auxiliary worldline fields, incorporation of higher spin, and extension of the formalism to non-commutative space.

Proca tubes with the flux of the longitudinal chromoelectric field and the energy flux/momentum density. (arXiv:1912.09997v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Vladimir Dzhunushaliev, Vladimir Folomeev, relevance 0.00

We consider non-Abelian SU(3) Proca theory with a Higgs scalar field included. Cylindrically symmetric solutions describing classical tubes either with the flux of a longitudinal electric field or with the energy flux (and hence with nonzero momentum density) are obtained. It is shown that, in quantum Proca theory, there can exist tubes both with the flux of the longitudinal electric field and with the energy flux/momentum density simultaneously. An imaginary particle -- Proca proton~-- in which `quarks' are connected by tubes with nonzero momentum density is considered. It is shown that this results in the appearance of the angular momentum related to the presence of the non-Abelian electric and magnetic fields in the tube, and this angular momentum is a part of the Proca proton spin.

Heterotic backgrounds via generalised geometry: moment maps and moduli. (arXiv:1912.09981v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Anthony Ashmore, Charles Strickland-Constable, David Tennyson, Daniel Waldram, relevance 10.27

We describe the geometry of generic heterotic backgrounds preserving minimal supersymmetry in four dimensions using the language of generalised geometry. They are characterised by an $SU(3)\times Spin(6+n)$ structure within $O(6,6+n)\times\mathbb{R}^+$ generalised geometry. Supersymmetry of the background is encoded in the existence of an involutive subbundle of the generalised tangent bundle and the vanishing of a moment map for the action of diffeomorphisms and gauge symmetries. We give both the superpotential and the K\"ahler potential for a generic background, showing that the latter defines a natural Hitchin functional for heterotic geometries. Intriguingly, this formulation suggests new connections to geometric invariant theory and an extended notion of stability. Finally we show that the analysis of infinitesimal deformations of these geometric structures naturally reproduces the known cohomologies that count the massless moduli of supersymmetric heterotic backgrounds.

Helical massive fermions under rotation. (arXiv:1912.09977v1 [nucl-th])
in hep-th by Victor E. Ambrus, relevance 0.00

The properties of a massive fermion field undergoing rigid rotation at finite temperature and chemical potential are discussed. The polarisation imbalance is taken into account by considering a helicity chemical potential, which is dual to the helicity charge operator. The advantage of the proposed approach is that, as opposed to the axial current, the helicity charge current remains conserved at finite mass. A computation of thermal expectation values of the vector, helicity and axial charge currents, as well as of the fermion condensate and stress-energy tensor is provided. In all cases, analytic constitutive equations are derived for the non-equilibrium transport terms, as well as for the quantum corrections to the equilibrium terms (which we derive using an effective relativistic kinetic theory model for fermions with helicity imbalance) in the limit of small masses. In the context of the parameters which are relevant to relativistic heavy ion collisions, the expressions derived in the massless limit are shown to remain valid for masses up to the thermal energy, except for the axial charge conductivity in the azimuthal direction, which presents strong variations with the particle mass.

Symmetry classes, many-body zero modes, and supersymmetry in the complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model. (arXiv:1912.09975v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jan Behrends, Benjamin Béri, relevance 0.00

The complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (cSYK) model is a charge-conserving model of randomly interacting fermions. The interaction term can be chosen such that the model exhibits chiral symmetry. Then, depending on the charge sector and the number of interacting fermions, level spacing statistics suggests a fourfold categorization of the model into the three Wigner-Dyson symmetry classes. In this work, inspired by previous findings for the Majorana Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, we embed the symmetry classes of the cSYK model in the Altland-Zirnbauer framework and identify consequences of chiral symmetry originating from correlations across different charge sectors. In particular, we show that for an odd number of fermions, the model hosts exact many-body zero modes that can be combined into a generalized fermion that does not affect the system's energy. This fermion directly leads to quantum-mechanical supersymmetry that, unlike explicitly supersymmetric cSYK constructions, does not require fine-tuned couplings, but only chiral symmetry. Signatures of the generalized fermion, and thus supersymmetry, include the long-time plateau in time-dependent correlation functions of fermion-parity-odd observables: The plateau may take nonzero value only for certain combinations of the fermion structure of the observable and the system's symmetry class. We illustrate our findings through exact diagonalization simulations of the system's dynamics.

Quiver $\text{W}_{\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2}$ algebras of 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ gauge theories. (arXiv:1912.09969v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Fabrizio Nieri, Yegor Zenkevich, relevance 7.73

We construct an $\epsilon$-deformation of W algebras, corresponding to the additive version of quiver $\text{W}_{q,t^{-1}}$ algebras which feature prominently in the 5d version of the BPS/CFT correspondence and refined topological strings on toric Calabi-Yau's. This new type of algebras fill in the missing intermediate level between $q$-deformed and ordinary W algebras. We show that $\epsilon$-deformed W algebras are spectral duals of conventional W algebras, in particular the $\epsilon$-deformed conformal blocks manifestly reproduce instanton partition functions of 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ quiver gauge theories in the full $\Omega$-background and give dual integral representations of ordinary W conformal blocks.

Deformations of holomorphic pairs and 2d-4d wall-crossing. (arXiv:1912.09956v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Veronica Fantini, relevance 0.00

We show how wall-crossing formulas in coupled 2d-4d systems, introduced by Gaiotto, Moore and Neitzke, can be interpreted geometrically in terms of the deformation theory of holomorphic pairs, given by a complex manifold together with a holomorphic vector bundle. The main part of the paper studies the relation between scattering diagrams and deformations of holomorphic pairs, building on recent work by Chan, Conan Leung and Ma.

Warm dark energy. (arXiv:1912.09950v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Gianguido Dall'Agata, Sergio Gonzalez-Martin, Alexandros Papageorgiou, Marco Peloso, relevance 0.80

Motivated by some of the recent swampland conjectures, we study the implementation for the late time acceleration of the Universe of a mechanism developed by Anber and Sorbo in the context of primordial inflation, in which an axion field can slowly roll in a steep potential due to additional friction provided by its coupling to some U(1) gauge field. We first study the realization of this mechanism in N = 2 supergravity models resulting from string compactifications on Calabi--Yau manifolds. We then study the transition between matter domination and the axion domination, and show that indeed the backreaction of the produced gauge field can sufficiently slow the motion of the axion, so to produce the present accelerated era. We finally study the transition from a pre-inflationary matter or radiation domination to primordial inflation. In the regime that we could explore numerically, the evolution is characterized by stages of faster axion roll (and consequent bursts of gauge field amplification) intermitted by stages of slower roll, with a pattern that "oscillates'' about the steady state Anber and Sorbo solution, but that does not appear to relax to it.

An update on moduli stabilization with antibrane uplift. (arXiv:1912.09948v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Emilian Dudas, Severin Lüst, relevance 0.70

It was recently shown that in warped compactifications based on a Klebanov-Strassler throat there is a light complex structure field, governing the size of the throat and the redshift at its tip. We show that after uplift of the cosmological constant by an anti-D3 brane at the tip of the throat, the contribution to supersymmetry breaking coming from the new light field is large. We work out the mass scales, in particular the condition for this field to be heavier than the K\"ahler modulus. We check that for the range of parameters relevant for the destabilization we find agreement with de Sitter swampland conjecture. Adding matter fields on distant branes, we discuss the effects on supersymmetry breaking in the observable sector. A hierarchically small scale of supersymmetry breaking translates generically into large values of localized D3 charges in the manifold.

Critical Analysis of the Semiclassical Quantum Gravity Corrections to Quantum Field Theory in Born-Oppenheimer like Approximations. (arXiv:1912.09945v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Federico Di Gioia, Giovanni Montani, Jacopo Niedda, relevance 12.64

The problem of time is one of the most relevant open issues in canonical quantum gravity. Although there is a huge literature about this problem, a commonly accepted solution has not been found yet. Here, we focus on the Semiclassical Approach to the problem of time, that has the main goal of reproducing quantum field theory on a fixed WKB background. We analyse the different choices of the expansion parameter, in order to include matter in the background equations in a clean way and without any need of manually rescaling the matter fields. We also discuss the problem of the non-unitary evolution at the order of the expansion where quantum gravity corrections to quantum field theory appear: we claim that the proposed solutions are non viable and that either the problem may need for new theoretical paradigms to be solved or one has to relax some of the fundamental hypotheses of the Semiclassical Approach, at least at the quantum gravity order.

Induced Einstein gravity from infinite towers of states. (arXiv:1912.09939v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Alex Kehagias, Hervé Partouche, Balthazar de Vaulchier, relevance 0.00

We consider four-dimensional quadratic gravity coupled to infinite towers of free massive scalar fields, Weyl fermions and vector bosons. We find that for specific numbers of towers, finite cosmological and Newton constants are induced in the 1-loop effective action. This is derived both in Adler's approach and by using the heat kernel method, which yield identical results. If the infinite number of massive states may be regarded as Kaluza--Klein modes arising from fields in higher dimensions, there are no Kaluza--Klein states associated with the four-dimensional graviton. Hence gravity is intrinsically four-dimensional.

Holographic Description of M-branes via AdS$_2$. (arXiv:1912.09932v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Giuseppe Dibitetto, Yolanda Lozano, Nicolò Petri, Anayeli Ramirez, relevance 17.55

We study $\textrm{AdS}_2\times S^4 \times S^2 \times \Sigma_2$ solutions in type IIB string theory arising from D1 -- D3 -- NS5 brane intersections. These backgrounds enjoy sixteen supercharges and the corresponding internal geometry is non-compact due to the specific form of the warping w.r.t. the Riemann surface $\Sigma_2$. Even though a direct computation of the holographic free energy of the would-be dual CFT$_1$ yields a divergent behaviour, it reveals the typical $N^3$ scaling of a 6d theory upon introducing a hard cut-off. We claim that such geometries may be interpreted as the gravity duals of M(atrix) models describing an IR phase of the $(2,0)$ theory of M5 branes, in presence of momentum and NUT charges. We discuss parallel $\textrm{AdS}_2$ geometries describing longitudinal M2 branes in the UV, where the counting of the number of degrees of freedom correctly reproduces the expected $N^{3/2}$ behaviour of the dual field theory. These geometries provide explicit examples where deconstructed extra dimensions yield well-defined UV descriptions in terms of higher-dimensional CFTs.

Amplitude recursions with an extra marked point. (arXiv:1912.09927v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Johannes Broedel, Andre Kaderli, relevance 0.00

The recursive calculation of Selberg integrals by Aomoto and Terasoma using the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation and the Drinfeld associator makes use of an auxiliary point and facilitates the recursive evaluation of string amplitudes at genus zero: open-string N-point amplitudes can be obtained from those at N-1 points. We establish a similar formalism at genus one, which allows the recursive calculation of genus-one Selberg integrals using an extra marked point in a differential equation of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard type. Hereby genus-one Selberg integrals are related to genus-zero Selberg integrals. Accordingly, N-point open-string amplitudes at genus one can be obtained from (N+2)-point open-string amplitudes at tree level. The construction is related to and in accordance with various recent results in intersection theory and string theory.

Gravitational-Wave Constraints on an Effective--Field-Theory Extension of General Relativity. (arXiv:1912.09917v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Noah Sennett, Richard Brito, Alessandra Buonanno, Victor Gorbenko, Leonardo Senatore, relevance 1.51

Gravitational-wave observations of coalescing binary systems allow for novel tests of the strong-field regime of gravity. Using data from the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center (GWOSC) of the LIGO and Virgo detectors, we place the first constraints on an effective--field-theory based extension of General Relativity in which higher-order curvature terms are added to the Einstein-Hilbert action. We construct gravitational-wave templates describing the quasi-circular, adiabatic inspiral phase of binary black holes in this extended theory of gravity. Then, after explaining how to properly take into account the region of validity of the effective field theory when performing tests of General Relativity, we perform Bayesian model selection using the two lowest-mass binary--black-hole events reported to date by LIGO and Virgo---GW151226 and GW170608---and constrain this theory with respect to General Relativity. We find that these data can rule out the appearance of new physics on distance scales of 70-200 km. Finally, we describe a general strategy for improving constraints as more observations will become available with future detectors on the ground and in space.

String scale interacting dark matter from $\pi_1$. (arXiv:1912.09909v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Andreas Mütter, Patrick K.S. Vaudrevange, relevance 0.76

We show that in a wide class of string derived models of particle physics, heavy string modes with masses around the GUT scale can serve as a viable dark matter candidate. These heavy string modes wind around specific cycles in the extra-dimensional space, closely related to the fundamental group $\pi_1$. As a consequence of a non-trivial $\pi_1$, there is an exact discrete symmetry that stabilizes such winding strings. The dark matter candidate couples to the Standard Model via gravity and via the exchange of heavy string states. We find that, for reasonable values of the string coupling, our dark matter candidate can be produced in sizable amounts via freeze-in. Our scheme applies to many string constructions, including Calabi-Yau compactifications, and can be tested against constraints from the CMB.

Unitarity at the Late time Boundary of de Sitter. (arXiv:1912.09885v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gizem Sengor, Constantinos Skordis, relevance 11.48

The symmetry group of the de Sitter spacetime, accommodates fields of various masses and spin among its unitary irreducible representations. These unitary representations are labeled by the spin and the weight contribution to the scaling dimension and depending on the mass and spin of the field the weight may take either purely real or purely imaginary values. In this work, we construct the late time boundary operators for a massive scalar field propagating in de Sitter spacetime, in arbitrary dimensions. We show that contrary to the case of Anti de Sitter, purely imaginary weights also correspond to unitary operators, as well as the ones with real weight, and identify the corresponding unitary representations. We demonstrate that these operators correspond to the late time boundary operators and elucidate that all of them have positive definite norm.

Understanding the suppression of structure formation from dark matter$\unicode{x2013}$dark energy momentum coupling. (arXiv:1912.09858v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Finlay Noble Chamings, Anastasios Avgoustidis, Edmund J. Copeland, Anne M. Green, Alkistis Pourtsidou, relevance 0.00

Models in which scalar field dark energy interacts with dark matter via a pure momentum coupling have previously been found to potentially ease the structure formation tension between early- and late-universe observations. In this article we explore the physical mechanism underlying this feature. We argue analytically that the perturbation growth equations imply the suppression of structure growth, illustrating our discussion with numerical calculations. Then we generalise the previously studied quadratic coupling between the dark energy and dark matter to a more general power law case, also allowing for the slope of the dark energy exponential potential to vary. We find that the structure growth suppression is a generic feature of power law couplings and it can, for a range of parameter values, be larger than previously found.

Generalized scalar field cosmologies. (arXiv:1912.09856v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Genly Leon, Felipe Orlando Franz Silva, relevance 0.52

In this paper, we use both local and global phase-space descriptions and averaging methods to find qualitative features of solutions for the FLRW and Bianchi I metrics in the context of scalar field cosmologies with arbitrary potentials and arbitrary couplings to matter. We prove new theorems and also retrieve previous results that can be seen as corollaries of the present results. We study the stability of the equilibrium points in a phase-space, as well as the dynamics in the regime where the scalar field diverges. We obtain equilibrium points that represent some solutions of cosmological interest, such as several types of scaling solutions, a kinetic dominated solution representing a stiff fluid, a solution dominated by an effective energy density of geometric origin, a quintessence scalar field dominated solution, the vacuum de Sitter solution associated to the minimum of the potential, and a non-interacting matter dominated solution. All reveal a very rich cosmological phenomenology. Finally, we present some examples that violate one or more hypotheses of the Theorems proved, obtaining some counterexamples. In particular, we incorporate small cosine-like corrections motivated by inflationary loop-quantum cosmology, and we study the oscillatory behavior.

Cho-Maison magnetic monopole: BPS limit and lower mass bound. (arXiv:1912.09822v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Petr Beneš, Filip Blaschke, relevance 0.00

We construct a class of effective extensions of the Standard Model that support finite-mass Cho-Maison magnetic monopole in the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit. We present an example of exact analytic monopole solution and derive a universal lower mass bound $M \geq 2\pi v/ g \approx 2.37\,\,\mathrm{TeV}$ of the Cho-Maison magnetic monopole.

$Sp(2N)$ Yang-Mills towards large $N$. (arXiv:1912.09788v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jack Holligan, Ed Bennett, Deog Ki Hong, Jong-Wan Lee, C.-J. David Lin, Biagio Lucini, Maurizio Piai, Davide Vadacchino, relevance 1.43

Non-perturbative aspects of the physics of $Sp(2N)$ gauge theories are interesting for phenomenological and theoretical reasons, and little studied so far, particularly in the approach to the large-$N$ limit. We examine the spectrum of glueballs and the string tension of Yang-Mills theories based upon these groups. Glueball masses are calculated numerically with a variational method from Monte-Carlo generated lattice gauge configurations. After taking continuum limits for $N$ = 1, 2, 3 and 4, we extrapolate the results towards large $N$. We compare the resulting spectrum with that of $SU(N)$ gauge theories, both at finite $N$ and as $N$ approaches infinity.

Entanglement and Excitations in Gauge/Gravity Duality. (arXiv:1912.09782v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ronnie Rodgers, relevance 26.17

In this thesis, we study a variety of phenomena in strongly coupled quantum field theories by performing calculations in their gravitational duals. We compute entanglement entropy in a variety of holographic systems, paying particular attention to its long-distance behaviour, characterised by a term proportional to surface area. This term is known to decrease along Lorentz-invariant renormalisation group flows, suggesting that it may count massless degrees of freedom. We find that more general deformations may increase this area term, possibly indicating an enhanced number of long-distance degrees of freedom. We observe a correlation between this enhancement and the emergence of new scaling symmetry at long distances. Next, we study the spectrum of collective excitations in a holographic model of a non-Fermi liquid. At high temperatures, the spectrum of collective excitations includes hydrodynamic sound waves. As in similar models, we observe that sound-like modes also exist at low temperatures. Such modes are known as holographic zero sound. We study the changing properties of holographic zero sound and the emergence of hydrodynamic behaviour at high temperatures as we vary the parameters of the model. We find that for certain values of the parameters, the temperature-dependence of holographic zero sound qualitatively resembles that of a normal Fermi liquid. Finally, we study the entanglement entropy contribution of surface defects in a six-dimensional quantum field theory of relevance to M-theory, which is a candidate theory of quantum gravity. We find that the entanglement entropy does not montonically decrease along renormalisation group flows on these defects, ruling it out as a potential measure of degrees of freedom. On the other hand, we find that two of the contributions of the defect to the Weyl anomaly of the quantum field theory decrease along all of the flows that we study.

Winding modes and the reflection symmetry in AdS$_3$. (arXiv:1912.09754v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sergio Iguri, Nicolas Kovensky, Leila Maestri, Lucas Martín, relevance 7.14

We compute the contact term of the two-point function for the SL($2,\mathbb R$)-WZNW model in the winding sector. After reviewing some generalities of the model and its Euclidean counterpart, we discuss the reflection symmetry for the spectral flowed sector. We define the corresponding intertwining operator and use it to find the explicit form of the contact term of the propagator for a vertex carrying an arbitrary amount of spectral flow. Finally, we enhance the already known integral expression of a singly flowed vertex in order to reproduce such contact term directly in the space-time picture.

Unitarity and information in quantum gravity: a simple example. (arXiv:1912.09750v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Lautaro Amadei, Hongguang Liu, Alejandro Perez, relevance 21.62

In approaches to quantum gravity, where smooth spacetime is an emergent approximation of a discrete Planckian fundamental structure, any effective smooth field theoretical description would miss part of the fundamental degrees of freedom and thus break unitarity. This is applicable also to trivial gravitational field (low energy) idealizations realized by the use of the Minkowski background geometry which, as any other spacetime geometry, corresponds, in the fundamental description, to infinitely many different and closely degenerate discrete microstates. The existence of such microstates provides a large reservoir for information to be coded at the end of black hole evaporation and thus opens the way to a natural resolution of the black hole evaporation information puzzle.

In this paper we show that these expectations can be made precise in a simple quantum gravity model for cosmology motivated by loop quantum gravity. Concretely, even when the model is fundamentally unitary, when microscopic degrees of freedom irrelevant to low-energy cosmological observers are suitably ignored, pure states in the effective description evolve into mixed states due to decoherence with the Planckian microscopic structure. Moreover, in the relevant physical regime these hidden degrees freedom do not carry any `energy' and thus realize in a fully quantum gravitational context the idea (emphasized before by Unruh and Wald) that decoherence can take place without dissipation, now in a concrete gravitational model strongly motivated by quantum gravity. All this strengthen the perspective of a quite conservative and natural resolution of the black hole evaporation puzzle where information is not destroyed but simply degraded (made unavailable to low energy observers) into correlations with the microscopic structure of the quantum geometry at the Planck scale.

A Walking Dilaton Inflation. (arXiv:1912.09740v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hiroyuki Ishida, Shinya Matsuzaki, relevance 0.69

We propose an inflationary scenario based on a many-flavor hidden QCD with eight flavors, which realizes the almost scale-invariant (walking) gauge dynamics. The theory predicts two types of composite (pseudo) Nambu-Goldstone bosons, the pions and the lightest scalar (dilaton) associated with the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and its simultaneous violation of the approximate scale invariance. The dilaton acts as an inflaton, where the inflaton potential is induced by the nonperturbative-scale anomaly linked with the underlying theory. The inflaton potential parameters are highly constrained by the walking nature, which are evaluated by straightforward nonperturbative analyses including lattice simulations. Due to the pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson's natures and the intrinsic property for the chiral symmetry breaking in the walking gauge dynamics, the inflaton coupled to the pions naturally undergoes the small field inflation consistently with all the cosmological and astrophysical constraints presently placed by Planck 2018 data. When the theory is vector-likely coupled to the standard model in part in a way to realize a dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, the reheating temperature is determined by the pion decays to electroweak gauge bosons. The proposed inflationary scenario would provide a dynamical origin for the small field inflation as well as the light pions as a smoking-gun to be probed by future experiments.

AdS$_6$/CFT$_5$ with O7-planes. (arXiv:1912.09716v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Christoph F. Uhlemann, relevance 15.42

Type IIB AdS$_6$ solutions with orientifold 7-planes are constructed. The geometry is a warped product of AdS$_6$ and S$^2$ over a Riemann surface $\Sigma$ and the O7-planes correspond to a particular type of puncture on $\Sigma$. The solutions are identified as near-horizon limits of $(p,q)$ 5-brane webs with O7-planes. The dual 5d SCFTs have relevant deformations to linear quiver gauge theories which have $SO(\cdot)$ or $USp(\cdot)$ nodes or $SU(\cdot)$ nodes with hypermultiplets in symmetric or antisymmetric representations, in addition to $SU(\cdot)$ nodes with fundamental hypermultiplets. The S$^5$ free energies are obtained holographically and matched to field theory computations using supersymmetric localization to support the proposed dualities.

Rotating black holes with an anisotropic matter field. (arXiv:1912.09709v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hyeong-Chan Kim, Bum-Hoon Lee, Wonwoo Lee, Youngone Lee, relevance 12.14

We present a family of new rotating black hole solutions to Einstein's equations that generalizes the Kerr-Newman spacetime to include an anisotropic matter. The geometry is obtained by employing the Newman-Janis algorithm. In addition to the mass, the charge and the angular momentum, an additional hair exists thanks to the negative radial pressure of the anisotropic matter. The properties of the black hole are analyzed in detail including thermodynamics. This black hole can be used as a better engine than the Kerr-Newman one in extracting energy.

Covariant derivative expansion for the renormalization of gravity. (arXiv:1912.09671v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Rodrigo Alonso, relevance 0.93

The one loop UV divergences of Hilbert-Einstein gravity with a cosmological constant and spin 0, 1/2 and 1 matter are computed making use of a covariant derivative expansion and functional methods. For this purpose the transformation that yields the covariant derivative is extended to include a dynamical metric and the expansion in the fields themselves is made covariant which is relevant for the effective action due to the non-linear character of gravity

Scalar field dark matter as an alternative explanation for the polar orbits of satellite galaxies. (arXiv:1912.09660v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Tonatiuh Matos, Jordi Solís-López, Francisco S. Guzmán, Victor H. Robles, L. Arturo Ureña-López, relevance 0.00

In recent years the Scalar Field Dark Matter (SFDM), also called ultralight bosonic dark matter, has received considerable attention due to the number of problems it might help to solve. Among these we find the cusp-core problem and the abundance of small structures of the standard Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model. In this letter we show that mixed state solutions of the low energy and weak gravitational field limit of field equations, interpreted as galactic halo density profiles, could explain the anisotropic concentration of satellite galaxies observed in the Milky Way, M31 and Centaurus A, where satellites seem to concentrate more towards the poles of the galaxies instead of following randomly distributed trajectories. For this we assume a mixed state configuration containing the monopolar and the first dipolar contributions.

Oscillon Preheating in Full General Relativity. (arXiv:1912.09658v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Xiao-Xiao Kou, Chi Tian, Shuang-Yong Zhou, relevance 2.96

Oscillons are dense objects that may be copiously produced in the preheating period after inflation, during which what role general relativity might play is largely unknown. We investigate the oscillon preheating scenario in full general relativity, and compare the general-relativistic simulations with the traditional ones done in an FLRW background. We find that in certain parameter regions the general-relativistic corrections are significant, producing more and denser oscillons, and can be strong enough to collapse the oscillons to black holes.

Expanding 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ Theories around the Round Sphere. (arXiv:1912.09617v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dongmin Gang, Masahito Yamazaki, relevance 0.88

We study a perturbative expansion of the squashed 3-sphere ($S^3_b$) partition function of 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ gauge theories around the squashing parameter $b= 1$. Our proposal gives the coefficients of the perturbative expansion as a finite sum over the saddle points of the supersymmetric-localization integral in the limit $b \rightarrow 0$ (the so-called Bethe vacua), and the contribution from each Bethe vacua can be systematically computed using saddle-point methods. Our expansion provides an efficient and practical method for computing basic CFT data ($F,C_T,C_{JJ}$ and higher-point correlation functions of the stress-energy tensor) of the IR superconformal field theory without performing the localization integrals.

The 3d Twisted Index and Wall-Crossing. (arXiv:1912.09591v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Mathew Bullimore, Andrea E. V. Ferrari, Heeyeon Kim, relevance 0.68

We study the twisted index of 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric gauge theories on $S^1 \times \Sigma$ in the presence of an additional real parameter. This parameter can be understood as a 1d FI parameter for the effective supersymmetric quantum mechanics on $S^1$. Using supersymmetric localisation, the twisted index can be expressed as a contour integral. We show that the contour prescription is modified in the presence of the 1d FI parameter, leading to wall-crossing phenomena for the twisted index. In particular, we derive a general wall-crossing formula for abelian gauge theories. We also examine the origin of wall-crossing as change of stability condition in the algebro-geometric interpretation of the twisted index. These ideas are illustrated for abelian theories with $\mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetry and in a non-abelian example that reproduces wall-crossing phenomena associated to moduli spaces of stable pairs.

Joule-Thomson expansion of a specific black hole in different dimensions. (arXiv:1912.09590v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sen.Guo, Yan.Han, Guo. Ping. Li, relevance 8.95

In this paper, we have studied the Joule-Thomson expansion of a specific black hole in f(R) gravity coupled with Yang-Mills field. Firstly, 4-dimensional equation of state and the Joule-Thomson coefficient were derived from thermodynamic quantities, the critical temperature and the inversion temperature were obtained, and the isenthalpic curves and the inversion curves have plotted in the T-P plane. Then, by considering the higher dimensions black hole, the inversion temperature was obtained, the isenthalpic curves and the inversion curves also were plotted, and the effect of nonlinear term $\eta$ and dimension for the Joule-Thomson expansion is demonstrated visually by depicting different curves. Finally, we compared the ratio of the inversion temperature to the critical temperatures with the van der Waals fluid and other black hole, which the ratio is not equal to 0.5, and the dimension changes, the ratio also changes.

I-Love-Q Relations for Realistic White Dwarfs. (arXiv:1912.09557v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Andrew Taylor, Kent Yagi, Phil Arras, relevance 0.00

The space-borne gravitational wave interferometer, LISA, is expected to detect signals from numerous binary white dwarfs. At small orbital separation, rapid rotation and large tidal bulges may allow for the stellar internal structure to be probed through such observations. Finite-size effects are encoded in quantities like the moment of inertia ($I$), tidal Love number (Love), and quadrupole moment ($Q$). The universal relations among them (I-Love-Q relations) can be used to reduce the number of parameters in the gravitational-wave templates. We here study I-Love-Q relations for more realistic white dwarf models than used in previous studies. In particular, we extend previous works by including (i) differential rotation and (ii) internal temperature profiles taken from detailed stellar evolution calculations. We use the publicly available stellar evolution code MESA to generate cooling models of both low- and high-mass white dwarfs. We show that differential rotation causes the I-Q relation (and similarly the Love-Q relation) to deviate from that of constant rotation. We also find that the introduction of finite temperatures causes the white dwarf to move along the zero-temperature mass sequence of I-Q values, moving towards values that suggest a lower mass. We further find that after only a few Myrs, high-mass white dwarfs are well-described by the zero-temperature model, suggesting that the relations with zero-temperature may be good enough in most practical cases. Low-mass, He-core white dwarfs with thick hydrogen envelopes may undergo long periods of H burning which sustain the stellar temperature and allow deviations from the I-Love-Q relations for longer times.

Unitarity Methods in AdS/CFT. (arXiv:1912.09521v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David Meltzer, Eric Perlmutter, Allic Sivaramakrishnan, relevance 15.76

We develop a systematic unitarity method for loop-level AdS scattering amplitudes, dual to non-planar CFT correlators, from both bulk and boundary perspectives. We identify cut operators acting on bulk amplitudes that put virtual lines on shell, and show how the conformal partial wave decomposition of the amplitudes may be efficiently computed by gluing lower-loop amplitudes. A central role is played by the double discontinuity of the amplitude, which has a direct relation to these cuts. We then exhibit a precise, intuitive map between the diagrammatic approach in the bulk using cutting and gluing, and the algebraic, holographic unitarity method of arXiv:1612.03891 that constructs the non-planar correlator from planar CFT data. Our analysis focuses mostly on four-point, one-loop diagrams -- we compute cuts of the scalar bubble, triangle and box, as well as some one-particle reducible diagrams -- in addition to the five-point tree and four-point double-ladder. Analogies with S-matrix unitarity methods are drawn throughout.

Caustics bounding entanglement wedges. (arXiv:1912.09515v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marine De Clerck, Charles Rabideau, Niklas Tanger, relevance 29.64

We study the caustics on the boundaries of entanglement wedges in the context of holography in asymptotically AdS$_3$ spacetimes. These entanglement wedges play an important role in our understanding of the emergence of bulk locality. A procedure was proposed by Sanches and Weinberg [arXiv:1703.07780] for identifying boundary operators which are local in the bulk, which also applies to certain regions that lie beyond the reach of HRT surfaces by taking advantage of the lightsheets which bound entanglement wedges. We identify the caustics which terminate these lightsheets in conical deficit and BTZ black hole spacetimes and find that in some examples these caustics lead to a sharp corner in the entanglement wedge. The unexpected shape of these entanglement wedges leads, in those cases, to a breakdown of this procedure. Many of the properties of the rich variety of caustics possible in higher dimensions remains to be explored which, as this work demonstrates, could lead to more unexpected features in the shapes of entanglement wedges.

Deformed Heisenberg charges in three-dimensional gravity. (arXiv:1912.09514v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jeevan Chandra Namburi, Wolfgang Wieland, relevance 3.65

In this paper, we consider the bulk plus boundary phase space for three-dimensional gravity with negative cosmological constant for a particular choice of conformal boundary conditions: the conformal class of the induced metric at the boundary is kept fixed and the mean extrinsic curvature is constrained to be one. Such specific conformal boundary conditions define so-called Bryant surfaces, which can be classified completely in terms of holomorphic maps from Riemann surfaces into the spinor bundle. To study the observables and gauge symmetries of the resulting bulk plus boundary system, we introduce an extended phase space, where these holomorphic maps are now part of the gravitational bulk plus boundary phase space. The physical phase space is obtained by introducing two sets of Kac-Moody currents, which are constrained to vanish. The constraints are second-class and the corresponding Dirac bracket yields an infinite-dimensional deformation of the Heisenberg algebra for the spinor-valued surface charges. Finally, we compute the Poisson algebra among the generators of conformal diffeomorphisms and demonstrate that there is no central charge. Although the central charge vanishes and the boundary CFT is likely non-unitary, we will argue that a version of the Cardy formula still applies in this context, such that the entropy of the BTZ black hole can be derived from the degeneracy of the eigenstates of quasi-local energy.

De Sitter Diagrammar and the Resummation of Time. (arXiv:1912.09502v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Matthew Baumgart, Raman Sundrum, relevance 8.44

Light scalars in inflationary spacetimes suffer from logarithmic infrared divergences at every order in perturbation theory. This corresponds to the scalar field values in different Hubble patches undergoing a random walk of quantum fluctuations, leading to a simple toy "landscape" on superhorizon scales, in which we can explore questions relevant to eternal inflation. However, for a sufficiently long period of inflation, the infrared divergences appear to spoil computability. Some form of renormalization group approach is thus motivated to resum the log divergences of conformal time. Such a resummation may provide insight into De Sitter holography. We present here a novel diagrammatic analysis of these infrared divergences and their resummation. Basic graph theory observations and momentum power counting for the in-in propagators allow a simple and insightful determination of the leading-log contributions. One thus sees diagrammatically how the superhorizon sector consists of a semiclassical theory with quantum noise evolved by a first-order, interacting classical equation of motion. This rigorously leads to the "Stochastic Inflation" ansatz developed by Starobinsky to cure the scalar infrared pathology nonperturbatively. Our approach is a controlled approximation of the underlying quantum field theory and is systematically improvable.

GV-Spectroscopy for F-theory on genus-one fibrations. (arXiv:1912.09493v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Paul-Konstantin Oehlmann, Thorsten Schimannek, relevance 0.69

We present a novel technique to obtain base independent expressions for the matter loci of fibrations of complete intersection Calabi-Yau onefolds in toric ambient spaces. These can be used to systematically construct elliptically and genus one fibered Calabi-Yau $d$-folds that lead to desired gauge groups and spectra in F-theory. The technique, which we refer to as GV-spectroscopy, is based on the calculation of fiber Gopakumar-Vafa invariants using the Batyrev-Borisov construction of mirror pairs and application of the so-called Frobenius method to the data of a parametrized auxiliary polytope. In particular for fibers that generically lead to multiple sections, only multi-sections or that are complete intersections in higher codimension, our technique is vastly more efficient than classical approaches. As an application we study two Higgs chains of six-dimensional supergravities that are engineered by fibrations of codimension two complete intersection fibers. Both chains end on a vacuum with $G=\mathbb{Z}_4$ that is engineered by fibrations of bi-quadrics in $\mathbb{P}^3$. We use the detailed knowledge of the structure of the reducible fibers that we obtain from GV-spectroscopy to comment on the corresponding Tate-Shafarevich group. We also show that for all fibers the six-dimensional supergravity anomalies including the discrete anomalies generically cancel.

A toy model for decoherence in the black hole information problem. (arXiv:1912.09491v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Kartiek Agarwal, Ning Bao, relevance 14.80

We investigate a plausible route to resolving the black hole information paradox by examining the effects of decoherence on Hawking radiation. In particular, we show that a finite but non-zero rate of decoherence can lead to efficient extraction of information from the evaporating black hole. This effectively pushes the paradox from becoming manifest at the Page time when the black hole has evaporated to half its size, to a timescale solely determined by the rate of decoherence. If this rate is due to a putative interaction with low-energy gravitons, we show that the black hole at this timescale can be expected to be Planck-sized, but notably does not contain an extensive amount of information packed inside. We justify our findings by numerically studying a toy model of stabilizer circuits that can efficiently model black hole evaporation in the presence of decoherence. The latter is found to be well described by effective mean-field like equations of motion for the entanglement, which are further amenable to an explicit solution, and corroborate our findings.

A Conjecture on the Minimal Size of Bound States. (arXiv:1912.09485v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ben Freivogel, Thomas Gasenzer, Arthur Hebecker, Sascha Leonhardt, relevance 1.37

We conjecture that, in a renormalizable effective quantum field theory where the heaviest stable particle has mass $m$, there are no bound states with radius below $1/m$ (Bound State Conjecture). We are motivated by the (scalar) Weak Gravity Conjecture, which can be read as a statement forbidding certain bound states. As we discuss, versions for uncharged particles and their generalizations have shortcomings. This leads us to the suggestion that one should only constrain rather than exclude bound objects. In the gravitational case, the resulting conjecture takes the sharp form of forbidding the adiabatic construction of black holes smaller than $1/m$. But this minimal bound-state radius remains non-trivial as $M_\text{P}\to \infty$, leading us to suspect a feature of QFT rather than a quantum gravity constraint. We find support in a number of examples which we analyze at a parametric level.

Soft-Collinear Effective Theory: BRST Formulation. (arXiv:1912.09482v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sudhaker Upadhyay, Bhabani Prasad Mandal, relevance 1.67

We provide a systematic BRST formalism for the soft-collinear effective theory describing interactions of soft and collinear degrees of freedom in the presence of a hard interaction. In particular, we develop full BRST symmetry transformation for SCET theory. We further extend the BRST formulation by making the transformation field dependent. This establishes a mapping between several SCET actions consistently when defined in different gauge conditions. In fact, a definite structure of gauge-fixed actions corresponding to any particular gauge condition can be generated for SCET theory using our formulation.

Renormalization Group Flows, the $a$-Theorem and Conformal Bootstrap. (arXiv:1912.09479v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sandipan Kundu, relevance 15.16

Every renormalization group flow in $d$ spacetime dimensions can be equivalently described as spectral deformations of a generalized free CFT in $(d-1)$ spacetime dimensions. This can be achieved by studying the effective action of the Nambu-Goldstone boson of broken conformal symmetry in anti-de Sitter space and then taking the flat space limit. This approach is particularly useful in even spacetime dimension where the change in the Euler anomaly $ a_{UV}-a_{IR}$ can be related to anomalous dimensions of lowest twist multi-trace operators in the dual CFT. As an application, we provide a simple proof of the 4d $a$-theorem using the dual description. Furthermore, we reinterpret the statement of the $a$-theorem in 6d as a conformal bootstrap problem in 5d.

Three-dimensional Maxwellian extended Bargmann supergravity. (arXiv:1912.09477v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Patrick Concha, Lucrezia Ravera, Evelyn Rodríguez, relevance 0.83

We present a novel three-dimensional non-relativistic Chern-Simons supergravity theory invariant under a Maxwellian extended Bargmann superalgebra. We first study the non-relativistic limits of the minimal and the $\mathcal{N}=2$ Maxwell superalgebras. We show that a well-defined Maxwellian extended Bargmann supergravity requires to construct by hand a supersymmetric extension of the Maxwellian extended Bargmann algebra by introducing additional fermionic and bosonic generators. The new non-relativistic supergravity action presented here contains the extended Bargmann supergravity as a sub-case.

Asymptotic dynamics of AdS$_3$ gravity with two asymptotic regions. (arXiv:1912.09465v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marc Henneaux, Wout Merbis, Arash Ranjbar, relevance 8.65

The asymptotic dynamics of AdS$_3$ gravity with two asymptotically anti-de Sitter regions is investigated, paying due attention to the zero modes, i.e., holonomies along non-contractible circles and their canonically conjugates. This situation covers the eternal black hole solution. We derive how the holonomies around the non-contractible circles couple the fields on the two different boundaries and show that their canonically conjugate variables, needed for a consistent dynamical description of the holonomies, can be related to Wilson lines joining the boundaries. The action reduces to the sum of four free chiral actions, one for each boundary and each chirality, with additional non-trivial couplings to the zero modes which are explicitly written. While the Gauss decomposition of the $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$ group elements is useful in order to treat hyperbolic holonomies, the Iwasawa decomposition turns out to be more convenient in order to deal with elliptic and parabolic holonomies. The connection with the geometric action is also made explicit. Although our paper deals with the specific example of two asymptotically anti-de Sitter regions, most of our global considerations on holonomies and radial Wilson lines qualitatively apply whenever there are multiple boundaries, independently of the form that the boundary conditions explicitly take there.

Dissipation in extreme-mass ratio binaries with a spinning secondary. (arXiv:1912.09461v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Sarp Akcay, Sam R. Dolan, Chris Kavanagh, Jordan Moxon, Niels Warburton, Barry Wardell, relevance 4.32

We present the gravitational-wave flux balance law in an extreme mass-ratio binary with a spinning secondary. This law relates the flux of energy (angular momentum) radiated to null infinity and through the event horizon to the local change in the secondary's orbital energy (angular momentum) for generic (non-resonant) bound orbits in Kerr spacetime. As an explicit example we compute these quantities for a spin-aligned body moving on a circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole. We perform this calculation both analytically, via a high-order post-Newtonian expansion, and numerically in two different gauges. Using these results we demonstrate explicitly that our new balance law holds.

${\mathbb Z}_n$ modified XY and Goldstone models and vortex confinement transition. (arXiv:1912.09456v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Michikazu Kobayashi, Muneto Nitta, relevance 0.13

The modified XY model is a modification of the XY model by addition of a half-periodic term. The modified Goldstone model is a regular and continuum version of the modified XY model. The former admits a vortex molecule, that is, two half-quantized vortices connected by a domain wall, as a regular topological soliton solution to the equation of motion while the latter admits it as a singular configuration. Here we define the ${\mathbb Z}_n$ modified XY and Goldstone models as the $n=2$ case to be the modified XY and Goldstone models, respectively. We exhaust all stable and metastalble vortex solutions for $n=2,3$ and find a vortex confinement transition from an integer vortex to a vortex molecule of $n$ $1/n$-quantized vortices, depending on the ratio between the term of the XY model and the modified term. We find for the case of $n=3$, a rod-shaped molecule is the most stable while a Y-shaped molecule is metastable. We also construct some solutions for the case of $n=4$.The vortex confinement transition can be understood in terms of the ${\mathbb C}/{\mathbb Z}_n$ orbifold geometry.

Symbol Recursion for the dS Wave Function. (arXiv:1912.09450v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Aaron Hillman, relevance 1.43

We present a recursive rule for the symbol of perturbative contributions to the vacuum wave function of a conformally coupled scalar in FRW cosmologies. The rule applies exactly for a class of interactions and cosmologies, which contains {\lambda}{\phi}^3 in dS_4, a case of particular relevance as a source of building blocks for inflationary correlators. We use the rule to efficiently reproduce the tree-level four-point contribution and present novel computations of the bubble integrand and the tree-level five-point contribution. Our results apply equally well to the computation of Witten diagrams in Euclidean AdS.

Vainshtein Screening in Bimetric Cosmology. (arXiv:1912.09449v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Marvin Lüben, Angnis Schmidt-May, Juri Smirnov, relevance 2.95

We demonstrate that the instabilities in linear cosmological perturbations in bimetric theory are the manifestation of the non-linear Vainshtein mechanism on an FRW background. The spin-2 mass serves as the cosmological Vainshtein scale in this case. This allows us to quantitatively address early universe cosmology. In particular, in a global analysis, we study data from the cosmic microwave background radiation and local measurements of the Hubble flow. We show that bimetric cosmology resolves the discrepancy in the local and early-time measurements of the Hubble scale via an effective phantom dark energy component.

Planar Matrices and Arrays of Feynman Diagrams. (arXiv:1912.09422v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Freddy Cachazo, Alfredo Guevara, Bruno Umbert, Yong Zhang, relevance 0.00

Very recently planar collections of Feynman diagrams were proposed by Borges and one of the authors as the natural generalization of Feynman diagrams for the computation of $k=3$ biadjoint amplitudes. Planar collections are one-dimensional arrays of metric trees satisfying an induced planarity and compatibility condition. In this work we introduce planar matrices of Feynman diagrams as the objects that compute $k=4$ biadjoint amplitudes. These are symmetric matrices of metric trees satisfying compatibility conditions. We introduce two notions of combinatorial bootstrap techniques for finding collections from Feynman diagrams and matrices from collections. As applications of the first, we find all $693$, $13\,612$, and $346\,710$ collections for $(k,n)=(3,7), (3,8),$ and $(3,9)$ respectively. As applications of the second kind, we find all $90\, 608$ and $30\,659\,424$ planar matrices that compute $(k,n)=(4,8)$ and $(4,9)$ biadjoint amplitudes respectively. As an example of the evaluation of matrices of Feynman diagrams, we present the complete form of the $(4,8)$ and $(4,9)$ biadjoint amplitudes. We also start the study of higher dimensional arrays of Feynman diagrams, including the combinatorial version of the duality between $(k,n)$ and $(n-k,n)$ objects.

Holographic Wilson Lines as Screened Impurities. (arXiv:1912.09417v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nick Evans, Andy O'Bannon, Ronnie Rodgers, relevance 9.81

In Landau Fermi liquids, screened impurities support quasi-bound states, representing electrons bound to the impurity but making virtual excursions away. Signals of these quasi-bound states are electron-impurity scattering phase shifts and the corresponding resonances in cross sections. We consider large-$N$, strongly-coupled $(3+1)$-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theory on the Coulomb branch, where an adjoint scalar has a non-zero expectation value that breaks $SU(N) \to SU(N-1) \times U(1)$. In the holographic dual we re-visit well-known solutions for a probe D3-brane that describe this theory with a symmetric-representation Wilson line "impurity." We present evidence that the adjoint scalar screens the Wilson line, by showing that quasi-bound states form at the impurity, producing $U(1)$-impurity scattering phase shifts and corresponding resonances in cross sections. The quasi-bound states appear holographically as quasi-normal modes of probe D3-brane fields, even in the absence of a black hole horizon, via a mechanism that we argue is generic to screened defects in holography. We also argue that well-known generalisations of these probe D3-brane solutions can describe lattices of screened Wilson/'t Hooft line impurities.

Gravitomagnetism in the Lewis cylindrical metrics. (arXiv:1912.09407v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by L. Filipe O. Costa, José Natário, relevance 0.00

The Lewis solutions describe the exterior gravitational field produced by infinitely long rotating cylinders, and are useful models for global gravitational effects. When the metric parameters are real (Weyl class), the exterior metrics of rotating and static cylinders are locally indistinguishable, but known to globally differ. The significance of this difference, both in terms of physical effects (gravitomagnetism) and of the mathematical invariants where the rotation imprints itself, remain open problems in the literature. In this work we show that, by a rigid coordinate rotation, the Weyl class metric can be put into a "canonical" form where the Killing vector field $\partial_{t}$ is time-like everywhere, and which reveals that, in what pertains to gravitomagnetism, the two settings differ only at the level of the gravitomagnetic vector potential which, for a rotating cylinder, cannot be eliminated by any global coordinate transformation. It manifests itself in the Sagnac and gravitomagnetic clock effects. The situation is seen to mirror the electromagnetic field of a rotating charged cylinder, which likewise differs from the static case only in the vector potential, responsible for the Aharonov-Bohm effect, formally analogous to the Sagnac effect. The geometrical distinction between the two solutions is also discussed, and the notions of local and global staticity revisited. The matching in canonical form to the van Stockum interior cylinder is also shown.

A note on the Drinfeld associator for genus-zero superstring amplitudes in twisted de Rham theory. (arXiv:1912.09406v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Andre Kaderli, relevance 0.16

The string corrections of tree-level open-string amplitudes can be described by Selberg integrals satisfying a Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov (KZ) equation. This allows for a recursion of the $\alpha'$-expansion of tree-level string corrections in the number of external states using the Drinfeld associator. While the feasibility of this recursion is well-known, we provide a mathematical description in terms of twisted de Rham theory and intersection numbers of twisted forms. In particular, this leads to purely combinatorial expressions for the matrix representation of the Lie algebra generators appearing in the KZ equation in terms of directed graphs. This, in turn, admits efficient algorithms for symbolic and numerical computations using adjacency matrices of directed graphs and is a crucial step towards analogous recursions and algorithms at higher genera.

Comparison between fluid-gravity and membrane-gravity dualities for Einstein-Maxwell system. (arXiv:1912.09402v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Milan Patra, relevance 5.15

Derivative expansion and large-$D$ expansion are two perturbation techniques, which are used to generate dynamical black-brane solutions to Einstein's equations in presence of negative cosmological constant. In this note we have compared these two techniques and established the equivalence of the gravity solutions generated by these two different techniques in appropriate regime of parameter space up to first non-trivial order in both the perturbation parameters for Einstein-Maxwell systems, generalizing the earlier works of [arXiv:1807.05058], [arXiv:1902.00854] for non-charged systems. An one-to-one map between dynamical black-brane geometry and AdS space, which also exists at finite number of dimensions, has also been established.

Field Theories on Null Manifolds. (arXiv:1912.09388v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Arjun Bagchi, Rudranil Basu, Aditya Mehra, Poulami Nandi, relevance 11.58

We argue that generic field theories defined on null manifolds should have an emergent BMS or conformal Carrollian structure. We then focus on a simple interacting conformal Carrollian theory, viz. Carrollian scalar electrodynamics. We look at weak (on-shell) and strong invariance (off-shell) of its equations of motion under conformal Carrollian symmetries. Helmholtz conditions are necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of equations to arise from a Lagrangian. We investigate whether the equations of motion of Carrollian scalar electrodynamics satisfy these conditions. Then we proposed an action for the electric sector of the theory. This action is the first example for an interacting conformal Carrollian Field Theory. The proposed action respects the finite and infinite conformal Carrollian symmetries in d = 4. We calculate conserved charges corresponding to these finite and infinite symmetries and then rewrite the conserved charges in terms of the canonical variables. We finally compute the Poisson brackets for these charges and confirm that infinite Carrollian conformal algebra is satisfied at the level of charges.

Thick spectral walls in solitonic collisions. (arXiv:1912.09371v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by C. Adam, K. Oles, T. Romanczukiewicz, A. Wereszczynski, relevance 0.76

We study how the transition of a bound mode through the mass threshold of a scalar field theory in 1+1 dimensions affects the soliton dynamics in a generic (non-self-dual process) process, i.e., when a static intersoliton force shows up. We show that the thin, precisely localised spectral wall which forms in the self-dual limit (no static force), broadens in a well-defined manner in the non-self-dual case, giving rise to what we will call a thick spectral wall. This phenomenon just requires that a discrete mode crosses into the continuum at some intermediate stage of the dynamics and, therefore, should be observable in many soliton-antisoliton collisions. As an example, we consider soliton-antisoliton scattering in a one-parameter version of the $\phi^4$ model.

Soft gluon emission at two loops in full color. (arXiv:1912.09370v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Lance J. Dixon, Enrico Herrmann, Kai Yan, Hua Xing Zhu, relevance 0.32

The soft emission factor is a central ingredient in the factorization of generic $n$-particle gauge theory amplitudes with one soft gluon in the external state. We present the complete two-loop soft factor, capturing the leading power behavior in the soft-gluon momentum. At two loops, the color structure and the kinematic dependence of the soft factor become nontrivial as the soft gluon can couple to three hard partons for the first time (tripole terms). The nontrivial kinematic dependence of the tripole terms is of uniform, maximal transcendental weight, and can be expressed (in a "Euclidean" region) in terms of single-valued harmonic polylogarithms. Our results are consistent with the behavior of the recently computed symbol of the two-loop five-particle amplitude in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills theory. In the limit where the outgoing soft gluon is also collinear with an incoming hard parton, potentially dangerous factorization-violating terms can arise.

An N=1 Lagrangian for the rank 1 E6 superconformal theory. (arXiv:1912.09348v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Gabi Zafrir, relevance 1.19

We propose that a certain $4d$ $\mathcal{N}=1$ $SU(4)$ gauge theory flows in the IR to the rank $1$ $\mathcal{N}=2$ strongly coupled SCFT with $E_6$ global symmetry and $25$ free chiral fields. This proposal is tested by comparing various RG invariant quantities, notably, anomalies and the superconformal index. We discuss the generalization to $\mathcal{N}=1$ $SU(2n+2)$ gauge theory models flowing in the IR to the $R_{(2,2n+1)}$ family of strongly coupled SCFTs plus free fields.

Unique fermionic vacuum in de Sitter spacetime from hybrid quantum cosmology. (arXiv:1912.09343v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Beatriz Elizaga Navascués, Guillermo A. Mena Marugán, Santiago Prado, relevance 14.46

In this work we show how the criterion of asymptotic Hamiltonian diagonalization originated in hybrid quantum cosmology serves to pick out a unique vacuum for the Dirac field in de Sitter, in the context of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes. This criterion is based on the dynamical definition of annihilation and creationlike variables for the fermionic field, which obey the linearized dynamics of a Hamiltonian that has been diagonalized in a way that is adapted to its local spatial structure. This leads to fermionic variables that possess a precise asymptotic expansion in the ultraviolet limit of large wavenumbers. We explicitly show that, when the cosmological background is fixed as a de Sitter solution, this expansion uniquely selects the choice of fermionic annihilation and creationlike variables for all spatial scales, and thus picks out a unique privileged Fock representation and vacuum state for the Dirac field in de Sitter. The explicit form of the basis of solutions to the Dirac equation associated with this vacuum is then computed.

Postmerger Gravitational-Wave Signatures of Phase Transitions in Binary Mergers. (arXiv:1912.09340v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lukas R. Weih, Matthias Hanauske, Luciano Rezzolla, relevance 0.00

With the first detection of gravitational waves from a binary system of neutron stars, GW170817, a new window was opened to study the properties of matter at and above nuclear-saturation density. Reaching densities a few times that of nuclear matter and temperatures up to $100\,\rm{MeV}$, such mergers also represent potential sites for a phase transition (PT) from confined hadronic matter to deconfined quark matter. While the lack of a postmerger signal in GW170817 has prevented us from assessing experimentally this scenario, two theoretical studies have explored the postmerger gravitational-wave signatures of PTs in mergers of binary systems of neutron stars. We here extend and complete the picture by presenting a novel signature of the occurrence of a PT. More specifically, using fully general-relativistic hydrodynamic simulations and employing a suitably constructed equation of state that includes a PT, we present the occurrence of a "delayed PT", i.e. a PT that develops only some time after the merger and produces a metastable object with a quark-matter core, i.e. a hypermassive hybrid star. Because in this scenario, the postmerger signal exhibits two distinct fundamental gravitational-wave frequencies -- before and after the PT -- the associated signature promises to be the strongest and cleanest among those considered so far, and one of the best signatures of the production of quark matter in the present Universe.

Spin Chain Overlaps and the Twisted Yangian. (arXiv:1912.09338v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Marius de Leeuw, Tamás Gombor, Charlotte Kristjansen, Georgios Linardopoulos, Balázs Pozsgay, relevance 0.36

Using considerations based on the thermodynamical Bethe ansatz as well representation theory of twisted Yangians we derive an exact expression for the overlaps between the Bethe eigenstates of the $SO(6)$ spin chain and matrix product states built from matrices whose commutators generate an irreducible representation of $\mathfrak{so}(5)$. The latter play the role of boundary states in a domain wall version of ${\cal N}=4$ SYM theory which has non-vanishing, $SO(5)$ symmetric vacuum expectation values on one side of a co-dimension one wall. This theory, which constitutes a defect CFT, is known to be dual to a D3-D7 probe brane system. We likewise show that the same methodology makes it possible to prove an overlap formula, earlier presented without proof, which is of relevance for the similar D3-D5 probe brane system.

Higher derivative and mimetic models on non flat FLRW space-times. (arXiv:1912.09307v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alessandro Casalino, Lorenzo Sebastiani, Luciano Vanzo, Sergio Zerbini, relevance 2.12

An effective Lagrangian approach, partly inspired by Quantum Loop Cosmology (QLC), is presented and formulated in a non flat FLRW space-times, making use of modified gravitational models. The models considered are non generic, and their choice is dictated by the necessity to have at least second order differential equations of motion in a non flat FLRW space-time. This is accomplished by a class of Lagrangian which are not analytic in the curvature invariants, or making use of a mimetic gravitational scalar field. It is shown that, for some effective models, the associated generalized Friedmann equation, in general, may admit non singular metrics as solutions, while the de Sitter space-time is present only for a restricted class, which includes General Relativity and Lovelock gravity. The other models admit pseudo de Sitter solutions, namely FLRW metrics, such that for vanishing spatial curvature looks like flat de Sitter patch, but for non vanishing spatial curvature are regular bounce metrics or, when the spatial curvature is negative, Big-Bang singular metrics.

Complete reduction of two-loop five-light-parton scattering amplitudes. (arXiv:1912.09294v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xin Guan, Xiao Liu, Yan-Qing Ma, relevance 0.00

We reduce all the most complicated Feynman integrals in two-loop five-light-parton scattering amplitudes to master integrals, while other integrals can be reduced even more easily. Our results are expressed as a system of linear relations in block-triangle form, which are very efficient for numerical calculation. Based on this, complete next-to-next-to-leading order QCD calculation for three jets, photons, or hadrons production at hadron colliders becomes possible. In order to find out the block-triangle relations, we develop a new method which is efficient and general. The method may provide a practical solution for the bottleneck problem of reducing multiloop multiscale integrals.

Numerical Loop-Tree Duality: contour deformation and subtraction. (arXiv:1912.09291v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Zeno Capatti, Valentin Hirschi, Dario Kermanschah, Andrea Pelloni, Ben Ruijl, relevance 0.00

We introduce a novel construction of a contour deformation within the framework of Loop-Tree Duality for the numerical computation of loop integrals featuring threshold singularities in momentum space. The functional form of our contour deformation automatically satisfies all constraints without the need for fine-tuning. We demonstrate that our construction is systematic and efficient by applying it to more than 100 examples of finite scalar integrals featuring up to six loops. We also showcase a first step towards handling non-integrable singularities by applying our work to one-loop infrared divergent scalar integrals and to the one-loop amplitude for the ordered production of two and three photons. This requires the combination of our contour deformation with local counterterms that regulate soft, collinear and ultraviolet divergences. This work is an important step towards computing higher-order corrections to relevant scattering cross-sections in a fully numerical fashion.

Eikonal quasinormal modes of black holes beyond general relativity II: generalised scalar-tensor perturbations. (arXiv:1912.09286v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Hector O. Silva, Kostas Glampedakis, relevance 9.05

Black hole `spectroscopy', i.e. the identification of quasinormal mode frequencies via gravitational wave observations, is a powerful technique for testing the general relativistic nature of black holes. In theories of gravity beyond general relativity perturbed black holes are typically described by a set of coupled wave equations for the tensorial field and the extra scalar/vector degrees of freedom, thus leading to a theory-specific quasinormal mode spectrum. In this paper we use the eikonal/geometric optics approximation to obtain analytic formulae for the frequency and damping rate of the fundamental quasinormal mode of a generalised, theory-agnostic system of equations describing coupled scalar-tensor perturbations of spherically symmetric black holes. Representing an extension of our recent work, the present model includes a massive scalar field, couplings through the field derivatives and first-order frame dragging rotational corrections. Moving away from spherical symmetry, we consider the simple model of the scalar wave equation in a general stationary-axisymmetric spacetime and use the eikonal approximation to compute the quasinormal modes associated with equatorial and nonequatorial photon rings.

Monte-Carlo generator of heavy ion collisions DCM-SMM. (arXiv:1912.09277v2 [nucl-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by M. Baznat, A. Botvina, G. Musulmanbekov, V. Toneev, V. Zhezher, relevance 0.00

The new monte-carlo generator of heavy ion collisions, DCM-SMM, based on Dubna Cascade Model (DCM-QGSM) and Statistical Multifragmentation Model (SMM) is described. The model aimed to generate particle--nucleus and nucleus--nucleus collisions at a wide range of energy was created to provide the computer simulation support to new experimental facilities BMN and MPD at the accelerator complex NICA. It can simulate the production of both light particles and nuclear fragments and hyperfragments on the event by event basis.

Dual Path Integral: a non-perturbative approach to strong coupling. (arXiv:1912.09265v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Vitaly Vanchurin, relevance 4.63

We develop a non-perturbative method for calculating partition functions of strongly coupled quantum mechanical systems with interactions between subsystems described by a path integral of a dual system. The dual path integral is derived starting from non-interacting subsystems at zeroth order and then by introducing couplings of increasing complexity at each order of an iterative procedure. These orders of interactions play the role of a dual time and the full quantum partition function is expressed as a transition amplitude in the dual system. More precisely, it is expressed as a path integral from a deformation-operators dependent initial state at zero time/order to the inverse-temperature dependent final state at later time/order. We provide three examples of strongly coupled systems with first-order, second-order and higher-order interactions and discuss a possible emergence of space-time, quantum field theories and general relativity in context of the dual path integral.

A Minimal Model of Torsion Mediated Dark Matter. (arXiv:1912.09249v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Basabendu Barman, Tapobroto Bhanja, Debottam Das, Debaprasad Maity, relevance 0.26

We present a minimal model of fermionic dark matter (DM), where a singlet Dirac fermion can interact with the Standard Model (SM) particles via the torsion field of gravitational origin. In general, torsion can be realized as an antisymmetric part of the affine connection associated with the spacetime diffeomorphism symmetry and thus can be thought of as a massive axial vector field. Because of its gravitational origin, the torsion field couples to all the fermion fields including the DM with equal strength, which makes the model quite predictive. The DM is naturally stable without any imposition of ad-hoc symmetry {\it e.g.,} $\mathcal{Z}_2$. Apart from producing the correct thermal abundance, singlet fermion can easily evade the stringent bounds on the spin-independent DM-nucleon direct detection cross-section due to its axial nature. However, in the allowed parameter space, strong bounds can be placed on the torsion mass and its couplings to fermions from the recent LHC searches. Assuming a non universal torsion-DM and torsion-SM coupling, smaller values of torsion masses may become allowed. In both cases we also study the reach of spin-dependent direct detection searches of the DM.

Gravitational Waves from merging binaries. (arXiv:1912.09247v1 [physics.pop-ph])
in gr-qc by Jahanvi, Ashish Kumar Meena, J. S. Bagla, relevance 0.00

We discuss gravitational waves from merging binaries using a Newtonian approach with some inputs from the Post-Newtonian formalism. We show that it is possible to understand the key features of the signal using fundamental physics and also demonstrate that an approximate calculation gives us the correct order of magnitude estimate of the parameters describing the merging binary system. We build on this analysis to understand the range for different types of sources for given detector sensitivity. We also consider known binary pulsar systems and discuss the expected gravitational wave signal from these.

Generalized Ray Spaces for Paraparticles. (arXiv:1912.09242v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by Charles A. Nelson, relevance 0.00

Paraparticles of order p = 2 must be pair produced, so the least massive are absolutely stable. Consequently, paraparticles are excellent candidates to be associated with dark matter and/or dark energy. For a fixed number of paraparticles, in a "generalized ray space" there are simple orthonormal bracket "ray representatives" constructed from paraparticle creation operators. Each such ray representative is associated with a Young Diagram with a unique "P-bar-sum" eigenvalue. "P-bar-sum" is the sum of the particle-exchange operators which exchange two identical particles. In this paper, by using totally symmetric and totally antisymmetric brackets, generalized ray spaces for order p=2 are constructed for parabosons (pB), for parafermions (pB), and for possible para-Families (pFam). Para-Families occur in the case of non-commuting pB and pF creation operators. Explicit arbitrary order p ray representatives for a few paraparticles may be useful to establish the order p if, indeed, dark matter and/or dark energy is discovered to exhibit parastatistic properties. Up to p identical pB's (pF's) can occupy a totally antisymmetric (symmetric) state, unlike for normal boson (fermion) statistics.

Black Remnants from T-Duality. (arXiv:1912.09235v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Behnam Pourhassan, Salman Sajad Wani, Mir Faizal, relevance 8.71

In this paper, we will analyze the physical consequences of black remnants, which form due to non-perturbative string theoretical effects. These non-perturbative effects occur due to the T-duality in string theory. We will analyze the production of such black remnants in models with large extra dimensions, and demonstrate that these non-perturbative effects can explain the absence of mini black holes at the LHC. In fact, will constraint such models using data from the LHC. We will also analyze such non-perturbative corrections for various other black hole solutions. Thus, we will analyze the effects of such non-perturbative effects on the Van der Waals behavior of AdS black holes. We will also discuss the effects of adding a chemical potential to this system. Finally, we will comment on the physical consequences of such non-pertubative corrections to black hole solutions.

Duality and Transport for Supersymmetric Graphene from the Hemisphere Partition Function. (arXiv:1912.09225v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rajesh Kumar Gupta, Christopher P. Herzog, Imtak Jeon, relevance 1.26

We use localization to compute the partition function of a four dimensional, supersymmetric, abelian gauge theory on a hemisphere coupled to charged matter on the boundary. Our theory has eight real supercharges in the bulk of which four are broken by the presence of the boundary. The main result is that the partition function is identical to that of ${\mathcal N}=2$ abelian Chern-Simons theory on a three-sphere coupled to chiral multiplets, but where the quantized Chern-Simons level is replaced by an arbitrary complexified gauge coupling $\tau$. The localization reduces the path integral to a single ordinary integral over a real variable. This integral in turn allows us to calculate the scaling dimensions of certain protected operators and two-point functions of abelian symmetry currents at arbitrary values of $\tau$. Because the underlying theory has conformal symmetry, the current two-point functions tell us the zero temperature conductivity of the Lorentzian versions of these theories at any value of the coupling. We comment on S-dualities which relate different theories of supersymmetric graphene. We identify a couple of self-dual theories for which the complexified conductivity associated to the U(1) gauge symmetry is $\tau/2$.

Confusing dark matter particle properties with modifications to General Relativity. (arXiv:1912.09222v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Armando A. Roque, J. Barranco, relevance 0.00

Cold Dark Stars made of self-gravitating fermions in the degenerate limit are constructed in General Relativity and in R-square gravity, $f(R)=R+\alpha R^2$. The properties of the resulting Cold Dark Stars in both theories of gravity are studied. It is found that the same gravitational potential is generated for different election of the parameters of the model, such as the mass of the fermion, the self-interacting strength or the value of $\alpha$, thus, a possible confusion in the determination of the dark matter properties and the favored theory of gravity might arise.

Black holes in self-tuning cubic Horndeski cosmology. (arXiv:1912.09199v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by William T. Emond, Antoine Lehébel, Paul M. Saffin, relevance 15.04

Observations of neutron star mergers in the late Universe have given significant restrictions to the class of viable scalar-tensor theories. In this paper we construct black holes within the "self-tuning" class of this restricted set, whereby the bare cosmological constant is absorbed by the dynamics of the scalar, giving a lower effective cosmological constant. We use analytic expansions at the singularity, black hole and cosmological horizon, and asymptotic region, coupled with numerical solutions, to find well-behaved black holes that asymptote to the self-tuned de Sitter geometry. The geometry differs from standard general relativity black holes near the horizon, and the scalar field velocity provides a hair for the black holes.

Wave function of the Universe, path integrals and gauge invariance. (arXiv:1912.09182v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by T. P. Shestakova, relevance 11.58

The paper is devoted to some of the difficulties which the Wheeler - DeWitt quantum geometrodynamics encountered, in particular, a strong mathematical proof that this theory is gauge-invariant, the definition of the wave function of the Universe through a path integral and the illegality of asymptotic boundary conditions in quantum gravity, the derivation of the Wheeler - DeWitt equation from the path integral and the equivalence of the Dirac quantization scheme with other approaches, the problem of definition of physical states in quantum gravity, possible realizations of the Everett concept of "relative states". The problems are rarely discussed in the literature. They are related with the guiding idea that quantum theory of gravity must gauge invariant. It will lead to the question if it is possible to achieve this goal in a mathematically consistent way.

A $T \bar{T}$ Deformation for Curved Spacetimes from 3d Gravity. (arXiv:1912.09179v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Edward A. Mazenc, Vasudev Shyam, Ronak M Soni, relevance 7.67

We propose a generalisation of the $T \bar{T}$ deformation to curved spaces by defining, and solving, a suitable flow equation for the partition function. We provide evidence it is well-defined at the quantum level. This proposal identifies, for any CFT, the $T \bar{T}$ deformed partition function and a certain wavefunction of 3d quantum gravity. This connection, true for any $c$, is not a holographic duality --- the 3d theory is a "fake bulk." We however emphasise that this reduces to the known holographic connection in the classical limit. Concretely, this means the deformed partition function solves exactly not just one global equation, defining the $T \bar{T}$ flow, but in fact a local Wheeler-de Witt equation, relating the $T \bar{T}$ operator to the trace of the stress tensor. This also immediately suggests a version of the $T \bar{T}$ deformation with locally varying deformation parameter. We flesh out the connection to 3d gravity, showing that the partition function of the deformed theory is precisely a 3d gravity path integral. In particular, in the classical limit, this path integral reproduces the holographic picture of Dirichlet boundary conditions at a finite radius and mixed boundary conditions at the asymptotic boundary. Further, we reproduce known results in the flat space limit, as well as the large $c$ $S^2$ partition function, and conjecture an answer for the finite $c$ $S^2$ partition function.

Triangulations for ABHY Polytopes and Recursions for Tree and Loop Amplitudes. (arXiv:1912.09163v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Qinglin Yang, relevance 0.00

In this note we make a field-theoretical derivation of a series of new recursion relations by a one-parameter deformation of kinematic variables for tree and one-loop amplitudes of bi-adjoint $\phi^3$ theory. Tree amplitudes are given by canonical forms/functions of associahedra realized in kinematic space by Arkani-Hamed, Bai, He and Yan (ABHY); the construction has been extended to generalized associahedra, where type $\mathcal{B}$/$\mathcal{C}$ polytopes compute tadpole diagrams and type $\mathcal{D}$ polytopes compute one-loop planar $\phi^3$ amplitudes. The new recursions are natural generalizations of the formula we found in 1810.08508, and are shown to work for all "C-independent" ABHY polytopes. Geometrically, the formula indicates triangulation of the generalized associahedron by projecting the whole polytope onto its boundary determined by the deformation. When projecting onto one facet, our recursion gives, e.g. "soft-limit triangulation" and "forward-limit triangulation" for tree and one-loop level. But we also find a lot of new formulae from our recursion relation, by projecting onto lower dimensional facets.

The Casimir effect for fermionic currents in conical rings with applications to graphene ribbons. (arXiv:1912.09143v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by S. Bellucci, I. Brevik, A. A. Saharian, H. G. Sargsyan, relevance 0.17

We investigate the combined effects of boundaries and topology on the vacuum expectation values (VEVs) of the charge and current densities for a massive 2D fermionic field confined on a conical ring threaded by a magnetic flux. Different types of boundary conditions on the ring edges are considered for fields realizing two inequivalent irreducible representations of the Clifford algebra. The related bound states and zero energy fermionic modes are discussed. The edge contributions to the VEVs of the charge and azimuthal current densities are explicitly extracted and their behavior in various asymptotic limits is considered. On the ring edges the azimuthal current density is equal to the charge density or has an opposite sign. We show that the absolute values of the charge and current densities increase with increasing planar angle deficit. Depending on the boundary conditions, the VEVs are continuous or discontinuous at half-integer values of the ratio of the effective magnetic flux to the flux quantum. The discontinuity is related to the presence of the zero energy mode. By combining the results for the fields realizing the irreducible representations of the Clifford algebra, the charge and current densities are studied in parity and time-reversal symmetric fermionic models. If the boundary conditions and the phases in quasiperiodicity conditions for separate fields are the same the total charge density vanishes. Applications are given to graphitic cones with edges (conical ribbons).

Towards a semi-classical description of QCD vacuum around $T_c$. (arXiv:1912.09141v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Rasmus N. Larsen, Sayantan Sharma, Edward Shuryak, relevance 4.51

We study the vacuum topology of 2+1 flavor QCD above the chiral crossover transition, at $T \lesssim 1.2~T_c$, on lattices of size $32^3\times 8$. Since overlap fermions have exact chiral symmetry and an index theorem even on a finite lattice, we use them to detect the topological content of gauge fields generated using domain wall fermion discretization for quarks. We further use different periodicity phases along the temporal direction for the valence overlap quarks, which allows us to probe different topological structures present in the gauge field ensembles, through its zero modes. This procedure provides strong evidences that fermion zero-modes can be quantitatively understood to arise due to different species of instanton-dyons. We estimate their relative abundances from the Dirac-eigenvalue density and resolve the so called "topological clusters" via multi-parameter fits to their density, providing therefore an understanding of the interactions between instanton-dyons. The typical separation between dyons we obtain, is $\sim 0.3$ fm. Surprisingly, it emerges out from this study that a semi-classical description of the fermionic zero modes in the QCD vacuum is quite accurate just above $T_c$.

Secure random number generation from parity symmetric radiations. (arXiv:1912.09124v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Toyohiro Tsurumaru, Toshihiko Sasaki, Izumi Tsutsui, relevance 0.00

The random number generators (RNGs) are an indispensable tool in cryptography. Of various types of RNG method, those using radiations from nuclear decays (radioactive RNG) has a relatively long history but their security has never been discussed rigorously in the literature. In this paper we propose a new method of the radioactive RNG that admits a simple and rigorous proof of security. The security proof is made possible here by exploiting the parity (space inversion) symmetry arising in the device, which has previously been unfocused but is generically available for a nuclide which decays by parity-conserving interactions.

Generation of Primordial Black Holes and Gravitational Waves from Dilaton-Gauge Field Dynamics. (arXiv:1912.09111v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Masahiro Kawasaki, Hiromasa Nakatsuka, Ippei Obata, relevance 12.81

We study the observational signatures from particle production of a $U(1)$ gauge field kinetically coupled to an inflaton. Regarding the form of gauge kinetic function, we consider the possibility that it becomes stabilized at a certain time, which makes the growing power of the gauge field evolve non-monotonically with a sharp transition. Remarkably, the copious production of the gauge field occurs on super-horizon scales at the late stage of inflation and perturbations are enhanced on the intermediate scales during inflation. We find that it can predict a bumpy shape of the curvature power spectrum which leads to the generation of primordial black holes as a dark matter after inflation. We also estimate two types of tensor modes sourced by the gauge field: the primordial gravitational waves generated during inflation and the induced gravitational waves provided by the enhanced curvature perturbation after inflation. We show that both of them are potentially testable with the future space-based gravitational wave interferometers.

Mixed QCD-EW two-loop corrections to Drell-Yan production. (arXiv:1912.09110v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Matthias Heller, Andreas von Manteuffel, Robert M. Schabinger, Hubert Spiesberger, relevance 0.00

The Drell-Yan production of charged lepton pairs is one of the key processes measured at hadron colliders. The QCD corrections to the cross section are known to order $\alpha_s^2$ and electroweak corrections are known to order $\alpha$. The next important step for a better theoretical understanding is the complete calculation of the mixed QCD-EW corrections of order $\alpha_s\alpha$. In my talk, I report on the first complete calculation of the virtual two-loop corrections of order $\alpha\alpha_s$ to the lepton-pair production cross section. The calculation is carried out analytically using tensor reduction, integration-by-parts relations and the method of differential equations. We validate a previous calculation of the subset of mixed QCD-QED corrections and show how the jet and soft functions of that reference can be used to subtract the infrared divergences of the complete mixed QCD-electroweak virtual corrections.

Diffusion processes involving multiple conserved charges: a first study from kinetic theory and implications to the fluid-dynamical modeling of heavy ion collisions. (arXiv:1912.09103v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Jan A. Fotakis, Moritz Greif, Gabriel Denicol, Harri Niemi, Carsten Greiner, relevance 0.00

The bulk nuclear matter produced in heavy ion collisions carries a multitude of conserved quantum numbers: electric charge, baryon number, and strangeness. Therefore, the diffusion processes associated to these conserved charges cannot occur independently and must be described in terms of a set of coupled diffusion equations. This physics is implemented by replacing the traditional diffusion coefficients for each conserved charge by a diffusion coefficient matrix, which quantifies the coupling between the conserved quantum numbers. The diagonal coefficients of this matrix are the usual charge diffusion coefficients, while the off-diagonal entries describe the diffusive coupling of the charge currents. In this paper, we show how to calculate this diffusion coefficient matrix from kinetic theory and provide results for a hadron resonance gas and a gas of partons. We further find that the off-diagonal entries can reach similar magnitudes compared to the diagonal entries. In order to provide some insight on the influence that the coupling between the net charge diffusion currents can have on heavy ion observables, we present first results for the diffusive evolution of a hadronic system in a simple (1+1)D-fluid dynamics approach, and study different configurations of the diffusion matrix.

Quark/hadronic matter and dualities of QCD thermodynamics. (arXiv:1912.09102v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by T. G. Khunjua, K. G. Klimenko, R. N. Zhokhov, relevance 10.92

In this letter the dualities of thermodynamics of dense quark/hadronic matter are discussed. It is shown that chiral symmetry breaking (CSB) phenomenon is dual to charged pion condensation (PC) phenomenon.

Unitarity and Different Phases of the Extended New Massive Gravity. (arXiv:1912.09101v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Giorgi Tukhashvili, relevance 0.00

We study the New Massive Gravity extended by the curvature cubed invariant and the Cosmological Constant using the tree-level scattering amplitudes on a maximally symmetric space-time. We identify the parameter space, consisting of the ratio between C.C. and graviton mass squared and the relative coupling strength between curvature squared and cubed invariants, for which the massive spin-2 is a ghost. Different phases of this model are also discussed.

Calibration of systematics in constraining modified gravity models with galaxy cluster mass profiles. (arXiv:1912.09096v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by L. Pizzuti, B. Sartoris, S. Borgani, A. Biviano, relevance 0.00

Joint lensing and dynamical mass profile determinations of galaxy clusters are an excellent tool to constrain modification of gravity at cosmological scales. However, search for tiny departures from General Relativity calls for an accurate control of the systematics affecting the method. In this analysis we concentrate on the systematics in the reconstruction of mass profiles from the dynamics of cluster member galaxies, while assuming that lensing provides unbiased mass profile reconstructions. In particular, in the case study of linear $f(R)$ gravity, we aim at veryfying whether in realistic simulations of cluster formation a spurious detection of departure from GR can be detected due to violation of the main assumptions (e.g. dynamical equilibrium and spherical symmetry) on which the method is based. We aim at identifying and calibrating the impact of those systematics by analyzing a set of Dark Matter halos taken from $\Lambda$CDM N-body cosmological simulations performed with the GADGET-3 code. [...] If no selection criteria are applied, $\sim 60\%$ of clusters in a $\Lambda$CDM Universe (where GR is assumed) produce a spurious detection of modified gravity. We find that the probability of finding cluster in agreement with GR predictions $P_{GR}$ mainly depends on the properties of the halo's projected phase-space and on shape orientation of the cluster along the line-of-sight projection. We define two observational criteria which correlate with the probability to find clusters in agreement with GR predictions and which can be used to select [...] those objects that are more suitable for the application of the proposed method. In particular, we find that according to these criteria the percentage of spurious detection can be lowered down to $\sim 20\%$ in the best case. Our results are relevant in view of data that will be available with the next generation surveys.

Collision dynamics and reactions of fractional vortex molecules in coherently coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. (arXiv:1912.09014v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas])
in hep-th by Minoru Eto, Kazuki Ikeno, Muneto Nitta, relevance 0.00

Coherently coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) exhibit vortex confinement resembling quark confinement in Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD). Fractionally quantized vortices winding only in one of two components are attached by solitons, and they cannot stably exist alone. Possible stable states are "hadrons" either of mesonic type, i.e., molecules made of a vortex and anti-vortex in the same component connected by a soliton, or of baryonic type, i.e., molecules made of two vortices winding in two different components connected by a soliton. Mesonic molecules move straight with a constant velocity while baryonic molecules rotate. We numerically simulate collision dynamics of mesonic and baryonic molecules and find that the molecules swap a partner in collisions in general like chemical and nuclear reactions, summarize all collisions as vortex reactions, and describe those by Feynman diagrams. We find a selection rule for final states after collisions of vortex molecules, analogous to that for collisions of hadrons in QCD.

On Emergent Gravity, Ungravity and $\Lambda$. (arXiv:1912.09000v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Luis R. Diaz-Barron, M. Sabido, relevance 8.96

In this paper we study the "ungravity" modifications to the Friedmann equations. By using the first law of thermodynamics and the modified entropy area relationship derived from the "ungravity" contributions to the Schwarzschild black hole, we obtain modifications to the Friedmann equation that in the late time regime gives an effective cosmological constant. Therefore, this simple model can provide an "ungravity" origin to the cosmological constant $\Lambda$.

Some aspects of CP violation and gauge interactions in the standard model and beyond. (arXiv:1912.08996v1 [hep-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Selim Touati, relevance 3.66

In this PhD thesis, we first look at some manifestations of CP violation, such as electric dipole moments (EDMs) of elementary particles, both in the weak sector in the presence of neutrino masses (absent in the SM) as well as in the strong sector. Then, in a second study, we build an effective field theory for gauge bosons. We generalize the Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian for the study of photon interactions, considered as the archetype of an effective field theory; to gauge bosons of arbitrary Lie algebras, several Grand Unification groups and some mixed symmetries.

Positive Energy Functional for Massless Scalars in Rotating STU Black Hole Backgrounds. (arXiv:1912.08988v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by M. Cvetic, G.W. Gibbons, C.N. Pope, B.F. Whiting, relevance 11.84

We outline a proof of the stability of a massless neutral scalar field $\psi$ in the background of a wide class of four dimensional asymptotically flat rotating and "electrically charged" solutions of supergravity, and the low energy limit of string theory, known as STU metrics. The difficulties presented by the existence of ergo-regions and the related phenomenon of super-radiance in the original metrics are circumvented by following a strategy due to Whiting, and passing to an auxiliary metric admitting an everywhere lightlike Killing field and constructing a scalar field $\Psi$ (related to a possible unstable mode $\psi$ by a non-local transformation) which satisfies the massless wave equation with respect to the auxiliary metric. By contrast with the case for $\psi$, the associated energy density of $\Psi$ is not only conserved but is also non-negative.

Data-driven extraction of heavy quark diffusion in quark-gluon plasma. (arXiv:1912.08965v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Shuang Li, Jinfeng Liao, relevance 0.00

Heavy quark production provides a unique probe of the quark-gluon plasma transport properties in heavy ion collisions. Experimental observables like the nuclear modification factor $R_{\rm AA}$ and elliptic anisotropy $v_{2}$ of heavy flavor mesons are sensitive to the heavy quark diffusion coefficient. There now exist an extensive set of such measurements, which allow a data-driven extraction of this coefficient. In this work, we make such an attempt within our recently developed heavy quark transport modeling framework (Langevin-transport with Gluon Radiation, LGR). A question of particular interest is the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient, for which we test a wide range of possibility and draw constraints by comparing relevant charm meson data with model results. We find that a relatively strong increase of diffusion coefficient from crossover temperature $T_c$ toward high temperature is preferred by data. We also make predictions for Bottom meson observables for further experimental tests.

Supersymmetric space-time symmetry breaking sources. (arXiv:1912.08961v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Louise Anderson, Matthew M. Roberts, relevance 3.03

We construct new families of deformed supersymmetric field theories which break space-time symmetries but preserve half of the original supersymmetry. We do this by writing deformations as couplings to background multiplets. In many cases it is important to use the off-shell representation as auxiliary fields of the non-dynamical fields must be turned on to preserve supersymmetry. We also consider backgrounds which preserve some superconformal symmetry, finding scale-invariant field profiles, as well as $\mathcal{N} =2$ theories on $S^3$. We discuss how this is related to previous work on interface SCFTs and other holographic calculations.

Bootstrapping Massive Quantum Field Theories. (arXiv:1912.08940v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Denis Karateev, Simon Kuhn, Joao Penedones, relevance 1.76

We propose a new non-perturbative method for studying UV complete unitary quantum field theories (QFTs) with a mass gap in general number of spacetime dimensions. The method relies on unitarity formulated as positive semi-definiteness of the matrix of inner products between asymptotic states (in and out) and states created by the action of local operators on the vacuum. The corresponding matrix elements involve scattering amplitudes, form factors and spectral densities of local operators. We test this method in two-dimensional QFTs by setting up a linear optimization problem that gives a lower bound on the central charge of the UV CFT associated to a QFT with a given mass spectrum of stable particles (and couplings between them). Some of our numerical bounds are saturated by known form factors in integrable theories like the sine-Gordon, E8 and O(N) models.

Exploring the Landscape of effective field theories. (arXiv:1912.08935v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Stefano Lanza, relevance 2.25

In this thesis we provide new tools to determine and explore the Landscape of four-dimensional effective field theories originating from string and M-theory. The main aim is to introduce, within four-dimensional effective descriptions, elements that are predicted from string theory. To this end, a hierarchy of forms is introduced within the four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ supergravity theories. The inclusion of gauge three-forms delivers a dynamical way to generate flux-induced superpotentials. Instead, gauge two-forms, dual descriptions of axions, may be eventually gauged by three-forms to generate a superpotential coupling between the different chiral multiplet sectors of the theory. The mutual constraints among the background fluxes, such as tadpole cancellations, are imposed by gauge four-forms. A hierarchy of objects, to which the gauge forms couple, is then introduced: four-dimensional BPS-strings, membranes and 3-branes enlarge the Landscape, allowing the background fluxes to consistently change transversing different spacetime regions. The Freed-Witten anomaly cancellations and the changing of tadpole cancellation conditions due to background sources are neatly expressed by BPS-junctions of membranes ending on strings and 3-branes ending on membranes. Membrane-mediated domain wall transitions are studied, which determine how the scalar fields flow connecting a vacuum to another of the Landscape. According to the perturbative regime that is scanned only some transitions are allowed, with a dramatic influence on the spectrum of objects that can be consistently incorporated in the four-dimensional description.

Void formation in operator growth, entanglement, and unitarity. (arXiv:1912.08918v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Hong Liu, Shreya Vardhan, relevance 21.74

The structure of the Heisenberg evolution of operators plays a key role in explaining diverse processes in quantum many-body systems. In this paper, we discuss a new universal feature of operator evolution: an operator can develop a void during its evolution, where its nontrivial parts become separated by a region of identity operators. Such processes are present in both integrable and chaotic systems, and are required by unitarity. We show that void formation has important implications for unitarity of entanglement growth and generation of mutual information and multipartite entanglement. We study explicitly the probability distributions of void formation in a number of unitary circuit models, and conjecture that in a quantum chaotic system the distribution is given by the one we find in random unitary circuits, which we refer to as the random void distribution. We also show that random unitary circuits lead to the same pattern of entanglement growth for multiple intervals as in (1+1)-dimensional holographic CFTs after a global quench, which can be used to argue that the random void distribution leads to maximal entanglement growth.

Global aspects of conformal symmetry and the ANEC in dS and AdS. (arXiv:1912.08897v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Felipe Rosso, relevance 30.12

Starting from the averaged null energy condition (ANEC) in Minkowski we show that conformal symmetry implies the ANEC for a conformal field theory (CFT) in a de Sitter and anti-de Sitter background. A similar and novel bound is also obtained for a CFT in the Lorentzian cylinder. Using monotonicity of relative entropy, we rederive these results for dS and the cylinder. As a byproduct we obtain the vacuum modular Hamiltonian and entanglement entropy associated to null deformed regions of CFTs in (A)dS and the cylinder. A third derivation of the ANEC in dS is shown to follow from bulk causality in AdS/CFT. Finally, we use the Tomita-Takesaki theory to show that Rindler positivity of Minkowski correlators generalizes to conformal theories defined in dS and the cylinder.

Gravitational collapse of Vaidya spacetime in Rastall theory of gravity. (arXiv:1912.08890v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Amir H. Ziaie, Yaser Tavakoli, relevance 6.88

A Vaidya spacetime is considered for gravitational collapse of a type II fluid, in the context of Rastall theory of gravity. By considering a linear equation of state (EoS) for the fluid profiles, it is examined the conditions under which the dynamical evolution of the collapse can give rise to a naked singularity formation. It is found that depending on the model parameters, strong curvature naked singularities would arise as exact solutions to the Rastall's field equations. The allowed values of these parameters are subject to fulfillment of the certain conditions on the physical reliability, nakedness and the curvature strength of the singularity.

Classical Integrability of the Zigzag Model. (arXiv:1912.08885v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by John C. Donahue, Sergei Dubovsky, relevance 0.00

The zigzag model is a relativistic $N$-body system arising in the high energy limit of the worldsheet scattering in adjoint two-dimensional QCD. We prove classical Liouville integrability of this model by providing an explicit construction of $N$ charges in involution. Furthermore, we also prove that the system is maximally superintegrable by constructing $N-1$ additional independent charges. All of these charges are piecewise linear functions of coordinates and momenta. The classical time delays are determined algebraically from this integrable structure. The resulting $S$-matrix is the same as in the $N$-particle subsector of a massless $T\bar{T}$ deformed fermion.

Metric of a rotating charged magnetized sphere. (arXiv:1912.08884v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by V.S. Manko, I.M. Mejía, E. Ruiz, relevance 0.00

Stationary axisymmetric metric describing the exterior field of a rotating, charged sphere endowed with magnetic dipole moment is presented and discussed. It has a remarkably simple multipole structure defined by only four nonzero Hoenselaers-Perj\'es relativistic moments.

General parametrization of Majorana neutrino mass models. (arXiv:1912.08858v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Isabel Cordero-Carrión, Martin Hirsch, Avelino Vicente, relevance 0.00

We discuss a general formula which allows to automatically reproduce experimental data for Majorana neutrino mass models, while keeping the complete set of the remaining model parameters free for general scans, as necessary in order to provide reliable predictions for observables outside the neutrino sector. We provide a proof of this master parametrization and show how to apply it for several well-known neutrino mass models from the literature. We also discuss a list of special cases, in which the Yukawa couplings have to fulfill some particular additional conditions.

Normal charge densities in quantum critical superfluids. (arXiv:1912.08849v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Blaise Goutéraux, Eric Mefford, relevance -2.97

The normal density of a translation-invariant superfluid often vanishes at zero temperature, as is observed in superfluid Helium and conventional superconductors described by BCS theory. Here we show that this need not be the case. We investigate the normal density in models of quantum critical superfluids using gauge-gravity duality. Models with an emergent infrared Lorentz symmetry lead to a vanishing normal density. On the other hand, models which break the isotropy between time and space may enjoy a non-vanishing normal density, depending on the spectrum of irrelevant deformations around the underlying quantum critical groundstate. Our results may shed light on recent measurements of the superfluid density and low energy spectral weight in superconducting overdoped cuprates.

Crunching Away the Cosmological Constant Problem: Dynamical Selection of a Small $\Lambda$. (arXiv:1912.08840v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Itay M. Bloch, Csaba Csáki, Michael Geller, Tomer Volansky, relevance 0.86

We propose a novel explanation for the smallness of the observed cosmological constant (CC). Regions of space with a large CC are short lived and are dynamically driven to crunch soon after the end of inflation. Conversely, regions with a small CC are metastable and long lived and are the only ones to survive until late times. While the mechanism assumes many domains with different CC values, it does not result in eternal inflation nor does it require a long period of inflation to populate them. We present a concrete dynamical model, based on a super-cooled first order phase transition in a hidden conformal sector, that may successfully implement such a crunching mechanism. We find that the mechanism can only solve the CC problem up to the weak scale, above which new physics, such as supersymmetry, is needed to solve the CC problem all the way to the UV cutoff scale. The absence of experimental evidence for such new physics already implies a mild little hierarchy problem for the CC. Curiously, in this approach the weak scale arises as the geometric mean of the temperature in our universe today and the Planck scale, hinting on a new "CC miracle", motivating new physics at the weak scale independent of electroweak physics. We further predict the presence of new relativistic degrees of freedom in the CFT that should be visible in the next round of CMB experiments. Our mechanism is therefore experimentally falsifiable and predictive.

Using Cadabra for tensor computations in General Relativity. (arXiv:1912.08839v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Leo Brewin, relevance 0.00

Cadabra is an open access program ideally suited to complex tensor commutations in General Relativity. Tensor expressions are written in LaTeX while an enhanced version of Python is used to control the computations. This tutorial assumes no prior knowledge of Cadabra. It consists of a series of examples covering a range of topics from basic syntax such as declarations, functions, program control, component computations, input and output through to complete computations including a derivation of two of the BSSN equations from the ADM equations. Numerous exercises are included along with complete solutions. All of the source code for the examples, exercises and solutions are available on GitHub.

From spin chains to real-time thermal field theory using tensor networks. (arXiv:1912.08836v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Mari Carmen Banuls, Michal P. Heller, Karl Jansen, Johannes Knaute, Viktor Svensson, relevance 7.67

One of the most interesting directions in theoretical high-energy physics is understanding dynamical properties of collective states of quantum field theories. The most elementary tool in this quest are retarded equilibrium correlators governing the linear response theory. In the present letter we examine tensor networks as a way of determining them in a fully ab initio way in a class of (1+1)-dimensional quantum field theories arising as infra-red descriptions of quantum Ising chains. We show that, complemented with signal analysis using the Prony method, tensor networks calculations for intermediate times provide a powerful way to explore the structure of singularities of the correlator in the complex frequency plane.

Lensing and shadow of a black hole surrounded by a heavy accretion disk. (arXiv:1912.08833v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Pedro V. P. Cunha, Nelson A. Eiró, Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, José P. S. Lemos, relevance 6.09

We consider a static, axially symmetric spacetime describing the superposition of a Schwarzschild black hole (BH) with a thin and heavy accretion disk. The BH-disk configuration is a solution of the Einstein field equations within the Weyl class. The disk is sourced by a distributional energy-momentum tensor and it is located at the equatorial plane. It can be interpreted as two streams of counter-rotating particles, yielding a total vanishing angular momentum. The phenomenology of the composed system depends on two parameters: the fraction of the total mass in the disk, $m$, and the location of the inner edge of the disk, $a$. We start by determining the sub-region of the space of parameters wherein the solution is physical, by requiring the velocity of the disk particles to be sub-luminal and real. Then, we study the null geodesic flow by performing backwards ray-tracing under two scenarios. In the first scenario the composed system is illuminated by the disk and in the second scenario the composed system is illuminated by a far-away celestial sphere. Both cases show that, as $m$ grows, the shadow becomes more prolate. Additionally, the first scenario makes clear that as $m$ grows, for fixed $a$, the geometrically thin disk appears optically enlarged, i.e., thicker, when observed from the equatorial plane. This is to due to light rays that are bent towards the disk, when backwards ray traced. In the second scenario, these light rays can cross the disk (which is assumed to be transparent) and may oscillate up to a few times before reaching the far away celestial sphere. Consequently, an almost equatorial observer sees different patches of the sky near the equatorial plane, as a chaotic "mirage". As $m\rightarrow 0$ one recovers the standard test, i.e., negligible mass, disk appearance.

Enumerating higher-dimensional operators with on-shell amplitudes. (arXiv:1912.08827v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gauthier Durieux, Camila S. Machado, relevance 0.89

We establish a simple formula for the minimal dimension of operators leading to any helicity amplitude. It eases the systematic enumeration of independent operators from the construction of massless non-factorizable on-shell amplitudes. Little-group constraints can then be solved algorithmically for each helicity configuration to extract a complete set of spinor structures with lowest dimension. Occasionally, further reduction using momentum conservation, on-shell conditions and Schouten identities is required. A systematic procedure to account for the latter is presented. Dressing spinor structures with dot products of momenta finally yields the independent Lorentz structures for each helicity amplitude. We apply these procedures to amplitudes involving particles of spins 0,1/2,1,2. Spin statistics and elementary selection rules due to gauge symmetry lead to an enumeration of operators involving gravitons and standard-model particles, in the effective field theory denoted GRSMEFT. We also list the independent spinor structures generated by operators involving standard-model particles only. In both cases, we cover operators of dimension up to eight.

Deconfined critical point in a doped random quantum Heisenberg magnet. (arXiv:1912.08822v4 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Darshan G. Joshi, Chenyuan Li, Grigory Tarnopolsky, Antoine Georges, Subir Sachdev, relevance 0.00

We describe the phase diagram of electrons on a fully connected lattice with random hopping, subject to a random Heisenberg spin exchange interactions between any pair of sites and a constraint of no double occupancy. A perturbative renormalization group analysis yields a critical point with fractionalized excitations at a non-zero critical value $p_c$ of the hole doping $p$ away from the half-filled insulator. We compute the renormalization group to two loops, but some exponents are obtained to all loop order. We argue that the critical point $p_c$ is flanked by confining phases: a disordered Fermi liquid with carrier density $1+p$ for $p>p_c$, and a metallic spin glass with carrier density $p$ for $p<p_c$. Additional evidence for the critical behavior is obtained from a large $M$ analysis of a model which extends the SU(2) spin symmetry to SU($M$). We discuss the relationship of the vicinity of this deconfined quantum critical point to key aspects of cuprate phenomenology.

Factorization at Subleading Power and Endpoint-Divergent Convolutions in $h\to\gamma\gamma$ Decay. (arXiv:1912.08818v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ze Long Liu (Los Alamos Nat. Lab.), Matthias Neubert (MITP, Johannes Gutenberg Univ. Mainz), relevance 0.00

It is by now well known that, at subleading power in scale ratios, factorization theorems for high-energy cross sections and decay amplitudes contain endpoint-divergent convolution integrals. The presence of these divergences hints at a violation of simple scale separation, as a result of the so-called collinear anomaly. At the technical level, endpoint divergences indicate an unexpected failure of dimensional regularization and the $\bar{\rm MS}$ subtraction scheme. In this paper we start a comprehensive discussion of factorization at subleading power within the framework of soft-collinear effective theory. As a concrete example, we factorize the decay amplitude for the radiative Higgs-boson decay $h\to \gamma\gamma$ mediated by a $b$-quark loop, for which endpoint-divergent convolution integrals require both dimensional and rapidity regulators. We derive a factorization theorem for the decay amplitude in terms of bare Wilson coefficients and operator matrix elements. We show that endpoint divergences caused by rapidity divergences cancel to all orders in perturbation theory, while endpoint divergences that are regularized dimensionally can be removed by rearranging the terms in the factorization theorem. We use our result to resum the leading double-logarithmic corrections of order $\alpha_s^n\ln^{2n+2}(-M_h^2/m_b^2)$ to all orders of perturbation theory.

Drag force to all orders in gradients. (arXiv:1912.08816v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jared Reiten, Andrey V. Sadofyev, relevance 0.29

We study the energy loss of a heavy quark slowly moving through an evolving strongly coupled plasma. We use the linearized fluid/gravity correspondence to describe small perturbations of the medium flow with general spacetime dependence. This all order linearized hydrodynamics results in a drag force exerted on a heavy quark even when it is at rest with the fluid element. We show how the general contribution to the drag force can be derived order by order in the medium velocity gradients and provide explicit results valid up to the third order. We then obtain an approximate semi-analytic result for the drag force to all orders in the gradient expansion but linearized in the medium velocity. Thus, the effects of a class of hydrodynamic gradients on the drag force are re-summed, giving further insight into the dissipative properties of strongly coupled plasmas. The all order result allows us to study the drag force in the non-hydrodynamic regime of linear medium perturbations that vary rapidly in space and time.

Noether charge and black hole entropy in teleparallel gravity. (arXiv:1912.08811v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by F. Hammad, D. Dijamco, A. Torres-Rivas, D. Bérubé, relevance 34.89

The Noether charge associated to diffeomorphism invariance in teleparallel gravity is derived. It is shown that the latter yields the ADM mass of an asymptotically flat spacetime. The black hole entropy is then investigated based on Wald's prescription that relies on the Noether charge. It is shown that, like in general relativity, the surface gravity can be factored out from such a charge. Consequently, the similarity with the first law of thermodynamics implied by such an approach in general relativity does show up also in teleparallel gravity. It is found that, based on the expression of the first law of black hole mechanics, which is preserved in teleparallel gravity, entropy can thus be extracted from such a Noether charge. The resulting entropy can very naturally be expressed as a {\it volume integral}, though. As such, it is shown that the conformal issue that plagues the entropy-area law within general relativity does not arise in teleparallel gravity based on Wald's approach. The physics behind these features is discussed.

Joint search for isolated sources and an unresolved confusion background in pulsar timing array data. (arXiv:1912.08807v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Bence Bécsy, Neil J. Cornish, relevance 10.34

Supermassive black hole binaries are the most promising source of gravitational-waves in the frequency band accessible to pulsar timing arrays. Most of these binaries will be too distant to detect individually, but together they will form an approximately stochastic background that can be detected by measuring the correlation pattern induced between pairs of pulsars. A small number of nearby and especially massive systems may stand out from this background and be detected individually. Analyses have previously been developed to search for stochastic signals and isolated signals separately. Here we present BayesHopper, an algorithm capable of jointly searching for both signal components simultaneously using trans-dimensional Bayesian inference. Our implementation uses the Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for sampling the relevant parameter space with changing dimensionality. We have tested BayesHopper on various simulated datasets. We find that it gives results consistent with fixed-dimensional methods when tested on data with a stochastic background or data with a single binary. For the full problem of analyzing a dataset with both a background and multiple black hole binaries, we find two kinds of interactions between the binary and background components. First, the background effectively increases the noise level, thus making individual binary signals less significant. Second, weak binary signals can be absorbed by the background model due to the natural parsimony of Bayesian inference. Because of its flexible model structure, we anticipate that BayesHopper will outperform existing approaches when applied to realistic data sets produced from population synthesis models.

A Killing Vector Treatment of Multiboundary Wormholes. (arXiv:1912.08793v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Elena Caceres, Arnab Kundu, Ayan K. Patra, Sanjit Shashi, relevance 10.30

The two-sided BTZ black hole has been instrumental in elucidating several aspects of AdS/CFT. Similarly, multiboundary wormholes provide a useful and rich arena in which probing questions of quantum gravity can be posed and explored. In this work, we find the explicit forms of the Killing vectors needed to construct three-boundary wormholes, with and without rotation, as quotients of AdS$_3$. We ensure that our method captures the full moduli space of such wormholes and elaborate on the generalization of our procedure to more exotic multiboundary spaces, including higher genus.

Gravitational realization of magnons in a ferromagnetic spin chain. (arXiv:1912.08761v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Juan Diego Chang, Rodrigo de Leon Ardon, Juan Ponciano, Giovanni Ramirez, relevance 4.97

A gravitational model of magnons in thermal equilibrium with a ferromagnetic spin chain is developed in a phenomenological bottom-up approach. A large Schwarzschild-AdS black hole background is used as the thermal reservoir and the magnon dynamics is obtained by scalar fields and branes in the bulk. The key feature of this model is that the coupling of the spin chain is related with the radial position in which the brane is located. We further study a ferromagnetic spin chain with a competing interaction and find that the couplings are related by the difference of positions of the branes. We show how to obtain the model from a weak limit of a dynamical gravitational system. This allows us to embed the model into a holographic system. The couplings can be related to entanglement entropy at finite temperature of the CFT since the turning point of minimal surfaces coincides with the position of the branes. The difference of entropy is used to define a notion of distance between the chain couplings.

Graduated dark energy: Observational hints of a spontaneous sign switch in the cosmological constant. (arXiv:1912.08751v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ozgur Akarsu, John D. Barrow, Luis A. Escamilla, J. Alberto Vazquez, relevance 0.69

We study the cosmological constant ($\Lambda$) in the standard $\Lambda$CDM model by introducing the \textit{graduated dark energy} (gDE) characterised by a minimal dynamical deviation from the null inertial mass density of the $\Lambda$ in the form $\rho_{\rm inert}\propto \rho^{\lambda}<0$ with $\lambda<1$ being a ratio of two odd integers, for which its energy density $\rho$ dynamically takes negative values in the finite past. For large negative values of $\lambda$, it creates a phenomenological model described by a smooth function that approximately describes the $\Lambda$ spontaneously switching sign in the late universe to become positive today. We confront the model with the latest combined observational data sets of PLK+BAO+SN+$H$. It is striking that the data predict bimodal posterior probability distributions for the parameters of the model along with large negative $\lambda$ values; the new maximum significantly excludes the $\Lambda$, and the old maximum contains the $\Lambda$. The improvement in the goodness of fit for the $\Lambda$ reaches highly significant levels, $\Delta\chi_{\rm min}^2=6.4$ for the new maxima, while it remains at insignificant levels, $\Delta\chi_{\rm min}^2\lesssim0.02$, for the old maxima. We show that, in contrast to the old maxima, which do not distinguish from the $\Lambda$, the new maxima agree with the model-independent $H_0$ measurements, high-precision Ly-$\alpha$ data, and model-independent $Omh^2$ diagnostic estimates. Our results provide strong hints of a spontaneous sign switch in the cosmological constant and lead us to conjecture that the universe has transitioned from AdS vacua to dS vacua, at a redshift $z\approx 2.32$ and triggered the late-time acceleration, and suggests looking for such mechanisms in string theory constructions.

Covariant multipole expansion of local currents for massive states of any spin. (arXiv:1912.08749v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sabrina Cotogno, Cédric Lorcé, Peter Lowdon, Manuel Morales, relevance 0.74

We study the structure of scalar, vector, and tensor currents for on-shell massive particles of any spin. When considering higher values for the spin of the particle, the number of form factors (FFs) involved in the decomposition of the matrix elements associated with these local currents increases. We identify all the fundamental structures that give rise to the independent FFs, systematically for any spin value. These structures can be conveniently organised using an expansion in covariant multipoles, built solely from the Lorentz generators. This approach allows one to uniquely identify the terms which are universal and those that arise because of spin. We derive counting rules which relate the number of FFs to the total spin $j$ of the state, showing explicitly that these rules match all the well-known cases up to spin 2.

Computation of Kontsevich Weights of Connection and Curvature Graphs for Symplectic Poisson Structures. (arXiv:1912.08742v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Nima Moshayedi, Fabio Musio, relevance 0.00

We give an explicit computation of weights of Kontsevich graphs which arise from connection and curvature terms within the globalization picture for symplectic manifolds. Moreover, we consider the case of a cotangent bundle, which will simplify the curvature expression significantly.

Contact metric three manifolds and Lorentzian geometry with torsion in six-dimensional supergravity. (arXiv:1912.08723v1 [math.DG])
in hep-th by Ángel Murcia, C. S. Shahbazi, relevance 1.29

We introduce the notion of $\varepsilon\eta\,$-Einstein $\varepsilon\,$-contact metric three-manifold, which includes as particular cases $\eta\,$-Einstein Riemannian and Lorentzian (para) contact metric three-manifolds, but which in addition allows for the Reeb vector field to be null. We prove that the product of an $\varepsilon\eta\,$-Einstein Lorentzian $\varepsilon\,$-contact metric three-manifold with an $\varepsilon\eta\,$-Einstein Riemannian contact metric three-manifold carries a bi-parametric family of Ricci-flat Lorentzian metric-compatible connections with isotropic, totally skew-symmetric, closed and co-closed torsion, which in turn yields a bi-parametric family of solutions of six-dimensional minimal supergravity coupled to a tensor multiplet. This result allows for the systematic construction of families of Lorentzian solutions of six-dimensional supergravity from pairs of $\varepsilon\eta\,$-Einstein contact metric three-manifolds. We classify all left-invariant $\varepsilon\eta\,$-Einstein structures on simply connected Lie groups, paying special attention to the case in which the Reeb vector field is null. In particular, we show that the Sasaki and K-contact notions extend to $\varepsilon\,$-contact structures with null Reeb vector field but are however not equivalent conditions, in contrast to the situation occurring when the Reeb vector field is not light-like. Furthermore, we pose the Cauchy initial-value problem of an $\varepsilon\,$-contact $\varepsilon\eta\,$-Einstein structure, briefly studying the associated constraint equations in a particularly simple decoupling limit. Altogether, we use these results to obtain novel families of six-dimensional supergravity solutions, some of which can be interpreted as continuous deformations of the maximally supersymmetric solution on $\widetilde{\mathrm{Sl}}(2,\mathbb{R})\times S^3$.

Post inflationary evolution of inflation-produced, large-scale magnetic fields using a generalised cosmological Ohm's law and both standard and modified Maxwell's equations. (arXiv:1912.08712v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Timothy Oreta, Bob Osano, relevance 2.17

In most of the literature on evolution of cosmological magnetic fields, it is found that large-scale magnetic fields evolve as $B^{2}\propto a^{-4}$ (adiabatic magnetic decay) where $a$ is the cosmological scale factor and $B$ is the cosmological magnetic field. This rapid decay has been considered as the main obstacle against magnetic fields produced during the inflationary epoch from surviving until today and seeding the observed fields. However, recent reports of first ever detection of intergalactic fields, with strengths around $10^{-6}G$ are a mystery [1-4]. One possible explanation is that large-scale magnetic fields could have been superadiabatically amplified in their evolutionary history. Superadiabatic amplification may mean that there is an actual increase in the strength of the magnetic field or that magnetic decay-rates are slower than the standard adiabatic magnetic decay rate [5] . This can be demonstrated if we use the generalised cosmological Ohm's law and both standard and modified Maxwell field equations; this is the goal of this study.

Stringy Canonical Forms. (arXiv:1912.08707v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nima Arkani-Hamed, Song He, Thomas Lam, relevance 0.07

Canonical forms of positive geometries play an important role in revealing hidden structures of scattering amplitudes, from amplituhedra to associahedra. In this paper, we introduce "stringy canonical forms", which provide a natural definition and extension of canonical forms for general polytopes, deformed by a parameter $\alpha'$. They are defined by real or complex integrals regulated with polynomials with exponents, and are meromorphic functions of the exponents, sharing various properties of string amplitudes. As $\alpha' \to 0$, they reduce to the usual canonical form of a polytope given by the Minkowski sum of the Newton polytopes of the regulating polynomials, or equivalently the volume of the dual of this polytope, naturally determined by tropical functions. At finite $\alpha'$, they have simple poles corresponding to the facets of the polytope, with the residue on the pole given by the stringy canonical form of the facet. There is the remarkable connection between the $\alpha' \to 0$ limit of tree-level string amplitudes, and scattering equations that appear when studying the $\alpha' \to \infty$ limit. We show that there is a simple conceptual understanding of this phenomenon for any stringy canonical form: the saddle-point equations provide a diffeomorphism from the integration domain to the interior of the polytope, and thus the canonical form can be obtained as a pushforward via summing over saddle points. When the stringy canonical form is applied to the ABHY associahedron in kinematic space, it produces the usual Koba-Nielsen string integral, giving a direct path from particle to string amplitudes without an a priori reference to the string worldsheet. We also discuss a number of other examples, including stringy canonical forms for finite-type cluster algebras (with type A for string amplitudes), and other natural integrals over the positive Grassmannian.

Dynamical quantum collapse and an experimental test. (arXiv:1912.08704v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Tanmay Vachaspati, relevance 0.00

The quantum measurement problem may have a resolution in de Broglie-Bohm theory in which measurements lead to dynamical wavefunction collapse. We study the collapse in a simple setup and find that there may be slight differences between probabilities derived from standard quantum mechanics versus those from de Broglie-Bohm theory in certain situations, possibly paving the way for an experimental test.

Dark Energy Effects on Charged and Rotating Black Holes. (arXiv:1912.08687v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Belhaj, A. El Balali, W. El Hadri, H. El Moumni, M. B. Sedra, relevance 15.56

Using canonical typicality method, we reconsider the study of dark energy effects on four dimensional black holes. Concretely, we investigate the associated influences on the spectrum of various black hole backgrounds including the charged and the rotating ones. For such black hole solutions, we first elaborate analytically the corresponding radiation spectrum, the Hawking temperature and the dark information. Then, we discuss and analyze the corresponding findings. This work, recovering the results of the Schwarzschield black hole, confirms that dark energy can be considered as a cooling system surrounding the black holes providing a colder radiation and a slower Hawking radiation process.

Analytical relations for the bound state spectrum of gauge theories with a Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism. (arXiv:1912.08680v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by René Sondenheimer, relevance 4.69

We apply the method proposed by Fr\"ohlich, Morchio, and Strocchi to analyze the bound state spectrum of various gauge theories with a Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism. These serve as building blocks for theories beyond the standard model but also stress the exceptional role of the standard model weak group. We will show how the Fr\"ohlich-Morchio-Strocchi mechanism relates gauge-invariant bound state operators to invariant objects of the remaining unbroken gauge group after gauge fixing. In particular, this provides a strict gauge-invariant formulation of the latter in terms of the original gauge symmetry without using the terminology of spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking. We also demonstrate that the Fr\"ohlich-Morchio-Strocchi approach allows us to put new constraints on theories beyond the standard model by pure field-theoretical considerations. Particularly the conventional construction of grand unified theories has to be rethought.

Improved ($\bar{\mu}$-Scheme) Effective Dynamics of Full Loop Quantum Gravity. (arXiv:1912.08668v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Muxin Han, Hongguang Liu, relevance 6.40

We propose a new derivation from the full Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) to the Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) improved $\bar{\mu}$-scheme effective dynamics, based on the reduced phase space formulation of LQG and a proposal of effective Hamiltonian/action in the full LQG. A key step of our program is an improved regularization of the full LQG Hamiltonian on a cubic lattice. The improved Hamiltonian uses a set of "dressed holonomies" $h_\Delta(\mathfrak{s})$ which not only depend on the connection $A$ but also depend on the length of the curve $\mathfrak{s}$. With the improved Hamiltonian, we propose a quantum effective action and derive a new set effective equations of motion (EOMs) for the full LQG. Then we show that these new EOMs imply the $\bar{\mu}$-scheme effective dynamics for both the homogeneous-isotropic and Bianchi-I cosmology, and predict bounce and Planckian critical density. As a byproduct, although the model is defined on a cubic lattice, we find that the improved effective Hamiltonian of cosmology is invariant under the lattice refinement. The cosmological effective dynamics, predictions of bounce and critical density are results at the continuum limit.

On the $T\bar T$ deformation of the compactified boson and its interpretation in Lattice Gauge Theory. (arXiv:1912.08654v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Emanuele Beratto, Marco Billo', Michele Caselle, relevance 2.42

We study the effective string description of space-like Polyakov loop correlators at finite temperature with the goal of describing the behaviour of the space--like string tension in the vicinity of the deconfinement transition. To this end we construct the partition function of the Nambu-Goto effective string theory in presence of a compact transverse direction of length $L$ equal to the inverse temperature. We then show that, under particular conditions, our result can be interpreted as the partition function of the $T\bar T$ deformation of the 2d quantum field theory describing a compactified bosonic field and that this mapping allows a deeper insight on the behaviour of the space-like observables of the theory. In particular we show, by imposing that the spectrum of the model obeys the inviscid Burgers equation, that the $T\bar T$ deformations follow well defined trajectories in the parameter space $(\sigma,L)$ of the model, where $\sigma$ is the string tension, which are characterized by a constant value of the dimensionless compactification radius $\rho=L\sqrt{\sigma/2\pi}$. We discuss the potential usefulness of these results for studying the space--like string tension of the underlying Lattice Gauge Theory and its behaviour across the deconfinement transition.

Charged pion condensation in dense quark matter: Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model study. (arXiv:1912.08635v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by T. G. Khunjua, K. G. Klimenko, R. N. Zhokhov, relevance 0.00

In this short review we tried to give an outline of investigations of charged pion condensation (PC) in dense baryonic (quark) matter in the framework of effective Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) type models. The possibility of charged PC phase in dense quark matter with isospin asymmetry is investigated. First, it is demonstrated that this phase can be realized in the framework of massless NJL model. But the existence of this phase is enormously fragile to the values of current quark mass %.Then, and we show that charged PC phase is forbidden in electrically neutral dense quark matter with $\beta$-equilibrium when current quark masses are close to their physical value of 5.5 MeV. Nevertheless, then it is shown that in real physical systems there could be conditions promoting the appearance of charged PC phenomenon in dense quark matter, namely, it was shown that if one includes into consideration the fact that system can have finite size, then a dense charged PC phase can be realized there. It was also demonstrated that the possibility of inhomogeneous pion condensate might allow this phase to appear. And more recently it was revealed that there is another interesting factor that can induce a charged PC phase in dense quark matter even without isospin imbalance. It is a chiral imbalance of the system (non-zero difference between densities of left- and right-handed quarks). This results can be interesting in heavy ion collision experiments, where it is expected to get high baryon densities. It is of interest also in the context of the neutron stars, where quark matter might be realized in the core and very high baryon and isospin densities are attained.

Quantum black holes as solvents. (arXiv:1912.08607v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Erik Aurell, Michał Eckstein, Paweł Horodecki, relevance 33.37

Most of the entropy in the universe is in the form of Bekenstein-Hawking (BH) entropy of super-massive black holes. Although time scales are very long, it is believed that black holes will eventually evaporate by emitting Hawking radiation. A pure quantum state collapsing to a black hole will hence eventually re-emerge as a state with positive entropy, which constitutes the famous black hole information paradox. Expanding on a remark by Hawking we posit that BH entropy is a thermodynamic entropy, which must be distinguished from information-theoretic entropy. If BH entropy counts the number of accessible physical states in a quantum black hole the black hole information paradox can then be seen as an instance of the fundamental problem of statistical mechanics, and specifically of the entropy increase in a solvation process. While the entire process of gravitational collapse is unitary, a black hole dissolves the infalling matter into a quantum solvent with a huge entropy.

Min-max minimal surfaces, horizons and electrostatic systems. (arXiv:1912.08600v2 [math.DG] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Tiarlos Cruz, Vanderson Lima, Alexandre de Sousa, relevance 11.35

We present a connection between minimal surfaces of index one and General Relativity. First, we show that for a certain class of (electro)static systems, each of its unstable horizons is the solution of a one-parameter min-max problem for the area functional, in particular it has index one. We also obtain an inequality relating the area and the charge of a minimal surface of index one in a Cauchy data satisfying the Dominant Energy Condition for non-electromagnetic matter fields. Moreover, we explore a global version of this inequality, and the rigidity in the case of the equality, using a result proved by Marques and Neves.

Constraining Modified Gravity on Astrophysical Scales. (arXiv:1912.08592v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ali Rida Khalifeh, Raul Jimenez, relevance 0.00

We derive the dynamics at galaxy scales (Virial theorem) for modified gravity models in the general Hordensky class. Our aim is to develop tests that can distinguish whether dark matter is part of the theory of gravity or a particle. The recent discovery that a small number of dwarf galaxies lack any dark matter provides us with a stringent test for models of modified gravity. If there are only a few galaxies without dark matter, it is interesting to envision how to explain this if dark matter is a modification of gravity without adding epicycles to the model. We quantify this, and our main finding is that there will always be an extra contribution to the Virial theorem coming from the modification of gravity, even if a certain galaxy shows very small, if not negligible, trace of dark matter, as has been reported recently [1-3]. Thus, if these and more galaxies are confirmed as devoid (or negligible) of dark matter, while other similar galaxies have abundant dark matter, it seems interesting to find modifications of gravity to describe dark matter. Our result can be used by future astronomical surveys to put constraints on the parameters of modified gravity models at astrophysical scales where dark matter is described as such.

Stable Cosmology in Generalised Massive Gravity. (arXiv:1912.08560v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michael Kenna-Allison, A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Kazuya Koyama, relevance 0.76

We present a thorough analysis of the cosmological perturbations in Generalised Massive Gravity. This is an extension of de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley theory where the translation invariance in the St\"uckelberg field space is broken. This allows the mass parameters to be promoted to functions of the St\"uckelberg fields. We consider an exact cosmological background in this theory and study the stability of perturbations. We derive conditions to avoid ghost, gradient and tachyonic instability. The cosmology is an extension of the self-accelerating branch of the constant mass parameter theory, but now all five massive graviton polarisations propagate. For concreteness, we consider a minimal version of the theory where cosmology undergoes an accelerated expansion at late times and show that the perturbative stability is preserved for a range of parameters.

Symmetries of supergravity backgrounds and supersymmetric field theory. (arXiv:1912.08552v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergei M. Kuzenko, Emmanouil S. N. Raptakis, relevance 10.07

In four spacetime dimensions, all ${\cal N} =1$ supergravity-matter systems can be formulated in the so-called $\mathsf{U}(1)$ superspace proposed by Howe in 1981. This paper is devoted to the study of those geometric structures which characterise a background $\mathsf{U}(1)$ superspace and are important in the context of supersymmetric field theory in curved space. We introduce (conformal) Killing tensor superfields $\ell_{(\alpha_1 \dots \alpha_m) ({\dot \alpha}_1 \dots {\dot \alpha}_n)}$, with $m$ and $n$ non-negative integers, $m+n>0$, and elaborate on their significance in the following cases: (i) $m=n=1$; (ii) $m-1=n=0$; and (iii) $m=n>1$. The (conformal) Killing vector superfields $\ell_{\alpha \dot \alpha}$ generate the (conformal) isometries of curved superspace, which are symmetries of every (conformal) supersymmetric field theory. The (conformal) Killing spinor superfields $\ell_{\alpha }$ generate extended (conformal) supersymmetry transformations. The (conformal) Killing tensor superfields with $m=n>1$ prove to generate all higher symmetries of the (massless) massive Wess-Zumino operator.

Thermalization, Ergodicity and Quantum Fisher Information. (arXiv:1912.08549v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Cesar Gomez, relevance 6.77

The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis as well as the quantum ergodic theorem are studied in the light of quantum Fisher information. We show how global bounds on quantum Fisher information set the ETH and ergodicity conditions. Complexity and operator growth are briefly discussed in this frame.

Finite Derivation of the One-Loop Sine-Gordon Soliton Mass. (arXiv:1912.08507v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jarah Evslin, Hengyuan Guo, relevance 0.00

Calculations of quantum corrections to soliton masses generally require both the vacuum sector and the soliton sector to be regularized. The finite part of the quantum correction depends on the assumed relation between these regulators when both are taken to infinity. Recently, in the case of quantum kinks, a manifestly finite prescription for the calculation of the quantum corrections has been proposed, which uses the kink creation operator to relate the two sectors. In this note, we test this new prescription by calculating the one-loop correction to the Sine-Gordon soliton mass, reproducing the well-known result which has been derived using integrability.

Lecture notes on Generalised Hydrodynamics. (arXiv:1912.08496v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Benjamin Doyon, relevance 0.00

These are lecture notes for a series of lectures given at the Les Houches Summer School on Integrability in Atomic and Condensed Matter Physics, 30 July to 24 August 2018. The same series of lectures has also been given at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, October 2019. I overview in a pedagogical fashion the main aspects of the theory of generalised hydrodynamics, a hydrodynamic theory for quantum and classical many-body integrable systems. Only very basic knowledge of hydrodynamics and integrable systems is assumed.

Naked Singularities for the Einstein Vacuum Equations: The Exterior Solution. (arXiv:1912.08478v1 [math.AP])
in gr-qc by Igor Rodnianski, Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman, relevance 2.00

In this work we initiate the mathematical study of naked singularities for the Einstein vacuum equations in $3+1$ dimensions by constructing solutions which correspond to the exterior region of a naked singularity. A key element is our introduction of a new type of self-similarity for the Einstein vacuum equations. Connected to this is a new geometric twisting phenomenon which plays the leading role in singularity formation.

Prior to this work, the only known examples of naked singularities were the solutions constructed by Christodoulou for the spherically symmetric Einstein-scalar-field system, as well as other solutions explored numerically for either the spherically symmetric Einstein equations coupled to suitable matter models or for the Einstein equations in higher dimensions.

Entanglement entropy growth in stochastic conformal field theory and the KPZ class. (arXiv:1912.08458v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Denis Bernard, Pierre Le Doussal, relevance 22.11

We introduce a model of effective conformal quantum field theory in dimension $d=1+1$ coupled to stochastic noise, where Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) class fluctuations can be observed. The analysis of the quantum dynamics of the scaling operators reduces to the study of random trajectories in a random environment, modeled by Brownian vector fields. We use recent results on random walks in random environments to calculate the time-dependent entanglement entropy of a subsystem interval, starting from a factorized state. We find that the fluctuations of the entropy in the large deviation regime are governed by the universal Tracy-Widom distribution. This enlarges the KPZ class, previously observed in random circuit models, to a family of interacting many body quantum systems.

Looking at Shadows of Entanglement Wedges. (arXiv:1912.08423v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yuya Kusuki, Yuki Suzuki, Tadashi Takayanagi, Koji Umemoto, relevance 36.83

We present a new method of deriving shapes of entanglement wedges directly from CFT calculations. We point out that a reduced density matrix in holographic CFTs possesses a sharp wedge structure such that inside the wedge we can distinguish two local excitations, while outside we cannot. We can determine this wedge, which we call a CFT wedge, by computing a distinguishability measure. We find that CFT wedges defined by the fidelity or Bures distance as a distinguishability measure, coincide perfectly with shadows of entanglement wedges in AdS/CFT. We confirm this agreement between CFT wedges and entanglement wedges for two dimensional holographic CFTs where the subsystem is chosen to be an interval or double intervals, as well as higher dimensional CFTs with a round ball subsystem. On the other hand if we consider a free scalar CFT, we find that there are no sharp CFT wedges. This shows that sharp entanglement wedges emerge only for holographic CFTs owing to the large N factorization. We also generalize our analysis to a time-dependent example and to a holographic boundary conformal field theory (AdS/BCFT). Finally we study other distinguishability measures to define CFT wedges. We observe that some of measures lead to CFT wedges which slightly deviate from the entanglement wedges in AdS/CFT and we give a heuristic explanation for this. This paper is an extended version of our earlier letter arXiv:1908.09939 and includes various new observations and examples.

Black Holes and Wormholes in Higher-Curvature Corrected Theories of Gravity. (arXiv:1912.08382v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by M. A. Cuyubamba, relevance 24.47

The presented thesis is devoted to the study of instabilities of compact objects within the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory. This theory includes higher-order corrections in curvature, which are inspired by the low energy limit of string theory. We study linear instability of higher-dimensional black holes in the de Sitter universe. The time-domain picture allows us to obtain the parametric region of stability for the gravitational perturbations in all three channels, i.e., for scalar-type, vector-type, and tensor-type perturbations. We observed that while the scalar and tensor channels show instability for some choice of the parameters, the vector-type perturbations are always stable. Furthermore, we show that the quasinormal frequencies of the scalar type of gravitational perturbations do not obey Hod's inequality, however, the other two channels, vector and tensor, have lower-lying modes that confirm Hod's conjecture. We also studied stability of the wormholes in the four-dimensional Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet gravity proposed by P. Kanti, B. Kleihaus, J. Kunz in arXiv:1108.3003 . These wormholes were claimed to be stable against linear radial perturbations. However, our time-domain analysis allowed us to prove such wormholes are linearly unstable against general radial perturbations for any values of their parameters. We observed that the exponential growth appears after a long period of damped oscillations. This behaviour is qualitatively similar to the instability profile of the higher-dimensional black holes in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory.

Instantons and Hilbert Functions. (arXiv:1912.08358v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Evgeny I. Buchbinder, Andre Lukas, Burt A. Ovrut, Fabian Ruehle, relevance 0.35

We study superpotentials from worldsheet instantons in heterotic Calabi-Yau compactifications for vector bundles constructed from line bundle sums, monads and extensions. Within a certain class of manifolds and for certain second homology classes, we derive simple necessary conditions for a non-vanishing instanton superpotential. These show that non-vanishing instanton superpotentials are rare and require a specific pattern for the bundle construction. For the class of monad and extension bundles with this pattern, we derive a sufficient criterion for non-vanishing instanton superpotentials based on an affine Hilbert function. This criterion shows that a non-zero instanton superpotential is common within this class. The criterion can be checked using commutative algebra methods only and depends on the topological data defining the Calabi-Yau X and the vector bundle V.

Einstein and Eddington and the eclipse in Principe: Celebration and science 100 years after. (arXiv:1912.08354v1 [physics.hist-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by José P. S. Lemos, Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Vitor Cardoso, relevance 0.00

On May 29, 1919, at Ro\c{c}a Sundy, Principe island, Eddington confirms Einstein's general relativity theory for the first time by photographing stars behind the obscured Sun during a total eclipse. History was made. At Sobral, Eddington's astronomer colleagues photograph the same eclipse and also conclude that light from distant stars suffers a deflection when passing by the gravitational field of the Sun, in accordance with general relativity. With the confirmation of general relativity, a theory of gravitation at a fundamental level, physics became, once and for all, relativist and its future was outlined. The first world war had finished a few months before and the deep wounds between nations were yet to heal. Science wanted to be above it all showing that people could be united by a common goal. This year, the 100 years of this achievement was commemorated with the scientific conference "From Einstein and Eddington to LIGO: 100 years of gravitational light deflection" in Principe to celebrate this landmark event. We report here on this conference of celebration.

Topological defects as relics of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a holographic superconductor. (arXiv:1912.08332v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hua-Bi Zeng, Chuan-Yin Xia, Wojciech H. Zurek, Hai-Qing Zhang, relevance -30.84

Formation and evolution of topological defects in course of non-equilibrium symmetry breaking phase transitions is of wide interest in many areas of physics, from cosmology through condensed matter to low temperature physics. Its study in strongly coupled systems, in absence of quasiparticles, is especially challenging. We investigate breaking of U(1) symmetry and the resulting spontaneous formation of vortices in a $(2+1)$-dimensional holographic superconductor employing gauge/gravity duality, a `first-principles' approach to study strongly coupled systems. Magnetic fluxons with quantized fluxes are seen emerging in the post-transition superconducting phase. As expected in type II superconductors, they are trapped in the cores of the order parameter vortices. The dependence of the density of these topological defects on the quench time, the dispersion of the typical winding numbers in the superconductor, and the vortex-vortex correlations are consistent with predictions of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism.

Regularity properties of Schr\"odinger integral operators and general oscillatory integrals. (arXiv:1912.08316v1 [math.AP])
in hep-th by Alejandro J. Castro, Anders Israelsson, Wolfgang Staubach, Madi Yerlanov, relevance 0.54

We introduce the notion of Schr\"odinger integral operators and prove sharp local and global regularity results for these (including propagators for the quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator). Furthermore we introduce general classes of oscillatory integral operators with inhomogeneous phase functions, whose local and global regularity are also established in classical function spaces (both in the Banach and quasi-Banach scales). The results are then applied to obtain optimal (local in time) estimates for the solution to the Cauchy problem for variable-coefficient Schr\"odinger equations as well as other evolutionary partial differential equations.

On Positive Geometry and Scattering Forms for Matter Particles. (arXiv:1912.08307v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aidan Herderschee, Song He, Fei Teng, Yong Zhang, relevance 0.00

We initiate the study of positive geometry and scattering forms for tree-level amplitudes with matter particles in the (anti-)fundamental representation of the color/flavor group. As a toy example, we study the bi-color scalar theory, which supplements the bi-adjoint theory with scalars in the (anti-)fundamental representations of both groups. Using a recursive construction we obtain a class of unbounded polytopes called open associahedra (or associahedra with certain facets at infinity) whose canonical form computes amplitudes in bi-color theory, for arbitrary number of legs and flavor assignments. In addition, we discuss the duality between color factors and wedge products, or "color is kinematics", for amplitudes with matter particles as well.

Spacetimes with a vanishing second Ricci invariant. (arXiv:1912.08295v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Kayll Lake, relevance 8.78

Spacetimes with a vanishing second Ricci invariant, but which are not necessarily Ricci - flat, though common in general relativity, are seldom studied in a coordinate and symmetry independent way by actually using their Ricci invariants. Yet, and as an example, it can be shown by use of Ricci invariants that no such spacetimes can actually represent a perfect fluid by way of Einstein's equations. The widely studied Kiselev black hole is a particularly simple example of such a spacetime. Yet it is frequently, and erroneously, referred to as a perfect fluid. This paper gathers together information relevant to the study of spacetimes with vanishing a second Ricci invariant. It is shown that such spacetimes need not be stationary, a point relevant to their possible physical significance.

Effect of a low density dust shell on the propagation of gravitational waves. (arXiv:1912.08289v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Nigel T. Bishop, Petrus J. van der Walt, relevance 0.00

Using the Bondi-Sachs formalism, the problem of a gravitational wave source surrounded by a spherical dust shell is considered. Using linearized perturbation theory, the geometry is found in the regions: in the shell, exterior to the shell, and interior to the shell. It is found that the dust shell causes the gravitational wave to be modified, but without any energy being transferred to or from the dust.

How tropical are seven- and eight-particle amplitudes?. (arXiv:1912.08254v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Niklas Henke, Georgios Papathanasiou, relevance 0.13

We study tropical Grassmanians Tr$(k,n)$ in relation to cluster algebras, and assess their applicability to $n$-particle amplitudes for $n=7,8$. In $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory, we first show that while the totally positive part of Tr$(4,7)$ may encompass the iterated discontinuity structure of the seven-point Maximally Helicity Violating (MHV) amplitude, it is too small for the Next-to-MHV helicity configuration. Then, using Tr$(4,8)$ we propose a finite set of 356 cluster $\mathcal{A}$-coordinates expected to contain the rational symbol letters of the eight-particle MHV amplitude, and discuss how the remaining square-root letters may be obtained from limits of infinite mutation sequences. Finally, we use a triangulation of the totally positive part of Tr$(3,8)$ to obtain the associated generalised biadjoint scalar amplitude in a form containing a near-minimal amount of spurious poles.

Observable relics of the simple harmonic universe. (arXiv:1912.08238v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by Peter Gilmartin, Bart Horn, relevance 0.55

We analyze observational signatures arising from an epoch in cosmology corresponding to the simple harmonic universe, which consists of positive curvature, a negative cosmological constant, and one or more exotic matter sources with $-1 < w = p/\rho \leq -1/3$, which may then evolve or tunnel into an inflating and hot Big Bang phase. Particular relics specific to this class of models include spatial curvature with $\Omega_k < 0$, modifications to the dark energy sector due to the presence of residual exotic matter, and the possibility that the cosmological constant may ultimately be negative. We review the constraints on the relevant parameters from Planck and other cosmological data sets, focusing on the roles of exotic matter and curvature, and we find that while sources with $w \approx -1$ tend to tighten the constraints on $\Omega_k$, matter with $w = -1/3$ can decouple curvature from the expansion history. For the case where the dark energy sector includes a negative cosmological constant, we use the experimental data to find an associated lower bound on the lifetime of the expansion of the Universe.

Magnetically charged black holes from non-linear electrodynamics and the Event Horizon Telescope. (arXiv:1912.08231v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alireza Allahyari, Mohsen Khodadi, Sunny Vagnozzi, David F. Mota, relevance 12.99

Non-linear electrodynamics (NLED) theories are well-motivated extensions of QED in the strong field regime, and have long been studied in the search for regular black hole (BH) solutions. We consider two well-studied and well-motivated NLED models coupled to General Relativity: the Euler-Heisenberg model and the Bronnikov model. After carefully accounting for the effective geometry induced by the NLED corrections, we determine the shadows of BHs within these two models. We then compare these to the shadow of the supermassive BH M87* recently imaged by the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration. In doing so, we are able to extract upper limits on the black hole magnetic charge, thus providing novel constraints on fundamental physics from this new extraordinary probe.

Primordial power spectrum from the dressed metric approach in loop cosmologies. (arXiv:1912.08225v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Bao-Fei Li, Parampreet Singh, Anzhong Wang, relevance 0.48

We investigate the consequences of different regularizations and ambiguities in loop cosmological models on the predictions in the scalar and tensor primordial spectrum of the cosmic microwave background using the dressed metric approach. Three models, standard loop quantum cosmology (LQC), and two modified loop quantum cosmologies (mLQC-I and mLQC-II) arising from different regularizations of the Lorentzian term in the classical Hamiltonian constraint are explored for chaotic inflation in spatially-flat Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe. In each model, two different treatments of the conjugate momentum of the scale factor are considered. The first one corresponds to the conventional treatment in dressed metric approach, and the second one is inspired from the hybrid approach which uses the effective Hamiltonian constraint. For these two choices, we find the power spectrum to be scale-invariant in the ultra-violet regime for all three models, but there is at least a $10\%$ relative difference in amplitude in the infra-red and intermediate regimes. All three models result in significant differences in the latter regimes. In mLQC-I, the magnitude of the power spectrum in the infra-red regime is of the order of Planck scale irrespective of the ambiguity in conjugate momentum of the scale factor. The relative difference in the amplitude of the power spectrum between LQC and mLQC-II can be as large as $50\%$ throughout the infra-red and intermediate regimes. Differences in amplitude due to regularizations and ambiguities turn out to be small in the ultra-violet regime.

Massive vector fields in Kerr--Newman and Kerr--Sen black hole spacetimes. (arXiv:1912.08224v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ramiro Cayuso, Oscar J. C. Dias, Finnian Gray, David Kubiznak, Aoibheann Margalit, Jorge E. Santos, Renato Gomes Souza, Leander Thiele, relevance 18.66

The superradiant instability modes of ultralight massive vector bosons are studied for weakly charged rotating black holes in Einstein--Maxwell gravity (the Kerr--Newman solution) and low-energy heterotic string theory (the Kerr--Sen black hole). We show that in both these cases, the corresponding massive vector (Proca) equations can be fully separated, exploiting the hidden symmetry present in these spacetimes. The resultant ordinary differential equations are solved numerically to find the most unstable modes of the Proca field in the two backgrounds and compared to the vacuum (Kerr black hole) case.

Non-perturbative geometries for planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM amplitudes. (arXiv:1912.08222v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Nima Arkani-Hamed, Thomas Lam, Marcus Spradlin, relevance 0.11

There is a remarkable well-known connection between the G$(4,n)$ cluster algebra and $n$-particle amplitudes in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory. For $n \ge 8$ two long-standing open questions have been to find a mathematically natural way to identify a finite list of amplitude symbol letters from among the infinitely many cluster variables, and to find an explanation for certain algebraic functions, such as the square roots of four-mass-box type, that are expected to appear in symbols but are not cluster variables. In this letter we use the notion of "stringy canonical forms" to construct polytopal realizations of certain compactifications of (the positive part of) the configuration space Conf${}_n(\mathbb{P}^{k-1}) \cong {\rm G}(k,n)/T$ that are manifestly finite for all $k$ and $n$. Some facets of these polytopes are naturally associated to cluster variables, while others are naturally associated to algebraic functions constructed from Lusztig's canonical basis. For $(k,n) = (4,8)$ the latter include precisely the expected square roots, revealing them to be related to certain "overpositive" functions of the kinematical invariants.

Rigid elastic solids in relativity. (arXiv:1912.08221v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by José Natário, relevance 0.00

After briefly reviewing the theory of relativistic elasticity, we expand a general elastic Lagrangian to quadratic order and compute the main parameters for the linear elasticity of relativistic solids: the longitudinal and transverse speeds of sound, the Poisson ratio, and the bulk, shear and Young moduli. Using these, we discuss which Lagrangian is the best choice to model a relativistic rigid elastic solid.

Algebraic singularities of scattering amplitudes from tropical geometry. (arXiv:1912.08217v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by James Drummond, Jack Foster, Ömer Gürdoğan, Chrysostomos Kalousios, relevance 0.39

We address the appearance of algebraic singularities in the symbol alphabet of scattering amplitudes in the context of planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory. We argue that connections between cluster algebras and tropical geometry provide a natural language for postulating a finite alphabet for scattering amplitudes beyond six and seven points where the corresponding Grassmannian cluster algebras are finite. As well as generating natural finite sets of letters, the tropical fans we discuss provide letters containing square roots. Remarkably, the minimal fan we consider provides all the square root letters recently discovered in an explicit two-loop eight-point NMHV calculation.

Geometric actions and flat space holography. (arXiv:1912.08207v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Wout Merbis, Max Riegler, relevance 1.82

In this paper we perform the Hamiltonian reduction of the action for three-dimensional Einstein gravity with vanishing cosmological constant using the Chern-Simons formulation and Bondi-van der Burg-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) boundary conditions. An equivalent formulation of the boundary action is the geometric action on BMS$_3$ coadjoint orbits, where the orbit representative is identified as the bulk holonomy. We use this reduced action to compute one-loop contributions to the torus partition function of all BMS$_3$ descendants of Minkowski spacetime and cosmological solutions in flat space. We then consider Wilson lines in the ISO$(2,1)$ Chern-Simons theory with endpoints on the boundary, whose reduction to the boundary theory gives a bilocal operator. We use the expectation values and two-point correlation functions of these bilocal operators to compute quantum contributions to the entanglement entropy of a single interval for BMS$_3$ invariant field theories and BMS$_3$ blocks, respectively. While semi-classically the BMS$_3$ boundary theory has central charges $c_1 = 0$ and $c_2 = 3/G_N$, we find that quantum corrections in flat space do not renormalize $G_N$, but rather lead to a non-zero $c_1$.

Relativistic non-Fermi liquid from interacting birefringent fermions: A robust superuniversality. (arXiv:1912.08196v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Bitan Roy, Vladimir Juricic, relevance 0.00

We address the emergent quantum critical phenomena for (pseudo)spin-3/2 birefringent fermions, featuring two effective Fermi velocities, when they reside close to itinerant Mott transitions realized through spontaneous symmetry breaking and triggered by strong local or Hubbardlike repulsive interactions. Irrespective of the nature of the mass orderings that produce fully gapped quasiparticle spectra in the ordered phase, which otherwise can be grouped into three classes, the system always possesses a \emph{unique} terminal velocity near the corresponding quantum critical point. The associated critical regime accommodates a relativistic non-Fermi liquid of strongly coupled collective bosonic and spin-1/2 Dirac excitations with vanishing weight of the quasiparticle pole. These conclusions are also operative near superconducting critical points. Therefore, relativistic non-Fermi liquid possibly constitutes a robust superuniversal description for the entire family of strongly correlated arbitrary half-integer spin Dirac materials.

Opening the 1$\,$Hz axion window. (arXiv:1912.08188v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by David J. E. Marsh, Wen Yin, relevance 0.82

An axion-like particle (ALP) with mass $m_\phi \sim 10^{-15}\text{ eV}$ oscillates with frequency $\sim$1 Hz and it appears naturally as a consequence of grand unification (GUT) in M-theory. However, with a GUT-scale decay constant such an ALP overcloses the Universe, and cannot solve the strong CP problem. In this paper, we present a two axion model in which the 1 Hz ALP constitutes the entirety of the dark matter (DM) while the QCD axion solves the strong CP problem but contributes negligibly to the DM relic density. The mechanism to achieve the correct relic densities relies on low-scale inflation ($m_\phi \lesssim H_{\rm inf}\lesssim 1 \text{ MeV}$) and stochastic drift of both axion fields, which also highly alleviates the cosmological moduli and gravitino problems. We present two variants of the model each compatible with cosmic microwave background anisotropies and big bang nucleosynthesis, one of which in addition satisfies the trans-Planckian censorship conjecture. The 1 Hz ALP has canonical GUT-scale couplings to both photons and nucleons, and may be detectable by ABRACADABRA and CASPEr. Furthermore the model predicts: (1) a value for the strong CP phase which oscillates around $\bar{\theta}_{\rm QCD}\sim 10^{-12}$, within reach of the proton storage ring electric dipole moment experiment, (2) that any intermediate mass black holes observed in gravitational waves from binary inspiral by LISA will have low dimensionless spin and reside on Regge trajectories.

Mean field flow equations and asymptotically free scalar fields. (arXiv:1912.08183v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Christoph Kopper, relevance 0.23

The flow equations of the renormalisation group permit to analyse the perturbative $n$-point functions of renormalisable quantum field theories. Rigorous bounds implying renormalisablility allow to control large momentum behaviour, infrared singularities and large order behaviour in the number of loops and the number of arguments $n\,$. Gauge symmetry which is broken by the flow in momentum or position space, can be shown to be restored in the renormalised theory.

In this paper we want to do a first but important step towards a rigorous nonperturbative analysis of the flow equations (FEs). We restrict to massive scalar fields and analyse the {\it mean field limit} where the Schwinger or 1PI functions are considered to be momentum independent or, otherwise stated, are replaced by their zero momentum values.

We regard smooth solutions of the system of FEs for the $n$-point functions for different sets of boundary conditions. We will realise that allowing for non\-vanishing irrelevant terms permits to construct {\it asymptotically free} and thus nontrivial {\it scalar field theories} in the mean field approximation. We will also analyse the so-called trivial solution so far generally believed to exhaust four-dimensional scalar field theory. The method paves the way to a study of the system of FEs beyond the mean field limit.

Path integral quantization of a spinning particle. (arXiv:1912.08179v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Giacomo Rosati, relevance 6.72

Following the idea of Alekseev and Shatashvili we derive the path integral quantization of a modified relativistic particle action that results in the Feynman propagator of a free field with arbitrary spin. This propagator can be associated with the Duffin, Kemmer, and Petiau (DKP) form of a free field theory. We show explicitly that the obtained DKP propagator is equivalent to the standard one, for spins 0 and 1. We argue that this equivalence holds also for higher spins.

Towards a quantum Oppenheimer-Snyder model. (arXiv:1912.08175v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tim Schmitz, relevance 1.22

We present a consistent canonical formulation of the flat Oppenheimer-Snyder model, including the Schwarzschild exterior. The switching between comoving and stationary observer is realized by promoting the coordinate transformation between dust proper time and Schwarzschild-Killing time to a canonical one. This leads to two different forms of the Hamiltonian constraint, both (almost) deparameterizable with regard to one of these times. A preliminary quantization of these constraints reveals a consistent picture for both observers: the singularity is avoided by a bounce.

Effect of electromagnetic interaction on Galactic center flare components. (arXiv:1912.08174v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Arman Tursunov, Michal Zajaček, Andreas Eckart, Martin Kološ, Silke Britzen, Zdeněk Stuchlík, Bozena Czerny, Vladimír Karas, relevance 2.03

Recently, near-infrared GRAVIY@ESO observations at $2.2\,\mu{\rm m}$ have announced the detection of three bright "flares" in the vicinity of the Galactic center black hole that exhibited orbital motion at the radius about $6 - 11$ gravitational radii of $4.14\times 10^6\, M_{\odot}$ black hole. There are indications of the presence of a large-scale, organized component of the magnetic field at the Galactic center. Electromagnetic effects on the flare dynamics were previously not taken into account despite that the relativistic motion of a plasma in magnetic field leads to the charge separation and non-negligible net charge density in the plasma. Applying various approaches we find the net charge number density of the flare components of the order of $10^{-3} - 10^{-4}$ cm$^{-3}$, while the particles total number density is of the order of $10^{6} - 10^{8}$ cm$^{-3}$. However, even such a tiny excess of charged particles in the quasi-neutral plasma can sufficiently affect the dynamics of flare components, which can then lead to discrepancies in the measurements of spin of the supermassive black hole. Analyzing the dynamics of recent flares in the case of the rapidly rotating black hole $a>0.5$, we also constrain the inclination angle between magnetic field and the spin axis to $\alpha < 50^{\circ}$, as for larger angles the motion of the hot spot is strongly chaotic.

$O(N)$ Models with Boundary Interactions and their Long Range Generalizations. (arXiv:1912.08169v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Simone Giombi, Himanshu Khanchandani, relevance 0.00

We study the critical properties of scalar field theories in $d+1$ dimensions with $O(N)$ invariant interactions localized on a $d$-dimensional boundary. By a combination of large $N$ and epsilon expansions, we provide evidence for the existence of non-trivial $O(N)$ BCFTs in $1<d<4$. Due to having free fields in the bulk, these models possess bulk higher-spin currents which are conserved up to terms localized on the boundary. We suggest that this should lead to a set of protected spinning operators on the boundary, and give evidence that their anomalous dimensions vanish. We also discuss the closely related long-range $O(N)$ models in $d$ dimensions, and in particular study a weakly coupled description of the $d=1$ long range $O(N)$ model near the upper critical value of the long range parameter, which is given in terms of a non-local non-linear sigma model. By combining the known perturbative descriptions, we provide some estimates of critical exponents in $d=1$.

On Exact Proper Time Wilsonian RG Flows. (arXiv:1912.08135v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. Bonanno, S. Lippoldt, R. Percacci, G. P. Vacca, relevance 1.60

We discuss the possibility to define exact RG equations for a UV regulated Wilsonian action based on a proper time (PT) regulator function. We start from a functional mapping which shows how each particular flow equation (and RG scheme) is associated to infinitely many scale dependent field redefinitions, which are related to specific coarse-graining procedures. On specializing to a sub-family of one parameter PT regulators we briefly analyze few results for the Ising Universality class in three dimensions, obtained within a second order truncation in the derivative expansion of the Wilsonian action.

Estimating the maximum gravitational mass of nonrotating neutron stars from the GW170817/GRB 170817A/AT2017gfo observation. (arXiv:1912.08122v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Dong-Sheng Shao, Shao-Peng Tang, Xin Sheng, Jin-Liang Jiang, Yuan-Zhu Wang, Zhi-Ping Jin, Yi-Zhong Fan, Da-Ming Wei, relevance 0.60

Assuming that the differential rotation of the massive neutron star (NS) formed in the double NS (DNS) mergers has been effectively terminated by the magnetic braking and a uniform rotation has been subsequently established (i.e., a supramassive NS is formed), we analytically derive in this work an approximated expression for the critical total gravitational mass ($M_{\rm tot,c}$) to form supramassive NS (SMNS) in the DNS mergers, benefited from some equation of state (EoS) insensitive relationships. The maximum gravitational mass of the nonrotating NSs ($M_{\rm TOV}$) as well as the dimensionless angular momentum of the remnant ($j$) play the dominant roles in modifying $M_{\rm tot,c}$, while the radius and mass differences of the premerger NSs do not. The GW170817/GRB 170817A/AT2017gfo observations have provided so far the best opportunity to quantitatively evaluate $M_{\rm TOV}$. Supposing the central engine for GRB 170817A is a black hole quickly formed in the collapse of an SMNS, we find $M_{\rm TOV}=2.13^{+0.09}_{-0.08}M_\odot$ (68.3% credibility interval, including also the uncertainties of the EoS insensitive relationships), which is consistent with the constraints set by current NS mass measurements.

New K\"ahler invariant Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity and cosmological applications. (arXiv:1912.08117v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ignatios Antoniadis, François Rondeau, relevance 0.00

Recently, a new type of constant Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) terms was introduced in $\mathcal{N}=1$ supergravity, which do not require the gauging of the $R$-symmetry. We revisit and generalise these constructions, building a new class of K\"ahler invariant FI terms parametrised by a function of the gravitino mass as functional of the chiral superfields, which is then used to describe new models of inflation. They are based on a no-scale supergravity model of the inflaton chiral multiplet, supplemented by an abelian vector multiplet with the new FI-term. We show that the inflaton potential is compatible with the CMB observational data, with a vacuum energy at the minimum that can be tuned to a tiny positive value. Finally, the axionic shift symmetry can be gauged by the $U(1)$ which becomes massive. These models offer a mechanism for fixing the gravitino mass in no-scale supergravities, that corresponds to a flat direction of the scalar potential in the absence of the new FI-term; its origin in string theory is an interesting open problem.

Gravitational waves and geometrical optics in scalar-tensor theories. (arXiv:1912.08093v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alice Garoffolo, Gianmassimo Tasinato, Carmelita Carbone, Daniele Bertacca, Sabino Matarrese, relevance 0.23

The detection of gravitational waves (GWs) propagating through cosmic structures can provide invaluable information on the geometry and content of our Universe, as well as on the fundamental theory of gravity. In order to test possible departures from General Relativity, it is essential to analyse, in a modified gravity setting, how GWs propagate through a perturbed cosmological space-time. Working within the framework of geometrical optics, we develop tools to address this topic for a broad class of scalar-tensor theories, including scenarios with non-minimal, derivative couplings between scalar and tensor modes. We determine the corresponding evolution equations for the GW amplitude and polarization tensor. The former satisfies a generalised evolution equation that includes possible effects due to a variation of the effective Planck scale; the latter can fail to be parallely transported along GW geodesics unless certain conditions are satisfied. We apply our general formulas to specific scalar-tensor theories with unit tensor speed, and then focus on GW propagation on a perturbed space-time. We determine corrections to standard formulas for the GW luminosity distance and for the evolution of the polarization tensor, which depend both on modified gravity and on the effects of cosmological perturbations. Our results can constitute a starting point to disentangle among degeneracies from different sectors that can influence GW propagation through cosmological space-times.

Three Easy Pieces (in tribute to Roman Jackiw). (arXiv:1912.08092v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Frank Wilczek, relevance 0.30

Roman Jackiw has made highly original and influential contributions to several areas of physics that have grown and blossomed, notably including the quantum physics of domain walls, magnetic monopoles, and fractional quantum numbers. Here I offer three small pieces that take off from those themes. I discuss the emergence of topological surface structure in materials, the emergence of a shape-space magnetic monopole in a simple mechanical system, and the emergence of fractional angular momentum in an even simpler quantum mechanical (molecular) system.

Noether symmetries in Interacting Quintessence Cosmology. (arXiv:1912.08089v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ester Piedipalumbo, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Salvatore Capozziello, relevance 0.00

The Noether Symmetry Approach is applied to interacting quintessence cosmology with the aim to search for exact solutions and select scalar-field self-interaction potentials. It turns out that the solutions found are compatible with the accelerated expansion of the Universe and with observational dataset, as the SNeIa

Pantheon data.

On generalized Melvin solutions for Lie algebras of rank 4. (arXiv:1912.08083v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S. V. Bolokhov, V. D. Ivashchuk, relevance 2.94

We consider generalized Melvin-like solutions associated with Lie algebras of rank $4$ (namely, $A_4$, $B_4$, $C_4$, $D_4$, and the exceptional algebra $F_4$) corresponding to certain internal symmetries of the solutions. The system under consideration is a static cylindrically-symmetric gravitational configuration in $D$ dimensions in presence of four Abelian 2-forms and four scalar fields. The solution is governed by four moduli functions $H_s(z)$ ($s = 1,...,4$) of squared radial coordinate $z=\rho^2$ obeying four differential equations of the Toda chain type. These functions turn out to be polynomials of powers $(n_1,n_2, n_3, n_4) = (4,6,6,4), (8,14,18,10), (7,12,15,16), (6,10,6,6), (22,42,30,16)$ for Lie algebras $A_4$, $B_4$, $C_4$, $D_4$, $F_4$, respectively. The asymptotic behaviour for the polynomials at large distances is governed by some integer-valued $4 \times 4$ matrix $\nu$ connected in a certain way with the inverse Cartan matrix of the Lie algebra and (in $A_4$ case) the matrix representing a generator of the $\mathbb{Z}_2$-group of symmetry of the Dynkin diagram. The symmetry properties and duality identities for polynomials are obtained, as well as asymptotic relations for solutions at large distances. We also calculate 2-form flux integrals over $2$-dimensional discs and corresponding Wilson loop factors over their boundaries. Dilatonic black hole analogs of the obtained Melvin-type solutions are also presented.

Gravitational-wave versus X-ray tests of strong-field gravity. (arXiv:1912.08062v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alejandro Cardenas-Avendano, Sourabh Nampalliwar, Nicolas Yunes, relevance 0.94

Electromagnetic observations of the radiation emitted by an accretion disk around a black hole, as well as gravitational wave observations of coalescing binaries, can be used to probe strong-field gravity. We here compare the constraints that these two types of observations can impose on theory-agnostic, parametric deviations from the Schwarzschild metric. On the gravitational wave side, we begin by computing the leading-order deviation to the Hamiltonian of a binary system in a quasi-circular orbit within the post-Newtonian approximation, given a parametric deformation of the Schwarzschild metrics of each binary component. We then compute the leading-order deviation to the gravitational waves emitted by such a binary in the frequency domain, assuming purely Einsteinian radiation-reaction. We compare this model to the LIGO-Virgo collaboration gravitational wave detections and place constraints on the metric deformation parameters, concluding with an estimate of the constraining power of aLIGO at design sensitivity. On the electromagnetic side, we first simulate observations with current and future X-ray instruments of an X-ray binary with a parametrically-deformed Schwarzschild black hole, and we then estimate constraints on the deformation parameters using these observations.We find that current gravitational wave observations have already placed constraints on the metric deformation parameters than are slightly more stringent than what can be achieved with current X-ray instruments. Moreover, future gravitational wave observations with aLIGO at design sensitivity by 2026 will be even more stringent, becoming stronger than constraints achievable with future ATHENA X-ray observations before it flies in 2034.

On the Jacobi metric for a general Lagrangian system. (arXiv:1912.08053v1 [physics.class-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by Paolo Maraner, relevance 0.00

An explicit expression for the Jacobi metric for a general Lagrangian system is obtained as a series expansion in the square root of the kinetic energy of the system and the corresponding geodesics are described in terms of an appropriate non-linear connection and the associated curvature. In the limit of low kinetic energies the trajectories of motion of any Lagrangian system are very well approximated by the geodesics of an energy dependent Randers metric or, equivalently, by the paths in configuration space of a representative point subject to electromagnetic- and gravitational-like force fields. For higher kinetic energy values the trajectories of motion are instead the geodesics of a general energy dependent Finsler metric, corresponding also to the paths in configuration space of a representative point subject to a hierarchy of a potentially infinite number of covariant force fields that generalise the electromagnetic and gravitational ones. Some general implications of these findings are discussed.

On the existence of the global conformal gauge in string theory. (arXiv:1912.08052v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by M. O. Katanaev (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow), relevance 8.66

We prove the theorem providing sufficient conditions for the existence of the global conformal gauge in string theory. The example is considered that clearly shows that strong restrictions on the fields cannot be thrown away altogether.

Radiative Correction of the Casimir Energy for the Scalar Field with the Mixed Boundary Condition in 3 + 1 Dimensions. (arXiv:1912.08039v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. A. Valuyan, relevance 0.00

In the present study, the zeroth- and first-order radiative correction of the Casimir energy for massive and massless scalar fields, confined with mixed boundary conditions (Dirichlet- Neumann) between two parallel plates in $\phi^4$ theory, were computed. Two issues in performing calculations in this work are essential: first, to renormalize the bare parameters of the problem, a systematic method was used, which allows all influences from the boundary conditions to be imported in all elements of the renormalization program. This idea yields our counterterms appearing in the renormalization program to be position-dependent. Using the box subtraction scheme as a regularization technique is the other noteworthy point in the calculation. In this scheme, by subtracting the vacuum energies of two similar configurations from each other, regularizing divergent expressions and their removal process were significantly facilitated. All the obtained answers for the Casimir energy with the mixed boundary condition were consistent with well-known physical grounds. We also compared the Casimir energy for the massive scalar field confined with four types of boundary conditions (Dirichlet, Neumann, a mix of them and Periodic) in 3+1 dimensions with each other, and the sign and magnitude of their values were discussed.

Transcendental equations of the running coupling. (arXiv:1912.08016v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Juuso Österman, relevance 0.00

The running coupling of a generic field theory can be described through a separable differential equation involving the corresponding $\beta$-function. Only the first loop order can be solved analytically in terms of well-known functions, all further loop orders lead to transcendental equations. While obscure nowadays, many analytical methods have been devised to study them, most specifically the Lagrange-B\"urmann formula. In this article we discuss the structure of transcendental equations that take place at various loop orders. Beyond the first two loop orders, these equations are simplified by applying an optimal Pade approximant on the $\beta$-function. In general, these lead to generalizations of Lambert's equation, the solutions of which are presented in terms of a power series.

A new formula for conserved charges of Lovelock gravity in AdS spacetimes and its generalization. (arXiv:1912.08013v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jun-Jin Peng, Hui-Fa Liu, relevance 8.56

Within the framework of the Lovelock gravity theory, we propose a new rank-4 divergenceless tensor consisting of the Riemann curvature tensor and inheriting its symmetries. Such a tensor can be applied to define conserved charges of the Lovelock gravity theory in asymptotically AdS spacetimes. Besides, inspired with the case of the Lovelock gravity, we put forward another two general forth-rank tensors in the context of an arbitrary gravity theory described by the Lagrangian constructed out of the curvature tensor. On basis of each of the two newly-constructed tensors, we further suggest a Komar-like formula for the conserved charges of this gravity theory.

The Unique Polyakov Blocks. (arXiv:1912.07998v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Charlotte Sleight, Massimo Taronna, relevance 0.00

In this work we present a closed form expression for Polyakov blocks in Mellin space for arbitrary spin and scaling dimensions. We provide a prescription to fix the contact term ambiguity uniquely by reducing the problem to that of fixing the contact term ambiguity at the level of cyclic exchange amplitudes --- defining cyclic Polyakov blocks --- in terms of which any fully crossing symmetric correlator can be decomposed. We also give another, equivalent, prescription which does not rely on a decomposition into cyclic amplitudes. We extract the OPE data of double-twist operators in the direct channel expansion of the cyclic Polyakov blocks using and extending the analysis of \cite{Sleight:2018epi,Sleight:2018ryu} to include contributions that are non-analytic in spin. The relation between cyclic Polyakov blocks and analytic Bootstrap functionals is underlined.

Three-Manifold Quantum Invariants and Mock Theta Functions. (arXiv:1912.07997v3 [math.NT] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Miranda C. N. Cheng, Francesca Ferrari, Gabriele Sgroi, relevance 0.00

Mock modular forms have found applications in numerous branches of mathematical sciences since they were first introduced by Ramanujan nearly a century ago. In this proceeding we highlight a new area where mock modular forms start to play an important role, namely the study of three-manifold invariants. For a certain class of Seifert three-manifolds, we describe a conjecture on the mock modular properties of a recently proposed quantum invariant. As an illustration, we include concrete computations for a specific three-manifold, the Brieskorn sphere $\Sigma(2,3,7)$. This note is partially based on the talk by the first author in the conference "Srinivasa Ramanujan: in celebration of the centenary of his election as FRS" held at the Royal Society in 2018.

Marginal triviality of the scaling limits of critical 4D Ising and $\phi_4^4$ models. (arXiv:1912.07973v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Michael Aizenman, Hugo Duminil-Copin, relevance 0.00

We prove that the scaling limits of spin fluctuations in four-dimensional Ising-type models with nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interaction at or near the critical point are Gaussian. A similar statement is proven for the $\lambda \phi^4$ fields over $\mathbb{R}^4$ with a lattice ultraviolet cutoff, in the limit of infinite volume and vanishing lattice spacing. The proofs are enabled by the models' random current representation, in which the correlation functions' deviation from Wick's law is expressed in terms of intersection probabilities of random currents with sources at distances which are large on the model's lattice scale. Guided by the analogy with random walk intersection amplitudes, the analysis focuses on the improvement of the so-called tree diagram bound by a logarithmic correction term, which is derived here through multi-scale analysis.

Quantum Fluctuations of a Self-interacting Inflaton. (arXiv:1912.07963v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by G. Karakaya, V. K. Onemli, relevance 1.28

We present a method to analytically compute the quantum corrected two-point correlation function of a scalar field in leading order at each loop in a homogeneous, isotropic and spatially flat spacetime where the expansion rate is time dependent and express the quantum corrected power spectrum $\Delta^2(k)$ as a time derivative of the coincident correlation function evaluated at time $t_k$ of the first horizon crossing of a mode with comoving wave number $k$. To facilitate the method, we consider the simplest version of inflation driven by a massive, minimally coupled inflaton endowing a quartic self-interaction---with positive or negative self-coupling. We compute the quantum corrected two-point correlation function, power spectrum, spectral index $n(k)$ and the running of the spectral index $\alpha(k)$ for the inflaton fluctuations at one-loop order. Numerical estimates of the $n(k)$ and $\alpha(k)$ and the cosmological measurements are in agreement, within reasonable ranges of values for the physical parameters in the model.

Breathing modes, quartic nonlinearities and effective resonant systems. (arXiv:1912.07952v4 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Oleg Evnin, relevance 0.84

A breathing mode in a Hamiltonian system is a function on the phase space whose evolution is exactly periodic for all solutions of the equations of motion. Such breathing modes are familiar from nonlinear dynamics in harmonic traps or anti-de Sitter spacetimes, with applications to the physics of cold atomic gases, general relativity and high-energy physics. We discuss the implications of breathing modes in weakly nonlinear regimes, assuming that both the Hamiltonian and the breathing mode are linear functions of a coupling parameter, taken to be small. For a linear system, breathing modes dictate resonant relations between the normal frequencies. These resonant relations imply that arbitrarily small nonlinearities may produce large effects over long times. The leading effects of the nonlinearities in this regime are captured by the corresponding effective resonant system. The breathing mode of the original system translates into an exactly conserved quantity of this effective resonant system under simple assumptions that we explicitly specify. If the nonlinearity in the Hamiltonian is quartic in the canonical variables, as is common in many physically motivated cases, further consequences result from the presence of the breathing modes, and some nontrivial explicit solutions of the effective resonant system can be constructed. This structure explains in a uniform fashion a series of results in the recent literature where this type of dynamics is realized in specific Hamiltonian systems, and predicts other situations of interest where it should emerge.

Meromorphic Extensions of Green's Functions on a Riemann Surface. (arXiv:1912.07947v1 [math.CV])
in hep-th by Michael P. Tuite, relevance 0.00

For a Riemann surface of genus $g\ge 2$ there exists a unique Green's function $G_{N}(x,y)$ which transforms as a weight $N\ge 2$ form in $x$ and a weight $1-N$ form in $y$ and is meromorphic in $x$, with a unique simple pole at $x=y$, but is not meromorphic in $y$. For a Schottky uniformized Riemann surface we consider meromorphic extensions of $G_{N}(x,y)$ called Green's Functions with Extended Meromorphicity or GEM forms. GEM forms are meromorphic in both $x$ and $y$ with a unique simple pole at $x=y$, transform as weight $N\ge 2$ forms in $x$ but as weight $1-N$ quasiperiodic forms in $y$. We give a reformulation of the bijective Bers map and describe a choice of GEM form with an associated canonical basis of normalized holomorphic $N$-forms. We describe an explicit differential operator constructed from $N=2$ GEM forms giving the variation with respect to moduli space parameters of a punctured Riemann surface. We also describe a new expression for the inverse Bers map.

Anomalous transport independent of gauge fields. (arXiv:1912.07905v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mamiya Kawaguchi, Ken Kikuchi, relevance 11.65

We show that three-dimensional trace anomalies lead to new universal anomalous transport effects on a conformally-flat spacetime with background scalar fields. In contrast to conventional anomalous transports in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) or quantum electrodynamics (QED), our current is independent of background gauge fields. Therefore, our anomalous transport survives even in the absence of vector-like external sources. By manipulating background fields, we suggest a setup to detect our anomalous transport. If one turns on scalar couplings in a finite interval and considers a conformal factor depending just on (conformal) time, we find anomalous transport localized at the interfaces of the interval flows perpendicularly to the interval. The magnitude of the currents are the same on the two interfaces but with opposite directions. Without the assumption on scalar couplings, and only assuming the conformal factor depending solely on (conformal) time as usually done in cosmology, one also finds the three-dimensional Hubble parameter naturally appears in our current.

Bases of massless EFTs via momentum twistors. (arXiv:1912.07865v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Adam Falkowski, relevance 0.73

I present a novel method of deriving a basis of contact terms in massless effective field theories (EFTs). It relies on the parametrization of $N$-body kinematics via the so-called momentum twistors. A basis is constructed directly at the amplitude level, without using fields or Lagrangians. The method consists in recasting any local contact term as a sum of rational functions built from Lorentz-invariant contractions of momentum twistors. The end result is equivalent to constructing a basis of higher-dimensional operators in an EFT Lagrangian, however it is considerably simpler, especially for theories with higher-spin particles. The method is applied to contact terms in 4-point amplitudes. I provide a compact algebraic formula for basis elements for any helicity configuration of the external particles, and I illustrate its usage with several physically relevant examples.

Functional integration over the factor-space $Diff^{1}_{+}(S^{1})/SL(2,\textbf{R}) $. (arXiv:1912.07841v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Vladimir V. Belokurov, Evgeniy T. Shavgulidze, relevance 0.00

An explicit form of the functional measure on

the factor space $Diff^{1}_{+}(S^{1})/SL(2,\textbf{R})$ is obtained that makes Schwarzian functional integrals calculus simpler and more transparent.

Response to the Comment on "Observing a wormhole". (arXiv:1912.07793v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by De-Chang Dai, Dejan Stojkovic, relevance 4.59

In the Comment written by Krasnikov \cite{Krasnikov:2019mrd} on our recent paper \cite{Dai:2019mse}, the author argues that a spherically symmetric perturbation coming from a massive object located on the other side of the wormhole would just add up to the total mass of the central object, and is therefore useless as an indicator of the wormhole presence. We point out that our Eq.~(37) represents an {\it acceleration variation} in the motion of the star S2 due to an elliptic (and thus non-spherically symmetric) orbit of the star on the other side perturbing the metric. This time-dependent acceleration variation is in principle distinguishable from the original acceleration coming from the central object. We also point out that the author is trying to apply Birkhoff's theorem in a setup where it cannot be applied in a straightforward way.

Quantum calculation of the low-energy effective action in $5D$, ${\cal N}=2$ SYM theory. (arXiv:1912.07787v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by I.L. Buchbinder, E.A. Ivanov, B.S. Merzlikin, relevance 2.05

We consider $5D$, ${\cal N}=2$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory in $5D$, ${\cal N}=1$ harmonic superspace as a theory of the interacting adjoint $5D$, ${\cal N}=1$ gauge multiplet and hypermultiplet. Using the background superfield method, we compute the leading low-energy contribution to the one-loop effective action. The result of quantum calculations precisely matches the effective action derived earlier in {\tt arXiv:1812.07206} on the pure symmetry grounds.

Recent developments in $q_T$ subtraction: EW corrections and power suppressed contributions. (arXiv:1912.07755v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Luca Buonocore, relevance 0.00

The $q_T$ subtraction formalism represents a well established and successful technique to deal with the computation of QCD radiative corrections up to NNLO (and beyond) for a large class of processes relevant at the LHC. We have explored the possibility to apply $q_T$ subtraction to the computation of EW corrections with the (final) aim to develop a subtraction formalism suitable for the computation of mixed QCD-EW corrections. We present numerical results for the complete NLO EW corrections to the Drell-Yan production of a massive lepton pair. Furthermore, we have investigated the structure of the power suppressed contributions at small-$q_T$ in this process and we present new analytical results on the effects of the soft radiation emitted off a charged massive final state.

Ranking Candidate Signals with Machine Learning in Low-Latency Search for Gravitational-Waves from Compact Binary Mergers. (arXiv:1912.07740v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Kyungmin Kim, Tjonnie G. F. Li, Rico K. L. Lo, Surabhi Sachdev, Robin S. H. Yuen, relevance 0.00

In the multi-messenger astronomy era, accurate sky localization and low latency time of gravitational-wave (GW) searches are keys in triggering successful follow-up observations on the electromagnetic counterpart of GW signals. We, in this work, focus on the latency time and study the feasibility of adopting supervised machine learning (ML) method for ranking candidate GW events. We consider two popular ML methods, random forest and neural networks. We observe that the evaluation time of both methods takes tens of milliseconds for $\sim$ 45,000 evaluation samples. We compare the classification efficiency between the two ML methods and a conventional low-latency search method with respect to the true positive rate at given false positive rate. The comparison shows that about 10\% improved efficiency can be achieved at lower false positive rate $\sim 2 \times 10^{-5}$ with both ML methods. We also present that the search sensitivity can be enhanced by about 18\% at $\sim 10^{-11}$Hz false alarm rate. We conclude that adopting ML methods for ranking candidate GW events is a prospective approach to yield low latency and high efficiency in searches for GW signals from compact binary mergers.

Spurious Acceleration Noise on the LISA Spacecraft due to Solar Activity. (arXiv:1912.07715v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Barrett M. Frank, Brandon Piotrzkowski, Brett Bolen, Marco Cavaglià, Shane L. Larson, relevance 0.00

A major source of noise for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will be space weather in the form of solar wind particles and photon pressure from fluctuating solar irradiance. The approximate magnitude of these effects can be estimated from the average properties of the solar wind and the solar irradiance. We use data taken by the ACE (Advanced Compton Explorer) satellite and the VIRGO (Variability of solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations) instrument on the SOHO satellite over an entire solar cycle to calculate the forces due to solar wind and photon pressure irradiance on the LISA spacecraft. We produce a realistic model of the effects of these space weather noise sources and their variation over the expected course of the LISA mission.

Higgs-Squark-Slepton Inflation from the MSSM. (arXiv:1912.07694v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Zurab Tavartkiladze, relevance 0.00

The inflation within the MSSM is proposed, where the inflaton field is a combination of the Higgs, squark and slepton states. While the inflationary phase is fully governed by the electron Yukawa superpotential coupling, the fields' condensates float along the flat $D$-term trajectory. This predicts the MSSM parameter $\tan \beta \simeq 13.1$ determined via the value of the curvature perturbation amplitude. The values of the scalar spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio are predicted to be $n_s\simeq 0.966$ and $r=0.00118$. The postinflation reheating of the Universe proceeds by the radiative decay of the inflaton to the two gluons ($\phi \to gg$) with the reheating temperature $T_r\simeq 1.4\cdot 10^7$ GeV.

Time-dependence of the astrophysical stochastic gravitational wave background. (arXiv:1912.07657v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Suvodip Mukherjee, Joseph Silk, relevance 8.84

The astrophysical stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) is mostly produced from unresolved stellar binary mergers, and the number of events at any moment of time is expected to be Poisson-distributed. The event rate is governed by several astrophysical processes. The Poisson nature leads to variation in the number of sources and this causes temporal variations in the SGWB. The intrinsic temporal fluctuations of the SGWB are a rich source of astrophysical information that can be explored via ongoing and future gravitational wave experiments to classify the sources of the SGWB signal. Along with several other methods to estimate the GW event rates from individual sources, the study of the temporal variations of the SGWB signal provides an independent method for estimating the event rates of the GW sources that contribute to the SGWB. Along with direct estimates of event rates, this approach can also distinguish between different sources contributing to the SGWB signal and will be a useful probe of its evolution over a vast cosmic volume. On averaging over observation times, the SGWB will be statistically invariant under time translation. Statistical time translation symmetry of the SGWB is expected due to the negligible evolution of the relevant cosmological and astrophysical phenomena over the observation time-scales over which the data is collected.

A universal Schwarzian sector in two-dimensional conformal field theories. (arXiv:1912.07654v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Animik Ghosh, Henry Maxfield, Gustavo J. Turiaci, relevance 7.59

We show that an extremely generic class of two-dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs) contains a sector described by the Schwarzian theory. This applies to theories with no additional symmetries and large central charge, but does not require a holographic dual. Specifically, we use bootstrap methods to show that in the grand canonical ensemble, at low temperature with a chemical potential sourcing large angular momentum, the density of states and correlation functions are determined by the Schwarzian theory, up to parametrically small corrections. In particular, we compute out-of-time-order correlators in a controlled approximation. For holographic theories, these results have a gravitational interpretation in terms of large, near-extremal rotating BTZ black holes, which have a near horizon throat with nearly AdS$_2 \times S^1$ geometry. The Schwarzian describes strongly coupled gravitational dynamics in the throat, which can be reduced to Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity interacting with a $U(1)$ field associated to transverse rotations, coupled to matter. We match the physics in the throat to observables at the AdS$_3$ boundary, reproducing the CFT results.

The Large $N$ Limit of Orbifold Vertex Operator Algebras. (arXiv:1912.07643v1 [math.QA])
in hep-th by Thomas Gemünden, Christoph A. Keller, relevance 1.93

We investigate the large $N$ limit of permutation orbifolds of vertex operator algebras. To this end, we introduce the notion of nested oligomorphic permutation orbifolds and discuss under which conditions their fixed point VOAs converge. We show that if this limit exists, then it has the structure of a vertex algebra. Finally, we give an example based on $\mathrm{GL}(N,q)$ for which the fixed point VOA limit is also the limit of the full permutation orbifold VOA.

Chemistry and Complexity for Solitons in AdS$_5$. (arXiv:1912.07637v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Shane Andrews, Robie A. Hennigar, Hari K. Kunduri, relevance 19.52

Minimal $D=5$ supergravity admits asymptotically globally AdS$_5$ gravitational solitons (strictly stationary, geodesically complete spacetimes with positive mass). We show that, like asymptotically flat gravitational solitons, these solutions satisfy mass and mass variation formulas analogous to those satisfied by AdS black holes. A thermodynamic volume associated to the non-trivial topology of the spacetime plays an important role in this construction. We then consider these solitons within the holographic ``complexity equals action'' and ``complexity equals volume'' conjectures as simple examples of spacetimes with nontrivial rotation and topology. We find distinct behaviours for the volume and action, with the counterterm for null boundaries playing a significant role in the latter case. For large solitons we find that both proposals yield a complexity of formation proportional to a power of the thermodynamic volume, $V^{3/4}$. In fact, up to numerical prefactors, the result coincides with the analogous one for large black holes.

One-loop string corrections to AdS amplitudes from CFT. (arXiv:1912.07632v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by J. M. Drummond, H. Paul, relevance 13.10

We consider $\alpha'$ corrections to the one-loop four-point correlator of the stress-tensor multiplet in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills at order $1/N^4$. Holographically, this is dual to string corrections of the one-loop supergravity amplitude on AdS$_5\times$S$^5$. While this correlator has been considered in Mellin space before, we derive the corresponding position space results, gaining new insights into the analytic structure of AdS loop-amplitudes. Most notably, the presence of a transcendental weight three function involving new singularities is required, which has not appeared in the context of AdS amplitudes before. We thereby confirm the structure of string corrected one-loop Mellin amplitudes, and also provide new explicit results at orders in $\alpha'$ not considered before.

Spontaneous scalarization of Gauss-Bonnet black holes: Analytic treatment in the linearized regime. (arXiv:1912.07630v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Shahar Hod, relevance 13.29

It has recently been proved that nontrivial couplings between scalar fields and the Gauss-Bonnet invariant of a curved spacetime may allow a central black hole to support spatially regular scalar hairy configurations. Interestingly, former numerical studies of the intriguing black-hole spontaneous scalarization phenomenon have demonstrated that the composed hairy black-hole-scalar-field configurations exist if and only if the dimensionless coupling parameter $\bar\eta$ of the theory belongs to a discrete set $\{[\bar\eta^{-}_{n},\bar\eta^{+}_{n}]\}_{n=0}^{n=\infty}$ of scalarization bands. We have examined the numerical data that are available in the physics literature and found that the newly discovered hairy black-hole-linearized-massless-scalar-field configurations are characterized by the asymptotic universal behavior $\Delta_n\equiv \sqrt{\bar\eta^{+}_{n+1}}-\sqrt{\bar\eta^{+}_{n}}\simeq 2.72$. Motivated by this intriguing observation, in the present paper we study {\it analytically} the physical and mathematical properties of the spontaneously scalarized Schwarzschild black holes in the linearized (weak-field) regime. In particular, we provide a remarkably compact analytical explanation for the numerically observed universal behavior $\Delta_n\simeq 2.72$ which characterizes the discrete resonant spectrum $\{\bar\eta^{+}_{n}\}_{n=0}^{n=\infty}$ of the composed hairy black-hole-linearized-scalar-field configurations.

Baryon-Interacting Dark Matter: heating dark matter and the emergence of galaxy scaling relations. (arXiv:1912.07626v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Benoit Famaey, Justin Khoury, Riccardo Penco, Anushrut Sharma, relevance 0.00

The empirical scaling relations observed in disk galaxies remain challenging for models of galaxy formation. The most striking among these is the Mass Discrepancy-Acceleration Relation (MDAR), which encodes both a tight baryonic Tully-Fisher relation (BTFR) and the observed diversity of galaxy rotation curves through the central surface density relation (CSDR). Building on our earlier work, we propose here that the MDAR is the result of interactions between baryons and 'Baryon-Interacting Dark Matter' (BIDM), which heat up the dark matter. Following a bottom-up, hydrodynamical approach, we find that the MDAR follows if: $i)$ the BIDM equation of state approximates that of an ideal gas; $ii)$ the BIDM relaxation time is order the Jeans time; $iii)$ the heating rate is inversely proportional to the BIDM density. Remarkably, under these assumptions the set of hydrodynamical equations together with Poisson's equation enjoy an anisotropic scaling symmetry. In the BIDM-dominated regime, this gives rise to an enhanced symmetry which fully captures the low-acceleration limit of the MDAR. We then show that, assuming a cored pseudo-isothermal profile at equilibrium, this set of equations gives rise to parameters reproducing the MDAR. Specifically, in the flat part of the rotation curve the asymptotic rotational velocity matches the parametric dependence of the BTFR. Moreover, in the central region of high-surface brightness galaxies, the profile reproduces the CSDR. Finally, by studying the time-dependent approach to equilibrium, we derive a global combination of the BTFR and CSDR, which matches the expectations in low surface-brightness galaxies. The form of the heating rate also makes model-independent predictions for various cosmological observables. We argue that our scenario satisfies existing observational constraints, and, intriguingly, offers a possible explanation to the EDGES anomaly.

2D Fermion on the Strip with Boundary Defects as a CFT with Excited Spin Fields. (arXiv:1912.07617v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Riccardo Finotello, Igor Pesando, relevance 3.32

We consider a two-dimensional fermion on the strip in the presence of an arbitrary number of zero-dimensional boundary changing defects. We show that the theory is still conformal with time dependent stress-energy tensor and that the allowed defects can be understood as excited spin fields. Finally we compute correlation functions involving these excited spin fields without using bosonization.

Environmental effects in GW physics: tidal deformability of black holes immersed in matter. (arXiv:1912.07616v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Vitor Cardoso, Francisco Duque, relevance 8.15

The tidal deformability of compact objects by a companion has a detectable imprint in the gravitational waves emitted by a binary system. This effect is governed by the so-called tidal Love numbers. For a particular theory of gravity, these depend solely on the object internal structure and they vanish for black holes in general relativity. A measurement compatible with nonzero tidal Love numbers could thus provide evidence of new physics in the strong-field regime. However, in realistic astrophysical scenarios, compact objects are surrounded by a nonvacuum environment. In this work, we study the tidal deformability of configurations of black holes immersed in matter, focusing on two analytical models representing an anisotropic fluid and a thin-shell of matter around a black hole. We then apply our results to the astrophysically relevant case of a black hole surrounded by an accretion disk, in the parameter region of interest of the upcoming LISA mission. Our results indicate that there are challenges to overcome concerning tests of strong-field gravity using tidal Love numbers.

Shear viscosity as a probe of nodal topology. (arXiv:1912.07611v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marianne Moore, Piotr Surowka, Vladimir Juricic, Bitan Roy, relevance 0.35

Electronic materials can sustain a variety of unusual, but symmetry protected touchings of valence and conduction bands, each of which is identified by a distinct topological invariant. Well-known examples include linearly dispersing pseudo-relativistic fermions in monolayer graphene, Weyl and nodal-loop semimetals, biquadratic (bicubic) band touching in bilayer (trilayer) graphene, as well as mixed dispersions in multi-Weyl systems. Here we show that depending on the underlying band curvature, the shear viscosity in the collisionless regime displays a unique power-law scaling with frequency at low temperatures, bearing the signatures of the band topology, which are distinct from the ones when the system resides at the brink of a topological phase transition into a band insulator. Therefore, besides the density of states (governing specific heat, compressibility) and dynamic conductivity, shear viscosity can be instrumental to pin nodal topology in electronic materials.

Conformal $\alpha$-attractor Inflation with Weyl Gauge Field. (arXiv:1912.07610v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yong Tang, Yue-Liang Wu, relevance 8.50

Conformal scaling invariance should play an important role for understanding the origin and evolution of universe. During inflation period, it appears to be an approximate symmetry, but how it is broken remains uncertain. The appealing $\alpha$-attractor inflation implements the spontaneous breaking of conformal symmetry and a mysterious SO(1,1) global symmetry. To better understand the SO(1,1) symmetry, here we present a systematic treatment of the inflation models with local conformal symmetry in a more general formalism. We find SO(2) is the other possible symmetry in the presence of Weyl gauge field. We also obtain all the analytic solutions that relate the inflation fields between Jordan frame and Einstein frame. We illustrate a class of inflation models with the approximate SO(2) symmetry and trigonometric potential, and find that it can fit the current observations and will be probed by future CMB experiments.

The location of the last stable orbit in Kerr spacetime. (arXiv:1912.07609v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Leo C. Stein, Niels Warburton, relevance 5.67

Black hole spacetimes, like the Kerr spacetime, admit both stable and plunging orbits, separated in parameter space by the separatrix. Determining the location of the separatrix is of fundamental interest in understanding black holes, and is of crucial importance for modeling extreme mass-ratio inspirals. Previous numerical approaches to locating the Kerr separatrix were not always efficient or stable across all of parameter space. In this paper we show that the Kerr separatrix is the zero set of a single polynomial in parameter space. This gives two main results. First, we thoroughly analyze special cases (extreme Kerr, polar orbits, etc.), finding strict bounds on the limits of roots, and unifying a number of results in the literature. Second, we pose a stable numerical method which is guaranteed to quickly and robustly converge to the separatrix. This new approach is implemented in the Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit, and results in a ~45x speedup over the prior robust approach.

Lattice Setup for Quantum Field Theory in AdS$_2$. (arXiv:1912.07606v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Richard C. Brower, Cameron V. Cogburn, A. Liam Fitzpatrick, Dean Howarth, Chung-I Tan, relevance 11.12

Holographic Conformal Field Theories (CFTs) are usually studied in a limit where the gravity description is weakly coupled. By contrast, lattice quantum field theory can be used as a tool for doing computations in a wider class of holographic CFTs where gravity remains weak but nongravitational interactions {\it in AdS} become strong. We take preliminary steps for studying such theories on the lattice by constructing the discretized theory of a scalar field in AdS$_2$ and investigating its approach to the continuum limit in the free and perturbative regimes. Our main focus is on finite sub-lattices of maximally symmetric tilings of hyperbolic space. Up to boundary effects, these tilings preserve the triangle group as a large discrete subgroup of AdS$_2$, but have a minimum lattice spacing that is comparable to the radius of curvature of the underlying spacetime. We quantify the effects of the lattice spacing as well as the boundary effects, and find that they can be accurately modeled by modifications within the framework of the continuum limit description. We also show how to do refinements of the lattice that shrink the lattice spacing at the cost of breaking the triangle group symmetry of the maximally symmetric tilings.

Twisted $\mathcal{N}=1$ SCFTs and their AdS$_3$ duals. (arXiv:1912.07605v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Christopher Couzens, Huibert het Lam, Kilian Mayer, relevance 9.48

We study compactifications of an infinite family of four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ SCFTs on a Riemann surface in the presence of arbitrary background fluxes for global symmetries. The four-dimensional parent theories have holographic Sasaki-Einstein duals in type IIB string theory. We compute central charges and R-charges of baryonic operators in the resulting two-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(0,2)$ theories in three distinct ways: from the field theory side utilizing c-extremization, its recently discovered geometric dual formulation, and holographically using new AdS$_3$ duals of two-dimensional field theories.

2-Loop $\beta$ Function for Non-Hermitian PT Symmetric $\iota g\phi^3$ Theory. (arXiv:1912.07595v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Aditya Dwivedi, Bhabani Prasad Mandal (BHU), relevance 0.00

We investigate Non-Hermitian quantum field theoretic model with $\iota g\phi^3$ interaction in 6 dimension. Such a model is PT-symmetric for the pseudo scalar field $\phi$. We analytically calculate the 2-loop $\beta$ function and analyse the system using renormalization group technique. Behavior of the system is studied near the different fixed points. Unlike $g\phi^3$ theory in 6 dimension $\iota g\phi^3$ theory develops a new non trivial fixed point which is energetically stable.

The MICROSCOPE Space Mission and Lorentz Violation. (arXiv:1912.07591v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc by Geoffrey Mo, Hélène Pihan-Le Bars, Quentin G. Bailey, Christine Guerlin, Jay D. Tasson, Peter Wolf, relevance 14.14

In this contribution to the CPT'19 proceedings, we summarize efforts that use data from the MICROSCOPE space mission to search for Lorentz violation in the Standard-Model Extension.

Exactly solvable magnet of conformal spins in four dimensions. (arXiv:1912.07588v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergey Derkachov, Enrico Olivucci, relevance 4.18

We provide the eigenfunctions for a quantum chain of $N$ conformal spins with nearest-neighbor interaction and open boundary conditions in the irreducible representation of $SO(1,5)$ of scaling dimension $\Delta = 2 - i \lambda$ and spin numbers $\ell=\dot{\ell}=0$. The spectrum of the model is separated into $N$ equal contributions, each dependent on a quantum number $Y_a=[\nu_a,n_a]$ which labels a representation of the principal series. The eigenfunctions are orthogonal and we computed the spectral measure by means of a new star-triangle identity. Any portion of a conformal Feynmann diagram with square lattice topology can be represented in terms of separated variables, and we reproduce the all-loop "fishnet" integrals computed by B. Basso and L. Dixon via bootstrap techniques. We conjecture that the proposed eigenfunctions form a complete set and provide a tool for the direct computation of conformal data in the fishnet limit of the supersymmetric $\mathcal{N}=4\,$ Yang-Mills theory at finite order in the coupling, by means of a cutting-and-gluing procedure on the square lattice.

Phenomenology of the generalized cubic covariant Galileon model and cosmological bounds. (arXiv:1912.07586v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Noemi Frusciante, Simone Peirone, Luis Atayde, Antonio De Felice, relevance 1.16

We investigate the generalized cubic covariant Galileon model, a kinetically driven dark energy model within the Horndeski class of theories. The model extends the cubic covariant Galileon by including power laws of the field derivatives in the K-essence and cubic terms which still allow for tracker solutions. We study the shape of the viable parameter space by enforcing stability conditions which include the absence of ghost, gradient and tachyon instabilities and the avoidance of strong coupling at early time. We study here the relevant effects of the modifications induced by the model on some cosmological observables such as the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the lensing potential auto-correlation and the matter power spectrum. For this goal, we perform parameter estimation using data of CMB temperature and polarization, baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO), redshift-space distortions (RSD), supernovae type Ia (SNIa) and Cepheids. Data analysis with CMB alone finds that the today's Hubble parameter $H_0$ is consistent with its determination from Cepheids at $1\sigma$, resolving the famous tension of the cosmological standard models. The joint analysis of CMB, BAO, RSD and SNIa sets a lower bound for the sum of neutrino masses which is $\Sigma m_\nu >0.11$ eV at 1$\sigma$, in addition to the usual upper limit. The model selection analysis based on the effective $\chi_\text{eff}^2$ and Deviance Information Criterion is not able to clearly identify the statistically favored model between $\Lambda$CDM and the generalized cubic covariant Galileon, from which we conclude that the latter model deserves further studies.

Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery. (arXiv:1912.07577v2 [quant-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Yuri Alexeev, Dave Bacon, Kenneth R. Brown, Robert Calderbank, Lincoln D. Carr, Frederic T. Chong, Brian DeMarco, Dirk Englund, Edward Farhi, Bill Fefferman, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Andrew Houck, Jungsang Kim, Shelby Kimmel, Michael Lange, Seth Lloyd, Mikhail D. Lukin, Dmitri Maslov, Peter Maunz, Christopher Monroe, John Preskill, Martin Roetteler, Martin Savage, Jeff Thompson, relevance 0.74

The great promise of quantum computers comes with the dual challenges of building them and finding their useful applications. We argue that these two challenges should be considered together, by co-designing full-stack quantum computer systems along with their applications in order to hasten their development and potential for scientific discovery. In this context, we identify scientific and community needs, opportunities, a sampling of a few use case studies, and significant challenges for the development of quantum computers for science over the next 2--10 years. This document is written by a community of university, national laboratory, and industrial researchers in the field of Quantum Information Science and Technology, and is based on a summary from a U.S. National Science Foundation workshop on Quantum Computing held on October 21--22, 2019 in Alexandria, VA.

Holomorphic Chern-Simons theory and lambda models: PCM case. (arXiv:1912.07569v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David M. Schmidtt, relevance 0.00

In this note we consider the symplectic reduction of a four-dimensional holomorphic Chern-Simons theory recently introduced in arXiv:1908.02289 for describing integrable field theories. We work out explicitly the case of the lambda deformed Principal Chiral Model (PCM) and show that the symplectic reduction works as a localization mechanism. The reduced Chern-Simons theory restricts to the set of poles of the twist function underlying the theory, where the known classical integrability of the lambda deformed PCM can be reconstructed from the phase space data associated to this set of points in the spectral space.

Newton-Hooke/Carrollian expansions of (A)dS and Chern-Simons gravity. (arXiv:1912.07564v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Joaquim Gomis, Axel Kleinschmidt, Jakob Palmkvist, Patricio Salgado-Rebolledo, relevance 2.75

We construct finite- and infinite-dimensional non-relativistic extensions of the Newton-Hooke and Carroll (A)dS algebras using the algebra expansion method, starting from the (anti-)de Sitter relativistic algebra in D dimensions. These algebras are also shown to be embedded in different affine Kac-Moody algebras. In the three-dimensional case, we construct Chern-Simons actions invariant under these symmetries. This leads to a sequence of non-relativistic gravity theories, where the simplest examples correspond to extended Newton-Hooke and extended (post-)Newtonian gravity together with their Carrollian counterparts.

Composite operators near the boundary. (arXiv:1912.07505v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Vladimír Procházka, Alexander Söderberg, relevance 0.75

We use renormalization group methods to study composite operators existing at a boundary of an interacting conformal field theory. In particular we relate the data on boundary operators to short-distance (near-boundary) divergences of bulk two-point functions. We further argue that in the presence of running couplings at the boundary the anomalous dimensions of certain composite operators can be computed from the relevant beta functions and remark on the implications for the boundary (pseudo) stress-energy tensor. We apply the formalism to a scalar field theory in $d=3-\epsilon$ dimensions with a quartic coupling at the boundary whose beta function we determine to the first non-trivial order. We study the operators in this theory and compute their conformal data using $\epsilon-$expansion at the Wilson-Fisher fixed point of the boundary renormalization group flow. We find that the model possesses a non-zero boundary stress-energy tensor and displacement operator both with vanishing anomalous dimensions. The boundary stress tensor decouples at the fixed point in accordance with Cardy's condition for conformal invariance. We end the main part of the paper by discussing the possible physical significance of this fixed point for various values of $\epsilon$.

How the mass of a scalar field influences Resonance Casimir-Polder interaction in Schwarzschild spacetime. (arXiv:1912.07502v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Arpan Chatterjee, Saptarshi Saha, Chiranjeeb Singha, relevance 6.70

\emph{Resonance Casimir-Polder interaction(RCPI)} occurs in nature when one or more atoms are in their excited states and the exchange of real photon is involved between them due to vacuum fluctuations of the quantum fields. In recent times, many attempts have been made to show that the curved spacetime such as the \emph{de-Sitter spacetime} can be separated from a \emph{thermal Minkowski spacetime} using \emph{RCPI}. Motivated from these ideas, here we study the \emph{RCPI} between two atoms that interact with a massive scalar field in Schwarzschild spacetime provided the atoms are placed in the near-horizon region. Subsequently, we use the tool of the \emph{open quantum system} and calculate the Lamb shift of the atomic energy level of the entangled states. We show that the behavior of \emph{RCPI} modifies depending on the mass of the scalar field. In the high mass limit, the interaction becomes short-range and eventually disappears beyond a characteristic length scale of $1/m$, where $m$ is the mass of the scalar field.

On the birth of the cosmological constant and the reionization era. (arXiv:1912.07500v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Miguel A. García-Aspeitia, A. Hernández-Almada, Juan Magaña, V. Motta, relevance 0.00

With the goal of studying the cosmological constant (CC) problem, we present an exhaustive analysis of unimodular gravity as a possible candidate to resolve the CC origin and with this, the current Universe acceleration. An excess of radiation in epochs of reionization is the cause of the existence of a CC in the unimodular gravity scenario; tracing its birth at $z=11.27^{+0.05}_{-0.05}$ (Theoretical) which also coincides with epochs of the first complex structures in our Universe. In order to follow its dynamics, we propose to use the Hubble data from cosmic chronometers, Type Ia Supernovae, the brightness temperature and optical depth as a cosmological tests to follow the birth of the CC and constrain its free parameters. A Joint analysis from Hubble data and Supernovae results in a $z=11.761\pm0.14$ which is in good agreement with the theoretical value for the birth of the CC. The consequences of this result, open the possibility to understand the Universe acceleration and its relation with violations to the energy momentum tensor, suggesting the possible existence of a most profound theory of the space-time itself.

First analytical calculation of black hole shadow in McVittie metric. (arXiv:1912.07495v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Oleg Yu. Tsupko, Gennady S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, relevance 13.76

Cosmic expansion influences the angular size of black hole shadow. The most general way to describe a black hole embedded into an expanding universe is to use the McVittie metric. So far, the exact analytical solution for the shadow size in the McVittie metric, valid for arbitrary law of expansion and arbitrary position of the observer, has not been found. In this paper, we present the first analytical solution for angular size of black hole shadow in McVittie metric as seen by observer comoving with the cosmic expansion. We use a method of matched asymptotic expansions to find approximate solution valid within the entire range of possible positions of observer. As two particular examples, we consider black hole in de Sitter and matter dominated universe.

Spinor-Helicity Formalism for Massless Fields in AdS$_4$ II: Potentials. (arXiv:1912.07494v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Balakrishnan Nagaraj, Dmitry Ponomarev, relevance 8.06

In a recent letter we suggested a natural generalization of the flat-space spinor-helicity formalism in four dimensions to anti-de Sitter space. In the present paper we give some technical details that were left implicit previously. For lower-spin fields we also derive potentials associated with the previously found plane wave solutions for field strengths. We then employ these potentials to evaluate some three-point amplitudes. This analysis illustrates a typical computation of an amplitude without internal lines in our formalism.

High energy particle collisions in static, spherically symmetric black-hole-like wormholes. (arXiv:1912.07492v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Naoki Tsukamoto, Takafumi Kokubu, relevance 17.03

A Damour-Solodukhin wormhole with a metric which is similar to a Schwarzschild black hole seems to be a black hole mimicker since it is difficult to distinguish them by practical astrophysical observations. In this paper, we investigate a center-of-mass energy for the collision of two test particles in the Damour-Solodukhin wormhole spacetime. We show that the center-of-mass energy for the head-on collision of the particles is large if the difference between the metrics of the wormhole and the black hole is small. To deeply understand the high energy particle collision, we generalize the head-on collision to static, spherically symmetric black-hole-like wormholes.

Pion observables with the Minkowski Space Pion Model. (arXiv:1912.07459v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by J. P. B. C. de Melo (Laboratório de Física Teórica e Computacional, LFTC/Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul/Universidade Cidade de São Paulo), Rômulo M. Moita, Tobias Frederico (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, DCTA 12.228-900 São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil), relevance 0.00

The pion structure in Minkowski space is described in terms of an analytic model of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude combined with Euclidean Lattice QCD results for the running quark mass. In the present work, a pion model previously proposed, which allows for a Nakanishi integral representation, is studied in order to verify the sensitivity of the pion electromagnetic form factor to small variations of the quark self-energy. In addition, we extend the previous work, providing the Nakanishi integral representation for the invariants associated with a decomposition of the pion Bethe-Salpeter amplitude.

Infinite Black Hole Entropies at Infinite Distances and Tower of States. (arXiv:1912.07453v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Quentin Bonnefoy, Luca Ciambelli, Dieter Lust, Severin Lüst, relevance 14.11

The aim of this paper is to elucidate a close connection between the black hole area law and the infinite distance conjecture in the context of the swampland. We consider families of black hole geometries, parametrized by their event horizon areas or by the values of their entropies, and show that the infinite entropy limit is always at infinite distance in the space of black hole geometries. It then follows from the infinite distance conjecture that there must be a tower of states in the infinite entropy limit, and that ignoring these towers on the horizon of the black hole would invalidate the effective theory when the entropy becomes large. We call this the black hole entropy distance conjecture. We then study two candidates for the tower of states. The first are the Kaluza-Klein modes of the internal geometry of extremal ${\cal N}=2$ black holes in string theory, whose masses on the horizon are fixed by the ${\cal N}=2$ attractor formalism, and given in terms of the black hole charges similarly to the entropy. However, we observe that it is possible to decouple their masses from the entropy, so that they cannot generically play the role of the tower. We thus consider a second kind of states: inspired by N-portrait quantum models of non-extremal black holes, we argue that the Goldstone-like modes that interpolate among the black hole microstates behave like the expected light tower of states.

Collapse models and cosmology. (arXiv:1912.07429v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jerome Martin, Vincent Vennin, relevance 0.00

Attempts to apply quantum collapse theories to Cosmology and cosmic inflation are reviewed. These attempts are motivated by the fact that the theory of cosmological perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin suffers from the single outcome problem, which is a modern incarnation of the quantum measurement problem, and that collapse models can provide a solution to these issues. Since inflationary predictions can be very accurately tested by cosmological data, this also leads to constraints on collapse models. These constraints are derived in the case of Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) and are shown to be of unprecedented efficiency.

Black hole evolution in quantum-gravitational framework. (arXiv:1912.07413v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by I. Y. Park, relevance 22.88

We found black hole evolution on a quantum-gravitational scattering framework with an aim to tackle the black hole information paradox. With this setup, various pieces of the system information are explicit from the start and unitary evolution is manifest throughout. The scattering amplitudes factorize into the perturbative part and nonperturbative part. The nonperturbative part is dominated by an instanton-type contribution, i.e., a gravitational analogue of the Coleman-De Luccia's bounce solution, and we propose that the Hawking radiation be identified with the particles generated by the vacuum decay. Our results indicate that the black hole degrees of freedom are entangled not only with the Hawking modes but also with the pre-Hawking modes. The Wald's entropy charge measures their entanglement. The quantum-gravitational entropy is defined as the vev of the Wald entropy charge. With this definition a Page-like curve is generically generated and its quantum extension is readily defined.

On the precanonical structure of the Schr\"odinger wave functional in curved space-time. (arXiv:1912.07401v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by I.V. Kanatchikov, relevance 0.00

The functional Schr\"odinger equation in curved space-time is derived from the manifestly covariant precanonical Schr\"odinger equation. The Schr\"odinger wave functional is expressed as the trace of the multidimensional product integral of precanonical wave function restricted to a field configuration. The functional Schr\"odinger representation of QFT in curved space-time appears as a singular limiting case of a formulation based on precanonical quantization, which leads to a hypercomplex generalization of quantum formalism in field theory.

The evidence of cosmic acceleration and observational constraints. (arXiv:1912.07375v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Yingjie Yang, Yungui Gong, relevance 1.02

Directly comparing the 6 expansion rates measured by type Ia supernovae data and the lower bound on the expansion rate set by the strong energy conditions or the null hypothesis that there never exists cosmic acceleration, we see $3\sigma$ direct evidence of cosmic acceleration and the $Rh=ct$ model is strongly excluded by the type Ia supernovae data. We also use Gaussian process method to reconstruct the expansion rate and the deceleration parameter from the 31 cosmic chronometers data and the 6 data points on the expansion rate measured from type Ia supernoave data, the direct evidence of cosmic acceleration is more than $3\sigma$ and we find that the transition redshift $z_t=0.60_{-0.12}^{+0.21}$ at which the expansion of the Universe underwent the transition from acceleration to deceleration. The Hubble constant inferred from the cosmic chronometers data with the Gaussian process method is $H_0=67.46\pm4.75$ Km/s/Mpc. By fitting two different two-parameter models to the observational data, we find that the constraints on the model parameters from either the full distance modulus data by the Pantheon compilation or the compressed expansion rate data are very similar, and the derived Hubble constants are consistent with the Planck 2018 result. Our results confirm that the 6 compressed expansion rate data can replace the full 1048 distance modulus data from the Pantheon compilation. We derive the transition redshift $z_t=0.61_{-0.16}^{+0.24}$ by fitting a simple $q(z)$ model to the combination of cosmic chronometers data and the Pantheon compilation, the result is consistent with that obtained from the reconstruction with Gaussian process.

Phase structure and real-time dynamics of the massive Thirring model in 1+1 dimensions using the tensor-network method. (arXiv:1912.07343v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Mari Carmen Bañuls, Krzysztof Cichy, Hao-Ti Hung, Ying-Jer Kao, C.-J. David Lin, Yu-Ping Lin, David T.-L. Tan, relevance 4.00

We present concluding results from our study for zero-temperature phase structure of the massive Thirring model in 1+1 dimensions with staggered regularisation. Employing the method of matrix product states, several quantities, including two types of correlators, are investigated, leading to numerical evidence of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition. Exploratory results for real-time dynamics pertaining to this transition, obtained using the approaches of variational uniform matrix product state and time-dependent variational principle, are also discussed.

On the initial boundary value problem for the Einstein vacuum equations in the maximal gauge. (arXiv:1912.07338v1 [math.AP])
in gr-qc by Grigorios Fournodavlos (LJLL), Jacques Smulevici (LJLL), relevance 4.38

We consider the initial boundary value problem for the Einstein vacuum equations in the maximal gauge, or more generally, in a gauge where the mean curvature of a timelike foliation is fixed near the boundary. We prove the existence of solutions such that the normal to the boundary is tangent to the time slices, the lapse of the induced time coordinate on the boundary is fixed and the main geometric boundary conditions are given by the 1-parameter family of Riemannian conformal metrics on each two-dimensional section. As in the local existence theory of Christodoulou-Klainerman for the Einstein vacuum equations in the maximal gauge, we use as a reduced system the wave equations satisfied by the components of the second fundamental form of the the time foliation. The main difficulty lies in completing the above set of boundary conditions such that the reduced system is well-posed, but still allows for the recovery of the Einstein equations. We solve this problem by imposing the momentum constraint equations on the boundary, suitably modified by quantities vanishing in the maximal gauge setting. To derive energy estimates for the reduced system at time t, we show that all the terms in the flux integrals on the boundary can be either directly controlled by the boundary conditions or they lead to an integral on the two-dimensional section at time t of the boundary. Exploiting again the maximal gauge condition on the boundary, this contribution to the flux integrals can then be absorbed by a careful trace inequality in the interior energy.

Transverse Collective Modes in Interacting Holographic Plasmas. (arXiv:1912.07321v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Matteo Baggioli, Ulf Gran, Marcus Tornsö, relevance 10.27

We study in detail the transverse collective modes of simple holographic models in presence of electromagnetic Coulomb interactions. We render the Maxwell gauge field dynamical via mixed boundary conditions, corresponding to a double trace deformation in the boundary field theory. We consider three different situations: (i) a holographic plasma with conserved momentum, (ii) a holographic (dirty) plasma with finite momentum relaxation and (iii) a holographic viscoelastic plasma with propagating transverse phonons. We observe two interesting new features induced by the Coulomb interactions: a mode repulsion between the shear mode and the photon mode at finite momentum relaxation, and a propagation-to-diffusion crossover of the transverse collective modes induced by the finite electromagnetic interactions. Finally, at large charge density, our results are in agreement with the transverse collective mode spectrum of a charged Fermi liquid for strong interaction between quasi-particles, but with an important difference: the gapped photon mode is damped even at zero momentum. This property, usually referred to as anomalous attenuation, is produced by the interaction with a quantum critical continuum of states and might be experimentally observable in strongly correlated materials close to quantum criticality, e.g. in strange metals.

$SO(3)$-invariant phase of the $O(N)^3$ tensor model. (arXiv:1912.07311v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dario Benedetti, Ilaria Costa, relevance 0.00

We study classical and quantum (at large-$N$) field equations of bosonic tensor models with quartic interactions and $O(N)^3$ symmetry. Among various possible patterns of spontaneous symmetry breaking we highlight an $SO(3)$ invariant solution, with the tensor field expressed in terms of the Wigner $3jm$ symbol. We argue that such solution has a special role in the large-$N$ limit, as in particular its scaling in $N$ can provide an on-shell justification for the melonic large-$N$ limit of the two-particle irreducible effective action in a broken phase.

Quantum geometry and effective dynamics of Janis-Newman-Winicour singularities. (arXiv:1912.07278v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Cong Zhang, Xiangdong Zhang, relevance 1.52

Inspired by the recent proposal for the quantum effective dynamics of the Schwarzschild spacetime given in \cite{AOS1}, we investigate the effective dynamics of the loop quantized Janis-Newman-Winicour (JNW) spacetime which is an extension of the Schwarzschild spacetime with an extra minimally coupled massless scalar field. Two parameters are introduced in order to regularize the Hamiltonian constraint in the quantum effective dynamics. These two parameters are assumed to be Dirac observables when the effective dynamics is solved. By carefully choosing appropriate conditions for these two parameters, we completely determine them, and the resulted new effective description of the JNW spacetime leads to a well behaved quantum dynamics which on one hand resolves the classical singularities, and on the other hand, agrees with the classical dynamics in the low curvature region.

Lorentzian quantum cosmology with $R^2$ correction. (arXiv:1912.07276v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Gaurav Narain, Hai-Qing Zhang, relevance 1.87

Quantum mechanical transition amplitudes directly tells the probability of each transition and which one is more favourable. Path-integrals offers a systematic methodology to compute this quantum mechanical process in a consistent manner. Although it is not complicated in simple quantum mechanical system but defining path-integral legitimately becomes highly nontrivial in the context of quantum-gravity, where apart from usual issues of renormalizability, regularisation, measure, gauge-fixing, boundary conditions, one still has to define the sensible integration contour for convergence. Picard-Lefschetz (PL) theory offers a unique way to find a contour of integration based on the analysis of saddle points and the steepest descent/ascent flow lines in the complex plane. In this paper we make use of PL-theory to investigate Lorentzian quantum cosmology where the gravity gets modified in the ultraviolet with the $R^2$ corrections. We approach the problem perturbatively and compute the transition amplitude in the saddle point approximation to first order in higher-derivative coupling. This perturbative approximation is valid in certain regimes but the approximation cannot be used to address issues of very early Universe or no-boundary proposal.

Ultra stable charging of fastest scrambling quantum batteries. (arXiv:1912.07247v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Dario Rosa, Davide Rossini, Gian Marcello Andolina, Marco Polini, Matteo Carrega, relevance 1.17

Collective behaviors strongly influence charging dynamics of quantum batteries (QBs). Here, we study the impact of non-local correlations on the energy stored in a system of $N$ QBs. A unitary charging protocol based on a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) quench hamiltonian is thus introduced and analyzed. SYK models describe strongly interacting systems with non-local correlations and fast thermalization properties. Here, we demonstrate that, once charged, the average energy stored in the QB is very stable, realizing an ultraprecise charging protocol. By characterizing fluctuations of the average energy stored, we show that temporal fluctuations are strongly suppressed by the presence of non-local correlations at all time scales. Comparison with other paradigmatic examples of many-body QBs shows that this is linked to the fast rise of collective dynamics of SYK model and its high level of entanglement. We argue that such feature relies on the fastest scrambling property of the SYK hamiltonian, and on its fast thermalization properties, promoting this as an ideal model for the ultimate temporal stability of a generic quantum battery. Finally, we show that the temporal evolution of the ergotropy, a quantity that characterizes the amount of extractable work from a QB, can be a useful probe to infer the thermalization properties of a many-body quantum system.

Heterotic Instantons for Monad and Extension Bundles. (arXiv:1912.07222v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Evgeny I. Buchbinder, Andre Lukas, Burt A. Ovrut, Fabian Ruehle, relevance 0.00

We consider non-perturbative superpotentials from world-sheet instantons wrapped on holomorphic genus zero curves in heterotic string theory. These superpotential contributions feature prominently in moduli stabilization and large field axion inflation, which makes their presence or absence, as well as their functional dependence on moduli, an important issue. We develop geometric methods to compute the instanton superpotentials for heterotic string theory with monad and extension bundles. Using our methods, we find a variety of examples with a non-vanishing superpotential. In view of standard vanishing theorems, we speculate that these results are likely to be attributed to the non-compactness of the instanton moduli space. We test this proposal, for the case of monad bundles, by considering gauged linear sigma models where compactness of the instanton moduli space can be explicitly checked. In all such cases, we find that the geometric results are consistent with the vanishing theorems. Surprisingly, linearly dependent Pfaffians even arise for cases with a non-compact instanton moduli space. This suggests some gauged linear sigma models with a non-compact instanton moduli space may still have a vanishing instanton superpotential.

Renyi divergences from Euclidean quenches. (arXiv:1912.07210v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Barsha G. Chowdhury, Shouvik Datta, Justin R. David, relevance 3.91

We study the generalisation of relative entropy, the Renyi divergence $D_{\alpha} ( \rho||\rho_\beta) $ in 2$d$ CFTs between an excited state density matrix $\rho$, created by deforming the Hamiltonian, and the thermal density matrix $\rho_\beta$. Using the path integral representation of this quantity as a Euclidean quench, we obtain the leading contribution to the Renyi divergence for deformations by scalar primaries and by conserved holomorphic currents in conformal perturbation theory. Furthermore, we calculate the leading contribution to the Renyi divergence when the conserved current perturbations have inhomogeneous spatial profiles which are versions of the sine-square deformation (SSD). The dependence on the Renyi parameter ($\alpha$) of the leading contribution have a universal form for these inhomogeneous deformations and it is identical to that seen in the Renyi divergence of the simple harmonic oscillator perturbed by a linear potential. Our study of these Renyi divergences shows that the family of second laws of thermodynamics, which are equivalent to the monotonicity of Renyi divergences, do indeed provide stronger constraints for allowed transitions compared to the traditional second law.

Multi-Instanton Calculus in c = 1 String Theory. (arXiv:1912.07170v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Bruno Balthazar, Victor A. Rodriguez, Xi Yin, relevance 0.00

We formulate a strategy for computing the complete set of non-perturbative corrections to closed string scattering in $c=1$ string theory from the worldsheet perspective. This requires taking into account the effect of multiple ZZ-instantons, including higher instantons constructed from ZZ boundary conditions of type $(m,1)$, with a careful treatment of the measure and contour in the integration over the instanton moduli space. The only a priori ambiguity in our prescription is a normalization constant ${\cal N}_{m}$ that appears in the integration measure for the $(m,1)$-type ZZ instanton, at each positive integer $m$. We investigate leading corrections to the closed string reflection amplitude at the $n$-instanton level, i.e. of order $e^{-n/g_s}$, and find striking agreement with our recent proposal on the non-perturbative completion of the dual matrix quantum mechanics, which in turn fixes ${\cal N}_{m}$ for all $m$.

Examining Instabilities Due to Driven Scalars in AdS. (arXiv:1912.07143v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Brad Cownden, relevance 9.95

We extend the study of the non-linear perturbative theory of weakly turbulent energy cascades in AdS$_{d+1}$ to include solutions of driven systems, i.e. those with time-dependent sources on the AdS boundary. This necessitates the activation of non-normalizable modes in the linear solution for the massive bulk scalar field, which couple to the metric and normalizable scalar modes. We determine analytic expressions for secular terms in the renormalization flow equations for any mass, and for various driving functions. Finally, we numerically evaluate these sources for $d = 4$ and discuss what role these driven solutions play in the perturbative stability of AdS.

Gluon polarization tensor in a magnetized medium: Analytic approach starting from the sum over Landau levels. (arXiv:1912.07136v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alejandro Ayala, Jorge David Castaño-Yepes, M. Loewe, Enrique Muñoz, relevance 0.00

We present an analytic method to compute the one-loop magnetic correction to the gluon polarization tensor starting from the Landau-level representation of the quark propagator in the presence of an external magnetic field. We show that the general expression contains the vacuum contribution that can be isolated from the zero-field limit for finite gluon momentum. The general tensor structure for the gluon polarization also contains two spurious terms that do not satisfy the transversality properties. However, we also show that the coefficients of this structures vanish and thus do not contribute to the polarization tensor, as expected. In order to check the validity of the expressions we study the strong and weak field limits and show that well established results are reproduced. The findings can be used to study the conditions for gluons to equilibrate with the magnetic field produced during the early stages of a relativistic heavy-ion collision.

Localizability in $\kappa$-Minkowski Spacetime. (arXiv:1912.07098v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Fedele Lizzi, Mattia Manfredonia, Flavio Mercati, relevance 7.00

Using the methods of ordinary quantum mechanics we study $\kappa$-Minkowski space as a quantum space described by noncommuting self-adjoint operators, following and enlarging arXiv:1811.08409. We see how the role of Fourier transforms is played in this case by Mellin transforms. We briefly discuss the role of transformations and observers.

Generalised uncertainty relations for angular momentum and spin in quantum geometry. (arXiv:1912.07094v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Matthew J. Lake, Marek Miller, Shi-Dong Liang, relevance 1.49

We derive generalised uncertainty relations (GURs) for angular momentum and spin in the smeared-space model of quantum geometry. The model implements a minimum length and a minimum linear momentum, and recovers both the generalised uncertainty principle (GUP) and the extended uncertainty principle (EUP) within a single formalism. In this paper, we investigate the consequences of these results for particles with extrinsic and intrinsic angular momentum, and obtain generalisations of the canonical ${\rm so(3)}$ and ${\rm su(2)}$ algebras. We find that, although ${\rm SO(3)}$ symmetry is preserved on three-dimensional slices of an enlarged phase space, individual subcomponents of the generalised generators obey nontrivial subalgebras. These give rise to GURs for angular momentum while leaving the canonical commutation relations intact except for a simple rescaling, $\hbar \rightarrow \hbar + \beta$. The value of the new parameter, $\beta \simeq \hbar \times 10^{-61}$, is determined by the ratio of the dark energy density to the Planck density. Here, we assume the former to be of the order of the Planck length and the latter to be of the order of the de Sitter momentum $\sim \hbar\sqrt{\Lambda}$, where $\Lambda$ is the cosmological constant. In the smeared-space model, $\hbar$ and $\beta$ are interpreted as the quantisation scales for matter and geometry, respectively, and a quantum state vector is associated with the spatial background. We show that this also gives rise to a rescaled Lie algebra for generalised spin operators, together with associated subalgebras that are analogous to those for orbital angular momentum. Remarkably, consistency of the algebraic structure requires the quantum state associated with a flat background to be fermionic, with spin eigenvalues $\pm \beta/2$. Finally, the modified spin algebra leads to GURs for spin measurements.

A solution to the soccer ball problem for generalised uncertainty relations. (arXiv:1912.07093v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Matthew J. Lake, relevance 1.11

We propose a new method for generating generalised uncertainty relations (GURs) including the generalised uncertainty principle (GUP), extended uncertainty principle (EUP), and extended generalised uncertainty principle (EGUP), previously proposed in the quantum gravity literature, without modifying the Heisenberg algebra. Our approach is compatible with the equivalence principle, and with local Poincar{\' e} invariance in the relativistic limit, thus circumventing many of the problems associated with GURs derived from modified commutation relations. In particular, it does not require the existence of a nonlinear additional law for momenta. This allows sensible multiparticle states to be constructed in which the total momentum is macroscopic, even if the momentum of an individual particle is bounded by the Planck momentum, thus providing a resolution of the "soccer ball problem" that plagues current approaches to GURs.

Global Double Field Theory is Higher Kaluza-Klein Theory. (arXiv:1912.07089v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luigi Alfonsi, relevance 0.90

Kaluza-Klein Theory states that a metric on the total space of a principal bundle $P\rightarrow M$, if it is invariant under the principal action of $P$, naturally reduces to a metric together with a gauge field on the base manifold $M$. We propose a generalization of this Kaluza-Klein principle to higher principal bundles and higher gauge fields. For the particular case of the abelian gerbe of Kalb-Ramond field, this Higher Kaluza-Klein geometry provides a natural global formulation for Double Field Theory (DFT). In this framework the doubled space is the total space of a higher principal bundle and the invariance under its higher principal action is exactly a global formulation of the familiar strong constraint. The patching problem of DFT is naturally solved by gluing the doubled space with a higher group of symmetries in a higher category. Locally we recover the familiar picture of an ordinary para-Hermitian manifold equipped with Born geometry. Infinitesimally we recover the familiar picture of a higher Courant algebroid twisted by a gerbe (also known as Extended Riemannian Geometry). As first application we show that on a torus-compactified spacetime the Higher Kaluza-Klein reduction gives automatically rise to abelian T-duality, while on a general principal bundle it gives rise to non-abelian T-duality. As final application we define a natural notion of Higher Kaluza-Klein monopole by directly generalizing the ordinary Gross-Perry one. Then we show that under Higher Kaluza-Klein reduction, this monopole is exactly the NS5-brane on a $10d$ spacetime. If, instead, we smear it along a compactified direction we recover the usual DFT monopole on a $9d$ spacetime.

Non-linear statistics of primordial black holes from gaussian curvature perturbations. (arXiv:1912.07072v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Cristiano Germani, Ravi K. Sheth, relevance 6.91

We develop the non-linear statistics of primordial black holes generated by a gaussian spectrum of primordial curvature perturbations. This is done by employing the compaction function as the main statistical variable under the constraints that: a) the over-density has a high peak at a point $\vec{x}_0$, b) the compaction function has a maximum at a smoothing scale $R$, and finally, c) the compaction function amplitude at its maximum is higher than the threshold necessary to trigger a gravitational collapse into a black hole of the initial over-density. Our calculation allows for the fact that the patches which are destined to form PBHs may have a variety of profile shapes and sizes. The predicted PBH abundances depend on the power spectrum of primordial fluctuations. For a very peaked power spectrum, our non-linear statistics, the one based on the linear over-density and the one based on the use of curvature perturbations, all predict a narrow distribution of PBH masses and comparable abundance. For broader power spectra the linear over-density statistics over-estimate the abundance of primordial black holes while the curvature-based approach under-estimates it. Additionally, for very large smoothing scales, the abundance is no longer dominated by the contribution of a mean over-density but rather by the whole statistical realisations of it.

Optical properties of a Brane-World black hole as photons couple to the Weyl tensor. (arXiv:1912.07068v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by He-Xu Zhang, Cong Li, Peng-Zhang He, Qi-Qi Fan, Jian-Bo Deng, relevance 9.77

In this article, we have investigated the equations of motion of the photons coupled to Weyl tensor by the geometric optics approximation and the corresponding shadow in a Brane-World black hole spacetime. It is shown that there exists a double shadow for a black hole since the coupling photons with different polarization directions propagate along different paths in the spacetime. Furthermore, we discuss the effects of the metric parameter $\alpha$ related to the cosmological constant, X-cold dark matter parameter $\beta$ and the coupling parameter $\lambda$ on the umbra (the overlap region of the double shadow) and the penumbra. We also obtain the finite-distance corrections to the deflection angle of light in the Brane-World black hole spacetime as the photons coupled to Weyl tensor by using a recent geometric method.

Primordial backgrounds of relic gravitons. (arXiv:1912.07065v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Massimo Giovannini, relevance 14.56

The diffuse backgrounds of relic gravitons with frequencies ranging between the aHz band and the GHz region encode the ultimate information on the primeval evolution of the plasma and on the underlying theory of gravity well before the electroweak epoch. While the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the microwave background radiation probe the low-frequency tail of the graviton spectra, during the next score year the pulsar timing arrays and the wide-band interferometers (both terrestrial and hopefully space-borne) will explore a much larger frequency window encompassing the nHz domain and the audio band. The salient theoretical aspects of the relic gravitons are reviewed in a cross-disciplinary perspective touching upon various unsettled questions of particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics.

Constraining the Temperature of Astrophysical Black Holes through Ringdown Detection: Results of GW150914 Remnant. (arXiv:1912.07058v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ka-Wai Chung, Tjonnie Guang Feng Li, relevance 12.03

The ringdown of a black hole as a result of the merger of two black holes is a potent laboratory of the strong-field dynamics of spacetime. For example, it conveys information about the mass and spin of the remnant object, which can be related to the temperature of black holes. However, such relationships depend intimately on the assumption that general relativity is correct, and their capacity to test general relativity is restricted. We propose a novel method to measure the temperature of astrophysical black holes through detecting their quasi-normal modes, without assuming a specific dependence of the temperature on the mass and spin of black hole. In particular, we re-evaluate the emission of gravitational waves from the ringdown under the assumption that a black hole also radiates gravitational waves through Hawking radiation. We find that the resulting gravitational-wave signal has a temperature dependence that is independent of fixed relationships amongst the mass, spin and temperature. By re-analysing the gravitational-wave signal of GW150914, we set a constraint on the temperature of its remnant to be $T < 10^6\,\mathrm{K}$. Our results rule out the possibility of having detected anomalously strong quantum-gravity effects, but does not provide evidence of possible quantum-gravity signatures.

Superpotential method for $F(R)$ cosmological models. (arXiv:1912.07049v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by S.Yu. Vernov, V.R. Ivanov, E.O. Pozdeeva, relevance 1.18

We construct the $F(R)$ gravity models with exact particular solutions using the conformal transformation and the superpotential method for the corresponding models in the Einstein frame. The functions $F(R)$ are obtained explicitly. We consider exact solutions for the obtained $R^2$ gravity model with the cosmological constant in detail.

Higher-Curvature Gravity, Black Holes and Holography. (arXiv:1912.07035v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Pablo A. Cano, relevance 33.30

Recently, the identification of new higher-curvature interactions known as Einsteinian cubic gravity (ECG) and Generalized quasi-topological gravities (GQGs) has allowed for important advances in the study of black hole solutions and holographic applications of higher-order gravity. These theories are characterized by having second-order linearized equations on maximally symmetric background and by possessing static, spherically symmetric (SSS) black hole solutions satisfying $g_{tt}g_{rr}=-1$, and whose thermodynamic properties can be studied analytically in a fully non-perturbative fashion. In the first part of this thesis, we perform a detailed analysis of the weak-field limit of $\mathcal{L}($Riemann$)$ theories and of the condition $g_{tt}g_{rr}=-1$ on SSS solutions, and we review the construction of ECG and Generalized quasi-topological gravities. In addition, we show that GQGs could serve as building blocks to construct the most general EFT for gravity. In the second part we study the non-perturbative corrections to the asymptotically flat Schwarzschild black hole in $D=4$. We obtain closed exact expressions for the thermodynamic properties of spherically symmetric black holes with an arbitrary number of higher-curvature terms. We find that, quite generally, the higher-curvature corrections make the specific heat of these black holes positive below certain mass, and hence black holes take an infinite time to evaporate and the final "Hawking explosion" is avoided. In the last part we study asymptotically AdS black holes and Euclidean-AdS-Taub-NUT solutions and we establish various entries of the holographic dictionary of $D=4$ ECG. We illustrate the power of holographic higher-order gravities by obtaining a relation for the free energy of CFTs on squashed spheres, which we conjecture to be valid for arbitrary CFTs.

On 2d gravity and parallel transport field equation on quantum sphere. (arXiv:1912.07034v1 [math-ph])
in gr-qc by Abdelkader Yanallah, relevance 0.00

In this work we have obtained the exact quantum expressions for the compenents of the Levi Cevita connection, the Ricci tensor and the scalar curvature, generalizing those of \cite{CTZX08} for a spherical surface via the noncommutative Moyal star product, and we have established equations describing quantum effect on the geodesic flow equation or auto parallel fields equations. These later are solved for the zero and the first orders of the quantum parameter $\alpha$ when $y$-symmetry is assumed. We expressed the general system of equations in terms of Fourier modes indexed by the integer $p=1,2,...,\infty$ to understand the interdependence of $y$ modes oscillations.

Beta-function formalism for k-essence constant-roll inflation. (arXiv:1912.07006v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Abolhassan Mohammadi, Tayeb Golanbari, Khaled Saaidi, relevance 0.00

The beta function formalism is being used to study the constant-roll inflation in the k-essence model. Assuming the second slow-roll parameter as a constant leads to a first-order differential equation for $\beta$-function which is much easier to solve and find a solution than the second (non-linear) order equation that we have in corresponding standard constant-roll inflation. Many cosmological models are known as a subclass of k-essence, so we will try to consider the model as general as possible. It is determined that the second slow-roll parameter should be positive to produce a small value for the first slow-roll parameter. The scenario is considered for three well-known cosmological models, and it is clarified that for the non-canonical and tachyon model, the scalar spectral index never reaches the observational range, however for the DBI model, we could arrive at a result consistent with observational data.

Some mathematical aspects of global properties of the growth index. (arXiv:1912.06958v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by R. Calderon, D. Felbacq, R. Gannouji, D. Polarski, A.A. Starobinsky, relevance 0.00

We analyze the global behaviour of the growth index of cosmic inhomogeneities in an isotropic homogeneous universe filled by cold non-relativistic matter and dark energy (DE) with an arbitrary (and not universal necessarily) equation of state. Using the dynamical system approach, we find the critical points of the system. That unique trajectory for which the growth index $\gamma$ is finite from the asymptotic past to the asymptotic future is identified as the so-called heteroclinic orbit connecting the critical points $(\Omega_m=0,~\gamma_{\infty})$ in the future and $(\Omega_m=1,~\gamma_{-\infty})$ in the past. The first is an attractor while the second is a saddle point, confirming our earlier results. Further, in the case when a fraction of matter (or DE tracking matter) $\varepsilon \Omega^{\rm tot}_m$ remains unclustered, we find that the limit in the past $\gamma_{-\infty}^{\varepsilon}$ does not depend on the equation of state of DE, in sharp contrast with the case $\varepsilon=0$. This is possible because the limits $\varepsilon\to 0$ and $\Omega^{\rm tot}_m\to 1$ do not commute. The value $\gamma_{-\infty}^{\varepsilon}$ corresponds to a solution with tracking DE, $\Omega_m=1-\varepsilon,~\Omega_{DE}=\varepsilon$ and $w_{DE}=0$ found earlier.

Infrared structure of $\mathcal{N}$ = 4 SYM and leading transcendentality principle in gauge theory. (arXiv:1912.06929v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Taushif Ahmed, Pulak Banerjee, Amlan Chakraborty, Prasanna K. Dhani, V. Ravindran, Satyajit Seth, relevance 2.63

We present a detailed study on the infrared structure of $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM and its connection to QCD. Calculation of collinear splitting functions helps to understand the structure and thus one can get infrared safe cross sections. We also demonstrate the factorization property that soft plus virtual part of the cross section satisfies and through factorization, we calculate soft distribution function up to third order in perturbation theory. We show that the soft distribution function is process independent that includes operators as well as external legs. In addition to this we compare our findings against the known results in QCD through principle of maximum transcendentality (PMT). We extend our analysis further for the case of three-point form factors involving stress tensor and find that it violates the PMT while comparing with the corresponding quantity in the standard model, observed for the first time at the level of form factor.

Right-handed neutrinos and $U\left(1\right)_{X}$ symmetry-breaking. (arXiv:1912.06902v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by C. Herbert Clemens, Stuart Raby, relevance 0.00

The authors have proposed a global model for Heterotic $F$-theory duality with Wilson line symmetry-breaking and a $4+1$ split of the $F$-theory spectral divisor. Goals of this note are to treat the existence of right-handed neutrinos in our $F$-theory model, show that the $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$-action in our model breaks the $U\left(1\right)_{X}$-symmetry associated to the $4+1$ split to $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$-matter parity, and to identify Yukawa couplings for the MSSM matter fields.

Strong lensing in multimessenger astronomy as a test of the equivalence principle. (arXiv:1912.06891v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Olivier Minazzoli, relevance 0.00

Standard Shapiro delay-based test of the equivalence principle, which are grounded on the measurement of two arrival times from a unique source but from messengers with different properties, cannot produce a reliable quantitative test of the Einstein equivalence principle. Essentially because they are based on the estimation for different messengers of the one-way propagation time between the emission and the observation that is not an observable per se. As a consequence, such tests are extremely model dependent, at best. In what follows, I argue that the differential arrival times for strongly lensed multimessengers can be used to define a new test of the Einstein equivalence principle that is both well-defined from a relativistic point of view and model independent---because it is entirely based on actual observables.

Generalisation of the Kaiser Rocket effect in general relativity in the wide-angle galaxy 2-point correlation function. (arXiv:1912.06887v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Daniele Bertacca, relevance 0.00

We study wide-angle correlations in the galaxy power spectrum in redshift space, including all general relativistic effects and the Kaiser Rocket effect in general relativity. We find that the Kaiser Rocket effect becomes important on large scales and at high redshifts, and leads to new contributions in wide-angle correlations. We believe this effect might be very important for future large volume surveys.

Rest frame vacua of massive Klein-Gordon fields on spatially flat FLRW spacetimes. (arXiv:1912.06839v5 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ion I. Cotaescu, relevance 3.79

We propose a method of projecting the quantum states from a state space of a given geometry into another state space generated by a different geometry, taking care on the correct normalization which is crucial in interpreting the quantum theory. Thanks to this method we can define on any spatially flat FLRW spacetime states in which genuine Minkowskian parameters are measured. We use these Minkowskian states for separating the frequencies in the rest frames of the massive scalar particles defining thus the scalar rest frame vacuum. We show that this vacuum is stable on the de Sitter expanding universe where the energy is conserved. In contrast, on a spatially flat FLRW spacetime with a Milne-type scale factor this vacuum results to be dynamic, corresponding to a time-dependent rest energy interpreted as an effective mass. This dynamic vacuum give rise to a cosmological particle creation which is significant only in the early Milne-type universe considered here. Some interesting features of this new effect are pointed out in a brief analysis.

Thermodynamics, shadow and quasinormal modes of black holes in five-dimensional Yang-Mills massive gravity. (arXiv:1912.06824v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. H. Hendi, A. Nemati, relevance 12.86

In this paper, we consider the Einstein-massive gravity coupled to the Yang-Mills gauge field in five dimensions. Concentrating on the static solutions with planar horizon geometry, we explore the thermodynamic behavior in the extended phase space and examine the validity of the first law of thermodynamics besides local thermal stability by the Hessian matrix. We observe that although the topology of boundary is planar, there exists the van der Waals like phase transition for this kind of solution. We find the critical quantities and discuss how the massive and Yang-Mills parameters affect them. Furthermore, some signatures of the first order phase transition such as the swallow-tail behavior of the Gibbs free energy and divergences of the specific heat are given in detail. We continue with the calculation of the photon sphere and the shadow observed by a distant observer. Finally, we use the WKB method to investigate the quasinormal modes for scalar perturbation under changing the massive and Yang-Mills parameters.

Exact Solutions of Some Dynamical Variables in FRW Universe with Scalar Field Dynamics. (arXiv:1912.06782v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Albin Joseph, Rajib Saha, relevance 0.66

The inflationary epoch and the late time acceleration of the expansion rate of universe can be explained by assuming a gravitationally coupled scalar field. In this article, we propose a new method of finding exact solutions in the background of flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmological models by considering both scalar field and matter. We consider different forms of scalar field potential as a function of scale factor. Our method provides analytical expressions for equation of state parameter of scalar field, deceleration parameter and Hubble parameter. This method can be applied to various other forms of scalar field potential, to the early radiation dominated epoch and very early scalar field dominated inflationary dynamics. Since the method produces exact analytical expression for $H(a)$ (i.e., H(z) as well) one can use this result to constrain the model parameters using Hubble parameter data at different redshifts. As an extension of the method, we also consider the inverse problem of reconstructing scalar field potential energy by assuming any general analytical expression of scalar field equation of state parameter as a function of scale factor.

Quantization of the nonprojectable 2+1D Horava theory: The second-class constraints. (arXiv:1912.06749v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jorge Bellorin, Byron Droguett, relevance 0.28

We present the quantization of the 2+1 dimensional nonprojectable Horava theory. The central point of the approach is that this is a theory with second-class constraints, hence the quantization procedure must take account of them. We consider all the terms in the Lagrangian that are compatible with the foliation-preserving-diffeomorphisms symmetry, up to the z=2 order which is the minimal order indicated by power-counting renormalizability. The measure of the path integral must be adapted to the second-class constraints, and this has consequences in the quantum dynamics of the theory. Since this measure is defined in terms of Poisson brackets between the second-class constraints, we develop all the Hamiltonian formulation of the theory with the full Lagrangian. We found that the propagator of the lapse function (and the one of the metric) acquires a totally regular form. The quantization requires the incorporation of a Lagrange multiplier for a second-class constraint and fermionic ghosts associated to the measure of the second-class constraints. These auxiliary variables have still nonregular propagators.

Minimal quantum viscosity from fundamental physical constants. (arXiv:1912.06711v2 [cond-mat.soft] UPDATED)
in hep-th by K. Trachenko, V. V. Brazhkin, relevance 0.00

Viscosity of fluids is strongly system-dependent, varies across many orders of magnitude and depends on molecular interactions and structure in a complex way not amenable to first-principles theories. Despite the variations and theoretical difficulties, we find a new quantity setting the minimal kinematic viscosity of fluids: $\nu_m=\frac{1}{4\pi}\frac{\hbar}{\sqrt{m_em}}$, where $m_e$ and $m$ are electron and molecule masses. We subsequently introduce a new property, the "elementary" viscosity $\iota$ with the lower bound set by fundamental physical constants and notably involving the proton-to-electron mass ratio: $\iota_m=\frac{\hbar}{4\pi}\left({\frac{m_p}{m_e}}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}$, where $m_p$ is the proton mass. We discuss the connection of our result to the bound found by Kovtun, Son and Starinets in strongly-interacting field theories.

Accessibility Measure for Eternal Inflation: Dynamical Criticality and Higgs Metastability. (arXiv:1912.06706v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Justin Khoury, relevance 0.35

We propose a new measure for eternal inflation, based on search optimization and first-passage statistics. This work builds on the dynamical selection mechanism for vacua based on search optimization proposed recently by the author and Parrikar. The approach is motivated by the possibility that eternal inflation has unfolded for a finite time much shorter than the exponentially long mixing time for the landscape. The proposed accessibility measure assigns greater weight to vacua that are accessed efficiently under time evolution. It is the analogue of the closeness centrality index widely used in network science. The proposed measure enjoys a number of desirable properties. It is simultaneously time-reparametrization invariant, independent of initial conditions, and oblivious to physical vs comoving weighing of pocket universes. Importantly, the proposed measure makes concrete and testable predictions that are largely independent of anthropic reasoning. Firstly, it favors vacua residing in regions of the landscape with funnel-like topography, akin to the energy landscape of naturally-occurring proteins. Secondly, it favors regions of the landscape that are tuned at dynamical criticality, with vacua having an average lifetime of order the de Sitter Page time. Thus the predicted lifetime of our universe is of order its Page time, $\sim 10^{130}$ years, which is compatible with Standard Model estimates for electroweak metastability. Relatedly, the supersymmetry breaking scale should be high, at least $10^{10}$ GeV. The discovery of beyond-the-Standard Model particles at the Large Hadron Collider or future accelerators, including low-scale supersymmetry, would rule out the possibility that our vacuum lies in an optimal region of the landscape. The present framework suggests a correspondence between the near-criticality of our universe and dynamical critical phenomena on the string landscape.

Constraining domain wall dark matter with a network of superconducting gravimeters and LIGO. (arXiv:1912.06703v2 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Rees L. McNally, Tanya Zelevinsky, relevance 0.00

There is strong astrophysical evidence that dark matter (DM) makes up some 27% of all mass in the universe. Yet, beyond gravitational interactions, little is known about its properties or how it may connect to the Standard Model. Multiple frameworks have been proposed, and precision measurements at low energy have proven useful to help restrict the parameter space for many of these models. One set of models predicts that DM is a scalar field that "clumps" into regions of high local density, rather than being uniformly distributed throughout the galaxy. If this DM field couples to the Standard Model, its interaction with matter can be thought of as changing the effective values of fundamental constants. One generic consequence of time variation of fundamental constants (or their spatial variation as the Earth passes through regions of varying density) is the presence of an anomalous, composition-dependent acceleration. Here we show how this anomalous acceleration can be measured using superconducting accelerometers, and demonstrate that >20 years of archival data from the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Services (IGETS) network can be utilized to set new bounds on these models. Furthermore, we show how LIGO and other gravitational wave detectors can be used as exquisitely sensitive probes for narrow ranges of the parameter space. While limited to DM models that feature spatial gradients, these two techniques complement the networks of precision measurement devices already in use for direct detection and identification of dark matter.

Loop Amplitudes and Quantum Homotopy Algebras. (arXiv:1912.06695v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Branislav Jurco, Tommaso Macrelli, Christian Saemann, Martin Wolf, relevance 2.07

We derive a recursion relation for loop-level scattering amplitudes of Lagrangian field theories that generalises the tree-level Berends-Giele recursion relation in Yang-Mills theory. The origin of this recursion relation is the homological perturbation lemma, which allows us to compute scattering amplitudes from minimal models of quantum homotopy algebras in a recursive way. As an application of our techniques, we give an alternative proof of the relation between non-planar and planar colour-stripped scattering amplitudes.

The Boundaries of KKLT. (arXiv:1912.06693v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lisa Randall, relevance 0.86

We consider the conundrum of generating de Sitter space from higher-dimensional geometry, with particular attention to KKLT-type constructions arXiv:hep-th/0301240 and their 5d implications. We show that even in the probe approximation with small $g_s$, a consistent higher-dimensional solution requires a deformation of a modulus field playing the role of a Goldberger-Wise stabilizing field in Randall-Sundrum type geometries that occurs through a shift in a the throat length. We identify the light radion field that sets the length of the throat, whose origin is the dynamical conifold deformation parameter. By analyzing the theory as a 5d model of mismatched branes in AdS5 space with a GW stabilization mechanism, we show how energy (and supersymmetry breaking) is transferred to both the IR and UV regions of the throat to generate a consistent 4d de Sitter sliced geometry. This should help resolve some of the recent apparent paradoxes in explicit higher-dimensional constructions. Moreover, the radion gives insight into the potential for the previously identified ``conifold instability". We argue that this instability would be a destabilization of the potential for the radion in KKLT, which can occur when the perturbation is too large. If indeed $\sqrt{g_s}M$ is too small, the radion would enter on its runaway direction and the conifold deformation would shrink to zero size. It is difficult to satisfy the required bound and a) maintain a hierarchy in the simpler CY manifolds and b) complete the cosmological phase transition into the stabilized throat, We also discuss the implications of this type of setup for supersymmetry breaking, and how multiple throats can introduce hierarchies of supersymmetry breaking masses, even in an anomaly-mediated scenario. In an appendix we consider general compactification constraints.

New Quantum Phase of the Universe before Inflation and its Cosmological and Dark Energy Implications. (arXiv:1912.06655v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Norma G. Sanchez (CNRS, LERMA PSL Univ Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Univ), relevance 4.67

The physical history of the Universe is completed by including the quantum planckian and trans-planckian phase before Inflation in the Standard Model of the Universe in agreement with observations. A new quantum precursor phase appears beyond the Planck scale. We extend de Sitter universe to the quantum domain: classical-quantum de Sitter duality. As a result: The classical and quantum dual de Sitter Temperatures and Entropies are naturally included, and the different (classical, semiclassical, quantum planckian and super-planckian) de Sitter regimes characterized in a precise and unifying way. Relevant cosmological examples as Inflation and Dark Energy are described. This allows to find in a simple and consistent way: Quantum Inflationary spectra and their CMB observables, including in particular the classical known Inflation spectra and the quantum corrections to them. A unifying picture for the Universe epochs and their quantum precursors emerges with the cosmological constant as the vacuum energy, entropy and temperature of the Universe, shedding light into the cosmological constant problem (Abridged).

On Torsion Axial Vector and gravitational Energy in Lewis-Papapetrou Space-Time in the Theory of Teleparallel Gravity. (arXiv:1912.06653v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by A. S. Alofi, Ragab M Gad, relevance 1.15

The teleparallel version of Lewis-Papapetrou space-time is investigated. For this space-time the true discussion of the geometric and physical properties is given. We show that the value of space-like torsion-axial vector does not depend on the choice of tetrad field. Consequently, the spin procession of the Dirac particle and the corresponding Hamiltonian do. The energy and momentum densities for such space-time are calculated.

We show that when choosing two sets of tetrad fields the dependence and independence of the aforementioned quantities on the tetrad field depend on the Lorentz factor, which links the two sets of tetrad fields.

Non-Hermitian Holography. (arXiv:1912.06647v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Daniel Areán, Karl Landsteiner, Ignacio Salazar Landea, relevance 3.94

Quantum theory can be formulated with certain non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. An anti-linear involution, denoted by PT, is a symmetry of such Hamiltonians. In the PT-symmetric regime the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian is related to a Hermitian one by a Hermitian similarity transformation. We extend the concept of non-Hermitian quantum theory to gauge-gravity duality. Non-Hermiticity is introduced via boundary conditions in asymptotically AdS spacetimes. At zero temperature the PT phase transition is identified as the point at which the solutions cease to be real. Surprisingly for solutions containing black holes real solutions can be found well outside the quasi-Hermitian regime. These backgrounds are however unstable to fluctuations which establishes the persistence of the holographic dual of the PT phase transition at finite temperature.

Sextic tensor field theories in rank $3$ and $5$. (arXiv:1912.06641v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dario Benedetti, Nicolas Delporte, Sabine Harribey, Ritam Sinha, relevance 0.26

We study bosonic tensor field theories with sextic interactions in $d<3$ dimensions. We consider two models, with rank-3 and rank-5 tensors, and $U(N)^3$ and $O(N)^5$ symmetry, respectively. For both of them we consider two variations: one with standard short-range free propagator, and one with critical long-range propagator, such that the sextic interactions are marginal in any $d<3$. We derive the set of beta functions at large $N$, compute them explicitly at four loops, and identify the respective fixed points. We find that only the rank-3 models admit a melonic interacting fixed points, with real couplings and critical exponents: for the short-range model, we have a Wilson-Fisher fixed point with couplings of order $\sqrt{\epsilon}$, in $d=3-\epsilon$; for the long-range model, instead we have for any $d<3$ a line of fixed points, parametrized by a real coupling $g_1$ (associated to the so-called wheel interaction). By standard conformal field theory methods, we then study the spectrum of bilinear operators associated to such interacting fixed points, and we find a real spectrum for small $\epsilon$ or small $g_1$.

Five dimensional Chern-Simons Gravity for the expanded (anti)-de Sitter gauge group C$_5$. (arXiv:1912.06634v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Matheus M.A. Paixão, Olivier Piguet, relevance 11.01

We study the Hamiltonian dynamics of a five-dimensional Chern-Simons theory for the gauge algebra $C_5$ of Izaurieta, Rodriguez and Salgado, the so-called S$_H$-expansion of the 5D (anti-)de Sitter algebra (a)ds, based on the cyclic group $\mathbb{Z}_4$. The theory consists of a 1-form field containing the (a)ds gravitation variables and 1-form field transforming in the adjoint representation of (a)ds. The gravitational part of the action necessarily contains a term quadratic in the curvature, beyond the Einstein-Hilbert and cosmological terms, for any choice of the two independent coupling constants. The total action is also invariant under a new local symmetry, called "crossed diffeomorphisms", beyond the usual space-time diffeomorphisms. The number of physical degrees of freedom is computed. The theory is shown to be "generic" in the sense of Ba\~nados, Garay and Henneaux, i.e., the constraint associated to the time diffeomorphisms is not independent from the other constraints.

de Sitter Conjectures in N=1 Supergravity. (arXiv:1912.06626v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergio Ferrara, Magnus Tournoy, Antoine Van Proeyen, relevance 11.30

Supergravity theories at D=4 allow to formulate the Swampland de Sitter conjectures in the complex field space of scalar components of chiral multiplets. We formulate the de Sitter and refined de Sitter conjecture by using the K\"ahler invariant ${\cal G}$-function and explore a class of models in the Landscape/Swampland scenario which obey and/or violate such conjectures. Furthermore we give a new construction of single exponential potentials in supergravity. These depend on a chiral superfield with a K\"ahler potential parametrizing an SU(1,1)/U(1) geometry. We show that the construction allows for modifications to supergravity theories causing them to obey the de Sitter conjectures.

Thermal Correlators and Bosonization Dualities in Large $N$ Chern Simons Matter Theories. (arXiv:1912.06589v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sudip Ghosh, Subhajit Mazumdar, relevance 2.70

We consider $3$-dimensional conformal field theories with $U(N)_{\kappa}$ Chern Simons gauge fields coupled to bosonic and fermionic matter fields transforming in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. In these CFTs, we compute in the t'Hooft large $N$ limit and to all orders in the t'Hooft coupling $\lambda= N/ \kappa$, the thermal two-point correlation functions of the spin $s=0$, $s=1$ and $s=2$ gauge invariant conformal primary operators. These are the lowest dimension single trace scalar, the $U(1)$ current and the stress tensor operators respectively. Our results furnish additional tests of the conjectured bosonization dualities in these theories at finite temperature.

Study of the Relativistic Dynamics of Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals. (arXiv:1912.06584v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Marius Oltean, relevance 3.66

The principal subject of this thesis is the gravitational two-body problem in the extreme-mass-ratio regime---that is, where one mass is significantly smaller than the other---in the full context of our contemporary theory of gravity, general relativity. We divide this work into two broad parts: the first provides an overview of the theory of general relativity along with the basic mathematical methods underlying it, focusing on its canonical formulation and perturbation techniques; the second presents our novel work in these areas, focusing on the problems of entropy, motion and the self-force in general relativity. We begin here with a study of entropy theorems in classical Hamiltonian systems, and in particular, the issue of the second law of thermodynamics in classical mechanics and general relativity. Then, we develop a general approach based on conservation laws for calculating the correction to the motion of a sufficiently small object due to gravitational perturbations in general relativity. When the perturbations are attributed to the small object itself, this effect is known as the gravitational self-force. It is what drives the orbital evolution of extreme-mass-ratio inspirals: compact binary systems where one mass is much smaller than---thus effectively orbiting and eventually spiralling into---the other, expected to be among the main sources for the future space-based gravitational wave detector LISA. Finally, we present some work on the numerical computation of the scalar self-force using an approach called the Particle-without-Particle method, as well as the generalization of this method to general partial differential equations and applications to other areas of applied mathematics.

Dyonic black hole degeneracies in $\mathcal{N} = 4$ string theory from Dabholkar-Harvey degeneracies. (arXiv:1912.06562v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Abhishek Chowdhury, Abhiram Kidambi, Sameer Murthy, Valentin Reys, Timm Wrase, relevance 5.63

The degeneracies of single-centered dyonic $\frac14$-BPS black holes (BH) in Type II string theory on K3$\times T^2$ are known to be coefficients of certain mock Jacobi forms arising from the Igusa cusp form $\Phi_{10}$. In this paper we present an exact analytic formula for these BH degeneracies purely in terms of the degeneracies of the perturbative $\frac12$-BPS states of the theory. We use the fact that the degeneracies are completely controlled by the polar coefficients of the mock Jacobi forms, using the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher circle method. Here we present a simple formula for these polar coefficients as a quadratic function of the $\frac12$-BPS degeneracies. We arrive at the formula by using the physical interpretation of polar coefficients as negative discriminant states, and then making use of previous results in the literature to track the decay of such states into pairs of $\frac12$-BPS states in the moduli space. Although there are an infinite number of such decays, we show that only a finite number of them contribute to the formula. The phenomenon of BH bound state metamorphosis (BSM) plays a crucial role in our analysis. We show that the dyonic BSM orbits with $U$-duality invariant $\Delta<0$ are in exact correspondence with the solution sets of the Brahmagupta-Pell equation, which implies that they are isomorphic to the group of units in the order $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{|\Delta|}]$ in the real quadratic field $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{|\Delta|})$. We check our formula against the known numerical data arising from the Igusa cusp form, for the first 1650 polar coefficients, and find perfect agreement.

Diagrammatic Coaction of Two-Loop Feynman Integrals. (arXiv:1912.06561v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Samuel Abreu, Ruth Britto, Claude Duhr, Einan Gardi, James Matthew, relevance 0.00

It is known that one-loop Feynman integrals possess an algebraic structure encoding some of their analytic properties called the coaction, which can be written in terms of Feynman integrals and their cuts. This diagrammatic coaction, and the coaction on other classes of integrals such as hypergeometric functions, may be expressed using suitable bases of differential forms and integration contours. This provides a useful framework for computing coactions of Feynman integrals expressed using the hypergeometric functions. We will discuss examples where this technique has been used in the calculation of two-loop diagrammatic coactions.

Stringy Information and Black Holes. (arXiv:1912.06538v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Nissan Itzhaki, Amit Giveon, relevance 18.88

We show that in string theory, due to non-perturbative effects, there are cases in which two states that semi-classically are completely different, are in fact the same. One state cannot be excited without exciting the other; they are two components of the same state in the exact theory. As a result, in some situations that include black holes, the nature of information in string theory is dramatically different than in field theory. In particular, each general-relativity state, that lives in the atmosphere of black fivebranes, is accompanied with an excitation that lives on folded strings, which fill the black-hole interior. This is likely related to the way that information is extracted from black holes in string theory, and we refer to it as stringy information.

Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariants. (arXiv:1912.06504v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Tom Bridgeland, relevance 0.00

We introduce geometric structures on the space of stability conditions of a three-dimensional Calabi-Yau category which encode the Donaldson-Thomas invariants of the category. We explain in detail a close analogy between these structures, which we call Joyce structures, and Frobenius structures. In the second half of the paper we give explicit calculations of Joyce structures in three interesting classes of examples.

Type IIB superstring vertex operator from the -8 picture. (arXiv:1912.06498v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lucas N.S. Martins, relevance 1.61

A new procedure was recently proposed for constructing massless Type IIB vertex operators in the pure spinor formalism. Instead of expressing these closed string vertex operators as left-right products of open string vertex operators, they were instead constructed from the complex N=2 d=10 superfield whose lowest real and imaginary components are the dilaton and Ramond-Ramond axion. These Type IIB vertex operators take a simple form in the -8 picture and are related to the usual vertex operators in the zero picture by acting with picture-raising operators. In this paper, we compute explicitly this picture-raising procedure and confirm this proposal in a flat background. Work is in progress on confirming this proposal in an $AdS_5\times S^5$ background.

New Tsallis agegraphic Dark Energy in Horava-Lifshitz cosmology. (arXiv:1912.06495v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by M. Abdollahi Zadeh, relevance 0.00

We investigate the new Tsallis agegraphic dark energy (NTADE) scenario in the framework of Horava-Lifshitz cosmology. Considering interacting and non-interacting scenarios of NTADE with dark matter in a spatially non-flat universe, we investigate the cosmological implications of this model in detail. We obtain the differential equation of the evolution of the density parameter, the equation of state parameter and the classical stability of model. Also, we study the behavior of the deceleration parameter and investigate the nature of the statefinder diagnostics and $\omega_D-{\omega_D}^{\prime}$ plane. We find that phantom crossing cannot occur for the state parameter in this scenario and from the plot of the deceleration parameter, we have observed a transition from decelerating to accelerating phase of the univese. Also, the sign of the square of the sound speed is negative which means unstable behavior at this scenario. The $\omega_D$ and ${\omega_D}^{\prime}$ have negative values which represents the freezing region at here.

Inflation in anisotropic brane universe using tachyon field. (arXiv:1912.06494v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Rikpratik Sengupta, Prasenjit Paul, Bikash Chandra Paul, Saibal Ray, relevance 2.93

Cosmological solution to the gravitational field equations in the generalized Randall-Sundrum model for an anisotropic brane with Bianchi I geometry and perfect fluid as matter sources has been considered. The matter on the brane is described by a tachyonic field. The solution admits inflationary era and at a later epoch the anisotropy of the universe washes out. We obtain two classes of cosmological scenario, in the first case universe evolves from singularity and in the second case universe expands without singularity.

Role of Curvature-Matter Coupling on Anisotropic Strange Stars. (arXiv:1912.06480v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by M. Sharif, Arfa Waseem, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we study the physical characteristics of anisotropic spherically symmetric quark star candidates for $R+2\sigma T$ gravity model, where $R$, $\sigma$ and $T$ depict scalar curvature, coupling parameter, and the trace of the energy-momentum tensor, respectively. In order to analyze the structure formation of quark stars, we consider the Heintzmann solution and assume that strange quark matter is characterized by MIT bag model equation of state. We evaluate the unknown parameters through matching conditions and obtain the values of radii of strange quark stars using modified Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation with observed values of masses and bag constant. The feasibility of our considered solution is analyzed by graphical analysis of matter variables, energy bounds, causality condition and adiabatic index. It is found that the strange quark stars show stable structure corresponding to Heintzmann solution and their physical viability enhances with increasing values of the model parameter $\sigma$.

Generalised asymptotic solutions for the inflaton in the oscillatory phase of reheating. (arXiv:1912.06479v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Gabrile Álvarez, Luis Martínez Alonso, Elena Medina, relevance 0.00

We determine generalised asymptotic solutions for the inflaton field, the Hubble parameter, and the equation-of-state parameter valid during the oscillatory phase of reheating for potentials that close to their global minima behave as even monomial potentials. For the quadratic potential we derive a generalised asymptotic expansion for the inflaton with respect to the scale set by inverse powers of the cosmic time. For the quartic potential we derive an explicit, two-term generalised asymptotic solution in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions, with a scale set by inverse powers of the square root of the cosmic time. Finally, in the general case, we find similar two-term solutions where the leading order term is defined implicitly in terms of the Gauss' hypergeometric function. The relation between the leading terms of the instantaneous equation-of-state parameter and different averaged values is discussed in the general case.

The quantum black hole as a gravitational hydrogen atom. (arXiv:1912.06478v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Christian Corda, Fabiano Feleppa, relevance 7.89

Nathan Rosen's quantization approach to the gravitational collapse is applied in the simple case of a pressureless "star of dust" by finding the gravitational potential, the Schrodinger equation and the solution for the collapse's energy levels. By applying the constraints for a Schwarzschild black hole (BH) and by using the concept of BH effective state, previously introduced by one of the authors (CC), the BH quantum gravitational potential, Schrodinger equation and the BH energy spectrum are found. Remarkably, such an energy spectrum is in agreement (in its absolute value) with the one which was conjectured by Bekenstein in 1974 and consistent with other ones in the literature. This approach also permits to find an interesting quantum representation of the Schwarzschild BH ground state at the Planck scale. Moreover, two fundamental issues about BH quantum physics are addressed by this model: the area quantization and the singularity resolution. As regards the former, a result similar to the one obtained by Bekenstein, but with a different coefficient, has been found. About the latter, it is shown that the traditional classical singularity in the core of the Schwarzschild BH is replaced, in a full quantum treatment, by a two-particle system where the two components strongly interact with each other via a quantum gravitational potential. The two-particle system seems to be non-singular from the quantum point of view and is analogous to the hydrogen atom because it consists of a "nucleus" and an "electron".

Lagrangian formalism for Rastall theory of gravity and G\"{o}del-type universe. (arXiv:1912.06471v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by W. A. G. De Moraes, A. F. Santos, relevance 1.18

In the Rastall gravity a non-minimal coupling between geometry and matter fields is considered. Then the usual energy-momentum tensor conservation law is not valid. Here a Lagrangian formalism is proposed to the Rastall theory of gravity. The G\"{o}del-type universe is studied in this gravitational model. Then it is studied whether this theory permits causality violation. The field equations do not exclude solutions with a breakdown of causality for a perfect fluid as matter content. In this case, an expression for the critical radius (beyond which the causality is violated) is determined. In addition, for a combination between perfect fluid and scalar field as matter content the theory accommodates causal G\"{o}del-type solution.

Rethinking Superdeterminism. (arXiv:1912.06462v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by S. Hossenfelder, T.N. Palmer, relevance 0.00

Quantum mechanics has irked physicists ever since its conception more than 100 years ago. While some of the misgivings, such as it being unintuitive, are merely aesthetic, quantum mechanics has one serious shortcoming: it lacks a physical description of the measurement process. This "measurement problem" indicates that quantum mechanics is at least an incomplete theory -- good as far as it goes, but missing a piece -- or, more radically, is in need of complete overhaul.

Here we describe an approach which may provide this sought-for completion or replacement: Superdeterminism. A superdeterministic theory is one which violates the assumption of Statistical Independence (that distributions of hidden variables are independent of measurement settings). Intuition suggests that Statistical Independence is an essential ingredient of any theory of science (never mind physics), and for this reason Superdeterminism is typically discarded swiftly in any discussion of quantum foundations.

The purpose of this paper is to explain why the existing objections to Superdeterminism are based on experience with classical physics and linear systems, but that this experience misleads us. Superdeterminism is a promising approach not only to solve the measurement problem, but also to understand the apparent nonlocality of quantum physics. Most importantly, we will discuss how it may be possible to test this hypothesis in an (almost) model independent way.

Proof of the Classical Soft Graviton Theorem in D=4. (arXiv:1912.06413v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Arnab Priya Saha, Biswajit Sahoo, Ashoke Sen, relevance 0.00

Classical subleading soft graviton theorem in four space-time dimensions determines the gravitational wave-form at late and early retarded time, generated during a scattering or explosion, in terms of the four momenta of the ingoing and outgoing objects. This result was `derived' earlier by taking the classical limit of the quantum soft graviton theorem, and making some assumptions about how to deal with the infrared divergences of the soft factor. In this paper we give a direct proof of this result by analyzing the classical equations of motion of gravity coupled to matter. We also extend the result to the electromagnetic wave-form generated during scattering of charged particles, and present a new conjecture on subsubleading corrections to the gravitational wave-form at early and late retarded time.

Differentiating the signal from the noise: towards optimal choices of wide field-of-view telescope transient follow-up. (arXiv:1912.06383v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Cosmin Stachie, Michael W. Coughlin, Nelson Christensen, Daniel Muthukrishna, relevance 0.00

With the advent of the follow-up of large sky localization regions from gravitational-wave detectors and gamma-ray burst telescopes with wide field-of-view telescopes, the need for efficient follow-up of the many identified candidates is required. Due to limited telescope time, it is important to create prioritized lists of the many candidates identified. Towards this end, we use \text{\astrorapid}, a multi-band photometric lightcurve classifier, to differentiate between kilonovae, supernovae and other possible transients. We demonstrate our method on both ideally sampled, simulated lightcurves, as well as the photometric observations of real events. We show that after only a few days of observations of an astronomical object, it is possible to rule out candidates as supernovae and other known transients

Condition for directly testing scalar modes of gravitational waves by four detectors. (arXiv:1912.06340v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yuki Hagihara, Naoya Era, Daisuke Iikawa, Naohiro Takeda, Hideki Asada, relevance 0.27

General metric theories in a four-dimensional spacetime allow at most six polarization states (two spin-0, two spin-1 and two spin-2) of gravitational waves (GWs). If a sky location of a GW source with the electromagnetic counterpart satisfies a single equation that we propose in this paper, both the spin-1 modes and spin-2 ones can be eliminated from a certain combination of strain outputs at four ground-based GW interferometers (e.g. a network of aLIGO-Hanford, aLIGO-Livingston, Virgo and KAGRA), where this equation describes curves on the celestial sphere. This means that, if a GW source is found in the curve (or its neighborhood practically), a direct test of scalar (spin-0) modes separately from the other (vector and tensor) modes become possible in principle. The possibility of such a direct test is thus higher than an earlier expectation (Hagihara et al. PRD, 100, 064010, 2019), in which they argued that the vector modes could not be completely eliminated. We discuss also that adding the planned LIGO-India detector as a fifth detector will increase the feasibility of scalar polarization tests.

Ground-Based Gravitational-Wave Astronomy in Australia: 2019 White Paper. (arXiv:1912.06305v2 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Matthew Bailes, David McClelland, Eric Thrane, David Blair, Jeffrey Cooke, David Coward, Robin Evans, Yeshe Fenner, Duncan Galloway, Jarrod Hurley, Li Ju, Paul Lasky, Ilya Mandel, Kirk McKenzie, Andrew Melatos, David Ottaway, Susan Scott, Bram Slagmolen, Peter Veitch, Linqing Wen, Chunnong Zhao, relevance 0.46

The past four years have seen a scientific revolution through the birth of a new field: gravitational-wave astronomy. The first detection of gravitational waves---recognised by the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics---provided unprecedented tests of general relativity while unveiling a previously unknown class of massive black holes, thirty times more massive than the Sun. The subsequent detection of gravitational waves from a merging binary neutron star confirmed the hypothesised connection between binary neutron stars and short gamma-ray bursts while providing an independent measurement of the expansion of the Universe. The discovery enabled precision measurement of the speed of gravity while shedding light on the origin of heavy elements. At the time of writing, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and its European partner, Virgo, have published the detection of eleven gravitational-wave events. New, not-yet-published detections are announced on a nearly weekly basis. This fast-growing catalogue of gravitational-wave transients is expected to yield insights into a number of topics, from the equation of state of matter at supra-nuclear densities to the fate of massive stars. The science potential of 3G observatories is enormous, enabling measurements of gravitational waves from the edge of the Universe and precise determination of the neutron star equation of state. Australia is well-positioned to help develop the required technology. The Mid-term Review for the Decadal plan for Australian astronomy 2016-2025 should consider investment in a scoping study for an Australian Gravitational-Wave Pathfinder that develops and validates core technologies required for the global 3G detector network.

Supernovae and photon frequency shift induced by the Standard-Model Extension. (arXiv:1912.06288v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Alessandro D.A.M. Spallicci, Fabio Ragosta, José A. Helayël-Neto, Martín López-Corredoira, relevance 1.14

We revisit for 714 SNeIa the discrepancy between the red-shift associated to the distance modulus $\mu$ and the spectroscopic red-shift. Previous work has shown that the total red-shift $z$ might be a combination of the expansion red-shift $z_{\rm C}$ and of a static, blue or red shift $z_{\rm LSV}(r)$, $r$ being the comoving distance. The latter is due to the energy non-conservation of the photon propagating through Electro-Magnetic (EM) background fields (host galaxy, intergalactic and Milky Way), under Lorentz(-Poincar\'e) Symmetry Violation (LSV), associated to the Standard-Model Extension (SME). The non-conservation stems from the vacuum expectation value of the vector and tensor LSV fields. For zero radiation $\Omega_{\rm rad}$ and curvature $\Omega_{\rm k}$ densities, and matter density $\Omega_m = 0.28$, the SN1a positions in the ($\mu$, z) plan are recovered according to the different strengths, orientations, alignments and space-time dependencies of the EM fields and LSV components. The LSV vacuum energy may be thus tantamount to $\Omega_\Lambda \simeq 0.7$, but unrelated to an accelerated expansion. We present models with red or blue-shifts $z_{\rm LSV}$, below $10\%$ of $z$. The $\nu$ frequency variation is below $10^{-19} \Delta \nu/\nu$ per m.

Gravitational cubic-in-spin interaction at the next-to-leading post-Newtonian order. (arXiv:1912.06276v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Michele Levi, Stavros Mougiakakos, Mariana Vieira, relevance 0.27

In this work we derive for the first time the complete gravitational cubic-in-spin effective action at the next-to-leading order for the interaction of generic compact binaries via the effective field theory for gravitating spinning objects and its extension to this sector. This sector, which enters at the fourth and a half post-Newtonian (4.5PN) order for rapidly rotating compact objects, completes finite size effects up to this order, and is the first sector completed beyond the current state of the art for generic compact binary dynamics at the 4PN order. At this order in spins with gravitational nonlinearities we have to take into account additional terms, which arise from a new type of worldline couplings, due to the fact that at this order the Tulczyjew gauge for the rotational degrees of freedom, which involves the linear momentum, can no longer be approximated only in terms of the four-velocity. One of the main motivations for us to tackle this sector is also to see what happens when we go to a sector, which corresponds to the gravitational Compton scattering with quantum spins of three halves, and maybe possibly also get an insight on the inability to uniquely fix its amplitude from factorization when spins of five halves and higher are involved. A general observation that we can clearly make already is that even-parity sectors in the order of the spin are easier to handle than odd ones. In the quantum context this corresponds to the greater ease of dealing with bosons compared to fermions.

Two-Loop QCD Helicity Amplitudes for Higgs Production Associated with a Vector Boson through Bottom Quark Annihilation. (arXiv:1912.06271v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Taushif Ahmed, A. H. Ajjath, Long Chen, Prasanna K. Dhani, Pooja Mukherjee, V. Ravindran, relevance 0.75

We present the two-loop QCD corrections to the amplitude of the Higgs production associated with a $Z$ boson via the bottom quark-antiquark annihilation channel with a non-vanishing bottom-quark Yukawa coupling. The computation is performed by projecting the D-dimensional scattering amplitude directly onto a set of Lorentz structures related to the linear polarisation states of the $Z$ boson. We cross-check the finite remainders through a computation based on conventional form factor decomposition. We show that for physical observables, an ultimate D-dimensional form factor decomposition of amplitudes is not necessary which has a huge potential to simplify a multiloop computation. We compute numerically the resulting cross sections under the soft-virtual approximation to NNLO and find it three orders of magnitude smaller than that of the s-channel.

Complex poles, spectral function and reflection positivity violation of Yang-Mills theory. (arXiv:1912.06261v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Kei-Ichi Kondo, Yui Hayashi, Ryutaro Matsudo, Yutaro Suda, Masaki Watanabe, relevance 0.19

We discuss the analytic continuation of the gluon propagator from the Euclidean region to the complex squared-momentum plane towards the Minkowski region from a viewpoint of gluon confinement. For this purpose, we investigate the massive Yang-Mills model with one-loop quantum corrections, which is to be identified with a low-energy effective theory of the Yang-Mills theory in the sense that the confining decoupling solution for the Euclidean gluon and ghost propagators of the Yang-Mills theory in the Landau gauge obtained by numerical simulations on the lattice are reproduced with good accuracy from the massive Yang-Mills model by taking into account one-loop quantum corrections. We show that the gluon propagator in the massive Yang-Mills model has a pair of complex conjugate poles or "tachyonic" poles of multiplicity two, in accordance with the fact that the gluon field has a negative spectral function, while the ghost propagator has at most one "unphysical" pole. These results are consistent with general relationships between the number of complex poles of a propagator and the sign of the spectral function originating from the branch cut in the Minkowski region under some assumptions on the asymptotic behaviors of the propagator. Consequently, we give an analytical proof for violation of the reflection positivity as a necessary condition for gluon confinement for any choice of the parameters in the massive Yang-Mills model, including the physical point. Moreover, the complex structure of the propagator enables us to explain why the gluon propagator in the Euclidean region is well described by the Gribov-Stingl form.

A new renormalon in two dimensions. (arXiv:1912.06228v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marcos Marino, Tomas Reis, relevance 2.17

According to standard lore, perturbative series of super-renormalizable theories have only instanton singularities. In this paper we show that two-dimensional scalar theories with a spontaneously broken $O(N)$ symmetry at the classical level, which are super-renormalizable, have an IR renormalon singularity at large $N$. Since perturbative expansions in these theories are made around the "false vacuum" in which the global symmetry is broken, this singularity can be regarded as a manifestation of the non-perturbative absence of Goldstone bosons. We conjecture that the Borel singularity in the ground state energy of the Lieb--Liniger model is a non-relativistic manifestation of this phenomenon. We also provide {\it en passant} a detailed perturbative calculation of the Lieb--Liniger energy up to two-loops, and we check that it agrees with the prediction of the Bethe ansatz.

Practical Quantum Computation of Chemical and Nuclear Energy Levels Using Quantum Imaginary Time Evolution and Lanczos Algorithms. (arXiv:1912.06226v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Kübra Yeter-Aydeniz, Raphael C. Pooser, George Siopsis, relevance 0.00

Various methods have been developed for the quantum computation of the ground and excited states of physical and chemical systems, but many of them require either large numbers of ancilla qubits or high-dimensional optimization. The quantum imaginary-time evolution (QITE) and quantum Lanczos (QLanczos) methods proposed in [1] eschew the aforementioned issues. In this study, we demonstrate the practical application of these algorithms to nontrivial quantum computation, using the deuteron binding energy and molecular Hydrogen binding and excited state energies as examples. With the correct choice of initial and final states, we show that the number of time steps in QITE and QLanczos can be reduced significantly, which commensurately simplifies the required quantum circuit and improves compatibility with NISQ devices. We have performed these calculations on cloud-accessible IBM-Q quantum computers. With the application of readout-error mitigation and Richardson error extrapolation, we have obtained ground and excited state energies that agree well with exact results obtained from diagonalization.

On the BTZ Black Hole and the Spinning Cosmic String. (arXiv:1912.06222v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Reinoud J. Slagter, Jebin Larosh, relevance 8.46

We reviewed the Ba\u nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole solution in connection with the spinning string solution. We find a new exact solution, which can be related to the $(2+1)$-dimensional spinning point particle solution. There is no need for a cosmological constant, so the solution can be up-lifted to $(3+1)$ dimensions. The exact solution in a conformal invariant gravity model, where the spacetime is written as $g_{\mu\nu}=\omega^2 \tilde g_{\mu\nu}$, is horizon free and has an ergo-circle, while $\tilde g_{\mu\nu}$ is the BTZ solution. The dilaton $\omega$ determines the scale of the model. In accordance with the spinning cosmic string solution, it is conjectured that the new solution can be linked to the mass of the interior of the spinning cosmic string.

de Sitter symmetries and inflationary scalar-vector models. (arXiv:1912.06206v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Juan P. Beltrán Almeida, Josué Motoa-Manzano, César A. Valenzuela-Toledo, relevance 13.77

In this paper, we study the correspondence between a field theory in de Sitter space in $D$-dimensions and a dual conformal field theory in a euclidean space in $(D-1)$-dimensions. In particular, we investigate the form in which this correspondence is established for a system of interacting scalar and a vector fields propagating in de Sitter space. We analyze some necessary (but not sufficient) conditions for which conformal symmetry is preserved in the dual theory in $(D-1)$-dimensions, making possible the establishment of the correspondence. The discussion that we address on this paper is framed on the context of inflationary cosmology, so, the results obtained here pose some relevant possibilities of application to the calculation of the fields's correlation functions and of the primordial curvature perturbation $\zeta$, in inflationary models including coupled scalar and vector fields.

The $l$-loop Banana Amplitude from GKZ Systems and relative Calabi-Yau Periods. (arXiv:1912.06201v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Albrecht Klemm, Christoph Nega, Reza Safari, relevance 0.00

We use the GKZ description of periods and certain classes of relative periods on families of Barth-Nieto Calabi-Yau $(l-1)$-folds in order to solve the $l$-loop banana amplitudes with their general mass dependence. As examples we compute the mass dependencies of the banana amplitudes up to the three-loop case and check the results against the known results for special mass values.

String coherent vertex operators of Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond states. (arXiv:1912.06177v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Alice Aldi, Maurizio Firrotta, relevance 0.00

We present a compact expression for a coherent vertex operator in superstring theory, in the Neveu-Schwarz sector, that can be easily extended to the Ramond sector by supersymmetric transformations in target space. We give also an explicit construction for the Ramond coherent vertex operator. These constructions provide the use of the supersymmetric version of the Del Giudice-Di Vecchia-Fubini operators and Operator Product Expansion techniques, displaying manifest BRST invariance and after normal ordering also manifest covariance. As a consistency check we compute tree level three-points scattering amplitudes involving Neveu-Schwarz coherent vertex operators in different superghost pictures. Extending these results to the closed superstring, we give the expressions of the coherent vertex operators in the case of type IIA and IIB theories.

Integrable deformations of coupled sigma-models. (arXiv:1912.06157v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Cristian Bassi, Sylvain Lacroix, relevance 0.00

We construct integrability-preserving deformations of the integrable $\sigma$-model coupling together $N$ copies of the Principal Chiral Model. These deformed theories are obtained using the formalism of affine Gaudin models, by applying various combinations of Yang-Baxter and $\lambda$-deformations to the different copies of the undeformed model. We describe these models both in the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulation and give explicit expressions of their action and Lax pair. In particular, we recover through this construction various integrable $\lambda$-deformed models previously introduced in the literature. Finally, we discuss the relation of the present work with the semi-homolomorphic four-dimensional Chern-Simons theory.

A One Parameter Family of Calabi-Yau Manifolds with Attractor Points of Rank Two. (arXiv:1912.06146v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Philip Candelas, Xenia de la Ossa, Mohamed Elmi, Duco van Straten, relevance 0.52

In the process of studying the zeta-function for one parameter families of Calabi-Yau manifolds we have been led to a manifold, first studied by Verrill, for which the quartic numerator of the zeta-function factorises into two quadrics remarkably often. Among these factorisations, we find persistent factorisations; these are determined by a parameter that satisfies an algebraic equation with coefficients in Q, so independent of any particular prime. Such factorisations are expected to be modular with each quadratic factor associated to a modular form. If the parameter is defined over Q this modularity is assured by the proof of the Serre Conjecture. We identify three values of the parameter that give rise to persistent factorisations, one of which is defined over Q, and identify, for all three cases, the associated modular groups. We note that these factorisations are due a splitting of Hodge structure and that these special values of the parameter are rank two attractor points in the sense of IIB supergravity. To our knowledge, these points provide the first explicit examples of non-singular, non-rigid rank two attractor points for Calabi-Yau manifolds of full SU(3) holonomy. The values of the periods and their covariant derivatives, at the attractor points, are identified in terms of critical values of the L-functions of the modular groups. Thus the critical L-values enter into the calculation of physical quantities such as the area of the black hole in the 4D spacetime. In our search for additional rank two attractor points, we perform a statistical analysis of the numerator of the zeta-function and are led to conjecture that the coefficients in this polynomial are distributed according to the statistics of random USp(4) matrices.

Four Dimensional $\mathbf{\mathcal{N}=4}$ SYM and the Swampland. (arXiv:1912.06144v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hee-Cheol Kim, Houri-Christina Tarazi, Cumrun Vafa, relevance 0.29

We consider supergravity theories with 16 supercharges in Minkowski space with dimensions $d>3$. We argue that there is an upper bound on the number of massless modes in such theories depending on $d$. In particular we show that the rank of the gauge symmetry group $G$ in $d$ dimensions is bounded by $r_G\leq 26-d$. This in particular demonstrates that 4 dimensional ${\cal N}=4$ SYM theories with rank bigger than 22, despite being consistent and indeed finite before coupling to gravity, cannot be consistently coupled to ${\cal N}=4$ supergravity in Minkowski space and belong to the swampland. Our argument is based on the swampland conditions of completeness of spectrum of defects as well as a strong form of the distance conjecture and relies on unitarity as well as supersymmetry of the worldsheet theory of BPS strings. The results are compatible with known string constructions and provide further evidence for the string lamppost principle (SLP): that string theory lamppost seems to capture ${\it all}$ consistent quantum gravitational theories.

Generalised effective cosmology from group field theory. (arXiv:1912.06143v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Steffen Gielen, Axel Polaczek, relevance 0.84

We extend various recent results regarding the derivation of effective cosmological Friedmann equations from the dynamics of group field theory (GFT). Restricting ourselves to a single GFT field mode (or fixed values of Peter-Weyl representation labels), we first consider dynamics given by a quadratic Hamiltonian, which takes the form of a squeezing operator, and then add a quartic interaction that can be seen as a toy model for interactions in full GFT. Our derivation of effective Friedmann equations does not require a mean-field approximation; we mostly follow a general approach in which these equations in fact hold for any state. The resulting cosmological equations exhibit corrections to classical Friedmann dynamics similar to those of loop quantum cosmology, leading to generic singularity resolution, but also involve further state-dependent terms. We then specify these equations to various types of coherent states, such as Fock coherent states or Perelomov-Gilmore states based on the su(1,1) structure of harmonic quantum cosmology. We compute relative uncertainties of volume and energy in these states, clarifying whether they can be interpreted as semiclassical. In the interacting case, both analytical and numerical approximations are used to obtain modified cosmological dynamics. Our results clarify how effective cosmological equations derived from GFT can provide reliable approximations to the full dynamics.

Impossible measurements revisited. (arXiv:1912.06141v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Leron Borsten, Ian Jubb, Graham Kells, relevance 0.30

It is by now well-recognised that the na\"ive application of the projection postulate on composite quantum systems can induce signalling between their constituent components, indicative of a breakdown of causality in a relativistic spacetime context. Here we introduce a necessary and sufficient condition for a measurement of an observable on a composite system to be non-signalling. As well as being particularly simple, it generalises previous no-signalling conditions in that it allows for degeneracies and can be applied to all bounded self-adjoint operators. The condition is used to establish that arbitrary sums of local observables will not signal, in accordance with our expectations from relativistic quantum field theory. On the other hand, it is shown that the measurement of the tensor product of commuting local observables, for example bipartite operators of the form $A\otimes B$, will in fact signal, contrary to the widely-held belief that such measurements are always locally realisable. The implications for the notion of measurement in relativistic quantum field theory are addressed; it appears that the most straightforward application of the standard quantum formalism generically leads to violations of causality. We conclude that either the class of observables that can be measured should be severely restricted and/or that the na\"ive translation of the measurement framework of quantum theory, in particular the projection postulate, to quantum field theory must be re-evaluated.

Gravitational Waves from Supercool Axions. (arXiv:1912.06139v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luigi Delle Rose, Giuliano Panico, Michele Redi, Andrea Tesi, relevance 0.00

We study the dynamics of the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) phase transition for the QCD axion. In weakly coupled models the transition is typically second order except in the region of parameters where the PQ symmetry is broken through the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism. In strongly coupled realizations the transition is often first order. We show examples where the phase transition leads to strong supercooling lowering the nucleation temperature and enhancing the stochastic gravitational wave signals. The models predict a frequency peak in the range 100-1000 Hz with an amplitude that is already within the sensitivity of LIGO and can be thoroughly tested with future gravitational wave interferometers.

Generation of CMB and Cosmological constant via bulk viscosity. (arXiv:1912.06138v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Sanved Kolekar, S. Shankaranarayanan, S. M. Chitre, relevance 2.03

A simple model of uniformly expanding, homogeneous Universe with a bulk viscosity is studied wherein the inflationary density decays due to viscous dissipation during the expansion phase of the Universe. The model is shown to generate the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB). We also demonstrate that, at late times, the inflationary density asymptotically approaches a small finite constant value.

Loop, String, and Hadron Dynamics in SU(2) Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theories. (arXiv:1912.06133v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Indrakshi Raychowdhury, Jesse R. Stryker, relevance 4.77

The question of how to efficiently formulate Hamiltonian gauge theories is experiencing renewed interest due to advances in building quantum simulation platforms. We introduce a reformulation of an SU(2) Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory---a loop-string-hadron (LSH) formulation---that describes dynamics directly in terms of its loop, string, and hadron degrees of freedom, while alleviating several disadvantages of quantum-simulating the Kogut-Susskind formulation. This LSH formulation transcends the local loop formulation of $d+1$-dimensional lattice gauge theories by incorporating staggered quarks, furnishing the algebra of gauge-singlet operators, and being used to reconstruct dynamics between states that have Gauss's law built in to them. LSH operators are then factored into products of "normalized" ladder operators and diagonal matrices, priming them for classical or quantum information processing. Self-contained expressions of the Hamiltonian are given up to $d=3$. The LSH formalism uses makes little use of structures specific to SU(2) and its conceptual clarity makes it an attractive approach to apply to other non-Abelian groups like SU(3).

Hamiltonian deformations in quantum mechanics, $T\bar T$, and SYK. (arXiv:1912.06132v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David J. Gross, Jorrit Kruthoff, Andrew Rolph, Edgar Shaghoulian, relevance 1.76

Motivated by $T\bar T$, we introduce and study a wide class of solvable deformations of quantum-mechanical theories. These deformations map the Hamiltonian to a function of itself. We solve these theories by computing all finite-temperature correlation functions of the deformed theory in terms of the correlators of the undeformed theory. Applications to AdS/CFT, SYK, and the Schwarzian theory are considered. We write down the deformed Schwarzian action for an arbitrary Hamiltonian deformation and find that the maximal Lyapunov exponent is unchanged.

Scattering Amplitudes and Simple Canonical Forms for Simple Polytopes. (arXiv:1912.06125v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Giulio Salvatori, Stefan Stanojevic, relevance 0.00

We provide an efficient recursive formula to compute the canonical forms of arbitrary $d$-dimensional simple polytopes, which are convex polytopes such that every vertex lies precisely on $d$ facets. For illustration purposes, we explicitly derive recursive formulae for the canonical forms of Stokes polytopes, which play a similar role for a theory with quartic interaction as the Associahedron does in planar bi-adjoint $\phi^3$ theory. As a by-product, our formula also suggests a new way to obtain the full planar amplitude in $\phi^4$ theory by taking suitable limits of the canonical forms of constituent Stokes polytopes.

Horndeski and the Sirens. (arXiv:1912.06117v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Charles Dalang, Pierre Fleury, Lucas Lombriser, relevance 2.24

Standard sirens have been proposed as probes of alternative theories of gravity, such as Horndeski models. Hitherto, all studies have been conducted on a homogeneous-isotropic cosmological background, which is unable to consistently account for realistic distributions of matter, and for inhomogeneities in the Horndeski scalar field. Yet, the latter are essential for screening mechanisms. In this article, we comprehensively analyze the propagation of Horndeski gravitational waves in an arbitrary background spacetime and scalar field. We restrict to the class of theories in which gravitational waves propagate at light speed, and work in the geometric-optics regime. We find that kinetic braiding only produces a nonphysical longitudinal mode, whereas conformal coupling affects the amplitude of the standard transverse modes but not their polarization. We confirm that any observable deviation from general relativity depends on the local value of the effective Planck mass at emission and reception of the wave. This result is interpreted as the conservation of the number of gravitons.

Phases of SU(2) gauge theory with multiple adjoint Higgs fields in 2+1 dimensions. (arXiv:1912.06108v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Harley D. Scammell, Kartik Patekar, Mathias S. Scheurer, Subir Sachdev, relevance 1.34

A recent work (arXiv:1811.04930) proposed a SU(2) gauge theory for optimal doping criticality in the cuprate superconductors. The theory contains $N_h$ Higgs fields transforming under the adjoint representation of SU(2), with $N_h=1$ for the electron-doped cuprates, and $N_h=4$ for the hole-doped cuprates. We investigate the strong-coupling dynamics of this gauge theory, while ignoring the coupling to fermionic excitations. We integrate out the SU(2) gauge field in a strong-coupling expansion, and obtain a lattice action for the Higgs fields alone. We study such a lattice action, with O($N_h$) global symmetry, in an analytic large $N_h$ expansion and by Monte Carlo simulations for $N_h=4$ and find consistent results. We find a confining phase with O($N_h$) symmetry preserved (this describes the Fermi liquid phase in the cuprates), and Higgs phases (describing the pseudogap phase of the cuprates) with different patterns of the broken global O($N_h$) symmetry. One of the Higgs phases is topologically trivial, implying the absence of any excitations with residual gauge charges. The other Higgs phase has $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological order, with `vison' excitations carrying a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ gauge charge. We find consistent regimes of stability for the topological Higgs phase in both our numerical and analytical analyses.

Probing cosmological fields with gravitational wave oscillations. (arXiv:1912.06104v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jose Beltrán Jiménez, Jose María Ezquiaga, Lavinia Heisenberg, relevance 0.61

Gravitational wave (GW) oscillations occur whenever there are additional tensor modes interacting with the perturbations of the metric coupled to matter. These extra modes can arise from new spin-2 fields (as in e.g. bigravity theories) or from non-trivial realisations of the cosmological principle induced by background vector fields with internal symmetries (e.g. Yang-Mills, gaugids or multi-Proca). We develop a general cosmological framework to study such novel features due to oscillations. The evolution of the two tensor modes is described by a linear system of coupled second order differential equations exhibiting friction, velocity, chirality and mass mixing. We follow appropriate schemes to obtain approximate solutions for the evolution of both modes and show the corresponding phenomenology for different mixings. Observational signatures include modulations of the wave-form, oscillations of the GW luminosity distance, anomalous GW speed and chirality. We discuss the prospects of observing these effects with present and future GW observatories such as LIGO/VIRGO and LISA.

On Critical Exponents for Self-Similar Collapse. (arXiv:1912.06103v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Riccardo Antonelli, Ehsan Hatefi, relevance 1.16

We explore systematically perturbations of self-similar solutions to the Einstein-axion-dilaton system, whose dynamics are invariant under spacetime dilations combined with internal $SL(2,R)$ transformations. The self-similar solutions capture the enticing behavior critical systems on the verge of gravitational collapse, in arbitrary spacetime dimensions. Our methods rest on a combination of analytical and numerical tools, apply to all three conjugacy classes of $SL(2,R)$ transformations and allow accurate estimates of the corresponding Choptuik exponents. It is well known that these exponents depend on the spacetime dimension and on the matter content. Our main result is that they also attain different values, even within a given conjugacy class, for the distinct types of critical solutions that we recently identified in the Einstein-axion-dilaton system.

Safe Gauge-String Correspondence. (arXiv:1912.06097v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Soo-Jong Rey, Francesco Sannino, relevance 8.73

Safe theories are quantum field theories whose continuum limit is defined by a non-Gaussian ultraviolet fixed point when the ultraviolet cutoff is removed. They constitute an important set in the space of quantum field theories. Here we develop the `safe' gauge-string correspondence program according to which $d$-dimensional safe gauge theories, admitting the `t Hooft-Veneziano limit, are holographically dual to $(d+1)$-dimensional safe noncritical string theories on asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. We provide evidences for this correspondence on a class of safe templates that engage fermion and scalar matter fields into gauge, Yukawa and Higgs self-interactions. Safe theories can feature in the infrared both a weak coupling phase and a strong coupling phase on either side of the ultraviolet fixed point. They correspond respectively to dilaton and warp factors taking domain-wall or Liouville-wall profiles on asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. We argue that four-dimensional ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theories and all known interacting (super)conformal field theories are nonperturbative limit situations of safe gauge theories. The weak coupling phase provides a solvable holographic renormalization group flow while the strong coupling infrared phase provides a runaway-free alternative to holographic QCD.

M-Theory and Orientifolds. (arXiv:1912.06072v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Andreas P. Braun, relevance 0.00

We construct the M-Theory lifts of type IIA orientifolds based on K3-fibred Calabi-Yau threefolds with compatible involutions. Such orientifolds are shown to lift to M-Theory on twisted connected sum $G_2$ manifolds. Beautifully, the two building blocks forming the $G_2$ manifold correspond to the open and closed string sectors. As an application, we show how to use such lifts to explicitly study open string moduli. Finally, we use our analysis to construct examples of $G_2$ manifolds with different inequivalent TCS realizations.

Mimetic DBI Inflation in Confrontation with Planck2018 data. (arXiv:1912.06050v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Kourosh Nozari, Narges Rashidi, relevance 0.00

We study mimetic gravity in the presence of a DBI-like term which is a non-canonical setup of the scalar field's derivatives. We consider two general cases with varying and constant sound speeds and construct the potentials for both the DBI and Mimetic DBI models. By considering the power-law scale factor as $a=a_{0}\,t^{n}$, we seek for the observational viability of these models. We show that, the Mimetic DBI model in some ranges of the parameters space is free of ghost and gradient instabilities. By studying $r-n_{s}$ and $\alpha_{s}-n_{s}$ behavior in confrontation with Planck2018 data, we find some constraints on the model's parameters. We show that for the case with varying sound speed, although power-law DBI inflation is not consistent with Planck2018 TT, TE, EE+low E+lensing data, but the Mimetic DBI inflation is consistent with Planck2018 TT, TE, EE+low E+lensing data at 95$\%$ CL, in some ranges of the model's parameters space as $40\leq n \leq 55$ where the model is instabilities-free in these ranges of parameters too. For the constant sound speed, by adopting some sample values of $c_{s}$, we study both DBI and Mimetic DBI model numerically and find $n\sim 10^{2}$ for DBI model and $n\sim 10$ for Mimetic DBI model. We also compare the results with Planck2018 TT, TE, EE+low E+lensing+BK14+BAO data and see that the DBI and Mimetic DBI model with varying sound speed are ruled out with these joint data. However, these models with constant sound speed are consistent with Planck2018 TT, TE, EE+low E+lensing+BK14+BAO data with $n\sim 10^{2}$ for DBI model and $n\sim 10$ for Mimetic DBI model. In this case, we find some tighter constraints on the corresponding sound speed.

Quantum Instability of the Cauchy Horizon in Reissner-Nordstr\"om-deSitter Spacetime. (arXiv:1912.06047v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Stefan Hollands, Robert M. Wald, Jochen Zahn, relevance 26.03

In classical General Relativity, the values of fields on spacetime are uniquely determined by their values at an initial time within the domain of dependence of this initial data surface. However, it may occur that the spacetime under consideration extends beyond this domain of dependence, and fields, therefore, are not entirely determined by their initial data. This occurs, for example, in the well-known (maximally) extended Reissner-Nordstr\"om or Reissner-Nordstr\"om-deSitter (RNdS) spacetimes. The boundary of the region determined by the initial data is called the "Cauchy horizon." It is located inside the black hole in these spacetimes. The strong cosmic censorship conjecture asserts that the Cauchy horizon does not, in fact, exist in practice because the slightest perturbation (of the metric itself or the matter fields) will become singular there in a sufficiently catastrophic way that solutions cannot be extended beyond the Cauchy horizon. Thus, if strong cosmic censorship holds, the Cauchy horizon will be converted into a "final singularity," and determinism will hold. Recently, however, it has been found that, classically this is not the case in RNdS spacetimes in a certain range of mass, charge, and cosmological constant. In this paper, we consider a quantum scalar field in RNdS spacetime and show that quantum theory comes to the rescue of strong cosmic censorship. We find that for any state that is nonsingular (i.e., Hadamard) within the domain of dependence, the expected stress-tensor blows up with affine parameter, $V$, along a radial null geodesic transverse to the Cauchy horizon as $T_{VV} \sim C/V^2$ with $C$ independent of the state and $C \neq 0$ generically in RNdS spacetimes. This divergence is stronger than in the classical theory and should be sufficient to convert the Cauchy horizon into a strong curvature singularity.

Extended actions, dynamics of edge modes, and entanglement entropy. (arXiv:1912.06025v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Marc Geiller, Puttarak Jai-akson, relevance 31.25

In this work we propose a simple and systematic framework for including edge modes in gauge theories on manifolds with boundaries. We argue that this is necessary in order to achieve the factorizability of the path integral, the Hilbert space and the phase space, and that it explains how edge modes acquire a boundary dynamics and can contribute to observables such as the entanglement entropy. Our construction starts with a boundary action containing edge modes. In the case of Maxwell theory for example this is equivalent to coupling the gauge field to boundary sources in order to be able to factorize the theory between subregions. We then introduce a new variational principle which produces a systematic boundary contribution to the symplectic structure, and thereby provides a covariant realization of the extended phase space constructions which have appeared previously in the literature. When considering the path integral for the extended bulk + boundary action, integrating out the bulk degrees of freedom with chosen boundary conditions produces a residual boundary dynamics for the edge modes, in agreement with recent observations concerning the contribution of edge modes to the entanglement entropy. We put our proposal to the test with the familiar examples of Chern-Simons and BF theory, and show that it leads to consistent results. This therefore leads us to conjecture that this mechanism is generically true for any gauge theory, which can therefore all be expected to posses a boundary dynamics. We expect to be able to eventually apply this formalism to gravitational theories.

The structure of the singular ring in Kerr-like metrics. (arXiv:1912.06020v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Piotr T. Chruściel, Maciej Maliborski, Nicolás Yunes, relevance 2.62

The Kerr geometry is believed to represent the exterior spacetime of astrophysical black holes. We here re-analyze the geometry of Kerr-like metrics (Kerr, Kerr-Newman, Kerr-de Sitter, and Kerr-anti de Sitter), paying particular attention to the region near the singular set. We find that, although the Kretschmann scalar vanishes at the singular set along a given direction, a certain combination of curvature invariants diverges regardless of the direction of approach. We also find that the two-dimensional geometry induced by the spacetime metric on the orbits of the isometry group also possesses a singularity regardless of the direction of approach. Likewise, the two-dimensional geometry in the directions orthogonal to the isometry orbits is $C^{2}$-divergent, but extends continuously at the singular set as a cone with opening angle $4\pi$. We conclude by showing that tidal forces lead to infinite stresses on neighboring geodesics that approach the singular set, destroying any such observers in finite proper time. Those geodesics that come in from infinity and do not hit the singular set but approach it are found to need tremendous energy to get close to the singular set, experiencing an acceleration transversal to the equatorial plane which grows without bound when the minimal distance of approach goes to zero. While establishing these results, we also present an alternative description of some other known properties, as well as introducing toroidal coordinates that provide a hands-on description of the double-covering for the geometry near the singular set.

Momentum/Complexity Duality and the Black Hole Interior. (arXiv:1912.05996v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by José L.F. Barbón, Javier Martín-García, Martin Sasieta, relevance 11.35

We establish a version of the Momentum/Complexity (PC) duality between the rate of operator complexity growth and a radial component of bulk momentum for a test system falling into a black hole. In systems of finite entropy, our map remains valid for arbitrarily late times after scrambling. The asymptotic regime of linear complexity growth is associated to a frozen momentum in the interior of the black hole, measured with respect to a time foliation by extremal codimension-one surfaces which saturate without reaching the singularity. The detailed analysis in this paper uses the Volume-Complexity (VC) prescription and an infalling system consisting of a thin shell of dust, but the final PC duality formula should have a much wider degree of generality.

New ${\cal N}{=}\,2$ superspace Calogero models. (arXiv:1912.05989v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergey Krivonos, Olaf Lechtenfeld, Anton Sutulin, relevance 0.00

Starting from the Hamiltonian formulation of ${\cal N}{=}\,2$ supersymmetric Calogero models associated with the classical $A_n, B_n, C_n$ and $D_n$ series and their hyperbolic/trigonometric cousins, we provide their superspace description. The key ingredients include $n$ bosonic and $2n(n{-}1)$ fermionic ${\cal N}{=}\,2$ superfields, the latter being subject to a nonlinear chirality constraint. This constraint has a universal form valid for all Calogero models. With its help we find more general supercharges (and a superspace Lagrangian), which provide the ${\cal N}{=}\,2$ supersymmetrization for bosonic potentials with arbitrary repulsive two-body interactions.

Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformation of the fermion propagator in massless reduced QED. (arXiv:1912.05982v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. James, A. V. Kotikov, S. Teber, relevance 2.41

We study the gauge-covariance of the massless fermion propagator in reduced Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). Starting from its value in some gauge, we evaluate an all order expression for it in another gauge by means of the Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformation. We find that the weak coupling expansions thus derived are in perfect agreement with the exact calculations. We also prove that the fermion anomalous dimension of reduced QED is gauge invariant to all orders of perturbation theory except for the first one.

Composite topological objects in topological superfluids. (arXiv:1912.05962v1 [cond-mat.other])
in gr-qc by G.E. Volovik, relevance 5.42

Superfluid phases of $^3$He discovered in 1972 opened the new area of the application of topological methods to condensed matter systems. Due to the multi-component order parameter which characterizes the broken $SO(3)\times SO(3)\times U(1)$ symmetry in these phases, there are many inhomogeneous objects -- textures and defects in the order parameter field -- which are protected by topology and are characterized by topological quantum numbers. Among them there are quantized vortices, skyrmions and merons, solitons and vortex sheets, monopoles and boojums, Alice strings, Kibble-Lazarides-Shafi walls terminated by Alice strings, spin vortices with soliton tails, etc. Most of them have been experimentally identified and investigated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniquie, and in particular the phase coherent spin precession discovered in 1984 in $^3$He-B by Borovik-Romanov, Bunkov, Dmitriev and Mukharskiy in collaboration with Fomin.

Geometric Algebra, Gravity and Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:1912.05960v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Anthony N. Lasenby, relevance 4.43

We discuss an approach to gravitational waves based on Geometric Algebra and Gauge Theory Gravity. After a brief introduction to Geometric Algebra (GA), we consider Gauge Theory Gravity, which uses symmetries expressed within the GA of flat spacetime to derive gravitational forces as the gauge forces corresponding to making these symmetries local. We then consider solutions for black holes and plane gravitational waves in this approach, noting the simplicity that GA affords in both writing the solutions, and checking some of their properties. We then go on to show that a preferred gauge emerges for gravitational plane waves, in which a `memory effect' corresponding to non-zero velocities left after the passage of the waves becomes clear, and the physical nature of this effect is demonstrated. In a final section we present the mathematical details of the gravitational wave treatment in GA, and link it with other approaches to exact waves in the literature. Even for those not reaching it via Geometric Algebra, we recommend that the general relativity metric-based version of the preferred gauge, the Brinkmann metric, be considered for use more widely by astrophysicists and others for the study of gravitational plane waves. These advantages are shown to extend to a treatment of joint gravitational and electromagnetic plane waves, and in a final subsection, we use the exact solutions found for particle motion in exact impulsive gravitational waves to discuss whether backward in time motion can be induced by strongly non-linear waves.

Holographic computation of Wilson loops in a background with broken conformal invariance and finite chemical potential. (arXiv:1912.05940v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ashis Saha, Sunandan Gangopadhyay, relevance 12.11

In this paper, we follow a `bottom-up' AdS/QCD approach to holographically probe the dynamics of a moving $q\bar{q}$ pair inside a strongly coupled plasma at the boundary. We consider a deformed AdS-Reissner Nordstr\"om metric in the bulk in order to introduce nonconformality and finite quark density in the dual field theory. By boosting the gravity solution in a specific direction we consider two extreme cases of orientation, parallel and perpendicular, for the Wilson loop which in turn fixes the relative position of the $q\bar{q}$ pair with respect to the direction of boost in the plasma. By utilizing this set-up, we holographically compute the vacuum expectation value of the time-like Wilson loop in order to obtain real part of the $q\bar{q}$ potential and the effects of nonconformality (deformation parameter $c$), chemical potential $\mu$ and rapidity $\beta$ are observed on this potential. We then compute the in-medium energy loss of the moving parton (jet quenching parameter $q_m$) by setting $\beta\rightarrow\infty$ which in turn makes the Wilson loop light-like. We also use the jet quenching as an order parameter to probe the strongly-coupled domain of the dual field theory. Finally, we compute the imaginary part of the $q\bar{q}$ potential ($\mathrm{Im}(V_{q\bar{q}})$) by considering the thermal fluctuation (arbitrary long wavelength) of the string world-sheet. It is observed that for fixed values of the chemical potential and rapidity, increase in the nonconformality parameter leads to an increase in the real and imaginary potentials as well as the jet quenching parameter.

Stability conditions, cluster varieties, and Riemann-Hilbert problems from surfaces. (arXiv:1912.05938v2 [math.AG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dylan G. L. Allegretti, relevance 0.00

We consider two interesting spaces associated to a quiver with potential: a space of stability conditions and a cluster variety. In the case where the quiver with potential arises from an ideal triangulation of a marked bordered surface, we construct a natural map from a dense subset of the space of stability conditions to the cluster variety. Using this construction, we give solutions to a family of Riemann-Hilbert problems arising in Donaldson-Thomas theory.

Jets as precision probes in electron-nucleus collisions at the Electron-Ion Collider. (arXiv:1912.05931v1 [nucl-ex])
in hep-th by Miguel Arratia, Youqi Song, Felix Ringer, Barbara Jacak, relevance 0.00

We discuss the prospects of using jets as precision probes in electron-nucleus collisions at the Electron-Ion Collider. Jets produced in deep-inelastic scattering can be calibrated by a measurement of the scattered electron. Such electron-jet "tag and probe" measurements call for an approach that is orthogonal to most HERA jet measurements as well as previous studies of jets at the EIC. We present observables such as the electron-jet momentum balance, azimuthal correlations and jet substructure, which can provide constrain the parton transport coefficient in nuclei. We compare simulations and analytical calculations and provide estimates of the expected medium effects. Implications for detector design at the EIC are discussed.

Scalar induced gravitational waves in inflation with gravitationally enhanced friction. (arXiv:1912.05927v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Chengjie Fu, Puxun Wu, Hongwei Yu, relevance 1.56

We study the scalar induced gravitational wave (GW) background in inflation with gravitationally enhanced friction (GEF). The GEF mechanism, which is realized by assuming a nonminimal derivative coupling between the inflaton field and gravity, is used to amplify the small-scale curvature perturbations to generate a sizable amount of primordial black holes. We find that the GW energy spectra can reach the detectable scopes of the future GW projects, and the power spectrum of curvature perturbations has a power-law form in the vicinity of the peak. The scaling of the GW spectrum in the ultraviolet regions is two times that of the power spectrum slope, and has a lower bound. In the infrared regions, the slope of the GW spectrum can be described roughly by a log-dependent form. These features of the GW spectrum may be used to check the GEF mechanism if the scalar induced GWs are detected in the future.

Three- and four-point connectivities of two-dimensional critical $Q-$ Potts random clusters on the torus. (arXiv:1912.05865v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nina Javerzat, Marco Picco, Raoul Santachiara, relevance 0.00

In a recent paper, we considered the effects of the torus lattice topology on the two-point connectivity of $Q-$ Potts clusters. These effects are universal and probe non-trivial structure constants of the theory. We complete here this work by considering the torus corrections to the three- and four-point connectivities. These corrections, which depend on the scale invariant ratios of the triangle and quadrilateral formed by the three and four given points, test other non-trivial structure constants. We also present results of Monte Carlo simulations in good agreement with our predictions.

LRS Bianchi I model with constant deceleration parameter. (arXiv:1912.05850v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Vijay Singh, Aroonkumar Beesham, relevance 0.00

An LRS Bianchi I model is considered with constant deceleration parameter, $q=\alpha-1$, where $\alpha\geq0$ is a constant. The physical and kinematical behaviour of the models for $\alpha=0$ and $\alpha\neq0$ is studied in detail. The model with $\alpha=0$ describes late time acceleration, but eternal inflation demands a violation of the NEC and WEC. The acceleration is caused by phantom matter which approaches a cosmological constant at late times. The solutions with a scalar field also show that the model is compatible with a phantom field only. A comparison with the observational outcomes indicates that the universe has entered into the present accelerating phase in recent past somewhere between $0.2\lesssim z\lesssim0.5$. The model obeys the "cosmic no hair conjecture". The models with $0<\alpha<1$ describe late time acceleration driven by quintessence dark energy. A violation of the NEC and WEC is required to accommodate the early inflationary epoch caused by phantom matter. The models with $1<\alpha<3$ describe decelerating phases which are usually occur in the presence of dust or radiation. These models are also found anisotropic at early times and attain isotropy at late times. The model for $\alpha=3$ represents a stiff matter era which also has shear at early stages and becomes shear free at late times, but it evolves with an insignificant ceaseless anisotropy. The models with $\alpha>3$ violate the DEC and the corresponding scalar field models have negative potential which is physically unrealistic.

Self Similar Collapse and the Raychaudhuri equation. (arXiv:1912.05824v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Shibendu Gupta Choudhury, Soumya Chakrabarti, Ananda Dasgupta, Narayan Banerjee, relevance 2.90

The role of the Raychaudhuri equation in studying gravitational collapse is discussed. A self-similar distribution of a scalar field along with an imperfect fluid in a conformally flat spacetime is considered for the purpose. The general focusing condition is found out and verified against the available exact solutions. The connection between the Raychaudhuri equation and the critical phenomena is also explored.

Potential analysis of holographic Schwinger effect in the magnetized background. (arXiv:1912.05806v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Zhou-Run Zhu, De-fu Hou (CCNU), Xun Chen, relevance 14.23

We study the magnetic field effect on the Schwinger effect using the AdS/CFT correspondence. The potential analysis of particle pairs transverse and parallel to the magnetic field is performed in this paper. Firstly, we calculate separating length of the particle pairs at finite temperature with magnetic field. It is found that the maximum value of separating length decreases with the increase of magnetic field and/or temperature , which can be inferred that the virtual electron-positron pairs become real particles more easily . In the further investigation of the effect of magnetic field and temperature, we find the magnetic field and temperature reduce the potential barrier, thus favor the Schwinger effect . When particle pairs are transverse to the magnetic field, the effect of the magnetic field on the Schwinger effect is slightly larger than the parallel case. The difference between the transverse and parallel case becomes smaller with the increase of temperature. It indicates that the high temperature would reduce the anisotropic effect induced by the magnetic field.

Exploration of The Duality Between Generalized Geometry and Extraordinary Magnetoresistance. (arXiv:1912.05780v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sathwik Bharadwaj, L. R. Ram-Mohan, Leo Rodriguez, Shanshan Rodriguez, relevance 0.30

We outline the duality between the extraordinary magnetoresistance (EMR), observed in semiconductor-metal hybrids, and non-symmetric gravity coupled to a diffusive $U(1)$ gauge field. The corresponding gravity theory may be interpreted as the generalized complex geometry of the semi-direct product of the symmetric metric and the antisymmetric Kalb-Ramond field: ($g_{\mu\nu}+\beta_{\mu\nu}$). We construct the four dimensional covariant field theory and compute the resulting equations of motion. The equations encode the most general form of EMR within a well defined variational principle, for specific lower dimensional embedded geometric scenarios. Our formalism also reveals the emergence of additional diffusive pseudo currents for a completely dynamic field theory of EMR. The proposed equations of motion now include terms that induce geometrical deformations in the device geometry in order to optimize the EMR. This bottom-up dual description between EMR and generalized geometry/gravity lends itself to a deeper insight into the EMR effect with the promise of potentially new physical phenomena and properties.

Brane dynamics from the first law of entanglement. (arXiv:1912.05746v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sean Cooper, Dominik Neuenfeld, Moshe Rozali, David Wakeham, relevance 39.35

In this note, we study the first law of entanglement in a boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) dual to warped AdS cut off by a brane. Exploiting the symmetry of boundary-centered half-balls in the BCFT, and using Wald's covariant phase space formalism in the presence of boundaries, we derive constraints from the first law for a broad range of covariant bulk Lagrangians. We explicitly evaluate these constraints for Einstein gravity, and find a local equation on the brane which is precisely the Neumann condition of Takayanagi [arXiv:1105.5165] at linear order in metric perturbations. This is analogous to the derivation of Einstein's equations from the first law of entanglement entropy. This machinery should generalize to give local linearized equations of motion for higher-derivative bulk gravity with additional fields.

Conformally Regulated Direct Integration of the Two-Loop Heptagon Remainder. (arXiv:1912.05690v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jacob L. Bourjaily, Matthias Volk, Matt von Hippel, relevance 0.69

We reproduce the two-loop seven-point remainder function in planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory by direct integration of conformally-regulated chiral integrands. The remainder function is obtained as part of the two-loop logarithm of the MHV amplitude, the regularized form of which we compute directly in this scheme. We compare the scheme-dependent anomalous dimensions and related quantities in the conformal regulator with those found for the Higgs regulator.

Euclidean quantum gravity for Kerr-Newman Spacetimes. (arXiv:1912.05674v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Rohan Raha, relevance 24.16

It is very important to calculate the amount of radiation from a black hole as the radiation from a black hole contributes to its entropy. In this paper I have calculated the Entropy of a black hole from the action. I have used path integral formalism to calculate the second order perturbation of the metric in the action for a generalized Kerr-Newman metric.

Holographic scattering requires a connected entanglement wedge. (arXiv:1912.05649v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alex May, Geoff Penington, Jonathan Sorce, relevance 29.97

In AdS/CFT, there can exist local 2-to-2 bulk scattering processes even when local scattering is not possible on the boundary; these have previously been studied in connection with boundary correlation functions. We show that boundary regions associated with these scattering configurations must have $O(1/G_N)$ mutual information, and hence a connected entanglement wedge. One of us previously argued for this statement from the boundary theory using operational tools in quantum information theory. We improve that argument to make it robust to small errors and provide a proof in the bulk using focusing arguments in general relativity. We also provide a direct link to entanglement wedge reconstruction by showing that the bulk scattering region must lie inside the connected entanglement wedge. Our construction implies the existence of nonlocal quantum computation protocols that are exponentially more efficient than the optimal protocols currently known.

Self-regularizing restricted Boltzmann machines. (arXiv:1912.05634v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn])
in hep-th by Orestis Loukas, relevance 0.73

Focusing on the grand-canonical extension of the ordinary restricted Boltzmann machine, we suggest an energy-based model for feature extraction that uses a layer of hidden units with varying size. By an appropriate choice of the chemical potential and given a sufficiently large number of hidden resources the generative model is able to efficiently deduce the optimal number of hidden units required to learn the target data with exceedingly small generalization error. The formal simplicity of the grand-canonical ensemble combined with a rapidly converging ansatz in mean-field theory enable us to recycle well-established numerical algothhtims during training, like contrastive divergence, with only minor changes. As a proof of principle and to demonstrate the novel features of grand-canonical Boltzmann machines, we train our generative models on data from the Ising theory and MNIST.

Excited hairy black holes: dynamical construction and level transitions. (arXiv:1912.05598v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Pablo Bosch, Stephen R. Green, Luis Lehner, Hugo Roussille, relevance 16.47

We study the dynamics of unstable Reissner-Nordstr\"om anti-de Sitter black holes under charged scalar field perturbations in spherical symmetry. We unravel their general behavior and approach to the final equlibrium state. In the first part of this work, we present a numerical analysis of massive charged scalar field quasinormal modes. We identify the known mode families - superradiant modes, zero-damped modes, AdS modes, and the near-horizon mode - and we track their migration under variation of the black hole and field parameters. We show that the zero-damped modes become superradiantly unstable for large RNAdS with large gauge coupling; the leading unstable mode is identified with the near-horizon condensation instability. In the second part, we present results of numerical simulations of perturbed large RNAdS, showing the nonlinear development of these unstable modes. For generic initial conditions, charge and mass are ransferred from the black hole to the scalar field, until an equilibrium solution with a scalar condensate is reached. We use results from the linear analysis, however, to select special initial data corresponding to an unstable overtone mode. We find that these data evolve to produce a new equilibrium state - an excited hairy black hole with the scalar condensate in an overtone configuration. This state is, however, unstable, and the black hole eventually decays to the generic end state. Nevertheless, this demonstrates the potential relevance of overtone modes as transients in black hole dynamics.

The octonionically-induced ${\cal N}=7$ exceptional $G(3)$ superconformal quantum mechanics. (arXiv:1912.05596v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Francesco Toppan, relevance 0.31

Both the ${\cal N}=7$ superconformal quantum mechanics possessing the exceptional $G(3)$ Lie superalgebra as dynamical symmetry and its associated deformed oscillator with $G(3)$ as spectrum-generating superalgebra are presented. This superconformal quantum mechanics, uniquely defined up to similarity transformations, is obtained via the octonionically-induced "quasi-nonassociative" method employed to derive the exceptional ${\cal N}=8$ $F(4)$ model. To construct the $G(3)$ theories, the covariant embedding of the $7$-dimensional representation of the Lie algebra $g_2$ within the $8\times 8$ matrices spanning the $Cl(0,7)$ Clifford algebra is derived. The Hilbert space of the $G(3)$ deformed oscillator is given by a $16$-ple of square-integrable functions of a real space coordinate. The spectrum of the theory is computed.

Shadow of the Moon and general relativity: Einstein, Dyson, Eddington and the 1919 light deflection. (arXiv:1912.05587v1 [physics.hist-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by José P. S. Lemos, relevance 0.61

The eclipse of the Sun of 1919 was fundamental in the development of physics and earns a high place in the history of science. Several players took part in this adventure. The most important are Einstein, Dyson, Eddington, the Sun, the Moon, Sobral, and Principe. Einstein's theory of gravitation, general relativity, had the prediction that the gravitational field of the Sun deflects an incoming light ray from a background star on its way to Earth. The calculation gave that the shift in the star's position was 1.75 arcseconds for light rays passing at the Sun's rim. So to test it definitely it was necessary to be in the right places on May 29, 1919, the day of the eclipse. That indeed happened, with a Royal Greenwich Observatory team composed of Crommelin and Davidson that went to Sobral, and that was led at a distance by the Astronomer Royal Frank Dyson, and with Eddington of Cambridge University that went to Principe with his assistant Cottingham. The adventure is fascinating, from the preparations, to the day of the eclipse, the data analysis, the results, and the history that has been made. It confirmed general relativity, and marked an epoch that helped in delineating science in the post eclipse era up to now and into the future. This year of 2019 we are celebrating this enormous breakthrough

On Black Hole Echoes. (arXiv:1912.05584v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Guido D'Amico, Nemanja Kaloper, relevance 21.92

We consider gravitational wave echoes from black hole merger ringdowns which may arise from local Lorentz symmetry violations that modify graviton dispersion relations. If the corrections are sufficiently soft so they do not remove the horizon, the reflection of the infalling waves which trigger the echoes is very weak. As an example, we look at the dispersion relation corrected by roton-like operators depending only on spatial momenta, in Gullstrand-Painlev\'e coordinates. The near-horizon regions of a black hole do become reflective, but only very weakly. The resulting "bounces" of infalling waves can yield repetitive gravity wave emissions but their power is very small. This implies that to see any echoes from black holes we really need an egregious departure from either standard GR or effective field theory, or both.

Induced gravitational waves in a general cosmological background. (arXiv:1912.05583v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Guillem Domènech, relevance 12.07

Gravitational waves are inevitably produced by second order terms in cosmological perturbation theory. Most notably, the so-called induced gravitational waves are a window to the small scales part of the primordial spectrum of fluctuations and a key counterpart to the primordial black hole scenario. However, semi-analytical solutions are only known for matter and radiation domination eras. In this paper, we present new analytic integral formulas for the induced gravitational waves on subhorizon scales in a general cosmological background with a constant equation of state. We also discuss applications to a peaked primordial scalar power spectrum and the primordial black hole scenario.

AdS/CFT Unitarity at Higher Loops: High-Energy String Scattering. (arXiv:1912.05580v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David Meltzer, relevance 10.34

What is the space of weakly-coupled, gravitational theories which contain massive, higher-spin particles? This class of theories is highly constrained and it is conjectured their ultraviolet completion must be string theory. We provide more evidence for this conjecture by studying the Regge limit in large $N$, $4d$ CFTs with single-trace operators of unbounded spin. We show that in the Regge limit, these theories have bulk scattering amplitudes which are consistent with the string theory prediction to all orders in $1/N$ for large, but finite, coupling. In the language of Regge theory, we show Pomeron exchange naturally exponentiates in the $1/N$ expansion. To do this, we solve the bootstrap equations at tree-level and then use the Lorentzian inversion formula to find the one-loop correlator in the Regge limit. This is a unitarity method for AdS/CFT which can be repeated iteratively to make all orders statements. We also explain under what conditions the tree-level result exponentiates in the $1/N$ expansion at arbitrary coupling. Finally, we comment on further inelastic effects and show they give subleading contributions at large coupling. As a consistency check, we recover results from bulk Einstein gravity in the limit where all higher-spin particles decouple.

Bounds on Photon Spheres and Shadows of Charged Black Holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-Maxwell Gravity. (arXiv:1912.05569v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Liang Ma, H. Lu, relevance 21.67

We consider spherically symmetric and static charged black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-Maxwell gravities in general $D\ge 5$ dimensions and study their photon spheres and black hole shadows. We show that they all satisfy the sequence of inequalities recently proposed relating a black hole's horizon, photon sphere, shadow and its mass.

Lifting of level-1 states in the D1D5 CFT. (arXiv:1912.05567v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Bin Guo, Samir D. Mathur, relevance 4.83

The D1D5 CFT has a large set of states that are supersymmetric at the `free' orbifold point in moduli space. When we perturb away from this point, some of these states join into long multiplets and lift in energy, while others remain supersymmetric. The count of unlifted states can be bounded below by an index, but the index does not yield the pattern of lifting; i.e., which states join into a long multiplet and how much this multiplet lifts. In this paper we consider the simple case of the D1D5 CFT where the orbifold CFT is a sigma model with targets space $(T^4)^2/S_2$ and consider states at energy level $1$. There are $2688$ states at this level. The lifted states form a triplet of long multiplets, and we compute their lift at second order in perturbation theory. Half the members of the long multiplet are in the untwisted sector and half are in the twisted sector. This and other similar studies should help in the understanding of fuzzball states that describe extremal holes, since CFT sectors with low twist describe shallow throats in the dual gravity solution while sectors with high twist describe deep throats.

An Exactly Solvable Model for a $4+1D$ Beyond-Cohomology Symmetry Protected Topological Phase. (arXiv:1912.05565v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lukasz Fidkowski, Jeongwan Haah, Matthew B. Hastings, relevance 1.44

We construct an exactly solvable commuting projector model for a $4+1$ dimensional ${\mathbb Z}_2$ symmetry-protected topological phase (SPT) which is outside the cohomology classification of SPTs. The model is described by a decorated domain wall construction, with "three-fermion" Walker-Wang phases on the domain walls. We describe the anomalous nature of the phase in several ways. One interesting feature is that, in contrast to in-cohomology phases, the effective ${\mathbb Z}_2$ symmetry on a $3+1$ dimensional boundary cannot be described by a quantum circuit and instead is a nontrivial quantum cellular automaton (QCA). A related property is that a codimension-two defect (for example, the termination of a ${\mathbb Z}_2$ domain wall at a trivial boundary) will carry nontrivial chiral central charge $4$ mod $8$. We also construct a gapped symmetric topologically-ordered boundary state for our model, which constitutes an anomalous symmetry enriched topological phase outside of the classification of arXiv:1602.00187, and define a corresponding anomaly indicator.

Yangian Bootstrap for Conformal Feynman Integrals. (arXiv:1912.05561v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Florian Loebbert, Dennis Müller, Hagen Münkler, relevance 4.86

We explore the idea to bootstrap Feynman integrals using integrability. In particular, we put the recently discovered Yangian symmetry of conformal Feynman integrals to work. As a prototypical example we demonstrate that the D-dimensional box integral with generic propagator powers is completely fixed by its symmetries to be a particular linear combination of Appell hypergeometric functions. In this context the Bloch-Wigner function arises as a special Yangian invariant in 4D. The bootstrap procedure for the box integral is naturally structured in algorithmic form. We then discuss the Yangian constraints for the six-point double box integral as well as for the related hexagon. For the latter we argue that the constraints are solved by a set of generalized Lauricella functions and we comment on complications in identifying the integral as a certain linear combination of these. Finally, we elaborate on the close relation to the Mellin-Barnes technique and argue that it generates Yangian invariants as sums of residues.

Nonrelativistic Corners of ${\cal N} = 4$ Supersymmetric Yang--Mills Theory. (arXiv:1912.05554v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Troels Harmark, Nico Wintergerst, relevance 1.20

We show that ${\cal N} = 4$ supersymmetric-Yang-Mills (SYM) theory on $\mathbb{R} \times S^3$ with gauge group $\text{SU}(N)$ is described in a near-BPS limit by a simple lower-dimensional nonrelativistic field theory with $\text{SU}(1,1) \times \text{U}(1)$ invariant interactions. In this limit, a single complex adjoint scalar field survives, and part of its interaction is obtained by exactly integrating out the gauge boson of the SYM theory. Taking into account normal ordering, the interactions match the one-loop dilatation operator of the $\text{SU}(1,1)$ sector, establishing the consistency of the limit at the quantum level. We discover a tantalizing field-theoretic structure, corresponding to a $(1+1)$-dimensional complex chiral boson on a circle coupled to a nondynamical gauge field, both in the adjoint representation of $\text{SU}(N)$. The successful construction of a lower-dimensional nonrelativistic field theory in the $\text{SU}(1,1)$ near-BPS limit provides a proof of concept for other BPS bounds. These are expected to lead to richer field theories in nonrelativistic corners of ${\cal N} = 4$ SYM that include fermions, gauge fields and supersymmetry and can provide a novel path towards understanding strongly coupled finite-$N$ dynamics of gauge theories.

Quasinormal Modes of Charged Fields in Reissner-Nordstrom Backgrounds by Borel-Pade Summation of Bender-Wu Series. (arXiv:1912.05553v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Dan Stefan Eniceicu, Matthew Reece, relevance 11.92

We extend recent work of Hatsuda on the computation of quasinormal mode frequencies via analytic continuation of bound state energies and Borel-Pade resummation of the Bender-Wu perturbation series to the case of charged fields in the background of Reissner-Nordstrom black holes. We compare the quasinormal mode frequencies obtained in this manner to calculations using Leaver's method of continued fractions, and find good agreement for damped modes (DMs) with imaginary part remaining finite in the extremal limit. We also present evidence that the frequencies of certain zero-damped modes (ZDMs) with imaginary part tending to zero in the extremal limit can be computed when constructing the Bender-Wu expansion about a peak of the potential inside the outer horizon of the black hole.

Convergent Momentum-Space OPE and Bootstrap Equations in Conformal Field Theory. (arXiv:1912.05550v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Marc Gillioz, Xiaochuan Lu, Markus A. Luty, Guram Mikaberidze, relevance 4.45

General principles of quantum field theory imply that there exists an operator product expansion (OPE) for Wightman functions in Minkowski momentum space that converges for arbitrary kinematics. This convergence is guaranteed to hold in the sense of a distribution, meaning that it holds for correlation functions smeared by smooth test functions. The conformal blocks for this OPE are conceptually extremely simple: they are products of 3-point functions. We construct the conformal blocks in 2-dimensional conformal field theory and show that the OPE in fact converges pointwise to an ordinary function in a specific kinematic region. Using microcausality, we also formulate a bootstrap equation directly in terms of momentum space Wightman functions.

Complete CMC hypersurfaces in Minkowski (n+1)-space. (arXiv:1912.05477v1 [math.DG])
in gr-qc by Francesco Bonsante, Andrea Seppi, Peter Smillie, relevance 0.00

We prove that any regular domain in Minkowski space is uniquely foliated by spacelike constant mean curvature (CMC) hypersurfaces. This completes the classification of entire spacelike CMC hypersurfaces in Minkowski space initiated by Choi and Treibergs. As an application, we prove that any entire surface of constant Gaussian curvature in 2+1 dimensions is isometric to a straight convex domain in the hyperbolic plane.

Search for Eccentric Binary Neutron Star Mergers in the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO. (arXiv:1912.05464v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alexander H. Nitz, Amber Lenon, Duncan A. Brown, relevance 0.00

We present a search for gravitational waves from merging binary neutron stars which have non-negligible eccentricity as they enter the LIGO observing band. We use the public Advanced LIGO data which covers the period from 2015 through 2017 and contains $\sim164$ days of LIGO-Hanford and LIGO-Livingston coincident observing time. The search was conducted using matched-filtering using the PyCBC toolkit. We find no significant binary neutron star candidates beyond GW170817, which has previously been reported by searches for binaries in circular orbits. We place a 90% upper limit of $\sim1700$ mergers $\textrm{Gpc}^{-3} \textrm{Yr}^{-1}$ for eccentricities $\lesssim 0.43$ at a dominant-mode gravitational-wave frequency of 10 Hz. The absence of a detection with these data is consistent with theoretical predictions of eccentric binary neutron star merger rates. Using our measured rate we estimate the sensitive volume of future gravitational-wave detectors and compare this to theoretical rate predictions. We find that, in the absence of a prior detection, the rate limits set by six months of Cosmic Explorer observations would constrain all current plausible models of eccentric binary neutron star formation.

Localization of effective actions in Heterotic String Field Theory. (arXiv:1912.05463v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Harold Erbin, Carlo Maccaferri, Jakub Vošmera, relevance 0.00

We consider the algebraic couplings in the tree level effective action of the heterotic string. We show how these couplings can be computed from closed string field theory. When the light fields we are interested in are charged under an underlying ${\mathcal N}=2$ $R$-charge in the left-moving sector, their quartic effective potential localizes at the boundary of the worldsheet moduli space, in complete analogy to the previously studied open string case. In particular we are able to compute the quartic closed string field theory potential without resorting to any explicit expression for the 3- and the 4-strings vertices but only using the $L_\infty$ relations between them. As a non trivial example we show how the heterotic Yang-Mills quartic potential arises in this way.

Solomon-Tukachinsky's vs. Welschinger's Open Gromov-Witten Invariants of Symplectic Sixfolds. (arXiv:1912.05437v2 [math.SG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xujia Chen, relevance 0.24

Our previous paper describes a geometric translation of the construction of open Gromov-Witten invariants by J. Solomon and S. Tukachinsky from a perspective of $A_{\infty}$-algebras of differential forms. We now use this geometric perspective to show that these invariants reduce to Welschinger's open Gromov-Witten invariants in dimension 6, inline with their and G. Tian's expectations. As an immediate corollary, we obtain a translation of Solomon-Tukachinsky's open WDVV equations into relations for Welschinger's invariants.

Spicing up the recipe for echoes from exotic compact objects: orbital differences and corrections in rotating backgrounds. (arXiv:1912.05419v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Luis Felipe Longo Micchi, Cecilia Chirenti, relevance 9.31

Recently it has been argued that near-horizon modifications of the standard (classical) black hole spacetime could lead to observable alterations of the gravitational waveform generated by a binary black hole coalescence. Such modifications can be inspired by quantum gravity considerations, resulting in speculative horizonless exotic compact objects (ECOs) with no singularities, which may be an alternative to the classical black hole solution. A largely model-independent description of these objects proposed in the literature relies on the introduction of a partially reflective wall at some small distance away from the "would-be" horizon. The inspiral-merger-ringdown of a pair of such objects would be subject to possibly detectable deviations from the black hole case due to matter effects. In particular, the ringdown phase would be modified by the late emergence of so-called "echoes" in the waveform, but most studies so far have considered spherically symmetric backgrounds. We use an in-falling scalar charge as an initial perturbation to simulate the excitation of the echoes of a rotating ECO and we explore both the co-rotating and counter-rotating cases, which provide distinct signals. In particular, rotation breaks the symmetry between positive and negative frequencies and introduces a subdominant frequency contribution in each echo, which we examine here for the first time. Our results follow consistently from the solution of the Teukolsky equation using the MST method developed by Mano, Suzuki and Takasugi, and the construction of the complex Green's function integrated over different particle geodesics.

Space-times over normed division algebras, revisited. (arXiv:1912.05414v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by R. Vilela Mendes, relevance 3.97

Normed division and Clifford algebras have been extensively used in the past as a mathematical framework to accommodate the structures of the standard model and grand unified theories. Less discussed has been the question of why such algebraic structures appear in Nature. One possibility could be an intrinsic complex, quaternionic or octonionic nature of the spacetime manifold. Then, an obvious question is why spacetime appears nevertheless to be simply parametrized by the real numbers. How the real slices of an higher dimensional spacetime manifold might be almost independent from each other is discussed here. This comes about as a result of the different nature of the representations of the real kinematical groups and those of the extended spaces. Some of the internal symmetry transformations might however appear as representations on homogeneous spaces of the extended group transformations that cannot be implemented on the elementary states.

The exponential tail of inflationary fluctuations: consequences for primordial black holes. (arXiv:1912.05399v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jose María Ezquiaga, Juan García-Bellido, Vincent Vennin, relevance 7.34

The curvature perturbations produced during an early era of inflation are known to have quasi-Gaussian distribution functions close to their maximum, where they are well constrained by measurements of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies and of the large-scale structures. In contrast, the tails of these distributions are poorly known, although this part is the relevant one for rare, extreme objects such as primordial black holes. We show that these tails are highly non-Gaussian, and cannot be described with standard non-Gaussian expansions, that are designed to approximate the distributions close to their maximum only. Using the stochastic-$\delta N$ formalism, we develop a generic framework to compute the tails, which are found to have an exponential, rather than Gaussian, decay. These exponential tails are inevitable, and do not require any non-minimal feature as they simply result from the quantum diffusion of the inflaton field along its potential. We apply our formalism to a few relevant single-field, slow-roll inflationary potentials, where our analytical treatment is confirmed by comparison with numerical results. We discuss the implications for the expected abundance of primordial black holes in these models, and highlight that it can differ from standard results by several orders of magnitude. In particular, we find that potentials with an inflection point overproduce primordial black holes, unless slow roll is violated.

Search for strongly lensed counterpart images of binary black hole mergers in the first two LIGO observing runs. (arXiv:1912.05389v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Connor McIsaac, David Keitel, Thomas Collett, Ian Harry, Simone Mozzon, Oliver Edy, David Bacon, relevance 6.65

Strong gravitational lensing can produce multiple images of the same gravitational-wave signal, each arriving at different times and with different magnification factors. Previous work has explored if lensed pairs exist among the known high-significance events and found no evidence of this. However, the possibility remains that weaker counterparts of these events are present in the data, unrecovered by previous searches. We conduct a targeted search specifically looking for sub-threshold lensed images of known binary black hole (BBH) observations. We recover candidates matching three of the additional events first reported by Venumadhav et al. (2019), but find no evidence for additional BBH events. We also find no evidence that any of the Venumadhav et al. observations are lensed pairs. We demonstrate how this type of counterpart search can constrain hypotheses about the overall source and lens populations and we rule out at very high confidence the extreme hypothesis that all heavy BBH detections truly come from black holes with intrinsic masses < 15Msun at high redshift.

New Trend in Quantization Methods. (arXiv:1912.05388v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Laure Gouba, relevance 0.00

This paper is a slightly reduced and concise version of a course given at Geonet2019 school on New Trends in Mathematical Methods for Physics at IMSP in Rep. of Benin, May 2019. The notes are intended to provide the reader with an introduction of a more recent procedure of quantization that is a generalization of the coherent states quantization procedure, highlighting the link between symplectic geometry and classical mechanics. The topic and the goal of the Geonet2019 school motivated the choice of the title of the course as New Trend in Quantization Methods. It is also a coincidence of a current research interest in integral quantization.

Spinning and excited black holes in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theory. (arXiv:1912.05382v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lucas G. Collodel, Burkhard Kleihaus, Jutta Kunz, Emanuele Berti, relevance 12.28

We construct rotating black holes in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theory with a quadratic coupling function. We map the domain of existence of the rotating fundamental solutions, we construct radially excited rotating black holes (including their existence lines), and we show that there are angularly excited rotating black holes. The bifurcation points of the radially and angularly excited solutions branching out of the Schwarzschild solution follow a regular pattern.

Mechanism for nonlocal information flow from black holes. (arXiv:1912.05374v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Adithya Kandhadai, Antony Valentini, relevance 20.64

We show that quantum nonequilibrium (or deviations from the Born rule) can propagate nonlocally across space. Such phenomena are allowed in the de Broglie-Bohm pilot-wave formulation of quantum mechanics. We show that an entangled state can act as a channel whereby quantum nonequilibrium can be transferred nonlocally from one region to another without any classical interaction. This suggests a novel mechanism whereby information can escape from behind the classical event horizon of an evaporating black hole.

Unequal time correlators of stochastic scalar fields in de Sitter space. (arXiv:1912.05358v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by G. Moreau, J. Serreau, relevance 8.24

The quantum fluctuations of a test scalar field on superhorizon scale in de Sitter spacetime can be described by an effective one-dimensional stochastic theory corresponding to a particular class of nonequilibrium dynamical systems known as the model A. Using the formulation of the latter in terms of a supersymmetric field theory, we compute various unequal-time correlators at large (superhorizon) time separations and compare with existing quantum field theory computation. This includes perturbative calculations, pushed here up to three-loop order, and a nonperturbative $1/N$ expansion at next-to-leading order. Exploiting the supersymmetry of the stochastic theory, we also derive a spectral representation of the field correlators and a fluctuation-dissipation relation for the infrared modes of the scalar field in de Sitter spacetime.

Echoes in brane worlds: ringing at a black hole--wormhole transition. (arXiv:1912.05315v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Kirill A. Bronnikov, Roman A. Konoplya, relevance 22.17

Echoes are known as modifications of the usual quasinormal ringing of a black hole at late times because of the deviation of space-time from the initial black-hole geometry in a small region near its event horizon. We consider a class of brane-world model solutions of the Shiromizu-Maeda-Sasaki equations, which describe both black holes and wormholes and interpolate between them via a continuous parameter. In this way the brane-world scenario provides a natural model for wormholes mimicking the black hole behavior if the continuous parameter is chosen near the threshold with a black-hole solution. We show that in the vicinity of this threshold interpolating between black holes and wormholes, quasinormal ringing of the wormholes at the initial stage is indistinguishable from that of the black holes with nearby values of the above parameter, but at later times the signal is modified by intensive echoes. We notice that the black-hole mimickers that are wormholes near the threshold have the largest quality factor and are therefore the best oscillators among the considered examples.

Universal critical behavior in tensor models for four-dimensional quantum gravity. (arXiv:1912.05314v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Astrid Eichhorn, Johannes Lumma, Antonio D. Pereira, Arslan Sikandar, relevance 14.64

Four-dimensional random geometries can be generated by statistical models with rank-4 tensors as random variables. These are dual to discrete building blocks of random geometries. We discover a potential candidate for a continuum limit in such a model by employing background-independent coarse-graining techniques where the tensor size serves as a pre-geometric notion of scale. A fixed point candidate which features two relevant directions is found. The possible relevance of this result in view of universal results for quantum gravity and a potential connection to the asymptotic-safety program is discussed.

LRS Bianchi I model with perfect fluid equation of state. (arXiv:1912.05305v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Vijay Singh, Aroonkumar Beesham, relevance 0.00

The general solution of the field equations in LRS Bianchi-I space-time with perfect fluid equation-of-state (EoS) is presented. The models filled with dust, vacuum energy, Zel'dovich matter and disordered radiation are studied in detail. A unified and systematic treatment of the solutions is presented, and some new solutions are found. The dust, stiff matter and disordered radiation models describe only a decelerated universe, whereas the vacuum energy model exhibits a transition from a decelerated to an accelerated phase.

Black hole or Fuzz ball or a Loop quantum star ? Assessing the fate of a massive collapsing star. (arXiv:1912.05300v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. Kalyana Rama, relevance 7.87

Using the effective equations in our Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) -- inspired models, we resolve the $(n + 2)$ dimensional black hole singularity. This resolution in the four dimensional case is same as that given recently by Ashtekar, Olmedo, and Singh. We then study the fate of a massive collapsing star in $(n + 2)$ dimensions, focussing on a singularity resolved black hole, a string theoretic fuzz ball, and a Loop quantum star -- which is a solution to the the effective modified equations for static spherically symmetric stars we obtained recently using LQC ideas. We find qualitatively that a massive collapsing star is likely to become a Loop quantum star : it is likely to have a macroscopic core region with Planckian densities and pressures which is surrounded by a low density corona region extending to the Schwarzschild radius.

Aharonov-Bohm superselection sectors. (arXiv:1912.05297v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Claudio Dappiaggi, Giuseppe Ruzzi, Ezio Vasselli, relevance 3.25

We show that the Aharonov-Bohm effect finds a natural description in the setting of QFT on curved spacetimes in terms of superselection sectors of local observables. The extension of the analysis of superselection sectors from Minkowski spacetime to an arbitrary globally hyperbolic spacetime unveils the presence of a new quantum number labeling charged superselection sectors. In the present paper we show that this "topological" quantum number amounts to the presence of a background flat potential which rules the behaviour of charges when transported along paths as in the Aharonov-Bohm effect. To confirm these abstract results we quantize the Dirac field in presence of a background flat potential and show that the Aharonov-Bohm phase gives an irreducible representation of the fundamental group of the spacetime labeling the charged sectors of the Dirac field. We also show that non-Abelian generalizations of this effect are possible only on space-times with a non-Abelian fundamental group.

On the geometry outside of acoustic black holes in $2+1$-dimensional spacetime. (arXiv:1912.05285v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by QingBing Wang, Xian-Hui Ge, relevance 12.97

Analogue black holes, which can mimic the kinetic aspects of real black holes, have been proposed for many years. We investigate the orbits of test vortices and sound wave rays in the $2+1$-dimensional "curved" spacetime of an acoustic black hole. We show that the "geometric" redshift, the vortices orbit, the sound wave orbit and the time delay of sound are similar to those famous effects of general relativity. The growth of the radial momentum toward the acoustic horizon has been calculated. Surprisingly, for a freely infalling vortex approaching the acoustic black hole, the Lyapunov exponent of the growth of the momentum at the horizon saturate the chaos bound condition $\Lambda_{\rm Lyapunov}\leq 2 \pi T$. These effects can be verified experimentally in the future experiments.

Subregion bulk reconstruction and symmetries. (arXiv:1912.05262v5 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nirmalya Kajuri, relevance 1.25

How do subregion boundary representations transform under conformal transformations? In this paper we conjecture a transformation rule and provide evidence for it. We also show how this transformation rule helps mitigate the subregion reconstruction paradox presented by Alhmeiri et al.

On the rotator Hamiltonian for the SU$(N)\times\,$SU$(N)$ sigma-model in the delta-regime. (arXiv:1912.05232v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by J. Balog, F. Niedermayer, P. Weisz, relevance 0.00

We investigate some properties of the standard rotator approximation of the SU$(N)\times\,$SU$(N)$ sigma-model in the delta-regime. In particular we show that the isospin susceptibility calculated in this framework agrees with that computed by chiral perturbation theory up to next-to-next to leading order in the limit $\ell=L_t/L\to\infty\,.$ The difference between the results involves terms vanishing like $1/\ell\,,$ plus terms vanishing exponentially with $\ell\,$. As we have previously shown for the O($n$) model, this deviation can be described by a correction to the rotator spectrum proportional to the square of the quadratic Casimir invariant. Here we confront this expectation with analytic nonperturbative results on the spectrum in 2 dimensions for $N=3\,.$

Weak cosmic censorship conjecture in Einstein-Born-Infeld black holes. (arXiv:1912.05217v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Yan-Li He, Jie Jiang, relevance 14.86

Recently, Sorce and Wald have suggested a new version of the gedanken experiments to overspin or overcharge the Kerr-Newman black holes in Einstein-Maxwell gravity. Following their setup, in this paper, we investigate the weak cosmic censorship conjecture (WCCC) in the static Einstein-Born-Infeld black holes for the Einstein gravity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics. First of all, we derive the first two order perturbation inequalities of the charged collision matter in the Einstein-Born-Infeld gravity based on the Iyer-Wald formalism as well as the null energy conditions of the matter fields and show that they share the same form as these in Einstein-Maxwell gravity. As a result, we find that the static Einstein-Born-Infeld black holes cannot be overcharged under the second-order approximation after considering these inequalities. Our result at some level hints at the validity of the weak cosmic censorship conjecture for string theory.

Stellar structure models in modified theories of gravity: lessons and challenges. (arXiv:1912.05202v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Gonzalo J. Olmo, Diego Rubiera-Garcia, Aneta Wojnar, relevance 0.00

The understanding of stellar structure represents the crossroads of our theories of the nuclear force and the gravitational interaction under the most extreme conditions observably accessible. It provides a powerful probe of General Relativity on its strong field regime, and opens fruitful avenues for the exploration of new gravitational physics. The latter can be captured via the so-called modified theories of gravity. These theories typically change the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations of stellar's hydrostatic equilibrium, having a large impact on the astrophysical properties of the corresponding stars. For relativistic stars, such as neutron stars, the uncertainty on the equation of state of matter at supranuclear densities intertwines with the new parameters coming from the modified gravity side, providing a whole new phenomenology for the typical predictions of stellar structure models, such as mass-radius relations, maximum masses, or moment of inertia. For non-relativistic stars, the weakening/strengthening of the gravitational force inside astrophysical bodies via the modified Newtonian (Poisson) equation may induce changes on the star's mass, radius, central density or luminosity, having an impact, for instance, in the Chandrasekhar's limit for white dwarfs, or in the minimum mass for stable hydrogen burning for high-mass brown dwarfs. This work aims to provide a broad overview of the main such results achieved in the recent literature for many such modified theories of gravity, by combining the results and constraints obtained from the analysis of relativistic and non-relativistic stars in different scenarios. Moreover, we will build a bridge between the efforts of the community working on different theories, formulations, types of stars, theoretical modellings, and observational aspects, highlighting some of the most promising opportunities in the field.

The finite-distance gravitational deflection of massive particles in stationary spacetime: a Jacobi metric approach. (arXiv:1912.05194v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Zonghai Li, Junji Jia, relevance 5.51

In this paper, we study the weak gravitational deflection of relativistic massive particles for a receiver and source at finite distance from the lens in stationary, axisymmetric and asymptotically flat spacetimes. For this purpose, we extend the generalized optical metric method to the generalized Jacobi metric method by using the Jacobi-Maupertuis Randers-Finsler metric. More specifically,we apply the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to the generalized Jacobi metric space and then obtain an expression for calculating the deflection angle, which is related to Gaussian curvature of generalized optical metric and geodesic curvature of particles orbit. In particular, the finite-distance correction to the deflection angle of signal with general velocity in the the Kerr black hole and Teo wormhole spacetimes are considered. Our results cover the previous work of the deflection angle of light, as well as the deflection angle of massive particles in the limit for the receive and source at infinite distance from the lens object. In Kerr black hole spacetime, we compared the effects due to the black hole spin, the finite-distance of source or receiver, and the relativistic velocity in microlensings and lensing by galaxies. It is found in these cases, the effect of BH spin is usually a few orders larger than that of the finite-distance and relativistic velocity, while the relative size of the latter two could vary according to the particle velocity, source or observer distance and other lensing parameters.

Spin-half mass dimension one fermions and their higher-spin generalizations. (arXiv:1912.05188v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Cheng-Yang Lee, relevance 0.00

A self-contained review on spin-half mass dimension one fermions and their higher-spin generalizations is presented. Starting from the two-component left-handed Weyl spinors, the Dirac spinors and Elko (eigenspinors of the charge conjugation operator) are constructed. After elaborating on their similarities and differences, we generalize the spin-half Elko to higher-spin. The field operators constructed from Elko and their higher-spin generalizations are shown to be of mass dimension one with positive-definite free Hamiltonians. The physical significance of higher-spin mass dimension one particles and further extensions in the context of Lounesto classification are discussed.

Effect of color reconnection on forward-backward multiplicity and mean transverse momentum correlation. (arXiv:1912.05176v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Sourav Kundu, Bedangadas Mohanty, Dukhishyam Mallick, relevance 0.00

Color reconnection (CR) mechanism in PYTHIA model has been reported to be essential to describe the flow-like collective effect observed in high multiplicity $p$+$p$ and $p$+Pb collisions. In this work, we test this mechanism towards explaining the Forward-Backward multiplicity correlation (b$_{\mathrm {cor}}$) measurements in $p$+$p$ collisions at the LHC energies. Out of the three different CR schemes implemented in PYTHIA, (a) MPI based CR (default mechanism), (b) QCD based CR and (c) Gluon moved CR, we found that the QCD based CR scheme describes relatively better the ALICE measurements of b$_{\mathrm {cor}}$ in $p$+$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{\mathrm s}$ = 0.9 and 7 TeV. In addition, we have tuned the parameters of the default CR mechanism in PYTHIA to describe simultaneously the measured charged particle multiplicity pseudo-rapidity ($\eta$) distribution and b$_{\mathrm {cor}}$. We found that an average number of multipartonic interactions ($\langle N_{\mathrm {MPI}} \rangle$) between 2.5 to 3 and CR range between 0.9 to 2.5 best describes the experimental data. Finally, we have presented a study using PYTHIA events for $p$+$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{\mathrm s}$ = 7 TeV which shows that the strength of Forward-Backward mean transverse momentum correlation (b$^{\langle p_{\mathrm{T}}\rangle \langle p_{\mathrm{T}} \rangle}_{\rm {cor}}$) is found to increase with CR in contrast to decrease of b$_{\rm {cor}}$ values with CR effect. Hence, simultaneously studying the b$^{\langle p_{\mathrm{T}}\rangle \langle p_{\mathrm{T}} \rangle}_{\rm {cor}}$ and b$_{\mathrm {\rm {cor}}}$ in the experiments will help in establishing the arguments either in favour or in disfavour of CR effect in the measurements.

Shadow cast and deflection of light by charged rotating regular black holes. (arXiv:1912.05154v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Rahul Kumar, Sushant G. Ghosh, Anzhong Wang, relevance 13.06

We discuss the horizon properties, shadow cast, and the weak gravitational lensing of charged rotating regular black holes, which in addition to mass ($M$) and rotation parameter ($a$) have an electric charge ($Q$) and magnetic charge ($g$). The considered regular black holes are the generalization of the Kerr ($Q=g=0$) and Kerr-Newman ($g=0$) black holes. Interestingly, for a given parameter set, the apparent size of the shadow monotonically decreases and the shadow gets more distorted with increasing charge parameter $Q$. We put constraints on the black hole parameters with the aid of recent M87* shadow observation. The conserved quantities associated with the rotating regular black holes are calculated and also a brief description of the weak gravitational lensing using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem is presented. Interestingly, the deflection angle decreases with the charge of the black hole. Our results \textit{vis-\`{a}-vis} go over to the Kerr and Kerr-Newman black holes in the appropriate limits.

Inflationary Cosmology with Quantum Gravitational Effects and the Swampland Conjectures. (arXiv:1912.05145v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Qiang Wu, Tao Zhu, relevance 0.00

Recently proposed two swampland criteria that arising from string theory landscape lead to the important challenge of the realization of single-field inflationary models. Especially one of swampland criteria which implies a large tensor-to-scalar ratio is strongly in tension with recent observational results. In this paper, we explore the possibility if the swampland conjectures could be compatible with single-field inflationary scenarios if the effects due to the quantum theory of gravity are considered. We show that the quantum gravitational effects due to the nonlinear dispersion relation provides significant modifications on the amplitude of both the scalar and tensor perturbation spectra. Such modifications could be either raise or reduce the perturbation spectra depending on the values of the parameters in the nonlinear terms of the dispersion relations. Therefore, these effects can reduce the tensor-to-scalar ratio to a smaller value which helps to relax the tension between the swampland conjecture and observational data.

Viable non-singular cosmic bounce in holonomy improved F(R) gravity endowed with a Lagrange multiplier. (arXiv:1912.05138v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Emilio Elizalde, S.D. Odintsov, Tanmoy Paul, relevance 1.64

Matter and quasi-matter bounce scenarios are studied for an F(R) gravity model with holonomy corrections and a Lagrange multiplier, with a scale factor $a(t) = \left(a_0t^2 + 1 \right)^n$, where the Hubble parameter squared has a linear and a quadratic dependence on the effective energy density. Provided $n < 1/2$, it is shown that the primordial curvature perturbations are generated deeply into the contracting era, at large negative time, which makes the low-curvature limit a good approximation for calculating the perturbation power spectrum. Moreover, it is shown that, for $n$ within this range, the obtained cosmological quantities are fully compatible with the Planck constraints, and that the "low curvature limit" comes as a viable approximation to calculate the power spectra of both scalar and tensor perturbations. Using reconstruction techniques for F(R) gravity with the Lagrange multiplier, the precise form of the effective F(R) gravity is found, from which one determines the power spectra of scalar and tensor perturbations in such bouncing scenario. Correspondingly, the spectral index for curvature perturbations and the tensor to scalar ratio are obtained, and these values are successfully confronted with the latest Planck observations. Further, it is shown that both the weak and the null energy conditions are satisfied, thanks to the holonomy corrections performed in the theory--which are then proven to be necessary for achieving this goal. In fact, when approaching the bouncing era, the holonomy corrections become significant and play a crucial role in order to restore the energy conditions. Summing up, a cosmological bouncing scenario with the scale factor above and fulfilling the energy conditions can be adequately described by the F(R) model with a Lagrange multiplier and holonomy corrections, which prove to be very important.

Recent bounds on graviton mass using galaxy clusters. (arXiv:1912.05117v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Shantanu Desai, Sajal Gupta, relevance 0.00

Although galaxy clusters have proved to be wonderful laboratories for testing a plethora of modified gravity theories and other exotic alternatives to $\Lambda$CDM, until a few years ago, there was only one paper (from 1974), which obtained a limit on graviton mass of $\mathcal{O}(10^{-29})$ eV with clusters. To rectify this, in the last few years multiple works have obtained different bounds on graviton mass using single cluster data as well as stacking galaxy catalogs. We review these recent limits on graviton mass using galaxy clusters obtained using disparate methods.

Nonabelian Mirror Symmetry Beyond the Chiral Ring. (arXiv:1912.05108v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yale Fan, Yifan Wang, relevance 1.14

Mirror symmetry is a type of infrared duality in 3D quantum field theory that relates the low-energy dynamics of two distinct ultraviolet descriptions. Though first discovered in the supersymmetric context, it has far-reaching implications for understanding nonperturbative physics in general 3D quantum field theories. We study mirror symmetry in 3D $\mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric field theories whose Higgs or Coulomb branches realize $D$- and $E$-type Kleinian singularities in the $ADE$ classification, generalizing previous work on the $A$-type case. Such theories include the $SU(2)$ gauge theory coupled to fundamental matter in the $D$-type case and non-Lagrangian generalizations thereof in the $E$-type case. In these cases, the mirror description is given by a quiver gauge theory of affine $D$- or $E$-type. We investigate the mirror map at the level of the recently identified 1D protected subsector described by topological quantum mechanics, which implements a deformation quantization of the corresponding $ADE$ singularity. We give an explicit dictionary between the monopole operators and their dual mesonic operators in the $D$-type case. Along the way, we extract various operator product expansion (OPE) coefficients for the quantized Higgs and Coulomb branches. We conclude by offering some perspectives on how the topological subsectors of the $E$-type quivers might shed light on their non-Lagrangian duals.

T-dual Superstring Lagrangian with double zweibeins. (arXiv:1912.05092v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Machiko Hatsuda, Warren Siegel, relevance 0.90

We present superstring Lagrangians with manifest T-duality. The Lagrangian version of the section conditions are necessary to make Lagrangians to be general coordinate invariant. We show the general solution of section conditions. The D-dimensional left and right moving currents are the 2D-dimensional chiral current which causes the chiral boson problem. We solve the problem by adding the unphysical 2D-dimensional anti-selfdual current with the selfduality constraints. The Lagrange multipliers of the selfduality constraints play the role of the worldsheet zweibein allowing the Weyl invariant and Lorentz symmetric worldsheet. Doubling the zweibein makes the type II kappa-symmetry splitting into two sets of the type I kappa-symmetries.

Geometric optics in relativistic cosmology: new formulation and a new observable. (arXiv:1912.04988v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Mikołaj Korzyński, Eleonora Villa, relevance 0.29

We discuss a new formalism for light propagation which can be used within the regime of validity of geometric optics, but with no limitation on the scales of interest: from inside the Galaxy to the ultra-large scales of cosmology. One of our main results is that within this framework it is possible to calculate all relevant observables (image magnification, parallax, position drift or proper motion) by simply differentiating the photon trajectory with respect to the initial data. We then focus on a new observable, which we name the distance slip: it is defined as the relative difference between the angular diameter distance and the parallax distance. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that its value is independent of the momentary motions of both the source and the observer and that for short distances it shows a tomographic property, being proportional to the amount of matter along the line of sight. After describing further its properties and methods of measurement, we specialize our study of the distance slip to cosmology. We show that it does not depend on the Hubble constant H_0 and that its dependence on the other cosmological parameters is different from other distance indicators. This suggests that the distance slip may contain new information.

Dynamics of classical and quantum spin in external fields: A general formalism. (arXiv:1912.04985v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Yuri N. Obukhov, relevance 0.00

We study the dynamics of classical and quantum particles with spin and dipole moments in external fields within the framework of the general approach by making use of the projection technique. Applications include the neutrino physics in matter, polarization phenomena in astrophysics, high-energy and heavy-ion physics.

K-Theoretic Generalized Donaldson-Thomas Invariants. (arXiv:1912.04966v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Young-Hoon Kiem, Michail Savvas, relevance 0.92

We introduce the notion of almost perfect obstruction theory on a Deligne-Mumford stack and show that stacks with almost perfect obstruction theories have virtual structure sheaves which are deformation invariant. The main components in the construction are an induced embedding of the coarse moduli sheaf of the intrinsic normal cone into the associated obstruction sheaf stack and the construction of a $K$-theoretic Gysin map for sheaf stacks.

We show that many stacks of interest admit almost perfect obstruction theories. As a result, we are able to define virtual structure sheaves and $K$-theoretic classical and generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants of sheaves and complexes on Calabi-Yau threefolds.

New Tsallis agegraphic Dark Energy in Fractal cosmology. (arXiv:1912.04959v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by M. Abdollahi Zadeh, relevance 0.00

The cosmological implications of interacting and non-interacting new Tsallis agegraphic dark energy with cold dark matter in the framework of flat Fractal cosmology is discussed. The physical significant of statefinder diagnostics and $\omega_D-{\omega}^{\prime}_{D}$ plane in both interacting and non-interacting scenarios are also invetigated. The study shows that the equation of state (EoS) parameter corresponds to the quintessence region in both interacting and non-interacting scenarios. The $v_{s}^{2}$ analysis is also signalling us to a classically unstable model in both cases. We find that $\omega_D-{\omega}^{\prime}_{D}$ plane describes the freezing region and also corresponds to $\Lambda$CDM at the beginning of the evolution.

Drag Force in the Vacuum of Confining Gauge Theories. (arXiv:1912.04948v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Saulo Diles, Miguel Angel Martin Contreras, Alfredo Vega, relevance 5.84

The complete absence of isolated quarks reaching particle detectors after high energy collisions suggests that some physical mechanism generates resistance to their propagation in the vacuum. In order to reveal such a mechanism, we analyze the fate of an infinitely heavy quark that is initially propagating in the vacuum with inertial motion. The non-perturbative structure of the vacuum is treated here using the gauge/ gravity correspondence, the isolated quark on the boundary gauge theory is dual to a trailing string moving in the bulk of a higher dimensional curved space. We find that, for a large class of non-conformal gauge theories with a holographic dual, the geometrical structure of the bulk geometry induces a drag force on the quark that moves in the vacuum. In addition, we show that for these gauge theories there will be the presence of such a drag force due to its vacuum whenever the dual bulk geometry generates a linear potential for a $q\bar{q}$ pair. The relation of the linear $q\bar{q}$ potential with the drag force on the isolated quark is a holographic piece of evidence that both phenomena are different manifestations of the confinement of quarks.

Galois Conjugation and Multiboundary Entanglement Entropy. (arXiv:1912.04937v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Matthew Buican, Rajath Radhakrishnan, relevance 31.60

We revisit certain natural algebraic transformations on the space of 3D topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) called "Galois conjugations." Using a notion of multiboundary entanglement entropy (MEE) defined for TQFTs on compact 3-manifolds with disjoint boundaries, we give these abstract transformations additional physical meaning. In the process, we prove a theorem on the invariance of MEE along orbits of the Galois action in the case of arbitrary Abelian theories defined on any link complement in $S^3$. We then give a generalization to non-Abelian TQFTs living on certain infinite classes of torus link complements. Along the way, we find an interplay between the modular data of non-Abelian TQFTs, the topology of the ambient spacetime, and the Galois action. These results are suggestive of a deeper connection between entanglement and fusion.

Gravitational Collider Physics. (arXiv:1912.04932v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Daniel Baumann, Horng Sheng Chia, Rafael A. Porto, John Stout, relevance 1.66

We study the imprints of new ultralight particles on the gravitational-wave signals emitted by binary black holes. Superradiant instabilities may create large clouds of scalar or vector fields around rotating black holes. The presence of a binary companion then induces transitions between different states of the cloud, which become resonantly enhanced when the orbital frequency matches the energy gap between the states. We find that the time dependence of the orbit significantly impacts the cloud's dynamics during a transition. Following an analogy with particle colliders, we introduce an S-matrix formalism to describe the evolution through multiple resonances. We show that the state of the cloud, as it approaches the merger, carries vital information about its spectrum via time-dependent finite-size effects. Moreover, due to the transfer of energy and angular momentum between the cloud and the orbit, a dephasing of the gravitational-wave signal can occur which is correlated with the positions of the resonances. Notably, for intermediate and extreme mass ratio inspirals, long-lived floating orbits are possible, as well as kicks that yield large eccentricities. Observing these effects, through the precise reconstruction of waveforms, has the potential to unravel the internal structure of the boson clouds, ultimately probing the masses and spins of new particles.

On the moduli spaces of 4d $\mathcal{N} = 3$ SCFTs I: triple special K\"ahler structure. (arXiv:1912.04926v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Philip C. Argyres, Antoine Bourget, Mario Martone, relevance 0.00

We initiate a systematic analysis of moduli spaces of vacua of four dimensional $\mathcal{N}=3$ SCFTs. Our analysis is based on the one hand on the properties of $\mathcal{N}=3$ chiral rings --- which we review in detail and contrast with chiral rings of theories with less supersymmetry --- and on the other hand on constraints coming from low-energy supersymmetry. This leads us to introduce a new type of geometric structure, which characterizes $\mathcal{N}=3$ SCFT moduli spaces, and that we call $triple\ special\ K\"ahler$ (TSK). A rank-$n$ TSK moduli space has complex dimension $3n$, and is singular at complex co-dimension 3 subspaces where charged states become massless. The structure of singularities defines a stratification of the TSK space in terms of lower-dimensional TSK manifolds.

CMB distance priors revisited: effects of dark energy dynamics, spatial curvature, primordial power spectrum, and neutrino parameters. (arXiv:1912.04921v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Zhongxu Zhai, Chan-Gyung Park, Yun Wang, Bharat Ratra, relevance 0.34

As a physical and sufficient compression of the full CMB data, the CMB distance priors, or shift parameters, have been widely used and provide a convenient way to include CMB data when obtaining cosmological constraints. In this paper, we revisit this data vector and examine its stability under different cosmological models. We find that the CMB distance priors are an accurate substitute for the full CMB data when probing dark energy dynamics. This is true when the primordial power spectrum model is directly generalized from the power spectrum of the model used in the derivation of the distance priors from the CMB data. We discover a difference when a non-flat model with the untilted primordial inflation power spectrum is used to measure the distance priors. This power spectrum is a radical change from the more conventional tilted primordial power spectrum and violates fundamental assumptions for the reliability of the CMB shift parameters. We also investigate the performance of CMB distance priors when the sum of neutrino masses $\sum m_{\nu}$ and the effective number of relativistic species $N_{\text{eff}}$ are allowed to vary. Our findings are consistent with earlier results: the neutrino parameters can change the measurement of the sound horizon from CMB data, and thus the CMB distance priors. We find that when the neutrino model is allowed to vary, the cold dark matter density $\omega_{c}$ and $N_{\text{eff}}$ need to be included in the set of parameters that summarize CMB data, in order to reproduce the constraints from the full CMB data. We present an updated and expanded set of CMB distance priors which can reproduce constraints from the full CMB data within $1\sigma$, and are applicable to models with massive neutrinos, as well as non-standard cosmologies.

Universal Constraints on Energy Flow and SYK Thermalization. (arXiv:1912.04912v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ahmed Almheiri, Alexey Milekhin, Brian Swingle, relevance 13.73

We study the dynamics of a quantum system in thermal equilibrium that is suddenly coupled to a bath at a different temperature, a situation inspired by a particular black hole evaporation protocol. We prove a universal positivity bound on the integrated rate of change of the system energy which holds perturbatively in the system-bath coupling. Applied to holographic systems, this bound implies a particular instance of the averaged null energy condition. We also study in detail the particular case of two coupled SYK models in the limit of many fermions using the Schwinger-Keldysh non-equilibrium formalism. We solve the resulting Kadanoff-Baym equations both numerically and analytically in various limits. In particular, by going to low temperature, this setup enables a detailed study of the evaporation of black holes in JT gravity.

A hidden friend for the galactic center black hole, Sgr A*. (arXiv:1912.04910v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Smadar Naoz, Clifford M. Will, Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz, Aurelien Hees, Andrea M. Ghez, Tuan Do, relevance 9.08

The hierarchical nature of galaxy formation suggests that a supermassive black hole binary could exist in our galactic center. We propose a new approach to constraining the possible orbital configuration of such a binary companion to the galactic center black hole Sgr A* through the measurement of stellar orbits. Focusing on the star S0-2, we show that requiring its orbital stability in the presence of a companion to Sgr A* yields stringent constraints on the possible configurations of such a companion. Furthermore, we show that precise measurements of {\it time variations} in the orbital parameters of S0-2 could yield stronger constraints. Using existing data on S0-2 we derive upper limits on the binary black hole separation as a function of the companion mass. For the case of a circular orbit, we can rule out a 10^5 M_sun companion with a semimajor axis greater than 170 astronomical units or 0.8 mpc. This is already more stringent than bounds obtained from studies of the proper motion of Sgr A*. Including other stars orbiting the galactic center should yield stronger constraints that could help uncover the presence of a companion to Sgr A*. We show that a companion can also affect the accretion process, resulting in a variability which may be consistent with the measured infrared flaring timescales and amplitudes. Finally, if such a companion exists, it will emit gravitational wave radiation, potentially detectable with LISA.

Counting on Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: Gravitational-Wave Constraints of Jet Geometry. (arXiv:1912.04906v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Amanda Farah, Reed Essick, Zoheyr Doctor, Maya Fishbach, Daniel E. Holz, relevance 0.42

The detection of GW170817 in gravitational waves and gamma rays revealed that short gamma-ray bursts are associated with the merger of neutron-stars. Gamma rays are thought to result from the formation of collimated jets, but the details of this process continue to elude us. One fundamental observable is the emission profile of the jet as a function of viewing angle. We present two methods to measure the effective angular width, $\theta_B$, of short gamma-ray burst (sGRB) jets using gravitational wave and gamma-ray data, assuming all sGRBs have the same angular dependence for their luminosities. The first is a counting experiment, where we combine the known detection thresholds of the LIGO/Virgo and Fermi Gamma Ray Burst Monitor detectors to infer parameters of systems that are detected in gravitational waves. This method requires minimal knowledge about each event, beyond whether or not they were detected in gamma-rays. The second method uses additional information from the gravitational-wave and electromagnetic data to estimate parameters of the source, and thereby improve constraints on jet properties. Applying our methods to GW170817, we find only weak constraints on the sGRB luminosity profile, with statistical uncertainty dominating differences between models. We also analyze simulated events from future observing runs, and find that with 5 and 100 BNS detections, the counting method constrains the relative uncertainty in $\theta_B$ to within 51% and 12%, respectively. Incorporating gravitational-wave parameter estimation would further tighten these constraints to 43% and 9.6%. In the limit of many detections, incorporating parameter estimation achieves only marginal improvements; we conclude that the majority of the information about jet structure comes from the relative sensitivities of gravitational-wave and gamma-ray detectors as encoded in simple counting experiments.

A natural theory of dark energy. (arXiv:1912.04905v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lorenzo Bordin, Francesc Cunillera, Antoine Lehébel, Antonio Padilla, relevance 0.00

We propose a mechanism that generates a naturally light dark energy field (with Hubble scale mass), starting from a theory with exclusively high scale (Planckian) couplings. It is derived from the clockwork model, with ${\cal O}(100)$ scalar fields interacting among themselves as well as with a 4-form field strength. We explicitly embed our model in type IIA supergravity. We also give an alternative interpretation in a braneworld set-up.

Infrared and Untraviolet Power Counting on the Mass Shell in Quantum Electrodynamics. (arXiv:1912.04885v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sergey Volkov, relevance 0.59

A power counting rule is provided that allows us to obtain upper bounds for the absolute values of Feynman parametric integrands. The rule reflects both the ultraviolet (UV) behavior and the infrared (IR) one taking into account that the external momenta are on the mass shell. It gives us an ability to prove rigorously the absolute convergence of the corresponding integrals. The consideration is limited to the case of the quantum electrodynamics (QED) Feynman graphs contributing to the lepton magnetic moments and not containing lepton loops and ultraviolet divergent subgraphs. However, a rigorous mathematical proof is given for all Feynman graphs satisfying these restrictions. The power counting rule is formulated in terms of Hepp's sectors, ultraviolet degrees of divergence and so-called I-closures. The obtained upper bound can not be substantially improved: the illustrative example is provided. The paper provides the first mathematically rigorous treatment of the UV behavior together with the on-shell IR behavior with some kind of generality. Practical applications of this rule are explained.

Supersymmetric R\'enyi entropy and charged hyperbolic black holes. (arXiv:1912.04868v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Seyed Morteza Hosseini, Chiara Toldo, Itamar Yaakov, relevance 17.33

The supersymmetric R\'enyi entropy across a spherical entangling surface in a $d$-dimensional SCFT with flavor defects is equivalent to a supersymmetric partition function on $\mathbb{H}^{d-1} \times \mathbb{S}^1$, which can be computed exactly using localization. We consider the holographically dual BPS solutions in $(d +1)$-dimensional matter coupled supergravity $(d = 3 , 5)$, which are charged hyperbolically sliced AdS black holes. We compute the renormalized on-shell action and the holographic supersymmetric R\'enyi entropy and show a perfect match with the field theory side. Our setup allows a direct map between the chemical potentials for the global symmetries of the field theories and those of the gravity solutions. We also discuss a simple case where angular momentum is added.

Holographic Map for Cosmological Horizons. (arXiv:1912.04864v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Chang Liu, David A. Lowe, relevance 36.05

We propose a holographic map between Einstein gravity coupled to matter in a de Sitter background and large N quantum mechanics of a system of spins. Holography maps a spin model with a finite dimensional Hilbert space defined on a version of the stretched horizon into bulk gravitational dynamics. The full Hamiltonian of the spin model contains a non-local piece which generates chaotic dynamics, widely conjectured to be a necessary part of quantum gravity, and a local piece which recovers the perturbative spectrum in the bulk.

Breaking the 2-loop barrier for generalized IBP reduction. (arXiv:1912.04857v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A.A. Radionov, F.V. Tkachov, relevance 0.00

We discuss the problem of constructing differential operators for the generalized IBP reduction algorithms at the 2-loop level. A deeply optimized software allows one to efficiently construct such operators for the first non-degenerate 2-loop cases. The most efficient approach is found to be via the so-called partial operators that are much simpler than the complete ones, and that affect the power of only one of the polynomials in the product.

Are we living in Non-Commutative Space? -- revisiting the classic hydrogen atom system. (arXiv:1912.04846v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Pulkit S. Ghoderao, P. Ramadevi, relevance 0.00

Our familiar Newton's laws allow determination of both position and velocity of any object precisely. Early nineteenth century saw the birth of quantum mechanics where all measurements must obey Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Basically, we cannot simultaneously measure with precision, both position and momentum of particles in the microscopic atomic world. A natural extension will be to assume that space becomes fuzzy as we approach the study of early universe. That is, all the components of position cannot be simultaneously measured with precision. Such a space is called non-commutative space. In this article, we study quantum mechanics of hydrogen atom on such a fuzzy space. Particularly, we highlight expected corrections to the hydrogen atom energy spectrum due to non-commutative space.

AdS$_5$-Schwarzschild deformed black branes and hydrodynamic transport coefficients. (arXiv:1912.04837v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by A. J. Ferreira-Martins, P. Meert, R. da Rocha, relevance 32.75

Deformed AdS$_5$-Schwarzschild black branes are here derived, employing the membrane paradigm and the ADM procedure. AdS/CFT near-horizon methods are then implemented to compute the shear viscosity-to-entropy ratio of the deformed AdS$_5$-Schwarzschild black branes. It provides constraints for the deformed black brane free parameter, generating new black brane solutions.

Twisted compactifications of 6D field theories from maximal 7D gauged supergravity. (arXiv:1912.04807v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Parinya Karndumri, Patharadanai Nuchino, relevance 1.85

We study supersymmetric $AdS_n\times \Sigma^{7-n}$, $n=2,3,4,5$ solutions in seven-dimensional maximal gauged supergravity with $CSO(p,q,5-p-q)$ and $CSO(p,q,4-p-q)$ gauge groups. These gauged supergravities are consistent truncations of eleven-dimensional supergravity and type IIB theory on $H^{p,q}\circ T^{5-p-q}$ and $H^{p,q}\circ T^{4-p-q}$, respectively. Apart from recovering the previously known $AdS_n\times \Sigma^{7-n}$ solutions in $SO(5)$ gauge group, we find novel classes of $AdS_5\times S^2$, $AdS_3\times S^2\times \Sigma^2$ and $AdS_3\times CP^2$ solutions in non-compact $SO(3,2)$ gauge group together with a class of $AdS_3\times CP^2$ solutions in $SO(4,1)$ gauge group. In $SO(5)$ gauge group, we extensively study holographic RG flow solutions interpolating from the $SO(5)$ supersymmetric $AdS_7$ vacuum to the $AdS_n\times \Sigma^{7-n}$ fixed points and singular geometries in the form of curved domain walls with $Mkw_{n-1}\times \Sigma^{7-n}$ slices. In many cases, the singularities are physically acceptable and can be interpreted as non-conformal phases of $(n-1)$-dimensional SCFTs obtained from twisted compactifications of $N=(2,0)$ SCFT in six dimensions. In $SO(3,2)$ and $SO(4,1)$ gauge groups, we give a large number of RG flows between the new $AdS_n\times \Sigma^{7-n}$ fixed points and curved domain walls while, in $CSO(p,q,4-p-q)$ gauge group, RG flows interpolating between asymptotically locally flat domain walls and curved domain walls are given.

Geometric General Solution to the $U(1)$ Anomaly Equations. (arXiv:1912.04804v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by B. C. Allanach, Ben Gripaios, Joseph Tooby-Smith, relevance 0.34

Costa et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 151601 (2019)] recently gave a general solution to the anomaly equations for $n$ charges in a $U(1)$ gauge theory. `Primitive' solutions of chiral fermion charges were parameterised and it was shown how operations performed upon them (concatenation with other primitive solutions and with vector-like solutions) yield the general solution. We show that the ingenious methods used there have a simple geometric interpretation, corresponding to elementary constructions in number theory. Viewing them in this context allows the fully general solution to be written down directly, without the need for further operations. Our geometric method also allows us to show that the only operation Costa et al. require is permutation. It also gives a variety of other, qualitatively similar, parameterisations of the general solution, as well as a qualitatively different (and arguably simpler) form of the general solution for $n$ even.

Compensation of tropospheric and ionospheric effects in gravitational sessions of the spacecraft RadioAstron. (arXiv:1912.04803v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Valentin Rudenko, Sergei Popov, Aleksei Belonenko, relevance 0.00

The possibility of compensating atmospheric influence in an experiment on precision measurement of gravitational redshift using the "RadioAstron" spacecraft (SC) is discussed. When a signal propagates from a ground-based tracking station to a spacecraft and back, interaction with the ionosphere and troposphere makes considerable contribution to the frequency shift. A brief overview of the physical effects determining this contribution is given, and the principles of calculation and compensation of the corresponding frequency distortions of radio signals are described. Then these approaches are used to reduce the atmospheric frequency shift of the "RadioAstron" spacecraft signal. The spacecraft hardware allows working in two communication modes: "one-way" and "two-way", in addition, two communication channels at different frequencies work simultaneously. "One-way" (SC - ground-based tracking station) communication mode, a signal is synchronized by the on board hydrogen frequency standard. The "two-way" (SC - ground-based tracking station - SC ) mode is synchronized by the ground hydrogen standard. The calculations performed allow us to compare the quality of compensation of atmospheric fluctuations performed by various methods and choose the optimal one.

Spritz: a new fully general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code. (arXiv:1912.04794v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Federico Cipolletta, Jay Vijay Kalinani, Bruno Giacomazzo, Riccardo Ciolfi, relevance 0.28

The new era of multimessenger astrophysics requires the capability of studying different aspects of the evolution of compact objects. In particular, the merger of neutron star binaries is a strong source of gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation, from radio to $\gamma$-rays, as demonstrated by the detection of GW170817 and its electromagnetic counterparts. In order to understand the physical mechanisms involved in such systems, it is necessary to employ fully general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations able to include the effects of a composition and temperature dependent equation of state describing neutron star matter as well as neutrino emission and reabsorption. Here, we present our new code named Spritz that solves the GRMHD equations in 3D Cartesian coordinates and on a dynamical spacetime. The code can support tabulated equations of state, taking into account finite temperature effects and allowing for the inclusion of neutrino radiation. In this first paper, we present the general features of the code and a series of tests performed in special and general relativity to assess the robustness of the basic GRMHD algorithms implemented. Among these tests, we also present the first comparison between a non-staggered and a staggered formulation of the vector potential evolution, which is used to guarantee the divergence-less character of the magnetic field.

Space-time waves from a collapse with a time dependent cosmological parameter. (arXiv:1912.04790v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Jaime Mendoza Hernández, Mauricio Bellini, Claudia Moreno, relevance 1.13

We study the emission of space-time waves produced by back-reaction effects during a collapse of a spherically symmetric universe with a time dependent cosmological parameter, which is driven by a scalar field. As in a previous work the final state avoids the final singularity due to the fact the co-moving relativistic observer never reaches the center, because the physical time evolution $d\tau=U_{0}\,dx^0$, decelerates for a co-moving observer which falls with the collapse. The equation of state of the system depends on the rate of the collapse, but always is positive: $0 < \omega(p) < 0.25$.

Wrapped Branes and Punctured Horizons. (arXiv:1912.04779v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Nikolay Bobev, Pieter Bomans, Fridrik Freyr Gautason, relevance 13.85

Large classes of AdS$_p$ supergravity backgrounds describing the IR dynamics of $p$-branes wrapped on a Riemann surface are determined by a solution to the Liouville equation. The regular solutions of this equation lead to the well-known wrapped brane supergravity solutions associated with the constant curvature metric on a compact Riemann surface. We show that some singular solutions of the Liouville equation have a physical interpretation as explicit point-like brane sources on the Riemann surface. We uncover the details of this picture by focusing on $\mathcal{N}=1$ theories of class $\mathcal{S}$ arising from M5-branes on a punctured Riemann surface. We present explicit AdS$_5$ solutions dual to these SCFTs and check the holographic duality by showing the non-trivial agreement of 't Hooft anomalies.

Manifestly Lorentz invariant chiral boson action. (arXiv:1912.04773v5 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Paul K. Townsend, relevance 11.71

A manifestly Lorentz invariant action is found for the Floreanini-Jackiw chiral boson. The method involves a novel chiral reduction of the phase-space action for a string, and can be adapted to describe chiral bosons on the heterotic string worldsheet. A similar manifestly Lorentz invariant action is found for an entire class of conformal chiral 2k-form electrodynamics in (4k+2) dimensions which includes the Floreanini-Jackiw theory as the k=0$ case.

Doublet-Triplet Splitting in Fertile Left-Right Symmetric Heterotic String Vacua. (arXiv:1912.04768v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alon E. Faraggi, Glyn Harries, Benjamin Percival, John Rizos, relevance 0.00

Classification of Left-Right Symmetric (LRS) heterotic-string vacua in the free fermionic formulation, using random generation of generalised GSO (GGSO) projection coefficients, produced phenomenologically viable models with probability $4\times 10^{-11}$. Extracting substantial number of phenomenologically viable models requires modification of the classification method. This is achieved by identifying phenomenologically amenable conditions on the Generalised GSO projection coefficients that are randomly generated at the $SO(10)$ level. Around each of these fertile cores we perform a complete LRS classification, generating viable models with probabilility $1.4\times 10^{-2}$, hence increasing the probability of generating phenomenologically viable models by nine orders of magnitude, and producing some $1.4\times 10^5$ such models. In the process we identify a doublet-triplet selection mechanism that operates in twisted sectors of the string models that break the $SO(10)$ symmetry to the Pati-Salam subgroup. This mechanism therefore operates as well in free fermionic models with Pati-Salam and Standard-like Model $SO(10)$ subgroups.

Dispersive Two-Loop Calculations: Methodology and Applications. (arXiv:1912.04762v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Aleksejevs, S. Barkanova, relevance 0.00

As the new-generation precision experiments such as MOLLER and P2 look for physics beyond Standard Model, it is becoming increasingly important to evaluate the higher-order electroweak radiative corrections to a sub-percent level of uncertainty. However, due to propagators with different masses and higher-order tensor Feynman integrals, the two-loop calculations involving thousands of Feynman graphs become a demanding task requiring novel computational approaches. In this paper, we describe our dispersive sub-loop insertion approach and develop two-loop integrals using two-point functions basis which is applicable to wide range of processes.

Closed conformal Killing-Yano initial data. (arXiv:1912.04752v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alfonso García-Parrado, Igor Khavkine, relevance 8.36

Through an exhaustive search, we produce a 5-parameter family of propagation identities for the closed conformal Killing-Yano equation on 2-forms, which hold on an Einstein cosmological vacuum spacetime in any dimension $n>4$. It is well-known that spacetimes admitting a non-degenerate 2-form of this type are exhausted by the Kerr-NUT-(A)dS family of exact higher dimensional black hole solutions. As a consequence, we identify a set of necessary and sufficient conditions ensuring that the cosmological vacuum development of an initial data set for Einstein's field equations admits a closed conformal Killing-Yano 2-form. We refer to these conditions as \emph{closed conformal Killing-Yano initial data} (cCYKID) equations. The 4-dimensional case is special and is treated separately, where we can also handle the conformal Killing-Yano equation without the closed condition.

Subleading corrections to the free energy in a theory with $N^{5/3}$ scaling. (arXiv:1912.04722v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by James T. Liu, Yifan Lu, relevance 0.52

We numerically investigate the sphere partition function of a Chern-Simons-matter theory with $SU(N)$ gauge group at level $k$ coupled to three adjoint chiral multiplets that is dual to massive IIA theory. Beyond the leading order $N^{5/3}$ behavior of the free energy, we find numerical evidence for a term of the form $(2/9)\log N-(1/18)\log k$. We conjecture that the $(2/9)\log N$ term may be universal in theories with $N^{5/3}$ scaling in the large-$N$ limit with the Chern-Simons level $k$ held fixed.

Calculating the static gravitational two-body potential to fifth post-Newtonian order with Feynman diagrams. (arXiv:1912.04720v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Stefano Foffa, Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Riccardo Sturani, Christian Sturm, William J. Torres Bobadilla, relevance 0.00

We discuss the first-time calculation of the static gravitational two-body potential up to fifth post-Newtonian(PN) order. The results are achieved through a manifest factorization property of the odd PN diagrams. The factorization property is illustrated also at first and third PN order.

Unitarity Flow in 2+1 Dimensional Massive Gravity. (arXiv:1912.04710v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sinan Sevim, M. Salih Zöğ, relevance 0.98

We analyse the most general case of $3^{rd}$ order Chern-Simons-Like theories of massive 3D gravity. Results show the conditions for finding the unitary regions on the parameter space. There exists $(n-1)^{th}$ order theories on the boundary of a unitary $n^{th}$ order model on parameter space under certain conditions, as the first example recently demonstrated from the bi-metric generalization of EMG. We investigated the mechanism that causes this type of transition for $3^{rd}$ order models. Hamiltonian analysis of the theory also presents that ghost and no-ghost regions can be separated by Chern-Simons theories.

Can we travel to the past? Irreversible physics along closed timelike curves. (arXiv:1912.04702v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Carlo Rovelli, relevance 0.00

The Einstein equations allow solutions containing closed timelike curves. These have generated much puzzlement and suspicion that they could imply paradoxes. I show that puzzlement and paradoxes disappears if we discuss carefully the physics of the irreversible phenomena in the context of these solutions.

A novel formulation of the PBH mass function. (arXiv:1912.04687v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Teruaki Suyama, Shuichiro Yokoyama, relevance 0.84

Computations of the primordial black hole (PBH) mass function discussed in the literature have conceptual issues. They stem from that the mass function is a differential quantity and the standard criterion of the PBH formation from the seed primordial fluctuations cannot be directly applied to the computation of the differential quantities. We propose a new criterion of the PBH formation which is an addition of one extra condition to the existing one. By doing this, we derive a formal expression of the PBH mass function without introducing any ambiguous interpretations which exist in the previous studies. Once the underlying primordial fluctuations are specified, the PBH mass function can be in principle determined by the new formula. As a demonstration of our formulation, we compute the PBH mass function analytically for the case where the perturbations are Gaussian and the space is one dimension.

$T\bar{T}$ deformed YM$_{2}$ on general backgrounds from an integral transformation. (arXiv:1912.04686v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aurora Ireland, Vasudev Shyam, relevance 9.67

We consider the $T\bar{T}$ deformation of two dimensional Yang--Mills theory on general curved backgrounds. We compute the deformed partition function through an integral transformation over frame fields weighted by a Gaussian kernel. We show that this partition function satisfies a flow equation which has been derived previously in the literature, which now holds on general backgrounds. We connect ambiguities associated to first derivative terms in the flow equation to the normalization of the functional integral over frame fields. We then compute the entanglement entropy for a general state in the theory. The connection to the string theoretic description of the theory is also investigated.

Full Counting Statistics of Topological Defects After Crossing a Phase Transition. (arXiv:1912.04679v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Fernando J. Gómez-Ruiz, Jack J. Mayo, Adolfo del Campo, relevance 1.85

We consider the number distribution of topological defects resulting from the finite-time crossing of a continuous phase transition and identify signatures of universality beyond the mean value, predicted by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. Statistics of defects follows a binomial distribution with $\mathcal{N}$ Bernouilli trials associated with the probability of forming a topological defect at the locations where multiple domains merge. All cumulants of the distribution are predicted to exhibit a common universal power-law scaling with the quench time in which the transition is crossed. Knowledge of the distribution is used to discussed the onset of adiabatic dynamics and bound rare events associated with large deviations.

Deformed Boson Condensate as a Model of Dark Matter. (arXiv:1912.04656v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Mahnaz Maleki, Hosein Mohammadzadeh, Zahra Ebadi, Morteza Nattagh Najafi, relevance 1.64

We consider the condensate of $q$-deformed bosons as a model of dark matter. Our observations demonstrate that for all $q$ values, the system condenses below a $q$-dependent critical temperature $T^{q}_c$. The critical temperature interestingly tends to infinity when $q\rightarrow 0$, so that the $q$- deformed boson gas is always in the condensed phase in this limit irrespective to the temperature. We argue that this has remarkable outcomes, e.g. on the entropy of the system, and also the fraction of the particles in the ground state. Especially, by direct evaluation of the entropy of the system we reveal that it tends to zero at this limit for all temperatures, and also the fraction of particles in the ground state becomes unity. These observations prove the consistency of the model, put it in the list of appropriate candidates for the dark matter.

Comments on Stability of KPV Metastable State. (arXiv:1912.04646v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Nam Nguyen, relevance 0.00

Using the blackfold approach, we study the stability of the KPV (Kachru-Pearson-Verlinde) metastable state of anti-D3 branes at the tip of the Klebanov-Strassler throat. With regard to long-wavelength deformations observable to blackfold, in the regime $p/M \in (0, p_{new})$ with $p_{new} \approx 0.0801446$, we found no classical instabilities. However, in the regime $p/M \in (p_{new}, p_{crit})$ with $p_{crit} \approx 0.080488$ the original metastable threshold, we observe that the KPV state is tachyonic in the radial direction. We comment on the relation of this result to existing results on the stability of the KPV state

Mimetic Black Holes. (arXiv:1912.04636v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mohammad Ali Gorji, Alireza Allahyari, Mohsen Khodadi, Hassan Firouzjahi, relevance 17.82

In this paper, we look for the vacuum static spherically symmetric solution in the mimetic gravity scenario based on the conformal invariance principle. The trivial solution is a stealth Schwarzschild black hole with scalar hair where the mimetic field does not contribute to the background dynamics. However, a solution with two naked singularities shows up when the mimetic scalar field contributes to the background. We show that one of these singularities is the same as the singularity in the center of standard Schwarzschild black hole while the other appears due to caustics formation. However, we construct the mimetic black hole solution by gluing the exterior static spherically symmetric solution to a time-dependent anisotropic spacetime describing the interior of the black hole. It is shown that these two solutions match continuously on the surface of the event horizon. Some physical properties of the corresponding mimetic black holes are discussed.

Disformal transformations in modified teleparallel gravity. (arXiv:1912.04604v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexey Golovnev, Maria Jose Guzman, relevance 0.88

In this work, we explore disformal transformations in the context of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity and modified teleparallel gravity. We present explicit formulas in components for disformal transformations of the main geometric objects in these theories such as torsion tensor, torsion vector and contortion. Most importantly, we consider the boundary term which distinguishes the torsion scalar from the Ricci scalar. With that we show for $f(T)$ gravity that disformal transformations from the Jordan frame representation are unable to straightforwardly remove local Lorentz breaking terms that characterize it. However, we have shown that disformal transformations have interesting properties, which can be useful for future applications in scalar-torsion gravity models, among others.

Wilson-line Scalar as a Nambu-Goldstone Boson in Flux Compactifications and Higher-loop Corrections. (arXiv:1912.04581v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Masaki Honda, Toshihide Shibasaki, relevance 0.70

We study a scalar zero mode originated from extradimensional components of a gauge field in a six-dimensional theory compactified on a magnetized torus. We confirm it is a Nambu-Goldstone boson of the translational symmetry on the torus which is breaking spontaneously due to magnetic flux. We also show explicitly it is massless up to the two-loop level. Moreover, we discuss full order contributions by considering the effective potential.

Volume dependent extension of Kerr-Newman black hole thermodynamics. (arXiv:1912.04547v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tamás S. Biró, Viktor G. Czinner, Hideo Iguchi, Péter Ván, relevance 20.23

We show that the Hawking--Bekenstein entropy formula is modified by a factor of $8/3$ if one also considers a work term in the 1st law of thermodynamics by a pressure stemming from the Hawking radiation. We give an intuitive definition for the corresponding thermodynamical volume by the implicit definition $\epsilon=Mc^2/V$, which is the average energy density of the Hawking radiation. This volume scales as $V \sim M^5$, agreeing with other suggestions. As a result the corresponding Smarr relation describes an extensive entropy and a stable effective equation of state $S(E,V)\sim E^{3/4}V^{1/4}$. These results pertain for charged and rotating Kerr-Newman black holes.

Formation of the Hayward black hole from a collapsing shell. (arXiv:1912.04490v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hwajin Um, Wontae Kim, relevance 10.91

We consider a collapsing shell of matter to form the Hayward black hole and investigate semiclassically quantum radiation from the shell. Using the Israel's formulation, we obtain the mass relation between the collapsing shell and the Hayward black hole. By using the functional Schr\"{o}dinger formulation for the massless quantum radiation, the evolution of a vacuum state for a scalar field is shown to be unitary. We find that the number of quanta at a low frequency decreases for a large length parameter characterizing the Hayward black hole. Moreover, in the limit of low frequency, the Hawking temperature can be read off from the occupation number of excited states when the shell approaches its own horizon.

On the Connections between Thermodynamics and General Relativity. (arXiv:1912.04470v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Jessica Santiago, relevance 13.44

In this thesis, the connections between thermodynamics and general relativity are explored. We review the concept of gravitationally induced temperature gradients in equilibrium states, first introduced by Richard Tolman. We explore these Tolman-like temperature gradients, understanding their physical origin and whether they can be generated by other forces or not. We then generalize this concept for fluids following generic four-velocities, which are not necessarily generated by Killing vectors, in general stationary space-times.

We then move to a more fundamental question: can we still define thermal equilibrium for non-Killing flows? To answer this we review two of the main theories of relativistic non-perfect fluids: Classical Irreversible Thermodynamics and Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics. We also take a tour through the interesting concept of Born-rigid motion, showing some explicit examples of non-Killing rigid flows for Bianchi Type I space-times. These results are important since they show that the Herglotz--Noether theorem cannot be extended for general curved space-times. We then connect the Born-rigid concept with the results obtained by the relativistic fluid's equilibrium conditions and show that the exact thermodynamic equilibrium can only be achieved along a Killing flow. We do, however, introduce some interesting possibilities which are allowed for non-Killing flows.

Following, we launch into black hole thermodynamics, specifically studying the trans-Planckian problem for Hawking radiation. We construct a kinematical model consisting of matching two Vaidya spacetimes along a thin shell and show that, as long as the Hawking radiation is emitted only a few Planck lengths (in proper distance) away from the horizon, the trans-Plackian problem can be avoided.

Accuracy of source localization for eccentric inspiraling binary mergers using a ground-based detector network. (arXiv:1912.04455v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Hsing-Po Pan, Chun-Yu Lin, Zhoujian Cao, Hwei-Jang Yo, relevance 1.09

The problem of gravitational wave parameter estimation and source localization is crucial in gravitational wave astronomy. Gravitational waves emitted by compact binary coalescences in the sensitivity band of second-generation ground-based detectors could have non-negligible eccentricities. Thus it is an interesting topic to study how the eccentricity of a binary source affects and improves the accuracy of its localization (and the signal-to-noise ratio). In this work we continue to investigate this effect with the enhanced postcircular waveform model. Using the Fisher information matrix method, we determine the accuracy of source localization with three ground-based detector networks. As expected, the accuracy of source localization is improved considerably with more detectors in a network. We find that the accuracy also increases significantly by increasing the eccentricity for the large total mass ($M\ge 40M_\odot$) binaries with all three networks. For the small total mass ($M<40 M_\odot$) binaries, this effect is negligible. For the smaller total mass ($M<5 M_\odot$) binaries, the accuracy could be even worse at some orientations with increasing eccentricity. This phenomenon comes mainly from how well the frequency of the higher harmonic modes induced by increasing eccentricity coincides with the sensitive bandwidth of the detectors. For the case of the $100 M_\odot$ black hole binary, the improvement factor is about $2$ in general when the eccentricity grows from $0.0$ to $0.4$. For the cases of the $22 M_\odot$ black hole binary and the $2.74 M_\odot$ neutron star binary, the improvement factor is less than $1.1$, and it may be less than 1 at some orientations.

$\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n)_N$ WZW conformal blocks from $SU(N)$ instanton partition functions on ${\mathbb {C}}^2/{\mathbb {Z}}_n$. (arXiv:1912.04407v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Omar Foda, Nicholas Macleod, Masahide Manabe, Trevor Welsh, relevance 3.45

Generalizations of the AGT correspondence between 4D $\mathcal{N}=2$ $SU(2)$ supersymmetric gauge theory on ${\mathbb {C}}^2$ with $\Omega$-deformation and 2D Liouville conformal field theory include a correspondence between 4D $\mathcal{N}=2$ $SU(N)$ supersymmetric gauge theories, $N = 2, 3, \ldots$, on ${\mathbb {C}}^2/{\mathbb {Z}}_n$, $n = 2, 3, \ldots$, with $\Omega$-deformation and 2D conformal field theories with $\mathcal{W}^{\, para}_{N, n}$ ($n$-th parafermion $\mathcal{W}_N$) symmetry and $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n)_N$ symmetry. In this work, we trivialize the factor with $\mathcal{W}^{\, para}_{N, n}$ symmetry in the 4D $SU(N)$ instanton partition functions on ${\mathbb {C}}^2/{\mathbb {Z}}_n$ (by using specific choices of parameters and imposing specific conditions on the $N$-tuples of Young diagrams that label the states), and extract the 2D $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}(n)_N$ WZW conformal blocks, $n = 2, 3, \ldots$, $N = 1, 2, \ldots\, .$

On-Shell Electroweak Sector and the Higgs Mechanism. (arXiv:1912.04334v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Brad Bachu, Akshay Yelleshpur, relevance 0.43

We take the first steps towards an entirely on-shell description of the bosonic electroweak sector of the Standard Model. We write down on-shell three particle amplitudes consistent with Poincare' invariance and little group covariance. Tree-level, four particle amplitudes are determined by demanding consistent factorization on all poles and correct UV behaviour. We present expressions for these $2\rightarrow 2$ scattering amplitudes using massive spinor helicity variables. We show that on-shell consistency conditions suffice to derive relations between the masses of the $W^\pm, Z$, the Weinberg angle and the couplings. This provides a completely on-shell description of the Higgs mechanism without any reference to the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field.

Phase transition and chaos in charged SYK model. (arXiv:1912.04326v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nilakash Sorokhaibam, relevance 0.00

We study chaotic-integrable transition and the nature of quantum chaos in SYK model with chemical potential. We use a novel numerical technique to calculate the partition function explicitly. We show the phase transition in the presence of large chemical potential. We also show that a mass-like term consisting of two fermion random interaction (q=2 SYK term) does not give rise to a sharp transition. We find that turning on the chemical potential suppresses the Lyapunov exponent in the chaotic phase exponentially.

On the singularities of the R-R AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 S matrix. (arXiv:1912.04320v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Olof Ohlsson Sax, Bogdan Stefanski Jr, relevance 0.00

We investigate the analytic properties of the exact magnon S matrix of string theory on AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 with R-R flux. We show that the previously proposed dressing factors have the exact double-pole/zero structure expected from Landau box diagrams. This constitutes a strong consistency check of our dressing factors, much as the Dorey-Hofman-Maldacena poles do for the all-loop dressing factor in AdS_5 x S^5.

Initial Conditions of Inflation in a Bianchi I Universe. (arXiv:1912.04306v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Kieran Finn, relevance 0.00

We investigate the initial conditions of inflation in a Bianchi~I universe that is homogeneous but not isotropic. We use the Eisenhart lift to describe such a theory geometrically as geodesics on a field space manifold. We construct the phase-space manifold of the theory by considering the tangent bundle of the field space and equipping it with a natural metric. We find that the total volume of this manifold is finite for a wide class of inflationary models. We therefore take the initial conditions to be uniformly distributed over it in accordance with Laplace's principle of indifference. This results in a normalisable, reparametrisation invariant measure on the set of initial conditions of inflation in a Bianchi~I universe. We find that this measure favours an initial state in which the inflaton field is at or near its minimum, with a mild preference for some initial anisotropy. Since inflation requires an initial field value with a large displacement from its minimum, we therefore conclude that the theory of inflation requires finely tuned initial conditions.

Asymptotic symmetries and charges at spatial infinity in general relativity. (arXiv:1912.04305v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Kartik Prabhu, Ibrahim Shehzad, relevance 5.62

We analyze the asymptotic symmetries and their associated charges at spatial infinity in \(4\)-dimensional asymptotically-flat spacetimes. We use the covariant formalism of Ashtekar and Hansen where the asymptotic fields and symmetries live on the \(3\)-manifold of spatial directions at spatial infinity, represented by a timelike unit-hyperboloid (or de Sitter space). Using the covariant phase space formalism, we derive formulae for the charges corresponding to asymptotic supertranslations and Lorentz symmetries at spatial infinity. With the motivation of, eventually, proving that these charges match with those defined on null infinity --- as has been conjectured by Strominger --- we will not impose any restrictions on the choice of conformal factor in contrast to previous work on this problem. Since we work with a general conformal factor we expect that our charge expressions will be more suitable to prove the matching of the Lorentz charges at spatial infinity to those defined on null infinity, as has been recently shown for the supertranslation charges.

Contour Integrals and the Modular S-Matrix. (arXiv:1912.04298v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sunil Mukhi, Rahul Poddar, Palash Singh, relevance 0.00

We investigate a conjecture to describe the characters of large families of RCFT's in terms of contour integrals of Feigin-Fuchs type. We provide a simple algorithm to determine the modular S-matrix for arbitrary numbers of characters as a sum over paths. Thereafter we focus on the case of 2, 3 and 4 characters, where agreement between the critical exponents of the integrals and the characters implies that the conjecture is true. In these cases, we compute the modular S-matrix explicitly, verify that it agrees with expectations for known theories, and use it to compute degeneracies and multiplicities of primaries. We also compute S in an 8-character example to provide additional evidence for the original conjecture. On the way we note that the Verlinde formula provides interesting constraints on the critical exponents of RCFT in this context.

Models of quantum complexity growth. (arXiv:1912.04297v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Fernando G.S.L. Brandão, Wissam Chemissany, Nicholas Hunter-Jones, Richard Kueng, John Preskill, relevance 1.13

The concept of quantum complexity has far-reaching implications spanning theoretical computer science, quantum many-body physics, and high energy physics. The quantum complexity of a unitary transformation or quantum state is defined as the size of the shortest quantum computation that executes the unitary or prepares the state. It is reasonable to expect that the complexity of a quantum state governed by a chaotic many-body Hamiltonian grows linearly with time for a time that is exponential in the system size; however, because it is hard to rule out a short-cut that improves the efficiency of a computation, it is notoriously difficult to derive lower bounds on quantum complexity for particular unitaries or states without making additional assumptions. To go further, one may study more generic models of complexity growth. We provide a rigorous connection between complexity growth and unitary $k$-designs, ensembles which capture the randomness of the unitary group. This connection allows us to leverage existing results about design growth to draw conclusions about the growth of complexity. We prove that local random quantum circuits generate unitary transformations whose complexity grows linearly for a long time, mirroring the behavior one expects in chaotic quantum systems and verifying conjectures by Brown and Susskind. Moreover, our results apply under a strong definition of quantum complexity based on optimal distinguishing measurements.

Detecting Topological Order at Finite Temperature Using Entanglement Negativity. (arXiv:1912.04293v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Tsung-Cheng Lu, Timothy H. Hsieh, Tarun Grover, relevance 22.89

We propose a diagnostic for finite temperature topological order using `topological entanglement negativity', the long-range component of a mixed-state entanglement measure. As a demonstration, we study the toric code model in $d$ spatial dimension for $d$=2,3,4, and find that when topological order survives thermal fluctuations, it possesses a non-zero topological entanglement negativity, whose value is equal to the topological entanglement entropy at zero temperature. Furthermore, we show that the Gibbs state of 2D and 3D toric code at any non-zero temperature, and that of 4D toric code above a certain critical temperature, can be expressed as a convex combination of short-range entangled pure states, consistent with the absence of topological order.

Inflation, Higher Spins and the Swampland. (arXiv:1912.04283v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Marco Scalisi, relevance 0.00

We study the implications on inflation of an infinite tower of higher-spin states with masses falling exponentially at large field distances, as dictated by the Swampland Distance Conjecture. We show that the Higuchi lower bound on the mass of the tower automatically translates into an upper bound on the inflaton excursion. Strikingly, the mere existence of all spins in the tower forbids any scalar displacement whatsoever, at arbitrarily small Hubble scales, and it turns out therefore incompatible with inflation. A certain field excursion is allowed only if the tower has a cut-off in spin. Finally, we show that this issue is circumvented in the case of a tower of string excitations precisely because of the existence of such a cut-off, which decreases fast enough in field space.

Thin-Shell Wormhole Satisfying Energy Conditions. (arXiv:1912.04275v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by S. Danial Forghani, S. Habib Mazharimousavi, Mustafa Halilsoy, relevance 21.36

The quartic self-interacting conformal scalar field is used to construct a thin-shell wormhole satisfying all energy conditions. Accompanying the scalar field is the extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole with a positive cosmological constant. New junction conditions apt for the higher-order terms are introduced in the Gaussian normal coordinates. Our approach may provide a guideline towards getting rid of exotic matter in TSWs.

Eclipses of continuous gravitational waves as a probe of stellar structure. (arXiv:1912.04268v1 [astro-ph.SR] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by Pablo Marchant, Katelyn Breivik, Christopher P. L. Berry, Ilya Mandel, Shane L. Larson, relevance 0.00

Although gravitational waves only interact weakly with matter, their propagation is affected by a gravitational potential. If a gravitational wave source is eclipsed by a star, measuring these perturbations provides a way to directly measure the distribution of mass throughout the stellar interior. We compute the expected Shapiro time delay, amplification and deflection during an eclipse, and show how this can be used to infer the mass distribution of the eclipsing body. We identify continuous gravitational waves from neutron stars as the best candidates to detect this effect. When the Sun eclipses a far-away source, depending on the depth of the eclipse the time-delay can change by up to $\sim 0.034$ ms, the gravitational-wave strain amplitude can increase by $\sim 4$%, and the apparent position of the source in the sky can vary by $4''$. Accreting neutron stars with Roche-lobe filling companion stars have a high probability of exhibiting eclipses, producing similar time delays but undetectable changes in amplitude and sky location. Even for the most rapidly rotating neutron stars, this time delay only corresponds to a few percent of the phase of the gravitational wave, making it an extremely challenging measurement. However, if sources of continuous gravitational waves exist just below the limit of detection of current observatories, next-generation instruments will be able to observe them with enough precision to measure the signal of an eclipsing star. Detecting this effect would provide a new direct probe to the interior of stars, complementing asteroseismology and the detection of solar neutrinos.

5d SCFTs from Decoupling and Gluing. (arXiv:1912.04264v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Fabio Apruzzi, Sakura Schafer-Nameki, Yi-Nan Wang, relevance 0.48

We systematically analyse 5d superconformal field theories (SCFTs) obtained by dimensional reduction from 6d $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ SCFTs. Such theories have a realization as M-theory on a singular Calabi-Yau threefold, from which we determine the so-called combined fiber diagrams (CFD) introduced in arXiv:1906.11820, arXiv:1907.05404, arXiv:1909.09128. The CFDs are graphs that encode the superconformal flavor symmetry, BPS states, low energy descriptions, as well as descendants upon flavor matter decoupling. To obtain a 5d SCFT from 6d, there are two approaches: the first is to consider a circle-reduction combined with mass deformations. The second is to circle-reduce and decouple an entire gauge sector from the theory. The former is applicable e.g. for very Higgsable theories, whereas the latter is required to obtain a 5d SCFT from a non-very Higgsable 6d theory. In the M-theory realization the latter case corresponds to decompactification of a set of compact surfaces in the Calabi-Yau threefold. To exemplify this we consider the 5d SCFTs that descend from non-Higgsable clusters and non-minimal conformal matter theories. Finally, inspired by the quiver structure of 6d theories, we propose a gluing construction for 5d SCFTs from building blocks and their CFDs.

A response to Rubin & Heitlauf: "Is the expansion of the universe accelerating? All signs still point to yes". (arXiv:1912.04257v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jacques Colin, Roya Mohayaee, Mohamed Rameez, Subir Sarkar, relevance 0.00

We have shown (Colin et al., 2019) that the acceleration of the Hubble expansion rate inferred from Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is, at $3.9\sigma$ significance, a dipole approximately aligned with the CMB dipole, while its monopole component, which can be interpreted as due to a Cosmological Constant or dark energy, is consistent with zero at $1.4\sigma$. This has been challenged by Rubin & Heitlauf (2019) who assert that the dipole arises because we made an incorrect assumption about the SNe Ia light-curve parameters (viz. took them to be sample- and redshift independent), and did not allow for the motion of the Solar system (w.r.t. the 'CMB frame' in which the CMB dipole supposedly vanishes). In fact what has an even larger impact on our finding is that we reversed the inconsistent "corrections" made for the peculiar velocities of the SNe Ia host galaxies w.r.t the CMB frame, which in fact serve to bias the lever arm of the Hubble diagram towards higher inferred values of the monopole. We demonstrate that even if all such corrections are made consistently and both sample- and redshift-dependence is allowed for in the standardisation of supernova light curves, the evidence for isotropic acceleration rises to just $2.8\,\sigma$. Thus the criticism of Rubin & Heitlauf serves only to highlight that "corrections" must be made to the SNe Ia data assuming the standard $\Lambda$CDM model, in order to recover it from the data.

On average properties of inhomogeneous fluids in general relativity III: general fluid cosmologies. (arXiv:1912.04213v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Thomas Buchert, Pierre Mourier, Xavier Roy, relevance 0.50

We investigate effective equations governing the volume expansion of spatially averaged portions of inhomogeneous cosmologies in spacetimes filled with an arbitrary fluid. This work is a follow-up to previous studies focused on irrotational dust models (Paper I) and irrotational perfect fluids (Paper II) in flow-orthogonal foliations of spacetime. It complements them by considering arbitrary foliations, arbitrary lapse and shift, and by allowing for a tilted fluid flow with vorticity. As for the first studies, the propagation of the spatial averaging domain is chosen to follow the congruence of the fluid, which avoids unphysical dependencies in the averaged system that is obtained. We present two different averaging schemes and corresponding systems of averaged evolution equations providing generalizations of Papers I and II. The first one retains the averaging operator used in several other generalizations found in the literature. We extensively discuss relations to these formalisms and pinpoint limitations, in particular regarding rest mass conservation on the averaging domain. The alternative averaging scheme that we subsequently introduce follows the spirit of Papers I and II and focuses on the fluid flow and the associated 1+3 threading congruence, used jointly with the 3+1 foliation that builds the surfaces of averaging. This results in compact averaged equations with a minimal number of cosmological backreaction terms. We highlight that this system becomes especially transparent when applied to a natural class of foliations which have constant fluid proper time slices.

Lie Polynomials and a Twistorial Correspondence for Amplitudes. (arXiv:1912.04198v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Hadleigh Frost, Lionel Mason, relevance 0.69

We review Lie polynomials as a mathematical framework that underpins the structure of the so-called double copy relationship between gauge and gravity theories (and a network of other theories besides). We explain how Lie polynomials naturally arise in the geometry and cohomology of $\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$, the moduli space of $n$ points on the Riemann sphere up to Mobi\"us transformation. We introduce a twistorial correspondence between the cotangent bundle $T^*_D\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$, the bundle of forms with logarithmic singularities on the divisor $D$ as the twistor space, and $\mathcal{K}_n$ the space of momentum invariants of $n$ massless particles subject to momentum conservation as the analogue of space-time. This gives a natural framework for Cachazo He and Yuan (CHY) and ambitwistor-string formulae for scattering amplitudes of gauge and gravity theories as being the corresponding Penrose transform. In particular we show that it gives a natural correspondence between CHY half-integrands and scattering forms, certain $n-3$-forms on $\mathcal{K}_n$, introduced by Arkani-Hamed, Bai, He and Yan (ABHY). We also give a generalization and more invariant description of the associahedral $n-3$-planes in $\mathcal{K}_n$ introduced by ABHY.}

N-extended Chern-Simons Carrollian supergravities in 2+1 spacetime dimensions. (arXiv:1912.04172v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Farhad Ali, Lucrezia Ravera, relevance 5.20

In this work we present the ultra-relativistic $\mathcal{N}$-extended AdS Chern-Simons supergravity theories in three spacetime dimensions invariant under $\mathcal{N}$-extended AdS Carroll superalgebras. We first consider the $(2,0)$ and $(1,1)$ cases; subsequently, we generalize our analysis to $\mathcal{N}=(\mathcal{N},0)$, with $\mathcal{N}$ even, and to $\mathcal{N}=(p,q)$, with $p,q>0$. The $\mathcal{N}$-extended AdS Carroll superalgebras are obtained through the Carrollian (i.e., ultra-relativistic) contraction applied to an $so(2)$ extension of $\mathfrak{osp}(2|2)\otimes \mathfrak{sp}(2)$, to $\mathfrak{osp}(2|1)\otimes \mathfrak{osp}(2,1)$, to an $\mathfrak{so}(\mathcal{N})$ extension of $\mathfrak{osp}(2|\mathcal{N})\otimes \mathfrak{sp}(2)$, and to the direct sum of an $\mathfrak{so}(p) \oplus \mathfrak{so}(q)$ algebra and $\mathfrak{osp}(2|p)\otimes \mathfrak{osp}(2,q)$, respectively. We also analyze the flat limit ($\ell \rightarrow \infty$, being $\ell$ the length parameter) of the aforementioned $\mathcal{N}$-extended Chern-Simons AdS Carroll supergravities, in which we recover the ultra-relativistic $\mathcal{N}$-extended (flat) Chern-Simons supergravity theories invariant under $\mathcal{N}$-extended super-Carroll algebras. The flat limit is applied at the level of the superalgebras, Chern-Simons actions, supersymmetry transformation laws, and field equations.

Asymptotic growth of the 4d $\mathcal N=4$ index and partially deconfined phases. (arXiv:1912.04169v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Arash Arabi Ardehali, Junho Hong, James T. Liu, relevance 0.00

We study the Cardy-like asymptotics of the 4d $\mathcal N=4$ index and demonstrate the existence of partially deconfined phases where the asymptotic growth of the index is not as rapid as in the fully deconfined case. We then take the large-$N$ limit after the Cardy-like limit and make a conjecture for the leading asymptotics of the index. While the Cardy-like behavior is derived using the integral representation of the index, we demonstrate how the same results can be obtained using the Bethe ansatz type approach as well. In doing so, we discover new non-standard solutions to the elliptic Bethe ansatz equations including continuous families of solutions for $SU(N)$ theory with $N\ge3$. We argue that the existence of both standard and continuous non-standard solutions has a natural interpretation in terms of vacua of $\mathcal N=1^*$ theory on $\mathbb R^3\times S^1$.

Quantization of a Self-dual Conformal Theory in (2+1) Dimensions. (arXiv:1912.04125v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Francesco Andreucci, Andrea Cappelli, Lorenzo Maffi, relevance 4.73

Compact nonlocal Abelian gauge theory in (2+1) dimensions, also known as loop model, is a massless theory with a critical line that is explicitly covariant under duality transformations. It corresponds to the large N_F limit of self-dual electrodynamics in mixed three-four dimensions. It also provides a bosonic description for surface excitations of three-dimensional topological insulators. Upon mapping the model to a local gauge theory in (3+1) dimensions, we compute the spectrum of electric and magnetic solitonic excitations and the partition function on the three torus T_3. Analogous results for the S^2 x S^1 geometry show that the theory is conformal invariant and determine the manifestly self-dual spectrum of conformal fields, corresponding to order-disorder excitations with fractional statistics.

A Geometric Depiction of Solomon-Tukachinsky's Construction of Open GW-Invariants. (arXiv:1912.04119v2 [math.SG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xujia Chen, relevance 0.31

The 2016 papers of J. Solomon and S. Tukachinsky use bounding chains in Fukaya's $A_{\infty}$-algebras to define numerical disk counts relative to a Lagrangian under certain regularity assumptions on the moduli spaces of disks. We present a (self-contained) direct geometric analogue of their construction under weaker topological assumptions, extend it over arbitrary rings in the process, and sketch an extension without any assumptions over rings containing the rationals. This implements the intuitive suggestion represented by their drawing and P. Georgieva's perspective. We also note a curious relation for the standard Gromov-Witten invariants readily deducible from their work. In a sequel, we use the geometric perspective of this paper to relate Solomon-Tukachinsky's invariants to Welschinger's open invariants of symplectic sixfolds, confirming their belief and G. Tian's related expectation concerning K. Fukaya's earlier construction.

Meron- and Semi-Vortex-Clusters as Physical Carriers of Topological Charge and Vorticity. (arXiv:1912.04112v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Wolfgang Bietenholz, João C. Pinto Barros, Stephan Caspar, Manes Hornung, Uwe-Jens Wiese, relevance 1.74

In O($N$) non-linear $\sigma$-models on the lattice, the Wolff cluster algorithm is based on rewriting the functional integral in terms of mutually independent clusters. Through improved estimators, the clusters are directly related to physical observables. In the $(N-1)$-d O($N$) model (with an appropriately constrained action) the clusters carry an integer or half-integer topological charge. Clusters with topological charge $\pm 1/2$ are denoted as merons. Similarly, in the 2-d O(2) model the clusters carry pairs of semi-vortices and semi-anti-vortices (with vorticity $\pm 1/2$) at their boundary. Using improved estimators, meron- and semi-vortex-clusters provide analytic insight into the topological features of the dynamics. We show that the histograms of the cluster-size distributions scale in the continuum limit, with a fractal dimension $D$, which suggests that the clusters are physical objects. We demonstrate this property analytically for merons and non-merons in the 1-d O(2) model (where $D=1$), and numerically for the 2-d O(2), 2-d O(3), and 3-d O(4) model, for which we observe fractal dimensions $D < d$. In the vicinity of a critical point, a scaling law relates $D$ to a combination of critical exponents. In the 2-d O(3) model, meron- and multi-meron-clusters are responsible for a logarithmic ultraviolet divergence of the topological susceptibility.

The gravity dual of Lorentzian OPE blocks. (arXiv:1912.04105v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Heng-Yu Chen, Lung-Chuan Chen, Nozomu Kobayashi, Tatsuma Nishioka, relevance 1.81

We consider the operator product expansion (OPE) structure of scalar primary operators in a generic Lorentzian CFT and its dual description in a gravitational theory with one extra dimension. The OPE can be decomposed into certain bi-local operators transforming as the irreducible representations under conformal group, called the OPE blocks. We show the OPE block is given by integrating a higher spin field along a geodesic in the Lorentzian AdS space-time when the two operators are space-like separated. When the two operators are time-like separated however, we find the OPE block has a peculiar representation where the dual gravitational theory is not defined on the AdS space-time but on a hyperboloid with an additional time coordinate and Minkowski space-time on its boundary. This differs from the surface Witten diagram proposal for the time-like OPE block, but in two dimensions we reproduce it consistently using a kinematical duality between a pair of time-like separated points and space-like ones.

Effective gravitational couplings of four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric gauge theories. (arXiv:1912.04091v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jan Manschot, Gregory W. Moore, Xinyu Zhang, relevance 5.66

The low energy effective couplings of a four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric gauge theory to topological invariants of the background gravitational field are described by two functions $A$ and $B$. These two functions play an important role in the study of topologically twisted four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric gauge theories and in the computation of central charges of $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal theories. In this paper, we compute $A$ and $B$ from the partition function in the $\Omega$-background for $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ gauge theories. Our results not only confirm the predicted expressions of the effective gravitational couplings, but also give the previously undetermined overall multiplicative factors. We also analyze $A$ and $B$ for the $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ super-Yang-Mills theory, and confirm all the previous predictions.

Wormhole Solutions in Modified Brans-Dicke Theory. (arXiv:1912.04005v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Eleftherios Papantonopoulos, Christoforos Vlachos, relevance 6.33

We consider a modified Brans-Dicke theory in which except the usual Brans-Dicke parameter a new dimensionful parameter appears which modifies the kinetic term of the scalar field coupled to gravity. Solving the coupled Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations we find new spherically symmetric solutions. Depending on the choices of the parameters these solutions reduce to the Schwarzschild solution of General Relativity and they give new wormhole solutions which depend on the new parameter.

Does confinement imply CP invariance of the strong interactions?. (arXiv:1912.03941v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Y. Nakamura, G. Schierholz, relevance 0.00

The strong coupling constant $1/g^2$ and the vacuum angle $\theta$ of the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory are investigated in the infrared limit under the renormalization group flow. It is shown that the theory has an infrared attractive fixed point at $1/g^2 = \theta = \,0$, which leads to linear confinement and naturally solves the strong CP problem. In particular, any initial value of $\theta \neq 0$ is found to be driven to $\theta = 0$ at macroscopic distances, where quarks and gluons freeze into hadrons by the confinement mechanism.

Search for traversable wormholes in active galactic nuclei using X-ray data. (arXiv:1912.03868v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ashutosh Tripathi, Biao Zhou, Askar B. Abdikamalov, Dimitry Ayzenberg, Cosimo Bambi, relevance 7.20

In a previous paper, one of us calculated iron K$\alpha$ line profiles emitted from possible accretion disks around traversable wormholes as a first step to use X-ray reflection spectroscopy to search for astrophysical wormholes in active galactic nuclei. In the present paper, we extend that work and construct an XSPEC model for the whole relativistic reflection spectrum. We apply our model to XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations of the supermassive object in MCG-6-30-15 and we check whether these observations prefer the hypothesis that the central body is a Kerr black hole or a traversable wormhole. We find that the two models provide equally good fits, so with the available data we cannot distinguish the black hole and wormhole scenarios.

3d N=2 Chern-Simons-matter theory, Bethe ansatz, and quantum K-theory of Grassmannians. (arXiv:1912.03792v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kazushi Ueda, Yutaka Yoshida, relevance 0.78

We study a correspondence between 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ topologically twisted Chern-Simons-matter theories on $S^1 \times \Sigma_g$ and quantum $K$-theory of Grassmannians. Our starting point is a Frobenius algebra depending on a parameter $\beta$ associated with an algebraic Bethe ansatz introduced by Gorbounov-Korff. They showed that the Frobenius algebra with $\beta=-1$ is isomorphic to the (equivariant) small quantum $K$-ring of the Grassmannian, and the Frobenius algebra with $\beta=0$ is isomorphic to the equivariant small quantum cohomology of the Grassmannian. We apply supersymmetric localization formulas to the correlation functions of supersymmetric Wilson loops in the Chern-Simons-matter theory and show that the algebra of Wilson loops is isomorphic to the Frobenius algebra with $\beta=-1$. This allows us to identify the algebra of Wilson loops with the quantum $K$-ring of the Grassmannian. We also show that correlation functions of Wilson loops on $S^1 \times \Sigma_g$ satisfy the axiom of 2d TQFT. For $\beta=0$, we show the correspondence between an A-twisted GLSM, the Frobenius algebra for $\beta=0$, and the quantum cohomology of the Grassmannian. We also discuss deformations of Verlinde algebras, omega-deformations, and the $K$-theoretic $I$-functions of Grassmannians with level structures.

Hamilton-Jacobi hydrodynamics of pulsating relativistic stars. (arXiv:1912.03701v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by John Ryan Westernacher-Schneider, Charalampos Markakis, Bing Jyun Tsao, relevance 0.00

The dynamics of self-gravitating fluid bodies is described by the Euler-Einstein system of partial differential equations. The break-down of well-posedness on the fluid-vacuum interface remains a challenging open problem, which is manifested in simulations of oscillating or inspiraling binary neutron-stars. We formulate and implement a well-posed canonical hydrodynamic scheme, suitable for neutron-star simulations in numerical general relativity. The scheme uses a variational principle by Carter-Lichnerowicz stating that barotropic fluid motions are conformally geodesic and Helmholtz's third theorem stating that initially irrotational flows remain irrotational. We apply this scheme in 3+1 numerical general relativity to evolve the canonical momentum of a fluid element via the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. We explore a regularization scheme for the Euler equations, that uses a fiducial atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium and allows the pressure to vanish, while preserving strong hyperbolicity on the vacuum boundary. The new regularization scheme resolves a larger number of radial oscillation modes compared to standard, non-equilibrium atmosphere treatments.

Non-Perturbative JT Gravity. (arXiv:1912.03637v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Clifford V. Johnson, relevance 1.52

Recently, Saad, Shenker and Stanford showed how to define the genus expansion of Jackiw-Teitelboim quantum gravity in terms of a double-scaled Hermitian matrix model. However, the model's non-perturbative sector has fatal instabilities at low energy that they cured by procedures that render the physics non-unique. This might not be a desirable property for a system that is supposed to capture key features of quantum black holes. Presented here is a model with identical perturbative physics at high energy that instead has a stable and unambiguous non-perturbative completion of the physics at low energy. An explicit examination of the full spectral density function shows how this is achieved. The new model, which is based on complex matrix models, also allows for the straightforward inclusion of spacetime features analogous to Ramond-Ramond fluxes. Intriguingly, there is a deformation parameter that connects this non-perturbative formulation of JT gravity to one which, at low energy, has features of a super JT gravity.

Systematically Localizable Operators for Quantum Simulations of Quantum Field Theories. (arXiv:1912.03577v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Natalie Klco, Martin J. Savage, relevance 3.28

Correlations and measures of entanglement in ground state wavefunctions of relativistic quantum field theories are spatially localized over length scales set by the mass of the lightest particle. We utilize this localization to design digital quantum circuits for preparing the ground states of lattice scalar quantum field theories. Controlled rotations that are exponentially localized in their position-space extent are found to provide exponentially convergent wavefunction fidelity. These angles scale with the correlation between sites and the classical two-point correlation function, as opposed to the more localized mutual information or the hyper-localized negativity. We anticipate that further investigations will uncover quantum circuit designs with controlled rotations dictated by the measures of entanglement. This work is expected to impact quantum simulations of systems of importance to nuclear physics, high-energy physics, and basic energy sciences research.

Notes on thermodynamics of super-entropic AdS black holes. (arXiv:1912.03576v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Di Wu, Puxun Wu, Hongwei Yu, Shuang-Qing Wu, relevance 42.22

The super-entropic black hole, which possesses a noncompact horizon topology and violates the reverse isoperimetric inequality, has been found to satisfy both the thermodynamic first law and the Bekenstein-Smarr mass formula. In this paper, we first derive a new Christodoulou-Ruffini-like squared-mass formula for the four-dimensional Kerr-Newman-AdS super-entropic black hole, and then establish a set of very simple relations between thermodynamic quantities of the super-entropic Kerr-Newman-AdS$_4$ black hole and its usual counterparts. Using these relations, the thermodynamic quantities of the Kerr-Newman-AdS$_4$ super-entropic black hole can be obtained from those of the usual pro-type by taking the ultra-spinning limit properly. Then these relations are extended to the singly-rotating Kerr-AdS black holes in arbitrary dimensions and the double-rotating charged black hole in the five-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity. It can be inferred that the thermodynamic quantities of all super-entropic black holes obey similar limiting relations to those of their corresponding conventional rotating AdS black holes, and thus can be obtained by taking the ultra-spinning limit appropriately.

$\chi\rm{SB}$ of cascading gauge theory in de Sitter. (arXiv:1912.03566v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alex Buchel, relevance 11.19

${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric $SU(N)\times SU(N+M)$ cascading gauge theory of Klebanov spontaneously breaks chiral symmetry in Minkowski space-time. We demonstrate that in de Sitter space-time the chiral symmetry breaking occurs for the values of the Hubble constant $H\lesssim 0.7 \Lambda $, as well as in a narrow window $0.92(1) \Lambda \le H\le 0.92(5) \Lambda $. We give a precise definition of the strong coupling scale $\Lambda $ of cascading gauge theory, which is related to the glueball mass scale in the theory $m_{glueball}$ and the asymptotic string coupling $g_s$ as $\Lambda \sim g_s^{1/2} m_{glueball}$.

$1/\epsilon$ problem in resurgence. (arXiv:1912.03518v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Naohisa Sueishi, relevance 0.70

This paper considers so called $1/\epsilon$ problem, the divergent behavior of the ground state energy of asymmetric potential, which is calculated with resurgence technique. Using resolvent method, I show that including not only one complex bion but multi-complex bions and multi-bounces contributions solves this problem. This result indicates the importance of summing all possible saddle points contribution and also the relationship between Exact WKB and path integral formalism.

A Newtonian analogue of Kerr black hole. (arXiv:1912.03499v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Areti Eleni, Theocharis A. Apostolatos, relevance 11.02

A 250-year old Newtonian problem, first studied by Euler, turns out to share a lot of similarities with the most extreme astrophysical relativistic object, the Kerr black hole. Although the framework behind the two fields is completely different, both problems are related to gravitational fields that have quite intriguing analogies with respect to orbital motions of a test-body in them. The fundamental reason responsible for their extraordinary similarity is the integrability of both problems, as well as their common multipolar structure. In this paper we demonstrate the existence of a multitude of either qualitative, and sometimes quantitative, similarities between the two problems. Based on this analogy, one could use the Newtonian problem to get insight in cases where the relativistic treatment of the field of a Kerr black hole becomes quite complicated.

The Possible Electromagnetic Counterparts of the First High-Probability NSBH Merger LIGO/Virgo S190814bv. (arXiv:1912.03466v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Hao Wei, Minzi Feng, relevance 1.40

LIGO/Virgo S190814bv is the first high-probability neutron star - black hole (NSBH) merger candidate, whose gravitational waves (GWs) triggered LIGO/Virgo detectors at 21:10:39.012957 UT, 14 August 2019. It has a probability $>99\%$ of being a NSBH merger, with a low false alarm rate (FAR) of 1 per 1.559e+25 years. For a NSBH merger, electromagnetic counterparts (especially short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs)) are generally expected. However, no electromagnetic counterpart has been found in the extensive follow-up observing campaign. In the present work, we propose a novel explanation to this null result. In our scenario, LIGO/Virgo S190814bv is just a GW mirror image of the real NSBH merger which should be detected before 14 September 2015, but at that time we had no ability to detect its GW signals. The electromagnetic counterparts associated with the real NSBH merger should be found in the archive data before 14 September 2015. In this work, we really find 9 short GRBs as the possible electromagnetic counterparts.

Kinematic Jacobi Identity is a Residue Theorem: Geometry of Color-Kinematics Duality for Gauge and Gravity Amplitudes. (arXiv:1912.03397v2 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Sebastian Mizera, relevance 4.01

We give a geometric interpretation of color-kinematics duality between tree-level scattering amplitudes of gauge and gravity theories. Using their representation as intersection numbers we show how to obtain Bern-Carrasco-Johansson numerators in a constructive way as residues around boundaries of the moduli space. In this language the kinematic Jacobi identity between each triple of numerators is a residue theorem in disguise.

On scale separation in type II AdS flux vacua. (arXiv:1912.03317v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Anamaría Font, Alvaro Herráez, Luis E. Ibáñez, relevance 8.60

We study the separation of AdS and Kaluza-Klein (KK) scales in type II 4d AdS orientifold vacua. We first address this problem in toroidal/orbifold type IIA vacua with metric fluxes, corresponding to compactifications in twisted tori, both from the 4d and 10d points of view. We show how the naive application of the effective 4d theory leads to results which violate the AdS distance conjecture, in a class of $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric models which have a 10d lifting to a compactification on $S^3\times S^3$. We show how using KK scales properly modified by the compact metric leads to no separation of scales with $M^2_{\text{KK}} = \mathfrak{c} |\Lambda|$, with $\mathfrak{c}$ a numerical constant independent of fluxes. This applies with no need to keep non-leading fluxes fixed. We also consider a class of IIB models with non-geometric fluxes in which the effective field theory analysisseems to lead to a naive separation of scales and a violation of the AdS distance conjecture. It has a T-dual which again may be understood as a 10d type IIA theory compactified on $S^3\times S^3$. In this geometric dual one again observes that the strong AdS distance conjecture is obeyed with $M^2_{\text{KK}} = \mathfrak{c}' |\Lambda|$, if one takes into account the curvature in the internal space. These findings seem to suggest that all toroidal/orbifold models with fluxes in this class obey $M^2_{\text{KK}} = \mathfrak{c} |\Lambda|$ with $\mathfrak{c}$ a flux-independent numerical constant.

Exact Multi-Instanton Solutions to Selfdual Yang-Mills Equation on Curved Spaces. (arXiv:1912.03299v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jun Nian, Yachao Qian, relevance 4.06

We find exact multi-Instanton solutions to the selfdual Yang-Mills equation on a large class of curved spaces with $SO(3)$ isometry, generalizing the results previously found on $\mathbb{R}^4$. The solutions are featured with explicit multi-centered expressions and topological properties. As examples, we demonstrate the approach on several different curved spaces, including the Einstein static universe and the Euclidean AdS$_4$ black hole, and show that the exact multi-instanton solutions exist on these curved backgrounds.

SYK wormhole formation in real time. (arXiv:1912.03276v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Juan Maldacena, Alexey Milekhin, relevance 16.16

We study the real time formation of the ground state of two coupled SYK models. This is a highly entangled state which is close to the thermofield double state and can be viewed as a wormhole. We start from a high temperature state, we let it cool by coupling to a cold bath. We numerically solve for the large N dynamics. Our main result is that the system forms a wormhole by going through a region with negative specific heat, taking time that is independent of N. The dynamics is smooth everywhere and it seems to follow the equilibrium thermodynamic configurations of the microcanonical ensemble. Also we comment on the relation between this coupled SYK model and Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity theory with bulk fields.

QED Treatment of Linear Elastic Waves in Asymmetric Environments. (arXiv:1912.03272v4 [physics.class-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Maysam Yousefian, Mehrdad Farhoudi, relevance 1.34

Regarding some logical gaps in the existing asymmetric elastic theories, by generalizing (i.e., via adding vibration degrees of freedom) and modifying (i.e., via introducing gauge property of the waves of displacement for the waves of rotation) the related Cosserat theory (CT) for an elastic environment, we have shown that its elastic wave equations are somehow analogous to quantum electrodynamic (QED) ones. Thus on macro scales, the elastic waves can possess the QED treatment. This analogy provides a new paradigm of fermions and bosons. Also, from experimental point of view, contrary to the Cosserat and discrete models, this amended CT has been indicated to be consistent with the corresponding empirical observations.

Emmy Noether on Energy Conservation in General Relativity. (arXiv:1912.03269v1 [physics.hist-ph])
in gr-qc by David E. Rowe, relevance 0.00

During the First World War, the status of energy conservation in general relativity was one of the most hotly debated questions surrounding Einstein's new theory of gravitation. His approach to this aspect of general relativity differed sharply from another set forth by Hilbert, even though the latter conjectured in 1916 that both theories were probably equivalent. Rather than pursue this question himself, Hilbert chose to charge Emmy Noether with the task of probing the mathematical foundations of these two theories. Indirect references to her results came out two years later when Klein began to examine this question again with Noether's assistance. Over several months, Klein and Einstein pursued these matters in a lengthy correspondence, which culminated with several publications, including Noether's now famous paper "Invariante Variationsprobleme". The present account focuses on the earlier discussions from 1916 involving Einstein, Hilbert, and Noether. In these years, a Swiss student named R.J. Humm was studying relativity in G\"ottingen, during which time he transcribed part of Noether's lost manuscript on Hilbert's invariant energy vector. By making use of this 9-page manuscript, it is possible to reconstruct the arguments Noether set forth in response to Hilbert's conjecture. Her results turn out to be closely related to the findings Klein published two years later, thereby highlighting, once again, how her work significantly deepened contemporary understanding of the mathematical underpinnings of general relativity.

Spontaneous quantum gravity. (arXiv:1912.03266v2 [physics.pop-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tejinder P. Singh, relevance 12.08

This article gives an elementary account of the recently proposed theory of spontaneous quantum gravity. It is argued that a viable quantum theory of gravity should be falsifiable, and hence it should dynamically explain the observed absence of quantum superpositions of space-time geometries in its classical limit.

Generalized hypergeometric functions and intersection theory for Feynman integrals. (arXiv:1912.03205v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Samuel Abreu, Ruth Britto, Claude Duhr, Einan Gardi, James Matthew, relevance 0.00

Feynman integrals that have been evaluated in dimensional regularization can be written in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions. It is well known that properties of these functions are revealed in the framework of intersection theory. We propose a new application of intersection theory to construct a coaction on generalized hypergeometric functions. When applied to dimensionally regularized Feynman integrals, this coaction reproduces the coaction on multiple polylogarithms order by order in the parameter of dimensional regularization.

Entanglement and the Infrared. (arXiv:1912.03187v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gordon W. Semenoff, relevance 21.90

We shall outline some results regarding the infrared catastrophes of quantum electrodynamics and perturbative quantum gravity and their implications for information loss in quantum processes involving electrically or gravitationally charged particles. We will argue that two common approaches to the solution of the infrared problem, using transition probabilities which are inclusive of copious soft photon and graviton production and using dressed states describe fundamentally different quantizations of electrodynamics and low energy gravity which are, in principle, distinguishable by experiments.

Background Field Method for Nonlinear Sigma Models in Nonrelativistic String Theory. (arXiv:1912.03181v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ziqi Yan, Matthew Yu, relevance 10.05

We continue the study of nonrelativistic string theory in background fields. Nonrelativistic string theory is described by a nonlinear sigma model that maps a relativistic worldsheet to a non-Lorentzian and non-Riemannian target space geometry, which is known to be string Newton-Cartan geometry. We develop the covariant background field method in this non-Riemannian geometry. We apply this background field method to compute the beta-functions of the nonlinear sigma model that describes nonrelativistic string theory on a string Newton-Cartan geometry background, in presence of a Kalb-Ramond two-form and dilaton field.

Quantifying the potential and flux landscapes for nonequilibrium multiverse, a new scenario for time arrow. (arXiv:1912.03173v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hong Wang, Xinyu Li, Jin Wang, relevance 1.64

We propose a new scenario of nonequilibirum multiverse. We quantified the potential landscape and the flux landscape for the Bousso-Polchinski type of multiverse. The potential landscape quantifies the weight of each universe. When the terminal vacuum with zero (flat) or negative cosmological constant (AdS) have a chance to tunnel back to the normal universes with positive cosmological constant (dS) through the bounce suggested by the recent studies, the detailed balance of the populations of the multiverse can be broken. We found that the degree of the detailed balance breaking can be quantified by the underlying average flux and associated flux landscape, which gives arise to the dynamical origin of irreversibility and the arrow of time. We also showed that the steady state of the multiverse is maintained by the thermodynamic cost quantified by the entropy production rate which is associated to the flux. This gives arise to thermodynamic origin of time irreversibility. We show that terminal vacuum universes can have dominant weights or lowest potentials giving arise to a funnel shaped potential landscape, while terminal vacuum universes together with other normal universes including ours can form dominant cycles giving arise to a funnel shaped cycle flux landscape. This indicates that even our universe may not be distinct from others based on the probability measure, it may lie in the dominant cycle(s), leading to higher chance of being found. This may provide an additional way beyond the anthropological principle for identifying our universe.

The Poincar\'e and BMS flux-balance laws with application to binary systems. (arXiv:1912.03164v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Geoffrey Compère, Roberto Oliveri, Ali Seraj, relevance 3.25

Asymptotically flat spacetimes admit both supertranslations and Lorentz transformations as asymptotic symmetries. Furthermore, they admit super-Lorentz transformations, namely superrotations and superboosts, as outer symmetries associated with super-angular momentum and super-center-of-mass charges. In this paper, we present comprehensively the flux-balance laws for all such BMS charges. We distinguish the Poincar\'e flux-balance laws from the proper BMS flux-balance laws associated with the three relevant memory effects defined from the shear, namely, the displacement, spin and center-of-mass memory effects. We scrutinize the prescriptions used to define the angular momentum and center-of-mass. In addition, we provide the exact form of all Poincar\'e and proper BMS flux-balance laws in terms of radiative symmetric tracefree multipoles. Fluxes of energy, angular momentum and octupole super-angular momentum arise at 2.5PN, fluxes of quadrupole supermomentum arise at 3PN and fluxes of momentum, center-of-mass and octupole super-center-of-mass arise at 3.5PN. We also show that the BMS flux-balance laws lead to integro-differential consistency constraints on the radiation-reaction forces acting on the sources. Finally, we derive the exact form of all BMS charges for both an initial Kerr binary and a final Kerr black hole in an arbitrary Lorentz and supertranslation frame, which allows to derive exact constraints on gravitational waveforms produced by binary black hole mergers from each BMS flux-balance law.

Non-flat Universes and Black Holes in Asymptotically Free Mimetic Gravity. (arXiv:1912.03162v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ali H. Chamseddine, Viatcheslav Mukhanov, Tobias B. Russ, relevance 12.43

The recently proposed theory of "Asymptotically Free Mimetic Gravity" is extended to the general non-homogeneous, spatially non-flat case. We present a modified theory of gravity which is free of higher derivatives of the metric. In this theory asymptotic freedom of gravity implies the existence of a minimal black hole with vanishing Hawking temperature. Introducing a spatial curvature dependent potential, we moreover obtain non-singular, bouncing modifications of spatially non-flat Friedmann and Bianchi universes.

Comment on "Linear superposition of regular black hole solutions of Einstein nonlinear electrodynamics". (arXiv:1912.03149v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by K.A. Bronnikov, relevance 6.46

It is argued that in the paper by A.A. Garcia-Diaz and G. Gutierrez-Cano [Phys. Rev. D 100, 064068 (2019)] on nonlinear electrodynamics coupled to general relativity, along with some interesting results and useful observations, many statements are either inaccurate or incomplete. In particular, the authors only consider solutions with an electric charge, whereas their magnetic counterparts have features of equal interest, both similar to and different from those of electric ones. Moreover, it is not mentioned that in electric solutions with a regular center the Lagrangian function $L(f)$ ($f = F_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu}$) cannot have a Maxwell weak-field limit. The observation on superpositions of regular solutions suffers some inaccuracies. The present Comment tries to fill these and other gaps and to provide necessary corrections.

Analytic multi-loop results using finite fields and dataflow graphs with FiniteFlow. (arXiv:1912.03142v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Tiziano Peraro, relevance 0.00

FiniteFlow is a public framework for defining and executing numerical algorithms over finite fields and reconstructing multivariate rational functions. The framework allows to build complex algorithms by combining basic building blocks into graphical representations of the calculation, known as dataflow graphs. It offers an easy-to-use Mathematica interface for implementing efficient custom algorithms without any low-level coding. We report on some new features of FiniteFlow which have been published after its initial release, give some simple example of usage for common tasks and review recent cutting-edge applications to two-loop five-point scattering and the four-loop cusp anomalous dimension.

Emergent vortex-electron interaction from dualization. (arXiv:1912.03124v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shantonu Mukherjee, Amitabha Lahiri, relevance -4.38

We consider the Abelian Higgs model in 3+1 dimensions with vortex lines, into which charged fermions are introduced. This could be viewed as a model of a type-II superconductor with unpaired electrons (or holes), analogous to the boson-fermion model of high-$T_c$ superconductors but one in which the bosons and fermions interact only through the electromagnetic gauge field. We investigate the dual formulation of this model, which is in terms of a massive antisymmetric tensor gauge field $B_{\mu\nu}$ mediating the interaction of the vortex lines. This field couples to the fermions through a nonlocal spin-gauge interaction term. We then calculate the quantum correction due to the fermions at one loop and show that due to the presence of this new nonlocal term a topological $B \wedge F$ interaction is induced in the effective action, leading to an increase in the mass of both the photon and the tensor gauge field. Additionally, we find a Coulomb potential between the electrons, but with a large dielectric constant generated by the one-loop effects.

A homotopy BV algebra for Yang-Mills and color-kinematics. (arXiv:1912.03110v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michael Reiterer, relevance 2.70

Yang-Mills gauge theory on Minkowski space supports a Batalin-Vilkovisky-infinity algebra structure, all whose operations are local. To make this work, the axioms for a BV-infinity algebra are deformed by a quadratic element, here the Minkowski wave operator. This homotopy structure implies BCJ/color-kinematics duality; a cobar construction yields a strict algebraic structure whose Feynman expansion for Yang-Mills tree amplitudes complies with the duality. It comes with a `syntactic kinematic algebra'.

Light Hadron Masses from a Matrix Model for QCD. (arXiv:1912.03102v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mahul Pandey, Sachindeo Vaidya, relevance 0.00

The $SU(3)$ Yang-Mills matrix model coupled to fundamental fermions is an approximation of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) on a 3-sphere of radius $R$. The spectrum of this matrix model Hamiltonian is estimated using standard variational methods, and is analyzed in the strong coupling limit. By employing a matching prescription to determine the dependence of the Yang-Mills coupling constant $g$ on $R$, we relate the asymptotic values of the energy eigenvalues in the $R \rightarrow \infty$ (flat space) limit to the masses of light hadrons. We find that the matrix model estimates the light hadron spectrum fairly accurately, with the light baryon masses falling within $10\%$, and most light meson masses falling within about $30\%$ of their observed values.

The Gravitational Potential of Two Point Masses at Five Loops. (arXiv:1912.03089v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Johannes Blümlein, Andreas Maier, Peter Marquard, relevance 1.15

Corrections to the Newtonian gravitational potential from general relativity can be derived in a combined expansion around flat spacetime and a small velocity of the interacting bodies. We present the calculation of the static five-loop corrections in an effective field theory framework using techniques from multi-loop computations in particle physics.

Lorentz Symmetry Violation in QCD and the Frustration of Asymptotic Freedom. (arXiv:1912.03087v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by I. T. Drummond, relevance 9.17

We study the effect of Lorentz symmetry violation (LSV) on the behaviour at high energy of SU(N) gauge theory with quarks in the fundamental representation. The approach is similar to that for QED treated in a previous paper. In contrast to QED, standard Lorentz invariant QCD is asymptotically free. Our aim is to explore the structure of the renormalisation group at high energy and hence weak coupling without requiring the Lorentz symmetry breaking to be small. The simplest type of LSV leaves the theory invariant under a subgroup of the Lorentz group that preserves a (time-like) 4-vector. We examine this case in detail and find that asymptotic freedom is frustrated. That is, at sufficiently high energy the running coupling constant attains a minimum value before increasing again, while the LSV parameter increases without bound.

Isotropic Lifshitz Scaling in four dimensions. (arXiv:1912.03071v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dario Zappala, relevance 0.00

The presence of isotropic Lifshitz points for a O(N)-symmetric scalar theory is investigated with the help of the Functional Renormalization Group. In particular, at the supposed lower critical dimension d=4, evidence for a continuous line of fixed points is found for the O(2) theory, and the observed structure presents clear similarities with the properties observed in the 2-dimensional Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase.

New test of Lorentz invariance using the MICROSCOPE space mission. (arXiv:1912.03030v1 [])
in gr-qc by Hélène Pihan-le Bars, Christine Guerlin, Aurélien Hees, Romain Peaucelle, Jay D. Tasson, Quentin G. Bailey, Geoffrey Mo, Pacôme Delva, Frédéric Meynadier, Pierre Touboul, Gilles Métris, Manuel Rodrigues, Joël Bergé, Peter Wolf, relevance 8.80

We use data from the T-SAGE instrument on board the MICROSCOPE space mission to search for Lorentz violation in matter-gravity couplings as described by the Lorentz violating Standard-Model Extension (SME) coefficients $(\bar{a}_\text{eff})_\mu^w$, where ($\mu = T,X,Y,Z$) and ($w = e,p,n$) for the electron, proton and neutron. One of the phenomenological consequences of a non-zero value of those coefficients is that test bodies of different composition fall differently in an external gravitational field. This is similar to "standard" tests of the universality of free fall, but with a specific signature that depends on the orbital velocity and rotation of the Earth. We analyze data from five measurement sessions of MICROSCOPE spread over a year finding no evidence for such a signature, but setting constraints on linear combinations of the SME coefficients that improve on best previous results by one to two orders of magnitude. Additionally, our independent linear combinations are different from previous ones, which increases the diversity of available constraints, paving the way towards a full decorrelation of the individual coefficients.

Boundary conformal field theory at the extraordinary transition: The layer susceptibility to $O(\varepsilon)$. (arXiv:1912.03021v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by M. A. Shpot, relevance 2.97

We present an analytic calculation of the layer (parallel) susceptibility at the extraordinary transition in a semi-infinite system with a flat boundary. Using the method of integral transforms put forward by McAvity and Osborn [Nucl. Phys. B 455 (1995) 522] in the boundary CFT we derive the coordinate-space representation of the free mean-field propagator at the transition point. The simple algebraic structure of this function provides a practical possibility of higher-order calculations. Thus we calculate the explicit expression for the layer susceptibility at the extraordinary transition in the one-loop approximation. Our result is correct up to order $O(\varepsilon)$ of the $\varepsilon=4-d$ expansion and holds for arbitrary width of the layer and its position in the half-space. We discuss the general structure of our result and consider the limiting cases related to the boundary operator expansion and (bulk) operator product expansion. We compare our findings with previously known results and less complicated formulas in the case of the ordinary transition. We believe that analytic results for layer susceptibilities could be a good starting point for efficient calculations of two-point correlation functions. This would be of great importance in view of recent breakthrough in the bulk and boundary conformal field theory in general dimensions.

On the Uniqueness of Einstein-Cartan Theory: Lagrangian, Covariant Derivative and Equation of Motion. (arXiv:1912.02987v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Zi-Wei Chen, Run Diao, Xiang-Song Chen, relevance 0.00

In the standard Einstein-Cartan theory(EC), matter fields couple to gravitation field through the Minimal Coupling Procedure(MCP), yet leaving the theory an ambiguity: applying MCP to the action or to the equation of motion would lead to different gravitational couplings. We propose a new covariant derivative to remove the ambiguity, then discuss the relation between our proposal and previous treatments on this subject.

Irrotational Bianchi V Viscous Fluid Cosmology with Heat Flux. (arXiv:1912.02980v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by A. Banerjee, Abhik Kumar Sanyal, relevance 2.50

The irrotational Bianchi V cosmological model under the influence of both shear and bulk viscosity, together with heat flux, has been studied. Exact solutions for the model are obtained with three physically viable assumptions. The first two relate the matter density, shear scalar, and expansion scalar and the third is a barotropic equation of state, connecting the matter density and thermodynamic pressure. The properties of the solutions are studied and the temperature distribution is also presented explicitly. It has been observed that along with the viscosity, heat flux further adds to the rate of entropy increase.

More on a dessin on the base: Kodaira exceptional fibers and mutually (non-)local branes. (arXiv:1912.02974v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Shin Fukuchi, Naoto Kan, Rinto Kuramochi, Shun'ya Mizoguchi, Hitomi Tashiro, relevance 0.00

A "dessin d'enfant" is a graph embedded on a two-dimensional oriented surface named by Grothendieck. Recently we have developed a new way to keep track of non-localness among 7-branes in F-theory on an elliptic fibration over $P^1$ by drawing a triangulated "dessin" on the base. To further demonstrate the usefulness of this method, we provide three examples of its use. We first consider a deformation of the $I_0^*$ Kodaira fiber. With a dessin, we can immediately find out which pairs of 7-branes are (non-)local and compute their monodromies. We next identify the paths of string(-junction)s on the dessin by solving the mass geodesic equation. By numerically computing their total masses, we find that the Hanany-Witten effect has not occurred in this example. Finally, we consider the orientifold limit in the spectral cover/Higgs bundle approach. We observe the characteristic configuration presenting the cluster sub-structure of an O-plane found previously.

At the Corner of Space and Time. (arXiv:1912.02922v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Barak Shoshany, relevance 2.67

We perform a rigorous piecewise-flat discretization of classical general relativity in the first-order formulation, in both 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions, carefully keeping track of curvature and torsion via holonomies. We show that the resulting phase space is precisely that of spin networks, the quantum states of discrete spacetime in loop quantum gravity, with additional degrees of freedom called edge modes, which control the gluing between cells. This work establishes, for the first time, a rigorous proof of the equivalence between spin networks and piecewise-flat geometries with curvature and torsion degrees of freedom. In addition, it demonstrates that careful consideration of edge modes is crucial both for the purpose of this proof and for future work in the field of loop quantum gravity. It also shows that spin networks have a dual description related to teleparallel gravity, where gravity is encoded in torsion instead of curvature degrees of freedom. Finally, it sets the stage for collaboration between the loop quantum gravity community and theoretical physicists working on edge modes from other perspectives, such as quantum electrodynamics, non-abelian gauge theories, and classical gravity.

Mass dimension one fermions at 1-loop. (arXiv:1912.02912v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by G.P. de Brito, J.M. Hoff da Silva, V. Nikoofard, relevance 0.00

We investigate 1-loop contributions to the 2- and 4-point correlation functions within a theory for fermions with mass dimension one with a simple quartic self-interaction term. The 1-loop divergence appearing the self-energy function can be consistently absorbed by renormalization of the mass parameter. In the case of the (1PI) 4-point correlation function, there is a surprising cancellation of divergences coming from different diagrams, leading to a finite 1-loop result. The inclusion of a complete basis of four-fermion interactions is discussed.

Could the black hole singularity be a field singularity?. (arXiv:1912.02845v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Guillem Domènech, Atsushi Naruko, Misao Sasaki, Christof Wetterich, relevance 30.03

In the wake of interest to find black hole solutions with scalar hair, we investigate the effects of disformal transformations on static spherically symmetric space-times with a non-trivial scalar field. In particular, we study solutions that have a singularity in a given frame, while the action is regular. We ask if there exists a different choice of field variables such that the geometry and the fields are regular. We find that in some cases disformal transformations can remove a singularity from the geometry or introduce a new horizon. This is possible since the Weyl tensor is not invariant under a general disformal transformation. There exists a class of metrics which can be brought to Minkowksi geometry by a disformal transformation, which may be called disformally flat metrics. We investigate three concrete examples from massless scalar fields to Horndeski theory for which the singularity can be removed from the geometry. This might indicate that no physical singularity is present. We also propose a disformal invariant tensor.

Asymptotic gluing of shear-free hyperboloidal initial data sets. (arXiv:1912.02839v1 [math.DG])
in gr-qc by Paul T. Allen, James Isenberg, John M. Lee, Iva Stavrov Allen, relevance 0.00

We present a procedure for asymptotic gluing of hyperboloidal initial data sets that preserves the shear-free condition. Our construction is modeled on a previous gluing construction by the last three named authors, but with significant modifications that incorporate the shear-free condition. We rely on the special H\"older spaces, and the corresponding theory for elliptic operators on weakly asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds, introduced by the authors and applied to the Einstein constraint equations in two previous papers.

Three-dimensional exotic Newtonian gravity with cosmological constant. (arXiv:1912.02836v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Patrick Concha, Lucrezia Ravera, Evelyn Rodríguez, relevance 0.88

In this work we introduce a cosmological constant in the extended Newtonian gravity theory. To this end, we extend the exotic Newton-Hooke algebra by introducing new generators and central charges. The new algebra obtained here has been denoted as exotic Newtonian algebra and reproduces the extended Newtonian one in the flat limit $\ell\rightarrow\infty$. A three-dimensional Chern-Simons action for the exotic Newtonian algebra is presented. We show that the non-relativistic gravity theory proposed here reproduces the most general extended Newtonian gravity theory in the flat limit.

Thermoelectric power of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev islands: Probing Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in quantum matter experiments. (arXiv:1912.02835v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexander Kruchkov, Aavishkar Patel, Philip Kim, Subir Sachdev, relevance 13.13

The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model describes electrons with random and all-to-all interactions, and realizes a many-body state without quasiparticle excitations, and a non-vanishing extensive entropy $S_0$ in the zero temperature limit. Its low energy theory coincides the low energy theory of the near-extremal charged black holes with Bekenstein-Hawking entropy $S_0$. Several mesoscopic experimental configurations realizing SYK quantum dynamics over a significant intermediate temperature scale have been proposed. We investigate quantum thermoelectric transport in such configurations, and describe the low temperature crossovers out of SYK criticality into regimes with either Fermi liquid behavior, a Coulomb blockade, or criticality associated with Schwarzian quantum gravity fluctuations. Our results show that thermopower measurements can serve as a direct probe for $S_0$.

Canonical analysis with no second-class constraints of $BF$ gravity with Immirzi parameter. (arXiv:1912.02832v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Merced Montesinos, Mariano Celada, relevance 2.33

In this paper we revisit the canonical analysis of $BF$ gravity with the Immirzi parameter and a cosmological constant. By examining the constraint on the $B$ field, we realize that the analysis can be performed in a Lorentz-covariant fashion while utterly avoiding the introduction of second-class constraints during the whole process. Finally, we make contact with the description of the phase space of first-order general relativity in terms of canonical variables with manifest Lorentz covariance subject to first-class constraints only recently introduced.

Spontaneous Freeze Out of Dark Matter From an Early Thermal Phase Transition. (arXiv:1912.02828v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Lucien Heurtier, Herve Partouche, relevance 0.00

We propose a new paradigm for the thermal production of dark matter in the early universe, in which dark-matter particles acquire their mass and freeze out spontaneously from the thermal bath after a dark phase transition takes place. The decoupling arises because the dark-matter particles become suddenly non-relativistic and not because of any decay channel becoming kinematically close. We propose a minimal scenario in which a scalar and a fermionic dark-matter are in thermal equilibrium with the Standard-Model bath. We compute the finite temperature corrections to the scalar potential and identify a region of the parameter space where the fermionic dark-matter mass spontaneously jumps over the temperature when the dark phase transition happens. We explore the phenomenological implications of such a model in simple cases and show that the annihilation cross section of dark-matter particles has to be larger by more than one order of magnitude as compared to the usual constant-mass WIMP scenario in order to accomodate the correct relic abundance. We show that in the spontaneous freeze out regime a TeV-scale fermionic dark-matter that annihilates into leptons through s-wave processes can be accessible to detection in the near future.

A CMB Millikan Experiment with Cosmic Axiverse Strings. (arXiv:1912.02823v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by Prateek Agrawal, Anson Hook, Junwu Huang, relevance 0.60

We study axion strings of hyperlight axions coupled to photons. Hyperlight axions -- axions lighter than Hubble at recombination -- are a generic prediction of the string axiverse. These axions strings produce a distinct quantized polarization rotation of CMB photons which is $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_{\rm em})$. As the CMB light passes many strings, this polarization rotation converts E-modes to B-modes and adds up like a random walk. Using numerical simulations we show that the expected size of the final result is well within the reach of current and future CMB experiments through the measurement of correlations of CMB B-modes with E- and T-modes. The quantized polarization rotation angle is topological in nature and can be seen as a geometric phase. Its value depends only on the anomaly coefficient and is independent of other details such as the axion decay constant. Measurement of the anomaly coefficient by measuring this rotation will provide information about the UV theory, such as the quantization of electric charge and the value of the fundamental unit of charge. The presence of axion strings in the universe relies only on a phase transition in the early universe after inflation, after which the string network rapidly approaches an attractor scaling solution. If there are additional stable topological objects such as domain walls, axions as heavy as $10^{-15}$ eV would be accessible. The existence of these strings could also be probed by measuring the relative polarization rotation angle between different images in gravitationally lensed quasar systems.

Fusion Category Symmetry I: Anomaly In-Flow and Gapped Phases. (arXiv:1912.02817v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ryan Thorngren, Yifan Wang, relevance 1.96

We study generalized discrete symmetries of quantum field theories in 1+1D generated by topological defect lines with no inverse. In particular, we describe 't Hooft anomalies and classify gapped phases stabilized by these symmetries, including new 1+1D topological phases. The algebra of these operators is not a group but rather is described by their fusion ring and crossing relations, captured algebraically as a fusion category. Such data defines a Turaev-Viro/Levin-Wen model in 2+1D, while a 1+1D system with this fusion category acting as a global symmetry defines a boundary condition. This is akin to gauging a discrete global symmetry at the boundary of Dijkgraaf-Witten theory. We describe how to "ungauge" the fusion category symmetry in these boundary conditions and separate the symmetry-preserving phases from the symmetry-breaking ones. For Tambara-Yamagami categories and their generalizations, which are associated with Kramers-Wannier-like self-dualities under orbifolding, we develop gauge theoretic techniques which simplify the analysis. We include some examples of CFTs with fusion category symmetry derived from Kramers-Wannier-like dualities as an appetizer for the Part II companion paper.

Holographic Order from Modular Chaos. (arXiv:1912.02810v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jan de Boer, Lampros Lamprou, relevance 14.38

We argue for an exponential bound characterizing the chaotic properties of modular Hamiltonian flow of QFT subsystems. In holographic theories, maximal modular chaos is reflected in the local Poincare symmetry about a Ryu-Takayanagi surface. Generators of null deformations of the bulk extremal surface map to modular scrambling modes -positive CFT operators saturating the bound- and their algebra probes the bulk Riemann curvature, clarifying the modular Berry curvature proposal of arXiv:1903.04493.

Nil-Killing vector fields and type III deformations. (arXiv:1912.02809v2 [math.DG] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Matthew Aadne, relevance 0.75

This paper is concerned with deformations of Kundt metrics in the direction of type $III$ tensors and nil-Killing vector fields whose flows give rise to such deformations. We find various characterizations within the Kundt class in terms of nil-Killing vector fields and obtain a theorem classifying algebraic stability of tensors, which has an application in finding sufficient criteria for a type $III$ deformation of the metric to preserve spi's. This is used in order to specify Lie algebras of nil-Killing vector fields that preserve the spi's, for degenerate Kundt metrics. Using this we discuss the characterization of Kundt-CSI spacetimes in terms of nil-Killing vector fields.

Quantum Maximin Surfaces. (arXiv:1912.02799v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chris Akers, Netta Engelhardt, Geoff Penington, Mykhaylo Usatyuk, relevance 45.63

We formulate a quantum generalization of maximin surfaces and show that a quantum maximin surface is identical to the minimal quantum extremal surface, introduced in the EW prescription. We discuss various subtleties and complications associated to a maximinimization of the bulk von Neumann entropy due to corners and unboundedness and present arguments that nonetheless a maximinimization of the UV-finite generalized entropy should be well-defined. We give the first general proof that the EW prescription satisfies entanglement wedge nesting and the strong subadditivity inequality. In addition, we apply the quantum maximin technology to prove that recently proposed generalizations of the EW prescription to nonholographic subsystems (including the so-called "quantum extremal islands") also satisfy entanglement wedge nesting and strong subadditivity. Our results hold in the regime where backreaction of bulk quantum fields can be treated perturbatively in $G_{N}\hbar$, but we emphasize that they are valid even when gradients of the bulk entropy are of the same order as variations in the area, a regime recently investigated in new models of black hole evaporation in AdS/CFT.

de Sitter Minima from M theory and String theory. (arXiv:1912.02791v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Niccolò Cribiori, Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde, Christoph Roupec, relevance 7.84

We study M-theory compactification on ${\mathbb{T}^7/ \mathbb{Z}_2^3}$ in the presence of a seven-flux, metric fluxes and KK monopoles. The effective four-dimensional supergravity has seven chiral multiplets whose couplings are specified by the $G_2$-structure of the internal manifold. We supplement the corresponding superpotential by a KKLT type non-perturbative exponential contribution for all, or for some of the seven moduli, and find a discrete set of supersymmetric Minkowski minima. We also study type IIA and type IIB string theory compactified on ${\mathbb{T}^6/ \mathbb{Z}_2^2}$. In type IIA, we use a six-flux, geometric fluxes and non-perturbative exponents. In type IIB theory, we use F and H fluxes, and non-geometric Q and P fluxes, corresponding to consistently gauged supergravity with certain embedding tensor components, \emph{without non-perturbative exponents}. Also in these situations, we produce discrete Minkowski minima. Finally, to construct dS vacua starting from these Minkowski progenitors, we follow the procedure of mass production of dS vacua.

Emergent discrete 3-form symmetry and domain walls. (arXiv:1912.02782v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yoshimasa Hidaka, Muneto Nitta, Ryo Yokokura, relevance 7.57

We show that axion models with the domain wall number $k$ in $(3+1)$ dimensions, i.e., periodic scalar field theories admitting $k$ axion domain walls, exhibit an emergent ${\mathbb Z}_k$ 3-form symmetry for $k >1$ in addition to a conventional ${\mathbb Z}_k$ 0-form symmetry. The emergent 3-form symmetry is explicitly shown by establishing a low-energy dual transformation between the scalar field theory and a 3-form gauge theory. We further argue that the emergent 3-form symmetry is spontaneously broken, and the breaking pattern is so-called the type-B spontaneous symmetry breaking. We discuss similar and different points between the phase admitting the domain walls and topologically ordered phases.

Magnetic Quivers, Higgs Branches, and 6d N=(1,0) Theories -- Orthogonal and Symplectic Gauge Groups. (arXiv:1912.02773v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Santiago Cabrera, Amihay Hanany, Marcus Sperling, relevance 4.41

M5 branes on a D-type ALE singularity display various phenomena that introduce additional massless degrees of freedom. The M5 branes are known to fractionate on a D-type singularity. Whenever two fractional M5 branes coincide, tensionless strings arise. Therefore, these systems do not admit a low-energy Lagrangian description. Focusing on the 6-dimensional N=(1,0) world-volume theories on the M5 branes, the vacuum moduli space has two branches were either the scalar fields in the tensor multiplet or the scalars in the hypermultiplets acquire a non-trivial vacuum expectation value. As suggested in previous work, the Higgs branch may change drastically whenever a BPS-string becomes tensionless. Recently, magnetic quivers have been introduced with the aim to capture all Higgs branches over any point of the tensor branch. In this paper, the formalism is extended to Type IIA brane configurations involving O6 planes. Since the 6d N=(1,0) theories are composed of orthosymplectic gauge groups, the derivation rules for the magnetic quiver in the presence of O6 planes have to be conjectured. This is achieved by analysing the 6d theories for a single M5 brane on a D-type singularity and deriving the magnetic quivers for the finite and infinite gauge coupling Higgs branch from a brane configuration. The validity of the proposed derivation rules is underpinned by deriving the associated Hasse diagram. For multiple M5 branes, the approach of this paper provides magnetic quivers for all Higgs branches over any point of the tensor branch. In particular, an interesting infinite gauge coupling transition is found that is related to the SO(8) non-Higgsable cluster.

Gravitational Wilson lines in AdS$_{\bf 3}$. (arXiv:1912.02750v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Eric D'Hoker, Per Kraus, relevance 9.66

The construction of gravitational Wilson lines in the Chern-Simons formulation of $AdS_3$ gravity in terms of composite operators in the dual boundary conformal field theory is reviewed. New evidence is presented that the Wilson line, dimensionally regularized and suitably renormalized, behaves as a bi-local operator of two conformal primaries whose dimension is predicted by SL(2,R) current algebra.

Three-loop contributions to the $\rho$ parameter and iterated integrals of modular forms. (arXiv:1912.02747v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Samuel Abreu, Matteo Becchetti, Claude Duhr, Robin Marzucca, relevance 0.00

We compute fully analytic results for the three-loop diagrams involving two different massive quark flavours contributing to the $\rho$ parameter in the Standard Model. We find that the results involve exactly the same class of functions that appears in the well-known sunrise and banana graphs, namely elliptic polylogarithms and iterated integrals of modular forms. Using recent developments in the understanding of these functions, we analytically continue all the iterated integrals of modular forms to all regions of the parameter space, and in each region we obtain manifestly real and fast-converging series expansions for these functions.

From Exact Results to Gauge Dynamics on $\mathbb{R}^3\times S^1$. (arXiv:1912.02732v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Arash Arabi Ardehali, Luca Cassia, Yongchao Lü, relevance 3.18

We revisit the vacuum structure of the $\mathcal{N}=1$ Intriligator-Seiberg-Shenker model on $\mathbb{R}^3\times S^1$. Guided by the Cardy-like asymptotics of its Romelsberger index, and building on earlier semi-classical results by Poppitz and \"{U}nsal, we argue that previously overlooked non-perturbative effects generate a Higgs-type potential on the classical Coulomb branch of the low-energy effective 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ theory. In particular, on part of the Coulomb branch we encounter the first instance of a dynamically-generated quintic monopole superpotential.

GUP corrections to Dirac oscillator in the external magnetic field. (arXiv:1912.02706v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Vishakha Tyagi, Sumit Kumar Rai, Bhabani Prasad Mandal, relevance -3.94

We have studied (2+1) dimensional Dirac oscillator (DO) in an external magnetic field in the framework of generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). We have calculated the perturbative corrections for first few energy levels. We show that the infinite degeneracy of lowest Landau level is partially lifted due to GUP correction and obtained a critical value of the magnetic field for which there is no GUP correction and the DO stops oscillating.

Three Dimensional Gravity and Schramm-Loewner Evolution. (arXiv:1912.02694v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jing Zhou, Jialun Ping, relevance 1.97

The partition function of three dimensional gravity in the quantum regime, where the AdS radius $\ell$ is Planck scale, is dual to the Ising conformal field theory when the central charge $c=3\ell/2G$ equals $1/2$. Mathematically, we show that the three dimensional gravity can be described by Schramm-Loewner Evolution (SLE) with certain $\kappa$. In fact, SLE depends on the choice of parameter $\kappa$ which controls the rate of diffusion of the Brownian motion, and the behavior of SLE depends critically on its value. Each value of $c < 1$ corresponds to two values of $\kappa$, which may hint that the three dimensional gravity has two different phases at certain central charge c. Moreover, phase transition is also discussed in AdS and Ising model.

Chemical bonds of two vortex species with a generalized Josephson term and arbitrary charges. (arXiv:1912.02685v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chandrasekhar Chatterjee, Sven Bjarke Gudnason, Muneto Nitta, relevance 0.00

We consider the Abelian-Higgs model with two complex scalar fields and arbitrary positive integer charges with the addition of a higher-order generalization of the Josephson term. The theory possesses vortices of both local and global variants. The only finite-energy configurations are shown to be the local vortices for which a certain combination of vortex numbers and electric charges -- called the global vortex number -- vanishes. The local vortices have rational fractional magnetic flux, as opposed to the global counterparts that can have an arbitrary fractional flux. The global vortices have angular domain walls, which we find good analytic approximate solutions for. Finally, we find a full classification of the minimal local vortices as well as a few nonminimal networks of vortices, using numerical methods.

Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter through Higgs Criticality. (arXiv:1912.02682v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Samuel Passaglia, Wayne Hu, Hayato Motohashi, relevance 10.41

We study the dynamics of a spectator Higgs field which stochastically evolves during inflation onto near-critical trajectories on the edge of a runaway instability. We show that its fluctuations do not produce primordial black holes in sufficient abundance to be the dark matter, nor do they produce significant second-order gravitational waves. First we show that the Higgs produces larger fluctuations on CMB scales than on PBH scales, itself a no-go for a viable PBH scenario. Then we track the superhorizon perturbations nonlinearly through reheating using the delta N formalism to show that they are not converted to large curvature fluctuations. Our conclusions hold regardless of any fine-tuning of the Higgs field for both the Standard Model Higgs and for Higgs potentials modified to prevent unbounded runaway.

Quantum geometric tensor away from Equilibrium. (arXiv:1912.02677v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Davide Rattacaso, Alioscia Hamma, Patrizia Vitale, relevance 0.36

The manifold of ground states of a family of quantum Hamiltonians can be endowed with a quantum geometric tensor whose singularities signal quantum phase transitions and give a general way to define quantum phases. In this paper, we show that the same information-theoretic and geometrical approach can be used to describe the geometry of quantum states away from equilibrium. We construct the quantum geometric tensor $Q_{\mu\nu}$ for ensembles of states that evolve in time and study its phase diagram and equilibration properties. If the initial ensemble is the manifold of ground states, we show that the phase diagram is conserved, that the geometric tensor equilibrates after a quantum quench, and that its time behavior is governed by out-of-time-order commutators (OTOCs). We finally demonstrate our results in the exactly solvable Cluster-XY model.

Simplicity of AdS Supergravity at One Loop. (arXiv:1912.02663v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Luis F. Alday, Xinan Zhou, relevance 9.54

We demonstrate the simplicity of $AdS_5\times S^5$ IIB supergravity at one loop level, by studying non-planar holographic four-point correlators in Mellin space. We develop a systematic algorithm for constructing one-loop Mellin amplitudes from tree-level data, and obtain a simple closed form answer for the $\langle \mathcal{O}_2^{SG}\mathcal{O}_2^{SG}\mathcal{O}_p^{SG}\mathcal{O}_p^{SG} \rangle$ correlators. The structure of this expression is remarkably simple, containing only simultaneous poles in the Mellin variables. We also study the flat space limit of the Mellin amplitudes, which reproduces precisely the IIB supergravity one-loop amplitude in ten dimensions. Our results provide nontrivial evidence for the persistence of the hidden conformal symmetry at one loop.

$\theta$-dependence and center symmetry in Yang-Mills theories. (arXiv:1912.02662v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Claudio Bonati, Marco Cardinali, Massimo D'Elia, Fabrizio Mazziotti, relevance 0.45

We investigate the relation between the realization of center symmetry and the dependence on the topological parameter $\theta$ in $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theories, exploiting trace deformations as a tool to regulate center symmetry breaking in a theory with a small compactified direction. We consider, in particular, $SU(4)$ gauge theory, which admits two possible independent deformations, and study, as a first step, its phase diagram in the deformation plane for two values of the inverse compactified radius going up to $L^{-1} \sim 500$ MeV, comparing the predictions of the effective 1-loop potential of the Polyakov loop with lattice results. The $\theta$-dependence of the various phases is then addressed, up to the fourth order in $\theta$, by numerical simulations: results are found to coincide, within statistical errors, with those of the standard confined phase iff center symmetry is completely restored and independently of the particular way this happens, i.e. either by local suppression of the Polyakov loop traces or by long range disorder.

Bosonic Symmetries of $(2,0)$ DLCQ Field Theories. (arXiv:1912.02638v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Neil Lambert, Arthur Lipstein, Rishi Mouland, Paul Richmond, relevance 2.12

We investigate symmetries of the six-dimensional $(2,0)$ theory reduced along a compact null direction. The action for this theory was deduced by considering M-theory on $AdS_7 \times S^4$ and reducing the $AdS_7$ factor along a time-like Hopf fibration which breaks one quarter of the supersymmetry and reduces the isometry group from $SO(6,2)$ to $SU(3,1)$. The boundary theory was previously shown to have 24 supercharges and a Lifshitz scaling symmetry. In this paper, we show that it has four boost-like symmetries and an additional conformal symmetry which furnish a representation of $SU(3,1)$ when combined with the other bosonic symmetries, providing a nontrivial check of the holographic correspondence.

Low-energy $6D$, ${\cal N}=(1,1)$ SYM effective action beyond the leading approximation. (arXiv:1912.02634v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by I.L. Buchbinder, E.A. Ivanov, B.S. Merzlikin, relevance 2.31

For $6D$, ${\cal N}=(1,1)$ SYM theory formulated in ${\cal N}=(1,0)$ harmonic superspace as a theory of interacting gauge multiplet and hypermultiplet we construct the ${\cal N}=(1,1)$ supersymmetric Heisenberg-Euler-type superfield effective action. The effective action is computed for the slowly varying on-shell background fields and involves, in the bosonic sector, all powers of a constant abelian strength.

Science Case for the Einstein Telescope. (arXiv:1912.02622v4 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Michele Maggiore, Chris van den Broeck, Nicola Bartolo, Enis Belgacem, Daniele Bertacca, Marie Anne Bizouard, Marica Branchesi, Sebastien Clesse, Stefano Foffa, Juan García-Bellido, Stefan Grimm, Jan Harms, Tanja Hinderer, Sabino Matarrese, Cristiano Palomba, Marco Peloso, Angelo Ricciardone, Mairi Sakellariadou, relevance 0.00

The Einstein Telescope (ET), a proposed European ground-based gravitational-wave detector of third-generation, is an evolution of second-generation detectors such as Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo, and KAGRA which could be operating in the mid 2030s. ET will explore the universe with gravitational waves up to cosmological distances. We discuss its main scientific objectives and its potential for discoveries in astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics.

Cauchy problem and strong necessary conditions. (arXiv:1912.02609v1 [math-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Łukasz T. Stȩpień, Krzysztof Z. Sokalski, relevance 3.85

Boundary or initial conditions have been formulated for the solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations created by the strong necessery conditions.

Ehlers as EM duality in the double copy. (arXiv:1912.02597v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. Banerjee, E. Ó Colgáin, J. A. Rosabal, H. Yavartanoo, relevance 0.60

Given a solution to 4D Einstein gravity with an isometry direction, it is known that the equations of motion are identical to those of a 3D $\sigma$-model with target space geometry $SU(1,1)/U(1)$. Thus, any transformation by $SU(1, 1) \cong SL(2,\mathbb{R})$ is a symmetry for the action and allows one to generate new solutions in 4D. Here we clarify and extend recent work by Alawadhi, Berman, Spence \& Veiga on electromagnetic (EM) duality in the context of the classical double copy. In particular, for pure gravity, we identify an explicit map between the Maxwell field of the single copy and the scalars in the target space, allowing us to identify the $U(1) \subset SL(2, \mathbb{R})$ symmetry dual to EM duality in the single copy. Moreover, we extend the analysis to Einstein-Maxwell theory, where we highlight the role of Ehlers-Harrison transformations and argue that the expected single copy manifests itself through a generalised Kerr-Schild decomposition.

On the construction of Riemannian three-spaces with smooth generalized inverse mean curvature flows. (arXiv:1912.02576v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by István Rácz, relevance 0.12

Choose a smooth three-dimensional manifold $\Sigma$ that is smoothly foliated by topological two-spheres, and also a smooth flow on $\Sigma$ such that the integral curves of it intersect the leaves of the foliation precisely once. Choose also a smooth Riemannian three-metric $h_{ij}$ on $\Sigma$ such that the area of the foliating level sets is strictly increasing. Then, by altering suitably the lapse and shift of the flow but keeping the two-metrics induced on the leaves of the foliation fixed a large variety of Riemannian three-geometries is constructed on $\Sigma$ such that the foliation, we started with, gets to be a smooth generalized inverse mean curvature foliation, the prescribed flow turns out to be a generalized inverse mean curvature flow. All this is done such that the scalar curvature of the constructed three-geometries is not required to be non-negative. Furthermore, each of the yielded Riemannian three-spaces is such that the Geroch energy is non-decreasing, and a quasi-local comparison of the surface area and the Geroch energy is also derived, which, whenever a minimal surface exists on $\Sigma$ reduces to a quasi-local form of the Penrose inequality. If the metric $h_{ij}$ we started with is asymptotically flat the constructed three-geometries will be so, and besides the positive energy theorem, if, in addition, a minimal surface exists on $\Sigma$ the conventional global form of the Penrose inequality also holds.

Kundt Structures. (arXiv:1912.02570v2 [math.DG] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Matthew Aadne, relevance 1.89

In this paper we consider a new approach to studying Kundt spacetimes through $G$-structures. We define a Lie-group $GN$ such that the $GN$-structures satisfying an integrability condition and an existence criterion, which we call Kundt structures, have the property that each metric belonging to the Kundt structure is automatically a Kundt spacetime. We find that the Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms of such structures is given by a Lie algebra of nil-Killing vector fields. Lastly we characterize all left invariant Kundt structures on homogeneous manifolds.

Dressed metric predictions revisited. (arXiv:1912.02556v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Wojciech Kamiński, Maciej Kolanowski, Jerzy Lewandowski, relevance 1.16

It was recently shown that the volume operator of loop quantum cosmology (LQC) and all its positive powers are ill-defined on physical states. In this paper, we investigate how it effects predictions of cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectra obtained within dressed metric approach for which expectations values of $\hat{a}$ are the key element. We find that almost every step in the procedure is ill-defined and relies heavily upon a (seemingly premature) numerical truncation. Thus, it suggests that more care is needed in making predictions regarding pre-inflationary physics. We propose a new scheme which contains only well-defined quantities. The surprising agreement of the hitherto models with observational data, especially at low angular momenta $l$ is explained.

Yang-Baxter deformations and generalized supergravity -- A short summary. (arXiv:1912.02553v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Domenico Orlando, Susanne Reffert, Jun-ichi Sakamoto, Yuta Sekiguchi, Kentaroh Yoshida, relevance 1.87

Integrable deformations of type IIB superstring theory on $\mathrm{AdS}_5\times S^5$ have played an important role over the last years. The Yang-Baxter deformation is a systematic way of generating such integrable deformations. Since its introduction, this topic has seen important conceptual progress and has among others led to the intriguing discovery generalized supergravity, a new low-energy effective theory. This review endeavors to not only introduce the historical development of the Yang-Baxter deformation, but also its relation to generalized supergravity, non-geometric backgrounds, non-abelian T-duality and preserved Killing spinors. We supplement the general treatment with a wealth of explicit examples.

The three-loop single mass polarized pure singlet operator matrix element. (arXiv:1912.02536v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald, relevance 0.00

We calculate the massive polarized three-loop pure singlet operator matrix element $A_{Qq}^{(3), \rm PS}$ in the single mass case in the Larin scheme. This operator matrix element contributes to the massive polarized three-loop Wilson coefficient $H_{Qq}^{(3),\rm PS}$ in deep-inelastic scattering and constitutes a three-loop transition matrix element in the variable flavor number scheme. We provide analytic results in Mellin $N$ and in $x$ space and study the behaviour of this operator matrix element in the region of small and large values of the Bjorken variable $x$.

FC sets and twisters: the basics of orbifold deconstruction. (arXiv:1912.02501v1 [math.QA])
in hep-th by P. Bantay, relevance 0.72

We present a detailed account of the properties of twisters and their generalizations, FC sets, which are essential ingredients of the orbifold deconstruction procedure aimed at recognizing whether a given conformal model may be obtained as an orbifold of another one, and if so, to identify the twist group and the original model. The close analogy with the character theory of finite groups is discussed, and its origin explained.

Rotating tensor-multi-scalar solitons. (arXiv:1912.02498v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Lucas G. Collodel, Daniela D. Doneva, Stoytcho S. Yazadjiev, relevance 0.00

In the context of a special class of tensor-multi-scalar theories of gravity for which the target-space metric admits an isometry under which the theory is invariant, we present rotating vacuum solutions, namely with no matter fields. These objects behave like nontopological solitons, whose primary stability is due to the conserved charge arising from the global symmetry. We consider theories with two and three scalar fields, different Gauss curvatures and quartic interaction coefficients. As it occurs for boson stars, their angular momentum is quantized.

A Quantum Framework for AdS/dCFT through Fuzzy Spherical Harmonics on $S^4$. (arXiv:1912.02468v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Aleix Gimenez-Grau, Charlotte Kristjansen, Matthias Volk, Matthias Wilhelm, relevance 5.68

We consider a non-supersymmetric domain-wall version of $\mathcal{N} = 4$ SYM theory where five out of the six scalar fields have non-zero classical values on one side of a wall of codimension one. The classical fields have commutators which constitute an irreducible representation of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{so}(5)$ leading to a highly non-trivial mixing between color and flavor components of the quantum fields. Making use of fuzzy spherical harmonics on $S^4$, we explicitly solve the mixing problem and derive not only the spectrum of excitations at the quantum level but also the propagators of the original fields needed for perturbative quantum computations. As an application, we derive the one-loop one-point function of a chiral primary and find complete agreement with a supergravity prediction of the same quantity in a double-scaling limit which involves a limit of large instanton number in the dual D3-D7 probe-brane setup.

Deformed General Relativity and Quantum Black Holes Interior. (arXiv:1912.02459v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Denis Arruga, Jibril Ben Achour, Karim Noui, relevance 9.75

Effective models of black holes interior have led to several proposals for regular black holes. In the so-called polymer models, based on effective deformations of the phase space of spherically symmetric general relativity in vacuum, one considers a deformed Hamiltonian constraint while keeping a non-deformed vectorial constraint. In this article, we revisit and study further the question of covariance in these deformed gravity models. In particular, we propose a Lagrangian formulation for these deformed gravity models where polymer-like deformations are introduced at the level of the full theory prior to the symmetry reduction and prior to the Legendre transformation. This enables us to test whether the concept of deformed covariance found in spherically symmetric vacuum gravity can be extended to the full theory, and we show that, in the large class of models we are considering, the deformed covariance can not be realized beyond spherical symmetry in the sense that the only deformed theory which leads to a closed constraints algebra is general relativity. Hence, we focus on the spherically symmetric sector, where there exist non-trivial deformed but closed constraints algebras. We investigate the possibility to deform the vectorial constraint as well and we prove that non-trivial deformations of the vectorial constraint with the condition that the constraints algebra remains closed do not exist. Then, we compute the most general deformed Hamiltonian constraint which admits a closed constraints algebra and thus leads to a well-defined effective theory associated with a notion of deformed covariance. Finally, we study homogeneous solutions of these effective theories and, remarkably, we solve explicitly and in full generality the corresponding modified Einstein equations, even for the effective theories which do not satisfy the closeness condition.

On Globalized Traces for the Poisson Sigma Model. (arXiv:1912.02435v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Nima Moshayedi, relevance 0.26

A globalized version of a trace formula for the Poisson Sigma Model on the disk is presented by using its formal global picture in the setting of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. This global construction includes the concept of zero modes. Moreover, for the symplectic case of the Poisson Sigma Model with cotangent target, the globalized trace reduces to a symplectic construction which was presented by Grady, Li and Li for 1-dimensional Chern-Simons theory (topological quantum mechanics). In addition, the connection between this formula and the Nest-Tsygan theorem and the Tamarkin-Tsygan theorem is explained.

Modelling Double Neutron Stars: Radio and Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:1912.02415v4 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Debatri Chattopadhyay, Simon Stevenson, Jarrod R. Hurley, Luca J. Rossi, Chris Flynn, relevance 0.00

We have implemented prescriptions for modelling pulsars in the rapid binary population synthesis code COMPAS. We perform a detailed analysis of the double neutron star (DNS) population, accounting for radio survey selection effects. The surface magnetic field decay timescale (${\sim}1000$\,Myr) and mass scale (${\sim}0.02$\,M$_\odot$) are the dominant uncertainties in our model. Mass accretion during common envelope evolution plays a non-trivial role in recycling pulsars. We find a best-fit model that is in broad agreement with the observed Galactic DNS population. Though the pulsar parameters (period and period derivative) are strongly biased by radio selection effects, the observed orbital parameters (orbital period and eccentricity) closely represent the intrinsic distributions. The number of radio observable DNSs in the Milky Way at present is about 2500 in our model, corresponding to approximately 10\% of the predicted total number of DNSs in the galaxy. Using our model calibrated to the Galactic DNS population, we make predictions for DNS mergers observed in gravitational waves. The DNS chirp mass distribution varies from 1.1M$_\odot$ to 2.1M$_\odot$ and the median is found to be 1.14\,M$_\mathrm{\odot}$. The expected effective spin $\chi_\mathrm{eff}$ for isolated DNSs is $\lesssim$0.03 from our model. We predict that 34\% of the current Galactic isolated DNSs will merge within a Hubble time, and have a median total mass of 2.7\,M$_\mathrm{\odot}$. Finally, we discuss implications for fast radio bursts and post-merger remnant gravitational-waves.

Renormalization group on a triad network. (arXiv:1912.02414v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Daisuke Kadoh, Katsumasa Nakayama, relevance 1.77

We propose a new renormalization scheme of tensor networks made only of third order tensors. The isometry used for coarse-graining the network can be prepared at an $O(D^6)$ computational cost in any $d$ dimension ($d \ge 2$), where $D$ is the truncated bond dimension of tensors. Although it is reduced to $O(D^5)$ if a randomized singular value decomposition is employed, the total cost is $O(D^{d+3})$ because the contraction part for creating a renormalized tensor with isometries has $D^{d+3}$ multiplications. We test our method in three dimensional Ising model and find that the numerical results are obtained for large $D$s with reasonable errors.

On the electron-polaron--electron-polaron scattering and Landau levels in pristine graphene-like quantum electrodynamics. (arXiv:1912.02353v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by W.B. De Lima, O.M. Del Cima, E.S. Miranda, relevance 0.00

The parity-preserving $U(1)\times U(1)$ massless QED$_3$ is proposed as a pristine graphene-like planar quantum electrodynamics model. The spectrum content, the degrees of freedom, spin, masses and charges of the quasiparticles (electron-polaron, hole-polaron, photon and N\'eel quasiparticles) which emerge from the model are discussed. The four-fold broken degeneracy of the Landau levels, similar as the one experimentally observed in pristine graphene submitted to high applied external magnetic fields, is obtained. Furthermore, the model exhibits zero-energy Landau level indicating a kind of anomalous quantum Hall effect. The electron-polaron--electron-polaron scattering potentials in $s$- and $p$-wave states mediated by photon and N\'eel quasiparticles are computed and analyzed. Finally, the model foresees that two electron-polarons ($s$-wave state) belonging to inequivalent $\mathbf{K}$ and $\mathbf{K^\prime}$ points in the Brillouin zone might exhibit attractive interaction, while two electron-polarons ($p$-wave state) lying both either in $\mathbf{K}$ or in $\mathbf{K^\prime}$ points experience repulsive interaction.

Probing the cosmic opacity from Future Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens. (arXiv:1912.02327v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Lu Zhou, Xiangyun Fu, Zhaohui Peng, Jun Chen, relevance 0.00

In this work, using the Gaussian Process, we explore the potentiality of future gravitational wave (GW) measurement to probe cosmic opacity through comparing its opacity-free luminosity distance (LD) with the opacity-dependent one from type Ia supernovae (SNIa). GW data points are simulated from the third generation Einstein Telescope, and SNIa data are taken from the Joint Light Analysis (JLA) or Pantheon compilation. The advantages of using Gaussian Process are that one may match SNIa data with GW data at the same redshift and use all available data to probe cosmic opacity. We obtain that the error bar of the constraint on cosmic opacity can be reduced to $\sigma_{\epsilon}\sim 0.011$ and $0.006$ at $1\sigma$ confidence level (CL) for JLA and Pantheon respectively in a cosmological-independent way. Thus, the future GW measurements can give competitive results on the cosmic opacity test. Furthermore, we propose a method to probe the spatial homogeneity of the cosmic transparency through comparing the reconstructed LD from the mock GW with the reconstructed one from SNIa data in a flat $\Lambda$CDM with the Gaussian Process. The result shows that a transparent universe is favored at $1\sigma$ CL, although the best-fit value of cosmic opacity is redshift-dependent.

Analytical solution to DGLAP integro-differential equation via complex maps in domains of contour integrals. (arXiv:1912.02303v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Gustavo Alvarez, Igor Kondrashuk, relevance 0.00

A simple model for QCD dynamics in which the DGLAP integro-differential equation may be solved analytically has been considered in our previous papers arXiv:1611.08787 [hep-ph] and arXiv:1906.07924 [hep-ph]. When such a model contains only one term in the splitting function of the dominant parton distribution, then Bessel function appears to be the solution to this simplified DGLAP equation. To our knowledge, this model with only one term in the splitting function for the first time has been proposed by Blumlein in hep-ph/9506403. In arXiv:1906.07924 [hep-ph] we have shown that a dual integro-differential equation obtained from the DGLAP equation by a complex map in the plane of the Mellin moment in this model may be considered as the BFKL equation. Then, in arXiv:1906.07924 we have applied a complex diffeomorphism to obtain a standard integral from Gradshteyn and Ryzhik tables starting from the contour integral for parton distribution functions that is usually taken by calculus of residues. This standard integral from these tables appears to be the Laplace transformation of Jacobian for this complex diffeomorphism. Here we write up all the formulae behind this trick in detail and find out certain important points for further development of this strategy. We verify that the inverse Laplace transformation of the Laplace image of the Bessel function may be represented in a form of Barnes contour integral.

Charged scalar production at the Compact Linear Collider for the $S_3 \otimes \mathbb{Z}_2$ model. (arXiv:1912.02294v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by G. De Conto, A. C. B. Machado, J. Montaño, P. Chimenti, relevance 0.00

We present a model with $S_3 \otimes \mathbb{Z}_2$ model plus a sterile neutrino and its phenomenological expectations for the production of charged scalars at the Compact Linear Collider. At tree level, our model predicts a total cross section in between 0.1 and 0.001 pb for the $e^- e^+ \to H^+ H^-$ process, considering all possible mass values for the charged scalar in the CLIC experiment. We also show that this prediction holds regardless of the masses of the exotic particles and their couplings.

The Ryu-Takayanagi Formula from Quantum Error Correction: An Algebraic Treatment of the Boundary CFT. (arXiv:1912.02240v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Helia Kamal, Geoffrey Penington, relevance 5.10

It was recently shown by Harlow that any quantum error correcting code, satisfying the same complementary recovery properties as AdS/CFT, will obey a version of the Ryu-Takayanagi formula. In his most general result, Harlow allowed the bulk algebras to have nontrivial center, which was necessary for the "area operator" in this Ryu-Takayanagi formula to be nontrivial. However, the boundary Hilbert space was still assumed to factorise into Hilbert spaces associated with complementary boundary regions. We extend this work to include more general boundary theories, such as gauge theories, where the subalgebras associated with boundary regions may also have nontrivial center. We show the equivalence of a set of four conditions for a bulk algebra to be reconstructable from a boundary algebra, and then show that complementary recovery implies that the algebraic boundary entropy obeys a Ryu-Takayanagi formula. In contrast, we show that the distillable boundary entropy does not obey any such formula. If an additional "log dim R" term is added to the algebraic entropy, it will still obey a Ryu-Takayanagi formula, with a different area operator. However, since the "log dim R" term is a sum over local boundary contributions, we argue that it can only be related to the regularisation of the area at the bulk cut-off.

Magnetic Soft Charges, Dual Supertranslations and 't Hooft Line Dressings. (arXiv:1912.02224v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sangmin Choi, Ratindranath Akhoury, relevance 1.16

We construct the Faddeev-Kulish asymptotic states in a quantum field theory of electric and magnetic charges. We find that there are two kind of dressings: apart from the well know (electric) Wilson line dressing, there is a magnetic counterpart which can be written as a 't Hooft line operator. The 't Hooft line dressings are charged under the magnetic large gauge transformation (LGT), but are neutral under electric LGT. This is in contrast to the Faddeev-Kulish dressings of electrons, which can be written as a Wilson line operator and are charged under electric LGT but neutral under magnetic LGT. With these dressings and the corresponding construction of the coherent states, the infrared finiteness of the theory of electric and magnetic charges is guaranteed. Even in the absence of magnetic monopoles, the electric and magnetic soft modes exhibit the electromagnetic duality of vacuum Maxwell theory. The leading magnetic dressings, like the leading electric ones, are exact in the field theory of electric and magnetic charges, in accordance with a conjecture of Strominger. We then extend the construction to perturbative quantum gravity in asymptotically flat spacetime, and construct gravitational 't Hooft line dressings that are charged under dual supertranslations. The duality between the electric and magnetic soft charges and their dressings is thus made manifest.

Instanton Corrections and Emergent Strings. (arXiv:1912.02218v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Florent Baume, Fernando Marchesano, Max Wiesner, relevance 0.00

We study limits of infinite distance in the moduli space of 4d $\mathcal{N} = 2$ string compactifications, in which instanton effects dominate. We first consider trajectories in the hypermultiplet moduli space of type IIB Calabi-Yau compactifications. We observe a correspondence between towers of D-brane instantons and D-brane 4d strings, such that the lighter the string the more relevant the instanton effects are. The dominant instantons modify the classical trajectory such that the lightest D-brane string becomes tensionless even faster, while the other strings are prevented to go below the fundamental string tension. This lightest string is dual to a fundamental type IIB string and realises the Emergent String Conjecture. We also consider the vector multiplet moduli space of type I string theory on $K3 \times T^2$ , where quantum corrections can also become significant. Naively, we only find trajectories that correspond to decompactification limits, in apparent contradiction with the picture obtained in some dual setup.

Pulling Out the Island with Modular Flow. (arXiv:1912.02210v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yiming Chen, relevance 7.08

Recent works have suggested that the entanglement wedge of Hawking radiation coming from an AdS black hole, will include an island inside the black hole interior after the Page time. In this paper, we propose a concrete way to extract the information from the island by acting only on the radiation degrees of freedom, building on the equivalence between the boundary and bulk modular flow. We consider examples with black holes in JT gravity coupled to baths. In the case that the bulk conformal fields contain free massless fermion field, we provide explicit bulk picture of the information extraction process, where we find that one can almost pull out an operator from the island to the bath with modular flow.

Large Higgs quartic coupling and (A)DM from extended Bosonic Technicolor. (arXiv:1912.02203v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Mads T. Frandsen, Wei-Chih Huang, relevance 0.47

We propose novel bosonic Technicolor models augmented by an $SU(2)_R$ gauge group and scalar doublet. Dynamical breaking of $SU(2)_R$ induced by technifermion condensation triggers $SU(2)_L$ breaking via a portal coupling. The scale of the new strong interactions is as high as that of composite Higgs models, and the vacuum stability challenge confronting ordinary bosonic Technicolor models is avoided. Thermal or asymmetric dark matter, whose stability is ensured by a $U(1)_{\rm TB}$ technibaryon symmetry, can be realized. In the latter case, the correct relic density can be reproduced for a wide range of dark matter mass via leptogenesis.

Constraining Galactic Structure with the LISA White Dwarf Foreground. (arXiv:1912.02200v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Katelyn Breivik, Chiara M. F. Mingarelli, Shane L. Larson, relevance 0.00

White dwarfs comprise 95% of all stellar remnants, and are thus an excellent tracer of old stellar populations in the Milky Way. Current and planned telescopes are not able to directly probe the white dwarf population in its entirety due to its inherently low luminosity. However, the Galactic population of double white dwarf binaries gives rise to a millihertz gravitational-wave foreground detectable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Here we show how characterizing this foreground's angular power spectrum will enable us to probe the Galactic structure in a novel way and measure the vertical scale height of the Galaxy's oldest stellar populations. We do this using a binary population synthesis study that incorporates different Galactic spatial distributions for the double white dwarf population. We find that the level of anisotropy in the white dwarf foreground's angular power spectrum is strongly dependent on the vertical scale height of the population. Finally, we show that LISA can probe the vertical scale height of the Galactic double white dwarf population with an accuracy of 50 pc-200pc, depending on angular resolution limits, using the angular power spectrum of the white dwarf foreground.

UV Sensitivity of the Axion Mass from Instantons in Partially Broken Gauge Groups. (arXiv:1912.02197v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Csaba Csaki, Maximilian Ruhdorfer, Yuri Shirman, relevance 6.13

We examine the contribution of small instantons to the axion mass in various UV completions of QCD. We show that the reason behind the potential dominance of such contributions is the non-trivial embedding of QCD into the UV theory. The effects from instantons in the partially broken gauge group appear as "fractional instanton" corrections in the effective theory. These will exhibit unusual dependences on the various scales in the problem whenever the index of embedding is non-trivial. We present a full one-instanton calculation of the axion mass in the simplest product group models, carefully keeping track of numerical prefactors. Rather than using a 't Hooft operator approximation we directly evaluate the contributions to the vacuum bubble, automatically capturing the effects of closing up external fermion lines with Higgs loops. This approach is manifestly finite and removes the uncertainty associated with introducing a cutoff scale for the Higgs loops. We verify that the small instantons may dominate over the QCD contribution for very high breaking scales and at least three group factors.

Dynamically and thermodynamically stable black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity. (arXiv:1912.02192v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Dumitru Astefanesei, Jose Luis Blázquez-Salcedo, Carlos Herdeiro, Eugen Radu, Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, relevance 15.34

We consider Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity with the non-minimal exponential coupling between the dilaton and the Maxwell field emerging from low energy heterotic string theory. The dilaton is endowed with a potential that originates from an electromagnetic Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term in $\mathcal{N}=2$ extended supergravity in four spacetime dimensions. For the case we are interested in, this potential introduces a single parameter $\alpha$. When $\alpha\rightarrow 0$, the static black holes (BHs) of the model are the Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger (GMGHS) solutions. When $\alpha \rightarrow \infty$, the BHs become the standard Reissner-Nordstr\"om (RN) solutions of electrovacuum General Relativity. The BH solutions for finite non-zero $\alpha$ interpolate between these two families. In this case, the dilaton potential regularizes the extremal limit of the GMGHS solution yielding a set of zero temperature BHs with a near horizon $AdS_2\times S^2$ geometry. We show that, in the neighborhood of these extremal solutions, there is a subset of BHs that are dynamically and thermodynamically stable, all of which have charge to mass ratio larger than unity. By dynamical stability we mean that no growing quasi-normal modes are found; thus they are stable against linear perturbations (spherical and non-spherical). Moreover, non-linear numerical evolutions lend support to their non-linear stability. By thermodynamical stability we mean the BHs are stable both in the canonical and grand-canonical ensemble. In particular, both the specific heat at constant charge and the isothermal permittivity are positive. This is not possible for RN and GMGHS BHs. We discuss the different thermodynamical phases for the BHs in this model and comment on what may allow the existence of both dynamically and thermodynamically stable BHs.

Subleading Power Resummation of Rapidity Logarithms: The Energy-Energy Correlator in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM. (arXiv:1912.02188v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Ian Moult, Gherardo Vita, Kai Yan, relevance 0.00

We derive and solve renormalization group equations that allow for the resummation of subleading power rapidity logarithms. Our equations involve operator mixing into a new class of operators, which we term the "rapidity identity operators", that will generically appear at subleading power in problems involving both rapidity and virtuality scales. To illustrate our formalism, we analytically solve these equations to resum the power suppressed logarithms appearing in the back-to-back (double light cone) limit of the Energy-Energy Correlator (EEC) in $\mathcal{N}$=4 super-Yang-Mills. These logarithms can also be extracted to $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)$ from a recent perturbative calculation, and we find perfect agreement to this order. Instead of the standard Sudakov exponential, our resummed result for the subleading power logarithms is expressed in terms of Dawson's integral, with an argument related to the cusp anomalous dimension. We call this functional form "Dawson's Sudakov". Our formalism is widely applicable for the resummation of subleading power rapidity logarithms in other more phenomenologically relevant observables, such as the EEC in QCD, the $p_T$ spectrum for color singlet boson production at hadron colliders, and the resummation of power suppressed logarithms in the Regge limit.

4-volume cutoff measure of the multiverse. (arXiv:1912.02187v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Alexander Vilenkin, Masaki Yamada, relevance 14.00

Predictions in an eternally inflating multiverse are meaningless unless we specify the probability measure. The scale-factor cutoff is perhaps the simplest and most successful measure which avoid catastrophic problems such as the youngness paradox, runaway problem, and Boltzmann brain problem, but it is not well defined in contracting regions with a negative cosmological constant. In this paper, we propose a new measure with properties similar to the scale-factor cutoff which is well defined everywhere. The measure is defined by a cutoff in the 4-volume spanned by infinitesimal comoving neighborhoods in a congruence of timelike geodesics. The probability distributions for the cosmological constant and for the curvature parameter in this measure are similar to those for the scale factor cutoff and are in a good agreement with observations.

The Classical Double Copy of a Point Charge. (arXiv:1912.02177v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kwangeon Kim, Kanghoon Lee, Ricardo Monteiro, Isobel Nicholson, David Peinador Veiga, relevance 0.74

The classical double copy relates solutions to the equations of motion in gauge theory and in gravity. In this paper, we present two double-copy formalisms for relating the Coulomb solution in gauge theory to the two-parameter Janis-Newman-Winicour solution in gravity. The latter is a static, spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat solution that generically includes a dilaton field, but also admits the Schwarzschild solution as a special case. We first present the classical double copy as a perturbative construction, similar to its formulation for scattering amplitudes, and then present it as an exact map, with a novel generalisation of the Kerr-Schild double copy motivated by double field theory. The latter formalism exhibits the relation between the Kerr-Schild classical double copy and the string theory origin of the double copy for scattering amplitudes.

Black Hole Genesis and origin of cosmic acceleration. (arXiv:1912.02173v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Nikodem J. Popławski, relevance 10.68

We consider a hypothesis that the closed Universe was formed on the other side of the event horizon of a black hole existing in another universe. That black hole appears in the Universe as a boundary white hole, and its rest frame in comoving coordinates is a frame of reference in which the cosmic microwave background is isotropic. We consider the Lagrangian density for the gravitational field that is proportional to the curvature scalar, and use the metric-affine variational principle in which the symmetric affine connection and the metric tensor are variables. The white hole appears in the Lagrangian through a simplest, generally covariant and linear term: the four-divergence of the four-velocity of the white hole in comoving coordinates. We show that the variation of the action with respect to the connection generates the nonmetricity, which creates a term in the Lagrangian that is equivalent to a positive cosmological constant. The current cosmic acceleration may therefore be a manifestation of the boundary of the closed Universe. We also show that the equation of motion of a test particle deviates from the geodesic equation by a term that depends on the four-velocities of the particle and the white hole. The rest frame of the white hole in comoving coordinates is the only absolutely inertial frame of reference. This deviation might be observed on galactic scales.

Classical and quantum scattering in post-Minkowskian gravity. (arXiv:1912.02139v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Thibault Damour, relevance 0.00

New structural properties of post-Minkowskian (PM) gravity are derived, notably within its effective one body (EOB) formulation. Our results concern both the mass dependence, and the high-energy behavior, of the classical scattering angle. We generalize our previous work by deriving, up to the fourth post-Minkowskian (4PM) level included, the explicit links between the scattering angle and the two types of potentials entering the Hamiltonian description of PM dynamics within EOB theory. We compute the scattering amplitude derived from quantizing the third post-Minkowskian (3PM) EOB radial potential (including the contributions coming from the Born iterations), and point out various subtleties in the relation between perturbative amplitudes and classical dynamics. We highlight an apparent tension between the classical 3PM dynamics derived by Bern {\it et al.} [Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ {\bf 122}, 201603 (2019)], and previous high-energy self-force results [Phys.\ Rev.\ D {\bf 86}, 104041 (2012)], and propose several possible resolutions of this tension. We point out that linear-in-mass-ratio self-force computations can give access to the exact 3PM and 4PM dynamics.

On the emergence of gravitational dynamics from tensor networks. (arXiv:1912.02070v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jia-Rui Sun, Yuan Sun, relevance 28.48

Tensor networks are powerful techniques that widely used in condensed matter physics. In this language, the wave function of a quantum manybody system is described by a network of tensors with specific entanglement structures. Recently, it is shown that tensor network can generate the anti-de Sitter (AdS) geometry by using the entanglement renormalization approach. However, whether the dynamical connections can be found between the tensor network and the gravity is an important unsolved problem. In this paper, we give a novel proposal to integrate ideas from tensor networks, entanglement entropy, canonical quantization of quantum gravity and the holographic principle and argue that the gravitational dynamics can be generated from a tensor network if the wave function of the latter satisfies the Wheeler-DeWitt equation.

3-Dimensional TQFTs from Non-Semisimple Modular Categories. (arXiv:1912.02063v2 [math.GT] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marco De Renzi, Azat M. Gainutdinov, Nathan Geer, Bertrand Patureau-Mirand, Ingo Runkel, relevance 0.50

We use modified traces to renormalize Lyubashenko's closed 3-manifold invariants coming from twist non-degenerate finite unimodular ribbon categories. Our construction produces new topological invariants which we upgrade to 2+1-TQFTs under the additional assumption of factorizability. The resulting functors provide monoidal extensions of Lyubashenko's mapping class group representations, to be discussed in a separate paper. This general framework encompasses important examples of non-semisimple modular categories coming from the representation theory of quasi-Hopf algebras, which were left out of previous non-semisimple TQFT constructions.

Fermion condensation under rotation on anti-de Sitter space. (arXiv:1912.02014v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Victor E. Ambrus, relevance 16.02

Due to the local curvature, the fermion condensate (FC) for a free Dirac field on anti-de Sitter (adS) space becomes finite, even in the massless limit. Employing the point splitting method using an exact expression for the Feynman two-point function, an experssion for the local FC is derived. Integrating this expression, we report the total FC in the adS volume and on its boundary.

Analogues of gravity-induced instabilities in anisotropic metamaterials. (arXiv:1912.01971v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by C. C. H. Ribeiro, D. A. T. Vanzella, relevance 2.26

In the context of field theory in curved spacetimes, it is known that suitable background spacetime geometries can trigger instabilities of fields, leading to exponential growth of their (quantum and classical) fluctuations --- a phenomenon called $\textit{vacuum awakening}$ in the quantum context, which in some classical scenarios seeds $\textit{spontaneous scalarization/vectorization}$. Despite its conceptual interest, an actual observation in nature of this effect is uncertain since it depends on the existence of fields with appropriate masses and couplings in strong-gravity regimes. Here, we propose analogues for this gravity-induced instability based on nonlinear optics of metamaterials which could, in principle, be observed in laboratory.

Non-Perturbative 3D Quantum Gravity: Quantum Boundary States and Exact Partition Function. (arXiv:1912.01968v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Christophe Goeller, Etera R. Livine, Aldo Riello, relevance 12.56

We push forward the investigation of holographic dualities in 3D quantum gravity formulated as a topological quantum field theory, studying the correspondence between boundary and bulk structures. Working with the Ponzano-Regge topological state-sum model defining an exact discretization of 3d quantum gravity, we analyze how the partition function for a solid twisted torus depends on the boundary quantum state. This configuration is relevant to the AdS${}_{3}$/CFT${}_{2}$ correspondence. We introduce boundary spin network states with coherent superposition of spins on a square lattice on the boundary surface. This allows for the first exact analytical calculation of Ponzano-Regge amplitudes with extended 2D boundary (beyond the single tetrahedron). We get a regularized finite truncation of the BMS character formula obtained from the one-loop perturbative quantization of 3D gravity. This hints towards the existence of an underlying symmetry and the integrability of the theory for finite boundary at the quantum level for coherent boundary spin network states.

Wavelet regularization of gauge theories. (arXiv:1912.01961v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by M. V. Altaisky, relevance 6.17

Extending the principle of local gauge invariance $\psi(x)\to \exp\left(\imath \sum_A \omega^A(x)T^A \right) \psi(x), x \in \mathbb{R}^d$, with $T^A$ being the generators of the gauge group $\mathcal{A}$, to the fields $\psi(g)\equiv \langle \chi|\Omega^*(g)|\psi\rangle$, defined on a locally compact Lie group $G$, $g\in G$, where $\Omega(g)$ is suitable square-integrable representation of $G$, it is shown that taking the coordinates ($g$) on the affine group, we get a gauge theory that is finite by construction. The renormalization group in the constructed theory relates to each other the charges measured at different scales. The case of the $\mathcal{A}=SU(N)$ gauge group is considered.

Orthosymplectic Satake equivalence. (arXiv:1912.01930v2 [math.RT] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Roman Travkin, relevance 5.56

This is a companion paper of arXiv:1909.11492. We prove an equivalence relating representations of a degenerate orthosymplectic supergroup with the category of $SO(N-1,{\mathbb C}[\![t]\!])$-equivariant perverse sheaves on the affine Grassmannian of $SO_N$. We explain how this equivalence fits into a more general framework of conjectures due to Gaiotto and to Ben-Zvi, Sakellaridis and Venkatesh.

Tidal effects in the equations of motion of compact binary systems to next-to-next-to-leading post-Newtonian order. (arXiv:1912.01920v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Quentin Henry, Guillaume Faye, Luc Blanchet, relevance 0.00

As a first step in the computation of the orbital phase evolution of spinless compact binaries including tidal effects up to the next-to-next-to-leading (NNL) order, we obtain the equations of motion of those systems and the associated conserved integrals in harmonic coordinates. The internal structure and finite size effects of the compact objects are described by means of an effective Fokker-type action. Our results, complete to the NNL order, correspond to the second-post-Newtonian (2PN) approximation beyond the leading tidal effect itself, already occurring at the 5PN order. They are parametrized by three polarizability (or deformability) coefficients describing the mass quadrupolar, mass octupolar and current quadrupolar deformations of the objects through tidal interactions. Up to the next-to-leading (NL) order, we recover previous results in the literature; up to the NNL order for quasi-circular orbits, we confirm the known tidal effects in the (PN re-expansion of the) effective-one-body (EOB) Hamiltonian. In a future work, we shall derive the tidal contributions to the gravitational-wave flux up to the NNL order, which is the second step required to find the orbital phase evolution.

Superconformal generalizations of auxiliary vector modified polynomial f(R) theories. (arXiv:1912.01919v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sibel Boran, Emre Onur Kahya, Nese Ozdemir, Mehmet Ozkan, Utku Zorba, relevance 0.71

We present the supersymmetric completion of the auxiliary vector modified polynomial $f(R)$ theories in their dual scalar-tensor theory formulation that interpolate between the auxiliary vector modified polynomial $f(R)$ theories and chaotic inflation with the power-law potential $V(\phi) \propto \phi^p$. The supersymmetrization is achieved in two steps: First, we introduce a superconformal theory for three chiral multiplets by choosing a conformal K\"ahler potential and a conformal superpotential. In the second step, we use one of the chiral multiplets to compensate for the superconformal symmetries and achieve the K\"ahler potential and the superpotential while the other two are used to realize inflation with a stable inflationary trajectory. The stability of the inflationary trajectory requires certain deformations to the K\"ahler potential which we discuss their compatibility against the inflationary observables from the latest Planck data.

Four-Point Functions in Momentum Space: Conformal Ward Identities in the Scalar/Tensor case. (arXiv:1912.01907v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Claudio Corianò, Matteo Maria Maglio, Dimosthenis Theofilopoulos, relevance 3.81

We derive and analyze the conformal Ward identities (CWI's) of a tensor 4-point function of a generic CFT in momentum space. The correlator involves the stress-energy tensor $T$ and three scalar operators $O$ ($TOOO$). We extend the reconstruction method for tensor correlators from 3- to 4-point functions, starting from the transverse traceless sector of the $TOOO$. We derive the structure of the corresponding CWI's in two different sets of variables, relevant for the analysis of the 1-to-3 (1 graviton $\to$ 3 scalars) and 2-to-2 (graviton + scalar $\to$ two scalars) scattering processes. The equations are all expressed in terms of a single form factor. In both cases, we discuss the structure of the equations and their possible behaviors in various asymptotic limits of the external invariants. A comparative analysis of the systems of equations for the $TOOO$ and those for the $OOOO$, both in the general (conformal) and dual-conformal/conformal (dcc) cases, is presented. We show that in all the cases the Lauricella functions are homogenous solutions of such systems of equations, also described as parametric 4K integrals of modified Bessel functions.

Closed form fermionic expressions for the Macdonald index. (arXiv:1912.01896v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Omar Foda, Rui-Dong Zhu, relevance 0.72

We interpret aspects of the Schur indices, that were identified with characters of highest weight modules in Virasoro $(p,p')=(2,2k+3)$ minimal models for $k=1,2,\dots$, in terms of paths that first appeared in exact solutions in statistical mechanics. From that, we propose closed-form fermionic sum expressions, that is, $q, t$-series with manifestly non-negative coefficients, for two infinite-series of Macdonald indices of $(A_1,A_{2k})$ Argyres-Douglas theories that correspond to $t$-refinements of Virasoro $(p,p')=(2,2k+3)$ minimal model characters, and two rank-2 Macdonald indices that correspond to $t$-refinements of $\mathcal{W}_3$ non-unitary minimal model characters. Our proposals match with computations from 4D $\mathcal{N} = 2$ gauge theories \textit{via} the TQFT picture, based on the work of J Song arXiv:1509.06730.

Unattainability of the Trans-Planckian regime in Nonlocal Quantum Gravity. (arXiv:1912.01878v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Fabio Briscese, Leonardo Modesto, relevance 9.33

Based on the ultraviolet asymptotic freedom of nonlocal gravity, we show that the trans-Planckian energy regime is unattainable in any viable laboratory experiment. As physical implications, it turns out that the violation of micro-causality, typical of nonlocal field theories, can never be detected in any laboratory experiment, while the asymptotic freedom of the theory easily solves the so called trans-Planckian cosmological problem.

New solutions of the Ermakov-Pinney equation in curved space-time. (arXiv:1912.01869v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Donato Bini, Giampiero Esposito, relevance 1.85

An Ermakov-Pinney-like equation associated with the scalar wave equation in curved space-time is here studied. The example of Schwarzschild space-time considered in the present work shows that this equation can be viewed more as a model equation, with interesting applications in black hole physics. Other applications studied involve cosmological space-times (de Sitter) and pulse of plane gravitational waves. In all these cases the evolution of the Ermakov-Pinney field seems to be consistent with a rapid blow-up, unlike the Schwarzschild case where spatially damped oscillations are allowed. Eventually, the phase function is also evaluated in many of the above space-time models.

On gravitational and electromagnetic memory. (arXiv:1912.01840v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Pujian Mao, Wen-Di Tan, relevance 2.14

We present a unified investigation of memory effect in Einstein-Maxwell theory. Our result recovers the two known gravitational memory effects and the two known electromagnetic memory effects.

Cosmological evolution of viable models in the generalized scalar-tensor theory. (arXiv:1912.01768v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Shun Arai, Purnendu Karmakar, Atsushi Nishizawa, relevance 0.00

We investigate the parameter distributions of the viable generalized scalar-tensor theory with conventional dust matter after GW170817 in a model-independent way. We numerically construct the models by computing the time evolution of a scalar field, which leads to a positive definite second-order Hamiltonian and are consistent with the observed Hubble parameter. We show the model parameter distributions in the degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor (DHOST) theory, and its popular subclasses, e.g., Horndeski and GLPV theories, etc.. We find that 1) the Planck mass run rate, $\alpha_M$, is insensitive to distinguish the theories. 2) the kinetic-braiding parameter, $\alpha_B$, clearly discriminates the models from those of the Horndeski theory, 3) the parameters for the higher-order theories, $\alpha_H$ and $\beta_1$, are relatively smaller in magnitude (by several factors) than $\alpha_M$ and $\alpha_B$, but can still be used for discriminating the theories except for the GLPV theory. Based on the above three facts, we propose a minimal set of parameters that sensibly distinguishes the subclasses of DHOST theories, ($\alpha_M$, $\alpha_B-\alpha_M/2$, $\beta_1$).

Stochastic Renormalization Group and Gradient Flow in Scalar Field Theory. (arXiv:1912.01766v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Andrea Carosso, Anna Hasenfratz, Ethan T. Neil, relevance 0.00

Recently, the connections between gradient flow and renormalization group have been explored analytically and numerically. Gradient flow (when modified by a field rescaling) can be characterized as a continuous blocking transformation. In this work, we draw a connection between gradient flow and functional renormalization group by describing how FRG can be represented by a stochastic process, and how the stochastic observables relate to gradient flow observables. The relation implies correlator scaling formulae that can be applied numerically in lattice simulations. We present preliminary results on anomalous dimensions obtained from such measurements in the context of 3-dimensional lattice $\phi^4$ theory.

A mathematical theory of gapless edges of 2d topological orders. Part II. (arXiv:1912.01760v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Liang Kong, Hao Zheng, relevance 2.06

This is the second part of a two-part work on the unified mathematical theory of gapped and gapless edges of 2+1D topological orders. In Part I, we have developed the mathematical theory of chiral gapless edges. In Part II, we study boundary-bulk relation and non-chiral gapless edges. In particular, we explain how the notion of the center of an enriched monoidal category naturally emerges from the boundary-bulk relation. After the study of 0+1D gapless walls, we give the complete boundary-bulk relation for 2+1D topological orders with chiral gapless edges (including gapped edges) and 0d walls between edges. This relation is stated precisely and proved rigorously as a monoidal equivalence, which generalizes the functoriality of the usual Drinfeld center to an enriched setting. We also develop the mathematical theory of non-chiral gapless edges and 0+1D walls, and explain how to gap out certain non-chiral 1+1D gapless edges and 0+1D gapless walls categorically. In the end, we show that all anomaly-free 1+1D boundary-bulk rational CFT's can be recovered from 2d topological orders with chiral gapless edges via a dimensional reduction process. This provides physical meanings to some mysterious connections between mathematical results in fusion categories and those in rational CFT's.

Black holes with a nonconstant kinetic term in degenerate higher-order scalar tensor theories. (arXiv:1912.01744v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Masato Minamitsuji, James Edholm, relevance 7.89

We investigate static and spherically symmetric black hole (BH) solutions in shift-symmetric quadratic-order degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor (DHOST) theories. We allow a nonconstant kinetic term $X=g^{\mu\nu} \partial_\mu\phi\partial_\nu \phi$ for the scalar field $\phi$ and assume that $\phi$ is, like the spacetime, a pure function of the radial coordinate $r$, namely $\phi=\phi(r)$. First, we find analytic static and spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in the so-called {\it Class Ia} DHOST theories, which include the quartic Horndeski theories as a subclass. We consider several explicit models in this class and apply our scheme to find the exact vacuum BH solutions. BH solutions obtained in our analysis are neither Schwarzschild or Schwarzschild (anti-) de Sitter. We show that a part of the BH solutions obtained in our analysis are free of ghost and Laplacian instabilities and are also mode stable against the odd-parity perturbations. Finally, we argue the case that the scalar field has a linear time dependence $\phi=qt+\psi (r)$ and show several simple examples of nontrivial BH solutions with a nonconstant kinetic term obtained analytically and numerically.

Casimir force induced by electromagnetic wave polarization in Kerr, G\"odel and Bianchi--I spacetimes. (arXiv:1912.01740v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Felipe A. Asenjo, Sergio A. Hojman, relevance 5.64

Electromagnetic waves propagation on either rotating or anisotropic spacetime backgrounds (such as Kerr and G\"odel metrics, or Bianchi--I metric) produce a reduction of the magnitude of Casimir forces between plates. These curved spacetimes behave as chiral materials producing dispersion of electromagnetic waves, in such a way that right-- and left--circularly polarized light waves propagate with different phase velocities. Results are explicitly calculated for discussed cases. The difference on the wavevectors of the two polarized electromagnetic waves produces an abatement of a Casimir force which depends on the interaction between the polarization of electromagnetic waves and the properties of the spacetime.

GKZ-hypergeometric systems for Feynman integrals. (arXiv:1912.01726v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tai-Fu Feng, Chao-Hsi Chang, Jian-Bin Chen, Hai-Bin Zhang, relevance 0.00

Basing on the systems of linear partial differential equations derived from Mellin-Barnes representations and Miller's transformation, we obtain GKZ-hypergeometric systems of one-loop self energy, one-loop triangle, two-loop vacuum, and two-loop sunset diagrams, respectively. The codimension of derived GKZ-hypergeometric system equals the number of independent dimensionless ratios among the external momentum squared and virtual mass squared. Taking GKZ-hypergeometric systems of one-loop self energy, massless one-loop triangle, and two-loop vacuum diagrams as examples, we present in detail how to perform triangulation and how to construct canonical series solutions in the corresponding convergent regions. The series solutions constructed for these hypergeometric systems recover the well known results in literature.

Dynamical systems methods and statefinder diagnostic of interacting vacuum energy models. (arXiv:1912.01723v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Grigoris Panotopoulos, Angel Rincon, Nelson Videla, Giovanni Otalora, relevance 0.00

We study three interacting dark energy models within the framework of four-dimensional General Relativity and a spatially flat Universe. In particular, we first consider two vacuum models where dark energy interacts with dark matter, while relativistic matter as well as baryons are treated as non-interacting fluid components. Secondly, we investigate a third model where the gravitational coupling is assumed to be a slowly-varying function of the Hubble rate and dark energy and dark matter interact as well. We compute the statefinders parameters versus red-shift as well as the critical points and their nature applying dynamical systems methods. In the case of only an interaction term, our main findings indicate that i) significant differences between the models are observed as we increase the strength of the interaction term, and ii) all the models present an unique attractor corresponding to acceleration. On the other hand, when we allow for a variable gravitational coupling, we find that i) the deviation from the concordance model depends of both the strength of gravitational coupling parameter and the interaction term, and ii) there is an unique attractor corresponding to acceleration.

Green-Schwarz Mechanism for String Dualities. (arXiv:1912.01700v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Camille Eloy, Olaf Hohm, Henning Samtleben, relevance 1.19

We determine the complete spacetime action to first order in $\alpha'$ for the massless fields of bosonic string theory compactified on a $d$-dimensional torus. A fully systematic procedure is developed that brings the action into a minimal form in which all fields apart from the metric enter only with first-order derivatives. T-duality implies that this action must have a global $\mathrm{O}(d,d,\mathbb{R})$ symmetry, and we show that this requires a Green-Schwarz type mechanism for $\alpha'$-deformed $\mathrm{O}(d,d,\mathbb{R})$ transformations. In terms of a frame formalism with ${\rm GL}(d)\times {\rm GL}(d)$ gauge symmetry this amounts to a modification of the three-form curvature by a Chern-Simons term for composite gauge fields.

On generality of Starobinsky and Higgs inflation in the Jordan frame. (arXiv:1912.01654v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Swagat S. Mishra, Daniel Müller, Aleksey V. Toporensky, relevance 0.49

We revisit the problem of generality of Starobinsky and Higgs inflation. The known results obtained in the Einstein frame are generalized for the case of an arbitrary initial energy of the scalar field. These results are compared with the results obtained directly in the Jordan frame. We demonstrate that the qualitative picture of initial conditions zone in the $(\phi, \dot \phi)$ plane, which leads to sufficient amount of inflation, is quite similar for both the frames in the case of Higgs inflation. For Starobinsky inflation, the conformal transformation between the frames relates the geometrical variables in the Jordan frame with the properties of an effective scalar field in the Einstein frame. We show that the transformation $(H, R) \to (\phi, \dot \phi)$ is not regular everywhere, leading to some peculiarities in the zone of good initial conditions in the $(H, R)$ plane.

Strings, extended objects, and the classical double copy. (arXiv:1912.01650v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Walter D. Goldberger, Jingping Li, relevance 0.55

We extend Shen's recent formulation (arXiv:1806.07388) of the classical double copy, based on explicit color-kinematic duality, to the case of finite-size sources with non-zero spin. For the case of spinning Yang-Mills sources, the most general consistent double copy consists of gravitating objects which carry pairs of spin degrees of freedom. We find that the couplings of such objects to background fields match those of a classical (i.e. heavy) closed bosonic string, suggesting a string theory interpretation of sources related by color-kinematics duality. As a special case, we identify a limit, corresponding to unoriented strings, in which the 2-form Kalb-Ramond axion field decouples from the gravitational side of the double copy. Finally, we apply the classical double copy to extended objects, described by the addition of finite-size operators to the worldline effective theory. We find that consistency of the color-to-kinematics map requires that the Wilson coefficients of tidal operators obey certain relations, indicating that the extended gravitating objects generated by the double copy of Yang-Mills are not completely generic.

Classical Statistical simulation of Quantum Field Theory. (arXiv:1912.01648v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Takayuki Hirayama, relevance 0.00

We study a classical theory which contains a Gaussian noise as a source. This source is responsible for the creation and annihilation of particle from the vacuum and the energy of the resultant configuration is same as the zero point energy of quantum field theory. We show that after taking the average over the samples, the perturbative expansion of the expectation value, n-point function, can be expressed by the tree and loop Feynman graphs which are exactly same as those in the corresponding quantum field theory. We comment on the similarity and difference to the stochastic quantization.

Deuteron electric dipole moment from holographic QCD. (arXiv:1912.01641v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lorenzo Bartolini, Stefano Bolognesi, Sven Bjarke Gudnason, relevance 8.32

We compute the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the deuteron in the holographic QCD model of Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto. Previously, the leading contribution to the EDM of nucleons was computed, finding opposite values for the proton and the neutron which then cancel each other in the deuteron state. Here we compute the next-to-leading order contribution which provides a splitting between their absolute value. At large $N_{\rm c}$ and large 't Hooft coupling $\lambda$, nuclei are bound states of almost isolated nucleons. In particular, we find that in this limit the deuteron EDM is given by the splitting between proton and neutron EDMs. Our estimate for the deuteron EDM extrapolated to the physical values of $N_{\rm c}$, $\lambda$, $M_{\rm KK}$ and $m_q$ is $\mathcal{D}_D = -0.92\times 10^{-16} \theta\ e \cdot {cm}$. This is consistent, in sign and magnitude, with results found previously in the literature and obtained using completely different methods.

Detuning primordial black hole dark matter with early matter domination and axion monodromy. (arXiv:1912.01638v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Guillermo Ballesteros, Julián Rey, Fabrizio Rompineve, relevance 10.87

We present a scenario that ameliorates the tuning problems present in models of primordial black hole dark matter from inflation. Our setup employs the advantages of gravitational collapse in a long epoch of early matter domination with reheating temperature $\lesssim 10^{6}~\text{GeV}$. Furthermore, we make use of a string-inspired class of models where the inflaton is identified with a non-compact axion field. In this framework, the presence of multiple local minima in the inflaton potential can be traced back to an approximate discrete shift symmetry. This scenario allows the formation of primordial black holes in the observationally viable range of masses ($M_{\text{PBH}}\sim 10^{-13}M_{\odot}-10^{-16}M_{\odot}$) accounting for all dark matter, and in excellent agreement with the CMB. Crucially, we find a significant reduction in the required tuning of the parameters of the inflationary potential, in contrast to the standard case of primordial black hole formation during radiation domination.

Gravity Edges Modes and Hayward Term. (arXiv:1912.01636v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tadashi Takayanagi, Kotaro Tamaoka, relevance 23.13

We argue that corner contributions in gravity action (Hayward term) capture the essence of gravity edge modes, which lead to gravitational area entropies, such as the black hole entropy and holographic entanglement entropy. We explain how the Hayward term and the corresponding edge modes in gravity are explained by holography from two different viewpoints. One is an extension of AdS/CFT to general spacetimes and the other is the AdS/BCFT formulation. In the final part, we explore how gravity edge modes and its entropy show up in string theory by considering open strings stuck to a Rindler horizon.

Stellar Profile Independent Determination of the Dark Matter Distribution of the Fornax Local Group Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy. (arXiv:1912.01634v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Sasha Brownsberger, Lisa Randall, relevance 0.00

The local group dwarf spheroidal galaxies (LG dSphs) are among the most promising astrophysical targets for probing the small scale structure of dark matter (DM) subhalos. We describe a method for testing the correspondence between proposed DM halo models and observations of stellar populations within LG dSphs. By leveraging the gravitational potential of any proposed DM model and the available stellar kinematical data, we can derive a prediction for the observed stellar surface density of an LG dSph that can be directly compared with observations. Because we do not make any reference to an assumed surface brightness profile, our model can be applied to exotic DM distributions that produce atypical stellar density distributions. We use our methodology to determine that the DM halo of the Fornax LG dSph is more likely cored than cusped, ascertain that it is characterized by a semi-minor to semi-major axis ratio in minor tension with simulations, and find no substantial evidence of a disk within the dSph's larger DM halo.

Curvature dependence of quantum gravity with scalars. (arXiv:1912.01624v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Benjamin Bürger, Jan M. Pawlowski, Manuel Reichert, Bernd-Jochen Schaefer, relevance 13.82

We compute curvature-dependent graviton correlation functions and couplings as well as the full curvature potential $f(R)$ in asymptotically safe quantum gravity coupled to scalars. The setup is based on a systematic vertex expansion about metric backgrounds with constant curvatures initiated in arXiv:1711.09259 for positive curvatures. We extend these results to negative curvature and investigate the influence of minimally coupled scalars. The quantum equation of motion has two solutions for all accessible numbers of scalar fields. We observe that the solution at negative curvature is a minimum, while the solution at positive curvature is a maximum. We find indications that the solution to the equation of motions for scalar-gravity systems is at large positive curvature, for which the system might be stable for all scalar flavours.

Correlation functions in scalar field theory at large charge. (arXiv:1912.01623v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Guillermo Arias-Tamargo, Diego Rodriguez-Gomez, Jorge G. Russo, relevance 0.78

We compute general higher-point functions in the sector of large charge operators $\phi^n$, $\bar\phi^n$ at large charge in $O(2)$ $(\bar \phi\phi)^2$ theory. We find that there is a special class of "extremal" correlators having only one insertion of $\bar \phi^n$ that have a remarkably simple form in the double-scaling limit $n\to \infty $ at fixed $g\,n^2\equiv \lambda$, where $g\sim\epsilon $ is the coupling at the $O(2)$ Wilson-Fisher fixed point in $4-\epsilon$ dimensions. In this limit, also non-extremal correlators can be computed. As an example, we give the complete formula for $ \langle \phi(x_1)^{n}\,\phi(x_2)^{n}\,\bar{\phi}(x_3)^{n}\,\bar{\phi}(x_4)^{n}\rangle$, which reveals an interesting structure.

Random Field Ising Model and Parisi-Sourlas Supersymmetry I. Supersymmetric CFT. (arXiv:1912.01617v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Apratim Kaviraj, Slava Rychkov, Emilio Trevisani, relevance 4.44

Quenched disorder is very important but notoriously hard. In 1979, Parisi and Sourlas proposed an interesting and powerful conjecture about the infrared fixed points with random field type of disorder: such fixed points should possess an unusual supersymmetry, by which they reduce in two less spatial dimensions to usual non-supersymmetric non-disordered fixed points. This conjecture however is known to fail in some simple cases, but there is no consensus on why this happens. In this paper we give new non-perturbative arguments for dimensional reduction. We recast the problem in the language of Conformal Field Theory (CFT). We then exhibit a map of operators and correlation functions from Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetric CFT in $d$ dimensions to a $(d-2)$-dimensional ordinary CFT. The reduced theory is local, i.e. it has a local conserved stress tensor operator. As required by reduction, we show a perfect match between superconformal blocks and the usual conformal blocks in two dimensions lower. This also leads to a new relation between conformal blocks across dimensions. This paper concerns the second half of the Parisi-Sourlas conjecture, while the first half (existence of a supersymmetric fixed point) will be examined in a companion work.

Newton-Cartan Submanifolds and Fluid Membranes. (arXiv:1912.01613v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jay Armas, Jelle Hartong, Emil Have, Bjarke Frost Nielsen, Niels A. Obers, relevance 0.90

We develop the geometric description of submanifolds in Newton--Cartan spacetime. This provides the necessary starting point for a covariant spacetime formulation of Galilean-invariant hydrodynamics on curved surfaces. We argue that this is the natural geometrical framework to study fluid membranes in thermal equilibrium and their dynamics out of equilibrium. A simple model of fluid membranes that only depends on the surface tension is presented and, extracting the resulting stresses, we show that perturbations away from equilibrium yield the standard result for the dispersion of elastic waves. We also find a generalisation of the Canham--Helfrich bending energy for lipid vesicles that takes into account the requirements of thermal equilibrium.

Boundary States for Chiral Symmetries in Two Dimensions. (arXiv:1912.01602v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Philip Boyle Smith, David Tong, relevance 0.00

We study boundary states for Dirac fermions in d=1+1 dimensions that preserve Abelian chiral symmetries, meaning that the left- and right-moving fermions carry different charges. We derive simple expressions, in terms of the fermion charge assignments, for the boundary central charge and for the ground state degeneracy of the system when two different boundary conditions are imposed at either end of an interval. We show that all such boundary states fall into one of two classes, related to SPT phases supported by (-1)^F, which are characterised by the existence of an unpaired Majorana zero mode.

Axial vector transition form factors in holographic QCD and their contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. (arXiv:1912.01596v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Josef Leutgeb, Anton Rebhan, relevance 5.30

We evaluate axial vector transition form factors in holographic QCD models that have been shown to reproduce well recent experimental and theoretical results for the pion transition form factor. Comparing with L3 data on $f_1\to\gamma\gamma^*$ we find remarkable agreement regarding the shape of single-virtual form factors. In the double-virtual case, the holographic results differ strongly from a simple dipole form, and this has an important impact on the corresponding estimate of the axial vector contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon $a_\mu$ through hadronic light-by-light scattering. We demonstrate that hard-wall models satisfy the Melnikov-Vainshtein short-distance constraint for the latter, if and only if the infinite tower of axial vector states is included. The results for $a_\mu$, however, are strongly dominated by the first few resonances. Numerically, these results turn out to be surprisingly large: (2.9 - 4.1)$\times 10^{-10}$ in the hard-wall models, 57-58% of which are due to the longitudinal contribution, which is the one responsible for the Melnikov-Vainshtein short-distance constraint. Rescaling the holographic result to obtain an optimal fit of L3 data, but then matching only 52% of the asymptotic constraint, the result is reduced to $2.2(5)\times 10^{-10}$, which is still significantly larger than most previous phenomenological estimates of the axial vector exchange contribution.

A localized spacetime Penrose inequality and horizon detection with quasi-local mass. (arXiv:1912.01581v1 [math.DG])
in gr-qc by Aghil Alaee, Martin Lesourd, Shing-Tung Yau, relevance 12.03

Our setting is a simply connected bounded domain with a smooth connected boundary, which arises as an initial data set for the general relativistic constraint equations satisfying the dominant energy condition. Assuming the domain to be admissible in a certain precise sense, we prove a localized spacetime Penrose inequality for the Liu-Yau and Wang-Yau quasi-local masses and the area of an outermost marginally outer trapped surface (MOTS). On the basis of this inequality, we obtain sufficient conditions for the existence and non-existence of a MOTS (along with outer trapped surfaces) in the domain, and for the existence of a minimal surface in its Jang graph, expressed in terms of various quasi-local mass quantities and the boundary geometry of the domain.

Multi-stress tensors and next-to-leading singularities in the Regge limit. (arXiv:1912.01577v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Robin Karlsson, relevance 2.67

The stress tensor sector of a heavy-heavy-light-light scalar correlator in CFTs with a large central charge and a large gap is defined by the exchange of multi-stress tensor operators. The Regge limit of this correlator is determined by the phase shift of a highly energetic particle propagating in a dual black hole background. Assuming Einstein gravity in the bulk, the phase shift is known perturbatively to all orders in the ratio of the heavy scaling dimension over the central charge. In the CFT, the order counts the number of stress tensors in the multi-stress tensor operator. By Fourier transforming the correlator to position space, the multi-stress tensor contributions to the leading and next-to-leading singularities in the Regge limit are found to all orders in four dimensions. The leading singularity at each order agrees with known results obtained by considering a particle in a dual shockwave background. Moreover, the leading and next-to-leading singularities due to double- and triple-stress tensors with minimal twist are known from lightcone bootstrap and agree with the results derived from the phase shift.

Curvature constraints in A-twisted heterotic Landau-Ginzburg models. (arXiv:1912.01552v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Richard S. Garavuso, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we study a class of A-twisted heterotic Landau-Ginzburg models. We show that the action can be written as a sum of BRST-exact and non-exact terms. The non-exact terms involve the pullback of the complexified Kahler form to the worldsheet and terms arising from the superpotential, which is a Grassmann-odd holomorphic function of the superfields. We then demonstrate that the action is invariant on-shell under supersymmetry transformations up to a total derivative. Finally, we extend the analysis to the case in which the superpotential is not holomorphic. In this case, we find that supersymmetry imposes a constraint which relates the nonholomorphic parameters of the superpotential to the Riemann curvature. This constraint has previously been discussed in connection with analogues of Mathai-Quillen forms.

Effects of the general relativistic spin precessions on the habitability of rogue planets orbiting supermassive black holes. (arXiv:1912.01518v4 [astro-ph.EP] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lorenzo Iorio, relevance 6.11

Recently, the possibility that many starless telluric planets may form around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) receiving an energy input from the hole's accretion disk which, under certain not implausible circumstances, may make them habitable in a terrestrial sense has gained increasing attention. In particular, an observer on a planet orbiting at distance $r=100$ Schwarzschild radii from a SMBH with mass $M_\bullet = 1\times 10^8\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$ in a plane slightly outside the equator of the latter would see the gravitationally lensed accretion disk with the same size of the Sun as seen from the Earth. Moreover, the accretion rate might be set in such a way that the apparent disk's temperature would be identical to that of the solar surface. We demonstrate that the post-Newtonian (pN) de Sitter and Lense-Thirring precessions of the spin axis of such a world would change, among other things, its tilt $\varepsilon$ to its orbital plane by tens to hundreds of degrees over a time span of, say, just $\Delta t =400\,\mathrm{yr}$, depending on the obliquity $\eta_\bullet$ of the SMBH's spin to the orbital plane. Thus, such relativistic effects would have a relevant impact on the long term habitability of the considered planet. Other scenarios are examined as well.

Gravitational Waves in Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity Theory. (arXiv:1912.01420v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Yunqi Liu, Wei-Liang Qian, Yungui Gong, Bin Wang, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we study the properties of gravitational waves in the scalar-tensor-vector gravity theory. The polarizations of the gravitational waves are investigated by analyzing the relative motion of the test particles. It is found that the interaction between the matter and vector field in the theory leads to two additional transverse polarization modes. By making use of the polarization content, the stress-energy pseudo-tensor is calculated by employing the perturbed equation method. Besides, the relaxed field equation for the modified gravity in question is derived by using the Landau-Lifshitz formalism suitable to systems with non-negligible self-gravity.

An investigation on gravitational entropy of cosmological models. (arXiv:1912.01414v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Samarjit Chakraborty, Sarbari Guha, Rituparno Goswami, relevance 12.98

In this paper we investigate the entropy of the free gravitational field for a given epoch for some well known inhomogeneous and/or anisotropic cosmologies. We use the definition of gravitational entropy proposed by Clifton, Ellis and Tavakol, where the 2-index square root of the 4-index bell Robinson tensor is taken to be the energy momentum tensor for the free gravity. We transparently show that in the vicinity of the initial singularity, the ratio of energy density of free gravity to that of matter density goes to zero, validating Penrose conjecture on Weyl curvature.

Gravity and Matters on a pure geometric thick polynomial $f(R)$ brane. (arXiv:1912.01396v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Lang-Lang Wang, Heng Guo, Chun-E Fu, Qun-Ying Xie, relevance 0.54

In this paper, the solutions of the pure geometric thick $f(R)$ brane are investigated. The formulation of $f(R)$ is chosen as $f(R)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}a_{i}R^{i}+\Lambda$. For the certain value of $n$, the brane solution can be calculated, and when $n=3$, $n=4$, and $n=10$, the thick brane solutions are presented. The solutions is stable under linear tensor fluctuation. The zero mode of gravity and scalar field can be localized on thick $f(R)$ branes naturally. The zero mode of vector field and left-chiral fermion can be localized on thick $f(R)$ branes by introducing the coupling with scalar curvature $R$ of spacetime, and the massive resonant modes can be quasilocalized on the brane with the large coupling coefficients.

Galileon scalar electrodynamics. (arXiv:1912.01393v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ashu Kushwaha, S. Shankaranarayanan (IIT Bombay), relevance 0.41

We construct a consistent model of Galileon scalar electrodynamics. The model satisfies three essential requirements: (1) The action contains higher-order derivative terms, and obey the Galilean symmetry, (2) Equations of motion also satisfy Galilean symmetry and contain only up to second-order derivative terms in the matter fields and, hence do not suffer from instability, and (3) local U(1) gauge invariance is preserved. We show that the non-minimal coupling terms in our model are different from that of the real scalar Galileon models; however, they match with the Galileon real scalar field action. We show that the model can lead to an accelerated expansion in the early Universe. We discuss the implications of the model for cosmological inflation.

Observational Aspect of Black Hole Dark Matter. (arXiv:1912.01325v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Leo Stodolsky, relevance 12.62

Advances in high angular resolution astronomy make it conceivable that black hole dark matter could be detected via angular deviation effects. Assuming the dark matter in the galaxy is made of solar mass black holes, there is a non-trivial probability that a line-of-sight through the galaxy, leads to micro-arcseconds deviations, a value that has been discussed for various astronomical projects. In cosmology the effects are magnified by an increased density at early times and an opening of angles due to redshift. If the dark matter is made of primordial black holes, present at the CMB, random deflections of the CMB photons lead to a limit on the angular resolution, approximately ${3}\times 10^{-7} \sqrt{M/M_\odot}\, rad$, with $M$ the mass of the black holes. Using the resolutions of $\sim 10^{-3} rad$ demonstrated in observations of the ``acoustic peaks '' then implies the limit $(M/M_\odot)\lesssim 10^{7}$. While this large value seems uninteresting, improved resolutions would lead to significant limits or conceivably the discovery of primordial black holes.

Notes on gravitational wave detection. (arXiv:1912.01304v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Xavier Jaen, Pere Talavera, relevance 0.00

We propose a novel approach to detect gravitational waves. It relies on simple ideas and allows us to redesign the interferometer setup shortening the Fabry-Perot cavity. As a consequence the number of bounces could be increased and the signal enhanced.

The Penrose inequality for perturbations of the Schwarzschild initial data. (arXiv:1912.01301v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Jarosław Kopiński, Jacek Tafel, relevance 1.28

We show that in the conformally flat case the Penrose inequality is satisfied for the Schwarzschild initial data with a small addition of the axially symmetric traceless exterior curvature. In this class the inequality is saturated only for data related to special sections of the Schwarzschild spacetime.

The geometry of optimal functionals. (arXiv:1912.01273v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Yu-tin Huang, Wei Li, Guan-Lin Lin, relevance 0.82

In this paper, we give a geometric interpretation of optimal functionals in the context of intersection of symmetry planes and cyclic polytopes. For 1D CFTs, we demonstrate that at given derivative order, the functional is given by a degenerate simplex of the cyclic polytope. More precisely the derivative functionals at $2N{+}1$-th order, is given by an unique $N$-dimensional simplex enclosing the origin. Taking the continuous limit, in the large $\Delta$ approximation this qualitatively agrees with that derived by Mazac et al. Remarkably similar construction applies to 2D CFT in the diagonal limit as well as the spin-less modular bootstrap. Finally we show that such geometric interpretation can be extended to functionals associated with bounds beyond the leading operator.

Flat gauge fields and the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. (arXiv:1912.01239v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Andrés Viña, relevance 4.71

The geometric phase that appears in the effects of Aharonov-Bohm type is interpreted in the frame of Deligne's version of the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. We extend also the concept of flat gauge field to $B$-branes which are coherent sheaves, so that such a field on a sheaf turns it into a holonomic regular $D$-module.

Tidal disruption near black holes and their mimickers. (arXiv:1912.01184v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Pritam Banerjee, Suvankar Paul, Rajibul Shaikh, Tapobrata Sarkar, relevance 17.80

Black holes and wormholes are solutions of Einstein's field equations, both of which, from afar, look like a central mass. We show here that although at large distances both behave like Newtonian objects, close to the event horizon or to the throat, black holes and wormholes have different tidal effects on stars, due to their respective geometries. We quantify this difference by a numerical procedure in the Schwarzschild black hole and the exponential wormhole backgrounds, and compare the peak fallback rates of tidal debris in these geometries. The tidal disruption rates in these backgrounds are also computed. It is shown that these quantities are a few times higher for wormholes, compared to the black hole cases.

The geometry of RN-AdS fluids. (arXiv:1912.01183v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Joy Das Bairagya, Kunal Pal, Kuntal Pal, Tapobrata Sarkar, relevance 19.59

We establish the parameter space geometry of a fluid system characterized by two constants, whose equation of state mimics that of the RN-AdS black hole. We call this the RN-AdS fluid. We study the scalar curvature on the parameter space of this system, and show its equivalence with the RN-AdS black hole, in the limit of vanishing specific heat at constant volume. Further, an analytical construction of the Widom line is established. We also numerically study the behavior of geodesics on the parameter space of the fluid, and find a geometric scaling relation near its second order critical point.

Wigner Function for Spin-1/2 Fermions in Electromagnetic Fields. (arXiv:1912.01169v1 [nucl-th])
in hep-th by Xin-Li Sheng, relevance 0.46

We study the Wigner function for massive spin-1/2 fermions in electromagnetic fields. Dirac form kinetic equation and Klein-Gordon form kinetic equation are obtained for the Wigner function, which are derived from the Dirac equation. The Wigner function and its kinetic equations are expanded in terms of the generators of Clifford algebra and a complicated system of partial differential equations is obtained. We prove that some component equations are automattically satisfied if the rest ones are fulfilled. In this thesis two methods are proposed for calculating the Wigner function, which are proved to be equivalent. The Wigner function is analytically calculated following the standard second-quantization procedure in the following cases: free fermions with or without spin imbalance, in constant magnetic field, in constant electric field, and in constant parallel electromagnetic field. Strong-field effects, such as the Landau levels and Schwinger pair-production are reproduced using the Wigner function approach. For an arbitrary space-time dependent field configuration, a semi-classical expansion with respect to the reduced Planck's constant $\hbar$ is performed. We derive general expressions for the Wigner function components at linear order in $\hbar$, in which order the spin corrections start playing a role. A generalized Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi (BMT) equation and a generalized Boltzmann equation are obtained for the undetermined polarization density and net fermion number density, which can be used to construct spin-hydrodynamics in the future. We also make a comparison between analytical results and the ones from semi-classical expansion, which shows coincidence for weak electromagnetic fields and small spin imbalance.

Lightcone expansions of conformal blocks in closed form. (arXiv:1912.01168v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Wenliang Li, relevance 4.85

We present new closed-form expressions for 4-point scalar conformal blocks in the s- and t-channel lightcone expansions. Our formulae apply to intermediate operators of arbitrary spin in general dimensions. For physical spin $\ell$, they are composed of at most $(\ell+1)$ Gaussian hypergeometric functions at each order.

Free energy, stability, and dissipation in dynamical holography. (arXiv:1912.01159v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Yu Tian, Xiao-Ning Wu, Hongbao Zhang, relevance 4.73

By using the conserved currents associated to the diffeomorphism invariance, we study dynamical holographic systems and the relation between thermodynamical and dynamical stability of such systems. The case with fixed space-time backgrounds is discussed first, where a generalized free energy is defined with the property of monotonic decreasing in dynamic processes. It is then shown that the (absolute) thermodynamical stability implies the dynamical stability, while the linear dynamical stability implies the thermodynamical (meta-)stability. The case with full back-reaction is much more complicated. With the help of conserved currents associated to the diffeomorphism invariance induced by a preferred vector field, we propose a thermodynamic form of the bulk space-time dynamics with a preferred temperature of the event horizon, where a monotonically decreasing quantity can be defined as well. In both cases, our analyses help to clarify some aspects of the far-from-equilibrium holographic physics.

Seiberg-Witten theory and modular $\lambda$-function. (arXiv:1912.01121v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Wenzhe Yang, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we will apply the tools in number theory and modular forms to the study of Seiberg-Witten theory. We will obtain the transformation properties of the masses of BPS states under $S$-duality and $T$-duality. We will also study the behavior of these masses near the non-purturbative limit using Great Picard's Theorem.

On the slope of curvature power spectrum in non-attractor inflation. (arXiv:1912.01061v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ogan Özsoy (1 and 2), Gianmassimo Tasinato (1) ((1) Swansea University, (2) Warsaw University), relevance 1.34

The possibility that primordial black holes constitute a fraction of dark matter motivates a detailed study of possible mechanisms for their production. Black holes can form by the collapse of primordial curvature fluctuations, if the amplitude of their small scale spectrum gets amplified by several orders of magnitude with respect to CMB scales. Such enhancement can for example occur in single-field inflation that exhibit a transient non-attractor phase: in this work, we make a detailed investigation of the shape of the curvature spectrum in this scenario. We make use of an analytical approach based on a gradient expansion of curvature perturbations, which allows us to follow the changes in slope of the spectrum during its way from large to small scales. After encountering a dip in its amplitude, the spectrum can acquire steep slopes with a spectral index up to $n_s-1\,=\,8$, to then relax to a more gentle growth with $n_s-1\,\lesssim\,3$ towards its peak, in agreement with the results found in previous literature. For scales following the peak associated with the presence of the non-attractor phase, the spectrum amplitude then mildly decays, during a transitional stage from non-attractor back to attractor evolution. Our analysis indicates that this gradient approach offers a transparent understanding of the contributions controlling the slope of the curvature spectrum. As an application of our findings, we characterise the slope in frequency of a stochastic gravitational wave background generated at second order from curvature fluctuations, using the more accurate information we gained on the shape of curvature power spectrum.

Handle Operators in String Theory. (arXiv:1912.01055v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dieter Luest, Dimitri Skliros, relevance 0.94

We derive how to incorporate topological features of Riemann surfaces in string amplitudes by insertions of bi-local operators called handle operators. The resulting formalism is exact and globally well-defined in moduli space. After a detailed and pedagogical discussion of Riemann surfaces, complex structure deformations, global vs local aspects, boundary terms, an explicit choice of gluing-compatible and global (modulo U(1)) coordinates (termed `holomorphic normal coordinates'), finite changes in normal ordering, and factorisation of the path integral measure, we construct these handle operators explicitly. Adopting an offshell local coherent vertex operator basis for the latter, and gauge fixing invariance under Weyl transformations using holomorphic normal coordinates (developed by Polchinski), is particularly efficient. All loop amplitudes are gauge-invariant (BRST-exact terms decouple up to boundary terms in moduli space), and reparametrisation invariance is manifest, for arbitrary worldsheet curvature and topology (subject to the Euler number constraint). We provide a number of complementary viewpoints and consistency checks (including one-loop modular invariance, we compute all one- and two-point sphere amplitudes, glue two three-point sphere amplitudes to reproduce the exact four-point sphere amplitude, etc.).

One-loop amplitudes in $AdS_5\times S^5$ supergravity from $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM at strong coupling. (arXiv:1912.01047v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Francesco Aprile, James Drummond, Paul Heslop, Hynek Paul, relevance 0.34

We explore the structure of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills correlators in the supergravity regime. We develop an algorithm to construct one-loop supergravity amplitudes of four arbitrary Kaluza-Klein supergravity states, properly dualised into single-particle operators. We illustrate this algorithm by constructing new explicit results for multi-channel correlation functions, and we show that correlators which are degenerate at tree level become distinguishable at one-loop. The algorithm contains a number of subtle features which have not appeared until now. In particular, we address the presence of non-trivial low twist protected operators in the OPE that are crucial for obtaining the correct one-loop results. Finally, we outline how the differential operators $\widehat{\mathcal{D}}_{pqrs}$ and $\Delta^{(8)}$, which play a role in the context of the hidden 10d conformal symmetry at tree level, can be used to reorganise our one-loop correlators.

Deformation of $D_p$-Brane Worldvolume in Weakly Curved Background. (arXiv:1912.01045v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Richa Kapoor, relevance 14.88

We study a $D_p$-brane in a parallelizable NS-NS background. The article starts with a brief review of the non-associative deformation of $D$-brane worldvolume in presence of torsion \cite{cornalba}. We suggest an alternative form and heuristic derivation of the open string metric for weakly curved backgrounds, by promoting the constant two-form in the flat space formula to a dynamical two-form and then Taylor expanding the bulk fields in Riemann Normal Coordinates at the origin. For weakly curved backgrounds, terms only upto the leading order in the NS-NS field strength or torsion contribute. This formalism differs from the author's earlier works in a collaboration \cite{richa}. We use the open string metric proposed in this paper to determine the deformation of $D_5$-brane for a particular NS-NS background. It turns out that a spherical $D_5$-brane with torsion acts like an extremal black 5-brane in the limit of radius $r \rightarrow 0$. This is an interesting case of gauge/gravity duality with an intractable non-commutative and non-associative gauge theory on a $D_p$-brane with torsion, which is equivalent to a simpler and ordinary gravity theory on the extremal black brane.

The quantum marginal independence problem. (arXiv:1912.01041v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Sergio Hernández-Cuenca, Veronika E. Hubeny, Mukund Rangamani, Massimiliano Rota, relevance 17.73

We investigate whether the presence or absence of correlations between subsystems of an N-partite quantum system is solely constrained by the non-negativity and monotonicity of mutual information. We argue that this relatively simple question is in fact very deep because it is sensitive to the structure of the set of N-partite states. It can be informed by inequalities satisfied by the von Neumann entropy, but has the advantage of being more tractable. We exemplify this by deriving the explicit solution for N=4, despite having limited knowledge of the entropic inequalities. Furthermore, we describe how this question can be tailored to the analysis of more specialized classes of states such as classical probability distributions, stabilizer states, and geometric states in the holographic gauge/gravity duality.

Modified instanton sum in QCD and higher-groups. (arXiv:1912.01033v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yuya Tanizaki, Mithat Ünsal, relevance 0.94

We consider the $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theory, whose topological sectors are restricted to the instanton number with integer multiples of $p$. We can formulate such a quantum field theory maintaining locality and unitarity, and the model contains both $2\pi$-periodic scalar and $3$-form gauge fields. This can be interpreted as coupling a topological theory to Yang-Mills theory, so the local dynamics becomes identical with that of pure Yang-Mills theory. The theory has not only $\mathbb{Z}_N$ $1$-form symmetry but also $\mathbb{Z}_p$ $3$-form symmetry, and we study the global nature of this theory from the recent 't Hooft anomaly matching. The computation of 't Hooft anomaly incorporates an intriguing higher-group structure. We also carefully examine that how such kinematical constraint is realized in the dynamics by using the large-$N$ and also the reliable semiclassics on $\mathbb{R}^3\times S^1$, and we find that the topological susceptibility plays a role of the order parameter for the $\mathbb{Z}_p$ $3$-form symmetry. Introducing a fermion in the fundamental or adjoint representation, we find that the chiral symmetry becomes larger than the usual case by $\mathbb{Z}_p$, and it leads to the extra $p$ vacua by discrete chiral symmetry breaking. No dynamical domain wall can interpolate those extra vacua since such objects must be charged under the $3$-form symmetry in order to match the 't Hooft anomaly.

Covariant Noether charges for type IIB and 11-dimensional supergravities. (arXiv:1912.01030v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Óscar J. C. Dias, Gavin S. Hartnett, Jorge E. Santos, relevance 4.41

The covariant Noether charge formalism (also known as the covariant phase method) of Wald and collaborators, including its cohomological extension, is a manifestly covariant Hamiltonian formalism that, in principle, allows one to define and compute the energy, angular momenta, and chemical potentials of generic solutions of gravitational theories. However, it has been observed that for some supergravity solutions the variation of the Noether charge is not (at least manifestably) integrable, and as a result it is unclear whether there are well-defined thermodynamic charges for these solutions. In this work, we derive an expression for the variation of the covariant Noether charges for any solution of Type IIB 10-dimensional supergravity or 11-dimensional supergravity. Although this Noether quantity is not integrable in general, we show that for asymptotically scale-invariant solutions, it is. In particular, the asymptotic scale-invariance allows one to define an energy density and conjugate chemical potentials which obey a first law of thermodynamics and a Smarr relation. These two thermodynamic relations can then be shown to imply that the variation of the Noether charge is integrable, and accordingly the energy and other thermodynamic charges may be defined unambiguously. We explicitly demonstrate and illustrate our claim by computing the thermodynamic charges of two non-trivial supergravity solutions that were recently constructed: 1) the Polchinski-Strassler black brane that is dual to the deconfined phase of $\mathcal{N}=1^*$ theory, and 2) the CGLP black brane that asymptotes to the mass deformed Cveti\v{c}-Gibbons-L\"u-Pope (CGLP) solution.

A New Class of Ghost and Tachyon Free Metric Affine Gravities. (arXiv:1912.01023v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by R. Percacci, E. Sezgin, relevance 0.00

We construct the spin-projection operators for a theory containing a symmetric two-index tensor and a general three-index tensor. We then use them to analyse, at linearized level, the most general action for a metric-affine theory of gravity with terms up to second order in curvature, which depends on 28 parameters. In the metric case we recover known results. In the torsion-free case, we are able to determine the most general six-parameter class of theories that are projective invariant, contain only one massless spin 2 and no spin 3, and are free of ghosts and tachyons.

Abelian Bosonization, OPEs, and the "String Scale" of Fermion Fields. (arXiv:1912.01022v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Djordje Radicevic, relevance 0.10

This paper establishes a precise mapping between lattice and continuum operators in theories of (1 + 1)D fermions. To reach the continuum regime of a lattice theory, renormalization group techniques are here supplemented by a new kind of decimation called smoothing out. Smoothing out amounts to imposing constraints that make fermion fields vary slowly in position space; in momentum space, this corresponds to introducing boundary conditions below a certain depth of the Dirac sea. This procedure necessitates the introduction of a second small parameter to describe the continuum limit. This length scale, much larger than the lattice spacing but much smaller than the macroscopic system size, controls the derivative expansions of fields, and hence plays the role of the "string scale" in quantum field theory. Smoothing out a theory of Dirac fermions on the lattice provides a transparent, fully lattice-based derivation of the operator product expansion, current algebra, and Abelian bosonization rules in the continuum. Nontrivial high-momentum effects are demonstrated in all these derivations. In particular, the radius of the compact scalar dual to the Dirac fermion is found to vary with momentum, smoothly shrinking to zero at a cutoff set by the "string scale."

Canonical analysis of $n$-dimensional Palatini action without second-class constraints. (arXiv:1912.01019v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Merced Montesinos, Ricardo Escobedo, Jorge Romero, Mariano Celada, relevance 0.65

We carry out the canonical analysis of the $n$-dimensional Palatini action with or without a cosmological constant $(n\geq3)$ introducing neither second-class constraints nor resorting to any gauge fixing. This is accomplished by providing an expression for the spatial components of the connection that allows us to isolate the nondynamical variables present among them, which can later be eliminated from the action by using their own equation of motion. As a result, we obtain the description of the phase space of general relativity in terms of manifestly $SO(n-1,1)$ [or $SO(n)$] covariant variables subject to first-class constraints only, with no second-class constraints arising during the process. Afterwards, we perform, at the covariant level, a canonical transformation to a set of variables in terms of which the above constraints take a simpler form. Finally, we impose the time gauge and make contact with the $SO(n-1)$ ADM formalism.

Boundary effects in General Relativity with tetrad variables. (arXiv:1912.01016v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Roberto Oliveri, Simone Speziale, relevance 2.41

Varying the gravitational Lagrangian produces a boundary contribution that has various physical applications. It determines the right boundary terms to be added to the action once boundary conditions are specified, and defines the symplectic structure of covariant phase space methods. We study general boundary variations using tetrads instead of the metric. This choice streamlines many calculations, especially in the case of null hypersurfaces with arbitrary coordinates, where we show that the spin-1 momentum coincides with the rotational 1-form of isolated horizons. The additional gauge symmetry of internal Lorentz transformations leaves however an imprint: the boundary variation differs from the metric one by an exact 3-form. This difference helps in the variational principle: gluing hypersurfaces to determine the action boundary terms for given boundary conditions is simpler, including the most general case of non-orthogonal corners. On the other hand, this difference affects the construction of Hamiltonian surface charges with covariant phase space methods, which end up being generically different from the metric ones. They can be made equal to the metric ones only in the case of isometries, by either gauge-fixing the tetrad to be adapted to the hypersurface, or introducing a fine-tuned internal Lorentz transformation depending non-linearly on the fields. We point out and explore the alternative approach of dressing the bare symplectic potential to recover the value of all metric charges, and not just for isometries. Surface charges can also be constructed using a cohomological prescription: in this case we find that the exact 3-form mismatch plays no role, and tetrad and metric charges are equal. This prescription leads however to different charges whether one uses a first-order or second-order Lagrangian, and only for isometries one recovers the same charges.

Neutrino and positron constraints on spinning primordial black hole dark matter. (arXiv:1912.01014v1 [hep-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Basudeb Dasgupta, Ranjan Laha, Anupam Ray, relevance 14.29

Angular momentum is a fundamental property of a black hole and is known to have a strong effect on its evaporation rate. It has recently been postulated that primordial black holes can have substantial spin. We conduct a comprehensive study of the detectability of primordial black holes with non-negligible spin, via the searches for the diffuse supernova neutrino background and observation of the 511 keV gamma-ray line from positrons in the Galactic center, setting competitive constraints. Spinning primordial black holes are probed up to a slightly higher mass range compared to non-spinning ones. Our constraint using neutrinos is slightly weaker than that due to the diffuse gamma-ray background. We find that the positron constraints are typically weaker in the lower mass range and stronger in the higher mass range for the spinning primordial black holes compared to the non-spinning ones. They are generally stronger than those derived from the diffuse gamma-ray measurements for primordial black holes having masses greater than a few $\times \, 10^{16}$g.

Second-order Lovelock Gravity from Entanglement in Conformal Field Theories. (arXiv:1912.01013v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Cunwei Fan, Gabriele La Nave, Philip W. Phillips, relevance 23.01

Holographic entanglement entropy and the first law of thermodynamics are believed to decode the gravity theory in the bulk.

In particular, assuming the Ryu-Takayanagi (RT)\cite{ryu-takayanagi} formula holds for ball-shaped regions on the boundary around CFT vacuum states implies\cite{Nonlinear-Faulkner} a bulk gravity theory equivalent to Einstein gravity through second-order perturbations. In this paper, we show that the same assumptions can also give rise to second-order Lovelock gravity. Specifically, we generalize the procedure in \cite{Nonlinear-Faulkner} to show that the arguments there also hold for Lovelock gravity by proving through second-order perturbation theory, the entropy calculated using the Wald formula\cite{Wald_noether} in Lovelock also obeys an area law (at least up to second order). Since the equations for second-order perturbations of Lovelock gravity are different in general from the second-order perturbation of the Einstein-Hilbert action, our work shows that the holographic area law cannot determine a unique bulk theory even for second-order perturbations assuming only RT on ball-shaped regions. It is anticipated that RT on all subregions is expected to encode the full non-linear Einstein equations on asymptotically AdS spacetimes.

Exact Superconducting Instability in a Doped Mott Insulator. (arXiv:1912.01008v2 [cond-mat.supr-con] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Philip W. Phillips, Luke Yeo, Edwin W. Huang, relevance -5.18

Because the cuprate superconductors are doped Mott insulators, it would be advantageous to solve even a toy model that exhibits both Mottness and superconductivity. We consider the Hatsugai-Kohmoto model, an exactly solvable system that is a prototypical Mott insulator above a critical interaction strength at half filling. Upon doping or reducing the interaction strength, our exact calculations show that the system becomes a non-Fermi liquid metal with a superconducting instability. In the presence of a weak pairing interaction, the instability produces a thermal transition to a superconducting phase, which is distinct from the BCS state, as evidenced by a gap-to-transition temperature ratio exceeding the universal BCS limit. The elementary excitations of this superconductor are not Bogoliubov quasiparticles but rather superpositions of doublons and holons, composite excitations signaling that the superconducting ground state of the doped Mott insulator inherits the non-Fermi liquid character of the normal state. An unexpected feature of this model is that it exhibits a superconductivity-induced transfer of spectral weight from high to low energies as seen in the cuprates as well as a suppression of the superfluid density relative to that in BCS theory.

4d/2d $\rightarrow $ 3d/1d: A song of protected operator algebras. (arXiv:1912.01006v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mykola Dedushenko, Yifan Wang, relevance 1.70

Superconformal field theories (SCFT) are known to possess solvable yet nontrivial sectors in their full operator algebras. Two prime examples are the chiral algebra sector on a two dimensional plane in four dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs, and the topological quantum mechanics (TQM) sector on a line in three dimensional $\mathcal{N}=4$ SCFTs. Under Weyl transformation, they respectively map to operator algebras on a great torus in $S^1\times S^3$ and a great circle in $S^3$, and are naturally related by reduction along the $S^1$ factor, which amounts to taking the Cardy (high-temperature) limit of the four dimensional theory on $S^1\times S^3$. We elaborate on this relation by explicit examples that involve both Lagrangian and non-Lagrangian theories in four dimensions, where the chiral algebra sector is generally described by a certain W-algebra, while the three dimensional descendant SCFT always has a (mirror) Lagrangian description. By taking into account a subtle R-symmetry mixing, we provide explicit dictionaries between selected operator product expansion (OPE) data in the four and three dimensional SCFTs, which we verify in the examples using recent localization results in four and three dimensions. Our methods thus provide nontrivial support for various chiral algebra proposals in the literature. Along the way, we also identify three dimensional mirrors for Argyres-Douglas theories of type $(A_1, D_{2n+1})$ reduced on $S^1$, and find more evidence for earlier proposals in the case of $(A_1, A_{2n-2})$, which both realize certain superconformal boundary conditions for the four dimensional $\mathcal{N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills. This is a companion paper to arXiv:1911.05741.

Exact Correlation Functions in the Brownian Loop Soup. (arXiv:1912.00973v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Federico Camia, Valentino F. Foit, Alberto Gandolfi, Matthew Kleban, relevance 0.85

We compute analytically and in closed form the four-point correlation function in the plane, and the two-point correlation function in the upper half-plane, of layering vertex operators in the two dimensional conformally invariant system known as the Brownian Loop Soup. These correlation functions depend on multiple continuous parameters: the insertion points of the operators, the intensity of the soup, and the charges of the operators. In the case of the four-point function there is non-trivial dependence on five continuous parameters: the cross-ratio, the intensity, and three real charges. The four-point function is crossing symmetric. We analyze its conformal block expansion and discover a previously unknown set of new conformal primary operators.

Extending the Geometry of Heterotic Spectral Cover Constructions. (arXiv:1912.00971v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lara B. Anderson, Xin Gao, Mohsen Karkheiran, relevance 0.00

In this work we extend the well-known spectral cover construction first developed by Friedman, Morgan, and Witten to describe more general vector bundles on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau geometries. In particular, we consider the case in which the Calabi-Yau fibration is not in Weierstrass form, but can rather contain fibral divisors or multiple sections (i.e. a higher rank Mordell-Weil group). In these cases, general vector bundles defined over such Calabi-Yau manifolds cannot be described by ordinary spectral data. To accomplish this we employ well established tools from the mathematics literature of Fourier-Mukai functors. We also generalize existing tools for explicitly computing Fourier-Mukai transforms of stable bundles on elliptic Calabi-Yau manifolds. As an example of these new tools we produce novel examples of chirality changing small instanton transitions. The goal of this work is to provide a geometric formalism that can substantially increase the understood regimes of heterotic/F-theory duality.

Bulk reconstruction for spinor fields in AdS/CFT. (arXiv:1912.00952v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Valentino F. Foit, Daniel Kabat, Gilad Lifschytz, relevance 14.19

We develop the representation of free spinor fields in the bulk of Lorentzian anti-de Sitter space in terms of smeared operators in the dual conformal field theory. To do this we expand the bulk field in a complete set of normalizable modes, work out the extrapolate dictionary for spinor fields, and show that the bulk field can be reconstructed from its near-boundary behavior. In some cases chirality and reality conditions can be imposed in the bulk. We study the action of the CFT modular Hamiltonian on bulk fermions to show that they transform with the expected spinor Lie derivative, and we calculate bulk--boundary two-point functions starting from CFT correlators.

Motion and trajectories of photons in a three-dimensional rotating Ho\v{r}ava AdS black hole. (arXiv:1912.00946v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by P. A. González, Marco Olivares, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos, Yerko Vásquez, relevance 15.30

We study the motion of photons in the background of a three-dimensional rotating Ho\v{r}ava AdS black hole that corresponds to a Lorentz-violating version of the BTZ black hole and we analyze the effect of the breaking of Lorentz invariance on the null geodesics structure, by solving analytically the equations of motion. Mainly we find that, through a fine tuning of the parameters of the theory, new kinds of orbits are allowed, such as unstable circular orbits and trajectories of first kind. Also, we show that an external observer will see that photons arrive at spatial infinity in a finite coordinate time.

Chaos from Massive Deformations of Yang-Mills Matrix Models. (arXiv:1912.00932v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by K. Başkan, S. Kürkçüoǧlu, O. Oktay, C. Taşcı, relevance 0.32

We focus on an $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills gauge theory in $0+1$-dimensions with the same matrix content as the bosonic part of the BFSS matrix model, but with mass deformation terms breaking the global $SO(9)$ symmetry of the latter to $SO(5) \times SO(3) \times {\mathbb Z}_2$. Introducing an ansatz configuration involving fuzzy four and two spheres with collective time dependence, we examine the chaotic dynamics in a family of effective Lagrangians obtained by tracing over the aforementioned ansatz configurations at the matrix levels $N = \frac{1}{6}(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)$, for $n=1,2,\cdots\,,7$. Through numerical work, we determine the Lyapunov spectrum and analyze how the largest Lyapunov exponents change as a function of the energy. Poincar\'e sections of these effective models are also given at selected energies that best reflects the dynamics prior to, at and after the onset of chaos.

Floquet-engineering of nodal rings and nodal spheres and their characterization using the quantum metric. (arXiv:1912.00930v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])
in hep-th by Grazia Salerno, Nathan Goldman, Giandomenico Palumbo, relevance 1.00

Semimetals exhibiting nodal lines or nodal surfaces represent a novel class of topological states of matter. While conventional Weyl semimetals exhibit momentum-space Dirac monopoles, these more exotic semimetals can feature unusual topological defects that are analogous to extended monopoles. In this work, we describe a scheme by which nodal rings and nodal spheres can be realized in synthetic quantum matter through well-defined periodic-driving protocols. As a central result of our work, we characterize these nodal defects through the quantum metric, which is a gauge-invariant quantity associated with the geometry of quantum states. In the case of nodal rings, where the Berry curvature and conventional topological responses are absent, we show that the quantum metric provides an observable signature for these extended topological defects. Besides, we demonstrate that quantum-metric measurements could be exploited to directly detect the topological charge associated with a nodal sphere. We discuss possible experimental implementations of Floquet nodal defects in few-level atomic systems, paving the way for the exploration of Floquet extended monopoles in quantum matter.

A quantum circuit interpretation of evaporating black hole geometry. (arXiv:1912.00909v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ying Zhao, relevance 11.43

We give a quantum circuit interpretation of evaporating black hole geometry. We make an analogy between the appearance of island for evaporating black hole and the transition from two-sided to one-sided black hole in the familiar example of perturbed thermofield double. If Alice perturbs thermofield double and waits for scrambling time, she will have a one-sided black hole with interior of her own. We argue that by similar mechanism the radiation gets access to the interior (island forms) after Page time. The growth of the island happens as a result of the constant transitions from two-sided to one-sided black holes.

Entropic Locking Of Action Complexity At Cosmological Singularities. (arXiv:1912.00904v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jose L. F. Barbon, Javier Martin-Garcia, relevance 7.20

We study the relation between entropy and Action Complexity (AC) for various examples of cosmological singularities in General Relativity. The complexity is defined with respect to the causal domain of dependence of the singular set, and the entropy is evaluated on the boundary of the same causal domain. We find that, contrary to the situation for black hole singularities, the complexity growth near the singularity is controlled by the dynamics of the entropy $S$, with a characteristic linear relation. This formula is found to apply to singularities with vanishing entropy as well as those with diverging entropy. In obtaining these results it is crucial to take into account the AC expansion counterterm, whose associated length scale must be chosen sufficiently large in order to ensure the expected monotonicity properties of the complexity.

Violation of Chandrasekhar mass-limit in noncommutative geometry: A strong possible explanation for the super-Chandrasekhar limiting mass white dwarfs. (arXiv:1912.00900v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Surajit Kalita, Banibrata Mukhopadhyay, T. R. Govindarajan, relevance 0.00

One of the most celebrated discoveries of twentieth century is the existence of limiting mass of white dwarfs, which is one of the compact objects formed once nuclear burning stops inside the star. On approaching this limiting mass $\sim1.4M_\odot$, called the Chandrasekhar mass-limit, a white dwarf is believed to spark off with an explosion called type Ia supernova, which is considered to be a standard candle. However, observations of several over-luminous, peculiar type Ia supernovae indicate that the Chandrasekhar mass-limit to be significantly larger. By considering noncommutativity of components of position and momentum variables, hence uncertainty in their measurements, at the quantum scales, we show that the mass of white dwarfs could be significantly super-Chandrasekhar and thereby arrive at a new mass-limit $\sim 2.6M_\odot$, explaining a possible origin of over-luminous peculiar type Ia supernovae. The idea of noncommutativity, apart from the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, is there for quite sometime, without any observational proof however. Our finding offers a plausible astrophysical evidence of noncommutativity, arguing for a possible second standard candle, which has many far reaching implications.

Scalar Induced Gravitational Waves in Different Gauges. (arXiv:1912.00885v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chen Yuan, Zu-Cheng Chen, Qing-Guo Huang, relevance 9.82

In this letter we calculate the scalar induced gravitational waves (SIGWs) accompanying the formation of primordial black hole during the radiation dominated era in three different gauges, i.e. synchronous gauge, Newton gauge and uniform curvature gauge, and we find that the energy density spectra of SIGWs, $\ogw(k)$, are identical in these three different gauges.

4D $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs and spin chains. (arXiv:1912.00870v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Elli Pomoni, relevance 0.13

This is the writeup of the lectures given at the Winter School "YRISW 2018" to appear in a special issue of JPhysA. In the first part of these lecture notes we review some important facts about 4D $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs. We begin with basic textbook material, the supersymmetry algebra and its massless representations and the construction of Lagrangians using superspace. Then we turn to more modern topics, the study of the $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCA and its representation theory. Our intention is to understand how much we can learn from representation theory alone, even about the dynamics of $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs. In the second part of the notes we use these tools to construct spin chains for $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs, the spectral problem of which computes anomalous dimensions of local operators. We discuss their novel features comparing them with their counterparts in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM and search for possible integrability structures that emerge.

Dynamics of black holes in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity. (arXiv:1912.00861v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. Josephine Suh, relevance 8.17

We present a general solution for correlators of external boundary operators in black hole states of Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity. We use the Hilbert space constructed using the particle-with-spin interpretation of the Jackiw-Teitelboim action, which consists of wavefunctions defined on Lorentzian $AdS_2$. The density of states of the gravitational system appears in the amplitude for a boundary particle to emit and reabsorb matter. Up to self-interactions of matter, a general correlator can be reduced in an energy basis to a product of amplitudes for interactions and Wilson polynomials mapping between boundary and bulk interactions.

Podolsky electrodynamics from a condensation of topological defects. (arXiv:1912.00855v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by D. R. Granado, A. J. G. Carvalho, A. Yu. Petrov, P. J. Porfirio, relevance 1.92

In this paper we demonstrate the arising of higher-derivative contributions to the effective action of electrodynamics on the base of generalized Julia-Toulouse mechanism and explicitly show that the complete effective action generated within this methodology is nonlocal.

QFT with FDR. (arXiv:1912.00850v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Roberto Pittau, relevance 0.00

I discuss the latest developments of FDR in the context of quantum field theory calculations relevant for high-energy particle physics phenomenology. In particular, I focus on NNLO computations and on the use of FDR in connection with effective field theories.

Two mass scales for the Higgs field?. (arXiv:1912.00849v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Paolo Cea, Maurizio Consoli, Leonardo Cosmai, relevance 0.00

In the original version of the theory, the driving mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking was identified in the pure scalar sector. However, this old idea requires a heavy Higgs particle that, after the discovery of the 125 GeV resonance, seems to be ruled out. We argue that this is not necessarily true. If the phase transition is weakly first order, as indicated by most recent lattice simulations, one should consider those approximation schemes that are in agreement with this scenario. Then, even in a simple one-component theory, it becomes natural to introduce two mass scales, say $M_h$ and $m_h$ with $m_h \ll M_h$. This resembles the coexistence of phonons and rotons in superfluid helium-4, which is the non-relativistic analogue of the scalar condensate, and is potentially relevant for the Standard Model. In fact, vacuum stability would depend on $M_h$ and not on $m_h$ and be nearly insensitive to the other parameters of the theory (e.g. the top quark mass). By identifying $m_h=125$ GeV, and with our previous estimate from lattice simulations $M_h= 754 \pm 20 ~\rm{(stat)} \pm 20 ~\rm{(syst)}$ GeV, we thus get in touch with a recent, independent analysis of the ATLAS + CMS data which claims experimental evidence for a scalar resonance around $700$ GeV.

Chiral primordial gravitational waves in extended theories of Scalar-Tensor gravity. (arXiv:1912.00800v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Maria Mylova, relevance 0.00

We re-examine the problem of parity violation in single field inflation. We look for a systematic way to parametrically approach the scale at which maximal parity violation occurs, which is where we expect to find the presence of the Chern Simons instability. We do so by considering possible realizations of the effective field theory of Scalar-Tensor gravity, which could offer a rich phenomenology. The gravitational action is extended to include derivatively coupled interactions which, by means of a disformal transformation, are scaled by negative powers of a small parameter which is identified with the graviton speed. This results in suppressing the cutoff scale of the effective theory leading to parametrically large chiral tensor fluctuations. We conclude that a change in the physical description of the system is necessary in order to maintain sufficient parity violation as well ensure stability of the modes.

The great emptiness at the beginning of the Universe. (arXiv:1912.00792v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by C. Wetterich, relevance 0.89

The great emptiness is a possible beginning of the Universe in the infinite past of physical time. In the beginning particles are extremely rare and effectively massless. Only expectation values of fields and average fluctuations characterise the lightlike vacuum of this empty Universe. The physical content of the early stages of standard inflationary cosmological models is the lightlike vacuum. This is best seen by an appropriate choice of the metric field - the primordial flat frame - for which the beginning is flat Minkowski space. Our observed inhomogeneous Universe can be extrapolated backwards to the lightlike vacuum in the infinite past, and therefore can have lasted eternally. There is no physical big bang singularity.

Gauge Independence of Induced Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:1912.00785v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Keisuke Inomata, Takahiro Terada, relevance 8.29

We study gauge (in)dependence of the gravitational waves (GWs) induced from curvature perturbations. For the GWs produced in a radiation-dominated era, we find that the observable (late-time) GWs in the TT gauge and in the Newtonian gauge are the same in contrast to a claim in the literature. We also mention the interpretation of the gauge dependence of the tensor perturbations which appears in the context of the induced GWs.

Thermodynamics of Inhomogeneously Mass-deformed ABJM Model and Pressure Anisotropy. (arXiv:1912.00784v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Seungjoon Hyun, Byoungjoon Ahn, Kyung Kiu Kim, O-Kab Kwon, Sang-A Park, relevance 11.58

In this paper we study the thermodynamics of black branes with a modulated complex scalar in the context of bulk and boundary theories. The modulation induces inhomogeneity to the dual field theory, anisotropic pressure, and brane charge to the bulk geometry. The first law of thermodynamics and the Smarr relation are obtained using the off-shell ADT and the reduced action formalisms. We discuss the prescription for the mass of black branes, which relies on relevant and marginal deformations in the dual field theory. One of the cases is the gravity dual to a ABJM model with a sinusoidal mass function depending on a spatial coordinate. This is the first study of the deformed ABJM model at finite temperature including bulk thermodynamics.

Mass and Horizon Dirac Observables in Effective Models of Quantum Black-to-White Hole Transition. (arXiv:1912.00774v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Norbert Bodendorfer, Fabio M. Mele, Johannes Münch, relevance 12.73

In the past years, black holes and the fate of their singularity have been heavily studied within loop quantum gravity. Effective spacetime descriptions incorporating quantum geometry corrections are provided by the so-called polymer models. Despite the technical differences, the main common feature shared by these models is that the classical singularity is resolved by a black-to-white hole transition. In a recent paper, we discussed the existence of two Dirac observables in the effective quantum theory respectively corresponding to the black and white hole mass. Physical requirements about the onset of quantum effects then fix the relation between these observables after the bounce, which in turn corresponds to a restriction on the admissible initial conditions for the model. In the present paper, we discuss in detail the role of such observables in black hole polymer models. First, we revisit previous models and analyse the existence of the Dirac observables there. Observables for the horizons or the masses are explicitly constructed. In the classical theory, only one Dirac observable has physical relevance. In the quantum theory, we find a relation between the existence of two physically relevant observables and the scaling behaviour of the polymerisation scales under fiducial cell rescaling. We present then a new model based on polymerisation of new variables which allows to overcome previous restrictions on initial conditions. Quantum effects cause a bound of a unique Kretschmann curvature scale, independently of the relation between the two masses.

A report on thermodynamics of charged Rotating BTZ black hole. (arXiv:1912.00767v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Prince A. Ganai, Nadeem-ul-islam, Sudhaker Upadhyay, relevance 28.79

We present thermodynamics of a charged rotating BTZ black holes here. In particular, we derive expressions for various macroscopic thermal quantities such as entropy, Hawking temperature, Helmholtz free energy, internal energy, pressure, enthalpy, and Gibbs free energy. In order to study the effects of small statistical thermal fluctuations around the equilibrium on thermodynamics, we calculated the leading-order corrections to the various thermodynamical potentials of charged rotating BTZ black hole and do comparative analysis for the fixed values of charge and angular momentum.

Topological Eternal Hilltop Inflation and the Swampland Criteria. (arXiv:1912.00749v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chia-Min Lin, relevance 3.98

The swampland criteria put significant constraints on inflation models. In this paper, I show that hilltop inflation on the brane may provide an initial condition for hilltop inflation and produce topological eternal inflation without violating the swampland distance and refined de Sitter criteria. This shows a way that string theory may not be incompatible with eternal inflation.

Double logarithms in ${\cal N} \geq 4$ supergravity: weak gravity and Shapiro's time delay. (arXiv:1912.00744v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Agustín Sabio Vera, relevance 0.00

A study of the double logarithmic in the center-of-mass energy, $s$, contributions to the four-graviton scattering amplitude is presented for four-dimensional ${\cal N} \geq 4$ supergravities. This includes a novel representation for the coefficients of the perturbative expansion based on exactly solvable recurrences. A review is given of the structure in the complex angular momentum plane for the $t$-channel partial wave singularities of the different amplitudes. Working in impact parameter representation, $\rho$, it is shown that the resummation of double logarithms makes gravity weaker in regions of small $\rho$ and large $s$. This screening of the gravitational interaction at short distances in the double logarithmic sector of the amplitudes is more acute as the number of gravitinos in the theory increases. It brings corrections to the eikonal phase which can change the sign of the graviton's deflection angle and generate regions with repulsive interaction. For very small impact parameters there appears a constant negative shift in both the eikonal phase and Shapiro's time delay which is not large enough to generate causality violation.

Dark matter -- Modified dynamics: Reaction vs. Prediction. (arXiv:1912.00716v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Robert H. Sanders, relevance 0.74

The dark energy-cold dark matter paradigm ($\Lambda$CDM) has gained widespread acceptance because it explains the pattern of anisotropies observed in the cosmic microwave background radiation, the observed distribution of large scale inhomogeneities in detectable matter, and the perceived overall expansion history of the Universe. It is further {\it assumed} that the cosmic dark matter component clusters on the scale of bound astronomical systems and thereby accounts for the observed difference between the directly detectable (baryonic) mass and the total Newtonian dynamical mass. In this respect the paradigm fails; it is falsified by the existence of a simple algorithm, modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), which explains, not only general scaling relations for astronomical systems, but quite precisely predicts the effective gravitational acceleration in such objects from the observed distribution of detectable baryonic matter -- all of this with one additional universal parameter having units of acceleration. On this sub-Hubble scale, the dark matter hypothesis is essentially reactive, while MOND is successfully predictive.

Relativistic stars in mass-varying massive gravity. (arXiv:1912.00685v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Xue Sun, Shuang-Yong Zhou, relevance 1.02

Mass-varying massive gravity allows the graviton mass to vary according to different environments. We investigate neutron star and white dwarf solutions in this theory and find that the graviton mass can become very large near the compact stars and settle down quickly to small cosmological values away the stars, similar to that of black holes in the theory. It is found that there exists a tower of compact star solutions where the graviton mass decreases radially to zero non-trivially. We compute the massive graviton effects on the mass-radius relations of the compact stars, and also compare the relative strengths between neutron stars and white dwarfs in constraining the parameter space of mass-varying massive gravity.

Universality of the spherical collapse with respect with the matter type : the case of a barotropic fluid with constant equation of state. (arXiv:1912.00677v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by François Staelens, Jérémy Rekier, André Füzfa, relevance 2.52

We study the spherical collapse of an over-density of a barotropic fluid with constant equation of state in a cosmological background. Fully relativistic simulations are performed by using the Baumgarte-Shibata-Shapiro-Nakamura formalism jointly with the Valencia formulation of the hydrodynamics. This permits us to test the universality of the critical collapse with respect with the matter type by considering the constant equation of state $\omega$ as a control parameter. We exhibit, for a fixed radial profile of the energy-density contrast, the existence of a critical value $\omega^*$ for the equation of state under which the fluctuation collapses to a black hole and above which it is diluting. It is shown numerically that the mass of the formed black hole, for subcritical solutions, obeys a scaling law $M\propto |\omega - \omega^*|^\gamma$ with a critical exponent $\gamma$ independent on the matter type, revealing the universality. Simulations tend to show that, in a cosmological background, this scaling law is no more true for values very near the threshold $\omega^*$ and that the mass stabilizes to a minimum value. We observe no such breaking of the universality in the case of a Minkowski background. Concerning the spherical collapse in a general way, we explain that considering only the central value for the energy-density contrast can lead to severe interpretation errors when dealing with pressured matter, showing the irrelevance of the top-hat approximation in this case.

On the propagation of Dirac fermions in graphene with the strain-induced inhomogeneous Fermi velocity. (arXiv:1912.00675v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])
in hep-th by Alonso Contreras-Astorga, Vit Jakubsky, Alfredo Raya, relevance 1.30

We consider systems described by the two-dimensional Dirac equation where the Fermi velocity is inhomogeneous as a consequence of mechanical deformations. We show that the mechanical deformations can lead to deflection and focusing of the wave packets. The analogy with known reflectionless quantum systems is pointed out. Furthermore, with the use of the qualitative spectral analysis, we discuss how inhomogeneous strains can be used to create waveguides for valley polarized transport of partially dispersionless wave packets.

Ladder Operators in Repulsive Harmonic Oscillator with Application to the Schwinger Effect. (arXiv:1912.00657v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Kenichi Aouda, Naohiro Kanda, Shigefumi Naka, Haruki Toyoda, relevance 0.00

The ladder operators in harmonic oscillator are a well-known strong tool for various problems in physics. In the same sense, it is sometimes expected to handle the problems of repulsive harmonic oscillator in a similar way to the ladder operators in harmonic oscillators, though their analytic solutions are well known. In this paper, we discuss a simple algebraic way to introduce the ladder operators of the repulsive harmonic oscillators, which can reproduce well-known analytic solutions. Applying this formalism, we discuss a charged particles in a constant electric field in relation to the Schwinger effect; the discussion is also made on a supersymmetric extension of this formalism.

Generalised conformal higher-spin fields in curved backgrounds. (arXiv:1912.00652v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergei M. Kuzenko, Michael Ponds, relevance 16.60

The problem of constructing gauge-invariant actions for conformal higher-spin fields in curved backgrounds is known to be notoriously difficult. In this paper we present gauge-invariant models for conformal maximal depth fields with spin $s=5/2$ and $s=3$ in four-dimensional Bach-flat backgrounds. We find that certain lower-spin fields must be introduced to ensure gauge invariance when $s>2$, which is analogous to a conjecture made earlier in the literature for conformal higher-spin fields of minimal depth.

Hook variables: cut-and-join operators and $\tau$-functions. (arXiv:1912.00635v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Mironov, A. Morozov, relevance 0.00

Young diagrams can be parameterized with the help of hook variables, which is well known but never studied in big detail. We demonstrate that this is the most adequate parameterization for many physical applications: from the Schur functions, conventional, skew and shifted, which all satisfy their own kinds of determinant formulas in these coordinates, to KP/Toda integrability and related basis of cut-and-join $\hat W$-operators, which are both actually expressed through the single-hook diagrams. In particular, we discuss a new type of multi-component KP $\tau$-functions, Matisse $\tau$-functions. We also demonstrate that the Casimir operators, which are responsible for integrability, are single-hook, with the popular basis of "completed cycles" being distinguished by especially simple coefficients in the corresponding expansion. The Casimir operators also generate the $q=t$ Ruijsenaars Hamiltonians. However, these properties are broken by the naive Macdonald deformation, which is the reason for the loss of KP/Toda integrability and related structures in $q$-$t$ matrix models.

Revisiting pre-inflationary universe of family of $\alpha-$attractor in loop quantum cosmology. (arXiv:1912.00616v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by M. Shahalam, Mudhahir Al Ajmi, R. Myrzakulov, Anzhong Wang, relevance 1.32

In this work, we revisit the dynamics of pre-inflationary universe with a family of $\alpha-$attractor potentials, in the framework of loop quantum cosmology, in which the big bang singularity is generically resolved purely with quantum geometric effects, and replaced by a quantum bounce. At the bounce, the background evolution is divided into two distinct classes, the first is dominated by the kinetic energy of the inflaton field and the second by the potential energy. In both classes, we find the physically viable initial conditions numerically that provide not only the slow-roll inflation, but also sufficient e-folds to be compatible with observations. In the entire range of kinetic energy dominated initial conditions (except some subsets of Models 2 and 4), the background evolution prior to reheating is always split into three different phases: bouncing, transition and slow-roll inflation. In the bouncing phase, the numerical evolution of the scale factor is independent not only of the initial data, but also the inflationary potentials, as long as it is dominated by the kinetic energy, and can be well approximated by an analytical solution, whereas in the potential energy dominated case, such approximated results do not exist. Moreover, we study the phase space analysis for a class of $\alpha-$attractor potentials, and discuss the phase space trajectories for physically viable initial conditions of the inflaton field.

A refined trans-Planckian censorship conjecture. (arXiv:1912.00607v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rong-Gen Cai, Shao-Jiang Wang, relevance 1.45

We propose a refined version of trans-Planckian censorship conjecture (TCC), which could be elaborated from the strong scalar weak gravity conjecture combined with some entropy bounds. In particular, no fine-tuning on the inflation model-building is required in the refined TCC, and it automatically passes the tests from those stringy examples that support the original TCC. Furthermore, our refined TCC could be consistent with hilltop eternal inflation.

Cosmology in theories with derivative matter coupling. (arXiv:1912.00601v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Zahra Haghani, Shahab Shahidi, relevance 1.97

A new class of modified gravity theories with a healthy higher order derivative terms of a function of the matter Lagrangian $f(L_m)$ is considered. Generally the energy momentum tensor is not conserved, leading to the fifth force similar to $f(R,T)$ theories. We will however show that in the FRW background there exists two possibilities corresponding to conservative and non-conservative cases. Cosmological implications of both cases with different functions of the matter Lagrangian $f$ will be investigated in details and we will show that current observational data can be satisfied in this model. The non-conservative case however, predicts less matter sources at early times and more deceleration. Evolution of the matter density perturbation in the longitudinal gauge is also considered for dust matter sources. We will show that the late time behavior of the matter density perturbation is in agreement with current observational data at sub-horizon limit.

Tidal forces are gravitational waves. (arXiv:1912.00591v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Rituparno Goswami, George F. R. Ellis, relevance 0.48

In this paper we show in a covariant and gauge invariant way that in general relativity, tidal forces are actually a hidden form of gravitational waves. This must be so because gravitational effects cannot occur faster than the speed of light. Any two body gravitating system, where the bodies are orbiting around each other, may generate negligible gravitational waves, but it is via these waves that non-negligible tidal forces (causing shape distortions) act on these bodies. Although the tidal forces are caused by the electric part of the Weyl tensor, we transparently show that some small time varying magnetic part of the Weyl tensor with non zero curl must be present in the system that mediates the tidal forces via gravitational wave type effects.

Holographic entanglement entropy in AdS$_3$$/$WCFT. (arXiv:1912.00562v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Baizhi Gao, Jianfei Xu, relevance 54.54

Entanglement is the most fundamental phenomenon in quantum mechanics, which denotes the unusual interactions of many-body systems in quantum regime. The entanglement entropy, defined by von Neumann entropy, thus, provides us a significant tool to understand the physics in quantum field theory, such as correlation, phase transition and quantum information. The dual picture of entanglement entropy in gravitational spacetime introduces the quantum behaviors into gravity, which suggests its prodigious role in quantum gravity apparently. In this paper, we consider AdS$_3$ with Comp$\grave{\mathrm{e}}$re-Song-Strominger (CSS) boundary conditions, under which the dual field theory is warped conformal field theory (WCFT), featuring a Virasoro-Kac-Moody algebra. We provide a holographic dual picture of the single interval entanglement entropy in WCFT in the bulk AdS$_3$. We explicitly show that bulk object captures the entanglement entropy in WCFT is a massive spinning particle's wordline that anchored on the boundary of the interval. Given the mass and spin of the particle as functions of quantum numbers of the twist operator in WCFT, the on-shell wordline action will match the entanglement entropy in WCFT.

Inequalities of Holographic Entanglement of Purification from Bit Threads. (arXiv:1912.00557v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dong-Hui Du, Fu-Wen Shu, Kai-Xin Zhu, relevance 27.87

There are increasing evidences that quantum information theory has come to play a fundamental role in quantum gravity especially the holography. In this paper, we show some new potential connections between holography and quantum information theory. Particularly, by utilizing the multiflow description of the holographic entanglement of purification (HEoP) defined in relative homology, we obtain several new inequalities of HEoP under a max multiflow configuration. Each inequality derived for HEoP has a corresponding inequality of the holographic entanglement entropy (HEE). This argument is further confirmed by geometric analysis. In addition, we may expect that, based on flow considerations, each property of HEE that can be derived from bit threads may have a corresponding property for HEoP that can be derived from bit threads defined in relative homology.

Lorentz-symmetry violating physics in a supersymmetric scenario in $(2+1)$-D. (arXiv:1912.00523v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by L. D. Bernal, Patricio Gaete, Y. P. M. Gomes, José A. Helayël-Neto, relevance 9.01

We study the dimensional reduction for a $(3+1)$-dimensional Lorentz Violating Lagrangian in the matter and gauge sectors in a Supersymmetric scenario. We thus obtain an effective model for photons induced by the effects of supersymmetry in our framework with Lorentz-symmetry violating. This model is discussed in connection with the attainment of a static potential between charged particles. Our calculation is done within the framework of the gauge-invariant, but path-dependent variable formalism. We thus find that the interaction energy displays a screening part, encoded by Bessel functions, and a linear confining potential.

Four Lectures on Analytic Solutions in Open String Field Theory. (arXiv:1912.00521v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Theodore Erler, relevance 0.00

The following notes derive from review lectures on the subject of analytic solutions in open string field theory, given at the School for String Field Theory and String Phenomenology at the Harish-Chandra Research Institute in February 2018.

Scalar Insertions in Cusped Wilson Loops in the Ladders Limit of Planar N=4 SYM. (arXiv:1912.00499v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Joseph McGovern, relevance 0.00

Compact expressions in terms of the Q-functions of the Quantum Spectral Curve are given for 3-cusped fundamental Wilson loops in the ladders limit of $\mathcal{N}=4$ Super Yang-Mills with additional scalars inserted at a cusp between uncoupled arcs. This gives some further credence to the already natural and evidenced view that the Quantum Spectral Curve in fact pertains to a wide class of observables beyond the spectrum, as well as providing additional nonperturbative ladders limit results.

Stress Tensor for Large-$D$ membrane at subleading orders. (arXiv:1912.00476v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Parthajit Biswas, relevance 1.67

In this note, we have extended the result of \citep{radiation} to calculate the membrane stress tensor up to ${\cal O}\left(\frac{1}{D}\right)$ localized on the codimension-one membrane world volume propagating in asymptotically at/AdS/dS space-time. We have shown that the subleading order membrane equation follows from the conservation equation of this stress tensor.

Constant-roll $k$-Inflation Dynamics. (arXiv:1912.00475v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S.D. Odintsov, V.K. Oikonomou, relevance 0.00

In this work we shall investigate the phenomenological implications of the constant-roll condition on a $k$-Inflation theory of gravity. The latter theories are particularly promising, since these remained robust to the results of GW170817, since these have a gravitational wave speed $c_T=1$ in natural units. We shall mainly focus on the phenomenology of the $k$-Inflation models, with the only assumption being the slow-roll condition imposed on the first and fourth slow-roll parameters, and the constant-roll condition for the evolution of the scalar field. We present in detail the final form of the gravitational equations of motion that control the dynamics of the cosmological system, with the constant-roll condition imposed, and by using a conveniently, from the perspective of analytical manipulations, chosen potential, we express the slow-roll indices and the resulting observational indices of the theory as functions of the $e$-foldings number. The results of our analysis indicate that the constant-roll $k$-Inflation theory can be compatible with the Planck 2018 data, for a wide range of the free parameters. Also we examine in a quantitative way the effects of the constant-roll condition on the parameter $f_{NL}^{equil}$ on which the bispectrum is proportional, in the equilateral momentum approximation, and we demonstrate that the effect of the constant-roll condition is non-trivial. In effect, non-Gaussianities in the theory may be enhanced, a phenomenon which is known to be produced by constant-roll scalar theories of gravity in general.

Many-body perturbation expansions without diagrams. I. Normal states. (arXiv:1912.00474v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Behnam Farid, relevance 0.00

On the basis of an exact perturbational expression for the interacting one-particle Green function $G$ corresponding to bosons / fermions in terms of the bare interaction potential $v$ and permanents / determinants of the non-interacting one-particle Green function $G_0$, we deduce four recursive perturbation expansions for the self-energy $\Sigma$. With $W$ denoting the dynamic screened interaction potential, these perturbation expansions are identical to those of $\Sigma$ in terms of (i) self-energy diagrams and $(v, G_0)$, (ii) $G$-skeleton self-energy diagrams and $(v, G)$, (iii) $W$-skeleton self-energy diagrams and $(W, G_0)$, and (iv) $G$- and $W$-skeleton self-energy diagrams and $(W,G)$. For the calculation of $W$, we rely on a similar exact perturbational expression for the interacting two-particle Green function $G_2$ as for $G$. From this expression, we deduce four recursive perturbation expansions for the polarization function $P$, necessary for the calculation of $W$, that are similar to those for $\Sigma$ specified above. The correlation functions considered in this paper may be corresponding to ground states, and thermal ensemble of states. For thermal ensemble of states, we consider both the imaginary-time formalism of Matsubara, and the real-time formalism of thermo-field dynamics (TFD). The latter is advantageous for the direct calculation of dynamic correlation functions. In an appendix, we apply the formalisms presented in this paper to the Hubbard Hamiltonian for spin-$\tfrac{1}{2}$ fermions on a lattice in arbitrary $d$ spatial dimensions. In two further appendices, we present methods and short programs for determining the $\nu$th-order diagrams corresponding to the perturbation expansions of $G$ in terms of $(v,G_0)$, and $\Sigma$ in terms of $(v,G)$ on the basis of the cycle decompositions of the elements of the symmetric group $S_{2\nu}$. [Abridged abstract]

Static spherically symmetric configurations with N non-linear scalar fields: global and asymptotic properties. (arXiv:1912.00470v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by V.I. Zhdanov, O.S. Stashko, relevance 2.09

In case of a spherically symmetric non-linear scalar field (SF) in flat space, besides singularity at the center, spherical singularities can occur for non-zero values of radial variable $r>0$. We show that in the General Relativity the gravitational field suppresses the occurrence of the spherical singularities under some generic conditions. Our consideration deals with asymptotically flat space-times around static spherically symmetric configurations in presence of $N$ non-linear SFs, which are minimally coupled to gravity. Constraints are imposed on the SF potentials, which guarantee a monotonicity of the fields as functions of radial variable; also the potentials are assumed to be exponentially bounded. We give direct proof that solutions of the joint system of Einstein -- SF equations satisfying the conditions of asymptotic flatness are regular for all values of $r$, except for naked singularities in the center $r=0$ in the Schwarzschild (curvature) coordinates. Asymptotic relations for SF and metric near the center are derived, which appear to be remarkably similar to the case of the Fisher solution for free SF. These relations determine two main types of the corresponding geodesic structure when photons can be captured by the singularity or not depending on the existence of the photon sphere. To illustrate, the case of one SF with monomial potential is analyzed in detail numerically. We show that the image of the accretion disk around the singularity, observed from infinity, can take the form of a bright ring with a dark spot in the center, like the case of an ordinary black hole.

Weakly-coupled stealth solution in scordatura degenerate theory. (arXiv:1912.00378v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hayato Motohashi, Shinji Mukohyama, relevance 1.65

In scalar-tensor theories we revisit the issue of strong coupling of perturbations around stealth solutions, i.e.\ backgrounds with the same forms of the metric as in General Relativity but with non-trivial configurations of the scalar field. The simplest among them is a stealth Minkowski (or de Sitter) solution with a constant, timelike derivative of the scalar field, i.e.\ ghost condensation. In the decoupling limit the effective field theory (EFT) describing perturbations around the stealth Minkowski (or de Sitter) solution shows the universal dispersion relation of the form $\omega^2 = \alpha k^4/M^2$, where $M$ is a mass scale characterizing the background scalar field and $\alpha$ is a dimensionless constant. Provided that $\alpha$ is positive and of order unity, a simple scaling argument shows that the EFT is weakly coupled all the way up to $M$. On the other hand, if the structure of the underlining theory forces the perturbations to follow second-order equations of motion then $\alpha=0$ and the dispersion relation loses dependence on the spatial momentum. This not only explains the origin of the strong coupling problem that was recently pointed out in a class of degenerate theories but also provides a hint for a possible solution of the problem. We then argue that a controlled detuning of the degeneracy condition, which we call scordatura, renders the perturbations weakly coupled without changing the properties of the stealth solutions of degenerate theories at astrophysical scales.

Nonstationary self-gravitating configurations of scalar and electromagnetic fields. (arXiv:1912.00357v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ju V Tchemarina, E G Alekseeva, A N Tsirulev, N K Nuraliev, relevance 0.00

Mathematical modeling of gravitating configurations of physical fields is one of the priority directions of the modern theory of gravity. Most of the exact solutions constructed within the framework of the general relativity are static or stationary configurations. This is due to the objective complexity of solving the Einstein equations under the assumption of nonstationarity. We present an approach to constructing nonstationary configurations of a spherically symmetric nonlinear real scalar field and the electromagnetic field, which areassumed both to be minimally coupled to gravity. It is based on the isolation of one invariant equation written in terms of the characteristic function and scalar field potential. Using the proposed method, an exact nonstationary solution with a nontrivial topology of space-time will be constructed.

Simulating the scattering of low-frequency Gravitational Waves by compact objects using the finite element method. (arXiv:1912.00325v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jian-hua He (NJU), relevance 0.56

We investigate the wave effects of gravitational waves (GWs) using numerical simulations with the finite element method (FEM) based on the publicly available code {\it deal.ii}. We robustly test our code using a point source monochromatic spherical wave. We examine not only the waveform observed by a local observer but also the global energy conservation of the waves. We find that our numerical results agree very well with the analytical predictions. Based on our code, we study the scattering of GWs by compact objects. Using monochromatic waves as the input source, we find that if the wavelength of GWs is much larger than the Schwarzschild radius of the compact object, the amplitude of the total scattered GWs does not change appreciably due to the strong diffraction effect, for an observer far away from the scatterer. This finding is consistent with the results reported in the literature. However, we also find that, near the scatterer, not only the amplitude of the scattered waves is very large, comparable to that of the incident waves, but also the phase of the GWs changes significantly due to the interference between the scattered and incident waves. As the evolution of the phase of GWs plays a crucial role in the matched filtering technique in extracting GW signals from the noisy background, our findings suggest that wave effects should be taken into account in the data analysis in the future low-frequency GW experiments, if GWs are scattered by nearby compact objects in our local environment.

Deconfinement and chiral phase transitions in quark matter with a strong electric field. (arXiv:1912.00305v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by William R. Tavares, Ricardo L. S. Farias, Sidney S. Avancini, relevance 0.00

The deconfinement and chiral phase transitions are studied in the context of the electrized quark matter at finite temperature in the two-flavor Polyakov-Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. Using the mean field approximation and an electric field independet regularization we show that the effect of temperature and/or electric fields is to partially restore the chiral symmetry. The deconfinement phase transition is slightly affected by the magnitude of the electric field. To this end we show how the effective quark masses and the expectation value of the Polyakov Loop are affected by the electric fields at finite temperatures. As a very interesting result, the pseudocritical temperatures for chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement decrease as we increase the magnitude of the electric fields, however, both start to increase after some critical value of the electric field.

Turbulence, String Theory and Ising Model. (arXiv:1912.00276v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexander Migdal, relevance 0.00

We advance the vortex cell approach to turbulence \cite{TSVS} by elaborating the Clebsch field dynamics on the surface of vortex cells. We argue that resulting statistical system can be described as 3D Ising model interacting with Compactified Bosonic String on the Riemann surface describing phase boundary. The cells come out as $\sigma=1$ phase of the Ising model in strong magnetic field. At large circulation around large loop the dominant Ising configuration correspond to minimal volume cells covering the area inside the loop, which naturally leads to the Area law and exponential PDF tails.

Emergence of modified Newtonian gravity from thermodynamics. (arXiv:1912.00252v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in gr-qc by Péter Ván, Sumiyoshi Abe, relevance 13.54

Being inspired by Verlinde's proposal that general relativistic gravity has a thermodynamic origin as an entropic force, Newtonian gravity is reexamined in view of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Here, firstly, an unspecified scalar field potential is introduced and treated as a thermodynamic variable on an equal footing with the fluid variables. Then, the effects of irreversibility on the field are explored through the analysis of the entropy production rate in the linear regime. Remarkably, the second law of thermodynamics imposes a stringent constraint on the allowable field, which turns out to be of gravity. The resulting field equation for the gravitational potential contains a dissipative term originating from irreversibility. It is found that the system relaxes to the conventional theory of Newtonian gravity up to a certain spatial scale (typically the solar scale), whereas on the larger scale (such as the galaxy scale) a potential needed in Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) naturally appears. A comment is made on an implication of the result to the astrophysical phenomenon regarding dark matter.

High-temperature expansion of the grand thermodynamic potential for scalar particles in crossed electromagnetic fields. (arXiv:1912.00249v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by P.O. Kazinski, I.S. Kalinichenko, relevance 6.17

The problem of a scalar particle in a constant crossed electromagnetic field ($\mathbf{E}\perp\mathbf{H}$ and $|\mathbf{E}|=|\mathbf{H}|$) is examined. The high-temperature expansion of the grand thermodynamic potential and vacuum energy with account for non-perturbative corrections are derived. The contribution from particles and antiparticles is considered separately. It is shown that the non-perturbative corrections depend on boundary conditions but do not depend on fields.

From 2-d Polyakov Action to the 4-d Pseudo-Conformal Field Theory. (arXiv:1912.00246v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by C. N. Ragiadakos, relevance 5.81

The characteristic property of the 2-d Polyakov action is its independence on the metric tensor, without being topological. A renormalizable 4-d action is found with this fundamental property. It is invariant under the pseudo-conformal transformations and it contains a gauge field instead of the scalar field (the embedding function to the ambient 26-d spacetime) of the string action. The fundamental quantity of this pseudo-conformal field theory (PCFT) is the lorentzian Cauchy-Riemann (LCR) structure. This action describes all current phenomenology: 1) The Poincar\'e group is determined. 2) Stable solitonic LCR-tetrads are found, which belong to representations of the Poincar\'e group and they are determined by the irreducible and reducible algebraic quadratic surfaces of CP3. 3) The static (irreducible) LCR-structure is identified with the electron and the stationary (reducible) one is identified with the neutrino. The antiparticles have conjugate LCR-structures. 4) The LCR-tetrad defines Einstein's metric and the electromagnetic tensor for all the solitons. 5) An effective leptonic standard model action is derived using the Bogoliubov recursive procedure. 6) The three generations of flavors are implied by the limited number of permitted algebraic surfaces of CP3. 7) For every LCR-structure there exists a solitonic distributional gauge field configuration, identified with the corresponding quark, which explains the lepton-quark correspondence. It is explicitly computed for the static LCR-structure and a quark confinement mechanism is proposed.

$H_0$ tension and the String Swampland. (arXiv:1912.00242v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luis A. Anchordoqui, Ignatios Antoniadis, Dieter Lust, Jorge F. Soriano, Tomasz R. Taylor, relevance 1.82

[Abridged] We realize the Agrawal-Obied-Vafa (AOV) swampland proposal of fading dark matter by the model of Salam-Sezgin and its string realization of Cvetic-Gibbons-Pope. The model describes a compactification of 6-dimensional supergravity with a monopole background on a 2-sphere. In 4 dimensions, there are 2 scalar fields, $X$ and $Y $, and the effective potential in the Einstein frame is an exponential with respect to $Y$ times a quadratic polynomial in the field $e^{-X}$. When making the volume of the 2-sphere large, namely for large values of $Y$, there appears a tower of states, which according to the infinite distance swampland conjecture becomes exponentially massless. If the standard model fields are confined on Neveu-Schwarz 5-branes the 6-dimensional gauge couplings are independent of the string dilaton in the string frame, and upon compactification to 4 dimensions the 4-dimensional gauge couplings depend on $X$ (rather than the dilaton $Y$) which is fixed at the minimum of the potential. This avoids direct couplings of the dilaton to matter suppressing extra forces competing with gravity. We show that this set up has the salient features of the AOV models, and ergo can potentially ameliorate the tension between local distance ladder and cosmic microwave background estimates of the Hubble constant $H_0$. Although the AOV proposal does not fully resolve the tension in $H_0$ measurements, it provides a dynamical dark energy model of cosmology that satisfies the de Sitter swampland conjecture. We comment on a viable solution to overcome the tension between low- and high-redshift observations within the AOV background and discuss the implications for the swampland program.

Heuristic derivation of Casimir effect in minimal length theories. (arXiv:1912.00241v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Massimo Blasone, Gaetano Lambiase, Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano, Luciano Petruzziello, Fabio Scardigli, relevance -2.41

We propose a heuristic derivation of Casimir effect in the context of minimal length theories based on a Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). By considering a GUP with only a quadratic term in the momentum, we compute corrections to the standard formula of Casimir energy for the parallel-plate geometry, the sphere and the cylindrical shell. For the first configuration, we show that our result is consistent with the one obtained via more rigorous calculations in Quantum Field Theory. Experimental developments are finally discussed.

Quantum gravity on a torus. (arXiv:1912.00240v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jakub Gizbert-Studnicki, relevance 16.71

Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT) is a non-perturbative lattice approach to quantum gravity where one assumes space-time foliation into spatial hyper-surfaces of fixed topology. Most of the CDT results were obtained for the spatial topology of the 3-sphere. It was shown that CDT has rich phase structure, including the semiclassical phase consistent with Einstein's general relativity. Some of the phase transitions were found to be second (or higher) order which makes a possibility of taking continuum limit viable. Here we present new results of changing the spatial topology to that of the 3-torus. We argue that the topology change does not change the phase structure nor the order of the phase transitions. Therefore CDT results seem to be universal independent of the topology chosen.

The Python's Lunch: geometric obstructions to decoding Hawking radiation. (arXiv:1912.00228v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Adam R. Brown, Hrant Gharibyan, Geoff Penington, Leonard Susskind, relevance 15.42

According to Harlow and Hayden [arXiv:1301.4504] the task of distilling information out of Hawking radiation appears to be computationally hard despite the fact that the quantum state of the black hole and its radiation is relatively un-complex. We trace this computational difficulty to a geometric obstruction in the Einstein-Rosen bridge connecting the black hole and its radiation. Inspired by tensor network models, we conjecture a precise formula relating the computational hardness of distilling information to geometric properties of the wormhole - specifically to the exponential of the difference in generalized entropies between the two non-minimal quantum extremal surfaces that constitute the obstruction. Due to its shape, we call this obstruction the "Python's Lunch", in analogy to the reptile's postprandial bulge.

Universal Dynamics of Heavy Operators in CFT$_2$. (arXiv:1912.00222v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Scott Collier, Alexander Maloney, Henry Maxfield, Ioannis Tsiares, relevance 16.03

We obtain an asymptotic formula for the average value of the operator product expansion coefficients of any unitary, compact two dimensional CFT with $c>1$. This formula is valid when one or more of the operators has large dimension or -- in the presence of a twist gap -- has large spin. Our formula is universal in the sense that it depends only on the central charge and not on any other details of the theory. This result unifies all previous asymptotic formulas for CFT$_2$ structure constants, including those derived from crossing symmetry of four point functions, modular covariance of torus correlation functions, and higher genus modular invariance. We determine this formula at finite central charge by deriving crossing kernels for higher genus crossing equations, which give analytic control over the structure constants even in the absence of exact knowledge of the conformal blocks. The higher genus modular kernels are obtained by sewing together the elementary kernels for four-point crossing and modular transforms of torus one-point functions. Our asymptotic formula is related to the DOZZ formula for the structure constants of Liouville theory, and makes precise the sense in which Liouville theory governs the universal dynamics of heavy operators in any CFT. The large central charge limit provides a link with 3D gravity, where the averaging over heavy states corresponds to a coarse-graining over black hole microstates in holographic theories. Our formula also provides an improved understanding of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) in CFT$_2$, and suggests that ETH can be generalized to other kinematic regimes in two dimensional CFTs.

The Non-melonic Sector of Tensor Models and Gravity. (arXiv:1912.00208v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Pablo Diaz, relevance 0.00

The melonic sector has been proven to be dominant in tensor models at large N. This is true as long as the observables we consider, composites of 2n tensors, are small. That is, if n is much smaller than N. In this paper, I argue that, in order to recover geometries (and then gravity) in the continuum limit, n must grow like N. In that case, I provide examples where non-melonic contributions overcome the total sum in the computation of the expectation value of certain observables.

Goldstone Boson Effects on Vacuum Decay. (arXiv:1912.00199v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mulham Hijazi, Apostolos Pilaftsis, relevance 0.54

We study the effects of Goldstone modes on the stability of the vacuum in a $U(1)$ theory for a complex scalar field. The dynamics of the field resemble those of Keplerian motion in the presence of time-dependent friction, whose equations of motion imply a conserved quantity, $L$, reminiscent of conserved angular momentum. They also imply a persistent infinite barrier at $\rho=0$ and a divergent field value at the origin of coordinates in flat spacetime, rendering any solution physically unattainable. However, in a spacetime punctured at the origin of coordinates, we find finite-action solutions to the equations of motion, which correspond to the size of the hole $a_0$, which in turn determines the tunneling point $\rho_0$ and $L$. We find that the rates of vacuum decay get drastically enhanced by many orders of magnitude for all possible orderings in which the false and true vacua are placed in the potential. Finally, we show how Goldstone modes provide the necessary energy to overcome drag forces yielding finite-action solutions for any potential, including those that no such solutions exist for real scalar fields.

Can Non-standard Recombination Resolve the Hubble Tension?. (arXiv:1912.00190v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Miaoxin Liu, Zhiqi Huang, Xiaolin Luo, Haitao Miao, Naveen K. Singh, Lu Huang, relevance 0.97

The inconsistent Hubble constant values derived from cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations and from local distance-ladder measurements may suggest new physics beyond the standard $\Lambda$CDM paradigm. It has been found in earlier works that, at least phenomenologically, non-standard recombination histories can reduce the $\gtrsim 4\sigma$ Hubble tension to $\sim 2\sigma$. Following this path, we vary physical and phenomenological parameters in RECFAST, the standard code to compute ionization history of the universe, to explore possible physics beyond standard recombination. We find that the CMB constraint on the Hubble constant is sensitive to the Hydrogen ionization energy and $2s \rightarrow 1s$ two-photon decay rate, both of which are atomic constants, and is insensitive to other details of recombination. Thus, the Hubble tension is very robust against perturbations of recombination history, unless exotic physics modifies the atomic constants during the recombination epoch.

All-order amplitudes at any multiplicity in the multi-Regge limit. (arXiv:1912.00188v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by V. Del Duca, S. Druc, J. M. Drummond, C. Duhr, F. Dulat, R. Marzucca, G. Papathanasiou, B. Verbeek, relevance 0.00

We propose an all-loop expression for scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in multi-Regge kinematics valid for all multiplicities, all helicity configurations and arbitrary logarithmic accuracy. Our expression is arrived at from comparing explicit perturbative results with general expectations from the integrable structure of a closely related collinear limit. A crucial ingredient of the analysis is an all-order extension for the central emission vertex that we recently computed at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. As an application, we use our all-order formula to prove that all amplitudes in this theory in multi-Regge kinematics are single-valued multiple polylogarithms of uniform transcendental weight.

Centrifugal acceleration of protons in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole. (arXiv:1912.00170v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in hep-th by A. A. Gunya, Y. N. Istomin, relevance 7.94

Acceleration of protons in the active galactic nuclei is considered. The largest energy is achieved by protons during centrifugal acceleration in the magnetosphere of the central machine. When the proton accelerated in the magnetosphere of a black hole approaches light cylinder surface, acceleration occurs mainly in the azimuthal direction, i.e. the acceleration is centrifugal. In this paper the acceleration of a proton having smaller synchrotron losses compared to the electron is considered. As a proton experiences the highest energy increase while accelerating near the light surface, a partial solution for the maximum Lorentz factor can be obtained there. In the analysis the obtained dependence of the maximum energy on the parameter of particle magnetization $ \kappa $ and parameter $ \alpha $ which reflects the relation of toroidal $ B_\phi $ and poloidal $ B_T $ magnetic fields , has led to the conclusion that the achievement of theoretical maximum limit of Lorentz factor value $ \gamma_m=\kappa^{-1}$ is not possible for an accelerated particle in the magnetosphere of a black hole due to restrictions of the topology of toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields imposed. The analysis of special cases of the relation of toroidal and poloidal magnetic field has shown that in the presence of magnetic field that is significantly more toroidal the maximum Lorentz factor value reaches $\gamma_m = \kappa^ {-2/3} $, in case when toroidal field becomes smaller in comparison to poloidal field the maximum Lorentz factor value does not exceed $\gamma_m = \kappa^ {-1/2} $. For a number of objects, such as M87 and Sgr. A *, maximum Lorentz factor values for accelerated protons for scenarios of existence or lack of toroidal magnetic field have been derived. The obtained results for magnetosphere of Sgr. A * has confirmed by the experimental data obtained on the massive HESS of Cherenkov telescopes.

Complexity growth rate, grand potential and partition function. (arXiv:1912.00153v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Wei Sun, Xian-Hui Ge, relevance 0.93

We examine the complexity/volume conjecture and further investigate the possible connections between complexity and partition function. The complexity/volume 2.0 states that the complexity growth rate $\mathcal{\dot{C}}\sim PV$. In the standard statistics, there is a fundamental relation among $PV$, the grand potential $\Omega$ and the partition function $\mathcal{Z}$. By using this relation, we are able to construct an ansatz between complexity and partition function. The complexity/partition function relation is then utilized to study the complexity of the thermofield double state of extended SYK models for various conditions. The relation between complexity growth rate and black hole phase transition is also discussed.

The Gamma conjecture for $G$-functions. (arXiv:1912.00140v1 [math.NT])
in hep-th by Wenzhe Yang, relevance 1.23

The Bombieri-Dwork conjecture predicts that the differential equations satisfied by $G$-functions come from geometry. In this paper, we will look at special $G$-functions whose differential equations have a special singularity with maximally unipotent monodromy. We will formulate a Gamma conjecture about such $G$-functions, which has close connections with the mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau threefolds and the Gamma conjecture in algebraic geometry. We will provide examples to support this conjecture, which involves numerical computations using Mathematica programs.

On the TransPlanckian Censorship Conjecture in Holographic Cosmology. (arXiv:1912.00100v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Heliudson Bernardo, relevance 11.64

In this letter we discuss the implications of the recently proposed TransPlanckian Censorship Conjecture (TCC) for Holographic Cosmology. For models of holographic inflation that are dual to inverse renormalization group (RG) flows, assuming the TCC to be true, we found a bound on the running of the field theory coupling and the corresponding maximum energy scale above which the RG flow should be modified. We also discuss on the transPlanckian problem in non-geometrical holographic models.

Skewness of matter distribution in clustering dark energy cosmologies. (arXiv:1912.00094v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Hermano Velten, Raquel Emy Fazolo, relevance 0.00

We calculate the skewness (the third moment $S_3$) of matter distribution in dynamical dark energy cosmologies. We pay particular attention to the impact of dark energy perturbations on this quantity. There is indeed a clear signature of dark energy perturbations on this quantity. By properly allowing dark energy perturbations we show that their impact on $S_3$ is strong enough (a factor $\sim 3$ greater) to easily discriminate between clustering and non-clustering dark energy cosmologies. This indicates that high order statistics of the cosmic density field are useful to the study of dark energy models and are potentially able to rule out clustering dark energy cosmologies.

T-Model Inflation and Bouncing Cosmology. (arXiv:1912.00090v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David Sloan, Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Sotirios Karamitsos, relevance 1.53

We examine the dynamics of a closed cosmology whose matter source is that of a conformally coupled scalar field with a broken ${\rm SO}(1,1)$ symmetry, which correspond to the $\alpha$-attractors proposed by Linde and Kallosh. Following a field redefinition, such models give rise to "T-model" inflationary potentials, whose dynamics provide both an inflationary phase and a classical bounce. We show that the universe can undergo bounces far from the regime of quantum gravity. We analyse perturbations on this background with particular attention given to the effects of a double-bouncing scenario (with rapid recollapse between bounces) on the long wavelength modes. We demonstrate that the predictions of such models agree well with observations and might explain the suppression of power in the low multiples of the CMB.

On self-similar axion-dilaton configurations. (arXiv:1912.00078v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Riccardo Antonelli, Ehsan Hatefi, relevance 1.72

We explore self-similar collapse solutions to the Einstein-axion-dilaton system in arbitrary spacetime dimensions, which are invariant under spacetime dilation combined with internal $SL(2,R)$ transformations. We set up a numerical formalism, and test it in four and five dimensions, discovering several new families of solutions in the three conjugacy classes of $SL(2,R)$.

Algorithms and tools for iterated Eisenstein integrals. (arXiv:1912.00077v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Claude Duhr, Lorenzo Tancredi, relevance 0.00

We present algorithms to work with iterated Eisenstein integrals that have recently appeared in the computation of multi-loop Feynman integrals. These algorithms allow one to analytically continue these integrals to all regions of the parameter space, and to obtain fast converging series representations in each region. We illustrate our approach on the examples of hypergeometric functions that evaluate to iterated Eisenstein integrals as well as the well-known sunrise graph.

Internal and Super Symmetry in String Bit Models. (arXiv:1912.00069v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Charles B. Thorn, relevance 0.00

We study in a general way the construction of string bit Hamiltonians which are supersymmetric, We construct several quadratic and quartic polynomials in string bit creation and annihilation operators ${\bar\phi}^A_{a_1\cdots a_n}$, ${\phi}^A_{a_1\cdots a_n}$,which commute with the supersymmetry generators $Q^a$. Among these operators are ones with the spinor tensor structure required to provide the lightcone worldsheet vertex insertion factors needed to give the correct interactions for the IIB superstring, whenever a closed string separates into two closed strings or two closed strings join into one.

Minkowski-space solutions of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion propagator with the rainbow-ladder truncation. (arXiv:1912.00063v1 [nucl-th])
in hep-th by Shaoyang Jia, Pieter Maris, Dyana C. Duarte, Tobias Frederico, Wayne de Paula, Emanuel Ydrefors, relevance 0.00

We solve the Minkowski-space Schwinger-Dyson equation (SDE) for the fermion propagator in quantum electrodynamics (QED) with massive photons. Specifically, we work in the quenched approximation within the rainbow-ladder truncation. Loop-divergences are regularized by the Pauli-Villars regularization. With moderately strong fermion-photon coupling, we find that the analytic structure of the fermion propagator consists of an on-shell pole and branch-cuts located in the timelike region. Such structures are consistent with the direct solution of the fermion propagator as functions of the complex momentum. Our method paves the way towards the calculation of the Minkowski-space Bethe-Salpeter amplitude using dressed fermion propagator.

Stable Three Generation Standard--like Model From a Tachyonic Ten Dimensional Heterotic--String Vacuum. (arXiv:1912.00061v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alon E. Faraggi, Viktor G. Matyas, Benjamin Percival, relevance 0.00

Recently it was proposed that the ten dimensional tachyonic superstring vacua may serve as good starting points for the construction of viable phenomenological models. Such phenomenologically viable models enlarge the space of possible string solutions, and may offer novel insight into some of the outstanding problems in string phenomenology. In this paper we present a three generation standard--like model that may be regarded as a compactification of a ten dimensional tachyonic vacuum. We discuss the features of the model as compared to a similar model that may be regarded as compactification of the ten dimensional $SO(16)\times SO(16)$ heterotic-string. We further argue that in the four dimensional model all the geometrical moduli are fixed perturbatively, whereas the dilaton may be fixed by hidden sector non--perturbative effects.

On $2k$-Hitchin equations and Higgs bundles: a survey. (arXiv:1912.00047v2 [math.DG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. A. H. Cardona, H. García-Compeán, A. Martínez-Merino, relevance 0.00

We study the $2k$-Hitchin equations introduced by Ward \cite{Ward 2} from the geometric viewpoint of Higgs bundles. After an introduction on Higgs bundles and $2k$-Hitchin equations, we review some elementary facts on complex geometry and Yang-Mills theory. Then we study some properties of holomorphic vector bundles and Higgs bundles and we review the Hermite-Yang-Mills equations and two related functionals to such equations. Using some geometric tools we show that, as far as Higgs bundles is concern, the $2k$-Hitchin equations are reduced to a set of only two equations. Finally, we introduce a functional closely related to the $2k$-Hitchin equations and we study some of its basic properties.

The Trinity of Relational Quantum Dynamics. (arXiv:1912.00033v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by Philipp A. Hoehn, Alexander R. H. Smith, Maximilian P. E. Lock, relevance 2.66

The problem of time in quantum gravity calls for a relational solution. Using quantum reduction maps, we establish a previously unknown equivalence between three approaches to relational quantum dynamics: 1) relational observables in the clock-neutral picture of Dirac quantization, 2) Page and Wootters' (PW) Schr\"odinger picture formalism, and 3) the relational Heisenberg picture obtained via symmetry reduction. Constituting three faces of the same dynamics, we call this equivalence the trinity. We develop a quantization procedure for relational Dirac observables using covariant POVMs which encompass non-ideal clocks. The quantum reduction maps reveal this procedure as the quantum analog of gauge-invariantly extending gauge-fixed quantities. We establish algebraic properties of these relational observables. We extend a recent `clock-neutral' approach to changing temporal reference frames, transforming relational observables and states, and demonstrate a clock dependent temporal nonlocality effect. We show that Kucha\v{r}'s criticism, alleging that the conditional probabilities of the PW formalism violate the constraint, is incorrect. They are a quantum analog of a gauge-fixed description of a gauge-invariant quantity and equivalent to the manifestly gauge-invariant evaluation of relational observables in the physical inner product. The trinity furthermore resolves a previously reported normalization ambiguity and clarifies the role of entanglement in the PW formalism. The trinity finally permits us to resolve Kucha\v{r}'s criticism that the PW formalism yields wrong propagators by showing how conditional probabilities of relational observables give the correct transition probabilities. Unlike previous proposals, our resolution does not invoke approximations, ideal clocks or ancilla systems, is manifestly gauge-invariant, and easily extends to an arbitrary number of conditionings.

Driven black holes: from Kolmogorov scaling to turbulent wakes. (arXiv:1912.00032v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Tomas Andrade, Christiana Pantelidou, Julian Sonner, Benjamin Withers, relevance 24.39

General relativity governs the nonlinear dynamics of spacetime, including black holes and their event horizons. We demonstrate that forced black hole horizons exhibit statistically steady turbulent spacetime dynamics consistent with Kolmogorov's theory of 1941. As a proof of principle we focus on black holes in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes in a large number of dimensions, where greater analytic control is gained. We also demonstrate that tidal deformations of the horizon induce turbulent dynamics. When set in motion relative to the horizon a deformation develops a turbulent spacetime wake, indicating that turbulent spacetime dynamics may play a role in binary mergers and other strong-field phenomena.

Open-closed Hyperbolic String Vertices. (arXiv:1912.00030v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Minjae Cho, relevance 0.00

We construct a family of hyperbolic string vertices in the oriented open-closed string field theory, generalizing the recent result on hyperbolic closed string vertices by Costello and Zwiebach. The vertices are described by certain bordered hyperbolic surfaces and we explain relevant collar theorems which provide restrictions on the systolic conditions for the hyperbolic vertices. We also give explicit descriptions of the vertices for all zero and one-dimensional moduli spaces.

On the exact entropy of $\mathcal{N}=2$ black holes. (arXiv:1912.00029v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by João Gomes, Huibert het Lam, Grégoire Mathys, relevance 16.04

We study the exact entropy of four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ black holes in M-theory both from the brane and supergravity points of view. On the microscopic side the degeneracy is given by a Fourier coefficient of the elliptic genus of the dual two-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(0,4)$ SCFT and can be extracted via a Rademacher expansion. We show how this expansion is mapped to a modified OSV formula derived by Denef and Moore. On the macroscopic side the degeneracy is computed by applying localization techniques to Sen's quantum entropy functional reducing it to a finite number of integrals. The measure for this finite dimensional integral is determined using a connection with Chern-Simons theory on AdS$_2 \times$S$^1$. The leading answer is a Bessel function in agreement with the microscopic answer. Other subleading corrections can be explained in terms of instanton contributions.

Mass Production of IIA and IIB dS Vacua. (arXiv:1912.00027v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Niccolò Cribiori, Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde, Christoph Roupec, relevance 0.63

We describe several applications of the recently proposed mass production procedure, where multiple moduli are stabilized in a dS vacuum, in supergravity models inspired by string theory. The construction involves a small downshift of an initial supersymmetric Minkowski minimum to a supersymmetric AdS minimum, and a consequent small uplift to a dS minimum. Our type IIA examples include dS stabilization in a 7-moduli model with $[SL(2, \mathbb{R})]^7$ tree level symmetry, and its simplified version, a 3-moduli STU model. In these models, we use uplifting anti-D6 branes. In type IIB models, we present 2- and 3-moduli examples of stable dS vacua in CY three-folds, with an uplifting anti-D3 brane. These include K3 fibration models, a CICY model and a multi-hole Swiss cheese model. We also address the issue whether this procedure is limited to a very small parameter range or if large deviations from the progenitor Minkowski vacuum are possible.

Do all 5d SCFTs descend from 6d SCFTs?. (arXiv:1912.00025v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lakshya Bhardwaj, relevance 0.00

We present examples of 5d SCFTs that serve as counter-examples to a recently actively studied conjecture according to which it should be possible to obtain all 5d SCFTs by integrating out BPS particles from 6d SCFTs compactified on a circle. We further observe that it is possible to obtain these 5d SCFTs from 6d SCFTs if one allows integrating out BPS strings as well. Based on this observation, we propose a revised version of the conjecture according to which it should be possible to obtain all 5d SCFTs by integrating out both BPS particles and BPS strings from 6d SCFTs compactified on a circle. We describe a general procedure to integrate out BPS strings from a 5d theory once a geometric description of the 5d theory is given. We also discuss the consequences of the revised conjecture for the classification program of 5d SCFTs.

Bulk entanglement entropy for photons and gravitons in AdS$_3$. (arXiv:1912.00024v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexandre Belin, Nabil Iqbal, Jorrit Kruthoff, relevance 48.07

We study quantum corrections to holographic entanglement entropy in AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$; these are given by the bulk entanglement entropy across the Ryu-Takayanagi surface for all fields in the effective gravitational theory. We consider bulk $U(1)$ gauge fields and gravitons, whose dynamics in AdS$_3$ are governed by Chern-Simons terms and are therefore topological. In this case the relevant Hilbert space is that of the edge excitations. A novelty of the holographic construction is that such modes live not only on the bulk entanglement cut but also on the AdS boundary. We describe the interplay of these excitations and provide an explicit map to the appropriate extended Hilbert space. We compute the bulk entanglement entropy for the CFT vacuum state and find that the effect of the bulk entanglement entropy is to renormalize the relation between the effective holographic central charge and Newton's constant. We also consider excited states obtained by acting with the $U(1)$ current on the vacuum, and compute the difference in bulk entanglement entropy between these states and the vacuum. We compute this UV-finite difference both in the bulk and in the CFT finding a perfect agreement.

Exact four point function for large $q$ SYK from Regge theory. (arXiv:1912.00004v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Changha Choi, Márk Mezei, Gábor Sárosi, relevance 0.38

Motivated by the goal of understanding quantum systems away from maximal chaos, in this note we derive a simple closed form expression for the fermion four point function of the large $q$ SYK model valid at arbitrary temperatures and to leading order in $1/N$. The result captures both the large temperature, weakly coupled regime, and the low temperature, nearly conformal, maximally chaotic regime of the model. The derivation proceeds by the Sommerfeld-Watson resummation of an infinite series that recasts the four point function as a sum of three Regge poles. The location of these poles determines the Lyapunov exponent that interpolates between zero and the maximal value as the temperature is decreased. Our results are in complete agreement with the ones by Streicher arxiv:1911.10171 obtained using a different method.

Breaking supersymmetry with pure spinors. (arXiv:1912.00001v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Andrea Legramandi, Alessandro Tomasiello, relevance 0.00

For several classes of BPS vacua, we find a procedure to modify the PDEs that imply preserved supersymmetry and the equations of motion so that they still imply the latter but not the former. In each case we trace back this supersymmetry-breaking deformation to a distinct modification of the pure spinor equations that provide a geometrical interpretation of supersymmetry. We give some concrete examples: first we generalize the Imamura class of Mink6 solutions by removing a symmetry requirement, and then derive some local and global solutions both before and after breaking supersymmetry.
