Articles for February 2020
Non-Liquid Cellular States. (arXiv:2002.12932v2 [cond-mat.str-el] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Juven Wang, relevance 1.70

The existence of quantum non-liquid states and fracton orders, both gapped and gapless states, challenges our understanding of phases of entangled matter. We generalize Wen's cellular topological states to liquid or non-liquid cellular states. We propose a mechanism to construct more general non-abelian states by gluing gauge-symmetry-breaking vs gauge-symmetry-extension interfaces as extended defects in a cellular network, including defects of higher-symmetries. Our approach also includes the anyonic particle/string condensation and composite string (p-string)/membrane condensations. This also shows gluing the familiar extended topological quantum field theory or conformal field theory data via topology, geometry, and renormalization consistency criteria (via certain modified group cohomology or cobordism theory data) in a tensor network can still guide us to analyze the non-liquid states. (Part of the abelian construction can be understood from the K-matrix Chern-Simons theory approach and coupled-layer-by-junction constructions.) This may also lead us toward a unifying framework for quantum systems of both higher-symmetries and sub-system/sub-dimensional symmetries.

Machine Learning ${\cal N}=8, D=5$ Gauged Supergravity. (arXiv:2002.12927v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chethan Krishnan, Vyshnav Mohan, Soham Ray, relevance 1.24

Type IIB string theory on a 5-sphere gives rise to ${\cal N}=8, SO(6)$ gauged supergravity in five dimensions. Motivated by the fact that this is the context of the most widely studied example of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we undertake an investigation of its critical points. The scalar manifold is an $E_{6(6)}/USp(8)$ coset, and the challenge is that it is 42-dimensional. We take a Machine Learning approach to the problem using TensorFlow, and this results in a substantial increase in the number of known critical points. Our list of 32 critical points contains all five of the previously known ones, including an ${\cal N}=2$ supersymmetric point identified by Khavaev, Pilch and Warner.

Spatial Kasner solution and an infinite slab with constant energy density. (arXiv:2002.12916v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Alexander Yu. Kamenshchik, Tereza Vardanyan, relevance 3.13

We study the solutions of the Einstein equations in the presence of a thick infinite slab with constant energy density. When there is an isotropy in the plane of the slab, we find an explicit exact solution that matches with the Rindler and Weyl-Levi-Civita spacetimes outside the slab. We also show that there are solutions that can be matched with general anisotropic Kasner spacetime outside the slab. In any case, it is impossible to avoid the presence of the Kasner type singularities in contrast to the well-known case of spherical symmetry, where by matching the internal Schwarzschild solution with the external one, the singularity in the center of coordinates can be eliminated.

4d mirror-like dualities. (arXiv:2002.12897v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Chiung Hwang, Sara Pasquetti, Matteo Sacchi, relevance 0.00

We construct a family of $4d$ $\mathcal{N}=1$ theories that we call $E^\sigma_\rho[USp(2N)]$ which exhibit a novel type of $4d$ IR duality very reminiscent of the mirror duality enjoyed by the $3d$ $\mathcal{N}=4$ $T^\sigma_\rho[SU(N)]$ theories. We obtain the $E^\sigma_\rho[USp(2N)]$ theories from the recently introduced $E[USp(2N)]$ theory, by following the RG flow initiated by vevs labelled by partitions $\rho$ and $\sigma$ for two operators transforming in the antisymmetric representations of the $USp(2N) \times USp(2N)$ IR symmetries of the $E[USp(2N)]$ theory. These vevs are the $4d$ uplift of the ones we turn on for the moment maps of $T[SU(N)]$ to trigger the flow to $T^\sigma_\rho[SU(N)]$. Indeed the $E[USp(2N)]$ theory, upon dimensional reduction and suitable real mass deformations, reduces to the $T[SU(N)]$ theory. In order to study the RG flows triggered by the vevs we develop a new strategy based on the duality webs of the $T[SU(N)]$ and $E[USp(2N)]$ theories.

Generalized Emergent Dark Energy: observational Hubble data constraints and stability analysis. (arXiv:2002.12881v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by A. Hernández-Almada, Genly Leon, Juan Magaña, Miguel A. García-Aspeitia, V. Motta, relevance 0.00

Recently \citet{PEDE:2019ApJ} proposed a phenomenologically emergent dark energy (PEDE) which consider that the dark energy density evolves as $\widetilde{\Omega}_{\rm{DE}}(z)\,=\,\Omega_{\rm{DE,0}}\left[ 1 - {\rm{tanh}}\left( {\log}_{10}(1+z) \right) \right]$ with the advantage that it does not have degree of freedom. Later on, \citet{PEDE:2020} proposed a generalized model by adding one degree of freedom to the PEDE model, encoded in the parameter $\Delta$. Motivated by these proposals, we constrain the parameter space ($h,\Omega_m$) and ($h,\Omega_m, \Delta$) for PEDE and Generalized Emergent Dark Energy (GEDE) respectively, by employing the most recent observational (non-) homogeneous Hubble data. Additionally, we reconstruct the deceleration and jerk parameters and estimate yield values at $z=0$ of $q_0 = -0.784^{+0.028}_{-0.027}$ and $j_0 = 1.241^{+0.164}_{-0.149}$ for PEDE and $q_0 = -0.730^{+0.059}_{-0.067}$ and $j_0 = 1.293^{+0.194}_{-0.187}$ for GEDE using the homogeneous sample. We report values on the deceleration-acceleration transition redshift with those reported in the literature within $2\sigma$ CL. Furthermore, we perform a stability analysis of the PEDE and GEDE models to study the global evolution of the Universe around their critical points. Although the PEDE and GEDE dynamics are similar to the standard model, our stability analysis indicates that in both models there is an accelerated phase at early epochs of the Universe.

Riemann Hypothesis, Modified Morse Potential and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics. (arXiv:2002.12825v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Michael McGuigan, relevance 0.79

In this paper we discuss various potentials related to the Riemann zeta function and the Riemann Xi function. These potentials are modified versions of Morse potentials and can also be related to modified forms of the radial harmonic oscillator and modified Coulomb potential. We use supersymmetric quantum mechanics to construct their ground state wave functions and the Fourier transform of the ground state to exhibit the Riemann zeros. This allows us to formulate the Riemann hypothesis in terms of the location of the nodes of the ground state wave function in momentum space. We also discuss the relation these potentials to one and two matrix integrals and construct a few orthogonal polynomials associated with the matrix models. We relate the Schrodinger equation in momentum space to and finite difference equation in momentum space with an infinite number of terms. We computed the uncertainty relations associated with these potentials and ground states as well as the Shannon Information entropy and compare with the unmodified Morse and harmonic oscillator potentials. Finally we discuss the extension of these methods to other functions defined by a Dirichlet series such as the the Ramanujan zeta function.

Quantum circuits with classically simulable operator scrambling. (arXiv:2002.12824v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mike Blake, Noah Linden, relevance 1.75

We introduce a new family of quantum circuits for which the scrambling of a subspace of non-local operators is classically simulable. We call these circuits `super-Clifford circuits', since the Heisenberg time evolution of these operators corresponds to a Clifford evolution in operator space. By simulating the Clifford evolution in operator space we are able to simulate the time evolution of certain single Pauli strings into operators with an operator entanglement that grows linearly with the number of qubits. These circuits provide a new technique for studying scrambling in systems with a large number of qubits, and are an explicit counter example to the intuition that classical simulability implies the absence of scrambling.

Detecting dark matter around black holes with gravitational waves: Effects of dark-matter dynamics on the gravitational waveform. (arXiv:2002.12811v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Bradley J. Kavanagh, David A. Nichols, Gianfranco Bertone, Daniele Gaggero, relevance 7.87

A dark matter overdensity around a black hole may significantly alter the dynamics of the black hole's merger with another compact object. We consider here intermediate mass-ratio inspirals of stellar-mass compact objects with intermediate-mass black holes "dressed" with dark matter. We first demonstrate that previous estimates based on a fixed dark-matter dress are unphysical for a range of binaries and dark-matter distributions by showing that the total energy dissipated by the compact object through dynamical friction, as it inspirals through the dense dark matter environment towards the black hole, is larger than the gravitational binding energy of the dark-matter dress itself. We then introduce a new formalism that allows us to self-consistently follow the evolution of the dark-matter dress due to its gravitational interaction with the binary. We show that the dephasing of the gravitational waveform induced by dark matter is smaller than previously thought, but is still potentially detectable with the LISA space interferometer. The gravitational waves from such binaries could provide powerful diagnostics of the particle nature of dark matter.

Test of Kerr-Sen metric with black hole observations. (arXiv:2002.12786v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ashish Narang, Subhendra Mohanty, Abhass Kumar, relevance 12.66

The Kerr-Sen black hole is a rotating charged black hole solution arising from heterotic string theory. In 4-dimensions effective theory the bosonic fields are: a $U(1)$ gauge boson, a Kalb-Ramond 3-form which is equivalent to a pseudoscalar axion in 4-dimensions, the dilaton and the graviton. The coupling constants in the theory are $\alpha^{\prime}$ (inverse string tension) and $\kappa$ (inverse reduced Planck mass in 4-dimensions) and the charge of the $U(1)$ field and the axion-photon coupling are related to these two. Sen found a black hole solution (the Kerr-Sen black hole) with these fields as the external hair of the black hole. In this paper we investigate the possibility of determining the Sen solution from observations. The observations which can test the Kerr-Sen black hole are: (a) determination of the shape of the photon shadow, and (b) the rotation of polarization of photon due to axion hair. The deviation from circularity gives the $U(1)$ charge of the black hole and identification of this charge in terms of the photon coupling leads to a prediction of frequency independent "Faraday rotation" in terms of black hole parameters already determined from the shadow. Similar measurements of Kerr-Newman black hole with axion hair have no correlation between the shape of the image and the amount of "Faraday rotation". This correlation can be a distinctive test of the Sen metric. In the recent observation from EHT of M87* shadow, the deviation from circularity has an upper bound of 10%. If this observation is refined to 1% accuracy then a definitive prediction of the charge of the Kerr-Sen black hole and the "Faraday rotation" can be made. Interestingly observations of "Faraday rotation" have shown that the effect is independent of frequency pointing to an axionic hair interpretation for the effect.

Dark matter self-interactions from spin-2 mediators. (arXiv:2002.12779v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Yoo-Jin Kang, Hyun Min Lee, relevance 0.00

We propose a new mechanism for making dark matter self-interacting in the presence of a massive spin-2 mediator. The derived Yukawa-type potential for dark matter is independent of the spins of dark matter, so are the resulting Sommerfeld effects for the dark matter self-scattering. We find that both the Born cross section and relatively mild Sommerfeld effects assist to make the self-scattering cross section velocity-dependent. We discuss how to evade the current indirect bounds on dark matter annihilations and show that the model is marginally compatible with perturbative unitarity in the ghost-free realization of the massive spin-2 particle.

Constraints on Primordial Black Holes. (arXiv:2002.12778v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Bernard Carr, Kazunori Kohri, Yuuiti Sendouda, Jun'ichi Yokoyama, relevance 15.02

We update the constraints on the fraction of the Universe going into primordial black holes (PBHs) over the mass range $10^{-5}$--$10^{50}$ g. Those smaller than $\sim 10^{15}$ g would have evaporated by now due to Hawking radiation, so their abundance at formation is constrained by the effects of evaporated particles on big bang nucleosynthesis, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the Galactic and extragalactic $\gamma$-ray and cosmic ray backgrounds and the possible generation of stable Planck mass relics. PBHs larger than $\sim 10^{15}$ g are subject to a variety of constraints associated with gravitational lensing, dynamical effects, influence on large-scale structure, accretion and gravitational waves. We discuss the constraints on both the initial collapse fraction and the current fraction of the cold dark matter in PBHs at each mass scale but stress that many of the constraints are associated with observational or theoretical uncertainties and some are no longer applicable. We also consider indirect constraints associated with the amplitude of the primordial density fluctuations, such as second-order tensor perturbations and $\mu$-distortions arising from the effect of acoustic reheating on the CMB, but these only apply if PBHs are created from the high-$\sigma$ peaks of nearly Gaussian fluctuations. Finally we discuss how the constraints are modified if the PBHs have an extended mass function, this being relevant if PBHs provide some combination of the dark matter, the LIGO/Virgo coalescences and the seeds for cosmic structure.

A Black Hole inside Dark Matter and the Rotation Curves of Galaxies. (arXiv:2002.12772v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Fateen Haddad, Nidal Haddad, relevance 10.98

In this article we find a four-dimensional metric for a large black hole immersed in dark matter. Specifically, we look for and find a static spherically symmetric black hole solution to the Einstein equations which gives, in the Newtonian limit, the rotation curves of galaxies, including the flat region and the Baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, and which has a regular horizon. We obtain as well the energy-momentum tensor of the dark matter sourcing this space-time and it turns, in special, to have a positive mass-energy density everywhere outside the horizon. This black-hole-dark-matter system represents a successful simplified model for galaxies, opens a new area for exploring the relativistic regime of dark matter, and shows that the theory of General Relativity together with dark matter can account for the rotation curves of galaxies.

Quark masses: N3LO bridge from ${\rm RI/SMOM}$ to ${\rm \overline{MS}}$ scheme. (arXiv:2002.12758v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexander Bednyakov, Andrey Pikelner, relevance 0.82

We analytically compute the three-loop corrections to the relation between the renormalized quark masses defined in the minimal-subtraction (${\rm \overline{MS}}$) and the regularization-invariant symmetric momentum-subtraction (${\rm RI/SMOM}$) schemes. Our result is valid in the Landau gauge and can be used to reduce the uncertainty in a lattice determination of the ${\rm \overline{MS}}$ quark masses.

Cornell potential in Kalb-Ramond scalar QED via Higgs mechanism. (arXiv:2002.12750v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Anais Smailagic, Euro Spallucci, relevance 0.42

In this letter we derive the Cornell confining potential in a theory of interacting Abelian gauge vector and massive Kalb-Ramond tensor. The Kalb-Ramond mass is instrumental to obtain the linear confining behavior of the potential at large distances. The same model can be described via interaction with Higgs fields, alternatively, providing mass to the vector, or to the tensor fields. In the first case, the photon acquires mass, while the tensor remains massless. The resulting interaction potential is a screened Coulomb one. In the second case, the photon remains massless while Kalb-Ramond tensor acquires mass and the resulting potential is of the Cornell type with the mass parameter determining the slope of the linear part.

Shiraishi functor and non-Kerov deformation of Macdonald polynomials. (arXiv:2002.12746v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by H. Awata, H. Kanno, A. Mironov, A. Morozov, relevance 0.37

We suggest a further generalization of the hypergeometric-like series due to M. Noumi and J. Shiraishi by substituting the Pochhammer symbol with a nearly arbitrary function. Moreover, this generalization is valid for the entire Shiraishi series, not only for its Noumi-Shiraishi part. The theta function needed in the recently suggested description of the double-elliptic systems, 6d N=2* SYM instanton calculus and the doubly-compactified network models, is a very particular member of this huge family. The series depends on two kinds of variables, $\vec x$ and $\vec y$, and on a set of parameters, which becomes infinitely large now. Still, one of the parameters, $p$ is distinguished by its role in the series grading. When $\vec y$ are restricted to a discrete subset labeled by Young diagrams, the series multiplied by a monomial factor reduces to a polynomial at any given order in $p$. All this makes the map from functions to the hypergeometric-like series very promising, and we call it Shiraishi functor despite it remains to be seen, what are exactly the morphisms that it preserves. Generalized Noumi-Shiraishi (GNS) symmetric polynomials inspired by the Shiraishi functor in the leading order in $p$ can be obtained by a triangular transform from the Schur polynomials and possess an interesting grading. They provide a family of deformations of Macdonald polynomials, as rich as the family of Kerov functions, still very different from them, and, in fact, much closer to the Macdonald polynomials. In particular, unlike the Kerov case, these polynomials do not depend on the ordering of Young diagrams in the triangular expansion.

Scalar modes, spontaneous scalarization and circular null-geodesics of black holes in scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. (arXiv:2002.12719v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Caio F. B. Macedo, relevance 15.41

In general relativity, astrophysical black holes are simple objects, being described by just their mass and spin. These simple solutions are not exclusive to general relativity, as they also appear in theories that allow for an extra scalar degree of freedom. Recently, it was shown that some theories which couple a scalar field with the Gauss-Bonnet invariant can have the same classic general relativity black hole solutions as well as hairy black holes. These scalarized solutions can be stable, having an additional "charge" term that has an impact on the gravitational-wave emission by black hole binaries. In this paper, we overview black hole solutions in scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, considering self-interacting terms for the scalar field. We present the mode analysis for the mono and dipolar perturbations around the Schwarzschild black hole in scalar-Gauss-Bonnet, showing the transition between stable and unstable solutions. We also present the time-evolution of scalar Gaussian wave packets, analyzing the impact of the scalar-Gauss-Bonnet term in their evolution. We then present some scalarized solutions, showing that nonlinear coupling functions and self-interacting terms can stabilize them. Finally, we compute the light-ring frequency and the Lyapunov exponent, which possibly estimate the black hole quasinormal modes in the eikonal limit.

Machine Learning meets the redshift evolution of the CMB Temperature. (arXiv:2002.12700v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Rubén Arjona, relevance 0.72

We present a model independent and non-parametric reconstruction with a Machine Learning algorithm of the redshift evolution of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature from a wide redshift range $z\in \left[0,3\right]$ without assuming any dark energy model, an adiabatic universe or photon number conservation. In particular we use the genetic algorithms which avoid the dependency on an initial prior or a cosmological fiducial model. Through our reconstruction we constrain new physics at late times. We provide novel and updated estimates on the $\beta$ parameter from the parametrisation $\text{T}(z)=\text{T}_0(1+z)^{1-\beta}$, the duality relation $\eta(z)$ and the cosmic opacity parameter $\tau(z)$. Furthermore we place constraints on a spatial varying fine structure constant $\alpha$, which would have signatures in a broad spectrum of physical phenomena such as the CMB anisotropies. Overall we find no evidence of deviations within the $1\sigma$ region from the well established $\Lambda\text{CDM}$ model, thus confirming its predictive potential.

Constant-roll in the Palatini-$R^2$ models. (arXiv:2002.12681v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ignatios Antoniadis, Angelos Lykkas, Kyriakos Tamvakis, relevance 0.00

We consider models of a scalar field coupled to quadratic $R\!+\!R^2$ gravity in the framework of the Palatini formulation. The resulting Einstein-frame generalized $k$-inflation effective theory is analyzed assuming that the constant-roll condition holds. We focus on a quartic self-interaction potential, a case of particular appeal modelling Higgs inflation, considering the cases of minimal and non-minimal coupling of the inflaton to gravity. For an appropriate range of the model parameters in the large field domain the obtained values for the inflationary observables are found in agreement with current observations.

Fractal structure of Yang-Mills fields. (arXiv:2002.12667v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Airton Deppman, Eugenio Megias, Debora P. Menezes, relevance 1.21

The origin of non-extensive thermodynamics in physical systems has been under intense debate for the last decades. Recent results indicate a connection between non-extensive statistics and thermofractals. After reviewing this connection, we analyze how scaling properties of Yang-Mills theory allow the appearance of self-similar structures in gauge fields. The presence of such structures, which actually behave as fractals, allows for recurrent non-perturbative calculations of vertices. It is argued that when a statistical approach is used, the non-extensive statistics is obtained, and the Tsallis entropic index, $q$, is deduced in terms of the field theory parameters. The results are applied to QCD in the one-loop approximation, resulting in a good agreement with the value of $q$ obtained experimentally.

One-loop beta-functions for renormalisable gravity. (arXiv:2002.12661v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by I. Jack, relevance 2.04

We compute the one-loop beta-functions for renormalisable quantum gravity coupled to scalars using the co-ordinate space approach and generalised Schwinger De Witt technique. We resolve apparent contradictions with the corresponding momentum space calculations, and indicate how our results also resolve similar inconsistencies in the fermion case.

Numerical simulation of sky localization for LISA-TAIJI joint observation. (arXiv:2002.12628v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Gang Wang, Wei-Tou Ni, Wen-Biao Han, Shu-Cheng Yang, Xing-Yu Zhong, relevance 0.47

LISA is considered to be launched alongside the Athena to probe the energetic astrophysical processes. LISA can determine the direction of sources for Athena's follow-up observation. As another space gravitational wave mission, TAIJI is expected to be launched in the 2030s. The LISA-TAIJI network would provide abundant merits for sources understanding. In this work, we simulate the joint LISA-TAIJI observations for gravitational waves from coalescing supermassive black hole binaries and monochromatic sources. By using the numerical mission orbits, we evaluate the performances of sky localization for various time-delay interferometry channels. For 30 days observation until coalescence, the LISA-TAIJI network in optimal operation can localize all simulated binary sources, $(10^7,\ 3.3 \times 10^6)\ M_\odot$, $(10^6,\ 3.3 \times 10^5)\ M_\odot$ and $(10^5,\ 3.3 \times 10^4)\ M_\odot$ at redshift $z=2$, in 0.4 deg$^2$ (field of view of Wide Field Imager on Athena). The angular resolution can be improved by more than 10 times comparing to LISA or TAIJI single detector at a given percentage of population. The improvements for monochromatic sources at 3 mHz and 10 mHz are relatively moderate in one-year observation. The precision of sky localization could be improved by around 1 to 3 times comparing to single LISA at a given percentage of sources. For a simulated 90 days observation for monochromatic waves, the LISA-TAIJI network still represents a considerable localization advantage which could be more than 10 times better.

PPN motion of the S-stars around Sgr A*. (arXiv:2002.12598v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by R. I. Gainutdinov, relevance 0.90

Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) equations of motion for several S-stars nearest to the Galactic Center compact relativistic object SgrA* are considered. The effect of the orbital periods difference between Newtonian and Post-Newtonian cases is taken into account. The best fit PN orbit of S2 has a period which is 16 days longer than Newtonian one. The PPN parameters $\beta_\text{PPN}$ and $\gamma_\text{PPN}$ are measured. Bayesian sampling is used to fit the trajectories of the PPN laws of motion. Posterior estimates of $\beta_\text{PPN}$ and $\gamma_\text{PPN}$ are $0.97^{+0.42}_{-0.65}$ and $0.81^{+0.46}_{-0.60}$ respectively. The result confirms General Relativity prediction for the Post-Newtonian equations of motion in the conditions of orbital motions in vicinity of the SgrA*.

Universal Higher-Order Topology from 5D Weyl semimetal: Edge topology, edge Hamiltonian and nested Wilson loop. (arXiv:2002.12596v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Koji Hashimoto, Yoshinori Matsuo, relevance 1.07

Higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) or multipole insulators, hosting peculiar corner states, were discovered [arXiv:1611.07987, arXiv:1708.03636]. It was independently discovered [arXiv:1702.00624] that continuum 5-dimensional (5D) Weyl semimetals generically host the corner states, and so do 4D class A and 3D class AIII topological insulators. In this paper we further confirm that the 5D Weyl semimetals, upon dimensional reduction, lead to universal higher-order topology. First we explain a discrete symmetry protecting the 5D Weyl semimetals, and describe dimensional reductions of the 5D Weyl semimetals to the popular HOTIs in the continuum limit. We calculate the topological charge carried by edge states of the 5D Weyl semimetal, for the most generic boundary condition. The topological charge is a Dirac monopole, which can also be seen from that edge Hamiltonians are always of the form of a 3D Weyl semimetal. This edge topology leads to the edge-of-edge states, or the corner states, generically, suggesting that the 5D Weyl semimetal is thought of as a physical structural origin of corner states in HOTIs. In addition, we explicitly calculate a nested Wilson loop of the 5D Weyl semimetal and find that the topological structure is identical to that of a Wilson loop of a Dirac monopole.

Unveiling the Galileon in a three-body system : scalar and gravitational wave production. (arXiv:2002.12590v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Philippe Brax, Lavinia Heisenberg, Adrien Kuntz, relevance 1.55

We consider the prospect of detecting cubic Galileons through their imprint on gravitational wave signals from a triple system. Namely, we consider a massive Black Hole (BH) surrounded by a binary system of two smaller BHs. We assume that the three BHs acquire a conformal coupling to the scalar field whose origin could be due to cosmology or to the galactic environment. In this case, the massive BH has a Vainshtein radius which englobes the smaller ones and suppresses the scalar effects on the motion of the binary system. On the other hand the two binaries can be outside each other's redressed Vainshtein radius calculated in the background of the central BH, allowing for a perturbative treatment of their dynamics. Despite the strong Vainshtein suppression, we find that the scalar effects on the binary system are slightly enhanced with respect to the static case and a significant amount of power can be emitted in the form of the Galileon scalar field, hence actively participating in the inspiralling phase. We compute the modification to the GW phase and show that it can lead to a detectable signal for large enough effective scalar coupling.

Correspondences among CFTs with different W-algebra symmetry. (arXiv:2002.12587v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Thomas Creutzig, Naoki Genra, Yasuaki Hikida, Tianshu Liu, relevance 6.55

W-algebras are constructed via quantum Hamiltonian reduction associated with a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ and an $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$-embedding into $\mathfrak{g}$. We derive correspondences among correlation functions of theories having different W-algebras as symmetry algebras. These W-algebras are associated to the same $\mathfrak{g}$ but distinct $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$-embeddings.

For this purpose, we first explore different free field realizations of W-algebras and then generalize previous works on the path integral derivation of correspondences of correlation functions. For $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{sl}(3)$, there is only one non-standard (non-regular) W-algebra known as the Bershadsky-Polyakov algebra. We examine its free field realizations and derive correlator correspondences involving the WZNW theory of $\mathfrak{sl}(3)$, the Bershadsky-Polyakov algebra and the principal $W_3$-algebra. There are three non-regular W-algebras associated to $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{sl}(4)$. We show that the methods developed for $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{sl}(3)$ can be applied straightforwardly. We briefly comment on extensions of our techniques to general $\mathfrak{g}$.

Future global stability for relativistic perfect fluids with linear equations of state $p=K\rho$ where $1/3<K<1/2$. (arXiv:2002.12526v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Todd A. Oliynyk, relevance 1.28

We establish the future stability of nonlinear perturbations of a class of homogeneous solutions to the relativistic Euler equations with a linear equation of state $p=K\rho$ on exponentially expanding FLRW spacetimes for the equation of state parameter values $1/3 < K < 1/2$.

Well-Defined Quantum Soliton Masses Without Supersymmetry. (arXiv:2002.12523v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jarah Evslin, relevance 0.00

22 years ago, Rebhan and van Nieuwenhuizen showed that loop corrections to the mass of a quantum soliton depend on a choice of matching condition for the regulators of the vacuum and one-soliton sector Hamiltonians. In supersymmetric theories, regulators which preserve supersymmetry yield the correct quantum corrections, as these are dictated by supersymmetry. However, in a general theory it is not known which matching condition yields the correct mass. We use the leading term in the operator that creates the soliton to construct the regulated one-soliton sector Hamiltonian from that of the vacuum sector, providing the correct matching condition. As an application, we derive a simple formula for the one-loop mass of a kink in a large class of 1+1 dimensional scalar field theories and also, at one loop, we diagonalize the Hamiltonian which describes the kink excitations.

Massive Spin-2 Scattering Amplitudes in Extra-Dimensional Theories. (arXiv:2002.12458v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by R. Sekhar Chivukula, Dennis Foren, Kirtimaan A. Mohan, Dipan Sengupta, Elizabeth H. Simmons, relevance 1.03

In this paper we describe in detail the computation of the scattering amplitudes of massive spin-2 Kaluza-Klein excitations in a gravitational theory with a single compact extra dimension, whether flat or warped. These scattering amplitudes are characterized by intricate cancellations between different contributions: although individual contributions may grow as fast as ${\cal O}(s^5)$, the full results grow only as ${\cal O}(s)$. We demonstrate that the cancellations persist for all incoming and outgoing particle helicities and examine how truncating the computation to only include a finite number of intermediate states impacts the accuracy of the results. We also carefully assess the range of validity of the low energy effective Kaluza-Klein theory. In particular, for the warped case we demonstrate directly how an emergent low energy scale controls the size of the scattering amplitude, as conjectured by the AdS/CFT correspondence.

Behavior of Cross Sections for Large Numbers of Particles. (arXiv:2002.12449v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Michael Dine, Hiren H. Patel, Jaryd F. Ulbricht, relevance 0.55

It has been suggested that scattering cross sections at very high energies for producing large numbers of Higgs particles may exhibit factorial growth, and that curing this growth might be relevant to other questions in the Standard Model. We point out, first, that the question is inherently non-perturbative; low orders in the formal perturbative expansion do not give a good approximation to the scattering amplitude for sufficiently large N for any fixed, small value of the coupling. Focusing on $\lambda \phi^{4}$ theory, we argue that there may be a systematic approximation scheme for processes where N particles near threshold scatter to produce N particles, and discuss the leading contributions to the scattering amplitude and cross sections in this limit. Scattering amplitudes do not grow as rapidly as in perturbation theory. Additionally, partial and total cross sections do not show factorial growth. In the case of cross sections for $2 \to N$ particles, there is no systematic large N approximation available. That said, we provide evidence that non-perturbatively, there is no factorial growth in partial or total cross sections.

Regular decoupling sector and exterior solutions in the context of MGD. (arXiv:2002.12444v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ernesto Contreras, Francisco Tello-Ortíz, S. K. Maurya, relevance 2.89

We implement the Minimal Geometric Deformation method to extend exterior solutions to anisotropic domains by imposing a regularity condition in the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation of the decoupling sector. We obtain that the decoupling function can be formally obtained in terms of an integral involving the $g^{rr}$ component of the metric of the seed solution. As a particular example, we implement the method to extend the Schwarzschild exterior and obtain that the solution satisfies the dominant energy conditions out the event horizon.

Non-relativistic duality and $T \bar T$ deformations. (arXiv:2002.12413v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chris D. A. Blair, relevance 0.00

We make some observations connecting non-relativistic limits of string theory with $T\bar T$ deformations and TsT transformations.

Hypergraph min-cuts from quantum entropies. (arXiv:2002.12397v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Michael Walter, Freek Witteveen, relevance 3.12

The min-cut function of weighted hypergraphs and the von Neumann entropy of pure quantum states are both symmetric submodular functions. In this note, we explain this coincidence by proving that the min-cut function of any weighted hypergraph can be approximated (up to an overall rescaling) by the entropies of quantum states known as stabilizer states. This implies that the min-cuts of hypergraphs are constrained by quantum entropy inequalities, and it shows that the recently defined hypergraph cones are contained in the quantum stabilizer entropy cones, as has been conjectured in the recent literature.

A Generalized Nachtmann Theorem in CFT. (arXiv:2002.12390v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sandipan Kundu, relevance 6.36

Correlators of unitary quantum field theories in Lorentzian signature obey certain analyticity and positivity properties. For interacting unitary CFTs in more than two dimensions, we show that these properties impose general constraints on families of minimal twist operators that appear in the OPEs of primary operators. In particular, we rederive and extend the convexity theorem which states that for the family of minimal twist operators with even spins appearing in the reflection-symmetric OPE of any scalar primary, twist must be a monotonically increasing convex function of the spin. Our argument is completely non-perturbative and it also applies to the OPE of nonidentical scalar primaries in unitary CFTs, constraining the twist of spinning operators appearing in the OPE. Finally, we argue that the same methods also impose constraints on the Regge behavior of certain CFT correlators.

Metal-insulator transition in a random Hubbard model. (arXiv:2002.12381v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Grigory Tarnopolsky, Chenyuan Li, Darshan G. Joshi, Subir Sachdev, relevance 0.00

We examine the metal-insulator transition in a half-filled Hubbard model of electrons with random and all-to-all hopping and exchange, and an on-site non-random repulsion, the Hubbard $U$. We argue that recent numerical results of Cha et al. (arXiv:2002.07181) can be understood in terms of a deconfined critical point between a disordered Fermi liquid and an insulating spin glass. We find a deconfined critical point in a previously proposed large $M$ theory which generalizes the SU(2) spin symmetry to SU($M$), and obtain exponents for the electron and spin correlators which agree with those of Cha et al. We also present a renormalization group analysis, and argue for the presence of an additional metallic spin glass phase at half-filling and small $U$.

Recovering Infalling Information via String Spreading. (arXiv:2002.12377v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Alexandros Mousatov, Eva Silverstein, relevance 6.86

We find S-matrix evidence that longitudinal string spreading can induce interactions between early and late time systems in the near-horizon region of a black hole. By generalizing the effect to closed strings and performing an eikonal resummation, we find a tractable regime where these interactions become strong at a Schwarzschild time separation $\Delta t \gg r_s$. We estimate the mutual information in a scenario analogous to Hayden-Preskill, and we find that string spreading is sufficient in itself for a late-time detector to recover a significant fraction of the information encoded in an infaller's state. Interesting open directions include analysis of the interaction of the detector with Unruh radiation (which may introduce noise that somewhat degrades the recovery), and formulating the optimal detector setup including many entangled detectors (which could further increase the information recovery by enhancing sensitivity to kinematic parameters with subleading dependence in the amplitude).

The Two-Loop Four-Graviton Scattering Amplitudes. (arXiv:2002.12374v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S. Abreu, F. Febres Cordero, H. Ita, M. Jaquier, B. Page, M. S. Ruf, V. Sotnikov, relevance 0.00

We present the analytic form of the two-loop four-graviton scattering amplitudes in Einstein gravity. To remove ultraviolet divergences we include counterterms quadratic and cubic in the Riemann curvature tensor. The two-loop numerical unitarity approach is used to deal with the challenging momentum dependence of the interactions. We exploit the algebraic properties of the integrand of the amplitude in order to map it to a minimal basis of Feynman integrals. Analytic expressions are obtained from numerical evaluations of the amplitude. Finally, we show that four-graviton scattering observables depend on fewer couplings than naively expected.

Separation of variables for rational gl(n) spin chains in any compact representation, via fusion, embedding morphism and Backlund flow. (arXiv:2002.12341v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Paul Ryan, Dmytro Volin, relevance 0.11

We propose a way to separate variables in a rational integrable $\mathfrak{gl}(n)$ spin chain with an arbitrary finite-dimensional irreducible representation at each site and with generic twisted periodic boundary conditions. Firstly, we construct a basis that diagonalises a higher-rank version of the Sklyanin B-operator; the construction is based on recursive usage of an embedding of a $\mathfrak{gl}(k)$ spin chain into a $\mathfrak{gl}(k+1)$ spin chain which is induced from a Yangian homomorphism and controlled by dual diagonals of Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns. Then, we show that the same basis can be equivalently constructed by action of B{\"a}cklund-transformed fused transfer matricies, whence the Bethe wave functions factorise into a product of ascending Slater determinants in Baxter Q-functions. Finally, we construct raising and lowering operators -- the conjugate momenta -- as normal-ordered Wronskian expressions in Baxter Q-operators evaluated at zeros of B -- the separated variables. It is an immediate consequence of the proposed construction that the Bethe algebra comprises the maximal possible number of mutually commuting charges -- a necessary property for Bethe equations to be complete.

Effective Field Theory in AdS: Continuum Regime, Soft Bombs, and IR Emergence. (arXiv:2002.12335v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexandria Costantino, Sylvain Fichet, Philip Tanedo, relevance 7.32

We consider an effective theory of interacting matter fields in a slice of five-dimensional Lorentzian AdS at arbitrary energies. Using dimensional and quantitative arguments, we determine there exists a transition scale at which the IR brane effectively leaves the theory. In the presence of bulk interactions there are thus two qualitatively different regimes: Kaluza-Klein and continuum. Bulk interactions correspond to finite N in the dual gauge theory; we find the transition scale is consistent with the cutoff scale of a large-N EFT of mesons. We then study the cascade decays of a scalar field with cubic self-interactions, with a focus on the continuum regime. We find that the cascade decay progresses slowly towards the IR region and gives rise to soft spherical final states, in accordance with former results from both gravity and CFT. We identify a recursion relation between integrated squared amplitudes of different leg numbers and thus evaluate the total rate. We find that cascade decays in the continuum regime are exponentially suppressed. This feature completes the picture of the IR brane as an emergent sector as seen from the UV brane. We briefly discuss some implications for holographic dark sector models.

On fermionic minimal models. (arXiv:2002.12283v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Chang-Tse Hsieh, Yu Nakayama, Yuji Tachikawa, relevance 0.66

We show that there is a fermionic minimal model, i.e. a 1+1d conformal field theory which contains operators of half-integral spins in its spectrum, for each $c=1-6/m(m+1)$, $m\ge 3$. This generalizes the Majorana fermion for $c=1/2$, $m=3$ and the smallest $\mathcal{N}{=}1$ supersymmetric minimal model for $c=7/10$, $m=4$. We provide explicit Hamiltonians on Majorana chains realizing these fermionic minimal models.

On superposition of relativistic point-sources. (arXiv:2002.12281v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Noah Benjamin, Will McDermott, Iva Stavrov Allen, relevance 0.00

The non-linearity of general relativity makes it at least difficult if not impossible to view a relativistic cloud of matter as being made up of point-source constituents. Perhaps the most delicate issue to circumnavigate is the inherent lack of the classical notion of superposition. Even if one were to believe that the recent framework developed by the first and the third author leads to an appropriate interpretation of the phrase initial data for a point-source, there is prima facie no reason to believe that it lends itself to a principle of superposition. In this paper we propose an extension of said framework which serves as a de-facto superposition of point-sources and which recovers Brill-Lindquist metrics in the limit. We also show that our proposal can be seen as a continuous extension of the classical superposition principle of Newtonian gravity. This paper fits within a larger program of representing relativistic clouds of matter as cumulative effects of point-sources.

Stress Tensor Sector of Conformal Correlators. (arXiv:2002.12254v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Robin Karlsson, Manuela Kulaxizi, Andrei Parnachev, Petar Tadić, relevance 5.57

An important part of a CFT four-point function, the stress tensor sector, comprises the exchanges of the stress tensor and its composites. The OPE coefficients of these multi-stress tensor operators and consequently, the complete stress tensor sector of four-point functions in CFTs with a large central charge, can be determined by computing a heavy-heavy-light-light correlator. We show how one can make substantial progress in this direction by bootstrapping a certain ansatz for the stress tensor sector of the correlator, iteratively computing the OPE coefficients of multi-stress tensor operators with increasing twist. Some parameters are not fixed by the bootstrap - they correspond to the OPE coefficients of multi-stress tensors with spin zero and two. We further show that in holographic CFTs one can use the phase shift computed in the dual gravitational theory to reduce the set of undetermined parameters to the OPE coefficients of multi-stress tensors with spin zero. Finally, we verify some of these results using the Lorentzian OPE inversion formula and comment on its regime of applicability.

Validity of Thermodynamic Laws and Weak Cosmic Censorship for AdS Black Holes and Black Holes in a Cavity. (arXiv:2002.12233v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Peng Wang, Houwen Wu, Shuxuan Ying, relevance 36.96

By throwing a test charged particle into a Reissner-Nordstrom (RN) black hole, we test the validity of the first and second laws of thermodynamics and weak cosmic censorship conjecture (WCCC) with two types of boundary conditions, i.e., the asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) space and a Dirichlet cavity wall placed in the asymptotically at space. For the RN-AdS black hole, the second law of thermodynamics is satisfied, and the WCCC is violated for both extremal and nearextremal black holes. For the RN black hole in a cavity, the entropy can either increase or decrease depending on the change in the charge, and WCCC is satisfied/violated for the extremal/nearextremal black hole. Our results indicate that there may be a connection between the black hole thermodynamics and the boundary condition imposed on the black hole.

Asteroseismology: radial oscillations of neutron stars with realistic equation of state. (arXiv:2002.12209v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by V. Sagun, G. Panotopoulos, I. Lopes, relevance 0.00

We study radial oscillations of non-rotating neutron stars (NSs) in four-dimensional General Relativity. The interior of the NS was modelled within a recently proposed multicomponent realistic equation of state (EoS) with the induced surface tension (IST). In particular, we considered the IST EoS with two sets of model parameters, that both reproduce all the known properties of normal nuclear matter, give a high quality description of the proton flow constraint, hadron multiplicities created in nuclear-nuclear collisions, consistent with astrophysical observations and the observational data from the NS-NS merger.

We computed the 12 lowest radial oscillation modes, their frequencies and corresponding eigenfunctions, as well as the large frequency separation for six selected fiducial NSs (with different radii and masses of 1.2, 1.5 and 1.9 solar masses) of the two distinct model sets. The calculated frequencies show their continuous growth with an increase of the NS central baryon density. Moreover, we found correlations between the behaviour of first eigenfunction calculated for the fundamental mode, the adiabatic index and the speed of sound profile, which could be used to probe the internal structure of NSs with the asteroseismology data.

Stochastic Axion Dark Matter in Axion Landscape. (arXiv:2002.12195v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Shota Nakagawa, Fuminobu Takahashi, Wen Yin, relevance 0.00

We study the stochastic axion dark matter scenario in the axion landscape, where one of the axions is light and stable and therefore explains dark matter. If the axion mass at the potential is a typical value of the curvature along the direction, the potential can be well approximated by a quadratic mass term. On the other hand, if the axion mass happens to be suppressed in the vicinity of the minimum, the potential may be approximated by a quartic potential plus a suppressed quadratic one, for which the initial angle, and thus the axion abundance, can be significantly suppressed compared to the quadratic case. We delineate the viable parameter region by taking account of various observational constraints, and find that a broader range of the inflation scale is allowed. Also, if the curvature of the potential is suppressed over a certain range of the potential, the onset of coherent oscillations can be delayed. Then, the axion dark matter with a small decay constant is possible. We also discuss the {\pi}nflation mechanism to realize the hilltop initial condition in the stochastic axion scenario.

Pedagogical introduction to SYK model and 2D Dilaton Gravity. (arXiv:2002.12187v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dmitrii A. Trunin, relevance 0.43

SYK model and 2D dilaton gravity have recently attracted considerable attention from the high energy and condensed matter physics community. The success of these models is due to their remarkable properties. Following the original papers, we broadly discuss the properties of these models, including large $N$ diagrammatics, emergence of conformal symmetry in the IR limit, effective action, four-point functions and chaos. Also we briefly review some recent results in the topic. On the one hand, we try to be as specific as possible, i.e. reveal every detail and loophole in the discussion. On the other hand, we expect this review to be suitable even for a reader who is not familiar with these models.

Emergent Planck mass and dark energy from affine gravity. (arXiv:2002.12178v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by I. Kharuk, relevance 0.00

We introduce a novel model of affine gravity, which implements the no-scale scenario. Namely, Planck mass and Hubble constant emerge dynamically, through the mechanism of spontaneous breaking of scale-invariance. Moreover, in our model the time direction and non--degenerate metric emerge dynamically as well. This naturally gives rise to the inflation and may server as a starting point for the "birth" of the Universe. We show that our model is phenomenologically viable, both from the perspective of the direct tests of gravity and cosmological evolution.

Trivial Entropy of Matter in Gravitation. (arXiv:2002.12167v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jun Chen, relevance 17.54

Expanding the black hole thermodynamics from the horizon to achronal Cauchy hypersurface, the general relation between the Einstein equation and thermodynamics is established. Starting from trivial entropy that is generalized by Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, the entropic mass of matter emerges naturally together with Unruh temperature. The key idea is that the cause of mass formation comes down to trivial entropy, and mass density is just the external manifestation of mass. The full Einstein equation with the cosmological constant is derived from the requirement that entropic mass and proper mass are equivalent. This perspective suggests that trivial entropy that causes mass in gravitation may be the best choice for the origin of space-time geometry.

Entanglement Entropy in Closed String Theory. (arXiv:2002.12148v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Usman Naseer, relevance 36.55

In local quantum field theory on a background spacetime, the entanglement entropy of a region is divergent due to the arbitrary short-wavelength correlations near the boundary of the region. Quantum gravitational fluctuations are expected to cut off the entropy of the ultraviolet modes. We study the entanglement entropy in closed string theory using the framework of string field theory. In particular, we compute the one-loop Renyi partition functions by considering the theory on a simple branched cover of the configuration space of closed strings. The short-wavelength modes are cut off at the string scale and the one-loop entanglement entropy is ultraviolet-finite. A non-canonical kinetic term, required to produce the correct one-loop vacuum amplitude, plays a key role.

Green function solution of generalised boundary value problems. (arXiv:2002.12129v1 [math.AP])
in hep-th by Vanik E. Mkrtchian, Carsten Henkel, relevance 0.00

We construct an expression for the Green function of a differential operator satisfying nonlocal, homogeneous boundary conditions starting from the fundamental solution of the differential operator. This also provides the solution to the boundary value problem of an inhomogeneous partial differential equation with inhomogeneous, nonlocal, and linear boundary conditions. The construction generally applies for all types of linear partial differential equations and linear boundary conditions.

Use of conditional variational auto encoder to analyze ringdown gravitational waves. (arXiv:2002.12095v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Takahiro S. Yamamoto, Takahiro Tanaka, relevance 0.00

Recently, several deep learning methods are proposed for the gravitational wave data analysis. One is conditional variational auto encoder (CVAE), proposed by Gabbard et al. [1]. We study the accuracy of a CVAE in the context of the estimation of the QNM frequency of the ringdown. We show that the accuracy of the estimation by the CVAE is better than the matched filtering. The areas of confidence regions are also compared and it is shown that the CVAE can return smaller confidence regions. Also, we assess the reliability of the confidence regions estimated by the CVAE. Our work confirms that the deep learning method has ability to compete with or overcome the matched filtering.

An approach to the leading Regge pole. (arXiv:2002.12091v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by S. D. Campos, relevance 2.56

Neglecting spin effects, one introduces here a subtle approximation for the scattering angle, which allows the obtaining of a logarithmic leading Regge pole, consistent with the Froissart-Martin bound. A simple parameterization is also introduced for the proton-proton total cross section. Fitting procedures are implemented only for the highest energy experimental data available. The intercept for a linear approach is obtained, indicating the presence of a soft pomeron. The Tsallis entropy in the impact parameter space is calculated using the Regge pole formalism. This entropy depends on a free parameter, whose value implies the existence of a central or non-central maximum value for the entropy. The hollowness effect is discussed in terms of this parameter.

Absorption and scattering of a self-dual black hole. (arXiv:2002.12090v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by M. A. Anacleto, F. A. Brito, J. A. V. Campos, E. Passos, relevance 15.56

In this paper we aim to investigate the process of massless scalar wave scattering due to a self-dual black hole through the partial wave method. We calculate the phase shift analytically at the low energy limit and we show that the dominant term of the differential cross section at the small angle limit is modified by the presence of parameters related to the polymeric function and minimum area of a self-dual black hole. We also find that the result for the absorption cross section is given by the event horizon area of the self-dual black hole at the low frequency limit. We also show that, contrarily to the case of a Schwarzschild black hole, the differential scattering/absorption cross section of a self-dual black hole is nonzero at the zero mass limit. In addition, we verify these results by numerically solving the radial equation for arbitrary frequencies.

QFT and topology in two dimensions: $SL(2,{\Bbb R})$-symmetry and the de Sitter universe. (arXiv:2002.12084v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Henri Epstein, Ugo Moschella, relevance 10.00

We study bosonic Quantum Field Theory on the double covering $\widetilde{dS}_{2}$ of the 2-dimensional de Sitter universe, identified to a coset space of the group $SL(2,{\Bbb R})$. The latter acts effectively on $\widetilde{dS}_{2}$ and can be interpreted as it relativity group. The manifold is locally identical to the standard the Sitter spacetime ${dS}_2$; it is globally hyperbolic, geodesically complete and an inertial observer sees exactly the same bifurcate Killing horizons as in the standard one-sheeted case. The different global Lorentzian structure causes however drastic differences between the two models. We classify all the $SL(2,{\Bbb R})$-inveriant two-point functions and show that: 1) there is no Hawking-Gibbons temperature; 2) there is no covariant field theory solving the Klein-Gordon equation with mass less than $1/2R$ , i.e. the complementary fields go away.

Solar System tests and chameleon effect in f (R) gravity. (arXiv:2002.12073v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Carolina Negrelli, Lucila Kraiselburd, Susana J. Landau, Marcelo Salgado, relevance 0.45

Using a novel and self-consistent approach that avoids the scalar-tensor identification in the Einstein frame, we reanalyze the viability of f(R) gravity within the context of solar-system tests. In order to do so, we depart from a simple but fully relativistic system of differential equations that describe a compact object in a static and spherically symmetric spacetime, and then we make suitable linearizations that apply to nonrelativistic objects such as the Sun. We then show clearly under which conditions the emerging chameleonlike mechanism can lead to a post-Newtonian parameter {\gamma} compatible with the observational bounds. To illustrate this method, we use several specific f(R) models proposed to explain the current acceleration of the Universe, and we show which of them are able to satisfy those bounds.

On exact overlaps in integrable spin chains. (arXiv:2002.12065v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yunfeng Jiang, Balázs Pozsgay, relevance 0.00

We develop a new method to compute the exact overlaps between integrable boundary states and on-shell Bethe states for integrable spin chains. Our method is based on the coordinate Bethe Ansatz and does not rely on the "rotation trick" of the corresponding lattice model. It leads to a rigorous proof of the factorized overlap formulas in a number of cases, some of which were inaccessible to earlier methods. As concrete examples, we consider the compact XXX and XXZ Heisenberg spin chains, and the non-compact $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$ spin chain.

Integrable Field Theories with an Interacting Massless Sector. (arXiv:2002.12060v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Michael C. Abbott, Inês Aniceto, relevance 1.63

We present the first known integrable relativistic field theories with interacting massive and massless sectors. And we demonstrate that knowledge of the massless sector is essential for understanding of the spectrum of the massive sector. Terms in this spectrum polynomial in the spatial volume (the accuracy for which the Bethe ansatz would suffice in a massive theory) require not just L\"uscher-like corrections (usually exponentially small) but the full TBA integral equations. We are motivated by the implications of these ideas for AdS/CFT, but present here only field-theory results.

Five dimensional rotating regular black holes and shadow. (arXiv:2002.12031v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Fazlay Ahmed, Dharm Veer Singh, Sushant G. Ghosh, relevance 18.08

We present an exact five-dimensional ($5D$) rotating regular black hole metric, with a deviation parameter $k\geq 0$, that interpolates between the $5D$ Kerr black hole ($k=0$) and $5D$ Kerr-Newman ($r \gg k$). This $5D$ rotating regular black hole is an exact solution of general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics. Interestingly, for a given value of parameter $k$ there exits a critical angular momentum $a=a_E$ which corresponds to extremal rotating regular black hole with degenerate horizons, while for $a<a_E$, one has non-extremal rotating regular black hole with outer and inner horizons. Owing to the correction factor ($e^{-k/r^2}$), which is motivated by the quantum arguments, the ergoregion and black hole shadow are modified.

On de Sitter future-past extremal surfaces and the "entanglement wedge". (arXiv:2002.11950v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by K. Narayan, relevance 23.53

We develop further the codim-2 future-past extremal surfaces stretching between the future and past boundaries in de Sitter space, discussed in previous work. We first make more elaborate the construction of such surfaces anchored at more general subregions of the future boundary, and stretching to equivalent subregions at the past boundary. These top-bottom symmetric future-past extremal surfaces cannot penetrate beyond a certain limiting surface in the Northern/Southern diamond regions: the boundary subregions become the whole boundary for this limiting surface. For multiple disjoint subregions, this construction leads to mutual information vanishing and strong subadditivity being saturated. We then discuss an effective codim-1 envelope surface arising from these codim-2 surfaces. This leads to analogs of the entanglement wedge and subregion duality for these future-past extremal surfaces in de Sitter space.

Bounds on the Horndeski Gauge-Gravity Coupling. (arXiv:2002.11932v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Alireza Allahyari, Mohammad Ali Gorji, Shinji Mukohyama, relevance 7.30

The Horndeski gauge-gravity coupling is the leading non-minimal interaction between gravity and gauge bosons, and it preserves all the symmetries and the number of physical degrees of freedom of the standard model of particle physics and general relativity. In this paper we study the effects of the non-minimal interaction in astronomy and cosmology, and obtain upper bounds on the associated dimensionless coupling constant $\lambda$. From the modification of equations of motion of gauge bosons applied to compact astronomical objects, we find upper bounds $|\lambda| \lesssim 10^{88}$, $|\lambda| \lesssim 10^{70}$ and $|\lambda| \lesssim 10^{81}$ from a black hole shadow, neutron stars and white dwarfs, respectively. The bound $|\lambda| \lesssim 10^{70}$ that is deduced from neutron stars is the strongest and provides twenty orders of magnitude improvement of the previously known best bound on this parameter. On the other hand, the effects of this term on modification of the gravitational Poisson equation lead to a weaker bound $|\lambda| \lesssim 10^{98}$. From the propagation of gravitational waves we also find $|\lambda| \lesssim 10^{119}$, which is even weaker.

Direct Multipixel Imaging and Spectroscopy of an Exoplanet with a Solar Gravity Lens Mission. (arXiv:2002.11871v2 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Slava G. Turyshev, Michael Shao, Viktor T. Toth, Louis D. Friedman, Leon Alkalai, Dmitri Mawet, Janice Shen, Mark R. Swain, Hanying Zhou, Henry Helvajian, Tom Heinsheimer, Siegfried Janson, Zigmond Leszczynski, John McVey, Darren Garber, Artur Davoyan, Seth Redfield, Jared R. Males, relevance 0.00

We examined the solar gravitational lens (SGL) as the means to produce direct high-resolution, multipixel images of exoplanets. The properties of the SGL are remarkable: it offers maximum light amplification of ~1e11 and angular resolution of ~1e-10 arcsec. A probe with a 1-m telescope in the SGL focal region can image an exoplanet at 30 pc with 10-kilometer resolution on its surface, sufficient to observe seasonal changes, oceans, continents, surface topography. We reached and exceeded all objectives set for our study: We developed a new wave-optical approach to study the imaging of exoplanets while treating them as extended, resolved, faint sources at large but finite distances. We properly accounted for the solar corona brightness. We developed deconvolution algorithms and demonstrated the feasibility of high-quality image reconstruction under realistic conditions. We have proven that multipixel imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanets with the SGL are feasible. We have developed a new mission concept that delivers an array of optical telescopes to the SGL focal region relying on three innovations: i) a new way to enable direct exoplanet imaging, ii) use of smallsats solar sails fast transit through the solar system and beyond, iii) an open architecture to take advantage of swarm technology. This approach enables entirely new missions, providing a great leap in capabilities for NASA and the greater aerospace community. Our results are encouraging as they lead to a realistic design for a mission that will be able to make direct resolved images of exoplanets in our stellar neighborhood. It could allow exploration of exoplanets relying on the SGL capabilities decades, if not centuries, earlier than possible with other extant technologies. The architecture and mission concepts for a mission to the strong interference region of the SGL are promising and should be explored further.

Grothendieck meeting [Wess & Bagger]: [Supersymmetry and supergravity: IV, V, VI, VII, XXII] (2nd ed.) reconstructed in complexified ${\Bbb Z}/2$-graded $C^\infty$-Algebraic Geometry, I. Construction under trivialization of spinor bundle. (arXiv:2002.11868v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Chien-Hao Liu, Shing-Tung Yau, relevance 0.08

Forty-six years after the birth of supersymmetry in 1973 from works of Julius Wess and Bruno Zumino, the standard quantum-field-theorists and particle physicists' language of `superspaces', `supersymmetry', and `supersymmetric action functionals in superspace formulation' as given in Chapters IV, V, VI, VII, XXII of the classic on supersymmetry and supergravity: Julius Wess & Jonathan Bagger: Supersymmetry and Supergravity (2nd ed.), is finally polished, with only minimal mathematical patches added for consistency and accuracy in dealing with nilpotent objects from the Grassmann algebra involved, to a precise setting in the language of complexified ${\Bbb Z}/2$-graded $C^\infty$-Algebraic Geometry. This is completed after the lesson learned from D(14.1) (arXiv:1808.05011 [math.DG]) and the notion of `$d=3+1$, $N=1$ towered superspaces' as complexified ${\Bbb Z}/2$-graded $C^\infty$-schemes, their distinguished sectors, and purge-evaluation maps first developed in SUSY(1) (= D(14.1.Supp.1)) (arXiv:1902.06246 [hep-th]) and further polished in the current work. While the construction depends on a choice of a trivialization of the spinor bundle by covariantly constant sections, as long as the transformation law and the induced isomorphism under a change of trivialization of the spinor bundle by covariantly constant sections are understood, any object or structure thus defined or constructed is mathematically well-defined. The construction can be generalized to all other space-time dimensions with simple or extended supersymmetries. This is part of the mathematical foundation required to study fermionic D-branes in the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz formulation.

Quantum Entangled Fractional Topology and Curvatures. (arXiv:2002.11823v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Joel Hutchinson, Karyn Le Hur, relevance 1.89

We propose a two-spin quantum-mechanical model with applied magnetic fields acting on the Poincar\'e-Bloch sphere, to reveal a new class of topological energy bands with Chern number one half for each spin-1/2. The mechanism behind this fractional topology is a two-spin product state at the north pole and a maximally entangled state close to the south pole. The fractional Chern number of each spin can be measured through the magnetizations at the poles. We study a precise protocol where the spin dynamics in time reflects the Landau-Zener physics associated with energy band crossing effects. We show a correspondence between the two-spin system and topological bilayer models on a honeycomb lattice. These models describe semimetals with a nodal ring surrounding the region of entanglement.

Quark and lepton mass matrices from localization in M-theory on $G_2$ orbifold. (arXiv:2002.11820v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Eric Gonzalez, Gordon Kane, Khoa Dang Nguyen, Malcolm J. Perry, relevance 0.77

M-theory compactified on a $G_2$ manifold with resolved $E_8$ singularities realizes 4d $\mathcal{N} = 1$ supersymmetric gauge theories coupled to gravity with three families of Standard Model fermions. Beginning with one $E_8$ singularity, three fermion families emerge when $E_8$ is broken by geometric engineering deformations to a smaller subgroup with equal rank. In this paper, we use the local geometry of the theory to explain the origin of the three families and their mass hierarchy. We linearize the blowing-up of 2-cycles associated with resolving $E_8$ singularities. After imposing explicit constraints on the effectively stabilized moduli, we arrive at Yukawa couplings for the quarks and leptons. We fit the high scale Yukawa couplings approximately which result in the quark masses agreeing reasonably well with the observations, implying that the experimental hierarchy of the masses is achievable within this framework. The hierarchy separation of the top quark from the charm and up is a stringy effect, while the spitting of the charm and up also depends on the Higgs sector. Future work includes a discussion of the CKM phase, the extra $U(1)$ symmetries, and exotic matter descending from the adjoint of $E_6$.

A Duality Between U(1) Haah Code and 3D Smectic A Phase. (arXiv:2002.11817v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Andrey Gromov, relevance 1.59

We describe a duality between multipole gauge theories and spatially ordered phases. Our main example is a duality between the multipole gauge theory description of the U(1) Haah code and smectic A phase in three spatial dimensions. We show how multipole symmetries restrict the mobility of dislocations and disclinations in smectic A phase. Finally, we exhibit a 2D version of the duality.

High-derivatives and massive electromagnetic models in the Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi spacetime. (arXiv:2002.11801v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Rafael L. Fernandes (1), Everton M. C. Abreu (2, 3 and 4), Marcelo B. Ribeiro (4 and 5) ((1) Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia, Brazil (2) Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (3) Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil (4) Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Física Aplicada, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (5) Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), relevance 7.57

The Maxwell electromagnetic theory embedded in an inhomogeneous Lema\^{\i}tre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) spacetime background was described a few years back in the literature. However, terms concerning the mass or high-derivatives were no explored. In this work we studied the inhomogeneous spacetime effects on high-derivatives and massive electromagnetic models. We used the LTB metric and calculated the physical quantities of interest, namely the scale factor, density of the electromagnetic field and Hubble constant, for the Proca and higher-derivative Podolsky models. We found a new singularity in both models, and that the magnetic field must be zero in the Proca model.

Vacuum entanglement harvesting with a zero mode. (arXiv:2002.11790v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Erickson Tjoa, Eduardo Martín-Martínez, relevance 21.91

We investigate vacuum entanglement harvesting in the presence of a zero mode. We show that, for a variety of detector models and couplings (namely, Unruh-DeWitt qubit and harmonic oscillator detectors, amplitude and derivative coupling), the results are strongly dependent on the state of the zero mode, revealing an ambiguity in studies of entanglement harvesting with Neumann or periodic boundary conditions, or in general in spacetimes with toroidal topologies.

On Spin Dependence of the Fundamental Plane of Black Hole Activity. (arXiv:2002.11778v3 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Caner Unal, Abraham Loeb, relevance 7.38

The Fundamental Plane (FP) of Black Hole (BH) Activity in galactic nuclei relates X-ray and radio luminosities to BH mass and accretion rate. However, there is a large scatter exhibited by the data, which motivated us for a new variable. We add BH spin as a new variable and estimate the spin dependence of the jet power and disk luminosity in terms of radio and X-ray luminosities. We assume the Blandford-Znajek process as the main source of the outflow, and find that the jet power depends on BH spin stronger than quadratically at moderate and large spin values. We perform a statistical analysis for 10 AGNs which have sub-Eddington accretion rates and whose spin values are measured independently via the reflection or continuum-fitting methods, and find that the spin-dependent relation describes the data significantly better. This analysis, if supported with more data, could imply not only the spin dependence of the FP relation, but also the Blandford-Znajek process in AGN jets.

The Hamilton-Jacobi characteristic equations for three dimensional Ashtekar gravity. (arXiv:2002.11769v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Alberto Escalante (Puebla U., Inst. Fis.), M. Eduardo Hernández-García (Puebla U., Mexico), relevance 0.68

The Hamilton-Jacobi analysis of three dimensional gravity defined in terms of Ashtekar-like variables is performed. We report a detailed analysis where the complete set of Hamilton-Jacobi constraints, the characteristic equations and the gauge transformations of the theory are found. We find from integrability conditions on the Hamilton-Jacobi Hamiltonians that the theory is reduced to a $BF$ field theory defined only in terms of self-dual (or anti-self-dual) variables; we identify the dynamical variables and the counting of physical degrees of freedom is performed. In addition, we compare our results with those reported by using the canonical formalism.

SYK Superconductivity: Quantum Kuramoto and Generalized Richardson Models. (arXiv:2002.11757v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Hanteng Wang, A. L. Chudnovskiy, Alexander Gorsky, Alex Kamenev, relevance 0.61

Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model has emerged as a new paradigm of the non-Fermi-liquid behavior. Here we investigate a possibility of having a superconducting off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) and a pseudogap phase within the SYK framework. We found that ODLRO may be established in spin-1/2 version of the model with the time-reversal invariance and an extra attractive interaction. If the latter is taken as the on-site negative-$U$ Hubbard term, it leads to the pseudogap phase at $U<U_c$ dominated by quantum fluctuations of local phases. These fluctuations are described by a quantum version of the Kuramoto model, traditionally employed to illustrate synchronization of classical non-linear oscillators. In the opposite limit of large $U$, the SYK+Hubbard model is approaching a certain generalization of the integrable Richardson model. We present exact diagonalization studies, along with analytic solutions of the aforementioned limiting cases. We also discuss possible holographic interpretations of the model, ODLRO and the pseudogap.

On gapped continuum resonance spectra. (arXiv:2002.11756v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Eugenio Megias, Mariano Quiros, relevance 0.62

In this work we study a warped five-dimensional (5D) model with ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) branes, that solves the hierarchy problem with a fundamental 5D Planck scale $M$, and curvature parameter $k$, of the order of the 4D Planck mass $M_{\textrm{Planck}}\equiv 2.4\times 10^{15}$ TeV. The model exhibits a continuum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes with different mass gaps, at the TeV scale, for all fields. We have computed the Green's functions and spectral densities, and shown how the presence of a continuum KK spectrum can produce an enhancement in the cross section of some Standard Model processes. The metric is linear near the IR, in conformal coordinates, as in the linear dilaton and 5D clockwork models, for which $M\sim$ TeV. We also analyze a pure (continuum) linear dilaton scenario, solving the hierarchy problem with more conventional fundamental $M$ and $k$ scales of the order of $M_{\textrm{Planck}}$, and a continuum spectrum.

dS Spaces and Brane Worlds in Exotic String Theories. (arXiv:2002.11746v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ralph Blumenhagen, Max Brinkmann, Andriana Makridou, Lorenz Schlechter, Matthias Traube, relevance 3.24

We investigate string-phenomenological questions of Hull's exotic superstring theories with Euclidean strings/branes and multiple times. These are known to be plagued by pathologies like the occurrence of ghosts. On the other hand, these theories exhibit de Sitter solutions. Our special focus lies on the question of the coexistence of such de Sitter solutions and ghost-free brane worlds. To this end, the world-sheet CFT description of Euclidean fundamental strings is generalized to include also the open string/D-brane sector. Demanding that in the "observable" gauge theory sector the gauge fields themselves are non-ghosts, a generalization of the dS swampland conjecture is found.

A new energy bound for Einstein-Scalar theory in AlAdS$_4$ and holographic bound for deformed CFT$_3$. (arXiv:2002.11741v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Krai Cheamsawat, relevance 14.64

In this work, we derive an upper bound on energetic quantities, namely vacuum energy and free energy, for static solutions of Einstein-Scalar theory in four dimensional asymptotically locally Anti-de Sitter(AlAdS) spacetime with a nontrivial scalar potential where the scalar field mass parameter($m^2$) is equal to 0 or -2. This system is the holographic dual of strongly coupled conformal field theory(CFT) in three dimensions being deformed by a relevant or marginal scalar operator of conformal dimension $\Delta=1, 2, 3$. The bound is derived from a purely gravitational perspective regardless of the inhomogeneity of the static conformal boundary of AlAdS and the source of the deformation. We demonstrate the bound in simple settings and check the consistency with the known previous bounds.

Higgs Inflation as Nonlinear Sigma Model and Scalaron as its $\sigma$-meson. (arXiv:2002.11739v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yohei Ema, Kyohei Mukaida, Jorinde van de Vis, relevance 0.30

We point out that a model with scalar fields with a large nonminimal coupling to the Ricci scalar, such as Higgs inflation, can be regarded as a nonlinear sigma model (NLSM). The $\sigma$-meson, which is induced by quantum corrections, is identified as the scalaron in this model. Our understanding provides a novel alternative picture for the emergence of the scalaron, which was previously studied in the Jordan frame by computing the running of the term quadratic in the Ricci scalar. We demonstrate that quantum corrections inevitably induce other operators on top of this NLSM, which give rise to the $\sigma$-meson. We confirm that the $\sigma$-meson indeed corresponds to the scalaron. With the help of the $\sigma$-meson, the NLSM is UV-completed to be a linear sigma model (LSM). We show that the LSM only involves renormalizable interactions and hence its perturbative unitarity holds up to the Planck scale unless it hits a Landau pole, which is in agreement with the renormalizability of quadratic gravity.

Thermal Stability of Dynamical Phase Transitions in Higher Dimensional Stabilizer Codes. (arXiv:2002.11733v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Albert T. Schmitz, relevance 0.39

For all of the interest in dynamical phase transitions (DPT), it is still not clear the meaning or prevalence of these features in higher dimensional models. In this paper, we consider DPTs for stabilizer code models and quantum quenches between these models in higher dimensions, particularly $d=2,3$. We find that for many stabilizer codes, there exists a robust DPT to thermal noise which indicates the resilience of information stored in the ground space in the context of quantum error correction. That is, the critical temperature at which the DPT is lost corresponds to the theoretical upper-bound on the decoding rate for the code. We also discuss a generalization of the Wegner duality and how it can be used to characterize DPTs and other thermal properties.

Shear transport far from equilibrium via holography. (arXiv:2002.11730v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Michael F. Wondrak, Matthias Kaminski, Marcus Bleicher, relevance 2.75

In heavy-ion collisions, the quark-gluon plasma is produced far from equilibrium. This regime is currently inaccessible by quantum chromodynamics (QCD) computations. We calculate shear transport and entropy far from equilibrium in a holographic model, defining a time-dependent ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density, $\eta/s$. Large deviations of up to 60% from its near-equilibrium value, $1/4\pi$, are found for realistic situations at the Large Hadron Collider. We predict the far-from-equilibrium time-dependence of $\eta/s$ to substantially affect the evolution of the QCD plasma and to impact the extraction of QCD properties from flow coefficients in heavy-ion collision data.

$\text{AdS}_3/\text{CFT}_2$ at higher genus. (arXiv:2002.11729v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lorenz Eberhardt, relevance 13.19

We continue our study of the worldsheet theory of superstrings on $\mathrm{AdS}_3 \times \mathrm{S}^3 \times \mathbb{T}^4$ in the tensionless limit arXiv:1911.00378. We consider the theory on higher genus surfaces. We give evidence that the worldsheet correlators localise on certain worldsheets that cover the boundary of $\mathrm{AdS}_3$ holomorphically. This simplifies the string moduli space integral dramatically to a finite sum. This property shows that the higher genus corrections of the string worldsheet reproduce the structure of the $1/N$ corrections in the dual symmetric orbifold CFT $\mathrm{Sym}^N(\mathbb{T}^4)$.

Mimetic Black Strings. (arXiv:2002.11718v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ahmad Sheykhi, relevance 13.03

We present two new classes of black string solutions in the context of mimetic gravity. The horizon topology of these solutions can be either a flat $T^2$ torus with topology $S^1 \times S^1$, or a standard cylindrical model with topology $R\times S^1$. The first class describes uncharged rotating black string which its asymptotic behavior is a quotient of anti-de Sitter (AdS) space, while the second class represents asymptotically AdS charged rotating black string. We study the casual structure and physical properties of these spacetimes and calculate, the entropy, electric charge, mass and angular momentum per unit length of rotating black strings.

Actions for twisted spectral triple and the transition from the Euclidean to the Lorentzian. (arXiv:2002.11700v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Agostino Devastato, Manuele Filaci, Pierre Martinetti, Devashish Singh, relevance 0.00

This is a review of recent results regarding the application of Connes' noncommutative geometry to the Standard Model, and beyond. By twisting (in the sense of Connes-Moscovici) the spectral triple of the Standard Model, one does not only get an extra scalar field which stabilises the electroweak vacuum, but also an unexpected 1-form field. By computing the fermionic action, we show how this field induces a transition from the Euclidean to the Lorentzian signature. Hints on a twisted version of the spectral action are also briefly mentioned.

Application of dictionary learning to denoise LIGO's blip noise transients. (arXiv:2002.11668v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alejandro Torres-Forné, Elena Cuoco, José A. Font, Antonio Marquina, relevance 0.00

Data streams of gravitational-wave detectors are polluted by transient noise features, or "glitches", of instrumental and environmental origin. In this work, we investigate the use of total-variation methods and learned dictionaries to mitigate the effect of those transients in the data. We focus on a specific type of transient, "blip" glitches, as this is the most common type of glitch present in the LIGO detectors and their waveforms are easy to identify. We randomly select 80 blip glitches scattered in the data from advanced LIGO's O1 run, as provided by the citizen-science project Gravity Spy. Our results show that dictionary-learning methods are a valid approach to model and subtract most of the glitch contribution in all cases analyzed, particularly at frequencies below $\sim 1$ kHz. The high-frequency component of the glitch is best removed when a combination of dictionaries with different atom length is employed. As a further example, we apply our approach to the glitch visible in the LIGO-Livingston data around the time of merger of binary neutron star signal GW170817, finding satisfactory results. This paper is the first step in our ongoing program to automatically classify and subtract all families of gravitational-wave glitches employing variational methods.

The singularity in mimetic Kantowski-Sachs cosmology. (arXiv:2002.11658v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marco de Cesare, Sanjeev S. Seahra, Edward Wilson-Ewing, relevance 10.75

The dynamics of the vacuum Kantowski-Sachs space-time are studied in the so-called limiting curvature mimetic gravity theory. It is shown that in this theory the vacuum Kantowski-Sachs space-time is always singular. While the departures from general relativity due to the limiting curvature mimetic theory do provide an upper bound on the magnitude of the expansion scalar, both its rate of oscillations and the magnitude of the directional Hubble rates increase without bound and cause curvature invariants to diverge. Also, since the radial scale factor does not vanish in finite (past) time, in this particular theory the Kantowski-Sachs space-time cannot be matched to a null black hole event horizon and, therefore, does not correspond to the interior of a static and spherically symmetric black hole.

Search for a Variation of the Fine Structure around the Supermassive Black Hole in Our Galactic Center. (arXiv:2002.11567v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by A. Hees, T. Do, B. M. Roberts, A. M. Ghez, S. Nishiyama, R. O. Bentley, A. K. Gautam, S. Jia, T. Kara, J. R. Lu, H. Saida, S. Sakai, M. Takahashi, Y. Takamori, relevance 6.55

Searching for space-time variations of the constants of Nature is a promising way to search for new physics beyond General Relativity and the standard model motivated by unification theories and models of dark matter and dark energy. We propose a new way to search for a variation of the fine-structure constant using measurements of late-type evolved giant stars from the S-star cluster orbiting the supermassive black hole in our Galactic Center. A measurement of the difference between distinct absorption lines (with different sensitivity to the fine structure constant) from a star leads to a direct estimate of a variation of the fine structure constant between the star's location and Earth. Using spectroscopic measurements of 5 stars, we obtain a constraint on the relative variation of the fine structure constant below $10^{-5}$. This is the first time a varying constant of Nature is searched for around a black hole and in a high gravitational potential. This analysis shows new ways the monitoring of stars in the Galactic Center can be used to probe fundamental physics.

Composite Higgs Bosons and Mini Black Holes. (arXiv:2002.11547v4 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Christopher T. Hill, relevance 9.13

Pairs of standard model fermions can annihilate to produce mini black holes with gauge quantum numbers of the Higgs boson at $M_{Planck}$. This leads to a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model at the Planck scale with strong coupling which binds fermion pairs into Higgs fields. At critical coupling the renormalization group dresses these objects, which then descend in scale to emerge as OBSERVABLE boundstate Higgs bosons at low energies, and we obtain the multi-Higgs spectrum of a "scalar democracy." The observed Higgs boson is a gravitationally bound $\bar{t}t$ composite. Sequential states may be seen at the LHC, and/or its upgrades.

Flux-based statistical prediction of three-body outcomes. (arXiv:2002.11496v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Barak Kol, relevance 0.38

The generic gravitational three-body problem is non-integrable and the motion is susceptible to disintegration. For negative total energy the decay outcome is a free body flying apart from a binary. Computer simulations have shown that initial conditions within the chaotic region follow a rather random motion. Decades ago a statistical solution was marked as a goal, yet despite considerable progress, all extant approaches display two flaws. First, probability was equated with phase space volume, ignoring the fact that a significant part of phase space describes regular motion, including post-decay motion. Secondly and relatedly, an adjustable parameter, the strong interaction region, which is a sort of cutoff, was a central ingredient of the theory.

Based on an analogy with a particle moving in a leaky container, this paper presents an exact reduction of the statistical prediction, or more precisely, the differential decay rate is shown to factorize. One factor is the outgoing phase-space volume flux, rather than the volume itself, and it is given in a cutoff-independent closed-form. The other factors are the chaotic absorptivity and the regularized phase space volume, which serves as a normalization. The situation is analogous to Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation, also known as greybody radiation. The statistical prediction is completed by including for the first time not only the outcome probabilities but also the decay rate and its statistics through the introduction of an equation system for the time evolution of the statistical distribution, which accounts for sub-escape excursions and can be described as a differential equation system with memory.

Entanglement as a resource for naturalness. (arXiv:2002.11484v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by Andrei T. Patrascu, relevance 28.95

A novel approach to understanding the hierarchy problem is presented making use of topological aspects of the renormalisation group and the ER-EPR interpretation of entanglement. A common discussion of the renormalisation group, the black hole horizon and the expected entanglement between outgoing Hawking radiation and the interior, the cosmic censorship mechanism and the cosmological constant problem is envisaged.

Nilpotent Symmetries of the St$\ddot{u}$ckelberg-Modified Massive 4D Abelian 2-Form Theory: (Anti-)Chiral Superfield Approach. (arXiv:2002.11466v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. Kumar, B.Chauhan, A. Tripathi, R. P. Malik, relevance 0.36

We derive the off-shell nilpotent (anti-)BRST symmetry transformations by exploiting the (anti-)chiral superfield approach (ACSA) to Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) formalism for the four (3+1)-dimensional (4D) St$\ddot{u}$ckelberg-modified massive Abelian 2-form gauge theory. We perform exactly similar kind of exercise for the derivation of the off-shell nilpotent (anti-)co-BRST symmetry transformations, too. In the above derivations, the symmetry invariant restrictions on the superfields play very important and decisive roles. To prove the sanctity of the above nilpotent symmetries, we generalize our 4D ordinary theory (defined on the 4D flat Minkowskian spacetime manifold) to its counterparts (4,1)-dimensional (anti-)chiral super sub-manifolds of the (4,2)-dimensional supermanifold which is parameterized by the superspace coordinates $Z^{M} = (x^{\mu},\theta, \bar{\theta} ) $ where $x^\mu ( \mu = 0,1,2,3 )$ are the bosonic coordinates and a pair of Grassmannian variables $(\theta, \bar{\theta})$ are fermionic: ($\theta^{2} = \bar{\theta^{2}} = 0, \,\,\theta\,\bar{\theta} +\bar{\theta}\,\theta = 0$) in nature. One of the novel observations of our present endeavor is the derivation of the Curci-Ferrari (CF) type restrictions from the requirement of the symmetry invariance of the coupled (but equivalent) Lagrangian densities for our theory within the framework of ACSA to BRST formalism. We also exploit the standard techniques of ACSA to capture the off-shell nilpotency and absolute anticommutativity of the conserved (anti-)BRST as well as the (anti-)co-BRST charges. In a subtle manner, the proof of the absolute anticommutativity of the above conserved charges also implies the existence of the appropriate CF-type restrictions on our theory.

G\"odel spacetime, planar geodesics and the M\"obius map. (arXiv:2002.11432v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Donato Bini, Andrea Geralico, Robert T. Jantzen, Wolfango Plastino, relevance 3.90

Timelike geodesics on a hyperplane orthogonal to the symmetry axis of the G\"odel spacetime appear to be elliptic-like if standard coordinates naturally adapted to the cylindrical symmetry are used. The orbit can then be suitably described through an eccentricity-semi-latus rectum parametrization, familiar from the Newtonian dynamics of a two-body system. However, changing coordinates such planar geodesics all become explicitly circular, as exhibited by Kundt's form of the G\"odel metric. We derive here a one-to-one correspondence between the constants of the motion along these geodesics as well as between the parameter spaces of elliptic-like versus circular geodesics. We also show how to connect the two equivalent descriptions of particle motion by introducing a pair of complex coordinates in the 2-planes orthogonal to the symmetry axis, which brings the metric into a form which is invariant under M\"obius transformations preserving the symmetries of the orbit, i.e., taking circles to circles.

One-loop same helicity four-point amplitude from shifts. (arXiv:2002.11390v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Pratik Chattopadhyay, Kirill Krasnov, relevance 0.24

It has been suggested a long time ago by W. Bardeen that non-vanishing of the one-loop same helicity YM amplitudes, in particular such an amplitude at four points, should be interpreted as an anomaly. However, the available derivations of these amplitudes are rather far from supporting this interpretation in that they share no similarity whatsoever with the standard triangle diagram chiral anomaly calculation. We provide a new computation of the same helicity four-point amplitude by a method designed to mimic the chiral anomaly derivation. This is done by using the momentum conservation to rewrite the logarithmically divergent four-point amplitude as a sum of linearly and then quadratically divergent integrals. These integrals are then seen to vanish after appropriate shifts of the loop momentum integration variable. The amplitude thus gets related to shifts, and these are computed in the standard textbook way. We thus reproduce the usual result but by a method which greatly strengthens the case for an anomaly interpretation of these amplitudes.

Information geometry encoded in bulk geometry. (arXiv:2002.11365v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Asato Tsuchiya, Kazushi Yamashiro, relevance 12.36

We study how information geometry is described by bulk geometry in the gauge/gravity correspondence. We consider a quantum information metric that measures the distance between the ground states of a CFT and a theory obtained by perturbing the CFT. We find a universal formula that represents the quantum information metric in terms of back reaction to the AdS bulk geometry.

Asymptotic expansions for the Large Scale Structure. (arXiv:2002.11357v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by Shi-Fan Chen, Massimo Pietroni, relevance 0.00

We explore the deep ultraviolet (that is, short-distance) limit of the power spectrum (PS) and of the correlation function of a cold dark matter dominated Universe. While for large scales the PS can be written as a double series expansion, in powers of the linear PS and of the wavenumber $k$, we show that, in the opposite limit, it can be expressed via an expansion in powers of the form $1/k^{d+2n}$, where $d$ is the number of spatial dimensions, and $n$ is a non negative integer. The coefficients of the terms of the expansion are nonperturbative in the linear PS, and can be interpreted in terms of the probability density function for the displacement field, evaluated around specific configurations of the latter, that we identify. In the case of the Zel'dovich dynamics, these coefficients can be determined analytically, whereas for the exact dynamics they can be treated as fit, or nuisance, parameters. We confirm our findings with numerical simulations and discuss the necessary steps to match our results to those obtained for larger scales and to actual measurements.

New Constraints on the Supranuclear Equation of State and the Hubble Constant from Nuclear Physics -- Multi-Messenger Astronomy. (arXiv:2002.11355v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Tim Dietrich, Michael W. Coughlin, Peter T. H. Pang, Mattia Bulla, Jack Heinzel, Lina Issa, Ingo Tews, Sarah Antier, relevance 0.41

Neutron-star mergers are associated with violent phenomena that probe physical principles under extreme conditions that are not reproducible in any terrestrial laboratory. Thus, their multi-messenger analysis combining gravitational-wave and electromagnetic signatures from multiple wavelengths is not only of astrophysical interest, but it also allows studying the behavior of supranuclear dense matter, testing the fabric of spacetime, probing the principles of general relativity, and measuring the expansion rate of the Universe. In this work, we perform a multi-messenger analysis of the gravitational wave signal GW170817 and its electromagnetic counterparts AT2017gfo and GRB170817A. By incorporating information from the NICER observation of PSR J0030+0451, the radio observations of PSR J0740+6620, and nuclear theory computations using chiral effective field theory, we provide new constraints on the neutron-star equation of state and the Hubble constant. For our analysis, we make use of the new waveform approximant IMRPhenomPv2_NRTidalv2 for the interpretation of the gravitational wave signal, we employ a newly developed kilonova model, and we derive a new prediction for the debris disk mass surrounding the binary neutron star merger remnant. We determine the radius of a 1.4 solar mass neutron star to be $R_{1.4M_\odot}=10.98^{+0.37}_{-0.38} \rm km$ at $1\sigma$ uncertainty and $R_{1.4M_\odot}=10.98^{+1.00}_{-0.69} \rm km$ at $2\sigma$ uncertainty. In addition, we estimate the Hubble constant to be $H_0=68.4^{+5.2}_{-4.7}\ \rm km /Mpc/s$ at $1\sigma$ uncertainty. We test the consistency of our results and the robustness of our methods by also analyzing the second binary neutron-star merger detection GW190425 and the fact that no electromagnetic counterpart was observed for this event.

Jordan-Wigner Dualities for Translation-Invariant Hamiltonians in Any Dimension: Emergent Fermions in Fracton Topological Order. (arXiv:2002.11345v3 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, relevance 1.04

Inspired by recent developments generalizing Jordan-Wigner dualities to higher dimensions, we develop a framework of such dualities using an algebraic formalism for translation-invariant Hamiltonians proposed by Haah. We prove that given a translation-invariant fermionic system with general $q$-body interactions, where $q$ is even, a local mapping preserving global fermion parity to a dual Pauli spin model exists and is unique up to a choice of basis. Furthermore, the dual spin model is constructive, and we present various examples of these dualities. As an application, we bosonize fermionic systems where free-fermion hopping terms are absent ($q \ge 4$) and fermion parity is conserved on submanifolds such as higher-form, line, planar or fractal symmetry. For some cases in 3+1D, bosonizing such a system can give rise to fracton models where the emergent particles are immobile but yet can behave in certain ways like fermions. These models may be examples of new nonrelativistic 't Hooft anomalies. Furthermore, fermionic subsystem symmetries are also present in various Majorana stabilizer codes, such as the color code or the checkerboard model, and we give examples where their duals are cluster states or new fracton models distinct from their doubled CSS codes.

On the Origin of Divergences in Time-Dependent Orbifolds. (arXiv:2002.11306v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Andrea Arduino, Riccardo Finotello, Igor Pesando, relevance 2.14

We consider time-dependent orbifolds in String Theory and we show that divergences are not associated with a gravitational backreaction since they appear in the open string sector too. They are related to the non existence of the underlying effective field theory as in several cases fourth and higher order contact terms do not exist. Since contact terms may arise from the exchange of string massive states, we investigate and show that some three points amplitudes with one massive state in the open string sector are divergent on the time-dependent orbifolds. To check that divergences are associated with the existence of a discrete zero eigenvalue of the Laplacian of the subspace with vanishing volume, we construct the Generalized Null Boost Orbifold where this phenomenon can be turned on and off.

An elementary proof of 1D LSM theorems. (arXiv:2002.11176v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Abhishodh Prakash, relevance 0.00

The Lieb-Schultz-Mattis (LSM) theorem and its generalizations forbids the existence of a unique gapped ground state in the presence of certain lattice and internal symmetries and thus imposes powerful constraints on the low energy properties of quantum many-body systems. We provide an elementary proof of a class of generalized LSM theorems in 1D using matrix product state representations and the representation theory of groups.

Small-mass naked singularities censored by the Higgs field. (arXiv:2002.11175v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Naritaka Oshita, relevance 11.25

We investigate a vacuum decay around an over-spinning naked singularity by using the Israel junction condition. We found that if the Higgs field develops the second minimum at higher energy scale, a spinning small-mass naked singularity could cause the vacuum decay around it within the cosmic age. An event horizon may form around the singularity due to the angular momentum transport from the singularity to a vacuum bubble wall. The newly formed event horizon leads to the increase of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, which contributes to the enhancement of the vacuum decay rate. We conclude that small-mass naked singularities may be hidden by the event horizon within the cosmological time.

Perturbative Quantum Field Theory and Homotopy Algebras. (arXiv:2002.11168v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Branislav Jurco, Hyungrok Kim, Tommaso Macrelli, Christian Saemann, Martin Wolf, relevance 2.34

We review the homotopy algebraic perspective on perturbative quantum field theory: classical field theories correspond to homotopy algebras such as $A_\infty$- and $L_\infty$-algebras. Furthermore, their scattering amplitudes are encoded in minimal models of these homotopy algebras at tree level and their quantum relatives at loop level. The translation between Lagrangian field theories and homotopy algebras is provided by the Batalin--Vilkovisky formalism. The minimal models are computed recursively using the homological perturbation lemma, which induces useful recursion relations for the computation of scattering amplitudes. After explaining how the homological perturbation lemma produces the usual Feynman diagram expansion, we use our techniques to verify an identity for the Berends--Giele currents which implies the Kleiss--Kuijf relations.

Integrable deformation of $\mathbb{CP}^n$ and generalised Kaehler geometry. (arXiv:2002.11144v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Saskia Demulder, Falk Hassler, Giacomo Piccinini, Daniel C. Thompson, relevance 0.00

We build on the results of arXiv:1912.11036 for generalised frame fields on generalised quotient spaces and study integrable deformations for $\mathbb{CP}^n$. In particular we show how, when the target space of the Principal Chiral Model is a complex projective space, a two-parameter deformation can, in principle, be introduced. The second parameter can however be removed via a diffeomorphism, which we construct explicitly, in accordance with the results stemming from a thorough integrability analysis we carry out. We also elucidate how the deformed target space can be seen as an instance of generalised Kaehler, or equivalently bi-Hermitian, geometry. In this respect, we find explicit expressions for generalised Kaehler potential and/or pure spinors for $\mathbb{CP}^n$ with $n = 1,2,3$.

A new mechanism for symmetry breaking from nilmanifolds. (arXiv:2002.11128v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David Andriot, Alan Cornell, Aldo Deandrea, Fabio Dogliotti, Dimitrios Tsimpis, relevance 1.05

We present a method to obtain a scalar potential at tree level from a pure gauge theory on nilmanifolds, a class of negatively-curved compact spaces, and discuss the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism induced in the residual Minkowski space after compactification at low energy. We show that the scalar potential is completely determined by the gauge symmetries and the geometry of the compact manifold. In order to allow for simple analytic calculations we consider three extra space dimensions as the minimal example of a nilmanifold, therefore considering a pure Yang-Mills theory in seven dimensions.

Modular Exercises for Four-Point Blocks -- I. (arXiv:2002.11125v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Miranda C. N. Cheng, Terry Gannon, Guglielmo Lockhart, relevance 0.66

The well-known modular property of the torus characters and torus partition functions of (rational) vertex operator algebras (VOAs) and 2d conformal field theories (CFTs) has been an invaluable tool for studying this class of theories. In this work we prove that sphere four-point chiral blocks of rational VOAs are vector-valued modular forms for the groups $\Gamma(2)$, $\Gamma_0(2)$, or $\text{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$. Moreover, we prove that the four-point correlators, combining the holomorphic and anti-holomorphic chiral blocks, are modular invariant. In particular, in this language the crossing symmetries are simply modular symmetries. This gives the possibility of exploiting the available techniques and knowledge about modular forms to determine or constrain the physically interesting quantities such as chiral blocks and fusion coefficients, which we illustrate with a few examples. We also highlight the existence of a sphere-torus correspondence equating the sphere quantities of certain theories $\mathcal{T}_s$ with the torus quantities of another family of theories $\mathcal{T}_t$. A companion paper will delve into more examples and explore more systematically this sphere-torus duality.

Twisted Cohomotopy implies twisted String structure on M5-branes. (arXiv:2002.11093v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Domenico Fiorenza, Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber, relevance 1.43

We show that charge-quantization of the M-theory C-field in J-twisted Cohomotopy implies emergence of a higher Sp(1)-gauge field on single heterotic M5-branes, which exhibits worldvolume twisted String structure.

Precise determination of the inflationary epoch and constraints for reheating. (arXiv:2002.11091v5 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Gabriel German, relevance 0.00

We present a simple formula that allows to calculate the value of the inflaton field, denoted by $\phi$, at the scale with wavenumber mode $k$. In the extreme case of instantaneous reheating $\phi_k$ is calculated exactly and all inflationary observables and quantities of interest follow. This formula, together with the fact that the scale factor $a_p$ at the pivot scale wavenumber $k_p=0.05/Mpc$ lies in the radiation era, allows the development of a diagrammatic approach to study the evolution of the universe. This scheme is complementary to the usual analytical method and some interesting results, independent of the model of inflation, can be obtained. As a concrete application of the ideas developed here we discuss them with some detail using the Starobinsky model of inflation.

On-Shell Electric-Magnetic Duality and the Dual Graviton. (arXiv:2002.11085v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Nathan Moynihan, Jeff Murugan, relevance 2.47

Using on-shell amplitude methods, we explore 4-dimensional Electric-Magnetic duality and its double copy. We show explicitly that the on-shell scattering amplitudes know about `dual' photons (and dual gravitons), that the off-shell photon propagator double copies to the graviton propagator and that the magnetic part of the propagator is essential for the double copy to hold. We also show that there is an equivalent gravito-magnetic part of the graviton propagator which is essential in giving rise to solutions with either angular momentum or NUT charge. Furthermore, we comment on the so-called Weinberg paradox, which states that scattering amplitudes involving the mixing of electric and magnetic monopoles cannot be Lorentz invariant, and would seem to preclude the existence of the 't Hooft-Polyakov (topological) monopole. We trace this paradox to the magnetic part of the propagator, showing that it can be eliminated if one restricts to proper orthochronous Lorentz transformations. Finally, we compute the fully relativistic cross-section for arbitrary spin dyons using the recently formulated on-shell duality transformation and show that this is always fully Lorentz invariant.

Deformation of the gravitational wave spectrum by density perturbations. (arXiv:2002.11083v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Valerie Domcke, Ryusuke Jinno, Henrique Rubira, relevance 1.24

We study the effect of primordial scalar curvature perturbations on the propagation of gravitational waves over cosmic distances. We point out that such curvature perturbations deform the isotropic spectrum of any stochastic background of gravitational waves of primordial origin through the (integrated) Sachs-Wolfe effect. Computing the changes in the amplitude and frequency of the propagating gravitational wave induced at linear order by scalar curvature perturbations, we show that the resulting deformation of each frequency bin of the gravitational wave spectrum is described by a linearly biased Gaussian with the variance $\sigma^2 \simeq \int d\ln k \Delta_{\mathcal R}^2$, where $\Delta_{\mathcal R}^2(k)$ denotes the amplitude of the primordial curvature perturbations. The linear bias encodes the correlations between the changes induced in the frequency and amplitude of the gravitational waves. Taking into account the latest bounds on $\Delta_{\mathcal R}^2$ from primordial black hole and gravitational wave searches, we demonstrate that the resulting ${\mathcal O}(\sigma)$ deformation can be significant for extremely peaked gravitational wave spectra. We further provide an order of magnitude estimate for broad spectra, for which the net distortion is ${\mathcal O}(\sigma^2)$.

Some non-trivial aspects of Poincar\'e and CPT invariance of flavor vacuum. (arXiv:2002.11072v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Massimo Blasone, Petr Jizba, Nikolaos E. Mavromatos, Luca Smaldone, relevance 1.48

We study the explicit form of Poincar\'e and discrete transformations of flavor states in a two-flavor scalar model, which represents the simplest example of the field mixing. Because of the particular form of the flavor vacuum condensate, we find that the aforementioned symmetries are spontaneously broken. The ensuing vacuum stability group is identified with the Euclidean group E(3). With the help of Fabri-Picasso theorem, we show that flavor vacua with different time labels and in different Lorentz frames are unitarily inequivalent to each other and they constitute a manifold of zero-flavor-charge states. Despite the spontaneous breakdown of Poincar\'e and CPT symmetries that characterises such vacua, we provide arguments on the absence of Goldstone Bosons. We also prove that the phenomenologically relevant oscillation formula is invariant under these transformations.

MGD Dirac stars. (arXiv:2002.10972v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Roldao da Rocha, relevance 0.00

The method of geometric deformation (MGD) is here employed to study compact stellar configurations, which are solutions of the effective Einstein-Dirac coupled field equations on fluid branes. Non-linear, self-interacting, fermionic fields are then employed to derive MGD Dirac stars, whose properties are analyzed and discussed. The MGD Dirac star maximal mass is shown to increase as an specific function of the spinor self-interaction coupling constant, in a realistic model involving the most strict phenomenological current bounds for the brane tension.

GW170817 and GW190425 as Hybrid Stars of Dark and Nuclear Matters. (arXiv:2002.10961v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kilar Zhang, Guo-Zhang Huang, Feng-Li Lin, relevance 0.54

We propose three scenarios for compact hybrid stars consisting of nuclear and dark matters to interpret the LIGO/Virgo events GW170817 and GW190425. We use two equations of state (EoSs) for the nuclear matter in the hybrid stars, one is the SLy4 and the other is the one extracted from holographic quantum chromodynamics. On the other hand, for the dark matter we adopt the EoS extracted from the massive boson with quartic self-coupling, which is simple and capable of yielding both reasonable halo density and compact stars. We study the mass-radius and tidal Love number-mass relations for these compact hybrid stars, and find that they can well explain GW170817 and GW190425. Some of the hybrid stars can have compact neutron or mixed cores around 10km while possessing thick dark matter shells, which can then explain the astrophysical observations of neutron stars with compact photon radius and mass higher than 2 solar masses. Reversely, we also infer the dark matter model from the parameter estimation of GW190425. Our scenarios of compact hybrid stars can be further tested by the coming LIGO/Virgo O3 events.

A Fluctuation Dissipation Relation for Relativistic stars. (arXiv:2002.10951v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Seema Satin, relevance 0.99

A fluctuation-dissipation relation for perturbed configuration of a relativistic star is obtained. The stochastic fluctuations of the classical stress tensor comprising the matter content ( a perfect fluid) of the relativistic star, act as the source in a classical Einstien-Langevin equation describing the system. We discuss the linear response of these fluctuations of the stress tensor and develop a fluctuation-dissipation relation from the first principles. Thus a system-bath separation in terms of spacetime metric and matter content is proposed, to study equilibrium and non equilibrium statistical properties for a relativistic star. This is not derived from or related to the scalar fields or quantum stress tensors and their fluctuations, as is usually the case for semiclassical stochastic gravity.

Extended-body effects and rocket-free orbital maneuvering. (arXiv:2002.10922v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Abraham I. Harte, Michael T. Gaffney, relevance 0.00

The trajectory of a spherical object which falls freely in a gravitational field is fixed by its initial position and velocity. However, an object which can control its shape can also control its motion: Except where forbidden by symmetries and their associated conservation laws, a shape-changing (but rocket-free) spacecraft can have complete control over its trajectory. We discuss a general formalism which allows rocket-free maneuvers to be understood without constructing detailed interior models. A spacecraft's interior is abstracted to the specification of a quadrupole moment, and in some cases, it is only a single eigenvalue of that moment which is relevant. For orbits around a spherically-symmetric mass, we show that appropriately varying the relevant eigenvalue allows the energy and eccentricity of an orbit to be increased or decreased and its apsides to be rotated arbitrarily. Strategies are identified which optimize these maneuvers. In other contexts, we show that extended-body effects can be used to stabilize orbits which would otherwise be unstable.

Effective Action from the Functional Renormalization Group. (arXiv:2002.10839v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Nobuyoshi Ohta, Leslaw Rachwal, relevance 0.00

We study the quantum gravitational system coupled to a charged scalar, Dirac fermions, and electromagnetic fields. We use the ``exact'' or ``functional'' renormalization group equation to derive the effective action $\Gamma_0$ by integrating the flow equation from the ultraviolet scale down to $k=0$. The resulting effective action consists of local terms and nonlocal terms with unique coefficients, which could be tested by comparing it with observation.

Phenomenological consequences of a geometry in the cotangent bundle. (arXiv:2002.10833v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by J.J. Relancio, S. Liberati, relevance 4.07

A deformed relativistic kinematics can be understood within a geometrical framework through a maximally symmetric momentum space. However, when considering this kind of approach, usually one works in a flat spacetime and in a curved momentum space. In this paper, we will discuss a possible generalization to take into account both curvatures and some possible observable effects. We will first explain how to construct a metric in the cotangent bundle in order to have a curved spacetime with a nontrivial geometry in momentum space and the relationship with an action in phase space characterized by a deformed Casimir. Then, we will study within this proposal two different space-time geometries. In the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe, we will see the modifications in the geodesics (redshift, luminosity distance and geodesic expansion) due to a momentum dependence of the metric in the cotangent bundle. Also, we will see that when the spacetime considered is a Schwarzschild black hole, one still has a common horizon for particles with different energies, differently from a Lorentz invariance violation case. However, the surface gravity computed as the peeling off of null geodesics is energy dependent.

Solving the curvature and Hubble parameter inconsistencies through structure formation-induced curvature. (arXiv:2002.10831v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Asta Heinesen, Thomas Buchert, relevance 0.99

Recently it has been noted by Di Valentino, Melchiorri and Silk (2019) that the enhanced lensing signal relative to that expected in the spatially flat $\Lambda$CDM model poses a possible crisis for the Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) class of models usually used to interpret cosmological data. The 'crisis' amounts to inconsistencies between cosmological datasets arising when the FLRW curvature parameter $\Omega_k$ is determined from the data rather than constrained to be zero a priori. Moreover, the already substantial discrepancy between the Hubble parameter as determined by Planck and local observations increases to the level of $5\sigma$. While such inconsistencies might arise from systematic effects of astrophysical origin affecting the Planck Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) power spectra at small angular scales, it is an option that the inconsistencies are due to the failure of the FLRW assumption. In this paper we recall how the FLRW curvature ansatz is expected to be violated for generic relativistic spacetimes. We explain how the FLRW conservation equation for volume-averaged spatial curvature is modified through structure formation, and we illustrate in a simple framework how the curvature tension in a FLRW spacetime can be resolved - and is even expected to occur - from the point of view of general relativity. Requiring early-time convergence towards a Friedmannian model with a spatial curvature parameter $\Omega_{k0}$ equal to that preferred from the Planck power spectra resolves the Hubble tension within our dark energy-free model.

S-duality and loop operators in canonical formalism. (arXiv:2002.10807v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shan Hu, relevance 1.15

We study the gauge invariant 't Hooft operator in canonical formalism for Yang-Mills theory as well as the $\mathcal{N} =4 $ Super Yang-Mills theory. It is shown that the spectrum of the 't Hooft operator labeled by the dual representation of the gauge group is the same as the spectrum of the Wilson operator labeled by the same representation. So it is possible to construct a unitary operator $ S $ making the two kinds of loop operators transformed into each other. S-duality transformation could be realized by the operator $ S $. We compute the supersymmetry variations of the loop operators with the fermionic couplings turned off. The result is consistent with the expectation that the action of $ S $ should make supercharges transform with a $ U(1)_{Y} $ phase.

NuRIA: Numerical Relativity Injection Analysis of spinning binary black hole signals in Advanced LIGO data. (arXiv:2002.10666v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Koustav Chandra, Gayathri V., Juan Calderon Bustillo, Archana Pai, relevance 7.11

The advent of gravitational wave (GW) astronomy has provided us with observations of black holes more massive than those known from X-ray astronomy. However, the observation of an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) remains a big challenge. After their second observing run, the LIGO \& Virgo Scientific collaborations (LVC) placed upper limits on the coalescence rate density of non-precessing IMBH binaries (IMBHBs). In this article, we explore the sensitivity of two of the search pipelines used by the LVC to signals from 69 numerically simulated IMBHBs with generic spins, out of which 27 have a precessing orbital plane. In particular, we compare the matched-filter search PyCBC, and the coherent model-independent search technique cWB. We find that, in general, cWB is more sensitive to IMBHBs than PyCBC, with their difference depending on the masses and spins of the source. Consequently, we use cWB to place the first upper limits on the merger rate of generically spinning IMBH binaries using publicly available data from the first Advanced LIGO observing run.

Relativistic combination of non-collinear 3-velocities using quaternions. (arXiv:2002.10659v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Thomas Berry (Victoria University of Wellington), Matt Visser (Victoria University of Wellington), relevance 0.46

Quaternions have an (over a century-old) extensive and quite complicated interaction with special relativity. Since quaternions are intrinsically 4-dimensional, and do such a good job of handling 3-dimensional rotations, the hope has always been that the use of quaternions would simplify some of the algebra of the Lorentz transformations. Herein we report a relatively nice result for the relativistic combination of non-collinear 3-velocities. If we work with the relativistic half-velocities $w$ defined by $v={2w\over1+w^2}$, and promote them to quaternions using $\mathbf{w} = w \; \mathbf{\hat n}$, where $\mathbf{\hat n}$ is a unit quaternion, then we shall show \[ \mathbf{w}_{1\oplus2} = \mathbf{w}_1 \oplus \mathbf{w}_2 =(1-\mathbf{w}_1\mathbf{w}_2)^{-1} (\mathbf{w}_1 +\mathbf{w}_2) = (\mathbf{w}_1 +\mathbf{w}_2)(1-\mathbf{w}_2\mathbf{w}_1)^{-1}. \] All of the complicated angular dependence for relativistic combination of non-collinear 3-velocities is now encoded in the quaternion multiplication of $\mathbf{w}_1$ with $\mathbf{w}_2$. This result can furthermore be extended to obtain an elegant and compact formula for the associated Wigner angle: \[ \mathrm{e}^{\mathbf{\Omega}} = \mathrm{e}^{\Omega \; \mathbf{\hat\Omega} } = (1-\mathbf{w}_1\mathbf{w}_2)^{-1} (1-\mathbf{w}_2\mathbf{w}_1), \] in terms of which \[ {\mathbf{\hat{n}}}_{1\oplus2} = \mathrm{e}^{\mathbf{\Omega}/2} \;\; {\mathbf{w}_1+\mathbf{w}_2\over |\mathbf{w}_1+\mathbf{w}_2|}; \qquad\qquad {\mathbf{\hat{n}}}_{2\oplus1} = \mathrm{e}^{-\mathbf{\Omega}/2} \;\; {\mathbf{w}_1+\mathbf{w}_2\over |\mathbf{w}_1+\mathbf{w}_2|}. \] Thus, we would argue, many key results that are ultimately due to the non-commutativity of non-collinear boosts can be easily rephrased in terms of the algebra of quaternions.

The super Frobenius-Schur indicator and finite group gauge theories on pin$^-$ surfaces. (arXiv:2002.10642v2 [math.RT] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Takumi Ichikawa, Yuji Tachikawa, relevance 5.75

It is well-known that the value of the Frobenius-Schur indicator $|G|^{-1} \sum_{g\in G} \chi(g^2)=\pm1$ of a real irreducible representation of a finite group $G$ determines which of the two types of real representations it belongs to, i.e. whether it is strictly real or quaternionic. We study the extension to the case when a homomorphism $\varphi:G\to \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ gives the group algebra $\mathbb{C}[G]$ the structure of a superalgebra. Namely, we construct of a super version of the Frobenius-Schur indicator whose value for a real irreducible super representation is an eighth root of unity, distinguishing which of the eight types of irreducible real super representations described in [Wall1964] it belongs to. We also discuss its significance in the context of two-dimensional finite-group gauge theories on pin$^-$ surfaces.

Consequences of Analytic Boundary Conditions in AdS. (arXiv:2002.10609v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Gary T. Horowitz, Diandian Wang, relevance 14.22

We investigate the effects of an analytic boundary metric for smooth asymptotically anti-de Sitter gravitational solutions. The boundary dynamics is then completely determined by the initial data due to corner conditions that all smooth solutions must obey. We perturb a number of familiar static solutions and explore the boundary dynamics that results. We find evidence for a nonlinear asymptotic instability of the planar black hole in four and six dimensions. In four dimensions we find indications of at least exponential growth, while in six dimensions, it appears that a singularity may form in finite time on the boundary. This instability extends to pure AdS (at least in the Poincare patch). For the class of perturbations we consider, there is no sign of this instability in five dimensions.

Generalized scale behavior and renormalization group for principal component analysis. (arXiv:2002.10574v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Vincent Lahoche, Dine Ousmane Samary, Mohamed Tamaazousti, relevance 0.68

Some recent results showed that renormalization group can be considered as a promising framework to address open issues in data analysis. In this work, we focus on one of these aspects, closely related to principal component analysis for the case of large dimensional data sets with covariance having a nearly continuous spectrum. In this case, the distinction between ``noise-like'' and ``non-noise'' modes becomes arbitrary and an open challenge for standard methods. Observing that both renormalization group and principal component analysis search for simplification for systems involving many degrees of freedom, we aim to use the renormalization group argument to clarify the turning point between noise and information modes. The analogy between coarse-graining renormalization and principal component analysis have been investigated in [Journal of Statistical Physics, 167, Issue 3-4, pp 462-475, (2017)], from a perturbative framework, and the implementation with real sets of data by the same authors showed that the procedure may reflect more than a simple formal analogy. In particular, the separation of sampling noise modes may be controlled by a non-Gaussian fixed point, reminiscent of the behaviour of critical systems. In our analysis, we go beyond the perturbative framework using nonperturbative techniques to investigate non-Gaussian fixed points and propose a deeper formalism allowing going beyond power law assumptions for explicit computations.

Regularization by $\varepsilon$-metric. II. Limit $\varepsilon = + 0$. (arXiv:2002.10527v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by V. D. Ivashchuk, relevance 0.00

In a wide class of propagators regularized by the $\varepsilon$-metric [1], the $R$-operation is formulated. It is proved that the limit of renormalized Feynman integrals exists and is covariant. Possible applications in gravity are discussed. (The paper is an English translation of the second of two articles in Russian published by the author in 1987-88: V.D. Ivashchuk, Regularization by $\varepsilon$-metric. II. Limit $\varepsilon = +0$, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Moldavskoy SSR, Ser. fiziko-tekhnicheskih i matematicheskih nauk, No. 1, p. 10-20 (1988) [in Russian] .)

Thermodynamics and Cardy-like formula for nonminimally dressed, charged Lifshitz black holes in New Massive Gravity. (arXiv:2002.10520v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Moises Bravo-Gaete, María Montserrat Juárez-Aubry, relevance 16.40

In three dimensions, we consider the Einstein-Maxwell Lagrangian dressed by a nonminimally coupled scalar field in New Massive Gravity. For this theory, we provide two families of electrically charged Lifshitz black holes where their metric functions depend only on an integration constant. We calculate their masses using the quasilocal approach, as well as their entropy and electric charge. These charged configurations are interpreted as extremal in the sense that the mass vanishes identically while the entropy and electric charge are non zero thermodynamic quantities. Using these examples, we corroborate that the semiclassical entropy can be recovered through a charged Cardy-like formula, involving the corresponding magnetically charged solitons obtained by a double Wick rotation. Finally, the first law of thermodynamics, as well as the Smarr formula are also verified

A Taxonomy of Twists of Supersymmetric Yang--Mills Theory. (arXiv:2002.10517v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Chris Elliott, Pavel Safronov, Brian R. Williams, relevance 0.84

We give a complete classification of twists of supersymmetric Yang--Mills theories in dimensions $2\leq n \leq 10$. We formulate supersymmetric Yang--Mills theory classically using the BV formalism, and then we construct an action of the supersymmetry algebra using the language of $L_\infty$ algebras. For each orbit in the space of square-zero supercharges in the supersymmetry algebra, under the action of the spin group and the group of R-symmetries, we give a description of the corresponding twisted theory. These twists can be described in terms of mixed holomorphic-topological versions of Chern--Simons and BF theory.

Black Hole Superradiance in f(R) Gravities. (arXiv:2002.10496v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mohsen Khodadi, Alireza Talebian, Hassan Firouzjahi, relevance 15.94

We study the superradiance amplification factor (SAF) for a charged massive scalar wave scattering off small and slowly rotating Kerr-Newman black holes in f(R) gravity immersed in asymptotically flat and de-Sitter spacetimes. The f(R)-Kerr-Newman family solution induces an extra distinguishable effect on the contribution of the black hole's electric charge to the metric and that in turn affects the SAFs and their frequency ranges. While our analysis are general, but we present the numerical results for the Starobinsky and Hu-Sawicki f(R) models of gravity as our working examples. In the case of asymptotically flat spacetime, the SAFs predicted in Starobinsky f(R) model are not distinguishable from those of GR while for Hu-Sawicki model the SAFs can be weaker or stronger than those of GR within the frequency parameters space. In the case of asymptotically de-Sitter spacetime, superradiance scattering does not occur in Starobinsky model while in Hu-Sawicki model the results of SAFs and their frequency regimes are different from standard ones which can have important astronomical implications.

Disk, interval, point: on constructions of quantum field theories with holomorphic action functionals. (arXiv:2002.10488v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nafiz Ishtiaque, Junya Yagi, relevance 0.00

Bosonic quantum field theories with holomorphic action functionals are realized by two types of constructions involving supersymmetric quantum field theories, compactified on an interval in one type and compactified on a disk and deformed in the other. We establish the equivalence between the two types of constructions by reducing the disk to the interval and the interval to a point. As examples, we discuss constructions of zero-dimensional gauged sigma model, gauged quantum mechanics, gauged symplectic bosons in two dimensions, and Chern-Simons theory and its higher-dimensional variants.

Status of Intersection Theory and Feynman Integrals. (arXiv:2002.10476v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sebastian Mizera, relevance 0.00

We give a pedagogical review of the recently-introduced notion of a "scalar product" between Feynman integrals and how it helps us understand the analytic structure of the perturbative S-matrix. (This article is a contribution to the proceedings of the workshop "MathemAmplitudes 2019: Intersection Theory and Feynman Integrals" held in Padova, Italy on 18-20 December 2019.)

Tensor network renormalization with fusion charges: applications to 3d lattice gauge theory. (arXiv:2002.10472v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by William J. Cunningham, Bianca Dittrich, Sebastian Steinhaus, relevance 15.17

Tensor network methods are powerful and efficient tools to study the properties and dynamics of statistical and quantum systems, in particular in one and two dimensions. In recent years, these methods were applied to lattice gauge theories, yet these theories remain a challenge in $(2+1)$ dimensions. In this article, we present a new (decorated) tensor network algorithm, in which the tensors encode the lattice gauge amplitude expressed in the fusion basis.

This has several advantages: Firstly, the fusion basis does diagonalize operators measuring the magnetic fluxes and electric charges associated to a hierarchical set of regions. The algorithm allows therefore a direct access to these observables. Secondly the fusion basis is, as opposed to the previously employed spin network basis, stable under coarse graining. Thirdly, due to the hierarchical structure of the fusion basis, the algorithm does implement predefined disentangles, that remove short-scale entanglement.

We apply this new algorithm to lattice gauge theories defined for the quantum group $\text{SU}(2)_{\rm k}$ and identify a weak and a strong coupling phase for various levels $\rm k$. As we increase the level $\rm k$, the critical coupling $g_c$ decreases linearly, suggesting the absence of a deconfining phase for the continuous group $\text{SU}(2)$. Moreover, we illustrate the scaling behaviour of the Wilson loops in the two phases.

Entanglement and the Double Copy. (arXiv:2002.10470v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Clifford Cheung, Grant N. Remmen, relevance 20.59

We construct entangled states of gluons that scatter exactly as if they were gravitons. Operationally, these objects implement the double copy at the level of the wave function. Our analysis begins with a general ansatz for a wave function characterizing gluons in two copies of ${\rm SU}(N)$ gauge theory. Given relatively minimal assumptions following from permutation invariance and dimensional analysis, the three- and four-particle wave functions generate scattering amplitudes that automatically coincide exactly with gravity, modulo normalization. For five-particle scattering the match is not automatic but imposing certain known selection rules on the amplitude is sufficient to uniquely reproduce gravity. The resulting amplitudes exhibit a color-dressed and permutation-invariant form of the usual double copy relations. We compute the entanglement entropy between the two gauge theory copies and learn that these states are maximally-entangled at large $N$. Moreover, this approach extends immediately to effective field theories, where Born-Infeld photons and Galileons can be similarly recast as entangled gluons and pions.

Anomaly Inflow Methods for SCFT Constructions in Type IIB. (arXiv:2002.10466v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ibrahima Bah, Federico Bonetti, Ruben Minasian, Peter Weck, relevance 0.00

We extend the anomaly inflow methods developed in M-theory to SCFTs engineered via D3-branes in type IIB. We show that the 't Hooft anomalies of such SCFTs can be computed systematically from their geometric definition. Our procedure is tested in several 4d examples and applied to 2d theories obtained by wrapping D3-branes on a Riemann surface. In particular, we show how to analyze half-BPS regular punctures for 4d $\mathcal N = 4$ SYM on a Riemann surface. We discuss generalizations of this formalism to type IIB configurations with $F_3$, $H_3$ fluxes, as well as to F-theory setups.

Milky Way Satellites Shining Bright in Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:2002.10465v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Elinore Roebber, Riccardo Buscicchio, Alberto Vecchio, Christopher J. Moore, Antoine Klein, Valeriya Korol, Silvia Toonen, Davide Gerosa, Janna Goldstein, Sebastian M. Gaebel, Tyrone E. Woods, relevance 0.00

The population of Milky Way satellite galaxies is of great interest for cosmology, fundamental physics, and astrophysics. They represent the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function, are the most dark-matter dominated objects in the local Universe, and contain the oldest and most metal-poor stellar populations. Recent surveys have revealed around 60 satellites, but this could represent less than half of the total. Characterization of these systems remains a challenge due to their low luminosity. We consider the gravitational wave observatory LISA as a potential tool for studying these satellites through observations of their short-period double white dwarf populations. LISA will observe the entire sky without selection effects due to dust extinction, complementing optical surveys, and could potentially discover massive satellites hidden behind the disk of the galaxy.

Populations of double white dwarfs in Milky Way satellites and their detectability with LISA. (arXiv:2002.10462v1 [astro-ph.GA] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by V. Korol, S. Toonen, A. Klein, V. Belokurov, F. Vincenzo, R. Buscicchio, D. Gerosa, C. J. Moore, E. Roebber, E. M. Rossi, A. Vecchio, relevance 0.00

Milky Way dwarf satellites are unique objects that encode the early structure formation and therefore represent a window into the high redshift Universe. So far, their study was conducted using electromagnetic waves only. The future Laser Interpreter Space Antenna (LISA) has the potential to reveal Milky Way satellites in gravitational waves emitted by double white dwarf (DWD) binaries. We investigate gravitational wave (GW) signals detectable by LISA as a possible tool for the identification and characterisation of the Milky Way satellites. We use the binary population synthesis technique to model the population of DWDs in dwarf satellites and we assess the impact on the number of LISA detections when making changes to the total stellar mass, distance, star formation history and metallicity of satellites. We calibrate predictions for the known Milky Way satellites on their observed properties. We find that DWDs emitting at frequencies $\gtrsim 3\,$mHz can be detected in Milky Way satellites at large galactocentric distances. The number of these high frequency DWDs per satellite primarily depends on its mass, distance, age and star formation history, and only mildly depends on the other assumptions regarding their evolution such as metallicity. We find that dwarf galaxies with $M_\star>10^6\,$M$_{\odot}$ can host detectable LISA sources with a number of detections that scales linearly with the satellite's mass. We forecast that out of the known satellites, Sagittarius, Fornax, Sculptor and the Magellanic Clouds can be detected with LISA. As an all-sky survey that does not suffer from contamination and dust extinction, LISA will provide observations of the Milky Way and dwarf satellites galaxies valuable for Galactic archaeology and near-field cosmology.

A $k$-contact Lagrangian formulation for nonconservative field theories. (arXiv:2002.10458v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Jordi Gaset, Xavier Gràcia, Miguel C. Muñoz-Lecanda, Xavier Rivas, Narciso Román-Roy, relevance 0.00

We present a geometric Lagrangian formulation for first-order field theories with dissipation. This formulation is based on the $k$-contact geometry introduced in a previous paper, and gathers contact Lagrangian mechanics with $k$-symplectic Lagrangian field theory together. We also study the symmetries and dissipation laws for these nonconservative theories, and analyze some examples.

Quantum correlations in time. (arXiv:2002.10448v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Tian Zhang, Oscar Dahlsten, Vlatko Vedral, relevance 1.57

We investigate quantum correlations in time in different approaches, under the assumption that temporal correlations should be treated in an even-handed manner with spatial correlations. We compare the pseudo-density matrix formalism with several other approaches: indefinite causal structures, consistent histories, generalised quantum games, out-of-time-order correlations(OTOCs), and path integrals. We establish relationships among these space-time approaches in non-relativistic quantum theory, and show that they are closely related and map into each other. This results in a unified picture in which temporal correlations in different space-time approaches are the same or operationally equivalent. However, the path integral formalism defines correlations in terms of amplitude measure rather than probability measure in other approaches, thus do not fit into the unified picture.

Propagation of Gravitational Waves in Chern-Simons Axion $F(R)$ Gravity. (arXiv:2002.10402v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Shin'ichi Nojiri, S.D. Odintsov, V.K. Oikonomou, Arkady A. Popov, relevance 0.00

In this paper we shall study the evolution of cosmological gravitational waves in the context of Chern-Simons axion $F(R)$ gravity. In the case of Chern-Simons axion $F(R)$ gravity there exist spin-0, spin-2 and spin-1 modes. As we demonstrate, from all the gravitational waves modes of the Chern-Simons axion $F(R)$ gravity, only the two tensor modes are affected, while the spin-0 and spin-1 modes are not affected at all. With regard to the two tensor modes, we show that these modes propagate in a non-equivalent way, so the resulting tensor modes are chiral. Notably, with regard to the propagation of the spin-2 graviton modes, the structure of the dispersion relations becomes more complicated in comparison with the Einstein gravity with the Chern-Simons axion, but the resulting qualitative features of the propagating modes are not changed. With regard to the spin-0 and spin-1 modes, the Chern-Simons axion $F(R)$ gravity contains two spin-0 modes and no vector spin-1 mode at all. We also find that for the very high energy mode, both the group velocity and the phase velocity are proportional to the inverse of the square root of the wave number, and therefore the velocities become smaller for larger wave numbers or even vanish in the limit that the wave number goes to infinity.

Revisiting the 2PN pericentre precession in view of possible future measurements of it. (arXiv:2002.10364v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lorenzo Iorio, relevance 0.51

At the second post-Newtonian (2PN) order, the secular pericentre precession $\dot\omega^\mathrm{2PN}$ of either a full two-body system made of well detached non-rotating monopole masses of comparable size and a restricted two-body system composed of a point particle orbiting a fixed central mass have been analytically computed so far with a variety of approaches. We offer our contribution by analytically computing $\dot\omega^\mathrm{2PN}$ in a perturbative way with the method of variation of elliptical elements by explicitly calculating both the direct contribution due to the 2PN acceleration ${\boldsymbol A}^\mathrm{2PN}$, and also an indirect part arising from the self-interaction of the 1PN acceleration ${\boldsymbol A}^\mathrm{1PN}$ in the orbital average accounting for the instantaneous shifts induced by ${\boldsymbol A}^\mathrm{1PN}$ itself. Explicit formulas are straightforwardly obtained for both the point particle and full two-body cases without recurring to simplifying assumptions on the eccentricity $e$. Two different numerical integrations of the equations of motion confirm our analytical results for both the direct and indirect precessions. The values of the resulting effects for Mercury and some binary pulsars are confronted with the present-day level of experimental accuracies in measuring/constraining their pericentre precessions. The supermassive binary black hole in the BL Lac object OJ 287 is considered as well. A comparison with some of the results appeared in the literature is made.

Magnetic field configurations in neutron stars from MHD simulations. (arXiv:2002.10357v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ankan Sur, Brynmor Haskell, Emily Kuhn, relevance 0.00

We have studied numerically the evolution of magnetic fields in barotropic neutron stars, by performing nonlinear magnetohydrodynamical simulations with the code PLUTO. For both initially predominantly poloidal and toroidal fields, with varying strengths, we find that the field settles down to a mixed poloidal-toroidal configuration, where the toroidal component contributes between 10% and 20% of the total magnetic energy. This is, however, not a strict equilibrium, as the instability leads to the development of turbulence, which in turn gives rise to an inverse helicity cascade, which determines the final 'twisted torus' setup. The final field configuration is thus dictated by the non-linear saturation of the instability and is not stationary. The average energy of the poloidal and toroidal components, however, is approximately stable in our simulations, and a complex multipolar structure emerges at the surface, while the magnetic field is dipolar at the exterior boundary, outside the star.

Black Hole as a Quantum Field Configuration. (arXiv:2002.10331v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hikaru Kawai, Yuki Yokokura, relevance 11.60

We describe 4D evaporating black holes as quantum field configurations by solving the semi-classical Einstein equation $G_{\mu\nu}=8\pi G \langle \psi|T_{\mu\nu}|\psi \rangle$ and quantum matter fields in a self-consistent manner. As the matter fields we consider $N$ massless free scalar fields ($N$ is large). We find a spherically symmetric self-consistent solution of the metric $g_{\mu\nu}$ and state $|\psi\rangle$. Here, $g_{\mu\nu}$ is locally $AdS_2\times S^2$ geometry, and $|\psi\rangle$ provides $\langle \psi|T_{\mu\nu}|\psi \rangle=\langle0|T_{\mu\nu}|0 \rangle+T_{\mu\nu}^{(\psi)}$, where $|0\rangle$ is the ground state of the matter fields in the metric and $T_{\mu\nu}^{(\psi)}$ consists of the excitation of s-waves that describe the collapsing matter and Hawking radiation with the ingoing negative energy flow. This object is supported by a large tangential pressure $\langle0|T^\theta{}_\theta|0 \rangle$ due to the vacuum fluctuation of the bound modes with large angular momenta. This describes the interior of the black hole when the back reaction of the evaporation is considered. The black hole is a compact object with a surface (instead of horizon) that looks like a conventional black hole from the outside and eventually evaporates without a singularity. If we count the number of self-consistent configurations $\{|\psi\rangle\}$, we reproduce the area law of the entropy. This tells that the information is carried by the s-waves inside the black hole. $|\psi\rangle$ also describes the process that the negative ingoing energy flow created with Hawking radiation is superposed on the collapsing matter to decrease the total energy while the total energy density remains positive. As a special case, we consider conformal matter fields and show that the interior metric is determined by the matter content of the theory, which leads to a new constraint to the matter content.

IR-deformed thermodynamics of quantum bouncers and the issue of dimensional reduction. (arXiv:2002.10279v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Parham Dehghani, Kourosh Nozari, relevance 7.91

We probe the low-temperature behavior of a system of quantum bouncers as a theoretical model for ultracold neutrons within a low energy modified version of the standard quantum mechanics, due to the gravitational effects. Working in one dimension, the energy spectrum and bound states of a deformed quantum bouncer are obtained using the first-order WKB approximation, granted the very low energy regime of the particle. In this manner, we can study energy levels of a system of ultracold neutrons as an informative probe towards exploring the low energy manifestation of semi-classical quantum gravitational effects. Our calculated energy levels of ultracold neutrons are in accordance with the observed energy levels, as obtained in the famous Nesvizhevsky \emph{et al.} experiment, with a negative constant deformation, as dependent on the deformation parameter. In advance, we tackle modified thermodynamics of a system of quantum bouncers in the infrared regime via an ensemble theory both in one dimension and also three dimensions, to seek for any trace of an effective, thermodynamic dimensional reduction in this low energy regime of semi-classical quantum gravity. While the issue of dimensional reduction has been essentially assigned to the high energy regime, here we show that there is a trace of an effective, thermodynamic dimensional reduction in infrared regime with one important difference: in the high energy regime, the dimensional reduction effectively occurs from $D=3$ to $D=1$, but here, in this low energy regime, there is a trace of thermodynamic dimensional reduction from $D=3$ to $D=2$.

On minimal entanglement wedge cross section for holographic entanglement negativity. (arXiv:2002.10272v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jaydeep Kumar Basak, Vinay Malvimat, Himanshu Parihar, Boudhayan Paul, Gautam Sengupta, relevance 41.47

We propose an alternate construction to compute the minimal entanglement wedge cross section (EWCS) for a single interval in a $(1+1)$ dimensional holographic conformal field theory at a finite temperature, dual to a bulk planar BTZ black hole geometry. Utilizing this construction we compute the holographic entanglement negativity for the above mixed state configuration from a recent conjecture in the literature. Our results exactly reproduce the corresponding replica technique results in the large central charge limit and resolves the issue of the missing thermal term for the holographic entanglement negativity computed earlier in the literature. In this context we compare the results for the holographic entanglement negativity utilizing the minimum EWCS and an alternate earlier proposal involving an algebraic sum of the lengths of the geodesics homologous to specific combinations of appropriate intervals. From our analysis we conclude that the two quantities are proportional in the context of the $AdS_3/CFT_2$ scenario and this possibly extends to the higher dimensional $AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d$ framework.

An exact solution for a force-free field electrodynamics accretion disk surrounding a perturbed charged black hole. (arXiv:2002.10264v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Haidar Sheikhahmadi, relevance 10.13

Recently the first real image of the supermassive black hole at the heart of the galaxy M87 successfully has been captured. To explain the behavior of both the observed powerful jets and the electromagnetic accretion disk the Blandford Znajek mechanism, by the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration, has been considered. To justify these phenomena we are seeking an exact solution for a perturbed Rissner-Nordstrom black hole surrounded by a force-free field electrodynamics accretion disk. Although a charged black hole is a toy model, by tending the charge to zero one can obtain the results for a perturbed, rotating, Schwarzschild one immediately. Finding an exact solution in regards to the force-free field electrodynamics as a source for perturbations in different classes of the black holes is may one of the open problems yet. Here to find the solution, different Maxwell's scalars besides the energy-momentum tensor in both tangent and bend backgrounds are calculated. In doing so, the well known Newman-Penrose formalism is considered.

Electromagnetic phenomena around black holes. (arXiv:2002.10262v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by A.D. Dolgov, relevance 18.21

Transition of gravitational waves, produced in the process of coalescence of black hole binaries, into electromagnetic radiation in magnetic field is discussed. The magnetic field is assumed to be created by rotating electrically charged black holes. The process of electric charging of black holes due to different mobilities of protons and electrons in the surrounding plasma is described.

Fast-rotating galaxies do not depart from the MOND mass-asymptotic-speed relation. (arXiv:2002.10204v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Mordehai Milgrom, relevance 0.00

Ogle et al. have fallaciously argued recently that fast-rotating disc galaxies break with the predictions of MOND: the 6 fastest rotators of the 23 galaxies in their sample appear to have higher rotational speeds than is consistent with the MOND relation between the baryonic mass of a galaxy, $M$, and its `rotational speed', $V$. They interpret this departure as a break in the observed $M-V$ relation from a logarithmic slope near the MOND-predicted $4$, to a shallow slope of $\approx 0$. However, Ogle et al. use the MAXIMAL rotational speed of the galaxies, $V_{max}$, not the ASYMPTOTIC one, $V_\infty$, which appears in the MOND prediction, $V_\infty^4=MGa_0$. Plotting their $M$ vs. $V_{max}$ pairs on an $M$ vs. $V_\infty$ plot from Lelli et al. (2016), they arrive erroneously at the above tension with MOND. The $H_\alpha$ rotation curves used by Ogle et al. are far too short reaching to probe the asymptotic regime, and determine $V_\infty$. However, it is well documented for fast rotators with observed, extended, HI rotation curves, that they can have $V_{max}$ considerably larger than the MOND-relevant $V_\infty$ [Noordermeer and Verheijen (NV) (2007) and others]. E.g., the fastest rotator in the NV sample has $V_{max}\approx 490{\rm ~km/s}$, but $V_\infty\approx 250{\rm ~km/s}$. NV also show that in a (MOND-irrelevant) $M-V_{max}$ plot the high-speed galaxies fall off the power-law line defined by the lower-speed ones, creating a break in the $M$ vs. $V$ relation, in just the way claimed by Ogle et al. But, when plotting the MOND-relevant $M$ vs. $V_\infty$ all galaxies fall near the same power-law relation, without a break.

Reconstructing the Fraction of Baryons in the Intergalactic Medium with Fast Radio Bursts via Gaussian Processes. (arXiv:2002.10189v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Da-Chun Qiang, Hao Wei, relevance 0.32

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are a promising new probe for astronomy and cosmology. Thanks to their extragalactic and cosmological origin, FRBs could be used to study the intergalactic medium (IGM) and the cosmic expansion. It is expected that numerous FRBs with identified redshifts will be available in the near future through the identification of their host galaxies or counterparts. $\rm DM_{IGM}$, the contribution from IGM to the observed dispersion measure (DM) of FRB, carries the key information about IGM and the cosmic expansion history. We can thus study the evolution of the universe by using FRBs with identified redshifts. In the present work, we are interested in the fraction of baryon mass in the IGM, $f_{\rm IGM}$, which is useful to study the cosmic expansion and the problem of the "missing baryons". We propose to reconstruct the evolution of $f_{\rm IGM}$ as a function of redshift $z$ with FRBs via a completely model-independent method, namely Gaussian processes. Since there is not a large sample of FRBs with identified redshifts, we use simulated FRBs instead. Through various simulations, we show that this methodology works well.

Perturbative Thermal QCD: Formalism and Applications. (arXiv:2002.10188v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jacopo Ghiglieri, Aleksi Kurkela, Michael Strickland, Aleksi Vuorinen, relevance 0.60

In this review article, we discuss the current status and future prospects of perturbation theory as a means of studying the equilibrium thermodynamic and near-equilibrium transport properties of deconfined QCD matter. We begin with a brief introduction to the general topic, after which we review in some detail the foundations and modern techniques of the real- and imaginary-time formalisms of thermal field theory, covering e.g. the different bases used in the real-time formalism and the resummations required to deal with soft and collinear contributions. After this, we discuss the current status of applications of these techniques, including topics such as electromagnetic rates, transport coefficients, jet quenching, heavy quarks and quarkonia, and the Equations of State of hot quark-gluon plasma as well as cold and dense quark matter. Finally, we conclude with our view of the future directions of the field, i.e. how we anticipate perturbative calculations to contribute to our collective understanding of strongly interacting matter in the coming years.

Non singular, bouncing M theory universe. (arXiv:2002.10161v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Saroj Prasad Chhatoi, S. Kalyana Rama, relevance 1.64

We propose a set of equations as a simple model for non singular evolutions of a $10 + 1$ dimensional M theory universe. Our model uses ideas from Loop Quantum Cosmology and offers a solution to the important problem of singularity resolutions. We solve the equations numerically and find that an M theory universe in this model evolves non singularly and with a bounce : going back in time, its density reaches a maximum and decreases thereafter whereas its physical size reaches a non vanishing minimum and increases thereafter. Taking the constituents of the universe to be the most entropic ones (which are four sets of intersecting M branes) leads to an effectively $3 + 1$ dimensional spacetime as the M theory universe expands, both in the infinite past and future.

Non-Euclidean Newtonian Cosmology. (arXiv:2002.10155v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by John D. Barrow, relevance 0.75

We formulate and solve the problem of Newtonian cosmology under the assumption that the absolute space of Newton is non-Euclidean. In particular, we focus on the negatively-curved hyperbolic space, H3. We point out the inequivalence between the curvature term that arises in the Friedmann equation in Newtonian cosmology in Euclidean space and the role of curvature in the H3 space. We find the generalisation of the inverse-square law and the solutions of the Newtonian cosmology that follow from it. We find the generalisations of the Euclidean Michell 'black hole' in H3 and show that it leads to different maximum force and area results to those we have found in general relativity. We show how to add the counterpart of the cosmological constant to the gravitational potential in H3 and explore the solutions and asymptotes of the cosmological models that result. We also discuss the problems of introducing compact topologies in Newtonian cosmologies with non-negative spatial curvature.

Constraining Conformal Theories in Large Dimensions. (arXiv:2002.10147v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Abhijit Gadde, Trakshu Sharma, relevance 6.10

In this paper, we analyze the constraints imposed by unitarity and crossing symmetry on conformal theories in large dimensions. In particular, we show that in a unitary conformal theory in large dimension $D$, the four-point function of identical scalar operators $\phi$ with scaling dimension $\Delta_\phi$ such that $\Delta_\phi/D<3/4$, is necessarily that of the generalized free field theory. This result follows only from crossing symmetry and unitarity. In particular, we do not impose the existence of a conserved spin two operator (stress tensor). We also present an argument to extend the applicability of this result to a larger range of conformal dimensions, namely to $\Delta_\phi/D<1$. This extension requires some reasonable assumptions about the spectrum of light operators. Together, these results suggest that if there is a non-trivial conformal theory in large dimensions, not necessarily having a stress tensor, then its relevant operators must be exponentially weakly coupled with the rest.

Cosmogenic neutrino fluxes under the effect of active-sterile secret interactions. (arXiv:2002.10125v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Damiano F. G. Fiorillo, Gennaro Miele, Stefano Morisi, Ninetta Saviano, relevance 0.00

Ultra High Energy cosmogenic neutrinos may represent a unique opportunity to unveil possible new physics interactions once restricted to the neutrino sector only. In the present paper we study the observable effects of a secret active-sterile interactions, mediated by a pseudoscalar, on the expected flux of cosmogenic neutrinos. The results show that for masses of sterile neutrinos and pseudoscalars of hundreds MeV, necessary to evade cosmological, astrophysical and elementary particle constraints, the presence of such new interactions can significantly change the energy spectrum of cosmogenic neutrinos at Earth in the energy range from PeV to ZeV. Interestingly, the distortion of the spectrum results to be detectable at GRAND apparatus if the scalar mediator mass is around 250 MeV and the UHECRs are dominated by the proton component. Larger mediator masses or a chemical composition of UHECRs dominated by heavier nuclei would require much larger cosmic rays apparatus which might be available in future.

Toward practical/realistic Randall-Sundrum Brane world scenario. (arXiv:2002.10095v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Uicheol Jang, Hongsu Kim, relevance 0.00

The Randall- Sundrum brane world scenario is mostly preserved and still secure as we realized that the graviton trap is still safely guaranteed. We would like to empathize here that such necessary but rich elaboration doesn't cost a fortune as the Ricci flatness condition effectively accommodates the realistic structure of our universe on the one hand, while still sustaining the 4-dimensional graviton trap on the other.

Renormalization of the band gap in 2D materials through the competition between electromagnetic and four-fermion interactions. (arXiv:2002.10027v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luis Fernández, Van Sérgio Alves, Leandro O. Nascimento, Francisco Peña, M. Gomes, E. C. Marino, relevance 0.00

Recently the renormalization of the band gap $m$, in both WSe$_2$ and MoS$_2$, has been experimentally measured as a function of the carrier concentration $n$. The main result establishes a decreasing of hundreds of meV, in comparison with the bare band gap, as the carrier concentration increases. These materials are known as transition metal dichalcogenides and their low-energy excitations are, approximately, described by the massive Dirac equation. Using Pseudo Quantum Electrodynamics (PQED) to describe the electromagnetic interaction between these quasiparticles and from renormalization group analysis, we obtain that the renormalized mass describes the band gap renormalization with a function given by $m(n)/m_0=(n/n_0)^{C_\lambda/2}$, where $m_0=m(n_0)$ and $C_\lambda$ is a function of the coupling constant $\lambda$. We compare our theoretical results with the experimental findings for WSe$_2$ and MoS$_2$, and we conclude that our approach is in agreement with these experimental results for reasonable values of $\lambda$. In addition we introduced a Gross-Neveu (GN) interaction which could simulate an disorder/impurity-like microscopic interaction. In this case, we show that there exists a critical coupling constant, namely, $\lambda_c \approx 0,66$ in which the beta function of the mass vanishes, providing a stable fixed point in the ultraviolet limit. For $\lambda>\lambda_c$, the renormalized mass decreases while for $\lambda<\lambda_c$ it increases with the carrier concentration.

One-loop order effects from one universal extra dimension on $\lambda\phi^{4}$ theory. (arXiv:2002.10015v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. A. López-Osorio, E. Martínez-Pascual, G. I. Nápoles-Cañedo, J. J. Toscano, relevance 0.66

The self-interacting $\lambda\phi^{4}$ scalar field theory is a warhorse in quantum field theory. Here we explore the one-loop order impact from one universal extra dimension, $S^{1}/\mathbb{Z}_{2}$, to the self-energy and four point vertex functions associated to this theory. Such effects come as an infinite number of UV divergences corresponding to an infinite superposition of excited KK particles around the loop. We show that dimensional regularisation is adequate enough to control them in terms of the product of the one dimensional inhomogenous Epstein zeta function times the gamma function. From the analytical properties of these functions, the UV divergences are extracted and the counterterms defined; the latter turn out to be of canonical dimension four at the Lagrangian level. We use both, the MS-scheme and a mass-dependent subtraction scheme to remove divergences. Only the latter manifestly satisfy the decoupling theorem.

The square root of the vacuum I. Equivariance for the $\kappa$-symmetry superdistribution. (arXiv:2002.10012v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rafał R. Suszek, relevance 0.51

A complete and natural geometric and physical interpretation of the tangential gauge supersymmetry, also known as $\kappa$-symmetry, of a large class of Green-Schwarz(-type) super-$\sigma$-models for the super-$p$-brane in a homogeneous space of a (supersymmetry) Lie supergroup is established in the convenient setting of the topological Hughes-Polchinski formulation of the super-$\sigma$-model and illustrated on a number of physical examples. The supersymmetry is identified as an odd superdistribution in the tangent sheaf of the supertarget of the super-$\sigma$-model, generating - through its weak derived flag - the vacuum foliation of the supertarget. It is also demonstrated to canonically lift to the vacuum restriction of the extended Hughes-Polchinski $p$-gerbe associated with the superbackground of the field theory, and that in the form of a canonical linearised equivariant structure thereon, canonically compatible with the residual global supersymmetry of the vacuum.

Holographic Mutual Information and Critical Exponents of the Strongly Coupled Plasma. (arXiv:2002.09993v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hajar Ebrahim, Gol-Mohammad Nafisi, relevance 13.40

This note contains discussions on the entanglement entropy and mutual information of a strongly coupled field theory with a critical point which has a holographic dual. We investigate analytically, in the specific regimes of parameters, how these non-local operators behave near the critical point. Interestingly, we observe that although the mutual information is constant at the critical point, its slope shows a power-law divergence in the vicinity of the critical point. We show that the leading behavior of mutual information at and near the critical point could yield a set of critical exponents if we regard it as an order parameter. Our result for this set of static critical exponents is (1/2,1/2,1/2,2) which is identical to the one calculated via the thermodynamic quantities. Hence it suggests that beside the numerous merits of mutual information, this quantity also captures the critical behavior of the underlying field theory and it could be used as a proper measure to probe the phase structure associated with the strongly coupled systems.

Relative entanglement entropy of thermal states of Klein-Gordon and Dirac quantum field theories. (arXiv:2002.09985v1 [math-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Onirban Islam, relevance 32.74

An upper bound of the relative entanglement entropy of thermal states at an inverse temperature $\beta$ of linear, massive Klein-Gordon and Dirac quantum field theories across two regions, separated by a nonzero distance $d$ in a Cauchy hypersurface of an ultrastatic (spin-)spacetime has been computed. This entanglement measure is bounded by a negative constant times $\ln | \tanh (\pi d/ 2 \beta) |$ which signifies power law decay for asymptotic $d$ where the exponent depends on $\beta < \infty$.

Explicit kinks in higher-order field theories. (arXiv:2002.09981v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Vakhid A. Gani, Aliakbar Moradi Marjaneh, Petr A. Blinov, relevance 0.24

We study an example of higher-order field-theoretic model with an eighth-degree polynomial potential -- the $\varphi^8$ model. We show that for some certain ratios of constants of the potential, the problem of finding kink-type solutions in $(1+1)$-dimensional space-time reduces to solving algebraic equations. For two different ratios of the constants, which determine positions of the vacua, we obtained explicit formulas for kinks in all topological sectors. The properties of the obtained kinks are also studied -- their masses are calculated, and the excitation spectra which could be responsible for the appearance of resonance phenomena in kink-antikink scattering are found.

Holographic complexity of Born-Infeld gravity. (arXiv:2002.09974v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hamid R. Bakhtiarizadeh, Ghadir Jafari, relevance 11.39

We investigate the duality conjecture "Complexity=Action" (CA) for Born-Infeld (BI) gravity model and derive the growth rate of its action within the Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) patch, which is believed to be dual to the growth rate of quantum complexity of holographic boundary state. In order to find the correct on-shell action, we use direct variational procedure to find proper boundary and corner terms. We find out that the late-time behavior of holographic complexity is the well-known two times of energy, as expected.

Sliding Surface Charges on AdS$_3$. (arXiv:2002.09962v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by H. Adami, V. Hosseinzadeh, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, relevance 15.02

We consider Einstein gravity on a patch of AdS$_3$ spacetime between two radii $r_1, r_2$. We compute surface charges and their algebra at an arbitrary radius $r$ such that it reduces to a given set of surface charges at $r_1, r_2$. The $r$-dependent charges become integrable upon addition of an appropriate boundary $Y$-term. We observe that soft excitations at each boundary are independent of those at the other boundary. We explicitly construct solution geometries which interpolate between these radii with specified surface charges. The interpolation is smooth provided that the mass and angular momentum measured at the two boundaries are equal.

Asymptotic symmetries in the BV-BFV formalism. (arXiv:2002.09957v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Kasia Rejzner, Michele Schiavina, relevance 0.43

We show how to derive asymptotic charges for field theories on manifolds with "asymptotic" boundary, using the BV-BFV construction. We also prove that the conservation of these charges follows naturally from the vanishing of the boundary action obtained from the BV-BFV procedure. We analyse in detail the case of electrodynamics and the massless scalar field. In particular, we address the controversy present in the literature, whether asymptotic charges really come from large gauge symmetries, or are they simply a consequence of how solutions to the wave equation behave asymptotically. Since the BV formalism describes symmetries and equations of motion in a unified way, the new interpretation that we propose has features of both these viewpoints.

More on the open string pair production. (arXiv:2002.09940v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Nan Zhang, J. X. Lu, relevance 0.00

Motivated by the recent work \cite{Lu:2019ynq} by one of the present authors, we here report that there exist two additional systems, namely, D3/(F, D1) and D3/(D3, (F, D1)), either of which can also give rise to a potentially testable open string pair production rate. Here the D3 is taken as our own (1 + 3)-dimensional world carrying its laboratory collinear electric and magnetic fluxes while the non-threshold bound state (F, D1) or (D3, (F, D1)) is placed parallel nearby in the directions transverse to both our D3 world and the non-threshold bound state considered.

Real analyticity of accessory parameters. (arXiv:2002.09933v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Pietro Menotti, relevance 0.00

We consider the problem of the real analytic dependence of the accessory parameters of Liouville theory on the moduli of the problem, for general elliptic singularities. We give a simplified proof of the almost everywhere real analyticity in the case of a single accessory parameter as it occurs e.g. in the sphere topology with four sources or for the torus topology with a single source by using only the general analyticity properties of the solution of the auxiliary equation. We deal then the case of two accessory parameters. We use the obtained result for a single accessory parameter to derive rigorous properties of the projection of the problem on lower dimensional planes. We derive the real analyticity result for two accessory parameters under an assumption of irreducibility.

Quantum creation of a universe-antiuniverse pair. (arXiv:2002.09863v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S. J. Robles-Perez, relevance 0.00

If one analyses the quantum creation of the universe, it turns out that the most natural way in which the universes can be created is in pairs of universes whose time flow is reversely related. It means that the matter that propagates in one of the universes can be seen, from the point of view of the other universe, as antimatter, and viceversa. They thus form a universe-antiuniverse pair. From a global point of view, i.e. from the point of view of the whole multiverse ensemble, the creation of universes in universe-antiuniverse pairs restores the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in each individual universe and it might provide us with distinguishable imprints of the whole multiverse proposal.

$\alpha'$-Cosmology: solutions and stability analysis. (arXiv:2002.09856v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Heliudson Bernardo, Guilherme Franzmann, relevance 2.08

We review O$(d,d)$ Covariant String Cosmology to all orders in $\alpha'$ in the presence of matter and study its solutions. We show that the perturbative analysis for a constant dilaton in the absence of a dilatonic charge does not lead to a time-independet equation of state. Meanwhile, the non-perturbative equations of motion allow de Sitter solutions in the String frame parametrized by the equation of state and the dilatonic charge. Among this set of solutions, we show that a cosmological constant equation of state implies a de Sitter solution both in String and Einstein frames while a winding equation of state implies a de Sitter solution in the former and a static phase in the latter. We also consider the stability of these solutions under homogeneous linear perturbations and show that they are not unstable, therefore defining viable cosmological scenarios.

A divergent volume for black holes calls for no "firewall". (arXiv:2002.09823v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Baocheng Zhang, Li You, relevance 31.29

The presumption that Hawking radiations are thermally distributed can be considered to result from their entanglement with the internal degrees of freedom for a black hole. This leads to the "firewall" paradox if unitary evolution continues into Page's time when a black hole evaporates away half of its initial entropy. However, if the interior of a black hole houses sufficient degrees of freedom to maintain entanglement with the outside at all times, unitarity can be preserved during the complete radiation process and no firewall will be required. This paper proposes a scenario that rescinds firewall by introducing the concept of volume for a black hole. Based on the operational definition by Christodoulou and Rovelli [1], we show that the volume and its associated entropy for a collapsed black hole diverges if the final evaporation stage is treated using noncommutative space. This implicates the interior of a black hole possesses adequate space to store information for a black hole of any mass, like the inside of a "magician's bag".

Integrality structures in topological strings and quantum $2$-functions. (arXiv:2002.09813v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Shengmao Zhu, relevance 2.04

In this article, we first prove the integrality of open string BPS numbers for a class of toric Calabi-Yau manifolds named generalized conifolds, by applying the method introduced in our previous work \cite{LZ} to the explicit disk counting formula obtained in \cite{PS}. Then, motivated by the integrality structures in open topological string theory, we introduce a mathematical notion of ``quantum 2-function'' which can be viewed as the quantization of the notion of ``2-function'' introduced in \cite{SVW1}. Finally, we provide a basic example of quantum 2-function and discuss the quantization of 2-functions.

Creating Spatial Flatness by Combining String Gas Cosmology and Power Law Inflation. (arXiv:2002.09771v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Vahid Kamali, Robert Brandenberger (McGill University), relevance 0.00

We show that it is possible to combine an early phase of String Gas Cosmology which can explain the origin of the observed structures on cosmological scales with a short later period of power law inflation which creates spatial flatness. The resulting model is consistent with the ``swampland criteria'' and the constraints coming from the {\it Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture}. Such a construction is not possible using only canonical slow-roll inflation, but it can emerge in the warm inflation scenario or in cold inflation with an exponential potential. The resulting cosmology is non-singular. We discuss the spectrum of cosmological perturbations resulting in our scenario. On large scales (scales which remain larger than the Hubble radius after the initial string gas phase) the spectrum is determined by the thermal string gas fluctuations set up in the primordial phase, and it is almost scale-invariant with a slight red tilt. On small scales, the perturbations produced during the inflationary phase dominate. On these scales, the spectrum is once again nearly scale-invariant. There is an intermediate range (scales which enter the Hubble radius during the period of inflation) where the string gas fluctuations are damped but continue to dominate over those produced during the period of inflation. On these scales the spectrum has a sharp red spectral index of $n_s - 1 \sim -2$.

Accelerating longitudinal expansion of resistive relativistic-magneto-hydrodynamics in heavy ion collisions. (arXiv:2002.09752v1 [nucl-th])
in hep-th by M. Haddadi Moghaddam, W. M. Alberico, Duan She, A. F. Kord, B. Azadegan, relevance 0.00

We study the evolution of the longitudinal expansion of an ideal fluid with finite electrical conductivity, which is subject to the EM fields. In the framework of resistive relativistic-magneto-hydrodynamic, we find an exact analytical solution for the EM fields and for the acceleration of the fluid.

Thermodynamics in Rotating Anti-de Sitter Black Holes with Massive Scalar Field in Three Dimensions. (arXiv:2002.09729v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Bogeun Gwak, relevance 41.30

We investigate the tendency in variations of the dual CFT$_2$ when a rotating AdS$_3$ black hole changes by fluxes transferred by the scattering of a massive scalar field according to the AdS/CFT correspondence. The conserved quantities of the black hole are definitely constrained by the extremal condition. Moreover, the laws of thermodynamics provide a direction for the changes in the conserved quantities, so the black hole cannot be extremal under the scattering. This is naturally preferred. By the relationship between the rotating AdS$_3$ black hole and dual CFT$_2$, we find that such changes in the black hole constrain variations in eigenstates of the dual CFT$_2$. Furthermore, the tendency in the variations is closely related to the laws of thermodynamics.

General Relativistic Hydrodynamics on a Moving-mesh I: Static Spacetimes. (arXiv:2002.09613v2 [physics.comp-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Philip Chang, Zachariah Etienne, relevance 3.84

We present the first-ever moving-mesh general relativistic hydrodynamics solver for static spacetimes as implemented in the code, MANGA. Our implementation builds on the architectures of MANGA and the numerical relativity Python package NRPy+. We review the general algorithm to solve these equations and, in particular, detail the time stepping; Riemann solution across moving faces; conversion between primitive and conservative variables; validation and correction of hydrodynamic variables; and mapping of the metric to a Voronoi moving-mesh grid.

We present test results for the numerical integration of an unmagnetized Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff star for 24 dynamical times. We demonstrate that at a resolution of $10^6$ mesh generating points, the star is stable and its central density drifts downward by 2% over this timescale. At a lower resolution the central density drift increases in a manner consistent with the adopted second order spatial reconstruction scheme. These results agree well with the exact solutions, and we find the error behavior to be similar to Eulerian codes with second-order spatial reconstruction. We also demonstrate that the new code recovers the fundamental mode frequency for the same TOV star but with its initial pressure depleted by 10%

Strange Quark Matter Objects Excited in Stellar Systems. (arXiv:2002.09593v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in hep-th by Marek Kutschera, Łukasz Bratek, Joanna Jałocha, Sebastian Kubis, Tomasz Kędziorek, relevance 0.00

It is shown that strange quark matter (SQM) objects, stars and planets, can very efficiently convert the mechanical energy into hadronic energy when they oscillate. This is because the mass density at the edge of SQM objects, $\rho_0{=}4.7{\times}10^{14}\frac{\mathrm{g}}{\mathrm{cm}^3}$, is the critical density below which strange quark matter is unstable with respect to decay into photons, leptons. We consider here radial oscillations of SQM objects that could be induced in stellar or planetary systems where tidal interactions are ubiquitous. Already oscillations of $0.1\%$ radius amplitude result in $1\,$keV per unit baryon number excitation near the surface of SQM stars. The excitation energy is converted into electromagnetic energy in a short time of 1 msec, during a few oscillations. Higher amplitude oscillations result in faster energy release that could lead to fragmentation or dissolution of SQM stars. This would have significant consequences for hypothetical SQM star binaries and planetary systems of SQM planets with regard to gravitational wave emission.

Quasinormal modes and thermalization in Improved Holographic QCD. (arXiv:2002.09544v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Timo Alho, Jere Remes, Kimmo Tuominen, Aleksi Vuorinen, relevance 9.51

Following a series of similar calculations in simpler non-conformal holographic setups, we determine the quasinormal mode spectrum for an operator dual to a gauge-invariant scalar field within the Improved Holographic QCD framework. At temperatures somewhat above the critical temperature of the deconfinement transition, we find a small number of clearly separated modes followed by a branch-cut-like structure parallel to the real axis, the presence of which is linked to the form of the IHQCD potential employed. The temperature dependence of the lowest nonzero mode is furthermore used to study the thermalization time of the corresponding correlator, which is found to be of the order of the inverse critical temperature near the phase transition and decrease slightly faster than $1/T$ at higher temperatures.

Spreading of correlations in Markovian open quantum systems. (arXiv:2002.09527v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Vincenzo Alba, Federico Carollo, relevance 2.73

Understanding the spreading of quantum correlations in out-of-equilibrium many-body systems is one of the major challenges in physics. For {\it isolated} systems, a hydrodynamic theory explains the origin and spreading of entanglement via the propagation of quasi-particle pairs. However, when systems interact with their surrounding much less has been established. Here we show that the quasi-particle picture remains valid for open quantum systems: while information is still spread by quasiparticles, the environment modifies their correlation and introduces incoherent and mixing effects. For free fermions with gain/loss dissipation we provide formulae fully describing incoherent and quasiparticle contributions in the spreading of entropy and mutual information. Importantly, the latter is not affected by incoherent correlations. The mutual information is exponentially damped at short times and eventually vanishes signalling the onset of a classical limit. The behaviour of the logarithmic negativity is similar and this scenario is common to other dissipations. For weak dissipation, the presence of quasiparticles underlies remarkable scaling behaviors.

A polynomial time algorithm for studying physical observables in chaotic eigenstates. (arXiv:2002.09514v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Pavan Hosur, relevance 0.00

We introduce an algorithm, the Orthogonal Operator Polynomial Expansion (OOPEX), to approximately compute expectation values in energy eigenstates at finite energy density of non-integrable quantum many-body systems with polynomial effort, whereas exact diagonalization (ED) of the Hamiltonian $H$ is exponentially hard. The OOPEX relies on the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis, which conjectures that eigenstate expectation values of physical observables in such systems vary smoothly with the eigenstate energy (and other macroscopic conserved quantities, if any), and computes them through a series generated by repeated multiplications, rather than diagonalization, of $H$ and whose successive terms oscillate faster with the energy. The hypothesis guarantees that only the first few terms of this series contribute appreciably. Then, we argue non-rigorously that working in the Fock space of operators, rather than that of states as is usually done, yields convergent results with computational resources that scale polynomially with $N$. We demonstrate the polynomial scaling by applying the OOPEX to the non-integrable Ising chain and comparing with ED results. We can easily access $N=300$ sites with the OOPEX while ED can comfortably handle only $N_{ED}=14$ sites on our computer. Access to a large $N$ enables computation of correlation lengths in this model, which is impossible using ED due to strong finite size effects.

Orbital evidences for dark-matter-free Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies. (arXiv:2002.09493v3 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Francois Hammer, Yanbin Yang, Frederic Arenou, Jianling Wang, Hefan Li, Piercarlo Bonifacio, Carine Babusiaux, relevance 0.00

The nature of Milky Way dwarf spheroidals (MW dSphs) has been questioned, in particular whether they are dominated by dark matter (DM). Here we investigate an alternative scenario, for which tidal shocks are exerted by the MW to DM-free dSphs after a first infall of their gas-rich progenitors, and for which theoretical calculations have been verified by pure N-body simulations. Whether or not the dSphs are on their first infall cannot be resolved on the sole basis of their star formation history. In fact, gas removal may cause complex gravitational instabilities and near-pericenter passages can give rise to tidal disruptive processes. Advanced precision with the Gaia satellite in determining both their past orbital motions and the MW velocity curve is, however, providing crucial results.

First, tidal shocks explain why DM-free dSphs are found preferentially near their pericenter, where they are in a destructive process, while their chance to be long-lived satellites is associated with a very low probability P~ 2 10^-7, which is at odds with the current DM-dominated dSph scenario. Second, most dSph binding energies are consistent with a first infall. Third, the MW tidal shocks that predict the observed dSph velocity dispersions are themselves predicted in amplitude by the most accurate MW velocity curve. Fourth, tidal shocks accurately predict the forces or accelerations exerted at half-light radius of dSphs, including the MW and the Magellanic System gravitational attractions.

The above is suggestive of dSphs that are DM-free and tidally shocked near their pericenters, which may provoke a significant quake in our understanding of near-field cosmology.

Constructing d-log integrands and computing master integrals for three-loop four-particle scattering. (arXiv:2002.09492v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Johannes Henn, Bernhard Mistlberger, Vladimir A. Smirnov, Pascal Wasser, relevance 0.00

We compute all master integrals for massless three-loop four-particle scattering amplitudes required for processes like di-jet or di-photon production at the LHC. We present our result in terms of a Laurent expansion of the integrals in the dimensional regulator up to 8$^{\text{th}}$ power, with coefficients expressed in terms of harmonic polylogarithms. As a basis of master integrals we choose integrals with integrands that only have logarithmic poles - called $d$log forms. This choice greatly facilitates the subsequent computation via the method of differential equations. We detail how this basis is obtained via an improved algorithm originally developed by one of the authors. We provide a public implementation of this algorithm. We explain how the algorithm is naturally applied in the context of unitarity. In addition, we classify our $d$log forms according to their soft and collinear properties.

Gravitational wave population inference with deep flow-based generative network. (arXiv:2002.09491v2 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kaze W. K. Wong, Gabriella Contardo, Shirley Ho, relevance 0.79

We combine hierarchical Bayesian modeling with a flow-based deep generative network, in order to demonstrate that one can efficiently constraint numerical gravitational wave (GW) population models at a previously intractable complexity. Existing techniques for comparing data to simulation,such as discrete model selection and Gaussian process regression, can only be applied efficiently to moderate-dimension data. This limits the number of observable (e.g. chirp mass, spins.) and hyper-parameters (e.g. common envelope efficiency) one can use in a population inference. In this study, we train a network to emulate a phenomenological model with 6 observables and 4 hyper-parameters, use it to infer the properties of a simulated catalogue and compare the results to the phenomenological model. We find that a 10-layer network can emulate the phenomenological model accurately and efficiently. Our machine enables simulation-based GW population inferences to take on data at a new complexity level.

A reliable description of the radial oscillations of compact stars. (arXiv:2002.09483v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Francesco Di Clemente, Massimo Mannarelli, Francesco Tonelli, relevance 0.79

We develop a numerical algorithm for the solution of the Sturm-Liouville differential equation governing the stationary radial oscillations of nonrotating compact stars. Our method is based on the Numerov's method that turns the Sturm-Liouville differential equation in an eigenvalue problem. In our development we provide a strategy to correctly deal with the star boundaries and the interfaces between layers with different mechanical properties. Assuming that the fluctuations obey the same equation of state of the background, we analyze various different stellar models and we precisely determine hundreds of eigenfrequencies and of eigenmodes. If the equation of state does not present an interface discontinuity, the fundamental radial eigenmode becomes unstable exactly at the critical central energy density corresponding to the largest gravitational mass. However, in the presence of an interface discontinuity, there exist stable configurations with a central density exceeding the critical one and with a smaller gravitational mass.

Dirty higher-order Dirac semimetal: Quantum criticality and bulk-boundary correspondence. (arXiv:2002.09475v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])
in hep-th by Andras Szabo, Bitan Roy, relevance 0.17

We analyze the stability of three-dimensional higher-order topological (HOT) Dirac semimetals (DSMs) and the associated one-dimensional hinge modes in the presence of random pointlike charge impurities.~Complementary numerical and renormalization group (RG) analyses suggest that a HOTDSM, while being a stable phase of matter for sufficiently weak disorder, undergoes a continuous quantum phase transition into a metallic phase at finite disorder. However, the corresponding critical exponents (obtained from the scaling of the density of states) are extremely close to the ones found in a dirty, but first-order DSM (supporting two Fermi arcs). This observation suggests an emergent superuniversality in the entire family of dirty DSMs, as also predicted by the RG analysis. As a direct consequence of the bulk-boundary correspondence, the hinge modes gradually fade away with increasing randomness in the system, and completely dissolve in the trivial metallic phase.

Hadamard parametrix of the Feynman Green's function of a five-dimensional charged scalar field. (arXiv:2002.09448v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Visakan Balakumar, Elizabeth Winstanley, relevance 1.82

The Hadamard parametrix is a representation of the short-distance singularity structure of the Feynman Green's function for a quantum field on a curved space-time background. Subtracting these divergent terms regularizes the Feynman Green's function and enables the computation of renormalized expectation values of observables. We study the Hadamard parametrix for a charged, massive, complex scalar field in five space-time dimensions. Even in Minkowski space-time, it is not possible to write the Feynman Green's function for a charged scalar field exactly in closed form. We therefore present covariant Taylor series expansions for the biscalars arising in the Hadamard parametrix. On a general space-time background, we explicitly state the expansion coefficients up to the order required for the computation of the renormalized scalar field current. These coefficients become increasingly lengthy as the order of the expansion increases, so we give the higher-order terms required for the calculation of the renormalized stress-energy tensor in Minkowski space-time only.

Unified description of dark energy and dark matter within the generalized hybrid metric-Palatini theory of gravity. (arXiv:2002.09446v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Paulo M. Sá, relevance 0.00

The generalized hybrid metric-Palatini theory of gravity admits a scalar-tensor representation in terms of two interacting scalar fields. We show that, upon an appropriate choice of the interaction potential, one of the scalar fields behaves like dark energy, inducing a late-time accelerated expansion of the universe, while the other scalar field behaves like pressureless dark matter that, together with ordinary baryonic matter, dominates the intermediate phases of cosmic evolution. This unified description of dark energy and dark matter gives rise to viable cosmological solutions, which reproduce the main features of the evolution of the universe.

Utilizing aLIGO Glitch Classifications to Validate Gravitational-Wave Candidates. (arXiv:2002.09429v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Derek Davis, Laurel V. White, Peter R. Saulson, relevance 0.00

Advanced LIGO data contains numerous noise transients, or "glitches", that have been shown to reduce the sensitivity of matched filter searches for gravitational waves from compact binaries by increasing the rate at which random coincidences occur. The presence of these transients has precipitated extensive work to establish that observed gravitational wave events are astrophysical in nature. We discuss the response of the PyCBC search for gravitational waves from stellar mass binaries to various common glitches that were observed during Advanced LIGO's first and second observing runs. We show how these transients can mimic waveforms from compact binary coalescences and quantify the likelihood that a given class of glitches will create a trigger in the search pipeline. We explore the specific waveform parameters that are most similar to different glitch classes and demonstrate how knowledge of these similarities can be used when evaluating the significance of gravitational-wave candidates.

Configuration Entropy for Quarkonium in a Finite Density Plasma. (arXiv:2002.09413v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nelson R. F. Braga, Rodrigo da Mata, relevance 8.83

In the recent years many examples appeared in the literature where the configuration entropy (CE), introduced by Gleiser and Stamatopoulos, plays the role of an indicator of stability of physical systems. It was observed that, comparing states of the same system, the lower is the value of the CE, the more stable is the state. In this work we investigate the behaviour of the differential configuration entropy (DCE) , that is appropriate for systems with continuous degrees of freedom, in a new context. We consider quasi-states of quarkonium (a vector meson made of a heavy quark anti-quark pair) inside a plasma at finite density. It is known that the density increases the dissociation effect for quasi-particles inside a plasma. So, increasing the density of a thermal medium corresponds to reducing the stability of the quasi-particles. In order to investigate how this situation is translated in the Configutation Entropy context, we use a recently developed holographic AdS/QCD model for heavy vector mesons. The quasi-normal modes describing the quasi-states are obtained and the corresponding DCE is calculated. We find, for bottomonium and charmonium $1 S$ quasi-states, that the DCE increases with the quark density, or quark chemical potential, of the medium. This result shows that the DCE works again as an indicator of stability, represented in this case by the dissociation effect associated with the density.

Chern-Simons Supergravity on Supergroup Manifolds. (arXiv:2002.09400v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by L. Castellani, C. A. Cremonini, P. A. Grassi, relevance 1.92

We construct N=1 d=3 AdS supergravity within the group manifold approach and compare it with Achucarro-Townsend Chern-Simons formulation of the same theory. We clarify the relation between the off-shell super gauge transformations of the Chern-Simons theory and the off-shell worldvolume supersymmetry transformations of the group manifold action. We formulate the Achucarro-Townsend model in a double supersymmetric action where the Chern-Simons theory with a supergroup gauge symmetry is constructed on a supergroup manifold. This framework is useful to establish a correspondence of degrees of freedom and auxiliary fields between the two descriptions of d=3 supergravity.

Consistent truncation on Calabi-Yau and Nearly-K\"ahler manifolds. (arXiv:2002.09359v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dimitrios Tsimpis, relevance 1.96

We complete and extend the analysis of arXiv:1903.10504 in several directions: we put the 4d theory, arising from the IIA consistent truncation of the universal sector of Calabi-Yau compactification, in a form manifestly consistent with 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ supergravity. We go beyond the universal sector and construct the 4d effective action of IIA compactified on Calabi-Yau's with $h^{1,1}=1$, $h^{2,1}\geq1$, in the presence of background flux and fermionic condensates. For ALE gravitational instantons, we show that the putative quartic gravitino condensate is non-negative, as required for the existence of (formal) de Sitter solutions of the 4d theory. We discuss some of the issues in promoting these formal solutions to full-fledged string theory de Sitter solutions. We also extend the Nearly-K\"ahler consistent truncation of arXiv:1810.06344 to the complete bosonic sector of one vector multiplet and one hypermultiplet.

Testing Fundamental Physics in Antihydrogen Experiments. (arXiv:2002.09348v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by M. Charlton, S. Eriksson, G. M. Shore, relevance 1.10

The recent advent of high precision antihydrogen spectroscopy opens the way to stringent experimental tests of the fundamental principles underlying particle physics and general relativity (GR), such as Lorentz and CPT invariance and the Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP), on pure antimatter systems. In this paper, the nature and implications of these tests is investigated, with special reference to the ALPHA antihydrogen programme at CERN. This is underpinned by a theoretical review of the role of antiparticles, causality and fundamental symmetries in relativistic quantum field theory (QFT) and the theory of time measurement in GR. Low-energy effective theories which break Lorentz and CPT symmetry, or the Strong Equivalence Principle (SEP), are then introduced, together with a review of several `fifth force' scenarios involving new long-range forces which would effectively violate the universality of free-fall, or Weak Equivalence Principle (WEPff). The possible role of CPT violation in determining the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe is discussed. Explicit calculations are given for the dependence on possible Lorentz and CPT violating couplings of the transition frequencies amongst the 1S, 2S and 2P hyperfine states measured in the magnetic field of the ALPHA trap and the resulting bounds are compared with existing limits. An analysis of the implications for the EEP of current free-fall and spectroscopic measurements with antihydrogen is presented and existing and potential bounds on WEPff and the universality of clocks (WEPc) are derived, together with constraints on fifth forces. Future prospects for high-precision antihydrogen spectroscopy, free-fall and gravitational redshift experiments, and anti-atom matter-wave interferometry are described and experimental possibilities involving other antimatter species are briefly outlined.

Cosmological parameter analyses using transversal BAO data. (arXiv:2002.09293v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Rafael C. Nunes, Santosh K. Yadav, J. F. Jesus, Armando Bernui, relevance 0.78

Current data analyses combine diverse cosmological probes to break degeneracy between cosmological parameters using, for instance, the data from Type IA supernova data or from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO). Regarding the use of the BAO data, this can lead to biased inferences of the cosmological parameters in study because the comoving BAO sound horizon at drag epoch, $r_{\rm drag}$, used to quantify the BAO measurements $H(z)$ and $D_{A}(z)$, is inferred from a combination of cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and a theoretical model, as WMAP and Planck collaborations did. One can avoid possibly biased analyses combining CMB data in conjunction with a set of 15 measurements of the transversal BAO scale, considered cosmological model-independent to explore, via Monte Carlo Markov chains, the parametric space of some cosmological models. We investigate how much Planck CMB data in combination with transversal BAO measurements can constraints the minimum $\Lambda$CDM model, and extensions including additional parameters as $r_{\rm drag}$, neutrinos mass scale $M_{\nu}$, and the possibility for a dynamical dark energy model. Assuming the $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, we find $H_0 = 69.23 \pm 0.50$ km s${}^{-1}$ Mpc${}^{-1}$, $M_{\nu} < 0.11$ eV and $r_{\rm drag} = 147.59 \pm 0.26$ Mpc from Planck + transversal BAO data. When assuming a dynamical dark energy cosmology, we find that the inclusion of the BAO data can indeed break the degeneracy of the dark energy free parameters, improving the constraints on the full parameter space significantly. We note that the model is compatible with local measurements of $H_0$ and there is no tension on $H_0$ estimates. Also, we discuss the results from a joint analysis with the latest local $H_0$ measurement. Finally, we perform a model-independent analysis for the deceleration parameter $q(z)$ from our compilation of the transversal BAO data.

A Random Unitary Circuit Model for Black Hole Evaporation. (arXiv:2002.09236v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lorenzo Piroli, Christoph Sünderhauf, Xiao-Liang Qi, relevance 13.59

Inspired by the Hayden-Preskill protocol for black hole evaporation, we consider the dynamics of a quantum many-body qudit system coupled to an external environment, where the time evolution is driven by the continuous limit of certain $2$-local random unitary circuits. We study both cases where the unitaries are chosen with and without a conserved $U(1)$ charge and focus on two aspects of the dynamics. First, we study analytically and numerically the growth of the entanglement entropy of the system, showing that two different time scales appear: one is intrinsic to the internal dynamics (the scrambling time), while the other depends on the system-environment coupling. In the presence of a $U(1)$ conserved charge, we show that the entanglement follows a Page-like behavior in time: it begins to decrease in the middle stage of the "evaporation", and decreases monotonically afterwards. Second, we study the time needed to retrieve information initially injected in the system from measurements on the environment qudits. Based on explicit numerical computations, we characterize such time both when the retriever has control over the initial configuration or not, showing that different scales appear in the two cases.

Energy-loss of heavy quarks in the isotropic collisional hot QCD medium at a finite chemical potential. (arXiv:2002.09230v1 [nucl-th])
in hep-th by M. Yousuf Jamal, Bedangadas Mohanty, relevance 0.00

The present article is the followup of {\color{blue} Eur.\ Phys.\ J.\ C {\bf 79}, 761 (2019)}, where we have studied the energy-loss of the heavy quarks traversing through the isotropic collisional hot QCD medium. Since, the exploration of QCD phase diagram is possible with the upcoming experimental facilities such as Anti-proton and Ion Research (FAIR) and Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA), at finite baryon density and moderate temperature, the inclusion of finite chemical potential is essential to study the hot QCD/QGP medium. Therefore, the aim is to develop a formalism to study the energy-loss of heavy quarks moving in the interacting collisional hot QCD medium having small but a finite quark chemical potential. To do so, the extended effective fugacity quasi-particle model has been employed \cite{chandra_quasi1, chandra_quasi2, Mitra:2017sjo} while considering the effective kinetic theory approach using the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) collisional kernel. Finally, the momentum dependence of the energy-loss for the charm and bottom quark has been investigated at different values of collisions frequency and chemical potential. It is observed that as compared to charm quark, bottom quark loses less energy at a particular momentum, collisional frequency and chemical potential. Also, the energy-loss is seen to decrease with increasing chemical potential.

Geometric modeling of M87* as a Kerr black hole or a non-Kerr compact object. (arXiv:2002.09226v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by F. H. Vincent, M. Wielgus, M. A. Abramowicz, E. Gourgoulhon, J.-P. Lasota, T. Paumard, G. Perrin, relevance 8.03

Context. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration recently obtained first images of the surroundings of the supermassive compact object M87* at the center of the galaxy M87. Aims. We want to develop a simple analytic disk model for the accretion flow of M87*. Compared to general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) models, it has the advantage of being independent of the turbulent character of the flow, and controlled by only few easy-to-interpret, physically meaningful parameters. We want to use this model to predict the image of M87* assuming that it is either a Kerr black hole, or an alternative compact object. Methods. We compute the synchrotron emission from the disk model and propagate the resulting light rays to the far-away observer by means of relativistic ray tracing. Such computations are performed assuming different spacetimes (Kerr, Minkowski, non-rotating ultracompact star, rotating boson star or Lamy spinning wormhole). We perform numerical fits of these models to the EHT data. Results. We discuss the highly-lensed features of Kerr images and show that they are intrinsically linked to the accretion-flow properties, and not only to gravitation. This fact is illustrated by the notion of secondary ring that we introduce. Our model of spinning Kerr black hole predicts mass and orientation consistent with the EHT interpretation. The non-Kerr images result in similar quality of the numerical fits and may appear very similar to Kerr images, once blurred to the EHT resolution. This implies that a strong test of the Kerr spacetime may be out of reach with the current data. We notice that future developments of the EHT could alter this situation. Conclusions. Our results show the importance of studying alternatives to the Kerr spacetime in order to be able to test the Kerr paradigm unambiguously.

A non-minimally coupled, conformally extended Einstein-Maxwell theory of pp-waves. (arXiv:2002.09208v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Tekin Dereli, Yorgo Senikoglu, relevance 7.03

A non-minimal coupling of Weyl curvatures to electromagnetic fields is considered in Brans-Dicke-Maxwell theory. The gravitational field equations are formulated in a Riemannian spacetime where the spacetime torsion is constrained to zero by the method of Lagrange multipliers in the language of exterior differential forms. The significance and ramifications of non-minimal couplings to gravity are examined in a pp-wave spacetime.

Vortex patterns of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates in a density-dependent gauge potential. (arXiv:2002.09189v3 [cond-mat.quant-gas] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Matthew Edmonds, Muneto Nitta, relevance 3.02

We theoretically examine the vortex states of a gas of trapped quasi-two-dimensional ultracold bosons subject to a density-dependent gauge potential, realizing an effective nonlinear rotation of the atomic condensate, which we also show is within the reach of current experimental techniques with ultracold atom experiments. The nonlinear rotation has a two-fold effect; as well as distorting the shape of the condensate it also leads to an inhomogeneous vorticity resulting in novel morphological and topological states, including ring vortex arrangements that do not follow the standard Abrikosov result. The dynamics of trapped vortices are also explored, which differs from the case of rigid-body rotation due to the absence of a global laboratory reference frame.

Are There BPS Dyons in Generalized $SU(2)$ Yang-Mills-Higgs Model?. (arXiv:2002.09123v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ardian Nata Atmaja, relevance 0.00

We study the well-known Bogomolny's equations, in general coordinate system, for monopoles and dyons in the $SU(2)$ Yang-Mills-Higgs model using the BPS Lagrangian method. We extract an explicit form of BPS Lagrangian that yield these Bogomolny's equations. We generalize this BPS Lagrangian by adding scalar fields-dependent couplings into each of its terms and use this generalized BPS Lagrangian to derive Bogomolny's equations for monopoles and dyons in the generalized $SU(2)$ Yang-Mills-Higgs model which contains additional scalar fields-dependent couplings compared to its corresponding canonical model. There are additional constraint equations comming from the Euler-Lagrange equations of the generalized BPS Lagrangian, that can be considered as the Gauss's law constraint equations in the BPS limit which is a limit when the Bogomolny's equations are satisfied. In the case of monopoles, these constraint equations are trivial while for the case of dyons they are non-trivial. Unfortunately, in the Julia-Zee ansatz these constraint equations imply the scalar fields-dependent couplings to be constants in which their solutions are the standard BPS dyons. The existance of generalized BPS dyons may require a different ansatz that mutually solves the Bogomolny's equations, the constraint equations and an equation that relates all the scalar fields-dependent couplings.

Four-point geometrical correlation functions in the two-dimensional $Q$-state Potts model: connections with the RSOS models. (arXiv:2002.09071v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Yifei He, Linnea Grans-Samuelsson, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hubert Saleur, relevance 0.00

The "bootstrap determination" of the geometrical correlation functions in the two-dimensional Potts model proposed in a paper [arXiv:1607.07224] was later shown in [arXiv:1809.02191] to be incorrect, the actual spectrum of the model being considerably more complex than initially conjectured. We provide in this paper a geometrical interpretation of the four-point functions built in [arXiv:1607.07224], and explain why the results obtained by these authors, albeit incorrect, appeared so close to those of their numerical simulations of the Potts model. Our strategy is based on a cluster expansion of correlation functions in RSOS minimal models, and a subsequent numerical and algebraic analysis of the corresponding $s$-channel spectrum, in full analogy with our early work on the Potts model [arXiv:1809.02191]. Remarkable properties of the lattice amplitudes are uncovered, which explain in particular the truncation of the spectrum of [arXiv:1809.02191] to the much simpler one of the RSOS models, and which will be used in a forthcoming paper to finally determine the geometric four-point functions of the Potts model itself.

Cylinder partition function of the 6-vertex model from algebraic geometry. (arXiv:2002.09019v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Zoltan Bajnok, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Yunfeng Jiang, Rafael I. Nepomechie, Yang Zhang, relevance 2.27

We compute the exact partition function of the isotropic 6-vertex model on a cylinder geometry with free boundary conditions, for lattices of intermediate size, using Bethe ansatz and algebraic geometry. We perform the computations in both the open and closed channels. We also consider the partial thermodynamic limits, whereby in the open (closed) channel, the open (closed) direction is kept small while the other direction becomes large. We compute the zeros of the partition function in the two partial thermodynamic limits, and compare with the condensation curves.

Efficient Rules for All Conformal Blocks. (arXiv:2002.09007v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jean-François Fortin, Wen-Jie Ma, Valentina Prilepina, Witold Skiba, relevance 6.15

We formulate a set of general rules for computing $d$-dimensional four-point global conformal blocks of operators in arbitrary Lorentz representations in the context of the embedding space operator product expansion formalism arXiv:1905.00434. With these rules, the procedure for determining any conformal block of interest is reduced to (1) identifying the relevant projection operators and tensor structures and (2) applying the conformal rules to obtain the blocks. To facilitate the bookkeeping of contributing terms, we introduce a convenient diagrammatic notation. We present several concrete examples to illustrate the general procedure as well as to demonstrate and test the explicit application of the rules. In particular, we consider four-point functions involving scalars $S$ and some specific irreducible representations $R$, namely $\langle SSSS\rangle$, $\langle SSSR\rangle$, $\langle SRSR\rangle$ and $\langle SSRR\rangle$ (where, when allowed, $R$ is a vector or a fermion), and determine the corresponding blocks for all possible exchanged representations.

Dirac Particle with Memory: Proper Time Non-Locality. (arXiv:2002.08996v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Vasily E. Tarasov, relevance 0.00

A generalization of the standard model of Dirac particle in external electromagnetic field is proposed. In the generalization we take into account interactions of this particle with environment, which is described by the memory function. This function takes into account that the behavior of the particle at proper time can depend not only at the present time, but also on the history of changes on finite time interval. In this case the Dirac particle can be considered an open quantum system with non-Markovian dynamics. The violation of the semigroup property of dynamic maps is a characteristic property of dynamics with memory. We use the Fock-Schwinger proper time method and derivatives of non-integer orders with respect to proper time. The fractional differential equation, which describes the Dirac particle with memory, and the expression of its exact solution are suggested. The asymptotic behavior of the proposed solutions is described.

Scheme-Independent Series for Anomalous Dimensions of Higher-Spin Operators at an Infrared Fixed Point in a Gauge Theory. (arXiv:2002.08979v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Thomas A. Ryttov, Robert Shrock, relevance 3.21

We consider an asymptotically free vectorial gauge theory, with gauge group $G$ and $N_f$ fermions in a representation $R$ of $G$, having an infrared fixed point of the renormalization group. We calculate scheme-independent series expansions for the anomalous dimensions of higher-spin bilinear fermion operators at this infrared fixed point up to $O(\Delta_f^3)$, where $\Delta_f$ is an $N_f$-dependent expansion variable. Our general results are evaluated for several special cases, including the case $G={\rm SU}(N_c)$ with $R$ equal to the fundamental and adjoint representations.

Supersymmetry method for interacting chaotic and disordered systems: the SYK model. (arXiv:2002.08963v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tigran A. Sedrakyan, Konstantin B. Efetov, relevance 0.26

The nonlinear supermatrix $\sigma $-model is widely used to understand the physics of Anderson localization and the level statistics in noninteracting disordered electron systems. Here we develop a supersymmetry approach to the disorder averaging in the interacting models. In particular, we apply supersymmetry to study the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, where the disorder averaging has so far been performed only within the replica approach. We use a slightly modified, time-reversal invariant, version of the SYK model and perform calculations in real-time. As a demonstration of how the supersymmetry method works, we derive saddle point equations. In the semiclassical limit, we show that the results are in agreement with those found using the replica technique. We also develop the formally exact superbosonized representation of the SYK model. In the latter, the supersymmetric theory of original fermions and their superpartner bosons is reformulated as a model of unconstrained collective excitations. We argue that the superbosonized description of the model paves the way for the precise calculation of the window of universality in which random matrix theory is applicable to the chaotic SYK system, and for the derivation of the corresponding Wigner-Dyson eigenvalue statistics.

Transcending the ensemble: baby universes, spacetime wormholes, and the order and disorder of black hole information. (arXiv:2002.08950v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Donald Marolf, Henry Maxfield, relevance 36.19

In the 1980's, work by Coleman and by Giddings and Strominger linked the physics of spacetime wormholes to `baby universes' and an ensemble of theories. We revisit such ideas, using features associated with a negative cosmological constant and asymptotically AdS boundaries to strengthen the results, introduce a change in perspective, and connect with recent replica wormhole discussions of the Page curve. A key new feature is an emphasis on the role of null states. We explore this structure in detail in simple topological models of the bulk that allow us to compute the full spectrum of associated boundary theories. The dimension of the asymptotically AdS Hilbert space turns out to become a random variable $Z$, whose value can be less than the naive number $k$ of independent states in the theory. For $k>Z$, consistency arises from an exact degeneracy in the inner product defined by the gravitational path integral, so that many a priori independent states differ only by a null state. We argue that a similar property must hold in any consistent gravitational path integral. We also comment on other aspects of extrapolations to more complicated models, and on possible implications for the black hole information problem in the individual members of the above ensemble.

ADM mass and the capacity-volume deficit at infinity. (arXiv:2002.08941v1 [math.DG])
in gr-qc by Jeffrey L. Jauregui, relevance 0.00

Based on the isoperimetric inequality, G. Huisken proposed a definition of total mass in general relativity that is equivalent to the ADM mass for (smooth) asymptotically flat 3-manifolds of nonnegative scalar curvature, but that is well-defined in greater generality. In a similar vein, we use the isocapacitary inequality (bounding capacity from below in terms of volume) to suggest a new definition of total mass. We prove an inequality between it and the ADM mass, and prove the reverse inequality with harmonically flat asymptotics, or, with general asymptotics, for exhaustions by balls (as opposed to arbitrary compact sets). This approach to mass may have applications to problems involving low regularity metrics and convergence in general relativity, and may have some advantages relative to the isoperimetric mass. Some conjectures, analogs of known results for CMC surfaces and isoperimetric regions, are proposed.

Neutron and quark stars: constraining the parameters for simple EoS using the GW170817. (arXiv:2002.08879v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Griselda Arroyo-Chávez, Alejandro Cruz-Osorio, F. D. Lora-Clavijo, Cuauhtemoc Campuzano Vargas, Luis Alejandro García Mora, relevance 0.00

It is well known that the equation of state (EoS) of compact objects like neutron and quark stars is not determined despite there are several sophisticated models to describe it. From the electromagnetic observations, summarized in \cite{Lattimer01}, and the recent observation of gravitational waves from binary neutron star inspiral GW170817 \cite{Abbott2017_etal} and GW190425 \cite{Abbott2019}, it is possible to make an estimation of the range of masses and so constraint the mass of the neutron and quark stars, determining not only the best approximation for the EoS, but which kind of stars we would be observing. In this paper we explore several configurations of neutron stars assuming a simple polytropic equation of state, using a single layer model without crust. In particular, when the EoS depends on the mass rest density, $p=K \rho_{0}^{\Gamma}$, and when it depends on the energy density $p=K \rho^{\Gamma}$, considerable differences in the mass-radius relationships are found. On the other hand, we also explore quark stars models using the MIT bag EoS for different values of the vacuum energy density $B$.

Evolution of Cosmological Total Mass -- Energy Density. (arXiv:2002.08875v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Bob Osano, relevance 0.00

The evolution of the Universe is traditionally examined by monitoring how its material content evolves as it expands. This model of an isolated system is as expressed as the equation of motion of the bulk but segmented into different epochs. In particular, the evolution of the Friedman-Leimetre-Robertson-Walker (FRLW) Universe is separated into different epochs that are characterised by the dynamics of whichever mass-energy constituent is dominant at the time. The standard analysis of the evolution of the Universe in a particular epoch often considers the evolution of the dominant energy density only; disregarding all others. Whereas this represents the limiting case, in principle the contributions from others cannot always be disregarded particularly in the vicinity of the equality of the various mass-energy densities or the transition periods between epochs. We examine the evolution of the total energy density rather than individual energy densities during the different epochs. We find that taking into account the contributions from the various constituents leads to a broader range of possibilities evolution histories which enriches the standard picture. This article looks at these possibilities.

Entropy of General Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity. (arXiv:2002.08869v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Shupeng Song, Haida Li, Yongge Ma, Cong Zhang, relevance 40.16

The quasi-local notion of isolated horizon is employed to study the entropy of general black holes without any particular symmetry in loop quantum gravity. The idea of characterizing a horizon's shape by a sequence of local areas is successfully applied in the scheme to calculate the entropy by the $SO(1,1)$ BF boundary theory matching loop quantum gravity in the bulk. Numerical computations of small black holes indicate a new entropy formula containing the quantum correction related to the partition of the horizon. Further evidences show that, for a given horizon area, the entropy decreases as a black hole deviates from the spherically symmetric one.

$f(\mathcal{R},\varphi,\chi)$ Cosmology with Noether Symmetry. (arXiv:2002.08844v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by M. Farasat Shamir, relevance 0.99

This paper is devoted to explore modified $f(\mathcal{R})$ theories of gravity using Noether symmetry approach. For this purpose, Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime is chosen to investigate the cosmic evolution. The study is mainly divided into two parts: Firstly Noether symmetries of metric $f(\mathcal{R})$ gravity are revisited and some new class of solutions with the help of conserved quantities are reported. It is shown that different scenarios of cosmic evolution can be discussed using Noether symmetries and one of the case indicates the chances for the existence of Big Rip singularity. Secondly, $f(\mathcal{R})$ theory coupled with scalar field has been discussed in detail. The Noether equations of modified gravity are reported with three subcases for flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. It is concluded that conserved quantities are quite helpful to find some important exact solutions in the cosmological contexts. Moreover, the scalar field involved in the modified gravity plays a vital role in the cosmic evolution and an accelerated expansion phase can be observed for some suitable choices of $f(\mathcal{R},\varphi,\chi)$ gravity models.

Instabilities in an optical black-hole laser. (arXiv:2002.08835v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Juan D Rincon-Estrada, David Bermudez, relevance 22.00

We study the Hamiltonian of optical fields in a nonlinear dispersive fiber. Quantum field fluctuations are created spontaneously close to an optical event horizon through the analog Hawking effect. We consider the simplest model for an optical black-hole laser, where the Hawking radiation is produced and amplified inside a cavity created by two close horizons: a black hole and a white hole. We find that the resonant Hawking radiation originates from a discrete set of instabilities and can tunnel out of the horizons. Unlike other methods, we determine the most efficiently amplified instability that dominates the resonant Hawking process.

Geometrical Aspects of AdS/CFT. (arXiv:2002.08827v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sebastian Lautz, relevance 20.45

In this thesis, we investigate all warped AdS$_4$ and AdS$_3$ backgrounds with the most general allowed fluxes that preserve more than 16 supersymmetries in 10- and 11-dimensional supergravities. Assuming either that the internal manifold is compact without boundary or that the isometry algebra of the background decomposes into that of AdS and that of the transverse space, we find that there are no AdS$_4$ backgrounds in IIB supergravity. Similarly, we find a unique such background with 24 supersymmetries in IIA supergravity, locally isometric to $AdS_4\times \mathbb{CP}^3$. In 11-dimensional supergravity all more than half BPS AdS backgrounds are shown to be locally isometric to the maximally supersymmetric $AdS_4\times S^7$ solution. Furthermore, we prove a non-existence theorem for AdS$_3$ solutions preserving more than 16 supersymmetries. Finally, we demonstrate that warped Minkowski space backgrounds of the form $\mathbb{R}^{n-1,1}\times_w M^{D-n}$ ($n\geq 3,D=10,11$) in 11-dimensional and type II supergravities preserving strictly more than 16 supersymmetries and with fields, which may not be smooth everywhere, are locally isometric to the Minkowski vacuum $\mathbb{R}^{D-1,1}$. In particular, all such flux compactification vacua of these theories have the same local geometry as the maximally supersymmetric vacuum $\mathbb{R}^{n-1,1}\times T^{d-n}$.

A Distant Origin For Magnified LIGO/Virgo Black Holes Implied By Binary Component Masses. (arXiv:2002.08821v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by T. Broadhurst, J.M. Diego, G.F. Smoot, relevance 8.63

The primary and secondary masses of the binary black holes (BBH) reported by LIGO/Virgo are correlated with a narrow dispersion that appears to increase in proportion to mass. The mean binary mass ratio $1.45\pm0.07$ we show is consistent with pairs drawn randomly from the mass distribution of black holes in our Galaxy. However, BBH masses are concentrated around $\simeq 30M_\odot$, whereas black holes in our Galaxy peak at $\simeq 10M_\odot$. This mass difference can be reconciled by gravitational lensing magnification which allows distant events to be detected with typically $z\simeq 2$, so the waveform is reduced in frequency by $1+z$, and hence the measured chirp masses appear 3 times larger than their intrinsic values. This redshift enhancement also accounts for the dispersion of primary and secondary masses, both of which should increase as $1+z$, thereby appearing to scale with mass, in agreement with the data. Thus the BBH component masses provide independent support for lensing, implying most high chirp mass events have intrinsic masses like the stellar mass black holes in our Galaxy, coalescing at $z>1$, with only two low mass BBH detections, of $\simeq 10M_\odot$ as expected for unlensed events in the local Universe, $z\simeq 0.1$. This lensing solution requires a rapidly declining BBH event rate below $z<1$, which together with the observed absence of BBH spin suggests most events originate within young globular clusters at $z>1$, via efficient binary capture of stellar mass black holes with randomly oriented spins.

Effect of dark energy on the microstructures of black holes in AdS spacetimes. (arXiv:2002.08787v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aditya Singh, Aritra Ghosh, Chandrasekhar Bhamidipati, relevance 19.09

It is known from the sign of Ruppeiner curvature $R$, that the dominant interactions among microstructures of charged black holes in AdS are attractive in nature ($R<0$), although the repulsive interactions ($R>0$) are present as well, with the cross over from the former to the latter happening at a crossing point where $R=0$; whereas, in the absence of electric charge $q$, the microstructures of Schwarzschild-AdS black holes are purely of the attractive type. In this paper, we show that the introduction of a quintessence background parameterized by $\alpha$ significantly alters the interactions of black hole microstructures, giving new repulsive regions. With the inclusion of a quintessence field, in the Schwarzschild-AdS case: small black holes continue to have attractive interactions, whereas, large black holes above a certain size are completely dominated by repulsive interactions. In the case of charged AdS black holes with quintessence, $R$ can change sign at multiple points indicating a non-trivial microscopic structure. In particular, above a threshold value of $\alpha$, the microstructures do not contain any dominant attractive interactions, suggesting that the repulsive interactions due to quintessence are long ranged as opposed to the previously known short ranged repulsion in charged AdS black holes. A mean field interaction potential is proposed whose extrema effectively capture the points where $R=0$, indicating a change in the domination of the type of interaction among black hole microstructures.

Dynamics of quantum anisotropies in a Taub Universe in the WKB approximation. (arXiv:2002.08687v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Mariaveronica De Angelis, Giovanni Montani, relevance 2.71

We analyze the dynamics of a Taub cosmological model in the presence of a massless minimally coupled scalar field and a cosmological constant, in the limit when both the Universe volume and the scalar field live in a quasi-classical approximation. By other words, we study the dynamics of a quantum small anisotropy evolving on a de Sitter background and in the presence of a kinetic term of the inflaton field. We demonstrate that the quantum anisotropy exponentially decays during the Universe expansion, approaching a finite and small value. This result suggests that the quantum isotropization of the Universe during a de Sitter phase is much weaker than the corresponding classical evolution, favouring the survival of certain degree of anisotropy to the de Sitter phase. Finally we analyze the case when also the scalar field is considered as quantum variable, by showing how its variance naturally spreads because of no potential term significantly affects its dynamics. This behaviour results to be different from the anisotropy which is subjected to the potential coming out from the spatial curvature.

Investigating eccentricities of the binary black hole signals from the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1. (arXiv:2002.08682v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Qian-Yun Yun, Wen-Biao Han, Gang Wang, Shu-Cheng Yang, relevance 6.79

In the first Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalogue of LIGO and Virgo, all events are announced having zero eccentricity. In the present paper, we investigate the performance of SEOBNRE which is a spin-aligned eccentric waveform model in time-domain. By comparing with all the eccentric waveforms in SXS library, we find that the SEOBNRE coincides perfectly with numerical relativity data. Employing the SEOBNRE, we re-estimate the eccentricities of all black hole merger events. We find that most of these events allow a possibility for existence of initial eccentricities at 10 Hz band, but are totally circularized at the observed frequency ($ \gtrsim 20$ Hz). The upcoming update of LIGO and the next generation detector like as Einstein Telescope, will observe the gravitational waves starting at 10 Hz or even lower. If the eccentricity exists at the lower frequency, it may significantly support the dynamical formation mechanism taking place in globular clusters.

Plane symmetric model with constant deceleration parameter. (arXiv:2002.08654v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Vijay Singh, Aroonkumar Beesham, relevance 0.00

A plane symmetric Bianchi I model is considered with constant deceleration parameter, $q=\alpha-1$, where $\alpha\geq0$. The model with $\alpha=0$ violates the NEC throughout the evolution, and hence provides a physically unrealistic scenario. The model with $\alpha\neq0$ obeys the NEC and WEC at late times, which shows that the models in this case can render a physical realistic cosmological scenario, though for a restricted period of time. It is also shown that the physical and kinematical behaviour of both models remain similar to an LRS Bianchi I model.

Transport properties of DBI action. (arXiv:2002.08651v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Shesansu Sekhar Pal, relevance 0.00

We obtain precise temperature dependence of three transport coefficients that resembles strange metal: (a) longitudinal electrical conductivity (b) longitudinal thermoelectric conductivity (c) longitudinal thermal conductivity in the absence of magnetic field. This is achieved through one parameter, namely, when the dynamical exponent, $z=4$. Moreover, in the presence of magnetic field, we have cooked up a model where it exhibits the desired temperature dependence of the four transport quantities that resembles strange metal.

The entanglement properties of holographic QCD model with a critical end point. (arXiv:2002.08650v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Zhibin Li, Kun Xu, Mei Huang, relevance 24.31

We investigate different entanglement properties of a holographic QCD (hQCD) model with a critical end point at finite baryon density. Firstly we consider the holographic entanglement entropy (HEE) of this hQCD model in a spherical shaped region and a strip shaped region, respectively, and find that the HEE of this hQCD model in both regions can reflect QCD phase transition. What is more is that although the area formulas and minimal area equations of the two regions are quite different, the HEE have very similar behavior on the QCD phase diagram. So we argue that the behavior of HEE on the QCD phase diagram is independent of the shape of subregions. However, as we know that HEE is not a good quantity to characterize the entanglement between different subregions of a thermal system. So we then study the mutual information (MI), conditional mutual information (CMI) and the entanglement of purification (Ep) in different strip shaped regions. We find that the three entanglement quantities have very similar behavior: their values do not change so much in the hadronic matter phase and then rise up quickly with the increase of $T$ and $\m$ in the QGP phase. Near the phase boundary, these three entanglement quantities change smoothly in the crossover region, continuously but not smoothly at CEP and show discontinuity behavior in the first phase transition region. And all of them can be used to distinguish different phases of strongly coupled matter.

Multi-graded Galilean conformal algebras. (arXiv:2002.08637v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Eric Ragoucy, Jorgen Rasmussen, Christopher Raymond, relevance 9.79

Galilean conformal algebras can be constructed by contracting a finite number of conformal algebras, and enjoy truncated $\mathbb{Z}$-graded structures. Here, we present a generalisation of the Galilean contraction procedure, giving rise to Galilean conformal algebras with truncated $\mathbb{Z}^{\otimes\sigma}$-gradings, $\sigma\in\mathbb{N}$. Detailed examples of these multi-graded Galilean algebras are provided, including extensions of the Galilean Virasoro and affine Kac-Moody algebras. We also derive the associated Sugawara constructions and discuss how these examples relate to multivariable extensions of Takiff algebras. We likewise apply our generalised contraction prescription to tensor products of $W_3$ algebras and obtain new families of higher-order Galilean $W_3$ algebras.

Probing string-inspired gravity with the inspiral-merger-ringdown consistency tests of gravitational waves. (arXiv:2002.08559v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Zack Carson, Kent Yagi, relevance 2.53

The extreme-gravity collisions between black holes allow us to probe the underlying theory of gravity. We apply the theory-agnostic inspiral-merger-ringdown consistency test to an example theory beyond general relativity for the first time. Here we focus on the string-inspired Einstein-dilaton Gauss-Bonnet gravity and modify the inspiral, ringdown, and remnant black hole properties of the gravitational waveform. We found that future multiband observations allow us to constrain the theory stronger than current observations by an order of magnitude. The formalism developed here can easily be applied to other theories.

Twisting Noncommutative Geometries with Applications to High Energy Physics. (arXiv:2002.08509v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Devashish Singh, relevance 1.32

With the bare essentials of noncommutative geometry (defined by a spectral triple), we first describe how it naturally gives rise to gauge theories. Then, we quickly review the notion of twisting (in particular, minimally) noncommutative geometries and how it induces a Wick rotation, that is, a transition of the metric signature from euclidean to Lorentzian. We focus on comparatively more tractable examples of spectral triples; such as the ones corresponding to a closed Riemannian spin manifold, $U(1)$ gauge theory, and electrodynamics. By minimally twisting these examples and computing their associated fermionic actions, we demonstrate how to arrive at physically relevant actions (such as the Weyl and Dirac actions) in Lorentz signature, even though starting from euclidean spectral triples. In the process, not only do we extract a physical interpretation of the twist, but we also capture exactly how the Wick rotation takes place at the level of the fermionic action.

Adinkra Foundation of Component Decomposition and the Scan for Superconformal Multiplets in 11D, N = 1 Superspace. (arXiv:2002.08502v7 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. James Gates, Jr., Yangrui Hu, S.-N. Hazel Mak, relevance 1.12

For the first time in the physics literature, the Lorentz representations of all 2,147,483,648 bosonic degrees of freedom and 2,147,483,648 fermionic degrees of freedom in an unconstrained eleven dimensional scalar superfield are presented. Comparisons of the conceptual bases for this advance in terms of component field, superfield, and adinkra arguments, respectively, are made. These highlight the computational efficiency of the adinkra-based approach over the others. It is noted at level sixteen in the 11D, N = 1 scalar superfield, the {65} representation of SO(1,10), the conformal graviton, is present. Thus, Adinkra-based arguments suggest the surprising possibility that the 11D, N = 1 scalar superfield alone might describe a Poincare supergravity prepotential in analogy to one of the off-shell versions of 4D, N = 1 superfield supergravity.

More on Quantum Chiral Higher Spin Gravity. (arXiv:2002.08487v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Evgeny Skvortsov, Tung Tran, Mirian Tsulaia, relevance 1.94

Chiral Higher Spin Gravity is unique in being the smallest higher spin extension of gravity and in having a simple local action both in flat and (anti)-de Sitter spaces. It must be a closed subsector of any other higher spin theory in four dimensions, which makes it an important building block and benchmark. Using the flat space version for simplicity, we perform a thorough study of quantum corrections in Chiral Theory, which strengthen our earlier results arXiv:1805.00048. Even though the interactions are naively non-renormalizable, we show that there are no UV-divergences in two-, three- and four-point amplitudes at one loop thanks to the higher spin symmetry. We also give arguments that the AdS Chiral Theory should exhibit similar properties. It is shown that Chiral Theory admits Yang-Mills gaugings with $U(N)$, $SO(N)$ and $USp(N)$ groups, which is reminiscent of the Chan-Paton symmetry in string theory.

Analysis on Complete Set of Fock States with Explicit Wavefunctions for the Covariant Harmonic Oscillator Problem. (arXiv:2002.08467v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Suzana Bedić, Otto C. W. Kong, relevance 3.15

The earlier treatments of Lorentz covariant harmonic oscillator have brought to light various difficulties, such as reconciling Lorentz symmetry with the full Fock space, and divergence issues with their functional representations. We present here a full solution avoiding those problems. The complete set of Fock states is obtained, together with the corresponding explicit wavefunction and their inner product integrals free from any divergence problem and the Lorentz symmetry fully maintained without additional constraints imposed. By a simple choice of the pseudo-unitary representation of the underlying symmetry group, motivated from the perspective of the Minkowski spacetime as a representation for the Lorentz group, we obtain the natural non-unitary Fock space picture commonly considered though not formulated and presented in the careful details given here. From a direct derivation of the appropriate basis state wavefunctions of the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of the Lorentz symmetry, the relation between the latter and the Fock state wavefunctions is also explicitly shown. Moreover, the full picture including the states with non-positive norm may give consistent physics picture as a version of Lorentz covariant quantum mechanics. Probability interpretation for the usual von Neumann measurements is not a problem as all wavefunctions restricted to a definite value for the `time' variable are just like those of the usual time independent quantum mechanics. A further understanding from a perspective of the dynamics from the symplectic geometry of the phase space is shortly discussed.

Spin 2 Quasinormal Modes in Generalized Nariai Spacetimes. (arXiv:2002.08449v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Carlos Batista, Joás Venâncio, relevance 7.40

In this work we analytically obtain the quasinormal spectrum for the gravitational perturbation on a higher-dimensional generalization of the Nariai spacetime that is comprised of the direct product of the two-dimensional de Sitter space with several two-spheres. A key step in order to attain this result is to use a suitable basis for the angular functions depending on the rank of the tensorial degree of freedom that one needs to describe. Here we define such a basis, which is a generalization of the tensor spherical harmonics that is suited for spaces that are the product of several spaces of constant curvature.

AdS instability: resonant system for gravitational perturbations of AdS${}_5$ in the cohomogeneity-two biaxial Bianchi IX ansatz. (arXiv:2002.08393v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Dominika Hunik-Kostyra, Andrzej Rostworowski, relevance 14.65

We consider five-dimensional, vacuum Einstein equations with negative cosmological constant within cohomogenity-two biaxial Bianchi IX ansatz. This model allows to investigate the stability of AdS without adding any matter to the energy-momentum tensor, thus analyzing instability of genuine gravtational degrees of freedom. We derive the resonant system and identify vanishing secular terms. The results resemble those obtained for Einstein equations coupled to a spherically-symmetric, massless scalar field, backing the evidence that the scalar field model captures well the relevant features of AdS instability problem. We also list recurrence relations for the interaction coefficients of the resonant system, which might be useful in both numerical simulations and further analytical studies.

Bootstraps to Strings: Solving Random Matrix Models with Positivity. (arXiv:2002.08387v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Henry W. Lin, relevance 0.00

A new approach to solving random matrix models directly in the large $N$ limit is developed. First, a set of numerical values for some low-pt correlation functions is guessed. The large $N$ loop equations are then used to generate values of higher-pt correlation functions based on this guess. Then one tests whether these higher-pt functions are consistent with positivity requirements, e.g., $\langle \text{tr }M^{2k} \rangle \ge 0$. If not, the guessed values are systematically ruled out. In this way, one can constrain the correlation functions of random matrices to a tiny subregion which contains (and perhaps converges to) the true solution. This approach is tested on single and multi-matrix models and handily reproduces known solutions. It also produces strong results for multi-matrix models which are not believed to be solvable. A tantalizing possibility is that this method could be used to search for new critical points, or string worldsheet theories.

Observational signatures of disk and jet misalignment in images of accreting black holes. (arXiv:2002.08386v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Koushik Chatterjee, Ziri Younsi, Matthew Liska, Alexander Tchekhovskoy, Sera Markoff, Doosoo Yoon, David van Eijnatten, Casper Hesp, Adam Ingram, Michiel van der Klis, relevance 10.10

Black hole accretion is one of nature's most efficient energy extraction processes. When gas falls in, a significant fraction of its gravitational binding energy is either converted into radiation or flows outwards in the form of black hole-driven jets and disk-driven winds. Recently, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), an Earth-size sub-millimetre radio interferometer, captured the first images of M87's black hole (or M87*). These images were analysed and interpreted using general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) models of accretion disks with rotation axes aligned with the black hole spin axis. However, since infalling gas is often insensitive to the black hole spin direction, misalignment between accretion disk and black hole spin may be a common occurrence in nature. In this work, we use the general-relativistic radiative transfer (GRRT) code \texttt{BHOSS} to calculate the first synthetic radio images of (highly) tilted disk/jet models generated by our GPU-accelerated GRMHD code \texttt{HAMR}. While the tilt does not have a noticeable effect on the system dynamics beyond a few tens of gravitational radii from the black hole, the warping of the disk and jet can imprint observable signatures in EHT images on smaller scales. Comparing the images from our GRMHD models to the 43 GHz and 230 GHz EHT images of M87, we find that M87 may feature a tilted disk/jet system. Further, tilted disks and jets display significant time variability in the 230 GHz flux that can be further tested by longer-duration EHT observations of M87.

Modeling the gravitational wave signature of neutron star black hole coalescences: PhenomNSBH. (arXiv:2002.08383v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jonathan E. Thompson, Edward Fauchon-Jones, Sebastian Khan, Elisa Nitoglia, Francesco Pannarale, Tim Dietrich, Mark Hannam, relevance 8.27

Accurate gravitational-wave (GW) signal models exist for black hole binary (BBH) and neutron-star binary (BNS) systems, which are consistent with all of the published GW observations to date. Detections of a third class of compact-binary systems, neutron-star black hole (NSBH) binaries, have not yet been confirmed, but are eagerly awaited in the near future. For NSBH systems, GW models do not exist across the viable parameter space of signals. In this work we present the frequency-domain phenomenological model, PhenomNSBH, for GWs produced by NSBH systems with mass ratios from equal-mass up to 15, spin on the black hole up to a dimensionless spin of $|\chi|=0.5$, and tidal deformabilities ranging from 0 (the BBH limit) to 5000. We extend previous work on a phenomenological amplitude model for NSBH systems to produce an amplitude model that is parameterized by a single tidal deformability parameter. This amplitude model is combined with an analytic phase model describing tidal corrections. The resulting approximant is compared to publicly-available NSBH numerical-relativity simulations and hybrid waveforms constructed from numerical-relativity simulations and tidal inspiral approximants. For most signals observed by second-generation ground-based detectors, it will be difficult to use the GW signal alone to distinguish single NSBH systems from either BNSs or BBHs, and therefore to unambiguously identify an NSBH system.

$q$-nonabelianization for line defects. (arXiv:2002.08382v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Andrew Neitzke, Fei Yan, relevance 0.45

We consider the $q$-nonabelianization map, which maps links $L$ in a 3-manifold $M$ to links $\widetilde{L}$ in a branched $N$-fold cover $\widetilde{M}$. In quantum field theory terms, $q$-nonabelianization is the UV-IR map relating two different sorts of defect: in the UV we have the six-dimensional $(2,0)$ superconformal field theory of type $\mathfrak{gl}(N)$ on $M \times \mathbb{R}^{2,1}$, and we consider surface defects placed on $L \times \{x^4 = x^5 = 0\}$; in the IR we have the $(2,0)$ theory of type $\mathfrak{gl}(1)$ on $\widetilde{M} \times \mathbb{R}^{2,1}$, and put the defects on $\widetilde{L} \times \{x^4 = x^5 = 0\}$. In the case $M = \mathbb{R}^3$, $q$-nonabelianization computes the Jones polynomial of a link, or its analogue associated to the group $U(N)$. In the case $M = C \times \mathbb{R}$, when the projection of $L$ to $C$ is a simple non-contractible loop, $q$-nonabelianization computes the protected spin character for framed BPS states in 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ theories of class $S$. In the case $N=2$ and $M = C \times \mathbb{R}$, we give a concrete construction of the $q$-nonabelianization map. The construction uses the data of the WKB foliations associated to a holomorphic covering $\widetilde{C} \to C$.

KdV-charged black holes. (arXiv:2002.08368v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Anatoly Dymarsky, Sotaro Sugishita, relevance 18.90

We construct black hole geometries in AdS$_3$ with non-trivial values of KdV charges. The black holes are holographically dual to quantum KdV Generalized Gibbs Ensemble in 2d CFT. They satisfy thermodynamic identity and thus are saddle point configurations of the Euclidean gravity path integral. We discuss holographic calculation of the KdV generalized partition function and show that for a certain value of chemical potentials new geometries, not the conventional BTZ ones, are the leading saddles.

Breakdown of Diffusion on the Edge. (arXiv:2002.08365v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luca V. Delacretaz, Paolo Glorioso, relevance 0.17

We show that dirty Quantum Hall systems exhibit large hydrodynamic fluctuations at their edge that lead to anomalously damped charge excitations in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class $\omega \simeq ck - i \mathcal D k^{3/2} $. The dissipative optical conductivity of the edge is singular at low frequencies $\sigma(\omega) \sim 1/\omega^{1/3}$. These results are direct consequences of the charge continuity relation, the chiral anomaly, and thermalization on the edge -- in particular translation invariance is not assumed. Diffusion of heat similarly breaks down, with a universality class that depends on whether the bulk thermal Hall conductivity vanishes. We further establish the theory of fluctuating hydrodynamics for surface chiral metals, where charge fluctuations give logarithmic corrections to transport.

Existence of Chandrasekhar's limit in GUP white dwarfs. (arXiv:2002.08360v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Arun Mathew, Malay Kumar Nandy, relevance -2.02

Various recent theoretical investigations suggest that gravitational collapse of white dwarfs is withheld for arbitrarily high masses if the equation of state is described by the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). There have been a few attempts to restore the Chandrasekhar limit but they are found to be inadequate from different perspectives and some of them led to unphysical mass-radius relations. In this paper, we rigorously resolve this problem by analyzing the dynamical instability in general relativity. We confirm the existence of Chandrasekhar's limit as well as stable mass-radius curves that behave consistently with astronomical observations. Moreover, this stability analysis suggests gravitational collapse beyond the Chandrasekhar limit signifying the possibility of compact objects denser than white dwarfs.

Stable Thin-shell Wormholes with Ordinary Matter in Pure Gauss-Bonnet Gravity. (arXiv:2002.08358v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S. Danial Forghani, S. Habib Mazharimousavi, relevance 9.95

In this paper we introduce higher dimensional thin-shell wormholes in pure Gauss-Bonnet gravity. The focus is on thin-shell wormholes constructed by N>5-dimensional spherically symmetric vacuum solutions. The results suggest that, under certain conditions, it is possible to have thin-shell wormholes that both satisfy the weak energy condition and be stable against radial perturbations.

T-Witts from the horizon. (arXiv:2002.08346v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by H. Adami, D. Grumiller, S. Sadeghian, M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari, C. Zwikel, relevance 15.56

Expanding around null hypersurfaces, such as generic Kerr black hole horizons, using co-rotating Kruskal-Israel-like coordinates we study the associated surface charges, their symmetries and the corresponding phase space within Einstein gravity. Our surface charges are not integrable in general. Their integrable part generates an algebra including superrotations and a BMS_3-type algebra that we dub "T-Witt algebra". The non-integrable part accounts for the flux passing through the null hypersurface. We put our results in the context of earlier constructions of near horizon symmetries, soft hair and of the program to semi-classically identify Kerr black hole microstates.

Boundary conditions without boundary conditions for the AdS manifold. (arXiv:2002.08342v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Justin C. Feng, relevance 7.54

In this note, I examine a construction in which one closes the system generated by variation of boundary terms in the gravitational action on the AdS manifold by postulating a perfect fluid ansatz for the induced energy-momentum tensor on the boundary. The vacuum ``Hamiltonian'' constraint yields an equation of state which reduces to that of radiation in the absence of boundary matter, as one might expect. However, if boundary matter is introduced, one obtains a modified equation of state which depends on the trace of the energy-momentum tensor for the boundary matter. The boundary theory in this construction may be of interest as a gravitational model containing an induced dark radiation component.

Gauss-Bonnet-Chern approach to the averaged Universe. (arXiv:2002.08336v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Léo Brunswic, Thomas Buchert, relevance 1.22

The standard model of cosmology with postulated dark energy and dark matter sources may be considered as a fairly successful fitting model to observational data. However, this model leaves the question of the physical origin of these dark components open. Fully relativistic contributions that act like dark energy on large scales and like dark matter on smaller scales can be found through generalization of the standard model by spatially averaging the inhomogeneous Universe within general relativity. The spatially averaged 3+1 Einstein equations are effective balance equations that need a closure condition. Heading for closure we here explore topological constraints. Results are straightforwardly obtained for averaged 2+1 model universes. For the relevant 3+1 case, we employ a method based on the Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem generalized to Lorentzian spacetimes and implement a sandwich approach to obtain spatial average properties. The 3+1 topological approach supplies us with a new equation linking evolution of scalar invariants of the expansion tensor to the norm of the Weyl tensor. From this we derive general evolution equations for averaged scalar curvature and kinematical backreaction, and we discuss related evolution equations on this level of the hierarchy of averaged equations. We also discuss the relation between topological properties of cosmological manifolds and dynamical topology change, e.g. as resulting from the formation of black holes.

Sub-Planckian $\phi^{2}$ Inflation in the Palatini Formulation of Gravity with an $R^2$ term. (arXiv:2002.08324v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Amy Lloyd-Stubbs, John McDonald, relevance 0.00

In the context of the Palatini formalism of gravity with an $R^{2}$ term, a $\phi^{2}$ potential can be consistent with the observed bound on $r$ whilst retaining the successful prediction for $n_{s}$. Here we show that the Palatini $\phi^{2} R^2$ inflation model can also solve the super-Planckian inflaton problem of $\phi^{2}$ chaotic inflation, and that the model can be consistent with Planck scale-suppressed potential corrections. If $\alpha \gtrsim 10^{12}$, where $\alpha$ is the coefficient of the $R^2$ term, the inflaton in the Einstein frame, $\sigma$, remains sub-Planckian throughout inflation. In addition, if $\alpha \gtrsim 10^{20}$ then the predictions of the model are unaffected by Planck-suppressed potential corrections in the case where there is a broken shift symmetry, and if $\alpha \gtrsim 10^{32}$ then the predictions are unaffected by Planck-suppressed potential corrections in general. The value of $r$ is generally small, with $r \lesssim 10^{-5}$ for $\alpha \gtrsim 10^{12}$. We calculate the maximum possible reheating temperature, $T_{R\;max}$, corresponding to instantaneous reheating. For $\alpha \approx 10^{32}$, $T_{R\; max}$ is approximately $10^{10}$ GeV, with larger values of $T_{R\;max}$ for smaller $\alpha$. For the case of instantaneous reheating, we show that $n_{s}$ is in agreement with the 2018 Planck results to within 1-$\sigma$, with the exception of the $\alpha \approx 10^{32}$ case, which is close to the 2-$\sigma$ lower bound. Following inflation, the inflaton condensate is likely to rapidly fragment and form oscillons. Reheating via inflaton decays to right-handed neutrinos can easily result in instantaneous reheating. We determine the scale of unitarity violation and show that, in general, unitarity is conserved during inflation.

Nonlinear Fluctuations in Relativistic Causal Fluids. (arXiv:2002.08323v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nahuel Mirón-Granese, Alejandra Kandus, Esteban Calzetta, relevance 10.60

In the Second Order Theories (SOT) of real relativistic fluids, the non-ideal properties of the flows are described by a new set of dynamical tensor variables. In this work we explore the non-linear dynamics of those variables in a conformal fluid. Among all possible SOTs, we choose to work with the Divergence Type Theories (DTT) formalism, which ensures that the second law of thermodynamics is fulfilled non-perturbatively. The tensor modes include two divergence-free modes which have no analog in theories based on covariant generalizations of the Navier-Stokes equation, and that are particularly relevant because they couple linearly to a gravitational field. To study the dynamics of this irreducible tensor sector, we observe that in causal theories such as DTTs, thermal fluctuations induce a stochastic stirring force, which excites the tensor modes while preserving energy momentum conservation. From fluctuation-dissipation considerations it follows that the random force is Gaussian with a white spectrum. The irreducible tensor modes in turn excite vector modes, which back-react on the tensor sector, thus producing a consistent non-linear, second order description of the divergence-free tensor dynamics. Using the Martin-Siggia-Rose (MSR) formalism plus the Two-Particle Irreducible Effective Action (2PIEA) formalism, we obtain the one-loop corrected equations for the relevant two-point correlation functions of the model: the retarded propagator and the Hadamard function. The overall result of the self-consistent dynamics of the irreducible tensor modes at this order is a depletion of the spectrum in the UV sector, which suggests that tensor modes could sustain an inverse entropy cascade.

Extending the PyCBC search for gravitational waves from compact binary mergers to a global network. (arXiv:2002.08291v3 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Gareth S. Davies, Thomas Dent, Márton Tápai, Ian Harry, Connor McIsaac, Alexander H. Nitz, relevance 0.00

The worldwide advanced gravitational-wave (GW) detector network has so far primarily consisted of the two Advanced LIGO observatories at Hanford and Livingston, with Advanced Virgo joining the 2016-7 O2 observation run at a relatively late stage. However Virgo has been observing alongside the LIGO detectors since the start of the O3 run; in the near future, the KAGRA detector will join the global network and a further LIGO detector in India is under construction. Gravitational-wave search methods would therefore benefit from the ability to analyse data from an arbitrary network of detectors. In this paper, we extend the PyCBC offline compact binary coalescence (CBC) search analysis to three or more detectors, and describe resulting updates to the coincident search and event ranking statistic. For a three-detector network, our improved multi-detector search finds 23% more simulated signals at fixed false alarm rate in idealized colored Gaussian noise, and up to 40% more in real data, compared to the two-detector analysis previously used during O2.

Phase transitions in a three-dimensional analogue of Klebanov-Strassler. (arXiv:2002.08279v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Daniel Elander, Anton F. Faedo, David Mateos, Javier G. Subils, relevance 0.83

We use top-down holography to study the thermodynamics of a one-parameter family of three-dimensional, strongly coupled Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theories with M-theory duals. For generic values of the parameter, the theories exhibit a mass gap but no confinement, meaning no linear quark-antiquark potential. For two specific values of the parameter they flow to an infrared fixed point or to a confining vacuum, respectively. As in the Klebanov-Strassler solution, on the gravity side the mass gap is generated by the smooth collapse to zero size of a cycle in the internal geometry. We uncover a rich phase diagram with thermal phase transitions of first and second order, a triple point and a critical point.

Holographic information theoretic quantities for Lifshitz black hole. (arXiv:2002.08272v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Sourav Karar, Sunandan Gangopadhyay, relevance 42.10

In this paper, we have investigated the holographic entanglement entropy for a linear subsystem in a $3+1$-dimensional Lifshitz black hole. The entanglement entropy has been analysed in both the infra-red and ultra-violet limits, and has also been computed in the near horizon approximation. The notion of a generalized temperature in terms of the renormalized entanglement entropy has been introduced. This also leads to a generalized thermodynamics like law $E=T_g S_{REE}$. The generalized temperature has been defined in such a way that it reduces to the Hawking temperature in the infra-red limit. We have then computed the holographic subregion complexity. Then the Fisher information metric and the fidelity susceptibility for the same linear subsystem have also been computed using the bulk dual prescriptions. It has been observed that the two metrics are not related to each other.

Polarization loss in reflecting coating. (arXiv:2002.08271v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Sergey P. Vyatchanin, relevance 0.00

In laser gravitational waves detectors optical loss restricts sensitivity. We discuss polarization scattering as one more possible mechanism of optical losses. Circulated inside interferometer light is polarized and after reflection its plane of polarization can turn a little due to reflecting coating of mirror can have slightly different refraction index along axes $x,\, y$ in plane of mirror surface (optical anisotropy). This anisotropy can be produced during manufacture of coating (elasto-optic effect). This orthogonal polarized light, enhanced in cavity, produces polarization optical loss. Polarization map of mirrors is very important and we propose to measure it. Polarization loss can be important in different precision optical experiments based on usage of polarized light, for example, in quantum speed meter.

DHOST Bounce. (arXiv:2002.08269v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Amara Ilyas, Mian Zhu, Yunlong Zheng, Yi-Fu Cai, Emmanuel N. Saridakis, relevance 0.00

We present a new class of non-singular bounce cosmology free from instabilities, using a single scalar field coupled to gravity within the framework of the Degenerate Higher-Order Scalar-Tensor (DHOST) theories. In this type of scenarios, the gradient instability that widely exists in non-singular bounce cosmologies in the framework of scalar-tensor and Horndeski/Galileon theories is removed by the effects of new operators introduced by the DHOST, due to the modification that they later bring about to the dispersion relation of perturbations. Hence, our results demonstrate that there is indeed a loophole for this type of bounce scenarios to be free from pathologies when primordial perturbations evolve through the bounce phase, and thus the theoretical {\it no-go} theorem for non-singular bounce cosmology of Horndeski/Galileon theories can be delicately evaded in DHOST extensions.

A composite massless vector boson. (arXiv:2002.08221v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Vincenzo Afferrante, Axel Maas, Pascal Törek, relevance 1.47

In a non-perturbative gauge-invariant formulation of grand-unified theories all low energy vector states need to be composite with respect to the high-scale gauge group, including the photon. We investigate this by using lattice methods to spectroscopically analyze the vector channel in a toy grand-unified theory, an SU(2) adjoint Higgs model. Our results support indeed the existence of a massless composite vector particle.

On the Likelihood of Observing Extragalactic Civilizations: Predictions from the Self-Indication Assumption. (arXiv:2002.08194v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by S. Jay Olson, relevance 0.51

Ambitious civilizations that expand for resources at an intergalactic scale could be observable from a cosmological distance, but how likely is one to be visible to us? The question comes down to estimating the appearance rate of such things in the cosmos --- a radically uncertain quantity. Despite this prior uncertainty, anthropic considerations give rise to Bayesian updates, and thus predictions. The Self-Sampling Assumption (SSA), a school of anthropic probability, has previously been used for this purpose. Here, we derive predictions from the alternative school, the Self-Indication Assumption (SIA), and point out its features. SIA favors a higher appearance rate of expansionistic life, but our existence at the present cosmic time means that such life cannot be too common (else our galaxy would long ago have been overrun). This combination squeezes our vast prior uncertainty into a few orders of magnitude. Details of the background cosmology fall out, and we are left with some stark conclusions. E.g. if the limits to technology allow a civilization to expand at speed $v$, the probability of at least one expanding cosmological civilization being visible on our past light cone is $1-\frac{v^3}{c^3}$. We also show how the SIA estimate can be updated from the results of a hypothetical full-sky survey that detects "$n$" expanding civilizations (for $n \geq 0$), and calculate the implied final extent of life in the universe.

Critical behavior of charged dilaton black holes in AdS space. (arXiv:2002.08188v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Amin Dehyadegari, Ahmad Sheykhi, relevance 20.31

We revisit critical behaviour and phase structure of charged anti-deSitter (AdS) dilaton black holes for arbitrary values of dilaton coupling $\alpha$, and realize several novel phase behaviour for this system. We adopt the viewpoint that cosmological constant (pressure) is fixed and treat the charge of the black hole as a thermodynamical variable. We study critical behaviour and phase structure by analyzing the phase diagrams in $T-S$ and $ q-T$ planes. We numerically derive the critical point in terms of $\alpha$ and observe that for $\alpha =1$ and $\alpha \geq \sqrt{3}$, the system does not admit any critical point, while for $0<\alpha <1$, the critical quantities are not significantly affected by $\alpha$. We find that unstable behavior of the Gibbs free energy for $q<q_{c}$ exhibits a \textit{first order} (discontinuous) phase transition between small and large black holes for $0\leq\alpha<1$. For $1<\alpha <\sqrt{3}$ and $q>q_{c}$, however, a novel first order phase transition occurs between small and large black hole, which has not been observed in the previous studies on phase transition of charged AdS black holes.

Nonminimally Coupled Boltzmann Equation I: Foundations. (arXiv:2002.08184v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Orfeu Bertolami, Cláudio Gomes, relevance 1.56

We derive the Boltzmann equation in the context of a gravity theory with non-minimal coupling between matter and curvature. We show that as the energy-momentum tensor is not conserved in these theories, it follows a condition on the normalisation of an homogeneous distribution function. The Boltzmann H-theorem is preserved such that the entropy vector flux is still a non-decreasing function in these theories. The case of an homogeneous and isotropic Universe is analysed.

Gravitoelectromagnetism, Solar System Test and Weak-Field Solutions in $f(T,B)$ Gravity with Observational Constraints. (arXiv:2002.08183v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Gabriel Farrugia, Jackson Levi Said, Andrew Finch, relevance 0.00

Gravitomagnetism characterize phenomena in the weak field limit within the context of rotating systems. These are mainly manifested in the geodetic and Lense-Thirring effects. The geodetic effect describes the precession of the spin of a gyroscope in orbit about a massive static central object, while the Lense-Thirring effect expresses the analogous effect for the precession of the orbit about a rotating source. In this work, we explore these effects in the framework of Teleparallel Gravity and investigate how these effects may impact recent and future missions. We find that teleparallel theories of gravity may have an important impact on these effects which may constrain potential models within these theories.

Spin Quantum Entanglement in a General Curved Static Space-Time. (arXiv:2002.08179v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by A. Mohadi, N. Mebarki, M.Boussahel, relevance 29.64

A general formalism of the spin quantum entanglement in a curved space-time represented. As examples Kerr and non commutative Reissner- Nordstr\"om models are considered. The behaviors of the concurrence and entanglement entropy as a function of the various parameters are also discussed.

Testing ER=EPR. (arXiv:2002.08178v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by De-Chang Dai, Djordje Minic, Dejan Stojkovic, Changbo Fu, relevance 1.32

We discuss a few tests of the ER=EPR proposal. We consider certain conceptual issues as well as explicit physical examples that could be experimentally realized. In particular, we discuss the role of the Bell bounds, the large N limit, as well as the consistency of certain theoretical assumptions underlying the ER=EPR proposal. As explicit tests of the ER=EPR proposal we consider limits coming from the entropy-energy relation and certain limits coming from measurements of the speed of light as well as measurements of effective weights of entangled states. We also discuss various caveats of such experimental tests of the ER=EPR proposal.

Exploring physical properties of compact stars in $f(R,T)-$gravity: An embedding approach. (arXiv:2002.08160v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ksh. Newton Singh, Abdelghani Errehymy, Farook Rahaman, Mohammed Daoud, relevance 0.44

Solving field equations exactly in $f(R,T)$ gravity is one of the difficult task. To do so, many authors have adopted different methods such as assuming both the metric functions, an equation of state (EoS) and a metric function etc. However, such methods may not always lead to well-behaved solutions and thereby rejection of the solutions may happen after complete calculations. Indeed, very recent works on embedding class one methods suggested that the chances of arriving at the well behaved-solution is very high thereby inspired us to used it. In class one approach, we have to ansatz one of the metric potentials and the other can be obtain from the Karmarkar condition. In this paper, we are proposing new class one solution which is well-behaved in all physical points of view. We have analyzed the nature of the solution by tuning the $f(R,T)-$coupling parameter $\chi$ and found that the solution results into stiffer EoS for $\chi=-1$ than $\chi=1$. This is because for lesser values of $\chi$, velocity of sound is more, higher $M_{max}$ in $M-R$ curve and the EoS parameter $\omega$ is larger. The solution satisfy the causality condition, energy conditions, stable and static under radial perturbations (static stability criterion) and in equilibrium (modified TOV-equation). The resulting $M-R$ diagram from this solution is well fitted with observed values of few compact stars such as PSR J1614-2230, Vela X-1, Cen X-3 and SAX J1808.4-3658. Therefore, for different values of $\chi$, we have predicted the corresponding radii and their respective moment of inertia from the $M-I$ curve.

One-Dimensional Gravitational Waves In Quadratic Gravity. (arXiv:2002.08157v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Taimur Mohammadi, Behrooz Malekolkalami, relevance 2.11

In this paper, the equation of one-dimensional GWs for quadratic action in an isotropic and perfect fluid with perturbed FRW background metric was investigated. It was seen the obtained equation has several solutions which the figures of the power spectrum obtained are almost identical for all of them and are decreasing in terms of the wavenumber.

Towards the merger of Hawking radiating black holes. (arXiv:2002.08048v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Huiquan Li, Jiancheng Wang, relevance 21.23

We discuss the merger process of binary black holes with Hawking radiation taken into account. Besides the redshifted radiation to infinity, binary black holes can exchange radiation between themselves, which is first redshifted and then blueshifted when it propagates from one hole to the other. The exchange rate should be large when the temperature-divergent horizons are penetrating each other to form a single horizon with unique temperature. This will cause non-negligible mass and angular momentum transfer between the black holes during the merging process of the horizons. We further argue in the large mass ratio limit that the light hole whose evaporation is enhanced by the competing redshift-blueshift effects will probably evaporate or decay completely before reaching the the horizon of the heavy one, generalising our previous Rindler/Tachyon speculations which state that a probe particle collapsing to a non-extreme black hole will completely decay into gravitons (or closed strings more generally) before reaching the horizon. We also discuss the possibility of testing Hawking radiation and even exploring the information loss puzzle in gravitational wave observations.

Beyond the Starobinsky model for inflation. (arXiv:2002.07981v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dhong Yeon Cheong, Hyun Min Lee, Seong Chan Park, relevance 0.00

We single out the Starobinsky model and its extensions among generic $f(R)$ gravity as attractors at large field values for chaotic inflation. Treating a $R^3$ curvature term as a perturbation of the Starobinsky model, we impose the phenomenological bounds on the additional term satisfying the successful inflationary predictions. We find that the scalar spectral index can vary in both the red or blue tilted direction, depending on the sign of the coefficient of the $R^3$ term, whereas the tensor-to-scalar ratio is less affected in the Planck-compatible region. We also discuss the role of higher order curvature term for stability and the reheating dynamics for the unambiguous prediction for the number of efoldings up to the $R^3$ term.

Effective field theory of degenerate higher-order inflation. (arXiv:2002.07967v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hayato Motohashi, Wayne Hu, relevance 1.62

We extend the effective field theory of inflation to a general Lagrangian constructed from Arnowitt-Deser-Misner variables that encompasses the most general interactions with up to second derivatives of the scalar field whose background breaks temporal diffeomorphism invariance. Degeneracy conditions, corresponding to 8 distinct types -- only one of which corresponds to known degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor models -- provide necessary conditions for eliminating the Ostrogradsky ghost in a covariant theory at the level of the quadratic action in unitary gauge. Novel implications of the degenerate higher-order system for the Cauchy problem are illustrated with the phase space portrait of an explicit inflationary example: not all field configurations lead to physical solutions for the metric even for positive potentials; solutions are unique for a given configuration only up to a branch choice; solutions on one branch can apparently end at nonsingular points of the metric and their continuation on alternate branches lead to nonsingular bouncing solutions; unitary gauge perturbations can go unstable even when degenerate terms in the Lagrangian are infinitesimal. The attractor solution leads to an inflationary scenario where slow-roll parameters vary and running of the tilt can be large even with no explicit features in the potential far from the end of inflation, requiring the optimized slow-roll approach for predicting observables.

Constructing Love-Q-Relations with Gravitational Wave Detections. (arXiv:2002.07918v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Anuradha Samajdar, Tim Dietrich, relevance 0.00

Quasi-universal relations connecting the tidal deformability and the quadrupole moment of individual neutron stars are predicted by theoretical computations, but have not been measured experimentally. However, such relations are employed during the interpretation of gravitational waves and, therefore, have a direct impact on the interpretation of real data. In this work, we study how quasi-universal relations can be tested and measured from gravitational wave signals connected to binary neutron star coalescences. We study a population of $120$ binary neutron star systems and find that Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo at design sensitivity could find possible deviations of predicted relations if the observed neutron stars are highly spinning. In the future, a network of third generation (3G) detectors will be able to even allow a measurement of quasi-universal relations. Thus, the outlined approach provides a new test of general relativity and nuclear physics predictions.

Theory of Neutrino Detection -- Flavor Oscillations and Weak Values. (arXiv:2002.07914v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Y. P. Porto-Silva, M. C. de Oliveira, relevance 0.00

We show that, in the relativistic limit, the quantum theory of neutrino oscillations can be described through the theory of weak measurements with pre and post-selection. The weak nature of neutrino detection allows simultaneous determination of flavor and energy without problems related to the collapse of the wavefunction. Together with post-selection, a non-trivial quantum interference emerges, allowing one to describe a flavor neutrino as one single particle, despite its superposition of masses. We write down the flavor equation of motion and calculate the flavor oscillation probability by showing precisely how a single neutrino interferes with itself.

Hawking radiation in optics and beyond. (arXiv:2002.07907v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Raul Aguero-Santacruz, David Bermudez, relevance 16.22

Hawking radiation was originally proposed in astrophysics, but it has been generalized and extended to other physical systems receiving the name of analogue Hawking radiation. In the last two decades, several attempts have been made to measure it in a laboratory, one of the most successful systems is in optics. Light interacting in a dielectric material causes an analogue Hawking effect, in fact, its stimulated version has already been detected and the search for the spontaneous signal is currently ongoing. We briefly review the general derivation of Hawking radiation, then we focus on the optical analogue and present some novel numerical results. Finally, we call for a generalization of the term Hawking radiation.

Photon directional profile from stimulated decay of axion clouds with arbitrary momentum distributions. (arXiv:2002.07885v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Liang Chen, Thomas W. Kephart, relevance 0.00

We model clusters of axions with spherically symmetric spacial but arbitrary momentum distributions and study the directional profile of photos produced in their evolution through spontaneous and stimulated decay of axions via the process a --> gamma + gamma. Several specific examples are presented.

$\mathcal{N}=2$ Minimal Models: A Holographic Needle in a Symmetric Orbifold Haystack. (arXiv:2002.07819v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexandre Belin, Nathan Benjamin, Alejandra Castro, Sarah M. Harrison, Christoph A. Keller, relevance 8.94

We explore large-$N$ symmetric orbifolds of the $\mathcal N=2$ minimal models, and find evidence that their moduli spaces each contain a supergravity point. We identify single-trace exactly marginal operators that deform them away from the symmetric orbifold locus. We also show that their elliptic genera exhibit slow growth consistent with supergravity spectra in AdS$_3$. We thus propose an infinite family of new holographic CFTs.

No go for a flow. (arXiv:2002.07816v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Federico Carta, Alessandro Mininno, relevance 1.03

We prove that a very large class of $15502$ general Argyres-Douglas theories cannot admit a UV lagrangian which flows to them via the Maruyoshi-Song supersymmetry enhancement mechanism. We do so by developing a computer program which brute-force lists, for any given 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal theory $\mathcal{T}_{\text{IR}}$, all possible UV candidate superconformal lagrangians $\mathcal{T}_{\text{UV}}$ satisfying some necessary criteria for the supersymmetry enhancement to happen. We argue that this is enough evidence to conjecture that it is impossible, in general, to find new examples of Maruyoshi-Song lagrangians for generalized Argyres-Douglas theories. All lagrangians already known are, on the other hand, recovered and confirmed in our scan. Finally, we also develop another program to compute efficiently Coulomb branch spectrum, masses, couplings and central charges for $(G,G')$ Argyres-Douglas theories of arbitrarily high rank.

Black Ripples, Flowers and Dumbbells at large $D$. (arXiv:2002.07813v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David Licht, Raimon Luna, Ryotaku Suzuki, relevance 8.57

We explore the rich phase space of singly spinning (both neutral and charged) black hole solutions in the large $D$ limit. We find several 'bumpy' branches which are connected to multiple (concentric) black rings, and black Saturns. Additionally we obtain stationary solutions without axisymmetry that are only stationary at $D\rightarrow \infty$, but correspond to long lived black hole solutions at finite $D$. These multipolar solutions can appear as intermediate configurations in the decay of ultra-spinning Myers-Perry black holes into stable black holes. Finally we also construct stationary solutions corresponding to the instability of such a multipolar solution.

Ruling out the massless up-quark solution to the strong CP problem by computing the topological mass contribution with lattice QCD. (arXiv:2002.07802v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Constantia Alexandrou, Jacob Finkenrath, Lena Funcke, Karl Jansen, Bartosz Kostrzewa, Ferenc Pittler, Carsten Urbach, relevance 1.68

The infamous strong CP problem in particle physics can in principle be solved by a massless up quark. In particular, it was hypothesised that topological effects could substantially contribute to the observed non-zero up-quark mass without reintroducing CP violation. Alternatively to previous work using fits to chiral perturbation theory, in this letter we bound the strength of the topological mass contribution with direct lattice QCD simulations by computing the dependence of the pion mass on the dynamical strange-quark mass. We find that the size of the topological mass contribution is inconsistent with the massless up-quark solution to the strong CP problem.

Turbulent cascades in a truncation of the cubic Szego equation and related systems. (arXiv:2002.07785v1 [math.AP])
in hep-th by Anxo Biasi, Oleg Evnin, relevance 0.00

The cubic Szego equation has been studied as an integrable model for deterministic turbulence, starting with the foundational work of Gerard and Grellier. We introduce a truncated version of this equation, wherein a majority of the Fourier mode couplings are eliminated while the signature features of the model are preserved, namely, a Lax-pair structure and a nested hierarchy of finite-dimensional dynamically invariant manifolds. Despite the impoverished structure of the interactions, the turbulent behaviors of our new equation are stronger in an appropriate sense than for the original cubic Szego equation. We construct explicit analytic solutions displaying exponential growth of Sobolev norms. We furthermore introduce a family of models that interpolate between our truncated system and the original cubic Szego equation, along with a few other related deformations. All of these models possess Lax pairs, invariant manifolds, and display a variety of turbulent cascades. We additionally mention numerical evidence that shows an even stronger type of turbulence in the form of a finite-time blow-up in some different, closely related dynamical systems.

$\mathcal{N}=1$ Supersymmetric Double Field Theory and the generalized Kerr-Schild Ansatz. (arXiv:2002.07751v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Eric Lescano, Jesús A. Rodríguez, relevance 3.31

We construct the $\mathcal{N} = 1$ supersymmetric extension of the generalized Kerr-Schild ansatz in the flux formulation of Double Field Theory. We show that this ansatz is compatible with $\mathcal{N} = 1$ supersymmetry as long as it is not written in terms of generalized null vectors. Supersymmetric consistency is obtained through a set of conditions that imply linearity of the generalized gravitino perturbation and unrestricted perturbations of the generalized background dilaton and dilatino. As a final step we parametrize the previous theory in terms of the field content of the low energy effective $10$-dimensional heterotic supergravity and we find that the perturbation of the $10$-dimensional vielbein, Kalb-Ramond field and gravitino can be written in terms of a pair of null vectors, as expected.

Twisted Cohomotopy implies M5-brane anomaly cancellation. (arXiv:2002.07737v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber, relevance 0.00

We highlight what seems to be a remaining subtlety in the argument for the cancellation of the total anomaly associated with the M5-brane in M-theory. Then we prove that this subtlety is resolved under the hypothesis that the C-field flux is charge-quantized in the generalized cohomology theory called J-twisted Cohomotopy.

Estimates for Disk and Ejecta Masses Produced in Compact Binary Mergers. (arXiv:2002.07728v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by C. J. Krüger, F. Foucart, relevance 0.71

There is irresistible observational evidence that binary systems of compact objects with at least one neutron star are progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts, as well as a production site for r-process elements, at least when some matter is ejected by the merger and an accretion disk is formed. The recent observations of gravitational waves in conjunction with electromagnetic counterparts fuel the need for models predicting the outcome of a given merger and the properties of the associated matter outflows as a function of the initial parameters of the binary. In this manuscript, we provide updated fitting formulae that estimate the disk mass for double neutron star binaries and ejecta masses for black hole-neutron star and double neutron star binaries, fitted to the results of numerical simulations. Our proposed fitting formulae improve on existing models by aiming for analytical simplicity, by covering a larger region of parameter space, and by accounting for regions of parameter space not covered by numerical simulations but with physically manifest merger outcomes.

Mirror anomaly in fermionic topological orders. (arXiv:2002.07714v1 [cond-mat.str-el] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Bin-Bin Mao, Chenjie Wang, relevance -6.16

We study general 2D fermionic topological orders enriched by the mirror symmetry with $\mathcal{M}^2=1$. It is known that certain mirror symmetry enriched fermionic topological orders (mirror SETs) are anomalous, in the sense that they cannot be realized in strict two dimensions but have to live on the surface of 3D topological crystalline superconductors. Mirror anomaly, or equivalently 3D topological crystalline superconductors, has a $\mathbb{Z}_{16}$ classification. In this work, we derive an explicit expression, namely an \emph{anomaly indicator}, for the $\mathbb{Z}_{16}$ mirror anomaly for general fermionic mirror SETs. This derivation is based on the recently developed folding approach, originally proposed for bosonic topological orders. We generalize it to fermion systems. Through this approach, we establish a direct bulk-boundary correspondence between surface fermionic topological orders and 3D bulk topological crystalline superconductors. In addition, during the derivation, we obtain some general properties of fermionic topological orders as well as a few constraints on properties of fermionic mirror SETs.

Fluctuation-Dissipation Relation from the Nonequilibrium Dynamics of a Nonlinear Open Quantum System. (arXiv:2002.07694v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jen-Tsung Hsiang, Bei-Lok Hu, relevance 0.00

Continuing our inquiry into the conditions when fluctuation-dissipation relations (FDR) may appear in the context of nonequilibrium dynamics of open quantum systems (over and beyond the conventional FDR from linear response theory) we turn to nonGaussian systems and consider this issue for an anharmonic oscillator interacting with a scalar quantum field bath. We present the general {nonperturbative} expressions for the rate of energy (power) exchange between the anharmonic oscillator and the thermal bath. For the cases that a stable final equilibrium state exists, and the nonstationary components of the two-point functions of the anharmonic oscillator have negligible contributions to the evaluation of the power balance, we can show nonperturbatively that equilibration implies an FDR for the anharmonic oscillator. We then use a weakly anharmonic oscillator as an example to illustrate that those two assumptions indeed are satisfied according to our first-order perturbative results: that the net energy exchange vanishes after relaxation in the open system dynamics and an equilibrium state exists at late times.

Gravitational-wave parameter estimation with autoregressive neural network flows. (arXiv:2002.07656v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Stephen R. Green, Christine Simpson, Jonathan Gair, relevance 0.49

We introduce the use of autoregressive normalizing flows for rapid likelihood-free inference of binary black hole system parameters from gravitational-wave data with deep neural networks. A normalizing flow is an invertible mapping on a sample space that can be used to induce a transformation from a simple probability distribution to a more complex one: if the simple distribution can be rapidly sampled and its density evaluated, then so can the complex distribution. Our first application to gravitational waves uses an autoregressive flow, conditioned on detector strain data, to map a multivariate standard normal distribution into the posterior distribution over system parameters. We train the model on artificial strain data consisting of IMRPhenomPv2 waveforms drawn from a five-parameter $(m_1, m_2, \phi_0, t_c, d_L)$ prior and stationary Gaussian noise realizations with a fixed power spectral density. This gives performance comparable to current best deep-learning approaches to gravitational-wave parameter estimation. We then build a more powerful latent variable model by incorporating autoregressive flows within the variational autoencoder framework. This model has performance comparable to Markov chain Monte Carlo and, in particular, successfully models the multimodal $\phi_0$ posterior. Finally, we train the autoregressive latent variable model on an expanded parameter space, including also aligned spins $(\chi_{1z}, \chi_{2z})$ and binary inclination $\theta_{JN}$, and show that all parameters and degeneracies are well-recovered. In all cases, sampling is extremely fast, requiring less than two seconds to draw $10^4$ posterior samples.

Conformal Symmetry and Composite Operators in the $O(N)^3$ Tensor Field Theory. (arXiv:2002.07652v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dario Benedetti, Razvan Gurau, Kenta Suzuki, relevance 3.73

We continue the study of the bosonic $O(N)^3$ model with quartic interactions and long-range propagator. The symmetry group allows for three distinct invariant $\phi^4$ composite operators, known as tetrahedron, pillow and double-trace. As shown in arXiv:1903.03578 and arXiv:1909.07767, the tetrahedron operator is exactly marginal in the large-$N$ limit and for a purely imaginary tetrahedron coupling a line of real infrared fixed points (parametrized by the absolute value of the tetrahedron coupling) is found for the other two couplings. These fixed points have real critical exponents and a real spectrum of bilinear operators, satisfying unitarity constraints. This raises the question whether at large-$N$ the model is unitary, despite the tetrahedron coupling being imaginary. In this paper, we first rederive the above results by a different regularization and renormalization scheme. We then discuss the operator mixing for composite operators and we give a perturbative proof of conformal invariance of the model at the infrared fixed points by adapting a similar proof from the long-range Ising model. At last, we identify the scaling operators at the fixed point and compute the two- and three-point functions of $\phi^4$ and $\phi^2$ composite operators. The correlations have the expected conformal behavior and the OPE coefficients are all real, reinforcing the claim that the large-$N$ CFT is unitary.

Non-monogamy of spatio-temporal correlations and the black hole information loss paradox. (arXiv:2002.07628v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by C. Marletto, V.Vedral, S.Virzì, E.Rebufello, A.Avella, F.Piacentini, M.Gramegna, I.Degiovanni, M.Genovese, relevance 13.23

Pseudo-density matrices are a generalisation of quantum states and do not obey monogamy of quantum correlations. Could this be the solution to the paradox of information loss during the evaporation of a black hole? In this paper we discuss this possibility, providing a theoretical proposal to extend quantum theory with these pseudo-states to describe the statistics arising in black-hole evaporation. We also provide an experimental demonstration of this theoretical proposal, using a simulation in optical regime, that tomographically reproduces the correlations of the pseudo-density matrix describing this physical phenomenon.

Scalar-tensor extension of Natural Inflation. (arXiv:2002.07625v5 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Guillem Simeon, relevance 0.00

We show that embedding Natural Inflation in a more general scalar-tensor theory, with non-minimal couplings to the Ricci scalar and the kinetic term, alleviates the current tension of Natural Inflation with observational data. The coupling functions respect the periodicity of the potential and the characteristic shift symmetry $\phi \rightarrow \phi + 2\pi f$ of the original Natural Inflation model, and vanish at the minimum of the potential. Furthermore, showing that the theory exhibits a rescaling symmetry in the regime where the coupling to the Ricci scalar is small and the coupling to the kinetic term is large, we obtain that the agreement with cosmological data can take place at an arbitrarily low periodicity scale $f$, solving at tree-level the problem of super-Planckian periodicity scales needed in Natural Inflation.

Spontaneously Broken 3d Hietarinta/Maxwell Chern-Simons Theory and Minimal Massive Gravity. (arXiv:2002.07592v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dmitry Chernyavsky, Nihat Sadik Deger, Dmitri Sorokin, relevance 4.50

We show that minimal massive 3d gravity (MMG), as well as the topological massive gravity, are particular cases of a more general `minimal massive gravity' theory (with a single massive propagating mode) arising upon spontaneous breaking of a local symmetry in a Chern-Simons gravity based on a Hietarinta or Maxwell algebra. Similar to the MMG case, the requirements that the propagating massive mode is neither tachyon nor ghost and that the central charges of an asymptotic algebra associated with a boundary CFT are positive, impose restrictions on the range of the parameters of the theory.

Dynamical System Analysis of a Three Fluid Cosmological Model : An Invariant Manifold approach. (arXiv:2002.07588v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Subhajyoti Pal, Subenoy Chakraborty, relevance 1.07

The present paper considers a three-fluid cosmological model consisting of noninteracting dark matter, dark energy and baryonic matter in the background of the Friedmann- Robertson- Walker- Lemaitre flat spacetime. It has been assumed that the dark matter takes the form of dust whereas the dark energy is a quintessence (real) scalar field with exponential potential. It has been further assumed that the baryonic matter is a perfect fluid with barotropic equation of states. The field equations for this model takes the form of an autonomous dynamical system after some suitable changes of variables. Then a complete stability analysis is done considering all possible parameter (the adiabatic index of the baryonic matter and the parameter arising from the dark energy potential) values and for both the cases of hyperbolic and non-hyperbolic critical points. For non-hyperbolic critical points, the invariant manifold theory (center manifold approach) is applied. Finally various topologically different phase planes and vector field diagrams are produced and the cosmological interpretation of this model is presented.

Geodesics of the hyperbolically symmetric black hole. (arXiv:2002.07586v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by L. Herrera, A. Di Prisco, J. Ospino, L. Witten, relevance 13.95

We carry out a systematic study on the motion of test particles in the region inner to the horizon of a hyperbolically symmetric black hole. The geodesic equations are written and analyzed in detail. The obtained results are contrasted with the corresponding results obtained for the spherically symmetric case. It is found that test particles experience a repulsive force within the horizon, which prevents them to reach the center. These results are obtained for radially moving particles as well as for particles moving in the $\theta-R$ subspace. To complement our study we calculate the precession of a gyroscope moving along a circular path (non--geodesic) within the horizon. We obtain that the precession of the gyroscope is retrograde in the rotating frame, unlike the precession close to the horizon ($R=2m+\epsilon$) in the Schwarzschild spacetime, which is forward.

Black Hole Mass Function of Coalescing Neutron Star-Black Hole Binary Systems: The Prospect of Reconstruction with the Gravitational Wave Observations. (arXiv:2002.07573v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Shao-Peng Tang, Hao Wang, Yuan-Zhu Wang, Ming-Zhe Han, Yi-Zhong Fan, Da-Ming Wei, relevance 11.92

The discovery of gravitational waves from compact objects coalescence opens a brand-new window to observe the universe. With more events being detected in the future, statistical examinations would be essential to better understand the underlying astrophysical processes. In this work we investigate the prospect of measuring the mass function of black holes that are merging with the neutron stars. Applying Bayesian parameter estimation for hundreds of simulated neutron star$-$black hole (NSBH) mergers, we find that the parameters for most of the injected events can be well recovered. We also take a Bayesian hierarchical model to reconstruct the population properties of the masses of black holes, in the presence of a low mass gap, both the mass gap and power-law index ($\alpha$) of black hole mass function can be well measured, thus we can reveal where the $\alpha$ is different for binary black hole (BBH) and NSBH systems. In the absence of a low mass gap, the gravitational wave data as well as the electromagnetic data can be used to pin down the nature of the merger event and then measure the mass of these very light black holes. However, as a result of the misclassification of BBH into NSBH, the measurement of $\alpha$ is more challenging and further dedicated efforts are needed.

Towards fidelity and scalability in non-vacuum mergers. (arXiv:2002.07554v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by S.L. Liebling, C. Palenzuela, L. Lehner, relevance 0.00

We study the evolution of two fiducial configurations for binary neutron stars using two different general relativistic hydrodynamics(GRHD), distributed adaptive mesh codes. One code, HAD, has for many years been used to study mergers of compact object binaries, while a new code, MHDuet, has been recently developed with the experience gained with the older one as well as several novel features for scalability improvements. As such, we examine the performance of each, placing particular focus on future requirements for the extraction of gravitational wave signatures of non-vacuum binaries.

CPT Symmetry in Projective de Sitter Universes. (arXiv:2002.07550v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ignazio Licata, Davide Fiscaletti, Leonardo Chiatti, Fabrizio Tamburini, relevance 9.97

In a recent work, Boyle, Finn and Turok hypothesized a model of universe that does not violate the CPT-symmetry as alternative for inflation. With this approach they described the birth of the Universe from a pair of universes, one the CPT image of the other, living in pre- and post-big bang epochs. The CPT-invariance strictly constrains the vacuum states of the quantized fields, with notable consequences on the cosmological scenarios. Here we examine the validity of this proposal by adopting the point of view of archaic cosmology, based on de Sitter projective relativity, with an event-based reading of quantum mechanics, which is a consequence of the relationship between the universal information reservoir of the archaic universe and its out-of-equilibrium state through quantum jumps. In this scenario, the big bang is caused by the instability of the original (pre)vacuum with respect to the nucleation of micro-events that represent the actual creation of particles. Finally, we compare our results with those by Turok et al., including the analytic continuation across the big bang investigated by Volovik and show that many aspects of these cosmological scenarios find a clear physical interpretation by using our approach. Moreover, in the archaic universe framework we do not have to assume a priori the CPT-invariance like in the other models of universe, it is instead a necessary consequence of the archaic vacuum structure and the nucleation process, divided into two specular universes.

Gravitational Waves from Primordial Magnetic Fields via Photon-Graviton Conversion. (arXiv:2002.07548v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Tomohiro Fujita, Kohei Kamada, Yuichiro Nakai, relevance 1.09

We explore a novel process in the early Universe in which thermalized photons are converted into gravitons in the presence of strong primordial magnetic fields. It is found that the frequency of generated gravitational waves (GWs) is typically of order of GHz and their amplitude can be up to $ \Omega_\mathrm{GW}h^2 \sim 10^{-10}$. If detected with future developments of the technology to explore this frequency region, the produced stochastic GW background enables us to know when and how strong the primordial magnetic fields are generated. From the peak frequency of the GWs, we can also probe the number of relativistic degrees of freedom at that time.

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics of the Majorana Particle. (arXiv:2002.07482v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by H. Arodz, relevance 0.52

This article is a pedagogical introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics of the free Majorana particle. This relatively simple theory differs from the well-known quantum mechanics of the Dirac particle in several important aspects. We present its three equivalent formulations. Next, so called axial momentum observable is introduced, and general solution of the Dirac equation is discussed in terms of eigenfunctions of that operator. Pertinent irreducible representations of the Poincar\'e group are discussed. Finally, we show that in the case of massless Majorana particle the quantum mechanics can be reformulated as a spinorial gauge theory.

Combinatorial quantum field theory and the Jacobian conjecture. (arXiv:2002.07453v1 [math.CO])
in hep-th by Adrian Tanasa, relevance 0.00

In this short review we first recall combinatorial or ($0-$dimensional) quantum field theory (QFT). We then give the main idea of a standard QFT method, called the intermediate field method, and we review how to apply this method to a combinatorial QFT reformulation of the celebrated Jacobian conjecture on the invertibility of polynomial systems. This approach establishes a related theorem concerning partial elimination of variables that implies a reduction of the generic case to the quadratic one. Note that this does not imply solving the Jacobian conjecture, because one needs to introduce a supplementary parameter for the dimension of a certain linear subspace where the system holds.

Complex Langevin analysis of the spontaneous breaking of 10D rotational symmetry in the Euclidean IKKT matrix model. (arXiv:2002.07410v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos, Takehiro Azuma, Yuta Ito, Jun Nishimura, Toshiyuki Okubo, Stratos Kovalkov Papadoudis, relevance 0.29

The IKKT matrix model is a promising candidate for a nonperturbative formulation of superstring theory, in which spacetime is conjectured to emerge dynamically from the microscopic matrix degrees of freedom in the large-$N$ limit. Indeed in the Lorentzian version, Monte Carlo studies suggested the emergence of (3+1)-dimensional expanding space-time. Here we study the Euclidean version instead, and investigate an alternative scenario for dynamical compactification of extra dimensions via the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) of 10D rotational symmetry. We perform numerical simulations based on the complex Langevin method (CLM) in order to avoid a severe sign problem. Furthermore, in order to avoid the singular-drift problem in the CLM, we deform the model and determine the SSB pattern as we vary the deformation parameter. From these results, we conclude that the original model has an SO(3) symmetric vacuum, which is consistent with previous results obtained by the Gaussian expansion method (GEM). We also apply the GEM to the deformed matrix model and find consistency with the results obtained by the CLM.

Generalised Fayet-Iliopoulos terms in supergravity. (arXiv:2002.07385v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergei M. Kuzenko, relevance 0.32

The U(1) vector multiplet theory with the Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term is one of the oldest and simplest models for spontaneously broken rigid supersymmetry. Lifting the FI term to supergravity requires gauged $R$-symmetry, as was first demonstrated in 1977 by Freedman within ${\cal N}=1$ supergravity. There exists an alternative to the standard FI mechanism, which is reviewed in this conference paper. It is obtained by replacing the FI model with a manifestly gauge-invariant action such that its functional form is determined by two arbitrary real functions of a single complex variable. One of these functions generates a superconformal kinetic term for the vector multiplet, while the other yields a generalised FI term. Coupling such a vector multiplet model to supergravity does not require gauging of the $R$-symmetry. These generalised FI terms are consistently defined for any off-shell formulation for ${\cal N}=1$ supergravity, and are compatible with a supersymmetric cosmological term.

q-Opers, QQ-Systems, and Bethe Ansatz. (arXiv:2002.07344v2 [math.AG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Edward Frenkel, Peter Koroteev, Daniel S. Sage, Anton M. Zeitlin, relevance 0.30

We introduce the notions of $(G,q)$-opers and Miura $(G,q)$-opers, where $G$ is a simply-connected complex simple Lie group, and prove some general results about their structure. We then establish a one-to-one correspondence between the set of $(G,q)$-opers of a certain kind and the set of nondegenerate solutions of a system of Bethe Ansatz equations. This may be viewed as a $q$DE/IM correspondence between the spectra of a quantum integrable model (IM) and classical geometric objects ($q$-differential equations). If $\mathfrak{g}$ is simply-laced, the Bethe Ansatz equations we obtain coincide with the equations that appear in the quantum integrable model of XXZ-type associated to the quantum affine algebra $U_q \widehat{\mathfrak{g}}$. However, if $\mathfrak{g}$ is non-simply laced, then these equations correspond to the XXZ-type model associated not to $U_q \widehat{\mathfrak{g}}$ but to a twisted affine algebra naturally obtained from $\mathfrak{g}$. A key element in this $q$DE/IM correspondence is the $QQ$-system that has appeared previously in the study of the ODE/IM correspondence and the Grothendieck ring of the category ${\mathcal O}$ of the relevant quantum affine algebra.

Feynman diagrams and $\Omega$-deformed M-theory. (arXiv:2002.07343v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jihwan Oh, Yehao Zhou, relevance 2.50

We derive the simplest commutation relations of operator algebras associated to M2 branes and an M5 brane in the $\Omega$-deformed M-theory, which is a natural set-up for Twisted holography. Feynman diagram 1-loop computations in the twisted-holographic dual side reproduce the same algebraic relations.

Correlation Redistribution by Causal Horizons. (arXiv:2002.07316v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by L. Pipolo de Gioia, M. C. de Oliveira, relevance 34.59

The Minkowski vacuum $|0\rangle_M$, which for an inertial observer is devoid of particles, is treated as a thermal bath by Rindler observers living in a single Rindler wedge, as a result of the discrepancy in the definition of positive frequency between the two classes of observers and a strong entanglement between degrees of freedom in the left and right Rindler wedges. We revisit, in the context of a free scalar Klein-Gordon field, the problem of quantification of the correlations between an inertial observer Alice and left/right Rindler observes Rob/AntiRob. We emphasize the analysis of informational quantities, like the locally accessible and locally inaccessible information, and a closely associated entanglement measure, the entanglement of formation. We conclude that, with respect to the correlation structure probed by inertial observers alone, the introduction of a Rindler observer gives rise to a correlation redistribution which can be quantified by the entanglement of formation.

Covariant Mass and Geometrical setup in Euclidean gauge theories. (arXiv:2002.07302v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A.R. de Sá, M.A.L. Capri, V. E. R. Lemes, relevance 5.22

A nonlocal mass operator can be consistently set in local form through the introduction of a set of additional fields with geometrical appropriated properties. A local and polynomial gauge invariant action is thus identified. Equations compatible with the study of renormalization, from the algebraic point of view, are presented in the Landau Gauge.

Significance of Black Hole Quasinormal Modes: A Closer Look. (arXiv:2002.07251v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ramin G. Daghigh, Michael D. Green, Jodin C. Morey, relevance 8.67

It is known that approximating the Regge-Wheeler Potential with step functions significantly modifies the Schwarzschild black hole quasinormal mode spectrum. Surprisingly, this change in the spectrum has little impact on the ringdown waveform. We examine whether this issue is caused by the jump discontinuities and/or the piecewise constant nature of step functions. We show that replacing the step functions with a continuous piecewise linear function does not qualitatively change the results. However, in contrast to previously published results, we discover that the ringdown waveform can be approximated to arbitrary precision using either step functions or a piecewise linear function. Thus, this approximation process provides a new mathematical tool to calculate the ringdown waveform. In addition, similar to normal modes, the quasinormal modes of the approximate potentials seem to form a complete set that describes the entire time evolution of the ringdown waveform. We also examine smoother approximations to the Regge-Wheeler potential, where the quasinormal modes can be computed exactly, to better understand how different portions of the potential impact various regions of the quasinormal mode spectrum.

The Teukolsky equations in Kerr-Newman spacetime. (arXiv:2002.07228v1 [math.AP])
in gr-qc by Elena Giorgi, relevance 7.40

The equations governing the gravitational and electromagnetic perturbations of Kerr-Newman spacetime are here derived. They generalize the Teukolsky equation in Kerr and the Teukolsky-like system of equations in Reissner-Nordstr\"om spacetime. Through their Chandrasekhar transformation, we obtain a system of physical-space coupled wave equations. In particular, the physical-space analysis of this system will solve the issue of the "apparent indissolubility of the coupling between the spin-1 and spin-2 fields in the perturbed spacetime", as put by Chandrasekhar. The derivation of the equations here obtained makes use of the formalism introduced in a recent work by Giorgi-Klainerman-Szeftel for Kerr, and represents the first step towards an analytical proof of the stability of the Kerr-Newman black hole.

A path to confine gluons and fermions through complex gauge theory. (arXiv:2002.07222v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by R. L. P. G. Amaral, V. E. R. Lemes, O. S. Ventura, L.C.Q.Vilar, relevance 3.37

We introduced here the study of a QCD based on a complex group. Our aim is to show that a gauge theory with a complex symmetry develops some of the features required for the description of a confined phase. This theory leads to gluons with propagations characteristic of i-particles, fundamental constituents of propagators in the Gribov scenario, together with a gluon propagating with the mode predicted by 't Hooft for the quark confinement. In this way, we present in this same theory a possible gluon condensate, together with a confining interquark potential after the coupling to fermions. This is a novelty, as, up to now, all theories of the GZ kind do not generate quark confinement.

Three-point Functions in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM at Finite $N_c$ and Background Independence. (arXiv:2002.07216v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ryo Suzuki, relevance 6.83

We compute non-extremal three-point functions of scalar operators in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills at tree-level in $g_{YM}$ and at finite $N_c$, using the operator basis of the restricted Schur characters. We make use of the diagrammatic methods called quiver calculus to simplify the three-point functions. The results involve an invariant product of the generalized Racah-Wigner tensors ($6j$ symbols). Assuming that the invariant product is written by the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, we show that the non-extremal three-point functions satisfy the large $N_c$ background independence; correspondence between the string excitations on $AdS_5 \times S^5$ and those in the LLM geometry.

Holographic vector meson melting in a thermal gravity-dilaton background related to QCD. (arXiv:2002.07200v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Rico Zöllner, Burkhard Kampfer, relevance 14.91

A holographic model of probe vector mesons (quarkonia) is presented, where the dynamical gravity-dilaton background is adjusted to the thermodynamics of 2 +1 flavor QCD with physical quark masses. The vector meson action is modified to account for various quark masses. We focus on the $\Phi$, $J/\psi$ and $\Upsilon$ meson melting in agreement with hadron phenomenology in heavy-ion collisions at LHC, that is the formation of hadrons at the observed freeze-out temperature of 155 MeV.

The Frustration of being Odd: Can Boundary Conditions induce a Quantum Phase Transition?. (arXiv:2002.07197v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Vanja Marić, Salvatore Marco Giampaolo, Fabio Franchini, relevance 0.55

The answer to the question in the title is clearly ``No'', but we report on something very similar to that, namely a ``Boundary-less Wetting Transitions'' (BWT). We consider the effect of frustrated boundary condition (FBC) on generic local spin-$1/2$ chains in zero field, specifically, we apply periodic boundary conditions on chains with an odd number of sites. In a previous work, we already proved that when only one antiferromagnetic interaction dominates over ferromagnetic ones, in the thermodynamic limit local order (expressed by the spontaneous magnetization) is destroyed. Here, we show that with two competing AFM interactions a new type of order can emerge, with a magnetization profile that varies in space with an incommensurate pattern. This modulation is the result of a ground state degeneracy which leads to a breaking of translational invariance. The transition between the two cases is signaled by an intensive discontinuity in the first derivative of the ground state energy: this is thus not a standard first-order QPT, but rather looks like a boundary QPT, in a system without boundaries, but with FBC.

Holographic renormalization group flows in two-dimensional gravity and $AdS$ black holes. (arXiv:2002.07194v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Minwoo Suh, relevance 25.76

We look into the $AdS$ black holes from two-dimensional gravity perspective. In this work, we extend the previous results of holographic renormalization group flows to dimensions two. By introducing a superpotential, we derive the flow equations in two-dimensional dilaton gravity. We find a quantity which monotonically decreases along flows and give some comments on holographic $c$-theorem. As examples, we show that recently studied supersymmetric $AdS$ black hole solutions generically dimensionally reduce to two-dimensional dilaton gravity, and obtain the flow equations for black hole solutions.

Boundaries of the Amplituhedron with amplituhedronBoundaries. (arXiv:2002.07146v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Tomasz Lukowski, Robert Moerman, relevance 0.00

Positive geometries provide a modern approach for computing scattering amplitudes in a variety of physical models. In order to facilitate the exploration of these new geometric methods, we introduce a Mathematica package called ``amplituhedronBoundaries'' for calculating the boundary structures of three positive geometries: the amplituhedron $\mathcal{A}_{n,k}^{(m)}$, the momentum amplituhedron $\mathcal{M}_{n,k}^{(m)}$ and the hypersimplex $\Delta_{k,n}$. The first two geometries are relevant for scattering amplitudes in planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM, while the last one is a well-studied polytope appearing in many contexts in mathematics, and is closely related to $\mathcal{M}_{n,k}^{(2)}$. The package includes an array of useful tools for the study of these positive geometries, including their boundary stratifications, drawing their boundary posets, and additional tools for manipulating combinatorial structures useful for positive Grassmannians.

Dark Matter bound-state formation at higher order: a non-equilibrium quantum field theory approach. (arXiv:2002.07145v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Tobias Binder, Burkhard Blobel, Julia Harz, Kyohei Mukaida, relevance 0.50

The formation of meta-stable dark matter bound states in coannihilating scenarios could efficiently occur through the scattering with a variety of Standard Model bath particles, where light bosons during the electroweak cross over or even massless photons and gluons are exchanged in the t-channel. The amplitudes for those higher-order processes, however, are divergent in the collinear direction of the in- and out-going bath particles if the mediator is massless. To address the issue of collinear divergences, we derive the bound-state formation collision term in the framework of non-equilibrium quantum field theory. The main result is an expression for a more general cross section, which allows to compute higher-order bound-state formation processes inside the primordial plasma background in a comprehensive manner. Based on this result, we show that next-to-leading order contributions, including the bath-particle scattering, are i) collinear finite and ii) generically dominate over the on-shell emission for temperatures larger than the absolute value of the binding energy. Based on a simplified model, we demonstrate that the impact of these new effects on the thermal relic abundance is significant enough to make it worthwhile to study more realistic coannihilation scenarios.

MOND-like Fractional Laplacian Theory. (arXiv:2002.07133v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Andrea Giusti, relevance 0.00

I provide a derivation of some characteristic effects of Milgrom's Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) from a fractional version of Newton's theory based on the fractional Poisson equation. I employ the properties of the fractional Laplacian to investigate the features of the fundamental solution of the proposed model. The key difference between MOND and the fractional theory introduced here is that the latter is an inherently linear theory, featuring a characteristic length scale $\ell$, whilst the former is ultimately non-linear in nature and it is characterized by an acceleration scale $a_0$. Taking advantage of the Tully-Fisher relation, as the fractional order $s$ approaches $3/2$, I then connect the length scale $\ell$, emerging from this modification of Newton's gravity, with the critical acceleration $a_0$ of MOND. Finally, implications for galaxy rotation curves of a variable-order version of the model are discussed.

The rotating black hole interior: Insights from gravitational collapse in $AdS_3$ spacetime. (arXiv:2002.07130v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alex Pandya, Frans Pretorius, relevance 19.61

We present results from a numerical study of rotating black hole formation in 3-dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime, focusing on the structure of the black hole interior. While black holes in $AdS_3$ are of theoretical interest for a wide variety of reasons, we choose to study this system primarily as a toy model for astrophysical (4-dimensional) black holes formed from gravitational collapse. We investigate the effect of angular momentum on the geometry inside the event horizon, and see qualitative changes in the interior structure as a function of the spin parameter. For low spins, we find that a central spacelike curvature singularity forms, connecting to a singular, null Cauchy horizon. For spins above a threshold consistent with the linear analysis of Dias, Reall and Santos, curvature on the Cauchy horizon remains bounded, signaling a violation of the strong cosmic censorship conjecture. Further increasing the spin leads to a decrease in the relative size of the spacelike branch of the singularity, which vanishes completely above a second threshold. In these high-spin cases, the interior evolution is bounded by a regular Cauchy horizon, which extends all the way inward to a regular, timelike origin. We further explore the geodesic focusing ("gravitational shock-wave") effect predicted to occur along the outgoing branch of the inner horizon, first described by Marolf and Ori. Remarkably, we observe the effect at late times in all of the black holes we form, even those in which the inner apparent horizon collapses to zero radius early in their evolution.

SMART U(1)$_X$ $-$ Standard Model with Axion, Right handed neutrinos, Two Higgs doublets and U(1)$_X$ gauge symmetry. (arXiv:2002.07110v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Nobuchika Okada, Digesh Raut, Qaisar Shafi, relevance 2.52

To address five fundamental shortcomings of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics and cosmology, we propose a SMART U(1)$_X$ model which is a $U(1)_X \times U(1)_{PQ}$ extension of the SM. The $U(1)_X$ gauge symmetry is a generalization of the well-known $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry and $U(1)_{PQ}$ is the global Peccie-Quinn (PQ) symmetry. Three right handed neutrinos are added to cancel $U(1)_X$ related anomalies, and they play a crucial role in understanding the observed neutrino oscillations and explaining the observed baryon asymmetry in the universe via leptogenesis. The PQ symmetry helps resolve the strong CP problem and also provides axion as a compelling dark matter (DM) candidate. The $U(1)_X$ gauge symmetry enables us to implement the inflection-point inflation scenario with $H_{inf} \lesssim 2 \times 10^{7}$ GeV, where $H_{inf}$ is the value of Hubble parameter during inflation. This allows us to overcome a potential axion domain wall problem as well as the axion isocurvature problem. The SMART U(1)$_X$ model can be merged with $SU(5)$ as we briefly show.

Quantum Effects in Palatini Higgs Inflation. (arXiv:2002.07105v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mikhail Shaposhnikov, Andrey Shkerin, Sebastian Zell, relevance 0.00

We study quantum effects in Higgs inflation in the Palatini formulation of gravity, in which the metric and connection are treated as independent variables. We exploit the fact that the cutoff, above which perturbation theory breaks down, is higher than the scale of inflation. Unless new physics above the cutoff leads to unnaturally large corrections, we can directly connect low-energy physics and inflation. On the one hand, the lower bound on the top Yukawa coupling due to collider experiments leads to an upper bound on the non-minimal coupling of the Higgs field to gravity: $\xi \lesssim 10^8$. On the other hand, the Higgs potential can only support successful inflation if $\xi \gtrsim 10^6$. This leads to a fairly strict upper bound on the top Yukawa coupling of $0.925$ (defined in the $\overline{\text{MS}}$-scheme at the energy scale $173.2\,\text{GeV}$) and constrains the inflationary prediction for the tensor-to-scalar ratio. Additionally, we compare our findings to metric Higgs inflation.

Arrows of Time and Initial and Final Conditions in the Quantum Mechanics of Closed Systems Like the Universe. (arXiv:2002.07093v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by James B. Hartle, relevance 7.67

A model quantum cosmology is used to illustrate how arrows of time emerge in a universe governed by a time-neutral dynamical theory constrained by time asymmetric initial and final boundary conditions represented by initial and final density matrices. In a quantum universe universe arrows of time are described by the probabilities of appropriately coarse grained sets of histories of quantities like entropy that grow or decay. We show that the requirement of that these sets of histories decohere implies two things: (1) A time asymmetry between initial and final conditions that is a basis for arrows ot time. (2) How a final state of indifference that is represented by a final density matrix proportional to the unit density matrix is consistent with causality, and allows a finer-grained description of the model universe in terms of decoherent histories than any other final state.

Covariant Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Spacetime. (arXiv:2002.07083v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by Suzana Bedić, Otto C. W. Kong, Hock King Ting, relevance 7.19

We present in the article the formulation of a version of Lorentz covariant quantum mechanics based on a group theoretical construction from a Heisenberg-Weyl symmetry with position and momentum operators transforming as Minkowski four-vectors under the Lorentz symmetry. The basic representation is identified as a coherent state representation, essentially an irreducible component of the regular representation, with the matching representation of an extension of the group $C^*$-algebra giving the algebra of observables. The key feature of the formulation is that it is not unitary but pseudo-unitary, exactly in the same sense as the Minkowski spacetime representation. Explicit wavefunction description is given without any restriction of the variable domains, yet with a finite integral inner product. The associated covariant harmonic oscillator Fock state basis has all the standard properties in exact analog to those of a harmonic oscillator with Euclidean position and momentum operators of any `dimension'. Galilean limit of the Lorentz symmetry and the classical limit of the Lorentz covariant framework are retrieved rigorously through appropriate symmetry contractions of the algebra and its representation, including the dynamics described through the symmetry of the phase space, given both in terms of real/complex number coordinates and noncommutative operator coordinates. The latter gives an explicit picture of the (projective) Hilbert space as a quantum/noncommutative spacetime.

High energy scattering amplitude in the linearized gravitational theory. (arXiv:2002.07077v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Do Thu Ha, relevance 0.00

The asymptotic behavior of the elastic scattering amplitude by the exchange of graviton between two scalar particles at high energies and fixed momentum transfers is reconsidered in the Logunov-Tavkhelidze equation in the linearized gravitational theory. The corrections to the eikonal approximation in the quasi-potential approach of relative order $1/p$ is developed with the principal contributions at high energy. The eikonal expression of scattering amplitude and the formal first correction are derived. The Yukawa potential is applied to discuss the results.

Orbits around a Kerr black hole and its shadow. (arXiv:2002.07057v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Onur Uçanok, relevance 14.45

Since the full General Theory of Relativity has been unveiled to the scientific community in 1915, many solutions to the vacuum Einstein field equations have been found and studied. This paper aims at documenting exhaustively the derivation of the shape of the patch of the sky that is left completely black by a spinning black hole described by the Kerr solutions in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates. This dark zone in the observer's sky is called the black hole shadow. Conserved quantities which allow for the analysis of particle orbits are first introduced, with the help of which the trajectories of photons are uniquely described by two impact parameters (Specific angular momentum in the azimuthal direction L and dimensionless Carter's constant Q). We then derive the conditions on those parameters required for a photon to be captured by the black hole. These conditions are then translated into an equation for the black hole shadow. We conclude the paper by drawing out the black hole shadows for an equatorial observer for two separate cases.

Quantum initial conditions for inflation and canonical invariance. (arXiv:2002.07042v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by F. J. Agocs, L. T. Hergt, W. J. Handley, A. N. Lasenby, M. P. Hobson, relevance 0.90

We investigate the transformation of initial conditions for primordial curvature perturbations under two types of transformations of the associated action: simultaneous redefinition of time and the field to be quantised, and the addition of surface terms. The latter encompasses all canonical transformations, whilst the time- and field-redefinition is a distinct, non-canonical transformation since the initial and destination systems use different times. Actions related to each other via such transformations yield identical equations of motion and preserve the commutator structure. They further preserve the time-evolution of expectation values of quantum operators unless the vacuum state also changes under the transformation. These properties suggest that it is of interest to investigate vacuum prescriptions that also remain unchanged under canonical transformations. We find that initial conditions derived via minimising the vacuum expectation value of the Hamiltonian and those obtained using the Danielsson vacuum prescription are not invariant under these transformations, whereas those obtained by minimising the local energy density are. We derive the range of physically distinct initial conditions obtainable by Hamiltonian diagonalisation, and illustrate their effect on the scalar primordial power spectrum and the Cosmic Microwave Background under the just enough inflation model. We also generalise the analogy between the dynamics of a quantum scalar field on a curved, time-dependent spacetime and the gauge-invariant curvature perturbation. We argue that the invariance of the vacuum prescription obtained by minimising the renormalised stress--energy tensor should make it the preferred procedure for setting initial conditions for primordial perturbations. All other procedures reviewed in this work yield ambiguous initial conditions, which is problematic both in theory and practice.

Provenance of classical Hamiltonian time crystals. (arXiv:2002.07023v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Anton Alekseev, Dai Jin, Antti J.Niemi, relevance 0.66

Classical Hamiltonian systems with conserved charges and those with constraints often describe dynamics on a pre-symplectic manifold. Here we show that a pre-symplectic manifold is also the proper stage to describe autonomous energy conserving Hamiltonian time crystals. We explain how the occurrence of a time crystal relates to the wider concept of spontaneously broken symmetries; in the case of a time crystal, the symmetry breaking takes place in a dynamical context. We then analyze in detail two examples of time crystalline Hamiltonian dynamics. The first example is a piecewise linear closed string, with dynamics determined by a Lie-Poisson bracket and Hamiltonian that relates to membrane stability. We explain how the Lie-Poisson brackets descents to a time crystalline pre-symplectic bracket, and we show that the Hamiltonian dynamics supports two phases; in one phase we have a time crystal and in the other phase time crystals are absent. The second example is a discrete Hamiltonian variant of the Q-ball Lagrangian of time dependent non-topological solitons. We explain how a Q-ball becomes a time crystal, and we construct examples of time crystalline Q-balls.

Anisotropic Fluid Cosmology: an Alternative to Dark Matter?. (arXiv:2002.06988v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mariano Cadoni, Andrea P. Sanna, Matteo Tuveri, relevance 0.34

We use anisotropic fluid cosmology to describe the present, dark energy-dominated, universe. Similarly to what has been proposed for galactic dynamics, the anisotropic fluid gives an effective description of baryonic matter, dark energy and their possible interaction, without assuming the presence of dark matter. The resulting anisotropic fluid spacetime naturally generates inhomogeneities at small scales, triggered by an anisotropic stress, and could therefore be responsible for structure formation at these scales. Solving the cosmological equations, we show that the dynamics of the scale factor $a$ is described by usual FLRW cosmology and decouples completely from that describing inhomogeneities. We assume that the cosmological anisotropic fluid inherits the equation of state from that used to describe galaxy rotation curves. We show that, in the large scale regime, the fluid can be described as a generalized Chaplygin gas and fits well the distance modulus experimental data of type Ia supernovae, thus correctly modelling the observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Conversely, in the small scale regime, we use cosmological perturbation theory to derive the power spectrum $P(k)$ for mass density distribution. At short wavelengths, we find a $1/k^4$ behaviour, in good accordance with the observed correlation function for matter distribution at small scales.

Derivation of Gauge Symmetries in Supergravity with a Cosmological Constant in 2 + 1 Dimensions. (arXiv:2002.06954v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by D.G.C. McKeon, relevance 4.53

The canonical structure of supergravity with a cosmological constant is analyzed in 2 + 1 dimensions using the Dirac constraint formalism. The first class constraints are used to find two Bosonic and one Fermionic gauge symmetries that satisfy a superalgebra. Provided the cosmological constant is negative, this novel algebra closes, without having to invoke the equations of motion or introducing auxiliary fields.

Common origin of the strong CP and CKM phases in string compactifications. (arXiv:2002.06931v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hajime Otsuka, relevance 0.00

We explore the scenario where both the strong CP and Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) phases are determined by the same axion field. Such a scenario is naturally realized in string compactifications. We find that there exists parameter region to realize the tiny strong CP phase and observed CKM phase in magnetized D-brane models.

Non-perturbative definition of the QCD energy-momentum tensor on the lattice. (arXiv:2002.06897v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mattia Dalla Brida, Leonardo Giusti, Michele Pepe, relevance 0.00

We present a strategy to define non-perturbatively the energy-momentum tensor in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) which satisfies the appropriate Ward identities and has the right trace anomaly. The tensor is defined by regularizing the theory on a lattice, and by fixing its renormalization constants non-perturbatively by suitable Ward identities associated to the Poincare' invariance of the continuum theory. The latter are derived in thermal QCD with a non-zero imaginary chemical potential formulated in a moving reference frame. A renormalization group analysis leads to simple renormalization-group-invariant definitions of the gluonic and fermionic contributions to either the singlet or the non-singlet components of the tensor, and therefore of their form factors among physical states. The lattice discussion focuses on the Wilson discretization of quark fields but the strategy is general. Specific to that case, we also carry out the analysis for the on-shell O(a)-improvement of the energy-momentum tensor. The renormalization and improvement programs profit from the fact that, as shown here, the thermal theory enjoys de-facto automatic O(a)-improvement at finite temperature. The validity of the proposal is scrutinized analytically by a study to 1-loop order in lattice perturbation theory with shifted and twisted (for quarks only) boundary conditions. The latter provides also additional useful insight for a precise non-perturbative calculation of the renormalization constants. The strategy proposed here is accessible to Monte Carlo computations, and in this sense it provides a practical way to define non-perturbatively the energy-momentum tensor in QCD.

The evidence for a spatially flat Universe. (arXiv:2002.06892v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by George Efstathiou, Steven Gratton, relevance 0.72

We revisit the observational constraints on spatial curvature following recent claims that the Planck data favour a closed Universe. We use a new and statistically powerful Planck likelihood to show that the Planck temperature and polarization spectra are consistent with a spatially flat Universe, though because of a geometrical degeneracy cosmic microwave background spectra on their own do not lead to tight constraints on the curvature density parameter Omega_K. When combined with other astrophysical data, particularly geometrical measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations, the Universe is constrained to be spatially flat to extremely high precision, with Omega_ K = 0.0004 +/-0.0018 in agreement with the 2018 results of the Planck team. In the context of inflationary cosmology, the observations offer strong support for models of inflation with a large number of e-foldings and disfavour models of incomplete inflation.

Exact WKB analysis and TBA equations for the Mathieu equation. (arXiv:2002.06829v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Keita Imaizumi, relevance 0.99

We derive the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) equations for the exact WKB periods of the Mathieu equation in the weak coupling region. We will use the TBA equations to calculate the quantum corrections to the WKB periods, which are regarded the quantum periods of $\mathcal{N} = 2$ $SU(2)$ super Yang-Mills theory at strong coupling. We calculate the effective central charge of the TBA equations, which is found to be proportional to the coefficient of the one-loop beta function of the 4d theory. We also study the spectral problem for the Mathieu equation based on the TBA equations numerically.

Energy loss and friction characteristics of electrons at warm dense matter and non-ideal dense plasma conditions. (arXiv:2002.06811v1 [physics.plasm-ph])
in hep-th by Zh. A. Moldabekov, T. Dornheim, M. Bonitz, T. S. Ramazanov, relevance 0.00

We investigate the energy loss characteristics of warm dense matter (WDM) and dense plasmas concentrating on the influence of electronic correlations. The basis for our analysis is a recently developed ab initio Quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) based machine-learning representation of the static local field correction (LFC) [Dornheim et al., J. Chem. Phys. 151, 194104 (2019)], which provides an accurate description of the dynamical density response function of the electron gas at the considered parameters. We focus on the polarization-induced stopping power due to free electrons, the friction function, and the straggling rate. In addition, we compute the friction coefficient which constitutes a key quantity for the adequate Langevin dynamics simulation of ions. Considering typical experimental WDM parameters with partially degenerate electrons, we find that the friction coefficient is of the order of $\gamma/\omega_{pi}=0.01$, where $\omega_{pi}$ is the ionic plasma frequency. This analysis is performed by comparing QMC based data to results from the random phase approximation (RPA), the Mermin dielectric function, and the Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sj\"olander (STLS) approximation. It is revealed that the widely used relaxation time approximation (Mermin dielectric function) has severe limitations regarding the description of the energy loss properties of correlated partially degenerate electrons. Moreover, by comparing QMC based data with the results obtained using STLS, we find that energy loss properties are not sensitive to the inaccuracy of the static LFC at large wave numbers $k/k_{F}>2$ (with $k_F$ being the usual Fermi wave number), but that a correct description of the static LFC at $k/k_{F}\lesssim 1.5$ is important.

Gravity dual of Navier-Stokes equation of an uniformly rotating fluid through parallel transport. (arXiv:2002.06801v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Sumit Dey, Shounak De, Bibhas Ranjan Majhi, relevance 0.60

The fluid-gravity correspondence documents a precise mathematical map between a class of dynamical spacetime solutions of the Einstein field equations of gravity and the dynamics of its corresponding dual fluid flows governed by the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations of hydrodynamics. This striking connection has been explored in several dynamics-based approaches and has surfaced in various forms over the past four decades. In a recent construction, it has been shown that the manifold properties of geometric duals are in fact intimately connected to the dynamics of incompressible fluids, thus bypassing the conventional on-shell standpoints. Following such a prescription, we construct the geometrical description that effectively captures the dynamics of an uniformly rotating, incompressible NS fluid. We propose the gravitational dual(s) described by bulk metric(s) in (p+2)-dimensions such that the equations of parallel transport of an appropriately defined bulk velocity vector field when projected onto an induced timelike hypersurface require that the incompressible NS equation of an overall uniformly rotating fluid be satisfied at the relevant perturbative order in (p+1)-dimensions. We argue that free fluid flows on manifold(s) described by the proposed metric(s) can be effectively considered as an equivalent theory of the overall uniformly rotating, non-relativistic viscous fluid dynamics. We also present suggestive insights as to how space-time rotation parameters encode information pertaining to inertial effects in the corresponding uniformly rotating fluid dual.

Reducing the $H_{0}$ tension with generalized Proca theory. (arXiv:2002.06782v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Antonio De Felice, Chao-Qiang Geng, Masroor C. Pookkillath, Lu Yin, relevance 0.98

We investigate the cosmological viability of the generalized proca theory. We first implement the background and linear perturbation equations of motion in the Boltzmann code and then study the constraints on the parameters of the generalized proca theory after running MCMC against the cosmological data set. With Planck + HST data, we obtain the constraint $h=0.7334_{-0.0269}^{+0.0246}$, which indicates that the tension between early universe and late time universe within this theory is removed. By adding other late-time data sets (BAO, RSD, etc.) we show that the tension is reduced, as the 2$\sigma$ allowed region for $h$ in Proca, $h=0.7041_{-0.0087}^{+0.0094}$, overlaps with the 2$\sigma$ region of the HST data.

Asymptotically flat vacuum initial data sets from a modified parabolic-hyperbolic formulation of the Einstein vacuum constraint equations. (arXiv:2002.06759v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Florian Beyer, Jörg Frauendiener, Joshua Ritchie, relevance 0.00

In this paper we continue earlier investigations of evolutionary formulations of the Einstein vacuum constraint equations originally introduced by R\'{a}cz. Motivated by the strong evidence from these works that the resulting vacuum initial data sets are generically not asymptotically flat we analyse the asymptotics of the solutions of a modified formulation by a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. We conclude that the vacuum initial data sets generated with this new formulation are generically asymptotically flat.

Jet quenching parameters in strongly coupled anisotropic plasmas in the presence of magnetic fields. (arXiv:2002.06725v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Romulo Rougemont (Rio de Janeiro State U.), relevance 2.39

I use the holographic gauge/gravity duality to systematically calculate the jet quenching parameters in strongly coupled anisotropic plasmas in the presence of external magnetic fields. The magnetic field breaks down spatial rotation symmetry from $SO(3)$ to $SO(2)$, leading to the presence of multiple anisotropic jet quenching parameters, which are evaluated here in two quite different holographic settings. One of them corresponds to a top-down deformation of the strongly coupled $\mathcal{N} = 4$ Super Yang-Mills plasma triggered by an external magnetic field, while the other one is a bottom-up Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton model of phenomenological relevance for high energy peripheral heavy ion collisions, since it is able to provide a quantitative description of $(2+1)$-flavors lattice QCD thermodynamics with physical quark masses at zero and nonzero magnetic fields. I find for both models an overall enhancement of all the anisotropic jet quenching parameters with increasing magnetic fields. Moreover, I also conclude that for both models transverse momentum broadening is larger in transverse directions than in the direction of the magnetic field. Since these conclusions are shown to hold for two rather different holographic setups at finite temperature and magnetic fields, they are suggested as fairly robust features of strongly coupled anisotropic magnetized plasmas.

How many surface modes does one see on the boundary of a Dirac material?. (arXiv:2002.06721v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Maxim Kurkov, Dmitri Vassilevich, relevance 0.00

We present full expressions for the surface part of polarization tensor of a Dirac fermion confined in a half-space in $3+1$ dimensions. We compare this tensor to the polarization tensor of eventual surface mode (which is a $2+1$ dimensional Dirac fermion) and find essential differences in the conductivities in both Hall and normal sectors. Thus, the interaction with electromagnetic field near the boundary differs significantly in the full model and in the effective theory for the surface mode.

How massive are the superfluid cores in the Crab and Vela pulsars and why their glitch-events are accompanied with under and overshootings?. (arXiv:2002.06698v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Hujeirat A.A., Samtaney R, relevance 1.37

The Crab and Vela are well-studied glitching pulsars and the data obtained sofar should enable us to test the reliability of models of their internal structures. Very recently it was proposed that glitching pulsars are embedded in bimetric spacetime: their incompressible superfluid cores (SuSu-cores) are embedded in flat spacetime, whereas the ambient compressible and dissipative media are enclosed in Schwarzschild spacetime.

In this letter we apply this model to the Crab and Vela pulsars and show that a newly born pulsar initially of $1.25\text{M}_{\odot}$ and an embryonic SuSu-core of $0.029\text{M}_{\odot}$ could evolve into a \ARZL{Crab-like}\ARZR pulsar after 1000 years and into a \ARZL{Vela-like}\ARZR pulsar 10000 years later to finally fade away as an invisible dark energy object after roughly 10 Myr. Based thereon we infer that the Crab and the Vela pulsars should have SuSu-cores of $0.15\text{M}_{\odot}$ and $0.55\text{M}_{\odot}$, respectively.

Futhermore, the under- and overshootings phenomena observed to accompany the glitch events of the Vela pulsar are rather a common phenomenon of glitching pulsars that can be well-explained within the framework of bimetric spacetime.

Generalized BMS charge algebra. (arXiv:2002.06691v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Miguel Campiglia, Javier Peraza, relevance 4.39

It has been argued that the symmetries of gravity at null infinity should include a Diff$(S^2)$ factor associated to diffeomorphisms on the celestial sphere. However, the standard phase space of gravity does not support the action of such transformations. Building on earlier work by Laddha and one of the authors, we present an extension of the phase space of gravity at null infinity on which Diff$(S^2)$ acts canonically. The Poisson brackets of supertranslation and Diff$(S^2)$ charges reproduce the generalized BMS algebra introduced in arXiv:1408.2228 .

Constructing a Lie group analog for the Monster Lie algebra. (arXiv:2002.06658v2 [math.RT] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lisa Carbone, Elizabeth Jurisich, Scott H. Murray, relevance 5.33

We describe various approaches to constructing groups which may serve as Lie group analogs for the monster Lie algebra of Borcherds.

Symplectic Coarse-Grained Classical and Semi-Classical Evolution of Subsystems: New Theoretical Aspects. (arXiv:2002.06641v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Maurice A. de Gosson, relevance 8.33

We study the classical and semiclassical time evolutions of subsystems of a Hamiltonian system; this is done using a generalization of Heller's thawed Gaussian approximation introduced by Littlejohn. The key tool in our study is an extension of Gromov's "principle of the symplectic camel" obtained in collaboration with N. Dias and J. Prata. This extension says that the orthogonal projection of a symplectic phase space ball on a phase space with a smaller dimension also contains a symplectic ball with the same radius. In the quantum case, the radii of these symplectic balls are taken equal to sqrt(h_bar) and represent ellipsoids of minimum uncertainty, which we have called "quantum blobs" in previous work.

The Super Mumford Form and Sato Grassmannian. (arXiv:2002.06625v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Katherine A. Maxwell, relevance 50.00

We describe a supersymmetric generalization of the construction of Kontsevich and Arbarello, De Concini, Kac, and Procesi, which utilizes a relation between the moduli space of curves with the infinite-dimensional Sato Grassmannian. Our main result is the existence of a flat holomorphic connection on the line bundle $\lambda_{3/2}\otimes\lambda_{1/2}^{-5}$ on the moduli space of triples: a super Riemann surface, a Neveu-Schwarz puncture, and a formal coordinate system.

Localization of Energy and Momentum in an Asymptotically Reissner-Nordstr\"om Non-singular Black Hole Space-time Geometry. (arXiv:2002.06573v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by I. Radinschi, P.K. Sahoo, Th. Grammenos, S. Chattopadhyay, M. M. Cazacu, relevance 5.83

The space-time geometry exterior to a new four-dimensional, spherically symmetric and charged black hole solution that, through a coupling of general relativity with a non-linear electrodynamics, is everywhere non-singular, for small $r$ it behaves as a de Sitter metric, and asymptotically it behaves as the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m metric, is considered in order to study the energy-momentum localization. For the calculation of the energy and momentum distributions, the Einstein, Landau-Lifshitz, Weinberg and M\o ller energy-momentum complexes have been applied. The results obtained show that in all prescriptions the energy depends on the mass $M$ of the black hole, the charge $q$, two parameters $% a\in \mathbb{Z}^+$ and $\gamma\in \mathbb{R}^+$, and on the radial coordinate $r$. The calculations performed in each prescription show that all the momenta vanish. Additionally, some limiting and particular cases for $r$ and $q$ are studied, and a possible connection with strong gravitational lensing and micro lensing is attempted.

Instantons in AdS$_4$ From (anti)Membranes Wrapping $S^7$ To Bose-Fermi Duality in CFT$_3$'s. (arXiv:2002.06547v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by M. Naghdi, relevance 9.29

We present new SO(4)-invariant and non-supersymmetric instanton solutions for the conformally coupled m^2=-2 and massive m^2=+4 (pseudo)scalars arising from a consistent truncation of 11-dimensional supergravity over AdS_4 x S^7/Z_k when the internal space is taken as a S^1 Hopf fibration on CP^3, and we consider backreaction. In fact, the bulk configurations associate with (anti)membranes wrapped around mixed internal (and external) directions, which in turn probe the Wick-rotated or skew-whiffed background, break all supersymmetries as well as parity invariance. From near the boundary behavior of the closed solution for the coupled bulk (pseudo)scalar, we get a marginal triple-trace deformation with mixed boundary condition (valid also for the bulk massless m^2=0 (pseudo)scalar, raised when considering the external space backreaction, with Dirichlet boundary condition) and as a result, the corresponding boundary effective potential is unbounded from below and causes an instability because of the Fubini-like instanton. Indeed, presenting dual effective actions, we see that the boundary solutions and counterparts realize in singlet sectors of three-dimensional U(N) and O(N) Chern--Simons-matter field theories. In particular, we use versions of massless and mass-deformed regular and critical boson and fermion models, find instantons and confirm state-operator AdS_4/CFT_3 correspondence and also Bose-Fermi duality at the level of the solutions. In addition, we discuss on relations of our setups with Vasiliev's Higher-Spin theories, deformations of the Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena model and other related studies.

Image formation for extended sources with the solar gravitational lens. (arXiv:2002.06492v2 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Slava G. Turyshev, Viktor T. Toth, relevance 0.00

We study the image formation process with the solar gravitational lens (SGL) in the case of an extended, resolved source. An imaging telescope, modeled as a convex lens, is positioned within the image cylinder formed by the light received from the source. In the strong interference region of the SGL, this light is greatly amplified, forming the Einstein ring around the Sun, representing a distorted image of the extended source. We study the intensity distribution within the Einstein ring observed in the focal plane of the convex lens. For any particular telescope position in the image plane, we model light received from the resolved source as a combination of two signals: light received from the directly imaged region of the source and light from the rest of the source. We also consider the case when the telescope points away from the extended source or, equivalently, it observes light from sources in sky positions that are some distance away from the extended source, but still in its proximity. At even larger distances from the optical axis, in the weak interference or geometric optics regions, our approach recovers known models related to microlensing, but now obtained via the wave-optical treatment. We then derive the power of the signal and related photon fluxes within the annulus that contains the Einstein ring of the extended source, as seen by the imaging telescope. We discuss the properties of the deconvolution process, especially its effects on noise in the recovered image. We compare anticipated signals from realistic exoplanetary targets against estimates of noise from the solar corona and estimate integration times needed for the recovery of high-quality images of faint sources. The results demonstrate that the SGL offers a unique, realistic capability to obtain resolved images of exoplanets in our galactic neighborhood.

Dynamical behavior of the Universe: an entropic force scenario. (arXiv:2002.06437v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Maryam Aghaei Abchouyeh, Behrouz Mirza, Fatemeh Sadeghi, relevance 1.89

Entropic force originates in the assumption that there is a horizon for the universe. This horizon gives rise to additional terms in the equations of motion. Using dynamical system calculations, our results show that in the presence of dark energy for certain conditions, the last attractor of this theory will be dark energy epoch, but in the absence of dark energy, entropic force energy portion will have the lead role in the late time universe and is responsible for accelerated expansion of that. Interestingly, assuming both entropic force terms and dark energy to have their share of energy density of the universe, we have found that, in certain conditions entropic force dominated epoch is a stable fixed point while the dark energy epoch is a saddle point.

Measurements of $H_0$ in modified gravity theories: The role of lensed quasars in the late-time Universe. (arXiv:2002.06381v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Rocco D'Agostino, Rafael C. Nunes, relevance 0.00

In this work, we obtain measurements of the Hubble constant in the context of modified gravity theories. We set up our theoretical framework by considering viable cosmological $f(R)$ and $f(T)$ models, and we analyzed them through the use of geometrical data sets obtained in a model-independent way, namely, gravitationally lensed quasars with measured time delays, standard clocks from cosmic chronometers, and standard candles from the Pantheon Supernovae Ia sample. We find $H_0=(72.4\pm 1.4)$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ and $H_0=(71.5\pm 1.3)$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ for the $f(R)$ and $f(T)$ models, respectively. Our results represent 1.9\% and 1.8\% measurements of the Hubble constant, which are fully consistent with the local estimate of $H_0$ by the Hubble Space Telescope. We do not find significant departures from general relativity, as our study shows that the characteristic parameters of the extensions of gravity beyond general relativity are compatible with the $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. Moreover, within the standard cosmological framework, our full joint analysis suggests that it is possible to measure the dark energy equation of state parameter at 1.2\% accuracy, although we find no statistical evidence for deviations from the cosmological constant case.

Exploring non-singular black holes in gravitational perturbations. (arXiv:2002.06360v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Hang Liu, Chao Zhang, Yungui Gong, Bin Wang, Anzhong Wang, relevance 10.96

We calculate gravitational perturbation quasinormal modes (QNMs) of non-singular Bardeen black holes (BHs) and singularity-free BHs in conformal gravity and examine their spectra in wave dynamics comparing with standard BHs in general relativity. After testing the validity of the approximate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) calculation for different space based interferometers, we discuss the SNR of non-singular BHs in single-mode gravitational waveform detections in LISA, TianQin and TaiJi. We explore the impact of the Bardeen parameter and the conformal factor on the behavior of the SNR and find that in comparison with the standard Schwarzschild BHs, the increase of non-singular parameters leads to higher SNR for more massive non-singular BHs. We also examine the effect of the galactic confusion noise on the SNR and find that a dip appears in SNR due to such noise. For non-singular BHs, with the increase of the non-singular parameters the dip emerges for more massive BHs. Imprints of non-singular BHs on peaks and dips in SNR imply that non-singular BHs are likely to be distinguished from the standard Schwarzschild BHs when BHs are sufficient massive. The detections of non-singular BHs are expected to be realized more likely by LISA or TaiJi.

Group manifolds and homogeneous spaces with HKT geometry: the role of automorphisms. (arXiv:2002.06356v3 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A.V. Smilga, relevance 0.24

We present a new simple proof of the fact that certain group manifolds as well as certain homogeneous spaces G/H of dimension 4n admit a quaternionic triple of integrable complex structures that are covariantly constant with respect to the same torsionful Bismut connection, i.e. exhibit the HKT geometry. The key observation is that different complex structures are interrelated by automorphisms of the Lie algebra. To construct the quaternion triples, one only needs to construct the proper automorphisms, which is a more simple problem.

Space-Time Collocation Method: Loop Quantum Hamiltonian Constraints. (arXiv:2002.06229v1 [physics.comp-ph])
in gr-qc by Alec Yonika, Alfa Heryudono, Gaurav Khanna, relevance 0.94

A space-time collocation method (STCM) using asymptotically-constant basis functions is proposed and applied to the quantum Hamiltonian constraint for a loop-quantized treatment of the Schwarzschild interior. Canonically, these descriptions take the form of a partial-difference equation (PDE). The space-time collocation approach presents a computationally efficient, convergent, and easily parallelizable method for solving this class of equations, which is the main novelty of this study. Results of the numerical simulations will demonstrate the benefit from a parallel computing approach; and show general flexibility of the framework to handle arbitrarily-sized domains. Computed solutions will be compared, when applicable, to a solution computed in the conventional method via iteratively stepping through a predefined grid of discrete values, computing the solution via a recursive relationship.

Numerical relativity in spherical coordinates: A new dynamical spacetime and general relativistic MHD evolution framework for the Einstein Toolkit. (arXiv:2002.06225v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Vassilios Mewes, Yosef Zlochower, Manuela Campanelli, Thomas W. Baumgarte, Zachariah B. Etienne, Federico G. Lopez Armengol, Federico Cipolletta, relevance 4.01

We present SphericalNR, a new framework for the publicly available Einstein Toolkit that numerically solves the Einstein field equations coupled to the equations of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) in a 3+1 split of spacetime in spherical coordinates without symmetry assumptions. The spacetime evolution is performed using reference-metric versions of either the Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura equations or the fully covariant and conformal Z4 system with constraint damping. We have developed a reference-metric version of the Valencia formulation of GRMHD with a vector potential method, guaranteeing the absence of magnetic monopoles during the evolution. In our framework, every dynamical field (both spacetime and matter) is evolved using its components in an orthonormal basis with respect to the spherical reference-metric. Furthermore, all geometric information about the spherical coordinate system is encoded in source terms appearing in the evolution equations. This allows for the straightforward extension of Cartesian high-resolution shock-capturing finite volume codes to use spherical coordinates with our framework. To this end, we have adapted GRHydro, a Cartesian finite volume GRMHD code already available in the Einstein Toolkit, to use spherical coordinates. We present the full evolution equations of the framework, as well as details of its implementation in the Einstein Toolkit. We validate SphericalNR by demonstrating it passes a variety of challenging code tests in static and dynamical spacetimes.

Scaling of variational quantum circuit depth for condensed matter systems. (arXiv:2002.06210v4 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Carlos Bravo-Prieto, Josep Lumbreras-Zarapico, Luca Tagliacozzo, José I. Latorre, relevance 0.00

We benchmark the accuracy of a variational quantum eigensolver based on a finite-depth quantum circuit encoding ground state of local Hamiltonians. We show that in gapped phases, the accuracy improves exponentially with the depth of the circuit. When trying to encode the ground state of conformally invariant Hamiltonians, we observe two regimes. A finite-depth regime, where the accuracy improves slowly with the number of layers, and a finite-size regime where it improves again exponentially. The cross-over between the two regimes happens at a critical number of layers whose value increases linearly with the size of the system. We discuss the implication of these observations in the context of comparing different variational ansatz and their effectiveness in describing critical ground states.

The positive tropical Grassmannian, the hypersimplex, and the m=2 amplituhedron. (arXiv:2002.06164v2 [math.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tomasz Lukowski, Matteo Parisi, Lauren K. Williams, relevance 0.00

The well-known moment map maps the Grassmannian $Gr_{k+1,n}$ and the positive Grassmannian $Gr^+_{k+1,n}$ onto the hypersimplex $\Delta_{k+1,n}$, which is a polytope of codimension $1$ inside $\mathbb{R}^n$. Over the last decades there has been a great deal of work on matroid subdivisions (and positroid subdivisions) of the hypersimplex; these are closely connected to the tropical Grassmannian and positive tropical Grassmannian. Meanwhile any $n \times (k+2)$ matrix $Z$ with maximal minors positive induces a map $\tilde{Z}$ from $Gr^+_{k,n}$ to the Grassmannian $Gr_{k,k+2}$, whose image has full dimension $2k$ and is called the $m=2$ amplituhedron $A_{n,k,2}$. As the positive Grassmannian has a decomposition into positroid cells, one may ask when the images of a collection of cells of $Gr^+_{k+1,n}$ give a dissection of the hypersimplex $\Delta_{k+1,n}$. By dissection, we mean that the images of these cells are disjoint and cover a dense subset of the hypersimplex, but we do not put any constraints on how their boundaries match up. Similarly, one may ask when the images of a collection of positroid cells of $Gr^+_{k,n}$ give a dissection of the amplituhedron $\mathcal{A}_{n,k,2}$. In this paper we observe a remarkable connection between these two questions: in particular, one may obtain a dissection of the amplituhedron from a dissection of the hypersimplex (and vice-versa) by applying a simple operation to cells that we call the T-duality map. Moreover, if we think of points of the positive tropical Grassmannian $\mbox{Trop}^+Gr_{k+1,n}$ as height functions on the hypersimplex, the corresponding positroidal subdivisions of the hypersimplex induce particularly nice dissections of the $m=2$ amplituhedron $\mathcal{A}_{n,k,2}$. Along the way, we provide a new characterization of positroid polytopes and prove new results about positroidal subdivisions of the hypersimplex.

Expanding theory testing in general relativity: LIGO and parametrized theories. (arXiv:2002.06148v1 [physics.hist-ph])
in gr-qc by Lydia Patton, relevance 0.89

The multiple detections of gravitational waves by LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), operated by Caltech and MIT, have been acclaimed as confirming Einstein's prediction, a century ago, that gravitational waves propagating as ripples in spacetime would be detected. Yunes and Pretorius (2009) investigate whether LIGO's template-based searches encode fundamental assumptions, especially the assumption that the background theory of general relativity is an accurate description of the phenomena detected in the search. They construct the parametrized post-Einsteinian (ppE) framework in response, which broadens those assumptions and allows for wider testing under more flexible assumptions. Their methods are consistent with work on confirmation and testing found in Carnap (1936), Hempel (1969), and Stein (1992, 1994), with the following principles in common: that confirmation is distinct from testing, and that, counterintuitively, revising a theory's formal basis can make it more broadly empirically testable. These views encourage a method according to which theories can be made abstract, to define families of general structures for the purpose of testing. With the development of the ppE framework and related approaches, multi-messenger astronomy is a catalyst for deep reasoning about the limits and potential of the theoretical framework of general relativity.

Perturbative BF theory. (arXiv:2002.06131v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Enore Guadagnini, Federico Rottoli, relevance 1.27

We consider a superrenomalizable gauge theory of topological type, in which the structure group is equal to the inhomogeneous group ISU(2). The generating functional of the correlation functions of the gauge fields is derived and its connection with the generating functional of the Chern-Simons theory is discussed. The complete renomalization of this model defined in R^3 is presented. The structure of the ISU(2) conjugacy classes is determined. Gauge invariant observables are defined by means of appropriately normalized traces of ISU(2) holonomies associated with oriented, framed and coloured knots. The perturbative evaluation of the Wilson lines expectation values is investigated and the up-to-third-order contributions to the perturbative expansion of the observables, which correspond to knot invariants, are produced. The general dependence of the knot observables on the framing is worked out.

Tensions in the dark: shedding light on Dark Matter-Dark Energy interactions. (arXiv:2002.06127v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Matteo Lucca, Deanna C. Hooper, relevance 0.00

The emergence of an increasingly strong tension between the Hubble rate inferred from early and late time observations has reinvigorated interest in non-standard scenarios, with the aim of reconciling these measurements. One such model involves interactions between Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Here we consider a specific form of the coupling between these two fluids proportional to the Dark Energy energy density, which has been shown to mitigate the Hubble tension. We complement the work already discussed in several previous analysis and show that, once all relevant cosmological probes are included, the value of the Hubble parameter in this model is $H_0=69.82_{-0.76}^{+0.63}$ km/(s Mpc). Furthermore, we also perform a statistical model comparison, finding a $\Delta\chi^2$ of $-2.15$ with the inclusion of one additional free parameter. In order to fully test this model as a solution to the $H_0$ tension, future missions such as Euclid will prove vital. For this reason, we also forecast the sensitivity of upcoming planned missions to the main parameters affected by these dark sector interactions and show that within the next decade we will be able to conclusively confirm or disprove the validity of this model as a solution to the $H_0$ tension.

Shape dependence of renormalized holographic entanglement entropy. (arXiv:2002.06111v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Giorgos Anastasiou, Javier Moreno, Rodrigo Olea, David Rivera-Betancour, relevance 60.23

We study the holographic entanglement entropy of deformed entangling regions in three-dimensional CFTs dual to Einstein-AdS gravity, using a renormalization scheme based on the addition of extrinsic counterterms. In this prescription, when even-dimensional manifolds are considered, the universal contribution to the entanglement entropy is identified as the renormalized volume of the Ryu-Takayanagi hypersurface, which is written as the sum of a topological and a curvature term. It is shown that the change in the renormalized entanglement entropy due to the deformation of the entangling surface is encoded purely in the curvature contribution. In turn, as the topological part is given by the Euler characteristic of the Ryu-Takayanagi surface, it remains shape independent. Exploiting the covariant character of the extrinsic counterterms, we apply the renormalization scheme for the case of deformed entangling regions in AdS$_4$/CFT$_3$, recovering the results found in the literature. Finally, we provide a derivation of the relation between renormalized entanglement entropy and Willmore energy. The presence of a lower bound of the latter makes manifest the relation between the AdS curvature of the Ryu-Takayanagi surface and the strong subadditivity property.

Vector perturbations of Kerr-AdS$_5$ and the Painlev\'e VI transcendent. (arXiv:2002.06108v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Julián Barragán-Amado, Bruno Carneiro da Cunha, Elisabetta Pallante, relevance 8.39

We analyze the Ansatz of separability for Maxwell equations in generically spinning, five-dimensional Kerr-AdS black holes. We find that the parameter \mu introduced in a previous work by O. Lunin can be interpreted as apparent singularities of the resulting radial and angular equations. Using isomonodromy deformations, we describe a non-linear symmetry of the system, under which \mu is tied to the Painlev\'e VI transcendent. By translating the boundary conditions imposed on the solutions of the equations for quasinormal modes in terms of monodromy data, we find a procedure to fix \mu and study the behavior of the quasinormal modes in the limit of fast spinning small black holes.

Radiative Processes of Entangled Detectors in Rotating Frames. (arXiv:2002.06085v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gabriel Picanço Costa (1), Nami Fux Svaiter (1), Carlos Augusto Domingues Zarro (2) ((1) Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Brazil, (2) Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), relevance 3.17

We investigate the radiative processes of accelerated entangled two-level systems. Using first-order perturbation theory, we evaluate transition rates of two entangled Unruh-DeWitt detectors rotating with the same angular velocity interacting with a massive scalar field. Decay processes for arbitrary radius, angular velocities, and energy gaps are analyzed. We discuss the mean-life of entangled states and entanglement harvesting and degradation.

Spherically symmetric and static solutions in $f(R)$ gravity coupled with EM fields. (arXiv:2002.06059v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Roger A. Hurtado, Jose R. Arenas, relevance 0.32

Solutions of field equations in $f(R)$ gravity are found for a spherically symmetric and static spacetime in the Born-Infeld (BI) non-linear electrodynamics. It is found that the models supported in this configuration must have the parametric form $f'(R)|_{r}=m+n r$, with $m,n$ constants, whose value and sign have a strong impact on the solutions, as well as in the form and range of $f(R)$. When $n=0$, $f(R)=m R+m_0$ and the Einstein-BI solution is found. When $m\neq 0$ and $n\neq0$, $f(R)$ is asymptotically equivalent to GR and the Schwarzschild and $f(R)$-Reissner-Nordstr\"om solutions are written in some limits, likewise if $n>0$ and $r\gg1$, $f(R)$ can be found as a series approximation and as a particular case, when $R_S=-\frac{m^2}{3n}$, explicitly $f(R)=m R+2n\sqrt{R}+m_0$. Finally, the solutions, scalar curvature and parametric function $f(r)$ in the non-linear ($m=0$) regime of $f(R)$ are found, and some models for specific values of $m$ and $n$ are plotted.

Is there an early Universe solution to Hubble tension?. (arXiv:2002.06044v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chethan Krishnan, Eoin Ó Colgáin, Ruchika, Anjan A. Sen, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, Tao Yang, relevance 0.00

We consider a low redshift $(z<0.7)$ cosmological dataset comprising megamasers, cosmic chronometers, type Ia SNe and BAO, which we bin according to their redshift. For each bin, we read the value of $H_0$ by fitting directly to the flat $\Lambda$CDM model. Doing so, we find that $H_0$ descends with redshift, allowing one to fit a line with a \textit{non-zero} slope of statistical significance $2.1 \, \sigma$. Our results are in accord with a similar descending trend reported by the H0LiCOW collaboration. If substantiated going forward, early Universe solutions to the Hubble tension will struggle explaining this trend.

BRST, Ward identities, gauge dependence and FRG. (arXiv:2002.05997v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Peter M. Lavrov, relevance 7.45

Basic properties of gauge theories in the framework of Faddeev-Popov (FP) method, Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) formalism, functional renormalization group approach are considered. The FP- and BV- quantizations are characterized by the BRST symmetry while the BRST symmetry is broken in the FRG approach. It is shown that the FP-method, the BV-formalism and the FRG approach can be provided with the Slavnov-Taylor identity, the Ward identity and the modified Slavnov-Taylor identity respectively. It is proved that using the background field method, the background gauge invariance of effective action within the FP and FRG quantization procedures can be achieved in non-linear gauges. The gauge dependence problem within the FP-, BV- and FRG quantizations is studied. Arguments allowing to state impossibility of gauge independence of physical results obtained within the FRG approach are given.

Influence of Lorentz Invariation Violation on Arbitrarily Spin Fermions Tunneling Radiation in the Vaidya-Bonner Spacetime. (arXiv:2002.05946v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jie Zhang, Zhie Liu, Bei Sha, Xia Tan, Yuzhen Liu, Shuzheng Yang, relevance 16.23

In the spacetime of non-stationary spherical symmetry Vaidya-Bonner black hole, an accurate modification of Hawking tunneling radiation for fermions with arbitrarily spin is researched. Considering a light dispersion relationship derived from string theory, quantum gravitational theory and Rarita-Schwinger Equation in the non-stationary spherical symmetry spacetime, we derive an accurately modified dynamic equation for fermions with arbitrarily spin. By solving the equation, modified tunneling rate of fermions with arbitrarily spin, Hawking temperature and entropy at the event horizon of Vaidya-Bonner black hole are presented. We find the Hawking temperature will increase, but the the entropy will decrease comparing with the case without Lorentz Invariation Violation modification.

No hair for spherically symmetric neutral black holes: nonminimally coupled massive scalar fields. (arXiv:2002.05903v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Shahar Hod, relevance 11.34

It is proved that spherically symmetric asymptotically flat neutral black holes cannot support spatially regular static configurations made of massive scalar fields with non-minimal coupling to gravity. Interestingly, our compact no-hair theorem is valid for generic values of the dimensionless physical parameter $\xi$ which quantifies the strength of coupling between the scalar field and the spacetime curvature.

Chaotic Motion around a Black Hole under Minimal Length Effects. (arXiv:2002.05894v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Xiaobo Guo, Kangkai Liang, Benrong Mu, Peng Wang, Mingtao Yang, relevance 9.40

We use the Melnikov method to identify chaotic behavior in geodesic motion perturbed by the minimal length effects around a Schwarzschild black hole. Unlike the integrable unperturbed geodesic motion, our results show that the perturbed homoclinic orbit, which is a geodesic joining the unstable circular orbit to itself, becomes chaotic in the sense that Smale horseshoes chaotic structure is present in phase space.

Effect of environment on the interferometry of clocks. (arXiv:2002.05883v1 [quant-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by Harshit Verma, Magdalena Zych, Fabio Costa, relevance 0.00

Mach-Zhender interferometry involving spatial superposition of a massive particle with its internal degrees of freedom (DOF) modelled as \textit{clocks} had been previously proposed as an experiment encapsulating genuine general relativistic effects on quantum systems. We have analysed a realistic model of the \textit{clocks} in which they are subject to the effects of environment leading to noise during their transit through the arms of the interferometer. By modelling the environment as quantum DOF interacting with the clock, we have shown that interferometric visibility is affected by the noise. We have shown that the visibility can increase or decrease depending on the type of noise and also the time scale and transition probabilities in the noise models. The quantification of the aforementioned effect on the visibility paves the way for a better estimate on the expected outcome of an experiment wherein the clocks cannot be effectively shielded from the noise.

PPN rotation curves in static distributions with spherical symmetry. (arXiv:2002.05862v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Henrique Matheus Gauy, Javier Ramos-Caro, relevance 0.00

From a Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) [46-51] perspective, we address the question of whether or not the new degrees of freedom, represented by the PPN potentials, can lead to significant modifications in the dynamics of galaxies in the direction of rendering dark matter obsolete. Here, we focus on the study of rotation curves associated with spherically symmetric configurations. The values for the post-Newtonian parameters, which help us to classify the different metric theories of gravity, are tightly constrained mainly by solar system experiments [47,48]. However, in recent years, metric theories characterized by screening mechanisms [4,10,22,25] have become popular, due to the fact that they lead to the possibility of modifications in larger scales than the solar system while retaining the success of GR on it, allowing for violations of the constraints of the Post-Newtonian parameters. In such a context, we consider here two kinds of solutions for field equations: (i) Vacuum solutions and (ii) in the presence of a politropic distribution of matter. For the case (i) we find that the post-Newtonian corrections do not lead to modifications significant enough to be considered an alternative to the dark matter hypothesis. In the case (ii) we find that for a wide range of values for the PPN parameters {\gamma}, {\beta}, {\xi}, {\alpha}_3 , {\zeta}_1 and {\zeta}_2 , the need for dark matter is unavoidable, in order to find flat rotation curves. It is only for theories in which {\zeta}_3>0 that some resemblance of flat rotation curves is found. The latter suggests, at least for the models considered, that these are the only theories capable of replacing dark matter as a possible explanation for the dynamics of galaxies.

Generalized Quantum Spring. (arXiv:2002.05851v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Chao-Jun Feng, Xiang-Hua Zhai, Xin-Zhou Li, relevance 0.00

Recently, it was found that after imposing a helix boundary condition on a scalar field, the Casimir force coming from the quantum effect is linearly proportional to $r$, which is the ratio of the pitch to the circumference of the helix. This linear behavior of the Casimir force is just like that of the force obeying the Hooke's law on a spring. In this paper, inspiring by some complex structures that lives in the cells of human body like DNA, protein, collagen etc., we generalize the helix boundary condition to a more general one, in which the helix consists of a tiny helix structure, and makes up a hierarchy of helix. After imposing this kind of boundary condition on a massless and a massive scalar, we calculate the Casimir energy and force by using the so-called zeta function regularization method. We find that the Hooke's law with the generalized helix boundary condition is not exactly the same as usual one. In this case, the force is proportional to the cube of $r$ instead. So we regard it as a generalized Hooke's law, which is complied by a \emph{generalized quantum spring}.

Aspects of The First Law of Complexity. (arXiv:2002.05779v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alice Bernamonti, Federico Galli, Juan Hernandez, Robert C. Myers, Shan-Ming Ruan, Joan Simón, relevance 30.94

We investigate the first law of complexity proposed in arXiv:1903.04511, i.e., the variation of complexity when the target state is perturbed, in more detail. Based on Nielsen's geometric approach to quantum circuit complexity, we find the variation only depends on the end of the optimal circuit. We apply the first law to gain new insights into the quantum circuits and complexity models underlying holographic complexity. In particular, we examine the variation of the holographic complexity for both the complexity=action and complexity=volume conjectures in perturbing the AdS vacuum with coherent state excitations of a free scalar field. We also examine the variations of circuit complexity produced by the same excitations for the free scalar field theory in a fixed AdS background. In this case, our work extends the existing treatment of Gaussian coherent states to properly include the time dependence of the complexity variation. We comment on the similarities and differences of the holographic and QFT results.

Constraining Gravity with Eccentric Gravitational Waves: Projected Upper Bounds and Model Selection. (arXiv:2002.05775v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Blake Moore, Nicolás Yunes, relevance 0.00

Gravitational waves allow us to test general relativity in the highly dynamical regime. While current observations have been consistent with waves emitted by quasi-circular binaries, eccentric binaries may also produce detectable signals in the near future with ground- and space-based detectors. We here explore how tests of general relativity scale with the orbital eccentricity of the source during the inspiral of compact objects up to $e \sim 0.8$. We use a new, 3rd post-Newtonian-accurate, eccentric waveform model for the inspiral of compact objects, which is fast enough for Bayesian parameter estimation and model selection, and highly accurate for modeling moderately eccentric inspirals. We derive and incorporate the eccentric corrections to this model induced in Brans-Dicke theory and in Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet gravity at leading post-Newtonian order, which suggest a straightforward eccentric extension of the parameterized post-Einsteinian formalism. We explore the upper limits that could be set on the coupling parameters of these modified theories through both a confidence-interval- and Bayes-factor-based approach, using a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo and a trans-dimensional, reversible-jump, Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method. We find projected constraints with signals from sources with $e \sim 0.4$ that are one order of magnitude stronger than that those obtained with quasi-circular binaries in advanced LIGO. In particular, eccentric gravitational waves detected at design sensitivity should be able to constrain the Brans-Dicke coupling parameter $\omega \gtrsim 3300$ and the Gauss-Bonnet coupling parameter $\alpha^{1/2} \lesssim 0.5 \; {\rm{km}}$ at 90% confidence. Although the projected constraint on $\omega$ is weaker than other current constraints, the projected constraint on $\alpha^{1/2}$ is 10 times stronger than the current gravitational wave bound.

Spacetime Tomography Using The Event Horizon Telescope. (arXiv:2002.05735v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Paul Tiede, Hung-Yi Pu, Avery E. Broderick, Roman Gold, Mansour Karami, Jorge A. Preciado-López, relevance 18.02

We have now entered the new era of high-resolution imaging astronomy with the beginning of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). The EHT can resolve the dynamics of matter in the immediate vicinity around black holes at and below the horizon scale. One of the candidate black holes, Sagittarius A* flares 1\-4 times a day depending on the wavelength. A possible interpretation of these flares could be hotspots generated through magnetic reconnection events in the accretion flow. In this paper, we construct a semi-analytical model for hotspots that include the effects of shearing as a spot moves along the accretion flow. We then explore the ability of the EHT to recover these hotspots. Even including significant systematic uncertainties, such as thermal noise, diffractive scattering, and background emission due to an accretion disk, we were able to recover the hotspots and spacetime structure to sub-percent precision. Moreover, by observing multiple flaring events we show how the EHT could be used to tomographically map spacetime. This provides new avenues for testing relativistic fluid dynamics and general relativity near the event horizon of supermassive black holes.

A dynamical mechanism for the Page curve from quantum chaos. (arXiv:2002.05734v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Hong Liu, Shreya Vardhan, relevance 8.25

If the evaporation of a black hole formed from a pure state is unitary, the entanglement entropy of the Hawking radiation should follow the Page curve, increasing from zero until near the halfway point of the evaporation, and then decreasing back to zero. The general argument for the Page curve is based on the assumption that the quantum state of the black hole plus radiation during the evaporation process is typical. In this paper, we show that the Page curve can result from a simple dynamical input in the evolution of the black hole, based on a recently proposed signature of quantum chaos, without resorting to typicality. Our argument is based on what we refer to as the "operator gas" approach, which allows one to understand the evolution of the microstate of the black hole from generic features of the Heisenberg evolution of operators. One key feature which leads to the Page curve is the possibility of dynamical processes where operators in the "gas" can "jump" outside the black hole, which we refer to as void formation processes. Such processes are initially exponentially suppressed, but dominate after a certain time scale, which can be used as a dynamical definition of the Page time. In the Hayden-Preskill protocol for young and old black holes, we show that void formation is also responsible for the transfer of information from the black hole to the radiation. We conjecture that void formation may provide a microscopic explanation for the recent semi-classical prescription of including islands in the calculation of the entanglement entropy of the radiation.

Many-Body Chaos in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model. (arXiv:2002.05725v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Bryce Kobrin, Zhenbin Yang, Gregory D. Kahanamoku-Meyer, Christopher T. Olund, Joel E. Moore, Douglas Stanford, Norman Y. Yao, relevance 15.19

Many-body chaos has emerged as a powerful framework for understanding thermalization in strongly interacting quantum systems. While recent analytic advances have sharpened our intuition for many-body chaos in certain large $N$ theories, it has proven challenging to develop precise numerical tools capable of exploring this phenomenon in generic Hamiltonians. To this end, we utilize massively parallel, matrix-free Krylov subspace methods to calculate dynamical correlators in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model for up to $N = 60$ Majorana fermions. We begin by showing that numerical results for two-point correlation functions agree at high temperatures with dynamical mean field solutions, while at low temperatures finite-size corrections are quantitatively reproduced by the exactly solvable dynamics of near extremal black holes. Motivated by these results, we develop a novel finite-size rescaling procedure for analyzing the growth of out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs). We verify that this procedure accurately determines the Lyapunov exponent, $\lambda$, across a wide range in temperatures, including in the regime where $\lambda$ approaches the universal bound, $\lambda = 2\pi/\beta$.

Ungauging Schemes and Coulomb Branches of Non-simply Laced Quiver Theories. (arXiv:2002.05716v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Amihay Hanany, Anton Zajac, relevance 0.33

Three-dimensional Coulomb branches have a prominent role in the study of moduli spaces of supersymmetric gauge theories with $8$ supercharges in $3,4,5$, and $6$ dimensions. Inspired by simply laced $3$d $\mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric quiver gauge theories, we consider Coulomb branches constructed from non-simply laced quivers with edge multiplicity $k$ and no flavor nodes. In a computation of the Coulomb branch as the space of dressed monopole operators, a center-of-mass $U(1)$ symmetry needs to be ungauged. Typically, for a simply laced theory, all choices of the ungauged $U(1)$ (i.e. all choices of ungauging schemes) are equivalent and the Coulomb branch is unique. In this note, we study various ungauging schemes and their effect on the resulting Coulomb branch variety. It is shown that, for a non-simply laced quiver, inequivalent ungauging schemes exist which correspond to inequivalent Coulomb branch varieties. Ungauging on any of the long nodes of a non-simply laced quiver yields the same Coulomb branch $\mathcal{C}$. For choices of ungauging the $U(1)$ on a short node of rank higher than $1$, the GNO dual magnetic lattice deforms such that it no longer corresponds to a Lie group, and therefore, the monopole formula yields a non-valid Coulomb branch. However, if the ungauging is performed on a short node of rank $1$, the one-dimensional magnetic lattice is rescaled conformally along its single direction and the corresponding Coulomb branch is an orbifold of the form $\mathcal{C}/\mathbb{Z}_k$. Ungauging schemes of $3$d Coulomb branches provide a particularly interesting and intuitive description of a subset of actions on the nilpotent orbits studied by Kostant and Brylinski arXiv:math/9204227. The ungauging scheme analysis is carried out for minimally unbalanced $C_n$, affine $F_4$, affine $G_2$, and twisted affine $D_4^{(3)}$ quivers, respectively.

Logarithmic Negativity in Quantum Lifshitz Theories. (arXiv:2002.05713v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by J. Angel-Ramelli, C. Berthiere, V. Giangreco M. Puletti, L. Thorlacius, relevance 4.30

We investigate quantum entanglement in a non-relativistic critical system by calculating the logarithmic negativity of a class of mixed states in the quantum Lifshitz model in one and two spatial dimensions. In 1+1 dimensions we employ a correlator approach to obtain analytic results for both open and periodic biharmonic chains. In 2+1 dimensions we use a replica method and consider spherical and toroidal spatial manifolds. In all cases, the universal finite part of the logarithmic negativity vanishes for mixed states defined on two disjoint components. For mixed states defined on adjacent components, we find a non-trivial logarithmic negativity reminiscent of two-dimensional conformal field theories. As a byproduct of our calculations, we obtain exact results for the odd entanglement entropy in 2+1 dimensions.

Detecting scaling in phase transitions on the truncated Heisenberg algebra. (arXiv:2002.05704v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dragan Prekrat, Kristina Neli Todorović-Vasović, Dragana Ranković, relevance 1.33

We construct and analyze the phase diagram of the self-interacting matrix field coupled to curvature of the non-commutative truncated Heisenberg space. The model reduces to renormalizable Grosse-Wulkenhaar model in the infinite matrix size limit and exhibits the purely non-commutative non-uniformly ordered phase. Particular attention is given to the scaling of the model's parameters. We additionally provide the infinite matrix size limit for the disordered to ordered phase transition line.

Critical evaluation of common claims in loop quantum cosmology. (arXiv:2002.05703v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Martin Bojowald, relevance 0.63

A large number of models have been analyzed in loop quantum cosmology, using mainly minisuperspace constructions and perturbations. At the same time, general physics principles from effective field theory and covariance have often been ignored. A consistent introduction of these ingredients requires substantial modifications of existing scenarios. As a consequence, none of the broader claims made mainly by the Ashtekar school --- such as the genericness of bounces with astonishingly semiclassical dynamics, robustness with respect to quantization ambiguities, the realization of covariance, and the relevance of certain technical results for potential observations --- hold up to scrutiny. Several useful lessons for a sustainable version of quantum cosmology can be drawn from this outcome.

Gravitational-Wave Implications for the Parity Symmetry of Gravity at GeV Scale. (arXiv:2002.05668v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Yi-Fan Wang, Rui Niu, Tao Zhu, Wen Zhao, relevance 0.67

Gravitational waves generated by the coalescence of compact binary open a new window to test the fundamental properties of gravity in the strong-field and dynamical regime. In this work, we focus on the parity symmetry of gravity which, if broken, can leave imprints on the waveform of gravitational wave. We construct generalized waveforms with amplitude and velocity birefringence due to parity violation in the effect field theory formalism, then analyze the open data of the ten binary black-hole merger events and the two binary neutron-star merger events detected by LIGO and Virgo collaboration. We do not find any signatures of violation of gravitational parity conservation, thereby setting the lower bound of the parity-violating energy scale to be $0.07$ GeV. This presents the first observational evidence of the parity conservation of gravity at high energy scale, about 17 orders of magnitude tighter than the constraints from the Solar system tests and binary pulsar observation. The third-generation gravitational-wave detector is capable of probing the parity-violating energy scale at $\mathcal{O}(10^2)$ GeV.

Symmetries, a systematic construction of invariant fields and AdS backgrounds. (arXiv:2002.05613v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by G. Papadopoulos, relevance 16.12

We give a systematic local description of invariant metrics and other invariant fields on a spacetime under the action of a (non-abelian) group. This includes the invariant fields in a neighbourhood of a principal and a special orbit. The construction is illustrated with examples. We also apply the formalism to give the R-symmetry invariant metrics of some AdS backgrounds and comment on applications to Kaluza-Klein theory.

Chaos at the rim of black hole and fuzzball shadows. (arXiv:2002.05574v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Massimo Bianchi, Alfredo Grillo, Jose Francisco Morales, relevance 9.65

We study the scattering of massless probes in the vicinity of the {\it photon-sphere} of asymptotically AdS black holes and horizon-free microstate geometries (fuzzballs). We find that these exhibit a chaotic behaviour characterised by exponentially large deviations of nearby trajectories. We compute the Lyapunov exponent $\lambda$ governing the exponential growth in $d$ dimensions and show that it is bounded from above by $\lambda_b = \sqrt{d{-}3}/2b_{\rm min}$ where $b_{\rm min}$ is the minimal impact parameter under which a massless particle is swallowed by the black hole or gets trapped in the fuzzball for a very long time. Moreover we observe that $\lambda$ is typically below the advocated bound on chaos $\lambda_H=2\pi \kappa_B T/\hbar$, that in turn characterises the radial fall into the horizon, but the bound is violated in a narrow window near extremality, where the photon-sphere coalesces with the horizon. Finally, we find that fuzzballs are characterised by Lyapunov exponents smaller than those of the corresponding BH's suggesting the possibility of discriminating the existence of micro-structures at horizon scales via the detection of ring-down modes with time scales $\lambda^{-1}$ longer than those expected for a BH of the given mass and spin.

Measuring eccentricity of binary black holes in GWTC-1 by using inspiral-only waveform. (arXiv:2002.05528v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Shichao Wu, Zhoujian Cao, Zong-Hong Zhu, relevance 6.00

In this paper, we estimate the eccentricity of the 10 BBHs in GWTC-1 by using the inspiral-only BBH waveform template EccentricFD. Firstly, we test our method with simulated eccentric BBHs. Afterwards we apply the method to the real BBH gravitational wave data. We find that the BBHs in GWTC-1 except GW151226, GW170608 and GW170729 admit almost zero eccentricity. Their upper limits on eccentricity rang from 0.033 to 0.084 with 90% credible interval at the reference frequency 10Hz. And their median eccentricities are 0.000. For GW151226, GW170608 and GW170729, the upper limits are higher than 0.1. But the median eccentricities are respectively 0.000, 0.064 and 0.000. We also point out the limitations of the inspiral-only waveform template in eccentricity measurement. The current eccentricity measurement results of GWTC-1 is not enough to constrain the formation mechanisms of BBHs, and more observational data are needed in the future.

Covariant hamiltonian for supergravity in $d=3$ and $d=4$. (arXiv:2002.05523v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Leonardo Castellani, relevance 2.25

We extend the covariant canonical formalism recently discussed in ref. [1] to geometric theories coupled to both bosonic and fermionic $p$-forms. This allows a covariant hamiltonian treatment of supergravity theories. As examples we present the covariant hamiltonian formulation for $d=3$ anti-De Sitter supergravity and for the "new minimal" $d=4$, $N=1$ supergravity (with $1$-form and $2$-form auxiliary fields). Form-Poisson brackets and form-Dirac brackets are defined, and used to find the form-canonical generators of all gauge symmetries via an algorithmic procedure.

Transition Probabilities for Flavor Eigenstates of Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in the PT-Broken Phase. (arXiv:2002.05499v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Tommy Ohlsson, Shun Zhou, relevance 0.00

We investigate the transition probabilities for the "flavor" eigenstates in the two-level quantum system, which is described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian with the parity and time-reversal (PT) symmetry. Particularly, we concentrate on the so-called PT-broken phase, where two eigenvalues of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian turn out to be a complex conjugate pair. In this case, we find that the transition probabilities will be unbounded in the limit of infinite time $t \to +\infty$. After making a connection between the PT-broken phase and the neutral-meson system in particle physics, we observe that the infinite-time behavior of the transition probabilities can be attributed to the negative decay width of one eigenstate of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We also present some brief remarks on the situation at the so-called exceptional point, where both the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian coalesce.

Communication through quantum fields near a black hole. (arXiv:2002.05482v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Robert H. Jonsson, David Q. Aruquipa, Marc Casals, Achim Kempf, Eduardo Martín-Martínez, relevance 13.96

We study the quantum channel between two localized first-quantized systems that communicate in 3+1 dimensional Schwarzschild spacetime via a quantum field. We analyze the information carrying capacity of direct and black hole-orbiting null geodesics as well as of the timelike contributions that arise because the strong Huygens principle does not hold on the Schwarzschild background. We find, in particular, that the non-direct-null and timelike contributions, which do not possess an analog on Minkowski spacetime, can dominate over the direct null contributions. We cover the cases of both geodesic and accelerated emitters. Technically, we apply tools previously designed for the study of wave propagation in curved spacetimes to a relativistic quantum information communication setup, first for generic spacetimes, and then for the case of Schwarzschild spacetime in particular.

Geodesic motion around a supersymmetric AdS5 black hole. (arXiv:2002.05481v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jens-Christian Drawer, Saskia Grunau, relevance 12.74

In this article the geodesic motion of test particles in the spacetime of a supersymmetric AdS$_5$ black hole is studied. The equations of motion are derived and solved in terms of the Weierstrass $\wp$, $\sigma$ and $\zeta$ functions. Effective potentials and parametric diagrams are used to analyze and characterize timelike, lightlike and spacelike particle motion and a list of possible orbit types is given. Furthermore, various plots of orbits are presented.

Dual Conformal Symmetry and Iterative Integrals in Six Dimensions. (arXiv:2002.05479v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by L.V. Bork, R.M. Iakhibbaev, D.I. Kazakov, D.M. Tolkachev, relevance 4.89

In this article, we continue the investigation of hep-th 1611.02179 regarding iterative properties of dual conformal integrals in higher dimensions. In d=4, iterative properties of four and five point dual conformal integrals manifest themselves in the famous BDS ansatz conjecture. In hep-th 1611.02179 it was also conjectured that a similar structure of integrals may reappear in d=6. We show that one can systematically, order by order in the number of loops, construct combinations of d=6 integrals with 1/(p^2)^2 propagators with an iterative structure similar to the d=4 case. Such combinations as a whole also respect dual conformal invariance but individual integrals may not.

Giant Gravitons on the Schrodinger pp-wave geometry. (arXiv:2002.05460v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by George Georgiou, Dimitrios Zoakos, relevance 2.22

We construct a new giant graviton solution on the recently constructed pp-wave geometry of the non-supersymmetric Schrodinger background. That solution exhibits an intriguing behavior as the deformation parameter of the spacetime varies. Firstly, the degeneracy between the giant and the point graviton is lifted for the benefit of the giant graviton as soon as the deformation is turned on. Secondly, when the deformation parameter exceeds a critical value the barrier separating the point from the giant graviton disappears. This suggests that the mere presence of a D3-brane leads to the spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance. We perform a detailed analysis of the full bosonic spectrum, which reveals that the deformation induces a coupling between the scalar and the gauge field fluctuations. It is exactly this coupling that keeps the giant graviton free of tachyonic instabilities. Furthermore, the giant graviton configuration completely breaks the supersymmetry of the pp-wave background, as the Kappa-symmetry analysis suggests.

Quantization of the damped harmonic oscillator based on a modified Bateman Lagrangian. (arXiv:2002.05435v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Shinichi Deguchi, Yuki Fujiwara, relevance 0.00

An approach to quantization of the damped harmonic oscillator (DHO) is developed on the basis of a modified Bateman Lagrangian (MBL); thereby some quantum mechanical aspects of the DHO are clarified. We treat the energy operator for the DHO, in addition to the Hamiltonian operator that is determined from the MBL and corresponds to the total energy of the system. It is demonstrated that the energy eigenvalues of the DHO exponentially decrease with time and that transitions between the energy eigenstates occur in accordance with the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. Also, it is pointed out that a new critical parameter discriminates different behaviours of transition probabilities.

On the N-pion extension of the Lovelace-Shapiro model. (arXiv:2002.05419v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Massimo Bianchi, Dario Consoli, Paolo Di Vecchia, relevance 0.00

We reconsider a modification of the N-point amplitude of the Neveu-Schwarz (NS) model in which the tachyon becomes a pion by shifting its mass to zero and keeping the super-projective invariance of the integrand of the amplitude. For the scattering of four particles it reduces to the amplitude written by Lovelace and Shapiro that has Adler zeroes. We confirm that also the N-pion amplitude has Adler zeroes and show that it reduces to that of the non-linear $\sigma$-model for $\alpha' \rightarrow 0$ keeping $F_\pi$ fixed. The four- and six-point flavour-ordered amplitudes satisfy tree-level unitarity since they can be derived from the correspondent amplitudes of the NS model in ten dimensions by suitably choosing the components of the momenta of the external mesons in the six extra dimensions. Negative norm states (ghosts) are shown to appear instead in higher-point amplitudes. We also discuss several amplitudes involving different external mesons.

Non-perturbative path integral quantization of the electroweak model: the Maxwell integration. (arXiv:2002.05385v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. P. Fry, relevance 6.37

The non-perturbative path integral quantization of the electroweak model is confronted with an apparent instability when integrating over the Maxwell potential $A_{\mu}$ due to the fast growth of the box graphs $AAAA$ and $AAAZ$ for large amplitude variations of $A_{\mu}$. $Z_{\mu}$ is from the vector part of the weak neutral current. These graphs are unavoidable because they are conditionally convergent and have to be isolated in the model's exact Euclidean one-loop effective action arising from its fermion determinants. A previous QED calculation of the large amplitude variation of its fermion determinant for a class of random potentials showed that the $AAAA$ box graph cancels in this limit. Using this result it is shown that within the electroweak model large amplitude variations of $A_{\mu}$ for fixed $Z_{\mu}$ in a superposition of these fields cancel the $AAAA$ and $AAAZ$ graphs, thereby removing an apparent obstacle to the model's non-perturbative quantization. A negative paramagnetic term in the remainder opposes the effective action's growth for such variations. Its calculation requires knowledge of the degeneracy of the bound states of a charged fermion in the four-dimensional magnetic fields generated by the functional measure of $A_{\mu}$.

On Boundaries, Charges and Fermi Fields. (arXiv:2002.05372v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by J. Mourad, A. Sagnotti, relevance 0.00

We address some general issues related to torsion and Noether currents for Fermi fields in the presence of boundaries, with emphasis on the conditions that guarantee charge conservation. We also describe exact solutions of these boundary conditions and some implications for string vacua with broken supersymmetry.

Subtracting compact binary foreground sources to reveal primordial gravitational-wave backgrounds. (arXiv:2002.05365v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Surabhi Sachdev, Tania Regimbau, B.S. Sathyaprakash, relevance 13.64

Detection of primordial gravitational-wave backgrounds generated during the early universe phase transitions is a key science goal for future ground-based detectors. The rate of compact binary mergers is so large that their cosmological population produces a confusion background that could masquerade the detection of potential primordial stochastic backgrounds. In this paper we study the ability of current and future detectors to resolve the confusion background to reveal interesting primordial backgrounds. The current detector network of LIGO and Virgo and the upcoming KAGRA and LIGO-India will not be able to resolve the cosmological compact binary source population and its sensitivity to stochastic background will be limited by the confusion background of these sources. We find that a network of three (and five) third generation (3G) detectors of Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope will resolve the confusion background produced by binary black holes leaving only about 0.013\% (respectively, 0.00075\%) unresolved; in contrast, as many as 25\% (respectively, 7.7\%) of binary neutron star sources remain unresolved. Consequently, the binary black hole population will likely not limit observation of primordial backgrounds but the binary neutron star population will limit the sensitivity of 3G detectors to $\Omega_{\rm GW} \sim 10^{-11}$ at 10 Hz (respectively, $\Omega_{\rm GW} \sim 3\times 10^{-12}$).

Large Numbers in Holography. (arXiv:2002.05354v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Brett McInnes, relevance 3.12

The AdS/CFT correspondence is useful primarily when the number of colours, $N_{\textsf{c}}$, characterising the boundary field theory, is "large", and when the mass of the bulk black hole that is usually present is "large" relative to the bulk Planck mass. But this prompts two questions: first, can these large numbers be estimated, even very approximately, in a given application? Second: if these quantities are themselves computed holographically from physical data constraining the field theory, is this computation self-consistent, in the sense that it actually produces large numbers, an outcome which is far from obvious? Here we consider these questions in the case of the application of holographic techniques to the study of the quark-gluon plasma. We find that holography in this case is able to generate estimates of the dimensionless numbers in question, and, very remarkably, they are indeed large, despite the fact that the dimensionless input data are of order unity.

The Quantum Entropy Cone of Hypergraphs. (arXiv:2002.05317v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Ning Bao, Newton Cheng, Sergio Hernández-Cuenca, Vincent P. Su, relevance 16.01

In this work, we generalize the graph-theoretic techniques used for the holographic entropy cone to study hypergraphs and their analogously-defined entropy cone. This allows us to develop a framework to efficiently compute entropies and prove inequalities satisfied by hypergraphs. In doing so, we discover a class of quantum entropy vectors which reach beyond those of holographic states and obey constraints intimately related to the ones obeyed by stabilizer states and linear ranks. We show that, at least up to 4 parties, the hypergraph cone is identical to the stabilizer entropy cone, thus demonstrating that the hypergraph framework is broadly applicable to the study of entanglement entropy. We conjecture that this equality continues to hold for higher party numbers and report on partial progress on this direction. To physically motivate this conjectured equivalence, we also propose a plausible method inspired by tensor networks to construct a quantum state from a given hypergraph such that their entropy vectors match.

Conformally Coupled Scalar in Rotating Black Hole Spacetimes. (arXiv:2002.05221v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Finnian Gray, Ian Holst, David Kubiznak, Gloria Odak, Dalila M. Pirvu, Tales Rick Perche, relevance 14.01

We demonstrate separability of conformally coupled scalar field equation in general (off-shell) Kerr-NUT-AdS spacetimes in all dimensions. The separability is intrinsically characterized by the existence of a complete set of mutually commuting conformal wave operators that can be constructed from a hidden symmetry of the principal Killing-Yano tensor. By token of conformal symmetry, the separability also works for any Weyl rescaled (off-shell) metrics. This is especially interesting in four dimensions where it guarantees separability of a conformally coupled scalar field in the general Plebanski-Demianski spacetime.

Charged regular black holes and Heisenberg-Euler nonlinear electrodynamics. (arXiv:2002.05186v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mohammad Bagher Jahani Poshteh, Nematollah Riazi, relevance 15.94

A regular black hole solution of General Relativity coupled to a new model for nonlinear electrodynamics is presented. This model has the interesting feature that, at far distances from the black hole, the theory reduces to Maxwell electrodynamics with Heisenberg-Euler correction term. The singular center of the black hole is replaced by flat, de Sitter, or anti de Sitter space, if the spacetime in which the black hole is embedded is asymptotically flat, de Sitter, or anti de Sitter, respectively. We show that weak, as well as dominant and strong energy conditions are partially satisfied. They are violated in the region near the center of the black hole, which would be dressed up by an event horizon. Requiring the correspondence to Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian at far distances, we find that in our model: (i) electron cannot be regarded as a regular black hole. (ii) A minimum mass is required for the formation of an event horizon. Stellar-mass charged black objects fail to provide this minimum. And, (iii) the mass of the black hole must be quantized.

Coherent Gravitational Waveforms and Memory from Cosmic String Loops. (arXiv:2002.05177v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Josu C. Aurrekoetxea, Thomas Helfer, Eugene A. Lim, relevance 0.87

We construct, for the first time, the time-domain gravitational wave strain waveform from the collapse of a strongly gravitating Abelian Higgs cosmic string loop in full general relativity. We show that the strain exhibits a large memory effect during merger, ending with a burst and the characteristic ringdown as a black hole is formed. Furthermore, we investigate the waveform and energy emitted as a function of string width, loop radius and string tension $G\mu$. We find that the mass normalized gravitational wave energy displays a strong dependence on the inverse of the string tension $E_{\mathrm{GW}}/M_0\propto 1/G\mu$, with $E_{\mathrm{GW}}/M_0 \sim {\cal O}(1)\%$ at the percent level, for the regime where $G\mu\gtrsim10^{-3}$. Conversely, we show that the efficiency is only weakly dependent on the initial string width and initial loop radii. Using these results, we argue that gravitational wave production is dominated by kinematical instead of geometrical considerations.

WIMP Cogenesis for Asymmetric Dark Matter and the Baryon Asymmetry. (arXiv:2002.05170v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Yanou Cui, Michael Shamma, relevance 0.00

We propose a new mechanism where asymmetric dark matter (ADM) and the baryon asymmetry are both generated in the same decay chain of a metastable weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) after its thermal freeze-out. Dark matter and baryons are connected by a generalized baryon number that is conserved, while the DM asymmetry and baryon asymmetry compensate each other. This unified framework addresses the DM-baryon coincidence while inheriting the merit of the conventional WIMP miracle in predicting relic abundances of matter. Examples of renormalizable models realizing this scenario are presented. These models generically predict ADM with sub-GeV to GeV-scale mass that interacts with Standard Model quarks or leptons, thus rendering potential signatures at direct detection experiments sensitive to low mass DM. Other interesting phenomenological predictions are also discussed, including: LHC signatures of new intermediate particles with color or electroweak charge and DM induced nucleon decay; the long-lived WIMP may be within reach of future high energy collider experiments.

Connecting Dualities and Machine Learning. (arXiv:2002.05169v1 [physics.comp-ph])
in hep-th by Philip Betzler, Sven Krippendorf, relevance 0.78

Dualities are widely used in quantum field theories and string theory to obtain correlation functions at high accuracy. Here we present examples where dual data representations are useful in supervised classification, linking machine learning and typical tasks in theoretical physics. We then discuss how such beneficial representations can be enforced in the latent dimension of neural networks. We find that additional contributions to the loss based on feature separation, feature matching with respect to desired representations, and a good performance on a `simple' correlation function can lead to known and unknown dual representations. This is the first proof of concept that computers can find dualities. We discuss how our examples, based on discrete Fourier transformation and Ising models, connect to other dualities in theoretical physics, for instance Seiberg duality.

Giant low-surface-brightness dwarf galaxy as a test bench for MOdified Gravity. (arXiv:2002.05161v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ivan de Martino, relevance 0.00

The lack of detection of supersymmetric particles is leading to look at alternative avenues for explaining dark matter's effects. Among them, modified theories of gravity may play an important role accounting even for both dark components needed in the standard cosmological model. Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity theory has been proposed to resolve the dark matter puzzle. Such a modified gravity model introduces, in its weak field limit, a Yukawa-like correction to the Newtonian potential, and is capable to explain most of the phenomenology related to dark matter at scale of galaxies and galaxy clusters. Nevertheless, some inconsistencies appears when studying systems that are supposed to be dark matter dominated such as dwarf galaxies. In this sense Antlia II, an extremely diffuse galaxy which has been recently discovered in {\em Gaia}'s second data release, may serve to probe the aforementioned theory against the need for invoking dark matter. Our analysis shows several inconsistencies and leads to argue that MOdified Gravity may not be able to shed light on the intriguing nature of dark matter.

Probing the Seesaw Mechanism with Cosmological Data. (arXiv:2002.05154v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by J. G. Rodrigues, Micol Benetti, Marcela Campista, Jailson Alcaniz, relevance 0.92

We investigate cosmological consequences of an inflationary model which incorporates a generic seesaw extension (types I and II) of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. A non-minimal coupling between the inflaton field and the Ricci scalar is considered as well as radiative corrections at one loop order. This connection between the inflationary dynamics with neutrino physics results in a predictive model whose observational viability is investigated in light of the current cosmic microwave background data, baryon acoustic oscillation observations and type Ia supernovae measurements. Our results show that the non-minimal coupled seesaw potential provides a good description of the observational data when radiative corrections are positive. Such result favours the type II seesaw mechanism over type I and may be an indication for physics beyond the Standard Model.

Weak-Coupling, Strong-Coupling and Large-Order Parametrization of the Hypergeometric-Meijer Approximants. (arXiv:2002.05110v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Abouzeid M. Shalaby, relevance 0.34

Without Borel or Pad$\acute{e}$ techniques, we show that for a divergent series with $n!$ large-order growth factor, the set of Hypergeometric series $_{k+1}F_{k-1}$ represents suitable approximants for which there exist no free parameters. The divergent $_{k+1}F_{k-1}$ series are then resummed via their representation in terms of the Meijer-G function. The choice of $_{k+1}F_{k-1}$ accelerates the convergence even with only weak-coupling information as input. For more acceleration of the convergence, we employ the strong-coupling and large-order information. We obtained a new constraint that relates the difference of numerator and denominator parameters in the Hypergeometric approximant to one of the large-order parameters. To test the validity of that constraint, we employed it to obtain the exact partition function of the zero-dimensional $\phi^4$ scalar field theory. The algorithm is also applied for the resummation of the ground state energies of $\phi_{0+1}^{4}$ and $i\phi_{0+1}^{3}$ scalar field theories. We get accurate results for the whole coupling space and the precision is improved systematically in using higher orders. Precise results for the critical exponents of the $O(4)$-symmetric field model in three dimensions have been obtained from resummation of the recent six-loops order of the corresponding perturbation series. The recent seven-loops order for the $\beta$-function of the $\phi^{4}_{3+1}$ field theory has been resummed which shows non-existence of fixed points. The first resummation result of the seven-loop series representing the fractal dimension of the two-dimensional self-avoiding polymer is presented here where we get a very accurate value of $d_f=1.3307$ compared to its exact value ($4/3\approx1.3333$).

Entropy in general relativity: Kerr-AdS black hole. (arXiv:2002.05029v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Milutin Blagojević, Branislav Cvetković, relevance 55.16

A general Hamiltonian approach to black hole thermodynamics is used to study entropy and conserved charges for Kerr-AdS solutions in general relativity. These thermodynamic variables are first consistently defined by choosing suitable boundary conditions, and then, they are shown to satisfy the first law of black hole dynamics

Spinning black holes in shift-symmetric Horndeski theory. (arXiv:2002.05012v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jorge F. M. Delgado, Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Eugen Radu, relevance 12.80

We construct spinning black holes (BHs) in shift-symmetric Horndeski theory. This is an Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet model wherein the (real) scalar field couples linearly to the Gauss-Bonnet curvature squared combination. The BH solutions constructed are stationary, axially symmetric and asymptotically flat. They possess a non-trivial scalar field outside their regular event horizon; thus they have scalar hair. The scalar "charge" is not, however, an independent macroscopic degree of freedom. It is proportional to the Hawking temperature, as in the static limit, wherein the BHs reduce to the spherical solutions found by Sotirou and Zhou. The spinning BHs herein are found by solving non-perturbatively the field equations, numerically. We present an overview of the parameter space of the solutions together with a study of their basic geometric and phenomenological properties. These solutions are compared with the spinning BHs in the Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet model and the Kerr BH of vacuum General Relativity. As for the former, and in contrast with the latter, there is a minimal BH size and small violations of the Kerr bound. Phenomenological differences with respect to either the former or the latter, however, are small for illustrative observables, being of the order of a few percent, at most.

$SO(5)$ Landau Models and Nested Nambu Matrix Geometry. (arXiv:2002.05010v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kazuki Hasebe, relevance 0.88

The $SO(5)$ Landau model is the mathematical platform of the 4D quantum Hall effect and provide a rare opportunity for a physical realization of the fuzzy four-sphere. We present an integrated analysis of the $SO(5)$ Landau models and the associated matrix geometries through the Landau level projection. With the $SO(5)$ monopole harmonics, we explicitly derive matrix geometry of a four-sphere in any Landau level: In the lowest Landau level the matrix coordinates are given by the generalized $SO(5)$ gamma matrices of the fuzzy four-sphere satisfying the quantum Nambu algebra, while in higher Landau levels the matrix geometry becomes a nested fuzzy structure realizing a pure quantum geometry with no counterpart in classical geometry. The internal fuzzy geometry structure is discussed in the view of an $SO(4)$ Pauli-Schr\"odinger model and the $SO(4)$ Landau model, where we unveil a hidden singular gauge transformation between their background non-Abelian field configurations. Relativistic versions of the $SO(5)$ Landau model are also investigated and relationship to the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization is clarified. We finally discuss the matrix geometry of the Landau models in even higher dimensions.

3d $Spin(N)$ Seiberg dualities. (arXiv:2002.05005v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Keita Nii, relevance 0.57

We study low-energy aspects of 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ $Spin(N)$ gauge theories with matters in vector and (conjugate) spinor representations. Extending the construction of the 4d $\mathcal{N}=1$ $Spin(N)$ Seiberg duality, we find 3d magnetic dual descriptions with tree-level superpotentials slightly different from the 4d ones. We test various consistency checks including RG flows to known 3d dualities and supersymmetry enhancement deformation which leads to a 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ duality between $SU(2)$ with three hypermultiplets and $U(1)$ with four hypermultiplets.

Non-covariance of the dressed-metric approach in loop quantum cosmology. (arXiv:2002.04986v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Martin Bojowald, relevance 1.88

The dressed-metric approach is shown to violate general covariance by demonstrating that it cannot have an off-shell completion in which the correct infinitesimal relations of space-time hypersurface deformations are realized. The main underlying reason -- a separation of background degrees of freedom and modes of inhomogeneity that is incompatible with covariance -- is shared with other approaches such as hybrid loop quantum cosmology.

Light-front quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. (arXiv:2002.04981v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Wayne N. Polyzou, relevance 0.00

Contribution to Light Cone 2019: This contribution discusses some of the advantages and unique properties of relativistic quantum theories with kinematic light-front symmetries.

Holographic dark energy in Rastall theory. (arXiv:2002.04972v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S. Ghaffari, H. Moradpour, A. H. Ziaie, relevance 15.25

Bearing holographic dark energy hypothesis in mind, the ability of vacuum energy in describing the current accelerated universe is studied in the framework of Rastall theory. Here, in addition to the ordinary approach in which it is expected that this energy plays the role of dark energy, we also address a new approach where the sum of this energy and Rastall term is responsible for the current accelerated universe. We also investigate the cosmological outcomes of using Tsallis entropy in quantifying the energy of fields in vacuum for both mentioned approaches. The implications of considering an interaction between the various segments of cosmic fluid have been addressed in each studied cases.

Notes on index of quantum integrability. (arXiv:2002.04952v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jia Tian, Jue Hou, Bin Chen, relevance 0.44

A quantum integrability index was proposed in \cite{KMS}. It systematizes the Goldschmidt and Witten's operator counting argument \cite{GW} by using the conformal symmetry. In this work we compute the quantum integrability indexes for the symmetric coset models ${SU(N)}/{SO(N)}$ and $SO(2N)/{SO(N)\times SO(N)}$. The indexes of these theories are all non-positive except for the case of ${SO(4)}/{SO(2)\times SO(2)}$. Moreover we extend the analysis to the theories with fermions and consider a concrete theory: the $\mathbb{CP}^N$ model coupled with a massless Dirac fermion. We find that the indexes for this class of models are non-positive as well.

Isometries from gauge transformations. (arXiv:2002.04949v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ernesto Frodden, Kirill Krasnov, relevance 9.42

In four dimensions one can use the chiral part of the spin connection as the main object that encodes geometry. The metric is then recovered algebraically from the curvature of this connection. We address the question of how isometries can be identified in this "pure connection" formalism. We show that isometries are recovered from gauge transformation parameters satisfying the requirement that the Lie derivative of the connection along a vector field generating an isometry is a gauge transformation. This requirement can be rewritten as a first order differential equation involving the gauge transformation parameter only. Once a gauge transformation satisfying this equation is found, the isometry generating vector field is recovered algebraically. We work out examples of the new formalism being used to determine isometries, and also prove a general statement: a negative definite connection on a compact manifold does not have symmetries. This is the precise "pure connection" analog of the well-known Riemannian geometry statement that there are no Killing vector fields on compact manifolds with negative Ricci curvature.

Natural Top-Bottom Mass Hierarchy in Composite Higgs Models. (arXiv:2002.04931v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Martin Rosenlyst, Christopher T. Hill, relevance 0.45

We consider composite two-Higgs doublet models based on gauge-Yukawa theories with strongly interacting fermions generating the top-bottom mass hierarchy. The model features a single "universal" Higgs-Yukawa coupling, $ g $, which is identified with the top quark $ g\equiv g_t \sim \mathcal{O}(1) $. The top-bottom mass hierarchy arises by soft breaking of a $ \mathbb{Z}_2 $ symmetry by a condensate of strongly interacting fermions. A mass splitting between vector-like masses of the confined techni-fermions controls this top-bottom mass hierarchy. This mechanism can be present in a variety of models based on vacuum misalignment. For concreteness, we demonstrate it in a composite two-Higgs scheme.

Strengthening the de Sitter swampland conjecture in warm inflation. (arXiv:2002.04925v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Robert Brandenberger, Vahid Kamali, Rudnei O. Ramos, relevance 14.72

The "de Sitter constraint" on the space of effective scalar field theories consistent with superstring theory provides a lower bound on the slope of the potential of a scalar field which dominates the evolution of the Universe, e.g., a hypothetical inflaton field. Whereas models of single scalar field inflation with a canonically normalized field do not obey this constraint, it has been claimed recently in the literature that models of warm inflation can be made compatible with it in the case of large dissipation. The de Sitter constraint is known to be derived from entropy considerations. Since warm inflation necessary involves entropy production, it becomes necessary to determine how this entropy production will affect the constraints imposed by the swampland conditions. Here, we generalize these entropy considerations to the case of warm inflation and show that the condition on the slope of the potential remains essentially unchanged and is, hence, robust even in the warm inflation dynamics. We are then able to conclude that models of warm inflation indeed can be made consistent with the "swampland" criteria.

Fundamental Composite Dynamics: A Review. (arXiv:2002.04914v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Claudio Pica, Francesco Sannino, relevance 1.28

We introduce fundamental gauge theories that can be employed to construct informed composite bright and dark extensions of the Standard Model, within and beyond the standard paradigms. The gap between theory and experiments is bridged by providing predictions and ways to test them, for example, at the Fermi scale and via precision flavor experiments. We will review time-honoured paradigms from (walking) technicolor to composite Goldstone Higgs and discuss their features and differences. Standard model fermion mass generation in composite models will also be discussed along with the challenges and opportunities that it offers. To be concrete and pedagogical we will concentrate on minimal constructions featuring strongly coupled gauge theories supporting the global symmetry breaking pattern SU(4)/Sp(4). The most minimal underlying fundamental description consists of an SU(2) gauge theory with two Dirac fermions transforming according to the fundamental representation of the gauge group. This minimal choice enables us to use first principle lattice results to predict the massive spectrum for models of composite (Goldstone) Higgs dynamics and strongly interacting dark matter, of immediate impact for current and future experimental searches. Because composite dynamics embraces a rich spectrum of theories with dynamics ranging from QCD-like behaviour to (near) conformal one, we also report here the state-of-the-art of numerical and analytic properties of several strongly coupled theories including their spectrum, phase diagrams and, when applicable, their (near) conformal data.

Lensed or not lensed: Determining lensing magnifications for binary neutron star mergers from a single detection. (arXiv:2002.04893v3 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Peter T. H. Pang, Otto A. Hannuksela, Tim Dietrich, Giulia Pagano, Ian W. Harry, relevance 0.00

Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo could observe the first lensed gravitational wave sources in the coming years, while the future Einstein Telescope could observe hundreds of lensed events. It is, therefore, crucial to develop methodologies to distinguish between lensed from unlensed gravitational-wave observations. A lensed signal not identified as such will lead to biases during the interpretation of the source. In particular, sources will appear to have intrinsically higher masses. No robust method currently exists to distinguish between the magnification bias caused by lensing and intrinsically high-mass sources. In this work, we show how to recognize lensed and unlensed binary neutron star systems through the measurement of their tidal effects for highly magnified sources as a proof-of-principle. The proposed method could be used to identify lensed binary neutron stars, which are the chief candidate for lensing cosmography studies. We apply our method on GW190425, finding no evidence in favor of lensing, mainly due to the poor measurement of the event's tidal effects. However, we expect that future detections with better tidal measurements can yield better constraints.

Black holes and naked singularities from Anton-Schmidt's fluids. (arXiv:2002.04875v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Salvatore Capozziello, Rocco D'Agostino, Daniele Gregoris, relevance 15.02

Adopting the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff formalism, we propose a new analytical solution for a static and spherically symmetric black hole where the cosmological constant is generalized to a non-isotropic Anton-Schmidt fluid acting as a unified dark energy - dark matter source. Our novel result can describe a black hole in energetic equilibrium with the surrounding universe. We thus investigate the interplay between the mass of the black hole and the parameters of the Anton-Schmidt equation of state, and physically interpret the solution as a family of space-time metrics that may describe both Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes and naked singularities. The result opens a new window for further constraining the physical properties of the cosmic fluid using the Event Horizon Telescope results, which complement the analysis relying on classical cosmological observations.

Gravitational Waves in Axion Dark Matter. (arXiv:2002.04859v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Chong-Sun Chu, Jiro Soda, Daiske Yoshida, relevance 0.90

Axion dark matter is interesting as it allows a natural coupling to the gravitational Chern-Simons term. In the presence of an axion background, the gravitational Chern-Simons term produces parity violating effects in the gravitational sector, in particular on the propagation of gravitational waves. Previously, it has been shown that the coherent oscillation of the axion field leads to a parametric amplification of gravitational waves with a specific frequency. In this paper we focus on the parity violating effects of the Chern-Simon coupling and show the occurrence of gravitational birefringence. We also find deviation from the speed of light of the velocity of the gravitational waves. We give constraints on the axion-Chern-Simons coupling constant and the abundance of the axion dark matter from the observation of GW170817 and GRB170817A.

Vacuum decay in the presence of a cosmic string. (arXiv:2002.04856v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hassan Firouzjahi, Asieh Karami, Tahereh Rostami, relevance 0.62

We study the false vacuum decay and bubble nucleation in the presence of a cosmic string in dS spacetime. A cosmic string induces a deficit angle in spacetime around itself so the nucleated bubble has the shape of a rugby ball. Working in thin wall approximation and using the junction conditions we study the dynamics of the bubble wall and calculate the Euclidean action. An interesting feature in our analysis is that the tension of the string is screened by the bubble such that an observer inside the bubble measures a different value of the tension than an outside observer. We show that the string can act as a catalyzer in which the nucleation rate is enhanced compared to the Coleman-de Luccia instanton. However, in general, the nucleation rate is not a monotonic function of the difference between the two tensions so in some regions of the parameters space the nucleation rate may be smaller than the Coleman-de Luccia bubble.

Hirota-Satsuma Dynamics as a Non-Relativistic Limit of KdV Equations. (arXiv:2002.04835v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Blagoje Oblak, relevance 0.00

We consider a system of two coupled KdV equations (one for left-movers, the other for right-movers) and investigate its ultra-relativistic and non-relativistic limits in the sense of BMS$_3$/GCA$_2$ symmetry. We show that there is no local ultra-relativistic limit of the system with positive energy, regardless of the coupling constants in the original relativistic Hamiltonian. By contrast, local non-relativistic limits with positive energy exist, provided there is a non-zero coupling between left- and right-movers. In these limits, the wave equations reduce to Hirota-Satsuma dynamics (of type IV) and become integrable. This is thus a situation where input from high-energy physics contributes to nonlinear science - in this case, uncovering the limiting relation between integrable structures of KdV and Hirota-Satsuma.

KdV Charges and the Generalized Torus Partition Sum in $T{\bar T}$ deformation. (arXiv:2002.04824v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Meseret Asrat, relevance 0.71

We consider KdV currents in a quantum field theory obtained by deforming a two dimensional conformal field theory on a cylinder via the irrelevant operator $T{\bar T}$. In this paper we determine their one-point functions modular properties. We find that the one-point functions factorize into two components each with a definite modular weight. We also obtain a general differential equation that the generalized torus partition sum satisfies.

Fluid-gravity correspondence in the scalar-tensor theory of gravity: (in)equivalence of Einstein and Jordan frames. (arXiv:2002.04743v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Krishnakanta Bhattacharya, Bibhas Ranjan Majhi, Douglas Singleton, relevance 2.81

The duality of gravitational dynamics (projected on a null hypersurface) and of fluid dynamics is investigated for the scalar tensor (ST) theory of gravity. The description of ST gravity, in both Einstein and Jordan frames, is analyzed from fluid-gravity viewpoint. In the Einstein frame the dynamical equation for the metric leads to the Damour-Navier-Stokes (DNS) equation with an external forcing term, coming from the scalar field in ST gravity. In the Jordan frame the situation is more subtle. We observe that finding the DNS equation in this frame can lead to two pictures. In one picture, the usual DNS equation is modified by a Coriolis-like force term, which originates completely from the presence of a non-minimally coupled scalar field ($\phi$) on the gravity side. Moreover, the identified fluid variables are no longer conformally equivalent with those in the Einstein frame. However, this picture is consistent with the saturation of Kovtun-Son-Starinets (KSS) bound. In the other picture, we find the standard DNS equation (i.e. without the Coriolis-like force), with the fluid variables conformally equivalent with those in Einstein frame. But, the second picture, may not agree with the KSS bound for some values of $\phi$. We conclude by rewriting the Raychaudhuri equation and the tidal force equation in terms of the relevant parameters to demonstrate how the expansion scalar and the shear-tensor evolve in the spacetime. Although, the area law of entropy is broken in ST gravity, we show that the rewritten form of Raychaudhuri's equation correctly results in the generalized second law of black hole thermodynamics.

The Freund-Rubin Coset, Textures and Group Theory. (arXiv:2002.04729v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Pierre Ramond, relevance 0.00

Contribution to the Peter Freund Memorial volume: a glossary of group-theoretic facts that may relate the seven-dimensional Freund-Rubin coset to Yukawa textures.

Conformal Bjorken flow in the general frame and its attractor: Similarities and discrepancies with the MIS formalism. (arXiv:2002.04719v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by M. Shokri, F. Taghinavaz, relevance 5.73

We investigate the implications of the general frame approach for conformal Bjorken flow beyond the earlier studies. We show that the power series solution at late-times is not unique and is accompanied by an exact solution of the form $1/\tau$, which becomes unphysical if taken on-shell. In contrast to the Muller-Israel-Stewart formalism, a matching between N=4SYM results and the hydro expansion is only possible up to first-order, which gives rise to $\eta/s=1/4\pi$. Matching the results to the next order gives rise to causality/stability violating values. Furthermore, we show that the pressure anisotropy in the general frame cannot capture the hydrodynamization, and introduce an alternative measure to find the attractor. Using slow-roll expansion, we find an analytical approximation form for the attractor. We also show that the early-time behavior of attractors is related to stability and causality conditions. The attractor solutions outside the stable and causal regime give rise to reheating and negative longitudinal pressures in early times, in contrast to the stable and causal ones. We also comment on the violation of the second law of thermodynamics by the off-shell parameters. We show that for the stable and causal choice of parameters, the off-shell canonical entropy of the attractors, which is not a physical quantity, has a negative divergence in early-times before tending to its on-shell limit. On the other hand, the unstable and acausal attractors have non-negative entropy divergence. We speculate that the violation of the second law by stable and causal off-shell parameters is required for stability of the first-order hydrodynamics. We investigate the analytical structure of the Borel transformed series and find the proper relation between the poles and nonhydro modes.

Aschenbach effect for spinning particles in Kerr spacetime. (arXiv:2002.04701v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jafar Khodagholizadeh, Volker Perlick, Ali Vahedi, relevance 7.92

The orbital velocity profile of circular timelike geodesics in the equatorial plane of a Kerr black hole has a non-monotonic radial behavior, provided that the spin parameter $a$ of the black hole is bigger than a certain critical value $a_c \approx 0.9953 M$. Here the orbital velocity is measured with respect to the Locally Non-Rotating Frame (LNRF), and the non-monotonic behavior, which is known as the Aschenbach effect, occurs only for co-rotating orbits. Using the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon equations for a massive spinning particle, we investigate the Aschenbach effect for test particles with spin. In addition to the black-hole spin, the absolute value of the particle's spin and its orientation (parallel or anti-parallel to the black-hole spin) also play an important role for the Aschenbach effect. We determine the critical value $a_c$ of the spin parameter of the Kerr black hole where the Aschenbach effect sets in as a function of the spin of the probe. We consider not only black holes ($a^2 \le M^2$) but also naked singularities ($a^2>M^2$). Whereas for spinless (geodesic) particles the orbital velocity is always monotonically decreasing if the motion is counter-rotating, we find that for spinning particles in counter-rotating motion with anti-parallel spin around a naked singularity the orbital velocity is increasing on a certain radius interval.

Sigma model on a squashed sphere with a Wess-Zumino term. (arXiv:2002.04696v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Daniel Schubring, Mikhail Shifman, relevance 1.20

A class of two-dimensional sigma models interpolating between $CP^1$ and the $SU(2)$ principal chiral model is discussed. We add the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten term and examine the renormalization group flow of the two coupling constants which characterize the model under consideration. The model flows to the $SU(2)$ WZNW conformal field theory in the IR. There is an ordinary phase in which the model flows from the asymptotically free $CP^1$ model coupled to an extra massless degree of freedom in the UV. At higher loop order we discover that there is also a phase in which the model can flow from non-trivial fixed points in the UV. A non-perturbative confirmation of these extra fixed points would be desirable.

Modular Hamiltonian for (holographic) excited states. (arXiv:2002.04637v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Raúl Arias, Marcelo Botta-Cantcheff, Pedro J. Martinez, Juan F. Zarate, relevance 13.83

In this work we study the Tomita-Takesaki construction for a family of excited states that, in a strongly coupled CFT - at large $N$-, correspond to coherent states in an asymptotically AdS spacetime geometry. We compute the modular flow and modular Hamiltonian associated to these excited states in the Rindler wedge and for a ball shaped entangling surface. Using holography, one can compute the bulk modular flow and construct the Tomita-Takesaki theory for these cases. We also discuss generalizations of the entanglement regions in the bulk and how to estimate the modular Hamiltonian in a large N approximation. Finally we present a holographic formula, based on the BDHM prescription, to compute the modular evolution of operators in the corresponding CFT algebra.

Tropical fans, scattering equations and amplitudes. (arXiv:2002.04624v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by James Drummond, Jack Foster, Ömer Gürdoğan, Chrysostomos Kalousios, relevance 0.24

We describe a family of tropical fans related to Grassmannian cluster algebras. These fans are related to the kinematic space of massless scattering processes in a number of ways. For each fan associated to the Grassmannian ${\rm Gr}(k,n)$ there is a notion of a generalised $\phi^3$ amplitude and an associated set of scattering equations which further generalise the ${\rm Gr}(k,n)$ scattering equations that have been recently introduced. Here we focus mostly on the cases related to finite Grassmannian cluster algebras and we explain how face variables for the cluster polytopes are simply related to the scattering equations. For the Grassmannians ${\rm Gr}(4,n)$ the tropical fans we describe are related to the singularities (or symbol letters) of loop amplitudes in planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory. We show how each choice of tropical fan leads to a natural class of polylogarithms, generalising the notion of cluster adjacency and we describe how the currently known loop data fit into this classification.

On the consistency of a class of R-symmetry gauged 6D N=(1,0) supergravities. (arXiv:2002.04619v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Yi Pang, Ergin Sezgin, relevance 0.48

R-symmetry gauged 6D (1,0) supergravities free from all local anomalies, with gauge groups $G\times G_R$ where $G_R$ is the R-symmetry group and $G$ is semisimple with rank greater than one, and which have no hypermultiplet singlets, are extremely rare. There are three such models known in which the gauge symmetry group is $G_1\times G_2 \times U(1)_R$ where the first two factors are $ \left(E_6/{\mathbb{Z}_3}\right) \times E_7$, $ G_2 \times E_7 $ and $F_4 \times Sp(9)$. These are models with single tensor multiplet, and hyperfermions in the $(1,912)$, $(14,56)$ and $(52,18)$ dimensional representations of $G_1\times G_2$, respectively. So far it is not known if these models follow from string theory. We highlight key properties of these theories, and examine constraints which may arise from the consistency of the quantization of anomaly coefficients formulated in their strongest form by Monnier and Moore. Assuming that the gauged models accommodate dyonic string excitations, we find that these constraints are satisfied only by the model with the $F_4 \times Sp(9)\times U(1)_R$ symmetry. We also discuss aspects of dyonic strings and potential caveats they may pose in applying the stated consistency conditions to the $R$-symmetry gauged models.

Cusp and collinear anomalous dimensions in four-loop QCD from form factors. (arXiv:2002.04617v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andreas von Manteuffel, Erik Panzer, Robert M. Schabinger, relevance 0.00

We calculate the complete quark and gluon cusp anomalous dimensions in four-loop massless QCD analytically from first principles. In addition, we determine the complete matter dependence of the quark and gluon collinear anomalous dimensions. Our approach is to Laurent expand four-loop quark and gluon form factors in the parameter of dimensional regularization. We employ finite field and syzygy techniques to reduce the relevant Feynman integrals to a basis of finite integrals, and subsequently evaluate the basis integrals directly from their standard parametric representations.

New Sensitivity Curves for Gravitational-Wave Experiments. (arXiv:2002.04615v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kai Schmitz, relevance 0.26

Gravitational waves (GWs) from strong first-order phase transitions (SFOPTs) in the early Universe are a prime target for upcoming GW experiments. In this paper, I construct novel peak-integrated sensitivity curves (PISCs) for these experiments, which faithfully represent their projected sensitivities to the GW signal from a cosmological SFOPT by explicitly taking into account the expected shape of the signal. Designed to be a handy tool for phenomenologists and model builders, PISCs allow for a quick and systematic comparison of theoretical predictions with experimental sensitivities, as I illustrate by a large range of examples. PISCs also offer several advantages over the conventional power-law-integrated sensitivity curves (PLISCs); in particular, they directly encode information on the expected signal-to-noise ratio for the GW signal from a SFOPT. I provide semianalytical fit functions for the exact numerical PISCs of LISA, DECIGO, and BBO. In an appendix, I moreover present a detailed review of the strain noise power spectra of a large number of GW experiments. The numerical results for all PISCs, PLISCs, and strain noise power spectra presented in this paper can be downloaded from the Zenodo online repository []. In a companion paper [1909.11356], the concept of PISCs is used to perform an in-depth study of the GW signal from the cosmological phase transition in the real-scalar-singlet extension of the standard model.

Towards All Loop Supergravity Amplitudes on $AdS_5 \times S^5$. (arXiv:2002.04604v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Bissi, G. Fardelli, A. Georgoudis, relevance 0.00

We study the four point function of the superconformal primary of the stress-tensor multiplet in four dimensional $\mathcal{N}=4$ Super Yang Mills, at large 't Hooft coupling and in a large $N$ expansion. This observable is holographically dual to four graviton amplitudes in type IIB supergravity on $AdS_5 \times S^5$. We construct the most trascendental piece of the correlator at order $N^{-6}$ and compare it with the flat space limit of the corresponding two loops amplitude. This comparison allows us to conjecture structures of the correlator/amplitude which should be present at any loop order.

Factorisation of 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ Twisted Indices and the Geometry of Vortex Moduli Space. (arXiv:2002.04573v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Samuel Crew, Nick Dorey, Daniel Zhang, relevance 0.26

We study the twisted indices of $\mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions on spatial $S^{2}$ with an angular momentum refinement. We demonstrate factorisation of the index into holomorphic blocks for the $T[SU(N)]$ theory in the presence of generic fluxes and fugacities. We also investigate the relation between the twisted index, Hilbert series and the moduli space of vortices. In particular, we show that each holomorphic block coincides with a generating function for the $\chi_{t}$ genera of the moduli spaces of "local" vortices. The twisted index itself coincides with a corresponding generating function for the $\chi_{t}$ genera of moduli spaces of "global" vortices in agreement with a proposal of Bullimore et. al. We generalise this geometric interpretation of the twisted index to include fluxes and Chern-Simons levels. For the $T[SU(N)]$ theory, the relevant moduli spaces are the local and global versions of Laumon space respectively and we demonstrate the proposed agreements explicitly using results from the mathematical literature. Finally, we exhibit a precise relation between the Coulomb branch Hilbert series and the Poincar\'e polynomials of the corresponding vortex moduli spaces.

Superbalance of Holographic Entropy Inequalities. (arXiv:2002.04558v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Temple He, Veronika E. Hubeny, Mukund Rangamani, relevance 41.12

The domain of allowed von Neumann entropies of a holographic field theory carves out a polyhedral cone -- the holographic entropy cone -- in entropy space. Such polyhedral cones are characterized by their extreme rays. For an arbitrary number of parties, it is known that the so-called perfect tensors are extreme rays. In this work, we constrain the form of the remaining extreme rays by showing that they correspond to geometries with vanishing mutual information between any two parties, ensuring the absence of Bell pair type entanglement between them. This is tantamount to proving that besides subadditivity, all non-redundant holographic entropy inequalities are superbalanced, i.e. not only do UV divergences cancel in the inequality itself (assuming smooth entangling surfaces), but also in the purification thereof.

Quasi-local Penrose inequalities with electric charge. (arXiv:2002.04557v1 [math.DG])
in gr-qc by Po-Ning Chen, Stephen McCormick, relevance 0.51

The Riemannian Penrose inequality is a remarkable geometric inequality between the ADM mass of an asymptotically flat manifold with non-negative scalar curvature and the area of its outermost minimal surface. A version of the Riemannian Penrose inequality has also been established for the Einstein-Maxwell equations, where the lower bound on the mass also depends on the electric charge. In the context of quasi-local mass, one is interested in determining if, and for which quasi-local mass definitions, a quasi-local version of these inequalities also holds.

It is known that the Brown-York quasi-local mass satisfies a quasi-local Riemannian Penrose inequality, however in the context of the Einstein-Maxwell equations, one expects that a quasi-local Riemannian Penrose inequality should also include a contribution from the electric charge. This article builds on ideas of Lu and Miao and of the first-named author to prove some charged quasi-local Penrose inequalities for a class of compact manifolds with boundary. In particular, we impose that the boundary is isometric to a closed surface in a suitable Reissner-Nordstr\"om manifold, which serves as a reference manifold for the quasi-local mass that we work with. In the case where the reference manifold has zero mass and non-zero electric charge, the lower bound on quasi-local mass is exactly the lower bound on the ADM mass given by the charged Riemannian Penrose inequality.

Modular polymer representations of the Weyl algebra. (arXiv:2002.04541v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Yigit Yargic, Marc Geiller, relevance 5.24

One of the key conceptual challenges in quantum gravity is to understand how quantum theory should modify the very notion of spacetime. One way to investigate this question is to study the alternatives to Schr\"odinger quantum mechanics. The polymer representation, inspired by loop quantum gravity, can be understood as capturing features of discrete spatial geometry. The modular representation, on the other hand, has a built-in unification of position and momentum polarizations via a length scale. In this paper, we introduce the modular polymer representations of the Weyl algebra, in which neither position nor momentum exists as a well-defined operator. As inequivalent representations, they are candidates for describing new physics. We illustrate this by studying the dynamics of the harmonic oscillator as an example, with the prospect of eventually applying this representation to quantum cosmology.

Blowing up Stringy Canonical Forms: An Algorithm to Win a Simplified Hironaka's Polyhedra Game. (arXiv:2002.04528v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Zhenjie Li, Chi Zhang, relevance 0.00

We provide an efficient method of blowing up to compute leading order contributions of the recently introduced stringy canonical forms. The method is related to the well-known Hironaka's polyhedra game, and the given algorithm is also useful on similar problems, e.g. sector decomposition.

Pseudo-Riemannian Structures in Pati-Salam models. (arXiv:2002.04506v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Arkadiusz Bochniak, Thomas E. Williams, Paweł Zalecki, relevance 0.00

We discuss the role of the pseudo-Riemannian structure of the finite spectral triple for the family of Pati-Salam models. We argue that its existence is a very restrictive condition that separates leptons from quarks, and restricts the whole family of Pati-Salam models into the class of generalized Left-Right Symmetric Models.

Tidal heating of Quantum Black Holes and their imprints on gravitational waves. (arXiv:2002.04480v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sayak Datta, relevance 10.59

The characteristic difference between a black hole and other exotic compact objects (ECOs) is the presence of the horizon. The horizon of a classical black hole acts as a one-way membrane. Due to this nature, any perturbation on the black hole must satisfy ingoing boundary conditions at the horizon. For an ECO either the horizon is replaced or modified with a surface with non zero reflectivity. This results in a modification of the boundary condition of the perturbation around such systems. In this work, we study how tidal heating of an ECO gets modified due to the presence of a reflective surface and what implication it brings for the gravitational wave observations. We also argue that the position of the reflective surface, $\varepsilon$ $\gtrsim \mathcal{O}(10^{-5})$, can have an observational impact in extreme mass ratio inspirals.

Quantum expression of electrical conductivity from massless quark matter to hadron resonance gas in presence of magnetic field. (arXiv:2002.04434v1 [nucl-th])
in hep-th by Subhasis Samanta, Jayanta Dey, Sarthak Satapathy, Sabyasachi Ghosh, relevance 0.00

We have gone through a numerical study of classical and quantum expressions of electrical conductivity in presence of magnetic field for massless quark matter and hadron resonance gas. We have attempted to sketch mainly the transition from classical to quantum estimations, along with two other transitions - isotropic to anisotropic conductions and non-interacting to interacting picture of quantum chromodynamics, which is mapped by massless case to hadron resonance gas calculations. When we increase the magnetic field, interestingly, we have found that the classical to quantum transition takes place first and then isotropic to anisotropic transition. Former transition might be signaled by the enhancement of electrical conductivity, while latter transition can be understood by standard differences between parallel and perpendicular conductions with respect to the applied magnetic field.

Collision of particles near a three-dimensional rotating Ho\v{r}ava AdS black hole. (arXiv:2002.04421v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ramón Bécar, P. A. González, Yerko Vásquez, relevance 23.09

We consider a three-dimensional rotating Ho\v{r}ava AdS black hole, that corresponds to a Lorentz-violating version of the BTZ black hole and we analyze the effect of the breaking of Lorentz invariance on the possibility that the black hole can acts as a particle accelerator by analyzing the energy in the center of mass (CM) frame of two colliding particles in the vicinity of its horizons. We find that the critical angular momentum of particles increases when the Ho\v{r}ava parameter $\xi$ increases and when the aether parameter $b$ increases. Also, the particles can collide on the inner horizon with arbitrarily high CM energy if one of the particles has a critical angular momentum being possible the BSW process, for the non-extremal rotating Ho\v{r}ava AdS black hole. Mainly, while that for the extremal BTZ black hole the particles with critical angular momentum only can exist on the degenerate horizon, for the Lorentz-violating version of the BTZ black hole the particle with critical angular momentum can exist in a region from the degenerate horizon.

Regular Black Holes in Rainbow Gravity. (arXiv:2002.04410v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ednaldo L. B. Junior, Manuel E. Rodrigues, Marcos V. de S. Silva, relevance 14.91

In this work, we consider that in energy scales greater than the Planck energy, the geometry, fundamental physical constants, as charge, mass, speed of light and Newtonian constant of gravitation, and matter fields will depend on the scale. This type of theory is known as Rainbow Gravity. We coupled the nonlinear electrodynamics to the Rainbow Gravity, defining a new mass function $M(r,\epsilon)$, such that we may formulate new classes of spherically symmetric regular black hole solutions, where the curvature invariants are well-behaved in all spacetime. The main differences between the General Relativity and our results in the the Rainbow gravity are: a) The intensity of the electric field is inversely proportional to the energy scale. The higher the energy scale, the lower the electric field intensity; b) the region where the strong energy condition (SEC) is violated decrease as the energy scale increase. The higher the energy scale, closer to the radial coordinate origin SEC is violated.

PT-symmetric potentials having continuous spectra. (arXiv:2002.04398v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Zichao Wen, Carl M. Bender, relevance 1.05

One-dimensional PT-symmetric quantum-mechanical Hamiltonians having continuous spectra are studied. The Hamiltonians considered have the form $H=p^2+V(x)$, where $V(x)$ is odd in $x$, pure imaginary, and vanishes as $|x|\to\infty$. Five PT-symmetric potentials are studied: the Scarf-II potential $V_1(x)=iA_1\,{\rm sech}(x)\tanh(x)$, which decays exponentially for large $|x|$; the rational potentials $V_2(x)=iA_2\,x/(1+x^4)$ and $V_3(x)=iA_3\,x/(1+|x|^3)$, which decay algebraically for large $|x|$; the step-function potential $V_4(x)=iA_4\,{\rm sgn}(x)\theta(2.5-|x|)$, which has compact support; the regulated Coulomb potential $V_5(x)=iA_5\,x/(1+x^2)$, which decays slowly as $|x|\to\infty$ and may be viewed as a long-range potential. The real parameters $A_n$ measure the strengths of these potentials. Numerical techniques for solving the time-independent Schr\"odinger eigenvalue problems associated with these potentials reveal that the spectra of the corresponding Hamiltonians exhibit universal properties. In general, the eigenvalues are partly real and partly complex. The real eigenvalues form the continuous part of the spectrum and the complex eigenvalues form the discrete part of the spectrum. The real eigenvalues range continuously in value from $0$ to $+\infty$. The complex eigenvalues occur in discrete complex-conjugate pairs and for $V_n(x)$ ($1\leq n\leq4$) the number of these pairs is finite and increases as the value of the strength parameter $A_n$ increases. However, for $V_5(x)$ there is an {\it infinite} sequence of discrete eigenvalues with a limit point at the origin. This sequence is complex, but it is similar to the Balmer series for the hydrogen atom because it has inverse-square convergence.

On geodesics of gradient-index optical metrics and the optical-mechanical analogy. (arXiv:2002.04390v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by D. H. Delphenich, relevance 0.00

The geodesic equations for optical media whose refractive indices have a non-vanishing gradient are developed. It is shown that when those media are optically isotropic, the light paths will be mull geodesics of a spatial metric that is conformally related to the metric of the ambient space. Various aspects of the optical-mechanical analogy are discussed as they relate to the geodesics of conformally related metrics. Some applications of the concepts of gradient-index optics to general relativity are examined, such as effective indices of refraction for gravitational lensing and Gordon's optical metrics for optical media that are in a state of relative motion with respect to an observer. The latter topic is approached from the standpoint of pre-metric electromagnetism.

Quantum sensor networks as exotic field telescopes for multi-messenger astronomy. (arXiv:2002.04352v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Conner Dailey, Colin Bradley, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Ibrahim Sulai, Szymon Pustelny, Arne Wickenbrock, Andrei Derevianko, relevance 0.27

Multi-messenger astronomy, the coordinated observation of different classes of signals originating from the same astrophysical event, provides a wealth of information about astrophysical processes with far-reaching implications. So far, the focus of multi-messenger astronomy has been the search for conventional signals from known fundamental forces and standard model particles, like gravitational waves (GW). In addition to these known effects, quantum sensor networks could be used to search for astrophysical signals predicted by beyond-standard-model (BSM) theories. Exotic bosonic fields are ubiquitous features of BSM theories and appear while seeking to understand the nature of dark matter and dark energy and solve the hierarchy and strong CP problems. We consider the case where high-energy astrophysical events could produce intense bursts of exotic low-mass fields (ELFs). We propose to expand the toolbox of multi-messenger astronomy to include networks of precision quantum sensors that by design are shielded from or insensitive to conventional standard-model physics signals. We estimate ELF signal amplitudes, delays, rates, and distances of GW sources to which global networks of atomic magnetometers and atomic clocks could be sensitive. We find that, indeed, such precision quantum sensor networks can function as ELF telescopes to detect signals from sources generating ELF bursts of sufficient intensity. Thus ELFs, if they exist, could act as additional messengers for astrophysical events.

Hidden symmetry and (super)conformal mechanics in a monopole background. (arXiv:2002.04341v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luis Inzunza, Mikhail S. Plyushchay, Andreas Wipf, relevance 11.19

We study classical and quantum hidden symmetries of a particle with electric charge $e$ in the background of a Dirac monopole of magnetic charge $g$ subjected to an additional central potential $V(r)=U(r) +(eg)^2/2mr^{2}$ with $U(r)=\tfrac{1}{2}m\omega^2r^2$, similar to that in the one-dimensional conformal mechanics model of de Alfaro, Fubini and Furlan (AFF). By means of a non-unitary conformal bridge transformation, we establish a relation of the quantum states and of all symmetries of the system with those of the system without harmonic trap, $U(r)=0$. Introducing spin degrees of freedom via a very special spin-orbit coupling, we construct the $\mathfrak{osp}(2,2)$ superconformal extension of the system with unbroken $\mathcal{N}=2$ Poincar\'e supersymmetry and show that two different superconformal extensions of the one-dimensional AFF model with unbroken and spontaneously broken supersymmetry have a common origin. We also show a universal relationship between the dynamics of a Euclidean particle in an arbitrary central potential $U(r)$ and the dynamics of a charged particle in a monopole background subjected to the potential $V(r)$.

Remarks on Replica Method and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model. (arXiv:2002.04313v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ming Chen, Yao-Zhong Zhang, relevance 1.23

Through tracing back to EA/SK models, we disentangle the construction logic of SYK model. During the construction, we recall the technical essence of replica method. Then we point out the redundance of the flavor group and the slave indices as well as the color group via the generalization from 2-index SY model to its 4-index version and the simplification of the latter in terms of Majorana fermions. Spectacularly, such a simplification reserves the system's self-consistency condition. Getting rid of the redundance, the model itself and its effective action have the same $O(N_s)$ structural symmetry, while it realizes $AdS_2/CFT_1$ holography by the emergent conformal symmetry. We also clarify the model transmutation to matrix model and argue that the disorder-averaged SYK model naturally preserves a holographic nature. Based on the transmutation and the correspondence with vector model, SYK model is formally a hybrid of these two models. Its quantum and semiclassical properties are also discussed respectively.

Cosmology from Quantum Information. (arXiv:2002.04294v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Cesar Gomez, Raul Jimenez, relevance 14.87

We describe inflation in terms of a time dependent quantum density matrix with time playing the role of a stochastic variable. Using a quasi-de Sitter model we compute the corresponding quantum Fisher information function as the second derivative of the relative entanglement entropy for the density matrix at two different times. Employing standard quantum estimation theory we evaluate the minimal variance of quantum scalar fluctuations that reproduces the power spectrum and the corresponding tilt in the slow roll limit. The Jeffreys prior associated with such Fisher information can be used to define the probabilities on the set of initial conditions defined by the slow roll parameter $\epsilon$ and the initial Shannon information.

Photon regions and umbilic conditions in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes. (arXiv:2002.04280v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by K. V. Kobialko, D. V. Gal'tsov, relevance 5.94

Photon region (PR) in the strong gravitational field is defined as a compact region where photons can travel endlessly without going to infinity or disappearing at the event horizon. In Schwarzschild metric PR degenerates to the two-dimensional photon sphere $r=3r_g/2$ where closed circular photon orbits are located. The photon sphere as a three-dimensional hypersurface in spacetime is umbilic (its second quadratic form is pure trace). In Kerr metric the equatorial circular orbits have different radii for prograde, $r_p$, and retrograde, $r_r$, motion (where $r$ is Boyer-Lindquist radial variable), while for $r_p<r<r_r$ the spherical orbits with constant $r$ exist which are no more planar, but filling some spheres. These spheres, however, do not correspond to umbilic hypersurfaces. In more general stationary axisymmetric spacetimes not allowing for complete integration of geodesic equations, the numerical integration show the existence of PR as well, but the underlying geometric structure was not fully identified so far. Here we suggest geometric description of PR in generic stationary axisymmetric spacetimes, showing that PR can be foliated by {\em partially umbilic hypersurfaces}, such that the umbilic condition holds for classes of orbits defined by the foliation parameter. New formalism opens a way of analytic description of PR in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes with non-separable geodesic equations.

Optical analogues of black-hole horizons. (arXiv:2002.04216v2 [physics.optics] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Yuval Rosenberg, relevance 26.38

Hawking radiation is unlikely to be measured from a real black-hole, but can be tested in laboratory analogues. It was predicted as a consequence of quantum mechanics and general relativity, but turned out to be more universal. A refractive index perturbation produce an optical analogue of the black-hole horizon and Hawking radiation that is made of light. We discuss the central and recent experiments of the optical analogue, using hands-on physics. We stress the roles of classical fields, negative frequencies, 'regular optics' and dispersion. Opportunities and challenges ahead are shortly discussed.

Astrophysical Tests of Screened Modified Gravity. (arXiv:2002.04194v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jeremy Sakstein, relevance 0.00

Screened modified gravity theories evade the solar system tests that have proved prohibitive for classical alternative gravity theories. In many cases, they do not fit into the PPN formalism. The environmental dependence of the screening has motivated a concerted effort to find new and novel probes of gravity using objects that are well-studied but have hitherto not been used to test gravity. Astrophysical objects---stars, galaxies, clusters---have proved competitive tools for this purpose since they occupy the partially-screened regime between solar system and the Hubble flow. In this article we review the current astrophysical tests of screened modified gravity theories.

Superadditivity of channel capacity through quantum fields. (arXiv:2002.04153v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Koji Yamaguchi, Aida Ahmadzadegan, Petar Simidzija, Achim Kempf, Eduardo Martín-Martínez, relevance 3.35

Given that any communication is communication through quantum fields, we here study the scenario where a sender, Alice, causes information-carrying disturbances in a quantum field. We track the exact spread of these disturbances in space and time by using the technique of quantum information capsules (QIC). We find that the channel capacity between Alice and a receiver, Bob, is enhanced by Bob placing detectors not only inside but in addition also outside the causal future of Alice's encoding operation. Intuitively, this type of superadditivity arises because the field outside the causal future of Alice is entangled with the field inside Alice's causal future. Hence, the quantum noise picked up by Bob's detectors outside Alice's causal future is correlated with the noise of Bob's detectors inside Alice's causal future. In effect, this correlation allows Bob to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of those of his detectors which are in the causal future of Alice. Further, we develop the multimode generalization of the QIC technique. This allows us to extend the analysis to the case where Alice operates multiple localized and optionally entangled emitters. We apply the new techniques to the case where Alice enhances the channel capacity by operating multiple emitters that are suitably lined up and pre-timed to generate a quantum shockwave in the field.

Dynamically Generated Inflationary Lambda-CDM. (arXiv:2002.04110v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David Benisty, Eduardo Guendelman, Emil Nissimov, Svetlana Pacheva, relevance 0.28

Our primary objective is to construct a plausible unified model of inflation, dark energy and dark matter from a fundamental Lagrangian action first principle, where all fundamental ingredients are systematically dynamically generated starting from a very simple model of modified gravity interacting with a single scalar field employing the formalism of non-Riemannian spacetime volume-elements. The non-Riemannian volume element in the initial scalar field action leads to a hidden nonlinear Noether symmetry which produces energy-momentum tensor identified as a sum of a dynamically generated cosmological constant and a dust-like dark matter. The non-Riemannian volume-element in the initial Einstein-Hilbert action upon passage to the physical Einstein-frame creates dynamically a second scalar field with a non-trivial inflationary potential and with an additional interaction with the dynamically generated dark matter. The resulting Einstein-frame action describes a fully dynamically generated inflationary model coupled to dark matter. Numerical results for observables such as the scalar power spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio conform to the latest 2018 PLANCK data.

Charged black holes in Einsteinian cubic gravity and nonuniqueness. (arXiv:2002.04071v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Antonia Micol Frassino, Jorge V. Rocha, relevance 12.20

Black holes are the simplest objects in the universe. They correspond to extreme deformations of spacetime geometry, and can exist even devoid of matter. In general relativity, (electro)vacuum black holes are uniquely determined by their mass, charge and angular momentum. This feature follows from a uniqueness theorem, which can be evaded if one considers higher dimensions or matter fields coupled to gravity. Here we find that Einsteinian cubic gravity, a well-motivated modification of Einstein gravity that includes third-order curvature corrections in accordance with low-energy effective theory expectations, admits black hole solutions with charge greater than mass, when minimally coupled to a Maxwell field. Moreover, we find that, in this regime, there can be two asymptotically flat black holes with the same charge and mass, posing the first example of vacuum black hole nonuniqueness in four dimensions that is free from pathologies. Examination of these black hole's thermodynamics reveals that when two branches coexist only the larger black hole is thermodynamically stable, while the smaller branch has negative specific heat. Einsteinian cubic gravity unveils two further surprising features. The charged black holes do not possess an inner horizon, in contrast with the usual Reissner-Nordstr\"om spacetime, thus avoiding the need to resort to strong cosmic censorship to uphold determinism. In addition to black holes, there exists a one-parameter family of naked singularity spacetimes sharing the same mass and charge as the former, but not continuously connected with them. These naked singularities exist in the under-extremal regime, being present even in pure (uncharged) Einsteinian cubic gravity.

Black hole superradiant instability from ultralight spin-2 fields. (arXiv:2002.04055v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Richard Brito, Sara Grillo, Paolo Pani, relevance 9.36

Ultralight bosonic fields are compelling dark-matter candidates and arise in a variety of beyond-Standard-Model scenarios. These fields can tap energy and angular momentum from spinning black holes through superradiant instabilities, during which a macroscopic bosonic condensate develops around the black hole. Striking features of this phenomenon include gaps in the spin-mass distribution of astrophysical black holes and a continuous gravitational-wave~(GW) signal emitted by the condensate. So far these processes have been studied in great detail for scalar fields and, more recently, for vector fields. Here we take an important step forward in the black-hole superradiance program by computing, analytically, the instability time scale, the direct GW emission, and the stochastic background, in the case of massive tensor (i.e., spin-$2$) fields. Our analysis is valid for any black hole spin and for small boson masses. The instability of massive spin-$2$ fields shares some properties with the scalar and vector cases, but its phenomenology is much richer, for example there exist multiple modes with comparable instability time scales, and the dominant GW signal is hexadecapolar rather than quadrupolar. Electromagnetic and GW observations of spinning black holes in the mass range $M\in(1,10^{10})M_\odot$ can constrain the mass of a putative spin-$2$ field in the range $10^{-22} \lesssim m_b\,{\rm c^2/eV} \lesssim 10^{-10}$. For $10^{-17}\lesssim m_b\,{\rm c^2/eV}\lesssim 10^{-15}$, the space mission LISA could detect the continuous GW signal for sources at redshift $z=20$, or even larger.

Multicomponent superfluidity in two-color QCD at finite density at next-to-leading order. (arXiv:2002.04052v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Prabal Adhikari, Huy Nguyen, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we study two-color, two-flavor QCD using chiral perturbation theory at next-to-leading order when the diquark chemical potential ($\mu_{B}$) is equal to the isospin chemical potential ($\mu_{I}$). For chemical potentials larger than the physical pion mass, the system is in a multicomponent superfluid phase with both pions and diquarks. We construct the one-loop effective potential using $\chi$PT in the presence of an external multicomponent superfluid source and use the effective potential to calculate the chiral condensate, the multicomponent superfluid condensate and the (multicomponent) superfluid density. We also find the critical chemical potential and the order of the phase transition from the normal phase to the multicomponent condensed phase at next-to-leading order. The phase transition remains second order (as at tree-level) and the critical chemical potential is equal to the one-loop renormalized pion (or diquark) mass.

Swampland conjectures for type IIB orientifolds with closed-string U(1)s. (arXiv:2002.04050v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Martin Enriquez-Rojo, Erik Plauschinn, relevance 1.01

We study the weak gravity conjecture, the swampland distance conjecture and the emergence proposal for $\mathcal{N}=1$ orientifold compactifications of type IIB string theory with O3-/O7-planes. We allow for orientifold projections with $h^{2,1}_+\neq 0$ which gives rise to closed-string $U(1)$ gauge fields, and our findings show that certain structures present for $\mathcal N=2$ compactifications are not present for $\mathcal N=1$. In particular, assumptions about stability have to be relaxed and we encounter an ambiguity for the emergence of gauge symmetries associated with the $h^{2,1}_+$ sector.

Critical collapse of a scalar field in semiclassical loop quantum gravity. (arXiv:2002.04044v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Florencia Benitez, Rodolfo Gambini, Luis Lehner, Steve Liebling, Jorge Pullin, relevance 16.94

We study the collapse in spherical symmetry of a massless scalar field minimally coupled to gravity using the semiclassical equations that are expected from loop quantum gravity. We find critical behavior of the mass as a function of the parameters of the initial data similar to that found by Choptuik in classical general relativity for a large set of initial data and values of the polymerization parameter. Contrary to wide expectations for quantum gravity, our semiclassical field equations have an exact scale invariance, as do the classical field equations. As one would then expect, we numerically find that the phase transition is second order, again as in the classical case.

D-instanton Perturbation Theory. (arXiv:2002.04043v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ashoke Sen, relevance 1.44

D-instanton world-volume theory has open string zero modes describing collective coordinates of the instanton. The usual perturbative amplitudes in the D-instanton background suffer from infra-red divergences due to the presence of these zero modes, and the usual approach of analytic continuation in momenta does not work since all open string states on a D-instanton carry strictly zero momentum. String field theory is well-suited for tackling these issues. However we find a new subtlety due to the existence of additional zero modes in the ghost sector. This causes a breakdown of the Siegel gauge, but a different gauge fixing consistent with the BV formalism renders the perturbation theory finite and unambiguous. At each order, this produces extra contribution to the amplitude besides what is obtained from integration over the moduli space of Riemann surfaces.

Birth, life, and death of black hole binaries around supermassive black holes: dynamical evolution of gravitational wave sources. (arXiv:2002.04037v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Manuel Arca Sedda, relevance 10.88

In this paper, we explore the mechanisms that regulate the formation and evolution of stellar black hole binaries (BHBs) around supermassive black holes (SMBHs). We show that dynamical interactions can efficiently drive "in-situ" BHB formation if the SMBH is surrounded by a massive nuclear cluster (NC), while orbitally segregated star clusters can replenish the BHB reservoir in SMBH-dominated nuclei. We discuss how the combined action of stellar hardening and mass segregation sculpts the BHB orbital properties. We use direct N-body simulations including post-Newtonian corrections up to 2.5 order to study the BHB-SMBH interplay, showing that the Kozai-Lidov mechanism plays a crucial role in shortening binaries lifetime. We find that the merging probability weakly depends on the SMBH mass in the $10^6-10^9{\rm ~M}_\odot$ mass range, leading to a merger rate $\Gamma \simeq 3-8$ yr$^{-1}$ Gpc$^{-3}$ at redshift zero. Nearly $40\%$ of the mergers have masses in the "BH mass gap", $50-140{\rm ~M}_\odot$, thus indicating that galactic nuclei are ideal places to form BHs in this mass range. We argue that gravitational wave (GW) sources with components mass $m_1>40{\rm ~M}_\odot$ and $m_2<30{\rm ~M}_\odot$ would represent a strong indicator of a galactic nuclei origin. The majority of these mergers could be multiband GW sources in the local Universe: nearly $40\%$ might be seen by LISA as eccentric sources and, a few years later, as circular sources by LIGO and the Einstein Telescope, making decihertz observatories like DECIGO unique instruments to bridge the observations during the binary inspiral.

Charges and holography in 6d (1,0) theories. (arXiv:2002.04036v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Oren Bergman, Marco Fazzi, Diego Rodríguez-Gómez, Alessandro Tomasiello, relevance 5.06

We study the recently proposed AdS$_7$/CFT$_6$ dualities for a class of 6d $\mathcal{N} = (1,0)$ theories that flow on the tensor branch to long linear quiver gauge theories. We find a precise agreement in the symmetries and in the spectrum of charged states between the 6d SCFTs and their conjectured AdS$_7$ duals. We also confirm a recent conjecture that a discrete $S_N$ symmetry relating the baryons in the quiver theories is in fact gauged.

Combining Full-Shape and BAO Analyses of Galaxy Power Spectra: A 1.6% CMB-independent constraint on H0. (arXiv:2002.04035v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Oliver H.E. Philcox, Mikhail M. Ivanov, Marko Simonović, Matias Zaldarriaga, relevance 0.39

We present cosmological constraints from a joint analysis of the pre- and post-reconstruction galaxy power spectrum multipoles from the final data release of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). Geometric constraints are obtained from the positions of BAO peaks in reconstructed spectra, analyzed in combination with the unreconstructed spectra in a full-shape (FS) likelihood using a joint covariance matrix, giving stronger parameter constraints than FS-only or BAO-only analyses. We introduce a new method for obtaining constraints from reconstructed spectra based on a correlated theoretical error, which is shown to be simple, robust, and applicable to any flavor of density-field reconstruction. Assuming $\Lambda$CDM with massive neutrinos, we analyze data from two redshift bins $z_\mathrm{eff}=0.38,0.61$ and obtain $1.6\%$ constraints on the Hubble constant $H_0$, using only a single prior on the current baryon density $\omega_b$ from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and no knowledge of the power spectrum slope $n_s$. This gives $H_0 = 68.6\pm1.1\,\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$, with the inclusion of BAO data sharpening the measurement by $40\%$, representing one of the strongest current constraints on $H_0$ independent of cosmic microwave background data. Restricting to the best-fit slope $n_s$ from Planck (but without additional priors on the spectral shape), we obtain a $1\%$ $H_0$ measurement of $67.8\pm 0.7\,\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$. We find strong constraints on the cosmological parameters from a joint analysis of the FS, BAO, and Planck data. This sets new bounds on the sum of neutrino masses $\sum m_\nu < 0.14\,\mathrm{eV}$ (at $95\%$ confidence) and the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom $N_\mathrm{eff} = 2.90^{+0.15}_{-0.16}$, though contours are not appreciably narrowed by the inclusion of BAO data.

Weak-lensing observables in relativistic N-body simulations. (arXiv:2002.04024v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Francesca Lepori, Julian Adamek, Ruth Durrer, Chris Clarkson, Louis Coates, relevance 0.00

We investigate for the first time weak lensing in a high-resolution relativistic N-body simulation, which includes all relevant effects from general relativity. We integrate the photon geodesics backwards from the observer to the emitters. Our analysis is fully relativistic and non-perturbative for the scalar part of the gravitational potential and first-order in the vector part, frame dragging. We solve the Sachs optical equations and study in detail the weak-lensing convergence, ellipticity and rotation. We present the angular power spectra and one-point probability distribution functions for the weak-lensing variables, which we find are broadly in agreement with comparable Newtonian simulations. Our geometric approach, however, is more robust and flexible, and can therefore be applied consistently to non-standard cosmologies and modified theories of gravity.

Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theory in the Light-Front Formulation. (arXiv:2002.04016v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Michael Kreshchuk, William M. Kirby, Gary Goldstein, Hugo Beauchemin, Peter J. Love, relevance 0.00

We develop quantum simulation algorithms based on the light-front formulation of relativistic quantum field theories. We analyze a simple theory in $1+1D$ and show how to compute the analogues of parton distribution functions of composite particles in this theory. Upon quantizing the system in light-front coordinates, the Hamiltonian becomes block diagonal. Each block approximates the Fock space with a certain harmonic resolution $K$, where the light-front momentum is discretized in $K$ steps. The lower bound on the number of qubits required is $O(\sqrt{K})$, and we give a complete description of the algorithm in a mapping that requires $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt K)$ qubits. The cost of simulation of time evolution within a block of fixed $K$ is $\widetilde{O}(tK^4)$ gates. The cost of time-dependent simulation of adiabatic evolution for time $T$ along a Hamiltonian path with max norm bounded by final harmonic resolution $K$ is $\widetilde{O}(TK^4)$ gates. In higher dimensions, the qubit requirements scale as $\widetilde{O}(K)$. This is an advantage of the light-front formulation; in equal-time the qubit count will increase as the product of the momentum cutoffs over all dimensions. We provide qubit estimates for QCD in $3+1D$, and discuss measurements of form-factors and decay constants.

On the cohomology groups of real Lagrangians in Calabi-Yau threefolds. (arXiv:2002.03957v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Hülya Argüz, Thomas Prince, relevance 0.00

The quintic threefold $X$ is the most studied Calabi-Yau $3$-fold in the mathematics literature. In this paper, using \v{C}ech-to-derived spectral sequences, we investigate the the mod $2$ and integral cohomology groups of a real Lagrangian $\breve{L}_\mathbb{R}$, obtained as the fixed locus of an anti-symplectic involution in the mirror to $X$. We show that $\breve{L}_\mathbb{R}$ is the disjoint union of a $3$-sphere and a rational homology sphere. Analysing the mod $2$ cohomology further, we deduce a correspondence between the mod $2$ Betti numbers of $\breve{L}_\mathbb{R}$ and certain counts of integral points on the base of a singular torus fibration on $X$. By work of Batyrev, this identifies the mod $2$ Betti numbers of $\breve{L}_\mathbb{R}$ with certain Hodge numbers of $X$. Furthermore, we show that the integral cohomology groups of $\breve{L}_\mathbb{R}$ are $2$-primary; we conjecture that this holds in much greater generality.

A fundamental test for MOND. (arXiv:2002.03946v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Valerio Marra, Davi C. Rodrigues, Álefe O. F. de Almeida, relevance 0.00

The Radial Acceleration Relation (RAR) shows a strong correlation between two accelerations associated to galaxy rotation curves. The relation between these accelerations is given by a nonlinear function which depends on an acceleration scale $a_\dagger$. Some have interpreted this as an evidence for a gravity model, such as Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), which posits a fundamental acceleration scale $a_0$ common to all the galaxies. However, it was later shown, using Bayesian inference, that this seems not to be the case: the $a_0$ credible intervals for individual galaxies were not found to be compatible among themselves. This type of test is a fundamental test for MOND as a theory for gravity, since it directly evaluates its basic assumption and this using the data that most favor MOND: galaxy rotation curves. Here we improve upon the previous analyses by introducing a more robust method to assess the compatibility between the credible intervals, in particular without Gaussian approximations. We directly estimate, using a Monte Carlo simulation, that the existence of a fundamental acceleration is incompatible with the data at more than $5\sigma$. We also consider quality cuts in order to show that our results are robust against outliers. In conclusion, the new analysis further supports the claim that the acceleration scale found in the RAR is an emergent quantity.

Relativistic quantum dynamics of spin-0 system of the DKP oscillator in a G\"{o}del-type space-time. (arXiv:2002.03943v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Faizuddin Ahmed, relevance 2.69

In this article, we study the DKP equation for the oscillator in a G\"{o}del-type space-time background. We derive the final form of this equation in a flat class of G\"{o}del-type space-time and solve it analytically, and evaluate the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions, in detail.

Relativistic dissipative spin dynamics in the relaxation time approximation. (arXiv:2002.03937v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Samapan Bhadury, Wojciech Florkowski, Amaresh Jaiswal, Avdhesh Kumar, Radoslaw Ryblewski, relevance 0.45

The concept of the Wigner function is used to construct a semi-classical kinetic theory describing the evolution of the axial-current phase-space density of spin-1/2 particles in the relaxation time approximation. The resulting approach can be used to study spin-polarization effects in relativistic matter, in particular, in heavy-ion collisions. An expression for the axial current based on the classical treatment of spin is also introduced and we show that it is consistent with earlier calculations using Wigner functions. Finally, we derive non-equilibrium corrections to the spin tensor, which are used to define, for the first time, the structure of spin transport coefficients in relativistic matter.

${\cal N}{=}\,4$ supersymmetric Calogero-Sutherland models. (arXiv:2002.03929v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergey Krivonos, Olaf Lechtenfeld, relevance 0.00

Starting from the Hamiltonian formulation of supersymmetric Calogero models associated with the classical $A_n$, $B_n$, $C_n$ and $D_n$ series we construct the ${\cal N}{=}\,2$ and ${\cal N}{=}\,4$ supersymmetric extensions of the their hyperbolic/trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland cousins. The bosonic core of these models are the standard Calogero-Sutherland hyperbolic/trigonometric systems.

On operator growth and emergent Poincar\'e symmetries. (arXiv:2002.03865v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Javier M. Magan, Joan Simon, relevance 1.64

We consider operator growth for generic large-N gauge theories at finite temperature. Our analysis is performed in terms of Fourier modes, which do not mix with other operators as time evolves, and whose correlation functions are determined by their two-point functions alone, at leading order in the large-N limit. The algebra of these modes allows for a simple analysis of the operators with whom the initial operator mixes over time, and guarantees the existence of boundary CFT operators closing the bulk Poincar\'e algebra, describing the experience of infalling observers. We discuss several existing approaches to operator growth, such as number operators, proper energies, the many-body recursion method, quantum circuit complexity, and comment on its relation to classical chaos in black hole dynamics. The analysis evades the bulk vs boundary dichotomy and shows that all such approaches are the same at both sides of the holographic duality, a statement that simply rests on the equality between operator evolution itself. In the way, we show all these approaches have a natural formulation in terms of the Gelfand-Naimark-Segal (GNS) construction, which maps operator evolution to a more conventional quantum state evolution, and provides an extension of the notion of operator growth to QFT.

The Dynamics of Binary Neutron Star Mergers and of GW170817. (arXiv:2002.03863v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by David Radice, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Albino Perego, relevance 0.00

With the first observation of a binary neutron star merger through gravitational waves and light GW170817, compact binary mergers have now taken the center stage in nuclear astrophysics. They are thought to be one of the main astrophysical sites of production of r-process elements, and merger observations have become a fundamental tool to constrain the properties of matter. Here, we review our current understanding of the dynamics of neutron star mergers, in general, and of GW170817 in particular. We discuss the physical processes governing the inspiral, merger, and postmerger evolution, and we highlight the connections between these processes, the dynamics, and the multimessenger observables. Finally, we discuss open questions and issues in the field and the need to address them through a combination of better theoretical models and new observations.

Inhomogeneous Perturbations and Stability Analysis of the Einstein Static Universe in f(R,T) Gravity. (arXiv:2002.03845v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by M. Sharif, Arfa Waseem, relevance 0.00

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the existence of static stable Einstein universe using inhomogeneous linear perturbations in the context of $f(R,T)$ gravity ($R$ and $T$ denote the scalar curvature and trace of the stress-energy tensor, respectively). The static and perturbed field equations are constructed for perfect fluid parameterized by linear equation of state parameter. We obtain solutions manifesting the Einstein static state by considering peculiar $f(R,T)$ forms for vanishing and non-vanishing conservation of the stress-energy tensor. It is observed that stable static Einstein regions exist for both closed as well as open FLRW universe models for an appropriate choice of parameters. We conclude that this theory is efficient for presenting such cosmological solutions leading to emergent universe scenario.

Axion Mie theory for a spherical topological insulator. (arXiv:2002.03804v1 [physics.optics] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Johannes Schultz, Flavio S. Nogueira, Bernd Büchner, Jeroen van den Brink, Axel Lubk, relevance 2.37

Electronic topological states of matter exhibit novel types of responses to electromagnetic fields. The response of strong topological insulators, for instance, is characterized by a so-called axion term in the electromagnetic Lagrangian which is ultimately due to the presence of topological surface states. Here we develop the axion Mie theory describing the electromagnetic response of spherical particles including an axion electromagnetic coupling at the surface of a particle. The approach includes arbitrary sources of fields, i.e., charge and current distributions. We derive an axion induced mixing of transverse magnetic and transverse electric modes which are experimentally detectable through small induced rotations of the field vectors.

New Solutions To The Bianchi VIII Wheeler DeWitt Equation And Leading Order Solutions For $\Lambda$ $\ne$ 0 And A Primordial Magnetic Field. (arXiv:2002.03800v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Daniel Berkowitz, relevance 1.78

New non trivial solutions to the Lorentzian-signature symmetry reduced Bianchi VIII Wheeler DeWitt equation for Hartle Hawking ordering parameters $ \pm 2\sqrt{33} $ are obtained using an Euclidean-signature semi classical method. Using the aforementioned method we define 'excited' states for the Bianchi VIII wave function and construct leading order 'excited' states which appear to be a hybrid of scattering and bound states. Also six new solutions for the $\Lambda \ne 0$ Bianchi VIII Euclidean-signature Hamilton Jacobi equation are presented which can be used to construct semi-classical states corresponding to the Lorentzian signature symmetry reduced Wheeler DeWitt equation. In addition, new solutions to the Euclidean-signature Hamilton Jacobi equation for the Bianchi VIII models are found when $\Lambda \ne 0$ and an aligned primordial magnetic field is present. Furthermore, we find eight new complex solutions to the Euclidean-signature Hamilton Jacobi equation for the case when matter is not present, which can be used to construct additional semi-classical states. We also study the leading order wave functions which result from our aforementioned solutions when they are restricted to the $\beta+$ axis. Prior to presenting these results we explain the Euclidean-signature semi classical method and discuss how to solve the resultant equations this method generates when it is applied to the Lorentzian-signature symmetry reduced Bianchi VIII Wheeler DeWitt equation. The Euclidean-signature semi-classical method used here is applicable to other field theories as well. The work presented throughout this paper further shows the power Eulclidean-signature semi classical methods possess for solving problems in quantum cosmology and solving Lorentzian signature problems in general.

Probing $\kappa(R,T)$ cosmology via empirical approach. (arXiv:2002.03798v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Nasr Ahmed, Anirudh Pradhan, relevance 0.00

In this paper, a stable flat cosmological model has been constructed and the evolution of dark energy has been investigated in the framework of the recently suggested $\kappa(R,T)$ gravity. The empirical approach we adopt in the current work reveals some interesting cosmological features consistent with observations and the standard $\Lambda$CDM model. The evolution of cosmic pressure shows a positive-to-negative transition corresponding to the cosmic deceleration-acceleration transition, both the deceleration parameter and the cosmic pressure have the positive-to-negative sign flipping. While this behavior can provide explanation for the deceleration-acceleration transition, the reason behind this positive-negative transition itself is still missing.

Bouncing Models in an Extended Gravity Theory. (arXiv:2002.03787v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S K Tripathy, B Mishra, relevance 1.57

Some bouncing models are investigated in the frame work of an extended theory of Gravity. The extended gravity model is a simple extension of the General Relativity where an additional matter geometry coupling is introduced to account for the late time cosmic speed up phenomena. The dynamics of the models are discussed in the background of a flat FRW universe. Some viable models are reconstructed for some assumed bouncing scale factors. The behavior of the models are found to be decided mostly by the parameters of the respective models.

Covariant Spin Kinetic Theory I: Collisionless Limit. (arXiv:2002.03753v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yu-Chen Liu, Kazuya Mameda, Xu-Guang Huang, relevance 1.27

We develop a covariant kinetic theory for massive fermions in curved spacetime and external electromagnetic field based on quantum field theory. We derive four coupled semi-classical kinetic equations accurate at $O(\hbar)$, which describe the transports of particle number and spin degrees of freedom. The relation with the chiral kinetic theory is discussed. As an application, we study the spin polarization in the presence of finite Riemann curvature and electromagnetic field in both local and global equilibrium states.

Induced fermionic current in AdS spacetime in the presence of a cosmic string and a compactified dimension. (arXiv:2002.03745v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. Bellucci, W. Oliveira dos Santos, E. R. Bezerra de Mello, relevance 8.42

In this paper, we consider a massive charged fermionic quantum field and investigate the current densities induced by a magnetic flux running along the core of an idealized cosmic string in the background geometry of a 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime, assuming that an extra dimension is compactified. Along the compact dimension quasi-periodicity condition is imposed on the field with a general phase. Moreover, we admit the presence of a magnetic flux enclosed by the compactified axis. The latter gives rise to Ahanorov-Bohm-like effect on the vacuum expectation value of the currents. In this setup, only azimuthal and axial current densities take place. The former presents two contributions, with the first one due to the cosmic string in a 5-dimensional AdS spacetime without compact dimension, and the second one being induced by the compactification itself. The latter is an odd function of the magnetic flux along the cosmic string and an even function of the magnetic flux enclosed by the compactified axis with period equal to the quantum flux. As to the induced axial current, it is an even function of the magnetic flux along the string's core and an odd function of the magnetic flux enclosed by the compactification perimeter. For untwisted and twisted field along compact dimension, the axial current vanishes. The massless field case is presented as well as some asymptotic limits for the parameters of the model.

Quantum gravity correction to Hawking radiation of the 2+1 dimensional wormhole. (arXiv:2002.03699v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ganim Gecim, Yusuf Sucu, relevance 18.53

We carry out the Hawking temperature of a (2+1) dimensional circularly symmetric traversable wormhole in the framework of the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). Firstly, we introduce the modified Klein-Gordon equation of the spin-0 particle, the modified Dirac equation of the spin-1/2 particle, and the modified vector boson equation of the spin-1 particle in the wormhole background, respectively. Given these equations under the Hamilton-Jacobi approach, we analyze the GUP effect on the tunneling probability of these particles near the trapping horizon, and subsequently, on the Hawking temperature of the wormhole. Furthermore, we have found that the modified Hawking temperature of the wormhole is determined by both wormhole's and tunneling particle's properties and indicated that the wormhole has a positive temperature similar to that of a physical system. This case indicates that the wormhole may be supported by ordinary (non-exotic) matter. In addition, we calculate the Unruh-Verlinde temperature of the wormhole by using Kodama vectors instead of time-like Killing vectors, and observe that it equals to the standard Hawking temperature of the wormhole.

$\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric S-folds. (arXiv:2002.03692v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Adolfo Guarino, Colin Sterckx, Mario Trigiante, relevance 2.55

Multi-parametric families of AdS$_{4}$ vacua with various amounts of supersymmetry and residual gauge symmetry are found in the $\,[\textrm{SO}(1,1) \times \textrm{SO}(6)] \ltimes \mathbb{R}^{12}\,$ maximal supergravity that arises from the reduction of type IIB supergravity on $\,\mathbb{R} \times \textrm{S}^5\,$. These provide natural candidates to holographically describe new strongly coupled three-dimensional CFT's which are localised on interfaces of $\,\mathcal{N}=4\,$ super-Yang--Mills theory. One such AdS$_{4}$ vacua features a symmetry enhancement to $\,\textrm{SU}(2) \times \textrm{U}(1)\,$ while preserving $\,\mathcal{N}=2\,$ supersymmetry. Fetching techniques from the $\,\textrm{E}_{7(7)}\,$ exceptional field theory, its uplift to a class of $\,\mathcal{N}=2\,$ S-folds of type IIB supergravity of the form $\,\textrm{AdS}_{4} \times \textrm{S}^{1} \times \textrm{S}^5\,$ involving S-duality twists of hyperbolic type along $\,\textrm{S}^{1}\,$ is presented.

Charges of Monopole Operators in $\widehat{ADE}$ Chern-Simons Quiver Gauge Theories. (arXiv:2002.03685v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Moumita Patra, relevance 5.04

We compute R-charges of the BPS-monopole operators in $\mathcal{N} = 3$ $\widehat{ADE}$ Chern-Simons quiver gauge theories, along the lines of the work of Benna, Klebanov and Klose in \cite{bkk}. These theories have a weakly coupled UV completion in terms of $\mathcal{N}=3$ supersymmetric Chern-Simons Yang-Mills theories. In the UV limit the monopole operators are well approximated by classical solutions. We construct classical BPS and anti-BPS monopole solutions to these theories which preserve $\frac{1}{3}$ supersymmetry all along the RG flow. We compute the $SU(2)_R$ charges in these backgrounds and show that the smallest possible value of quantised $SU(2)_R$ charge is zero in each quiver theory.

Gravitational wave from cosmic inflation in a gravity with two small four-derivative corrections. (arXiv:2002.03676v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chae-min Yun, relevance 0.70

We investigate a model of inflationary cosmology where the minimally coupled scalar field theory is modified by additional correction terms. Among the most general ten correction terms remarked by Weinberg in context of effective field theory, we consider only two terms, $f_1(\phi) R^2$ and $f_2(\phi) R^{ab}R_{ab}$, following the work by Noh and Hwang where $f_1$ and $f_2$ are constant. The fourth order differential equations for the background universe and the tensor-type perturbation are derived out of this model. We show that these equations can be reduced to second order equations, supposing that $f_n$ are small. From these approximated equations, we find that the propagation speed of gravitational wave is slightly less than the speed of light due to $f_2$ term, and that the evolution of the tensor-type perturbation is conserved in the large scale limit.

On Regular Black Holes at Finite Temperature. (arXiv:2002.03667v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by S. C. Ulhoa, E. P. Spaniol, R. Gomes, A. F. Santos, A. E. Santana, relevance 18.19

The Thermo Field Dynamics (TFD) formalism is used to investigate the regular black holes at finite temperature. Using the Teleparalelism Equivalent to General Relativity (TEGR) the gravitational Stefan-Boltzmann law and the gravitational Casimir effect at zero and finite temperature are calculated. In addition, the first law of thermodynamics is considered. Then the gravitational entropy and the temperature of the event horizon of a class of regular black holes are determined.

Scalegenesis and fermionic dark matters in the flatland scenario. (arXiv:2002.03666v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yu Hamada, Koji Tsumura, Masatoshi Yamada, relevance 1.27

We propose an extension of the standard model with Majorana-type fermionic dark matters based on the flatland scenario where all scalar coupling constants, including scalar mass terms, vanish at the Planck scale, i.e. the scalar potential is flat above the Planck scale. This scenario could be compatible with the asymptotic safety paradigm for quantum gravity. We search the parameter space so that the model reproduces the observed values such as the Higgs mass, the electroweak vacuum and the relic abundance of dark matter. We also investigate the spin-independent elastic cross section for the Majorana fermions and a nucleon. It is shown that the Majorana fermions as dark matter candidates could be tested by dark matter direct detection experiments such as XENON, LUX and PandaX-II. We demonstrate that within the minimal setup compatible with the flatland scenario at the Planck scale or asymptotically safe quantum gravity, the extended model could have a strong predictability.

Joule-Thomson Expansion of Regular Bardeen AdS Black Hole Surrounded by Static Anisotropic Quintessence Field. (arXiv:2002.03634v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Rajani.K.V, C.L.Ahmed Rizwan, A.Naveena Kumara, Deepak Vaid, Md.Sabir Ali, relevance 20.22

In the present paper, we investigate the required anisotropy of an exact regular Bardeen black hole characterized by its mass $M$, the nonlinear parameter $g$, the quintessence field parameter $a$ in anti-de sitter spacetime with a static quintessence matter field. We also show that the relative pressure anisotropy, equation of state and the pressure depends on radial coordinate, reflecting the required anisotropy for Bardeen black hole in the quintessence background.

Next, we analyze the Joule-Thompson ($JT$) expansion of the black hole spacetime. Treating the cosmological constant as thermodynamic pressure $P$ and its conjugate quantity as thermodynamic volume $V$ we derive the equation of state connecting Hawking temperature and various black hole parameters. We study the $JT$ expansion in the regular Bardeen AdS black holes in the quintessence background through the analysis of inversion temperature and isenthalpic curves. We derive the $JT$ coefficient $\mu$, and use them to plot the inversion and isenthalpic curves. We discuss the effect of quintessence parameter $a$ and $\omega_q$ on the $JT$ coefficient and inversion temperature, especially with the case of $\omega_q=-1$ and $\omega_q=-\frac{1}{3}$. Our analysis shows that quintessence dark energy affects the inversion point $(T_i,P_i)$ .

Greybody factor and sparsity of Hawking radiation from a charged spherical black hole with scalar hair. (arXiv:2002.03630v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Avijit Chowdhury, Narayan Banerjee, relevance 14.57

The `no-hair' conjecture claims that for a spherically symmetric black hole, only the information regarding the mass and charge of the black hole is available to an external observer. However, there are numerous counterexamples to the `no-hair' conjecture. In this work, we consider a particular counter-example to the `no-hair' conjecture in (3+1) dimensions, namely, a static spherically symmetric charged black hole with a scalar hair. We provide semi-analytic bounds on the greybody factors and study the sparsity of Hawking radiation of mass-less uncharged scalar fields. Our results show that the scalar and electric charges contribute oppositely to the greybody factor and the sparsity of the Hawking radiation cascade. Also, the greybody factor decreases and the Hawking emission spectra become more sparse with the reduction in the black hole (ADM) mass.

Kaluza-Klein modes of $U(1)$ gauge vector field on brane with codimension-$3$. (arXiv:2002.03606v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chun-E Fu, Yuan Zhong, Heng Guo, Li Zhao, Zi-Qi Chen, relevance 3.96

From the paper [JHEP 01 (2019) 021], it is known that the effective action of a massless $U(1)$ gauge vector field on a codimension-2 brane is gauge invariant due to the coupling between the vector Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes with two types of scalar KK modes. In a model with three extra dimensions, there are three types of scalar KK modes. The couplings between different KK modes would be more complex. The vector KK mode would couple with the three types of scalar ones, and the three types of scalar ones also couple to each other. We demonstrate that all the KK modes also make up a gauge invariant effective action. The relationships between all the coupling constants of the KK modes finally lead to the gauge invariant effective action. This gauge invariant effective action implies that the masses of the vector KK mode contain three parts, which come from the three extra dimensions. However, the scalar ones only can obtain mass from two of the three extra dimensions.

The LISA-Taiji network. (arXiv:2002.03603v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Wen-Hong Ruan, Chang Liu, Zong-Kuan Guo, Yue-Liang Wu, Rong-Gen Cai, relevance 0.00

Both LISA and Taiji, planned space-based gravitational-wave detectors in orbit around the Sun, are expected to launch in 2030-2035. Assuming a one-year overlap, we explore a potential LISA-Taiji network to fast and accurately localize the gravitational-wave sources.

Cosmological models, observational data and tension in Hubble constant. (arXiv:2002.03599v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by G. S. Sharov, E. S. Sinyakov, relevance 0.52

We analyze how predictions of cosmological models depend on a choice of described observational data, restrictions on flatness,

and how this choice can alleviate the $H_0$ tension. These effects are demonstrated in the $w$CDM model in comparison with the standard $\Lambda$CDM model. We describe the Pantheon sample observations of Type Ia supernovae, 31 Hubble parameter data points $H(z)$ from cosmic chronometers, the extended sample with 57 $H(z)$ data points and observational manifestations of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).

For the $w$CDM and $\Lambda$CDM models in the flat case and with spatial curvature we calculate $\chi^2$ functions for all observed data in different combinations, estimate optimal values of model parameters and their expected intervals. For both considered models the results essentially depend on a choice of data sets. In particular, for the $w$CDM model with $H(z)$ data, supernovae and CMB the $1\sigma$ estimations may vary from $H_0=67.52^{+0.96}_{-0.95}$ km\,/(s$\cdot$Mpc) (for all $N_H=57$ Hubble parameter data points) up to $H_0=70.87^{+1.63}_{-1.62}$ km\,/(s$\cdot$Mpc) for the flat case ($k=0$) and $N_H=31$. These results might be a hint how to alleviate the problem of $H_0$ tension: different estimates of the Hubble constant may be connected with filters and a choice of observational data.

Euclidean Wormholes in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity. (arXiv:2002.03581v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by H. Garcia-Compean, Alberto Vazquez, relevance 12.88

We study Euclidean wormholes in the framework of the Horava-Lifshitz theory of gravity. Euclidean wormholes first appeared in the Euclidean path integral approach to quantum gravity. In a more general way, Hawking and Page interpreted such configurations as solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation with appropriate boundary conditions. We use the projectable version of Horava-Lifshitz gravity to obtain the Wheeler-DeWitt equation of a minisuperspace model considering a closed Friedmann Universe plus a massless scalar field. For large values of the scale factor we find that the solution of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation coincides with the one obtained by Hawking. Whereas in the limit corresponding to the early Universe we find a new set of solutions, which agree with the Hawking and Page boundary conditions for wormholes.

Three-Dimensional Higher-Order Schr\"odinger Algebras and Lie Algebra Expansions. (arXiv:2002.03558v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Oguzhan Kasikci, Nese Ozdemir, Mehmet Ozkan, Utku Zorba, relevance 4.96

We provide a Lie algebra expansion procedure to construct three-dimensional higher-order Schr\"odinger algebras which relies on a particular subalgebra of the four-dimensional relativistic conformal algebra. In particular, we reproduce the extended Schr\"odinger algebra and provide a new higher-order Schr\"odinger algebra. The structure of this new algebra leads to a discussion on the uniqueness of the higher-order non-relativistic algebras. Especially, we show that the recent d-dimensional symmetry algebra of an action principle for Newtonian gravity is not uniquely defined but can accommodate three discrete parameters. For a particular choice of these parameters, the Bargmann algebra becomes a subalgebra of that extended algebra which allows one to introduce a mass current in a Bargmann-invariant sense to the extended theory.

Thurston boundary of the Teichm\"uller space is the space of big bang singularities of 2+1 gravity. (arXiv:2002.03551v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Puskar Mondal, relevance 2.05

The ADM formalism of vacuum general relativity in constant mean extrinsic curvature spatial harmonic (CMCSH) gauge is used to study the asymptotic behaviour of the solution curves of the dynamics of spacetimes of the topological type $\Sigma_{g}\times \mathbb{R}$, $g>1$, where $\Sigma_{g}$ is a closed Riemann surface of genus $g$. The configuration space of the gauge fixed dynamics is identified with the Teichm\"uller space ($\mathcal{T}\Sigma_{g}\approx \mathbb{R}^{6g-6}$) of $\Sigma_{g}$. Utilizing the properties of the Dirichlet energy of certain harmonic maps, estimates derived from the associated elliptic equations in conjunction with a few standard results of surface theory, we show that every non-trivial solution curve runs off the edge of the Teichm\"uller space at the limit of the big bang singularity and approaches the space of projective measured laminations/foliations ($\mathcal{PML}$ $\mathcal{PMF}$), the Thurston boundary of the Teichm\"uller space. This result which identifies the complete solution space of the Einstein equations on flat spacetimes of the type $\Sigma_{g}\times \mathbb{R}$, also yields yet another way to compactify the Teichm\"uller space.

Before the Page time: maximum entanglements or the return of the monster?. (arXiv:2002.03543v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jeong-Myeong Bae, Dong Jin Lee, Dong-han Yeom, Heeseung Zoe, relevance 36.23

The entropy of Hawking radiation is approximately equal to the maximum of entanglement entropy if a black hole is in a state before the Page time, i.e., when the entropy of Hawking radiation is smaller than the entropy of the black hole. However, if there exists a process generating smaller entanglements rather than maximal entanglements, the entropy of Hawking radiation will become smaller than the maximum of the entanglement entropy before the Page time. If this process accumulates, even though the probability is small, the emitted radiation can eventually be distinguished from the exactly thermal state. In this paper, we provide several interpretations of this phenomenon: (1) information of the collapsed matter is emitted before the Page time, (2) there exists a firewall or a non-local effect before the Page time, or (3) the statistical entropy is greater than the areal entropy; a monster is formed. Our conclusion will help resolve the information loss paradox by providing groundwork for further research.

Explicit parity violation in $SU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R\otimes U(1)_{B-L}$ models. (arXiv:2002.03524v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Henry Diaz, V. Pleitez, O. P. Ravinez, E. Castillo-Ruiz, relevance 0.43

Here we propose models with $SU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R\otimes U(1)_{B-L}$ electroweak gauge symmetry in which parity (or charge conjugation) is broken explicitly and the interactions of the left- and right-handed fermions are completely different from each other at any energy scale. In these sort of models there is no restoration of parity at high energies. However, as in left-right symmetric models, the electroweak interactions of quarks and leptons appear to be only left-handed at low energies, because the right-handed interactions are suppressed by the mass of the respective charged and neutral vector bosons and/or because these interactions are weaker than the left-handed ones.

Quantum Fourier Analysis. (arXiv:2002.03477v1 [math.OA])
in hep-th by Arthur Jaffe, Chunlan Jiang, Zhengwei Liu, Yunxiang Ren, Jinsong Wu, relevance 2.42

{\em Quantum Fourier analysis} is a new subject that combines an algebraic Fourier transform (pictorial in the case of subfactor theory) with analytic estimates. This provides interesting tools to investigate phenomena such as quantum symmetry. We establish bounds on the quantum Fourier transform $\FS$, as a map between suitably defined $L^{p}$ spaces, leading to a new uncertainty principle for relative entropy. We cite several applications of the quantum Fourier analysis in subfactor theory, in category theory, and in quantum information. We suggest a new topological inequality, and we outline several open problems.

Black holes in the Einstein-aether theory: Quasinormal modes and time-domain evolution. (arXiv:2002.03450v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by M.S. Churilova, relevance 22.22

We propose accurate calculations of quasinormal modes of black holes in the Einstein-aether theory, which were previously considered in the literature, partially, with insufficient accuracy. We also show that the arbitrarily long lived modes, quasi-resonances, are allowed in the Einstein-aether theory as well and demonstrate that the asymptotic tails, unlike quasinormal frequencies, are indistinguishable from those in the Einstein theory.

Nonlinear interacting cosmological models after Planck 2018 legacy release and the $H_0$ tension. (arXiv:2002.03408v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Supriya Pan, Weiqiang Yang, Andronikos Paliathanasis, relevance 0.52

Interacting dark energy models are widely renowned for giving an explanation to the cosmic coincidence problem as well as several observational issues. According to the recent observational data, and so far we are concerned with the literature, the choice of the interaction function between dark matter and dark energy is always questionable since there is no such underlying theory that could derive it. Thus, in this work we have raised this issue by proposing two new nonlinear interaction functions and constrain them using cosmic microwave background (CMB) from Planck 2018, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), dark energy survey and a measurement of the Hubble constant $H_0$ from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) 2019. The dark energy equation of state is considered to be constant throughout the work and the geometry of the universe is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic with zero spatial curvature. Our analyses report that a non-zero interaction is always allowed by the observational data and the dark energy equation of state is bent towards the phantom regime. In particular, when $H_0$ from HST is added to Planck 2018+BAO, we find an evidence for a non-zero coupling at more than $2\sigma$ confidence level. Our analyses also report that for both the models, $H_0$ is close to its local measurements and thus alleviating the $H_0$ tension. In particular, one of the interacting models perfectly solves the $H_0$ tension.

Feynman Rules for Stochastic Inflationary Correlators. (arXiv:2002.03402v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Marios Bounakis, Gerasimos Rigopoulos, relevance 0.76

We elaborate on the functional integral describing the stochastic dynamics of a spectator field during inflation, comparing its diagrammatic expansion to that obtained directly from a perturbative solution of the corresponding Langevin equation. We state Feynman rules for computing arbitrary temporal $n$-point functions and perform some illustrative computations for a $\lambda\phi^4$ interaction, paying attention to the role played by a functional Jacobian determinant in the path integral. We also briefly consider the case when the field contributes to the expansion rate, making the noise multiplicative, which introduces additional vertices.

Constraints on Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravity by Solar System Tests. (arXiv:2002.03394v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by P. A. González, Marco Olivares, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos, Yerko Vásquez, relevance 0.71

We study the motion of particles in the background of a scalar-tensor theory of gravity in which the scalar field is kinetically coupled to Einstein tensor. We constrain the value of the derivative parameter $z$ through solar system tests. By considering the perihelion precession we obtain the constrain $\sqrt{z}/m_p= 2.6\times 10^{9}$ Km., the gravitational red-shift $\frac{\sqrt{z}}{m_{p}}>2.7\times10^{\,7}$ Km., the deflection of light $\sqrt{z}/m_p > 1.6 \times 10^8$ Km., and the gravitational time delay $\sqrt{z}/m_p > 7.9 \times 10^9$ Km. Our results show that it is possible to constrain the value of the $z$ parameter in agreement with the following observational tests: gravitational red-shift, the deflection of light, and the gravitational time delay or with the gravitational red-shift, the deflection of light and the perihelion precession. However, it is not possible to constraint the $z$ parameter according with all the observational test that have been considered.

Accurate correction of arbitrary spin fermions quantum tunneling from non-stationary Kerr-de Sitter black hole based on corrected Lorentz dispersion relation. (arXiv:2002.03368v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Bei Sha, Zhi-E Liu, Yu-Zhen Liu, Xia Tan, Jie Zhang, Shu-Zheng Yang, relevance 23.87

According to a corrected dispersion relation proposed in the study on string theory and quantum gravity theory, Rarita-Schwinger equation has been precisely modified, which results in a Rarita-Schwinger-Hamilton-Jacobi equation, and through which, the characteristics of arbitrary spin fermions quantum tunneling radiation from non-stationary Kerr-de Sitter black hole are researched. A series of accurately corrected physical quantities such as surface gravity, chemical potential, tunneling probability and Hawking temperature that describe the properties of the black hole are derived. This research has enriched the research methods and made precision of the research contents of black hole physics.

More on the Entropy Product and Dual CFTs. (arXiv:2002.03363v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hanif Golchin, relevance 15.21

In this paper, we check the universality of the entropy product for some black hole and black ring solutions. Applying the asymptotic symmetry group (ASG) analysis, we also find the central charges of the dual CFTs for these solutions. It has been observed \cite{Chen:2013rb} that if the entropy product for a solution is universal, it is possible to read the central charges of the dual CFTs from the entropy product as $c_i \sim \frac{\partial}{\partial N_i}(S_+S_-)$, where $N_i$ is a conserved charge of the solution like angular momentum or electric charge. In this work, we consider some other families of solutions and we check that the same behavior is valid for them. Moreover, in the case of solutions containing the conical singularity, we find the central charges using the ASG analysis. We show that the central charges receive a contribution from the conical characteristic $\kappa$ of the solution, however it is still possible to read the central charges from the entropy product.

Gravitational Lensing in a Model of Nonlinear Electrodynamics: The case for electrically and magnetically charged compact objects. (arXiv:2002.03362v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by O.Gurtug, M.Mangut, relevance 1.29

This paper aims to investigate the astrophysical applicability of the electrically and magnetically charged black hole solutions obtained in a model of nonlinear electrodynamics proposed by Kruglov (Ann. Phys. Berlin 2017, 529, 170073). Theoretical calculations of the bending angles and gravitational redshifts from the theory of general relativity are studied numerically by using the stellar data of charged compact objects and a hypothetical quark star model. Calculations have revealed that although the theoretical outcomes differ from the linear Maxwell case, the plotted bending angles coincide with the linear case and it becomes hard to identify the effect of nonlinearity. However, the calculation of the redshift has shown that while the increase in the electric field leads to a decrease in the gravitational redshift,the presence of the strong magnetic field contributes to the gravitational redshift in an increasing manner.

On the beta-decay of the accelerated proton and neutrino oscillations: a three-flavor description with CP violation. (arXiv:2002.03351v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Massimo Blasone, Gaetano Lambiase, Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano, Luciano Petruzziello, relevance 0.00

The (inverse) beta-decay of uniformly accelerated protons (p -> n + e+ + ne) has been recently analyzed in the context of two-flavor neutrino mixing and oscillations. It has been shown that the decay rates as measured by an inertial and comoving observer are in agreement, provided that: i) the thermal nature of the accelerated vacuum (Unruh effect) is taken into account; ii) the asymptotic behavior of neutrinos is described through flavor (rather than mass) eigenstates; iii) the Unruh radiation is made up of oscillating neutrinos. Here we extend the above considerations to a more realistic scenario including three generations of Dirac neutrinos. By following the outlined recipe, we find that the equality between the two rates still holds true, confirming that mixing is perfectly consistent with the General Covariance of Quantum Field Theory. Notably, we prove that the analysis of CP violation in neutrino oscillations provides a further solid argument for flavor states as fundamental representation of asymptotic neutrino states. Our approach is finally discussed in comparison with the other treatments appeared in literature.

Doped holographic fermionic system. (arXiv:2002.03343v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Wenjun Huang, Guoyang Fu, Dan Zhang, Zhenhua Zhou, Jian-Pin Wu, relevance 12.31

We construct a two-current model. It includes two gauge fields, which introduce the doping effect, and a neutral scalar field. And then we numerically construct an AdS black brane geometry with scalar hair. Over this background, we study the fermionic system with the pseudoscalar Yukawa coupling. Some universal properties from the pseudoscalar Yukawa coupling are revealed. In particular, as the coupling increases, there is a transfer of the spectral weight from the low energy band to the high energy band. The transfer is over low energy scales but not over all energy scales. The peculiar properties are also explored. The study shows that with the increase of the doping, the gap opens more difficult. It indicates that there is a competition between the pseudoscalar Yukawa coupling and the doping.

Pulsar timing array signals induced by black hole binaries in relativistic eccentric orbits. (arXiv:2002.03285v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Abhimanyu Susobhanan, Achamveedu Gopakumar, George Hobbs, Stephen R. Taylor, relevance 9.28

Individual supermassive black hole binaries in non-circular orbits are possible nanohertz gravitational wave sources for the rapidly maturing Pulsar Timing Array experiments. We develop an accurate and efficient approach to compute Pulsar Timing Array signals due to gravitational waves from inspiraling supermassive black hole binaries in relativistic eccentric orbits. Our approach employs a Keplerian-type parametric solution to model third post-Newtonian accurate precessing eccentric orbits while a novel semi-analytic prescription is provided to model the effects of quadrupolar order gravitational wave emission. These inputs lead to a semi-analytic prescription to model such signals, induced by non-spinning black hole binaries inspiralling along arbitrary eccentricity orbits. Additionally, we provide a fully analytic prescription to model Pulsar Timing Array signals from black hole binaries inspiraling along moderately eccentric orbits, influenced by Boetzelet al.[Phys. Rev. D 96,044011(2017)]. These approaches are being incorporated into Enterprise and TEMPO2 for searching the presence of such binaries in Pulsar Timing Array datasets.

Measuring Nuclear Matter Parameters with NICER and LIGO/Virgo. (arXiv:2002.03210v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Josef Zimmerman (1), Zack Carson (1), Kristen Schumacher (2), Andrew W. Steiner (3 and 4), Kent Yagi (1) ((1) University of Virginia, (2) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, (3) University of Tennessee, (4) Oak Ridge National Laboratory), relevance 0.00

The NICER Collaboration recently reported the measurement of the mass and radius of a pulsar PSR J0030+0451. We here use this new measurement to constrain one of the higher-order nuclear matter parameters $K_{\mathrm{sym,0}}$. We further combine the tidal measurement of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 by LIGO/Virgo to derive a joint 1-$\sigma$ constraint as $K_{\mathrm{sym,0}} = -102^{+71}_{-72}$ MeV. We believe this is the most reliable bound on the parameter to date under the assumption that there is no new physics above the saturation density which impacts neutron star observations.

Distinguishing Brans-Dicke-Kerr type naked singularities and black holes with their thin disk electromagnetic radiation properties. (arXiv:2002.03186v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shahab Shahidi, Tiberiu Harko, Zoltán Kovács, relevance 8.41

The possible existence of naked singularities, hypothetical astrophysical objects, characterized by a gravitational singularity without an event horizon is still an open problem in present day astrophysics. From an observational point of view distinguishing between astrophysical black holes and naked singularities also represents a major challenge. One possible way of differentiating naked singularities from black holes is through the comparative study of thin accretion disks properties around these different types of compact objects. In the present paper we continue the comparative investigation of accretion disk properties around axially-symmetric rotating geometries in Brans-Dicke theory in the presence of a massless scalar field. The solution of the field equations contains the Kerr metric as a particular case, and, depending on the numerical values of the model parameter $\gamma$, has also solutions corresponding to non-trivial black holes and naked singularities, respectively. Due to the differences in the exterior geometries between black holes and Brans-Dicke-Kerr naked singularities, the thermodynamic and electromagnetic properties of the disks (energy flux, temperature distribution and equilibrium radiation spectrum) are different for these two classes of compact objects, consequently giving clear observational signatures that could discriminate between black holes and naked singularities.

Stephen William Hawking: A Biographical Memoir. (arXiv:2002.03185v1 [physics.hist-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Bernard J. Carr, George F.R. Ellis, Gary W. Gibbons, James B. Hartle, Thomas Hertog, Roger Penrose, Malcolm J. Perry, Kip S. Thorne, relevance 23.43

Stephen Hawking's contributions to the understanding of gravity, black holes and cosmology were truly immense. They began with the singularity theorems in the 1960s followed by his discovery that black holes have an entropy and consequently a finite temperature. Black holes were predicted to emit thermal radiation, what is now called Hawking radiation. He pioneered the study of primordial black holes and their potential role in cosmology. His organisation of and contributions to the Nuffield Workshop in 1982 consolidated the picture that the large-scale structure of the universe originated as quantum fluctuations during the inflationary era. Work on the interplay between quantum mechanics and general relativity resulted in his formulation of the concept of the wavefunction of the universe. The tension between quantum mechanics and general relativity led to his struggles with the information paradox concerning deep connections between these fundamental areas of physics.

These achievements were all accomplished following the diagnosis during the early years of Stephen's studies as a post-graduate student in Cambridge that he had incurable motor neuron disease -- he was given two years to live. Against all the odds, he lived a further 55 years. The distinction of his work led to many honours and he became a major public figure, promoting with passion the needs of disabled people. His popular best-selling book A Brief History of Time made cosmology and his own work known to the general public worldwide. He became an icon for science and an inspiration to all.

Tensor Categories arising from the Virasoro Algebra. (arXiv:2002.03180v1 [math.RT])
in hep-th by Thomas Creutzig, Cuipo Jiang, Florencia Orosz Hunziker, David Ridout, Jinwei Yang, relevance 6.14

We show that there is a braided tensor category structure on the category of $C_1$-cofinite modules for the (universal or simple) Virasoro vertex operator algebras of arbitrary central charge. In the generic case of central charge $c=13-6(t+t^{-1})$, with $t \notin \mathbb{Q}$, we prove semisimplicity, rigidity and non-degeneracy and also compute the fusion rules of this tensor category.

Comment on "On the general relativistic framework of the Sagnac effect" EPJC 79:187. (arXiv:2002.03111v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by H. Ramezani-Aval, relevance 0.88

In a recent paper EPJC 79:187 the general relativistic framework of the Sagnac effect was investigated. We have some comments on this paper. We show that their conclusion about the apparent variation of the speed of light does not hold in stationary spacetimes. Also, We show that their definition of gravitational Coriolis potential and gravitational Coriolis time dilation are inconsistent with what is stated in standard references.

Diagonal and Hall holographic conductivities dual to a bulk condensate of magnetic monopoles. (arXiv:2002.03074v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Romulo Rougemont (Rio de Janeiro State U.), relevance 7.04

By employing the holographic operator mixing technique to deal with coupled perturbations in the gauge/gravity duality, I numerically compute the real and imaginary parts of the diagonal and Hall AC conductivities in a strongly coupled quantum field theory dual to a bulk condensate of magnetic monopoles. The results obtained show that a conclusion previously derived in the literature, namely, the vanishing of holographic DC conductivities in 3-dimensional strongly coupled quantum field theories dual to a 4-dimensional bulk magnetic monopole condensate, also applies to the calculation of diagonal and Hall conductivities in the presence of a topological $\theta$-term. Therefore, the condensation of magnetic monopoles in the bulk is suggested as a rather general and robust mechanism to generate dual strongly coupled quantum field theories with zero DC conductivities. The interplay between frequency, $\theta$-angle and the characteristic mass scale of the monopole condensate on the results for the conductivities is also investigated.

A Neutron Star with a Strange Quark Star-like Mass-Radius Relation. (arXiv:2002.03025v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by A. Savaş Arapoğlu, A. Emrah Yükselci, relevance 0.00

We study the structure of spherically symmetric and static objects in the presence of a nonminimally coupled scalar field having a potential of the form $V(\phi)=-\mu^2\phi^2/2+\lambda\phi^4/4$. We numerically solve equations of the system using two different realistic equations of state for neutron matter and give the mass-radius relations as well as the radial profiles of the scalar field, densities and the mass function for a sample configuration. We show that a specific solution type encountered in such systems causes characteristic neutron star mass-radius relations to turn into the ones belonging to strange quark stars.

Galactic Condensates composed of Multiple Axion Species. (arXiv:2002.03022v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Joshua Eby, Madelyn Leembruggen, Lauren Street, Peter Suranyi, L.C.R. Wijewardhana, relevance 0.00

Ultralight scalar dark matter has been proposed to constitute a component of dark matter, though the minimal scenarios have increasingly become constrained. In this work, we analyze scenarios where the dark matter consists of more than one ultralight boson, each with different masses. This potentially leads to formation of gravitationally-bound Bose-Einstein condensates with structures that are very different from condensates composed of a single scalar field. By generalizing from the well-understood single-flavor case, we explore a large range of input parameters, subject to stability criteria, and determine the allowed parameter space for two-flavor condensates as a function of particle physics parameters, paying particular attention to cases where such condensates could compose galactic cores. We also analyze single-flavor condensates subject to external gravity from massive inner bodies and find that such systems may mimic the size of galactic cores as well.

The matrix regularization for Riemann surfaces with magnetic fluxes. (arXiv:2002.02993v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hiroyuki Adachi, Goro Ishiki, Takaki Matsumoto, Kaishu Saito, relevance 0.62

We consider the matrix regularization of fields on a Riemann surface which couple to gauge fields with a nonvanishing magnetic flux. We show that such fields are described as rectangular matrices in the matrix regularization. We construct the matrix regularization explicitly for the case of the sphere and torus based on the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization, and also discuss a possible generalization to cases with higher genera. We also discuss the matrix version of the Laplacian acting on the rectangular matrices.

Relative Anomaly in (1+1)d Rational Conformal Field Theory. (arXiv:2002.02984v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Meng Cheng, Dominic J. Williamson, relevance 3.84

We study 't Hooft anomalies of symmetry-enriched rational conformal field theories (RCFT) in (1+1)d. Such anomalies determine whether a theory can be realized in a truly (1+1)d system with on-site symmetry, or on the edge of a (2+1)d symmetry-protected topological phase. RCFTs with the identical symmetry actions on their chiral algebras may have different 't Hooft anomalies due to additional symmetry charges on local primary operators. To compute the relative anomaly, we establish a precise correspondence between (1+1)d RCFTs and (2+1)d symmetry-enriched topological (SET) phases with a choice of symmetric gapped boundary. Based on these results we derive a general formula for the relative 't Hooft anomaly in terms of algebraic data that characterizes the SET phase and its boundary.

Deconfined metallic quantum criticality: A $U(2)$ gauge-theoretic approach. (arXiv:2002.02972v4 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Liujun Zou, Debanjan Chowdhury, relevance 3.50

We discuss a new class of quantum phase transitions -- Deconfined Mott Transition (DMT) -- that describe a continuous transition between a Fermi liquid metal with a generic electronic Fermi surface and an electrical insulator without Fermi surfaces of emergent neutral excitations. We construct a unified $U(2)$ gauge theory to describe a variety of metallic and insulating phases, which include Fermi liquids, fractionalized Fermi liquids (FL*), conventional insulators and quantum spin liquids, as well as the quantum phase transitions between them. Using the DMT as a basic building block, we propose a distinct quantum phase transition -- Deconfined Metal-Metal Transition (DM$^2$T) -- that describes a continuous transition between two metallic phases, accompanied by a jump in the size of their electronic Fermi surfaces (also dubbed a 'Fermi transition'). We study these new classes of deconfined metallic quantum critical points using a renormalization group framework at the leading nontrivial order in a controlled expansion, and comment on the various interesting scenarios that can emerge going beyond this leading order calculation. We also study a $U(1)\times U(1)$ gauge theory that shares a number of similarities with the $U(2)$ gauge theory and sheds important light on many phenomena related to DMT, DM$^2$T and quantum spin liquids.

Eigenstate Thermalization and Disorder Averaging in Gravity. (arXiv:2002.02971v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jason Pollack, Moshe Rozali, James Sully, David Wakeham, relevance 5.83

Naively, a resolution of the black hole information paradox appears to involve microscopic details of a theory of quantum gravity. However, recent work has argued that a unitary Page curve can be recovered by including novel replica instantons in the gravitational path integral. Moreover, replica instantons seem to rely on disorder averaging the microscopic theory, without a definite connection to a single, underlying unitary quantum system. In this letter, we show that disorder averaging and replica instantons emerge naturally from a gravitational effective theory built out of typical microscopic states. We relate replica instantons to a moment expansion of the simple operators appearing in the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis, describe Feynman rules for computing the moments, and find an elegant microcanonical description of replica instantons in terms of wormholes and Euclidean black holes.

Conformal Field Theories with Sporadic Group Symmetry. (arXiv:2002.02970v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jin-Beom Bae, Jeffrey A. Harvey, Kimyeong Lee, Sungjay Lee, Brandon C. Rayhaun, relevance 6.09

The monster sporadic group is the automorphism group of a central charge $c=24$ vertex operator algebra (VOA) or meromorphic conformal field theory (CFT). In addition to its $c=24$ stress tensor $T(z)$, this theory contains many other conformal vectors of smaller central charge; for example, it admits $48$ commuting $c=\frac12$ conformal vectors whose sum is $T(z)$. Such decompositions of the stress tensor allow one to construct new CFTs from the monster CFT in a manner analogous to the Goddard-Kent-Olive (GKO) coset method for affine Lie algebras. We use this procedure to produce evidence for the existence of a number of CFTs with sporadic symmetry groups and employ a variety of techniques, including Hecke operators, modular linear differential equations, and Rademacher sums, to compute the characters of these CFTs. Our examples include (extensions of) nine of the sporadic groups appearing as subquotients of the monster, as well as the simple groups ${}^2{E}_6(2)$ and ${F}_4(2)$ of Lie type. Many of these examples are naturally associated to McKay's $\widehat{E_8}$ correspondence, and we use the structure of Norton's monstralizer pairs more generally to organize our presentation.

Resonant backreaction in axion inflation. (arXiv:2002.02952v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by Valerie Domcke, Veronica Guidetti, Yvette Welling, Alexander Westphal, relevance 3.12

Axion inflation entails a coupling of the inflaton field to gauge fields through the Chern-Simons term. This results in a strong gauge field production during inflation, which backreacts on the inflaton equation of motion. Here we show that this strongly non-linear system generically experiences a resonant enhancement of the gauge field production, resulting in oscillatory features in the inflaton velocity as well as in the gauge field spectrum. The gauge fields source a strongly enhanced scalar power spectrum at small scales, exceeding previous estimates. For appropriate parameter choices, the collapse of these over-dense regions can lead to a large population of (light) primordial black holes with remarkable phenomenological consequences.

Swampland, Trans-Planckian Censorship and Fine-Tuning Problem for Inflation: Tunnelling Wavefunction to the Rescue. (arXiv:2002.02941v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Suddhasattwa Brahma, Robert Brandenberger, Dong-han Yeom, relevance 0.00

The trans-Planckian censorship conjecture implies that single-field models of inflation require an extreme fine-tuning of the initial conditions due to the very low-scale of inflation. In this work, we show how a quantum cosmological proposal -- namely the tunneling wavefunction -- naturally provides the necessary initial conditions without requiring such fine-tunings. More generally, we show how the tunneling wavefunction can provide suitable initial conditions for hilltop inflation models, the latter being typically preferred by the swampland constraints.

Constraints on long range force from perihelion precession of planets in a gauged $L_e-L_{\mu,\tau}$ scenario. (arXiv:2002.02935v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Tanmay Kumar Poddar, Subhendra Mohanty, Soumya Jana, relevance 1.10

The standard model particles can be gauged in an anomaly free way by three possible gauge symmetries namely ${L_e-L_\mu}$, ${L_e-L_\tau}$, and ${L_\mu-L_\tau}$. Of these, ${L_e-L_\mu}$ and ${L_e-L_\tau}$ forces can mediate between the Sun and the planets and change planetary orbits. It is well known that a deviation from the $1/r^2$ Newtonian force can give rise to a perihelion advancement in the planetary orbit, for instance, as in the well known case of Einstein's gravity which was tested from the observation of the perihelion advancement of the Mercury. We consider the Yukawa potential of ${L_e-L_{\mu,\tau}}$ force which arises between the Sun and the planets if the mass of the gauge boson is $M_{Z^{\prime}}\leq \mathcal{O}(10^{-19})\rm {eV}$. We derive the formula for the perihelion advancement for such Yukawa type fifth force. We find that perihelion advancement is proportional to the square of the semi major axis of the orbit for the Yukawa potential, unlike GR, where it is largest for the nearest planet. We take the observational limits of all planets for which the perihelion advancement is measured and we obtain the gauge boson coupling $g$ in the range $10^{-18}$ to $10^{-16}$ for the mass range $10^{-22}$eV to $10^{-18}$eV. This mass range of gauge boson can be a possible candidate of fuzzy dark matter whose effect can therefore be observed in the precession measurement of the planetary orbits.

Precision Gravity Tests and the Einstein Equivalence Principle. (arXiv:2002.02907v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by G. M. Tino, L. Cacciapuoti, S. Capozziello, G. Lambiase, F. Sorrentino, relevance 0.43

General Relativity is today the best theory of gravity addressing a wide range of phenomena. Our understanding of physical laws, from cosmology to local scales, cannot be properly formulated without taking into account it. It is based on one of the most fundamental principles of Nature, the Equivalence Principle, which represents the core of the Einstein theory of gravity. The confirmation of its validity at different scales and in different contexts represents one of the main challenges of modern physics both from the theoretical and the experimental points of view. A major issue related to this principle is the fact that we actually do not know if it is valid at quantum level. Furthermore, recent progress on relativistic theories of gravity have to take into account new issues like Dark Matter and Dark Energy, as well as the validity of fundamental principles like local Lorentz and position invariance. Experiments allow to set stringent constraints on well established symmetry laws, on the physics beyond the Standard Model of particles and interactions, and on General Relativity and its possible extensions. In this review, we discuss precision tests of gravity in General Relativity and alternative theories and their relation with the Equivalence Principle. In the first part, we discuss the Einstein Equivalence Principle according to its weak and strong formulation. We recall some basic topics of General Relativity and the necessity of its extension. Some models of modified gravity are presented in some details. The second part of the paper is devoted to the experimental tests of the Equivalence Principle in its weak formulation. We present the results and methods used in high-precision experiments, and discuss the potential and prospects for future experimental tests.

Solutions of $BC_{n}$ Type of WDVV Equations. (arXiv:2002.02900v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Maali Alkadhem, Georgios Antoniou, Misha Feigin, relevance 0.00

We give a family of solutions of Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde equations in $n$-dimensional space. It is defined in terms of $BC_{n}$ root system and $n+2$ independent multiplicity parameters. We also apply these solutions to define some ${\mathcal N}=4$ supersymmetric mechanical systems.

Detecting the anisotropic astrophysical gravitational wave background in the presence of shot noise through cross-correlations. (arXiv:2002.02888v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by David Alonso, Giulia Cusin, Pedro G. Ferreira, Cyril Pitrou, relevance 12.91

The spatial and temporal discreteness of gravitational wave sources leads to shot noise that may, in some regimes, swamp any attempts at measuring the anisotropy of the gravitational wave background. Cross-correlating a gravitational wave background map with a sufficiently dense galaxy survey can alleviate this issue, and potentially recover some of the underlying properties of the gravitational wave background. We quantify the shot noise level and we explicitly show that cross-correlating the gravitational wave background and a galaxy catalog improves the chances of a first detection of the background anisotropy with a gravitational wave observatory operating in the frequency range (10Hz,100Hz), given sufficient sensitivity.

Four-loop QCD MOM beta functions from the three-loop vertices at the symmetric point. (arXiv:2002.02875v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexander Bednyakov, Andrey Pikelner, relevance 0.68

For the first time, we compute three-loop contributions to all triple vertices in QCD at the symmetric point. The analytic results are obtained in massless QCD with an arbitrary color group in the Landau gauge. All new loop integrals are expressed in terms of harmonic polylogarithms at the sixth root of unity. These corrections allow us to derive expressions for the four-loop QCD beta function in a set of momentum-subtraction schemes.

Quantum scrambling and the growth of mutual information. (arXiv:2002.02867v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Akram Touil, Sebastian Deffner, relevance 9.82

Quantum information scrambling refers to the loss of local recoverability of quantum information, which has found widespread attention from high energy physics to quantum computing. In the present analysis we propose a possible starting point for the development of a comprehensive framework for the thermodynamics of scrambling. To this end, we prove that the growth of entanglement as quantified by the mutual information is lower bounded by the time-dependent change of Out-Of-Time-Ordered Correlator. We further show that the rate of increase of the mutual information can be upper bounded by the sum of local entropy productions, and the exchange entropy arising from the flow of information between separate partitions of a quantum system. Our results are illustrated for the ion trap system, that was recently used to verify information scrambling in an experiment, and for the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model.

Geometric description of the Kitaev honeycomb lattice model. (arXiv:2002.02849v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ashk Farjami, Matthew D. Horner, Chris N. Self, Zlatko Papić, Jiannis K. Pachos, relevance -5.45

It is widely accepted that topological superconductors can only have an effective interpretation in terms of curved geometry rather than gauge fields due to their charge neutrality. This approach is commonly employed in order to investigate their properties, such as the behaviour of their energy currents. Nevertheless, it is not known how accurately curved geometry can describe actual microscopic models. Here, we demonstrate that the low-energy properties of the Kitaev honeycomb lattice model, a topological superconductor that supports localised Majorana zero modes at its vortex excitations, are faithfully described in terms of Riemann-Cartan geometry. In particular, we show analytically that the continuum limit of the model is given in terms of the Majorana version of the Dirac Hamiltonian coupled to both curvature and torsion. We numerically establish the accuracy of the geometric description for a wide variety of couplings of the microscopic model. Our work opens up the opportunity to accurately predict dynamical properties of the Kitaev model from its effective geometric description.

DISIMb(2) Local Relativistic Symmetry and Finslerian Extension of the Theory of Relativity. (arXiv:2002.02843v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by George Yu. Bogoslovsky, relevance 0.30

Finslerian extension of the theory of relativity implies that space-time can be not only in an amorphous state which is described by Riemann geometry but also in ordered, i.e. crystalline states which are described by Finsler geometry. Transitions between various metric states of space-time have the meaning of phase transitions in its geometric structure. These transitions together with the evolution of each of the possible metric states make up the general picture of space-time manifold dynamics. It is shown that there are only two types of curved Finslerian spaces endowed with local relativistic symmetry. However the metric of only one of them satisfies the correspondence principle with Riemannian metric of the general theory of relativity and therefore underlies viable Finslerian extension of the GR. Since the existing purely geometric approaches to a Finslerian generalization of Einstein's equations do not allow one to obtain such generalized equations which would provide a local relativistic symmetry of their solutions, special attention is paid to the property of the specific invariance of viable Finslerian metric under local conformal transformations of those fields on which it explicitly depends. It is this property that makes it possible to use the well-known methods of conventional field theory and thereby to circumvent the above-mentioned difficulties arising within the framework of purely geometric approaches to a Finslerian generalization of Einstein's equations.

A Review of the Exceptional Supersymmetric Standard Model. (arXiv:2002.02788v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by S. F. King, S. Moretti, R. Nevzorov, relevance 1.44

Local supersymmetry (SUSY) provides an attractive framework for the incorporation of gravity and unification of gauge interactions within Grand Unified Theories (GUTs). Its breakdown can lead to a variety of models with softly broken SUSY at low energies. In this review article we focus on the SUSY extension of the Standard Model (SM) with an extra U(1)_{N} gauge symmetry originating from a string-inspired E_6 grand unified gauge group. Only in this U(1) extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) inspired by E_6 GUTs the right-handed neutrinos can be superheavy providing a mechanism for the generation of the lepton and baryon asymmetry of the Universe. The particle content of this exceptional supersymmetric standard model (E_6SSM) includes three 27 representations of the E_6 group, to ensure anomaly cancellation, plus a pair of SU(2)_W doublets as required for gauge coupling unification. Thus E_6SSM involves extra exotic matter beyond the MSSM. We consider symmetries that permit to suppress non-diagonal flavour transitions and rapid proton decay, as well as gauge coupling unification, the breakdown of the gauge symmetry and the spectrum of Higgs bosons in this model. The possible Large Hadron Collider (LHC) signatures caused by the presence of exotic states are also discussed.

Mapping of Brans-Dicke theory to chameleon gravity: Phase space analysis and observational constraints. (arXiv:2002.02767v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Amin Salehi, relevance 0.81

It is possible to reconstruct chameleon field equations by transformation of Brans-Dicke equations from Jordan frame (JF) to Einstein frame (EF) under conformal metric $g^*_{\mu\nu}$= $e^{-2\beta\varphi}g_{\mu\nu}$ where $g^*_{\mu\nu}$and $g_{\mu\nu}$ are metrics in Einstein and Jordan Frames respectively and $\beta$ is the chameleon-matter coupling parameter which would be related to Brans-Dicke parameter $\omega_{BD}$ by $\beta=(2\omega_{BD}+3)^{\frac{-1}{2}}$. In this paper, we study the phase space analysis of mapping of Brans-Dick theory to chameleon gravity and investigate the mathematical equivalency of the models in Jordan frame (JF) and Einstein frame (EF). The equivalency of the models in two different frames has twofold advantage for our cosmological studies. Firstly, for those features of the chameleon study which focus on observational measurements it is more appropriate to transform chameleon gravity to Brans-Dicke theory in (JF) where experimental data have their usual interpretation. Secondly, for those aspects of the study that focus on dynamical behavior of the Brans-Dicke theory and its stability in (JF), it provides us the possibility to find the corresponding equations in chameleon mechanism in (EF) which are free from singularity and more easier to discussed then transform them to the Brans-Dick theory in (JF).

Fermion self-trapping in the optical geometry of Einstein-Dirac solitons. (arXiv:2002.02747v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Peter E. D. Leith, Chris A. Hooley, Keith Horne, David G. Dritschel, relevance 0.00

We analyze gravitationally localized states of multiple fermions with high angular momenta, in the formalism introduced by Finster, Smoller, and Yau [Phys Rev. D 59, 104020 (1999)]. We show that the resulting soliton-like wave functions can be naturally interpreted in terms of a form of self-trapping, where the fermions become localized on shells the locations of which correspond to those of `bulges' in the optical geometry created by their own energy density.

Higher-spin gravity and torsion on quantized space-time in matrix models. (arXiv:2002.02742v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Harold C. Steinacker, relevance 0.41

A geometric formalism is developed which allows to describe the non-linear regime of higher-spin gravity emerging on a cosmological quantum space-time in the IKKT matrix model. The vacuum solutions are Ricci-flat up to an effective vacuum energy-momentum tensor quadratic in the torsion, which arises from a Weitzenb\"ock-type higher spin connection. Torsion is expected to be significant only at cosmic scales and around very massive objects, and could behave like dark matter. A non-linear equation for the torsion tensor is found, which encodes the Yang-Mills equations of the matrix model. The metric and torsion transform covariantly under a higher-spin generalization of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms, which arises from the gauge invariance of the matrix model.

A general formalism for the stability of Kerr. (arXiv:2002.02740v1 [math.AP])
in gr-qc by Elena Giorgi, Sergiu Klainerman, Jérémie Szeftel, relevance 0.00

The goal of this paper is to provide a geometric framework for analyzing the uniform decay properties of solutions to the Teukolsky equation in the fully nonlinear setting of perturbations of Kerr. It contains the first nonlinear version of the Chandrasekhar transformation introduced in the linearized setting in \cite{D-H-R-Kerr} and \cite{Ma} with the intent to use it in our ongoing project to prove the full nonlinear stability of slowly rotating Kerr as solution to the Einstein vacuum equations.

New accelerating solutions in late-time cosmology. (arXiv:2002.02695v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Michele Cicoli, Giuseppe Dibitetto, Francisco G. Pedro, relevance 0.00

Dark energy models can be seen as dynamical systems. In this paper we show that multi-field models with a curved field space give rise to new critical points and we analyse their stability. These are new accelerating solutions in late-time cosmology which exist even for steep potentials. This opens up the possibility to realise quintessence models even when quantum corrections spoil the flatness of the underlying potential. These non-linear sigma models arise naturally in supergravity and string models where their multi-field dynamics can help to avoid swampland bounds.

Oddity in nonrelativistic, strong gravity. (arXiv:2002.02688v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mert Ergen, Efe Hamamci, Dieter Van den Bleeken, relevance 0.00

We consider the presence of odd powers of the speed of light $c$ in the covariant nonrelativistic expansion of General Relativity (GR). The term of order $c$ in the relativistic metric is a vector potential that contributes at leading order in this expansion and describes strong gravitational effects outside the (post-)Newtonian regime. The nonrelativistic theory of the leading order potentials contains the full non-linear dynamics of the stationary sector of GR.

Discretizing quantum field theories for quantum simulation. (arXiv:2002.02643v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Terry Farrelly, Julien Streich, relevance 1.87

To date, all proposed quantum algorithms for simulating quantum field theory (QFT) simulate (continuous-time) Hamiltonian lattice QFT as a stepping stone. Two overlooked issues are how large we can take the timestep in these simulations while getting the right physics and whether we can go beyond the standard recipe that relies on Hamiltonian lattice QFT. The first issue is crucial in practice for, e.g., trapped-ion experiments which actually have a lower bound on the possible ratio of timestep to lattice spacing. To this end, we show that a timestep equal to or going to zero faster than the spatial lattice spacing is necessary for quantum simulations of QFT, but far more importantly a timestep equal to the lattice spacing is actually sufficient. To do this, first for $\phi^4$ theory, we give a quantum circuit exactly equivalent to the real-time path integral from the discrete-time Lagrangian formulation of lattice QFT. Next we give another circuit with no lattice QFT analogue, but, by using Feynman rules applied to the circuit, we see that it also reproduces the correct continuum behaviour. Finally, we look at non-abelian gauge fields, showing that the discrete-time lattice QFT path-integral is exactly equivalent to a finite-depth local circuit. All of these circuits have an analogue of a lightcone on the lattice and therefore are examples of quantum cellular automata. Aside from the potential practical benefit of these circuits, this all suggests that the path-integral approach to lattice QFT need not be overlooked in quantum simulations of physics and has a simple quantum information interpretation.

Ground Based Gravitational Wave Astronomy in the Asian Region. (arXiv:2002.02637v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Vaishali Adya, Matthew Bailes, Carl Blair, David Blair, Johannes Eichholz, Joris van Heijningen, Eric Howell, Li Ju, Paul Lasky, Andrew Melatos, David Ottaway, Chunnong Zhao, relevance 0.90

The current gravitational wave detectors have identified a surprising population of heavy stellar mass black holes, and an even larger population of coalescing neutron stars. The first observations have led to many dramatic discoveries and the confirmation of general relativity in very strong gravitational fields. The future of gravitational wave astronomy looks bright, especially if additional detectors with greater sensitivity, broader bandwidth, and better global coverage can be implemented. The first discoveries add impetus to gravitational wave detectors designed to detect in the nHz, mHz and kHz frequency bands. This paper reviews the century-long struggle that led to the recent discoveries, and reports on designs and possibilities for future detectors. The benefits of future detectors in the Asian region are discussed, including analysis of the benefits of a detector located in Australia.

Effective quantum kinetic theory for spin transport of fermions with collsional effects. (arXiv:2002.02612v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Di-Lun Yang, Koichi Hattori, Yoshimasa Hidaka, relevance 0.00

We systematically derive the collision term for the axial kinetic theory, a quantum kinetic theory delineating the coupled dynamics of the vector/axial charges and spin transport carried by the massive spin-1/2 fermions traversing a medium. We employ the Wigner-function approach and propose a consistent power-counting scheme where the axial-charge distribution function, a non-conserved quantity for massive particles, is accounted as the first-order quantity in the $ \hbar $ expansion, while the vector-charge distribution function the zeroth-order quantity. This specific power-counting scheme allows us to organize a reduced $ \hbar$ expansion for the collision term and to formally identity the spin-diffusion effect and the spin-polarization effect at the same order. We confirm that the obtained collisional axial kinetic theory smoothly reduces to the chiral kinetic theory in the massless limit, serving as a consistency check. In the absence of electromagnetic fields, we further present the simplified axial kinetic equations suitable for tracking dynamical spin polarization of heavy and light fermions, respectively. As an application to the weakly coupled quark-gluon plasma at high temperature, we compute the spin-diffusion term for massive quarks within the leading-log approximation. The formal expression for the first-order terms provides a path toward evaluation of the spin polarization effect in quantum chromodynamics.

Thin-shell wormholes in Einstein and Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theories of gravity. (arXiv:2002.02577v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Takafumi Kokubu, Tomohiro Harada, relevance 7.53

We review our recent works on the possibility for eternal existence of wormholes. We introduce thin-shell wormholes that are categorized into a class of traversable wormhole solutions. After that, we review stable thin-shell wormholes with negative-tension branes in Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m-(anti) de Sitter spacetimes in $d$ dimensional Einstein gravity. Imposing $Z_2$ symmetry, we construct and classify traversable static thin-shell wormholes in spherical, planar and hyperbolic symmetries. In spherical geometry, it is found that the higher dimensional counterpart of Barcel\'o and Visser's wormholes are stable against spherically symmetric perturbations. It is also found that some classes of thin-shell wormholes in planar and hyperbolic symmetries with a negative cosmological constant are stable against perturbations preserving symmetries. In most cases, stable wormholes are found with the appropriate combination of an electric charge and a negative cosmological constant. However, as special cases, there are stable wormholes even with a vanishing cosmological constant in spherical symmetry and with a vanishing electric charge in hyperbolic symmetry. Subsequently, the existence and dynamical stability of traversable thin-shell wormholes with electrically neutral negative-tension branes is reviewed in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory of gravitation. We consider radial perturbations against the shell for the solutions, which have the $Z_2$ symmetry. The effect of the Gauss-Bonnet term on the stability depends on the spacetime symmetry. For planar symmetric wormholes, the Gauss-Bonnet term does not affect their stability and they are at most marginally stable. If the coupling constant is positive and small, spherically symmetric wormholes are unstable against perturbations and the Gauss-Bonnet term tends to destabilize the wormholes.

Axisymmetric deformations of neutron stars and gravitational-wave astronomy. (arXiv:2002.02555v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Guilherme Raposo, Paolo Pani, relevance 0.82

Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts that the only stationary configuration of an isolated black hole is the Kerr spacetime, which has a unique multipolar structure and a spherical shape when non-spinning. This is in striking contrast to the case of other self-gravitating objects, which instead can in principle have arbitrary deformations even in the static case. Here we develop a general perturbative framework to construct stationary stars with small axisymmetric deformations, and study explicitly compact stars with an intrinsic quadrupole moment. The latter can be sustained, for instance, by crust stresses or strong magnetic fields. While our framework is general, we focus on quadrupolar deformations of neutron stars induced by an anisotropic crust, which continuously connect to spherical neutron stars in the isotropic limit. Deformed neutron stars might provide a more accurate description for stellar remnants formed in supernovae and in binary mergers, and can be used to improve constraints on the neutron-star equation of state through gravitational-wave detections and through the observation of low-mass X-ray binaries. We argue that, if the (dimensionless) intrinsic quadrupole moment is of a few percent or higher, the effect of the deformation is stronger than that of tidal interactions in coalescing neutron-star binaries, and might also significantly affect the electromagnetic signal from accreting neutron stars.

Orbit-induced spin precession as an origin of periodicity in periodically-repeating fast radio bursts. (arXiv:2002.02553v3 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Huan Yang, Yuan-Chuan Zou, relevance 0.00

FRB 180916.J0158+65 has been found to repeatedly emit fast radio bursts with the period in roughly 16 days. We propose that such periodicity comes from orbit-induced, spin precession of the emitter, which is possibly a neutron star. Depending on the mass of the companion, the binary period ranges from several hundred to thousands of seconds. Such tight binaries have a relatively short lifetime, which does not likely come from the gravitational decay of a wide binary. We comment on the relation to GW190425 and the possibility in LISA and LIGO detections.

Antipodal Identification in Reissner-Nordstr\"om Spacetime. (arXiv:2002.02501v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Nathaniel A. Strauss, Bernard F. Whiting, Anne T. Franzen, relevance 7.72

We extend the discussion of the antipodal identification of black holes to the Reissner-Nordstr\"om (RN) spacetime. We solve the massless Klein-Gordon equation in the RN background in terms of scattering coefficients and provide a procedure for constructing a solution for an arbitrary analytic extension of RN. The behavior of the maximally extended solution is highly dependent upon the coefficients of scattering between the inner and outer horizons, so we present the low-frequency behavior of, and numerical solutions for, these quantities. We find that, for low enough frequency, field amplitudes of solutions with purely positive or negative frequency at each horizon will acquire only a phase after passing both the inner and outer horizons, while at higher frequencies the amplitudes will tend to grow exponentially either to the future or to the past, and decay exponentially in the other direction. Regardless, we can always construct a complete basis of globally antipodal symmetric and antisymmetric solutions for any finite analytic extension of RN. We have characterized this basis in terms of positive and negative frequency solutions so that they could be used to begin constructing the corresponding quantum field theory.

Melting holographic mesons by cooling a magnetized quark gluon plasma. (arXiv:2002.02470v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Daniel Ávila, Leonardo Patiño, relevance 7.30

We extend our analysis of holographic meson dissociation in the presence of an intense magnetic field. In addition to the previously known critical temperature above which the mesons melt, we found that for certain magnetic field intensities there exists a second lower critical temperature, below which stable mesons cease to exist. While we showed before that there is a range of high temperatures for which mesons can be melted by changing the magnetic field intensity, here we show that, as a consequence of the second critical point, there is also a range of low temperatures for which this phenomenom, which we term Magnetic Meson Melting (MMM), can be triggered. Additionaly, we also show that the magnetic field decreases the mass gap of the meson spectrum along with their masses. We are able to observe this by constructing a configuration that makes it possible to apply gauge/gravity methods to study fundamental degrees of freedom in a quark-gluon plasma subject to a magnetic field as intense as that expected in high energy collisions. This is achieved by the confection of a ten-dimensional background that is dual to the magnetized plasma and nonetheless permits the embedding of D7-branes in it. The main difference with previous approaches, which in consequence gives the novel results, is that the magnetic field retroacts in the geometry itself, as opposed to be confined to the world volume of the probe D7-branes.

Relaxing the Higgs mass and its vacuum energy by living at the top of the potential. (arXiv:2002.02463v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alessandro Strumia, Daniele Teresi, relevance 0.00

We consider an ultra-light scalar coupled to the Higgs in the presence of heavier new physics. In the electroweak broken phase the Higgs gives a tree-level contribution to the light-scalar potential, while new physics contributes at loop level. Thereby, the theory has a cosmologically meta-stable phase where the light scalar is around the top of its potential, and the Higgs is a loop factor lighter than new physics. Such regions with precarious naturalness are anthropically and environmentally selected, as regions with heavier Higgs crunch quickly. We expect observable effects of rolling in the dark-energy equation of state. Furthermore, vacuum energies up to the weak scale can be canceled down to anthropically small values.

Intelligent Arxiv: Sort daily papers by learning users topics preference. (arXiv:2002.02460v1 [cs.LG])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ezequiel Alvarez (ICAS), Federico Lamagna (CAB), Cesar Miquel (Easytech), Manuel Szewc (ICAS), relevance 0.25

Current daily paper releases are becoming increasingly large and areas of research are growing in diversity. This makes it harder for scientists to keep up to date with current state of the art and identify relevant work within their lines of interest. The goal of this article is to address this problem using Machine Learning techniques. We model a scientific paper to be built as a combination of different scientific knowledge from diverse topics into a new problem. In light of this, we implement the unsupervised Machine Learning technique of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) on the corpus of papers in a given field to: i) define and extract underlying topics in the corpus; ii) get the topics weight vector for each paper in the corpus; and iii) get the topics weight vector for new papers. By registering papers preferred by a user, we build a user vector of weights using the information of the vectors of the selected papers. Hence, by performing an inner product between the user vector and each paper in the daily Arxiv release, we can sort the papers according to the user preference on the underlying topics.

We have created the website where users can read sorted daily Arxiv releases (and more) while the algorithm learns each users preference, yielding a more accurate sorting every day. Current version runs on Arxiv categories astro-ph, gr-qc, hep-ph and hep-th and we plan to extend to others. We propose several new useful and relevant implementations to be additionally developed as well as new Machine Learning techniques beyond LDA to further improve the accuracy of this new tool.

Universality in the classical limit of massless gravitational scattering. (arXiv:2002.02459v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Zvi Bern, Harald Ita, Julio Parra-Martinez, Michael S. Ruf, relevance 0.00

We demonstrate the universality of the gravitational classical deflection angle of massless particles through O(G^3) by studying the high-energy limit of full two-loop four-graviton scattering amplitudes in pure Einstein gravity as well as N >= 4 supergravity. As a by-product, our first-principles calculation provides a direct confirmation of the massless deflection angle in Einstein gravity proposed long ago by Amati, Ciafaloni and Veneziano, and is inconsistent with a recently proposed alternative.

Towards a Swampland Global Symmetry Conjecture using Weak Gravity. (arXiv:2002.02456v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tristan Daus, Arthur Hebecker, Sascha Leonhardt, John March-Russell, relevance 1.65

It is widely believed and in part established that exact global symmetries are inconsistent with quantum gravity. One then expects that approximate global symmetries can be quantitatively constrained by quantum gravity or swampland arguments. We provide such a bound for an important class of global symmetries: Those arising from a gauged $U(1)$ with the vector made massive via a Nambu-Goldstone mode. The latter is an axion which necessarily couples to instantons, and their action can be constrained, using both the electric and magnetic version of the axionic weak gravity conjecture, in terms of the cutoff of the theory. As a result, instanton-induced symmetry breaking operators with a suppression factor not smaller than $\exp(-M_{\rm P}^2/\Lambda^2)$ are present, where $\Lambda$ is a cutoff of the 4d effective theory. We provide a general argument and clarify the meaning of $\Lambda$. Simple 4d and 5d models are presented to illustrate this, and we recall that this is the standard way in which things work out in string compactifications with brane instantons. We discuss the relation of our constraint to bounds that can be derived from wormholes or gravitational instantons and to those motivated by black-hole effects at finite temperature. Finally, we discuss potential loopholes to our arguments.

The Holographic Nature of Null Infinity. (arXiv:2002.02448v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Alok Laddha, Siddharth G. Prabhu, Suvrat Raju, Pushkal Shrivastava, relevance 33.78

We argue that, in a theory of quantum gravity in a four dimensional asymptotically flat spacetime, all information about massless excitations can be obtained from an infinitesimal neighbourhood of the past boundary of future null infinity and does not require observations over all of future null infinity. Moreover, all information about the state that can be obtained through observations near a cut of future null infinity can also be obtained from observations near any earlier cut although the converse is not true. We provide independent arguments for these two assertions. Similar statements hold for past null infinity. These statements have immediate implications for the information paradox since they suggest that the fine-grained von Neumann entropy of the state defined on a segment $(-\infty,u)$ of future null infinity is independent of u. This is very different from the oft-discussed Page curve that this entropy is sometimes expected to obey. We contrast our results with recent discussions of the Page curve in the context of black hole evaporation, and also discuss the relation of our results to other proposals for holography in flat space.

On the equipartition theorem and black holes nongaussian entropies. (arXiv:2002.02435v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Everton M. C. Abreu, Jorge Ananias Neto, Edésio M. Barboza Jr., Albert C. R. Mendes, Bráulio B. Soares, relevance 17.25

In this Letter we have shown that, from the standard thermodynamic functions, the mathematical form of an equipartition theorem may be related to the algebraic expression of a particular entropy initially chosen to describe the black hole thermodynamics. Namely, we have different equipartition expressions for distinct statistics. To this end, four different mathematical expressions for the entropy have been selected to demonstrate our objective. Furthermore, a possible phase transition is observed in the heat capacity behavior of the Tsallis and Cirto entropy model.

Initial conditions for plateau inflation: a case study. (arXiv:2002.02420v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Tommi Tenkanen, Eemeli Tomberg, relevance 0.00

We study initial conditions for inflation in scenarios where the inflaton potential has a plateau shape. Such models are those most favored by Planck data and can be obtained in a large number of model classes. As a representative example, we consider Higgs inflation with and without an $R^2$ term in the context of Palatini gravity. We show that inflation with a large number of e-folds generically occurs in a large part of the parameter space without any fine-tuning of parameters even when the scale of inflation and the inflaton field value during inflation are much smaller than the Planck scale. We discuss consequences for detection of primordial gravitational waves and spectral tilt of curvature perturbations, as well as the recently proposed "Trans-Planckian Censorship" conjecture.

Minimal coupling in presence of non-metricity and torsion. (arXiv:2002.02404v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Adria Delhom, relevance 0.00

We deal with the question of what are and what are not minimal coupling prescriptions in presence of torsion and/or non-metricity, carefully explaining while the naive substitution $\partial\to\nabla$ is not actually a minimal coupling prescritpion. We will also investigate whether minimal coupling prescriptions at the level of the action (MCPL) or at the level of field equations (MCP) lead to different dynamics. To that end, we will first write the Euler-Lagrange equations for matter fields in terms of the covariant derivatives of a general non-Riemannian space, and derivate the form of the associated Noether currents and charges. Then we will see that, if the correct minimal coupling prescriptions is applied, for spin 0 and 1 fields the results of MCPL and MCP are equivalent, while for spin 1/2 fields there is a difference if one applies the MCP or the MCPL, since the former leads to charge violation. We will also explicitly show how the usual naive substitution $\partial\to\nabla$ is not a minimal coupling prescription for spin 0, 1/2 and 1 fields in presence of torsion and/or non-metricity.

Beyond the standard model with six-dimensional spacetime. (arXiv:2002.02391v2 [physics.gen-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David Chester, Michael Rios, Alessio Marrani, relevance 4.96

6D spacetime with $SO(3,3)$ symmetry is utilized to efficiently encode three generations of matter. A graviGUT model is generalized to a class of models that all contain three generations and Higgs boson candidates. Pati-Salam, $SU(5)$, and $SO(10)$ grand unified theories are found when a single generation is isolated. For example, a $SO(4,2)$ spacetime group may be used for conformal symmetry, $AdS_5\rightarrow dS_4$, or simply broken to $SO(3,1)$ of Minkowski space. Another class of models finds $SO(2,2)$ and can give $AdS_3$.

On BF-type higher-spin actions in two dimensions. (arXiv:2002.02387v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by K.B. Alkalaev, Xavier Bekaert, relevance 1.36

We propose a non-abelian higher-spin theory in two dimensions for an infinite multiplet of massive scalar fields and infinitely many topological higher-spin gauge fields together with their dilaton-like partners. The spectrum includes local degrees of freedom although the field equations take the form of flatness and covariant constancy conditions because fields take values in a suitable extension of the infinite-dimensional higher-spin algebra $hs[\lambda]$. The corresponding action functional is of BF-type and generalizes the known topological higher-spin Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity.

Joseph Polchinski: A Biographical Memoir. (arXiv:2002.02371v2 [physics.hist-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Raphael Bousso, Fernando Quevedo, Steven Weinberg, relevance 11.47

Joseph Polchinski (1954-2018), one of the the leading theoretical physicists of the past 50 years, was an exceptionally broad and deep thinker. He made fundamental contributions to quantum field theory, advancing the role of the renormalization group, and to cosmology, addressing the cosmological constant problem. Polchinski's work on D-branes revolutionized string theory and led to the discovery of a nonperturbative quantum theory of gravity. His recent, incisive reformulation of the black hole information paradox presents us with a profound challenge. Joe was deeply devoted to his family, a beloved colleague and advisor, an excellent writer, and an accomplished athlete.

Renormalizability of the center-vortex free sector of Yang-Mills theory. (arXiv:2002.02343v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D. Fiorentini, D. R. Junior, L. E. Oxman, R. F. Sobreiro, relevance 0.54

In this work, we analyzed a recent proposal to detect $SU(N)$ continuum Yang-Mills sectors labeled by center vortices, inspired by Laplacian-type center gauges in the lattice. Initially, after the introduction of appropriate external sources, we obtained a rich set of sector-dependent Ward identities, which can be used to control the form of the divergences. Next, we were able to show the all-order multiplicative renormalizability of the center-vortex free sector. These are important steps towards the establishment of a first principles, well-defined, and calculable Yang-Mills ensemble.

Deriving canonical differential equations for Feynman integrals from a single uniform weight integral. (arXiv:2002.02340v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Christoph Dlapa, Johannes Henn, Kai Yan, relevance 0.00

Differential equations are a powerful tool for evaluating Feynman integrals. Their solution is straightforward if a transformation to a canonical form is found. In this paper, we present an algorithm for finding such a transformation. This novel technique is based on a method due to Hoschele et al. and relies only on the knowledge of a single integral of uniform transcendental weight. As a corollary, the algorithm can also be used to test the uniform transcendentality of a given integral. We discuss the application to several cutting-edge examples, including non-planar four-loop HQET and non-planar two-loop five-point integrals. A Mathematica implementation of our algorithm is made available together with this paper.

Second moment fuzzy-field-theory-like matrix models. (arXiv:2002.02317v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mária Šubjaková, Juraj Tekel, relevance 0.58

We solve a multitrace matrix model approximating the real quartic scalar field theory on the fuzzy sphere and obtain its phase diagram. We generalize this method to models with modified kinetic terms and demonstrate its use by investigating models related to the removal of the UV/IR mixing. We show that for the fuzzy sphere a modification of the kinetic part of the action by higher derivative term can change the phase diagram of the theory such that the triple point moves further from the origin.

Wavelet representation of light-front quantum field theory. (arXiv:2002.02311v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by W. N. Polyzou, relevance 3.05

A formally exact discrete multi-resolution representation of quantum field theory on a light front is presented. The formulation uses an orthonormal basis of compactly supported wavelets to expand the fields restricted to a light front. The representation has a number of useful properties. First, light front preserving Poincar\'e transformations can be computed by transforming the arguments of the basis functions. The discrete field operators, which are defined by integrating the product of the field and the basis functions over the light front, represent localized degrees of freedom on the light-front hyperplane. These discrete fields are irreducible and the vacuum is formally trivial. The light-front Hamiltonian and all of the Poincar\'e generators are linear combinations of normal ordered products of the discrete field operators with analytically computable constant coefficients. The representation is discrete and has natural resolution and volume truncations like lattice formulations. Because it is formally exact it is possible to systematically compute corrections for eliminated degrees of freedom.

Gauge theories on $\kappa$-Minkowski spaces: Twist and modular operators. (arXiv:2002.02309v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Philippe Mathieu, Jean-Christophe Wallet, relevance 4.97

We discuss the construction of $\kappa$-Poincar\'e invariant actions for gauge theories on $\kappa$-Minkowski spaces. We consider various classes of untwisted and (bi)twisted differential calculi. Starting from a natural class of noncommutative differential calculi based on a particular type of twisted derivations belonging to the algebra of deformed translations, combined with a twisted extension of the notion of connection, we prove an algebraic relation between the various twists and the classical dimension d of the $\kappa$-Minkowski space(-time) ensuring the gauge invariance of the candidate actions for gauge theories. We show that within a natural differential calculus based on a distinguished set of twisted derivations, d=5 is the unique value for the classical dimension at which the gauge action supports both the gauge invariance and the $\kappa$-Poincar\'e invariance. Within standard (untwisted) differential calculi, we show that the full gauge invariance cannot be achieved, although an invariance under a group of transformations constrained by the modular (Tomita) operator stemming from the $\kappa$-Poincar\'e invariance still holds.

JIMWLK Evolution, Lindblad Equation and Quantum-Classical Correspondence. (arXiv:2002.02282v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ming Li, Alex Kovner, relevance 0.00

In the Color Glass Condensate(CGC) effective theory, the physics of valence gluons with large longitudinal momentum is reflected in the distribution of color charges in the transverse plane. Averaging over the valence degrees of freedom is effected by integrating over classical color charges with some quasi probability weight functional $W[{\mathbf{j}}]$ whose evolution with rapidity is governed by the JIMWLK equation. In this paper, we reformulate this setup in terms of effective quantum field theory on valence Hilbert space governed by the reduced density matrix $\hat\rho$ for hard gluons, which is obtained after properly integrating out the soft gluon "environment". We show that the evolution of this density matrix with rapidity in the dense and dilute limits has the form of Lindblad equation. The quasi probability distribution (weight) functional $W$ is directly related to the reduced density matrix $\hat\rho$ through the generalization of the Wigner-Weyl quantum-classical correspondence, which reformulates quantum dynamics on Hilbert space in terms of classical dynamics on the phase space. In the present case the phase space is non Abelian and is spanned by the components of transverse color charge density ${\mathbf{j}}$. The same correspondence maps the Lindblad equation for $\hat\rho$ into the JIMWLK evolution equation for $W$ .

Measuring black hole masses from tidal disruption events and testing the $M_{\rm BH}-\sigma_*$ relation. (arXiv:2002.02267v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Z.Q. Zhou (PKU), F.K. Liu (PKU, KIAA), S. Komossa (MPIfR), R. Cao (PKU), L.C. Ho (KIAA, PKU), Xian Chen (PKU, KIAA), Shuo Li (NAOC, PKU), relevance 5.98

Liu and colleagues recently proposed an elliptical accretion disk model for tidal disruption events (TDEs). They showed that the accretion disks of optical/UV TDEs are large and highly eccentric and suggested that the broad optical emission lines with complex and diverse profiles originate in the cool eccentric accretion disk of random inclination and orientation. In this paper, we calculate the radiation efficiency of the elliptical accretion disk and investigate the implications for the observations of TDEs. We compile the observational data of the peak bolometric luminosity and the total radiation energy after peak brightness of 18 TDE sources and compare the observations to the expectations from the elliptical accretion disk model. Our results show that the observations are well consistent with the expectations and that the majority of the orbital energy of the stellar debris is advected onto the black hole (BH) without being converted into radiation. By comparing the observations and the expectations, we derive the masses of the disrupted stars and BHs of the TDEs. The BH masses obtained in this paper are well consistent with those calculated with the M_BH-sigma_* relation. Our results provide an effective method to measure the masses of BHs from thousands or more of the TDEs to be discovered in the ongoing and next-generation sky surveys, no matter whether the BHs are located at the centers of the galactic nuclei or wandering in disks and halos.

Conductivity bound of the strongly interacting and disordered graphene from gauge/gravity duality. (arXiv:2002.02177v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Marek Rogatko, Karol I. Wysokinski, relevance 6.24

The carriers in graphene tuned close to the Dirac point envisage signatures of the strongly interacting fluid and are subject to hydrodynamic description. The important question is whether strong disorder induces the metal-insulator transition in this two-dimensional material. The bound on the conductivity tensor found earlier within the single current description, implies that the system does not feature metal-insulator transition. The linear spectrum of the graphene imposes the phase-space constraints and calls for the two-current description of interacting electron and hole liquids. Based on the gauge/gravity correspondence, using the linear response of the black brane with broken translation symmetry in Einstein-Maxwell gravity with the auxiliary U(1)-gauge field, responsible for the second current, we have calculated the lower bound of the DC-conductivity in holographic model of graphene. The calculations show that the bound on the conductivity depends on the coupling between both U(1) fields and for a physically justified range of parameters it departs only weakly from the value found for a model with the single U(1) field.

Gravitational light deflection in Earth-based laser cavity experiments. (arXiv:2002.02170v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Sebastian Ulbricht, Johannes Dickmann, Robert A. Müller, Stefanie Kroker, Andrey Surzhykov, relevance 0.38

As known from Einstein's theory of general relativity, the propagation of light in the presence of a massive object is affected by gravity. In this work, we discuss whether the effect of gravitational light bending can be observed in Earth-based experiments, using high-finesse optical cavities. In order to do this, we theoretically investigate the dynamics of electromagnetic waves in the spacetime of a homogeneous gravitational field and give an analytical expression for the resulting modifications to Gaussian beam propagation. This theoretical framework is used to calculate the intensity profile at the output of a Fabry-P\'erot cavity and to estimate the imprints of Earth's gravity on the cavity output signal. In particular, we found that gravity causes an asymmetry of the output intensity profile. Based on that, we discuss a measurement scheme, that could be realized in facilities like the GEO600 gravitational wave detector and the AEI 10 m detector prototype.

Towards a real-time fully-coherent all-sky search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences using particle swarm optimization. (arXiv:2002.02150v3 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Marc E. Normandin, Soumya D. Mohanty, relevance 0.00

While a fully-coherent all-sky search is known to be optimal for detecting gravitational wave signals from compact binary coalescences, its high computational cost has limited current searches to less sensitive coincidence-based schemes. Following up on previous work that has demonstrated the effectiveness of Particle Swarm Optimization in reducing the computational cost of this search, we present an implementation that achieves near real-time computational speed. This is achieved by combining the search efficiency of PSO with a significantly revised and optimized numerical implementation of the underlying mathematical formalism along with additional multi-threaded parallelization layers in a distributed computing framework. For a network of four second-generation detectors with $60$~min data from each, the runtime of the implementation presented here ranges between $\approx 1.4$ to $\approx 0.5$ times the data duration for network signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of $\gtrsim 10$ and $\gtrsim 12$, respectively. The reduced runtimes are obtained with small to negligible losses in detection sensitivity: for a false alarm rate of $\simeq 1$~event per year in Gaussian stationary noise, the loss in detection probability is $\leq 5\%$ and $\leq 2\%$ for SNRs of $10$ and $12$, respectively. Using the fast implementation, we are able to quantify frequentist errors in parameter estimation for signals in the double neutron star mass range using a large number of simulated data realizations. A clear dependence of parameter estimation errors and detection sensitivity on the condition number of the network antenna pattern matrix is revealed. Combined with previous work, this paper securely establishes the effectiveness of PSO-based fully-coherent all-sky search across the entire binary inspiral mass range that is relevant to ground-based detectors.

Emergence of cosmic space and the maximization of horizon entropy. (arXiv:2002.02121v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Krishna P B, Titus K Mathew, relevance 47.40

The spatial expansion of the universe can be described as the emergence of space with the progress of cosmic time, through a simple equation, $\Delta V = \Delta t\left(N_{surf}- N_{bulk}\right)$. This law of emergence suggested by Padmanabhan in the context of general relativity for a flat universe has been generalized by Sheykhi to Gauss Bonnet and Lovelock gravity for a universe with any spacial curvature. We investigate whether this generalized holographic equipartition effectively implies the maximization of horizon entropy. First, we obtain the constraints imposed by the maximization of horizon entropy in Einstein, Gauss Bonnet and Lovelock gravities for a universe with any spacial curvature. We then analyze the consistency of the law of emergence in \cite{Sheykhi}, with these constraints obtained. Interestingly, both the law of emergence and the horizon entropy maximization demands an asymptotically de Sitter universe with $\omega \geq -1$. More specifically, when the degrees of freedom in the bulk $( N_{bulk})$ becomes equal to the degrees of freedom on the boundary surface $(N_{surf}),$ the universe attains a state of maximum horizon entropy. Thus, the law of emergence can be viewed as a tendency for maximizing the horizon entropy, even in a non flat universe. Our results points at the deep connection between the law of emergence and horizon thermodynamics, beyond Einstein gravity irrespective of the spacial curvature.

Helicity Constraints To Soft Factor Of All Spin. (arXiv:2002.02120v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Andriniaina Narindra Rasoanaivo, relevance 0.00

In this note we derive non-perturbative constraints for soft operators in order to preserve the helicities of scatteringamplitudes in a soft limit. We also show that the resolution of such constraints generates a master formula for theanalytic expression of the single soft factor of any given spin and helicity.

Stabilizing relativistic fluids on spacetimes with non-accelerated expansion. (arXiv:2002.02119v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by David Fajman, Todd A. Oliynyk, Zoe Wyatt, relevance 5.50

We establish global regularity and stability for the irrotational relativistic Euler equations with equation of state $\overline{p}=K\overline{\rho}$, where $0<K<1/3$, for small initial data in the expanding direction of FLRW spacetimes of the form $(\mathbb R\times\mathbb T^3,-d\tb^2+\tb^2\delta_{ij} dx^i dx^j)$. This provides the first case of non-dust fluid stabilization by spacetime expansion where the expansion rate is of power law type but non-accelerated. In particular, the time integral of the inverse scale factor diverges as $t\rightarrow\infty$.

Strong cosmic censorship in the BTZ black hole. (arXiv:2002.02083v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Roberto Emparan, Marija Tomašević, relevance 14.53

Recently it has been shown that quantum fields can be regular on the inner, Cauchy horizon of a rotating BTZ black hole, which appears to indicate a failure of strong cosmic censorship. We argue that, instead, what these results imply is that the inner horizon remains non-singular when leading-order backreaction of the quantum fields is computed, but, after next-order backreaction is accounted for, it will become singular. Then, strong cosmic censorship will be enforced in the BTZ black hole. We support our claims using a four-dimensional holographic dual of the system, which connects the instability of the inner horizon of the BTZ black hole to that of Kerr-type black holes.

Hagedorn Temperature in Large $N$ Majorana Quantum Mechanics. (arXiv:2002.02066v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gabriel Gaitan, Igor R. Klebanov, Kiryl Pakrouski, Preethi N. Pallegar, Fedor K. Popov, relevance 0.00

We discuss two types of quantum mechanical models that couple large numbers of Majorana fermions and have orthogonal symmetry groups. In models of vector type, only one of the symmetry groups has a large rank. The large $N$ limit is taken keeping $gN=\lambda$ fixed, where $g$ multiplies the quartic Hamiltonian. We introduce a simple model with $O(N)\times SO(4)$ symmetry, whose energies are expressed in terms of the quadratic Casimirs of the symmetry groups. This model may be deformed so that the symmetry is $O(N)\times O(2)^2$, and the Hamiltonian reduces to that studied in arXiv:1802.10263. We find analytic expressions for the large $N$ density of states and free energy. In both vector models, the large $N$ density of states varies approximately as $e^{-|E|/\lambda}$ for a wide range of energies. This gives rise to critical behavior as the temperature approaches the Hagedorn temperature $T_{\rm H} = \lambda$. In the formal large $N$ limit, the specific heat blows up as $(T_H- T)^{-2}$, which implies that $T_H$ is the limiting temperature. However, at any finite $N$, it is possible to reach arbitrarily large temperatures. Thus, the finite $N$ effects smooth out the Hagedorn transition. We also study models of matrix type, which have two $O(N)$ symmetry groups with large rank. An example is provided by the Majorana matrix model with $O(N)^2\times O(2)$ symmetry, which was studied in arXiv:1802.10263. In contrast with the vector models, the density of states is smooth and nearly Gaussian near the middle of the spectrum.

Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background and Prospects for Single Source Detection with GRACE Follow-On. (arXiv:2002.02044v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by M.P. Ross, C.A. Hagedorn, E.A. Shaw, A.L. Lockwood, B.M. Iritani, J.G. Lee, K. Venkateswara, J. H. Gundlach, relevance 9.77

With a reinterpretation of recent results, the GRACE Follow-On mission can be applied to gravitational wave astronomy. Existing GRACE Follow-On data constrain the stochastic gravitational wave background to $\Omega_{GW}<3.3\times10^{7}$ at 100 mHz. With a dedicated analysis, GRACE Follow-On may be able to detect the inspiral of local neutron star binaries, inspiral of subgalactic stellar-mass black hole binaries, or mergers of intermediate-mass black hole binaries within the Milky Way.

Generalized 't Hooft anomalies on non-spin manifolds. (arXiv:2002.02037v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mohamed M. Anber, Erich Poppitz, relevance 2.61

We study the mixed anomaly between the discrete chiral symmetry and general baryon-color-flavor (BCF) backgrounds in $SU(N_c)$ gauge theories with $N_f$ flavors of Dirac fermions in representations ${\cal R}_c$ of $N$-ality $n_c$, formulated on non-spin manifolds. We show how to study these theories on $\mathbb{CP}^2$ by turning on general BCF fluxes consistent with the fermion transition functions. We consider several examples in detail and argue that matching the anomaly on non-spin manifolds places stronger constraints on the infrared physics, compared to the ones on spin manifolds (e.g.~$\mathbb{T}^4$). We also show how to consistently formulate various chiral gauge theories on non-spin manifolds.

Improved binary pulsar constraints on the parameterized post-Einsteinian framework. (arXiv:2002.02030v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Remya Nair, Nicolás Yunes, relevance 0.00

The parameterized post-Einsteinian formalism was developed to search for generic deviations from general relativity with gravitational waves. We here present constraints on this framework using Bayesian analysis of a set of binary pulsar observations. In particular, we use measurements of the Keplerian and post-Keplerian parameters of six different binary pulsar systems, and Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo exploration to calculate posteriors on the parameterized post-Einsteinian parameters and derive robust constraints. We find improvements of 1-2 orders of magnitude in the strength of constraints when combining all six observations, relative to what one can achieve when using only the double binary pulsar. We also find that the constraints are robust to covariances with the binary's component masses. The bounds on the parameterized post-Einsteinian framework derived here could be used as a prior in future Bayesian tests of general relativity with gravitational wave observations.

Asymptotic States of Accelerated Qubits with Nonzero Background Temperature. (arXiv:2002.02020v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A.P.C.M. Lima, G. Alencar, R.R. Landim, relevance 10.64

The study of the Unruh effect naturally raises the interest for a deeper understanding of the analogy between temperature and acceleration. A recurring question is whether an accelerated frame can be distinguished from an inertial thermal bath in pure thermodynamic experiments, such problem has been approached in the literature and a consensus is yet to be fully reached. In the present work we use the open quantum system formalism to investigate the case where both acceleration and background temperature are present. We find the asymptotic state density and entanglement generation from the Markovian evolution of accelerated qubits interacting with a thermal state of the external scalar field. Our results suggest that there is a very small asymmetry on the effects of the Unruh and background temperatures. Addressing the nonzero background temperature case is of both theoretical and phenomenological interest, thus the authors hope to enrich the existing discussions on the topic.

Fixed-Point Quantum Circuits for Quantum Field Theories. (arXiv:2002.02018v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Natalie Klco, Martin J. Savage, relevance 0.00

Renormalization group ideas and effective operators are used to efficiently determine localized unitaries for preparing the ground states of non-interacting scalar field theories on digital quantum devices. With these methods, classically computed ground states in a small spatial volume can be used to determine operators for preparing the ground state in a beyond-classical quantum register, even for interacting scalar field theories. Due to the exponential decay of correlation functions and the double exponential suppression of digitization artifacts, the derived quantum circuits are expected to be relevant already for near-term quantum devices.

The dynamics of the early universe in a model with radiation and a generalized Chaplygin gas. (arXiv:2002.01974v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by G. A. Monerat, C. G. M. Santos, G. Oliveira-Neto, E. V. Corrêa Silva, L. G. Ferreira Filho, relevance 0.00

The early universe is modeled through the quantization of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model with positive curvature of the spatial hypersurfaces. In this model, the universe is filled by two fluids: radiation and a generalized Chaplygin gas. The quantization of this model is made following the prescriptions due to J. A. Wheeler and B. DeWitt. Using the Schutz's formalism, the time notion is recovered and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation transforms into a time dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation, which rules the dynamics of the early universe, under the action of an effective potential $V_{eff}$. That potential, depends on three parameters. Depending on the values of these parameters, $V_{eff}$ may have two different shapes. $V_{eff}(a)$ may have the shape of a barrier or the shape of a well followed by a barrier. We solve, numerically, the appropriate time dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation and obtain the time evolution of an initial wave function, for both cases. These wave functions satisfy suitable boundary conditions. For both shapes of $V_{eff}$, we compute the tunneling probability, which is a function of the mean kinetic energy associated to the radiation energy $E_m$ and of the three parameters of the generalized Chaplygin gas: $\alpha$, $A$ and $B$. The tunneling probabilities, for both shapes of $V_{eff}$, indicates that the universe should nucleate with the highest possible values of $E_m$, $\alpha$, $A$ and $B$. Then, we investigate the qualitative differences between the two shapes of the effective potential, based on our results. Finally, we study the classical universe evolution after the wavefunction has tunneled $V_{eff}$. The calculations show that the universe may emerge from the Planck era in an inflationary phase.

Consistent Blandford-Znajek Expansion. (arXiv:2002.01972v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jay Armas, Yangyang Cai, Geoffrey Compére, David Garfinkle, Samuel E.Gralla, relevance 1.89

The Blandford-Znajek mechanism is the continuous extraction of energy from a rotating black hole via plasma currents flowing on magnetic field lines threading the horizon. In the discovery paper, Blandford and Znajek demonstrated the mechanism by solving the equations of force-free electrodynamics in a perturbative expansion valid at small black hole spin. Attempts to extend this perturbation analysis to higher order have encountered inconsistencies.We overcome this problem using the method of matched asymptotic expansions, taking care to resolve all of the singular surfaces (light surfaces) in the problem. Working with the monopole field configuration, we show explicitly how the inconsistencies are resolved in this framework and calculate the field configuration to one order higher than previously known. However, there is no correction to the energy extraction rate at this order. These results confirm the basic consistency of the split monopole at small spin and lay a foundation for further perturbative studies of the Blandford-Znajek mechanism.

Reply to: Overconfidence in Bayesian analyses of galaxy rotation curves. (arXiv:2002.01970v1 [astro-ph.GA])
in gr-qc by Davi C. Rodrigues, Valerio Marra, Antonino Del Popolo, Zahra Davari, relevance 0.00

Cameron {\it et al.}~2019 (hereafter C19) recommends a more cautious and rigorous approach to statistical analysis in astronomy. We welcome this particular side of their communication as it helps stimulating the effort towards the adoption of better statistical methods in galaxy rotation curves, an effort to which we contributed with Rodrigues {\it et al.}~2018 (hereafter R18). Indeed, R18 was the first work that, in order to conclude on the universality of the acceleration scale $a_0$, studied the posterior distributions on $a_0$ of a large set of galaxies. As C19 agrees, the credible intervals were found within the Bayesian framework, that is, the marginalized posteriors on $a_0$ were found using Bayes' theorem to update the priors in light of the observational data; this process was done without introducing any approximation. Considering R18, C19 also remarks that: i) better methods to select the nuisance parameters and the corresponding priors could be used; ii) a quality cut based on $\chi^2$ values should not be used, and iii) the compatibility of the posteriors should be assessed in a more robust way. In the following, after first clarifying the context of our work, we address these criticisms.

Size of bulk fermions in the SYK model. (arXiv:2002.01961v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Yuri D. Lensky, Xiao-Liang Qi, Pengfei Zhang, relevance 3.03

The study of quantum gravity in the form of the holographic duality has uncovered and motivated the detailed investigation of various diagnostics of quantum chaos. One such measure is the operator size distribution, which characterizes the size of the support region of an operator and its evolution under Heisenberg evolution. In this work, we examine the role of the operator size distribution in holographic duality for the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. Using an explicit construction of AdS$_2$ bulk fermion operators in a putative dual of the low temperature SYK model, we study the operator size distribution of the boundary and bulk fermions. Our result provides a direct derivation of the relationship between (effective) operator size of both the boundary and bulk fermions and bulk $\text{SL}(2; \mathbb{R})$ generators.

Rational CFT With Three Characters: The Quasi-Character Approach. (arXiv:2002.01949v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sunil Mukhi, Rahul Poddar, Palash Singh, relevance 3.72

Quasi-characters are vector-valued modular functions having an integral, but not necessarily positive, q-expansion. Using modular differential equations, a complete classification has been provided in arXiv:1810.09472 for the case of two characters. These in turn generate all possible admissible characters, of arbitrary Wronskian index, in order two. Here we initiate a study of the three-character case. We conjecture several infinite families of quasi-characters and show in examples that their linear combinations an generate admissible characters with arbitrarily large Wronskian index. The structure is completely different from the order two case, and the novel coset construction of arXiv:1602.01022 plays a key role in discovering the appropriate families. Using even unimodular lattices, we construct some explicit three-character CFT corresponding to the new admissible characters.

Spontaneous scalarization of charged Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes: Analytic treatment along the existence line. (arXiv:2002.01948v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Shahar Hod, relevance 12.77

It has recently been demonstrated that charged black holes can support spatially regular matter configurations made of massless scalar fields which are non-minimally coupled to the electromagnetic field of the charged spacetime. Intriguingly, using numerical techniques, it has been revealed that the resonant spectra of the composed charged-black-hole-nonminimally-coupled-scalar-field configurations are characterized by charge-dependent discrete scalarization bands $\alpha\in\{[\alpha^{-}_{n}({\bar Q}),\alpha^{+}_{n}({\bar Q}]\}_{n=0}^{n=\infty}$, where $\alpha$ is the dimensionless coupling constant of the theory and ${\bar Q}\equiv Q/M$ is the dimensionless charge-to-mass ratio of the central supporting black hole. In the present paper we use {\it analytical} techniques in order to study the physical and mathematical properties of the spatially regular non-minimally coupled scalar field configurations (linearized scalar clouds) which are supported by the central charged Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes. In particular, we derive a remarkably compact formula for the discrete resonant spectrum $\{\alpha^-_n({\bar Q})\}_{n=0}^{n=\infty}$ which characterizes the composed black-hole-linearized-field configurations along the {\it existence-line} of the system, the critical line which separates bare Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes from hairy scalarized black-hole configurations. The analytical results are confirmed by direct numerical computations.

Gauge Theories for the Thermal Hall Effect. (arXiv:2002.01947v4 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Haoyu Guo, Rhine Samajdar, Mathias S. Scheurer, Subir Sachdev, relevance 4.43

We consider the thermal Hall effect of fermionic matter coupled to emergent gauge fields in 2+1 dimensions. While the low-temperature thermal Hall conductivity of bulk topological phases can be connected to chiral edge states and a gravitational anomaly, there is no such interpretation at nonzero temperatures above 2+1 dimensional quantum critical points. In the limit of a large number of matter flavors, the leading contribution to the thermal Hall conductivity is that from the fermionic matter. The next-to-leading contribution is from the gauge fluctuations, and this has a sign which is opposite to that of the matter contribution. We illustrate this by computations on a Dirac Chern-Simons theory of the quantum phase transition in a square-lattice antiferromagnet involving the onset of semion topological order. We find similar results for a model of the pseudogap metal with Fermi pockets coupled to an emergent U(1) gauge field. We note connections to recent observations on the hole-doped cuprates: our theory captures the main trends, but the overall magnitude of the effect is smaller than that observed.

On the computation of intersection numbers for twisted cocycles. (arXiv:2002.01930v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Stefan Weinzierl, relevance 0.00

Intersection numbers of twisted cocycles arise in mathematics in the field of algebraic geometry. Quite recently, they appeared in physics: Intersection numbers of twisted cocycles define a scalar product on the vector space of Feynman integrals. With this application, the practical and efficient computation of intersection numbers of twisted cocycles becomes a topic of interest. An existing algorithm for the computation of intersection numbers of twisted cocycles requires in intermediate steps the introduction of algebraic extensions (for example square roots), although the final result may be expressed without algebraic extensions. In this article I present an improvement of this algorithm, which avoids algebraic extensions.

Junctions of mass-deformed nonlinear sigma models on $SO(2N)/U(N)$ and $Sp(N)/U(N)$ II. (arXiv:2002.01923v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Taegyu Kim, Sunyoung Shin, relevance 0.00

We study vacua, walls and three-pronged junctions of mass-deformed nonlinear sigma models on $SO(2N)/U(N)$ and $Sp(N)/U(N)$ for generic $N$. We review and discuss the on-shell component Lagrangians of the ${\mathcal{N}}=2$ nonlinear sigma model on the Grassmann manifold, which are obtained in the ${\mathcal{N}}=1$ superspace formalism and in the harmonic superspace formalism. We also show that the K\"{a}hler potential of the ${\mathcal{N}}=2$ nonlinear sigma model on the complex projective space, which is obtained in the projective superspace formalism, is equivalent to the K\"{a}hler potential of the ${\mathcal{N}}=2$ nonlinear sigma model with the Fayet-Iliopoulos parameters $c^a=(0,0,c=1)$ on the complex projective space, which is obtained in the ${\mathcal{N}}=1$ superspace formalism.

Non-abelian tri-vector deformations in d=11 supergravity. (arXiv:2002.01915v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ilya Bakhmatov, Kirill Gubarev, Edvard T. Musaev, relevance 3.05

A truncation of the SL(5) Exceptional Field Theory that allows to describe spacetimes of the form $M_4 \times M_7$ with the 4-form flux on $M_4$ is constructed. The resulting theory is used to test the recently proposed tri-vector generalisation of Yang-Baxter deformations applied to the AdS${}_4 \times \mathbb{S}^7$ solution in $d=11$ supergravity. We present two new supergravity solutions corresponding to non-abelian non-unimodular tri-vector deformations of AdS${}_4 \times \mathbb{S}^7$.

$O(D)-$equivariant fuzzy hyperspheres. (arXiv:2002.01901v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Francesco Pisacane, relevance 0.10

Fuzzy hyperspheres $S^d_\Lambda$ of dimension $d>2$ are constructed here generalizing the procedure adopted in [G. Fiore, F. Pisacane, J. Geom. Phys. 132 (2018), 423-451] for $d=1,2$. The starting point is an ordinary quantum particle in $\mathbb{R}^D$, $D:=d+1$, subject to a rotation invariant potential well $V(r)$ with a very sharp minimum on the sphere of radius $r=1$. The subsequent imposition of a sufficiently low energy cutoff `freezes' the radial excitations, this makes only a finite-dimensional Hilbert subspace $\mathcal{H}_{\Lambda,D}$ accessible and on it the coordinates noncommutative {\it \`a la Snyder}. In addition, the coordinate operators generate the whole algebra of observables $\mathcal{A}_{\Lambda,D}$ which turns out to be realizable through a suitable irreducible vector representation of $Uso(D+1)$. This construction is equivariant not only under $SO(D)$, but under the full orthogonal group $O(D)$, and making the cutoff and the depth of the well grow with a natural number $\Lambda$, the result is a sequence $S^d_{\Lambda}$ of fuzzy spheres converging to $S^d$ as $\Lambda\to\infty$ (where one recovers ordinary quantum mechanics on $S^d$).

Anomalous decay rate of quasinormal modes. (arXiv:2002.01897v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Macarena Lagos, Pedro G. Ferreira, Oliver J. Tattersall, relevance 0.00

The decay timescales of the quasinormal modes of a massive scalar field have an intriguing behavior: they either grow or decay with increasing angular harmonic numbers $\ell$, depending on whether the mass of the scalar field is small or large. We identify the properties of the effective potential of the scalar field that leads to this behavior and characterize it in detail. If the scalar field is non-minimally coupled, considered here, the scalar quasinormal modes will leak into the gravitational wave signal and will have decaying times that are comparable or smaller than those typical in General Relativity. Hence, these modes could be detectable in the future. Finally, we find that the anomalous behavior in the decay timescales of quasinormal modes is present in a much larger class of models beyond a simple massive scalar field.

Analytical investigations on formations of hairy neutral reflecting shells in the scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. (arXiv:2002.01892v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yan Peng, relevance 0.00

We study scalarization of spherically symmetric neutral reflecting shells in the scalar-tensor gravity. We consider neutral static massless scalar fields non-minimally coupled to the Gauss-Bonnet invariant. We obtain a relation representing the existence regime of hairy neutral reflecting shells. For parameters unsatisfying this relation, the massless scalar field cannot exist outside the neutral reflecting shell. In the parameter region where this relation holds, we get analytical solutions of scalar field hairs outside neutral reflecting shells.

Fingerprints of the cosmological constant: Folds in the profiles of the axionic dark matter distribution in a dyon exterior. (arXiv:2002.01881v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexander B. Balakin, Dmitry E. Groshev, relevance 0.65

We consider the magnetic monopole in the axionic dark matter environment (axionic dyon) in the framework of the Reissner - Nordstr\"om - de Sitter model. Our aim is to study the distribution of the pseudoscalar (axion) and electric fields near the so-called folds, which are characterized by the profiles with the central minimum, the barrier on the left, and the maximum on the right of this minimum. The electric field in the fold-like zones is shown to change the sign twice, i.e., the electric structure of the near zone of the axionic dyon contains the domain similar to a double electric layer. We have shown that the described fold-like structures in the profile of the gravitational potential, and in the profiles of the electric and axion fields can exist, when the value of the dyon mass belongs to the interval enclosed between two critical masses, which depend on the cosmological constant.

Does the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis Imply Thermalization?. (arXiv:2002.01857v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Oleg Inozemcev, Igor Volovich, relevance 0.00

Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) is discussed. We show that one common formulation of ETH does not necessarily imply thermalization of an observable of isolated many body quantum system. To get thermalization one has to postulate the canonical or microcanonical distribution in the ETH-ansatz. More generally, any other average can be postulated in the generalized ETH-ansatz which leads to a corresponding equilibration condition.

Black hole production at lepton colliders. (arXiv:2002.01855v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc by Hang Qi, Roberto Onofrio, relevance 14.52

Production of black holes has been discussed in a variety of extensions of the Standard Model, and related bounds have been established from data taken at the Large Hadron Collider. We show that, if the Higgs particle has a fully gravitational content via the equivalence principle, enhanced cross-sections of black holes at colliders should be expected within the Standard Model itself. The case of black hole production by precision measurements at electron colliders is discussed. The Coulomb repulsion strongly suppresses the related cross-section with respect to the one based on the hoop conjecture, making the possible production of black holes still unfeasible with current beam technology. At the same time, this suggests the reanalysis of the bounds, based on the hoop conjecture, already determined in hadronic collisions for extra-dimensional models.

Conformal quantum mechanics of causal diamonds. (arXiv:2002.01836v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Michele Arzano, relevance 23.94

It is shown that a general radial conformal Killing vector in Minkowski space-time can be associated to a generator of time evolution in conformal quantum mechanics. Among these conformal Killing vectors one finds a class which maps causal diamonds in Minkowski space-time into themselves. The flow of such Killing vectors describes worldlines of accelerated observers with a finite lifetime within the causal diamond. Time evolution of static diamond observers is equivalent to time evolution in conformal quantum mechanics governed by a hyperbolic Hamiltonian and covering only a segment of the time axis. This indicates that the Unruh temperature perceived by static diamond observers in the vacuum state of inertial observers in Minkowski space can be obtained from the behaviour of the two-point functions of conformal quantum mechanics.

Light-by-Light Scattering and Spacetime Noncommutativity. (arXiv:2002.01829v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Raul Horvat, Dusko Latas, Josip Trampetic, Jiangyang You, relevance 3.85

The aim of this article is to explore a potential usability of a photon-photon self-interaction from the noncommutative quantum electrodynamics (NCQED) in the case of light-by-light scattering ($\gamma\gamma\to\gamma\gamma$) in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions, a reaction measured recently by ATLAS and planned for future experiments in hadron-hadron colliders. We compute the total cross section from both, the full one-loop standard model (SM) and the tree-level NCQED amplitudes, in the equivalent photon approximation with impact parameters, for various noncommutative scales, $\rm\Lambda_{NC}$, and incoming nuclear spin-energy combinations. We find that NCQED contribution to the cross section has considerable increase at diphoton invariant mass range higher than $\rm\Lambda_{NC}$, while the SM contribution is strongly suppressed in such region. Our results show that the current ATLAS $\rm\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV experiment can only probe $\rm\Lambda_{NC}<100$ GeV region. On the other hand, future hadron-hadron collider proposals could have the potential to extend to $\rm\Lambda_{NC}\lesssim 300$ GeV region, making the performance of $\rm Pb+Pb(\gamma\gamma)\to Pb+Pb\gamma\gamma$ scattering on testing space-time noncommutativity close to that of the previously proposed photon-photon mode of linear electron-positron collider.

Forecasts for detecting the gravitational-wave memory effect with Advanced LIGO and Virgo. (arXiv:2002.01821v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Oliver M. Boersma, David A. Nichols, Patricia Schmidt, relevance 0.39

The detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from binary black holes (BBHs) has allowed the theory of general relativity to be tested in a previously unstudied regime: that of strong curvature and high GW luminosities. One distinctive and measurable effect associated with this aspect of the theory is the nonlinear GW memory effect. The GW memory effect is characterized by its effect on freely falling observers: the proper distance between their locations differs before and after a burst of GWs passes by their locations. Gravitational-wave interferometers, like the LIGO and Virgo detectors, can measure features of this effect from a single BBH merger, but previous work has shown that it will require an event that is significantly more massive and closer than any previously detected GW event. Finding evidence for the GW memory effect within the entire population of BBH mergers detected by LIGO and Virgo is more likely to occur sooner. A prior study has shown that the GW memory effect could be detected in a population of BBHs consisting of binaries like the first GW150914 event after roughly one-hundred events. In this paper, we compute forecasts of the time it will take the advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors (when the detectors are operating at their design sensitivities) to find evidence for the GW memory effect in a population of BBHs that is consistent with the measured population of events in the first two observing runs of the LIGO detectors. We find that after five years of data collected by the advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors the signal-to-noise ratio for the nonlinear GW memory effect in the population will be about three (near a previously used threshold for detection). We point out that the different approximation methods used to compute the GW memory effect can lead to notably different signal-to-noise ratios.

Metric preheating and radiative decay in single-field inflation. (arXiv:2002.01820v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jérôme Martin, Theodoros Papanikolaou, Lucas Pinol, Vincent Vennin, relevance 1.35

At the end of inflation, the inflaton oscillates at the bottom of its potential and these oscillations trigger a parametric instability for scalar fluctuations with wavelength $\lambda$ comprised in the instability band $(3H m)^{-1/2} <\lambda < H^{-1}$, where $H$ is the Hubble parameter and $m$ the curvature of the potential at its minimum. This "metric preheating" instability, which proceeds in the narrow resonance regime, leads to various interesting phenomena such as early structure formation, production of gravitational waves and formation of primordial black holes. In this work we study its fate in the presence of interactions with additional degrees of freedom, in the form of perturbative decay of the inflaton into a perfect fluid. Indeed, in order to ensure a complete transition from inflation to the radiation-dominated era, metric preheating must be considered together with perturbative reheating. We find that the decay of the inflaton does not alter the instability structure until the fluid dominates the universe content. As an application, we discuss the impact of the inflaton decay on the production of primordial black holes from the instability. We stress the difference between scalar field and perfect fluid fluctuations and explain why usual results concerning the formation of primordial black holes from perfect fluid inhomogeneities cannot be used, clarifying some recent statements made in the literature.

On Chebyshev Wells: Periods, Deformations, and Resurgence. (arXiv:2002.01794v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Madhusudhan Raman, P. N. Bala Subramanian, relevance 0.00

We study the geometry and mechanics (both classical and quantum) of potential wells described by squares of Chebyshev polynomials. We show that in a small neighbourhood of the locus cut out by them in the space of hyperelliptic curves, these systems exhibit low-orders/low-orders resurgence, where perturbative fluctuations about the vacuum determine perturbative fluctuations about non-perturbative saddles.

PMC$_\infty$: Infinite-Order Scale-Setting using the Principle of Maximum Conformality, A Remarkably Efficient Method for Eliminating Renormalization Scale Ambiguities for Perturbative QCD. (arXiv:2002.01789v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Leonardo Di Giustino, Stanley J. Brodsky, Sheng-Quan Wang, Xing-Gang Wu, relevance 1.15

We identify a property of renormalizable SU(N)/U(1) gauge theories, the intrinsic Conformality ($iCF$), which underlies the scale invariance of physical observables and leads to a remarkably efficient method to solve the conventional renormalization scale ambiguity at every order in pQCD: the PMC$_\infty$. This new method reflects the underlying conformal properties displayed by pQCD at NNLO, eliminates the scheme dependence of pQCD predictions and is consistent with the general properties of the PMC (Principle of Maximum Conformality). We introduce a new method to identify conformal and $\beta$-terms which can be applied either to numerical or to theoretical calculations. We illustrate the PMC$_\infty$ for the thrust and C-parameter distributions in $e^+ e^-$ annihilation and then we show how to apply this new method to general observables in QCD. We point out how the implementation of the PMC$_\infty$ can significantly improve the precision of pQCD predictions; its implementation in multi-loop analysis also simplifies the calculation of higher orders corrections in a general renormalizable gauge theory.

Berry Phases in the Reconstructed KdV Equation. (arXiv:2002.01780v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Blagoje Oblak, Gregory Kozyreff, relevance 0.27

We consider the KdV equation on a circle and its Euler-Poincar\'e reconstruction, which is reminiscent of the equation of motion for fluid particles. For periodic waves, the stroboscopic reconstructed motion is governed by an iterated map whose Poincar\'e rotation number yields the drift velocity. We show that this number has a geometric origin: it is the sum of a dynamical phase, a Berry phase, and an `anomalous phase'. The last two quantities are universal: they are solely due to the underlying Virasoro group structure. The Berry phase, in particular, was previously described in [arXiv:1703.06142] for two-dimensional conformal field theories, and follows from adiabatic deformations produced by the propagating wave. We illustrate these general results with cnoidal waves, for which all phases can be evaluated in closed form thanks to a uniformizing map that we derive. Along the way, we encounter `orbital bifurcations' occurring when a wave becomes non-uniformizable: there exists a resonance wedge, in the cnoidal parameter space, where particle motion is locked to the wave, while no such locking occurs outside of the wedge.

Plasmoid formation in global GRMHD simulations and AGN flares. (arXiv:2002.01777v1 [astro-ph.HE] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by Antonios Nathanail, Christian M. Fromm, Oliver Porth, Hector Olivares, Ziri Younsi, Yosuke Mizuno, Luciano Rezzolla, relevance 2.83

One of the main dissipation processes acting on all scales in relativistic jets is thought to be governed by magnetic reconnection. Such dissipation processes have been studied in idealized environments, such as reconnection layers, which evolve in merging islands and lead to the production of plasmoids, ultimately resulting in efficient particle acceleration. In accretion flows onto black holes, reconnection layers can be developed and destroyed rapidly during the turbulent evolution of the flow. We present a series of two-dimensional general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of tori accreting onto rotating black holes focusing our attention on the formation and evolution of current sheets. Initially, the tori are endowed with a poloidal magnetic field having a multi-loop structure along the radial direction and with an alternating polarity. During reconnection processes, plasmoids and plasmoid chains are developed leading to a flaring activity and hence to a variable electromagnetic luminosity. We describe the methods developed to track automatically the plasmoids that are generated and ejected during the simulation, contrasting the behaviour of multi-loop initial data with that encountered in typical simulations of accreting black holes having initial dipolar field composed of one loop only. Finally, we discuss the implications that our results have on the variability to be expected in accreting supermassive black holes.

Perturbative string theory from Newtonian limit of string geometry theory. (arXiv:2002.01774v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Matsuo Sato, Yuji Sugimoto, relevance 1.03

String geometry theory is one of the candidates of the non-perturbative formulation of string theory. In arXiv:1709.03506, the perturbative string theory is reproduced from a string geometry model coupled with a $u(1)$ gauge field on string manifolds. In this paper, we generalize this result and we show that the perturbative string theory is reproduced from any string geometry model by taking a Newtonian limit.

A toy model of hyperboloidal approach to quasinormal modes. (arXiv:2002.01770v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Piotr Bizoń, Tadeusz Chmaj, Patryk Mach, relevance 3.43

We consider a scalar field propagating in the static region of the two dimensional de Sitter space. This simple system is used to illustrate the advantages of hyperboloidal foliations in the analysis of quasinormal modes.

Nothing really matters. (arXiv:2002.01764v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Giuseppe Dibitetto, Nicolò Petri, Marjorie Schillo, relevance 4.05

We study non-perturbative instabilities of AdS spacetime in General Relativity with a cosmological constant in arbitrary dimensions. In this simple setup we explicitly construct a class of gravitational instantons generalizing Witten's bubble of nothing. We calculate the corresponding Euclidean action and show that its change is finite. The expansion of these bubbles is described by a lower-dimensional de Sitter geometry within a non-compact foliation of the background spacetime. Moreover we discuss the existence of covariantly constant spinors as a possible topological obstruction for such decays to occur. This mechanism is further connected to the stability of supersymmetric vacua in string theory.

Linking number of vortices as baryon number. (arXiv:2002.01762v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sven Bjarke Gudnason, Muneto Nitta, relevance 0.50

We show that the topological degree of a Skyrmion field is the same as the Hopf charge of the field under the Hopf map and thus equals the linking number of the preimages of two points on the 2-sphere under the Hopf map. We further interpret two particular points on the 2-sphere as vortex zeros and the linking of these zero lines follows from the latter theorem. Finally we conjecture that the topological degree of the Skyrmion can be interpreted as the product of winding numbers of vortices corresponding to the zero lines, summing over clusters of vortices.

N=2 PNGB Quintessence Dark Energy. (arXiv:2002.01756v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Keunsu Cheon, Jungjai Lee, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we show that a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Boson (PNGB) quintessence of spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) is responsible for an epoch of the late time cosmic acceleration. We suggest that an N=2 PNGB quintessence of SSB can give the fast-roll inflation in evolution of the Universe. In the N=2 PNGB quintessence model, the standard slow-roll condition in which the absolute value of the tachyonic mass squared $|m^2_q|$ of this model is much less than the square of the Hubble constant $H^2$, is broken down to the fast-roll condition, $|m^2_q|=O(H^2)$. However, it is shown that the fast-roll inflation associated with the N=2 PNGB quintessence of SSB can be led to the epoch of the late time cosmic acceleration. Indeed, in the N=2 PNGB model, this epoch can be quite long lasting since the mass of the N=2 PNGB quintessence field is extremely small as $m_q \approx 10^{-33} \rm{eV}$.

Modifications of gravity via differential transformations of field variables. (arXiv:2002.01745v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by A. A. Sheykin, D. P. Solovyev, V. V. Sukhanov, S. A. Paston, relevance 0.00

We discuss field theories appearing as a result of applying field transformations with derivatives (differential field transformations, DFT) to a known theory. We begin with some simple examples of DFTs to see the basic properties of the procedure. In this process the dynamics of the theory might either change or conserve. After that we concentrate on the theories of gravity which appear as a result of various DFT applied to general relativity, namely the mimetic gravity and Regge-Teitelboim embedding theory. We review main results related to the extension of dynamics in these theories, as well as the possibility to write down the action of a theory after DFT as the action of the original theory before DFT plus an additional term. Such a term usually contains some constraints with Lagrange multipliers and can be interpreted as an action of additional matter, which might be of use in cosmological applications, e.g. for the explanation of the effects of dark matter.

Stochastic Chern number from interactions and light response. (arXiv:2002.01742v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Philipp W. Klein, Adolfo G. Grushin, Karyn Le Hur, relevance 0.20

We develop a stochastic description of the topology in an interacting Chern insulator. Electron-electron interactions can produce a substantial number of particle-hole pairs above the band gap, which leads us to propose an interacting measure of the topology which we refer to as a "stochastic Chern number". We confirm the Mott transition's first-order nature in the interacting quantum anomalous Hall effect on the honeycomb geometry, from a mean-field topological variational approach, supported by density matrix renormalization group results. We make predictions for circular dichroism of light, and build an analogy between interaction-induced particle-hole pairs and temperature effects. Our stochastic approach is physically intuitive, computationally easy to implement and leads the way to further studies of interaction effects in Chern insulators.

BRST cohomology of timelike Liouville theory. (arXiv:2002.01722v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Teresa Bautista, Harold Erbin, Matěj Kudrna, relevance 0.45

We compute the Hermitian sector of the relative BRST cohomology of the spacelike and timelike Liouville theories with generic real central charge $c_L$ in each case, coupled to a spacelike Coulomb gas and a generic transverse CFT. This paper is a companion of arXiv:1905.12689, and its main goal is to completely characterize the cohomology of the timelike theory with $c_L \le 1$ which was defined there. We also apply our formulas to revisit the BRST cohomology of the spacelike Liouville theory with $c_L > 1$, which includes generalized minimal gravity. We prove a no-ghost theorem for the Hermitian sector in the timelike theory and for some spacelike models.

Ringdown Spectroscopy of Rotating Black Holes Pierced by Cosmic Strings. (arXiv:2002.01695v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Mark Ho-Yeuk Cheung, Levi Wing-Hei Poon, Ka-Wai Chung, Tjonnie Guang Feng Li, relevance 11.09

Multiple gauge theories predict the presence of cosmic strings with different mass densities $G\mu$. We derive an equation governing the perturbations of a rotating black hole pierced by a straight, infinitely long cosmic string along its axis of rotation and calculate the quasinormal-mode frequencies of such a black hole. We then carry out parameter estimation on the first detected gravitational-wave event, GW150914, by hypothesizing that there is a string piercing through the remnant, yielding a constraint of $G\mu <3.8\times 10^{-3}$ at the 90% confidence interval with a comparable Bayes factor with a string-less analysis. In contrast to existing studies which focus on the mutual intersection of cosmic strings, or the cosmic string network, our work focuses on the intersection of a cosmic string with a black hole.

Renormalization in quantum theories of geometry. (arXiv:2002.01693v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by J. Ambjorn, J. Gizbert-Studnicki, A. Goerlich, J. Jurkiewicz, R. Loll, relevance 3.78

A hallmark of non-perturbative theories of quantum gravity is the absence of a fixed background geometry, and therefore the absence in a Planckian regime of any notion of length or scale that is defined a priori. This has potentially far-reaching consequences for the application of renormalization group methods a la Wilson, which rely on these notions in a crucial way. We review the status quo of attempts in the Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT) approach to quantum gravity to find an ultraviolet fixed point associated with the second-order phase transitions observed in the lattice theory. Measurements of the only invariant correlator currently accessible, that of the total spatial three-volume, has not produced any evidence of such a fixed point. A possible explanation for this result is our incomplete and perhaps naive understanding of what constitutes an appropriate notion of (quantum) length near the Planck scale.

Thermal phase transition in $F(R)$-charged $AdS_{4}$-scalar theory. (arXiv:2002.01663v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. Rahmani, M. Honardoost, H. R. Sepangi, relevance 2.49

We investigate instabilities of $F(R)$-charged $AdS_{4}$ black holes by a massive charged scalar field in a linear perturbation regime. We study tachyonic instabilities as the near horizon scalar condensation in a model of $F(R)$ gravity with planar horizon and investigate properties of possible phase transitions. The results show that such transitions are sensitive to the first derivative of $F(R)$ with respect to $R$ in that the larger its value, the higher the critical temperature, thus resulting in a new generation of high-temperature superconductors. Also, for a certain range of parameters, $F(R)$-charged $AdS_{4}$ black holes suffer from superradiant instability. We consider the effects of the scalar mass and charge on such instabilities and conclude that RN black holes decay into small hairy black holes that have a charged scalar condensate floating near the horizon. It is shown that the existence of phase transition at the critical temperature leading to a hairy black hole solution emerges for $T<T_{c}$, while RN black holes exist for $T>T_{c}$. The effect of $F(R)$ on the critical temperature is subsequently investigated in the case of superradiant instability, showing that higher critical temperatures would be possible in $F(R)$ gravity. We also check the stability of hairy black holes and show that the resulting hairy solution can be considered as a possible end point of superradiant instability of a small charged black hole.

Constraint on the ejecta mass for a black hole-neutron star merger event candidate S190814bv. (arXiv:2002.01662v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kyohei Kawaguchi, Masaru Shibata, Masaomi Tanaka, relevance 5.97

We derive the upper limit to the ejecta mass of S190814bv, a black hole-neutron star merger candidate, through the radiative transfer simulations for kilonovae with the realistic ejecta density profile as well as the detailed opacity and heating rate models. The limits to the ejecta mass strongly depend on the viewing angle. For the face-on observations ($\le45^\circ$), the total ejecta mass should be smaller than $0.1\,M_\odot$ for the average distance of S190814bv ($D=267$ Mpc), while larger mass is allowed for the edge-on observations. We also derive the conservative upper limits of the dynamical ejecta mass to be $0.02\,M_\odot$, $0.03\,M_\odot$, and $0.05\,M_\odot$ for the viewing angle $\le 20^\circ$, $\le 50^\circ$, and for $\le 90^\circ$, respectively. We show that the {\it iz}-band observation deeper than $22$ mag within 2 d after the GW trigger is crucial to detect the kilonova with the total ejecta mass of $0.06\,M_\odot$ at the distance of $D=300$ Mpc. We also show that a strong constraint on the NS mass-radius relation can be obtained if the future observations put the upper limit of $0.03\,M_\odot$ to the dynamical ejecta mass for a BH-NS event with the chirp mass smaller than $\lesssim 3\,M_\odot$ and effective spin larger than $\gtrsim 0.5$.

Thermal chaos of a charged dilaton-AdS black hole in the extended phase space. (arXiv:2002.01641v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Chaoqun Dai, Songbai Chen, Jiliang Jing, relevance 18.36

We have studied thermal chaotic behavior in the extended phase space for a charged dilaton-AdS black hole by Melnikov method and present the effect of dilaton parameter on the thermal chaos. Our result show that for the temporal perturbation the thermal chaos in the charged dilaton-AdS black hole occurs only if the perturbation amplitude is larger than certain a critical value, but for the spatially perturbation, the chaos always exists irrespective of perturbation amplitude. These behaviors are similar to those in other AdS black hole, which can be regarded as the common features of the static AdS black holes. Moreover, we also find that the critical temporal perturbation amplitude leading to chaos increases with the dilaton parameter and decreases with the charge. This means that under the temporal perturbation the presence of dilaton parameter makes the onset of chaos more difficult, which differs from that of the charge parameter.

Spherical harmonic analysis of stochastic gravitational wave background anisotropies in interferometry experiments. (arXiv:2002.01606v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Yu-Kuang Chu, Guo-Chin Liu, Kin-Wang Ng, relevance 8.45

We study the interferometric observation of intensity and polarization anisotropies of a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB). We show that the observed correlated data is defined in the group manifold of the three-dimensional rotation. Explicit correlation between two detectors in the interferometry experiments such as LIGO-VIRGO and KAGRA is constructed in terms of the Wigner D-functions. Our results reveal the topology of the data structure and provide a systematic way for constructing data pipelines to estimate the power spectra of the SGWB anisotropies.

Path Integral in Modular Space. (arXiv:2002.01604v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Yigit Yargic, relevance 6.02

The modular spaces are a family of polarizations of the Hilbert space that are based on Aharonov's modular variables and carry a rich geometric structure. We construct here, step by step, a Feynman path integral for the quantum harmonic oscillator in a modular polarization. This modular path integral is endowed with novel features such as a new action, winding modes, and an Aharonov-Bohm phase. Its saddle points are sequences of superposition states and they carry a non-classical concept of locality in alignment with the understanding of quantum reference frames. The action found in the modular path integral can be understood as living on a compact phase space and it possesses a new set of symmetries. Finally, we propose a prescription analogous to the Legendre transform, which can be applied generally to the Hamiltonian of a variety of physical systems to produce similar modular actions.

Spontaneous creation of circularly polarized photons in chiral astrophysical systems. (arXiv:2002.01593v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Adrian del Rio, Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, Vassilios Mewes, Ivan Agullo, Jose A. Font, Jose Navarro-Salas, relevance 3.41

This work establishes a relation between chiral anomalies in curved spacetimes and the radiative content of the gravitational field. In particular, we show that a flux of circularly polarized gravitational waves triggers the spontaneous creation of photons with net circular polarization from the quantum vacuum. Using waveform catalogues we identify precessing binary black holes as astrophysical configurations that emit such gravitational radiation, and then solve the fully non-linear Einstein's equations with numerical relativity to evaluate the net effect. The quantum amplitude for a merger is comparable to the Hawking emission rate of the final black hole, and small to be directly observed. However, the implications for the inspiral of binary neutron stars could be more prominent, as argued on symmetry grounds.

Superstrata. (arXiv:2002.01592v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Masaki Shigemori, relevance 4.72

We give a survey of the present status of the microstate geometries called superstrata. Superstrata are smooth, horizonless solutions of six-dimensional supergravity that represent some of the microstates of the D1-D5-P black hole in string theory. They are the most general microstate geometries of that sort whose CFT dual states are identified. After reviewing relevant features of the dual CFT, we discuss the construction of superstratum solutions in supergravity, based on the linear structure of the BPS equations. We also review some of recent work on generalizations of superstrata and physical properties of superstrata. Although the number of superstrata constructed so far is not enough to account for the black-hole entropy, they give us valuable insights into the microscopic physics of black holes.

Thermodynamics of Gauss-Bonnet-de Sitter Black Holes. (arXiv:2002.01567v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Sumarna Haroon, Robie A. Hennigar, Robert B. Mann, Fil Simovic, relevance 35.54

We investigate the thermodynamics of Gauss-Bonnet black holes in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes embedded in an isothermal cavity, via a Euclidean action approach. We consider both charged and uncharged black holes, working in the extended phase space where the cosmological constant is treated as a thermodynamic pressure. We examine the phase structure of these black holes through their free energy. In the uncharged case, we find both Hawking-Page and small-to-large black hole phase transitions, whose character depends on the sign of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling. In the charged case, we demonstrate the presence of a swallowtube, signaling a compact region in phase space where a small-to-large black hole transition occurs.

Quantifying The Uncertainty Principle and The Effects of Minimal Length From a Finite-Dimensional Perspective. (arXiv:2002.01564v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Oleg Kabernik, relevance 0.63

It is well known that due to the uncertainty principle the Planck constant sets a resolution boundary in phase space, and the resulting trade-off in resolutions between incompatible measurements has been thoroughly investigated. It is also known that in the classical regime sufficiently coarse measurements of position and momentum can simultaneously be determined. However, when we independently vary the resolutions of incompatible measurements, the picture of how the uncertainty principle transitions between the quantum and classical regimes is not so vivid. In the present work we will clarify this picture by studying certain probabilities that quantify the effects of the uncertainty principle. Since it is also expected that the uncertainty principle will be modified by the existence of minimal length in space, we will conduct our investigation on a lattice. We will show how these probabilities are modified by the lattice, and demonstrate the close relationship between the uncertainty principle and minimal length from a finite-dimensional perspective.

Spacetime Harmonic Functions and the Mass of 3-Dimensional Asymptotically Flat Initial Data for the Einstein Equations. (arXiv:2002.01534v2 [math.DG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sven Hirsch, Demetre Kazaras, Marcus Khuri, relevance 3.78

We give a lower bound for the Lorentz length of the ADM energy-momentum vector (ADM mass) of 3-dimensional asymptotically flat initial data sets for the Einstein equations. The bound is given in terms of linear growth `spacetime harmonic functions' in addition to the energy-momentum density of matter fields, and is valid regardless of whether the dominant energy condition holds or whether the data possess a boundary. A corollary of this result is a new proof of the spacetime positive mass theorem for complete initial data or those with weakly trapped surface boundary, and includes the rigidity statement which asserts that the mass vanishes if and only if the data arise from Minkowski space. The proof has some analogy with both the Witten spinorial approach as well as the marginally outer trapped surface (MOTS) method of Eichmair, Huang, Lee, and Schoen. Furthermore, this paper generalizes the harmonic level set technique used in the Riemannian case by Bray, Stern, and the second and third authors, albeit with a different class of level sets. Thus, even in the time-symmetric (Riemannian) case a new inequality is achieved.

KKLT without AdS. (arXiv:2002.01500v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andrei Linde, relevance 12.52

According to the KKLT scenario, metastable dS vacua are formed as a result of uplifting of supersymmetric AdS vacua by $\overline {D3}$ branes. I describe an extended version of this scenario where metastable dS vacua appear after an uplift from a state where the potential of the volume modulus in the absence of $\overline {D3}$ branes would be unbounded below. This mechanism may considerably strengthen vacuum stabilization in the early universe.

Probing alternative cosmologies through the inverse distance ladder. (arXiv:2002.01487v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Manfred Lindner, Kevin Max, Moritz Platscher, Jonas Rezacek, relevance 0.88

We study the implications of a combined analysis of cosmic standard candles and standard rulers on the viability of cosmological models beyond the cosmological concordance model. To this end, we employ data in the form of the joint light-curve analysis supernova compilation, baryon acoustic oscillations, cosmic microwave background data, and a recently proposed set of Quasars as objects of known brightness. The advantage of including the latter is that they extend the local distance measures to redshifts which have previously been out of reach and we investigate how this allows one to test cosmologies beyond $\Lambda$CDM. We focus on two particular modifications: One is the theory of a massive tensor field interacting with the standard metric of gravity, so-called bigravity, and the other conformal gravity, a theory of gravity that has no knowledge of fundamental length scales. The former of the two constitutes a veritable extension of General Relativity, given that it adds to the metric tensor of gravity a second dynamical tensor field. The resulting dynamics have been proposed as a self-accelerating cosmology. Conformal gravity on the other hand is a much more drastic change of the underlying gravitational theory. Its ignorance towards fundamental length scales offers a completely different approach to late time acceleration and the so-called cosmological constant problem. In this sense, both models offer - in one way or another - an explanation for the cosmological constant problem. We perform a combined cosmological fit which provides strong constraints on some of these extensions, while some alternative cosmologies are in fact favoured by the data. We also briefly comment on the implications of the long-standing $H_0$-tension.

Gaugino mass term for D-branes and Generalized Complex Geometry. (arXiv:2002.01481v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mariana Graña, Nicolas Kovensky, Ander Retolaza, relevance 0.34

We compute the four-dimensional gaugino mass for a Dp-brane extended in spacetime and wrapping a cycle on the internal geometry in a warped compactification with fluxes. Motivated by the backreaction of gaugino bilinear VEVs, we use Generalized Complex Geometry to characterize the internal geometry as well as the cycle wrapped by the brane. We find that the RR fluxes and the non-closure of the generalized complex structures combine in the gaugino mass terms in the same form as they do in the bulk superpotential, while for the NSNS fluxes there is a crucial minus sign in the component normal to the brane. Our expression extends the known result for D3 and D7-branes in Calabi-Yau manifolds, where the gaugino masses are induced respectively by the imaginary anti-self dual and imaginary self-dual components of the complex 3-form flux $G_3$.

Locating ergostar models in parameter space. (arXiv:2002.01473v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Antonios Tsokaros, Milton Ruiz, Stuart L. Shapiro, relevance 0.76

Recently, we have shown that dynamically stable ergostar solutions (equilibrium neutron stars that contain an ergoregion) with a compressible and causal equation of state exist [A. Tsokaros, M. Ruiz, L. Sun, S. L. Shapiro, and K. Ury\=u, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 231103 (2019)]. These stars are hypermassive, differentially rotating, and highly compact. In this work, we make a systematic study of equilibrium models in order to locate the position of ergostars in parameter space. We adopt four equations of state that differ in the matching density of a maximally stiff core. By constructing a large number of models both with uniform and differential rotation of different degrees, we identify the parameters for which ergostars appear. We find that the most favorable conditions for the appearance of dynamically stable ergostars are a significant finite density close to the surface of the star (i.e., similar to self-bound quark stars) and a small degree of differential rotation.

Large N Analysis of $T\bar{T}$-deformation and Unavoidable Negative-norm States. (arXiv:2002.01414v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Junichi Haruna, Takaaki Ishii, Hikaru Kawai, Katsuta Sakai, Kentaroh Yoshida, relevance 0.49

We study non-perturbative quantum aspects of $T\bar{T}$-deformation of a free $O(N)$ vector model by employing the large $N$ limit. It is shown that bound states of the original field appear and inevitably become negative-norm states. In particular, the bound states can be regarded as the states of the conformal mode in a gravitational theory, where the Liouville action is induced with the coefficient proportional to the minus of central charge. To make the theory positive-definite, some modification is required so as to preserve diffeomorphism invariance due to the Faddeev-Popov ghosts with a negative central charge.

Connections and Frame Bundle Reductions. (arXiv:2002.01410v1 [math-ph])
in gr-qc by M. Lachieze-Rey, relevance 1.03

In general relativity, the gravitational potential is represented by the Levi-Civita connection, the only symmetric connection preserving the metric. On a differentiable manifold, a metric identifies with an orthogonal structure, defined as a Lorentz reduction of the frame bundle. The Levi-Civita connection appears as the only symmetric connection preserving the reduction. This paper presents generalization of this process to other aproaches of gravitation: Weyl structure with Weyl connections, teleparallel structures with Weitzenbock connections, unimodular structure, similarly appear as frame bundle reductions, with preserving connections. To each subgroup H of the linear group GL correspond reduced structures, or H-structures. They are subbundles of the frame bundle (with GL as principal group), with H as principal group. A linear connection in a manifold M is a principal connection on the frame bundle. Given a reduction, the corresponding preserving connections on M are the linear connections which preserve it. I also show that the time gauge used in the 3+1 formalism for general relativity similarly appears as the result of a bundle reduction.

Traversable Wormholes Supported by GUP Corrected Casimir Energy. (arXiv:2002.01341v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Kimet Jusufi, Phongpichit Channuie, Mubasher Jamil, relevance 7.25

In this paper, we investigate the effect of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) in the Casimir wormhole spacetime recently proposed by Garattini [Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79: 951]. In particular, we consider three types of the GUP relations, firstly the Kempf, Mangano and Mann (KMM) model, secondly the Detournay, Gabriel and Spindel (DGS) model, and finally the so called type II model for GUP principle. To this end, we consider three specific models of the redshift function along with two different EoS of state given by $\mathcal{P}_r(r)=\omega_r(r) \rho(r)$ along with $\mathcal{P}_t(r)=\omega_t (r)\mathcal{P}_r(r)$ and obtain a class of asymptotically flat wormhole solutions supported by Casimir energy under the effect of GUP. Furthermore we check the null, weak, and strong condition at the wormhole throat with a radius $r_0$, and show that in general the classical energy condition are violated by some arbitrary quantity at the wormhole throat. Importantly, we examine the wormhole geometry with semi-classical corrections via embedding diagrams. We also consider the ADM mass of the wormhole, the volume integral quantifier to calculate the amount of the exotic matter near the wormhole throat, and the deflection angle of light.

Chaos and complementarity in de Sitter space. (arXiv:2002.01326v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lars Aalsma, Gary Shiu, relevance 16.56

We consider small perturbations to a static three-dimensional de Sitter geometry. For early enough perturbations that satisfy the null energy condition, the result is a shockwave geometry that leads to a time advance in the trajectory of geodesics crossing it. This brings the opposite poles of de Sitter space into causal contact with each other, much like a traversable wormhole in Anti-de Sitter space. In this background, we compute out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs) to asses the chaotic nature of the de Sitter horizon and find that it is maximally chaotic: one of the OTOCs we study decays exponentially with a Lyapunov exponent that saturates the chaos bound. We discuss the consequences of our results for de Sitter complementarity and inflation.

On the Role of $f(G,T)$ Terms in Structure Scalars. (arXiv:2002.01316v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Z. Yousaf, relevance 1.63

This work is devoted to explore the effects of $f(G,T)$ terms on the study of structure scalars and their influences in the formulations of the Raychaudhuri, shear and Weyl scalar equations. For this purpose, we have assumed non-static spherically symmetric geometry coupled with shearing viscous locally anisotropic dissipative matter content. We have developed relations among the Misner-Sharp mass, Weyl scalar, matter and structure variables. We have also formulated set of $f(G,T)$ structure scalars after orthogonally breaking down of the Riemann curvature tensor. The influences of these scalar functions in the modeling of relativistic radiating spheres are also studied. The factor involved in the emergence of inhomogeneities is also explored for the constant and varying modified curvature corrections. We inferred that $f(G,T)$ structure scalars could lead provide an effective tool to study Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems and Newman-Penrose formalism.

Simulation of geodesic trajectory of charged BTZ black holes in massive gravity. (arXiv:2002.01302v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S. H. Hendi, A. M. Tavakkoli, S. Panahiyan, B. Eslam Panah, E. Hackmann, relevance 12.35

In order to classify and understand the spacetime structure, investigation of the geodesic motion of massive and massless particles is a key tool. So the geodesic equation is a central equation of gravitating systems and the subject of geodesics in the black hole dictionary attracted much attention. In this paper, we give a full description of geodesic motions in three-dimensional spacetime. We investigate the geodesics near charged BTZ black holes and then generalize our prescriptions to the case of massive gravity. We show that electric charge is a critical parameter for categorizing the geodesic motions of both lightlike and timelike particles. In addition, we classify the type of geodesics based on the particle properties and geometry of spacetime.

The Epistemic Virtues of the Virtuous Theorist: On Albert Einstein and His Autobiography. (arXiv:2002.01301v1 [physics.hist-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jeroen van Dongen, relevance 0.00

Albert Einstein's practice in physics and his philosophical positions gradually reoriented themselves from more empiricist towards rationalist viewpoints. This change accompanied his turn towards unified field theory and different presentations of himself, eventually leading to his highly programmatic Autobiographical Notes in 1949. Einstein enlisted his own history and professional stature to mold an ideal of a theoretical physicist who represented particular epistemic virtues and moral qualities. These in turn reflected the theoretical ideas of his strongly mathematical unification program and professed Spinozist beliefs.

Limits on primordial magnetic fields from primordial black hole abundance. (arXiv:2002.01286v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Shohei Saga, Hiroyuki Tashiro, Shuichiro Yokoyama, relevance 8.56

Primordial magnetic field (PMF) is one of the feasible candidates to explain observed large-scale magnetic fields, for example, intergalactic magnetic fields. We present a new mechanism that brings us information about PMFs on small scales based on the abundance of primordial black holes (PBHs). The anisotropic stress of the PMFs can act as a source of the super-horizon curvature perturbation in the early universe. If the amplitude of PMFs is sufficiently large, the resultant density perturbation also has a large amplitude, and thereby, the PBH abundance is enhanced. Since the anisotropic stress of the PMFs is consist of the square of the magnetic fields, the statistics of the density perturbation follows the non-Gaussian distribution. Assuming Gaussian distributions and delta-function type power spectrum for PMFs, based on a Monte-Carlo method, we obtain an approximate probability density function of the density perturbation, and it is an important piece to relate the amplitude of PMFs with the abundance of PBHs. Finally, we place the strongest constraint on the amplitude of PMFs as a few hundred nano-Gauss on $10^{2}\;{\rm Mpc}^{-1} \leq k\leq 10^{18}\;{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ where the typical cosmological observations never reach.

Detectability of nGauss primordial magnetic fields in the B-mode polarization of CMB. (arXiv:2002.01272v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Archana Sangwan, S. Shankaranarayanan, relevance 0.00

The origin of large-scale magnetic fields in the Universe is still unknown. Observations suggest the presence of nGauss primordial magnetic fields at the last scattering surface. The presence of such fields will affect the evolution of cosmological perturbations and potentially leave an imprint on the CMB anisotropies. Here, we show that the B-mode power spectrum carries a clear signature of the stochastic primordial magnetic fields up to a few nGauss. Specifically, the presence of nGauss primordial magnetic fields changes the BB power spectrum at all scales. At large scales, the tensor modes contribute to the B-mode spectrum, while non-vanishing vector modes contribute at small scales. We show that the B-mode of CMB carry a distinct signature of the primordial magnetic fields. To validate our prediction, we use BICEP2 and POLARBEAR data and find that B-mode observations from the experiments are consistent with non-zero primordial fields. We also use the BICEP2 observations to constrain the primordial magnetic field. We provide a detailed analysis of the B-mode polarization of the CMB with primordial magnetic fields and investigate the implications for the upcoming CMB missions.

Primordial perturbations in the Dapor-Liegener model of hybrid loop quantum cosmology. (arXiv:2002.01262v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Laura Castelló Gomar, Alejandro García-Quismondo, Guillermo A. Mena Marugán, relevance 0.00

In this work, we extend the formalism of hybrid loop quantum cosmology for primordial perturbations around a flat, homogeneous, and isotropic universe to the new treatment of Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker geometries proposed recently by Dapor and Liegener, based on an alternative regularization of the Hamiltonian constraint. In fact, our discussion is applicable also to other possible regularization schemes for loop quantum cosmology, although we specialize our analysis to the Dapor-Liegener proposal and construct explicitly all involved quantum operators for that case.

The fate of the axial anomaly in a finite field theory. (arXiv:2002.01191v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Pierre Grangé, Jean-François Mathiot, Ernst Werner, relevance 0.89

The conservation of the vector current and the axial anomaly responsible for the $\pi_0 \to \gamma \gamma$ decay amplitude are obtained in leading order within the Taylor-Lagrange formulation of fields considered as operator-valued distributions. As for gauge theories, where this formulation eliminates all divergences and preserves gauge-symmetry, it is shown that the different contributions can be evaluated directly in $4$-dimensional space-time, with no restrictions whatsoever on the four-momentum of the internal loop, and without the need to introduce any additional non physical degrees of freedom like Pauli-Villars fields. We comment on the similar contributions responsible for the decay of the Higgs boson into two photons.

First-order phase boundaries of the massive 1+1 dimensional Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with isospin. (arXiv:2002.01190v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michael Thies, relevance 0.00

The massive two-dimensional Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with isospin (isoNJL) is reconsidered in the large $N_c$ limit. We continue the exploration of its phase diagram by constructing missing first-order phase boundaries. At zero temperature, a phase boundary in the plane of baryon and isospin chemical potentials separates the vacuum from a crystal phase. We derive it from the baryon spectrum of the isoNJL model which, in turn, is obtained via a numerical Hartree-Fock (HF) calculation. At finite temperature, a first-order phase boundary sheet is found using a thermal HF calculation. It interpolates smoothly between the zero temperature phase boundary and the perturbative sheet. The calculations remain tractable owing to the assumption that the charged pion condensate vanishes. In that case, most of the calculations can be done with methods developed in the past for solving the massive one-flavor NJL model.

Combined search for anisotropic birefringence in the gravitational-wave transient catalog GWTC-1. (arXiv:2002.01185v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lijing Shao, relevance 1.40

The discovery of gravitational waves (GWs) provides an unprecedented arena to test general relativity, including the gravitational Lorentz invariance violation (gLIV). In the propagation of GWs, a generic gLIV leads to anisotropy, dispersion, and birefringence. GW events constrain the anisotropic birefringence particularly well. Kosteleck\'y and Mewes (2016) performed a preliminary analysis for GW150914. We improve their method and extend the analysis systematically to the whole GW transient catalog, GWTC-1. This is the first global analysis of the spacetime anisotropic Lorentzian structure with a catalog of GWs, where multiple events are crucial in breaking the degeneracy among gLIV parameters. With the absence of abnormal propagation, we obtain new limits on 34 coefficients for gLIV in the nonminimal gravity that surpass previous limits by $\sim 10^2$-$10^5$.

On linearised vacuum constraint equations on Einstein manifolds. (arXiv:2002.01174v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Robert Beig, Piotr T. Chruściel, relevance 0.62

We show how to parameterise solutions of the general relativistic vector constraint equation on Einstein manifolds by unconstrained potentials. We provide a similar construction for the trace-free part of tensors satisfying the linearised scalar constraint. Previous work of ours has provided similar different constructions for solutions of the linearized constraints in the case where the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ is zero. We use our new potentials to show that one can shield linearised gravitational fields using linearised gravitational fields without imposing the TT gauge (as done in previous work), for any value of $\Lambda \in \mathbb{R}$.

String effect on the relative time delay in the Kerr-Sen black hole. (arXiv:2002.01149v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by R.N. Izmailov, R.Kh. Karimov, A.A. Potapov, K.K. Nandi, relevance 7.64

A well known solution of heterotic string theory is the spinning Kerr-Sen black hole (KSBH) characterized by a string parameter $\xi$. Kerr black hole is recovered at $\xi=0$. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of $\xi$ on a new diagnostic of relative time delay (RTD) to see how the latter deviates from that in general relativity. Assuming KSBH as the spinning lens partner in PSR-BH binary systems, which provide the best laboratory for testing the time delay predictions, we study here the RTD up to third PPN order in $\left(1/r\right)$ in the thin-lens approximation. We work out a useful generalization of the RTD formulas applicable to the experimentally viable \textit{finite} distance lens scales, while\ terms higher than the zeroth order are shown to contain the effect of $\xi$. We shall also relate RTD to the observable image magnification factor determined by $\beta/\theta_{E}$, where $\beta$ is the angular separation between the source and the observer and $\theta_{E}$ is the "Einstein angle" determined by an "effective" non-aligned static lens equivalent to the original aligned spinning lens. Numerical estimates for two typical binary lens systems show $\mu$sec level delay at the zeroth order consistent with predictions in the literature. However, the string effect at higher orders is too tiny to be measurable even in the far future leading to the conclusion that the stringy and general relativity BHs are yet observationally indistinguishable.

Lorentz symmetry violation and the tunneling radiation of fermions with spin $1/2$ for Kerr Anti-de-Sitter black hole. (arXiv:2002.01148v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Zhi-E Liu, Xia Tan, Yu-Zhen Liu, Bei Sha, Jie Zhang, Shu-Zheng Yang, relevance 32.25

We studied the correction of the quantum tunneling radiation of fermions with spin $1/2$ in Kerr Anti-de-Sitter black hole. First, the dynamic equation of spin $1/2$ fermions was corrected using Lorentz's violation theory. Second, the new expressions of the fermions quantum tunneling rate, the Hawking temperature of the black hole and the entropy of the black hole were obtained according to the corrected fermions dynamic equation. At last, some comments are made on the results of our work.

Event Horizon Detecting Invariants. (arXiv:2002.01135v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aydin Tavlayan, Bayram Tekin, relevance 17.69

Some judiciously chosen local curvature scalars can be used to invariantly characterize event horizons of black holes in $D > 3$ dimensions, but they fail for the three dimensional Ba\~nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole since all curvature invariants are constant. Here we provide an invariant characterization of the event horizon of the BTZ black hole using the curvature invariants of codimension one hypersurfaces instead of the full spacetime. Our method is also applicable to black holes in generic dimensions but is most efficient in three, four, and five dimensions. We give four dimensional Kerr, five dimensional Myers-Perry and three dimensional warped-anti-de Sitter, and the three dimensional asymptotically flat black holes as examples.

Cosmological Signatures of Superheavy Dark Matter. (arXiv:2002.01131v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Lingfeng Li, Shiyun Lu, Yi Wang, Siyi Zhou, relevance 0.00

We discuss two possible scenarios, namely the curvaton mechanism and the dark matter density modulation, where non-Gaussianity signals of superheavy dark matter produced by gravity can be enhanced and observed. In both scenarios, superheavy dark matter couples to an additional light field as a mediator. In the case of derivative coupling, the resulting non-Gaussianities induced by the light field can be large, which can provide inflationary evidences for these superheavy dark matter scenarios.

CP-violating super Weyl anomaly. (arXiv:2002.01128v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Koichiro Nakagawa, Yu Nakayama, relevance 0.38

In CP-violating conformal field theories in four dimensions, the Pontryagin density can appear in the Weyl anomaly. The Pontryagin density in the Weyl anomaly is consistent, but it has a peculiar feature that the parent three-point function of the energy-momentum tensor can violate CP only (semi-)locally. In this paper, we study the supersymmetric completion of the Pontryagin density in the Weyl anomaly, where the central charge $c$ effectively becomes a complex number. The supersymmetry suggests that it accompanies the graviphoton $\theta$ term associated with the R-symmetry gauging in the Weyl anomaly. It also accompanies new CP-violating terms in the R-current anomaly. While there are no conclusive perturbative examples of CP-violating super Weyl anomaly, we construct explicit supersymmetric dilaton effective action which generates these anomalies.

Full analytical approximation to the stochastic gravitational wave background generated by cosmic string networks. (arXiv:2002.01079v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by Lara Sousa, Pedro P. Avelino, Guilherme S. F. Guedes, relevance 6.90

We derive a full analytical approximation to the stochastic gravitational wave background generated by the loops that are produced throughout the cosmological evolution of cosmic string networks. We show that this approximation not only predicts the amplitude of the radiation-era plateau exactly, but also provides a good fit to the high-frequency cut-off and to the low-frequency peak generated by the loops that decay during the matter era, irrespective of cosmic string tension and of the length of loops created. We then find that it provides a good quantitative description of the full stochastic gravitational wave background across the relevant frequency range.

Quantum nature of Wigner function for inflationary tensor perturbations. (arXiv:2002.01064v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jinn-Ouk Gong, Min-Seok Seo, relevance 0.90

We study the Wigner function for the inflationary tensor perturbation defined in the real phase space. We compute explicitly the Wigner function including the contributions from the cubic self-interaction Hamiltonian of tensor perturbations. Then we argue that it is no longer an appropriate description for the probability distribution in the sense that quantum nature allows negativity around vanishing phase variables. This comes from the non-Gaussian wavefunction in the mixed state as a result of the non-linear interaction between super- and sub-horizon modes. We also show that this is related to the explicit infrared divergence in the Wigner function, in contrast to the trace of the density matrix.

The higher-order phase transition in toroidal CDT. (arXiv:2002.01051v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jan Ambjørn, Grzegorz Czelusta, Jakub Gizbert-Studnicki, Andrzej Görlich, Jerzy Jurkiewicz, Dániel Németh, relevance 3.05

We investigate the transition between the phases $B$ and $C_b$ observed in four-dimensional Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT). We find that the critical properties of CDT with toroidal spatial topology are the same as earlier observed in spherical spatial topology where the $B-C_b$ transition was found to be higher-order. This may have important consequences for the existence of the continuum limit of CDT, describing the perspective UV limit of quantum gravity, which potentially can be investigated in the toroidal model.

Asymptotically flat, parameterized black hole metric preserving Kerr symmetries. (arXiv:2002.01028v5 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Zack Carson, Kent Yagi, relevance 12.30

Recently the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, with very-long baseline interferometric observations, resolved structure at the scale of $\sim5$ Schwarzschild radii about the center of M87$^*$, the supermassive black hole resident at the center of Messier 87. This important observation has paved the way for testing what is known as the "no-hair" theorem, stating that isolated black holes are described by the Kerr metric, parameterized only by their mass and spin. Generic, parameterized spacetimes beyond Kerr allow one to arbitrarily test the no-hair theorem for deviations from the Kerr result with no prior theoretical knowledge or motivation. In this paper, we present such a new general, stationary, axisymmetric and asymptotically flat black hole solution with separable geodesic equations (thus preserving symmetries of a Kerr black hole), extending the previous work of Johannsen. In this new metric, five free non-linear functions parameterically deviate from the Kerr result, allowing one to effectively transform to many alternative black hole solutions present in the literature. We then derive analytic expressions for the Keplerian and epicyclic frequencies, the orbital energy and angular momentum, and the location of the innermost stable orbit of circular equatorial particle orbits. We also compute the image of the photon rings in the new spacetime, which correspond to the boundary of the black hole shadow image taken by the Event Horizon Telescope. We finally compare each quantity for the Kerr result against various parameterizations of the metric, finding that, especially for highly rotating black holes, the two solutions disagree significantly. Such a metric parameterization allows one to perform the no-hair tests in a model-independent way, and finally map constraints to specific alternative theories of gravity.

On rational electromagnetic fields. (arXiv:2002.01005v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kaushlendra Kumar, Olaf Lechtenfeld, relevance 3.01

We employ a recently developed method for constructing rational electromagnetic field configurations in Minkowski space to investigate several properties of these source-free finite-action Maxwell ("knot") solutions. The construction takes place on the Penrose diagram but uses features of de Sitter space, in particular its isometry group. This admits a classification of all knot solutions in terms of $S^3$ harmonics, labelled by a spin $2j\in{\mathbb N}_0$, which in fact provides a complete "knot basis" of finite-action Maxwell fields. We display a $j{=}1$ example, compute the energy for arbitrary spin-$j$ configurations, derive a linear relation between spin and helicity and characterize the subspace of null fields. Finally, we present an expression for the electromagnetic flux at null infinity and demonstrate its equality with the total energy.

Duality in the dynamics of Unruh-DeWitt detectors in conformally related spacetimes. (arXiv:2002.00987v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Masahiro Hotta, Achim Kempf, Eduardo Martín-Martínez, Takeshi Tomitsuka, Koji Yamaguchi, relevance 7.49

We prove a nonperturbative duality concerning the dynamics of harmonic-oscillator-type Unruh-DeWitt detectors in curved spacetimes. Concretely, using the Takagi transformation we show that the action of a harmonic oscillator Unruh-DeWitt detector with one frequency in a spacetime is equal to that of a detector with a different frequency in a conformally related spacetime. As an example, we show that the dynamics of simple stationary detectors in flat spacetime is dual to that of detectors in a cosmological scenario. The nonperturbative duality enables us to investigate entanglement harvesting in new scenarios in curved spacetime by using results obtained in simpler, conformally related spacetimes.

What can Black Holes teach us about the IR and UV?. (arXiv:2002.00980v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Basem Kamal El-Menoufi, Sonali Mohapatra, relevance 18.07

Combining insights from both the effective field theory of quantum gravity and black hole thermodynamics, we derive two novel consistency relations to be satisfied by any quantum theory of gravity. First, we show that a particular combination of the number of massless (light) fields in the theory must take integer values. Second, we show that, once the massless spectrum is fixed, the Wilson coefficient of the Kretschmann scalar in the low-energy effective theory is fully determined by the logarithm of a single natural number.

Signature of neutrino mass hierarchy in gravitational lensing. (arXiv:2002.00977v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Himanshu Swami, Kinjalk Lochan, Ketan M. Patel, relevance 0.49

In flat spacetime, the vacuum neutrino flavour oscillations are known to be sensitive only to the difference between the squared masses, and not to the individual masses, of neutrinos. In this work, we show that the lensing of neutrinos induced by a gravitational source substantially modifies this standard picture and it gives rise to a novel contribution through which the oscillation probabilities also depend on the individual neutrino masses. A gravitating mass located between a source and a detector deflects the neutrinos in their journey, and at a detection point, neutrinos arriving through different paths can lead to the phenomenon of interference. The flavour transition probabilities computed in the presence of such interference depend on the individual masses of neutrinos whenever there is a non-zero path difference between the interfering neutrinos. We demonstrate this explicitly by considering an example of weak lensing induced by a Schwarzschild mass. Through the simplest two flavour case, we show that the oscillation probability in the presence of lensing is sensitive to the sign of $\Delta m^2 = m_2^2 -m_1^2$, for non-maximal mixing between two neutrinos, unlike in the case of standard vacuum oscillation in flat spacetime. Further, the probability itself oscillates with respect to the path difference and the frequency of such oscillations depends on the absolute mass scale $m_1$ or $m_2$. We also give results for realistic three flavour case and discuss various implications of gravitationally modified neutrino oscillations and means of observing them.

BMS Symmetry of Celestial OPE. (arXiv:2002.00975v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shamik Banerjee, Sudip Ghosh, Riccardo Gonzo, relevance 0.14

In this paper we study the BMS symmetry of the celestial OPE of two positive helicity gravitons in Einstein theory in four dimensions. The celestial OPE is obtained by Mellin transforming the scattering amplitude in the (holomorphic) collinear limit. The collinear limit at leading order gives the singular term of the celestial OPE. We compute the first subleading correction to the OPE by analysing the four graviton scattering amplitude directly in Mellin space. The subleading term can be written as a linear combination of BMS descendants with the OPE coefficients determined by BMS algebra and the coefficient of the leading term in the OPE. This can be done by defining a suitable BMS primary state. We find that among the descendants, which appear at the first subleading order, there is one which is created by holomorphic supertranslation with simple pole on the celestial sphere.

Towards Spacetime Entanglement Entropy for Interacting Theories. (arXiv:2002.00966v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Yangang Chen, Ravi Kunjwal, Heidar Moradi, Yasaman K. Yazdi, Miguel Zilhão, relevance 48.61

Entanglement entropy of quantum fields in gravitational settings is a topic of growing importance. This entropy of entanglement is conventionally computed relative to Cauchy hypersurfaces where it is possible via a partial tracing to associate a reduced density matrix to the spacelike region of interest. In recent years Sorkin has proposed an alternative, manifestly covariant, formulation of entropy in terms of the spacetime two-point correlation function. This formulation, developed for a Gaussian scalar field theory, is explicitly spacetime in nature and evades some of the possible non-covariance issues faced by the conventional formulation. In this paper we take the first steps towards extending Sorkin's entropy to non-Gaussian theories where Wick's theorem no longer holds and one would expect higher correlators to contribute. We consider quartic perturbations away from the Gaussian case and find that to first order in perturbation theory, the entropy formula derived by Sorkin continues to hold but with the two-point correlators replaced by their perturbation-corrected counterparts. This is a non-trivial and, to our knowledge, novel result. Our work also suggests avenues for extensions to more generic interacting theories.

Einstein-Maxwell-scalar black holes: the hot, the cold and the bald. (arXiv:2002.00963v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jose Luis Blázquez-Salcedo, Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Jutta Kunz, Alexandre M. Pombo, Eugen Radu, relevance 14.16

The phenomenon of spontaneous scalarisation of charged black holes (BHs) has recently motivated studies of various Einstein-Maxwell-scalar models. Within these models, different classes of BH solutions are possible, depending on the non-minimal coupling function $f(\phi)$, between the scalar field and the Maxwell invariant. Here we consider the class wherein both the (bald) electrovacuum Reissner-Nordstr\"om (RN) BH and new scalarised BHs co-exist, and the former are never unstable against scalar perturbations. In particular we examine the model, within this subclass, with a quartic coupling function: $f(\Phi) = 1+\alpha \Phi ^4$. The domain of existence of the scalarised BHs, for fixed $\alpha$, is composed of two branches. The first branch (cold scalarised BHs) is continuously connected to the extremal RN BH. The second branch (hot scalarised BHs) connects to the first one at the minimum value of the charge to mass ratio and it includes overcharged BHs. We then assess the perturbative stability of the scalarised solutions, focusing on spherical perturbations. On the one hand, cold scalarised BHs are shown to be unstable by explicitly computing growing modes. The instability is quenched at both endpoints of the first branch. On the other hand, hot scalarised BHs are shown to be stable by using the S-deformation method. Thus, in the spherical sector this model possesses two stable BH local ground states (RN and hot scalarised). We point out that the branch structure of BHs in this model parallels the one of BHs in five dimensional vacuum gravity, with [Myer-Perry BHs, fat rings, thin rings] playing the role of [RN, cold scalarised, hot scalarised] BHs.

Groomed jet mass at high precision. (arXiv:2002.00942v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Adam Kardos, Andrew J. Larkoski, Zoltan Trocsanyi, relevance 0.00

We present predictions of the distribution of groomed heavy jet mass in electron-positron collisions at the next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy matched with the resummation of large logarithms to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. Resummation at this accuracy is possible through extraction of necessary two-loop constants and three-loop anomalous dimensions from fixed-order codes.

Hyperk\"ahler cones and instantons on quaternionic K\"ahler manifolds. (arXiv:2002.00933v1 [math.DG])
in hep-th by Chandrashekar Devchand, Massimiliano Pontecorvo, Andrea Spiro, relevance 0.00

We present a novel approach to the study of Yang-Mills instantons on quaternionic K\"ahler manifolds, based on an extension of the harmonic space method of constructing instantons on hyperk\"ahler manifolds. Our results establish a bijection between local equivalence classes of instantons on quaternionic K\"ahler manifolds M and equivalence classes of certain holomorphic maps on an appropriate SL_2(C)-bundle over the Swann bundle of M.

Non-linear electrodynamics generalization of the rotating BTZ black hole. (arXiv:2002.00890v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Pedro Cañate, Daniela Magos, Nora Breton, relevance 15.33

We obtain two exact solutions of Einstein gravity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics (NLED) in $(2+ 1)$-dimensional Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. The solutions are characterized by the mass $M$, angular momentum $J$, cosmological constant or (anti) de Sitter parameter $\Lambda$, and an electromagnetic parameter $Q$, that is related to an electric field in the first solution and to a magnetic charge for the second solution. Depending on the range of the parameters, the solutions admit a charged rotating asymptotically AdS black hole (BH) interpretation or a charged rotating asymptotically AdS traversable wormhole (WH). If the electromagnetic field is turned off, the stationary Ba\~nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) BH is recovered; in such a way that our BH-WH solutions are nonlinear charged generalizations of the stationary BTZ-BH. Moreover, in contrast to the BTZ metric, the derived AdS solutions are singular at certain radius $r_{s} \neq 0$, resembling the ring singularity of the Kerr-Newman spacetime; while if $\Lambda$ is positive the curvature invariants of the second solution are finite.

Modifications to Gravitational Wave Equation from Canonical Quantum Gravity. (arXiv:2002.00834v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Andrea Dapor, Klaus Liegener, relevance 14.92

It is expected that the quantum nature of spacetime leaves its imprint in all semiclassical gravitational systems, at least in certain regimes, including gravitational waves. In this paper we investigate such imprints on gravitational waves within a specific framework: space is assumed to be discrete (in the form of a regular cubic lattice), and this discrete geometry is quantised following Dirac's canonical quantisation scheme. The semiclassical behavior is then extracted by promoting the expectation value of the Hamiltonian operator on a semiclassical state to an effective Hamiltonian. Considering a family of semiclassical states representing small tensor perturbations to Minkowski background, we derive a quantum-corrected effective wave equation. The deviations from the classical gravitational wave equation are found to be encoded in a modified dispersion relation and controlled by the discreteness parameter of the underlying lattice. For finite discretisations, several interesting effects appear: we investigate the thermodynamical properties of these modified gravitons and, under certain assumptions, derive the tensor power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background. The latter is found to deviate from the classical prediction, in that an amplification of UV modes takes place. We discuss under what circumstances such effect can be in agreement with observations.

Weak values from path integrals. (arXiv:2002.00832v1 [quant-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by A. Matzkin, relevance 5.72

We connect the weak measurements framework to the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics. We show how Feynman propagators can in principle be experimentally inferred from weak value measurements. We also obtain expressions for weak values parsing unambiguously the quantum and the classical aspects of weak couplings between a system and a probe. These expressions are shown to be useful in solving current weak-value related controversies concerning the existence of discontinuous trajectories in interferometers and anomalous weak values in the classical limit.

An infinite square-well potential as a limiting case of a finite square-well potential in a minimal-length scenario. (arXiv:2002.00692v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by André Oakes O. Gonçalves, Michael F. Gusson, Bernardo B. Dilem, Raphael G. Furtado, Ronald O. Francisco, Júlio C. Fabris, José A. Nogueira, relevance 0.00

One of the most widely problem studied in quantum mechanics is of an infinite square-well potential. In a minimal-length scenario its study requires additional care because the boundary conditions at the walls of the well are not well fixed. In order to avoid this we solve the finite square-well potential whose the boundary conditions are well fixed, even in a minimal-length scenario, and then we take the limit of the potential going to infinity to find the eigenfunctions and the energy equation for the infinite square-well potential. Although the first correction for the energy eigenvalues is the same one has been found in the literature, our result shows that the eigenfunctions have the first derivative continuous at the square-well walls what is in disagreement those previous work. That is because in the literature the authors have neglected the hyperbolic solutions and have assumed the discontinuity of the first derivative of the eigenfunctions at the walls of the infinite square-well which is not correct. As we show, the continuity of the first derivative of the eigenfunctions at the square-well walls guarantees the continuity of the probability current density and the unitarity of the time evolution

A Toy Model for the Electromagnetic Output of Neutron-star Merger Prompt Collapse to a Black Hole: Magnetized Neutron-star Collisions. (arXiv:2002.00687v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Antonios Nathanail, relevance 6.41

We present a systematic study of magnetised neutron star head on collisions. We investigate the resulting magnetic field geometries as the two neutron stars merge. Furthermore, we analyze the luminosity produced in these collisions and monitor the evolution of the magnetic fields from the time of merger until the subsequent production of a black hole. At the time of black hole formation the luminosity peaks and rings-down following the decay of the electromagnetic fields. A comparison is presented for three different cases, one where the initial magnetic field in both neutron stars is aligned, one where they are anti-aligned and also one case where they initially have unequal magnetic field strength. We identify regions and set limits so that pair creation and magnetic reconnection would occur in this scenario, and further discuss limits and differences in the radiated energy. This study should be regarded as a toy model of the case where the remnant, of a binary neutron star merger, undergoes a prompt collapse to a black hole with a negligible surrounding disk. We note that the generated electromagnetic pulses resembles the fast radio bursts phenomenology. We consider implications on the high mass mergers leading to a fast prompt collapse to a black hole and the expected flux to be observed at a distance similar to the binary neutron star gravitational wave detection GW190425.

T-dualization of G\"{o}del string cosmologies via Poisson-Lie T-duality approach. (arXiv:2002.00675v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Eghbali, R. Naderi, A. Rezaei-Aghdam, relevance 0.54

Using the homogeneous G\"{o}del spacetimes we find some new solutions for the field equations of bosonic string effective action up to first order in $\alpha'$ including both dilaton and axion fields. We then discuss in detail the (non-)Abelian T-dualization of G\"{o}del string cosmologies via Poisson-Lie (PL) T-duality approach. In studying Abelian T-duality of the models we get seven dual models in such a way that they are constructed by one-, two- and three-dimensional Abelian Lie groups acting freely on the target space manifold. The results of our study show that the Abelian T-dual models are, under some of the special conditions, self-dual. Afterwards, non-Abelian duals of the G\"{o}del spacetimes are constructed by two- and three-dimensional non-Abelian Lie groups such as $A_2$, $A_2 \oplus A_1$ and $SL(2, \mathbb{R})$. It is shown that the non-Abelian dual models are conformally invariant to the order $\alpha'$ only for the case of $\beta=1$. Following that, the PL self-duality of $AdS_3 \times \mathbb{R}$ space ($\beta=1$ case) is discussed.

Constructing modular categories from orbifold data. (arXiv:2002.00663v1 [math.QA])
in hep-th by Vincentas Mulevicius, Ingo Runkel, relevance 0.11

In Carqueville et al., arXiv:1809.01483, the notion of an orbifold datum $\mathbb{A}$ in a modular fusion category $\mathcal{C}$ was introduced as part of a generalised orbifold construction for Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFTs. In this paper, given a simple orbifold datum $\mathbb{A}$ in $\mathcal{C}$, we introduce a ribbon category $\mathcal{C}_{\mathbb{A}}$ and show that it is again a modular fusion category. The definition of $\mathcal{C}_{\mathbb{A}}$ is motivated by properties of Wilson lines in the generalised orbifold. We analyse two examples in detail: (i) when $\mathbb{A}$ is given by a simple commutative $\Delta$-separable Frobenius algebra $A$ in $\mathcal{C}$; (ii) when $\mathbb{A}$ is an orbifold datum in $\mathcal{C} = \operatorname{Vect}$, built from a spherical fusion category $\mathcal{S}$. We show that in case (i), $\mathcal{C}_{\mathbb{A}}$ is ribbon-equivalent to the category of local modules of $A$, and in case (ii), to the Drinfeld centre of $\mathcal{S}$. The category $\mathcal{C}_{\mathbb{A}}$ thus unifies these two constructions into a single algebraic setting.

Integrable structures of specialized hypergeometric tau functions. (arXiv:2002.00660v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Kanehisa Takasaki, relevance 0.00

Okounkov's generating function of the double Hurwitz numbers of the Riemann sphere is a hypergeometric tau function of the 2D Toda hierarchy in the sense of Orlov and Scherbin. This tau function turns into a tau function of the lattice KP hierarchy by specializing one of the two sets of time variables to constants. When these constants are particular values, the specialized tau functions become solutions of various reductions of the lattice KP hierarchy, such as the lattice Gelfand-Dickey hierarchy, the Bogoyavlensky-Itoh-Narita lattice and the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy. These reductions contain previously unknown integrable hierarchies as well.

Combinatorics of 3D directed animals on a simple cubic lattice. (arXiv:2002.00618v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Sergei Nechaev, Michael Tamm, relevance 0.00

We provide combinatorial arguments based on a two-dimensional extension of a locally-free semigroup allowing us to compute the growth rate, $\Lambda$, of the partition function $Z_N=N^{\theta}\Lambda^N$ of the $N$-particle directed animals ($N\gg 1$) on a simple cubic lattice in a three-dimensional space. Establishing the bijection between the particular configuration of the lattice animal and a class of equivalences of words in the 2D projective locally-free semigroup, we find we find $\ln \Lambda = \lim_{N\to\infty} \ln Z_N / N$ with $\Lambda= 2(\sqrt{2}+1) \approx 4.8284$.

Accretion disks around the Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger charged black holes. (arXiv:2002.00589v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by R.Kh. Karimov, R.N. Izmailov, Amrita Bhattacharya, K.K. Nandi, relevance 11.64

It seems surprising that the emissivity properties of the accretion disk (\textit{\`{a} la} Page and Thorne) surrounding the Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger (GMGHS) black holes of heterotic string theory have not yet been studied. To fill this gap in the literature, we study the emissivity properties of the thin accretion disks around these black holes both in the Einstein and in the string frame using the Page-Thorne model. For illustration, we choose as a toy model a stellar-sized spherically symmetric black hole and find that, while the emissivity properties do not significantly differ from those of Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m and Schwarzschild black holes, they remarkably differ at GMGHS extreme limits corresponding to naked singularity and wormhole at higher frequencies. These differences provide a novel way to speculatively conclude about different types of objects from the observational point of view.

Cosmological parameter measurement and neutral hydrogen 21 cm sky survey with the Square Kilometre Array. (arXiv:2002.00572v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Yidong Xu, Xin Zhang, relevance 0.00

In order to precisely measure the cosmological parameters and answer the fundamental questions in cosmology, it is necessary to develop new, powerful cosmological probes, in addition to the proposed next-generation optical survey projects. The neutral hydrogen 21 cm sky surveys will provide a promising tool to study the late-universe evolution, helping shed light on the nature of dark energy. The Square Kilometre Array is the largest radio telescope in the world to be constructed in the near future, and it will push the 21 cm cosmology into a new era and greatly promote the development of cosmology in the forthcoming decades.

Undamped transverse electric mode in undoped two-dimensional tilted Dirac cone materials. (arXiv:2002.00561v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])
in gr-qc by Z. Jalali-Mola, S. A. Jafari, relevance 1.19

Transverse electric (TE) modes can not propagate through the conducting solids. This is because the continuum of particle-hole excitations of conductors contaminates with the TE mode and dampes it out. But in solids hosting tilted Dirac cone (TDC) that admit a description in terms of a modified Minkowski spacetime, the new spacetime structure remedies this issue and therefore a tilted Dirac cone material (TDM) supports the propagation of an undamped TE mode which is sustained by density fluctuations. The resulting TE mode propagates at fermionic velocities which strongly confines the mode to the surface of the two-dimensional (2D) TDM.

Accelerated expansion of the universe from the perspective of inhomogeneous cosmology. (arXiv:2002.00454v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by I. Bormotova, E. Kopteva, M. Churilova, Z. Stuchlik, relevance 0.90

We present a special case of the Stephani solution with spherical symmetry while considering different values of spatial curvature. We investigate the dynamics of the universe evolution in our model, build the R--T-regions for the resulting spacetime and analyze the behavior of the deceleration parameter. The singularities of the model are also discussed. The geometry of the spatial part of the obtained solution is explored.

Duel of cosmological screening lengths. (arXiv:2002.00437v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ezgi Canay, Maxim Eingorn, relevance 0.00

Two distinct perturbative approaches have been recently formulated within General Relativity, arguing for the screening of gravity in the $\Lambda$CDM Universe. In this paper we compare them and show that the offered screening concepts, each characterized by its own interaction range, can peacefully coexist. Accordingly, we advance a united scheme, determining the gravitational potential at all scales, including regions of nonlinear density contrasts, by means of a simple Helmholtz equation with the effective cosmological screening length. In addition, we claim that cosmic structures may not grow at distances above this Yukawa range and confront its current value with dimensions of the largest known objects in the Universe.

Parafermionic bases of standard modules for affine Lie algebras. (arXiv:2002.00435v1 [math.QA])
in hep-th by Marijana Butorac, Slaven Kožić, Mirko Primc, relevance 2.03

In this paper we construct combinatorial bases of parafermionic spaces associated with the standard modules of the rectangular highest weights for the untwisted affine Lie algebras. Our construction is a modification of G. Georgiev's construction for the affine Lie algebra $\widehat{\mathfrak sl}(n+1,\mathbb C)$---the constructed parafermionic bases are projections of the quasi-particle bases of the principal subspaces, obtained previously in a series of papers by the first two authors. As a consequence we prove the character formula of A. Kuniba, T. Nakanishi and J. Suzuki for all non-simply-laced untwisted affine Lie algebras.

Formulation for renormalon-free perturbative predictions beyond large-$\beta_0$ approximation. (arXiv:2002.00428v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Hiromasa Takaura, relevance 0.00

We propose a general method to obtain an unambiguous (renormalon-free) part from divergent asymptotic series containing renormalons. The renormalon-free part consists of two parts: one is given by series expansion in $\alpha_s$ which does not contain renormalons, and the other is a real part of the Borel integral, where the Borel transform possesses renormalons. In particular, a systematic method to obtain the real part of the Borel integral is proposed. To this end, we adopt an alternative resummation formula to the Borel integral. As an example, we apply our formulation to the fixed-order result of the static QCD potential, whose closest renormalon is already visible.

A Perturbation Algorithm for the Pointers of Franke-Gorini-Kossakowski-Lindblad-Sudarshan Equation. (arXiv:2002.00410v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. A. Andrianov, M. V. Ioffe, E. A. Izotova, O. O. Novikov, relevance 0.00

This paper is devoted to the study of behavior of open quantum systems consistently based on the Franke-Gorini-Kossakowski-Lindblad-Sudarshan (FGKLS) equation which covers evolution in situations when decoherence can be distinguished. We focus on the quantum measurement operation which is determined by final stationary states of an open system - so called pointers. We find pointers by applying the FGKLS equation to asymptotically constant density matrix. In seeking pointers, we have been able to propose a perturbative scheme of calculation, if we take the interaction components with an environment to be weak. Thus, the Lindblad operators can be used in some way as expansion parameters for perturbation theory. The scheme we propose is different for the cases of non-degenerate and degenerate Hamiltonian. We illustrate our scheme by particular examples of quantum harmonic oscillator with spin in external magnetic field. The efficiency of the perturbation algorithm is demonstrated by its comparison with the exact solution.

Superposition of FLRW Universes. (arXiv:2002.00398v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Metin Gurses, Yaghoub Heydarzade, Bayram Tekin, relevance 0.00

We show that (1) the Einstein field equations with a perfect fluid source admit a nonlinear superposition of two distinct homogenous Friedman-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metrics as a solution, (2) the superposed solution is an inhomogeneous geometry in general, (3) it reduces to a homogeneous one in the two asymptotes which are the early and the late stages of the universe as described by two different FLRW metrics, (4) the solution possesses a scale factor inversion symmetry and (5) the solution implies two kinds of topology changes: one during the time evolution of the superposed universe and the other occurring in the asymptotic region of space.

Observational verification of CPT invariance with binary black hole gravitational waves in the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1. (arXiv:2002.00396v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Sai Wang, Zhi-Chao Zhao, relevance 6.85

A discovery of gravitational waves from binary black hole coalescences, reported by the LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations, raises a possibility that measurements of them can provide strict verification of the fundamental laws of physics. We perform such an observational verification of CPT invariance in gravitational waves in this study. When CPT violation exists, if any, gravitational waves with different circular polarizations could gain a slight difference in propagating speeds. Hence the birefringence of gravitational waves is induced and there should be a rotation of plus and cross polarizations. For a CPT-violating dispersion relation ${\omega^{2}=k^{2}\pm 2\zeta k^{3}}$, where a sign ${\pm}$ denotes two circular polarizations, we find no substantial deviations from CPT invariance by performing Bayesian parameter inference over a set of ten signals of binary black hole coalescences in the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1. Therefore, we obtain strict constraints on a CPT-violating parameter ${\zeta}$, namely, ${ |\zeta|\lesssim\mathrm{few}\times10^{-15}\text{m}}$ at 90% confidence level. In particular, we report the strictest limit as ${\zeta=-0.09^{+0.34}_{-0.43}\times10^{-14}\text{m}}$, which is given by GW151226. It is around five times better than the only existing limit. Hence our systematic study represents the up-to-date strictest verification of CPT invariance in gravitational waves.

Schwinger Effect from Near-extremal Black Holes in (A)dS Space. (arXiv:2002.00394v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chiang-Mei Chen, Sang Pyo Kim, relevance 18.55

We study the Schwinger effect in near-extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m (RN) black holes with electric and/or magnetic charges in the (Anti-) de Sitter (AdS) space. The formula for the Schwinger effect takes a universal form for near-extremal black holes with the near-horizon geometry of ${\rm AdS}_2 \times S^2$ and with the proper radii for the ${\rm AdS}_2$ space and the two-sphere $S^2$, regardless of the asymptotically flat or (A)dS space. The asymptotic AdS boundary enhances and the dS boundary suppresses the Schwinger effect and the small radius of the AdS (dS) space reinforces the enhancement and suppression.

Thermodynamics and Phase Transition of Spherically Symmetric Black Hole in de Sitter Space from R\'enyi Statistics. (arXiv:2002.00377v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Lunchakorn Tannukij, Pitayuth Wongjun, Ekapong Hirunsirisawat, Tanapat Deesuwan, Chatchai Promsiri, relevance 26.78

Schwarzschild black holes in a de Sitter background were studied in terms of their thermodynamics based on the R\'enyi statistics. This led to thermodynamically stable black hole configurations for some certain range of black hole radii; namely within this range the corresponding black holes have positive heat capacity. Moreover, for a certain background temperature there can exist at most three configurations of black hole; one among which is thermodynamically stable. These configurations were investigated in terms of their free energies, resulting in the moderate-sized stable black hole configuration being the most preferred configuration. Furthermore, a specific condition on the R\'enyi non-extensive parameter is required if a given hot spacetime were to evolve thermally into the moderate-sized stable black hole.

Lee-Wald Charge and Asymptotic Behaviors of the Weyl-invariant Topologically Massive Gravity. (arXiv:2002.00345v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Suat Dengiz, Ercan Kilicarslan, Mohammad Reza Setare, relevance 4.77

We apply the Lee-Wald covariant phase space method to the Weyl-invariant Topologically Massive Gravity and compute the corresponding on-shell conserved charges. By using appropriate decay conditions for the existing propagating modes in the near-horizon of a stationary black hole, we obtain the charges generating the asymptotic symmetries. We show that the charges are integrable and the (modified) algebras among the asymptotic generators are closed for the certain choice of central extensions. We also find a particular static black hole solution for the Weyl-gauged Topologically Massive Gravity throughout our study.

Extracting the Gravitational Recoil from Black Hole Merger Signals. (arXiv:2002.00296v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Vijay Varma, Maximiliano Isi, Sylvia Biscoveanu, relevance 11.06

Gravitational waves carry energy, angular momentum, and linear momentum. In generic binary black hole mergers, the loss of linear momentum imparts a recoil velocity, or a "kick", to the remnant black hole. We exploit recent advances in gravitational waveform and remnant black hole modeling to extract information about the kick from the gravitational wave signal. Kick measurements such as these are astrophysically valuable, enabling independent constraints on the rate of second-generation mergers. Further, we show that kicks must be factored into future ringdown tests of general relativity with third-generation gravitational wave detectors to avoid systematic biases. We find that, although little information can be gained about the kick for existing gravitational wave events, interesting measurements will soon become possible as detectors improve. We show that, once LIGO and Virgo reach their design sensitivities, we will reliably extract the kick velocity for generically precessing binaries--including the so-called superkicks, reaching up to 5000 km/s.

An Invariant Approach to Weyl's unified field theory. (arXiv:2002.00285v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by T. A. T. Sanomiya, I. P. Lobo, J. B. Formiga, F. Dahia, C. Romero, relevance 0.00

We revisit Weyl's unified field theory, which arose in 1918, shortly after general relativity was discovered. As is well known, in order to extend the program of geometrization of physics started by Einstein to include the electromagnetic field, H. Weyl developed a new geometry which constitutes a kind of generalization of Riemannian geometry. However, despite its mathematical elegance and beauty, a serious objection was made by Einstein, who considered Weyl's theory not suitable as a physical theory since it seemed to lead to the prediction of a not yet observed effect, the so-called "second clock effect" . In this paper, our aim is to discuss Weyl's proposal anew and examine its consistency and completeness as a physical theory. Finally, we propose new directions and possible conceptual changes in the original work. As an application, we solve the field equations assuming a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe and a perfect fluid as its source. Although we have entirely abandoned Weyl's atempt to identify the vector field with the 4-dimensional electromagnetic potentials, which here must be simply viewed as part of the space-time geometry, we believe that in this way we could perhaps be led to a rich and interesting new modified gravity theory.

On the scaling of composite operators in Asymptotic Safety. (arXiv:2002.00256v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by W. Houthoff, A. Kurov, F. Saueressig, relevance 0.00

The Asymptotic Safety hypothesis states that the high-energy completion of gravity is provided by an interacting renormalization group fixed point. This implies non-trivial quantum corrections to the scaling dimensions of operators and correlation functions which are characteristic for the corresponding universality class. We use the composite operator formalism for the effective average action to derive an analytic expression for the scaling dimension of an infinite family of geometric operators $\int d^dx \sqrt{g} R^n$. We demonstrate that the anomalous dimensions interpolate continuously between their fixed point value and zero when evaluated along renormalization group trajectories approximating classical general relativity at low energy. Thus classical geometry emerges when quantum fluctuations are integrated out. We also compare our results to the stability properties of the interacting renormalization group fixed point projected to $f(R)$-gravity, showing that the composite operator formalism in the single-operator approximation cannot be used to reliably determine the number of relevant parameters of the theory.

Non-stationary Ruijsenaars functions for $\kappa=t^{-1/N}$ and intertwining operators of Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra. (arXiv:2002.00243v2 [math.QA] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Masayuki Fukuda, Yusuke Ohkubo, Jun'ichi Shiraishi, relevance 1.72

We construct the non-stationary Ruijsenaars functions (affine analogue of the Macdonald functions) in the special case $\kappa=t^{-1/N}$, using the intertwining operators of the Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra (DIM algebra) associated with $N$-fold Fock tensor spaces. By the $S$-duality of the intertwiners, another expression is obtained for the non-stationary Ruijsenaars functions with $\kappa=t^{-1/N}$, which can be regarded as a natural elliptic lift of the asymptotic Macdonald functions to the multivariate elliptic hypergeometric series. We also investigate some properties of the vertex operator of the DIM algebra appearing in the present algebraic framework; an integral operator which commutes with the elliptic Ruijsenaars operator, and the degeneration of the vertex operators to the Virasoro primary fields in the conformal limit $q \rightarrow 1$.

First order formalism for thick branes in modified gravity with Lagrange multiplier. (arXiv:2002.00229v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D. Bazeia, D. A. Ferreira, D. C. Moreira, relevance 0.00

This work discuss the construction of braneworld solutions in modified gravity with Lagrange multipliers. We examine the general aspects of the model and present a first order formalism that help us to find analytic solutions of the equations of motion. We also investigate some explicit models, analyse linear stability of the metric and comment on how to relate models investigated in other works to the ones examined in the present study.

Quantum black holes in bootstrapped Newtonian gravity. (arXiv:2002.00221v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by R. Casadio, M. Lenzi, A. Ciarfella, relevance 8.95

We analyse the classical configurations of a bootstrapped Newtonian potential generated by homogeneous spherically symmetric sources in terms of a quantum coherent state. We first compute how the mass and mean wavelength of these solutions scale in terms of the number of quanta in the coherent state. We then note that the classical relation between the ADM mass and the proper mass of the source naturally gives rise to a Generalised Uncertainty Principle for the size of the gravitational radius in the quantum theory. Consistency of the mass and wavelength scalings with this GUP requires the compactness remains at most of order one even for black holes, and the corpuscular predictions are thus recovered, with the quantised horizon area expressed in terms of the number of quanta in the coherent state. Our findings could be useful for analysing the classicalization of gravity in the presence of matter and the avoidance of singularities in the gravitational collapse of compact sources.

Diagnosis inspired by the thermodynamic geometry for different thermodynamic schemes of the charged BTZ black hole. (arXiv:2002.00117v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Zhen-Ming Xu, Bin Wu, Wen-Li Yang, relevance 22.75

Due to the asymptotic structure of the black hole solution, there are two different thermodynamic schemes for the charged Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole. In one scheme, the charged BTZ black hole is super-entropic, while in the other, it is not (the reverse isoperimetric inequality is saturated). In this paper, we investigate the thermodynamic curvature of the charged BTZ black hole in different phase spaces. We find that in both schemes, the thermodynamic curvature is always positive, which may be related to the information of repulsive interaction between black hole molecules for the charged BTZ black hole if we accept an empirical relationship between the thermodynamic curvature and interaction of a system. More importantly we provide a diagnosis for the discrimination of the two schemes from the point of view of thermodynamics geometry. For the charged BTZ black hole, when the reverse isoperimetric inequality is saturated, the thermodynamic curvature of an extreme black hole tends to be infinity, while when the reverse isoperimetric inequality is violated, the thermodynamic curvature of the extreme black hole goes to a finite value.

Lightcone Commutator and Stress-Tensor Exchange in $d>2$ CFTs. (arXiv:2002.00110v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kuo-Wei Huang, relevance 3.99

Motivated by developing a field-theoretic algebraic approach to the universal part of the stress-tensor sector of a scalar four-point function in a class of higher-dimensional CFTs, we construct a mode operator, ${\cal L}_m$, near the lightcone in $d=4$ CFTs and show that it leads to a Virasoro-like commutator, including a regularized central-term. As an example, we describe how to reproduce the $d=4$ single-stress tensor exchange contribution in the lightcone limit by a mode summation. A general-$d$ extension is included. We comment on possible generalizations.

PatchworkWave: A Multipatch Infrastructure for Multiphysics/Multiscale/Multiframe/Multimethod Simulations at Arbitrary Order. (arXiv:2002.00088v1 [physics.comp-ph])
in gr-qc by Dennis B. Bowen, Mark Avara, Vassilios Mewes, Yosef Zlochower, Scott C. Noble, Manuela Campanelli, Hotaka Shiokawa, Roseanne M. Cheng, Julian H. Krolik, relevance 0.00

We present an extension of the PatchworkMHD code [1], itself an MHD-capable extension of the Patchwork code [2], for which several algorithms presented here were co-developed. Its purpose is to create a multipatch scheme compatible with numerical simulations of arbitrary equations of motion at any discretization order in space and time. In the Patchwork framework, the global simulation is comprised of an arbitrary number of moving, local meshes, or patches, which are free to employ their own resolution, coordinate system/topology, physics equations, reference frame, and in our new approach, numerical method. Each local patch exchanges boundary data with a single global patch on which all other patches reside through a client-router-server parallelization model. In generalizing Patchwork to be compatible with arbitrary order time integration, PatchworkMHD and PatchworkWave have significantly improved the interpatch interpolation accuracy by removing an interpolation of interpolated data feedback present in the original Patchwork code. Furthermore, we extend Patchwork to be multimethod by allowing multiple state vectors to be updated simultaneously, with each state vector providing its own interpatch interpolation and transformation procedures. As such, our scheme is compatible with nearly any set of hyperbolic partial differential equations. We demonstrate our changes through the implementation of a scalar wave toy-model that is evolved on arbitrary, time dependent patch configurations at 4th order accuracy.

Nonlinear realisation of chiral symmetry breaking in holographic soft wall models. (arXiv:2002.00075v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alfonso Ballon-Bayona, Luis A. H. Mamani, relevance 7.91

We investigate nonlinear extensions of the holographic soft wall model proposed by Karch, Katz, Son and Stephanov [1] with a positive quadratic dilaton. We consider a Higgs potential for the tachyonic field that brings a more natural realisation of chiral symmetry breaking in the infrared regime. Utilising the AdS/CFT dictionary and holographic renormalisation we find the chiral condensate as a function of the quark mass. The nonlinearity of the Higgs potential leads to a nonlinear relation between the chiral condensate and the quark mass. Solving the effective Schr\"odinger equations for the field perturbations we estimate meson masses and decay constants and evaluate their dependence on the quark mass. In the axial and pseudoscalar sector we find an interesting behaviour for the decay constants as the quark mass increases. We also investigate the effect of a 5d running mass for the tachyonic field. We conclude that nonlinear soft wall models with a Higgs potential for the tachyon and a positive quadratic dilaton do not provide spontaneous symmetry breaking in the chiral limit.

Gravitational Lensing in Rotating and Twisting Universes. (arXiv:2002.00042v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by O. Gurtug, M. Mangut, M. Halilsoy, relevance 0.00

Gravitational lensing caused by the gravitational field of massive objects has been being studied and acknowledged for a long period of time. In this paper, however, we propose a different mechanism where the bending of light stems from the non-linear interaction of gravitational, electromagnetic and axion waves that creates the high curvature zone in the space-time fabric. The striking distinction in the present study is that in contrast to the convex lensing in the gravitational field of a massive object, hyperbolic nature of the high curvature zone may give rise to concave lensing.

Modular Hamiltonians for Euclidean Path Integral States. (arXiv:2002.00018v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Srivatsan Balakrishnan, Onkar Parrikar, relevance 10.45

We study half-space/Rindler modular Hamiltonians for excited states created by turning on sources for local operators in the Euclidean path integral in relativistic quantum field theories. We derive a simple, manifestly Lorentzian formula for the modular Hamiltonian to all orders in perturbation theory in the sources. We apply this formula to the case of shape-deformed half spaces in the vacuum state, and obtain the corresponding modular Hamiltonian to all orders in the shape deformation in terms of products of half-sided null energy operators, i.e., stress tensor components integrated along the future and past Rindler horizons. In the special case where the shape deformation is purely null, our perturbation series can be resummed, and agrees precisely with the known formula for vacuum modular Hamiltonians for null cuts of the Rindler horizon. Finally, we study some universal properties of modular flow (corresponding to Euclidean path integral states) of local operators inside correlation functions in conformal field theories. In particular, we show how the flow becomes the local boost in the limit where the operator being flowed approaches the entanglement cut.
