Articles for June 2017
$q$-Poincar\'e supersymmetry in $AdS_5/CFT_4$. (arXiv:1706.10265v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Riccardo Borsato, Alessandro Torrielli, relevance 0.46

We consider the exact S-matrix governing the planar spectral problem for strings on $AdS_5\times S^5$ and $\mathcal N=4$ super Yang-Mills, and we show that it is invariant under a novel "boost" symmetry, which acts as a differentiation with respect to the particle momentum. This generator leads us also to reinterpret the usual centrally extended $\mathfrak{psu}(2|2)$ symmetry, and to conclude that the S-matrix is invariant under a $q$-Poincar\'e supersymmetry algebra, where the deformation parameter is related to the 't Hooft coupling. We determine the two-particle action (coproduct) that turns out to be non-local, and study the property of the new symmetry under crossing transformations. We look at both the strong-coupling (large tension in the string theory) and weak-coupling (spin-chain description of the gauge theory) limits; in the former regime we calculate the cobracket utilising the universal classical r-matrix of Beisert and Spill. In the eventuality that the boost has higher partners, we also construct a quantum affine version of 2D Poincar\'e symmetry, by contraction of the quantum affine algebra $U_q(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2})$ in Drinfeld's second realisation.

A null test of General Relativity: Long-term comparison of H-masers and Cs-fountains. (arXiv:1706.10244v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Neil Ashby, Thomas E. Parker, Bijunath R. Patla, relevance 6.00

A fractional frequency comparison of clocks based on two different atoms, hydrogen and cesium, is used to test one of the main postulates of general relativity, local position invariance(LPI), to an accuracy five times better than previous tests. We compare the long-term fractional frequency variation of four hydrogen masers that are part of an ensemble of clocks comprising the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST), Boulder, timescale with the fractional frequencies of primary frequency standards operated by leading metrology laboratories in the United States, France, Germany, and Italy for a period extending more than 14 years. The measure of the assumed variation of the non-gravitational interaction(LPI parameter, $\Delta\beta$)---within the atoms of H and Cs---over time as the earth orbits the sun, has been constrained to $\Delta\beta=2.2 \times 10^{-7}\pm 2.8\times 10^{-7}$. For any metric theory of gravity $\Delta\beta=0$.

Note on correlation functions in conformal quantum mechanics. (arXiv:1706.10225v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sadi Khodaee, Dmitri Vassilevich, relevance 6.07

We suggest a method to compute the correlation functions in conformal quantum mechanics (CFT$_1$) for the fields that transform under a non-local representation of $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ basing on the invariance properties. Explicit calculations of 2- and 3-point correlation functions are presented.

The effective action of a BPS Alice string. (arXiv:1706.10212v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Chandrasekhar Chatterjee, Muneto Nitta, relevance 0.95

Recently a BPS Alice string has been found in a $U(1)\times SU(2)$ gauge theory coupled with a charged complex adjoint scalar field arXiv:1703.08971. It is a half BPS state preserving a half of supercharges when embedded into a supersymmetric gauge theory. In this paper, we study zero modes of a BPS Alice string. After presenting $U(1)$ and translational zero modes, we construct the effective action of these modes. In contrast to previous analysis of the conventional Alice string for which only large distance behaviors are known, we can perform calculation exactly in the full space thanks to BPS properties.

On non-abelian T-duality and deformations of supercoset string sigma-models. (arXiv:1706.10169v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Riccardo Borsato, Linus Wulff, relevance 0.22

We elaborate on the class of deformed T-dual (DTD) models obtained by first adding a topological term to the action of a supercoset sigma model and then performing (non-abelian) T-duality on a subalgebra $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}$ of the superisometry algebra. These models inherit the classical integrability of the parent one, and they include as special cases the so-called homogeneous Yang-Baxter sigma models as well as their non-abelian T-duals. Many properties of DTD models have simple algebraic interpretations. For example we show that their (non-abelian) T-duals---including certain deformations---are again in the same class, where $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}$ gets enlarged or shrinks by adding or removing generators corresponding to the dualised isometries. Moreover, we show that Weyl invariance of these models is equivalent to $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}$ being unimodular; when this property is not satisfied one can always remove one generator to obtain a unimodular $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}$, which is equivalent to (formal) T-duality. We also work out the target space superfields and, as a by-product, we prove the conjectured transformation law for Ramond-Ramond (RR) fields under bosonic non-abelian T-duality of supercosets, generalising it to cases involving also fermionic T-dualities.

Bootstrapping the QCD soft anomalous dimension. (arXiv:1706.10162v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Øyvind Almelid, Claude Duhr, Einan Gardi, Andrew McLeod, Chris D. White, relevance 0.34

The soft anomalous dimension governs the infrared singularities of scattering amplitudes to all orders in perturbative quantum field theory, and is a crucial ingredient in both formal and phenomenological applications of non-abelian gauge theories. It has recently been computed at three-loop order for massless partons by explicit evaluation of all relevant Feynman diagrams. In this paper, we show how the same result can be obtained, up to an overall numerical factor, using a bootstrap procedure. We first give a geometrical argument for the fact that the result can be expressed in terms of single-valued harmonic polylogarithms. We then use symmetry considerations as well as known properties of scattering amplitudes in collinear and high-energy (Regge) limits to constrain an ansatz of basis functions. This is a highly non-trivial cross-check of the result, and our methods pave the way for greatly simplified higher-order calculations.

Velocity-dependent inverse cubic force and solar system gravity tests. (arXiv:1706.10157v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Quentin G. Bailey, Daniel Havert, relevance 0.71

Higher mass dimension terms in an effective field theory framework for tests of spacetime symmetries are studied. Using a post-Newtonian expansion method, we derive the spacetime metric and the equations of motion for a binary system. This reveals an inverse cubic force correction to General Relativity that depends on the velocity of the bodies in the system. The results are studied in the context of laboratory and space-based tests including the effects on solar-system ephemeris, laser ranging observations, and gravimeter tests. This work reveals the coefficient combinations for mass dimension 5 operators controlling CPT violation for gravity that can be measured using analysis from these tests. Other tests including light propagation can be used to probe these coefficients. Sensitivity estimates are provided and the results are contrasted with the minimal mass dimension 4 terms in the gravity sector.

Inflation driven by exponential non-minimal coupling of inflaton with gravity. (arXiv:1706.10150v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Joseph P Johnson, Jose Mathew, S. Shankaranarayanan, relevance 2.08

We consider a modified gravity model of the form $ f(R,\phi)=R e^{h(\phi)R} $, where $\phi$ is a non-interacting massive scalar field. We show that the conformal transformation of this model to Einstein frame leads to non-canonical kinetic term and negates the advantage of the Einstein frame. We obtain exact solutions for the background and show that the model leads to inflation with exit. We obtain scalar and tensor power-spectrum in Jordan frame and show that the model leads to blue-tilt. We discuss the implications of the same in the light of cosmological observations.

Holomorphic anomaly equations and the Igusa cusp form conjecture. (arXiv:1706.10100v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Georg Oberdieck, Aaron Pixton, relevance 0.00

Let $S$ be a K3 surface and let $E$ be an elliptic curve. We solve the reduced Gromov--Witten theory of the Calabi--Yau threefold $S \times E$ for all curve classes which are primitive in the K3 factor. In particular, we deduce the Igusa cusp form conjecture.

The proof relies on new results in the Gromov--Witten theory of elliptic curves and K3 surfaces. We show the generating series of Gromov-Witten classes of an elliptic curve are cycle-valued quasimodular forms and satisfy a holomorphic anomaly equation. The quasimodularity generalizes a result by Okounkov and Pandharipande, and the holomorphic anomaly equation proves a conjecture of Milanov, Ruan and Shen. We further conjecture quasimodularity and holomorphic anomaly equations for the cycle-valued Gromov-Witten theory of every elliptic fibration with section. The conjecture generalizes the holomorphic anomaly equations for ellliptic Calabi--Yau threefolds predicted by Bershadsky, Cecotti, Ooguri, and Vafa. We show a modified conjecture holds numerically for the reduced Gromov-Witten theory of K3 surfaces in primitive classes.

A covariant approach to parameterised cosmological perturbations. (arXiv:1706.10091v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Oliver J. Tattersall, Macarena Lagos, Pedro G. Ferreira, relevance 1.44

We present a covariant formulation for constructing general quadratic actions for cosmological perturbations, invariant under a given set of gauge symmetries for a given field content. This approach allows us to analyse scalar, vector and tensor perturbations at the same time in a straightforward manner. We apply the procedure to diffeomorphism invariant single-tensor, scalar-tensor and vector-tensor theories and show explicitly the full covariant form of the quadratic actions in such cases, in addition to the actions determining the evolution of vector and tensor perturbations. We also discuss the role of the symmetry of the background in identifying the set of cosmologically relevant free parameters describing these classes of theories, including calculating the relevant free parameters for an axisymmetric Bianchi-I vacuum universe.

Triviality of quantum electrodynamics revisited. (arXiv:1706.10039v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by D. Djukanovic, J. Gegelia, Ulf-G. Meißner, relevance 0.00

Quantum electrodynamics is considered to be a trivial theory. This is based on a number of evidences, both numerical and analytical. One of the strong indications for triviality of QED is the existence of the Landau pole for the running coupling. We show that by treating QED as the leading order approximation of an effective field theory and including the next-to-leading order corrections, the Landau pole is removed. Therefore, we conclude that the conjecture, that for reasons of self-consistency, QED needs to be trivial is a mere artefact of the leading order approximation to the corresponding effective field theory.

Entanglement Entropy of $AdS_5 \times S^5$ with massive flavors. (arXiv:1706.10016v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sen Hu, Guozhen Wu, relevance 25.07

We consider backreacted $AdS_5 \times S^5$ coupled with $N_f$ massive flavors introduced by D7-branes. The backreacted geometry is in the Veneziano limit with fixed $N_f/N_c$. By dividing one of the directions into a line segment with length $l$, we get two subspaces. Then we calculate the entanglement entropy between them. With the method provided by Klebanov, Kutasov and Murugan, we are able to find the cut-off independent part of the entanglement entropy and finally find that this geometry shows no phase transition as the case in pure $AdS_5 \times S^5$.

NLO Rutherford Scattering and the Kinoshita-Lee-Nauenberg Theorem. (arXiv:1706.09989v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Abdullah Khalil, relevance 0.00

We calculate to next-to-leading order accuracy the high-energy elastic scattering cross section for an electron off of a classical point source. We use the $\overline{\mathrm{MS}}$ renormalization scheme to tame the ultraviolet divergences while the infrared singularities are dealt with using the well known Kinoshita-Lee-Nauenberg theorem. We show for the first time how to correctly apply the Kinoshita-Lee-Nauenberg theorem diagrammatically in a next-to-leading order scattering process. We improve on previous works by including all initial and final state soft radiative processes, including absorption and an infinite sum of partially disconnected amplitudes. Crucially, we exploit the Monotone Convergence Theorem to prove that our delicate rearrangement of this formally divergent series is uniquely correct. This rearrangement yields a factorization of the infinite contribution from the initial state soft photons that then cancels in the physically observable cross section. Since we use the $\overline{\mathrm{MS}}$ renormalization scheme, our result is valid up to arbitrarily large momentum transfers between the source and the scattered electron as long as $\alpha \log(1/\delta)\ll 1$ and $\alpha \log(1/\delta)\log(\Delta/E)\ll 1$, where $\Delta$ and $\delta$ are the experimental energy and angular resolutions, respectively, and $E$ is the energy of the scattered electron. Our work aims at computing the NLO corrections to the energy loss of a high energetic parton propagating in a quark-gluon plasma.

Topological Chern-Simons/Matter Theories. (arXiv:1706.09977v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mina Aganagic, Kevin Costello, Jacob McNamara, Cumrun Vafa, relevance 3.00

We propose a new partially topological theory in three dimensions which couples Chern-Simons theory to matter. The 3-manifolds needed for this construction admit transverse holomorphic foliation (THF). The theory depends only on the choice of such a structure, but not on a choice of metric and in this sense, it is topological. We argue that this theory arises in topological A-model string theory on Lagrangian 3-branes in the presence of additional parallel coisotropic 5-branes. The theory obtained in this way is equivalent to an N=2 supersymmetric Chern-Simons matter theory on the same 3-manifold, which also only depends on the THF structure. The theory is a realization of a topological theory of class H, which allows splitting of a temporal direction from spatial directions. We briefly discuss potential condensed matter applications.

Quasi Single Field Inflation in the non-perturbative regime. (arXiv:1706.09971v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Haipeng An, Michael McAneny, Alexander K. Ridgway, Mark B. Wise, relevance 0.00

In quasi single field inflation there are massive fields that interact with the inflaton field. If these other fields are not much heavier than the Hubble constant during inflation ($H$) these interactions can lead to important consequences for the cosmological energy density perturbations. The simplest model of this type has a real scalar inflaton field that interacts with another real scalar $S$ (with mass $m$). In this model there is a mixing term of the form $\mu {\dot \pi} S$, where $\pi$ is the Goldstone fluctuation that is associated with the breaking of time translation invariance by the time evolution of the inflaton field during the inflationary era. In this paper we study this model in the region $(\mu/H )^2 +(m/H)^2 >9/4$ and $m/H \sim {\cal O}(1)$ or less. For a large part of the parameter space in this region standard perturbative methods are not applicable. Using numerical and analytic methods we derive a number of new results. In addition we study how large $\mu/H$ has to be for the large $\mu/H$ effective field theory approach to be applicable.

Hagedorn Temperature in Superstring Bits and SU(N) Characters. (arXiv:1706.09951v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sourav Raha, relevance 0.00

We study the simplest superstring bit model at finite N using the characters of the SU(N) group. We obtain exact, analytic expressions for small N partition functions and Gaussian approximations for them in the high temperature limit for all N. We use numerical evidence to identify two temperature regimes where the partition function has different limiting behaviors. The temperature at which this transition takes place is identified as the Hagedorn temperature.

Quantum transfer-matrices for the sausage model. (arXiv:1706.09941v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Vladimir V. Bazhanov, Gleb A. Kotousov, Sergei L. Lukyanov, relevance 0.00

In this work we revisit the problem of the quantization of the two-dimensional O(3) non-linear sigma model and its one-parameter integrable deformation -- the sausage model. Our consideration is based on the so-called ODE/IQFT correspondence, a variant of the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method.The approach allowed us to explore the integrable structures underlying the quantum O(3)/sausage model. Among the obtained results is a system of non-linear integral equations for the computation of the vacuum eigenvalues of the quantum transfer-matrices.

NLO Renormalization in the Hamiltonian Truncation. (arXiv:1706.09929v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Joan Elias-Miro, Slava Rychkov, Lorenzo G. Vitale, relevance 0.32

Hamiltonian Truncation (a.k.a. Truncated Spectrum Approach) is a numerical technique for solving strongly coupled QFTs, in which the full Hilbert space is truncated to a finite-dimensional low-energy subspace. The accuracy of the method is limited only by the available computational resources. The renormalization program improves the accuracy by carefully integrating out the high-energy states, instead of truncating them away. In this paper we develop the most accurate ever variant of Hamiltonian Truncation, which implements renormalization at the cubic order in the interaction strength. The novel idea is to interpret the renormalization procedure as a result of integrating out exactly a certain class of high-energy "tail states". We demonstrate the power of the method with high-accuracy computations in the strongly coupled two-dimensional quartic scalar theory, and benchmark it against other existing approaches. Our work will also be useful for the future goal of extending Hamiltonian Truncation to higher spacetime dimensions.

Computing a categorical Gromov-Witten invariant. (arXiv:1706.09912v2 [math.AG] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Andrei Caldararu, Junwu Tu, relevance 0.00

We compute the $g=1, n=1$ B-model Gromov-Witten invariant of an elliptic curve E directly from the derived category D(E). More precisely, we carry out the computation of the categorical Gromov-Witten invariant defined by Costello using as target a cyclic $A_\infty$ model of D(E) described by Polishchuk.

This is the first non-trivial computation of a positive genus categorical Gromov-Witten invariant, and the result agrees with the prediction of mirror symmetry: it matches the classical (non-categorical) Gromov-Witten invariants of a symplectic 2-torus computed by Dijkgraaf.

Renyi relative entropies of quantum Gaussian states. (arXiv:1706.09885v1 [quant-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Kaushik P. Seshadreesan, Ludovico Lami, Mark M. Wilde, relevance 3.01

The quantum Renyi relative entropies play a prominent role in quantum information theory, finding applications in characterizing error exponents and strong converse exponents for quantum hypothesis testing and quantum communication theory. On a different thread, quantum Gaussian states have been intensely investigated theoretically, motivated by the fact that they are more readily accessible in the laboratory than are other, more exotic quantum states. In this paper, we derive formulas for the quantum Renyi relative entropies of quantum Gaussian states. We consider both the traditional (Petz) Renyi relative entropy as well as the more recent sandwiched Renyi relative entropy, finding formulas that are expressed solely in terms of the mean vectors and covariance matrices of the underlying quantum Gaussian states. Our development handles the hitherto elusive case for the Petz--Renyi relative entropy when the Renyi parameter is larger than one. Finally, we also derive a formula for the max-relative entropy of two quantum Gaussian states, and we discuss some applications of the formulas derived here.

Black Hole Dynamics in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Theory. (arXiv:1706.09875v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Eric W. Hirschmann, Luis Lehner, Steven L. Liebling, Carlos Palenzuela, relevance 19.19

We consider the properties and dynamics of black holes within a family of alternative theories of gravity, namely Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton (EMD) theory. We analyze the dynamical evolution of individual black holes as well as the merger of binary black hole systems. We do this for a wide range of parameter values for the family of EMD theories, investigating, in the process, the stability of these black holes. We examine radiative degrees of freedom, explore the impact of the scalar field on the dynamics of merger and compare with other scalar-tensor theories. We argue that the dilaton can largely be discounted in understanding merging binary systems and that the endstates essentially interpolate between charged and uncharged, rotating black holes. For the relatively small charge values considered here, we conclude that these black hole systems will be difficult to distinguish from their analogs within general relativity.

Universal scaling of a classical impurity in the quantum Ising chain. (arXiv:1706.09834v2 [quant-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Tony J. G. Apollaro, Gianluca Francica, Domenico Giuliano, Giovanni Falcone, G. Massimo Palma, Francesco Plastina, relevance 0.00

We study finite size scaling for the magnetic observables of an impurity residing at the endpoint of an open quantum Ising chain in a transverse magnetic field, realized by locally rescaling the magnetic field by a factor $\mu \neq 1$. In the homogeneous chain limit at $\mu = 1$, we find the expected finite size scaling for the longitudinal impurity magnetization, with no specific scaling for the transverse magnetization. At variance, in the classical impurity limit, $\mu = 0$, we recover finite scaling for the longitudinal magnetization, while the transverse one basically does not scale. For this case, we provide both analytic approximate expressions for the magnetization and the susceptibility as well as numerical evidences for the scaling behavior. At intermediate values of $\mu$, finite size scaling is violated, and we provide a possible explanation of this result in terms of the appearance of a second, impurity related length scale. Finally, on going along the standard quantum-to-classical mapping between statistical models, we derive the classical counterpart of the quantum Ising chain with an impurity at its endpoint as a classical Ising model on a square lattice wrapped on a half-infinite cylinder, with the links along the first circle modified as a function of $\mu$.

Cosmological Effective Hamiltonian from full Loop Quantum Gravity Dynamics. (arXiv:1706.09833v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andrea Dapor, Klaus Liegener, relevance 7.38

The concept of effective dynamics has proven successful in LQC, the cosmological sector of LQG. We apply the same idea in the full theory, by computing the expectation value of the scalar constraint with respect to some coherent states peaked on the phase-space variables of flat Robertson-Walker spacetime. We comment on the relation with effective LQC and find a deviation stemming from the Lorentzian part of the Hamiltonian.

Effective horizons, junction conditions and large-scale magnetism. (arXiv:1706.09824v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Massimo Giovannini, relevance 15.04

The quantum mechanical generation of hypermagnetic and hyperlectric fields in four-dimensional conformally flat background geometries rests on the simultaneous continuity of the effective horizon and of the extrinsic curvature across the inflationary boundary. The junction conditions for the gauge fields are derived in general terms and corroborated by explicit examples with particular attention to the limit of a sudden (but nonetheless continuous) transition of the effective horizon. After reducing the dynamics to a pair of integral equations related by duality transformations, we compute the power spectra and deduce a novel class of logarithmic corrections which turn out to be, however, numerically insignificant and overwhelmed by the conductivity effects once the gauge modes reenter the effective horizon. In this perspective the magnetogenesis requirements and the role of the postinflationary conductivity are clarified and reappraised. As long as the total duration of the inflationary phase is nearly minimal, quasi-flat hypermagnetic power spectra are comparatively more common than in the case of vacuum initial data.

Can the symmetry breaking in the SM be determined by the Top-Higgs Yukawa interaction?. (arXiv:1706.09819v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Jose Carlos Suarez Cortina, Denys Arrebato, Alejandro Cabo, relevance 0.00

In this letter, we first resume the results of a previous article (EPJC(2011)71:1620). That work considered a simple model of QCD including a Yukawa interaction with a scalar field. Its two loop effective potential for the scalar field, predicted a 126 GeV Higgs mass after the minimum of the potential was fixed at a mean scalar field giving a 175 GeV Top quark mass. However, a high value of the strong coupling was required (\alpha=g^2/(4 \pi) close to 1) to get these values. After reviewing the results of this study, an idea for extending the work is simply advanced here: to consider the running strong coupling, in order to decide whether or not, the usual values of the strong interactions have the chance of justifying the experimentally known values of the Higgs and Top quark masses. It is underlined that a positive result of the proposed task will suggests the possibility of basing the SM breaking of symmetry, on the so called "second minimum" of this model. This could also identify the essential role of QCD in this effect. Results of the further examination of this question will be presented elsewhere.

From effective Hamiltonian to anomaly inflow in topological orders with boundaries. (arXiv:1706.09782v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Yuting Hu, Yidun Wan, Yong-Shi Wu, relevance 1.94

Whether two boundary conditions of a two-dimensional topological order can be continuously connected without a phase transition in between remains a challenging question. We tackle this challenge by constructing an effective Hamiltonian, describing anyon interaction, that realizes such a continuous deformation. At any point along the deformation, the model remains a fixed point model describing a gapped topological order with gapped boundaries. That the deformation retains the gap is due to the anomaly cancelation between the boundary and bulk. Such anomaly inflow is quantitatively studied using our effective Hamiltonian. We apply our method of effective Hamiltonian to the extended twisted quantum double model with boundaries (constructed by two of us in Ref.[1]). We show that for a given gauge group $G$ and a three-cocycle in $H^3[G,U(1)]$ in the bulk, any two gapped boundaries for a fixed subgroup $K\subseteq G$ on the boundary can be continuously connected via an effective Hamiltonian. Our results can be straightforwardly generalized to the extended Levin-Wen model with boundaries (constructed by two of us in Ref.[2].

Dimensional Reduction and Topological Invariants of Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases. (arXiv:1706.09769v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, relevance 3.52

We review the dimensional reduction procedure in the group cohomology classification of bosonic SPT phases with finite abelian unitary symmetry group. We then extend this to include general reductions of arbitrary dimensions and also extend the procedure to fermionic SPT phases described by the Gu-Wen super-cohomology model. We then show that we can define topological invariants as partition functions on certain closed orientable/spin manifolds equipped with a flat connection. The invariants are able to distinguish all phases described within the respective models. Finally, we establish a connection to invariants obtained from braiding statistics of the corresponding gauged theories.

Non-extremal superdescendants of the D1D5 CFT. (arXiv:1706.09761v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Alessandro Bombini, Stefano Giusto, relevance 9.31

We construct solutions of IIB supergravity dual to non-supersymmetric states of the D1D5 system. These solutions are constructed as perturbations carrying both left and right moving momentum around the maximally rotating D1D5 ground state at linear order. They are found by extending to the asymptotically flat region the geometry generated in the decoupling limit by the action of left and right R-currents on a known D1D5 microstate. The perturbations are regular everywhere and do not carry any global charge. We also study the near-extremal limit of the solutions and derive the first non-trivial correction to the extremal geometry.

Exact diagonalization of cubic lattice models in commensurate Abelian magnetic fluxes and translational invariant non-Abelian potentials. (arXiv:1706.09745v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas] UPDATED)
in hep-th by M. Burrello, I. C. Fulga, L. Lepori, A. Trombettoni, relevance 0.67

We present a general analytical formalism to determine the energy spectrum of a quantum particle in a cubic lattice subject to translationally invariant commensurate magnetic fluxes and in the presence of a general space-independent non-Abelian gauge potential. We first review and analyze the case of purely Abelian potentials, showing also that the so-called Hasegawa gauge yields a decomposition of the Hamiltonian into sub-matrices having minimal dimension. Explicit expressions for such matrices are derived, also for general anisotropic fluxes. Later on, we show that the introduction of a translational invariant non-Abelian coupling for multi-component spinors does not affect the dimension of the minimal Hamiltonian blocks, nor the dimension of the magnetic Brillouin zone. General formulas are presented for the U(2) case and explicit examples are investigated involving $\pi$ and $2\pi/3$ magnetic fluxes. Finally, we numerically study the effect of random flux perturbations.

Cosmography of Cardassian model. (arXiv:1706.09710v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Yu.L. Bolotin, M.I. Konchatnyi, O.A. Lemets, L.G. Zazunov, relevance 0.00

The parameters of any model that satisfies the cosmological principle (the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scale), can be expressed through cosmographic parameters. In this paper, we perform this procedure for the Cardassian model. We demonstrate a number of advantages of the approach used before traditional methods.

Two-dimensional Schr\"odinger symmetry and three-dimensional breathers and Kelvin-ripple complexes as quasi-massive-Nambu-Goldstone modes. (arXiv:1706.09677v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Daisuke A. Takahashi, Keisuke Ohashi, Toshiaki Fujimori, Muneto Nitta, relevance 0.00

Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) confined in a two-dimensional (2D) harmonic trap are known to possess a hidden 2D Schr\"odinger symmetry, that is, the Schr\"odinger symmetry modified by a trapping potential. Spontaneous breaking of this symmetry gives rise to a breathing motion of the BEC, whose oscillation frequency is robustly determined by the strength of the harmonic trap. In this paper, we demonstrate that the concept of the 2D Schr\"odinger symmetry can be applied to predict the nature of three dimensional (3D) collective modes propagating along a condensate confined in an elongated trap. We find three kinds of collective modes whose existence is robustly ensured by the Schr\"odinger symmetry, which are physically interpreted as one breather mode and two Kelvin-ripple complex modes, i.e., composite modes in which the vortex core and the condensate surface oscillate interactively. We provide analytical expressions for the dispersion relations (energy-momentum relation) of these modes using the Bogoliubov theory [D. A. Takahashi and M. Nitta, Ann. Phys. 354, 101 (2015)]. Furthermore, we point out that these modes can be interpreted as "quasi-massive-Nambu-Goldstone (NG) modes", that is, they have the properties of both quasi-NG and massive NG modes: quasi-NG modes appear when a symmetry of a part of a Lagrangian, which is not a symmetry of full a Lagrangian, is spontaneously broken, while massive NG modes appear when a modified symmetry is spontaneously broken.

Hadamard States From Light-like Hypersurfaces. (arXiv:1706.09666v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Claudio Dappiaggi, Valter Moretti, Nicola Pinamonti, relevance 3.58

This book provides a rather self-contained survey of the construction of Hadamard states for scalar field theories in a large class of notable spacetimes, possessing a (conformal) light-like boundary. The first two sections focus on explaining a few introductory aspects of this topic and on providing the relevant geometric background material. The notions of asymptotically flat spacetimes and of expanding universes with a cosmological horizon are analysed in detail, devoting special attention to the characterization of asymptotic symmetries. In the central part of the book, the quantization of a real scalar field theory on such class of backgrounds is discussed within the framework of algebraic quantum field theory. Subsequently it is explained how it is possible to encode the information of the observables of the theory in a second, ancillary counterpart, which is built directly on the conformal (null) boundary. This procedure, dubbed bulk-to-boundary correspondence, has the net advantage of allowing the identification of a distinguished state for the theory on the boundary, which admits a counterpart in the bulk spacetime which is automatically of Hadamard form. In the last part of the book, some applications of these states are discussed, in particular the construction of the algebra of Wick polynomials. This book is aimed mainly, but not exclusively, at a readership with interest in the mathematical formulation of quantum field theory on curved backgrounds.

Universality for Shape Dependence of Casimir Effects from Weyl Anomaly. (arXiv:1706.09652v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rong-Xin Miao, Chong-Sun Chu, relevance 6.37

We reveal elegant relations between the shape dependence of the Casimir effects and Weyl anomaly in boundary conformal field theories (BCFT). We show that for any BCFT which has a description in terms of an effective action, the near boundary divergent behavior of the renormalized stress tensor is completely determined by the central charges of the theory. These relations are verified by free BCFTs. We test them with holographic models of BCFT and find exact agreement. We propose that these relations between Casimir coefficients and central charges hold for any BCFT. With the holographic models, we reproduce not only the precise form of the near boundary divergent behavior of the stress tensor, but also the surface counter term that is needed to make the total energy finite. As they are proportional to the central charges, the near boundary divergence of the stress tensor must be physical and cannot be dropped by further artificial renormalization.Our results thus provide affirmative support on the physical nature of the divergent energy density near the boundary, whose reality has been a long-standing controversy in the literature.

Axial gravitational waves in FLRW cosmology and memory effects. (arXiv:1706.09620v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Wojciech Kulczycki, Edward Malec, relevance 2.35

We show initial data for gravitational axial waves, that are twice differentiable but which are not $C^{2}$. They generate wave pulses that interact with matter in the radiation cosmological era. This forces the radiation matter to rotate. This rotation is permanent - it persists after the passage of the gravitational pulse. The observed inhomogeneities of the cosmic microwave background radiation put a bound onto discontinuities of superhorizon metric perturbations. We explicitly show that a class of smooth initial metrics that are at least $C^{2}$ gives rise to gravitational wave pulses that do not interact with the background during the radiation epoch.

Entanglement entropy, the Einstein equation and the Sparling construction. (arXiv:1706.09617v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mahdi Godazgar, relevance 42.92

We relate the recent derivation of the linearised Einstein equation on an AdS background from holographic entanglement entropy arguments to the Sparling construction: we derive the differential form whose exterior derivative gives the Einstein equation from the Sparling formalism. We develop the study of perturbations within the context of the Sparling formalism and find that the Sparling form vanishes for linearised perturbations on flat space.

An absolute calibration system for millimeter-accuracy APOLLO measurements. (arXiv:1706.09550v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by E.G. Adelberger, J.B.R. Battat, K.J. Birkmeier, N.R. Colmenares, R. Davis, C.D. Hoyle, L. R. Huang, R.J. McMillan, T.W. Murphy Jr., E. Schlerman, C. Skrobol, C.W. Stubbs, A. Zach, relevance 0.00

Lunar laser ranging provides a number of leading experimental tests of gravitation -- important in our quest to unify General Relativity and the Standard Model of physics. The Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation (APOLLO) has for years achieved median range precision at the ~2 mm level. Yet residuals in model-measurement comparisons are an order-of-magnitude larger, raising the question of whether the ranging data are not nearly as accurate as they are precise, or if the models are incomplete or ill-conditioned. This paper describes a new absolute calibration system (ACS) intended both as a tool for exposing and eliminating sources of systematic error, and also as a means to directly calibrate ranging data in-situ. The system consists of a high-repetition-rate (80 MHz) laser emitting short (< 10 ps) pulses that are locked to a cesium clock. In essence, the ACS delivers photons to the APOLLO detector at exquisitely well-defined time intervals as a "truth" input against which APOLLO's timing performance may be judged and corrected. Preliminary analysis indicates no inaccuracies in APOLLO data beyond the ~3 mm level, suggesting that historical APOLLO data are of high quality and motivating continued work on model capabilities. The ACS provides the means to deliver APOLLO data both accurate and precise below the 2 mm level.

Advantages of Unity With SU(4)-Color: Reflections Through Neutrino Oscillations, Baryogenesis and Proton Decay. (arXiv:1706.09531v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Jogesh C. Pati, relevance 0.46

As a tribute to Abdus Salam, I recall the initiation in 1972-73 of the idea of grand unification based on the view that lepton number is the fourth color. Motivated by aesthetic demands, these attempts led to the suggestion that the existing $SU(2)\times U(1)$ symmetry be extended minimally to the quark-lepton and left-right symmetric non-Abelian gauge structure $G(2,2,4) = SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times SU(4)$-color. This unified members of a family within a single L-R self-conjugate multiplet. It also explained: the quantization of electric charge, the co-existence of quarks and leptons, and that of their three forces, while providing the appealing possibility that nature is fundamentally left-right symmetric. The minimal extension of $G(2,2,4)$ to a simple group is given by the symmetry $SO(10)$ that came a year later. The advantages of the core symmetry $G(2,2,4)$, including those listed above (which are of course retained by $SO(10)$), are noted. These include the introductions of: (i){ \it the right-handed neutrino as a compelling member of each family}, (ii) (B-L) as a local symmetry, and (iii) the relation $ m(\nu^\tau)_{Dirac} = m_{top}$. These three features, as well as the gauge coupling unification scale, are crucially needed to understand the tiny mass-scales of the neutrino oscillations within the seesaw mechanism, and to implement successfully the mechanism of baryogenesis via leptogenesis. Implications of a well-motivated class of models based on supersymmetric $SO(10)$ or a string-unified $G(2,2,4)$ symmetry in 4D for (a) gauge coupling unification, (b) fermion masses and mixings, (c) neutrino osillations, (d) baryogenesis via leptogenesis, and last but not least (e) proton decay are presented. Recent works on the latter providing upper limits on proton lifetimes suggest that the potential for discovery of proton decay in the next-generation detectors would be high.

Remarks on a new possible discretization scheme for gauge theories. (arXiv:1706.09518v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Jean-Pierre Magnot, relevance 5.33

We propose here a new discretization method for a class continuum gauge theories which action functionnals are polynomials of the curvature. Based on the notion of holonomy, this discretization procedure appears gauge-invariant for discretized analogs of Yang-Mills theories, and hence gauge-fixing is fully rigorous for these discretized action functionnals. Heuristic parts are forwarded to the quantization procedure via Feynman integrals and the meaning of the heuristic infinite dimensional Lebesgue integral is questionned.

Polarization states of gravitational waves detected by LIGO-Virgo antennas. (arXiv:1706.09505v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Liudmila Fesik, relevance 0.00

The detection of the first gravitational wave events by the Advanced LIGO Scientific Collaboration has opened a new possibility for the study of fundamental physics of gravitational interaction.

This work conducts an analysis of possible polarization states of gravitational waves (GW) radiated by the most promising types of sources to be detected by the modern interferometric antennas: coalescing compact binaries and collapsing supernovae. Several theoretical approaches to the current as well as future gravitational wave signals interpretation are discussed together with a strategy for a search for corresponding transients by means of multimessenger astronomy.

One of the aims of this thesis is to develop a new method for GW source localization depending on a polarization state of an incoming GW in the case of a detection by two interferometric antennas. Additionally, there is elaborated a further method focused on a possibility to recognise different polarization states of a GW detected by means of a network with three and more antennas in operation. The both proposed methods have been applied to the LIGO events GW150914, GW151226 and LVT151012, together with the matching of the results with the currently known electromagnetic follow-ups to these GW events.

The conclusion of this research is that there are opportunities for verifying different predictions of the scalar-tensor theories of gravitation by means of the analysis of the polarization states of the detected gravitational waves.

All in all, this work provides a new test of the theoretical assumptions about the nature of gravity as well as about the processes in relativistic compact objects of various types.

Extension and Applications of a Variational Approach with Deformed Derivatives. (arXiv:1706.09504v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by J. Weberszpil, J. A. Helayël-Neto, relevance 0.52

We have recently presented an extension of the standard variational calculus to include the presence of deformed derivatives in the Lagrangian of a system of particles and in the Lagrangian density of field-theoretic models. Classical Euler-Lagrange equations and the Hamiltonian formalism have been re-assessed in this approach. Whenever applied to a number of physical systems, the resulting dynamical equations come out to be the correct ones found in the literature, specially with mass-dependent and with non-linear equations for classical and quantum-mechanical systems. In the present contribution, we extend the variational approach with the intervalar form of deformed derivatives to study higher-order dissipative systems, with application to concrete situations, such as an accelerated point charge - this is the problem of the Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac force - to stochastic dynamics like the Langevin, the advection-convection-reaction and Fokker-Planck equations, Korteweg-de Vries equation, Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert equation and the Caldirola-Kanai Hamiltonian. By considering these different applications, we show that the formulation investigated in this paper may be a simple and promising path for dealing with dissipative, non-linear and stochastic systems through the variational approach.

Light Meson Masses using AdS/QCD modified Soft Wall Model. (arXiv:1706.09502v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Santiago Cortés, Miguel Ángel Martín Contreras, José Rolando Roldán, relevance 7.04

We analyze light vector and scalar meson mass spectra using a novel approach where a modified soft wall model with a UV-cutoff is considered. Including this cutoff introduces an extra energy scale. For this model, we found that the masses for the scalar and vector spectra are well fitted within a very small RMS error for 14 of these states, with non-linear trajectories given by two common parameters, the UV locus $z_0$ and the quadratic dilaton profile slope $\kappa$. We concluded that in this model the $f_{0}(500)$ scalar resonance cannot be fitted holographycally as a $q\overline{q}$ state since we could not find a trajectory that included this pole. This result is in agreement with the most recent phenomenological and theoretical methods.

High-frequency backreaction for the Einstein equations under polarized $\mathbb U(1)$ symmetry. (arXiv:1706.09501v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Cécile Huneau, Jonathan Luk, relevance 1.64

Known examples in plane symmetry or Gowdy symmetry show that given a $1$-parameter family of solutions to the vacuum Einstein equations, it may have a weak limit which does not satisfy the vacuum equations, but instead has a non-trivial stress-energy-momentum tensor. We consider this phenomenon under polarized $\mathbb U(1)$ symmetry - a much weaker symmetry than most of the known examples - such that the stress-energy-momentum tensor can be identified with that of multiple families of null dust propagating in distinct directions. We prove that any generic local-in-time small-data polarized-$\mathbb U(1)$-symmetric solution to the Einstein-multiple null dust system can be achieved as a weak limit of vacuum solutions. Our construction allows the number of families to be arbitrarily large, and appears to be the first construction of such examples with more than two families.

Einstein equations under polarized $\mathbb U(1)$ symmetry in an elliptic gauge. (arXiv:1706.09499v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Cécile Huneau, Jonathan Luk, relevance 5.63

We prove local existence of solutions to the Einstein--null dust system under polarized $\mathbb U(1)$ symmetry in an elliptic gauge. Using in particular the previous work of the first author on the constraint equations, we show that one can identify freely prescribable data, solve the constraints equations, and construct a unique local in time solution in an elliptic gauge. Our main motivation for this work, in addition to merely constructing solutions in an elliptic gauge, is to provide a setup for our companion paper in which we study high frequency backreaction for the Einstein equations. In that work, the elliptic gauge we consider here plays a crucial role to handle high frequency terms in the equations. The main technical difficulty in the present paper, in view of the application in our companion paper, is that we need to build a framework consistent with the solution being high frequency, and therefore having large higher order norms. This difficulty is handled by exploiting a reductive structure in the system of equations.

Time-reversal and spatial reflection symmetry localization anomalies in (2+1)D topological phases of matter. (arXiv:1706.09464v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Maissam Barkeshli, Meng Cheng, relevance 1.72

We study a class of anomalies associated with time-reversal and spatial reflection symmetry in (2+1)D topological phases of matter. In these systems, the topological quantum numbers of the quasiparticles, such as the fusion rules and braiding statistics, possess a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry which can be associated with either time-reversal (denoted $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\bf T})$ or spatial reflections. Under this symmetry, correlation functions of all Wilson loop operators in the low energy topological quantum field theory (TQFT) are invariant. However, the theories that we study possess a severe anomaly associated with the failure to consistently localize the symmetry action to the quasiparticles, precluding even defining a notion of symmetry fractionalization. We present simple sufficient conditions which determine when $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\bf T}$ symmetry localization anomalies exist. We present an infinite series of TQFTs with such anomalies, some examples of which include USp$(4)_2$ and SO$(4)_4$ Chern-Simons (CS) theory. The theories that we find with these $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\bf T}$ anomalies can be obtained by gauging the unitary $\mathbb{Z}_2$ subgroup of a different TQFT with a $\mathbb{Z}_4^{\bf T}$ symmetry. We show that the anomaly can be resolved in several ways: (1) the true symmetry of the theory is $\mathbb{Z}_4^{\bf T}$, or (2) the theory can be considered to be a theory of fermions, with ${\bf T}^2 = (-1)^{N_f}$ corresponding to fermion parity. Finally, we demonstrate that theories with the $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\bf T}$ localization anomaly can be compatible with $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\bf T}$ if they are "pseudo-realized" at the surface of a (3+1)D symmetry-enriched topological phase. The "pseudo-realization" refers to the fact that the bulk (3+1)D system is described by a dynamical $\mathbb{Z}_2$ gauge theory and thus only a subset of the quasiparticles are confined to the surface.

Bopp-Podolsky black holes and the no-hair theorem. (arXiv:1706.09455v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by R. R. Cuzinatto, C. A. M. de Melo, L. G. Medeiros, B. M. Pimentel, P. J. Pompeia, relevance 16.24

Bopp-Podolsky electrodynamics is generalized to curved space-times. The equations of motion are written for the case of static spherically symmetric black holes and their exterior solutions are analyzed using Bekenstein's method. It is shown the solutions split-up into two parts, namely a non-homogeneous (asymptotically massless) regime and a homogeneous (asymptotically massive) sector which is null outside the event horizon. In addition, in the simplest approach to Bopp-Podolsky black holes, the non-homogeneous solutions are found to be Maxwell's solutions leading to a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole. It is also demonstrated that the only exterior solution consistent with the weak and null energy conditions is the Maxwell's one. Thus, in light of energy conditions, it is concluded that only Maxwell modes propagate outside the horizon and, therefore, the no-hair theorem is satisfied in the case of Bopp-Podolsky fields in spherically symmetric space-times.

A General Proof of the Quantum Null Energy Condition. (arXiv:1706.09432v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Srivatsan Balakrishnan, Thomas Faulkner, Zuhair U. Khandker, Huajia Wang, relevance 24.31

We prove a conjectured lower bound on $\left< T_{--}(x) \right>_\psi$ in any state $\psi$ of a relativistic QFT dubbed the Quantum Null Energy Condition (QNEC). The bound is given by the second order shape deformation, in the null direction, of the geometric entanglement entropy of an entangling cut passing through $x$. Our proof involves a combination of the two independent methods that were used recently to prove the weaker Averaged Null Energy Condition (ANEC). In particular the properties of modular Hamiltonians under shape deformations for the state $\psi$ play an important role, as do causality considerations. We study the two point function of a "probe" operator $\mathcal{O}$ in the state $\psi$ and use a lightcone limit to evaluate this correlator. Instead of causality in time we consider \emph{causality in modular time} for the modular evolved probe operators, which we constrain using Tomita-Takesaki theory as well as certain generalizations pertaining to the theory of modular inclusions. The QNEC follows from very similar considerations to the derivation of the chaos bound and the causality sum rule. We use a kind of defect Operator Product Expansion to apply the replica trick to these modular flow computations, and the displacement operator plays an important role. Our approach was inspired by the AdS/CFT proof of the QNEC which follows from properties of the Ryu-Takayanagi (RT) surface near the boundary of AdS, combined with the requirement of entanglement wedge nesting. Our methods were, as such, designed as a precise probe of the RT surface close to the boundary of a putative gravitational/stringy dual of \emph{any} QFT with an interacting UV fixed point. We also prove a higher spin version of the QNEC.

Entanglement, Replicas, and Thetas. (arXiv:1706.09426v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sunil Mukhi, Sameer Murthy, Jie-Qiang Wu, relevance 22.35

We compute the single-interval Renyi entropy (replica partition function) for free fermions in 1+1d at finite temperature and finite spatial size by two methods: (i) using the higher-genus partition function on the replica Riemann surface, and (ii) using twist operators on the torus. We compare the two answers for a restricted set of spin structures, leading to a non-trivial proposed equivalence between higher-genus Siegel $\Theta$-functions and Jacobi $\theta$-functions. We exhibit this proposal and provide substantial evidence for it. The resulting expressions can be elegantly written in terms of Jacobi forms. Thereafter we argue that the correct Renyi entropy for modular-invariant free-fermion theories, such as the Ising model and the Dirac CFT, is given by the higher-genus computation summed over all spin structures. The result satisfies the physical checks of modular covariance, the thermal entropy relation, and Bose-Fermi equivalence.

Three-forms in Supergravity and Flux Compactifications. (arXiv:1706.09422v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Fotis Farakos, Stefano Lanza, Luca Martucci, Dmitri Sorokin, relevance 1.18

We present a duality procedure that relates conventional four-dimensional matter-coupled N=1 supergravities to dual formulations in which auxiliary fields are replaced by field-strengths of gauge three-forms. The duality promotes specific coupling constants appearing in the superpotential to vacuum expectation values of the field-strengths. We then apply this general duality to type IIA string compactifications on Calabi-Yau orientifolds with RR fluxes. This gives a new supersymmetric formulation of the corresponding effective four-dimensional theories which includes gauge three-forms.

APOLLO clock performance and normal point corrections. (arXiv:1706.09421v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Y. Liang, T.W. Murphy, Jr., N.R. Colmenares, J.B.R. Battat, relevance 0.00

The Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation (APOLLO) has produced a large volume of high-quality lunar laser ranging (LLR) data since it began operating in 2006. For most of this period, APOLLO has relied on a GPS-disciplined, high-stability quartz oscillator as its frequency and time standard. The recent addition of a cesium clock as part of a timing calibration system initiated a comparison campaign between the two clocks. This has allowed correction of APOLLO range measurements--called normal points--during the overlap period, but also revealed a mechanism to correct for systematic range offsets due to clock errors in historical APOLLO data. Drift of the GPS clock on ~1000 s timescales contributed typically 2.5 mm of range error to APOLLO measurements, and we find that this may be reduced to ~1.6 mm on average. We present here a characterization of APOLLO clock errors, the method by which we correct historical data, and the resulting statistics.

On the Flux Vacua in F-theory Compactifications. (arXiv:1706.09417v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yoshinori Honma, Hajime Otsuka, relevance 0.00

We study moduli stabilization of the F-theory compactified on an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfold. Our setup is based on the mirror symmetry framework including brane deformations. The complex structure moduli dependence of the resulting 4D N=1 effective theory is determined by the associated fourfold period integrals. By turning on appropriate G-fluxes, we explicitly demonstrate that all the complex structure moduli fields can be stabilized around the large complex structure point of the F-theory fourfold.

Small dark energy without small parameters. (arXiv:1706.09415v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Benjamin Shlaer, relevance 0.00

We present a prototype model that resolves the cosmological constant problem using matter alone, i.e., without modifying gravity. Its generic cosmological solutions adjust an arbitrarily large, negative dark energy to a positive value parametrically suppressed by an initial field velocity. Inflationary initial conditions lead to a positive dark energy exponentially smaller in magnitude than any model parameter, or any scale in the initial conditions.

Scalar field vacuum expectation value induced by gravitational wave background. (arXiv:1706.09402v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Preston Jones, Patrick McDougall, Michael Ragsdale, Douglas Singleton, relevance 10.91

We show that a massless scalar field in a gravitational wave background can develop a non-zero and space-time dependent vacuum expectation value. We draw comparisons to the generation of a non-zero vacuum expectation value for a scalar field in the Higgs mechanism and with the dynamical Casimir vacuum. This gravitational wave generated vacuum expectation value can be connected to particle production from gravitational waves and may have consequences for the early Universe where scalar fields and their vacuum values are thought to play an important role.

Weak gravitational lensing of finite beams. (arXiv:1706.09383v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Pierre Fleury, Julien Larena, Jean-Philippe Uzan, relevance 0.00

The standard theory of weak gravitational lensing relies on the infinitesimal light beam approximation. In this context, images are distorted by convergence and shear, the respective sources of which unphysically depend on the resolution of the distribution of matter---the so-called Ricci-Weyl problem. In this letter, we propose a strong-lensing-inspired formalism to describe the lensing of finite beams. We address the Ricci-Weyl problem by showing explicitly that convergence is caused by the matter enclosed by the beam, regardless of its distribution. Furthermore, shear turns out to be systematically enhanced by the finiteness of the beam. This implies, in particular, that the Kaiser-Squires relation between shear and convergence is violated, which could have profound consequences on the interpretation of weak lensing surveys.

Two-loop supersymmetric QCD and half-maximal supergravity amplitudes. (arXiv:1706.09381v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Henrik Johansson, Gregor Kälin, Gustav Mogull, relevance 0.00

Using the duality between color and kinematics, we construct two-loop four-point scattering amplitudes in $\mathcal{N}=2$ super-Yang-Mills (SYM) theory coupled to $N_f$ fundamental hypermultiplets. Our results are valid in $D\le 6$ dimensions, where the upper bound corresponds to six-dimensional chiral $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ SYM theory. By exploiting a close connection with $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory - and, equivalently, six-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(1,1)$ SYM theory - we find compact integrands with four-dimensional external vectors in both the maximally-helicity-violating (MHV) and all-chiral-vector sectors. Via the double-copy construction corresponding $D$-dimensional half-maximal supergravity amplitudes with external graviton multiplets are obtained in the MHV and all-chiral sectors. Appropriately tuning $N_f$ enables us to consider both pure and matter-coupled supergravity, with arbitrary numbers of vector multiplets in $D=4$. As a bonus, we obtain the integrands of the genuinely six-dimensional supergravities with $\mathcal{N}=(1,1)$ and $\mathcal{N}=(2,0)$ supersymmetry. Finally, we extract the potential ultraviolet divergence of half-maximal supergravity in $D=5-2\epsilon$ and show that it non-trivially cancels out as expected.

Phase transition effects on the dynamical stability of hybrid neutron stars. (arXiv:1706.09371v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jonas P. Pereira, César V. Flores, Germán Lugones, relevance 0.39

We study radial oscillations of hybrid non-rotating neutron stars (NSs) composed by a quark matter core and hadronic external layers. At first, we deduce the junction conditions that should be imposed between two any phases in these systems when perturbations take place. Then we compute the spectrum exhibited by the radial oscillations of hybrid NSs focusing on the effects of slow and rapid phase conversions at the quark-hadron interface. For the quark matter core, we use a generic MIT bag model that allows the inclusion of effects such as strong interactions and color superconductivity. For the hadronic phase, we use a relativistic mean field theory widely used to describe hadronic matter in NSs. We find that the general relativistic version of the reaction mode in classical stars (first excited mode), uniquely due to rapid transitions, could actually be either the fundamental mode or the first excited one, depending on the equation of state parametrizations. We also show that the usual static stability condition $\partial M/\partial \rho_c\geq 0$, where $\rho_c$ is the central density of a star whose total mass is $M$, remains always true for rapid phase transitions but breaks down in general for slow phase transitions. In fact, we find that the frequency of the fundamental mode can be a real number (indicating stability) even for some branches of stellar models that verify $\partial M/\partial \rho_c \leq 0$. Thus, when viscous dissipation and nonlinear damping mechanisms suppress secular instability's exponential growth, which is expected to be the case below some critical rotation rate in cold catalyzed NSs, it would be possible the existence of twin or even triplet stars with the same gravitational mass but different radii which, if observed, could reveal the nature of reactions in stars and by consequence their hybrid nature and aspects of their innermost phases.

Positive scalar curvature via end-periodic manifolds. (arXiv:1706.09354v3 [math.DG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michael Hallam, Varghese Mathai, relevance 0.00

We obtain two types of results on positive scalar curvature metrics for compact spin manifolds that are even dimensional. The first type of result are obstructions to the existence of positive scalar curvature metrics on such manifolds, expressed in terms of end- periodic eta invariants that were defined by Mrowka-Ruberman-Saveliev (MRS). These results are the even dimensional analogs of the results by Higson-Roe. The second type of result studies the number of path components of the space of positive scalar curvature metrics modulo diffeomorphism for compact spin manifolds that are even dimensional, whenever this space is non-empty. These extend and refine certain results in Botvinnik-Gilkey and also MRS. End-periodic analogs of K-homology and bordism theory are defined and are utilised to prove many of our results.

A Note on Gauss-Bonnet Black Holes at Criticality. (arXiv:1706.09344v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Chandrasekhar Bhamidipati, Pavan Kumar Yerra, relevance 14.29

With in the extended thermodynamics, we give a comparative study of critical heat engines for Gauss-Bonnet and charged black holes in AdS in five dimensions, in the limit of large Gauss-Bonnet parameter $\alpha$ and charge $q$, respectively. We show that the approach of efficiency of heat engines to Carnot limit in Gauss-Bonnet black holes is higher(lower) than charged black holes when corresponding parameters are small(large).

Gauss-Bonnet supergravity in six dimensions. (arXiv:1706.09330v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Joseph Novak, Mehmet Ozkan, Yi Pang, Gabriele Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli, relevance 1.04

The supersymmetrization of curvature squared terms is important in the study of the low-energy limit of compactified superstrings where a distinguished role is played by the Gauss-Bonnet combination, which is ghost-free. In this letter, we construct its off-shell ${\cal N} = (1, 0)$ supersymmetrization in six dimensions for the first time. By studying this invariant together with the supersymmetric Einstein-Hilbert term we confirm and extend known results of the $\alpha'$-corrected string theory compactified to six dimensions. Finally, we analyze the spectrum about the ${\rm AdS}_3\times{\rm S}^3$ solution.

Unimodular $f(G)$ gravity. (arXiv:1706.09315v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by M. J. S. Houndjo, relevance 1.05

In this paper we study a modified version of unimodular general relativity in the context of $f(G)$, $G$ denoting the Gauss-Bonnet invariant. We attach attention to Bianchi-type I and Friendmann-Robertson-Walker universes and search for unimodular $f(G)$ models according to the de Sitter and power-law solutions. Assuming unimodular $f(G)$ gravity as perfect fluid and making use of the slow-roll parameters, inflationary model has been reconstructed in concordance with the Planck observational data. Moreover, we investigate the realization of the bounce and loop quantum cosmological ekpyrotic paradigms. Assuming suitable and appropriated scale factors, unimodular $f(G)$ models able to reproduce superbounce and ekpyrotic scenarios have been reconstructed.

Safely smoothing spacetime: backreaction in relativistic cosmological simulations. (arXiv:1706.09309v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Julian Adamek (LUTH Meudon), Chris Clarkson (Queen Mary, U. of London), David Daverio (DAMTP, Cambridge), Ruth Durrer (Geneva U., CAP & Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys.), Martin Kunz (Geneva U., CAP & Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys.), relevance 5.01

A persistent theme in the study of dark energy is the question of whether it really exists or not. It is often claimed hat we are mis-calculating the cosmological model by neglecting the effects associated with averaging over large-scale structures. In the Newtonian approximation this is clear: there is no effect. Within the full relativistic picture this remains an important open question however, owing to the complex mathematics involved. We study this issue using particle numerical simulations which account for all relevant relativistic effects without any problems from shell crossing. In this context we show for the first time that the backreaction from structure can differ by many orders of magnitude depending upon the slicing of spacetime one chooses to average over. In the worst case, where smoothing is carried out in synchronous spatial surfaces, the corrections can reach ten percent and more. However, when smoothing on the constant time hypersurface of the Newtonian gauge backreaction contributions remain 4-5 orders of magnitude smaller.

Observable Supertranslations. (arXiv:1706.09280v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Raphael Bousso, Massimo Porrati, relevance 12.91

We show that large gauge transformations in asymptotically flat spacetime can be implemented by sandwiching a shell containing the ingoing hard particles between two finite-width shells of soft gauge excitations. Integration of the graviton Dirac bracket implies that our observable soft degrees of freedom obey the algebra imposed by Strominger on unobservable boundary degrees of freedom. Thus, we provide both a derivation and an observable realization of this algebra. The conservation laws associated with asymptotic symmetries are seen to arise physically from free propagation of infrared modes. This explains in physical terms our recent result that soft charges fail to constrain the hard scattering problem, and so cannot be relevant to the black hole information paradox.

Higher spin currents in the critical $O(N)$ vector model at $1/N^2$. (arXiv:1706.09256v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A.N. Manashov, E.D. Skvortsov, M. Strohmaier, relevance 0.00

We calculate the anomalous dimensions of higher spin singlet currents in the critical $O(N)$ vector model at order $1/N^2$. The results are shown to be in agreement with the four-loop perturbative computation in $\phi^4$ theory in $4-2\epsilon$ dimensions. It is known that the order $1/N$ anomalous dimensions of higher-spin currents happen to be the same in the Gross-Neveu and the critical vector model. On the contrary, the order $1/N^2$ corrections are different. The results can also be interpreted as a prediction for the two-loop computation in the dual higher-spin gravity.

Oscillons in the presence of external potential. (arXiv:1706.09234v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Tomasz Romańczukiewicz, Yakov Shnir, relevance 0.00

We discuss similarity between oscillons and oscillational mode in perturbed $\phi^4$. For small depths of the perturbing potential it is difficult to distinguish between oscillons and the mode in moderately long time evolution, moreover one can transform one into the other by adiabatically switching on and off the potential. Basins of attraction are presented in the parameter space describing the potential and initial conditions.

The semi-classical stress-energy tensor in a Schwarzschild background, the information paradox, and the fate of an evaporating black hole. (arXiv:1706.09204v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by James M. Bardeen, relevance 27.43

Analytic approximations to and numerical results for the semi-classical stress-energy tensor outside the horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole obtained in the 1980's and 1990's are re-examined in order to better understand the origin of Hawking radiation and the implications for the black hole information paradox. Polynomial fits to the numerical results for the tangential stress in 4D are obtained for conformally coupled spin 0 and spin 1 fields in the Hartle-Hawking and Unruh quantum states. What these results show is that the origin of the Hawking radiation is not pair creation or tunneling very close to the black hole horizon, but rather is a nonlocal process extending beyond the potential barrier in the mode propagation equations centered around $r = 3M$. Arguments are presented that the black hole information paradox cannot plausibly be addressed by processes occurring close to the horizon of a black hole whose geometry is close to Schwarzschild. However, a toy model for the evolution of the black hole geometry based on the Bousso covariant entropy bound suggests a possible resolution.

Phantom Domain Walls. (arXiv:1706.09182v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by P. P. Avelino, V. M. C. Ferreira, J. Menezes, L. Sousa, relevance 0.00

We consider a model with two real scalar fields which admits phantom domain wall solutions. We investigate the structure and evolution of these phantom domain walls in an expanding homogeneous and isotropic universe. In particular, we show that the increase of the tension of the domain walls with cosmic time, associated to the evolution of the phantom scalar field, is responsible for an additional damping term in their equations of motion. We describe the macroscopic dynamics of phantom domain walls, showing that extended phantom defects whose tension varies on a cosmological timescale cannot be the dark energy.

Entanglement dynamics in de Sitter spacetime. (arXiv:1706.09175v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Shingo Kukita, Yasusada Nambu, relevance 46.72

We apply the master equation with dynamical coarse graining approximation to a pair of detectors interacting with a scalar field. By solving the master equation numerically, we investigate evolution of negativity between comoving detectors in de Sitter space. For the massless conformal scalar field, it is found that a pair of detectors can perceive entanglement beyond the Hubble horizon scale if the initial separation of detectors is sufficiently small. At the same time, violation of the Bell-CHSH inequality on the super horizon scale is also detected. For the massless minimal scalar field, on the other hand, the entanglement decays within Hubble time scale owing to the quantum noise caused by particle creations in de Sitter space and the entanglement on the super horizon scale cannot be detected.

Bound on the exponential growth rate of out-of-time-ordered correlators. (arXiv:1706.09160v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Naoto Tsuji, Tomohiro Shitara, Masahito Ueda, relevance 0.00

It has been conjectured by Maldacena, Shenker, and Stanford [J. High Energy Phys.~08 (2016) 106] that the exponential growth rate of the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) $F(t)$ has a universal upper bound $2\pi k_B T/\hbar$. Here we introduce a one-parameter family of out-of-time-ordered correlators $F_\gamma(t)$ ($0\leq\gamma\leq 1$), which has as good properties as $F(t)$ as a regularization of the out-of-time-ordered part of the squared commutator $\langle [A(t), B(0)]^2\rangle$ that diagnoses quantum many-body chaos, and coincides with $F(t)$ at $\gamma=1/2$. We rigorously prove that if $F_\gamma(t)$ shows a transient exponential growth for all $\gamma$ in $0\leq\gamma\leq 1$, that is, if the OTOC shows an exponential growth regardless of the choice of the regularization, then the growth rate $\lambda$ does not depend on the regularization parameter $\gamma$, and satisfies the inequality $\lambda\leq 2\pi k_B T/\hbar$.

Black Hole Squeezers. (arXiv:1706.09117v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Daiqin Su, C. T. Marco Ho, Robert B. Mann, Timothy C. Ralph, relevance 17.67

We show that the gravitational quasi-normal modes (QNMs) of a Schwarzschild black hole play the role of a multimode squeezer that can generate particles. For a minimally coupled scalar field, the QNMs "squeeze" the initial state of the scalar field (even for the vacuum) and produce scalar particles. The maximal squeezing amplitude is inversely proportional to the cube of the imaginary part of the QNM frequency, implying that the particle generation efficiency is higher for lower decaying QNMs. Our results show that the gravitational perturbations can amplify Hawking radiation.

Asymptotic Symmetries, Holography and Topological Hair. (arXiv:1706.09080v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rashmish K. Mishra, Raman Sundrum, relevance 8.88

Asymptotic symmetries of AdS$_4$ quantum gravity and gauge theory are derived by coupling the dual CFT$_3$ to Chern-Simons gauge theory and 3D gravity in a "probe" large-level limit. The infinite-dimensional symmetries are shown to arise when one is restricted to boundary subspaces with effectively two-dimensional geometry. A canonical example of such a restriction occurs within the 4D subregion described by a Wheeler-DeWitt wavefunctional of AdS$_4$ quantum gravity. An AdS$_4$ analog of Minkowski "super-rotation" asymptotic symmetry is probed by 3D Einstein gravity, yielding CFT$_2$ structure, via AdS$_3$ foliation of AdS$_4$ and the AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$ correspondence. The maximal asymptotic symmetry is however probed by 3D conformal gravity. Both 3D gravities have Chern-Simons formulation, manifesting their topological character. Chern-Simons structure is also shown to be emergent in the Poincare patch of AdS$_4$, as soft/boundary limits of 4D gauge theory, rather than "put in by hand", with a finite effective Chern-Simons level. Several of the considerations of asymptotic symmetry structure are found to be simpler for AdS$_4$ than for Mink$_4$, such as non-zero 4D particle masses, 4D non-perturbative "hard" effects, and consistency with unitarity. The last of these, in particular, is greatly simplified, because in some set-ups the time dimension is explicitly shared by each level of description: Lorentzian AdS$_4$, CFT$_3$ and CFT$_2$. The CFT$_2$ structure clarifies the sense in which the infinite asymptotic charges constitute a useful form of "hair" for black holes and other complex 4D states. An AdS$_4$ (holographic) "shadow" analog of Minkowski "memory" effects is derived. Lessons from AdS$_4$ provide hints for better understanding Minkowski asymptotic symmetries, the 3D structure of its soft limits, and Minkowski holography.

Geometrodynamics: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Curved Spacetime. (arXiv:1706.09078v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Mark A. Scheel, Kip S. Thorne, relevance 10.22

We review discoveries in the nonlinear dynamics of curved spacetime, largely made possible by numerical solutions of Einstein's equations. We discuss critical phenomena and self-similarity in gravitational collapse, the behavior of spacetime curvature near singularities, the instability of black strings in 5 spacetime dimensions, and the collision of four-dimensional black holes. We also discuss the prospects for further discoveries in geometrodynamics via observation of gravitational waves.

New Large Volume Solutions. (arXiv:1706.09070v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ross Altman, Yang-Hui He, Vishnu Jejjala, Brent D. Nelson, relevance 0.00

In previous work, we have commenced the task of unpacking the $473,800,776$ reflexive polyhedra by Kreuzer and Skarke into a database of Calabi-Yau threefolds (see this http URL). In this paper, following a pedagogical introduction, we present a new algorithm to isolate Swiss cheese solutions characterized by "holes," or small 4-cycles, descending from the toric divisors inherent to the original four dimensional reflexive polyhedra. Implementing these methods, we find $2,268$ explicit Swiss cheese manifolds, over half of which have $h^{1,1}=6$. Many of our solutions have multiple large cycles. Such Swiss cheese geometries facilitate moduli stabilization in string compactifications and provide flat directions for cosmological inflation.

The phenomenology of squeezing and its status in non-inflationary theories. (arXiv:1706.09065v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Giulia Gubitosi, Joao Magueijo, relevance 0.57

In this paper we skim the true phenomenological requirements behind the concept of inflationary squeezing. We argue that all that is required is that at horizon re-entry the fluctuations form standing waves with the correct temporal phase (specifically, sine waves). We quantify this requirement and relate it to the initial conditions fed into the radiation dominated epoch by whatever phase of the Universe produced the fluctuations. The only relevant quantity turns out to be the degree of suppression of the momentum, $p$, of the fluctuations, $y$, which we measure by $\sigma\sim \omega^2 |y|^2/|p|^2$. Even though $\sigma$ equals the squeezing parameter, $s$, in the case of inflation and bimetric varying speed of light scenarios, this is not true in general, specifically in some bouncing Universe models. It is also not necessary to produce a large $\sigma$ at the end of the primordial phase: it is enough that $\sigma$ be not too small. This is the case with scenarios based on modified dispersion relations (MDR) emulating the dispersion relations of Horava-Lifshitz theory, which produce $\sigma\sim 1$, enough to comply with the observational requirements. Scenarios based on MDR leading to a slightly red spectrum are also examined, and shown to satisfy the observational constraints.

From Faddeev-Kulish to LSZ. Towards a non-perturbative description of colliding electrons. (arXiv:1706.09057v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Wojciech Dybalski, relevance 0.00

In a low energy approximation of the massless Yukawa theory (Nelson model) we derive a Faddeev-Kulish type formula for the scattering matrix of $N$ electrons and reformulate it in LSZ terms. To this end, we perform a decomposition of the infrared finite Dollard modifier into clouds of real and virtual photons, whose infrared divergencies mutually cancel. We point out that in the original work of Faddeev and Kulish the clouds of real photons are omitted, and consequently their scattering matrix is ill-defined on the Fock space of free electrons. To support our observations, we compare our final LSZ expression for $N=1$ with a rigorous non-perturbative construction due to Pizzo. While our discussion contains some heuristic steps, they can be formulated as clear-cut mathematical conjectures.

On the Structure of Quantum L$_\infty$ algebras. (arXiv:1706.09034v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ralph Blumenhagen, Michael Fuchs, Matthias Traube, relevance 2.62

It is believed that any classical gauge symmetry gives rise to an L$_\infty$ algebra. Based on the recently realized relation between classical ${\cal W}$ algebras and L$_\infty$ algebras, we analyze how this generalizes to the quantum case. Guided by the existence of quantum ${\cal W}$ algebras, we provide a physically well motivated definition of quantum L$_\infty$ algebras describing the consistency of global symmetries in quantum field theories. In this case we are restricted to only two non-trivial graded vector spaces $X_0$ and $X_{-1}$ containing the symmetry variations and the symmetry generators. This quantum L$_\infty$ algebra structure is explicitly exemplified for the quantum ${\cal W}_3$ algebra. The natural quantum product between fields is the normal ordered one so that, due to contractions between quantum fields, the higher L$_\infty$ relations receive off-diagonal quantum corrections. Curiously, these are not present in the loop L$_\infty$ algebra of closed string field theory.

Will-Nordtvedt PPN formalism applied to renormalization group extensions of general relativity. (arXiv:1706.09032v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Júnior D. Toniato, Davi C. Rodrigues, Álefe O.F. de Almeida, Nicolas Bertini, relevance 0.00

Here we apply the full Will-Nordtvedt version of the Parameterized Post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism to a class of General Relativity extensions that are based on nontrivial renormalization group (RG) effects at large scales. We focus on a class of models in which the gravitational coupling constant $G$ is correlated with the Newtonian potential. A previous PPN analysis considered a specific realization of the RG effects, and only within the Eddington-Robertson-Schiff version of the PPN formalism, which is a less complete and robust PPN formulation. Here we find stronger, more precise bounds, and with less assumptions. We also consider the External Potential Effect (EPE), which is an effect that is intrinsic to this framework and depends on the system environment (it has some qualitative similarities to the screening mechanisms of modified gravity theories). We find a single particular RG realization that is not affected by the EPE. Some physical systems have been pointed out as candidates for measuring the possible RG effects in gravity at large scales, for any of them the Solar System bounds need to be considered.

Gravity Dual of Two-Dimensional $\mathcal{N} = (2,2)^*$ Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory and Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation. (arXiv:1706.09016v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jun Nian, relevance 1.35

The 2D $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)^*$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory can be obtained from the 2D $\mathcal{N}=(4,4)$ theory with a twisted mass deformation. In this paper we construct the gravity dual theory of the 2D $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)^*$ supersymmetric $U(N)$ Yang-Mills theory at the large $N$ and large 't Hooft coupling limit using the 5D gauged supergravity. In the UV regime, this construction also provides the gravity dual of the 2D $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)^*$ $U(N)$ topological Yang-Mills-Higgs theory. Together with the duality previously found between the $N$-particle sector of the quantum nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation and the 2D $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)^*$ $U(N)$ topological Yang-Mills-Higgs theory, we propose a triangle relation in the UV regime among integrable model, gauge theory and gravity, and we also make some checks of this relation at classical level.

The (de)-confinement transition in tachyonic matter at finite temperature. (arXiv:1706.09013v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Adamu Issifu, Francisco A. Brito, relevance 0.51

In this paper we consider the effect of temperature on the net potential of the electric field \textit{confinement}. We study the behavior of the electric field coupled with dielectric function in the presence of temperature ($T$). The aim, is to obtain an electric field confinement at low temperatures $T<T_{c}$, ($T_{c}$, is the critical temperature), similar to what we observe with the field of gluons that bind quarks in hadrons at low energies, and also to determine its associated string tension as a function of temperature. We also study the screening phenomenon at high temperatures, $T\geqslant T_{c}$. To achieve this, we use the phenomenon of color dielectric function coupled with the dynamics of the gauge field in a tachyon matter. This method is efficient for obtaining the net potential associated with the confinement of quarks and gluons as a function of temperature. We show that the tachyon matter behaves the same way the associated dielectric function, modifies the Maxwell equations and influences the fields in a manner which results in confinement regime at $T<T_{c}$ and Coulombian-like regime at $T=T_{c}$ in three spatial dimensions.

Deformed Weitzenb\"ock Connections and Teleparallel Gravity. (arXiv:1706.09008v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Victor A. Penas, relevance 0.00

We study conditions on a generic connection written in terms of first-order derivatives of the vielbein in order to obtain (possible) equivalent theories to Einstein Gravity. We derive the equations of motion for these theories which are based on the new connections. We recover the Teleparallel Gravity equations of motion as a particular case. The analysis of this work might be useful to Double Field Theory to find other connections determined in terms of the physical fields.

Over the horizon: distinguishing the Schwarzschild spacetime and the $\mathbb{RP}^3$ spacetime using an Unruh-DeWitt detector. (arXiv:1706.08978v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Keith K. Ng, Robert B. Mann, Eduardo Martin-Martinez, relevance 18.90

We show that a particle detector can distinguish the $\mathbb{RP}^3$ geon from the Schwarzschild black hole, even though they differ only by a topological identification beyond the event horizon. This shows that the detector can read out information about the non-local structure even when separated from the non-locality by an event horizon. Our analysis of the dependence of the transition on the detector gap is novel, and in principle presents an interesting observational signal.

Thermal out-of-time-order correlators, KMS relations, and spectral functions. (arXiv:1706.08956v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Felix M. Haehl, R. Loganayagam, Prithvi Narayan, Amin A. Nizami, Mukund Rangamani, relevance 5.69

We describe general features of thermal correlation functions in quantum systems, with specific focus on the fluctuation-dissipation type relations implied by the KMS condition. These end up relating correlation functions with different time ordering and thus should naturally be viewed in the larger context of out-of-time-ordered (OTO) observables. In particular, eschewing the standard formulation of KMS relations where thermal periodicity is combined with time-reversal to stay within the purview of Schwinger-Keldysh functional integrals, we show that there is a natural way to phrase them directly in terms of OTO correlators. We use these observations to construct a natural causal basis for thermal n-point functions in terms of fully nested commutators. We provide several general results which can be inferred from cyclic orbits of permutations, and exemplify the abstract results using a quantum oscillator as an explicit example.

Lattice study of continuity and finite-temperature transition in two-dimensional SU(N) x SU(N) Principal Chiral Model. (arXiv:1706.08954v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by P. V. Buividovich, S. N. Valgushev, relevance 0.34

We present first-principle lattice study of the two-dimensional SU(N) x SU(N) Principal Chiral Model (PCM) on the cylinder R x S1 with variable compactification length L0 of S1 and with both periodic and ZN-symmetric twisted boundary conditions. For both boundary conditions our numerical results can be interpreted as signatures of a weak crossover or phase transition between the regimes of small and large L0. In particular, at small L0 thermodynamic quantities exhibit nontrivial dependence on L0, and the static correlation length exhibits a weak enhancement at some "critical" value of L0. We also observe important differences between the two boundary conditions, which indicate that the transition scenario is more likely in the periodic case than in the twisted one. In particular, the enhancement of correlation length for periodic boundary conditions becomes more pronounced at large N, and practically does not depend on N for twisted boundary conditions. Using Gradient Flow we study non-perturbative content of the theory and find that the peaks in the correlation length appear when the length L0 becomes comparable with the typical size of unitons, unstable saddle points of PCM. With twisted boundary conditions these saddle points become effectively stable and one-dimensional in the regime of small N L0, whereas at large N L0 they are very similar to the two-dimensional unitons with periodic boundary conditions. In the context of adiabatic continuity conjecture for PCM with twisted boundary conditions, our results suggest that while the effect of the compactification is clearly different for different boundary conditions, one still cannot exclude the possibility of a weak crossover separating the strong-coupling regime at large N L0 and the Dunne-Unsal regime at small N L0 with twisted boundary conditions.

Analytic Hadamard states, Calder\'on projectors and Wick rotation near analytic Cauchy surfaces. (arXiv:1706.08942v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Christian Gérard, Michał Wrochna, relevance 5.23

We consider the Klein-Gordon equation on analytic spacetimes with an analytic Cauchy surface. In this setting, we prove the existence of pure analytic Hadamard states. The proof is based on considering an elliptic operator obtained by Wick rotating the Klein-Gordon operator in a neighborhood of a Cauchy hypersurface. The Cauchy data of Hadamard two-point functions are constructed as Calder\'{o}n projectors (suitably generalized if the hypersurface is non-compact) for the elliptic operator.

Scattering on plane waves and the double copy. (arXiv:1706.08925v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Tim Adamo, Eduardo Casali, Lionel Mason, Stefan Nekovar, relevance 7.04

Perturbatively around flat space, the scattering amplitudes of gravity are related to those of Yang-Mills by colour-kinematic duality, under which gravitational amplitudes are obtained as the 'double copy' of the corresponding gauge theory amplitudes. We consider the question of how to extend this relationship to curved scattering backgrounds, focusing on certain 'sandwich' plane waves. We calculate the 3-point amplitudes on these backgrounds and find that a notion of double copy remains in the presence of background curvature: graviton amplitudes on a gravitational plane wave are the double copy of gluon amplitudes on a gauge field plane wave. This is non-trivial in that it requires a non-local replacement rule for the background fields and the momenta and polarization vectors of the fields scattering on the backgrounds. It must also account for new 'tail' terms arising from scattering off the background. These encode a memory effect in the scattering amplitudes, which naturally double copies as well.

Yang-Baxter $\sigma$-model with WZNW term as ${ \mathcal E}$-model. (arXiv:1706.08912v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ctirad Klimcik, relevance 0.00

It turns out that many integrable $\sigma$-models on group manifolds belong to the class of the so-called ${ \mathcal E}$-models which are relevant in the context of the Poisson-Lie T-duality. We show that this is the case also for the Yang-Baxter $\sigma$-model with WZNW term introduced by Delduc, Magro and Vicedo in \cite{DMV15}.

On stable exponential cosmological solutions in the EGB model with a $\Lambda$-term in dimensions D = 5,6,7,8. (arXiv:1706.08889v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by D.M. Chirkov, A.V. Toporensky, relevance 1.33

A $D$-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) flat cosmological model with a cosmological term $\Lambda$ is considered. We focus on solutions with exponential dependence of scale factor on time. Using previously developed general analysis of stability of such solutions done by V.D.Ivashchuk (2016) we apply the criterion from that paper to all known exponential solutions up to dimensionality 7+1. We show that this criterion which guarantees stability of solution under consideration is fulfilled for all combination of coupling constant of the theory except for some discrete set.

$\Lambda(t)$CDM and the present accelerating expansion of the universe from 5D scalar vacuum. (arXiv:1706.08886v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by José Edgar Madriz Aguilar, J. Zamarripa, A. Peraza, J. A. Licea, relevance 0.83

In this letter we investigate some consequences of considering our 4D observable universe as locally and isometrically embeded into a 5D spacetime, where gravity is described by a Brans-Dicke theory in vacuum. Once we impose the embeding conditions we obtain that gravity on the 4D spacetime is governed by the Einstein field equations modified by an extra term that can play the role of a dynamical cosmological constant. Two examples were studied. In the first we derive a cosmological model of a universe filled only with a cosmological constant. In the second we obtain a cosmological solution describing a universe filled with matter, radiation and a dynamical cosmological constant, in agree with observational data. Due to the 5D geometrical origin for the dynamical cosmological constant we interpret that the acceleration in the expansion is explained without the introduction of a dark energy component. Moreover, all 4D matter sources are geometrically induced in the same manner as it is usually done in the Wesson's induced matter theory.

Massive Deformations of Type IIA String Theory Within Double Field Theory. (arXiv:1706.08883v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aybike Catal-Ozer, relevance 0.35

We obtain massive deformations of Type IIA string theory through duality twisted reductions of Double Field Theory (DFT) of massless Type II strings. The mass deformation is induced through the reduction of the DFT of the RR sector. Such reductions are determined by a twist element belonging to $Spin^+(10,10)$, which is the duality group of the DFT of the RR sector. We determine the form of the twists and give particular examples of twists matrices, for which a massive deformation of Type IIA theory can be obtained. In one of the cases, requirement of gauge invariance of the RR sector implies that the dilaton field must pick up a linear dependence on one of the dual coordinates. In another case, the choice of the twist matrix violates the weak and the strong constraints explicitly in the internal doubled space.

Quantum gravity in timeless configuration space. (arXiv:1706.08875v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Henrique Gomes, relevance 11.89

On the path towards quantum gravity, we find friction between temporal relations in quantum mechanics (QM) (where they are fixed and field-independent), and in general relativity (where they are field-dependent and dynamic). This paper aims to attenuate that friction, by encoding gravity in the timeless configuration space of spatial fields with dynamics given by a path integral. The framework demands that boundary conditions for this path integral be uniquely given, but unlike other approaches where they are prescribed --- such as the no-boundary and the tunneling proposals --- here I postulate basic principles to identify boundary conditions in a large class of theories. Uniqueness arises only if a reduced configuration space can be defined and if it has a profoundly asymmetric fundamental structure. These requirements place strong restrictions on the field and symmetry content of theories encompassed here; shape dynamics is one such theory. Also as in other boundary proposals, Time, including space-time, emerges as an effective concept; valid for certain curves in configuration space but not assumed from the start. When some such notion of time becomes available, conservation of (positive) probability currents ensues. I show that, in the appropriate limits, a Schroedinger equation dictates the evolution of weakly coupled source fields on a classical gravitational background. Due to the asymmetry of reduced configuration space, these probabilities and currents avoid a known difficulty of standard WKB approximations for Wheeler DeWitt in minisuperspace: the selection of a unique Hamilton-Jacobi solution to serve as background. I illustrate these constructions with a simple example of a full quantum gravitational theory (i.e. not in minisuperspace) for which the formalism is applicable, and give a formula for calculating gravitational semi-classical relative probabilities in it.

Nature of chiral phase transition in two-flavor QCD. (arXiv:1706.08872v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by K.-I. Ishikawa, Y. Iwasaki, Yu Nakayama, T. Yoshie, relevance 0.28

We investigate the nature of the chiral phase transition in the massless two-flavor QCD using the renormalization group improved gauge action and the Wilson quark action on $32^3\times 16$, $24^3\times 12$, and $16^3\times 8$ lattices. We calculate the spacial and temporal propagators of the iso-triplet mesons in the pseudo-scalar ($PS$), scalar ($S$), vector ($V$) and axial-vector ($AV$) channels on the lattice of three sizes. We first verify that the RG scaling is excellently satisfied for all cases. This is consistent with the claim that the chiral phase transition is second order. Then we compare the spacial and temporal effective masses between the axial partners, i.e. $PS$ vs $S$ and $V$ vs $AV$, on each of the three size lattices. We find the effective masses of all of six cases for the axial partners agree remarkably. This is consistent with the claim that at least $Z_4$ subgroup of the $U_A(1)$ symmetry in addition to the $SU_A(2)$ symmetry is recovered at the chiral phase transition point.

Naked singularity, firewall, and Hawking radiation. (arXiv:1706.08850v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Hongsheng Zhang, relevance 55.08

Spacetime singularity has always been of interest since the proof of the Penrose-Hawking singularity theorem. Naked singularity naturally emerges from reasonable initial conditions in the collapsing process. A recent interesting approach in black hole information problem implies that we need a firewall to break the surplus entanglements among the Hawking photons. Classically, the firewall becomes a naked singularity. We find some vacuum analytical solutions in $R^n$-gravity of the firewall-type and use these solutions as concrete models to study the naked singularities. By using standard quantum theory, we investigate the Hawking radiation emitted from the black holes with naked singularities. Here we show that the singularity itself does not destroy information. A unitary quantum theory works well around a firewall-type singularity. We discuss the validity of our result in general relativity. Further our result demonstrates that the temperature of the Hawking radiation still can be expressed in the form of the surface gravity divided by $2\pi$. This indicates that a naked singularity may not compromise the Hakwing evaporation process.

Dynamical spacetimes in conformal gravity. (arXiv:1706.08848v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Hongsheng Zhang, Yi Zhang, Xin-Zhou Li, relevance 15.56

The conformal gravity remarkably boosts our prehension of gravity theories. We find a series of dynamical solutions in the $W^2$-conformal gravity, including generalized Schwarzschild-Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (GSFRW), charged generalized Schwarzschild-Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (CGSFRW), especially rotating Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (RFRW), charged rotating Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (CRFRW), and a dynamical cylindrically symmetric solutions. The RFRW, CRFRW and the dynamical cylindrically symmetric solutions are never found in the Einstein gravity and modified gravities. The GSFRW and CGSFRW solutions take different forms from the corresponding solutions in the Einstein gravity.

Models of Collapsing and Expanding Anisotropic Gravitating Source in $f(R,T)$ Theory of Gravity. (arXiv:1706.08846v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by G. Abbas, Riaz Ahmed, relevance 0.77

In this paper, we have formulated the exact solutions of the non-static anisotropic gravitating source in $f(R,T)$ gravity which may lead to expansion and collapse. By assuming the no thermal conduction in gravitating source, we have determine parametric solutions in $f(R,T)$ gravity with non-static spherical geometry filled with anisotropic fluid. We have examined the range of parameter for which expansion scalar become negative and positive leading to collapse and expansion, respectively. Further, using the definition of mass function the condition for the trapped surface have been explored and it has been investigated there exists a single horizon in this case. The impact of coupling parameter $\lambda$ has been discussed in detail in both cases. For the various values of coupling parameter $\lambda$, we have plotted energy density, anisotropic pressure and anisotropic parameter in case of collapse and expansion. The physical significance of the graphs has been explained in detail.

LRS Bianchi type-I cosmological model with constant deceleration parameter in $f(R,T)$ gravity. (arXiv:1706.08844v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Binaya K. Bishi, S.K.J. Pacif, P.K. Sahoo, G.P. Singh, relevance 0.00

A spatially homogeneous anisotropic LRS Bianchi type-I cosmological model is studied in $f(R,T)$ gravity with a special form of Hubble's parameter, which leads to constant deceleration parameter. The parameters involved in the considered form of Hubble parameter can be tuned to match, our models with the $\Lambda $CDM model. With the present observed value of the deceleration parameter, we have discussed physical and kinematical properties of a specific model. Moreover, we have discussed the cosmological distances for our model.

Gravitational waves propagation in nondynamical Chern-Simons gravity. (arXiv:1706.08843v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by A. Martín-Ruiz, L. F. Urrutia, relevance 0.00

We investigate the propagation of gravitational waves in linearized Chern-Simons (CS) modified gravity by considering two nondynamical models for the coupling field $\theta$: (i) a domain wall and (ii) a surface layer of $\theta$, motivated by their relevance in condensed matter physics. We demonstrate that the metric and its first derivative become discontinuous for a domain wall of $\theta$, and we determine the boundary conditions by realizing that the additional contribution to the wave equation corresponds to one of the self-adjoint extensions of the D'Alembert operator. Nevertheless, such discontinuous metric satisfies the area matching conditions introduced by Barrett. On the other hand, the propagation through a surface layer of $\theta$ behaves similarly to the propagation of electromagnetic waves in CS extended electrodynamics. In both cases we calculate the corresponding reflection and transmission amplitudes. As a consequence of the distributional character of the additional terms in the equations that describe wave propagation, the results obtained for the domain wall are not reproduced when the thickness of the surface layer goes to zero, as one could naively expect.

Late time cosmological approach in mimetic $f(R,T)$ gravity. (arXiv:1706.08842v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by E. H. Baffou, M. J. S. Houndjo, M. Hamani-Daouda, F. G. Alvarenga, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we investigate the late-time cosmic acceleration in mimetic $f(R,T)$ gravity with Lagrange multiplier and potential in a Universe containing, besides radiation and dark energy, a self-interacting (collisional) matter. We obtain through the modified Friedmann equations, the main equation that can describe the cosmological evolution and with several models from $Q(z)$ and the well known particular model $f(R, T)$, we perform an analysis of the late-time evolution. We examine the behavior of the Hubble parameter, the dark energy equation of state and the total effective equation of state and we compare in each case the resulting picture with the non-collisional matter (assumed as dust) and also with the collisional matter in mimetic $f(R, T)$ gravity. The results obtained are in good agreement with the observational data and show that in presence of the collisional matter the dark energy oscillations in mimetic f(R, T) gravity can be damped.

Consistent Scalar and Tensor Perturbation Power Spectra in Single Fluid Matter Bounce with Dark Energy Era. (arXiv:1706.08830v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Anna Paula Bacalhau, Nelson Pinto-Neto, Sandro Dias Pinto Vitenti, relevance 1.31

We investigate cosmological scenarios containing one canonical scalar field with an exponential potential in the context of bouncing models, where the bounce happens due to quantum cosmological effects. The only possible bouncing solutions in this scenario (discarding an infinitely fine tuned exception) must have one and only one dark energy phase, either occurring in the contracting era or in the expanding era. Hence,these bounce solutions are necessarily asymmetric. We calculate the spectral indexes and amplitudes of scalar and tensor perturbations numerically, considering the whole history of the model, including the bounce phase itself, without making any approximation or using any matching condition on the perturbations. As the background model is necessarily dust dominated in the far past, the usual adiabatic vacuum initial conditions can be easily imposed in this era. Hence, this is a cosmological model where the presence of dark energy behavior in the Universe does not turn problematic the usual vacuum initial conditions prescription for cosmological perturbation in bouncing models. Scalar and tensor perturbations end up being almost scale invariant, as expected. The background parameters can be adjusted, without fine tunings, to yield the observed amplitude for scalar perturbations, and also for the ratio between tensor and scalar amplitudes, $r = T/S \lesssim 0.1$. The amplification of scalar perturbations over tensor perturbations takes place only around the bounce, due to quantum effects, and it would not occur if General Relativity has remained valid throughout this phase. Hence, this is a bouncing model where a single field induces not only an expanding background dark energy phase, but also produces all observed features of cosmological perturbations of quantum mechanical origin at linear order.

Dynamics for holographic codes. (arXiv:1706.08823v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tobias J. Osborne, Deniz E. Stiegemann, relevance 13.91

We describe how to introduce dynamics for the holographic states and codes introduced by Pastawski, Yoshida, Harlow and Preskill. This task requires the definition of a continuous limit of the kinematical Hilbert space of a finite H which we argue may be achieved via the semicontinuous limit of Jones. Dynamics is then introduced by building a unitary representation of a group known as Thompson's group T, which is closely related to the conformal group conf(R^{1,1}). The bulk Hilbert space is then realised as a special subspace of the semicontinuous limit H spanned by a class of distinguished states which can be assigned a discrete bulk geometry. The analogue of the group of large bulk diffeomorphisms is then given by a unitary representation of the Ptolemy group Pt, on the bulk Hilbert space thus realising a toy model of AdS/CFT which we call the Pt/T correspondence. This paper is primarily targeted at physicists, particularly, quantum information theorists, however mathematicians knowledgeable of circle groups and Thompson's groups F and T may find the paper helpful as a way to get a sense of the AdS/CFT correspondence.

Calogero-Sutherland system with two types interacting spins. (arXiv:1706.08793v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by S. Kharchev, A. Levin, M. Olshanetsky, A. Zotov, relevance 0.00

We consider the classical Calogero-Sutherland system with two types of interacting spin variables. It can be reduced to the standard Calogero-Sutherland system, when one of the spin variables vanishes. We describe the model in the Hitchin approach and prove complete integrability of the system by constructing the Lax pair and the classical $r$-matrix with the spectral parameter on a singular curve.

A solution of the dark energy and its coincidence problem based on local antigravity sources without fine-tuning or new scales. (arXiv:1706.08779v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Georgios Kofinas, Vasilios Zarikas, relevance 0.92

A novel idea is proposed for a natural solution of the dark energy and its cosmic coincidence problem. The existence of local antigravity sources, associated with astrophysical matter configurations distributed throughout the universe, can lead to a recent cosmic acceleration effect. Various physical theories can be compatible with this idea, but here, in order to test our proposal, we focus on quantum originated spherically symmetric metrics matched with the cosmological evolution through a Swiss cheese analysis. In the context of asymptotically safe gravity, we have explained the observed amount of dark energy using Newton's constant, the galaxy or cluster length scales, and dimensionless order one parameters predicted by the theory, without fine-tuning or extra unproven energy scales. The interior modified Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric allows us to approximately interpret this result as that the standard cosmological constant is a composite quantity made of the above parameters, instead of a fundamental one.

Bosonic D=11 supergravity from a generalized Chern-Simons action. (arXiv:1706.08772v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D. Camarero, J.A. de Azcarraga, J.M. Izquierdo, relevance 1.77

It is shown that the action of the bosonic sector of D=11 supergravity may be obtained by means of a suitable scaling of the originally dimensionless fields of a generalized Chern-Simons action. This follows from the eleven-form CS-potential of the most general linear combination of closed, gauge invariant twelve-forms involving the sp(32)-valued two-form curvatures supplemented by a three-form field. In this construction, the role of the skewsymmetric four-index auxiliary function needed for the first order formulation of $D=11$ supergravity is played by the gauge field associated with the five Lorentz indices generator of the bosonic sp(32) subalgebra of osp(1|32).

A Symmetry Breaking Scenario for QCD$_3$. (arXiv:1706.08755v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Zohar Komargodski, Nathan Seiberg, relevance 0.47

We consider the dynamics of 2+1 dimensional $SU(N)$ gauge theory with Chern-Simons level $k$ and $N_f$ fundamental fermions. By requiring consistency with previously suggested dualities for $N_f\leq 2k$ as well as the dynamics at $k=0$ we propose that the theory with $N_f> 2k$ breaks the $U(N_f)$ global symmetry spontaneously to $U(N_f/2+k)\times U(N_f/2-k)$. In contrast to the 3+1 dimensional case, the symmetry breaking takes place in a range of quark masses and not just at one point. The target space never becomes parametrically large and the Nambu-Goldstone bosons are therefore not visible semi-classically. Such symmetry breaking is argued to take place in some intermediate range of the number of flavors, $2k< N_f< N_*(N,k)$, with the upper limit $N_*$ obeying various constraints. The Lagrangian for the Nambu-Goldstone bosons has to be supplemented by nontrivial Wess-Zumino terms that are necessary for the consistency of the picture, even at $k=0$. Furthermore, we suggest two scalar dual theories in this range of $N_f$. A similar picture is developed for $SO(N)$ and $Sp(N)$ gauge theories. It sheds new light on monopole condensation and confinement in the $SO(N)$ and $Spin(N)$ theories.

Five-Brane Webs and Highest Weight Representations. (arXiv:1706.08750v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Brice Bastian, Stefan Hohenegger, relevance 0.11

We consider BPS-counting functions $\mathcal{Z}_{N,M}$ of $N$ parallel M5-branes probing a transverse $\mathbb{Z}_M$ orbifold geometry. These brane web configurations can be dualised into a class of toric non-compact Calabi-Yau threefolds which have the structure of an elliptic fibration over (affine) $A_{N-1}$. We make this symmetry of $\mathcal{Z}_{N,M}$ manifest in particular regions of the parameter space of the setup: we argue that for specific choices of the deformation parameters, the supercharges of the system acquire particular holonomy charges which lead to infinitely many cancellations among states contributing to the partition function. The resulting (simplified) $\mathcal{Z}_{N,M}$ can be written as a sum over weights forming a single irreducible representation of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{a}_{N-1}$ (or its affine counterpart). We show this behaviour explicitly for an extensive list of examples for specific values of $(N,M)$ and generalise the arising pattern for generic configurations. Finally, for a particular compact M5-brane setup we use this form of the partition function to make the duality $N\leftrightarrow M$ manifest.

Are neutrino masses modular forms?. (arXiv:1706.08749v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ferruccio Feruglio, relevance 0.89

We explore a new class of supersymmetric models for lepton masses and mixing angles where the role of flavour symmetry is played by modular invariance. The building blocks are modular forms of level N and matter supermultiplets, both transforming in representations of a finite discrete group Gamma_N. In the simplest version of these models, Yukawa couplings are just modular forms and the only source of flavour symmetry breaking is the vacuum expectation value of a single complex field, the modulus. In the special case where modular forms are constant functions the whole construction collapses to a supersymmetric flavour model invariant under Gamma_N, the case treated so far in the literature. The framework has a number of appealing features. Flavon fields other than the modulus might not be needed. Neutrino masses and mixing angles are simultaneously constrained by the modular symmetry. As long as supersymmetry is exact, modular invariance determines all higher-dimensional operators in the superpotential. We discuss the general framework and we provide complete examples of the new construction. The most economical model predicts neutrino mass ratios, lepton mixing angles, Dirac and Majorana phases uniquely in terms of the modulus vacuum expectation value, with all the parameters except one within the experimentally allowed range. As a byproduct of the general formalism we extend the notion of non-linearly realised symmetries to the discrete case.

Pad\'e approximants and analytic continuation of Euclidean Phi-derivable approximations. (arXiv:1706.08726v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Gergely Markó, Urko Reinosa, Zsolt Szép, relevance 0.44

We investigate the Pad\'e approximation method for the analytic continuation of numerical data and its ability to access, from the Euclidean propagator, both the spectral function and part of the physical information hidden in the second Riemann sheet. We test this method using various benchmarks at zero temperature: a simple perturbative approximation as well as the two-loop Phi-derivable approximation. The analytic continuation method is then applied to Euclidean data previously obtained in the O(4) symmetric model (within a given renormalization scheme) to assess the difference between zero-momentum and pole masses, which is in general a difficult question to answer within nonperturbative approaches such as the Phi-derivable expansion scheme.

Scattering from a quantum anapole at low energies. (arXiv:1706.08664v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Kyle M. Whitcomb, David C. Latimer, relevance 0.00

In quantum field theory, the photon-fermion vertex can be described in terms of four form factors which encode the static electromagnetic properties of the particle, namely its charge, magnetic dipole moment, electric dipole moment, and anapole moment. For Majorana fermions, only the anapole moment can be nonzero, a consequence of the fact that these particles are their own antiparticles. Using the framework of quantum field theory, we perform a scattering calculation which probes the anapole moment with a spinless charged particle. In the limit of low-momentum transfer, we confirm that the anapole can be classically likened to a point-like toroidal solenoid whose magnetic field is confined to the origin. Such a toroidal current distribution can be used to demonstrate the Aharonov-Bohm effect. We find that, in the non-relativistic limit, our scattering cross section agrees with a quantum mechanical computation of the cross section for a spinless current scattered by an infinitesimally thin toroidal solenoid. Our presentation is geared toward advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students. This work serves as an introduction to the anapole moment and also provides an example of how one can develop an understanding of a particle's electromagnetic properties in quantum field theory.

On general features of warm dark matter with reduced relativistic gas. (arXiv:1706.08595v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by W.S. Hipolito-Ricaldi, R.F. vom Marttens, J.C. Fabris, I.L. Shapiro, L. Casarini, relevance 0.65

We investigate warm dark matter (WDM) features in a model independent approach through the very simple approximation of the Reduced Relativistic Gas (RRG). Our only and generic supposition is a non-negligible velocity $v$ for dark matter particles which is parameterized by a free parameter $b$. We show that high values for WDM velocities would erase radiation dominated epoch. This would cause an early warm matter domination after inflation, unless $b^2\lesssim 10^{-6}$ (or $v\lesssim 300 km/s$). Also it is shown that RRG approach allows to quantify the lack of power in linear matter spectrum at small scales and in particular, reproduces the relative transfer function commonly used in context of WDM with accuracy of $\lesssim 1\%$. This result with such accuracy does not alter significantly the CMB power spectrum agreeing also with the background observational tests. This suggests that the RRG approximation can be used as a complementary approach to investigate consequences of warmness of dark matter and especially for deriving the main observational exponents for the WDM in a model-independent way in linear and non-linear regime.

Was the Universe Actually Radiation Dominated Prior to Nucleosynthesis?. (arXiv:1706.08536v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by John T. Giblin, Jr., Gordon Kane, Eva Nesbit, Scott Watson, Yue Zhao, relevance 0.69

Maybe not. String theory approaches to both beyond the Standard Model and Inflationary model building generically predict the existence of scalars (moduli) that are light compared to the scale of quantum gravity. These moduli become displaced from their low energy minima in the early universe and lead to a prolonged matter-dominated epoch prior to BBN. In this paper, we examine whether non-perturbative effects such as parametric resonance or tachyonic instabilities can shorten, or even eliminate, the moduli condensate and matter-dominated epoch. Such effects depend crucially on the strength of the couplings, and we find that unless the moduli become strongly coupled the matter-dominated epoch is unavoidable. In particular, we find that in string and M-theory compactifications where the lightest moduli are near the TeV-scale that a matter-dominated epoch will persist until the time of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.

SU(5) Unification without Proton Decay. (arXiv:1706.08535v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Bartosz Fornal, Benjamin Grinstein, relevance 0.48

We construct a four-dimensional renormalizable SU(5) grand unified theory in which the proton is stable. The Standard Model leptons reside in the 5 and 10 irreps of SU(5), whereas the quarks live in the 40 and 50 irreps. The SU(5) gauge symmetry is broken by the vacuum expectation values of the scalar 24 and 75 irreps. All non-Standard Model fields have masses at the grand unification scale. Stability of the proton requires three relations between the parameters of the model to hold. However, abandoning the requirement of absolute proton stability, the model fulfills current experimental constraints without fine-tuning.

Algebraic Cycles and Local Anomalies in F-Theory. (arXiv:1706.08528v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Martin Bies, Christoph Mayrhofer, Timo Weigand, relevance 1.85

We introduce a set of identities in the cohomology ring of elliptic fibrations which are equivalent to the cancellation of gauge and mixed gauge-gravitational anomalies in F-theory compactifications to four and six dimensions. The identities consist in (co)homological relations between complex codimension-two cycles. The same set of relations, once evaluated on elliptic Calabi-Yau three-folds and four-folds, is shown to universally govern the structure of anomalies and their Green-Schwarz cancellation in six- and four-dimensional F-theory vacua, respectively. We furthermore conjecture that these relations hold not only within the cohomology ring, but even at the level of the Chow ring, i.e. as relations among codimension-two cycles modulo rational equivalence. We verify this conjecture in non-trivial examples with Abelian and non-Abelian gauge groups factors. Apart from governing the structure of local anomalies, the identities in the Chow ring relate different types of gauge backgrounds on elliptically fibred Calabi-Yau four-folds.

Combinatorics and Topology of Kawai-Lewellen-Tye Relations. (arXiv:1706.08527v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sebastian Mizera, relevance 0.20

We revisit the relations between open and closed string scattering amplitudes discovered by Kawai, Lewellen, and Tye (KLT). We show that they emerge from the underlying algebro-topological identities known as the twisted period relations. In order to do so, we formulate tree-level string theory amplitudes in the language of twisted de Rham theory. There, open string amplitudes are understood as pairings between twisted cycles and cocycles. Similarly, closed string amplitudes are given as a pairing between two twisted cocycles. Finally, objects relating the two types of string amplitudes are the $\alpha'$-corrected bi-adjoint scalar amplitudes recently defined by the author [arXiv:1610.04230]. We show that they naturally arise as intersection numbers of twisted cycles. In this work we focus on the combinatorial and topological description of twisted cycles relevant for string theory amplitudes. In this setting, each twisted cycle is a polytope, known in combinatorics as the associahedron, together with an additional structure encoding monodromy properties of string integrals. In fact, this additional structure is given by higher-dimensional generalizations of the Pochhammer contour. An open string amplitude is then computed as an integral of a logarithmic form over an associahedron. We show that the inverse of the KLT kernel can be calculated from the knowledge of how pairs of associahedra intersect one another in the moduli space. In the field theory limit, contributions from these intersections localize to vertices of the associahedra, giving rise to the bi-adjoint scalar partial amplitudes.

Perturbative and global anomalies in bosonic analogues of integer quantum Hall and topological insulator phases. (arXiv:1706.08523v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Matthew F. Lapa, Taylor L. Hughes, relevance 1.36

We study perturbative and global anomalies at the boundaries of bosonic analogues of integer quantum Hall (BIQH) and topological insulator (BTI) phases using a description of the boundaries of these phases in terms of a nonlinear sigma model (NLSM) with Wess-Zumino term. One of the main results of the paper is that these anomalies are robust against arbitrary smooth deformations of the target space of the NLSM which describes the phase, provided that the deformations also respect the symmetry of the phase. In the first part of the paper we discuss the perturbative $U(1)$ anomaly at the boundary of BIQH states in all odd (spacetime) dimensions. In the second part we study global anomalies at the boundary of BTI states in even dimensions. In a previous work [Phys. Rev. B 95, 035149 (2017)] we argued that the boundary of the BTI phase exhibits a global anomaly which is an analogue of the parity anomaly of Dirac fermions in three dimensions. Here we elevate this argument to a proof for the boundary of the two-dimensional BTI state by explicitly computing the partition function of the gauged NLSM describing the boundary. We then use the powerful equivariant localization technique to show that this global anomaly is robust against all smooth deformations of the target space of the NLSM which preserve the $U(1)\rtimes\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry of the BTI state. We also comment on the difficulties of generalizing this latter proof to higher dimensions. Finally, we discuss the expected low energy behavior of the boundary theories studied in this paper when the coupling constants are allowed to flow under the renormalization group.

Pure Natural Inflation. (arXiv:1706.08522v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Yasunori Nomura, Taizan Watari, Masahito Yamazaki, relevance 0.00

We point out that a simple inflationary model in which the axionic inflaton couples to a pure SU(N) Yang-Mills theory may give the scalar spectral index (n_s) and tensor-to-scalar ratio (r) in complete agreement with the current observational data.

The Global Gauge Group Structure of F-theory Compactification with U(1)s. (arXiv:1706.08521v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Mirjam Cvetic, Ling Lin, relevance 4.59

We show that F-theory compactifications with abelian gauge factors generally exhibit a non-trivial global gauge group structure. The geometric origin of this structure lies with the Shioda map of the Mordell--Weil generators. This results in constraints on the U(1) charges of non-abelian matter consistent with observations made throughout the literature. In particular, we find that F-theory models featuring the Standard Model algebra actually realise the precise gauge group [SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)]/Z6. Furthermore, we explore the relationship between the gauge group structure and geometric (un-)higgsing. In an explicit class of models, we show that, depending on the global group structure, an SU(2)xU(1) gauge theory can either unhiggs into an SU(2)xSU(2) or an SU(3)xSU(2) theory. We also study implications of the charge constraints as a criterion for the F-theory 'swampland'.

Operator bases, $S$-matrices, and their partition functions. (arXiv:1706.08520v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Brian Henning, Xiaochuan Lu, Tom Melia, Hitoshi Murayama, relevance 0.45

Relativistic quantum systems that admit scattering experiments are quantitatively described by effective field theories, where $S$-matrix kinematics and symmetry considerations are encoded in the operator spectrum of the EFT. In this paper we use the $S$-matrix to derive the structure of the EFT operator basis, providing complementary descriptions in (i) position space utilizing the conformal algebra and cohomology and (ii) momentum space via an algebraic formulation in terms of a ring of momenta with kinematics implemented as an ideal. These frameworks systematically handle redundancies associated with equations of motion (on-shell) and integration by parts (momentum conservation).

We introduce a partition function, termed the Hilbert series, to enumerate the operator basis--correspondingly, the $S$-matrix--and derive a matrix integral expression to compute the Hilbert series. The expression is general, easily applied in any spacetime dimension, with arbitrary field content and (linearly realized) symmetries.

In addition to counting, we discuss construction of the basis. Simple algorithms follow from the algebraic formulation in momentum space. We explicitly compute the basis for operators involving up to $n=5$ scalar fields. This construction universally applies to fields with spin, since the operator basis for scalars encodes the momentum dependence of $n$-point amplitudes.

We discuss in detail the operator basis for non-linearly realized symmetries. In the presence of massless particles, there is freedom to impose additional structure on the $S$-matrix in the form of soft limits. The most na\"ive implementation for massless scalars leads to the operator basis for pions, which we confirm using the standard CCWZ formulation for non-linear realizations.

Fast optimization algorithms and the cosmological constant. (arXiv:1706.08503v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ning Bao, Raphael Bousso, Stephen Jordan, Brad Lackey, relevance 14.00

Denef and Douglas have observed that in certain landscape models the problem of finding small values of the cosmological constant is a large instance of an NP-hard problem. The number of elementary operations (quantum gates) needed to solve this problem by brute force search exceeds the estimated computational capacity of the observable universe. Here we describe a way out of this puzzling circumstance: despite being NP-hard, the problem of finding a small cosmological constant can be attacked by more sophisticated algorithms whose performance vastly exceeds brute force search. In fact, in some parameter regimes the average-case complexity is polynomial. We demonstrate this by explicitly finding a cosmological constant of order $10^{-120}$ in a randomly generated $10^9$-dimensional ADK landscape.

Dimensional regularization of the IR divergences in the Fokker action of point-particle binaries at the fourth post-Newtonian order. (arXiv:1706.08480v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Laura Bernard, Luc Blanchet, Alejandro Bohé, Guillaume Faye, Sylvain Marsat, relevance 0.43

The Fokker action of point-particle binaries at the fourth post-Newtonian (4PN) approximation of general relativity has been determined previously. However two ambiguity parameters associated with infra-red (IR) divergencies of spatial integrals had to be introduced. These two parameters were fixed by comparison with gravitational self-force (GSF) calculations of the conserved energy and periastron advance for circular orbits in the test-mass limit. In the present paper together with a companion paper, we determine both these ambiguities from first principle, by means of dimensional regularization. Our computation is thus entirely defined within the dimensional regularization scheme, for treating at once the IR and ultra-violet (UV) divergencies. In particular, we obtain crucial contributions coming from the Einstein-Hilbert part of the action and from the non-local tail term in arbitrary dimensions, which resolve the ambiguities.

Unmixing Supergravity. (arXiv:1706.08456v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by F.Aprile, J.M.Drummond, P.Heslop, H.Paul, relevance 0.00

We examine the double-trace spectrum of $\mathcal{N} = 4$ super Yang-Mills theory in the supergravity limit. At large $N$ double-trace operators exhibit degeneracy. By considering free-field and tree-level supergravity contributions to four-point functions of half-BPS operators we resolve the degeneracy for a large family of double-trace operators. The mixing problem reveals a surprisingly simple structure which allows us to obtain their three-point functions at leading order in the large $N$ expansion as well as their leading anomalous dimensions.

Edge states and thermodynamics of rotating relativistic fermions under magnetic field. (arXiv:1706.08448v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. N. Chernodub, Shinya Gongyo, relevance 6.91

We discuss free Dirac fermions rotating uniformly inside a cylindrical cavity in the presence of background magnetic field parallel to the cylinder axis. We show that in addition to the known bulk states the system contains massive edge states with the masses inversely proportional to the radius of the cylinder. The edge states appear at quantized threshold values of the fermion mass. In the limit of infinite fermion mass the masses of the edge states remain finite but, generally, nonzero as contrasted to the bulk states whose masses become infinite. The presence of magnetic field affects the spectrum of both bulk and edge modes, and the masses of the edge states may vanish at certain values of magnetic field. The moment of inertia of Dirac fermions is non-monotonically increasing, oscillating function of magnetic field. The oscillations are well pronounced in a low-temperature domain and they disappear at high temperatures.

CMB anisotropies at all orders: the non-linear Sachs-Wolfe formula. (arXiv:1706.08428v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Omar Roldan, relevance 0.52

We obtain the non-linear generalization of the Sachs-Wolfe + integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) formula describing the CMB temperature anisotropies. Our formula is valid at all orders in perturbation theory, is also valid in all gauges and includes scalar, vector and tensor modes. A direct consequence of our results is that the maps of the logarithmic temperature anisotropies are much cleaner than the usual CMB maps, because they automatically remove many secondary anisotropies. This can for instance, facilitate the search for primordial non-Gaussianity in future works. It also disentangles the non-linear ISW from other effects. Finally, we provide a method which can iteratively be used to obtain the lensing solution at the desired order.

The Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem for $C^{1,1}$-Lorentzian metrics. (arXiv:1706.08426v3 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Melanie Graf, James D.E. Grant, Michael Kunzinger, Roland Steinbauer, relevance 19.39

We show that the Hawking--Penrose singularity theorem, and the generalisation of this theorem due to Galloway and Senovilla, continue to hold for Lorentzian metrics that are of $C^{1, 1}$-regularity. We formulate appropriate weak versions of the strong energy condition and genericity condition for $C^{1,1}$-metrics, and of $C^0$-trapped submanifolds. By regularisation, we show that, under these weak conditions, causal geodesics necessarily become non-maximising. This requires a detailed analysis of the matrix Riccati equation for the approximating metrics, which may be of independent interest.

Phenomenology with F-theory SU(5). (arXiv:1706.08372v1 [hep-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by George K. Leontaris, Qaisar Shafi, relevance 0.61

We explore the low energy phenomenology of an F-theory based SU(5) model which, in addition to the known quarks and leptons, contains Standard Model singlets, and vector-like color triplets and SU(2) doublets. Depending on their masses and couplings, some of these new particles may be observed at the LHC and future colliders. We discuss the restrictions by CKM constraints on their mixing with the ordinary down quarks of the three chiral familes. The model is consistent with gauge coupling unification at the usual supersymmetric GUT scale, dimension five proton decay is adequately suppressed, while dimension-six decay mediated by the superheavy gauge bosons is enhanced by a factor of 5-7. The third generation charged fermion Yukawa couplings yield the corresponding low-energy masses in reasonable agreement with observations. The hierarchical nature of the masses of lighter generations is accounted for via non-renormalisable interactions, with the perturbative vacuum expectation values of the SM singlet fields playing an essential role.

Wick Rotations, Eichler Integrals, and Multi-Loop Feynman Diagrams. (arXiv:1706.08308v3 [math.NT] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yajun Zhou, relevance 0.00

Using contour deformations and integrations over modular forms, we compute certain Bessel moments arising from diagrammatic expansions in two-dimensional quantum field theory. We evaluate these Feynman integrals as either explicit constants or critical values of modular $L$-series, and verify several recent conjectures of Broadhurst.

N=4 l-conformal Galilei superalgebras inspired by D(2,1;a) supermultiplets. (arXiv:1706.08300v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Anton Galajinsky, Sergey Krivonos, relevance 3.49

N=4 supersymmetric extensions of the l-conformal Galilei algebra are constructed by properly extending the Lie superalgebra associated with the most general N=4 superconformal group in one dimension D(2,1;a). If the acceleration generators in the superalgebra form analogues of the irreducible (1,4,3)-, (2,4,2)-, (3,4,1)-, and (4,4,0)-supermultiplets of D(2,1;a), the parameter a turns out to be constrained by the Jacobi identities. In contrast, if the tower of the acceleration generators resembles a component decomposition of a generic real superfield, which is a reducible representation of D(2,1;a), a remains arbitrary. An N=4 l-conformal Galilei superalgebra recently proposed in [Phys. Lett. B 771 (2017) 401] is shown to be a particular instance of a more general construction in this work.

Environment-induced uncertainties on moving mirrors in quantum critical theories via holography. (arXiv:1706.08283v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Da-Shin Lee, Chen-Pin Yeh, relevance 1.37

Environment effects from the strongly coupled d-dimensional quantum critical fields with a dynamic exponent $z$ on the $n$-dimensional mirror are studied by the holographic approach. The dual description is a $n+1$-dimensional probe brane moving in the $d+1$-dimensional asymptotic Lifshitz geometry. The dynamics of the mirror can be realized from the motion of the brane at the boundary of the Lifshitz geometry, where the interaction of mirror with the field is assumed to be linear in mirror's position. The correlators of quantum critical fields in weakly squeezed vacuum (thermal) states are obtained from holographic influence functional, constructed in the dual theory by the gravitational wave perturbed Lifshitz (black hole) geometry. It is found that the large coupling constant of the fields enhances the position uncertainty of the mirror, but reduces the momentum uncertainty. As such, the product of the position and momentum uncertainties is independent of the coupling constant. Some proper choices of the phase of the squeezing parameter might reduce the uncertainties, nevertheless large values of its amplitude always lead to the larger uncertainties due to the fact that more quanta are excited as compared with the corresponding normal vacuum and thermal states. In the squeezed vacuum state, the product of the position and momentum uncertainties of the mirror gains maximum effects from the environment when the dynamic exponent $z=n+2$. As for the squeezed thermal state, the contributions of thermal fluctuations to the product of the position and momentum uncertainties decrease as $T$ increases for $1<z<n+2$, whereas for $z>n+2$ the contributions increase as $T$ increases. These results deserve experimental tests to justify success in employing holographic ideas for the study of strongly coupled fields.

A Semiclassical, Entropic Proof of a Weak Gravity Conjecture. (arXiv:1706.08257v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Zachary Fisher, Christopher J. Mogni, relevance 21.99

We present a semiclassical proof of the weak gravity conjecture in $D = 4$ spacetime dimensions for scalar matter gauged under a $U(1)^N$ gauge group. We compute the non-perturbative macroscopic entropy of a scalar field in an extremal black hole background at the level of linearized backreaction on the metric. The scalar field is assumed to violate or saturate the weak gravity conjecture. The scalar contributes a logarithmic correction to the entropy in the black hole geometry that outgrows the classical contribution. We demonstrate that the entropy of the gauged scalar violates the generalized second law in the limit of large black hole charge. Our result suggests that entropy inequalities may directly discriminate between effective field theories that live in the landscape versus the swampland.

Extracting Geometry from Quantum Spacetime: Obstacles down the road. (arXiv:1706.08221v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Yuri Bonder, Chryssomalis Chryssomalakos, Daniel Sudarsky, relevance 6.26

Any acceptable quantum gravity theory must allow us to recover the classical spacetime in the appropriate limit. Moreover, the spacetime geometrical notions should be intrinsically tied to the behavior of the matter that probes them. We consider some difficulties that would be confronted in attempting such an enterprise. The problems we uncover seem to go beyond the technical level to the point of questioning the overall feasibility of the project. The main issue is related to the fact that, in the quantum theory, it is impossible to assign a trajectory to a physical object, and, on the other hand, according to the basic tenets of the geometrization of gravity, it is precisely the trajectories of free localized objects that define the spacetime geometry. The insights gained in this analysis should be relevant to those interested in the quest for a quantum theory of gravity and might help refocus some of its goals.

Variety of $(d + 1)$ dimensional Cosmological Evolutions with and without bounce in a class of LQC -- inspired Models. (arXiv:1706.08220v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. Kalyana Rama, relevance 0.00

The bouncing evolution of an universe in Loop Quantum Cosmolgy can be described very well by a set of effective equations, involving a function $sin \; x$. Recently, we have generalised these effective equations to $(d + 1)$ dimensions and to any function $f(x) \;$. Depending on $f(x) \;$ in these models inspired by Loop Quantum Cosmolgy, a variety of cosmological evolutions are possible, singular as well as non singular. In this paper, we study them in detail. Among other things, we find that the scale factor $a(t) \; \propto \; t^{ \frac {2 q} {(2 q - 1) \; (1 + w) d}} \;$ for $f(x) = x^q \;$, and find explicit Kasner--type solutions if $w = 2 q - 1 \;$ also. A result which we find particularly fascinating is that, for $f(x) = \sqrt{x} \;$, the evolution is non singular and the scale factor $a(t)$ grows exponentially at a rate set, not by a constant density, but by a quantum parameter related to the area quantum.

Strong Coupling Limit of A Family of Chern-Simons-matter Theories. (arXiv:1706.08204v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Takao Suyama, relevance 0.75

We investigate the strong coupling limit of a family of Chern-Simons-matter theories in the planar limit. The family consists of ${\cal N}=3$ theories with the gauge group ${\rm U}(N_1)_{k_1}\times{\rm U}(N_2)_{k_2}$ coupled to $n$ bi-fundamental hypermultiplets. All observables which can be determined from the planar resolvent turn out to have finite limits in the large 't Hooft coupling limit. Possible gravity duals are briefly discussed. We observe that Kac-Moody algebras govern the structure of the planar spectral curves of the theories.

Exotic matter on singular divisors in F-theory. (arXiv:1706.08194v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Denis Klevers, David R. Morrison, Nikhil Raghuram, Washington Taylor, relevance 0.00

We analyze exotic matter representations that arise on singular seven-brane configurations in F-theory. We develop a general framework for analyzing such representations, and work out explicit descriptions for models with matter in the 2-index and 3-index symmetric representations of SU($N$) and SU(2) respectively, associated with double and triple point singularities in the seven-brane locus. These matter representations are associated with Weierstrass models whose discriminants vanish to high order thanks to nontrivial cancellations possible only in the presence of a non-UFD algebraic structure. This structure can be described using the normalization of the ring of intrinsic local functions on a singular divisor. We consider the connection between geometric constraints on singular curves and corresponding constraints on the low-energy spectrum of 6D theories, identifying some new examples of apparent "swampland" theories that cannot be realized in F-theory but have no apparent low-energy inconsistency.

The symplectic fermion ribbon quasi-Hopf algebra and the SL(2,Z)-action on its centre. (arXiv:1706.08164v1 [math.QA])
in hep-th by Vanda Farsad, Azat M. Gainutdinov, Ingo Runkel, relevance 1.93

We introduce a family of factorisable ribbon quasi-Hopf algebras $Q(N)$ for $N$ a positive integer: as an algebra, $Q(N)$ is the semidirect product of $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{Z}_2$ with the direct sum of a Gra\ss{}mann and a Clifford algebra in $2N$ generators. We show that $Rep Q(N)$ is ribbon equivalent to the symplectic fermion category $SF(N)$ that was computed by the third author from conformal blocks of the corresponding logarithmic conformal field theory. The latter category in turn is conjecturally ribbon equivalent to representations of $V_{ev}$, the even part of the symplectic fermion vertex operator super algebra.

Using the formalism developed in our previous paper we compute the projective $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$-action on the centre of $Q(N)$ as obtained from Lyubashenko's general theory of mapping class group actions for factorisable finite ribbon categories. This allows us to test a conjectural non-semisimple version of the modular Verlinde formula: we verify that the $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$-action computed from $Q(N)$ agrees projectively with that on pseudo trace functions of $V_{ev}$.

A minimalistic pure spinor sigma-model in AdS. (arXiv:1706.08158v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andrei Mikhailov, relevance 8.78

The $b$-ghost of the pure spinor formalism in a general curved background is not holomorphic. For such theories, the construction of the string measure requires the knowledge of the action of diffeomorphisms on the BV phase space. We construct such an action for the pure spinor sigma-model in $AdS_5\times S^5$. From the point of view of the BV formalism, this sigma-model belongs to the class of theories where the expansion of the Master Action in antifields terminates at the quadratic order. We show that it can be reduced to a simpler degenerate sigma-model, preserving the AdS symmetries. We construct the action of the algebra of worldsheet vector fields on the BV phase space of this minimalistic sigma-model, and explain how to lift it to the original model.

Perfect Fluid Cosmological Universes: One equation of state and the most general solution. (arXiv:1706.08145v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Anadijiban Das, Asit Banerjee, Subenoy Chakraborty, Supriya Pan, relevance 0.00

Considering a homogeneous and isotropic universe characterized by the Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) line element, in this work, we have prescribed a general formalism for the cosmological solutions when the equation of state of the cosmic substance follows a general structure $\phi (p, \rho) = 0$, where $p$, $\rho$ are respectively the pressure and the energy density of the cosmic substance. Using the general formalism we recover some well known solutions, namely, when the cosmic substance obeys the linear equation of state, a Chaplygin type equation of state, or a nonlinear equation of state. Thus, the current work offers a new technique to solve the cosmological solutions without any prior relation between $p$ and $\rho$.

Massive gravity and Fierz-Pauli theory. (arXiv:1706.08140v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Alberto Blasi, Nicola Maggiore, relevance 1.83

Linearized gravity is considered as an ordinary gauge field theory. This implies the need for gauge fixing in order to have well defined propagators. Only after having achieved this, the most general mass term is added. The aim of this paper is to study of the degrees of freedom of the gauge fixed theory of linearized gravity with mass term. The main result is that, even outside the usual Fierz-Pauli constraint on the mass term, it is possible to choose a gauge fixing belonging to the Landau class, which leads to a massive theory of gravity with the five degrees of freedom of a spin two massive particle.

A meromorphic extension of the 3D Index. (arXiv:1706.08132v1 [math.GT])
in hep-th by Stavros Garoufalidis, Rinat Kashaev, relevance 0.23

Using the locally compact abelian group $\BT \times \BZ$, we assign a meromorphic function to each ideal triangulation of a 3-manifold with torus boundary components. The function is invariant under all 2--3 Pachner moves, and thus is a topological invariant of the underlying manifold. If the ideal triangulation has a strict angle structure, our meromorphic function can be expanded into a Laurent power series whose coefficients are formal power series in $q$ with integer coefficients that coincide with the 3D index of \cite{DGG2}. Our meromorphic function can be computed explicitly from the matrix of the gluing equations of a triangulation, and we illustrate this with several examples.

Kinematic variables in noncommutative phase space and parameters of noncommutativity. (arXiv:1706.08123v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Kh. P. Gnatenko, relevance 0.00

We consider a space with noncommutativity of coordinates and noncommutativity of momenta. It is shown that coordinates in noncommutative phase space depend on mass therefore they can not be considered as kinematic variables. Also, noncommutative momenta are not proportional to a mass as it has to be. We find conditions on the parameters of noncommutativity on which these problems are solved. It is important that on the same conditions the weak equivalence principle is not violated, the properties of kinetic energy are recovered, and the motion of the center-of-mass of composite system and relative motion are independent in noncommutative phase space.

Noncommutative geometry inspired black holes in Rastall gravity. (arXiv:1706.08054v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Meng-Sen Ma, Ren Zhao, relevance 10.87

Under two different metric ansatzes, the noncommutative geometry inspired black holes (NCBH) in the framework of Rastall gravity are derived and analyzed. We consider the fluid-type matter with the Gaussian-distribution smeared mass density. Taking a Schwarzschild-like metric ansatz, it is shown that the noncommutative geometry inspired Schwarzschild black hole (NCSBH) in Rastall gravity, unlike its counterpart in general relativity (GR), is not a regular black hole. It has at most one event horizon. After showing a finite maximal temperature, the black hole will leave behind a point-like massive remnant at zero temperature. Considering a more general metric ansatz and a special equation of state of the matter, we also find a regular NCBH in Rastall gravity, which has a similar geometric structure and temperature to that of NCSBH in GR.

Inflation to Structures: EFT all the way. (arXiv:1706.08051v1 [astro-ph.CO] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Abhishek Naskar, Sayantan Choudhury, Argha Banerjee, Supratik Pal, relevance 0.00

We investigate for an Effective Field Theory (EFT) framework that can consistently explain inflation to Large Scale Structures (LSS). With the development of the construction algorithm of EFT, we arrive at a properly truncated action for the entire scenario. Using this, we compute the two-point correlation function for quantum fluctuations from Goldstone modes and related inflationary observables in terms of coefficients of relevant EFT operators, which we constrain using Planck 2015 data. We then carry forward this primordial power spectrum with the same set of EFT parameters to explain the linear and non-linear regimes of LSS by loop-calculations of the matter overdensity two-point function. For comparative analysis, we make use of two widely accepted transfer functions, namely, BBKS and Eisenstein-Hu, thereby making the analysis robust. We finally corroborate our results with LSS data from SDSS-DR7 and WiggleZ. The analysis thus results in a consistent, model-independent EFT framework for inflation to structures.

Anapole dark matter annihilation into photons. (arXiv:1706.08029v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by David C. Latimer, relevance 0.00

In models of anapole dark matter (DM), the DM candidate is a Majorana fermion whose primary interaction with standard model (SM) particles is through an anapole coupling to off-shell photons. As such, at tree-level, anapole DM undergoes p-wave annihilation into SM charged fermions via a virtual photon. But, generally, Majorana fermions are polarizable, coupling to two real photons. This fact admits the possibility that anapole DM can annihilate into two photons in an s-wave process. Using an explicit model, we compute both the tree-level and diphoton contributions to the anapole DM annihilation cross section. Depending on model parameters, the s-wave process can either rival or be dwarfed by the p-wave contribution to the total annihilation cross section. Subjecting the model to astrophysical upper bounds on the s-wave annihilation mode, we rule out the model with large s-wave annihilation.

String Scattering Amplitudes and Deformed Cubic String Field Theory. (arXiv:1706.08025v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sheng-Hong Lai, Jen-Chi Lee, Yi Yang, Taejin Lee, relevance 1.02

We study string scattering amplitudes by using the deformed cubic string field theory which is equivalent to the string field theory in the proper-time gauge. The four-string scattering amplitudes with three tachyons and an arbitrary string state are calculated. The string field theory yields the string scattering amplitudes evaluated on the world sheet of string scattering whereas the coventional method, based on the first quantized theory brings us the string scattering amplitudes defined on the upper half plane. For the highest spin states, generated by the primary operators, both calculations are in perfect agreement. In this case, the string scattering amplitudes are invariant under the conformal transformation, which maps the string world sheet onto the upper half plane. If the external string states are general massive states, generated by non-primary field operators, we need to take into account carefully the conformal transformation between the world sheet and the upper half plane. We show by an explicit calculation that the string scattering amplitudes calculated by using the deformed cubic string field theory transform into those of the first quantized theory on the upper half plane by the conformal transformation, generated by the Schwarz-Christoffel mapping.

Some clarifications about the Bohmian geodesic deviation equation and Raychaudhuri's equation. (arXiv:1706.08010v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Faramarz Rahmani, Mehdi Golshani, relevance 2.91

One of the important and famous topics in general theory of relativity and gravitation is the problem of geodesic deviation and its related singularity theorems. An interesting subject is the investigation of these concepts when quantum effects are considered. Since, the definition of trajectory is not possible in the framework of standard quantum mechanics (SQM), we investigate the problem of geodesic equation and its related topics in the framework of Bohmian quantum mechanics in which the definition of trajectory is possible. We do this in a fixed background and we do not consider the back-reaction effects of matter on the spacetime metric.

Pulsations of a black hole. (arXiv:1706.08009v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Changjun Gao, Youjun Lu, You-Gen Shen, Valerio Faraoni, relevance 15.67

The Hawking-Penrose singularity theorem states that a singularity forms inside a black hole in general relativity. To remove this singularity one must resort to a more fundamental theory. Using the corrected dynamical equation of loop quantum cosmology and braneworld models, we study the gravitational collapse of a perfect fluid sphere with a rather general equation of state. In the frame of an observer comoving with this fluid, the sphere pulsates between a maximum and a minimum size, avoiding the singularity. The exterior geometry is also constructed. There are usually {an outer and an inner apparent horizon}, resembling the Reissner-Nordstr\"om situation. For a distant observer the {horizon} crossing occurs in an infinite time and the pulsations of the black hole quantum "beating heart" are completely unobservable. However, it may be observable if the black hole is not spherical symmetric and radiates gravitational wave due to the quadrupole moment, if any.

Logarithmic conformal field theories of type $B_n,\ell=4$ and symplectic fermions. (arXiv:1706.07994v1 [math.RT])
in hep-th by I. Flandoli, S. Lentner, relevance 6.58

There are important conjectures about logarithmic conformal field theories (LCFT), which are constructed as kernel of screening operators acting on the vertex algebra of the rescaled root lattice of a finite-dimensional semisimple complex Lie algebra. In particular their representation theory should be equivalent to the representation theory of an associated small quantum group. This article solves the case of the rescaled root lattice $B_n/\sqrt{2}$ as a first working example beyond $A_1/\sqrt{p}$. We discuss the kernel of short screening operators, its representations and graded characters. Our main result is that this vertex algebra is isomorphic to a well-known example: The even part of $n$ pairs of symplectic fermions. In the screening operator approach this vertex algebra appears as an extension of the vertex algebra associated to rescaled $A_1^n$, which are $n$ copies of the even part of one pair. The new long screenings give the global $C_n$-symmetry. The extension is due to a degeneracy in this particular case: Rescaled long roots still have even integer norm. The associated quantum group of divided powers has similar degeneracies [Lent16]: It contains the small quantum group of type $A_1^n$ and the Lie algebra $C_n$. Recent results [FGR17b] on symplectic fermions suggest finally the conjectured category equivalence to this quantum group. We also study the other degenerate cases of a quantum group, giving extensions of LCFT's of type $D_n,D_4,A_2$ with larger global symmetry $B_n,F_4,G_2$.

Integrability in dipole-deformed N=4 super Yang-Mills. (arXiv:1706.07957v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Monica Guica, Fedor Levkovich-Maslyuk, Konstantin Zarembo, relevance 2.46

We study the null dipole deformation of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory, which is an example of a potentially solvable "dipole CFT": a theory that is non-local along a null direction, has non-relativistic conformal invariance along the remaining ones, and is holographically dual to a Schrodinger space-time. We initiate the field-theoretical study of the spectrum in this model by using integrability inherited from the parent theory. The dipole deformation corresponds to a nondiagonal Drinfeld-Reshetikhin twist in the spin chain picture, which renders the traditional Bethe ansatz inapplicable from the very beginning. We use instead the Baxter equation supplemented with nontrivial asymptotics, which gives the full 1-loop spectrum in the sl(2) sector. We show that anomalous dimensions of long gauge theory operators perfectly match the string theory prediction, providing a quantitative test of Schrodinger holography.

Attractor Models in Scalar-Tensor Theories of Inflation. (arXiv:1706.07934v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Sukannya Bhattacharya, Kumar Das, Koushik Dutta, relevance 0.00

In this work we study the cosmological attractor models of inflation in connection with certain scalar-tensor theories of gravity, e.g $f(R)$ gravity and Brans-Dicke theory. For some particular choices of the functional degrees of freedom in these theories, one obtains Starobinsky like predictions in the ($n_s$-$r$) observable plane. We have demonstrated that these choices in the Lagrangian density of certain $f(R)$ and Brans-Dicke theories fulfil the condition of the cosmological attractors. That explains why known predictions of $f(R)$ and Brans-Dicke theories in certain cases appear to be the predictions of the much discussed attractor theories. In addition, we did an analysis showing how the predictions of an attractor model is preserved with respect to the variation in the functional freedom of the theory.

Competing s-wave orders from Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. (arXiv:1706.07893v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Zhi-Hong Li, Yun-Chang Fu, Zhang-Yu Nie, relevance -3.08

In this paper, the holographic superconductor model with two s-wave orders from 4+1 dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity is explored in the probe limit. At different values of the Gauss-Bonnet coefficient $\alpha$, we study the influence of tuning the mass and charge parameters of the bulk scalar field on the condensate triggered by single scalar order as well as its free energy curve. We compare the different influences of tuning the two different parameters on the free energy curve while the changes of the critical temperature are the same. Based on the above results, it is indicated that the two free energy curves of different s-wave orders can have one or two intersection points, where two typical phase transition behaviors of the s+s coexisting phase, including the reentrant phase transition near the Chern-Simons limit $\alpha=0.25$, can be found. We also give an explanation to the nontrivial behavior of the $T_c-\alpha$ curves near the Chern-Simons limit, which might be heuristic to understand the origin of the reentrant behavior near the Chern-Simons limit.

Holographic Cosmology and Phase Transitions of SYM theory. (arXiv:1706.07889v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Kazuo Ghoroku, Rene Meyer, Fumihiko Toyoda, relevance 11.78

We study the time development of strongly coupled ${\cal N}=4$ supersymmetric Yang Mills (SYM) theory on cosmological Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) backgrounds via the AdS/CFT correspondence. We implement the cosmological background as a boundary metric fulfilling the Friedmann equation with a four-dimensional cosmological constant and a dark radiation term. We analyze the dual bulk solution of the type IIB supergravity and find that the time-dependence of the FRW background strongly influences the dynamical properties of the SYM theory. We in particular find a phase transition between a confined and a deconfined phase. We also argue that some cosmological solutions could be related to the inflationary scenario.

Spectroscopy of Rotating Linear Dilaton Black Holes From Boxed Quasinormal Modes. (arXiv:1706.07879v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by I. Sakalli, G. Tokgöz, relevance 13.47

Numerical studies of the coupled Einstein-Klein-Gordon system have recently revealed that confined scalar fields generically collapse to form caged black holes. In the light of this finding, we analytically study the characteristic resonance spectra of the confined scalar fields in rotating linear dilaton black hole geometry. Confining mirrors (cage) are assumed to be placed in the near-horizon region of a caged rotating linear dilaton black hole $\frac{r_{m}-r_{2}}{r_{2}}\ll 1$ ($r_{m}$ is the radius of the cage and $r_{2}$ represents the event horizon). The radial part of the Klein-Gordon equation is written as a Schr\"{o}dinger-like wave equation, which reduces to a Bessel differential equation around the event horizon. Using analytical tools and proper boundary conditions, we obtain the boxed-quasinormal mode frequencies of the caged rotating linear dilaton black hole. Finally, we employ Maggiore's method, which evaluates the transition frequency in the adiabatic invariant quantity from the highly damped quasinormal modes, in order to investigate the entropy/area spectra of the rotating linear dilaton black hole.

Linear Stability of Mandal-Sengupta-Wadia Black Holes. (arXiv:1706.07877v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by H. Gürsel, G. Tokgöz, I. Sakalli, relevance 13.65

In this paper, the linear stability of static Mandal, Sengupta, and Wadia (MSW) black holes in $(2+1)$-dimensional gravity against spherical perturbations is studied. The associated fields are assumed to have small perturbations in these static backgrounds. We then consider the dilaton equation and specific components of the linearized Einstein equations. The resulting decoupled equation for growing modes is nothing but the radial Klein-Gordon equation. Schr\"odinger like wave equation with the associated effective potential is obtained. Finally, it is shown that MSW black holes are stable against the small spacetime dependent perturbations.

On flux integrals for generalized Melvin solution related to simple finite-dimensional Lie algebra. (arXiv:1706.07856v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by V. D. Ivashchuk, relevance 1.38

A generalized Melvin solution for an arbitrary simple finite-dimensional Lie algebra $\cal G$ is considered. The solution contains a metric, $n$ Abelian 2-forms and $n$ scalar fields, where $n$ is the rank of $\cal G$. It is governed by a set of $n$ moduli functions $H_s(z)$ obeying $n$ ordinary differential equations with certain boundary conditions imposed. It was conjectured earlier that these functions should be polynomials - the so-called fluxbrane polynomials. These polynomials depend upon integration constants $q_s$, $s = 1,\dots,n$. In the case when the conjecture on the polynomial structure for the Lie algebra $\cal G$ is satisfied, it is proved that 2-form flux integrals $\Phi^s$ over a proper $2d$ submanifold are finite and obey the relations: $q_s \Phi^s = 4 \pi n_s h_s$, where $h_s > 0$ are certain constants (related to dilatonic coupling vectors) and $n_s$ are powers of the polynomials, which are components of a twice dual Weyl vector in the basis of simple (co-)roots, $s = 1,\dots,n$. The main relations of the paper are valid for a solution corresponding to a finite-dimensional semi-simple Lie algebra $\cal G$. Examples of polynomials and fluxes for the Lie algebras $A_1$, $A_2$, $A_3$, $C_2$, $G_2$ and $A_1 + A_1$ are presented.

A note on a covariant version of Verlinde's emergent gravity. (arXiv:1706.07854v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by De-Chang Dai, Dejan Stojkovic, relevance 3.18

Following recent Verlinde's heuristic construction or emergent gravity, Hossenfelder wrote down the Lagrangian capturing some aspects of this theory. We point out that there is an error in calculations whose consequence is that a cosmological de Sitter space solution is not recovered from this Lagrangian. We correct this error in order to obtain the desired solution. We also show that small perturbations around de Sitter space grow, which implies that this state is not stable. However, the presence of matter and radiation might in principle provide stability.

Constraints on hidden gravitons from fifth-force experiments and stellar energy loss. (arXiv:1706.07818v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc by J. A. R. Cembranos, A. L. Maroto, H. Villarrubia-Rojo, relevance 0.00

We study different phenomenological signatures associated with new spin-2 particles. These new degrees of freedom, that we call hidden gravitons, arise in different high-energy theories such as extra-dimensional models or extensions of General Relativity. At low energies, hidden gravitons can be generally described by the Fierz-Pauli Lagrangian. Their phenomenology is parameterized by two dimensionful constants: their mass and their coupling strength. In this work, we analyze two different sets of constraints. On the one hand, we study potential deviations from the inverse-square law on solar-system and laboratory scales. To extend the constraints to scales where the laboratory probes are not competitive, we also study consequences on astrophysical objects. We analyze in detail the processes that may take place in stellar interiors and lead to emission of hidden gravitons, acting like an additional source of energy loss.

Weight Shifting Operators and Conformal Blocks. (arXiv:1706.07813v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Denis Karateev, Petr Kravchuk, David Simmons-Duffin, relevance 6.82

We introduce a large class of conformally-covariant differential operators and a crossing equation that they obey. Together, these tools dramatically simplify calculations involving operators with spin in conformal field theories. As an application, we derive a formula for a general conformal block (with arbitrary internal and external representations) in terms of derivatives of blocks for external scalars. In particular, our formula gives new expressions for "seed conformal blocks" in 3d and 4d CFTs. We also find simple derivations of identities between external-scalar blocks with different dimensions and internal spins. We comment on additional applications, including derivation of recursion relations for general conformal blocks, reducing inversion formulae for spinning operators to inversion formulae for scalars, and deriving identities between general 6j symbols (Racah-Wigner coefficients/"crossing kernels") of the conformal group.

Generalized conformal structure, dilaton gravity and SYK. (arXiv:1706.07812v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Marika Taylor, relevance 7.97

A theory admits generalized conformal structure if the only scale in the quantum theory is set by a dimensionful coupling. SYK is an example of a theory with generalized conformal structure and in this paper we investigate the consequences of this structure for correlation functions and for the holographic realization of SYK. The Ward identities associated with the generalized conformal structure of SYK are implemented holographically in gravity/multiple scalar theories, which always have a parent AdS$_3$ origin. For questions involving only the graviton/running scalar sector, one can always describe the bulk running in terms of a single scalar but multiple running scalars are in general needed once one includes the bulk fields corresponding to all SYK operators. We then explore chaos in holographic theories with generalized conformal structure. The four point function explored by Maldacena, Shenker and Stanford exhibits exactly the same chaotic behaviour in any such theory as in holographic realizations of conformal theories i.e. the dimensionful coupling scale does not affect the chaotic exponential growth.

On a self-dual phase space for 3+1 lattice Yang-Mills theory. (arXiv:1706.07811v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aldo Riello, relevance 1.03

I propose a self-dual deformation of the classical phase space of lattice Yang--Mills theory, in which both the electric and magnetic fluxes take value in the gauge Lie group. A local construction of the deformed phase space requires the machinery of "quasi-Hamiltonian spaces" by Alekseev et al., which is here reviewed. The results is a full-fledged finite-dimensional and gauge-invariant phase space, whose self-duality properties are largely enhanced in (3+1) spacetime dimensions. This enhancement is due to a correspondence with the moduli space of an auxiliary non-commutative flat connection living on a Riemann surface defined from the lattice itself, which in turn equips the duality between electric and magnetic fluxes with a neat geometrical interpretation in terms of a Heegaard splitting of the space manifold. Finally, I discuss the consequences of the proposed deformation on the quantization of the phase space, its quantum gravitational interpretation, as well as its relevance for the construction of (3+1) dimensional topological field theories with defects.

On the local structure of spacetime in ghost-free bimetric theory and massive gravity. (arXiv:1706.07806v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S. F. Hassan, Mikica Kocic, relevance 5.13

The ghost-free bimetric theory describes interactions of gravity with another spin-2 field in terms of two Lorentzian metrics. However, if the two metrics do not admit compatible notions of space and time, the formulation of the initial value problem becomes problematic. Furthermore, the interaction potential in the theory is given in terms of the square root a matrix which is in general nonunique and possibly nonreal. In this paper we prove that the reality of the square root matrix leads to a classification of the allowed configurations of the two metrics in terms of the intersections of their null cones. Then, the equations of motion and general covariance are enough to restrict down the allowed configurations to metrics that admit compatible notions of space and time, and furthermore, lead to a unique definition of the square root matrix. These results ensure that the ghost-free bimetric theory can be defined unambiguously and that the two metrics always admit compatible 3+1 decompositions, at least locally. In particular, these considerations rule out certain solutions of massive gravity with locally Closed Causal Curves, which have been used to argue that the theory is acausal.

The quantum Fokker-Planck equation of stochastic inflation. (arXiv:1706.07805v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Hael Collins, Richard Holman, Tereza Vardanyan, relevance 1.47

We derive the stochastic description of a massless, interacting scalar field in de Sitter space directly from the quantum theory. This is done by showing that the density matrix for the effective theory of the long wavelength fluctuations of the field obeys a quantum version of the Fokker-Planck equation. This equation has a simple connection with the standard Fokker-Planck equation of the classical stochastic theory, which can be generalised to any order in perturbation theory. We illustrate this formalism in detail for the theory of a massless scalar field with a quartic interaction.

Quantum quench of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model. (arXiv:1706.07803v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andreas Eberlein, Valentin Kasper, Subir Sachdev, Julia Steinberg, relevance 0.00

We describe the non-equilibrium dynamics of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models of fermions with all-to-all interactions. These provide tractable models of the dynamics of quantum systems without quasiparticle excitations. The Kadanoff-Baym equations show that the final state is thermal, and their numerical analysis appears consistent with a thermalization rate proportional to the absolute temperature of the final state. We also obtain an exact analytic solution of the non-equilibrium dynamics in the large $q$ limit of a model with $q$ fermion interactions: in this limit, the thermalization of the fermion Green's function is instantaneous.

Data Analysis of Massive Gravitational Waves from Gamma Ray Bursts. (arXiv:1706.07791v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by P. Prasia, V.C. Kuriakose, relevance 0.00

We investigate the detectability of massive mode of polarization of Gravitational Waves (GWs) in f(R) theory of gravity associated with Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) sources. We obtain the beam pattern function of Laser Interferometric Gravitational wave Observatory (LIGO) corresponding to the massive polarization of GWs and perform Bayesian analysis to study this polarization. It is found that the massive polarization component with a mass of 10^-22eV/c2 is too weak to be detected at LIGO with its current configuration.

Reconstructing f(R) Gravity from a Chaplygin Scalar Field in de Sitter Spacetimes. (arXiv:1706.07790v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Heba Sami, Neo Namane, Joseph Ntahompagaze, Maye Elmardi, Amare Abebe, relevance 13.11

We present a reconstruction technique for models of $f(R)$ gravity from the Chaplygin scalar field in flat de Sitter spacetimes. Exploiting the equivalence between $f(R)$ gravity and scalar-tensor theories, and treating the Chaplygin gas as a scalar field model in a universe without conventional matter forms, the Lagrangian densities for the $f(R)$ action are derived. Exact $f(R)$ models and corresponding scalar field potentials are obtained for asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes in early and late cosmological expansion histories. It is shown that the reconstructed $f(R)$ models all have General Relativity as a limiting solution.

Why concave rather than convex?. (arXiv:1706.07784v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Pisin Chen, Dong-han Yeom, relevance 4.46

We investigate Euclidean complexified wormholes in de Sitter space. It is known that for a suitable choice of parameters, the probability for the occurrence of the wormhole configuration can be higher than that for the compact instanton, and hence the Hartle-Hawking wave function will be dominated by Euclidean wormholes. Such wormhole configuration can be interpreted as the creation of two classical universes from nothing. In order to classicalize both universes and to connect at least one with inflation, it is necessary that the inflaton potential be specified. We numerically investigate the situation and find that only one end of the wormhole can be classicalized for a convex inflaton potential such as the chaotic inflation model with $\phi^{2}$ potential, while both ends can be classicalized for a concave potential such as the Starobinsky-type $R^{2}$ inflation model. Therefore, if (1) the boundary condition of our universe is determined by the Hartle-Hawking wave function, (2) Euclidean wormholes dominate the contribution to the path integral, and (3) the classicality condition must be satisfied at both ends, then we conclude that it is more probable that our universe began with a concave rather than a convex inflation, which may explain the Planck Mission data.

Extending the Universal One-Loop Effective Action: Heavy-Light Coefficients. (arXiv:1706.07765v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Sebastian A. R. Ellis, Jérémie Quevillon, Tevong You, Zhengkang Zhang, relevance 0.87

The Universal One-Loop Effective Action (UOLEA) is a general expression for the effective action obtained by evaluating in a model-independent way the one-loop expansion of a functional path integral. It can be used to match UV theories to their low-energy EFTs more efficiently by avoiding redundant steps in the application of functional methods, simplifying the process of obtaining Wilson coefficients of operators up to dimension six. In addition to loops involving only heavy fields, matching may require the inclusion of loops containing both heavy and light particles. Here we use the recently-developed covariant diagram technique to extend the UOLEA to include heavy-light terms which retain the same universal structure as the previously-derived heavy-only terms. As an example of its application, we integrate out a heavy singlet scalar with a linear coupling to a light doublet Higgs. The extension presented here is a first step towards completing the UOLEA to incorporate all possible structures encountered in a covariant derivative expansion of the one-loop path integral.

Nonlinear stability for the Maxwell--Born--Infeld system on a Schwarzschild background. (arXiv:1706.07764v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Federico Pasqualotto, relevance 13.87

In this paper we prove small data global existence for solutions to the Maxwell--Born--Infeld (MBI) system on a fixed Schwarzschild background. This system has appeared in the context of string theory and can be seen as a nonlinear model problem for the stability of the background metric itself, due to its tensorial and quasilinear nature. The MBI system models nonlinear electromagnetism and does not display birefringence. The key element in our proof lies in the observation that there exists a first-order differential transformation which brings solutions of the spin $\pm 1$ Teukolsky equations, satisfied by the extreme components of the field, into solutions of a "good" equation (the Fackerell--Ipser Equation). This strategy was established in [F. Pasqualotto, The spin $\pm 1$ Teukolsky equations and the Maxwell system on Schwarzschild, Preprint 2016, arXiv:1612.07244] for the linear Maxwell field on Schwarzschild. We show that analogous Fackerell--Ipser equations hold for the MBI system on a fixed Schwarzschild background, which are however nonlinearly coupled. To essentially decouple these right hand sides, we setup a bootstrap argument. We use the $r^p$ method of Dafermos and Rodnianski in [M. Dafermos and I. Rodnianski, A new physical-space approach to decay for the wave equation with applications to black hole spacetimes, in XVIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Pavel Exner ed., Prague 2009 pp. 421-433, 2009, arXiv:0910.4957] in order to deduce decay of some null components, and we infer decay for the remaining quantities by integrating the MBI system as transport equations.

Exact non-linear equations for cosmological perturbations. (arXiv:1706.07753v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jinn-Ouk Gong, Jai-chan Hwang, Hyerim Noh, David Wu, Jaiyul Yoo, relevance 4.34

We present a complete set of exact and fully non-linear equations describing all three types of cosmological perturbations -- scalar, vector and tensor perturbations. We derive the equations in a thoroughly gauge-ready manner, so that any spatial and temporal gauge conditions can be employed. The equations are completely general without any physical restriction except that we assume a flat homogeneous and isotropic universe as a background. We also comment briefly on the application of our formulation to the non-expanding Minkowski background.

c-extremization from toric geometry. (arXiv:1706.07752v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Antonio Amariti, Luca Cassia, Silvia Penati, relevance 2.52

We derive a geometric formulation of the 2d central charge $c_r$ from infinite families of 4d $\mathcal{N}=1$ superconformal field theories topologically twisted on constant curvature Riemann surfaces. They correspond to toric quiver gauge theories and are associated to D3 branes probing five dimensional Sasaki-Einstein geometries in the AdS/CFT correspondence. We show that $c_r$ can be expressed in terms of the areas of the toric diagram describing the moduli space of the 4d theory, both for toric geometries with smooth and singular horizons. We also study the relation between a-maximization in 4d and c-extremization in 2d, giving further evidences of the mixing of the baryonic symmetries with the exact R-current in two dimensions.

The Effects of Self-Interaction on Constructing Relativistic Point Particles. (arXiv:1706.07736v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Noah Benjamin, Iva Stavrov Allen, relevance 0.00

We introduce a framework for studying the effects of self-interaction on the construction of point particle initial data in General Relativity. Within this framework we rigorously prove the vanishing mass claim made by Arnowitt, Deser and Misner regarding point sources. We identify a geometric structure and a scaling parameter that allow one to determine, by controlling the effects of self-interaction, when one does or does not obtain a non-zero mass.

Scalar scattering from charged black holes on the brane. (arXiv:1706.07734v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ednilton S. de Oliveira, relevance 8.77

The differential scattering cross section of the massless scalar field localized on the 3-brane of charged static black holes in the ADD model is analyzed. While results valid in the entire range of scattering angle can be obtained only via a numerical approach, analytical results can be obtained via the geodesic and glory approximations. The comparisons between numerical and analytical results lead to excellent agreements. The increase of the charge intensity has the consequence of increasing the width of the interference fringes in the scattering cross section. Its influence on the intensity of the scattered flux, however, depends on the dimensionality of the spacetime. Analyzes for the special cases of uncharged and extremely charged black holes are included.

Ground state of the conformal flow on $\mathbb{S}^3$. (arXiv:1706.07726v1 [math.AP])
in hep-th by Piotr Bizoń, Dominika Hunik-Kostyra, Dmitry Pelinovsky, relevance 3.76

We consider the conformal flow model derived by Bizo\'n, Craps, Evnin, Hunik, Luyten, and Maliborski [Commun. Math. Phys. 353 (2017) 1179-1199] as a normal form for the conformally invariant cubic wave equation on $\mathbb{S}^3$. We prove that the energy attains a global constrained maximum at a family of particular stationary solutions which we call the ground state family. Using this fact and spectral properties of the linearized flow (which are interesting on their own due to a supersymmetric structure) we prove nonlinear orbital stability of the ground state family. The main difficulty in the proof is due to the degeneracy of the ground state family as a constrained maximizer of the energy.

Quantum Gravity as a Multitrace Matrix Model. (arXiv:1706.07724v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Badis Ydri, Cherine Soudani, Ahlam Rouag, relevance 15.67

We present a new model of quantum gravity as a theory of random geometries given explicitly in terms of a multitrace matrix model. This is a generalization of the usual discretized random surfaces of 2D quantum gravity which works away from two dimensions and captures a large class of spaces admiting a finite spectral triple. These multitrace matrix models sustain emergent geometry as well as growing dimensions and topology change.

On $f(R)$ gravity in scalar-tensor theories. (arXiv:1706.07722v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Joseph Ntahompagaze, Amare Abebe, Manasse Mbonye, relevance 0.00

We study $f(R)$ gravity models in the language of scalar-tensor theories. The correspondence between $f(R)$ gravity and scalar-tensor theories is revisited since $f(R)$ gravity is a subclass of Brans-Dicke models, with a vanishing coupling constant ($\omega=0$). In this treatment, four $f(R)$ toy models are used to analyze the early-universe cosmology, when the scalar field $\phi$ dominates over standard matter. We have obtained solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation for those models. It is found that for the first model $\left(f(R)=\beta R^{n}\right)$, as time increases the scalar field decreases and decays asymptotically. For the second model $\left(f(R)=\alpha R+\beta R^{n}\right)$ it was found that the function $\phi(t)$ crosses the $t$-axis at different values for different values of $\beta$. For the third model $\left(f(R)=R-\frac{\nu^{4}}{R}\right)$, when the value of $\nu$ is small the potential $V(\phi)$ behaves like the standard inflationary potential. For the fourth model $\left(f(R)=R-(1-m)\nu^{2}\Big(\frac{R}{\nu^{2}}\Big)^{m}-2\Lambda\right)$, we show that there is a transition between $1.5<m<1.55$. The behavior of the potentials with $m<1.5$ is totally different from those with $m>1.55$. The slow-roll approximation is applied to each of the four $f(R)$ models and we obtain the respective expressions for the spectral index $n_{s}$ and the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$.

Quartic Tensor Models. (arXiv:1706.07714v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Thibault Delepouve, relevance 1.12

Tensor models are measures for random tensors. They generalise matrix models and were developed to study random geometry in arbitrary dimension. Moreover, they are strongly connected to quantum gravity theories as additionally to the standard bare-bones models, they encompass the field theoretical approach to loop quantum gravity known as group field theory.

In the present thesis, we focus on the restricted case of quartic tensor models, for which a far greater number of rigorous mathematical results have been proven. Quartic models can be re-written as multi-matrix models using the intermediate field representation, and their perturbative expansions can be written as series expansions over combinatorial maps.

Using a variety of map expansions, we prove analyticity results and useful bounds for the cumulants of various tensor models : the most general standard quartic model at any rank and the simplest renormalisable tensor field theory at rank 3. Then, we introduce a new class of models, the enhanced models, which perturbative expansions display new behaviour, different to the so called melonic behaviour that characterise most known tensor models so far.

Comparison and contrast of test-particle and numerical-relativity waveform templates. (arXiv:1706.07704v3 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by J. F. Rodriguez, J. A. Rueda, R. Ruffini, relevance 5.41

We compare and contrast the emission of gravitational waves and waveforms for the recently established "helicoidal-drifting-sequence" of a test particle around a Kerr black hole with the publicly available waveform templates of numerical-relativity. The merger of two black holes of comparable mass are considered. We outline a final smooth merging of the test particle into the final Kerr black hole. We find a surprising and unexpected agreement between the two treatments if we adopt for the mass of the particle and for the spin of the Kerr black hole, respectively, the Newtonian-center-of-mass description and the spin of the Kerr black hole formed in the merger.

Heterotic Line Bundle Models on Elliptically Fibered Calabi-Yau Three-folds. (arXiv:1706.07688v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Andreas P. Braun, Callum R. Brodie, Andre Lukas, relevance 0.00

We analyze heterotic line bundle models on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau three-folds over weak Fano bases. In order to facilitate Wilson line breaking to the standard model group, we focus on elliptically fibered three-folds with a second section and a freely-acting involution. Specifically, we consider toric weak Fano surfaces as base manifolds and identify six such manifolds with the required properties. The requisite mathematical tools for the construction of line bundle models on these spaces, including the calculation of line bundle cohomology, are developed. A computer scan leads to more than $400$ line bundle models with the right number of families and an $SU(5)$ GUT group which can descend to standard-like models after taking the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ quotient. A common and surprising feature of these models is the presence of a large number of vector-like states.

A new prescription towards thermodynamic phase transition. (arXiv:1706.07662v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Seyed Hossein Hendi, Shahram Panahiyan, Behzad Eslam Panah, Mubasher Jamil, relevance 17.92

One of the serious open problems of theoretical physics is to find a consistent quantum gravity theory. Recent developments in thermodynamic phase transition of black holes and their van der Waals like behavior may provide an interesting quantum interpretation of classical gravity. Studying different methods for investigating phase transition can deepen our insight into the nature of quantum gravity. In this paper, we present a new theoretical prescription for finding out thermodynamic phase transition in the extended phase space. Unlike standard method of the usual equation of state which is according to temperature, our new prescription is based on a new typical equation of state which is originating from the slope of temperature versus entropy. This new prescription addresses some of the shortcomings of other usual methods and provides a simple powerful way for studying critical behavior of a thermodynamical system in more details. Among the achievements of the new prescription, we emphasize to addressing the problem of ensemble dependency, analytical demonstration of possible phase transition points and denoting the nonphysical range of horizon radius for the black holes.

Anisotropic cosmological models with two fluids. (arXiv:1706.07661v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by B. Mishra, Pratik P. Ray, S.K.J. Pacif, relevance 2.31

In this paper, aniostropic dark energy cosmological models have been constructed in a Bianchi-V space-time with the energy momentum tensor consisting of two non-interacting fluids namely bulk viscous fluid and dark energy fluid. Two different models are constructed based on the power law cosmology and de Sitter universe. The constructed model also embedded with different pressure gradients along different spatial directions. The variable equation of state (EoS) parameter, skewness parameters for both the models are obtained and analyzed. The physical properties of the models obtained with the use of scale factors of power law and de Sitter law are also presented.

Stability of Universe Model Coupled with Phantom and Tachyon Fields. (arXiv:1706.07659v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by M. Sharif, Saadia Mumtaz, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we study phase space analysis of locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type I universe model by taking different linear combinations for the interactions between scalar field models and dark matter. An autonomous system of equations is established by defining normalized dimensionless variables. In order to investigate stability of the system, we evaluate corresponding critical points for different values of the parameters. We also evaluate power-law scale factor whose behavior shows different cosmological phases. The dynamical analysis indicates a matter dominated epoch ultimately followed by a late accelerated expansion phase. It is found that all the critical points indicate accelerated expansion of the universe for tachyon coupled field. We conclude that negative values of $m$ provide more stable future attractors as compared to its positive values.

Post-Kerr black hole spectroscopy. (arXiv:1706.07658v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Kostas Glampedakis, George Pappas, Hector O. Silva, Emanuele Berti, relevance 16.44

One of the central goals of the newborn field of gravitational wave astronomy is to test gravity in the highly nonlinear, strong field regime characterizing the spacetime of black holes. In particular, "black hole spectroscopy" (the observation and identification of black hole quasinormal mode frequencies in the gravitational wave signal) is expected to become one of the main tools for probing the structure and dynamics of Kerr black holes. In this paper we take a significant step towards that goal by constructing a "post-Kerr" quasinormal mode formalism. The formalism incorporates a parametrized but general perturbative deviation from the Kerr metric and exploits the well-established connection between the properties of the spacetime's circular null geodesics and the fundamental quasinormal mode to provide approximate, eikonal limit formulae for the modes' complex frequencies. The resulting algebraic toolkit can be used in waveform templates for ringing black holes with the purpose of measuring deviations from the Kerr metric. As a first illustrative application of our framework, we consider the Johannsen-Psaltis deformed Kerr metric and compute the resulting deviation in the quasinormal mode frequency relative to the known Kerr result.

Higher Dimensional Inhomogeneous Perfect Fluid Collapse in \emph{f(R)} Gravity. (arXiv:1706.07657v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by G. Abbas, M.S. Khan, Zahid Ahmad, M. Zubair, relevance 3.21

This paper is about the $n+2$-dimensional gravitational contraction of inhomogeneous fluid without heat flux in the framework of $f(R)$ metric theory of gravity. Matching conditions for two regions of a star has been derived by using the Darmois junction conditions. For the analytic solution of equations of motion in modified $f(R)$ theory of gravity, we have taken scalar curvature as constant. Hence final result of gravitational collapse in this frame work is the existence of black hole and cosmological horizons, both of these form earlier than singularity. It has been shown that constant curvature term $f(R_{0})$ ($R_0$ is constant scalar curvature) slows down the collapsing process.

Stability of Effective Thin-shell Wormholes Under Lorentz Symmetry Breaking Supported by Dark Matter and Dark Energy. (arXiv:1706.07656v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ali Övgün, Kimet Jusufi, relevance 10.21

In this paper, we construct generic spherically symmetric thin-shell wormholes and check the stabilities using the unified dark sector including dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM). This may serve as the master equation, from which one can recover as a special case, other stability solutions for the generic spherically symmetric thin-shell wormholes. In this context, we consider a particular solution, namely we construct an effective thin shell wormhole (ETSW) model under the Lorentz symmetry breaking. We explore the stability analyses by using different models such as, the Chaplygin gas model (CG), and modified Chaplygin gas models (MCG). Using the constraints from the cosmological observations such as seventh year full WMAP data points, type Ia supernovae, and baryon acoustic oscillation, the MCG model is the unified DM and DE models. In all these models we find stable solutions by choosing suitable values for the LSBE parameters.

Cosmological models with the energy density of random fluctuations and the Hubble-constant problem. (arXiv:1706.07655v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kenji Tomita, relevance 0.00

First the fluctuation energy is derived from the adiabatic random fluctuations due to the second-order perturbation theory, and the evolutionary relation for it is expressed in the form of rho_f = rho_f (rho), where rho and rho_f are the densities of ordinary dust and the fluctuation energy, respectively. The pressureless matter as a constituent of the universe at the later stage is assumed to consist of ordinary dust and the fluctuation energy. Next, cosmological models including the fluctuation energy as a kind of dark matter are derived using the above relation, and it is found that the Hubble parameter and the other model parameters in the derived models can be consistent with the recent observational values. Moreover, the perturbations of rho and rho_f are studied.

Elliptic Weight Functions and Elliptic q-KZ Equation. (arXiv:1706.07630v3 [math.QA] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hitoshi Konno, relevance 0.00

By using representation theory of the elliptic quantum group U_{q,p}(sl_N^), we present a systematic method of deriving the weight functions. The resultant sl_N type elliptic weight functions are new and give elliptic and dynamical analogues of those obtained in the trigonometric case. We then discuss some basic properties of the elliptic weight functions. We also present an explicit formula for formal elliptic hypergeometric integral solution to the face type, i.e. dynamical, elliptic q-KZ equation.

Correlation Functions of Warped CFT. (arXiv:1706.07621v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Wei Song, Jianfei Xu, relevance 8.77

Warped conformal field theory (WCFT) is a two dimensional quantum field theory whose local symmetry algebra consists of a Virasoro algebra and a U(1) Kac-Moody algebra. In this paper, we study correlation functions for primary operators in WCFT. Similar to conformal symmetry, warped conformal symmetry is very constraining. The form of the two and three point functions are determined by the global warped conformal symmetry while the four point functions can be determined up to an arbitrary function of the cross ratio. The warped conformal bootstrap equation are constructed by formulating the notion of crossing symmetry. In the large central charge limit, four point functions can be decomposed into global warped conformal blocks, which can be solved exactly. Furthermore, we revisit the scattering problem in warped AdS spacetime (WAdS), and give a prescription on how to match the bulk result to a WCFT retarded Green's function. Our result is consistent with the conjectured holographic dualities between WCFT and WAdS.

Toroidal marginally outer trapped surfaces in closed Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker spacetimes: Stability and isoperimetric inequalities. (arXiv:1706.07594v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Patryk Mach, Naqing Xie, relevance 4.60

We investigate toroidal Marginally Outer Trapped Surfaces (MOTS) and Marginally Outer Trapped Tubes (MOTT) in closed Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) geometries. They are constructed by embedding Constant Mean Curvature (CMC) Clifford tori in a FLRW spacetime. This construction is used to assess the quality of certain isoperimetric inequalities, recently proved in axial symmetry. Similarly to spherically symmetric MOTS existing in FLRW spacetimes, the toroidal ones are also unstable.

On hydrogen-like bound states in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills. (arXiv:1706.07587v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Yusuke Sakata, Robin Schneider, Yuji Tachikawa, Takemasa Yamaura, relevance 0.51

Using relativistic quantum mechanics, we study the spectrum of a non-BPS two-particle bound state in the massive phase of $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills, in the limit when one of the particles is infinitely heavier than the other. We find that the spectrum shows the exact $n^2$ degeneracy for each principal quantum number $n$, just as in the strict non-relativistic limit. This is in line with the findings of Caron-Huot and Henn, who studied the same system in the large $N$ limit with the technique of integrability and the dual conformal symmetry.

Entanglement Entropy in Flat Holography. (arXiv:1706.07552v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hongliang Jiang, Wei Song, Qiang Wen, relevance 43.31

BMS symmetry, which is the asymptotic symmetry at null infinity of flat spacetime, is an important input for flat holography. In this paper, we give a holographic calculation of entanglement entropy and R\'{e}nyi entropy in three dimensional Einstein gravity and Topologically Massive Gravity. The geometric picture for the entanglement entropy is the length of a spacelike geodesic which is connected to the interval at null infinity by two null geodesics. The spacelike geodesic is the fixed points of replica symmetry, and the null geodesics are along the modular flow. Our strategy is to first reformulate the Rindler method for calculating entanglement entropy in a general setup, and apply it for BMS invariant field theories, and finally extend the calculation to the bulk.

Asymptotic structure of $\mathcal{N}=2$ supergravity in 3D: extended super-BMS$_3$ and nonlinear energy bounds. (arXiv:1706.07542v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Oscar Fuentealba, Javier Matulich, Ricardo Troncoso, relevance 1.22

The asymptotically flat structure of $\mathcal{N}=(2,0)$ supergravity in three spacetime dimensions is explored. The asymptotic symmetries are spanned by an extension of the super-BMS$_3$ algebra, with two independent $\hat{u}(1)$ currents of electric and magnetic type. These currents are associated to $U(1)$ fields being even and odd under parity, respectively. Remarkably, although the $U(1)$ fields do not generate a backreaction on the metric, they provide nontrivial Sugawara-like contributions to the BMS$_3$ generators, and hence to the energy and the angular momentum. The entropy of flat cosmological spacetimes with $U(1)$ fields then acquires a nontrivial dependence on the $\hat{u}(1)$ charges. If the spin structure is odd, the ground state corresponds to Minkowski spacetime, and although the anticommutator of the canonical supercharges is linear in the energy and in the electric-like $\hat{u}(1)$ charge, the energy becomes bounded from below by the energy of the ground state shifted by the square of the electric-like $\hat{u}(1)$ charge. If the spin structure is even, the same bound for the energy generically holds, unless the absolute value of the electric-like charge is less than minus the mass of Minkowski spacetime in vacuum, so that the energy has to be nonnegative. The explicit form of the Killing spinors is found for a wide class of configurations that fulfills our boundary conditions, and they exist precisely when the corresponding bounds are saturated. It is also shown that the spectra with periodic or antiperiodic boundary conditions for the fermionic fields are related by spectral flow, in a similar way as it occurs for the $\mathcal{N}=2$ super-Virasoro algebra. Indeed, our super-BMS$_3$ algebra can be recovered from the flat limit of the superconformal algebra with $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$, truncating the fermionic generators of the right copy.

Entanglement Beyond Page Curves in Black-hole Evaporation Qubit Model. (arXiv:1706.07520v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Masahiro Hotta, Yasusada Nambu, Koji Yamaguchi, relevance 39.53

We propose a model with multiple qubits, and which reproduces the thermal properties of 4-dim Schwarzschild black holes (BHs) in high-temperature regimes by simultaneously taking account of the emission of Hawking particles and the decay of the horizon-area degrees-of-freedom. The results verify that the entanglement entropy between a qubit and other subsystems, including emitted radiation, is much larger than the BH entropy analogue of the qubit, even in the last stage of evaporation, as opposed to the Page curve prediction.

Implications of a positive cosmological constant for general relativity. (arXiv:1706.07482v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Abhay Ashtekar, relevance 1.51

Most of the literature on general relativity over the last century assumes that the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ is zero. However, by now independent observations have led to a consensus that the dynamics of the universe is best described by Einstein's equations with a small but positive $\Lambda$. Interestingly, this requires a drastic revision of conceptual frameworks commonly used in general relativity, \emph{no matter how small $\Lambda$ is.} We first explain why, and then summarize the current status of generalizations of these frameworks to include a positive $\Lambda$, focusing on gravitational waves.

Numerical Measurements of Scaling Relations in Two-Dimensional Conformal Fluid Turbulence. (arXiv:1706.07480v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by John Ryan Westernacher-Schneider, Luis Lehner, relevance 3.87

We present measurements of relativistic scaling relations in $(2+1)$-dimensional conformal fluid turbulence from direct numerical simulations, in the weakly compressible regime. These relations were analytically derived previously in Westernacher-Schneider, Lehner, Oz (2015) for a relativistic fluid; this work is a continuation of that study, providing further analytical insights together with numerical experiments to test the scaling relations and extract other important features characterizing the turbulent behavior. We first explicitly demonstrate that the non-relativistic limit of these scaling relations reduce to known results from the statistical theory of incompressible Navier-Stokes turbulence. In simulations of the inverse-cascade range, we find the relevant relativistic scaling relation is satisfied to a high degree of accuracy. We observe that the non-relativistic versions of this scaling relation underperform the relativistic one in both an absolute and relative sense, with a progressive degradation as the rms Mach number increases from $0.14$ to $0.19$. In the direct-cascade range, the two relevant relativistic scaling relations are satisfied with a lower degree of accuracy in a simulation with rms Mach number $0.11$. We elucidate the poorer agreement with further simulations of an incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid. Finally, as has been observed in the incompressible Navier-Stokes case, we show that the energy spectrum in the inverse-cascade of the conformal fluid exhibits $k^{-2}$ scaling rather than the Kolmogorov/Kraichnan expectation of $k^{-5/3}$, and that it is not necessarily associated with compressive effects. We comment on the implications for a recent calculation of the fractal dimension of a turbulent $(3+1)$-dimensional AdS black brane.

The light asymptotic limit of conformal blocks in $\mathcal{N}=1$ super Liouville field theory. (arXiv:1706.07474v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hasmik Poghosyan, relevance 3.41

Analytic expressions for the two dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ SLFT blocks in the light semi-classical limit are found for both Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond sectors. The calculations are done by using the duality between $SU(2)$ $\mathcal{N}=2$ super-symmetric gauge theories living on $R^4/Z_2$ space and two dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ super Liouville field theory. It is shown that in the light asymptotic limit only a restricted set of Young diagrams contribute to the partition function. This enables us to sum up the instanton series explicitly and find closed expressions for the corresponding $\mathcal{N}=1$ SLFT four point blocks in the light asymptotic limit.

Non-Fermi liquids at finite temperature: normal state and infrared singularities. (arXiv:1706.07471v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Huajia Wang, Gonzalo Torroba, relevance 0.00

We analyze quantum criticality at finite temperature for a class of non-Fermi liquids with massless bosons. Finite temperature gives rise to new infrared singularities that invalidate standard perturbative treatments. We show how such divergences are resolved at a non-perturbative level, and obtain the resulting fermion self-energy. This leads to a new "thermal" non-Fermi liquid regime that extends over a wide range of frequencies, and which is absent from the zero temperature critical point. We analyze the resulting quantum critical region and properties of the retarded Green's function. More generally, such effects dominate in the nearly static limit and are expected to have a nontrivial impact on superconductivity and transport.

A Theory of Gravitation Covariant under $Sp(4, \mathbf{R})$}. (arXiv:1706.07470v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Marco Toller, relevance 2.56

We present a Lagrangian theory of gravitation that develops some ideas proposed several years ago. It is formulated on the 10-dimensional space $\mathcal{S}$ of the local Lorentz frames (tetrads) and it is covariant under the symplectic group $Sp(4, \mathbf{R})$, locally isomorphyic to the anti-de Sitter group $SO(2, 3)$. The corresponding transformation formulas contain a constant $ \ell$, besides the light velocity $c$. We also assume the covariance under the "total dilatations" of all the coordinates of the tangent spaces of $\mathcal{S}$. These symmetries, that we may call "augmented Lorentz covariance", are spontaneously broken and the corresponding (generalized) Goldstone fields, that we call "augmentons", behave as the components of a 5-vector of $SO(2, 3)$. Its square can be interpreted as the Brans-Dicke scalar field, that describes a variable gravitational coupling. The source of the augmentonic fields is provided by the Dirac fields. Finally, we discuss the physical relevance of the theory and its possible further developments.

Schwarzschild Black Hole Lives to Fight Another Day - Comment on the paper J. Math. Phys. 50, 042502 (2009) by A. Mitra. (arXiv:1706.07463v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Prasun K. Kundu, relevance 6.08

In a comment published several years ago in this Journal [J. Math. Phys. 50, 042502 (2009)] Mitra has claimed to prove that a neutral point particle in general relativity as described by the Schwarzschild metric must have zero gravitational mass, i.e. the mass parameter $M_{0}$ of a Schwarzschild black hole necessarily vanishes. It is shown that the purported proof is incorrect. The error stems from a basic misunderstanding of the mathematical description of coordinate volume element in a differentiable manifold.

An analytical approximation for the Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet black hole metric. (arXiv:1706.07460v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by K. D. Kokkotas, R. A. Konoplya, A. Zhidenko, relevance 10.62

We construct an analytical approximation for the numerical black hole metric of P. Kanti, et. al. [PRD54, 5049 (1996)] in the four-dimensional Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet (EdGB) theory. The continued fraction expansion in terms of a compactified radial coordinate, used here, converges slowly when the dilaton coupling approaches its extremal values, but for a black hole far from the extremal state, the analytical formula has a maximal relative error of a fraction of one percent already within the third order of the continued fraction expansion. The suggested analytical representation of the numerical black hole metric is relatively compact and good approximation in the whole space outside the black hole event horizon. Therefore, it can serve in the same way as an exact solution when analyzing particles' motion, perturbations, quasinormal modes, Hawking radiation, accreting disks and many other problems in the vicinity of a black hole. In addition, we construct the approximate analytical expression for the dilaton field.

Greybody factors for a minimally coupled massless scalar field in Einstein-Born-Infeld dilaton spacetime. (arXiv:1706.07455v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Grigoris Panotopoulos, Angel Rincon, relevance 6.02

We have analyzed in detail the propagation of a minimally coupled massless scalar field in the gravitational background of a four-dimensional Einstein-Born-Infeld dilaton charged black hole. We have obtained analytical expressions for the absorption cross section as well as for the decay rate for the scalar field in the aforementioned spacetime, and we have shown graphically its behavior for different values of the free parameters of the theory.

Deep Transfer Learning: A new deep learning glitch classification method for advanced LIGO. (arXiv:1706.07446v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Daniel George, Hongyu Shen, E. A. Huerta, relevance 0.00

The exquisite sensitivity of the advanced LIGO detectors has enabled the detection of multiple gravitational wave signals. The sophisticated design of these detectors mitigates the effect of most types of noise. However, advanced LIGO data streams are contaminated by numerous artifacts known as glitches: non-Gaussian noise transients with complex morphologies. Given their high rate of occurrence, glitches can lead to false coincident detections, obscure and even mimic gravitational wave signals. Therefore, successfully characterizing and removing glitches from advanced LIGO data is of utmost importance. Here, we present the first application of Deep Transfer Learning for glitch classification, showing that knowledge from deep learning algorithms trained for real-world object recognition can be transferred for classifying glitches in time-series based on their spectrogram images. Using the Gravity Spy dataset, containing hand-labeled, multi-duration spectrograms obtained from real LIGO data, we demonstrate that this method enables optimal use of very deep convolutional neural networks for classification given small training datasets, significantly reduces the time for training the networks, and achieves state-of-the-art accuracy above 98.8%, with perfect precision-recall on 8 out of 22 classes. Furthermore, new types of glitches can be classified accurately given few labeled examples with this technique. Once trained via transfer learning, we show that the convolutional neural networks can be truncated and used as excellent feature extractors for unsupervised clustering methods to identify new classes based on their morphology, without any labeled examples. Therefore, this provides a new framework for dynamic glitch classification for gravitational wave detectors, which are expected to encounter new types of noise as they undergo gradual improvements to attain design sensitivity.

Spectral Form Factor in Non-Gaussian Random Matrix Theories. (arXiv:1706.07439v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Adwait Gaikwad, Ritam Sinha, relevance 0.00

We consider Random Matrix Theories with non-Gaussian potentials that have a rich phase structure in the large $N$ limit. We calculate the Spectral Form Factor (SFF) in such models and present them as interesting examples of dynamical models that display multi-criticality at short time-scales and universality at large time scales. The models with quartic and sextic potentials are explicitly worked out. The disconnected part of the Spectral Form Factor (SFF) shows a change in its decay behaviour exactly at the critical points of each model. The dip-time of the SFF is estimated in each of these models. The change in the decay behaviour is explained by relating it to the change in the behvaiour of the mean level density at criticality, near the edges of its support, using the Paley-Wiener theorem. The late time behaviour of all polynomial potential matrix models is shown to display a certain universality. This is related to the universality in the short distance correlations of the mean-level densities. We speculate on the implications of such universality for chaotic quantum systems including the SYK model.

Spectral Flow in 3D Flat Spacetimes. (arXiv:1706.07438v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Rudranil Basu, Stéphane Detournay, Max Riegler, relevance 7.69

In this paper we investigate spectral flow symmetry in asymptotically flat spacetimes both from a gravity as well as a putative dual quantum field theory perspective. On the gravity side we consider models in Einstein gravity and supergravity as well as their "reloaded" versions, present suitable boundary conditions, determine the respective asymptotic symmetry algebras and the thermal entropy of cosmological solutions in each of these models. On the quantum field theory side we identify the spectral flow symmetry as automorphisms of the underlying symmetry algebra of the theory. Using spectral flow invariance we then determine the thermal entropy of these quantum field theories and find perfect agreement with the results from the gravity side. In addition we determine logarithmic corrections to the thermal entropy.

The Holographic Entanglement Entropy of Schwarzschild Black Holes. (arXiv:1706.07428v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Edi Halyo, relevance 56.79

We show that Schwarzschild black hole metrics are, asymptotically, Weyl equivalent to $AdS_2 \times S^{D-2}$ where the spherical factor is the horizon. The holographic entanglement entropy of $AdS_2$ exactly reproduces the Schwarzschild black hole entropy which implies that black hole degrees of freedom live at asymptotic infinity. In generalized theories of gravity, the same procedure reproduces Wald entropy.

Loss of locality in gravitational correlators with a large number of insertions. (arXiv:1706.07424v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sudip Ghosh, Suvrat Raju, relevance 2.21

We review lessons from the AdS/CFT correspondence that indicate that the emergence of locality in quantum gravity is contingent on considering observables with a small number of insertions. Correlation functions where the number of insertions scales with a power of the central charge of the CFT are sensitive to nonlocal effects in the bulk theory, which arise from a combination of the effects of the bulk Gauss law and a breakdown of perturbation theory. To examine whether a similar effect occurs in flat space, we consider the scattering of massless particles in the bosonic string and the superstring in the limit where the number of external particles, n, becomes very large. We use estimates of the volume of the Weil-Petersson moduli space of punctured Riemann surfaces to argue that string amplitudes grow factorially in this limit. We verify this factorial behaviour through an extensive numerical analysis of string amplitudes at large n. Our numerical calculations rely on the observation that, in the large n limit, the string scattering amplitude localizes on the Gross-Mende saddle points, even though individual particle energies are small. This factorial growth implies the breakdown of string perturbation theory for $n \sim (M_{pl}/E)^{d-2}$ in d dimensions where E is the typical individual particle energy. We explore the implications of this breakdown for the black hole information paradox. We show that the loss of locality suggested by this breakdown is precisely sufficient to resolve the cloning and strong subadditivity paradoxes.

Schwarzian conditions for linear differential operators with selected differential Galois groups (unabridged version). (arXiv:1706.07423v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Y. Abdelaziz, J.-M. Maillard, relevance 0.00

We show that non-linear Schwarzian differential equations emerging from covariance symmetry conditions imposed on linear differential operators with hypergeometric function solutions, can be generalized to arbitrary order linear differential operators with polynomial coefficients having selected differential Galois groups. For order three and order four linear differential operators we show that this pullback invariance up to conjugation eventually reduces to symmetric powers of an underlying order-two operator. We give, precisely, the conditions to have modular correspondences solutions for such Schwarzian differential equations, which was an open question in a previous paper. We analyze in detail a pullbacked hypergeometric example generalizing modular forms, that ushers a pullback invariance up to operator homomorphisms. We expect this new concept to be well-suited in physics and enumerative combinatorics. We finally consider the more general problem of the equivalence of two different order-four linear differential

Calabi-Yau operators up to pullbacks and conjugation, and clarify the cases where they have the same Yukawa couplings.

Fixing extensions to General Relativity in the non-linear regime. (arXiv:1706.07421v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Juan Cayuso, Néstor Ortiz, Luis Lehner, relevance 0.47

The question of what gravitational theory could supersede General Relativity has been central in theoretical physics for decades. Many disparate alternatives have been proposed motivated by cosmology, quantum gravity and phenomenological angles, and have been subjected to tests derived from cosmological, solar system and pulsar observations typically restricted to linearized regimes. Gravitational waves from compact binaries provide new opportunities to probe these theories in the strongly gravitating/highly dynamical regimes. To this end however, a reliable understanding of the dynamics in such a regime is required. Unfortunately, most of these theories fail to define well posed initial value problems, which prevents at face value from meeting such challenge. In this work, we introduce a consistent program able to remedy this situation. This program is inspired in the approach to "fixing" viscous relativistic hydrodynamics introduced by Israel and Stewart in the late 70's. We illustrate how to implement this approach to control undesirable effects of higher order derivatives in gravity theories and argue how the modified system still captures the true dynamics of the putative underlying theories in 3+1 dimensions. We sketch the implementation of this idea in a couple of effective theories of gravity, one in the context of Non-commutative geometry, and one in the context of Chern-Simons modified General Relativity.

Wormholes and masses for Goldstone bosons. (arXiv:1706.07415v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rodrigo Alonso, Alfredo Urbano, relevance 5.91

There exist non-trivial stationary points of the Euclidean action for an axion particle minimally coupled to Einstein gravity, dubbed wormholes. They explicitly break the continuos global shift symmetry of the axion in a non-perturbative way, and generate an effective potential that may compete with QCD depending on the value of the axion decay constant. In this paper, we explore both theoretical and phenomenological aspects of this issue. On the theory side, we address the problem of stability of the wormhole solutions, and we show that the spectrum of the quadratic action features only positive eigenvalues. On the phenomenological side, we discuss, beside the obvious application to the QCD axion, relevant consequences for models with ultralight dark matter, black hole superradiance, and the relaxation of the electroweak scale. We conclude discussing wormhole solutions for a generic coset and the potential they generate.

Scalar collapse in AdS with an OpenCL open source code. (arXiv:1706.07413v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Steven L. Liebling, Gaurav Khanna, relevance 8.58

We study the spherically symmetric collapse of a scalar field in anti-de Sitter spacetime using a newly constructed, open-source code which parallelizes over heterogeneous architectures using the open standard OpenCL. An open question for this scenario concerns how to tell, a priori, whether some form of initial data will be stable or will instead develop under the turbulent instability into a black hole in the limit of vanishing amplitude. Previous work suggested the existence of islands of stability around quasiperiodic solutions, and we use this new code to examine the stability properties of approximately quasiperiodic solutions which balance energy transfer to higher modes with energy transfer to lower modes. The evolutions provide some evidence, though not conclusively, for stability of initial data sufficiently close to quasiperiodic solutions.

A note on the SYK model with complex fermions. (arXiv:1706.07411v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ksenia Bulycheva, relevance 0.00

We consider a version of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model with complex fermions. We apply the shadow formalism to find four-point functions in the leading order in $1/N$ and dimensions of operators present in the theory. We also compute the retarded kernel and show that the Lyapunov exponent for the mode corresponding to the $U(1)$ charge is zero.

Wavefunctions, integrability, and open strings. (arXiv:1706.07402v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Marcos Marino, Szabolcs Zakany, relevance 0.23

It has been recently conjectured that the exact eigenfunctions of quantum mirror curves can be obtained by combining their WKB expansion with the open topological string wavefunction. In this paper we give further evidence for this conjecture. We present closed expressions for the wavefunctions in the so-called maximally supersymmetric case, in various geometries. In the higher genus case, our conjecture provides a solution to the quantum Baxter equation of the corresponding cluster integrable system, and we argue that the quantization conditions of the integrable system follow from imposing appropriate asymptotic conditions on the wavefunction. We also present checks of the conjecture for general values of the Planck constant.

Thermalization after holographic bilocal quench. (arXiv:1706.07390v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Irina Ya. Aref'eva, Mikhail A. Khramtsov, Maria D. Tikhanovskaya, relevance 19.27

We study thermalization in the holographic (1+1)-dimensional CFT after simultaneous generation of two high-energy excitations in the antipodal points on the circle. The holographic picture of such quantum quench is the creation of BTZ black hole from a collision of two massless particles. We perform holographic computation of entanglement entropy and mutual information in the boundary theory and analyze their evolution with time. We show that equilibration of the entanglement in the regions which contained one of the initial excitations is generally similar to that in other holographic quench models, but with some important distinctions. We observe that entanglement propagates along a sharp effective light cone from the points of initial excitations on the boundary. The characteristics of entanglement propagation in the global quench models such as entanglement velocity and the light cone velocity also have a meaning in the bilocal quench scenario. We also observe the loss of memory about the initial state during the equilibration process. We find that the memory loss reflects on the time behavior of the entanglement similarly to the global quench case, and it is related to the universal linear growth of entanglement, which comes from the interior of the forming black hole. We also analyze general two-point correlation functions in the framework of the geodesic approximation, focusing on the study of the late time behavior.

Sasakian quiver gauge theories and instantons on cones over round and squashed seven-spheres. (arXiv:1706.07383v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jakob C. Geipel, Olaf Lechtenfeld, Alexander D. Popov, Richard J. Szabo, relevance 2.97

We study quiver gauge theories on the round and squashed seven-spheres, and orbifolds thereof. They arise by imposing $G$-equivariance on the homogeneous space $G/H=\mathrm{SU}(4)/\mathrm{SU}(3)$ endowed with its Sasaki-Einstein structure, and $G/H=\mathrm{Sp}(2)/\mathrm{Sp}(1)$ as a 3-Sasakian manifold. In both cases we describe the equivariance conditions and the resulting quivers. We further study the moduli spaces of instantons on the metric cones over these spaces by using the known description for Hermitian Yang-Mills instantons on Calabi-Yau cones. It is shown that the moduli space of instantons on the hyper-Kahler cone can be described as the intersection of three Hermitian Yang-Mills moduli spaces. We also study moduli spaces of translationally invariant instantons on the metric cone $\mathbb{R}^8/\mathbb{Z}_k$ over $S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$.

Comment on "New variables for 1+1 dimensional gravity". (arXiv:1706.07379v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Martin Bojowald, Suddhasattwa Brahma, Juan D. Reyes, relevance 0.00

The results reported by Gambini, Pullin and Rastgoo in (2010 Class. Quantum Grav. 27 025002) are special cases of a general treatment of canonical variables for dilaton gravity models published in (2009 Class. Quantum Grav. 26 035018).

Four Lectures on Weierstrass Elliptic Function and Applications in Classical and Quantum Mechanics. (arXiv:1706.07371v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Georgios Pastras, relevance 0.00

In these four lectures, aiming at senior undergraduate and junior graduate Physics and Mathematics students, basic elements of the theory of elliptic functions are presented. Simple applications in classical mechanics are discussed, including a point particle in a cubic, sinusoidal or hyperbolic potential, as well as simple applications in quantum mechanics, namely the n=1 Lame potential. These lectures were given at the School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences of the National Technical University of Athens in May 2017.

Hyperbolic Geometry and Closed Bosonic String Field Theory I: The String Vertices Via Hyperbolic Riemann Surfaces. (arXiv:1706.07366v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Seyed Faroogh Moosavian, Roji Pius, relevance 0.00

The main geometric ingredient of closed string field theory are the string vertices, the collections of string diagrams describing the elementary closed string interactions, satisfying the quantum Batalian-Vilkovisky master equation. They can be characterized using the Riemann surfaces endowed with metric solving the generalized minimal area problem. However, an adequately developed theory of such Riemann surfaces is not available yet, and consequently description of the string vertices via Riemann surfaces with the minimal area metric fails to provide practical tools for performing calculations. We describe an alternate construction of the string vertices satisfying the Batalian-Vilkovisky master equation using Riemann surfaces endowed with the metric having constant curvature $-1$ all over the surface. This is the first of a series of papers in which the authors attempt to provide a computable framework for the covariant quantum closed bosoinc string field theory based on hyperbolic geometry.

Mass Ladder Operators from Spacetime Conformal Symmetry. (arXiv:1706.07339v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Vitor Cardoso, Tsuyoshi Houri, Masashi Kimura, relevance 11.54

Ladder operators can be useful constructs, allowing for unique insight and intuition. In fact, they have played a special role in the development of quantum mechanics and field theory. Here, we introduce a novel type of ladder operators, which map a scalar field onto another massive scalar field. We construct such operators, in arbitrary dimensions, from closed conformal Killing vector fields, eigenvectors of the Ricci tensor. As an example, we explicitly construct these objects in anti-de Sitter spacetime (AdS) and show that they exist for masses above the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound. Starting from a regular seed solution of the massive Klein-Gordon equation (KGE), mass ladder operators in AdS allow one to build a variety of regular solutions with varying boundary condition at spatial infinity. We also discuss mass ladder operator in the context of spherical harmonics, and the relation between supersymmetric quantum mechanics and so-called Aretakis constants in an extremal black hole.

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of the Palatini action. (arXiv:1706.07301v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by SangChul Yoon, relevance 2.63

We derive the Ashtekar-Barbero variables in Loop Quantum Gravity(LQG) starting from the Palatini action. We find that we need either the torsion-free condition or the compatibility condition for the Palatini action to describe General Relativity.

Gravitational effects of condensed dark matter on strange stars. (arXiv:1706.07272v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Grigoris Panotopoulos, Ilidio Lopes, relevance 0.00

In the present work we study the gravitational effects of condensed dark matter on strange stars. We consider self-interacting dark matter particles with properties consistent with current observational constraints, and dark matter inside the star is modelled as a Bose-Einstein condensate. We integrate numerically the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations in the two-fluid formalism assuming that strange stars are made of up to 4 per cent of dark matter. It is shown that for a mass of the dark matter particles in the range $50 MeV-160 MeV$ strange stars are characterized by a maximum mass and radius similar to the ones found for neutron stars.

Apparent cosmic acceleration from type Ia supernovae. (arXiv:1706.07236v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lawrence H. Dam, Asta Heinesen, David L. Wiltshire, relevance 0.00

Parameters that quantify the acceleration of cosmic expansion are conventionally determined within the standard Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model, which fixes spatial curvature to be homogeneous. Generic averages of Einstein's equations in inhomogeneous cosmology lead to models with non-rigidly evolving average spatial curvature, and different parametrizations of apparent cosmic acceleration. The timescape cosmology is a viable example of such a model without dark energy. Using the largest available supernova data set, the JLA catalogue, we find that the timescape model fits the luminosity distance-redshift data with a likelihood that is statistically indistinguishable from the standard spatially flat $\Lambda$ cold dark matter cosmology by Bayesian comparison. In the timescape case cosmic acceleration is non-zero but has a marginal amplitude, with best-fitting apparent deceleration parameter, $q_0=-0.043^{+0.004}_{-0.000}$. Systematic issues regarding standardization of supernova light curves are analysed. Cuts of data at the statistical homogeneity scale affect light curve parameter fits independent of cosmology. A cosmological model dependence of empirical changes to the mean colour parameter is also found. Irrespective of which model ultimately fits better, we argue that as a competitive model with a non-FLRW expansion history, the timescape model may prove a useful diagnostic tool for disentangling selection effects and astrophysical systematics from the underlying expansion history.

Complete factorization in minimal N=4 Chern-Simons-matter theory. (arXiv:1706.07234v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tomoki Nosaka, Shuichi Yokoyama, relevance 0.41

We investigate N=4 U(N)_k x U(N+M)_{-k} Chern-Simons theory coupled to one bifundamental hypermultiplet by employing its partition function, which is given by 2N+M dimensional integration via localization. Surprisingly, by performing the integration explicitly we find that the partition function completely factorizes into that of pure Chern-Simons theory for two gauge groups and an analogous contribution for the bifundamental hypermultiplet. Using the factorized form of the partition function we argue the level/rank duality, which is also expected from the Hanany-Witten transition in the type IIB brane realization. We also present the all order 't Hooft expansion of the partition function and comment on the connection to the higher-spin theory.

On the ghost issue of extended quasidilaton. (arXiv:1706.07215v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alexey Golovnev, Aleksandr Trukhin, relevance 0.00

We report on our independent investigations of the puzzle of cosmological perturbations in extended quasidilaton. We confirm the claims of presence of the Boulware-Deser ghost. We use both the language of cosmological perturbations with broken diffeomorphisms and the Stuckelberg approach.

Overcharging higher-dimensional black holes with point particles. (arXiv:1706.07190v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Karl Simon Revelar, Ian Vega, relevance 17.60

We investigate the possibility of overcharging spherically-symmetric black holes in spacetime dimensions $D > 4$ by the capture of a charged particle. We generalize Wald's classic result that extremal black holes cannot be overcharged. For nearly extremal black holes, we also generalize Hubeny's scenario by showing that overcharging is possible in a small region of parameter space. We check how $D$ affects the overcharging parameter space, and find that overcharging becomes increasingly difficult for nearly-extremal black holes in the large-$D$ limit.

On D-brane dynamics and moduli stabilization. (arXiv:1706.07161v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Noriaki Kitazawa, relevance 0.00

We discuss the effect of the dynamics of D-branes on moduli stabilization in type IIB string theory compactifications, with reference to a concrete toy model of T6/Z3 orientifold compactification with fractional D3-branes and anti-D3-branes at orbifold fixed points. The resulting attractive forces between anti-D3-branes and D3-branes, together with the repulsive forces between anti-D3-branes and O3-planes, can affect the stability of the compact space. There are no complex structure moduli in T6/Z3 orientifold, which should thus capture some generic features of more general settings where all complex structure moduli are stabilized by three-form fluxes. The simultaneous presence of branes and anti-branes brings along the breaking of supersymmetry. Non-BPS combinations of this type are typical of "brane supersymmetry breaking", and are a necessary ingredient in the KKLT scenario for stabilizing the remaining Kahler moduli. The conclusion of our analysis is that, while mutual D-brane interactions sometimes help Kahler moduli stabilization, this is not always the case.

Black Hole Information Revisited. (arXiv:1706.07143v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Andrew Strominger, relevance 27.62

We argue that four-dimensional black hole evaporation inevitably produces an infinite number of soft particles in addition to the thermally distributed `hard' Hawking quanta, and moreover that the soft and hard particles are highly correlated. This raises the possibility that quantum purity is restored by correlations between the hard and soft radiation, while inclusive measurements which omit the soft radiation observe the thermal Hawking spectrum. In theories whose only stable particle is the graviton, conservation laws are used to argue that such correlations are in principle sufficient for the soft gravitons to purify the hard thermal ones.

A bound on CPT violation with sQED radiative corrections and $\pi$H(K)H atoms. (arXiv:1706.07117v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by R. Casana, J. S. Rodrigues, F. E. P. dos Santos, relevance 0.80

We have studied the 1-loop corrections to the scalar-photon vertex interactions of a minimal Lorentz-violating and CPT-odd scalar electrodynamics with the photon having a sufficiently small mass. The CPT-odd term is the well known Carroll-Field-Jackiw (CFJ) which only modifies the kinetic term of the photon field. We have observed the radiative generation of the UV finite term $igw_\mu \tilde{F}^{\mu\nu} \left[ \phi^\dagger{D}_\nu\phi-\phi({D}_\nu\phi) ^\dagger \right] $, a dimension-5 operator which behaves like an anomalous magnetic moment for the scalar particle. The current bounds for photon mass and CPT violation are used to estimate a upper-bound for the coupling $% \left|{g{w_{z}}} \right| < 1 \times{10^{- 13}}\text{eV}^{-1}$. In order to estimate another upper-bound for the generated coupling, we have also analyzed its contribution to the pionic (kaonic) hydrogen energy. In this case, the experimental data for the 1S strong shift transitions are used to compute the upper-limit $\left|g w_{z}\right| < 1.1 \times{10^{-12}}\text{eV}% ^{-1}$.

Effective Theories for 2+1 Dimensional Non-Abelian Topological Spin Liquids. (arXiv:1706.07113v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Carlos A. Hernaski, Pedro R. S. Gomes, relevance 2.43

In this work we propose an effective low-energy theory for a large class of 2+1 dimensional non-Abelian topological spin liquids whose edge states are conformal degrees of freedom with central charges corresponding to the coset structure $su(2)_k\oplus su(2)_{k'}/su(2)_{k+k'}$. For particular values of $k'$ it furnishes the series for unitary minimal and superconformal models. These gapped phases were recently suggested to be obtained from an array of one-dimensional coupled quantum wires. In doing so we provide an explicit relationship between two distinct approaches: quantum wires and Chern-Simons bulk theory. We firstly make a direct connection between the interacting quantum wires and the corresponding conformal field theory at the edges, which turns out to be given in terms of chiral gauged WZW models. Relying on the bulk-edge correspondence we are able to construct the underlying non-Abelian Chern-Simons effective field theory.

Entanglement Entropy with Background Gauge Fields. (arXiv:1706.07110v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Bom Soo Kim, relevance 46.84

We study the entanglement entropy, the R\'enyi entropy, and the mutual (R\'enyi) information of Dirac fermions on a 2 dimensional torus in the presence of constant gauge fields. We derive their general formulas using the equivalence between twisted boundary conditions and the background gauge fields. Novel and interesting physical consequences have been presented in arXiv:1705.01859. Here we provide detailed computations of the entropies and mutual information in a low temperature limit, a large radius limit, and a high temperature limit. The high temperature limit reveals rather different physical properties compared to those of the low temperature one: there exist two non-trivial limits that depend on a modulus parameter and are not smoothly connected.

Generalised Kinematics for Double Field Theory. (arXiv:1706.07089v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Laurent Freidel, Felix J. Rudolph, David Svoboda, relevance 0.14

We formulate a kinematical extension of Double Field Theory on a $2d$-dimensional para-Hermitian manifold $(\mathcal{P},\eta,\omega)$ where the $O(d,d)$ metric $\eta$ is supplemented by an almost symplectic two-form $\omega$. Together $\eta$ and $\omega$ define an almost bi-Lagrangian structure $K$ which provides a splitting of the tangent bundle $T\mathcal{P}=L\oplus\tilde{L}$ into two Lagrangian subspaces. In this paper a canonical connection and a corresponding generalised Lie derivative for the Leibniz algebroid on $T\mathcal{P}$ are constructed. We find integrability conditions under which the symmetry algebra closes for general $\eta$ and $\omega$, even if they are not flat and constant. This formalism thus provides a generalisation of the kinematical structure of Double Field Theory. We also show that this formalism allows one to reconcile and unify Double Field Theory with Generalised Geometry which is thoroughly discussed.

Stability in quadratic torsion theories. (arXiv:1706.07080v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Teodor Borislavov Vasilev, Jose A. R. Cembranos, Jorge Gigante Valcarcel, Prado Martín-Moruno, relevance 0.00

We revisit the definition and some of the characteristics of quadratic theories of gravity with torsion. We start from the most general Lagrangian density quadratic in the curvature and torsion tensors. By assuming that General Relativity should be recovered when torsion vanishes and investigating the behaviour of the vector and pseudovector torsion fields in the weak-gravity regime, we present a set of necessary conditions for the stability of these theories. Moreover, we explicitly obtain the gravitational field equations using the Palatini variational principle with the metricity condition implemented via a Lagrange multiplier.

Quantum stabilization of a hedgehog type of cosmic string. (arXiv:1706.07071v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. Quandt, N. Graham, H. Weigel, relevance 1.05

Within a slightly simplified version of the electroweak standard model we investigate the stabilization of cosmic strings by fermion quantum fluctuations. Previous studies of quantum energies considered variants of the Nielsen-Olesen profile embedded in the electroweak gauge group and showed that configurations are favored for which the Higgs vacuum expectation value drops near the string core and the gauge field is suppressed. This work found that the strongest binding was obtained from strings that differ significantly from Nielsen-Olesen configurations, deforming essentially only the Higgs field in order to generate a strong attraction without inducing large gradients. Extending this analysis, we consider the leading quantum correction to the energy per unit length of a hedgehog type string, which, in contrast to the Nielsen-Olesen configuration, contains a pseudoscalar field. To employ the spectral method we develop the scattering and bound state problems for fermions in the background of a hedgehog string. Explicit occupation of bound state levels leads to strings that carry the quantum numbers of the bound fermions. We discuss the parameter space for which stable, hedgehog type cosmic strings emerge and reflect on phenomenological consequences of these findings.

Liouville Action as Path-Integral Complexity: From Continuous Tensor Networks to AdS/CFT. (arXiv:1706.07056v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Pawel Caputa, Nilay Kundu, Masamichi Miyaji, Tadashi Takayanagi, Kento Watanabe, relevance 34.40

We propose an optimization procedure for Euclidean path-integrals that evaluate CFT wave functionals in arbitrary dimensions. The optimization is performed by minimizing certain functional, which can be interpreted as a measure of computational complexity, with respect to background metrics for the path-integrals. In two dimensional CFTs, this functional is given by the Liouville action. We also formulate the optimization for higher dimensional CFTs and, in various examples, find that the optimized hyperbolic metrics coincide with the time slices of expected gravity duals. Moreover, if we optimize a reduced density matrix, the geometry becomes two copies of the entanglement wedge and reproduces the holographic entanglement entropy. Our approach resembles a continuous tensor network renormalization and provides a concrete realization of the proposed interpretation of AdS/CFT as tensor networks. The present paper is an extended version of our earlier report arXiv:1703.00456 and includes many new results such as evaluations of complexity functionals, energy stress tensor, higher dimensional extensions and time evolutions of thermofield double states.

GW170104 and the origin of heavy, low-spin binary black holes via classical isolated binary evolution. (arXiv:1706.07053v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by K. Belczynski, J. Klencki, G. Meynet, C.L. Fryer, D.A. Brown, M. Chruslinska, W. Gladysz, R. O'Shaughnessy, T. Bulik, E. Berti, D.E. Holz, D. Gerosa, M. Giersz, S. Ekstrom, C.Georgy, A. Askar, J.-P. Lasota, D.Wysocki, relevance 9.75

The Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and Advanced Virgo have observed five binary black hole mergers thus far. The effective spin of of one of them, GW170104, has an 82% probability of being negative, which would indicate significant spin-orbit misalignment and seemingly supporting dynamical formation over classical isolated binary evolution. Massive stars can have efficient inner transport of angular momentum and their strong winds carry away substantial angular momentum, affecting the natal spin of the black holes created at the end of their lives. We present a physically motivated model for black hole natal spins with massive stellar-origin black holes (M_BH > 30 Msun) forming with low spin. This model is incorporated into our population synthesis with which we follow across cosmic time the classical isolated binary evolution of Population I/II stars predicting the binary black hole population in the Universe. Our model produces a binary black hole population that is consistent with the observed LIGO/Virgo population. In particular, it produces systems that are in agreement with the measured properties of GW170104; total mass, mass ratio, effective spin, agreeing at the same time with the overall binary black hole merger rate. Although producing negative effective spin becomes easier with addition of natal kicks in isolated evolution or through dynamical captures in dense globular clusters, neither strong natal black hole kicks nor dynamical interactions are necessary to reproduce the properties of GW170104. However, if the effective spins of black holes observed by LIGO/Virgo continue to be very small (X_eff ~ 0), it will indicate that our model overestimates natal spins for black holes with modest mass (M_BH < 30 Msun) and that there is efficient core-envelope rotational coupling in stars that form these black holes.

$R^2$ corrections to holographic Schwinger effect. (arXiv:1706.07026v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Zi-qiang Zhang, Chong Ma, De-fu Hou, Gang Chen, relevance 18.09

We study $R^2$ corrections to the holographic Schwinger effect in an AdS black hole background and a confining D3-brane background, respectively. The potential analysis for these backgrounds is presented. The critical values for the electric field are obtained. It is shown that for both backgrounds increasing the Gauss-Bonnet parameter the Schwinger effect is enhanced. Moreover, the results provide an estimate of how the Schwinger effect changes with the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio, $\eta/s$, at strong coupling.

Anomalous Lorentz and CPT violation from a local Chern-Simons-like term in the effective gauge-field action. (arXiv:1706.07025v7 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by K.J.B. Ghosh, F.R. Klinkhamer, relevance 9.56

We consider four-dimensional chiral gauge theories defined over a spacetime manifold with topology $\mathbb{R}^3 \times S^1$ and periodic boundary conditions over the compact dimension. The effective gauge-field action is calculated for Abelian $U(1)$ gauge fields $A_{\mu}(x)$ which depend on all four spacetime coordinates (including the coordinate $x^{4}\in S^1$ of the compact dimension) and have vanishing components $A_{4}(x)$ (implying trivial holonomies in the 4-direction). Our calculation shows that the effective gauge-field action contains a local Chern-Simons-like term which violates Lorentz and CPT invariance. This result is established perturbatively with a generalized Pauli-Villars regularization and nonperturbatively with a lattice regularization based on Ginsparg-Wilson fermions.

Evolving neural networks with genetic algorithms to study the String Landscape. (arXiv:1706.07024v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Fabian Ruehle, relevance 0.00

We study possible applications of artificial neural networks to examine the string landscape. Since the field of application is rather versatile, we propose to dynamically evolve these networks via genetic algorithms. This means that we start from basic building blocks and combine them such that the neural network performs best for the application we are interested in. We study three areas in which neural networks can be applied: to classify models according to a fixed set of (physically) appealing features, to find a concrete realization for a computation for which the precise algorithm is known in principle but very tedious to actually implement, and to predict or approximate the outcome of some involved mathematical computation which performs too inefficient to apply it, e.g. in model scans within the string landscape. We present simple examples that arise in string phenomenology for all three types of problems and discuss how they can be addressed by evolving neural networks from genetic algorithms.

A line of CFTs: from generalized free fields to SYK. (arXiv:1706.07015v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David J. Gross, Vladimir Rosenhaus, relevance 5.46

We point out that there is a simple variant of the SYK model, which we call cSYK, that is $SL(2,R)$ invariant for all values of the coupling. The modification consists of replacing the UV part of the SYK action with a quadratic bilocal term. The corresponding bulk dual is a non-gravitational theory in a rigid AdS$_2$ background. At weak coupling cSYK is a generalized free field theory; at strong coupling, it approaches the infrared of SYK. The existence of this line of fixed points explains the previously found connection between the three-point function of bilinears in these two theories at large $q$.

Frame Covariant Nonminimal Multifield Inflation. (arXiv:1706.07011v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sotirios Karamitsos, Apostolos Pilaftsis, relevance 0.18

We introduce a frame-covariant formalism for inflation of scalar-curvature theories by adopting a differential geometric approach which treats the scalar fields as coordinates living on a field-space manifold. This ensures that our description of inflation is both conformally and reparameterization covariant. Our formulation gives rise to extensions of the usual Hubble and potential slow-roll parameters to generalized fully frame-covariant forms, which allow us to provide manifestly frame-invariant predictions for cosmological observables, such as as the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$, the spectral indices $n_{\cal R}$ and $n_T$, their runnings $\alpha_{\cal R}$ and $\alpha_T$, the non-Gaussianity parameter $f_{NL}$, and the isocurvature fraction $\beta_{\rm iso}$. We examine the role of the field space curvature in the generation and transfer of isocurvature modes, and we investigate the effect of boundary conditions for the scalar fields at the end of inflation on the observable inflationary quantities. We explore the stability of the trajectories with respect to the boundary conditions by using a suitable sensitivity parameter. To illustrate our approach, we first analyze a simple minimal two-field scenario before studying a more realistic nonminimal model inspired by Higgs inflation. We find that isocurvature effects are greatly enhanced in the latter scenario and must be taken into account for certain values in the parameter space such that the model is properly normalized to the observed scalar power spectrum $P_{\cal R}$. Finally, we outline how our frame-covariant approach may be extended beyond the tree-level approximation through the Vilkovisky-De Witt formalism, which we generalize to take into account conformal transformations, thereby leading to a fully frame-invariant effective action at the one-loop level.

$\mathcal{N} = 2$ super Yang-Mills theory in Projective Superspace. (arXiv:1706.07000v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ariunzul Davgadorj, Rikard von Unge, relevance 0.00

We find a formulation of $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in Projective superspace. In particular we find an expression for the field strength in terms of an unconstrained prepotential which is desirable when quantizing the theory. We use this to write the action in terms of the prepotential and show that it reduces to the known result in the abelian limit.

Conformal Scattering of Maxwell Fields on Reissner-Nordstr{\o}m-de Sitter Black Hole Spacetimes. (arXiv:1706.06993v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Mokdad Mokdad, relevance 28.79

We construct a complete conformal scattering theory for Maxwell fields in the static exterior region of a Reissner-Nordstr{\o}m-de Sitter black bole spacetime. This is done using uniform energy decay results that we obtain in a separate paper, to show that the trace operators are injective and have closed ranges. We then solve the Goursat problem (characteristic Cauchy problem) for Maxwell fields on the null boundaries showing that the trace operators are also surjective.

Chiral symmetry restoration at finite temperature within the Hamiltonian approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge. (arXiv:1706.06966v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Ehsan Ebadati, Hugo Reinhardt, Peter Vastag, relevance 2.90

The chiral phase transition of the quark sector of QCD is investigated within the Hamiltonian approach in Coulomb gauge. Finite temperatures $T$ are introduced by compactifying one spatial dimension, which makes all thermodynamical quantities accessible from the ground state on the spatial manifold $\mathbb{R}^2 \times S^1(1/T)$. In the limit of a vanishing quark-gluon coupling, the equations of motion of the quark sector are solved numerically and the chiral quark condensate is evaluated and compared to the results of the usual canonical approach to finite-temperature Hamiltonian QCD based on the density operator of the grand canonical ensemble. For zero bare quark masses, we find a second-order chiral phase transition with a critical temperature of about $107 \, \mathrm{MeV}$.

3D CFT Archipelago from Single Correlator Bootstrap. (arXiv:1706.06960v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Zhijin Li, Ning Su, relevance 5.84

We show that the scaling dimensions of lowest operators in conformal field theories (CFTs) can be isolated in small and closed regions from single correlator bootstrap. We find the conserved currents play crucial roles in bootstrapping the crossing equation. By imposing a mild gap between the scaling dimensions of the conserved current and its next operator, the scaling dimensions of lowest operators are forced to lie in small isolated regions, i.e., these CFTs can be almost fixed by few lowest operators in certain channels. For CFTs with extended supersymmetry, the single correlator crossing equation involves several conserved or shorted operators and by imposing gaps in these sectors it is possible to isolate different CFTs. Specifically, we bootstrap the isolated regions corresponding to the 3D Ising model, $O(N)$ vector model, $N=1,2$ supersymmetric Ising models by introducing mild gaps in certain sectors with conserved or shorted operators.

Timelike duality, $M'$-theory and an exotic form of the Englert solution. (arXiv:1706.06948v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marc Henneaux, Arash Ranjbar, relevance 0.43

Through timelike dualities, one can generate exotic versions of $M$-theory with different spacetime signatures. These are the $M^*$-theory with signature $(9,2,-)$, the $M'$-theory, with signature $(6,5,+)$ and the theories with reversed signatures $(1,10, -)$, $(2,9, +)$ and $(5,6, -)$. In $(s,t, \pm)$, $s$ is the number of space directions, $t$ the number of time directions, and $\pm$ refers to the sign of the kinetic term of the $3$ form.

The only irreducible pseudo-riemannian manifolds admitting absolute parallelism are, besides Lie groups, the seven-sphere $S^7 \equiv SO(8)/SO(7)$ and its pseudo-riemannian version $S^{3,4} \equiv SO(4,4)/SO(3,4)$. [There is also the complexification $SO(8,\mathbb{C})/SO(7, \mathbb{C})$, but it is of dimension too high for our considerations.] The seven-sphere $S^7\equiv S^{7,0}$ has been found to play an important role in $11$-dimensional supergravity, both through the Freund-Rubin solution and the Englert solution that uses its remarkable parallelizability to turn on non trivial internal fluxes. The spacetime manifold is in both cases $AdS_4 \times S^7$. We show that $S^{3,4}$ enjoys a similar role in $M'$-theory and construct the exotic form $AdS_4 \times S^{3,4}$ of the Englert solution, with non zero internal fluxes turned on. There is no analogous solution in $M^*$-theory.

Searching for sterile neutrinos in dynamical dark energy cosmologies. (arXiv:1706.06913v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lu Feng, Jing-Fei Zhang, Xin Zhang, relevance 0.47

We investigate how the dark energy properties change the cosmological limits on sterile neutrino parameters by using recent cosmological observations. We consider the simplest dynamical dark energy models, the $w$CDM model and the holographic dark energy (HDE) model, to make an analysis. The cosmological observations used in this work include the Planck 2015 CMB temperature and polarization data, the baryon acoustic oscillation data, the type Ia supernova data, the Hubble constant direct measurement data, and the Planck CMB lensing data. We find that, $m_{\nu,{\rm{sterile}}}^{\rm{eff}}<0.2675$ eV and $N_{\rm eff}<3.5718$ for $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, $m_{\nu,{\rm{sterile}}}^{\rm{eff}}<0.5313$ eV and $N_{\rm eff}<3.5008$ for $w$CDM cosmology, and $m_{\nu,{\rm{sterile}}}^{\rm{eff}}<0.1989$ eV and $N_{\rm eff}<3.6701$ for HDE cosmology, from the constraints of the combination of these data. Thus, without the addition of measurements of growth of structure, only upper limits on both $m_{\nu,{\rm{sterile}}}^{\rm{eff}}$ and $N_{\rm eff}$ can be derived, indicating that no evidence of the existence of a sterile neutrino species with eV-scale mass is found in this analysis. Moreover, compared to the $\Lambda$CDM model, in the $w$CDM model the limit on $m_{\nu,{\rm{sterile}}}^{\rm{eff}}$ becomes much looser, but in the HDE model the limit becomes much tighter. Therefore, the dark energy properties could significantly influence the constraint limits of sterile neutrino parameters.

Vacuum instability in Kaluza-Klein manifolds. (arXiv:1706.06899v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Guglielmo Fucci, relevance 0.00

The purpose of this work in to analyze particle creation in spaces with extra dimensions. We consider, in particular, a massive scalar field propagating in a Kaluza-Klein manifold subject to a constant electric field. We compute the rate of particle creation from vacuum by using techniques rooted in the spectral zeta function formalism. The results we obtain show explicitly how the presence of the extra-dimensions and their specific geometric characteristics, influence the rate at which pairs of particles and anti-particles are generated.

New universality class in three dimensions: The critical Blume-Capel model. (arXiv:1706.06887v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alessandro Codello, Mahmoud Safari, Gian Paolo Vacca, Omar Zanusso, relevance 0.49

We study the Blume-Capel universality class in $d=\frac{10}{3}-\epsilon$ dimensions. The RG flow is extracted by looking at poles in fractional dimension of three loop diagrams using $\overline{\rm MS}$. The theory is the only nontrivial universality class which admits an expansion to three dimensions with $\epsilon=\frac{1}{3}<1$. We compute the relevant scaling exponents and estimate some of the OPE coefficients to the leading order. Our findings agree with and complement CFT results. Finally we discuss a family of nonunitary multicritical models which includes the Lee-Yang and Blume-Capel classes as special cases.

Reflections on the information paradigm in quantum and gravitational physics. (arXiv:1706.06882v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Philipp A Hoehn, relevance 8.89

We reflect on the information paradigm in quantum and gravitational physics and on how it may assist us in approaching quantum gravity. We begin by arguing, using a reconstruction of its formalism, that quantum theory can be regarded as a universal framework governing an observer's acquisition of information from physical systems taken as information carriers. We continue by observing that the structure of spacetime is encoded in the communication relations among observers and more generally the information flow in spacetime. Combining these insights with an information-theoretic Machian view, we argue that the quantum architecture of spacetime can operationally be viewed as a locally finite network of degrees of freedom exchanging information. An advantage -- and simultaneous limitation -- of an informational perspective is its quasi-universality, i.e. quasi-independence of the precise physical incarnation of the underlying degrees of freedom. This suggests to exploit these informational insights to develop a largely microphysics independent top-down approach to quantum gravity to complement extant bottom-up approaches by closing the scale gap between the unknown Planck scale physics and the familiar physics of quantum (field) theory and general relativity systematically from two sides. While some ideas have been pronounced before in similar guise and others are speculative, the way they are strung together and justified is new and supports approaches attempting to derive emergent spacetime structures from correlations of quantum degrees of freedom.

Gravitational scattering of two black holes at the fourth post-Newtonian approximation. (arXiv:1706.06877v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Donato Bini, Thibault Damour, relevance 8.55

We compute the (center-of-mass frame) scattering angle $\chi$ of hyperboliclike encounters of two spinning black holes, at the fourth post-Newtonian approximation level for orbital effects, and at the next-to-next-to-leading order for spin-dependent effects. We find it convenient to compute the gauge-invariant scattering angle (expressed as a function of energy, orbital angular momentum and spins) by using the Effective-One-Body formalism. The contribution to scattering associated with nonlocal, tail effects is computed by generalizing to the case of unbound motions the method of time-localization of the action introduced in the case of (small-eccentricity) bound motions by Damour, Jaranowski and Sch\"afer [Phys.\ Rev.\ D {\bf 91}, no. 8, 084024 (2015)].

The commutator algebra of covariant derivative as general framework for extended gravity. The Rastall theory case and the role of the torsion. (arXiv:1706.06863v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by I. Licata, H. Moradpour, C. Corda, relevance 2.18

In this short review, we discuss the approach of the commutator algebra of covariant derivative to analyse the gravitational theories, starting from the standard Einstein's general theory of relativity and focusing on the Rastall theory. After that, we discuss the important role of the torsion in this mathematical framework. In the Appendix of the paper we analyse the importance of the nascent gravitational wave astronomy as a tool to discriminate among the general theory of relativity and alternative theories of gravity.

Ghost-spin chains, entanglement and $bc$-ghost CFTs. (arXiv:1706.06828v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dileep P. Jatkar, K. Narayan, relevance 21.52

We study 1-dimensional chains of ghost-spins with nearest neighbour interactions amongst them, developing further the study of ghost-spins in previous work, defined as 2-state spin variables with indefinite norm. First we study finite ghost-spin chains with Ising-like nearest neighbour interactions: this helps organize and clarify the study of entanglement earlier and we develop this further. Then we study a family of infinite ghost-spin chains with a different Hamiltonian containing nearest neighbour hopping-type interactions. By defining fermionic ghost-spin variables through a Jordan-Wigner transformation, we argue that these ghost-spin chains lead in the continuum limit to the $bc$-ghost CFTs.

Gravitational waves in theories with a non-minimal curvature-matter coupling. (arXiv:1706.06826v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Orfeu Bertolami, Cláudio Gomes, Francisco S.N. Lobo, relevance 0.94

Gravitational waves in the presence of a non-minimal curvature-matter coupling are analysed, both in the Newman-Penrose and perturbation theory formalisms. Considering a cosmological constant as a source, the non-minimally coupled matter-curvature model reduces to $f(R)$ theories, thus six polarisations states are attained in the metric formalism, which corresponds to the type $II_6$ class of $E(2)$ Petrov classification. These theories differ from GR in the sense that one can always find a Lorentz observer who can detect other polarisation states: two vectorial and two scalar modes. Furthermore, a dark energy-like fluid is briefly considered, where the the propagation equation for the tensor modes differs from the previous scenario scenario, in that the scalar mode equation has an extra term, which can be interpreted as the longitudinal mode being the result of the mixture of two fundamental excitations $\delta R$ and $\delta \rho$.

Results in the Spontaneous Annihilation of the Cosmological Constant. (arXiv:1706.06812v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by DongBong Yang, Heon-Ju Lee, relevance 4.95

We suggest a new formula, which allows the Schwarzschild's solution and the Einstein radius to be applied to the dynamic universe, when our universe is hypothetically regarded as a single dynamic black hole. In this study, a cosmological constant problem is solved in the simplest manner, while we find excellent agreements with observation. We adopt a model, wherein k = 0, lambda is not equal to 0, and omega = 1 to interlock lambda with critical density of the black hole of our universe rho cBH, thereby presenting complimentary relation between lambda and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S BH.

Ho\v{r}ava gravity is asymptotically free (in 2+1 dimensions). (arXiv:1706.06809v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Andrei O. Barvinsky, Diego Blas, Mario Herrero-Valea, Sergey M. Sibiryakov, Christian F. Steinwachs, relevance 4.83

We compute the $\beta$-functions of marginal couplings in projectable Ho\v{r}ava gravity in $2+1$ spacetime dimensions. We show that the renormalization group flow has an asymptotically-free fixed point in the ultraviolet (UV), establishing the theory as a UV-complete model with dynamical gravitational degrees of freedom. Therefore, this theory may serve as a toy-model to study fundamental aspects of quantum gravity. Our results represent a step forward towards understanding the UV properties of realistic versions of Ho\v{r}ava gravity.

Quadratic Contributions of Softly Broken Supersymmetry in the Light of Loop Regularization. (arXiv:1706.06798v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dong Bai, Yue-Liang Wu, relevance 0.76

Loop regularization (LORE) is a novel regularization scheme in modern quantum field theories. It makes no change to the spacetime structure and respects both gauge symmetries and supersymmetry. As a result, LORE should be useful in calculating loop corrections in supersymmetry phenomenology. To demonstrate further its power, in this article we revisit in the light of LORE the old issue of the absence of quadratic contributions (quadratic divergences) in softly broken supersymmetric field theories. It is shown explicitly by Feynman diagrammatic calculations that up to two loops the Wess-Zumino model with soft supersymmetry breaking terms (WZ' model), one of the simplest models with the explicit supersymmetry breaking, is free of quadratic contributions. All the quadratic contributions cancel with each other perfectly, which is consistent with results dictated by the supergraph techniques.

Primordial Black Holes and Slow-Roll Violation. (arXiv:1706.06784v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Hayato Motohashi, Wayne Hu, relevance 9.50

For primordial black holes (PBH) to be the dark matter in single-field inflation, the slow-roll approximation must be violated by at least ${\cal O}(1)$ in order to enhance the curvature power spectrum within the required number of efolds between CMB scales and PBH mass scales. Power spectrum predictions which rely on the inflaton remaining on the slow-roll attractor can fail dramatically leading to qualitatively incorrect conclusions in models like an inflection potential and misestimate the mass scale in a running mass model. We show that an optimized temporal evaluation of the Hubble slow-roll parameters to second order remains a good description for a wide range of PBH formation models where up to a $10^7$ amplification of power occurs in $10$ efolds or more.

Holographic Dark Energy Model in Brans-Dicke Theory with Future Event Horizon. (arXiv:1706.06777v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Milan Srivastava, C.P.Singh, relevance 15.34

In this paper, we study the dynamics of non-interacting and interacting holographic dark energy models in the framework of Brans-Dicke theory. As system's infra-red cut-off we consider the future event horizon. The motivation of this work is to use the logarithmic form of the Brans-Dicke scalar field, $\phi \propto ln(\alpha+\beta a)$, where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are constants and `a' is the scalar factor as proposed Kumar and Singh in a recent work to study the new agegraphic dark energy models. We find the time-dependent equation of state parameter and deceleration parameter which describe the phase transition of the universe. We observe that the model explains the early time inflation and late time acceleration including matter-dominated phase. It is also observed that the equation of state parameter may cross phantom divide line in late time evolution. The cosmic coincidence problem is also discussed for both the models. We observe that this logarithmic form of Brans-Dicke scalar field is more appropriate to achieve a less acute coincidence problem in non-interacting model whereas a soft coincidence can be achieved if coupling parameter in interacting model has small value.

Braneworld wormholes supported by astrophysical observations. (arXiv:1706.06756v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Deng Wang, Xin-He Meng, relevance 8.42

In this study, we investigate the characteristics and properties of a traversable wormhole constrained by the current astrophysical observations in the framework of modified theories of gravity (MOG). As a concrete case, we study traversable wormhole space--time configurations in the Dvali--Gabadadze--Porrati (DGP) braneworld scenario, which are supported by the effects of the gravity leakage of extra dimensions. We find that the wormhole space--time structure will open in terms of the $2\sigma$ confidence level when we utilize the joint constraints supernovae (SNe) Ia + observational Hubble parameter data (OHD) + Planck + gravitational wave (GW) and $z<0.2874$. Furthermore, we obtain several model-independent conclusions, such as (i) the exotic matter threading the wormholes can be divided into four classes during the evolutionary processes of the universe based on various energy conditions; (ii) we can offer a strict restriction to the local wormhole space--time structure by using the current astrophysical observations; and (iii) we can clearly identify a physical gravitational resource for the wormholes supported by astrophysical observations, namely the dark energy components of the universe or equivalent space--time curvature effects from MOG. Moreover, we find that the strong energy condition is always violated at low redshifts.

Radiative Correction to the Casimir Energy for Massive Scalar Field on a Spherical Surface. (arXiv:1706.06748v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. A. Valuyan, relevance 0.60

In this paper, the first order radiative correction to the Casimir energy for a massive scalar field in the $\phi^4$ theory on a spherical surface with $S^2$ topology was calculated. In common methods for calculating the radiative correction to the Casimir energy, the counter-terms related to free theory are used. However, in this study, by using a systematic perturbation expansion, the obtained counter-terms in renormalization program were automatically position-dependent. We maintained that this dependency was permitted, reflecting the effects of the boundary conditions imposed or background space in the problem. Additionally, along with the renormalization program, a supplementary regularization technique that we named Box Subtraction Scheme (BSS) was performed. This scheme presents a useful method for the regularization of divergences, providing a situation that the infinities would be removed spontaneously without any ambiguity. Analysis of the necessary limits of the obtained results for the Casimir energy of the massive and massless scalar field confirmed the appropriate and reasonable consistency of the answers.

Decay of Solutions to the Maxwell Equations on Schwarzschild-de Sitter Spacetimes. (arXiv:1706.06735v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jordan Keller, relevance 20.53

In this work, we consider solutions of the Maxwell equations on the Schwarzschild-de Sitter family of black hole spacetimes. We prove that, in the static region bounded by black hole and cosmological horizons, solutions of the Maxwell equations decay to stationary Coulomb solutions at a super-polynomial rate, with decay measured according to ingoing and outgoing null coordinates. Our method employs a differential transformation of Maxwell tensor components to obtain higher-order quantities satisfying a Fackerell-Ipser equation, in the style of Chandrasekhar and the more recent work of Pasqualotto. The analysis of the Fackerell-Ipser equation is accomplished by means of the vector field method, with decay estimates for the higher-order quantities leading to decay estimates for components of the Maxwell tensor.

Asymptotics of solutions of a hyperbolic formulation of the constraint equations. (arXiv:1706.06700v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Florian Beyer, Leon Escobar, Jörg Frauendiener, relevance 0.00

In this paper we consider the hyperbolic formulation of the constraints introduced by R\'acz. Using the numerical framework recently developed by us we construct initial data sets which can be interpreted as nonlinear perturbations of Schwarzschild data in Kerr-Schild coordinates and investigate their asymptotics. Our results suggest that, unless one finds a way to exploit the freedom to pick the free part of the initial data in some suitable way, generic initial data sets obtained by this method may violate fundamental asymptotic conditions.

Lovelock Branes. (arXiv:1706.06684v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by David Kastor, Sourya Ray, Jennie Traschen, relevance 0.88

We study the problem of finding brane-like solutions to Lovelock gravity, adopting a general approach to establish conditions that a lower dimensional base metric must satisfy in order that a solution to a given Lovelock theory can be constructed in one higher dimension. We find that for Lovelock theories with generic values of the coupling constants, the Lovelock tensors (higher curvature generalizations of the Einstein tensor) of the base metric must all be proportional to the metric. Hence, allowed base metrics form a subclass of Einstein metrics. This subclass includes so-called `universal metrics', which have been previously investigated as solutions to quantum-corrected field equations. For specially tuned values of the Lovelock couplings, we find that the Lovelock tensors of the base metric need to satisfy fewer constraints. For example, for Lovelock theories with a unique vacuum there is only a single such constraint, a case previously identified in the literature, and brane solutions can be straightforwardly constructed.

Spectral determinants for twist field correlators. (arXiv:1706.06680v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A.V. Belitsky, relevance 1.03

Twist fields were introduced a few decades ago as a quantum counterpart to classical kink configurations and disorder variables in low dimensional field theories. In recent years they received a new incarnation within the framework of geometric entropy and strong coupling limit of four-dimensional scattering amplitudes. In this paper, we study their two-point correlation functions in a free massless scalar theory, namely, twist--twist and twist--anti-twist correlators. In spite of the simplicity of the model in question, the properties of the latter are far from being trivial. The problem is reduced, within the formalism of the path integral, to the study of spectral determinants on surfaces with conical points, which are then computed exactly making use of the zeta function regularization. We also provide an insight into twist correlators for a massive complex scalar by means of the Lifshitz-Krein trace formula.

Transition of EMRIs through resonance: corrections to higher order in the on-resonance flux modification. (arXiv:1706.06639v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Deyan P Mihaylov, Jonathan Gair, relevance 1.13

Extreme mass ratio in-spirals (EMRIs) are candidate events for gravitational wave detection in the millihertz range (by detectors like LISA and eLISA). These events involve a stellar-mass black hole, or a similar compact object, descending in the gravitational field of a supermassive black hole, eventually merging with it. Properties of the in-spiralling trajectory away from resonance are well known and have been studied extensively, however little is known about the behaviour of these binary systems at resonance, when the radial and lateral frequencies of the orbit become commensurate. We describe the two existing models, the instantaneous frequency approach used by Gair, Bender, and Yunes, and the standard two timescales approach implemented by Flanagan and Hinderer. In both cases, the exact treatment depends on the modelling of the gravitational self-force, which is currently not available. We extend the results in Gair, Bender and Yunes to higher order in the on-resonance flux modification, and argue that the instantaneous frequency approach is also a valid treatment of the resonance problem. The non-linear differential equations which arise in treating resonances are interesting from a mathematical view point. We present our algorithm for perturbative solutions and the results to third order in the infinitesimal parameter, and discuss the scope of this approach.

Extended Hamiltonian Formalism and Lorentz-Violating Lagrangians. (arXiv:1706.06637v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Don Colladay, relevance 9.05

A new perspective on the classical mechanical formulation of particle trajectories in lorentz-violating theories is presented. Using the extended hamiltonian formalism, a Legendre Transformation between the associated covariant Lagrangian and Hamiltonian varieties is constructed. This approach enables calculation of trajectories using hamilton's equations in momentum space and the Euler-Lagrange equations in velocity space away from certain singular points that arise in the theory. Singular points are naturally de-singularized by requiring the trajectories to be smooth functions of both velocity and momentum variables. In addition, it is possible to identify specific sheets of the dispersion relations that correspond to specific solutions for the lagrangian. Examples corresponding to bipartite Finsler functions are computed in detail. A direct connection between the lagrangians and the field-theoretic solutions to the Dirac equation is also established for a special case.

On generalized Melvin solution for the Lie algebra $E_6$. (arXiv:1706.06621v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. V. Bolokhov, V. D. Ivashchuk, relevance 1.53

A multidimensional generalization of Melvin's solution for an arbitrary simple Lie algebra $\cal G$ is considered. The gravitational model in $D$ dimensions, $D \geq 4$, contains $n$ 2-forms and $l \geq n$ scalar fields, where $n$ is the rank of $\cal G$. The solution is governed by a set of $n$ functions $H_s(z)$ obeying $n$ ordinary differential equations with certain boundary conditions imposed. It was conjectured earlier that these functions should be polynomials (the so-called fluxbrane polynomials). The polynomials $H_s(z)$, $s = 1,\dots,6$, for the Lie algebra $E_6$ are obtained and a corresponding solution for $l = n = 6$ is presented. The polynomials depend upon integration constants $Q_s$, $s = 1,\dots,6$. They obey symmetry and duality identities. The latter ones are used in deriving asymptotic relations for solutions at large distances. The power-law asymptotic relations for $E_6$-polynomials at large $z$ are governed by integer-valued matrix $\nu = A^{-1} (I + P)$, where $A^{-1}$ is the inverse Cartan matrix, $I$ is the identity matrix and $P$ is permutation matrix, corresponding to a generator of the $Z_2$-group of symmetry of the Dynkin diagram. The 2-form fluxes $\Phi^s$, $s = 1,\dots,6$, are calculated.

F-term spontaneous breaking of 3D-SUSY an algebro-geometric treatment. (arXiv:1706.06615v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by José J. Ramón Marí, Y.M.P. Gomes, J. A. Helayël-Neto, relevance 0.00

We settle a result on generic exactness of SUSY in 3-D, and provide a mechanism of F-term spontaneous breaking of 3-D SUSY, with a different set of tools from those used by O'Raifeartaigh in his seminal work on 4-D SUSY. In our study, we use techniques of projective algebraic geometry so as to deal successfully with cubic hypersurfaces.

On the Anisotropic Interior Solutions in Ho\v{r}ava Gravity and Einstein-\ae ther Theory. (arXiv:1706.06608v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Daniele Vernieri, Sante Carloni, relevance 0.00

We find a reconstruction algorithm able to generate all the static spherically symmetric interior solutions in the framework of Ho\v{r}ava gravity and Einstein-\ae ther theory in presence of anisotropic fluids. We focus for simplicity on the case of a static \ae ther finding a large class of possible viable interior star solutions which present a very rich phenomenology. We study one illustrative example in more detail.

Asymptotic Fragility, Near $AdS_2$ Holography and $T\bar{T}$. (arXiv:1706.06604v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergei Dubovsky, Victor Gorbenko, Mehrdad Mirbabayi, relevance 1.21

We present the exact solution for the scattering problem in the flat space Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity coupled to an arbitrary quantum field theory. JT gravity results in a gravitational dressing of field theoretical scattering amplitudes. The exact expression for the dressed $S$-matrix was previously known as a solvable example of a novel UV asymptotic behavior, dubbed asymptotic fragility. This dressing is equivalent to the $T\bar{T}$ deformation of the initial quantum field theory. JT gravity coupled to a single massless boson provides a promising action formulation for an integrable approximation to the worldsheet theory of confining strings in 3D gluodynamics. We also derive the dressed $S$-matrix as a flat space limit of the near $AdS_2$ holography. We show that in order to preserve the flat space unitarity the conventional Schwarzian dressing of boundary correlators needs to be slightly extended. Finally, we propose a new simple expression for flat space amplitudes of massive particles in terms of correlators of holographic CFT's.

Generalization of the Haldane conjecture to SU(3) chains. (arXiv:1706.06598v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Miklós Lajkó, Kyle Wamer, Frédéric Mila, Ian Affleck, relevance 0.28

We apply field theory methods to $\mbox{SU}(3)$ chains in the symmetric representation, with $p$ boxes in the Young tableau, mapping them into a flag manifold non-linear $\sigma$-model with a topological angle $\theta =2\pi p/3$. Generalizing the Haldane conjecture, we argue that the models are gapped for $p=3m$ but gapless for $p=3m\pm 1$ (for integer $m$), corresponding to a massless phase of the $\sigma$-model at $\theta =\pm 2\pi /3$. We confirm this with Monte Carlo calculations on the $\sigma$-model.

Kerr black holes with synchronised hair: an analytic model and dynamical formation. (arXiv:1706.06597v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Eugen Radu, relevance 11.30

East and Pretorius (arXiv:1704.04791) have successfully evolved, using fully non-linear numerical simulations, the superradiant instability of the Kerr black hole (BH) triggered by a massive, complex vector field. Evolutions terminate in stationary states of a vector field condensate synchronised with a rotating BH horizon. We show these end points are fundamental states of Kerr BHs with synchronised Proca hair. Motivated by the "experimental data" from these simulations we suggest a universal (i.e. field-spin independent), analytic model for the subset of BHs with sychronised hair that possess a quasi-Kerr horizon, applicable in the weak hair regime. Comparing this model with fully non-linear numerical solutions of BHs with synchronised scalar or Proca hair, we show the model is accurate for hairy BHs that may emerge dynamically from superradiance, whose domain we identify.

Wilson lines as superconformal defects in ABJM theory: a formula for the emitted radiation. (arXiv:1706.06590v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lorenzo Bianchi, Luca Griguolo, Michelangelo Preti, Domenico Seminara, relevance 0.00

We study operator insertions into 1/2 BPS Wilson loops in N = 6 ABJM theory and investigate their two-point correlators. In this framework, the energy emitted by a heavy moving probe can be exactly obtained from some two-point coefficients of bosonic and fermionic insertions. This allows us to confirm an early proposal for computing the Bremsstrahlung function in terms of certain supersymmetric circular Wilson loops, whose value might be accessible to localization techniques. In the derivation of this result we also elucidate the structure of protected multiplets in the relevant superconformal defect theory and perform an explicit two-loop calculation.

Black hole merger estimates in Einstein-Maxwell and Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity. (arXiv:1706.06519v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Puttarak Jai-akson, Auttakit Chatrabhuti, Oleg Evnin, Luis Lehner, relevance 14.99

The recent birth of gravitational wave astronomy invites a new generation of precision tests of general relativity. Signatures of black hole (BH) mergers must be systematically explored in a wide spectrum of modified gravity theories. Here, we turn to one such theory in which the initial value problem for BH mergers is well posed, the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system. We present conservative estimates for the merger parameters (final spins, quasinormal modes) based on techniques that have worked well for ordinary gravity mergers and utilize information extracted from test particle motion in the final BH metric. The computation is developed in parallel for the modified gravity BHs (we specifically focus on the Kaluza-Klein value of the dilaton coupling, for which analytic BH solutions are known) and ordinary Kerr-Newman BHs. We comment on the possibility of obtaining final BHs with spins consistent with current observations.

The GUP and quantum Raychaudhuri equation. (arXiv:1706.06502v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Lina Alasfar, Salwa M. Alsaleh, Ahmed Farag Ali, Elias C. Vagenas, relevance 1.49

In this paper, we compare the quantum corrections to the Schwarzschild black hole temperature due to quadratic and linear-quadratic generalized uncertainty principle, with the corrections from the quantum Raychaudhuri equation. The reason for this comparison is to connect the deformation parameters $\beta_0$ and $\alpha_0$ with $\eta$ which is the parameter that characterizes the quantum Raychaudhuri equation. The derived relation between the parameters appears to depend on the relative scale of the system (black hole), which could be read as a renormalization equation for the quadratic deformation parameter $\beta_0$. In addition, the critical phenomena of the GUP-deformed black hole are studied in the light of this relation by computing the critical exponent for $\eta$. This study shows a correspondence between the two phenomenological approaches and indicates that quantum Raychaudhuri equation implies the existence of a crystal-like structure of spacetime.

The splitting of electrons and violation of the Luttinger sum rule. (arXiv:1706.06499v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Eoin Quinn, relevance 0.17

We provide a novel controlled limit for the description of strongly correlated electrons. We consider a general lattice Hamiltonian which combines the Hubbard and t-J models, and find that correlated hopping amplitudes can induce a splitting of the electronic degree of freedom. The resulting behaviour is governed by the Lie superalgebra su(2|2), as opposed to the canonical fermion algebra. We identify a large-S limit where the electronic spectral function can be computed exactly, and find two dispersive bands in contrast to the one of conventional band theory. This characterises a regime which lies outside the Fermi liquid paradigm, it violates the Luttinger sum rule and exhibits a Mott metal-insulator transition.

Spectral expansions of random sections of homogeneous vector bundles. (arXiv:1706.06477v2 [math.PR] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Anatoliy Malyarenko, relevance 2.09

Tiny fluctuations of the Cosmic Microwave Background as well as various observable quantities obtained by spin raising and spin lowering of the effective gravitational lensing potential of distant galaxies and galaxy clusters, are described mathematically as isotropic random sections of homogeneous spin and tensor bundles. We consider the three existing approaches to rigourous constructing of the above objects, emphasising an approach based on the theory of induced group representations. Both orthogonal and unitary representations are treated in a unified manner. Several examples from astrophysics are included.

On the Hamiltonian formalism of the Tetrad-Gravity with fermions. (arXiv:1706.06471v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by M. H. Lagraa, M. Lagraa, relevance 0.36

We incorporate the fermionic matter to the analysis of the Hamiltonian formalism of the d-dimensional tetrad-gravity where the non-dynamic part of the spatial connection is fixed to zero <cite>Lagraa</cite>. We show that, in terms of the Dirac brackets, the reduced first class constraints where the second-class constraints are solved obey the same closed algebra with structure constant as the one of the tetrad-gravity in the vacuum.

Euclidean mirrors: enhanced vacuum decay from reflected instantons. (arXiv:1706.06447v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ibrahim Akal, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick, relevance 0.95

We study the tunneling of virtual matter-antimatter pairs from the quantum vacuum in the presence of a spatially uniform temporal electric background composed of of a strong slow field superimposed with a weak rapid field. After analytic continuation to Euclidean spacetime we obtain from the instanton equations two critical points. While one of them is the closing point of the instanton path, the other serves as an Euclidean mirror which reflects and squeezes the instanton. It is this reflection and shrinking which is responsible for an enormous enhancement of the vacuum pair production rate. We discuss how important features of this mechanism can be analysed and understood via such a rotation in the complex plane. Consistent with previous studies, we consider certain examples where we apply weak fields with a distinct pole structure in order to show that the reflection takes place exactly at the poles. We also discuss the effect of possible sub-cycle structures. We extend this reflection picture to fields which have no poles present and illustrate the effective reflections with explicit examples. An additional field strength dependence for the rate occurs in such cases. We analytically compute the characteristic threshold for this mechanism given by the critical combined Keldysh parameter. We discuss significant differences between these two types of fields. For various backgrounds, we present the contributing instantons and perform analytical computations for the corresponding rates treating both fields nonperturbatively. The validity of the results is confirmed by numerical computations. Considering different profiles for the strong field, we also discuss its impact on the critical combined Keldysh parameter.

de Sitter invariant special relativity and galaxy rotation curves. (arXiv:1706.06443v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by A. Araujo, D. F. Lopez, J. G. Pereira, relevance 13.21

Owing to the existence of an invariant length at the Planck scale, Einstein special relativity breaks down at that scale. A possible solution to this problem is arguably to replace the Poincar\'e-invariant Einstein special relativity by a de Sitter invariant special relativity. Such replacement produces concomitant changes in all relativistic theories, including general relativity, which changes to what we have called "de Sitter modified general relativity". In this paper, the Newtonian limit of this theory is used to study the circular velocity of stars around the galactic center. It is shown that the de Sitter modified Newtonian force---part of which becomes effective only in the Keplerian region of the galaxy---could possibly explain the flat rotation curve of galaxies without necessity of supposing the existence of dark matter.

Black hole thermodynamics and heat engines in conformal gravity. (arXiv:1706.06442v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Hao Xu, Yuan Sun, Liu Zhao, relevance 30.35

The extended phase space thermodynamics and heat engines for static spherically symmetric black hole solutions of four dimensional conformal gravity are studied in detail. It is argued that the equation of states (EOS) for such black holes is always branched, any continuous thermodynamical process cannot drive the system from one branch of the EOS into another branch. Meanwhile, the thermodynamical volume is bounded from above, making the black holes always super-entropic in one branch and may also be super-entropic in another branch in certain range of the temperature. The Carnot and Stirling heat engines associated to such black holes are shown to be distinct from each other. For rectangular heat engines, the efficiency always approaches zero when the rectangle becomes extremely narrow, and given the highest and lowest working temperatures fixed, there is always a maximum for the efficiency of such engines.

Strong-field gravitational-wave emission in Schwarzschild and Kerr geometries: some general considerations. (arXiv:1706.06440v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by J. F. Rodriguez, J. A. Rueda, R. Ruffini, relevance 1.86

We show how the concurrent implementation of the exact solutions of the Einstein equations, of the equations of motion of the test particles, and of the relativistic estimate of the emission of gravitational waves from test particles, can establish a priori constraints on the possible phenomena occurring in Nature. Two examples of test particles starting at infinite distance or from finite distance in a circular orbit around a Kerr black hole are considered: the first leads to a well defined gravitational wave burst the second to a smooth merging into the black hole. We notice a difference between our treatment and the one by Ori and Thorne (2000) which will affect the gravitational wave signal. This analysis is necessary for the study of the waveforms in merging binary systems.

Finite Size Scaling in 2d Causal Set Quantum Gravity. (arXiv:1706.06432v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lisa Glaser, Denjoe O'Connor, Sumati Surya, relevance 16.82

We study the $N$-dependent behaviour of $\mathrm{2d}$ causal set quantum gravity. This theory is known to exhibit a phase transition as the analytic continuation parameter $\beta$, akin to an inverse temperature, is varied. Using a scaling analysis we find that the asymptotic regime is reached at relatively small values of $N$. Focussing on the $\mathrm{2d}$ causal set action $S$, we find that $\beta \langle S\rangle $ scales like $ N^\nu$ where the scaling exponent $\nu$ takes different values on either side of the phase transition. For $\beta > \beta_c$ we find that $\nu=2$ which is consistent with our analytic predictions for a non-continuum phase in the large $\beta$ regime. For $\beta<\beta_c$ we find that $\nu=0$, consistent with a continuum phase of constant negative curvature thus suggesting a dynamically generated cosmological constant. Moreover, we find strong evidence that the phase transition is first order. Our results strongly suggest that the asymptotic regime is reached in $\mathrm{2d}$ causal set quantum gravity for $N \gtrsim 65$.

Computational complexity of the landscape II - Cosmological considerations. (arXiv:1706.06430v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Frederik Denef, Michael R. Douglas, Brian Greene, Claire Zukowski, relevance 0.00

We propose a new approach for multiverse analysis based on computational complexity, which leads to a new family of "computational" measure factors. By defining a cosmology as a space-time containing a vacuum with specified properties (for example small cosmological constant) together with rules for how time evolution will produce the vacuum, we can associate global time in a multiverse with clock time on a supercomputer which simulates it. We argue for a principle of "limited computational complexity" governing early universe dynamics as simulated by this supercomputer, which translates to a global measure for regulating the infinities of eternal inflation. The rules for time evolution can be thought of as a search algorithm, whose details should be constrained by a stronger principle of "minimal computational complexity." Unlike previously studied global measures, ours avoids standard equilibrium considerations and the well-known problems of Boltzmann Brains and the youngness paradox. We also give various definitions of the computational complexity of a cosmology, and argue that there are only a few natural complexity classes. (v2: version submitted for publication: clarified section 5.3; added references)

Scheme-Independent Calculations of Physical Quantities in an ${\cal N}=1$ Supersymmetric Gauge Theory. (arXiv:1706.06422v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Thomas A. Ryttov, Robert Shrock, relevance 3.44

We consider an asymptotically free, vectorial, ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric gauge theory with gauge group $G$ and $N_f$ pairs of chiral superfields in the respective representations ${\cal R}$ and $\bar {\cal R}$ of $G$, having an infrared fixed point (IRFP) of the renormalization group at $\alpha_{IR}$. We present exact results for the anomalous dimensions of various (gauge-invariant) composite chiral superfields $\gamma_{{\Phi}_{\rm prod}}$ at the IRFP and prove that these increase monotonically with decreasing $N_f$ in the non-Abelian Coulomb phase of the theory and that scheme-independent expansions for these anomalous dimensions as powers of an $N_f$-dependent variable, $\Delta_f$, exhibit monotonic and rapid convergence to the exact $\gamma_{{\Phi}_{\rm prod}}$ throughout this phase. We also present a scheme-independent calculation of the derivative of the beta function, $d\beta/d\alpha |_{\alpha=\alpha_{IR}}$, denoted $\beta'_{IR}$, up to $O(\Delta_f^3)$ for general $G$ and ${\cal R}$, and, for the case $G={\rm SU}(N_c)$, ${\cal R}=F$, we give an analysis of the properties of $\beta'_{IR}$ calculated to $O(\Delta_f^4)$.

Phase structure of complete asymptotically free SU($N_c$) theories with quarks and scalar quarks. (arXiv:1706.06402v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Frederik F. Hansen, Tadeusz Janowski, Kasper Langaeble, Robert B. Mann, Francesco Sannino, Tom G. Steele, Zhi-Wei Wang, relevance 0.83

We determine the phase diagram of complete asymptotically free SU($N_c$) gauge theories featuring $N_s$ complex scalars and $N_f$ Dirac quarks transforming according to the fundamental representation of the gauge group. The analysis is performed at the maximum known order in perturbation theory. We unveil a very rich dynamics and associated phase structure. Intriguingly we discover that the complete asymptotically free conditions guarantee that the infrared dynamics displays long distance conformality, and in a regime when perturbation theory is applicable. We conclude our analysis by determining the quantum corrected potential of the theory and summarising the possible patterns of radiative symmetry breaking. These theories are of potential phenomenological interest as either elementary or composite ultraviolet finite extensions of the Standard Model.

Analytic Solution of the Starobinsky Model for Inflation. (arXiv:1706.06400v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andronikos Paliathanasis, relevance 1.33

We prove that the field equations of the Starobinsky model for inflation in a Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker constitute an integrable system as the field equations pass the singularity test. The analytical solution in terms of a Painlev\'{e} Series for the Starobinsky model is presented for the case of zero and nonzero spatial curvature. In both cases the leading-order term describes the radiation era provided by the corresponding higher-order theory.

Beyond integrability: Baryon-baryon backward scattering in the massive Gross-Neveu model. (arXiv:1706.06382v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Michael Thies, relevance 0.00

Due to integrability, baryon-baryon scattering in the massless Gross-Neveu model at large N features only forward elastic scattering. A bare mass term breaks integrability and is therefore expected to induce backward elastic scattering as well as inelastic reactions. We confirm these expectations by a study of baryon-baryon scattering in the massive Gross-Neveu model near the non-relativistic limit. This restriction enables us to solve the time-dependent Hartree-Fock equations with controlled approximations, using a combination of analytical methods from an effective field theory and the numerical solution of partial differential equations.

Neutron Stars, Ungravity, and the I-Love-Q relation. (arXiv:1706.06372v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Hodjat Mariji, Orfeu Bertolami, relevance 0.00

In this work, we study neutron stars (NSs) in an ungravity (UG) inspired model. We examine the UG effects on the static properties of the selected NSs, in different mass and radius regimes, i.e., mini, moderate, and heavy NSs, using a polytropic equation of state approach. Based on the observational data, we obtain bounds on the characteristic length and scaling dimension of the UG model. Furthermore, we obtain dynamic properties, such as inertial moment (I), Love number (Love), and quadrupole moment (Q) of a slowly rotating NS in the presence of the exterior gravity and ungravity fields. The UG model is also examined with respect to the I-Love-Q universal relation.

Non-perturbative quark, gluon and meson correlators of unquenched QCD. (arXiv:1706.06326v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Anton K. Cyrol, Mario Mitter, Jan M. Pawlowski, Nils Strodthoff, relevance 0.71

We present non-perturbative first-principle results for quark-, gluon- and meson $1$PI correlation functions of two-flavour Landau-gauge QCD in the vacuum. These correlation functions carry the full information about the theory. They are obtained by solving their Functional Renormalisation Group equations in a systematic vertex expansion, aiming at apparent convergence. This work represents a crucial prerequisite for quantitative first-principle studies of the QCD phase diagram and the hadron spectrum within this framework.

In particular, we have computed the gluon, ghost, quark and scalar-pseudoscalar meson propagators, as well as gluon, ghost-gluon, quark-gluon, quark, quark-meson, and meson interactions. Our results stress the crucial importance of the quantitatively correct running of different vertices in the semi-perturbative regime for describing the phenomena and scales of confinement and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking without phenomenological input.

Gravitational wave searches for ultralight bosons with LIGO and LISA. (arXiv:1706.06311v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Richard Brito, Shrobana Ghosh, Enrico Barausse, Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Irina Dvorkin, Antoine Klein, Paolo Pani, relevance 2.32

Ultralight bosons can induce superradiant instabilities in spinning black holes, tapping their rotational energy to trigger the growth of a bosonic condensate. Possible observational imprints of these boson clouds include (i) direct detection of the nearly monochromatic (resolvable or stochastic) gravitational waves emitted by the condensate, and (ii) statistically significant evidence for the formation of "holes" at large spins in the spin versus mass plane (sometimes also referred to as "Regge plane") of astrophysical black holes. In this work, we focus on the prospects of LISA and LIGO detecting or constraining scalars with mass in the range $m_s\in [10^{-19},\,10^{-15}]$ eV and $m_s\in [10^{-14},\,10^{-11}]$ eV, respectively. Using astrophysical models of black-hole populations calibrated to observations and black-hole perturbation theory calculations of the gravitational emission, we find that, in optimistic scenarios, LIGO could observe a stochastic background of gravitational radiation in the range $m_s\in [2\times 10^{-13}, 10^{-12}]$ eV, and up to $10^4$ resolvable events in a $4$-year search if $m_s\sim 3\times 10^{-13}\,{\rm eV}$. LISA could observe a stochastic background for boson masses in the range $m_s\in [5\times 10^{-19}, 5\times 10^{-16}]$, and up to $\sim 10^3$ resolvable events in a $4$-year search if $m_s\sim 10^{-17}\,{\rm eV}$. LISA could further measure spins for black-hole binaries with component masses in the range $[10^3, 10^7]~M_\odot$, which is not probed by traditional spin-measurement techniques. A statistical analysis of the spin distribution of these binaries could either rule out scalar fields in the mass range $\sim [4 \times 10^{-18}, 10^{-14}]$ eV, or measure $m_s$ with ten percent accuracy if light scalars in the mass range $\sim [10^{-17}, 10^{-13}]$ eV exist.

Restoration of matter-antimatter symmetry in the multiverse. (arXiv:1706.06304v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Salvador J. Robles-Perez, relevance 1.44

In the multiverse, the universes can be created in entangled pairs with spacetimes that are both expanding in terms of the time variables experienced by internal observers in their particle physics experiments. The time variables of the two universes are related by an antipodal-like symmetry that might explain why there is no antimatter in our universe: at the origin, antimatter is created, by definition and for any observer, in the observer's partner universe. The Euclidean region of the spacetime that separates the two universes acts as a quantum barrier that prevents matter-antimatter from collapse.

Lorentz Symmetry Violations from Matter-Gravity Couplings with Lunar Laser Ranging. (arXiv:1706.06294v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Adrien Bourgoin, Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte, Aurélien Hees, Sébastien Bouquillon, Gérard Francou, Marie-Christine Angonin, relevance 8.28

The standard-model extension (SME) is an effective field theory framework aiming at parametrizing any violation to the Lorentz symmetry (LS) in all sectors of physics. In this Letter, we report the first direct experimental measurement of SME coefficients performed simultaneously within two sectors of the SME framework using lunar laser ranging observations. We consider the pure gravitational sector and the classical point-mass limit in the matter sector of the minimal SME. We report no deviation from general relativity and put new realistic stringent constraints on LS violations improving up to 3 orders of magnitude previous estimations.

Smallest 3d hyperbolic manifolds via simple 3d theories. (arXiv:1706.06292v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dongmin Gang, Yuji Tachikawa, Kazuya Yonekura, relevance 0.76

We provide strong pieces of evidence that the mathematics of the three-dimensional hyperbolic manifolds of the first, second and third smallest volume is captured by the physics of the three-dimensional theories composed of a complex boson and a Dirac fermion, both of unit charge, coupled to a U(1) gauge field with the Chern-Simons level $-5/2$, $-7/2$ and $-3/2$, respectively.

Scalar field on AdS: quantum one loop "in one line". (arXiv:1706.06286v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Boris L. Altshuler, relevance 6.75

It is shown that quantum one-loop potentials of the bulk fields in the Randall and Sundrum (RS) model may be immediately expressed in integrals with use of Barvinsky-Nesterov or equivalently Gelfand-Yaglom methods of calculation of quantum determinants. Simple expression is obtained for the UV-finite difference of one-loop quantum energies for two arbitrary values of parameter of the double-trace asymptotic boundary condition in one-brane and two-brane RS-models. Compact formula for Schwinger-DeWitt expansion gives values of induced Planck mass and induced gauge coupling constant in transverse space. S-DW expansion is plagued by IR-divergences in one-brane RS-model and makes sense in two-brane model.

The length of excitable knots. (arXiv:1706.06283v1 [nlin.PS])
in hep-th by Fabian Maucher, Paul Sutcliffe, relevance 0.00

The FitzHugh-Nagumo equation provides a simple mathematical model of cardiac tissue as an excitable medium hosting spiral wave vortices. Here we present extensive numerical simulations studying long-term dynamics of knotted vortex string solutions for all torus knots up to crossing number 11. We demonstrate that FitzHugh-Nagumo evolution preserves the knot topology for all the examples presented, thereby providing a novel field theory approach to the study of knots. Furthermore, the evolution yields a well-defined minimal length for each knot that is comparable to the ropelength of ideal knots. We highlight the role of the medium boundary in stabilizing the length of the knot and discuss the implications beyond torus knots. By applying Moffatt's test we are able to show that there is not a unique attractor within a given knot topology.

Effective metrics and a fully covariant description of constitutive tensors in electrodynamics. (arXiv:1706.06280v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Sebastian Schuster (Victoria University of Wellington), Matt Visser (Victoria University of Wellington), relevance 0.69

Using electromagnetism to study analogue space-times is tantamount to having consistency conditions for when a given (meta-)material would provide an analogue space-time model or - vice versa - characterising which given metric could be modelled with a (meta-)material. This is most readily done by keeping the formalisms as close to each other as possible. While partially covariant formulations of the electrodynamics of media have been around for a long while, here we provide a fully unified and fully covariant approach. This enables us even to generalize the consistency conditions to arbitrary background metrics beyond flat space-time electrodynamics. We also show how the familiar matrices for permittivity $\epsilon$, permeability $\mu^{-1}$, and optical activity $\zeta$ can be seen as the three independent pieces of the Bel decomposition for the constitutive tensor $Z^{abcd}$, i.e., the components of an orthogonal decomposition with respect to a given observer with four-velocity $V^a$. At a technical level, we will employ both the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse and the closely related pseudo-determinant.

Constraining phantom braneworld model from cosmic structure sizes. (arXiv:1706.06268v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Sourav Bhattacharya, Stefanos R Kousvos, relevance 0.00

We consider the phantom braneworld model in the context of the maximum turn around radius, $R_{\rm TA,max}$, of a stable, spherical cosmic structure with a given mass. The maximum turn around radius is the point where the attraction due to the central inhomogeneity gets balanced with the repulsion of the ambient dark energy, beyond which a structure cannot hold any mass, thereby giving the maximum upper bound on the size of a stable structure. In this work we derive an analytical expression of $R_{\rm TA,max}$ for this model using cosmological scalar perturbation theory. Using this we numerically constrain the parameter space, including a bulk cosmological constant and the Weyl fluid, from the mass versus observed size data for some nearby, non-virial cosmic structures. We use different values of the matter density parameter $\Omega_m$, both larger and smaller than that of the $\Lambda{\rm CDM}$, as the input in our analysis. We show in particular, that a) with a vanishing bulk cosmological constant the predicted upper bound is always greater than what is actually observed; similar conclusion holds if the bulk cosmological constant is negative b) if it is positive, the predicted maximum size can go considerably below than what is actually observed and owing to the involved nature of the field equations, it leads to interesting constraints on not only the bulk cosmological constant itself but on the whole parameter space of the theory.

Binary Black Hole in a Double Magnetic Monopole Field. (arXiv:1706.06212v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Maria J. Rodriguez, relevance 16.53

Ambient magnetic fields are thought to play a critical role in black hole jet formation. Furthermore, dual electromagnetic signals could be produced during the inspiral and merger of binary black hole systems. However, due to the absence of theoretical models, the physical status of binary black hole arrays with dual jets has remained unresolved. In this paper, we derive the exact solution for the electromagnetic field occurring when a static, axisymmetric binary black hole system is placed in the field of two magnetic or electric monopoles. As a by-product of this derivation, we also find the exact solution of the binary black hole configuration in a magnetic or electric dipole field. The presence of conical singularities in the static black hole binaries represent the gravitational attraction between the black holes that also drag the external two monopole field. We show that these off-balance configurations generate no energy outflows.

Matters of Gravity, The Newsletter of the Division of Gravitational Physics of the American Physical Society, Volume 49, June 2017. (arXiv:1706.06183v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by David Garfinkle, relevance 0.00


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Replacing dark energy by silent virialisation. (arXiv:1706.06179v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Boudewijn F. Roukema, relevance 0.44

Standard cosmological $N$-body simulations have background scale factor evolution that is decoupled from non-linear structure formation. Prior to gravitational collapse, kinematical backreaction ($Q_D$) justifies this approach in a Newtonian context. However, the final stages of a gravitational collapse event are sudden; a globally imposed expansion rate thus forces at least one expanding region to suddenly decelerate. This is relativistically unrealistic. Instead, we allow non-collapsed domains to evolve in volume according to the $Q_D$ Zel'dovich Approximation (QZA). We study the inferred average expansion under this "silent" virialisation hypothesis. We set standard (mpgrafic) EdS cosmological $N$-body initial conditions. Using RAMSES, we call DTFE to estimate the initial values of the three invariants of the extrinsic curvature tensor in Lagrangian domains $D$. We integrate the Raychaudhuri equation in each domain using inhomog, adopt the stable clustering hypothesis (VQZA), and average spatially. We adopt an early-epoch--normalised EdS reference-model Hubble constant $H_1^{bg} = 37.7$ km/s/Mpc and an effective Hubble constant $H_0^{eff} = 67.7$ km/s/Mpc. From 2000 simulations at resolution $256^3$, a unity effective scale factor is reached at 13.8~Gyr (16% above EdS) for an averaging scale of $L_{13.8}=2.5^{+0.1}_{-0.4}$ Mpc/$h^{eff}$. Relativistically interpreted, this corresponds to strong average negative curvature evolution. The virialisation fraction and super-EdS expansion correlate strongly at fixed cosmological time. Thus, starting from EdS initial conditions and averaging on a typical non-linear structure formation scale, the VQZA dark-energy--free average expansion matches $\Lambda$CDM expansion to first order. The software packages used here are free-licensed.

A recipe for echoes from exotic compact objects. (arXiv:1706.06155v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Zachary Mark, Aaron Zimmerman, Song Ming Du, Yanbei Chen, relevance 3.73

Gravitational wave astronomy provides an unprecedented opportunity to test the nature of black holes and search for exotic, compact alternatives. Recent studies have shown that exotic compact objects (ECOs) can ring down in a manner similar to black holes, but can also produce a sequence of distinct pulses resembling the initial ringdown. These "echoes" would provide definite evidence for the existence of ECOs. In this work we study the generation of these echoes in a generic, parametrized model for the ECO, using Green's functions. We show how to reprocess radiation in the near-horizon region of a Schwarzschild black hole into the asymptotic radiation from the corresponding source in an ECO spacetime. Our methods allow us to understand the connection between distinct echoes and ringing at the resonant frequencies of the compact object. We find that the quasinormal mode ringing in the black hole spacetime plays a central role in determining the shape of the first few echoes. We use this observation to develop a simple template for echo waveforms. This template preforms well over a variety of ECO parameters, and with improvements may prove useful in the analysis of gravitational waves.

Matter growth in extended $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. (arXiv:1706.06143v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by W. Zimdahl, H.E.S. Velten, W.C. Algoner, relevance 2.27

On the basis of a previously established scalar-tensor extension of the $\Lambda$CDM model we develop an effective fluid approach for the matter growth function. This extended $\Lambda$CDM (henceforth $e_{\Phi}\Lambda$CDM) cosmology takes into account deviations from the standard model both via a modified background expansion and by the inclusion of geometric anisotropic stresses as well as of perturbations of the geometric dark-energy equivalent. The background dynamics is governed by an explicit analytic expression for the Hubble rate in which modifications of the standard model are given in terms of a single constant parameter [1]. To close the system of fluid-dynamical perturbation equations we introduce two phenomenological parameters through which the anisotropic stress is related both to the total energy density perturbation of the cosmic substratum and to relative perturbations in the effective two-component system. We quantify the impact of deviations from the standard background, of anisotropic stresses and of non-vanishing perturbations of the effective dark-energy component on the matter growth rate function $f \sigma_8$ and confront the results with recent redshift-space distortion (RSD) measurements.

Global Orientifolded Quivers with Inflation. (arXiv:1706.06128v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michele Cicoli, Iñaki García-Etxebarria, Christoph Mayrhofer, Fernando Quevedo, Pramod Shukla, Roberto Valandro, relevance 1.09

We describe global embeddings of fractional D3 branes at orientifolded singularities in type IIB flux compactifications. We present an explicit Calabi-Yau example where the chiral visible sector lives on a local orientifolded quiver while non-perturbative effects, $\alpha'$ corrections and a T-brane hidden sector lead to full closed string moduli stabilisation in a de Sitter vacuum. The same model can also successfully give rise to inflation driven by a del Pezzo divisor. Our model represents the first explicit Calabi-Yau example featuring both an inflationary and a chiral visible sector.

High-Precision Calculations in Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theory with Next-to-Leading-Order Renormalized Hamiltonian Truncation. (arXiv:1706.06121v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Joan Elias-Miro, Slava Rychkov, Lorenzo G. Vitale, relevance 0.75

Hamiltonian Truncation (a.k.a. Truncated Spectrum Approach) is an efficient numerical technique to solve strongly coupled QFTs in d=2 spacetime dimensions. Further theoretical developments are needed to increase its accuracy and the range of applicability. With this goal in mind, here we present a new variant of Hamiltonian Truncation which exhibits smaller dependence on the UV cutoff than other existing implementations, and yields more accurate spectra. The key idea for achieving this consists in integrating out exactly a certain class of high energy states, which corresponds to performing renormalization at the cubic order in the interaction strength. We test the new method on the strongly coupled two-dimensional quartic scalar theory. Our work will also be useful for the future goal of extending Hamiltonian Truncation to higher dimensions d >= 3.

Anomaly constraints on deconfinement and chiral phase transition. (arXiv:1706.06104v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hiroyuki Shimizu, Kazuya Yonekura, relevance 0.69

We study constraints on thermal phase transitions of ${\rm SU}(N_c)$ gauge theories by using the 't Hooft anomaly involving the center symmetry and chiral symmetry. We consider two cases of massless fermions: (i) adjoint fermions, and (ii) $N_f$ flavors of fundamental fermions with a nontrivial greatest common divisor ${\rm gcd}(N_c,N_f) \neq 1$. For the first case (i), we show that the chiral symmetry restoration in terms of the standard Landau-Ginzburg effective action is impossible at a temperature lower than that of deconfinement. For the second case (ii), we introduce a modified version of the center symmetry which we call center-flavor symmetry, and draw similar conclusions under a certain definition of confinement. Moreover, at zero temperature, our results give a partial explanation of the appearance of dual magnetic gauge group in (supersymmetric) QCD when ${\rm gcd}(N_c,N_f) \neq 1$.

Probing motion of fast radio burst sources by timing strongly lensed repeaters. (arXiv:1706.06103v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Liang Dai, Wenbin Lu, relevance 0.00

Given the possible repetitive nature of fast radio bursts (FRBs), their cosmological origin, and their high occurrence, detection of strongly lensed sources due to intervening galaxy lenses is possible with forthcoming radio surveys. We show that if multiple images of a repeating source are resolved with VLBI, using a method independent of lens modeling, accurate timing could reveal non-uniform motion, either physical or apparent, of the emission spot. This can probe the physical nature of FRBs and their surrounding environments, constraining scenarios including orbital motion around a stellar companion if FRBs require a compact star in a special system, and jet-medium interactions for which the location of the emission spot may randomly vary. The high timing precision possible for FRBs ($\sim {\rm ms}$) compared to the typical time delays between images in galaxy lensing ($\gtrsim 10\, {\rm days}$) enables the measurement of tiny fractional changes in the delays ($\sim 10^{-9}$), and hence the detection of time-delay variations induced by relative motions between the source, the lens, and the Earth. We show that uniform cosmic peculiar velocities only cause the delay time to drift linearly, and that the effect from the Earth's orbital motion can be accurately subtracted, thus enabling a search for non-trivial source motion. For a timing accuracy of $\sim 1\,$ms and a repetition rate (of detected bursts) $\sim 0.05$ per day of a single FRB source, non-uniform displacement $\gtrsim 0.1 - 1\,$AU of the emission spot perpendicular to the line of sight is detectable if repetitions are seen over a period of hundreds of days.

Collapse and Nonlinear Instability of AdS with Angular Momenta. (arXiv:1706.06101v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Matthew W. Choptuik, Oscar J.C. Dias, Jorge E. Santos, Benson Way, relevance 11.53

We present a numerical study of rotational dynamics in AdS$_5$ with equal angular momenta in the presence of a complex doublet scalar field. We determine that the endpoint of gravitational collapse is a Myers-Perry black hole for high energies and a hairy black hole for low energies. We investigate the timescale for collapse at low energies $E$, keeping the angular momenta $J\propto E$ in AdS length units. We find that the inclusion of angular momenta delays the collapse time, but retains a $t\sim1/E$ scaling. We perturb and evolve rotating boson stars, and find that boson stars near AdS appear stable, but those sufficiently far from AdS are unstable. We find that the dynamics of the boson star instability depend on the perturbation, resulting either in collapse to a Myers-Perry black hole, or development towards a stable oscillating solution.

Correlators in the $\mathcal{N}=2$ Supersymmetric SYK Model. (arXiv:1706.06078v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Cheng Peng, Marcus Spradlin, Anastasia Volovich, relevance 0.53

We study correlation functions in the one-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric SYK model. The leading order 4-point correlation functions are computed by summing over ladder diagrams expanded in a suitable basis of conformal eigenfunctions. A novelty of the $\mathcal{N}=2$ model is that both symmetric and antisymmetric eigenfunctions are required. Although we use a component formalism, we verify that the operator spectrum and 4-point functions are consistent with $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetry. We also confirm the maximally chaotic behavior of this model and comment briefly on its 6-point functions.

Free products in AQFT. (arXiv:1706.06070v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Roberto Longo, Yoh Tanimoto, Yoshimichi Ueda, relevance 0.73

We apply the free product construction to various local algebras in algebraic quantum field theory.

If we take the free product of infinitely many identical half-sided modular inclusions with ergodic canonical endomorphism, we obtain a half-sided modular inclusion with ergodic canonical endomorphism and trivial relative commutant. On the other hand, if we take M\"obius covariant nets with trace class property, we are able to construct an inclusion of free product von Neumann algebras with large relative commutant, by considering either a finite family of identical inclusions or an infinite family of inequivalent inclusions. In two dimensional spacetime, we construct Borchers triples with trivial relative commutant by taking free products of infinitely many, identical Borchers triples. Free products of finitely many Borchers triples are possibly associated with Haag-Kastler net having S-matrix which is nontrivial and non asymptotically complete, yet the nontriviality of double cone algebras remains open.

The quantum auxiliary linear problem & quantum Darboux-Backlund transformations. (arXiv:1706.06052v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Anastasia Doikou, Iain Findlay, relevance 0.00

We explore the notion of the quantum auxiliary linear problem and the associated problem of quantum Backlund transformations (BT). In this context we systematically construct the analogue of the classical formula that provides the whole hierarchy of the time components of Lax pairs at the quantum level for both closed and open integrable lattice models. The generic time evolution operator formula is particularly interesting and novel at the quantum level when dealing with systems with open boundary conditions. In the same frame we show that the reflection K-matrix can also be viewed as a particular type of BT, fixed at the boundaries of the system. The q-oscillator (q-boson) model, a variant of the Ablowitz-Ladik model, is then employed as a paradigm to illustrate the method. Particular emphasis is given to the time part of the quantum BT as possible connections and applications to the problem of quantum quenches as well as the time evolution of local quantum impurities are evident. A discussion on the use of Bethe states as well as coherent states for the study of the time evolution is also presented.

Spinor fields on the bulk and on compactified dimensions. (arXiv:1706.06044v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by K. P. S. de Brito, relevance 0.53

This work has as the main aim to explore the nature of the fermionic fields, through a classification of spinor fields about physical space of interest, such as the bulk and the compactified space $S^7$ from the supergravity theories. This classification has an extreme utility in the exploration and in the search for new type of particles, whose observables correspond to bilinear covariants. In this way, these fields are classified into classes, through constraints obtained by means of the Fierz-Pauli-Kofink identities and the bilinear symmetries. We found the Lagrangian terms for the free spinor fields on spaces of seven compactified dimension in supergravity and, as application of our spinor fields classification on the bulk, we associate the invariants on axisymmetric black holes to the components of the bilinear covariants of the correspondent fermionic field. Besides, we found that a type of spinor denominated flag-dipole does not generate a brane, but degenerate itself in other type of spinor called dipole and, in compactification theories, we obtained the expression to the quantum field on compactified spaces for low energies in terms of creation and annihilation operators.

Quantum cosmology of a conformal multiverse. (arXiv:1706.06023v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Salvador J. Robles-Perez, relevance 10.27

In this paper it is studied the cosmology of a homogeneous and isotropic spacetime endorsed with a conformally coupled massless scalar field. We find six different solutions of the Friedmann equation that represent six different types of universes, all of them are periodically distributed along the complex time axis. From a classical point of view, they are then isolated, separated by Euclidean regions that represent quantum mechanical barriers. Quantum mechanically, however, there is a non-zero probability for the state of the universes to tunnel out through a Euclidean instanton and suffer a sudden transition to another state of the spacetime. We compute the probability of transition for this and other non-local processes like the creation of universes in entangled pairs and, generally speaking, in multipartite entangled states. We obtain the quantum state of a single universe within the formalism of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and give the semiclassical state of the universes that describes the quantum mechanics of a scalar field propagating in a deSitter background spacetime. We show that the superposition principle of the quantum mechanics of matter fields alone is an emergent feature of the semiclassical description of the universe that is not valid, for instance, in the spacetime foam.

We use the third quantization formalism to describe the creation of an entangled pair of universes with opposite signs of their momenta conjugated to the scale factor. Each universe of the entangled pair represents an expanding spacetime in terms of the WKB time experienced by internal observers in their particle physics experiments. We compute the effective value of the Friedmann equation of the background spacetime of the two entangled universes and, thus, the effects that the entanglement would have in their expansion rates...

A universal order parameter for Inverse Magnetic Catalysis. (arXiv:1706.05977v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alfonso Ballon-Bayona, Matthias Ihl, Jonathan P. Shock, Dimitrios Zoakos, relevance 0.00

We revisit the chiral transition in the finite density Sakai-Sugimoto model and find that, at fixed temperature $T$, the magnetisation near the critical line $\mu_c(B)$ acts as an order parameter to distinguish Inverse Magnetic Catalysis from Magnetic Catalysis. Moreover, we propose a universal relation between $\mu_c (B)$ and the magnetisation that allows us to predict the behaviour of the former from the behaviour of the latter. We find that a similar relation holds, at fixed chemical potential $\mu$, for the critical line $T_c(B)$. Our results are obtained by investigating a fully numerical solution to the relevant equations. At low temperatures our results reduce to those obtained by Preis, Rebhan and Schmitt [JHEP 1103 (2011) 033], based on a semi-analytic approximation.

Inflationary scenario from higher curvature warped spacetime. (arXiv:1706.05964v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Narayan Banerjee, Tanmoy Paul, relevance 14.05

We consider a five dimensional AdS spacetime, in presence of higher curvature term like $F(R) = R + \alpha R^2$ in the bulk, in the context of Randall-Sundrum two-brane model. Our universe is identified with the TeV scale brane and emerges as a four dimensional effective theory. From the perspective of this effective theory, we examine the possibility of "inflationary scenario" by considering the on-brane metric ansatz as an FRW one. Our results reveal that the higher curvature term in the five dimensional bulk spacetime generates a potential term for the radion field. Due to the presence of radion potential, the very early universe undergoes a stage of accelerated expansion and moreover the accelerating period of the universe terminates in a finite time. We also find the spectral index of curvature perturbation ($n_s$) and tensor to scalar ratio ($r$) in the present context, which match with the observational results based on the observations of $Planck$ $2015$.

Reflections of the observer and the observed in quantum gravity. (arXiv:1706.05927v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Dharam Vir Ahluwalia, relevance 10.26

A broad brush impressionistic view of physics from the vantage point of she living on a nearby dark-planet Zimpok is presented so as to argue that the observed and the observer are reflected in quantum gravity through a universal mass shared by neurones and a unification scale of the high energy physics.

Supersymmetric SYK Model: Bi-local Collective Superfield/Supermatrix Formulation. (arXiv:1706.05914v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Junggi Yoon, relevance 0.00

We discuss the bi-local collective theory for the $\mathcal{N}=1,2$ supersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SUSY SYK) models. We construct a bi-local superspace, and formulate the bi-local collective superfield theory of the one-dimensional SUSY vector model. The bi-local collective theory provides systematic analysis of the SUSY SYK models. We find that this bi-local collective theory naturally leads to supermatrix formulation in the bi-local superspace. This supermatrix formulation drastically simplifies the analysis of the SUSY SYK models. We also study $\mathcal{N}=1$ bi-local superconformal generators in the supermatrix formulation, and find the eigenvectors of teh superconformal Casimir. We diagonalize the quadratic action in large $N$ expansion.

Derivation of a generalized Schr\"odinger equation for dark matter halos from the theory of scale relativity. (arXiv:1706.05900v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Pierre-Henri Chavanis, relevance 0.43

Using Nottale's theory of scale relativity, we derive a generalized Schr\"odinger equation applying to dark matter halos. This equation involves a logarithmic nonlinearity associated with an effective temperature and a source of dissipation. Fundamentally, this wave equation arises from the nondifferentiability of the trajectories of the dark matter particles whose origin may be due to ordinary quantum mechanics, classical ergodic (or almost ergodic) chaos, or to the fractal nature of spacetime at the cosmic scale. The generalized Schr\"odinger equation involves a coefficient ${\cal D}$, possibly different from $\hbar/2m$, whose value for dark matter halos is ${\cal D}=1.02\times 10^{23}\, {\rm m^2/s}$. We suggest that the cold dark matter crisis may be solved by the fractal (nondifferentiable) structure of spacetime at the cosmic scale, or by the chaotic motion of the particles on a very long timescale, instead of ordinary quantum mechanics. The equilibrium states of the generalized Schr\"odinger equation correspond to configurations with a core-halo structure. The quantumlike potential generates a solitonic core that solves the cusp problem of the classical cold dark matter model. The logarithmic nonlinearity accounts for the presence of an isothermal halo that leads to flat rotation curves. The damping term ensures that the system relaxes towards an equilibrium state. This property is guaranteed by an $H$-theorem satisfied by a Boltzmann-like free energy functional. In our approach, the temperature and the friction arise from a single formalism. They correspond to the real and imaginary parts of the complex friction coefficient present in the scale covariant equation of dynamics that is at the basis of Nottale's theory of scale relativity.

Bohmian Field Theory on a Shape Dynamics Background and Unruh Effect. (arXiv:1706.05890v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Furkan Semih Dündar, Metin Arik, relevance 8.92

In this paper, we investigate the Unruh radiation in the Bohmian field theory on a shape dynamics background setting. Since metric and metric momentum are real quantities, the integral kernel to invert the Lichnerowicz-York equation for first order deviations due to existence of matter terms turns out to be real. This fact makes the interaction Hamiltonian real. On the other hand, the only contribution to guarantee the existence of Unruh radiation has to come from the imaginary part of the temporal part of the wave functional. We have proved the existence of Unruh radiation in this setting. It is also important that we have found the Unruh radiation via an Unruh-DeWitt detector in a theory where there is no Lorentz symmetry and no conventional space-time structure.

First order flow equations for nonextremal black holes in AdS (super)gravity. (arXiv:1706.05862v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dietmar Klemm, Marco Rabbiosi, relevance 12.89

We consider electrically charged static nonextremal black holes in $d$-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-(A)dS gravity, whose horizon is a generic Einstein space in $d-2$ dimensions. It is shown that for this system the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is exactly solvable and admits two branches of solutions. One of them exhibits a non-simply connected domain of integration constants and does not reduce to the well-known solution for the $d=4$ BPS case. The principal functions generate two first order flows that are analytically different, but support the same general solution. One of the two sets of flow equations corresponds to those found by L\"u, Pope and V\'azquez-Poritz in hep-th/0307001 and (for $d=4$ and $\Lambda=0$) by Miller, Schalm and Weinberg in hep-th/0612308. This clarifies also the reason for the very existence of first order equations for nonextremal black holes, namely, they are just the expressions for the conjugate momenta in terms of derivatives of the principal function in a Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. In the last part of our paper we analyze how much of these integrability properties generalizes to matter-coupled $N=2$, $d=4$ gauged supergravity.

Response of a rotating detector coupled to a polymer quantized field. (arXiv:1706.05834v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D. Jaffino Stargen, Nirmalya Kajuri, L. Sriramkumar, relevance 0.00

Assuming that high energy effects may alter the standard dispersion relations governing quantized fields, the influence of such modifications on various phenomena has been studied extensively in the literature. In different contexts, it has generally been found that, while super-luminal dispersion relations hardly affect the standard results, sub-luminal relations can lead to (even substantial) modifications to the conventional results. A polymer quantized scalar field is characterized by a series of modified dispersion relations along with suitable changes to the standard measure of the density of modes. Amongst the modified dispersion relations, one finds that the lowest in the series can behave sub-luminally over a small domain in wavenumbers. In this work, we study the response of a uniformly rotating Unruh-DeWitt detector that is coupled to a polymer quantized scalar field. While certain sub-luminal dispersion relations can alter the response of the rotating detector considerably, in the case of polymer quantization, due to the specific nature of the dispersion relations, the modification to the transition probability rate of the detector does not prove to be substantial. We discuss the wider implications of the result.

Weinberg's No Go Theorem in Quantum Gravity. (arXiv:1706.05804v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ichiro Oda, relevance 8.64

An important hurdle to be faced by any model proposing a resolution to the cosmological constant problem is Weinberg's venerable no go theorem. This theorem states that no local field equations including classical gravity can have a flat Minkowski solution for generic values of the parameters, in other words, the no go theorem forbids the existence of any solution to the cosmological constant problem within local field theories without fine tuning. Though the original Weinberg theorem is valid only in classical gravity, in this article we prove that this theorem holds even in quantum gravity. Our proof is very general since it makes use of the BRST invariance emerging after gauge-fixing of general coordinate invariance and does not depend on the detail of quantum gravity.

Anomalous transport phenomena from dissipative charge pumping. (arXiv:1706.05787v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Tomoya Hayata, relevance 0.55

The Berry curvature involving time and momentum derivatives, which we term emergent electric field, induces a nondisspative current known as the adiabatic charge pumping or Thouless pumping in periodically driven systems. We study dissipative currents originated from the interplay between emergent electric fields and electric/magnetic fields in two and three dimensions on the basis of the Boltzmann transport theory. As an example of two-dimensional models, we study the Rashba Hamiltonian with time-dependent and anisotropic spin-orbit coupling. We show that the interplay between emergent electric fields and electric fields leads to a current transverse to electric fields, which is symmetric and contributes to the entropy production. As an example of three-dimensional models, we study the Weyl Hamiltonian under AC electric fields. We show that the interplay between emergent electric fields and magnetic fields leads to a Hall-type current at zero DC electric fields, which is now transverse to DC magnetic fields: $j_{x}=\sigma_{xy}B_y$ ($\sigma_{xy}=-\sigma_{yx}$). The Hall photocurrent is relevant in the inversion symmetry breaking Weyl semimetals such as TaAs or SrSi$_2$.

On S-duality for holographic p-wave superconductors. (arXiv:1706.05770v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Alexander Gorsky, Elena Gubankova, Rene Meyer, Andrey Zayakin, relevance -27.35

We consider the generalization of the S-duality transformation previously investigated in the context of the FQHE and s-wave superconductivity to p-wave superconductivity in 2+1 dimensions in the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence. The vector Cooper condensate transforms under the S-duality action to the pseudovector condensate at the dual side. The 3+1-dimensional Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, the holographic dual to p-wave superconductivity, is used to investigate the S-duality action via the AdS/CFT correspondence. It is shown that in order to implement the duality transformation, chemical potentials both on the electric and magnetic side of the duality have to be introduced. A relation for the product of the nonabelian conductivities in the dual models is derived. We also conjecture a flavor S-duality transformation in the holographic dual to 3+1-dimensional QCD low-energy QCD with non-abelian flavor gauge groups. The conjectured S-duality interchanges isospin and baryonic chemical potentials.

Operator Dimensions from Moduli. (arXiv:1706.05743v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Simeon Hellerman, Shunsuke Maeda, Masataka Watanabe, relevance 0.00

We consider the operator spectrum of a three-dimensional ${\cal N} = 2$ superconformal field theory with moduli spaces of one complex dimension, such as the fixed point theory with three chiral superfields $X,Y,Z$ and a superpotential $W = XYZ$. By using the existence of an effective theory on each branch of moduli space, we calculate the anomalous dimensions of certain low-lying operators carrying large $R$-charge $J$. While the lowest primary operator is a BPS scalar primary, the second-lowest scalar primary is in a semi-short representation, with dimension exactly $J+1$, a fact that cannot be seen directly from the $XYZ$ Lagrangian. The third-lowest scalar primary lies in a long multiplet with dimension $J+2 - c_{-3} \, J^{-3} + O(J^{-4})$, where $c_{-3}$ is an unknown positive coefficient. The coefficient $c_{-3}$ is proportional to the leading superconformal interaction term in the effective theory on moduli space. The positivity of $c_{-3}$ does not follow from supersymmetry, but rather from unitarity of moduli scattering and the absence of superluminal signal propagation in the effective dynamics of the complex modulus. We also prove a general lemma, that scalar semi-short representations form a module over the chiral ring in a natural way, by ordinary multiplication of local operators. Combined with the existence of scalar semi-short states at large $J$, this proves the existence of scalar semi-short states at all values of $J$. Thus the combination of ${\cal N}=2$ superconformal symmetry with the large-$J$ expansion is more powerful than the sum of its parts.

Topological defects in string theory orbifolds with target spaces $\mathbb{C}/\mathbb{Z}_N$ and $S^1/\mathbb{Z}_2$. (arXiv:1706.05741v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Yaniel Cabrera, relevance 2.86

We study conformal defects in two important examples of string theory orbifolds. First, we show that topological defects in the language of Landau-Ginzburg models carry information about the RG flow between the non-compact orbifolds $\mathbb{C}/\mathbb{Z}_d$. Such defects are shown to correctly implement the bulk-induced RG flow on the boundary. Secondly, we study what the possible conformal defects are between the $c=1$ bosonic 2D conformal field theories with target space $S^1/\mathbb{Z}_2$. The defects cataloged here are obtained from boundary states corresponding to D-branes in the $c=2$ free theory with target space $S^1/\mathbb{Z}_2 \times S^1/\mathbb{Z}_2$. Via the unfolding procedure, such boundary states are later mapped to defects between the circle orbifolds. Furthermore, we compute the algebra of the topological class of defects at different radii.

On the renormalization group of quantum field theory (after R. Bocherds). (arXiv:1706.05740v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by G.A. Palau (Departamento de Matematica Universidad de Buenos Aires), relevance 0.18

The aim of this thesis is to analyze part of the results presented by R.E. Borcherds in his article on renormalization and quantum field theories. To facilitate this, the first chapter presents the basic facts on category theory, sheaf theory and the theory of distributions on a manifold. In the particular case of distributions on manifolds we differentiate between the H-distribution (introduced by H\"ormander) and the D-distributions (described in the book of Dieudonn{\'e}) and extend the product of distributions defined by H\"ormander only for H-distibution, to an action from H-distributions over D-distributions.

Each one of these facts will be used along the thesis in order to exhibit more detailed descriptions and explanations for the results. In Chapter 2 the concepts of spacetime, fields, Lagrangians, propagators and Feynman measure are defined. The notion of Feynman measure is introduced with a more detailed explanation of the Gaussian condition and its relation with the cut propagator. In the last chapter we define the renormalization group and immediately characterize it using the results from Chapter 1. The algebraic structure of this group is described in detail. We present a descending filtration of the renormalization group by normal subgroups, compute the corresponding quotients and commutators, and show that any element of the renormalization group can be written as an infinite product of elements each one living in one of the aforementioned subgroups. Lastly we show that an action from the renormalization group over the set of Feynman measures is well defined and prove that this action is transitive over the Feynman measures associated with a given cut local propagator.

Walls, Anomalies, and (De)Confinement in Quantum Anti-Ferromagnets. (arXiv:1706.05731v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Zohar Komargodski, Tin Sulejmanpasic, Mithat Ünsal, relevance -1.92

We consider the Abelian-Higgs model in 2+1 dimensions with instanton-monopole defects. This model is closely related to the phases of quantum anti-ferromagnets. In the presence of $\mathbb{Z}_2$ preserving monopole operators, there are two confining ground states in the monopole phase, corresponding to the Valence Bond Solid (VBS) phase of quantum magnets. We show that the domain-wall carries a 't Hooft anomaly in this case. The anomaly can be saturated by, e.g., charge-conjugation breaking on the wall or by the domain wall theory becoming gapless (a gapless model that saturates the anomaly is $SU(2)_1$ WZW). Either way the fundamental scalar particles (i.e. spinons) which are confined in the bulk are deconfined on the domain-wall. This $\mathbb{Z}_2$ phase can be realized either with spin-1/2 on a rectangular lattice, or spin-1 on a square lattice. In both cases the domain wall contains spin-1/2 particles (which are absent in the bulk). We discuss the possible relation to recent lattice simulations of domain walls in VBS. We further generalize the discussion to Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olsen (ANO) vortices in a dual superconductor of the Abelian-Higgs model in 3+1 dimensions, and to the easy-plane limit of anti-ferromagnets. In the latter case the wall can undergo a variant of the BKT transition (consistent with the anomalies) while the bulk is still gapped. The same is true for the easy-axis limit of anti-ferromagnets. We also touch upon some analogies to Yang-Mills theory.

Equivariant Cartan-Eilenberg supergerbes for the Green-Schwarz superbranes I. The super-Minkowskian case. (arXiv:1706.05682v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rafał R. Suszek, relevance 0.38

An explicit gerbe-theoretic description of the super-$\sigma$-models of the Green-Schwarz type is proposed and its fundamental structural properties, such as equivariance with respect to distinguished isometries of the target supermanifold and $\kappa$-symmetry, are studied at length for targets with the structure of a homogeneous space of a Lie supergroup. The programme of (super)geometrisation of the Cartan-Eilenberg super-$(p+2)$-cocycles that determine the topological content of the super-$p$-brane mechanics and ensure its $\kappa$-symmetry, motivated by the successes of and guided by the intuitions provided by its bosonic predecessor, is based on the idea of a (super)central extension of a Lie supergroup in the presence of a nontrivial super-2-cocycle in the Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of its Lie superalgebra, the gap between the two cohomologies being bridged by a super-variant of the classic Chevalley-Eilenberg construction. A systematic realisation of the programme is herewith begun with a detailed study of the elementary homogeneous space of the super-Poincar\'e group, the super-Minkowskian spacetime, whose simplicity affords straightforward identification of the supergeometric mechanisms and unobstructed development of formal tools to be employed in more complex circumstances.

Gravitational Decoherence. (arXiv:1706.05677v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Angelo Bassi, André Großardt, Hendrik Ulbricht, relevance 1.33

We discuss effects of loss of coherence in low energy quantum systems caused by or related to gravitation, referred to as gravitational decoherence. These effects, resulting from random metric fluctuations, for instance, promise to be accessible by relatively inexpensive table-top experiments, way before the scales where true quantum gravity effects become important. Therefore, they can provide a first experimental view on gravity in the quantum regime. We will survey models of decoherence induced both by classical and quantum gravitational fluctuations; it will be manifest that a clear understanding of gravitational decoherence is still lacking. Next we will review models where quantum theory is modified, under the assumption that gravity causes the collapse of the wave functions, when systems are large enough. These models challenge the quantum-gravity interplay, and can be tested experimentally. In the last part we have a look at the state of the art of experimental research. We will review efforts aiming at more and more accurate measurements of gravity (G and g) and ideas for measuring conventional and unconventional gravity effects on nonrelativistic quantum systems.

Loop quantization of the Gowdy model with local rotational symmetry. (arXiv:1706.05673v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Daniel Martín de Blas, Javier Olmedo, Tomasz Pawłowski, relevance 1.94

We provide a full quantization of the vacuum Gowdy model with local rotational symmetry. We consider a redefinition of the constraints where the Hamiltonian Poisson-commutes with itself. We then apply the canonical quantization program of loop quantum gravity within an improved dynamics scheme. We identify the exact solutions of the constraints and the physical observables, and we construct the physical Hilbert space. It is remarkable that quantum spacetimes are free of singularities. New quantum observables naturally arising in the treatment partially codify the discretization of the geometry. The preliminary analysis of the asymptotic future/past of the evolution indicates that the existing Abelianization technique needs further refinement.

Diffusion constant of slowly rotating black three-brane. (arXiv:1706.05669v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Z. Amoozad, J. Sadeghi, relevance 9.13

In this paper, we take the slowly rotating black three-brane background and perturb it by introducing a vector gauge field. We find the components of the gauge field through Maxwell equations and Bianchi identities. Using currents and some ansatz we find Fick's first law at long wavelength regime. An interesting result for this non-trivial supergravity background is that the diffusion constant on the stretched horizon which emerges from Fick's first law is a complex constant. The pure imaginary part of the diffusion constant appears because the black three-brane has angular momentum. By taking the static limit of the corresponding black brane the well known diffusion constant will be recovered. On the other hand, from the point of view of the Fick's second law, we have the dispersion relation $\omega=-iDq^{2}$ and we found a damping of hydrodynamical flow in the holographically dual theory. Existence of imaginary term in the diffusion constant introduces an oscillating propagation of the gauge field in the dual field theory.

Double-winding Wilson loops in the $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theory. (arXiv:1706.05665v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ryutaro Matsudo, Kei-Ichi Kondo, relevance 0.78

We consider double-winding, triple-winding and multiple-winding Wilson loops in the $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills gauge theory. We examine how the area law falloff of the vacuum expectation value of a multiple-winding Wilson loop depends on the number of color $N$. In sharp contrast to the difference-of-areas law recently found for a double-winding $SU(2)$ Wilson loop average, we show irrespective of the spacetime dimensionality that a double-winding $SU(3)$ Wilson loop follows a novel area law which is neither difference-of-areas nor sum-of-areas law for the area law falloff and that the difference-of-areas law is excluded and the sum-of-areas law is allowed for $SU(N)$ ($N \ge 4$), provided that the string tension obeys the Casimir scaling for the higher representations. Moreover, we extend these results to arbitrary multi-winding Wilson loops. Finally, we argue that the area law follows a novel law, which is neither sum-of-areas nor difference-of-areas law when $N\ge 3$. In fact, such a behavior is exactly derived in the $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theory in the two-dimensional spacetime.

Probing intrinsic properties of short gamma-ray bursts with gravitational waves. (arXiv:1706.05639v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Xilong Fan, Christopher Messenger, Ik Siong Heng, relevance 1.03

Progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts are thought to be neutron stars coalescing with their companion black hole or neutron star, which are one of the main gravitational wave sources. We have devised a Bayesian framework for combining gamma-ray burst and gravitational wave information that allows us to probe short gamma-ray burst luminosities. We show that combined short gamma-ray burst and gravitational wave observations not only improve progenitor distance and inclination angle estimates, they also allow the isotropic luminosities of short gamma-ray bursts to be determined without the need for host galaxy or light-curve information. We characterise our approach by simulating 1000 joint short gamma-ray burst and gravitational wave detections by Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. We show that ${\sim}90\%$ of the simulations have uncertainties on short gamma-ray burst isotropic luminosity estimates that are within a factor of 2 of the ideal scenario, where the distance is known exactly. Therefore, isotropic luminosities can be confidently determined for short gamma-ray bursts observed jointly with gravitational wave detected by Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. Planned enhancements to Advanced LIGO will extend its range and likely produce several joint detections of short gamma-ray bursts and gravitational waves. Third-generation gravitational wave detectors will allow for isotropic luminosity estimates for the majority of the short gamma-ray burst population within a redshift of $z{\sim}1$.

Qualitative and Numerical Analysis of the Cosmological Model Based on a Phantom Scalar field with Self-Action. II. Comparative Analysis of Models of Classical and Phantom Fields. (arXiv:1706.05619v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Yu.G. Ignat'ev, A.A. Agathonov, relevance 0.00

On the basis of the qualitative analysis and numerical simulation of cosmological models with classical and phantom scalar fields with self-action there have been revealed and refined such models' distinctive features and potential possibilities for their usage as basic models in cosmology.

Relativistic elliptic matrix tops and finite Fourier transformations. (arXiv:1706.05601v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. Zotov, relevance 0.00

We consider a family of classical elliptic integrable systems including (relativistic) tops and their matrix extensions of different types. These models can be obtained from the "off-shell" Lax pairs, which do not satisfy the Lax equations in general case but become true Lax pairs under various conditions (reductions). At the level of the off-shell Lax matrix there is a natural symmetry between the spectral parameter $z$ and relativistic parameter $\eta$. It is generated by the finite Fourier transformation, which we describe in detail. The symmetry allows to consider $z$ and $\eta$ on an equal footing. Depending on the type of integrable reduction any of the parameters can be chosen to be the spectral one. Then another one is the relativistic deformation parameter. As a by-product we describe the model of $N^2$ interacting $GL(M)$ matrix tops and/or $M^2$ interacting $GL(N)$ matrix tops depending on a choice of the spectral parameter.

Cauchy horizon stability in a collapsing spherical dust cloud. II: Energy bounds for test fields and odd-parity gravitational perturbations. (arXiv:1706.05584v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Néstor Ortiz, Olivier Sarbach, relevance 12.98

We analyze the stability of the Cauchy horizon associated with a globally naked, shell-focussing singularity arising from the complete gravitational collapse of a spherical dust cloud. In previous work, we have studied the dynamics of spherical test scalar fields on such a background. In particular, we proved that such fields cannot develop any divergences which propagate along the Cauchy horizon. In the present work, we extend our analysis to the more general case of test fields without symmetries and to linearized gravitational perturbations with odd parity. To this purpose, we first consider test fields possessing a divergence-free stress-energy tensor satisfying the dominant energy condition, and we prove that a suitable energy norm is uniformly bounded in the domain of dependence of the initial slice. In particular, this result implies that free-falling observers co-moving with the dust particles measure a finite energy of the field, even as they cross the Cauchy horizon at points lying arbitrarily close to the central singularity. Next, for the case of Klein-Gordon fields, we derive point-wise bounds from our energy estimates which imply that the scalar field cannot diverge at the Cauchy horizon, except possibly at the central singular point. Finally, we analyze the behaviour of odd-parity, linear gravitational and dust perturbations of the collapsing spacetime. Similarly to the scalar field case, we prove that the relevant gauge-invariant combinations of the metric perturbations stay bounded away from the central singularity, implying that no divergences can propagate in the vacuum region. Our results are in accordance with previous numerical studies and analytic work in the self-similar case.

Holographic Van der Waals phase transition of the higher dimensional electrically charged hairy black hole. (arXiv:1706.05530v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Hui-Ling Li, Zhong-Wen Feng, relevance 25.85

With motivation by holography, employing black hole entropy, two point connection function and entanglement entropy, we show that, for the higher dimensional Anti-de Sitter charged hairy black hole in the fixed charged ensemble, a Van der Waals-like phase transition can be observed. Furthermore, based on the Maxwell's equal area construction, we check numerically the equal area law for a first order phase transition in order to further characterize the Van der Waals-like phase transition.

Edge States of a Periodic Chain with Four-Band Energy Spectrum. (arXiv:1706.05522v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by M. Eliashvili, D. Kereselidze, G. Tsitsishvili, M. Tsitsishvili, relevance 0.62

Tight-binding model on a finite chain is studied with four-fold alternated hopping parameters $t_{1,2,3,4}$. Imposing the open boundary conditions, the corresponding recursion is solved analytically with special attention paid to the occurrence of edge states. Corresponding results are strongly corroborated by numeric calculations. It is shown that in the system there exist four different edge phases if the number of sites is odd, and eight edges phases if the chain comprises even number of sites. Phases are labelled by $\sigma_1\equiv{\rm sgn}(t_1t_3-t_2t_4)$, $\sigma_2\equiv{\rm sgn}(t_1t_4-t_2t_3)$ and $\sigma_3\equiv{\rm sgn}(t_1t_2-t_3t_4)$. It is shown that these quantities represent gauge invariant topological indices emerging in the corresponding infinite chains.

Electromagnetic Radiation Accompanying Gravitational Waves from Black Hole Binaries. (arXiv:1706.05519v2 [astro-ph.HE] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by Alexander Dolgov (Novosibirsk State University, ITEP), Konstantin Postnov (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, HSE), relevance 8.02

The transformation of powerful gravitational waves, created by the coalescence of massive black hole binaries, into electromagnetic radiation in external magnetic fields is revisited. In contrast to the previous calculations of the similar effect, we study the realistic case of the gravitational radiation frequency below the plasma frequency of the surrounding medium. The gravitational waves propagating in the plasma constantly create electromagnetic radiation dragging it with them, despite the low frequency. The plasma heating by the unattenuated electromagnetic wave may be significant in a hot rarefied plasma with strong magnetic field and can lead to a noticeable burst of electromagnetic radiation with higher frequency. The graviton-to-photon conversion effect in plasma is discussed in the context of possible electromagnetic counterparts of GW150914 and GW170104.

Twist, elementary deformation, and KK correspondence in generalized complex geometry. (arXiv:1706.05516v1 [math.DG] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Vicente Cortés, Liana David, relevance 0.30

We define the operations of conformal change and elementary deformation in the setting of generalized complex geometry. Then we apply Swann's twist construction to generalized (almost) complex and Hermitian structures obtained by these operations and establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the Courant integrability of the resulting twisted structures. In particular, we associate to any appropriate generalized Kahler manifold (M, G, \mathcal J ) with a Hamiltonian Killing vector field a new generalized Kahler manifold, depending on the choice of a pair of non-vanishing functions and compatible twist data. We study this construction when (M, G, \mathcal J) is (diagonal) toric, with emphasis on the four dimensional case. In particular, we apply it to deformations of the standard flat Kahler metric on C^{n}, the Fubini-Study Kahler metric on CP^{2} and the so called admissible Kahler metrics on Hirzebruch surfaces. As a further application, we recover the KK (Kahler-Kahler) correspondence, which is obtained by specializing to the case of an ordinary Kahler manifold.

Chang'e 3 lunar mission and upper limit on stochastic background of gravitational wave around the 0.01 Hz band. (arXiv:1706.05515v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Wenlin Tang, Peng Xu, Songjie Hu, Jianfeng Cao, Peng Dong, Yanlong Bu, Lue Chen, Songtao Han, Xuefei Gong, Wenxiao Li, Jinsong Ping, Yun-Kau Lau, Geshi Tang, relevance 6.35

The Doppler tracking data of the Chang'e 3 lunar mission is used to constrain the stochastic background of gravitational wave in cosmology within the 1 mHz to 0.05 Hz frequency band. Our result improves on the upper bound on the energy density of the stochastic background of gravitational wave in the 0.02 Hz to 0.05 Hz band obtained by the Apollo missions, with the improvement reaching almost one order of magnitude at around 0.05 Hz. Detailed noise analysis of the Doppler tracking data is also presented, with the prospect that these noise sources will be mitigated in future Chinese deep space missions. A feasibility study is also undertaken to understand the scientific capability of the Chang'e 4 mission, due to be launched in 2018, in relation to the stochastic gravitational wave background around 0.01 Hz. The study indicates that the upper bound on the energy density may be further improved by another order of magnitude from the Chang'e 3 mission, which will fill the gap in the frequency band from 0.02 Hz to 0.1 Hz in the foreseeable future.

An alternative attractor in gauged NJL inflation. (arXiv:1706.05489v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Tomohiro Inagaki, Sergei D. Odintsov, Hiroki Sakamoto, relevance 0.00

We have investigated the attractor structure for the CMB fluctuations in composite inflation scenario within the gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. Such composite inflation represents an attractor which can not be found in a fundamental scalar model. As is known, the number of inflationary models contains the attractor classified by the $\alpha$-attractor model. It is found that the attractor inflation in the gauged NJL model corresponds to the $\alpha = 2$ case.

Invariant vacuum. (arXiv:1706.05474v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Salvador Robles-Perez, relevance 5.00

We apply the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant method for the harmonic oscillator with time dependent mass and frequency to the modes of a charged scalar field that propagates in a curved, homogeneous and isotropic spacetime. We recover the Bunch-Davies vacuum in the case of a flat DeSitter spacetime, the equivalent one in the case of a closed DeSitter spacetime and the invariant vacuum in a curved spacetime that evolves adiabatically. In the three cases, it is computed the thermodynamical magnitudes of entanglement between the modes of the particles and antiparticles of the invariant vacuum, and the modification of the Friedmann equation caused by the existence of the energy density of entanglement. The amplitude of the vacuum fluctuations are also computed.

Cosmology in the laboratory: an analogy between hyperbolic metamaterials and the Milne universe. (arXiv:1706.05470v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by David Figueiredo, Fernando Moraes, Sébastien Fumeron, Bertrand Berche, relevance 0.97

This article shows that the compactified Milne universe geometry, a toy model for the big crunch/big bang transition, can be realized in hyperbolic metamaterials, a new class of nanoengineered systems which have recently found its way as an experimental playground for cosmological ideas. On one side, Klein-Gordon particles, as well as tachyons, are used as probes of the Milne geometry. On the other side, the propagation of light in two versions of a liquid crystal-based metamaterial provides the analogy. It is shown that ray and wave optics in the metamaterial mimic, respectively, the classical trajectories and wave function propagation, of the Milne probes, leading to the exciting perspective of realizing experimental tests of particle tunneling through the cosmic singularity, for instance.

Geodesic Motion of Neutral Particles around a Kerr-Newman Black Hole. (arXiv:1706.05466v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Chen-Yu Liu, Da-Shin Lee, Chi-Yong Lin, relevance 12.28

We examine the dynamics of a neutral particle around a Kerr-Newman black hole, and in particular focus on the effects of the charge of the spinning black hole on the motion of the particle. We first consider the innermost stable circular orbits (ISCO) on the equatorial plane. It is found that the presence of the charge of the black hole leads to the effective potential of the particle with stronger repulsive effects as compared with the Kerr black hole. As a result, the radius of ISCO decreases as charge $Q$ of the black hole increases for a fixed value of black hole's angular momentum $a$. We then consider a kick on the particle from its initial orbit out of the equatorial motion. The perturbed motion of the particle will eventually be bounded, or unbounded so that it escapes to spatial infinity. Even more, the particle will likely be captured by the black hole. Thus we analytically and numerically determine the parameter regions of the corresponding motions, in terms of the initial radius of the orbital motion and the strength of the kick. The comparison will be made with the motion of a neutral particle in the Kerr black hole.

Unbound motion on a Schwarzschild background: Practical approaches to frequency domain computations. (arXiv:1706.05455v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Seth Hopper, relevance 8.78

Gravitational perturbations due to a point particle moving on a static black hole background are naturally described in Regge-Wheeler gauge. The first-order field equations reduce to a single master wave equation for each radiative mode. The master function satisfying this wave equation is a linear combination of the metric perturbation amplitudes with a source term arising from the stress-energy tensor of the point particle. The original master functions were found by Regge and Wheeler (odd parity) and Zerilli (even parity). Subsequent work by Moncrief and then Cunningham, Price and Moncrief introduced new master variables which allow time domain reconstruction of the metric perturbation amplitudes. Here I explore the relationship between these different functions and develop a general procedure for deriving new higher-order master functions from ones already known. The benefit of higher-order functions is that their source terms always converge faster at large distance than their lower-order counterparts. This makes for a dramatic improvement in both the speed and accuracy of frequency domain codes when analyzing unbound motion.

Statistical Gravitational Waveform Models: What to Simulate Next?. (arXiv:1706.05408v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Zoheyr Doctor, Ben Farr, Daniel E. Holz, Michael Pürrer, relevance 0.00

Models of gravitational waveforms play a critical role in detecting and characterizing the gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences. Waveforms from numerical relativity (NR), while highly accurate, are too computationally expensive to produce to be directly used with Bayesian parameter estimation tools like Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo and nested sampling. We propose a Gaussian process regression (GPR) method to generate accurate reduced-order-model waveforms based only on existing accurate (e.g. NR) simulations. Using a training set of simulated waveforms, our GPR approach produces interpolated waveforms along with uncertainties across the parameter space. As a proof of concept, we use a training set of IMRPhenomD waveforms to build a GPR model in the 2-d parameter space of mass ratio $q$ and equal-and-aligned spin $\chi_1=\chi_2$. Using a regular, equally-spaced grid of 120 IMRPhenomD training waveforms in $q\in[1,3]$ and $\chi_1 \in [-0.5,0.5]$, the GPR mean approximates IMRPhenomD in this space to mismatches below $4.3\times 10^{-5}$. Our approach can alternatively use training waveforms directly from numerical relativity. Beyond interpolation of waveforms, we also present a greedy algorithm that utilizes the errors provided by our GPR model to optimize the placement of future simulations. In a fiducial test case we find that using the greedy algorithm to iteratively add simulations achieves GPR errors that are $\sim 1$ order of magnitude lower than the errors from using Latin-hypercube or square training grids.

Chaos, Complexity, and Random Matrices. (arXiv:1706.05400v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jordan Cotler, Nicholas Hunter-Jones, Junyu Liu, Beni Yoshida, relevance 0.26

Chaos and complexity entail an entropic and computational obstruction to describing a system, and thus are intrinsically difficult to characterize. In this paper, we consider time evolution by Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) Hamiltonians and analytically compute out-of-time-ordered correlation functions (OTOCs) and frame potentials to quantify scrambling, Haar-randomness, and circuit complexity. While our random matrix analysis gives a qualitatively correct prediction of the late-time behavior of chaotic systems, we find unphysical behavior at early times including an $\mathcal{O}(1)$ scrambling time and the apparent breakdown of spatial and temporal locality. The salient feature of GUE Hamiltonians which gives us computational traction is the Haar-invariance of the ensemble, meaning that the ensemble-averaged dynamics look the same in any basis. Motivated by this property of the GUE, we introduce $k$-invariance as a precise definition of what it means for the dynamics of a quantum system to be described by random matrix theory. We envision that the dynamical onset of approximate $k$-invariance will be a useful tool for capturing the transition from early-time chaos, as seen by OTOCs, to late-time chaos, as seen by random matrix theory.

Constraining Neutrino Masses, the Cosmological Constant and BSM Physics from the Weak Gravity Conjecture. (arXiv:1706.05392v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luis E. Ibanez, Victor Martin-Lozano, Irene Valenzuela, relevance 1.06

It is known that there are AdS vacua obtained from compactifying the SM to 2 or 3 dimensions. The existence of such vacua depends on the value of neutrino masses through the Casimir effect. Using the Weak Gravity Conjecture, it has been recently argued by Ooguri and Vafa that such vacua are incompatible with the SM embedding into a consistent theory of quantum gravity. We study the limits obtained for both the cosmological constant $\Lambda_4$ and neutrino masses from the absence of such dangerous 3D and 2D SM AdS vacua. One interesting implication is that $\Lambda_4$ is bounded to be larger than a scale of order $m_\nu^4$, as observed experimentally. Interestingly, this is the first argument implying a non-vanishing $\Lambda_4$ only on the basis of particle physics, with no cosmological input. Conversely, the observed $\Lambda_4$ implies strong constraints on neutrino masses in the SM and also for some BSM extensions including extra Weyl or Dirac spinors, gravitinos and axions. The upper bounds obtained for neutrino masses imply (for fixed neutrino Yukawa and $\Lambda_4$) the existence of upper bounds on the EW scale. In the case of massive Majorana neutrinos with a see-saw mechanism associated to a large scale $M\simeq 10^{10-14}$ GeV and $Y_{\nu_1}\simeq 10^{-3}$, one obtains that the EW scale cannot exceed $M_{EW}\lesssim 10^2-10^4$ GeV. From this point of view, the delicate fine-tuning required to get a small EW scale would be a mirage, since parameters yielding higher EW scales would be in the swampland and would not count as possible consistent theories. This would bring a new perspective into the issue of the EW hierarchy.

The stepwise path integral of the relativistic point particle. (arXiv:1706.05388v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Benjamin Koch, Enrique Muñoz, relevance 5.77

In this paper we present a stepwise construction of the path integral over relativistic orbits in Euclidean spacetime. It is shown that the apparent problems of this path integral, like the breakdown of the naive Chapman-Kolmogorov relation, can be solved by a careful analysis of the overcounting associated with local and global symmetries. Based on this, the direct calculation of the quantum propagator of the relativistic point particle in the path integral formulation results from a simple and purely geometric construction.

Symmetries of relativistic world-lines. (arXiv:1706.05386v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Benjamin Koch, Enrique Muñoz, Ignacio Reyes, relevance 1.55

Symmetries are essential for a consistent formulation of many quantum systems. In this paper we discuss a previously unnoticed symmetry, which is present for any Lagrangian term that involves $\dot{x}^2$. As a basic model that incorporates the fundamental symmetries of quantum gravity and string theory, we consider the Lagrangian action of the relativistic point particle. A path integral quantization for this seemingly simple system has for long presented notorious problems. Here we show that those problems are overcome by taking into account the newly discovered additional symmetry, leading directly to the exact Klein-Gordon propagator.

Order parameters and color-flavor center symmetry in QCD. (arXiv:1706.05385v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Aleksey Cherman, Srimoyee Sen, Mithat Unsal, Michael L. Wagman, Laurence G. Yaffe, relevance 0.54

Common lore suggests that $N$-color QCD with massive quarks has no useful order parameters which can be non-trivial at zero baryon density. However, such order parameters do exist when there are $n_f$ quark flavors with a common mass and $d\equiv\gcd(n_f,N) > 1$. These theories have a $\mathbb Z_d$ color-flavor center symmetry arising from intertwined color center transformations and cyclic flavor permutations. The symmetry realization depends on the temperature, baryon chemical potential and value of $n_f/N$, with implications for conformal window studies and dense quark matter.

Stellar equilibrium in semiclassical gravity. (arXiv:1706.05379v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Raúl Carballo-Rubio, relevance 6.17

The phenomenon of quantum vacuum polarization in the presence of a gravitational field is well understood and is expected to have a physical reality, but studies of its back-reaction on the dynamics of spacetime are practically non-existent. Building on previous results of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes, in this letter we first derive the semiclassical equations of stellar equilibrium in the $s$-wave Polyakov approximation. It is shown in particular that including the polarization of the quantum vacuum leads to a generalization of the classical Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation. Then we prove that, despite the complexity of the resulting field equations, it is possible to find exact solutions. These: (i) represent the first known exact solutions describing relativistic stars including non-perturbative back-reaction of semiclassical effects, and (ii) turn out to describe black stars, hypothetical horizonless ultra-compact configurations introduced a decade ago by Barcel\'o, Liberati, Sonego and Visser.

Towards a Finite-$N$ Hologram. (arXiv:1706.05364v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Chethan Krishnan, K.V. Pavan Kumar, relevance 2.03

We suggest that holographic tensor models related to SYK are viable candidates for exactly (ie., non-perturbatively in $N$) solvable holographic theories. The reason is that in these theories, the Hilbert space is a spinor representation, and the Hamiltonian (at least in some classes) can be arranged to commute with the Clifford level. This makes the theory solvable level by level. We demonstrate this for the specific case of the uncolored $O(n)^3$ tensor model with arbitrary even $n$, and reduce the question of determining the spectrum and eigenstates to an algebraic equation relating Young tableaux. Solving this reduced problem is conceptually trivial and amounts to matching the representations on either side, as we demonstrate explicitly at low levels. At high levels, representations become bigger, but should still be tractable. None of our arguments require any supersymmetry.

More On Supersymmetric And 2d Analogs of the SYK Model. (arXiv:1706.05362v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jeff Murugan, Douglas Stanford, Edward Witten, relevance 16.03

In this paper, we explore supersymmetric and 2d analogs of the SYK model. We begin by working out a basis of (super)conformal eigenfunctions appropriate for expanding a four-point function. We use this to clarify some details of the 1d supersymmetric SYK model. We then introduce new bosonic and supersymmetric analogs of SYK in two dimensions. These theories consist of $N$ fields interacting with random $q$-field interactions. Although models built entirely from bosons appear to be problematic, we find a supersymmetric model that flows to a large $N$ CFT with interaction strength of order one. We derive an integral formula for the four-point function at order $1/N$, and use it to compute the central charge, chaos exponent and some anomalous dimensions. We describe a problem that arises if one tries to find a 2d SYK-like CFT with a continuous global symmetry.

E(lementary) Strings in Six-Dimensional Heterotic F-Theory. (arXiv:1706.05353v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kang-Sin Choi, Soo-Jong Rey, relevance 0.00

Using E-strings, we can analyze not only six-dimensional superconformal field theories but also probe vacua of non-perturabative heterotic string. We study strings made of D3-branes wrapped on various two-cycles in the global F-theory setup. We claim that E-strings are elementary in the sense that various combinations of E-strings can form M-strings as well as heterotic strings and new kind of strings, called G-strings. Using them, we show that emissions and combinations of heterotic small instantons generate most of known six-dimensional superconformal theories, their affinizations and little string theories. Taking account of global structure of compact internal geometry, we also show that special combinations of E-strings play an important role in constructing six-dimensional theories of $D$- and $E$-types. We check global consistency conditions from anomaly cancellation conditions, both from five-branes and strings, and show that they are given in terms of elementary E-string combinations.

A new approach for computing the geometry of the moduli spaces for a Calabi-Yau manifold. (arXiv:1706.05342v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Konstantin Aleshkin, Alexander Belavin, relevance 0.00

It is known that moduli spaces of Calabi-Yau (CY) manifolds are special K\"ahler manifolds. This structure determines the corresponding low-energy effective theory which arises in superstring compactifications on CY manifolds. In the case, where CY manifold is given as a hypersurface in the weighted projective space, we propose a new procedure for computing the K\"ahler potential of the moduli space. Our method is based on the fact that the moduli space of CY manifolds is a marginal subspace of the Frobenius manifold which arises on the deformation space of the corresponding Landau--Ginzburg superpotential.

Automated construction of $U(1)$-invariant matrix-product operators from graph representations. (arXiv:1706.05338v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sebastian Paeckel, Thomas Köhler, Salvatore R. Manmana, relevance 0.00

We present an algorithmic construction scheme for matrix-product-operator (MPO) representations of arbitrary $U(1)$-invariant operators whenever there is an expression of the local structure in terms of a finite-states machine (FSM). Given a set of local operators as building blocks, the method automatizes two major steps when constructing a $U(1)$-invariant MPO representation: (i) the bookkeeping of auxiliary bond-index shifts arising from the application of operators changing the local quantum numbers and (ii) the appearance of phase factors due to particular commutation rules. The automatization is achieved by post-processing the operator strings generated by the FSM. Consequently, MPO representations of various types of $U(1)$-invariant operators can be constructed generically in MPS algorithms reducing the necessity of expensive MPO arithmetics. This is demonstrated by generating arbitrary products of operators in terms of FSM, from which we obtain exact MPO representations for the variance of the Hamiltonian of a $S=1$ Heisenberg chain.

The $1/N$ expansion of tensor models with two symmetric tensors. (arXiv:1706.05328v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Razvan Gurau, relevance 0.00

It is well known that tensor models for a tensor with no symmetry admit a $1/N$ expansion dominated by melonic graphs. This result relies crucially on identifying \emph{jackets} which are globally defined ribbon graphs embedded in the tensor graph. In contrast, no result of this kind has so far been established for symmetric tensors because global jackets do not exist.

In this paper we introduce a new approach to the $1/N$ expansion in tensor models adapted to symmetric tensors. In particular we do not use any global structure like the jackets. We prove that, for any rank $D$, a tensor model with two symmetric tensors and interactions the complete graph $K_{D+1}$ admits a $1/N$ expansion dominated by melonic graphs.

Yang Baxter and Anisotropic Sigma and Lambda Models, Cyclic RG and Exact S-Matrices. (arXiv:1706.05322v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Calan Appadu, Timothy J. Hollowood, Dafydd Price, Daniel C. Thompson, relevance 0.67

Integrable deformation of SU(2) sigma and lambda models are considered at the classical and quantum levels. These are the Yang-Baxter and XXZ-type anisotropic deformations. The XXZ type deformations are UV safe in one regime, while in another regime, like the Yang-Baxter deformations, they exhibit cyclic RG behaviour. The associated affine quantum group symmetry, realized classically at the Poisson bracket level, has q a complex phase in the UV safe regime and q real in the cyclic RG regime, where q is an RG invariant. Based on the symmetries and RG flow we propose exact factorizable S-matrices to describe the scattering of states in the lambda models, from which the sigma models follow by taking a limit and non-abelian T-duality. In the cyclic RG regimes, the S-matrices are periodic functions of rapidity, at large rapidity, and in the Yang-Baxter case violate parity.

Quantum Scattering on a Cone revisited. (arXiv:1706.05318v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by V. S. Barroso, J. P. M. Pitelli, relevance 1.09

We revisit the scattering of quantum test particles on the conical $(2+1)$-dimensional spacetime and find the scatteting amplitude as a function of the boundary conditions imposed at the appex of the cone. We show that the boundary condition is responsible for a purely analytical term in the scattering amplitude, in addition to those coming from purely topological effects. Since it is possible to have non-equivalent physical evolutions for the wave packet (each one corresponding to a different boundary condition), it seems crucial to have an observable quantity specifying which evolution has been prescribed.

Generalized Clockwork Theory. (arXiv:1706.05308v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Ido Ben-Dayan, relevance 0.70

We generalize the clockwork theory in several directions. First, we consider beyond nearest neighbors interactions. Considering such interactions keeps a larger subgroup of the original $U(1)^{N+1}$ unbroken and can allow for different symmetry breaking patterns. We recover the original clockwork scenario in the presence of these additional interactions. In such case, the masses of the massive modes change, but a single massless mode remains intact. Such interactions are naturally interpreted as higher derivative terms from the point of view of extra dimensions. Second, we generalize the clockwork shift symmetry to non-abelian global groups. Third, trivial embedding of the clockwork scenario in supergravity, yields an AdS minimum as big as the clockwork interaction. An alternative use of a stabilizer field leads to multiple flat directions with no clockwork, or a clockwork only as large as the cosmological constant. We therefore suggest an alternative construction of a supergravity clockwork model with Minkowski supersymmetric vacuum, using a manifestly shift symmetric superpotential. Fourth, we review the extra-dimensional origin of the mechanism and interpretation, in the case of conformal coupling to gravity. Upon deconstruction, the CW massless mode becomes tachyonic. This property is generic to massless modes in negatively curved $5D$ manifolds. Masslessness can be restored by adding a specific $5D$ mass term.

Anomalous transport and holographic momentum relaxation. (arXiv:1706.05294v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Christian Copetti, Jorge Fernández-Pendás, Karl Landsteiner, Eugenio Megías, relevance 11.53

The chiral magnetic and vortical effects denote the generation of dissipationless currents due to magnetic fields or rotation. They can be studied in holographic models with Chern-Simons couplings dual to anomalies in field theory. We study a holographic model with translation symmetry breaking based on linear massless scalar field backgrounds. We compute the electric DC conductivity and find that it can vanish for certain values of the translation symmetry breaking couplings. Then we compute the chiral magnetic and chiral vortical conductivities. They are completely independent of the holographic disorder couplings and take the usual values in terms of chemical potential and temperature. To arrive at this result we suggest a new definition of energy-momentum tensor in presence of the gravitational Chern-Simons coupling.

Radiative corrections to the quark masses in the ferromagnetic Ising and Potts field theories. (arXiv:1706.05281v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. B. Rutkevich, relevance 0.00

We consider the Ising Field Theory (IFT), and the 3-state Potts Field Theory (PFT), which describe the scaling limits of the two- dimensional lattice q-state Potts model with q=2, and q=3, respectively. At zero magnetic field h=0, both field theories are integrable away from the critical point, have q degenerate vacua in the ferromagnetic phase, and q(q-1) particles of the same mass - the kinks interpolating between two different vacua. Application of a weak magnetic field induces confinement of kinks into bound states - the mesons (for q =2,3) consisting predominantly of two kinks, and baryons (for q=3), which are essentially the three-kink excitations. The kinks in the confinement regime are also called the quarks. We review and refine the Form Factor Perturbation Theory (FFPT), adapting it to the analysis of the confinement problem in the limit of small h, and apply it to calculate the corrections to the kink (quark) masses induced by the multi-kink fluctuations caused by the weak magnetic field. It is shown that the subleading third-order correction to the kink mass vanishes in the IFT. The leading second order correction to the kink mass in the 3-state PFT is estimated by truncation the infinite form factor expansion at the first term representing contribution of the two-kink fluctuations into the kink self energy.

Viscous dissipation of surface waves and its relevance to analogue gravity experiments. (arXiv:1706.05255v2 [physics.flu-dyn] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Scott Robertson, Germain Rousseaux, relevance 3.33

We consider dissipation of surface waves on fluids, with a view to its effects on analogue gravity experiments. We begin with some general observations about the dissipation of waves, using the simple example of acoustics to introduce and explore relevant concepts. We then restrict our attention to surface waves, indicating the main sources of dissipation. Finally, with particular focus on water, we consider several experimental setups inspired by analogue gravity: the analogue Hawking effect, the black hole laser, and the analogue wormhole together with the double bouncing of waves at the wormhole entrance. Dissipative effects are considered in each, and we give estimates for their optimized experimental parameters.

An alternative method of formulating QED: based on geometric properties of the quantum state space. (arXiv:1706.05253v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by Wen-ge Wang, relevance 0.45

A method is proposed for the formulation of the quantum electrodynamics, which is completely quantum mechanical and does not make use of gauge symmetry of the corresponding classical fields. In this formulation, photon states are introduced based on a geometric property of the quantum state space for one electron and one positron, and an interaction Hamiltonian appears as an operator, which maps in a most natural way the quantum state space for electron and positron to the quantum state space for photon. This method could be useful in the search for a description of the three interactions (electromagnetic, weak, and strong), which is more unified than that given in the standard model.

Higher rank sheaves on threefolds and functional equations. (arXiv:1706.05246v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Amin Gholampour, Martijn Kool, relevance 1.38

We consider the moduli space of stable torsion free sheaves of any rank on a smooth projective threefold. The singularity set of a torsion free sheaf is the locus where the sheaf is not locally free. On a threefold it has dimension $\leq 1$. We consider the open subset of moduli space consisting of sheaves with empty or 0-dimensional singularity set.

For fixed Chern classes $c_1,c_2$ and summing over $c_3$, we show that the generating function of topological Euler characteristics of these open subsets equals a power of the MacMahon function times a Laurent polynomial. This Laurent polynomial is invariant under $q \leftrightarrow q^{-1}$ (after replacing $c_1 \leftrightarrow -c_1$). For some choices of $c_1,c_2$ these open subsets equal the entire moduli space.

The proof involves wall-crossing from Quot schemes of a higher rank reflexive sheaf to a sublocus of the space of Pandharipande-Thomas pairs. We interpret this sublocus in terms of the singularities of the reflexive sheaf.

Supersymmetry Breaking in Spatially Modulated Vacua. (arXiv:1706.05232v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Muneto Nitta, Shin Sasaki, Ryo Yokokura, relevance 0.00

We study spontaneous supersymmetry breaking in spatially modulated stable or meta-stable vacua in supersymmetric field theories. Such spatial modulation can be realized in a higher derivative chiral model for which vacuum energies are either positive, negative or zero, depending on the model parameters. There appears a Nambu-Goldstone boson associated with the spontaneously breaking of the translational and $U(1)$ symmetries without the quadratic kinetic term and with a quartic derivative term in the modulated direction, and a gapless Higgs mode. We show that there appears a Goldstino associated with the supersymmetry breaking at a meta-stable vacuum, where energy is positive, while it becomes a fermionic ghost in the negative energy vacuum, and zero norm state and disappears from the physical sector in the zero energy vacuum.

The ridge effect and three-particle correlations. (arXiv:1706.05231v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Miguel-Angel Sanchis-Lozano, Edward Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, relevance 0.00

Pseudorapidity and azimuthal three-particle correlations are studied based on a correlated-cluster model of multiparticle production. The model provides a common framework for correlations in proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions allowing easy comparison with the measurements. It is shown that azimuthal cluster correlations are definitely required in order to understand three-particle correlations in the near-side ridge effect. This is similar to the explanation of the ridge phenomenon found in our previous analysis of two-particle correlations and generalizes the model to higher-order correlations.

Motion of half-spin particles in the axially symmetric field of naked singularities of static q-metric. (arXiv:1706.05229v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by V.P.Neznamov, V.E.Shemarulin, relevance 0.00

Quantum-mechanical motion of a half-spin particle was examined in the axially symmetric field of static naked singularities formed by mass distribution with quadrupole moment (q-metric). The analysis was performed by means of the method of effective potentials of the Dirac equation generalized for the case when radial and angular variables are not separated. As $-1<q<q_{lim}, |q_{lim}|<<1 $ the naked singularities do not except the existence of stationary bound states of Dirac particles for a prolate mass distribution in the q-metric along the axial axis. For the oblate mass distribution, the naked singularities of the q-metric are separated from the Dirac particle by infinitely large repulsive barriers with the subsequent potential well deepening while moving along the angle from the equator (or from $\theta=\theta_{min}, \theta=\pi-\theta_{min}$) towards poles. The exception are the poles and, as $0<q<q*$, some points $\theta_{i}$ for the states of the particle with j>=3/2.

On integrable boundaries in the 2 dimensional $O(N)$ $\sigma$-models. (arXiv:1706.05221v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ines Aniceto, Zoltan Bajnok, Tamas Gombor, Minkyoo Kim, Laszlo Palla, relevance 1.02

We make an attempt to map the integrable boundary conditions for 2 dimensional non-linear O(N) $\sigma$-models. We do it at various levels: classically, by demanding the existence of infinitely many conserved local charges and also by constructing the double row transfer matrix from the Lax connection, which leads to the spectral curve formulation of the problem; at the quantum level, we describe the solutions of the boundary Yang-Baxter equation and derive the Bethe-Yang equations. We then show how to connect the thermodynamic limit of the boundary Bethe-Yang equations to the spectral curve.

Could the primordial radiation be responsible for vanishing of topological defects?. (arXiv:1706.05192v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Tomasz Romańczukiewicz, relevance 2.03

We study the motion of topological defects in 1+1 and 2+1 d relativistic $\phi^6$ model with three equal vacua in the presence of radiation. We show that even small fluctuations can trigger a chain reaction leading to vanishing of topological defects. Only one vacuum remains stable and domains containing other vacua vanish. We explain this phenomenon in terms of radiation pressure (both positive and negative). We construct an effective model which translates the fluctuations into additional term in the field theory potential. In case of two dimensional model we find a relation between the critical size of the bulk and amplitude of the perturbation.

Special Geometry and Space-time Signature. (arXiv:1706.05162v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by W. A. Sabra, relevance 0.00

We construct N=2 four and five-dimensional supergravity theories coupled to vector multiplets in various space-time signatures (t,s), where t and s refer, respectively, to the number of time and spatial dimensions. The five-dimensional supergravity theories, t+s=5, are constructed by investigating the integrability conditions arising from Killing spinor equations. The five-dimensional supergravity theories can also be obtained by reducing Hull's eleven-dimensional supergravities on a Calabi-Yau threefold. The dimensional reductions of the five-dimensional supergravities on space and time-like circles produce N=2 four-dimensional supergravity theories with signatures (t-1,s) and (t,s-1) exhibiting projective special (para)-K\"ahler geometry.

Introduction to a provisional mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of $3$-dimensional $\mathcal N=4$ gauge theories. (arXiv:1706.05154v1 [math.RT])
in hep-th by Hiraku Nakajima, relevance 5.51

This is an introduction to a provisional mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of $3$-dimensional $\mathcal N=4$ supersymmetric gauge theories, studied in arXiv:1503.03676, arXiv:1601.03586. This is an expanded version of an article arXiv:1612.09014 appeared in the 61st DAISUUGAKU symposium proceeding (2016), written originally in Japanese.

Challenges testing the no-hair theorem with gravitational waves. (arXiv:1706.05152v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Eric Thrane, Paul Lasky, Yuri Levin, relevance 2.34

General relativity's no-hair theorem states that isolated astrophysical black holes are described by only two numbers: mass and spin. As a consequence, there are strict relationships between the frequency and damping time of the different modes of a perturbed Kerr black hole. Testing the no-hair theorem has been a longstanding goal of gravitational-wave astronomy. The recent detection of gravitational waves from black hole mergers would seem to make such tests imminent. We investigate how constraints on black hole ringdown parameters scale with the loudness of the ringdown signal---subject to the constraint that the post-merger remnant must be allowed to settle into a perturbative, Kerr-like state. In particular, we require that---for a given detector---the gravitational waveform predicted by numerical relativity is indistinguishable from an exponentially damped sine after time $t^\text{cut}$. By requiring the post-merger remnant to settle into such a perturbative state, we find that confidence intervals for ringdown parameters do not necessarily shrink with louder signals. In at least some cases, more sensitive measurements probe later times without necessarily providing tighter constraints on ringdown frequencies and damping times. Preliminary investigations are unable to explain this result in terms of a numerical relativity artifact.

Exact relativistic Toda chain eigenfunctions from Separation of Variables and gauge theory. (arXiv:1706.05142v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Antonio Sciarappa, relevance 4.94

We provide a proposal, motivated by Separation of Variables and gauge theory arguments, for constructing exact solutions to the quantum Baxter equation associated to the $N$-particle relativistic Toda chain and test our proposal against numerical results. Quantum Mechanical non-perturbative corrections, essential in order to obtain a sensible solution, are taken into account in our gauge theory approach by considering codimension two defects on curved backgrounds (squashed $S^5$ and degenerate limits) rather than flat space; this setting also naturally incorporates exact quantization conditions and energy spectrum of the relativistic Toda chain as well as its modular dual structure.

Black holes in vector-tensor theories. (arXiv:1706.05115v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Lavinia Heisenberg, Ryotaro Kase, Masato Minamitsuji, Shinji Tsujikawa, relevance 15.01

We study static and spherically symmetric black hole (BH) solutions in second-order generalized Proca theories with nonminimal vector field derivative couplings to the Ricci scalar, the Einstein tensor, and the double dual Riemann tensor. We find concrete Lagrangians which give rise to exact BH solutions by imposing two conditions of the two identical metric components and the constant norm of the vector field. These exact solutions are described by either Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m (RN), stealth Schwarzschild, or extremal RN solutions with a non-trivial longitudinal mode of the vector field. We then numerically construct BH solutions without imposing these conditions. For cubic and quartic Lagrangians with power-law couplings which encompass vector Galileons as the specific cases, we show the existence of BH solutions with the difference between two non-trivial metric components. The quintic-order power-law couplings do not give rise to non-trivial BH solutions regular throughout the horizon exterior. The sixth-order and intrinsic vector-mode couplings can lead to BH solutions with a secondary hair. For all the solutions, the vector field is regular at least at the future or past horizon. The deviation from General Relativity induced by the Proca hair can be potentially tested by future measurements of gravitational waves in the nonlinear regime of gravity.

de Sitter symmetries and inflationary correlators in parity violating scalar-vector models. (arXiv:1706.05099v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Juan P. Beltrán Almeida, Josué Motoa-Manzano, César A. Valenzuela-Toledo, relevance 13.47

In this paper we use conformal field theory techniques to constrain the form of the correlations functions of an inflationary scalar-vector model described by the interaction term $f_1(\phi)F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu} + f_2(\phi)\tilde{F}_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu}$. We use the fact that the conformal group is the relevant symmetry group acting on super horizon scales in an inflationary de Sitter background. As a result, we find that super horizon conformal symmetry, constraints the form of the coupling functions $f_1, f_2$ to be homogeneous functions of the same degree. We derive the general form of the correlators involving scalar and vector perturbations in this model and determine its squeezed limit scaling behaviour for super horizon scales. The approach followed here is useful to constraint the shape of scalar-vector correlators, and our results agree with recent literature on the subject, but don't allow us to determine amplitude factors of the correlators.

Stochastic and resolvable gravitational waves from ultralight bosons. (arXiv:1706.05097v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Richard Brito, Shrobana Ghosh, Enrico Barausse, Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Irina Dvorkin, Antoine Klein, Paolo Pani, relevance 3.05

Ultralight scalar fields around spinning black holes can trigger superradiant instabilities, forming a long-lived bosonic condensate outside the horizon. We use numerical solutions of the perturbed field equations and astrophysical models of massive and stellar-mass black hole populations to compute, for the first time, the stochastic gravitational-wave background from these sources. In optimistic scenarios the background is observable by Advanced LIGO and LISA for field masses $m_s$ in the range $\sim [2\times 10^{-13}, 10^{-12}]\,{\rm eV}$ and $\sim 5\times[ 10^{-19}, 10^{-16}]\,{\rm eV}$, respectively, and it can affect the detectability of resolvable sources. Our estimates suggest that an analysis of the stochastic background limits from LIGO O1 might already be used to marginally exclude axions with mass $\sim 10^{-12.5}{\rm eV}$. Semicoherent searches with Advanced LIGO (LISA) should detect $\sim 15~(5)$ to $200~(40)$ resolvable sources for scalar field masses $3\times 10^{-13}$ ($10^{-17}$) eV. LISA measurements of massive BH spins could either rule out bosons in the range $\sim [10^{-18}, 2\times 10^{-13}]$ eV, or measure $m_s$ with ten percent accuracy in the range $\sim[10^{-17}, 10^{-13}]$ eV.

Two-photon interactions with Majorana fermions. (arXiv:1706.05071v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by David C. Latimer, relevance 0.00

Because Majorana fermions are their own antiparticles, their electric and magnetic dipole moments must vanish, leaving the anapole moment as their only static electromagnetic property. But the existence of induced dipole moments is not necessarily prohibited. Through a study real Compton scattering, we explore the constraints that the Majorana fermion's self-conjugate nature has on induced moments. In terms of the Compton amplitude, we find no constraints if the interactions are separately invariant under charge conjugation, parity, and time reversal. However, if the interactions are odd under parity and even under time reversal, then these contributions to the Compton amplitude must vanish. We employ a simple model to confirm these general findings via explicit calculation of the Majorana fermion's polarizabilities. We then use these polarizabilities to estimate the cross-section for $s$-wave annihilation of two Majorana fermions into photons. The cross-section is larger than a na\"ive estimate might suggest.

Local phase space and edge modes for diffeomorphism-invariant theories. (arXiv:1706.05061v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Antony J. Speranza, relevance 2.25

We discuss an approach to characterizing local degrees of freedom of a subregion in diffeomorphism-invariant theories using the extended phase space of Donnelly and Freidel, [JHEP 2016 (2016) 102]. Such a characterization is important for defining local observables and entanglement entropy in gravitational theories. Traditional phase space constructions for subregions are not invariant with respect to diffeomorphisms that act at the boundary. The extended phase space remedies this problem by introducing edge mode fields at the boundary whose transformations under diffeomorphisms render the extended symplectic structure fully gauge invariant. In this work, we present a general construction for the edge mode symplectic structure. We show that the new fields satisfy a surface symmetry algebra generated by the Noether charges associated with the edge mode fields. For surface-preserving symmetries, the algebra is universal for all diffeomorphism-invariant theories, comprised of diffeomorphisms of the boundary, $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$ transformations of the normal plane, and, in some cases, normal shearing transformations. We also show that if boundary conditions are chosen such that surface translations are symmetries, the algebra acquires a central extension.

Misaligned Spin Merging Black Holes in Modified Gravity (MOG). (arXiv:1706.05035v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by J. W. Moffat, relevance 15.47

A promising signature of coalescing black holes is their spin angular distribution. We consider the aLIGO collaboration gravitational wave measurements of the binary black hole spins and the predicted modified gravity (MOG) preference for misaligned spins of the coalescing black holes. In MOG, during the merger of two black holes, the enhanced strength of gravitation reduces the effective spin parameter $\chi_{\rm eff}\sim 0$ in agreement with the measured spin misalignment of the merging black holes observed in the gravitational wave detections by the aLIGO collaboration.

Actions for particles and strings and Chern-Simons gravity. (arXiv:1706.05021v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lei Jiusi, V.P. Nair, relevance 2.05

We consider actions for particles and strings, including twistorial descriptions on 4d Minkowski and AdS$_5$ spacetimes from the point of view of co-adjoint orbits for the isometry group. We also consider the collective coordinate dynamics of singular solutions in Chern-Simons (CS) theories and CS theories of gravity. This is a generalization of the work of Einstein, Infeld and Hoffmann and also has potential points of contact with fluid-gravity correspondence.

On the robustness of the primordial power spectrum in renormalized Higgs inflation. (arXiv:1706.05007v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Fedor Bezrukov, Martin Pauly, Javier Rubio, relevance 0.00

We study the cosmological consequences of higher-dimensional operators respecting the asymptotic symmetries of the tree-level Higgs inflation action. The main contribution of these operators to the renormalization group enhanced potential is localized in a compact field range, whose upper limit is close to the end of inflation. The spectrum of primordial fluctuations in the so-called universal regime turns out to be almost insensitive to radiative corrections and in excellent agreement with the present cosmological data. However, higher-dimensional operators can play an important role in critical Higgs inflation scenarios containing a quasi-inflection point along the inflationary trajectory. The interplay of radiative corrections with this quasi-inflection point may translate into a sizable modification of the inflationary observables.

Striped anyonic fluids. (arXiv:1706.05006v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Niko Jokela, Gilad Lifschytz, Matthew Lippert, relevance 1.38

The choice of statistics for a quantum particle is almost always a discrete one: either bosonic or fermionic. Anyons are the exceptional case for which the statistics can take a range of intermediate values. Holography provides an opportunity to address the question of how the behavior of interacting anyons depends on the choice of statistics. In this paper, we analyze the spectrum of a strongly coupled, gapless fluid of anyons described holographically by the D3-D7' model with alternative boundary conditions. We investigate how these alternative boundary conditions impact the instability of the gapless homogeneous phase toward the formation of spatial order. In addition, we also show that for a particular, limiting choice of the alternative boundary conditions, this holographic system can be interpreted as describing strongly coupled (2+1)-dimensional QED. In this case, the instability leads to a spontaneous, spatially modulated magnetic field.

Obstructions to Bell CMB Experiments. (arXiv:1706.05001v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jerome Martin, Vincent Vennin, relevance 1.02

We present a general and systematic study of how a Bell experiment on the cosmic microwave background could be carried out. We introduce different classes of pseudo-spin operators and show that, if the system is placed in a two-mode squeezed state as inflation predicts, they all lead to a violation of the Bell inequality. However, we also discuss the obstacles that one faces in order to realize this program in practice and show that they are probably insurmountable. We suggest alternative methods that would reveal the quantum origin of cosmological structures without relying on Bell experiments.

A no-hair theorem for stars in Horndeski theories. (arXiv:1706.04989v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Antoine Lehébel, Eugeny Babichev, Christos Charmousis, relevance 0.74

We consider a generic scalar-tensor theory involving a shift-symmetric scalar field and minimally coupled matter fields. We prove that the Noether current associated with shift-symmetry vanishes in regular, spherically symmetric and static spacetimes. We use this fact to prove the absence of scalar hair for spherically symmetric and static stars in Horndeski and beyond theories. We carefully detail the validity of this no-hair theorem.

Density response and collective modes of semi-holographic non-Fermi liquids. (arXiv:1706.04975v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Benoit Doucot, Christian Ecker, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Giuseppe Policastro, relevance 6.39

Semi-holographic models of non-Fermi liquids have been shown to have generically stable generalised quasi-particles on the Fermi surface. Although these excitations are broad and exhibit particle-hole asymmetry, they were argued to be stable from interactions at the Fermi surface. In this work, we use this observation to compute the density response and collective behaviour in these systems.

Compared to the Fermi liquid case, we find that the boundaries of the particle-hole continuum are blurred by incoherent contributions. However, there is a region inside this continuum, that we call inner core, within which salient features of the Fermi liquid case are preserved. A particularly striking prediction of our work is that these systems support a plasmonic collective excitation which is well-defined at large momenta, has an approximately linear dispersion relation and is located in the low-energy tail of the particle-hole continuum.

Furthermore, the dynamic screening potential shows deep attractive regions as a function of the distance at higher frequencies which might lead to long-lived pair formation depending on the behaviour of the pair susceptibility. We also find that Friedel oscillations are present in these systems but are highly suppressed.

Euclidean Supergravity. (arXiv:1706.04973v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Bernard de Wit, Valentin Reys, relevance 0.00

Supergravity with eight supercharges in a four-dimensional Euclidean space is constructed at the full non-linear level by performing an off-shell time-like reduction of five-dimensional supergravity. The resulting four-dimensional theory is realized off-shell with the Weyl, vector and tensor supermultiplets and a corresponding multiplet calculus. Hypermultiplets are included as well, but they are themselves only realized with on-shell supersymmetry. The off-shell reduction leads to a full understanding of the Euclidean theory. A complete multiplet calculus is presented along the lines of the Minkowskian theory. Unlike in Minkowski space, chiral and anti-chiral multiplets are real and supersymmetric actions are generally unbounded from below. Precisely as in the Minkowski case, where one has different formulations of Poincar\'e supergravity by introducing different compensating supermultiplets, one can also obtain different versions of Euclidean supergravity.

A Framework for Non-linear Time Evolution and Field Theories on State-Dependent Geometries. (arXiv:1706.04966v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dushyant Kumar, relevance 0.00

We introduce a framework for non-linear time evolution in quantum mechanics as a natural non-linear generalization of the Schrodinger equation. Within our framework, we derive simple toy models of dynamical geometry on finite graphs. Along similar lines we also propose a model of non-linear quantum field theory on spaces with state-dependent geometry.

The geometry of locally symmetric affine surfaces. (arXiv:1706.04958v1 [math.DG] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by D. D'Ascanio, P. Gilkey, P. Pisani, relevance 0.00

We examine the local geometry of affine surfaces which are locally symmetric. There are 6 non-isomorphic local geometries. We realize these examples as Type A, Type B, and Type C geometries using a result of Opozda and classify the relevant geometries up to linear isomorphism. We examine the geodesic structures in this context. Particular attention is paid to the Lorentzian analogue of the hyperbolic plane and to the pseudosphere.

Large-scale Stability and Astronomical Constraints for Coupled Dark-Energy Models. (arXiv:1706.04953v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Weiqiang Yang, Supriya Pan, John D. Barrow, relevance 0.63

We study large-scale inhomogeneous perturbations and instabilities of interacting dark energy models. Past analysis of large-scale perturbative instabilities, has shown that we can only test interacting dark-energy models with observational data when its parameter ranges are either $w_{x}\geq -1~$and$~\xi \geq 0,$ or $w_{x}\leq -1~$ and $~\xi \leq 0$, where $w_{x}$ is the dark energy equation of state, and $\xi $ is a coupling parameter governing the strength and direction of the energy transfer. We show that by adding a factor $(1+w_{x})$ to the background energy transfer, the whole parameter space can be tested against all the data. We test three classes of interaction model using the latest astronomical data from the CMB, supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, redshift space distortions, weak lensing, cosmic chronometers, and the local Hubble constant. Precise constraints are found. We find in all interaction models that, as the value of Hubble constant decreases, the behavior of the dark energy equation of state shifts from phantom to quintessence type with its equation of state very close to that of a simple cosmological constant at the present time.

Abelianization and Sequential Confinement in $2+1$ dimensions. (arXiv:1706.04949v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergio Benvenuti, Simone Giacomelli, relevance 0.40

We consider the lagrangian description of Argyres-Douglas theories of type $A_{2N-1}$, which is a $SU(N)$ gauge theory with an adjoint and one fundamental flavor. An appropriate reformulation allows us to map the moduli space of vacua across the duality, and to dimensionally reduce. Going down to three dimensions, we find that the adjoint SQCD "abelianizes": in the infrared it is equivalent to a $\mathcal{N}=4$ linear quiver theory. Moreover, we study the mirror dual: using a monopole duality to "sequentially confine" quivers tails with balanced nodes, we show that the mirror RG flow lands on $\mathcal{N}=4$ SQED with $N$ flavors. These results provide a physical derivation of previous proposals for the three dimensional mirror of AD theories.

The Geometry of integrable systems. Tau functions and homology of Spectral curves. Perturbative definition. (arXiv:1706.04938v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Bertrand Eynard, relevance 0.79

In this series of lectures, we (re)view the "geometric method" that reconstructs, from a geometric object: the "spectral curve", an integrable system, and in particular its Tau function, Baker-Akhiezer functions and "current amplitudes", all having an interpretation as CFT conformal blocks. The construction identifies Hamiltonians with cycles on the curve, and times with periods (integrals of forms over cycles). All the integrable structure is formulated in terms of homology of contours, the phase space is a space of cycles where the symplectic form is the intersection, the Hirota operator is a degree 2 second-kind cycle, a Sato shift is an addition of a 3rd kind cycle, the Hirota equations amount to saying that merging 3rd kind cycles (monopoles) yields a 2nd kind cycle (dipole). The lecture is divided into 3 parts: 1) classical case, perturbative: the spectral curve is a ramified cover of a base Riemann surface -- with some additional structure -- and the integrable system is defined as a formal power series of a small "dispersion" parameter $\epsilon$. 2) dispersive classical case, non perturbative: the spectral curve is defined not as a ramified cover (which would be a bundle with discrete fiber), but as a vector bundle -- whose dispersionless limit consists in chosing a finite set of vectors in each fiber. 3) non-commutative case, and perturbative. The spectral curve is here a "non-commutative" surface, whose geometry will be defined in lecture III. 4) the full non-commutative dispersionless theory is under development is not presented in these lectures.

From N=2 in four dimensions to (0,2) in two dimensions. (arXiv:1706.04925v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Radu Tatar, relevance 0.00

We consider N=2 four dimensional field theories compactified on a two torus in the presence of a U(1) magnetic field. We discuss the restrictions leading to theories with (2,2) supersymmetry or (0,2) supersymmetry in two dimensions. The field theories live on D5 branes wrapped on four cycles of Calabi-Yau 3-folds or 4-folds described as resolved ADE singularities or resolved conifold fibered over a two torus.

New classes of modified teleparallel gravity models. (arXiv:1706.04920v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sebastian Bahamonde, Christian G. Boehmer, Martin Krssak, relevance 0.61

New classes of modified teleparallel theories of gravity are introduced. The action of this theory is constructed to be a function of the irreducible parts of torsion $f(T_{\rm ax},T_{\rm ten},T_{\rm vec})$, where $T_{\rm ax},T_{\rm ten}$ and $T_{\rm vec}$ are squares of the axial, tensor and vector components of torsion, respectively. This is the most general (well-motivated) second order teleparallel theory of gravity that can be constructed from the torsion tensor. Different particular second order theories can be recovered from this theory such as new general relativity, conformal teleparallel gravity or $f(T)$ gravity. Additionally, the boundary term $B$ which connects the Ricci scalar with the torsion scalar via $R=-T+B$ can also be incorporated into the action. By performing a conformal transformation, it is shown that the two unique theories which have an Einstein frame are either the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity or $f(-T+B)=f(R)$ gravity, as expected.

Moduli and Periods of Supersymmetric Curves. (arXiv:1706.04910v2 [math.AG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Giulio Codogni, Filippo Viviani, relevance 0.78

Supersymmetric curves are the analogue of Riemann surfaces in super geometry. We establish some foundational results about complex Deligne-Mumford superstacks, and we then prove that the moduli superstack of supersymmetric curves is a smooth complex Deligne-Mumford superstack. We then show that the superstack of supersymmetric curves admits a coarse complex superspace, which, in this case, is just an ordinary complex space. In the second part of this paper we discuss the period map. We remark that the period domain is the moduli space of ordinary abelian varieties endowed with a symmetric theta divisor, and we then show that the differential of the period map is surjective. In other words, we prove that any first order deformation of a classical Jacobian is the Jacobian of a supersymmetric curve.

Note on constants of motion in conformal mechanics associated with near horizon extremal Myers-Perry black holes. (arXiv:1706.04861v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hovhannes Demirchian, relevance 15.38

We investigate dynamics of probe particles moving in the near-horizon limit of (2N+1)-dimensional extremal Myers-Perry black hole (in the cases of N=3,4,5) with arbitrary rotation parameters. Very recently it has been shown arXiv:1703.00713v1 [hep-th] that in the most general case with nonequal nonvanishing rotational parameters the system admits separation of variables in N-dimensional ellipsoidal coordinates. We wrote down the explicit expressions of Liouville integrals of motion, given in arXiv:1703.00713v1 [hep-th] in ellipsoidal coordinates, in initial "Cartesian" coordinates in seven, nine and eleven dimensions, and found that these expressions hold in any dimension. Then, taking the limit where all of the rotational parameters are equal, we reveal that each of these N-1 integrals of motion results in the Hamiltonian of the spherical mechanics of a (2N+1)-dimensional MP black hole with equal nonvanishing rotational parameters.

Metamaterials from modified CPT-odd standard model extension and minimum length. (arXiv:1706.04836v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by T. Prudencio, H. Belich, H. L. C. Louzada, relevance 1.80

Here we discuss the standard model extension in the presence of CPT-odd Lorentz violation (LV) sector and of a deformed Heisenberg algebra that leads to a non-commutative theory with minimum length (ML). We derive the set of Maxwell equations emerging from this theory and considered the consequences with respect to the usual effects of electromagnetic waves and material media. We then considered the set of modified equations in material media and investigate the metamaterial behaviour as a consequence of LV and ML. We show that a negative index refraction can be derived from the presence of a non-commutativity suitably tuned by the $\beta$ parameter, while in the presence of LV, we obtained the set of modified Maxwell equation in terms of the corresponding material fields with terms depending explicitly from the terms of interaction between the material fields depending on non-commutativity with the background field due to CPT-odd LV. We conclude that a new set of metamaterials can be derived as a consequence of CPT-odd LV and non-commutativity with minimum length.

Critical angular velocity for vortex lines formation. (arXiv:1706.04831v1 [cond-mat.other])
in hep-th by Enore Guadagnini, relevance 0.00

For helium II inside a rotating cylinder, it is proposed that the formation of vortex lines of the frictionless superfluid component of the liquid is caused by the presence of the rotating quasi-particles gas. By minimising the free energy of the system, the critical value Omega_0 of the angular velocity for the formation of the first vortex line is determined. This value nontrivially depends on the temperature, and numerical estimations of its temperature behaviour are produced. It is shown that the latent heat for a vortex formation and the associated discontinuous change in the angular momentum of the quasi-particles gas determine the slope of Omega_0 (T) via some kind of Clapeyron equation.

Conformally Invariant Scalar-Tensor Field Theories in a Four-Dimensional Space. (arXiv:1706.04827v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Gregory W. Horndeski, relevance 0.00

In a four-dimensional space, I shall construct all of the conformally invariant scalar-tensor field theories, which are flat space compatible; i.e., well-defined and differentiable when evaluated for a flat metric tensor and constant scalar field. It will be shown that all such field theories must be at most of fourth-order in the derivatives of the field variables. The Lagrangian of any such field theory can be chosen to be a linear combination of four conformally invariant scalar-tensor Lagrangians, with the coefficients being functions of the scalar field. Three of these "generating" Lagrangians are of second-order, while one of of third-order. However, the third-order Lagrangian differs from a non-conformally invariant second-order Lagrangian by a divergence. Consequently, all of the conformally invariant, flat space compatible, scalar-tensor field theories, can be obtained from a second-order Lagrangian.

Scalar perturbations of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld braneworld. (arXiv:1706.04818v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ke Yang, Yu-Xiao Liu, Bin Guo, Xiao-Long Du, relevance 0.00

We consider the scalar perturbations of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld braneworld models in this paper. The dynamical equation for the physical propagating degree of freedom $\xi(x^\mu,y)$ is achieved by using the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner decomposition method: $F_1(y) {\partial_y^2 \xi} + F_2(y){\partial_y \xi } + {\partial^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}}\xi=0$. We conclude that the solution is tachyonic-free and stable under scalar perturbations for $F_1(y)>0$ but unstable for $F_1(y)< 0$. The stability of a known analytic domain wall solution with the warp factor given by $a(y)= \text{sech}^{\frac{3}{{4p}}}(ky)$ is analyzed and it is shown that only the solution for $0<p<\sqrt{8/3}$ is stable.

Quarkonium dissociation in a far-from-equilibrium holographic setup. (arXiv:1706.04809v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by L. Bellantuono, P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, F. Giannuzzi, S. Nicotri, relevance 7.66

The real-time dissociation of the heavy quarkonium in a strongly coupled boost-invariant non-Abelian plasma relaxing towards equilibrium is analyzed in a holographic framework. The effects driving the plasma out of equilibrium are described by boundary quenching, impulsive variations of the boundary metric. Quarkonium is represented by a classical string with endpoints kept close to the boundary. The evolution of the string profile is computed in the time-dependent geometry, and the dissociation time is evaluated for different configurations with respect to the direction of the plasma expansion. Dissociation occurs fastly for the quarkonium placed in the transverse plane.

Obstructions to self-tuning and possible ways around. (arXiv:1706.04778v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Florian Niedermann, Antonio Padilla, relevance 3.22

Gravitational models of self-tuning are those in which vacuum energy has no observable effect on spacetime curvature, even though it is a priori unsuppressed below the cut-off. We complement Weinberg's no go theorem by studying field theoretic completions of self-adjustment allowing for broken translations as well as other generalisations, and identify new obstructions. Our analysis uses a very general Kallen-Lehmann spectral representation of the exchange amplitude for conserved sources of energy-momentum and exploits unitarity and Lorentz invariance to show that a transition from self-tuning of long wavelength sources to near General Relativity on shorter scales is generically not possible. We search for novel ways around our obstructions and highlight two interesting possibilities. The first is an example of a unitary field configuration on anti-de Sitter space with the desired transition from self-tuning to GR. A second example is motivated by vacuum energy sequestering.

On the effective potential of Duru-Kleinert path integrals. (arXiv:1706.04738v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Seiji Sakoda, relevance 5.13

We propose a new method to evaluate the effective potential in the path integral for the fixed-energy amplitude as well as for the pseudotime evolution kernel in the formalism by Duru and Kleinert. Restriction to the postpoint or the prepoint prescriptions in formulating time sliced path integrals is avoided by leaving off the use of expectation values for correction terms. This enables us to consider an arbitrary ordering prescription and to examine the ordering dependence of the effective potential. To investigate parameter dependences, we introduce the ordering parameter $\alpha$ in addition to the splitting parameter $\lambda$ in the formulation of the time sliced path integral. The resulting path integrals are found to be independent of the ordering parameter although the explicit dependence, given by a contribution proportional to $(1-2\lambda)^{2}$, on the splitting parameter remains. As an application, we check the relationship between path integrals for the radial oscillator and the radial Coulomb system in arbitrary dimensions.

Comments On "Self-Gravitating Spherically Symmetric Solutions in Scalar-Torsion Theories". (arXiv:1706.04710v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ainol Yaqin, Bobby Eka Gunara, relevance 1.52

We find a crucial miscalculation in [arXiv:1501.00365 [gr-qc]] which leads to the wrong master equation. This follows that there is no wormhole-like solution for hyperbolic scalar potential and the solution at large distances differs from that of [arXiv:1501.00365 [gr-qc]].

Super Quantum Mechanics in the Integral Form Formalism. (arXiv:1706.04704v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by L. Castellani, R. Catenacci, P. A. Grassi, relevance 0.40

We reformulate Super Quantum Mechanics in the context of integral forms. This framework allows to interpolate between different actions for the same theory, connected by different choices of Picture Changing Operators (PCO). In this way we retrieve component and superspace actions, and prove their equivalence. The PCO are closed integral forms, and can be interpreted as super Poincar\'e duals of bosonic submanifolds embedded into a supermanifold.. We use them to construct Lagrangians that are top integral forms, and therefore can be integrated on the whole supermanifold. The $D=1, ~N=1$ and the $D=1,~ N=2$ cases are studied, in a flat and in a curved supermanifold. In this formalism we also consider coupling with gauge fields, Hilbert space of quantum states and observables.

Charged Boundary States in the Schwinger Model. (arXiv:1706.04683v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Adar Sharon, Gilad Weiss, relevance 0.00

QED in 1+1 dimensions possesses two rare and interesting properties - It is both exactly solvable and confining. The combination of these two properties makes it the perfect candidate for a toy model for QCD. We study this model on an interval, where new features of the theory are revealed. We show that on an interval, the model admits charged states, which is unexpected for a confining theory. We show that the charged states are boundary states, and calculate their mass. This result could lead one to expect a similar result in QCD, where single quarks could be isolated near a boundary.

Locating the Gribov horizon. (arXiv:1706.04681v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Fei Gao, Si-Xue Qin, Craig D. Roberts, Jose Rodriguez-Quintero, relevance 11.61

We explore whether a tree-level expression for the gluon two-point function, supposed to express effects of an horizon term introduced to eliminate the Gribov ambiguity, is consistent with the propagator obtained in simulations of lattice-regularised quantum chromodynamics (QCD). In doing so, we insist that the gluon two-point function obey constraints that ensure a minimal level of consistency with parton-like behaviour at ultraviolet momenta. In consequence, we are led to a position which supports a conjecture that the gluon mass and horizon scale are equivalent emergent mass-scales, each with a value of roughly $0.5\,$GeV; and wherefrom it appears plausible that the dynamical generation of a running gluon mass may alone be sufficient to remove the Gribov ambiguity.

A note on entanglement edge modes in Chern Simons theory. (arXiv:1706.04666v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gabriel Wong, relevance 15.28

We elaborate on the extended Hilbert space factorization of Chern Simons theory and show how this arises naturally from a proper regularization of the entangling surface in the Euclidean path integral. The regularization amounts to stretching the entangling surface into a co-dimension one surface which hosts edge modes of the Chern Simons theory when quantized on a spatial subregion. The factorized state is a regularized Ishibashi state and reproduces the well known topological entanglement entropies. We illustrate how the same factorization arises from the glueing of two spatial subregions via the entangling product defined by Donnelly and Freidel.

A Novel Non-Perturbative Lattice Regularization of an Anomaly-Free $1 + 1d$ Chiral $SU(2)$ Gauge Theory. (arXiv:1706.04648v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Michael DeMarco, Xiao-Gang Wen, relevance 3.55

We present a numerical treatment of a novel non-perturbative lattice regularization of a $1+1d$ $SU(2)$ Chiral Gauge Theory. Our approach follows recent proposals that exploit the newly discovered connection between anomalies and topological (or entangled) states to show how to create a lattice regularization of any anomaly-free chiral gauge theory. In comparison to other methods, our regularization enjoys on-site fermions and gauge action, as well as a physically transparent fermion Hilbert space. We follow the `mirror fermion' approach, in which we first create a lattice regularization of both the chiral theory and its mirror conjugate and then introduce interactions that gap out only the mirror theory. The connection between topological states and anomalies shows that such interactions exist if the chiral theory is free of all quantum anomalies. Instead of numerically intractable fermion-fermion interactions, we couple the mirror theory to a Higgs field driven into a symmetry-preserving, disordered, gapped phase.

On the origin of generalized uncertainty principle from compactified M5-brane. (arXiv:1706.04639v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Alireza Sepehri, Anirudh Pradhan, A. Beesham, relevance -16.94

In this paper, we demonstrate that compactification in M-theory can lead to a deformation of field theory consistent with the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP).We observe that the matter fields in the M3-brane action contain higher derivative terms. We demonstrate that such terms can also be constructed from a reformulation of the field theory by the GUP. In fact, we will construct the Heisenberg algebra consistent with this deformation, and explicitly demonstrate it to be the Heisenberg algebra obtained from the GUP. Thus, we use compactification in M-theory to motivate for the existence of the GUP.

Parity breaking signatures from a Chern-Simons coupling during inflation: the case of non-Gaussian gravitational waves. (arXiv:1706.04627v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nicola Bartolo, Giorgio Orlando, relevance 0.00

Considering high-energy modifications of Einstein gravity during inflation is an interesting issue. We can constrain the strength of the new gravitational terms through observations of inflationary imprints in the actual universe. In this paper we analyze the effects on slow-roll models due to a Chern-Simons term coupled to the inflaton field through a generic coupling function $f(\phi)$. A well known result is the polarization of primordial gravitational waves (PGW) into left and right eigenstates, as a consequence of parity breaking. In such a scenario the modifications to the power spectrum of PGW are suppressed under the conditions that allow to avoid the production of ghost gravitons at a certain energy scale, the so-called Chern-Simons mass $M_{CS}$. In general it has been recently pointed out that there is very little hope to efficiently constrain chirality of PGW on the basis solely of two-point statistics from future CMB data, even in the most optimistic cases. Thus we search if significant parity breaking signatures can arise at least in the bispectrum statistics. We find that the tensor-tensor-scalar bispectra $\langle \gamma \gamma \zeta \rangle$ for each polarization state are the only ones that are not suppressed. Their amplitude, setting the level of parity breaking during inflation, is proportional to the second derivative of the coupling function $f(\phi)$ and they turn out to be maximum in the squeezed limit. We comment on the squeezed-limit consistency relation arising in the case of chiral gravitational waves, and on possible observables to constrain these signatures.

Properties of soliton surfaces associated with integrable $\mathbb{C}P^{N-1}$ sigma models. (arXiv:1706.04625v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Sanjib Dey, A. M. Grundland, relevance 0.00

We investigate certain properties of $\mathfrak{su}(N)$-valued two-dimensional soliton surfaces associated with the integrable $\mathbb{C}P^{N-1}$ sigma models constructed by the orthogonal rank-one Hermitian projectors, which are defined on the two-dimensional Riemann sphere with finite action functional. Several new properties of the projectors mapping onto one-dimensional subspaces as well as their relations with three mutually different immersion formulas, namely, the generalized Weierstrass, Sym-Tafel and Fokas-Gel'fand have been discussed in detail. Explicit connections among these three surfaces are also established by purely analytical descriptions and, it is demonstrated that the three immersion formulas actually correspond to the single surface parametrized by some specific conditions.

Kinetic theory of transport for inhomogeneous electron fluids. (arXiv:1706.04621v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andrew Lucas, Sean A. Hartnoll, relevance 0.29

The interplay between electronic interactions and disorder is neglected in the conventional Boltzmann theory of transport, yet can play an essential role in determining the resistivity of unconventional metals. When quasiparticles are long-lived, one can account for these intertwined effects by solving spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equations. Assuming smooth disorder and neglecting umklapp scattering, we solve these inhomogeneous kinetic equations and compute the electrical resistivity across the ballistic-to-hydrodynamic transition. An important consequence of electron-electron interactions is the modification of the momentum relaxation time; this effect is ignored in the conventional theory. We characterize precisely when interactions enhance the momentum scattering rate, and when they decrease it. Our approach unifies existing semiclassical theories of transport and reveals novel transport mechanisms. In particular, we explain how the resistivity can be proportional to the rate of momentum-conserving collisions. We compare this result with existing transport mysteries, including the disorder-independent $T^2$ resistivity of many Fermi liquids, and the linear-in-$T$ "Planckian-limited" resistivity of many strange metals.

E_n Jacobi forms and Seiberg-Witten curves. (arXiv:1706.04619v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kazuhiro Sakai, relevance 0.18

We discuss Jacobi forms that are invariant under the action of the Weyl group of type E_n (n=6,7,8). For n=6,7 we explicitly construct a full set of generators of the algebra of E_n weak Jacobi forms. We first construct n+1 independent E_n Jacobi forms in terms of Jacobi theta functions and modular forms. By using them we obtain Seiberg-Witten curves of type E_6 and E_7 for the E-string theory. The coefficients of each curve are E_n weak Jacobi forms of particular weights and indices specified by the root system, realizing the generators whose existence was shown some time ago by Wirthm\"uller.

Gauge Backgrounds and Zero-Mode Counting in F-Theory. (arXiv:1706.04616v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Martin Bies, Christoph Mayrhofer, Timo Weigand, relevance 11.90

Computing the exact spectrum of charged massless matter is a crucial step towards understanding the effective field theory describing F-theory vacua in four dimensions. In this work we further develop a coherent framework to determine the charged massless matter in F-theory compactified on elliptic fourfolds, and demonstrate its application in a concrete example. The gauge background is represented, via duality with M-theory, by algebraic cycles modulo rational equivalence. Intersection theory within the Chow ring allows us to extract coherent sheaves on the base of the elliptic fibration whose cohomology groups encode the charged zero-mode spectrum. The dimensions of these cohomology groups are computed with the help of modern techniques from algebraic geometry, which we implement in the software gap. We exemplify this approach in models with an Abelian and non-Abelian gauge group and observe jumps in the exact massless spectrum as the complex structure moduli are varied. An extended mathematical appendix gives a self-contained introduction to the algebro-geometric concepts underlying our framework.

Charged structure constants from modularity. (arXiv:1706.04612v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Diptarka Das, Shouvik Datta, Sridip Pal, relevance 4.44

We derive a universal formula for the average heavy-heavy-light structure constants for 2d CFTs with non-vanishing u(1) charge. The derivation utilizes the modular properties of one-point functions on the torus. Refinements in N=2 SCFTs, show that the resulting Cardy-like formula for the structure constants has precisely the same shifts in the central charge as that of the thermodynamic entropy found earlier. This analysis generalizes the recent results by Kraus and Maloney for CFTs with an additional global u(1) symmetry. Our results at large central charge are also shown to match with computations from the holographic dual, which suggest that the averaged CFT three-point coefficient also serves as an useful probe of detecting black hole hair.

On current contribution to Fronsdal equations. (arXiv:1706.04605v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nikita Misuna, relevance 0.62

We explore a local form of second-order Vasiliev equations proposed in [arXiv:1706.03718] and obtain an explicit expression for quadratic corrections to bosonic Fronsdal equations, generated by gauge-invariant higher-spin currents. Our analysis is performed for general phase factor, and for the case of parity-invariant theory we find the agreement with expressions for cubic vertices available in the literature. This provides an additional indication that field redefinition proposed in [arXiv:1706.03718] is the proper one.

Generalized scalar field models with the same energy density and linear stability. (arXiv:1706.04587v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by L. Losano, M.A. Marques, R. Menezes, relevance 0.44

We study how the properties of a Lagrangian density for a single real scalar field in flat spacetime change with inclusion of an overall factor depending only on the field. The focus of the paper is to obtain analytical results. So, we show that even though it is possible to perform a field redefinition to get an equivalent canonical model, it is not always feasible to write the canonical model in terms of elementary functions. Also, we investigate the behavior of the energy density and the linear stability of the solutions. Finally, we show that one can find a class of models that present the same energy density and the same stability potential.

Renyi entropy and C_T for p-forms on even spheres. (arXiv:1706.04574v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by J.S. Dowker, relevance 15.69

Renyi entropy and central charge, $C_T$, are calculated for a coexact p--form on an even sphere with particular reference to the conformally invariant case. It is shown, for example, that the entanglement entropy is minus the standard conformal anomaly with no `shift' being required.

The shift necessary for a conformal p--form, when using a hyperbolic technique, is predicted, on a numerical basis, to be (minus) the entanglement entropy of a conformal (p-1)-form.

The central charges agree numerically with a general formula of Buchel {\it et al}.

Total spectral distributions from Hawking radiation. (arXiv:1706.04557v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Bogusław Broda, relevance 13.10

Taking into account (growing) time-dependent Hawking temperature and finite evaporation time of the black hole, total spectral distributions of the radiant energy and of the number of particles have been explicitly calculated and compared to their initial blackbody counterparts (spectral exitances).

Two-loop free energy of three-dimensional antiferromagnets in external magnetic and staggered fields. (arXiv:1706.04538v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Tomas Brauner, Christoph P. Hofmann, relevance 0.00

Using a model-independent low-energy effective field theory, we calculate the free energy of three-dimensional antiferromagnets in a combination of mutually perpendicular external magnetic and staggered fields at the next-to-next-to-leading, two-loop order. Renormalization is carried out analytically, and the renormalization group invariance of the result is checked explicitly. The free energy is thus expressed solely in terms of temperature, the external fields, and a set of low-energy coupling constants, to be determined by experiment or by matching to the microscopic model of a given concrete material.

False Vacuum Decay Catalyzed by Black Holes. (arXiv:1706.04523v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kyohei Mukaida, Masaki Yamada, relevance 8.59

False vacuum states are metastable in quantum field theories, and true vacuum bubbles can be nucleated due to the quantum tunneling effect. It was recently suggested that an evaporating black hole (BH) can be a catalyst of bubble nucleations and dramatically shortens the lifetime of the false vacuum. In particular, in the context of the Standard Model valid up to a certain energy scale, even a single evaporating BH may spoil the successful cosmology by inducing the decay of our electroweak vacuum. In this paper, we reinterpret catalyzed vacuum decay by BHs, using an effective action for a thin-wall bubble around a BH to clarify the meaning of bounce solutions. We calculate bounce solutions in the limit of a flat spacetime and in the limit of negligible backreaction to the metric, where it is much easier to understand the physical meaning, and compare these results with the full calculations done in the literature. As a result, we give a physical interpretation of the enhancement factor: it is nothing but the probability of producing states with a finite energy. This makes it clear that all the other states such as plasma should also be generated through the same mechanism, and calls for finite-density corrections to the tunneling rate which tend to stabilize the false vacuum. We also clarify that the dominant process is always consistent with the periodicity indicated by the BH Hawking temperature after summing over all possible remnant BH masses or bubble energies, although the periodicity of each bounce solution as a function of a remnant BH can be completely different from the inverse temperature of the system as mentioned in the previous literature.

Impulsive gravitational waves in general massive 3D gravity. (arXiv:1706.04521v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ahmet Baykal, Tekin Dereli, relevance 10.57

Impulsive, non-diverging, Petrov-Segre type N gravitational wave solutions to a general massive three-dimensional gravity in the de Sitter, anti-de Sitter and flat Minkowski backgrounds are constructed in a unified manner by using the exterior algebra of differential forms.

Anomalous low-temperature thermodynamics of QCD in strong magnetic fields. (arXiv:1706.04514v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Tomas Brauner, Saurabh Kadam, relevance 7.16

The thermodynamics of quantum chromodynamics at low temperatures and in sufficiently strong magnetic fields is governed by neutral pions. We analyze the interacting system of neutral pions and photons at zero baryon chemical potential using effective field theory. As a consequence of the axial anomaly and the external magnetic field, the pions and photons mix with one another. The resulting spectrum contains one usual, relativistic photon state, and two nonrelativistic modes, one of which is gapless and the other gapped. Remarkably, this mode remains gapped even in the chiral limit in spite of the Goldstone theorem. Furthermore, we calculate the leading, one-loop contribution to the pressure of the system. In the chiral limit, a closed analytic expression for the pressure exists, which features an unusual scaling with temperature and magnetic field, $T^3B/f_\pi$, at low temperatures, $T\ll B/f_\pi$. Finally, we determine the pion decay rate as a function of the magnetic field at the tree level. The result is affected by a competition of the anisotropic kinematics and the enlarged phase space due to the anomalous mass of the neutral pion. In the chiral limit, the decay rate scales as $B^3/f_\pi^5$.

Quantum gravity corrections to gauge theories with a cutoff regularization. (arXiv:1706.04485v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc by G. Cynolter, E. Lendvai, relevance 15.78

Gravity can be considered as an effective quantum field theory with reliable, but limited predictions. Though the influence of gravity on gauge and other interactions of elementary particles is still an open question. We calculate the lowest order quantum gravity contributions to the QED beta function in an effective field theory picture with a momentum cutoff. We use a recently proposed 4 dimensional improved momentum cutoff that preserves gauge and Lorentz symmetries. We find that there is a non-vanishing quadratic contribution to the photon 2-point function but after renormalization that does not lead to the running of the original coupling. We comment on corrections to the other gauge interactions and Yukawa couplings of heavy fermions. We argue that gravity cannot turn gauge interactions asymptotically free.

Modified Maxwell equations from CPT-even Lorentz violation with Minimum Length. (arXiv:1706.04456v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by T. Prudencio, L. S. Amorim, H. Belich, H. L. C. Louzada, relevance 10.11

Here we discuss the presence of CPT-even Lorentz violation (LV) in the presence of a deformed Heisenberg algebra that leads to a minimum length (ML). We consider the case of a Maxwell lagrangian modified by the presence of a $K_{F}$ CPT-even LV theory and ML. We then derive a set of modified Maxwell equations in the cases of LV and ML and only ML. We verified that in the case of electromagnetic waves in the vacuum the presence of ML does not change the consequences of LV. On the other hand, in a material media ML changes the whole set of equations that can lead to important effects with respect to the usual equations. We also considered the more general case including LV and the modified equations in terms of matter fields. We then derived the refractive index as a function of the matter fields depending on LV and ML, and in particular we showed the behaviour of the refractive index with respect to the non-commutative parameter.

Some aspects of conformal ${\cal N}=4$ SYM four point function. (arXiv:1706.04450v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Christopher Rayson, relevance 3.67

The four point functions of chiral primary BPS operators in ${\cal N}=4$ superconformal Yang Mills are expressed in a form manifestly satisfying the superconformal Ward identities. They are subsequently expanded in terms of conformal partial waves. Correlation functions of two pairs of identical chiral primaries, one pair having the lowest possible scale dimension, are considered. Crossing symmetries determine their free field value up to numeric constants. The contributions from different supermultiplets to the partial wave expansion is analysed, and determined in the case of the free fields and compared with established results at strong and weak coupling. In the large $N$, strong coupling limit, non-trivial cancellations are found between the free field values and results from supergravity. In the perturbative case values are obtained for the anomalous dimensions of lowest twist operators and the correction to the coupling by analysing the conformal wave expansions of certain hypergeometric and logarithmic functions. Next, we attempt to count shortened ${\cal N}=4$ SYM operators, beginning by constructing from fundamental fields the most general operators belonging to certain $SU(4)_R$ representations at low twists. The number of independent solutions to the conditions imposed on such operators is found via a combinatoric approach. Generating functions for the number of operators with spin $\ell=0,1,2,\dotsc$ are derived. Explicit values are obtained for specific $R$-symmetry representations at low twist in various sectors of the theory. The asymptotic behaviour at large twist is also considered. Finally the conformal field theory operator product expansion is analysed. Solutions in terms of series expansions are found, initially for scalar operators in two dimensions, and then more generally.

The spherically symmetric gravitational field. (arXiv:1706.04444v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergey Gubanov, relevance 0.62

The general solution of the system of General Relativity equations has been found for isotropic Universe with the flat spatial distribution and synchronized time taking into account a perfect dust and the cosmological constant. Schwarzschild, Friedmann and Einstein-de Sitter solutions (as well as all of their fusion with each other) are special cases of the found general solution. A method of generating an infinite number of Tolman's like solutions has been found. Exact solutions has been found for the spherically symmetric gravitational field of perfect dust clouds in the expanding Universe filled with radiation. A system of ordinary differential equations has been obtained for the spherically symmetric gravitational field of perfect dust clouds in the expanding Universe filled with radiation and nonrelativistic gas. A system of equations has been obtained for the spherically symmetric gravitational field of ultrarelativistic celestial body explosion (supernova, quasar). The problem of a negative density of a perfect dust cloud in General Relativity has been considered.

Scalar clouds around Kerr-Sen black holes. (arXiv:1706.04441v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Yang Huang, Dao-Jun Liu, Xiang-Hua Zhai, Xin-Zhou Li, relevance 20.24

In this paper, the behaviour of a charged massive scalar test field in the background of a Kerr-Sen black hole is investigated. A kind of stationary solutions, dubbed scalar clouds, are obtained numerically and expressed by the existence lines in the parameter space. We show that for fixed background and a given set of harmonic indices, the mass and charge of the scalar clouds are limited in a finite region in the parameter space of the scalar field. Particularly, the maximum values of the mass and charge of the clouds around extremal Kerr-Sen black holes are independent of the angular velocity of the black hole, whereas those in the extremal Kerr-Newman background depend on the angular velocity. In addition, it is demonstrated that, as the static limit of Kerr-Sen black hole, Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger black hole can not support scalar cloud.

Exploring Plane Symmetric Solutions in $f(R)$ Gravity. (arXiv:1706.04435v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by M. Farasat Shamir, relevance 0.00

The modified theories of gravity, especially the $f(R)$ gravity, have attracted much attention in the last decade. This paper is devoted to exploring plane symmetric solutions in the context of metric $f(R)$ gravity. We extend the work on static plane symmetric vacuum solutions in $f(R)$ gravity already available in literature [1, 2]. The modified field equations are solved using the assumption of both constant and non-constant scalar curvature. Some well known solutions have been recovered with power law and logarithmic forms of $f(R)$ models.

Braneworld Black Holes and Entropy Bounds. (arXiv:1706.04434v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Y. Heydarzade, H. Hadi, C. Corda, F. Darabi, relevance 25.49

The Bousso's D-bound entropy for the various possible black hole solutions on a 4-dimensional brane is checked. It is found that the D-bound entropy here is apparently different from that of obtained for the 4-dimensional black hole solutions. This difference is interpreted as the extra loss of information, associated to the extra dimension, when an extra-dimensional black hole is moved outward the observer's cosmological horizon. Also, it is discussed that N-bound entropy is hold for the possible solutions here. Finally, by adopting the recent Bohr-like approach to black hole quantum physics for the excited black holes, the obtained results are written also in terms of the black hole excited states.

Revisiting Holographic Dark Energy in Cyclic Cosmology. (arXiv:1706.04433v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by A. Sheykhi, M. Tavayef, H. Moradpour, relevance 12.29

Considering the holographic dark energy (HDE) with two different Infrared (IR) cutoffs, we study the evolution of a cyclic universe which avoids the Big-Rip singularity. Our results show that, even in the absence of a mutual interaction between the cosmos sectors, the HDE model with the Hubble radius as IR cutoff can mimics a cosmological constant in the framework of a cyclic cosmology. In addition, we find that both the interacting and non-interacting universes may enter into a cycle of sequential contraction and expansion, if the Granda-Oliveros (GO) cutoff is chosen as the IR cutoff in the energy density of the HDE.

Van der Waals-like phase transition from holographic entanglement entropy in Lorentz breaking massive gravity. (arXiv:1706.04431v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Xian-Ming Liu, Hong-Bo Shao, Xiao-Xiong Zeng, relevance 47.84

In this paper, phase transition of AdS black holes in lorentz breaking massive gravity has been studied in the framework of holography. We find that there is a first order phase transition(FPT) and second order phase transition(SPT) both in Bekenstein-Hawking entropy(BHE)-temperature plane and holographic entanglement entropy(HEE)-temperature plane. Furthermore, for the FPT, the equal area law is checked and for the SPT, the critical exponent of the heat capacity is also computed. Our results confirm that the phase structure of HEE is similar to that of BHE in lorentz breaking massive gravity, which implies that HEE and BHE have some potential underlying relationship.

The Stark Effect with Minimum Length. (arXiv:1706.04430v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by H. L. C. Louzada, H. Belich, relevance 0.24

We will study the splitting in the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom subjected to a uniform electric field (Stark effect) with the Heisenberg algebra deformed leading to the minimum length. We will use the perturbation theory for cases not degenerate ($n=1$) and degenerate ($n=2$), along with known results of corrections in these levels caused by the minimum length applied purely to the hydrogen atom, so that we may find and estimate the corrections of minimum length applied to the Stark effect.

Bound States of Little Strings and Symmetric Orbifold CFTs. (arXiv:1706.04425v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ambreen Ahmed, Stefan Hohenegger, Amer Iqbal, Soo-Jong Rey, relevance 4.56

We study BPS bound states of little strings in a limit where they realise monopole strings in five dimensional gauge theories. The latter have gauge group $U(M)^N$ and arise from compactification of $(1,0)$ little string theories of type $A_{M-1} \times A_{N-1}$. We find evidence that the partition function of a certain subclass of monopole strings of charge $(k,\ldots,k)$ ($k\geq 1$) is expressible as the partition function of a symmetric orbifold sigma model, whose target space is precisely the symmetric product of the moduli space of monopoles with charge $(1, \ldots, 1)$.

Fermion bound states in geometrically deformed backgrounds. (arXiv:1706.04406v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D. Bazeia, A. Mohammadi, D.C. Moreira, relevance 9.08

This work deals with the behavior of fermions in the background of kinklike structures in the two-dimensional spacetime. The kinklike structures appear from bosonic scalar field models that engender distinct profiles and interact with the fermion fields via the standard Yukawa coupling. We first consider two models that engender parity symmetry, one leading to the exclusion of fermion bound states, and the other to the inclusion of bound states, when the parameter that controls the bosonic structure varies from zero to unity. We then go on and investigate another model where the kinklike solution explicitly breaks parity symmetry, leading to fermion bound states that are spatially asymmetric.

Gravity and decoherence: the double slit experiment revisited. (arXiv:1706.04401v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Joseph Samuel, relevance 0.00

The double slit experiment is iconic and widely used in classrooms to demonstrate the fundamental mystery of quantum physics. The puzzling feature is that the probability of an electron arriving at the detector when both slits are open is not the sum of the probabilities when the slits are open separately. The superposition principle of quantum mechanics tells us to add amplitudes rather than probabilities and this results in interference. This experiment defies our classical intuition that the probabilities of exclusive events add. In understanding the emergence of the classical world from the quantum one, there have been suggestions by Feynman, Diosi and Penrose that gravity is responsible for suppressing interference. This idea has been pursued in many different forms ever since, predominantly within Newtonian approaches to gravity. In this paper, we propose and theoretically analyse two `gedanken' or thought experiments which lend strong support to the idea that gravity is responsible for decoherence. The first makes the point that thermal radiation can suppress interference. The second shows that in an accelerating frame, Unruh radiation plays the same role. Invoking the Einstein equivalence principle to relate acceleration to gravity, we support the view that gravity is responsible for decoherence.

Distributional noncommutative and quantum-corrected black holes, stars, and dark matter halos. (arXiv:1706.04385v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mustapha Azreg-Aïnou, relevance 13.21

We discuss the generic properties of any general mass distribution $\mathcal{D}(r,\theta)$ depending on one parameter $\theta$ and endowed with spherical symmetry. We show (a) that the de Sitter behavior of spacetime at the origin is generic and depends only on $\mathcal{D}(0,\theta)$, (b) that, due to the character of the cumulative distribution of $\mathcal{D}(r,\theta)$, the geometry may posses up to two horizons depending solely on the value of the total mass $M$, and (c) that no scalar invariant nor a thermodynamic entity diverges. We define new two-parameter mathematical distributions mimicking Gaussian and step-like functions and reduce to the Dirac distribution in the limit of vanishing parameter $\theta$. We use these distributions to derive in closed forms asymptotically flat, spherically symmetric, solutions that describe and model a variety of physical and geometric entities ranging from noncommutative black holes, quantum-corrected black holes to stars and dark matter halos for various scaling values of $\theta$. We show that the linear mass density $\pi c^2/G$ is an upper limit for regular-black-hole formation.

Behavior of the Universe anisotropy in a big-bounce cosmology. (arXiv:1706.04361v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Riccardo Moriconi, Giovanni Montani, relevance 2.38

We investigate the classical and quantum behavior of a Bianchi I model in the presence of a stiff matter contribution when the Vilenkin interpretation of the wave function of the Universe is taken into account. We study its evolution in the so-called polymer representation of quantum mechanics, in order to characterize the modifications that a discrete nature in the isotropic variable of the Universe induces on the morphology of the cosmological singularity. We demonstrate that in such a model the Big-Bang singularity is removed at a semiclassical level in favor of a Big-Bounce when a lattice on the isotropic variable is considered. Furthermore, the analysis of the mean values on the quantum degrees of freedom, \textit{i.e} the variables $\beta_{+},\beta_{-}$ in the Misner picture, and the investigation on the evolution of the wave packets show how the typical diverging behavior associated to the anisotropies of the Universe in proximity of the initial singularity disappears in our polymer modified scheme. Indeed, the anisotropies remain finite across the Big-Bounce and they assume a value that depends on the initial conditions fixed far from the turning point. Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed scenario can be extended, with a suitable choice of the configuration parameters, to the Bianchi IX cosmology and therefore it can be regarded as a paradigm for the generic cosmological model.

AdS/QCD, Entanglement Entropy and Critical Temperature. (arXiv:1706.04335v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by M Lezgi, M. Ali-Akbari, relevance 46.02

Based on gauge-gravity duality, by using holographic entanglement entropy, we have done a phenomenological study to probe confinement-deconfinement phase transition in the QCD-like gauge theory. Our outcomes are in perfect agreement with the expected results, qualitatively and quantitatively. We find out that the (holographic) entanglement entropy is a reliable order parameter for probing the phase transition.

The Period map for quantum cohomology of $\mathbb{P}^2$}. (arXiv:1706.04323v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Todor Milanov, relevance 0.00

We invert the period map defined by the second structure connection of quantum cohomology of $\mathbb{P}^2$. For small quantum cohomology the inverse is given explicitly in terms of the Eisenstein series $E_4$ and $E_6$, while for big quantum cohomology the inverse is determined perturbatively as a Taylor series expansion whose coefficients are quasi-modular forms.

(2 +1)-dimensional Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator under a magnetic field in the presence of a minimal length in the noncommutative space. (arXiv:1706.04298v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Bing-Qian Wang, Zheng-Wen Long, Chao-Yun Long, Shu-Rui Wu, relevance 0.00

Using the momentum space representation, we study the (2 +1)-dimensional Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator for spin 0 particle under a magnetic field in the presence of a minimal length in the noncommutative space. The explicit form of energy eigenvalues are found, the wave functions and the corresponding probability density are reported in terms of the Jacobi polynomials. Additionally, we also discuss the special cases and depict the corresponding numerical results.

Quantum cosmology of quadratic f(R) theories with a FRW metric. (arXiv:1706.04288v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by V. Vázquez-Báez, C. Ramírez, relevance 0.00

We study the quantum cosmology of a quadratic $f(R)$ theory with a FRW metric, via one of its equivalent Horndeski type actions, where the dynamics of the scalar field is induced. The classical equations of motion and the Weeler-deWitt equation, in their exact versions, are solved numerically. From the choice of a free parameter in the action follow two cases, inflation + exit and inflation alone. The numerical solution of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation depends strongly on the boundary conditions, which can be chosen so that the resulting wave function of the universe seems to be normalizable and consistent with hermitian operators.

Effective Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy. (arXiv:1706.04287v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Y. Jack Ng, relevance 1.89

Two very different methods are used to estimate the magnitude of the effective cosmological constant / dark energy (for the present cosmic epoch). Their results agree with each other and are in agreement with observations. One method makes use of unimodular gravity and causal set theory, while the other one employs arguments involving spacetime foam and holography. I also motivate and discuss the possibility that quanta of (both) dark energy (and dark matter in the Modified Dark Matter model) are extended/non-local, obeying infinite statistics, also known as quantum Boltzmann statistics. Such quanta out-number ordinary particles obeying Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac statistics by a factor of $\sim 10^{30}$.

Towards an Analytic Construction of the Wavefunction of Boson Stars. (arXiv:1706.04272v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Felix Kling, Arvind Rajaraman, relevance 0.00

Light scalar fields can form gravitationally bound compact objects called boson stars. The profile of boson stars in the Newtonian limit is described by the Gross-Pitaevskii-Poisson equations. We present a semi-analytic solution to these equations and construct the profile of boson stars formed by a non-interacting scalar field. Our solution is stable with respect to numerical errors and has accuracy better than $10^{-6}$ over the entire range.

Higher Order Corrections to Holographic Black Hole Chemistry. (arXiv:1706.04259v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Musema Sinamuli, Robert B. Mann, relevance 21.96

We investigate the holographic Smarr relation beyond the large N limit. By making use of the holographic dictionary, we find that the bulk correlates of sub-leading 1/N corrections to this relation are related to the couplings in Lovelock gravity theories. We likewise obtain a holographic equation of state, and check its validity for a variety of interesting and non-trivial black holes, including rotating planar black holes in Gauss-Bonnet-Born-Infeld gravity, and non-extremal rotating black holes in minimal 5d gauged supergravity. We provide an explanation of the N-dependence of the holographic Smarr relation in terms of contributions due to planar and non-planar diagrams in the dual theory.

Genus One Belyi Maps by Quadratic Correspondences. (arXiv:1706.04258v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Raimundas Vidunas, Yang-Hui He, relevance 0.00

We present a method of obtaining a Belyi map on an elliptic curve from that on the Riemann sphere. This is done by writing the former as a radical of the latter, which we call a quadratic correspondence, with the radical determining the elliptic curve. With a host of examples of various degrees we demonstrate that the correspondence is an efficient way of obtaining genus one Belyi maps. As applications, we find the Belyi maps for the dessins d'enfant which have arisen as brane-tilings in the physics community, including ones, such as the so-called suspended pinched point, which have been a standing challenge for a number of years.

Polyhomogeneous expansions from time symmetric initial data. (arXiv:1706.04227v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Edgar Gasperin, Juan A. Valiente Kroon, relevance 2.28

We make use of Friedrich's construction of the cylinder at spatial infinity to relate the logarithmic terms appearing in asymptotic expansions of components of the Weyl tensor to the freely specifiable parts of time symmetric initial data sets for the Einstein field equations. Our analysis is based on the assumption that a particular type of formal expansions near the cylinder at spatial infinity corresponds to the leading terms of actual solutions to the Einstein field equations. In particular, we show that if the Bach tensor of the initial conformal metric does not vanish at the point at infinity then the most singular component of the Weyl tensor decays near null infinity as $O(\tilde{r}^{-3}\ln \tilde{r})$ so that spacetime will not peel. We also provide necessary conditions on the initial data which should lead to a peeling spacetime. Finally, we show how to construct global spacetimes which are candidates for non-peeling polyhomogeneous) asymptotics.

On primordial black holes from an inflection point. (arXiv:1706.04226v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Cristiano Germani, Tomislav Prokopec, relevance 6.67

Recently, it has been claimed that inflationary models with an inflection point in the scalar potential can produce a large resonance in the power spectrum of curvature perturbation. In this paper however we show that the previous analyses are incorrect. The reason is twofold: firstly, the inflaton is over-shot from a stage of standard inflation and so deviates from the slow-roll attractor before reaching the inflection. Secondly, on the (or close to) the inflection point, the ultra-slow-roll trajectory supersede the slow-roll one and thus, the slow-roll approximations used in the literature cannot be used. We then reconsider the model and provide a recipe for how to produce nevertheless a large peak in the matter power spectrum via fine-tuning of parameters.

Non-Spherically Symmetric Collapse in Asymptotically AdS Spacetimes. (arXiv:1706.04199v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hans Bantilan, Pau Figueras, Markus Kunesch, Paul Romatschke, relevance 14.65

We numerically simulate gravitational collapse in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes away from spherical symmetry. Starting from initial data sourced by a massless real scalar field, we solve the Einstein equations with a negative cosmological constant in five spacetime dimensions and obtain a family of non-spherically symmetric solutions, including those that form two distinct black holes on the axis. We find that these configurations collapse faster than spherically symmetric ones of the same mass and radial compactness. Similarly, they require less mass to collapse within a fixed time.

On the time lags of the LIGO signals. (arXiv:1706.04191v2 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by James Creswell, Sebastian von Hausegger, Andrew D. Jackson, Hao Liu, Pavel Naselsky, relevance 0.00

To date, the LIGO collaboration has detected three gravitational wave (GW) events appearing in both its Hanford and Livingston detectors. In this article we reexamine the LIGO data with regard to correlations between the two detectors. With special focus on GW150914, we report correlations in the detector noise which, at the time of the event, happen to be maximized for the same time lag as that found for the event itself. Specifically, we analyze correlations in the calibration lines in the vicinity of 35\,Hz as well as the residual noise in the data after subtraction of the best-fit theoretical templates. The residual noise for the other two events, GW151226 and GW170104, exhibits similar behavior. A clear distinction between signal and noise therefore remains to be established in order to determine the contribution of gravitational waves to the detected signals.

The Quantum Null Energy Condition, Entanglement Wedge Nesting, and Quantum Focusing. (arXiv:1706.04183v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Chris Akers, Venkatesa Chandrasekaran, Stefan Leichenauer, Adam Levine, Arvin Shahbazi Moghaddam, relevance 79.16

We study the consequences of Entanglement Wedge Nesting for CFTs with holographic duals. The CFT is formulated on an arbitrary curved background, and we include the effects of curvature-squared couplings in the bulk. In this setup we find necessary and sufficient conditions for Entanglement Wedge Nesting to imply the Quantum Null Energy Condition in $d\leq 5$, extending its earlier holographic proofs. We also show that the Quantum Focusing Conjecture yields the Quantum Null Energy Condition as its nongravitational limit under these same conditions.

Integrability of Conformal Fishnet Theory. (arXiv:1706.04167v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nikolay Gromov, Vladimir Kazakov, Gregory Korchemsky, Stefano Negro, Grigory Sizov, relevance 5.37

We study integrability of fishnet-type Feynman graphs arising in planar four-dimensional bi-scalar chiral theory recently proposed in arXiv:1512.06704 as a special double scaling limit of gamma-deformed $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory. We show that the transfer matrix "building" the fishnet graphs emerges from the $R-$matrix of non-compact conformal $SU(2,2)$ Heisenberg spin chain with spins belonging to principal series representations of the four-dimensional conformal group. We demonstrate explicitly a relationship between this integrable spin chain and the Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) of $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM. Using QSC and spin chain methods, we construct Baxter equation for $Q-$functions of the conformal spin chain needed for computation of the anomalous dimensions of operators of the type $\text{tr}(\phi_1^J)$ where $\phi_1$ is one of the two scalars of the theory. For $J=3$ we derive from QSC a quantization condition that fixes the relevant solution of Baxter equation. The scaling dimensions of the operators only receive contributions from wheel-like graphs. We develop integrability techniques to compute the divergent part of these graphs and use it to present the weak coupling expansion of dimensions to very high orders. Then we apply our exact equations to calculate the anomalous dimensions with $J=3$ to practically unlimited precision at any coupling. These equations also describe an infinite tower of local conformal operators all carrying the same charge $J=3$. The method should be applicable for any $J$ and, in principle, to any local operators of bi-scalar theory. We show that at strong coupling the scaling dimensions can be derived from semiclassical quantization of finite gap solutions describing an integrable system of noncompact $SU(2,2)$ spins. This bears similarities with the classical strings arising in the strongly coupled limit of $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM.

Inflation from Supersymmetry Breaking. (arXiv:1706.04133v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ignatios Antoniadis, Auttakit Chatrabhuti, Hiroshi Isono, Rob Knoops, relevance 0.22

We explore the possibility that inflation is driven by supersymmetry breaking with the superpartner of the goldstino (sgoldstino) playing the role of the inflaton. Moreover, we impose an R-symmetry that allows to satisfy easily the slow-roll conditions, avoiding the so-called $\eta$-problem, and leads to two different classes of small field inflation models; they are characterised by an inflationary plateau around the maximum of the scalar potential, where R-symmetry is either restored or spontaneously broken, with the inflaton rolling down to a minimum describing the present phase of our Universe. To avoid the Goldstone boson and remain with a single (real) scalar field (the inflaton), R-symmetry is gauged with the corresponding gauge boson becoming massive. This framework generalises a model studied recently by the present authors, with the inflaton identified by the string dilaton and R-symmetry together with supersymmetry restored at weak coupling, at infinity of the dilaton potential. The presence of the D-term allows a tuning of the vacuum energy at the minimum. The proposed models agree with cosmological observations and predict a tensor-to-scalar ratio of primordial perturbations $10^{-9}\lesssim r\lesssim 10^{-4}$ and an inflation scale $10^{10}$ GeV $\lesssim H_*\lesssim 10^{12}$ GeV. $H_*$ may be lowered up to electroweak energies only at the expense of fine-tuning the scalar potential.

A Bayesian Framework for Cosmic String Searches in CMB Maps. (arXiv:1706.04131v4 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Razvan Ciuca, Oscar F. Hernández, relevance 0.63

There exists various proposals to detect cosmic strings from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) or 21 cm temperature maps. Current proposals do not aim to find the location of strings on sky maps, all of these approaches can be thought of as a statistic on a sky map. We propose a Bayesian interpretation of cosmic string detection and within that framework, we derive a connection between estimates of cosmic string locations and cosmic string tension $G\mu$. We use this Bayesian framework to develop a machine learning framework for detecting strings from sky maps and outline how to implement this framework with neural networks. The neural network we trained was able to detect and locate cosmic strings on noiseless CMB temperature map down to a string tension of $G\mu=5 \times10^{-9}$ and when analyzing a CMB temperature map that does not contain strings, the neural network gives a 0.95 probability that $G\mu\leq2.3\times10^{-9}$.

A Novel Foamy Origin for Singlet Fermion Masses. (arXiv:1706.04080v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by John Ellis, Nick E. Mavromatos, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, relevance 0.00

We show how masses for singlet fermions can be generated by interactions with a D-particle model of space-time foam inspired by brane theory. It has been shown previously by one of the authors (N.E.M.) such interactions may generate generate dynamically small masses for charged fermions via the recoils of D-particle defects interacting with photons. In this work we consider the direct interactions of D-particle with uncharged singlet fermions such as right-handed neutrinos. Quantum fluctuations of the lattice of D-particles have massless vector (spin-one) excitations that are analogues of phonons. These mediate forces between the singlet fermions, generating large dynamical masses that may be communicated to light neutrinos via the seesaw mechanism.

Observational Constraints on Varying Alpha in $\Lambda(\alpha)$CDM Cosmology. (arXiv:1706.04063v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hao Wei, Dong-Ze Xue, relevance 0.00

In this work, we consider the so-called $\Lambda(\alpha)$CDM cosmology with $\Lambda\propto\alpha^{-6}$ while the fine-structure "constant" $\alpha$ is varying. In this scenario, the accelerated expansion of the universe is driven by the cosmological "constant" $\Lambda$ (equivalently the vacuum energy), and the varying $\alpha$ is driven by a subdominant scalar field $\phi$ coupling with the electromagnetic field. The observational constraints on the varying $\alpha$ and $\Lambda\propto\alpha^{-6}$ models with various couplings $B_F(\phi)$ between the subdominant scalar field $\phi$ and the electromagnetic field are considered.

Inverse Bootstrapping Conformal Field Theories. (arXiv:1706.04054v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Wenliang Li, relevance 8.29

We propose a novel approach to study conformal field theories (CFTs) in general dimensions. In the conformal bootstrap program, one usually searches for consistent CFT data that satisfy crossing symmetry. In the new approach, we reverse the logic and interpret manifestly crossing-symmetric functions as generating functions of conformal data. Physical CFTs can be obtained by scanning the space of symmetric functions. By truncating the fusion rules, we are able to concentrate on the low-lying operators and derive some approximate relations for their conformal data. It turns out that the free scalar theory, the 2d minimal model CFTs, the $\phi^{4}$ Wilson-Fisher CFT, the Lee-Yang CFTs and the Ising CFTs are consistent with the universal relations from the minimal fusion rule $\phi_1\times \phi_1=I+\phi_2+T$, where $\phi_1,\,\phi_2$ are scalar operators, $I$ is the identity operator and $T$ is the stress tensor.

Thermal width and entropic force of a moving quarkonia with charged deformed AdS background. (arXiv:1706.04021v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by S. Tahery, J. Sadeghi, relevance 14.99

The entropic force and the imaginary part of potential experienced by a moving quarkonia in a plasma, are computed in a charged deformed AdS background by holography approaches. In that case, the axis of the moving quarkonia has an arbitrary angle with wind. We show that the charge in deformed AdS background deeply effect on the increasing entropic force and decreasing thermal width. So, the dissociation length of the meson becomes short when charge is increasing. In addition, the entropic force and thermal width are increased by the deformation of the space. Therefore the deformation parameter in such background leads us to find process with arbitrary dissociation length of quark- anti quark.

Mapping weak lensing distortions in the Kerr metric. (arXiv:1706.04013v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Arianna I. Renzini, Carlo R. Contaldi, Alan Heavens, relevance 0.66

Einstein's theory of General Relativity implies that energy, i.e. matter, curves space-time and thus deforms lightlike geodesics, giving rise to gravitational lensing. This phenomenon is well understood in the case of the Schwarzschild metric, and has been accurately described in the past; however, lensing in the Kerr space-time has received less attention in the literature despite potential practical observational applications. In particular, lensing in such space is not expressible as the gradient of a scalar potential and as such is a source of curl-like signatures and an asymmetric shear pattern. In this paper, we develop a differentiable lensing map in the Kerr metric, reworking and extending previous approaches. By using standard tools of weak gravitational lensing, we isolate and quantify the distortion that is uniquely induced by the presence of angular momentum in the metric. We apply this framework to the distortion induced by a Kerr-like foreground object on a distribution of background of sources. We verify that the new unique lensing signature is orders of magnitude below current observational bounds for a range of lens configurations.

Relativistic corrections to the static energy in terms of Wilson loops at weak coupling. (arXiv:1706.03971v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Clara Peset, Antonio Pineda, Maximilian Stahlhofen, relevance 0.00

We consider the ${\mathcal O}(1/m)$ and the spin-independent momentum-dependent ${\mathcal O}(1/m^2)$ quasi-static energies of heavy quarkonium (with unequal masses). They are defined nonperturbatively in terms of Wilson loops. We determine their short-distance behavior through ${\mathcal O}(\alpha^3)$ and ${\mathcal O}(\alpha^2)$, respectively. In particular, we calculate the ultrasoft contributions to the quasi-static energies, which requires the resummation of potential interactions. Our results can be directly compared to lattice simulations. In addition, we also compare the available lattice data with the expectations from effective string models for the long-distance behavior of the quasi-static energies.

Convergent series for polynomial lattice models with complex actions. (arXiv:1706.03957v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Vasily Sazonov, relevance 0.00

Lattice models with complex actions are important for the understanding of matter at finite densities, but not accessible by the standard Monte Carlo techniques due to the sign problem. Here we derive a new approach for avoiding the complex action/sign problem, by extending the method of convergent series with a non-Gaussian initial approximation. The main features of the new series are demonstrated on the example of the two dimensional oscillating integral.

Cosmic censorship and the third law of black hole dynamics. (arXiv:1706.03927v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Koray Düztaş, relevance 19.71

It is shown that a continuous process satisfying the weak energy condition can drive a black hole to extremality and beyond if there exists a naked singularity in the exterior region; i.e. the third law of black hole dynamics and the weak form of the cosmic censorship conjecture assume the validity of the strong form. Since naked singularities can form in fermionic interactions and they can lead to the formation of other naked singularities, the cosmic censorship conjecture in classical general relativity is not valid in general. The third law does not apply to these processes, since the semirigidity assumption leading to its proof cannot be sustained as the area of the event horizon decreases. Strong cosmic censorship does not guarantee that the semirigidity assumption holds either; it has to be proved separately without making further assumptions. Therefore the current proof of the third law is incomplete, and no rigorous proof exists.

Gluon Amplitudes as 2d Conformal Correlators. (arXiv:1706.03917v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sabrina Pasterski, Shu-Heng Shao, Andrew Strominger, relevance 9.48

Recently, spin-one wavefunctions in four dimensions that are conformal primaries of the Lorentz group SL(2,C) were constructed. We compute low-point, tree-level gluon scattering amplitudes in the space of these conformal primary wavefunctions. The answers have the same conformal covariance as correlators of spin-one primaries in a 2d CFT. The BCFW recursion relation between three- and four-point gluon amplitudes is recast into this conformal basis.

Quantum gravity effects in statistical mechanics with modified dispersion relation. (arXiv:1706.03911v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shovon Biswas, Mir Mehedi Faruk, relevance 8.66

Planck scale inspired theories which are also often accompanied with maximum energy and/or momentum scale predict deformed dispersion relations compared to ordinary special relativity and quantum mechanics. In this paper we resort to the methods of statistical mechanics in order to determine the effects of a deformed dispersion relation along with upper bound in partition function as maximum energy and/or momentum scale can have on the thermodynamics of photon gas. We have analyzed two distinct quantum gravity models in this paper

Accurate recalibated waveforms for extreme-mass-ratio inspirals in effective-one-body frame. (arXiv:1706.03884v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ran Cheng, Wen-Biao Han, relevance 0.00

How to calculate the gravitational waves (GWs) of Extreme-mass-ratio-inspirals (EMRIs) in a highly accurate and efficient way still keeps a challenge. In this paper, we present a so-called fully recalibrated waveforms for EMRIs with high accuracy. Based on the numerical data by solving the Teukolsky equations, we recalibrate all mass-ratio independent coefficients of the factorized waveforms which are used in the effective-one-body (EOB) models. Due to these new coefficients, the precision of waveforms is improved enormously, and is much higher than the original forms and at the same time higher than other existing calibration models. We believe our model will play an important role in the waveform-template construction of the space-based GW detectors.

Lunar Mass Black Holes from QCD Axion Cosmology. (arXiv:1706.03868v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Tanmay Vachaspati, relevance 13.17

In the QCD axion scenario, a network of domain walls bounded by cosmic strings fragments into pieces. As these fragments collapse, some of them will form black holes. With standard QCD axion parameters, the black holes will have lunar masses ($M_{\rm bh} \sim 10^{-8}\, {\rm M}_\odot$). Even though their number density is difficult to estimate, arguments suggest that they can constitute a reasonable fraction of the critical cosmological density.

Ehlers-Kundt Conjecture about Gravitational Waves and Dynamical Systems. (arXiv:1706.03855v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by José L. Flores, Miguel Sánchez, relevance 0.00

Ehlers-Kundt conjecture is a physical assertion about the fundamental role of plane waves for the description of gravitational waves. Mathematically, it becomes equivalent to a problem on the Euclidean plane ${\mathbb R}^2$ with a very simple formulation in Classical Mechanics: given a non-necessarily autonomous potential $V(z,u)$, $(z,u)\in {\mathbb R}^2\times {\mathbb R}$, harmonic in $z$ (i.e. source-free), the trajectories of its associated dynamical system $\ddot{z}(s)=-\nabla_z V(z(s),s)$ are complete (they live eternally) if and only if $V(z,u)$ is a polynomial in $z$ of degree at most $2$ (so that $V$ is a standard mathematical idealization of vacuum). Here, the conjecture is solved in the significative case that $V$ is bounded polynomially in $z$ for finite values of $u\in {\mathbb R}$. The mathematical and physical implications of this {\em polynomial EK conjecture}, as well as the non-polynomial one, are discussed beyond their original scope.

Diffuse neutrino supernova background as a cosmological test. (arXiv:1706.03834v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by J. Barranco, Argelia Bernal, D. Delepine, relevance 10.15

The future detection and measurement of the diffuse neutrino supernova background will shed light on the rate of supernovae events in the Universe, the star formation rate and the neutrino spectrum from each supernova. Little has been said about what those measurements will tell us about the expansion history of the universe. The purpose of this article is to show that the detection of the diffuse supernova neutrino background will be a complementary tool for the study and possible discrimination of cosmological models. In particular, we study three different cosmological models: the $\Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter model, the Logotropic universe and a bulk viscous matter-dominated universe. By fitting the free parameters of each model with the supernova Ia probe, we found that the predicted number of events computed with the best fit parameters for the $\Lambda$-Cold dark matter model and with the Logotropic model are the same, while a bulk viscous matter-dominated cosmological model predicts $\sim 3$ times more events. We show that the current limit set by Super-Kamiokande on the diffuse supernova neutrino background flux gives complementary constraints on the free parameters of a bulk viscous matter-dominated universe. Furthermore, this limit implies, within a $\Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter model, that the universe should be expanding with $H_0 > 21.5 ~\rm{Km/sec/Mpc}$ independently of the content of dark matter $\Omega_m$.

Gradient flows without blow-up for Lefschetz thimbles. (arXiv:1706.03822v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yuya Tanizaki, Hiromichi Nishimura, Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot, relevance 0.00

We propose new gradient flows that define Lefschetz thimbles and do not blow up in a finite flow time. We study analytic properties of these gradient flows, and confirm them by numerical tests in simple examples.

Emergence of Calogero family of models in external potentials: Duality, Solitons and Hydrodynamics. (arXiv:1706.03809v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Manas Kulkarni, Alexios P. Polychronakos, relevance 0.00

We present a first-order formulation of the Calogero model in external potentials in terms of a generating function, which simplifies the derivation of its dual form. Solitons naturally appear in this formulation as particles of negative mass. Using this method, we obtain the dual form of Calogero particles in external quartic, trigonometric and hyperbolic potentials, which were known to be integrable but had no known dual formulation. We derive the corresponding soliton solutions, generalizing earlier results for the harmonic Calogero system, and present numerical results that demonstrate the integrable nature of the soliton motion. We also give the collective fluid mechanical formulation of these models and derive the corresponding fluid soliton solutions in terms of meromorphic fields, commenting on issues of stability and integrability.

Conformal interfaces between free boson orbifold theories. (arXiv:1706.03802v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Melanie Becker, Yaniel Cabrera, Daniel Robbins, relevance 5.25

We construct a large class of conformal interfaces between two-dimensional c=1 conformal field theories describing compact free bosons and their Z_2 orbifolds. The interfaces are obtained by constructing boundary states in the corresponding c=2 product theories and applying the unfolding procedure. We compute the fusion products for all of these defects, and identify the invertible topological interfaces associated to global symmetries, the interfaces corresponding to marginal deformations, and the interfaces which map the untwisted sector of an orbifold to the invariant states of the parent theory.

N=2 S-duality Revisited. (arXiv:1706.03797v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Matthew Buican, Zoltan Laczko, Takahiro Nishinaka, relevance 0.76

Using the chiral algebra bootstrap, we revisit the simplest Argyres-Douglas (AD) generalization of Argyres-Seiberg S-duality. We argue that the exotic AD superconformal field theory (SCFT), $T_{3,{3\over2}}$, emerging in this duality splits into a free piece and an interacting piece, T_X, even though this factorization seems invisible in the Seiberg-Witten (SW) curve derived from the corresponding M5-brane construction. Without a Lagrangian, an associated topological field theory, a BPS spectrum, or even an SW curve, we nonetheless obtain exact information about T_X by bootstrapping its chiral algebra, chi(T_X), and finding the corresponding vacuum character in terms of Affine Kac-Moody characters. By a standard 4D/2D correspondence, this result gives us the Schur index for T_X and, by studying this quantity in the limit of small S^1, we make contact with a proposed S^1 reduction. Along the way, we discuss various properties of T_X: as an N=1 theory, it has flavor symmetry SU(3)XSU(2)XU(1), the central charge of chi(T_X) matches the central charge of the bc ghosts in bosonic string theory, and its global SU(2) symmetry has a Witten anomaly. This anomaly does not prevent us from building conformal manifolds out of arbitrary numbers of T_X theories (giving us a surprisingly close AD relative of Gaiotto's T_N theories), but it does lead to some open questions in the context of the chiral algebra / 4D N=2 SCFT correspondence.

Complexity in de Sitter Space. (arXiv:1706.03788v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alan Reynolds, Simon F. Ross, relevance 16.82

We consider the holographic complexity conjectures for de-Sitter invariant states in a quantum field theory on de Sitter space, dual to asymptotically anti-de Sitter geometries with de Sitter boundaries. The bulk holographic duals include solutions with or without a horizon. If we compute the complexity from the spatial volume, we find results consistent with general expectations, but the conjectured bound on the growth rate is not saturated. If we compute complexity from the action of the Wheeler-de Witt patch, we find qualitative differences from the volume calculation, with states of smaller energy having larger complexity than those of larger energy, even though the latter have bulk horizons.

Infrared quantum information. (arXiv:1706.03782v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Daniel Carney, Laurent Chaurette, Dominik Neuenfeld, Gordon Walter Semenoff, relevance 15.09

We discuss information-theoretic properties of low-energy photons and gravitons in the S-matrix. Given an incoming n-particle momentum eigenstate, we demonstrate that unobserved soft photons decohere nearly all outgoing momentum superpositions of charged particles, while the universality of gravity implies that soft gravitons decohere nearly all outgoing momentum superpositions of all the hard particles. Using this decoherence, we compute the entanglement entropy of the soft bosons and show that it is infrared-finite when the leading divergences are re-summed a la Bloch and Nordsieck.

Non-Connected Gauge Groups and the Plethystic Program. (arXiv:1706.03781v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Antoine Bourget, Alessandro Pini, relevance 5.53

We present in the context of supersymmetric gauge theories an extension of the Weyl integration formula, first discovered by Robert Wendt, which applies to a class of non-connected Lie groups. This allows to count in a systematic way gauge-invariant chiral operators for these non-connected gauge groups. Applying this technique to $\mathrm{O}(n)$, we obtain, via the ADHM construction, the Hilbert series for certain instanton moduli spaces. We validate our general method and check our results via a Coulomb branch computation, using three-dimensional mirror symmetry.

Hydrodynamic flows of non-Fermi liquids: magnetotransport and bilayer drag. (arXiv:1706.03775v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aavishkar A. Patel, Richard A. Davison, Alex Levchenko, relevance 0.37

We consider a hydrodynamic description of transport for generic two dimensional electron systems that lack Galilean invariance and do not fall into the category of Fermi liquids. We study magnetoresistance and show that it is governed only by the electronic viscosity provided that the wavelength of the underlying disorder potential is large compared to the microscopic equilibration length. We also derive the Coulomb drag transresistance for double-layer non-Fermi liquid systems in the hydrodynamic regime. As an example, we consider frictional drag between two quantum Hall states with half-filled lowest Landau levels, each described by a Fermi surface of composite fermions coupled to a $U(1)$ gauge field. We contrast our results to prior calculations of drag of Chern-Simons composite particles and place our findings in the context of available experimental data.

Seven Lessons from Manyfield Inflation in Random Potentials. (arXiv:1706.03774v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by Mafalda Dias, Jonathan Frazer, M.c. David Marsh, relevance 0.00

We study inflation in models with many interacting fields subject to randomly generated scalar potentials. We use methods from non-equilibrium random matrix theory to construct the potentials and an adaption of the 'transport method' to evolve the two-point correlators during inflation. This construction allows, for the first time, for an explicit study of models with up to 100 interacting fields supporting a period of 'approximately saddle-point' inflation. We determine the statistical predictions for observables by generating over 30,000 models with 2-100 fields supporting at least 60 efolds of inflation. These studies lead us to seven lessons: i) Manyfield inflation is not single-field inflation, ii) The larger the number of fields, the simpler and sharper the predictions, iii) Planck compatibility is not rare, but future experiments may rule out this class of models, iv) The smoother the potentials, the sharper the predictions, v) Hyperparameters can transition from stiff to sloppy, vi) Despite tachyons, isocurvature can decay, vii) Eigenvalue repulsion drives the predictions. We conclude that many of the 'generic predictions' of single-field inflation can be emergent features of complex inflation models.

Transport signatures of Hall viscosity. (arXiv:1706.03773v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luca V. Delacretaz, Andrey Gromov, relevance 0.75

Hall viscosity is a non-dissipative response function describing momentum transport in two-dimensional systems with broken parity. It is quantized in the quantum Hall regime, and contains information about the topological order of the quantum Hall state. Hall viscosity can distinguish different quantum Hall states with identical Hall conductances, but different topological order. To date, an experimentally accessible signature of Hall viscosity is lacking. We exploit the fact that Hall viscosity contributes to charge transport at finite wavelengths, and can therefore be extracted from non-local resistance measurements in inhomogeneous charge flows. We explain how to determine the Hall viscosity from such a transport experiment. In particular, we show that the profile of the electrochemical potential close to contacts where current is injected is sensitive to the value of the Hall viscosity.

Finite BRST Mapping in Higher Derivative Models. (arXiv:1706.03769v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Pavel Yu. Moshin, Sudhaker Upadhyay, Ricardo A. Castro, relevance 2.46

We continue the study of finite field dependent BRST (FFBRST) symmetry in the quantum theory of gauge fields. An expression for the Jacobian of path integral measure is presented, depending on a finite field-dependent parameter, and the FFBRST symmetry is then applied to a number of well-established quantum gauge theories in a form which includes higher-derivative terms. Specifically, we examine the corresponding versions of the Maxwell theory, non-Abelian vector field theory, and gravitation theory. We present a systematic mapping between different forms of gauge-fixing, including those with higher-derivative terms, for which these theories have better renormalization properties. In doing so, we also provide the independence of the S-matrix from a particular gauge-fixing with higher derivatives. Following this method, a higher-derivative quantum action can be constructed for any gauge theory in the FFBRST framework.

Dynamical features of an anisotropic cosmological model. (arXiv:1706.03767v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by B.Mishra, Sankarsan Tarai, S.K. Tripathy, relevance 5.05

The dynamical features of Bianchi type $VI_h$ $(BVI_h)$ universe are investigated in a modified theory of gravity. We have restricted the value of the exponent $h=-1$ because of its importance in the space-time with regard to an isolated universe with null energy and momentum. The energy conditions of the model are also derived and analysed. The effect of anisotropy on the dynamics of the universe as well the on the energy conditions are also studied. It is found that, anisotropy has a substantial effect on the energy condition and dynamics of the model.

Emergent Anyon Distribution in the Unruh Effect. (arXiv:1706.03761v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Satoshi Ohya, relevance 1.39

We point out that, when the Unruh-DeWitt detector couples to a scalar primary operator of $d$-dimensional conformal field theory, the detector's power spectrum generally obeys the thermal distribution for $(1+1)$-dimensional anyons.

Simplifying the EFT of Inflation: Generalized Disformal Transformations and Redundant Couplings. (arXiv:1706.03758v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lorenzo Bordin, Giovanni Cabass, Paolo Creminelli, Filippo Vernizzi, relevance 0.00

We study generalized disformal transformations, including derivatives of the metric, in the context of the Effective Field Theory of Inflation. All these transformations do not change the late-time cosmological observables but change the coefficients of the operators in the action: some couplings are effectively redundant. At leading order in derivatives and up to cubic order in perturbations, one has 6 free functions that can be used to set to zero 6 of the 17 operators at this order. This is used to show that the tensor three-point function cannot be modified at leading order in derivatives, while the scalar-tensor-tensor correlator can only be modified by changing the scalar dynamics. At higher order in derivatives there are transformations that do not affect the Einstein-Hilbert action: one can find 6 additional transformations that can be used to simplify the inflaton action, at least when the dynamics is dominated by the lowest derivative terms. We also identify the leading higher-derivative corrections to the tensor power spectrum and bispectrum.

Current Interactions from the One-Form Sector of Nonlinear Higher-Spin Equations. (arXiv:1706.03718v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by O.A. Gelfond, M.A. Vasiliev, relevance 0.00

The form of higher-spin current interactions in the sector of one-forms is derived from the nonlinear higher-spin equations in $AdS_4$. Quadratic corrections to higher-spin equations are shown to be independent of the phase of the parameter $\eta =\exp i\varphi$ in the full nonlinear higher-spin equations. The current deformation resulting from the nonlinear higher-spin equations is represented in the canonical form with the minimal number of space-time derivatives. The non-zero spin-dependent coupling constants of the resulting currents are determined in terms of the higher-spin coupling constant $\eta\bar\eta$. Our results confirm the conjecture that (anti-)self-dual nonlinear higher-spin equations result from the full system at ($\eta=0$) $\bar \eta=0$.

Correlators in tensor models from character calculus. (arXiv:1706.03667v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. Mironov, A. Morozov, relevance 0.00

We explain how the calculations of arXiv:1704.08648, which provided the first evidence for non-trivial structures of Gaussian correlators in tensor models, are efficiently performed with the help of the (Hurwitz) character calculus. This emphasizes a close similarity between technical methods in matrix and tensor models and supports a hope to understand the emerging structures in very similar terms. We claim that the $2m$-fold Gaussian correlators of rank $r$ tensors are given by $r$-linear combinations of dimensions with the Young diagrams of size $m$. The coefficients are made from the characters of the symmetric group $S_m$ and their exact form depends on the symmetries of the model. As the simplest application of this new knowledge, we provide simple expressions for correlators in the Aristotelian tensor model as tri-linear combinations of dimensions.

Twisted Quantum Double Model of Topological Orders with Boundaries. (arXiv:1706.03611v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Alex Bullivant, Yuting Hu, Yidun Wan, relevance 2.04

We generalize the twisted quantum double model of topological orders in two dimensions to the case with boundaries by systematically constructing the boundary Hamiltonians. Given the bulk Hamiltonian defined by a gauge group $G$ and a three-cocycle in the third cohomology group of $G$ over $U(1)$, a boundary Hamiltonian can be defined by a subgroup $K$ of $G$ and a two-cochain in the second cochain group of $K$ over $U(1)$. The consistency between the bulk and boundary Hamiltonians is dictated by what we call the Frobenius condition that constrains the two-cochain given the three-cocyle. We offer a closed-form formula computing the ground state degeneracy of the model on a cylinder in terms of the input data only, which can be naturally generalized to surfaces with more boundaries. We also explicitly write down the ground-state wavefunction of the model on a disk also in terms of the input data only.

Stable, finite energy density solutions in the effective theory of non-abelian gauge fields. (arXiv:1706.03600v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Rajdeep Basak, Krishnendu Mukherjee, relevance 3.74

We consider the gauge fixed partition function of pure $SU(N_c)$ gauge theory in axial gauge following the Halpern's field strength formalism. We integrate over $3 (N_c^2-1)$ field strengths using the Bianchi identities and obtain an effective action of the remaining $3 (N_c^2-1)$ field strengths in momentum space. We obtain the static solutions of the equations of motion (EOM) of the effective theory. The solutions exhibit Gaussian nature in the $z$ component of momentum and are proportional to the delta functions of the remaining components of momentum. The solutions render a finite energy density of the system and the parameters are found to be proportional to fourth root of the gluon condensate. It indicates that the solutions offer a natural mass scale in the low energy phase of the theory.

Stellar equilibrium configurations of white dwarfs in the $f(R,T)$ gravity. (arXiv:1706.03596v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by G. A. Carvalho, R. V. Lobato, P. H. R. S. Moraes, José D. V. Arbañil, R. M. Marinho Jr, E. Otoniel, M. Malheiro, relevance 0.00

In this work we investigate the equilibrium configurations of white dwarfs in a modified gravity theory, na\-mely, $f(R,T)$ gravity, for which $R$ and $T$ stand for the Ricci scalar and trace of the energy-momentum tensor, respectively. Considering the functional form $f(R,T)=R+2\lambda T$, with $\lambda$ being a constant, we obtain the hydrostatic equilibrium equation for the theory. Some physical properties of white dwarfs, such as: mass, radius, pressure and energy density, as well as their dependence on the parameter $\lambda$ are derived. More massive and larger white dwarfs are found for negative values of $\lambda$ when it decreases. The equilibrium configurations predict a maximum mass limit for white dwarfs slightly above the Chandrasekhar limit, with larger radii and lower central densities when compared to standard gravity outcomes. The most important effect of $f(R,T)$ theory for massive white dwarfs is the increase of the radius in comparison with GR and also $f(R)$ results. By comparing our results with some observational data of massive white dwarfs we also find a lower limit for $\lambda$, namely, $\lambda >- 3\times 10^{-4}$.

Gravity in the smallest. (arXiv:1706.03541v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Michael Heller, Jerzy Król, relevance 0.86

Synthetic Differential Geometry (SDG) is a categorical version of differential geometry based on enriching the real line with infinitesimals and weakening of classical logic to intuitionistic logic. We show that SDG provides an effective mathematical tool to formulate general relativity in infinitesimally small domains. Such a domain is modelled by a monad around a point $x$ of a manifold $M$, defined as a collection of points in $M$ that differ from $x$ by an infinitesimal value. Monads have rich enough matematical structure to allow for the existence of all geomeric quantities necesary to construct general relativity "in the smallest". We focus on connection and curvature. We also comment on the covariance principle and the equivalence principle in this context. Identification of monads with what happens "beneath the Planck threshold" could open new possibilities in our search for quantum gravity theory.

Commuting and Noncommuting Coordinates in Deformed Special Relativity. (arXiv:1706.03527v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Clemens Heuson, relevance 0.52

Commuting and noncommuting space-time coordinates in a class of deformed special relativity theories are investigated. Their momentum space representation, transformation behaviour, space-time algebra, invariants and the corresponding field theories are derived. Several coordinates require as a novel feature the introduction of deformed plane waves.

ADHM Construction of (Anti-)Self-dual Instantons in $4n$ Dimensions. (arXiv:1706.03518v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Koki Takesue, relevance 0.41

The ADHM construction is a very strong scheme to construct the instantons in four dimensions. We study an ADHM construction of instantons in $4n~(n\geq2)$ dimensions by generalizing this scheme. The higher-dimensional ADHM construction generates the $4n$-dimensional (anti-)self-dual instantons which satisfy the (anti-)self-dual equation in $4n$ dimensions: $F(n)=\pm\ast_{4n}F(n)$. Here $F(n)$ is the $n$th wedge products of the gauge field strength 2-form $F$. We also show that our scheme reproduces the known $4n$-dimensional one-instantons and there are multi-instanton solutions of the 't Hooft type in the dilute instanton gas limit. Moreover we discuss a Harrington-Shepard type caloron in $4n$ dimensions and this monopole limit.

Gauge-Higgs Seesaw Mechanism in Six-Dimensional Grand Unification. (arXiv:1706.03503v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yutaka Hosotani, Naoki Yamatsu, relevance 4.72

$SO(11)$ gauge-Higgs grand unification is formulated in the six-dimensional hybrid warped space in which the fifth and sixth dimensions play as the electroweak and grand-unification dimensions. Fermions are introduced in ${\bf 32}$, ${\bf 11}$ and ${\bf 1}$ of $SO(11)$. Small neutrino masses naturally emerge as a result of a new seesaw mechanism in the gauge-Higgs unification which is characterized by a $3 \times 3$ mass matrix.

Regular Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole solutions from linear electrodynamics. (arXiv:1706.03454v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by J. Ponce de Leon, relevance 13.02

In recent years there have appeared in the literature a large number of static, spherically symmetric metrics, which are regular at the origin, asymptotically flat, and have both an event and a Cauchy horizon for certain range of the parameters. They have been interpreted as regular black hole (BH) spacetimes, and their physical source attributed to electric or magnetic monopoles in a suitable chosen nonlinear electrodynamics. Here we show that these metrics can also be interpreted as exact solutions of the Einstein equations coupled to ordinary linear electromagnetism{\textemdash}i.e., as sources of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om (RN) spacetime{\textemdash}provided the components of the effective energy-momentum tensor satisfy the dominant energy condition (DEC). We use some well-known regular BH metrics to construct nonsingular RN black holes, where the singularity at the RN center is replaced by a regular perfect fluid charged sphere (whose charge-to-mass ratio is not greater than $1$) which is inside the RN inner horizon.

Soft Graviton Emission at High and Low Energies in Yukawa and Scalar Theories. (arXiv:1706.03453v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hualong Gervais, relevance 0.00

We study corrections to the soft graviton theorem at all loop orders in Yukawa and scalar theories, both in the high energy and low energy regions. It is found that the tree level soft theorem is corrected by matrix elements coupled to the Riemann curvature tensor of linearized gravity. Further corrections appear in the high energy region and we develop a power counting technique to classify all such loop corrections according to their order of magnitude. This leads to the construction of factorized contributions to the soft theorem, to which we apply an analysis analogous to Low's theorem based on the gravitational Ward identity. In this analysis, we emphasize the role played by the external kinematics.

Gravitational shockwaves on rotating black holes. (arXiv:1706.03430v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yoni BenTov, Joe Swearngin, relevance 13.10

We present an exact solution of Einstein's equation that describes the gravitational shockwave of a massless particle on the horizon of a Kerr-Newman black hole. The backreacted metric is of the generalized Kerr-Schild form and is Type II in the Petrov classification. We show that if the background tetrad is aligned with shear-free null geodesics, and if the background Ricci tensor satisfies a simple condition, then all nonlinearities in the perturbation will drop out of the curvature scalars. We make heavy use of the method of spin coefficients (the Newman-Penrose formalism) in its compacted form (the Geroch-Held-Penrose formalism).

Gaugid inflation. (arXiv:1706.03402v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Federico Piazza, David Pirtskhalava, Riccardo Rattazzi, Olivier Simon, relevance 0.35

The spectrum of primordial gravitational waves is one of the most robust inflationary observables, often thought of as a direct probe of the energy scale of inflation. We present a simple model, where the dynamics controlling this observable is very different than in the standard paradigm of inflation. The model is based on a peculiar finite density phase---the magnetic gaugid---which stems from a highly non-linear effective theory of a triplet of abelian gauge fields. The gaugid extends the notion of homogeneous isotropic solid, in that its spectrum of fluctuations includes helicity-2 phonons. We show how, upon implementing the gaugid to drive inflation, the helicity-2 phonon mixes with the graviton, significantly affecting the size of the primordial tensor spectrum. The rest of the features of the theory, in particular the vector and scalar perturbations, closely resemble those of solid inflation.

Six indications of radical new physics in supernovae Ia. (arXiv:1706.03393v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in hep-th by L. Clavelli, relevance 0.00

After more than forty years since the basic standard model for supernovae Ia was proposed many astronomers are still hopeful that this phenomenon will ultimately be understood in terms of Newtonian gravity plus nuclear and particle physics as they existed in the 1930's. In spite of this fact there are at least six nagging puzzles in supernova physics that suggest some radical new physics input may be necessary. "Radical" in this context means a physics idea that did not exist in the 1930's and that is still not experimentally confirmed in 2017.

A Holographic form for Wilson's RG. (arXiv:1706.03371v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by B. Sathiapalan, Hidenori Sonoda, relevance 11.29

An attempt is made to make precise the connection between Wilson's RG and "Holographic RG" by writing Wilson's RG in a holographic form. A functional formulation is given for the exact RG evolution of a scalar field in $d$ (flat) dimensions. It is shown that a change of variables maps the action to that for a scalar field in $AdS_{d+1}$. This provides a holographic form for Wilson's RG that can be called "Holographic RG". This mapping can only be done for a specific form of the cutoff function in the Exact Renormalization Group formalism. The notion of scale and conformal invariance in the presence of a {\em finite} UV cutoff is emphasized. The discussion is primarily about the two-point function and the Gaussian fixed point. Some remarks are made about nontrivial fixed points.

Geometric Low-Energy Effective Action in a Doubled Spacetime. (arXiv:1706.03365v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Chen-Te Ma, Franco Pezzella, relevance 4.10

The ten-dimensional supergravity theory is a geometric low-energy effective theory and the equations of motion for its fields can be obtained from string theory by computing $\beta$ functions. With $d$ compact dimensions, we can add to it an $O(d, d;\mathbb{Z})$ geometric structure and construct the supergravity theory inspired by double field theory through the use of a suitable commutative star product. The latter implements the weak constraint of the double field theory on its fields and gauge parameters in order to have a closed gauge symmetry algebra. The consistency of the action here proposed is based on the orthogonality of the momenta associated with fields in their triple star products in the cubic terms defined for $d\ge1$. This orthogonality holds also for an arbitrary number of star products of fields for $d=1$. Finally, we extend our analysis to the double sigma model, non-commutative geometry and open string theory.

Suzuki equations and integrals of motion for supersymmetric CFT. (arXiv:1706.03349v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by C. Babenko, F. Smirnov, relevance 6.01

Using equations proposed by J. Suzuki we compute numerically the first three integrals of motion for $N=1$ supersymmetric CFT. Our computation agrees with the results of ODE-CFT correspondence which was explained in a more general context by S. Lukyanov.

Machine Learning of Calabi-Yau Volumes. (arXiv:1706.03346v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Daniel Krefl, Rak-Kyeong Seong, relevance 1.35

We employ machine learning techniques to investigate the volume minimum of Sasaki-Einstein base manifolds of non-compact toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds. We find that the minimum volume can be approximated via a second order multiple linear regression on standard topological quantities obtained from the corresponding toric diagram. The approximation improves further after invoking a convolutional neural network with the full toric diagram of the Calabi-Yau 3-folds as the input. We are thereby able to circumvent any minimization procedure that was previously necessary and find an explicit mapping between the minimum volume and the topological quantities of the toric diagram. Under the AdS/CFT correspondence, the minimum volumes of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds correspond to central charges of a class of 4d N=1 superconformal field theories. We therefore find empirical evidence for a function that gives values of central charges without the usual extremization procedure.

Conic Constrained Particle Quantization within the DB, FJBW and BRST Approaches. (arXiv:1706.03339v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Gabriel D. Barbosa, Ronaldo Thibes, relevance 0.52

We consider a second degree algebraic curve describing a general conic constraint imposed on the motion of a massive spinless particle. The problem is trivial at classical level but becomes involved and interesting in its quantum counterpart with subtleties in its symplectic structure and symmetries. The model is used here to investigate quantization issues related to the Hamiltonian constraint structure, Dirac brackets, gauge symmetry and BRST transformations. We pursue the complete constraint analysis in phase space and perform the Faddeev-Jackiw symplectic quantization following the Barcelos-Wotzasek iteration program to unravel the fine tuned and more relevant aspects of the constraint structure. A comparison with the longer usual Dirac-Bergmann algorithm, still more well established in the literature, is also presented. While in the standard DB approach there are four second class constraints, in the FJBW they reduce to two. By using the symplectic potential obtained in the last step of the FJBW iteration process we construct a gauge invariant model exhibiting explicitly its BRST symmetry. Our results reproduce and neatly generalize the known BRST symmetry of the rigid rotor showing that it constitutes a particular case of a broader class of theories.

Boundary Hamiltonian theory for gapped topological phases on an open surface. (arXiv:1706.03329v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yuting Hu, Zhu-Xi Luo, Ren Pankovich, Yidun Wan, Yong-Shi Wu, relevance 1.72

In this paper we propose a Hamiltonian approach to gapped topological phases on an open surface with boundary. Our setting is an extension of the Levin-Wen model to a 2d graph on the open surface, whose boundary is part of the graph. We systematically construct a series of boundary Hamiltonians such that each of them, when combined with the usual Levin-Wen bulk Hamiltonian, gives rise to a gapped energy spectrum which is topologically protected; and the corresponding wave functions are robust under changes of the underlying graph that maintain the spatial topology of the system. We derive explicit ground-state wavefunctions of the system and show that the boundary types are classified by Morita-equivalent Frobenius algebras. We also construct boundary quasiparticle creation, measuring and hopping operators. These operators allow us to characterize the boundary quasiparticles by bimodules of Frobenius algebras. Our approach also offers a concrete set of tools for computations. We illustrate our approach by a few examples.

Intrinsic non-commutativity of closed string theory. (arXiv:1706.03305v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Laurent Freidel, Robert G. Leigh, Djordje Minic, relevance 0.84

We show that the proper interpretation of the cocycle operators appearing in the physical vertex operators of compactified strings is that the closed string target is non-commutative. We track down the appearance of this non-commutativity to the Polyakov action of the flat closed string in the presence of translational monodromies (i.e., windings). In view of the unexpected nature of this result, we present detailed calculations from a variety of points of view, including a careful understanding of the consequences of mutual locality in the vertex operator algebra, as well as a detailed analysis of the symplectic structure of the Polyakov string. We also underscore why this non-commutativity was not emphasized previously in the existing literature. This non-commutativity can be thought of as a central extension of the zero-mode operator algebra, an effect set by the string length scale -- it is present even in trivial backgrounds. Clearly, this result indicates that the $\alpha'\to 0$ limit is more subtle than usually assumed.

Quasinormal modes of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton black holes. (arXiv:1706.03262v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jose Luis Blázquez-Salcedo, Fech Scen Khoo, Jutta Kunz, relevance 12.29

We study quasinormal modes of static Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-dilaton black holes. Both axial and polar perturbations are considered and studied from $l=0$ to $l=3$. We emphasize the difference in the spectrum between the Schwarzschild solutions and dilatonic black holes. At large Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant a small secondary branch of black holes is present, when the dilaton coupling is sufficiently strong. The modes of the primary branch can differ from the Schwarzschild modes up to $10\%$. The secondary branch is unstable and possesses long-lived modes. We address the possible effects of these modes on future observations of gravitational waves emitted during the ringdown phase of astrophysical black holes.

The Spectrum of the Axion Dark Sector. (arXiv:1706.03236v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by Matthew J. Stott, David J. E. Marsh, Chakrit Pongkitivanichkul, Layne C. Price, Bobby S. Acharya, relevance 0.55

Axions arise in many theoretical extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics, in particular the "string axiverse". If the axion masses, $m_a$, and (effective) decay constants, $f_a$, lie in specific ranges, then axions contribute to the cosmological dark matter and dark energy densities. We compute the background cosmological (quasi-)observables for models with a large number of axion fields, $n_{\rm ax}\sim \mathcal{O}(10-100)$, with the masses and decay constants drawn from statistical distributions. This reduces the number of parameters from $2n_{\rm ax}$ to a small number of "hyperparameters". We consider a number of distributions, from those motivated purely by statistical considerations, to those where the structure is specified according to a class of M-theory models. Using Bayesian methods we are able to constrain the hyperparameters of the distributions. In some cases the hyperparameters can be related to string theory, e.g. constraining the number ratio of axions to moduli, or the typical decay constant scale needed to provide the correct relic densities. Our methodology incorporates the use of both random matrix theory and Bayesian networks.

Born-Infeld gravity with a Brans-Dicke scalar. (arXiv:1706.03209v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Soumya Jana, Sayan Kar (IIT Kharagpur, India), relevance 0.70

Recently proposed Born-Infeld (BI) theories of gravity assume a constant BI parameter ($\kappa$). However, no clear consensus exists on the sign and value of $\kappa$. Recalling the Brans-Dicke (BD) approach, where a scalar field was used to generate the gravitational constant $G$, we suggest an extension of Born-Infeld gravity with a similar Brans-Dicke flavor. Thus, a new action, with $\kappa$ elevated to a spacetime dependent real scalar field, is proposed. We illustrate this new theory in a cosmological setting with pressureless dust and radiation as matter. Assuming a functional form of $\kappa(t)$, we numerically obtain the scale factor evolution and other details of the background cosmology. It is known that BI gravity differs from general relativity (GR) in the strong-field regime but reduces to GR for intermediate and weak fields. Our studies in cosmology demonstrate how, with this new, scalar-tensor BI gravity, deviations from GR as well as usual BI gravity, may arise in the weak-field regime too. For example, we note a late-time acceleration without any dark energy contribution. Apart from such qualitative differences, we note that fixing the sign and value of $\kappa$ is no longer a necessity in this theory, though the origin of the BD scalar does remain an open question.

Derivation of the gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations at large $N_c$ limit and symmetry preserving truncations. (arXiv:1706.03181v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hui-Feng Fu, Qing Wang, Libo Jiang, relevance 0.00

We develop a framework for deriving Dyson-Schwinger Equations (DSEs) and Bethe-Salpeter Equation (BSE) in QCD at large $N_c$ limit. The starting point is a modified form (with auxiliary fields) of QCD generating functional. This framework provides a natural order-by-order truncation scheme for DSEs and BSE, and the kernels of the equations up to any order are explicitly given. Chiral symmetry (at chiral limit) is preserved in any order truncation, so it exemplifies the symmetry preserving truncation scheme. It provides a method to study DSEs and BSE beyond the Rainbow-Ladder truncation, and is especially useful to study contributions from non-Abelian dynamics (those arise from gluon self-interactions). We also derive the equation for the quark-ghost scattering kernel, and discuss the Slavnov-Taylor identity connecting the quark-gluon vertex, the quark propagator and the quark-ghost scattering kernel.

Gravitational Radiation Assisted Capture. (arXiv:1706.03159v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by John Toner, relevance 2.16

It is shown that gravitational radiation can bind two initially unbound bodies; no third body is needed. Such captured bodies will almost always inspiral and merge due to further gravitational radiation on cosmologically negligible time scales (e.g., @ 5 years for GW150914). The capture cross-section $\sigma$ for such "capture and inspiraling" is far larger, for initial relative speed of the two objects $v_\infty\ll c$, than that $\sigma_{d}$ for "direct capture": $\sigma\propto\left(c / v_\infty\right)^{18/7}$, while $\sigma_{d}\propto\left(c / v_\infty\right)^2$. Implications of these results for black hole binary mergers, and giant black holes at galactic centers, are discussed.

Upper Limits on Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1 from a Model-Based Cross-Correlation Search in Advanced LIGO Data. (arXiv:1706.03119v3 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration: B. P. Abbott, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, C. Adams, T. Adams, P. Addesso, R. X. Adhikari, V. B. Adya, C. Affeldt, M. Afrough, B. Agarwal, M. Agathos, K. Agatsuma, N. Aggarwal, O. D. Aguiar, L. Aiello, A. Ain, P. Ajith, B. Allen, G. Allen, A. Allocca, P. A. Altin, A. Amato, A. Ananyeva, S. B. Anderson, W. G. Anderson, S. Antier, S. Appert, K. Arai, M. C. Araya, J. S. Areeda, N. Arnaud, K. G. Arun, S. Ascenzi, G. Ashton, M. Ast, S. M. Aston, P. Astone, P. Aufmuth, C. Aulbert, K. AultONeal, A. Avila-Alvarez, S. Babak, P. Bacon, M. K. M. Bader, S. Bae, P. T. Baker, F. Baldaccini, G. Ballardin, S. W. Ballmer, S. Banagiri, J. C. Barayoga, S. E. Barclay, B. C. Barish, D. Barker, F. Barone, B. Barr, L. Barsotti, M. Barsuglia, et al. (986 additional authors not shown), relevance 0.00

We present the results of a semicoherent search for continuous gravitational waves from the low-mass X-ray binary Scorpius X-1, using data from the first Advanced LIGO observing run. The search method uses details of the modelled, parametrized continuous signal to combine coherently data separated by less than a specified coherence time, which can be adjusted to trade off sensitivity against computational cost. A search was conducted over the frequency range from 25 Hz to 2000 Hz, spanning the current observationally-constrained range of the binary orbital parameters. No significant detection candidates were found, and frequency-dependent upper limits were set using a combination of sensitivity estimates and simulated signal injections. The most stringent upper limit was set at 175 Hz, with comparable limits set across the most sensitive frequency range from 100 Hz to 200 Hz. At this frequency, the 95 pct upper limit on signal amplitude h0 is 2.3e-25 marginalized over the unknown inclination angle of the neutron star's spin, and 8.03e-26 assuming the best orientation (which results in circularly polarized gravitational waves). These limits are a factor of 3-4 stronger than those set by other analyses of the same data, and a factor of about 7 stronger than the best upper limits set using initial LIGO data. In the vicinity of 100 Hz, the limits are a factor of between 1.2 and 3.5 above the predictions of the torque balance model, depending on inclination angle, if the most likely inclination angle of 44 degrees is assumed, they are within a factor of 1.7.

A Model of Comprehensive Unification. (arXiv:1706.03116v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mario Reig, José W.F. Valle, C.A. Vaquera-Araujo, Frank Wilczek, relevance 0.81

Comprehensive - that is, gauge and family - unification using spinors has many attractive features, but it has been challenged to explain chirality. Here, by combining an orbifold construction with more traditional ideas, we address that difficulty. Our candidate model features three chiral families and leads to an acceptable result for quantitative unification of couplings. A potential target for accelerator and astronomical searches emerges.

How is quantum information localized in gravity?. (arXiv:1706.03104v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by William Donnelly, Steven B. Giddings, relevance 29.65

A notion of localization of information within quantum subsystems plays a key role in describing the physics of quantum systems, and in particular is a prerequisite for discussing important concepts such as entanglement and information transfer. While subsystems can be readily defined for finite quantum systems and in local quantum field theory, a corresponding definition for gravitational systems is significantly complicated by the apparent nonlocality arising due to gauge invariance, enforced by the constraints. A related question is whether "soft hair" encodes otherwise localized information, and the question of such localization also remains an important puzzle for proposals that gravity emerges from another structure such as a boundary field theory as in AdS/CFT. This paper describes different approaches to defining local subsystem structure, and shows that at least classically, perturbative gravity has localized subsystems based on a split structure, generalizing the split property of quantum field theory. This, and related arguments for QED, give simple explanations that in these theories there is localized information that is independent of fields outside a region, in particular so that there is no role for "soft hair" in encoding such information. Additional subtleties appear in quantum gravity. We argue that localized information exists in perturbative quantum gravity in the presence of global symmetries, but that nonperturbative dynamics is likely tied to a modification of such structure.

The Hagedorn temperature of AdS5/CFT4 via integrability. (arXiv:1706.03074v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Troels Harmark, Matthias Wilhelm, relevance 1.14

We establish a framework for calculating the Hagedorn temperature of AdS5/CFT4 via integrability. Concretely, we derive the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations that yield the Hagedorn temperature of planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory at any value of the 't Hooft coupling. We solve these equations perturbatively at weak coupling via the associated Y-system, confirming the known results at tree-level and one-loop order as well as deriving the previously unknown two-loop Hagedorn temperature. Finally, we comment on solving the equations at finite coupling.

Dynamics of Relaxed Inflation. (arXiv:1706.03072v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Walter Tangarife, Kohsaku Tobioka, Lorenzo Ubaldi, Tomer Volansky, relevance 0.66

The cosmological relaxation of the electroweak scale has been proposed as a mechanism to address the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model. A field, the relaxion, rolls down its potential and, in doing so, scans the squared mass parameter of the Higgs, relaxing it to a parametrically small value. In this work, we promote the relaxion to an inflaton. We couple it to Abelian gauge bosons, thereby introducing the necessary dissipation mechanism which slows down the field in the last stages. We describe a novel reheating mechanism, which relies on the gauge-boson production leading to strong electromagnetic fields, and proceeds via the vacuum production of electron-positron pairs through the Schwinger effect. We refer to this mechanism as Schwinger reheating. We discuss the cosmological dynamics of the model and the phenomenological constraints from CMB and other experiments. We find that a cutoff close to the Planck scale may be achieved.

The Other Fermion Compositeness. (arXiv:1706.03070v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Brando Bellazzini, Francesco Riva, Javi Serra, Francesco Sgarlata, relevance 0.00

We discuss the only two viable realizations of fermion compositeness that are consistent with unitarity, crossing symmetry and analyticity: chiral-compositeness vs goldstino-compositeness. We construct the effective theory of $\mathcal{N}$ Goldstini and show how the Standard Model can emerge from this dynamics. We present new bounds on either type of compositeness, for quarks and leptons, using dilepton searches at LEP, dijets at the LHC, as well as low-energy observables and precision measurements. Remarkably, a scale of compositeness for Goldstino-like electrons in the 2 TeV range is compatible with present data, and so are Goldstino-like first generation quarks with a compositeness scale in the 10 TeV range. Moreover, assuming maximal $R$-symmetry, goldstino-compositeness of both right- and left-handed quarks predicts exotic spin-1/2 colored sextet particles that are potentially within the reach of the LHC.

Complete random matrix classification of SYK models with $\mathcal{N}=0$, $1$ and $2$ supersymmetry. (arXiv:1706.03044v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Takuya Kanazawa, Tilo Wettig, relevance 0.00

We present a complete symmetry classification of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model with $\mathcal{N}=0$, $1$ and $2$ supersymmetry (SUSY) on the basis of the Altland-Zirnbauer scheme in random matrix theory (RMT). For $\mathcal{N}=0$ and $1$ we consider generic $q$-body interactions in the Hamiltonian and find RMT classes that were not present in earlier classifications of the same model with $q=4$. We numerically establish quantitative agreement between the distributions of the smallest energy levels in the $\mathcal{N}=1$ SYK model and RMT. Furthermore, we delineate the distinctive structure of the $\mathcal{N}=2$ SYK model and provide its complete symmetry classification based on RMT for all eigenspaces of the fermion number operator. We corroborate our classification by detailed numerical comparisons with RMT and thus establish the presence of quantum chaotic dynamics in the $\mathcal{N}=2$ SYK model. We also introduce a new SYK-like model without SUSY that exhibits hybrid properties of the $\mathcal{N}=1$ and $\mathcal{N}=2$ SYK models and uncover its rich structure both analytically and numerically.

Canonical Chern-Simons Gravity. (arXiv:1706.03040v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Souvik Sarkar, Cenalo Vaz, relevance 1.18

We study the canonical description of the axisymmetric vacuum in 2+1 dimensional gravity, treating Einstein's gravity as a Chern Simons gauge theory on a manifold with the restriction that the dreibein is invertible. Our treatment is in the spirit of Kucha\v r's description of the Schwarzschild black hole in 3+1 dimensions, where the mass and angular momentum are expressed in terms of the canonical variables and a series of canonical transformations are performed that turn the curvature coordinates and their conjugate momenta into new canonical variables. In their final form, the constraints are seen to require that the momenta conjugate to the Killing time and curvature radius vanish and what remains are the mass, the angular momentum and their conjugate momenta, which we derive. The Wheeler-DeWitt equation is trivial and describes time independent systems with wave functions described only by the total mass and total angular momentum.

Quantum matter bounce with a dark energy expanding phase. (arXiv:1706.03037v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Samuel Colin, Nelson Pinto-Neto, relevance 0.74

Analyzing quantum cosmological scenarios containing one scalar field with exponential potential, we have obtained a universe model which realizes a classical dust contraction from very large scales, the initial repeller of the model, and moves to a stiff matter contraction near the singularity, which is avoided due to a quantum bounce. The universe is then launched in a stiff matter expanding phase, which then moves to a dark energy era, finally returning to the dust expanding phase, the final attractor of the model. Hence one has obtained a nonsingular cosmological model where a single scalar field can describe both the matter contracting phase of a bouncing model, necessary to give an almost scale invariant spectrum of scalar cosmological perturbations, and a transient expanding dark energy phase. As the universe is necessarily dust dominated in the far past, usual adiabatic vacuum initial conditions can be easily imposed in this era, avoiding the usual issues appearing when dark energy is considered in bouncing models.

Electromagnetic Counterparts to Structured Jets from Gravitational Wave Detected Mergers. (arXiv:1706.03000v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Gavin P Lamb, Shiho Kobayashi, relevance 0.98

We show the peak magnitude for orphan afterglows from the jets of gravitational wave (GW) detected black-hole/neutron star - neutron star (BH/NS-NS) mergers highly depends on the jet half-opening angle $\theta_j$. Short $\gamma$-ray bursts (GRB) with a homogeneous jet structure and $\theta_j>10^\circ$, the orphan afterglow viewed at the typical inclination for a GW detected event, 38$^\circ$, is brighter at optical frequencies than the comparable macronova emission. Structured jets, where the energetics and Lorentz factor $\Gamma$ vary with angle from the central axis, may have low-$\Gamma$ components where the prompt emission is suppressed; GW electromagnetic (EM) counterparts may reveal a population of failed-GRB orphan afterglows. Using a Monte Carlo method assuming a NS-NS detection limit we show the fraction of GW-EM counterparts from homogeneous, two-component, power-law structured, and Gaussian jets where the variable structure models include a wide low energy and $\Gamma$ component: for homogeneous jets, with a {$\theta_j=6^\circ$ and typical short GRB parameters, we find {\it r}-band magnitude $m_r\leq21$ counterparts for $\sim 13.6\%$ of GW detected mergers; where jet structure extends to a half-opening angle of $25^\circ$, two-component jets produce $m_r\leq21$ counterparts in $\sim30\%$ of GW detected mergers; power-law structured jets result in $\sim37\%$; and Gaussian jets with our parameters $\sim13\%$.} We show the features in the lightcurves from orphan afterglows can be used to indicate the presence of extended structure.

Waves in magnetized and viscous quark matter. (arXiv:1706.02991v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by D. A. Fogaça, S. M. Sanches Jr., F. S. Navarra, relevance 0.00

We study wave propagation in a non-relativistic cold and viscous quark-gluon plasma immersed in a constant magnetic field. Starting from the Navier-Stokes equation we derive linear wave equations and investigate their stability and causality. We use a generic form for the equation of state, the EOS derived from the MIT bag model and also a variant of the this model which includes gluon degrees of freedom. We find that, in all cases, the magnetic field causes the damping of the waves. The results of this analysis may be relevant for perturbations propagating through the quark matter phase in the core of compact stars and also for perturbations propagating in the low temperature quark-gluon plasma formed in low energy heavy ion collisions, to be carried out at FAIR and NICA.

Structure constants of operators on the Wilson loop from integrability at weak coupling. (arXiv:1706.02989v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Minkyoo Kim, Naoki Kiryu, relevance 0.93

We study structure constants of local operators inserted on the Wilson loop in ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory. We compute the structure constants in the SU(2) sector at tree level using the correspondence between operators on the Wilson loop and the open spin chain. The results are interpreted as the summation over all possible ways of changing the signs of magnon momenta in the hexagon form factors. This is consistent with a holographic description of the correlator as the cubic open string vertex, which consists of one hexagonal patch and three boundaries. We then conjecture that a similar expression should hold also at finite coupling.

Closed-form tidal approximants for binary neutron star gravitational waveforms constructed from high-resolution numerical relativity simulations. (arXiv:1706.02969v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Tim Dietrich, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Wolfgang Tichy, relevance 0.77

We construct closed-form gravitational waveforms (GWs) with tidal effects for the coalescence and merger of binary neutron stars. The method relies on a new set of eccentricity-reduced and high-resolution numerical relativity (NR) simulations and is composed of three steps. First, tidal contributions to the GW phase are extracted from the time-domain NR data. Second, those contributions are employed to fix high-order coefficients in an effective and resummed post-Newtonian expression. Third, frequency-domain tidal approximants are built using the stationary phase approximation. Our tidal approximants are valid from the low frequencies to the strong-field regime and up to merger. They can be analytically added to any binary black hole GW model to obtain a binary neutron star waveform, either in the time or in the frequency domain. This work provides simple, flexible, and accurate models ready to be used in both searches and parameter estimation of binary neutron star events.

Model-independent reconstruction of $f(T)$ teleparallel cosmology. (arXiv:1706.02962v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Salvatore Capozziello, Rocco D'Agostino, Orlando Luongo, relevance 0.46

We propose a model-independent formalism to numerically solve the modified Friedmann equations in the framework of $f(T)$ teleparallel cosmology. Our strategy is to expand the Hubble parameter around the redshift $z=0$ up to a given order and to adopt cosmographic bounds as initial settings to determine the corresponding $f(z)\equiv f(T(H(z)))$ function. In this perspective, we distinguish two cases: the first expansion is up to the jerk parameter, the second expansion is up to the snap parameter. We show that inside the observed redshift domain $z\leq1$, only the net strength of $f(z)$ is modified passing from jerk to snap, whereas its functional behavior and shape turn out to be identical. As first step, we set the cosmographic parameters by means of the most recent observations. Afterwards, we calibrate our numerical solutions with the concordance $\Lambda$CDM model. In both cases, there is a good agreement with the cosmological standard model around $z\leq 1$, with severe discrepancies outer of this limit. We demonstrate that the effective dark energy term evolves following the test-function: $f(z)=\mathcal A+\mathcal Bz^2e^{\mathcal Cz}$. Bounds over the set $\left\{\mathcal A, \mathcal B, \mathcal C\right\}$ are also fixed by statistical considerations, comparing discrepancies between $f(z)$ with data. The approach opens the possibility to get a wide class of test-functions able to frame the dynamics of $f(T)$ without postulating any model \emph{a priori}. We thus re-obtain the $f(T)$ function through a back-scattering procedure once $f(z)$ is known. We figure out the properties of our $f(T)$ function at the level of background cosmology, to check the goodness of our numerical results. Finally, a comparison with previous cosmographic approaches is carried out giving results compatible with theoretical expectations.

The B-field soft theorem and its unification with the graviton and dilaton. (arXiv:1706.02961v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Paolo Di Vecchia, Raffaele Marotta, Matin Mojaza, relevance 1.06

In theories of Einstein gravity coupled with a dilaton and a two-form, a soft theorem for the two-form, known as the Kalb-Ramond B-field, has so far been missing. In this work we fill the gap, and in turn formulate a unified soft theorem valid for gravitons, dilatons and B-fields in any tree-level scattering amplitude involving the three massless states. The new soft theorem is fixed by means of on-shell gauge invariance and enters at the subleading order of the graviton's soft theorem. In contrast to the subsubleading soft behavior of gravitons and dilatons, we show that the soft behavior of B-fields at this order cannot be fully fixed by gauge invariance. Nevertheless, we show that it is possible to establish a gauge invariant decomposition of the amplitudes to any order in the soft expansion. We check explicitly the new soft theorem in the bosonic string and in Type II superstring theories, and furthermore demonstrate that, at the next order in the soft expansion, totally gauge invariant terms appear in both string theories which cannot be factorized into a soft theorem.

Spatially Modulated Vacua in Relativistic Field Theories. (arXiv:1706.02938v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Muneto Nitta, Shin Sasaki, Ryo Yokokura, relevance 0.00

Spatial modulation has been studied for a long time in condensed matter, nuclear matter and quark matter, so far in non-relativistic field theories. In this paper, spatially modulated vacua at zero temperature and zero density are studied in relativistic field theories. We first propose an adaptation of the Nambu-Goldstone theorem to higher derivative theories under the assumption of the absence of ghosts: when a global symmetry is spontaneously broken due to vacuum expectation values of space-time derivatives of fields, a Nambu-Goldstone (NG) boson appears without a canonical kinetic (quadratic derivative) term with a quartic derivative term in the modulated direction while a Higgs boson appears with a canonical kinetic term. We demonstrate this in a simple model allowing (meta)stable modulated vacuum of a phase modulation (Fulde-Ferrell state), where an NG mode associated with spontaneously broken translational and $U(1)$ symmetries appears.

N=4 Supersymmetric BMS3 algebras from asymptotic symmetry analysis. (arXiv:1706.02922v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nabamita Banerjee, Ivano Lodato, Turmoli Neogi, relevance 5.24

We consider three dimensional $N=4$ flat supergravity, with an abelian R-symmetry enhancing the gravitational phase space. We obtain the field configuration whose asymptotic symmetries at null infinity coincide with the centrally extended $N=4$ super-BMS algebra .The killing spinors for this generic configuration are obtained together with the energy bounds imposed by supersymmetry. It is explicitly shown that the same algebra can be obtained as a flat (AdS radius $\rightarrow \infty$ ) limit of the combined $(2,0)$ and $(0,2)$ sectors of AdS supergravity.

Bianchi I cosmology and preferred reference frames effect. (arXiv:1706.02904v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by H. Ghaffarnejad, H. Gholipour, relevance 0.00

We consider scalar-vector-tensor gravity [1,2] to solve dynamical equations of anisotropic Bianchi I metric. Methodology of this paper is similar to the work [3] in which we use dynamical system approach to obtain stability nature of obtained metric solutions in $\Lambda$CDM, dust and radiation eras. We obtain anisotropic metric solutions for $\Lambda$CDM era which nature of its critical point is obtained as quasi stable (saddle sink). The latter solution is fixed for particular value of the Brans Dicke (BD) parameter as $\omega=0.38$ and linear self interaction BD potential $V(\phi)\sim\phi.$ In dust era we obtain $\omega$ dependent critical point. By setting ansatz $\omega=0,\pm40000$ critical points of dust era take nature as quasi stable (saddle sink) with corresponding potentials $V_{\omega=0}(\phi) \sim \phi^{-6.9}$, $V_{\omega=-40000}(\phi) \sim -\phi^{6.67\times10^5}$ and $V_{\omega=40000}(\phi) \sim \phi^{0.63}$ respectively. In radiation era, we obtained general form of the critical points which are depended to the Brans Dicke parameter $\omega$ and directional barotropic indexes $\alpha+\beta+\gamma=\frac{1}{3}.$ By setting the ansatz $\omega=0,\pm40000,\alpha=+\frac{1}{9}=-\beta,\gamma=\frac{1}{3},$ radiation era critical points read nature of quasi stable (saddle sink) for $\omega=+40000$ with $V_{\omega=40000}\sim-\phi^{-19}.$ Results of this work predict that the additional dynamical vector field of the model together with the BD scalar field behave as source of mixture fluid. It contains two components called as visible radiation with directional barotropic indexes $(\frac{p_x}{\rho_r},\frac{p_z}{\rho_r})=(\alpha,\gamma)= (\frac{1}{9},\frac{1}{3})$ and dark matter with directional barotropic index $\frac{p_y}{\rho}=\beta=-\frac{1}{9}$ respectively.

$\kappa$-de Sitter and $\kappa$-Poincar\'e symmetries emerging from Chern-Simons (2+1)D gravity with a cosmological constant. (arXiv:1706.02868v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Giacomo Rosati, relevance 5.79

Defining a new r-matrix compatible with the scalar product at the basis of the Chern-Simons action for a particle coupled to (2+1) Lorentzian gravity with cosmological constant, I show how deformed symmetries of $\kappa$-de Sitter and, in the vanishing cosmological limit, of $\kappa$-Poincar\'e kind, arise naturally as quantum-deformation of three dimensional gravity. I obtain moreover the non-commutative spacetime associated to these kinds of symmetries.

Constraints on the dark matter and dark energy interactions from weak lensing bispectrum tomography. (arXiv:1706.02845v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Rui An, Chang Feng, Bin Wang, relevance 0.00

We estimate uncertainties of cosmological parameters for phenomenological interacting dark energy models using weak lensing convergence power spectrum and bispectrum. We focus on the bispectrum tomography and examine how well the weak lensing bispectrum with tomography can constrain the interactions between dark sectors, as well as other cosmological parameters. Employing the Fisher matrix analysis, we forecast parameter uncertainties derived from weak lensing bispectra with a two-bin tomography and place upper bounds on strength of the interactions between the dark sectors. The cosmic shear will be measured from upcoming weak lensing surveys with high sensitivity, thus it enables us to use the higher order correlation functions of weak lensing to constrain the interaction between dark sectors and will potentially provide more stringent results with other observations combined.

Entanglement and correlations in the continuous multi-scale renormalization ansatz. (arXiv:1706.02841v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Adrián Franco-Rubio, Guifre Vidal, relevance 19.82

We investigate the entanglement structure of the continuous multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (cMERA) [Haegeman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 100402 (2013)] for ground states of quantum field theories (QFTs). The cMERA, proposed as an extension to QFTs of the lattice MERA, is defined directly in the continuum but is nevertheless naturally equipped with a short-distance scale $1/\Lambda$ that acts as a UV regulator for quantum fluctuations. We consider the simplified setting of Gaussian cMERA for free QFTs, where explicit calculations can be performed. For relativistic free massless bosonic and fermionic QFTs in both 1+1 and 2+1 spacetime dimensions, we show that the cMERA state indeed displays no UV divergences in two-point correlation functions or entanglement entropy, in sharp contrast with the exact ground states.

On conformal correlators and blocks with spinors in general dimensions. (arXiv:1706.02835v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hiroshi Isono, relevance 4.57

We compute conformal correlation functions with spinor, tensor, and spinor-tensor primary fields in general dimensions with Euclidean and Lorentzian metrics. The spinors are taken to be Dirac spinors, which exist for any dimensions. For this, the embedding space formalism is employed and the polarisation spinors are introduced to simplify the computations. Three-point functions are rewritten in terms of differential operators acting on scalar-scalar-tensor correlation functions. This enables us to determine conformal blocks for four-point functions with scalar and spinor fields by acting the differential operators on scalar conformal blocks, which will be useful in finding their geodesic Witten diagrams.

Schwinger Pair Production by Electric Field Coupled to Inflaton. (arXiv:1706.02833v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jia-Jia Geng, Bao-Fei Li, Jiro Soda, Anzhong Wang, Qiang Wu, Tao Zhu, relevance 1.46

We analytically investigate the Schwinger pair production in the de Sitter background by using {\em the uniform asymptotic approximation method}, and show that the equation of motion in general has two turning points, and the nature of these points could be single, double, real or complex, depending on the choice of the free parameters involved in the theory. Different natures of these points lead to different electric currents. In particular, when $\beta \equiv m^2/H^2-9/4$ is positive, both turning points are complex, and the electric current due to the Schwinger process is highly suppressed, where $m$ and $H$ denote, respectively, the mass of the particle and the Hubble parameter. For the turning points to be real, it is necessary to have $\beta < 0$, and the more negative of $\beta$, the easier to produce particles. In addition, when $\beta < 0$, we also study the particle production when the electric field $E$ is very weak. We find that the electric current in this case is proportional to $E^{1/2 - \sqrt{|\beta|}}$, which is strongly enhanced in the weak electric field limit when $m < \sqrt{2} H$.

Quantum Gravity from Conformal Field Theory. (arXiv:1706.02822v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by F. Aprile, J.M. Drummond, P. Heslop, H. Paul, relevance 15.19

We bootstrap loop corrections to AdS${}_5$ supergravity amplitudes by enforcing the consistency of the known classical results with the operator product expansion of $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory. In particular this yields much new information on the spectrum of double-trace operators which can then be used, in combination with superconformal symmetry and crossing symmetry, to obtain a prediction for the one-loop amplitude for four graviton multiplets in AdS. This in turn yields further new results on subleading $O(1/N^4)$ corrections to certain double-trace anomalous dimensions.

Scattering of point particles by black holes: gravitational radiation. (arXiv:1706.02791v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Seth Hopper, Vitor Cardoso, relevance 9.65

Gravitational waves can teach us not only about sources and the environment where they were generated, but also about the gravitational interaction itself. Here we study the features of gravitational radiation produced during the scattering of a point-like mass by a black hole. Our results are exact (to numerical error) at any order in a velocity expansion, and are compared against various approximations. At large impact parameter and relatively small velocities our results agree to within percent level with various post-Newtonian and weak-field results. Further, we find good agreement with scaling predictions in the weak-field/high-energy regime. Lastly, we achieve striking agreement with zero-frequency estimates.

The dangerous irrelevance of string theory. (arXiv:1706.02790v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Eva Silverstein, relevance 0.57

We comment on the relation between string theory and empirical science, grounding our discussion in cosmology, a subject with increasingly precise data in which this connection operates at several levels. It is important to take into account the phenomenon of dangerous irrelevance: over long times or large field ranges, physics can become sensitive to higher scales than the input energies. This pertains in inflationary cosmology (and possibly other aspects of horizon physics). String theory also contributes to our understanding of observational constraints and search strategies at the level of low energy field theory. We illustrate this with a current example concerning a new form of non-Gaussianity generated by very massive degrees of freedom coupling to the inflaton. New constraints on such fields and couplings can be obtained from existing data, increasing our empirical knowledge of the universe. This builds in part from the development of the string landscape, which is neither random nor an abdication of science as has sometimes been suggested. {\it Invited contribution to the proceedings of the conference `Why trust a theory'.}

$f(R)$ global monopole revisited. (arXiv:1706.02782v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Thiago R. P. Caramês, Júlio C. Fabris, E. R. Bezerra de Mello, H. Belich, relevance 2.16

In this paper the $f(R)$ global monopole is reexamined. We provide an exact solution for the modified field equations in the presence of a global monopole for regions outside its core, generalizing previous results. Additionally, we discuss some particular cases obtained from this solution. We consider a setup consisting of a possible Schwarzschild black hole that absorbs the topological defect, giving rise to a static black hole endowed with a monopole's charge. Besides, we demonstrate how the asymptotic behavior of the Higgs field far from the monopole's core is shaped by a class of spacetime metrics which includes those ones analyzed here. In order to assess the gravitational properties of this system, we analyse the geodesic motion of both massive and massless test particles moving in the vicinity of such configuration. For the material particles we set the requirements they have to obey in order to experience stable orbits. On the other hand, for the photons we investigate how their trajectories are affected by the gravitational field of this black hole.

Visualization of Thomas-Wigner rotations. (arXiv:1706.02755v1 [physics.class-ph])
in gr-qc by G. Beyerle, relevance 1.98

It is well known that a sequence of two non-collinear pure Lorentz transformations (boosts) is not a boost again, but involves a spatial rotation, the Wigner or Thomas-Wigner rotation. The formation of this rotation is visually illustrated by moving a Born-rigid object on a closed trajectory in several sections. Within each section the boost's proper time duration is assumed to be the same and the object's centre accelerates uniformly. Born-rigidity implies that the stern of this object accelerates faster than its bow. It is shown that at least five boosts are required to return the object's centre to its start position. With these assumptions, the Thomas-Wigner rotation angle depends on a single parameter only, the maximum speed reached within each boost section. The visualization highlights the close relationship between the Thomas-Wigner rotation and the relativity of simultaneity. Furthermore, it is illustrated that accelerated motion implies the formation of an event horizon. The event horizons associated with the five boosts constitute a boundary to the rotated Born-rigid object and ensure its finite size.

On the Chiral Ring and Vacua of ${\cal N}=1$ Adjoint SQCD. (arXiv:1706.02723v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ke Ye, relevance 0.46

We analyze classical and quantum chiral ring relations of four dimensional ${\cal N} = 1$ adjoint SQCD with superpotential turned on for the adjoint field. In particular, for the mass deformed theory we obtain the complete on shell vacuum expectation value for various gauge invariant chiral operators and find non-trivial gaugino condensations. When approaching to massless limit nontrivial flat directions in the moduli space of vacua appear, where the Coulomb branch can be naturally classified and the Higgs branch receives quantum corrections. We argue that the solution of the chiral ring is in one-to-one correspondence with supersymmetric vacua, provided that an additional Konishi anomaly equation is included.

Tackling non-linearities with the effective field theory of dark energy and modified gravity. (arXiv:1706.02719v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Noemi Frusciante, Georgios Papadomanolakis, relevance 0.00

We present the extension of the effective field theory framework to the mildly non-linear scales. The effective field theory approach has been successfully applied to the late time cosmic acceleration phenomenon and it has been shown to be a powerful method to obtain predictions about cosmological observables on linear scales. However, mildly non-linear scales need to be consistently considered when testing gravity theories because a large part of the data comes from those scales. Thus, non-linear corrections to predictions on observables coming from the linear analysis can help in discriminating among different gravity theories. We proceed firstly by identifying the necessary operators which need to be included in the effective field theory Lagrangian in order to go beyond the linear order in perturbations and then we construct the corresponding non-linear action. Moreover, we present the complete recipe to map any single field dark energy and modified gravity models into the non-linear effective field theory framework by considering a general action in the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism. In order to illustrate this recipe we proceed to map the beyond-Horndeski theory and low-energy Horava gravity into the effective field theory formalism. As a final step we derived the 4th order action in term of the curvature perturbation. This allowed us to identify the non-linear contributions coming from the linear order perturbations which at the next order act like source terms. Moreover, we confirm that the stability requirements, ensuring the positivity of the kinetic term and the speed of propagation for scalar mode, are automatically satisfied once the viability of the theory is demanded at linear level. The approach we present here will allow to construct, in a model independent way, all the relevant predictions on observables at mildly non-linear scales.

Deep-Learning the Landscape. (arXiv:1706.02714v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yang-Hui He, relevance 0.42

We propose a paradigm to deep-learn the ever-expanding databases which have emerged in mathematical physics and particle phenomenology, as diverse as the statistics of string vacua or combinatorial and algebraic geometry. As concrete examples, we establish multi-layer neural networks as both classifiers and predictors and train them with a host of available data ranging from Calabi-Yau manifolds and vector bundles, to quiver representations for gauge theories. We find that even a relatively simple neural network can learn many significant quantities to astounding accuracy in a matter of minutes and can also predict hithertofore unencountered results. This paradigm should prove a valuable tool in various investigations in landscapes in physics as well as pure mathematics.

UV complete me: Positivity Bounds for Particles with Spin. (arXiv:1706.02712v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Claudia de Rham, Scott Melville, Andrew J. Tolley, Shuang-Yong Zhou, relevance 4.80

For a low energy effective theory to admit a standard local, unitary, analytic and Lorentz-invariant UV completion, its scattering amplitudes must satisfy certain inequalities. While these bounds are known in the forward limit for real polarizations, any extension beyond this for particles with nonzero spin is subtle due to their non-trivial crossing relations. Using the transversity formalism (i.e. spin projections orthogonal to the scattering plane), in which the crossing relations become diagonal, these inequalities can be derived for 2-to-2 scattering between any pair of massive particles, for a complete set of polarizations at and away from the forward scattering limit. This provides a set of powerful criteria which can be used to restrict the parameter space of any effective field theory, often considerably more so than its forward limit subset alone.

Penrose limits and spin chains in the GJV/CS-SYM duality. (arXiv:1706.02711v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Thiago Araujo, Georgios Itsios, Horatiu Nastase, Eoin Ó Colgáin, relevance 0.68

We examine Penrose limits of the duality proposed by Guarino, Jafferis and Varela between a type IIA massive background of the type of a warped, squashed $AdS_4\times S^6$, and a 2+1 dimensional IR fixed point of ${\cal N}=8$ super Yang-Mills deformed by Chern-Simons terms to ${\cal N}=2$ supersymmetry. One type of Penrose limit for closed strings corresponds to a large charge closed spin chain, and another, for open strings on giant graviton D-branes, corresponds to an open spin chain on sub-determinant operators. For the first limit, we find that like in the ABJM case, there are functions $f_a(\lambda)$ that interpolate between the perturbative and nonperturbative (string) regions for the magnon energy. For the second, we are unable to match the gravity result with the expected field theory result, making this model more interesting than ones with more supersymmetry.

BPS jumping loci are automorphic. (arXiv:1706.02706v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shamit Kachru, Arnav Tripathy, relevance 1.03

We show that BPS jumping loci -- loci in the moduli space of string compactifications where the number of BPS states jumps in an upper semi-continuous manner -- naturally appear as Fourier coefficients of (vector space-valued) automorphic forms. For the case of $T^2$ compactification, the jumping loci are governed by a modular form studied by Hirzebruch and Zagier, while the jumping loci in K3 compactification appear in a story developed by Oda and Kudla-Millson in arithmetic geometry. We also comment on some curious related automorphy in the physics of black hole attractors and flux vacua.

Origin of Bardeen-Zumino current in lattice models of Weyl semimetals. (arXiv:1706.02705v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED)
in hep-th by E. V. Gorbar, V. A. Miransky, I. A. Shovkovy, P. O. Sukhachov, relevance 1.28

For a generic lattice Hamiltonian of the electron states in Weyl semimetals, we calculate the electric charge and current densities in the first order in background electromagnetic and strain-induced pseudoelectromagnetic fields. We show that the resulting expressions for the densities contain contributions of two types. The contributions of the first type coincide with those in the chiral kinetic theory. The contributions of the second type contain the information about the whole Brillouin zone and cannot be reproduced in the chiral kinetic theory. Remarkably, the latter coincide exactly with the Bardeen-Zumino terms that are usually introduced in relativistic quantum field theory in order to define the consistent anomaly. We demonstrate the topological origin of the Bardeen-Zumino (or, equivalently, Chern-Simons) corrections by expressing them in terms of the winding number in the lattice Hamiltonian model.

Hamiltonian approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge - a survey of recent results. (arXiv:1706.02702v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by H. Reinhardt, G. Burgio, D. Campagnari, E. Ebadati, J. Heffner, M. Quandt, P. Vastag, H. Vogt, relevance 3.40

I report on recent results obtained within the Hamiltonian approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge. Furthermore this approach is compared to recent lattice data, which were obtained by an alternative gauge fixing method and which show an improved agreement with the continuum results. By relating the Gribov confinement scenario to the center vortex picture of confinement it is shown that the Coulomb string tension is tied to the spatial string tension. For the quark sector a vacuum wave functional is used which explicitly contains the coupling of the quarks to the transverse gluons and which results in variational equations which are free of ultraviolet divergences. The variational approach is extended to finite temperatures by compactifying a spatial dimension. The effective potential of the Polyakov loop is evaluated from the zero-temperature variational solution. For pure Yang--Mills theory, the deconfinement phase transition is found to be second order for SU(2) and first order for SU(3), in agreement with the lattice results. The corresponding critical temperatures are found to be $275 \, \mathrm{MeV}$ and $280 \, \mathrm{MeV}$, respectively. When quarks are included, the deconfinement transition turns into a cross-over. From the dual and chiral quark condensate one finds pseudo-critical temperatures of $198 \, \mathrm{MeV}$ and $170 \, \mathrm{MeV}$, respectively, for the deconfinement and chiral transition.

From Conformal Blocks to Path Integrals in the Vaidya Geometry. (arXiv:1706.02668v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Tarek Anous, Thomas Hartman, Antonin Rovai, Julian Sonner, relevance 21.08

Correlators in conformal field theory are naturally organized as a sum over conformal blocks. In holographic theories, this sum must reorganize into a path integral over bulk fields and geometries. We explore how these two sums are related in the case of a point particle moving in the background of a 3d collapsing black hole. The conformal block expansion is recast as a sum over paths of the first-quantized particle moving in the bulk geometry. Off-shell worldlines of the particle correspond to subdominant contributions in the Euclidean conformal block expansion, but these same operators must be included in order to correctly reproduce complex saddles in the Lorentzian theory. During thermalization, a complex saddle dominates under certain circumstances; in this case, the CFT correlator is not given by the Virasoro identity block in any channel, but can be recovered by summing heavy operators. This effectively converts the conformal block expansion in CFT from a sum over intermediate states to a sum over channels that mimics the bulk path integral.

Orthogonal Bases of Invariants in Tensor Models. (arXiv:1706.02667v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Pablo Diaz, Soo-Jong Rey, relevance 0.54

Representation theory provides a suitable framework to count and classify invariants in tensor models. We show that there are two natural ways of counting invariants, one for arbitrary rank of the gauge group and a second, which is only valid for large N. We construct bases of invariant operators based on the counting, and compute correlators of their elements. The basis associated with finite N diagonalizes the two-point function of the theory and it is analogous to the restricted Schur basis used in matrix models. We comment on future lines of investigation.

de Sitter and Scaling solutions in a higher-order modified teleparallel theory. (arXiv:1706.02662v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Andronikos Paliathanasis, relevance 7.61

The existence and the stability conditions for some exact relativistic solutions of special interest are studied in a higher-order modified teleparallel gravitational theory. The theory with the use of a Lagrange multiplier is equivalent with that of General Relativity with a minimally coupled noncanonical field. The conditions for the existence of de Sitter solutions and ideal gas solutions in the case of vacuum are studied as also the stability criteria. Furthermore, in the presence of matter the behaviour of scaling solutions is given. Finally, we discuss the degrees of freedom of the field equations and we reduce the field equations in an algebraic equation, where in order to demonstrate our result we show how this noncanonical scalar field can reproduce the Hubble function of $\Lambda$-cosmology.

Emerging Translational Variance: Vacuum Polarization Energy of the $\mathbf{\phi^6}$ kink. (arXiv:1706.02657v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by H. Weigel, relevance 0.00

We propose an efficient method to compute the vacuum polarization energy of static field configurations that do not allow a decomposition into symmetric and anti-symmetric channels in one space dimension. In particular we compute the vacuum polarization energy of the kink soliton in the $\phi^6$ model. We link the dependence of this energy on the position of the center of the soliton to the different masses of the quantum fluctuations at negative and positive spatial infinity.

Holographic description of $SO(5) \rightarrow SO(4)$ composite Higgs model. (arXiv:1706.02651v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D. Espriu, A. Katanaeva, relevance 6.73

We study a 5D bottom-up holographic model that is expected to describe the dynamics of the minimal composite Higgs model characterized by a $SO(5)\to SO(4)$ global symmetry breaking pattern. We assume that the fundamental degrees of freedom are scalars transforming under some representation of $SO(5)$ and subject to some unspecified strong interactions. The holographic description presented here is inspired by previous studies performed in the context of QCD and it allows for the consideration of spin one and spin zero resonances. The resulting spectrum leads in a natural way to a variety of resonances. Namely, those transforming under the unbroken $SO(4)$ subgroup exhibit an exact degeneracy between the two Regge trajectories of vector and scalar channels, while the resonances with quantum numbers in the $SO(5)/ SO(4)$ coset lie on a trajectory of (heavier) spin one states and a non-degenerated one of scalar resonances where the four lowest lying ones are massless. These correspond to the four Goldstone bosons in 4D associated to the global symmetry breaking pattern. Restrictions derived from the experimental constraints (Higgs couplings, $S$ parameter, etc.) are then implemented and we conclude that the model is able to accommodate vector and scalar resonances with masses in the range 1 TeV to 2 TeV without encountering phenomenological difficulties. Extension to generic models characterized by the breaking pattern $SO(N)\to SO(N^\prime<N)$ is straightforward.

Holographic Entanglement Entropy in the QCD Phase Diagram with a Critical Point. (arXiv:1706.02647v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by J. Knaute, B. Kämpfer, relevance 35.62

We calculate the holographic entanglement entropy for the holographic QCD phase diagram considered in [Knaute, Yaresko, K\"ampfer (2017), arXiv:1702.06731] and explore the resulting qualitative behavior over the temperature-chemical potential plane. In agreement with the thermodynamic result, the phase diagram exhibits the same critical point as the onset of a first-order phase transition curve. We compare the phase diagram of the entanglement entropy to that of the thermodynamic entropy density and find a striking agreement in the vicinity of the critical point. Thus, the holographic entanglement entropy qualifies to characterize different phase structures. The scaling behavior near the critical point is analyzed through the calculation of critical exponents.

Massless $AdS_2$ scattering and Bethe ansatz. (arXiv:1706.02634v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andrea Fontanella, Alessandro Torrielli, relevance 0.00

We first analyse the integrable scattering theory describing the massless excitations of $AdS_2 \times S^2 \times T^6$ superstrings in the relativistic limit. The matrix part of the S-matrix is obtained in the BMN limit from the conjectured exact expression, and compared with known S-matrices with N=1 supersymmetry. A dressing factor, yet unknown for the complete theory, is here constructed based on relativistic crossing symmetry. We derive a Bethe-ansatz condition by employing a transfer-matrix technique based on the so-called free-fermion condition. This is known to overcome the problem of lack of a reference state. We then generalise the method to the massless non-relativistic case, and compare the resulting Bethe-ansatz condition with a simple massless limit of the one conjectured by Sorokin, Tseytlin, Wulff and Zarembo.

Superstring Field Theory and the Wess-Zumino-Witten Action. (arXiv:1706.02629v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Theodore Erler, relevance 0.00

We describe a notion of "higher" Wess-Zumino-Witten-like action which is natural in the context of superstring field theories formulated in the large Hilbert space. For the open string, the action is characterized by a pair of commuting cyclic $A_\infty$ structures together with a hierarchy of higher-form potentials analogous to the Maurer-Cartan elements which appear in the conventional Wess-Zumino-Witten action. We apply this formalism to get a better understanding of symmetries of open superstring field theory and the structure of interactions in the Ramond sector, describing an interesting connection between Ramond vertices and Feynman diagrams.

Holographic zero sound on deformed $AdS_3 \times S^{3}$. (arXiv:1706.02625v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dibakar Roychowdhury, relevance 9.30

In this paper, based on the notion of the Gauge/Gravity duality we explore the low frequency behaviour associated with the retarded two point correlators in the ground state of the strongly correlated quantum liquid that is dual to bosonic $ \eta $- deformed background in ($ 2+1 $)D. The massless charge carriers in the dual gauge theory are sourced due to some \textit{probe} $ N_f $ flavour $ Dp $ brane configurations in the bulk. We compute the two point correlators by turning on fluctuations associated with the worldvolume gauge fields in the bulk spacetime. The generic pole structure associated with these two point correlators reveals the existence of the so called \textit{quasi-particle} (also known as the \textit{zero} sound) like excitations in the spectrum which is a reminiscent of the Landau Fermi Liquid theory in higher ($ D>2 $) dimensions.

One-Loop counterterms in first order quantum gravity. (arXiv:1706.02622v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jesus Anero, Raquel Santos-Garcia, relevance 9.64

One-loop counterterms are computed in first order formalism for the Einstein-Hilbert action using the background field method and the heat kernel technique. The obtained result coincides with the result found by Hooft and Veltman in second order formalism.

An Alternative Lattice Field Theory Formulation Inspired by Lattice Supersymmetry. (arXiv:1706.02615v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alessandro D'Adda, Noboru Kawamoto, Jun Saito, relevance 0.37

We propose an unconventional formulation of lattice field theories which is quite general, although originally motivated by the quest of exact lattice supersymmetry. Two long standing problems have a solution in this context: 1) Each degree of freedom on the lattice corresponds to $2^d$ degrees of freedom in the continuum, but all these doublers have (in the case of fermions) the same chirality and can be either identified, thus removing the degeneracy, or, in some theories with extended supersymmetry, identified with different members of the same supermultiplet. 2) The derivative operator, defined on the lattice as a suitable periodic function of the lattice momentum, is an addittive and conserved quantity, thus assuring that the Leibnitz rule is satisfied. This implies that the product of two fields on the lattice is replaced by a non-local "star product" which is however in general non-associative. Associativity of the "star product" poses strong restrictions on the form of the lattice derivative operator (which becomes the inverse gudermannian function of the lattice momentum) and has the consequence that the degrees of freedom of the lattice theory and of the continuum theory are in one-to-one correspondence, so that the two theories are eventually equivalent. Regularization of the ultraviolet divergences on the lattice is not associated to the lattice spacing, which does not act as a regulator, but may be obtained by a one parameter deformation of the lattice derivative, thus preserving the lattice structure even in the limit of infinite momentum cutoff. However this regularization breaks gauge invariance and a gauge invariant regularization within the lattice formulation is still lacking.

An Elliptic Triptych. (arXiv:1706.02576v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jan Troost, relevance 0.77

We clarify three aspects of non-compact elliptic genera. Firstly, we give a path integral derivation of the elliptic genus of the cigar conformal field theory from its non-linear sigma-model description. The result is a manifestly modular sum over a lattice. Secondly, we discuss supersymmetric quantum mechanics with a continuous spectrum. We regulate the theory and analyze the dependence on the temperature of the trace weighted by the fermion number. The dependence is dictated by the regulator. From a detailed analysis of the dependence on the infrared boundary conditions, we argue that in non-compact elliptic genera right-moving supersymmetry combined with modular covariance is anomalous. Thirdly, we further clarify the relation between the flat space elliptic genus and the infinite level limit of the cigar elliptic genus.

Viscous Cosmology for Early- and Late-Time Universe. (arXiv:1706.02543v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Iver Brevik, Øyvind Grøn, Jaume de Haro, Sergei D. Odintsov, Emmanuel N. Saridakis, relevance 0.00

From a hydrodynamicist's point of view the inclusion of viscosity concepts in the macroscopic theory of the cosmic fluid would appear most natural, as an ideal fluid is after all an abstraction (excluding special cases such as superconductivity). Making use of modern observational results for the Hubble parameter plus standard Friedmann formalism, we may extrapolate the description of the universe back in time up to the inflationary era, or we may go to the opposite extreme and analyze the probable ultimate fate of the universe. In this review we discuss a variety of topics in cosmology when it is enlarged in order to contain a bulk viscosity. Various forms of this viscosity, when expressed in terms of the fluid density or the Hubble parameter, are discussed. Furthermore, we consider homogeneous as well as inhomogeneous equations of state. We investigate viscous cosmology in the early universe, examining the viscosity effects on the various inflationary observables. Additionally, we study viscous cosmology in the late universe, containing current acceleration and the possible future singularities, and we investigate how one may even unify inflationary and late-time acceleration. Finally, we analyze the viscosity-induced crossing through the quintessence-phantom divide, we examine the realization of viscosity-driven cosmological bounces, and we briefly discuss how the Cardy-Verlinde formula is affected by viscosity.

Dimer correlation amplitudes and dimer excitation gap in spin-1/2 XXZ and Heisenberg chains. (arXiv:1706.02538v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Toshiya Hikihara, Akira Furusaki, Sergei Lukyanov, relevance 0.00

Correlation functions of dimer operators, the product operators of spins on two adjacent sites, are studied in the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ chain in the critical regime. The amplitudes of the leading oscillating terms in the dimer correlation functions are determined with high accuracy as functions of the exchange anisotropy parameter and the external magnetic field, through the combined use of bosonization and density-matrix renormalization group methods. In particular, for the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with SU(2) symmetry, logarithmic corrections to the dimer correlations due to the marginally-irrelevant operator are studied, and the asymptotic form of the dimer correlation function is obtained. The asymptotic form of the spin-Peierls excitation gap including logarithmic corrections is also derived.

Constraints to dark energy using PADE parameterisations. (arXiv:1706.02537v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Mehdi Rezaei, Mohammad Malekjani, Spyros Basilakos, Ahmad Mehrabi, David F. Mota, relevance 0.87

We put constraints on dark energy properties using the PADE parameterisation, and compare it to the same constraints using Chevalier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) and $\Lambda$CDM, at both the background and the perturbation levels. The dark energy equation of state parameter of the models is derived following the mathematical treatment of PADE expansion. Unlike CPL parameterisation, the PADE approximation provides different forms of the equation of state parameter which avoid the divergence in the far future. Initially, we perform a likelihood analysis in order to put constraints on the model parameters using solely background expansion data and we find that all parameterisations are consistent with each other. Then, combining the expansion and the growth rate data we test the viability of PADE parameterisations and compare them with CPL and $\Lambda$CDM models respectively. Specifically, we find that the growth rate of the current PADE parameterisations is lower than $\Lambda$CDM model at low redshifts, while the differences among the models are negligible at high redshifts. In this context, we provide for the first time growth index of linear matter perturbations in PADE cosmologies. Considering that dark energy is homogeneous we recover the well known asymptotic value of the growth index, namely $\gamma_{\infty}=\frac{3(w_{\infty}-1)}{6w_{\infty}-5}$, while in the case of clustered dark energy we obtain $\gamma_{\infty}\simeq \frac{3w_{\infty}(3w_{\infty}-5)}{(6w_{\infty}-5)(3w_{\infty}-1)}$. Finally, we generalize the growth index analysis in the case where $\gamma$ is allowed to vary with redshift and we find that the form of $\gamma(z)$ in PADE parameterisation extends that of the CPL and $\Lambda$CDM cosmologies respectively.

Holographic Quenches in a Confined Phase. (arXiv:1706.02438v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Robert C. Myers, Moshe Rozali, Benson Way, relevance 32.65

We investigate quenches of holographic theories in a confined phase, where the energy injected is insufficient to reach the deconfined phase. In such quenches, thermalization is not associated with gravitational collapse and the formation of a black hole. Nevertheless, we attempt to characterize the late-time state of this scenario. We check a number of notions of thermalization that do not require horizon formation, and find no evidence for thermalization in our chosen parameters and initial states, even in the weakest sense.

We find that the post-quench behaviour of both local and nonlocal observables exhibit oscillatory behaviour rather than decaying towards equilibrium. We generally find that the response of the nonlocal observables is smoother than that of the local ones. We discuss mechanisms which generate such smoothing, as well as "beats" which appear in the time-dependence of the nonlocal operators for certain classes of quenches. When tuning the quench parameters such that the smoothing is ineffective, we are able to perform "entanglement spectroscopy", recovering the spectrum of the confined phase of the theory from the time dependence of the entanglement entropy, as well as other nonlocal observables.

Diffeomorphism invariant cosmological sector in loop quantum gravity. (arXiv:1706.02424v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Christopher Beetle, Jonathan Steven Engle, Matthew Ernest Hogan, Phillip Mendonca, relevance 10.82

In this paper we work out in detail a new proposal to define rigorously a sector of loop quantum gravity at the diffeomorphism invariant level corresponding to homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies, and propose how to compare in detail the physics of this sector with that of loop quantum cosmology. The key technical steps we have completed are (a) to formulate conditions for homogeneity and isotropy in a diffeomorphism covariant way on the classical phase space of general relativity, and (b) to translate these conditions consistently using well-understood techniques to loop quantum gravity. To impose the symmetry at the quantum level, on both the connection and its conjugate momentum, the method used necessarily has similiarities to the Gupta-Bleuler method of quantizing the electromagnetic field. Lastly, a strategy for embedding states of loop quantum cosmology into this new homogeneous isotropic sector, and using this embedding to compare the physics, is presented.

Anomalous Dimensions in the WF O($N$) Model with a Monodromy Line Defect. (arXiv:1706.02414v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Alexander Söderberg, relevance 0.00

Implications of inserting a monodromy line defect in three dimensional O($N$) models are studied. We consider then the WF O($N$) model, and study the two-point Green's function for bulk-local fields found from both the bulk-defect expansion and Feynman diagrams, to find the anomalous dimensions for bulk- and defect-local primaries as well as one of the OPE coefficients are found as an $\epsilon$-expansion to the first loop order. As a check on our results, we study the $(\phi^k)^2\phi^j$ operator both using the bulk-defect expansion as well as the equations of motion.

Loop Corrections to Supergravity on $AdS_5 \times S^5$. (arXiv:1706.02388v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Luis F. Alday, Agnese Bissi, relevance 1.00

We consider the four-point correlator of the stress-energy tensor multiplet in ${\cal N}=4$ SYM. In the planar limit and at large 't Hooft coupling such correlator is given by the corresponding holographic correlation function in IIB supergravity on $AdS_5 \times S^5$. We consider subleading corrections in the number of colours, i.e. order $1/N^4$, at large 't Hooft coupling. This corresponds to loop corrections to the supergravity result. Consistency conditions, most notably crossing symmetry, constrain the form of such corrections and lead to a complete determination of the spectrum of leading twist intermediate operators.

Dynamical systems approach and generic properties of $f(T)$ cosmology. (arXiv:1706.02376v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Manuel Hohmann, Laur Jarv, Ulbossyn Ualikhanova, relevance 0.78

We present a systematic analysis of the dynamics of flat Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker cosmological models with radiation and dust matter in generalized teleparallel $f(T)$ gravity. We show that the cosmological dynamics of this model is fully described by a function $W(H)$ of the Hubble parameter, which is constructed from the function $f(T)$. After reducing the phase space to two dimensions we derive the conditions on $W(H)$ for the occurrence of de Sitter fixed points, accelerated expansion, crossing the phantom divide, and finite time singularities. Depending on the model parameters it is possible to have a bounce (from contraction to expansion) or a turnaround (from expansion to contraction), but cyclic or oscillating scenarios are prohibited. As an illustration of the formalism we consider power law $f(T) = T + \alpha(-T)^n$ models, and show that these allow only one period of acceleration and no phantom divide crossing.

Finite scale factor singularities against the astronomical data. (arXiv:1706.02354v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Marek Szydlowski, Aleksander Stachowski, relevance 1.30

In this paper, we apply a method of reducing the dynamics of FRW cosmological models with the barotropic form of the equation of state to the dynamical system of the Newtonian type to detect the finite scale factor singularities and the finite-time singularities. In this approach all information concerning the dynamics of the system is contained in a diagram of the potential function $V(a)$ of the scale factor. Singularities of the finite scale factor manifest by poles of the potential function. In our approach the different types of singularities are represented by critical exponents in the power-law approximation of the potential. The classification can be given in terms of these exponents. In the second part of the paper we confront the cosmological models possessing different singularities with the observational astronomical data (SNIa, BAO, CMB, $H(z)$ for galaxies, Alcock-Paczynski test). We find that singularity is located at very early universe rather than at the future of the universe. We demonstrate that the cosmological singularities can be investigated in terms of the critical exponents of the potential function of the cosmological dynamical systems. We assume the general form of the model contains matter and some kind of dark energy which is parametrized by the potential and we obtain that astronomical data favored the generalized sudden singularity in the past. Our method allow to distinguish generic types of singularities.

Critical behavior of the black hole / black string transition. (arXiv:1706.02323v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michael Kalisch, Sebastian Moeckel, Martin Ammon, relevance 12.65

We numerically construct static localized black holes in five and six spacetime dimensions which are solutions to Einstein's vacuum field equations with one compact periodic dimension. In particular, we investigate the critical regime in which the poles of the localized black hole are about to merge. A well adapted multi-domain pseudo-spectral scheme provides us with accurate results and enables us to investigate the phase diagram of those localized solutions within the critical regime, which goes far beyond previous results. We find that in this regime the phase diagram possesses a spiral structure adapting to the one recently found for non-uniform black strings. When approaching the common endpoint of both phases, the behavior of physical quantities is described by complex critical exponents giving rise to a discrete scaling symmetry. The numerically obtained values of the critical exponents agree remarkably well with those derived from the double-cone metric.

An exactly solvable quench protocol for integrable spin models. (arXiv:1706.02322v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Diptarka Das, Sumit R. Das, Damián A. Galante, Robert C. Myers, Krishnendu Sengupta, relevance 10.00

Quantum quenches in continuum field theory across critical points are known to display different scaling behaviours in different regimes of the quench rate. We extend these results to integrable lattice models such as the transverse field Ising model on a one-dimensional chain and the Kitaev model on a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice using a nonlinear quench protocol which allows for exact analytical solutions of the dynamics. Our quench protocol starts with a finite mass gap at early times and crosses a critical point or a critical region, and we study the behaviour of one point functions of the quenched operator at the critical point or in the critical region as a function of the quench rate. For quench rates slow compared to the initial mass gap, we find the expected Kibble-Zurek scaling. In contrast, for rates fast compared to the mass gap, but slow compared to the inverse lattice spacing, we find scaling behaviour similar to smooth fast continuum quenches. For quench rates of the same order of the lattice scale, the one point function saturates as a function of the rate, approaching the results of an abrupt quench. The presence of an extended critical surface in the Kitaev model leads to a variety of scaling exponents depending on the starting point and on the time where the operator is measured. We discuss the role of the amplitude of the quench in determining the extent of the slow (Kibble-Zurek) and fast quench regimes, and the onset of the saturation.

Evaluation of the operatorial Q-system for non-compact super spin chains. (arXiv:1706.02320v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rouven Frassek, Christian Marboe, David Meidinger, relevance 0.00

We present an approach to evaluate the full operatorial Q-system of all $\mathfrak{u}(p,q|r+s)$-invariant spin chains with representations of Jordan-Schwinger type. In particular, this includes the super spin chain of planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory at one loop in the presence of a diagonal twist. Our method is based on the oscillator construction of Q-operators. The Q-operators are built as traces over Lax operators which are degenerate solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. For non-compact representations these Lax operators may contain multiple infinite sums that conceal the form of the resulting functions. We determine these infinite sums and calculate the matrix elements of the lowest level Q-operators. Transforming the Lax operators corresponding to the Q-operators into a representation involving only finite sums allows us to take the supertrace and to obtain the explicit form of the Q-operators in terms of finite matrices for a given magnon sector. Imposing the functional relations, we then bootstrap the other Q-operators from those of the lowest level. We exemplify this approach for non-compact spin $-s$ spin chains and apply it to $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM at the one-loop level using the BMN vacuum as an example.

Multifield Stochastic Particle Production: Beyond a Maximum Entropy Ansatz. (arXiv:1706.02319v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mustafa A. Amin, Marcos A. G. Garcia, Hong-Yi Xie, Osmond Wen, relevance 6.99

We explore non-adiabatic particle production for $N_{\rm f}$ coupled scalar fields in a time-dependent background with stochastically varying effective masses, cross-couplings and intervals between interactions. Under the assumption of weak scattering per interaction, we provide a framework for calculating the typical particle production rates after a large number of interactions. After setting up the framework, for analytic tractability, we consider interactions (effective masses and cross couplings) characterized by series of Dirac-delta functions in time with amplitudes and locations drawn from different distributions. Without assuming that the fields are statistically equivalent, we present closed form results (up to quadratures) for the asymptotic particle production rates for the $N_{\rm f}=1$ and $N_{\rm f}=2$ cases. We also present results for the general $N_{\rm f} >2$ case, but with more restrictive assumptions. We find agreement between our analytic results and direct numerical calculations of the total occupation number of the produced particles, with departures that can be explained in terms of violation of our assumptions.

We elucidate the precise connection between the maximum entropy ansatz (MEA) used in Amin & Baumann (2015) and the underlying statistical distribution of the self and cross couplings. We provide and justify a simple to use (MEA-inspired) expression for the particle production rate, which agrees with our more detailed treatment when the parameters characterizing the effective mass and cross-couplings between fields are all comparable to each other. However, deviations are seen when some parameters differ significantly from others. We show that such deviations become negligible for a broad range of parameters when $N_{\rm f}\gg 1$.

Holomorphic Classical Limit for Spin Effects in Gravitational and Electromagnetic Scattering. (arXiv:1706.02314v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Alfredo Guevara, relevance 1.11

We provide universal expressions for the classical piece of the amplitude given by the graviton/photon exchange between massive particles of arbitrary spin, at both tree and one loop level. In the gravitational case this leads to higher order terms in the post-Newtonian expansion, which have been previously used in the binary inspiral problem. The expressions are obtained in terms of a contour integral that computes the Leading Singularity, which was recently shown to encode the relevant information up to one loop. The classical limit is performed along a holomorphic trajectory in the space of kinematics, such that the leading order is enough to extract arbitrarily high multipole corrections. These multipole interactions are given in terms of a recently proposed representation for massive particles of any spin by Arkani-Hamed et al. This explicitly shows universality of the multipole interactions in the effective potential with respect to the spin of the scattered particles. We perform the explicit match to standard EFT operators for $S=\frac{1}{2}$ and $S=1$. As a natural byproduct we obtain the classical pieces up to one loop for the bending of light.

Unification of gauge and Yukawa couplings. (arXiv:1706.02313v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ammar Abdalgabar, Mohammed Omer Khojali, Alan S. Cornell, Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Aldo Deandrea, relevance 6.72

The unification of gauge and top Yukawa couplings is an attractive feature of gauge-Higgs unification models in extra-dimensions. This feature is usually considered difficult to obtain based on simple group theory analyses. We reconsider a minimal toy model including the renormalisation group running at one loop. Our results show that the gauge couplings unify asymptotically at high energies, and that this may result from the presence of an UV fixed point. The Yukawa coupling in our toy model is enhanced at low energies, showing that a genuine unification of gauge and Yukawa couplings may be achieved.

Emergent Dark Energy in Classical Channel Gravity with Matter. (arXiv:1706.02312v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Romain Pascalie, Natacha Altamirano, Robert B. Mann, relevance 0.00

Motivated by the recent increased interest in energy non-conserving models in cosmology, we extend the analysis of the cosmological consequences of the Classical Channel Model of Gravity (CCG). This model is based on the classical-quantum interaction between a test particle and a metric (classical) and results in a theory with a modified Wheeler-deWitt equation that in turn leads to non conservation of energy. We show that CCG applied to a cosmological scenario with primordial matter leads to an emergent dark fluid that at late times behaves as a curvature term in the Friedmann equations, showing that the late time behaviour is always dominated by the vacuum solutions. We discuss possible observational constraints for this model and that, in its current formulation, CCG eludes any meaningful constraints from current observations.

Quantum spin chains with multiple dynamics. (arXiv:1706.02304v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xiao Chen, Eduardo Fradkin, William Witczak-Krempa, relevance 0.99

Many-body systems with multiple emergent time scales arise in various contexts, including classical critical systems, correlated quantum materials, and ultra-cold atoms. We investigate such non-trivial quantum dynamics in a new setting: a spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic chain. It has a solvable entangled groundstate, but a gapless excitation spectrum that is poorly understood. By using large-scale DMRG simulations, we find that the lowest excitations have a dynamical exponent $z$ that varies from 2 to 3.2 as we vary a coupling in the Hamiltonian. We find an additional gapless mode with a continuously varying exponent $2\leq z <2.7$, which establishes the presence of multiple dynamics. In order to explain these striking properties, we construct a continuum wavefunction for the groundstate, which correctly describes the correlations and entanglement properties. We also give a continuum parent Hamiltonian, but show that additional ingredients are needed to capture the excitations of the chain. By using an exact mapping to the non-equilibrium dynamics of a classical spin chain, we find that the large dynamical exponent is due to subdiffusive spin motion. Finally, we discuss the connections to other spin chains and to a family of quantum critical models in 2d.

On Algorithmic Universality in F-theory Compactifications. (arXiv:1706.02299v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by James Halverson, Cody Long, Benjamin Sung, relevance 1.56

We study universality of geometric gauge sectors in the string landscape in the context of F-theory compactifications. A finite time construction algorithm is presented for $\frac43 \times 2.96 \times 10^{755}$ F-theory geometries that are connected by a network of topological transitions in a connected moduli space. High probability geometric assumptions uncover universal structures in the ensemble without explicitly constructing it. For example, non-Higgsable clusters of seven-branes with intricate gauge sectors occur with probability above $1-1.01\times 10^{-755}$, and the geometric gauge group rank is above $160$ with probability $.999995$. In the latter case there are at least $10$ $E_8$ factors, the structure of which fixes the gauge groups on certain nearby seven-branes. Visible sectors may arise from $E_6$ or $SU(3)$ seven-branes, which occur in certain random samples with probability $\simeq 1/200$.

Cosmological dynamics of magnetic Bianchi I in viable $f(R)$ models of gravity. (arXiv:1706.02279v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Xuyang Liu (Bohai U.), Phongpichit Channuie (Walailak U.), Daris Samart (Rajamangala U. Tech. Isan), relevance 1.46

Standard dynamical system analysis of Einstein-Maxwell equation in $f(R)$ theories is considered in this work. We investigate cosmological dynamics of a uniform magnetic field in the Orthogonal Spatially Homogeneous (OSH) Bianchi type I universe with viable $f(R)$ models of gravity. In this work, the $f(R) = R -\alpha R^n$ and $f(R) = \left( R^b - \Lambda\right)^c$ models are examined by using our dynamical system analysis. Our results show that both of two $f(R)$ models have a viable cosmological consequence identical to the analysis present in Ref.\cite{Amendola:2007nt} for the FLRW background. Contrary to Ref.\cite{Amendola:2007nt}, we discover in our models that there is an additional anisotropic and non-zero cosmological magnetic fields fixed point emerging before the present of the standard matter epoch. This means that the universe has initially isotropic stage with the intermediated epoch as the anisotropic background and it ends up with the isotropic late-time acceleration. The primordial magnetic fields play a crucial role of the shear evolutions obtained from these two models which have the same scaling of the cosmic time as $\sigma\sim t^{-\frac13}$, instead of $\sigma\sim t^{-1}$ for the absence of the primordial magnetic cases.

On the non-perturbative realization of QCD gauge-invariance. (arXiv:1706.02264v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Herbert M. Fried, Thierry Grandou, Ralf Hofmann, relevance 5.32

A few years ago the use of standard functional manipulations was demonstrated to imply an unexpected property satisfied by the fermionic Green's functions of QCD: effective locality. This feature of QCD is non-perturbative as it results from a full integration of the gluonic degrees of freedom. In this paper, previous derivations of effective locality are reviewed, corrected, and enhanced. Focussing on the way non-abelian gauge invariance is realized in the non-perturbative regime of QCD, the deeper meaning of effective locality is discussed.

Kac determinant and singular vector of the level N representation of Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra. (arXiv:1706.02243v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Yusuke Ohkubo, relevance 1.85

In this paper, we obtain the formula for the Kac determinant of the algebra arising from the level $N$ representation of the Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra. It is also discovered that its singular vectors correspond to generalized Macdonald functions (the q-deformed version of the AFLT basis).

Locating the QCD critical end point through the peaked baryon number susceptibilities along the freeze-out line. (arXiv:1706.02238v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Zhibin Li, Yidian Chen, Danning Li, Mei Huang, relevance 0.42

We investigate the baryon number susceptibilities up to fourth order along different freeze-out lines in a holographic QCD model with the critical end point (CEP), and we propose that the peaked baryon number susceptibilities along the freeze-out line can be used as a clean signature to locate the CEP in the QCD phase diagram. On the temperature and baryon chemical potential plane, the ratio of the baryon number susceptibilities (up to fourth order) forms a ridge along the phase boundary, and develops a sword shape mountain standing upright around the CEP in a narrow and oblate region. This feature is model independent and universal if the CEP exists. The measurement of the baryon number susceptibilities from heavy-ion collision experiment is along the freeze-out line. If the freeze-out line crosses the foot of the CEP mountain, then one can observe the peaked baryon number susceptibilities along the freeze-out line, and the kurtosis of the baryon number distributions has the tallest magnitude. The data from the first phase of beam energy scan program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions indicates that a peak of the kurtosis of the baryon number distribution would show up at the collision energy around 5 GeV, which suggests that the freeze-out line crosses the foot of the CEP mountain and the summit of the CEP would be located nearby around the collision energy of 3 GeV.

Can supersymmetry emerge at a quantum critical point?. (arXiv:1706.02231v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Peng-Lu Zhao, Guo-Zhu Liu, relevance 0.00

It was recently proposed that an effective space-time supersymmetry emerges at low energies when a Dirac or Weyl semimetal is tuned to a quantum critical point at which the fermion $\psi$ and the bosonic order parameter $\phi$ are both massless. In this paper, we examine under what circumstances could supersymmetry emerge. At the quantum critical point, a bosonic order parameter develops as a result of certain type of fermion pairing, and acquires its own dynamics after integrating out fermions. It is, however, usually dangerous to integrate out massless fermions, as such procedure might yield nonlocal contributions to the $\phi^{2n}$ terms with integer $n > 1$. Such nonlocal terms are non-supersymmetric. Hence, there exists a necessary condition for supersymmetry to be generated in a quantum critical system. We apply this condition to examine some systems that were argued to display supersymmetry at low energies, and demonstrate that no supersymmetry emerges.

Information Graph Flow: a geometric approximation of quantum and statistical systems. (arXiv:1706.02229v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Vitaly Vanchurin, relevance 4.55

Given a quantum (or statistical) system with a very large number of degrees of freedom and a preferred tensor product factorization of the Hilbert space (or of a space of distributions) we describe how it can be approximated with a very low-dimensional field theory with geometric degrees of freedom. The geometric approximation procedure consists of three steps. The first step is to construct weighted graphs (we call information graphs) with vertices representing subsystems (e.g. qubits or random variables) and edges representing mutual information (or the flow of information) between subsystems. The second step is to deform the adjacency matrices of the information graphs to that of a (locally) low-dimensional lattice using the graph flow equations introduced in the paper. (Note that the graph flow produces very sparse adjacency matrices and thus might also be used, for example, in machine learning or network science where the task of graph sparsification is of a central importance.) The third step is to define an emergent metric and to derive an effective description of the metric and possibly other degrees of freedom. To illustrate the procedure we analyze (numerically and analytically) two information graph flows with geometric attractors (towards locally one- and two-dimensional lattices) and metric perturbations obeying a geometric flow equation. Our analysis also suggests a possible approach to (a non-perturbative) quantum gravity in which the geometry (a secondary object) emerges directly from a quantum state (a primary object) due to the flow of the information graphs.

Supersymmetric gauge theories with decoupled operators and chiral ring stability. (arXiv:1706.02225v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sergio Benvenuti, Simone Giacomelli, relevance 4.24

We propose a general way to complete supersymmetric theories with operators below the unitarity bound, adding gauge-singlet fields which enforce the decoupling of such operators. This makes it possible to perform all usual computations, and to compactify on a circle. We concentrate on a duality between an $\mathcal{N}=1$ $SU(2)$ gauge theory and the $\mathcal{N}=2$ $A_3$ Argyres-Douglas [1,2], mapping the moduli space and chiral ring of the completed $\mathcal{N}=1$ theory to those of the $A_3$ model. We reduce the completed gauge theory to $3d$, finding a $3d$ duality with $\mathcal{N}=4$ SQED with two flavors. The naive dimensional reduction is instead $\mathcal{N}=2$ SQED. Crucial is a concept of chiral ring stability, which modifies the superpotential and allows for a $3d$ emergent global symmetry.

Dimensional flow and fuzziness in quantum gravity: emergence of stochastic spacetime. (arXiv:1706.02159v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gianluca Calcagni, Michele Ronco, relevance 10.71

We show that the uncertainty in distance and time measurements found by the heuristic combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity is reproduced in a purely classical and flat multi-fractal spacetime whose geometry changes with the probed scale (dimensional flow) and has non-zero imaginary dimension, corresponding to a discrete scale invariance at short distances. Thus, dimensional flow can manifest itself as an intrinsic measurement uncertainty and, conversely, measurement-uncertainty estimates are generally valid because they rely on this universal property of quantum geometries. These general results affect multi-fractional theories, a recent proposal related to quantum gravity, in two ways: they can fix two parameters previously left free (in particular, the value of the spacetime dimension at short scales) and point towards a reinterpretation of the ultraviolet structure of geometry as a stochastic foam or fuzziness. This is also confirmed by a correspondence we establish between Nottale scale relativity and the stochastic geometry of multi-fractional models.

(2+1)-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity with Ads Lie bialgebra as an interacting model of two massless gravitons. (arXiv:1706.02129v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by S. Hoseinzadeh, A. Rezaei-Aghdam, relevance 2.06

We introduce a Lie bialgebra structure for Ads Lie algebra in three dimensional spacetime, and use it to write a Chern-Simons gauge theory of gravity. The obtained model includes two vierbeins, such that it is a ghost-free bimetric gravity model without any local degrees of freedom which describes two massless interacting spin-2 gravitons, and has a suitable free field limit. We compare it with three dimensional massive gravity models such as Zwei-Dreibein Gravity and new massive gravity. We solve it's equations of motion and obtain a new black hole solution which is different from the available solutions of three dimensional bigravity models.

Vacuum states for gravitons field in de Sitter space. (arXiv:1706.02121v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kazuharu Bamba, Surena Rahbardehghan, Hamed Pejhan, relevance 11.41

In this paper, considering the linearized Einstein equation with a two-parameter family of linear covariant gauges in de Sitter spacetime, we examine possible vacuum states for the gravitons field with respect to invariance under the de Sitter group $SO_0(1,4)$. Our calculations explicitly reveal that there exists no natural de Sitter-invariant vacuum state (the Euclidean state) for the gravitons field. Indeed, on the foundation of a rigorous group theoretical reasoning, we prove that if one insists on full covariance as well as causality for the theory, has to give up the positivity requirement of the inner product. However, one may still look for states with as much symmetry as possible, more precisely, a restrictive version of covariance by considering the gravitons field and the associated vacuum state which are, respectively, covariant and invariant with respect to some maximal subgroup of the full de Sitter group. In this regard, we treat $SO(4)$ case, and find a family of $SO(4)$-invariant states. The associated $SO(4)$-covariant quantum field is given, as well.

All symmetric AdS(n>2) solutions of type II supergravity. (arXiv:1706.02118v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Linus Wulff, relevance 10.64

All symmetric space AdS(n) solutions of ten-dimensional type IIA and type IIB supergravity are constructed for n>2. There are a total of 26 geometries. Out of these only 7 allow for supersymmetries and these are the well known backgrounds coming from near-horizon limits of (intersecting) branes in ten or eleven dimensions and preserving 32, 16 or 8 supersymmetries.

Analyzing H(z) Data using Two-point Diagnostics. (arXiv:1706.02116v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Kyle Leaf, Fulvio Melia, relevance 1.08

Measurements of the Hubble constant H(z) are increasingly being used to test the expansion rate predicted by various cosmological models. But the recent application of 2-point diagnostics, such as Om(z_i,z_j) and Omh^2(z_i,z_j), has produced considerable tension between LCDM's predictions and several observations, with other models faring even worse. Part of this problem is attributable to the continued mixing of truly model-independent measurements using the cosmic-chronomter approach, and model-dependent data extracted from BAOs. In this paper, we advance the use of 2-point diagnostics beyond their current status, and introduce new variations, which we call Delta h(z_i,z_j), that are more useful for model comparisons. But we restrict our analysis exclusively to cosmic-chronometer data, which are truly model independent. Even for these measurements, however, we confirm the conclusions drawn by earlier workers that the data have strongly non-Gaussian uncertainties, requiring the use of both "median" and "mean" statistical approaches. Our results reveal that previous analyses using 2-point diagnostics greatly underestimated the errors, thereby misinterpreting the level of tension between theoretical predictions and H(z) data. Instead, we demonstrate that as of today, only Einstein-de Sitter is ruled out by the 2-point diagnostics at a level of significance exceeding ~ 3 sigma. The R_h=ct universe is slightly favoured over the remaining models, including LCDM and Chevalier-Polarski-Linder, though all of them (other than Einstein-de Sitter) are consistent to within 1 sigma with the measured mean of the Delta h(z_i,z_j) diagnostics.

Ring objects in the equivariant derived Satake category arising from Coulomb branches. (arXiv:1706.02112v1 [math.RT])
in hep-th by Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Hiraku Nakajima, relevance 2.94

This is the second companion paper of arXiv:1601.03586. We consider the morphism from the variety of triples introduced in arXiv:1601.03586 to the affine Grassmannian. The direct image of the dualizing complex is a ring object in the equivariant derived category on the affine Grassmannian (equivariant derived Satake category). We show that various constructions in arXiv:1601.03586 work for an arbitrary commutative ring object.

The second purpose of this paper is to study Coulomb branches associated with star shaped quivers, which are expected to be conjectural Higgs branches of $3d$ Sicilian theories in type $A$ by arXiv:1007.0992.

Gravitational wave bursts from Primordial Black Hole hyperbolic encounters. (arXiv:1706.02111v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Juan Garcia-Bellido, Savvas Nesseris, relevance 8.02

We propose that Gravitational Wave (GW) bursts with millisecond durations can be explained by the GW emission from the hyperbolic encounters of Primordial Black Holes in dense clusters. These bursts are single events, with the bulk of the released energy happening during the closest approach, and emitted in frequencies within the AdvLIGO sensitivity range. We provide expressions for the shape of the GW emission in terms of the peak frequency and amplitude, and estimate the rates of these events for a variety of mass and velocity configurations. We study the regions of parameter space that will allow detection by both AdvLIGO and, in the future, LISA. We find for realistic configurations, with total mass $M\sim60\,M_\odot$, relative velocities $v\sim 0.01\,c$, and impact parameters $b\sim10^{-3}$ AU, for AdvLIGO an expected event rate is ${\cal O}(10)$ events/yr/Gpc$^3$ with millisecond durations. For LISA, the typical duration is in the range of minutes to hours and the event-rate is ${\cal O}(10^3)$ events/yr/Gpc$^3$ for both $10^3\,M_\odot$ IMBH and $10^6\,M_\odot$ SMBH encounters. We also study the distribution functions of eccentricities, peak frequencies and characteristic timescales that can be expected for a population of scattering PBH with a log-normal distribution in masses, different relative velocities and a flat prior on the impact parameter.

Nonlinear Dynamics in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. (arXiv:1706.02070v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Hisa-aki Shinkai, Takashi Torii, relevance 5.38

We numerically investigated how the nonlinear dynamics depends on the dimensionality and on the higher-order curvature corrections in the form of Gauss-Bonnet (GB) terms. We especially monitored the processes of appearances of a singularity (or black hole) in two models: (i) a perturbed wormhole throat in spherically symmetric space-time, and (ii) colliding scalar pulses in plane-symmetric space-time. We used a dual-null formulation for evolving the field equations, which enables us to locate the trapping horizons directly, and also enables us to follow close to the large-curvature region due to its causal integrating scheme. We observed that the fate of a perturbed wormhole is either a black hole or an expanding throat depending on the total energy of the structure, and its threshold depends on the coupling constant of the GB terms ($\alpha_{\rm GB}$). We also observed that a collision of large scalar pulses will produce a large-curvature region, of which the magnitude also depends on $\alpha_{\rm GB}$. For both models, the normal corrections ($\alpha_{\rm GB}>0$) work for avoiding the appearance of singularity, although it is inevitable. We also found that in the critical situation for forming a black hole, the existence of the trapped region in the Einstein-GB gravity does not directly indicate the formation of a black hole.

Decoding the Apparent Horizon: A Coarse-Grained Holographic Entropy. (arXiv:1706.02038v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Netta Engelhardt, Aron C. Wall, relevance 54.95

When a black hole forms from collapse in a holographic theory, the information in the black hole interior remains encoded in the boundary. We prove that the area of the black hole's apparent horizon is precisely the entropy associated to coarse graining over the information in its interior, subject to knowing the exterior geometry. This is the maximum holographic entanglement entropy that is compatible with all classical measurements conducted outside of the apparent horizon. We identify the boundary dual to this entropy and explain why it obeys a Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Holographic Van der Waals phase transition for a hairy black hole. (arXiv:1706.02024v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Xiao-Xiong Zeng, Yi-Wen Han, relevance 21.53

The Van der Waals(VdW) phase transition in a hairy black hole is investigated by analogizing its charge, temperature, and entropy as the temperature, pressure, and volume in the fluid respectively. The two point correlation function(TCF), which is dual to the geodesic length, is employed to probe this phase transition. We find the phase structure in the temperature$-$geodesic length plane resembles as that in the temperature$-$thermal entropy plane besides the scale of the horizontal coordinate. In addition, we find the equal area law(EAL) for the first order phase transition and critical exponent of the heat capacity for the second order phase transition in the temperature$-$geodesic length plane are consistent with that in temperature$-$thermal entropy plane, which implies that the TCF is a good probe to probe the phase structure of the back hole.

Gravitational wave memory in $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. (arXiv:1706.02009v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Lydia Bieri, David Garfinkle, Nicolas Yunes, relevance 0.73

We examine gravitational wave memory in the case where sources and detector are in a $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. We consider the case where the universe can be highly inhomogeneous, but the gravitatational radiation is treated in the short wavelength approximation. We find results very similar to those of gravitational wave memory in an asymptotically flat spacetime; however, the overall magnitude of the memory effect is enhanced by a redshift-dependent factor. In addition, we find the memory can be affected by lensing.

Analysis of soft wall AdS / QCD potentials to obtain melting temperature of scalar hadrons. (arXiv:1706.01994v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Alfredo Vega, Adolfo Ibañez, relevance 8.18

We consider an analysis of potentials related to Schr\"odinger-type equations for scalar fields in a 5D AdS black hole background with dilaton in order to get melting temperatures for different hadrons in a thermal bath. The approach does not consider calculations of spectral functions and it is easy to get results for hadrons with an arbitrary number of constituents. We present results for scalar mesons, glueballs, hybrid mesons and tetraquarks, and we show that mesons are more resistant to being melted in a thermal bath than other scalar hadrons, and in general the melting temperature increases when hadrons contain heavy quarks.

Evolutions of Nearly Maximally Spinning Black Hole Binaries Using the Moving Puncture Approach. (arXiv:1706.01980v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Yosef Zlochower, James Healy, Carlos O. Lousto, Ian Ruchlin, relevance 8.65

We demonstrate that numerical relativity codes based on the moving punctures formalism are capable of evolving nearly maximally spinning black hole binaries. We compare a new evolution of an equal-mass, aligned-spin binary with dimensionless spin chi=0.99 using puncture-based data with recent simulations of the SXS Collaboration. We find that the overlap of our new waveform with the published results of the SXS Collaboration is larger than 0.999. To generate our new waveform, we use the recently introduced HiSpID puncture data, the CCZ4 evolution system, and a modified lapse condition that helps keep the horizon radii reasonably large.

Exact time-dependent states for throat quantized toroidal AdS black holes. (arXiv:1706.01906v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hideki Maeda, Gabor Kunstatter, relevance 16.62

We investigate exact non-stationary quantum states of vacuum toroidal black holes with a negative cosmological constant in arbitrary dimensions using the framework of throat quantization pioneered by Louko and M\"akel\"a for Schwarzschild black holes. The system is equivalent to a harmonic oscillator on the half line, in which the central singularity is resolved quantum mechanically by imposing suitable boundary conditions that preserve unitarity. We identify two suitable families of exact time-dependent wave functions with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions at the location of the classical singularity. We find that for highly non-stationary states of large-mass black holes, quantum fluctuations are not negligible in one family, while they are greatly suppressed in the other. The latter, therefore, may provide candidates for describing the dynamics of semi-classical black holes.

The anomaly field theories of six-dimensional (2,0) superconformal theories. (arXiv:1706.01903v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Samuel Monnier, relevance 2.34

We construct 7-dimensional quantum field theories encoding the anomalies of conformal field theories with (2,0) supersymmetry in six dimensions. We explain how the conformal blocks of the (2,0) theories arise in this context. A result of independent interest is a detailed specification of the data required to define a (2,0) theory with topologically non-trivial spacetime and R-symmetry bundle.

One-loop quantum gravitational corrections to the scalar two-point function at fixed geodesic distance. (arXiv:1706.01891v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Markus B. Fröb, relevance 3.84

We study a proposal for gauge-invariant correlation functions in perturbative quantum gravity, which are obtained by fixing the geodesic distance between points in the fluctuating geometry. These correlation functions are non-local and strongly divergent, and we show how to renormalise them by performing a "wave function renormalisation" of the geodesic embedding coordinates. The result is finite and gauge-independent, but displays unusual features such as double logarithms at one-loop order.

Tetrahedral modular graph functions. (arXiv:1706.01889v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Axel Kleinschmidt, Valentin Verschinin, relevance 0.00

The low-energy expansion of one-loop amplitudes in type II string theory generates a series of world-sheet integrals whose integrands can be represented by world-sheet Feynman diagrams. These integrands are modular invariant and understanding the structure of the action of the modular Laplacian on them is important for determining their contribution to string scattering amplitudes. In this paper we study a particular infinite family of such integrands associated with three-loop scalar vacuum diagrams of tetrahedral topology and find closed forms for the action of the Laplacian. We analyse the possible eigenvalues and degeneracies of the Laplace operator by group- and representation-theoretic means.

Superposition principle and Kirchhoff's integral theorem. (arXiv:1706.01881v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. I. Krivoruchenko, relevance 0.00

The need for modification of the Huygens-Fresnel superposition principle arises even in the description of the free fields of massive particles and, more extensively, in nonlinear field theories. A wide range of formulations and superposition schemes for secondary waves are captured by Kirchhoff's integral theorem. We discuss various versions of this theorem as well as its connection with the superposition principle and the method of Green's functions. A superposition scheme inherent in linear field theories, which is not based on Kirchhoff's integral theorem but instead relies on the completeness condition, is also discussed.

Beyond-one-loop quantum gravity action yielding both inflation and late-time acceleration. (arXiv:1706.01879v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by E. Elizalde, S.D. Odintsov, L.Sebastiani, R.Myrzakulov, relevance 8.61

A unified description of early-time inflation with the current cosmic acceleration is achieved by means of a new theory that uses a quadratic model of gravity, with the inclusion of an exponential $F(R)$-gravity contribution for dark energy. High-curvature corrections of the theory come from higher-derivative quantum gravity and yield an effective action that goes beyond the one-loop approximation. It is shown that, in this theory, viable inflation emerges in a natural way, leading to a spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio that are in perfect agreement with the most reliable Planck results. At low energy, late-time accelerated expansion takes place. As exponential gravity, for dark energy, must be stabilized during the matter and radiation eras, we introduce a curing term in order to avoid nonphysical singularities in the effective equation of state parameter. The results of our analysis are confirmed by accurate numerical simulations, which show that our model does fit the most recent cosmological data for dark energy very precisely.

Failures of homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies in Extended Quasi-Dilaton Massive Gravity. (arXiv:1706.01872v1 [astro-ph.CO] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Stefano Anselmi, Saurabh Kumar, Diana López Nacir, Glenn D. Starkman, relevance 0.84

We analyze the Extended Quasi-Dilaton Massive Gravity model around a Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker cosmological background. We present a careful stability analysis of asymptotic fixed points. We find that the traditional fixed point cannot be approached dynamically, except from a perfectly fine-tuned initial condition involving both the quasi-dilaton and the Hubble parameter. A less-well examined fixed-point solution, where the time derivative of the 0-th St\"uckelberg field vanishes $\dot\phi^0=0$, encounters no such difficulty, and the fixed point is an attractor in some finite region of initial conditions. We examine the question of the presence of a Boulware-Deser ghost in the theory. We show that the additional constraint which generically allows for the elimination of the Boulware-Deser mode is only present under special initial conditions. We find that the only possibility corresponds to the traditional fixed point and the initial conditions are the same fine-tuned conditions that allow the fixed point to be approached dynamically.

Irreversibility of the renormalization group flow in non-unitary quantum field theory. (arXiv:1706.01871v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Olalla A. Castro-Alvaredo, Benjamin Doyon, Francesco Ravanini, relevance 4.27

We show irreversibility of the renormalization group flow in non-unitary but ${\cal PT}$-invariant quantum field theory in two space-time dimensions. In addition to unbroken $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry and a positive energy spectrum, we assume standard properties of quantum field theory including a local energy-momentum tensor and relativistic invariance. This generalizes Zamolodchikov's $c$-theorem to ${\cal PT}$-symmetric hamiltonians. Our proof follows closely Zamolodchikov's arguments. We show that a function $c_{\mathrm{eff}}(s)$ of the renormalization group parameter $s$ exists which is non-negative and monotonically decreasing along renormalization group flows. Its value at a critical point is the "effective central charge" entering the specific free energy. At least in rational models, this equals $c_{\mathrm{eff}}=c-24\Delta$, where $c$ is the central charge and $\Delta$ is the lowest primary field dimension in the conformal field theory which describes the critical point.

Principle of least decoherence for Newtonian semi-classical gravity. (arXiv:1706.01856v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by Antoine Tilloy, Lajos Diósi, relevance 4.74

Recent works have proved that semi-classical theories of gravity needed not be fundamentally inconsistent, at least in the Newtonian regime. Using the machinery of continuous measurement theory and feedback, it was shown that one could construct well behaved models of hybrid quantum-classical dynamics at the price of an imposed (non unique) decoherence structure. We introduce a principle of least decoherence (PLD) which allows to naturally single out a unique model from all the available options; up to some unspecified short distance regularization scale. Interestingly, the resulting model is found to coincide with the old --erstwhile only heuristically motivated-- proposal of Penrose and one of us for gravity-related spontaneous decoherence and collapse. Finally, this letter suggests that it is in the submillimeter behavior of gravity that new phenomena might be found.

Evolutions of centered Brill waves with a pseudospectral method. (arXiv:1706.01829v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by David Hilditch, Andreas Weyhausen, Bernd Bruegmann, relevance 1.71

The pseudospectral code bamps is used to evolve axisymmetric gravitational waves. We consider a one-parameter family of Brill wave initial data, taking the seed function and strength parameter of Holz et. al. A careful comparison is made to earlier work. Our results are mostly in agreement with the literature, but we do find that some amplitudes reported elsewhere as subcritical evolve to form apparent horizons. Related to this point we find that by altering the slicing condition, the position of the peak of the Kretschmann scalar in these supercritical data can be controlled so that it appears away from the symmetry axis before the method fails, demonstrating that such behavior is at least partially a coordinate effect. We are able to tune the strength parameter to an interval of range $1-A_\star/A\simeq10^{-6}$ around the onset of apparent horizon formation. In this regime we find that large spikes appear in the Kretschmann scalar on the symmetry axis but away from the origin. From the supercritical side disjoint apparent horizons form around these spikes. On the subcritical side, down to this range, evidence of power-law scaling of the Kretschmann scalar is not conclusive, but the data can be fitted as a power-law with periodic wiggle.

BPS black hole horizons from massive IIA. (arXiv:1706.01823v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Adolfo Guarino, relevance 18.76

The maximal four-dimensional supergravity with a dyonic ISO(7) gauging that arises from the reduction of massive IIA on a six-sphere has recently been shown to accommodate static BPS black holes with hyperbolic horizons. When restricted to the N=2 subsector that retains one vector multiplet and the universal hypermultiplet, the attractor mechanism was shown to fix both the vector charges and the scalar fields at the horizon to a unique configuration in terms of the gauging parameters. In order to assess the (non-)uniqueness of BPS black hole horizons from massive IIA, we extend the study of the attractor mechanism to other N=2 subsectors including additional matter multiplets. We note that, while extending the hypermultiplet sector does not modify the set of solutions to the attractor equations, the inclusion of additional vector multiplets results in new hyperbolic/spherical horizons containing free parameters. The model with three vector multiplets and the universal hypermultiplet, which is the massive IIA analogue of the STU-model from M-theory, may play a relevant role in massive IIA holography.

GW170104: Observation of a 50-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence at Redshift 0.2. (arXiv:1706.01812v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration: B. P. Abbott, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, C. Adams, T. Adams, P. Addesso, R. X. Adhikari, V. B. Adya, C. Affeldt, M. Afrough, B. Agarwal, M. Agathos, K. Agatsuma, N. Aggarwal, O. D. Aguiar, L. Aiello, A. Ain, P. Ajith, B. Allen, G. Allen, A. Allocca, P. A. Altin, A. Amato, A. Ananyeva, S. B. Anderson, W. G. Anderson, S. Antier, S. Appert, K. Arai, M. C. Araya, J. S. Areeda, N. Arnaud, K. G. Arun, S. Ascenzi, G. Ashton, M. Ast, S. M. Aston, P. Astone, P. Aufmuth, C. Aulbert, K. AultONeal, A. Avila-Alvarez, S. Babak, P. Bacon, M. K. M. Bader, S. Bae, P. T. Baker, F. Baldaccini, G. Ballardin, S. W. Ballmer, S. Banagiri, J. C. Barayoga, S. E. Barclay, B. C. Barish, D. Barker, F. Barone, B. Barr, L. Barsotti, M. Barsuglia, et al. (988 additional authors not shown), relevance 7.97

We describe the observation of GW170104, a gravitational-wave signal produced by the coalescence of a pair of stellar-mass black holes. The signal was measured on January 4, 2017 at 10:11:58.6 UTC by the twin advanced detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory during their second observing run, with a network signal-to-noise ratio of 13 and a false alarm rate less than 1 in 70,000 years. The inferred component black hole masses are $31.2^{+8.4}_{-6.0}\,M_\odot$ and $19.4^{+5.3}_{-5.9}\,M_\odot$ (at the 90% credible level). The black hole spins are best constrained through measurement of the effective inspiral spin parameter, a mass-weighted combination of the spin components perpendicular to the orbital plane, $\chi_\mathrm{eff} = -0.12^{+0.21}_{-0.30}.$ This result implies that spin configurations with both component spins positively aligned with the orbital angular momentum are disfavored. The source luminosity distance is $880^{+450}_{-390}~\mathrm{Mpc}$ corresponding to a redshift of $z = 0.18^{+0.08}_{-0.07}$. We constrain the magnitude of modifications to the gravitational-wave dispersion relation and perform null tests of general relativity. Assuming that gravitons are dispersed in vacuum like massive particles, we bound the graviton mass to $m_g \le 7.7 \times 10^{-23}~\mathrm{eV}/c^2$. In all cases, we find that GW170104 is consistent with general relativity.

Analytical Computation of the Perihelion Precession in General Relativity via the Homotopy Perturbation Method. (arXiv:1706.01809v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by V. K. Shchigolev, relevance 0.95

We propose a new approach in studying the planetary orbits and the perihelion precession in General Relativity by means of the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM).For this purpose, we give a brief review of the nonlinear geodesic equations in the spherical symmetry spacetime which are to be studied in our work. On the basis of the main idea of HPM, we construct the appropriate homotopy what leads to the problem of solving the set of linear equations. First of all, we consider the simple example of the Schwarzschild metric for which the approximate geodesics solutions are known, in order to compare the HPM solution for orbits with those obtained earlier. Moreover, we obtain an approximate HPM solution for the Reissner-Nordstorm spacetime of a charged star.

Anti-de Sitter relativity. (arXiv:1706.01785v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ion I. Cotaescu, relevance 26.28

The relative geodesic motion on $(1+3)$-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetimes is studied in terms of conserved quantities by adapting the Nachtmann boosting method created initially for the de Sitter spacetimes. In this approach the Lorentzian isometriy is derived, relating the coordinates of the local chart of a fixed observer with the coordinates of a mobile chart considered as the rest frame of a massive mobile object moving on a timelike anti-de Sitter geodesic. The transformation of the conserved quantities is also investigated, constructing thus a complete theory of the relative geodesic motion on anti-de Sitter spacetimes. Some applications are discussed among them the problems of twin paradox and Lorentz contraction are solved.

$D$-dimensional charged Anti-de-Sitter black holes in $f(T)$ gravity. (arXiv:1706.01773v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. M. Awad, S. Capozziello, G. G. L. Nashed, relevance 20.94

We present a $D$-dimensional charged Anti-de-Sitter black hole solutions in $f(T)$ gravity, where $f(T)=T+\beta T^2$ and $D \geq 4$. These solutions are characterized by flat or cylindrical horizons. The interesting feature of these solutions is the existence of inseparable electric monopole and quadrupole terms in the potential which share related momenta, in contrast with most of the known charged black hole solutions in General Relativity and its extensions. Furthermore, these solutions have curvature singularities which are milder than those of the known charged black hole solutions in General Relativity and Teleparallel Gravity. This feature can be shown by calculating some invariants of curvature and torsion tensors. Furthermore, we calculate the total energy of these black holes using the energy-momentum tensor. Finally, we show that these charged black hole solutions violate the first law of thermodynamics in agreement with previous results.

Quantum formalism for classical statistics. (arXiv:1706.01772v2 [quant-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by C. Wetterich, relevance 0.86

In static classical statistical systems the problem of information transport from a boundary to the bulk finds a simple description in terms of wave functions or density matrices. While the transfer matrix formalism is a type of Heisenberg picture for this problem, we develop here the associated Schr\"odinger picture that keeps track of the local probabilistic information. The transport of the probabilistic information between neighboring hypersurfaces obeys a linear evolution equation, and therefore the superposition principle for the possible solutions. Operators are associated to local observables, with rules for the computation of expectation values similar to quantum mechanics. We discuss how non-commutativity naturally arises in this setting. Also other features characteristic of quantum mechanics, such as complex structure, change of basis or symmetry transformations, can be found in classical statistics once formulated in terms of wave functions or density matrices. We construct for every quantum system an equivalent classical statistical system, such that time in quantum mechanics corresponds to the location of hypersurfaces in the classical probabilistic ensemble. For suitable choices of local observables in the classical statistical system one can, in principle, compute all expectation values and correlations of observables in the quantum system from the local probabilistic information of the associated classical statistical system. Realizing a static memory material as a quantum simulator for a given quantum system is not a matter of principle, but rather of practical simplicity.

Massive spin-2 particles in a curved background via a nonsymmetric tensor. (arXiv:1706.01770v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Denis Dalmazi, Hemily Gomes Marciano Fortes, relevance 6.81

Massive spin-2 particles has been a subject of great interest in current research. If the graviton has a small mass, the gravitational force at large distances decreases more rapidly, which could contribute to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe. The massive spin-2 particles are commonly described by the known Fierz-Pauli action which is formulated in terms of a symmetric tensor $h_{\mu\nu}=h_{\nu\mu}$. However, the Fierz-Pauli theory is not the only possible description of massive spin-2 particles via a rank-2 tensor. There are other two families of models $\mathcal{L}(a_1)$ and $\mathcal{L}_{nFP}(c)$, where $a_1$ and $c$ are real arbitrary parameters, which describe massive particles of spin-2 in the flat space via a nonsymmetric tensor $e_{\mu\nu}\neq e_{\nu\mu}$. In the present work we derive Lagrangian constraints stemming from $\mathcal{L}(a_1)$ and $\mathcal{L}_{nFP}(c)$ in curved backgrounds with nonminimal couplings which are analytic functions of $m^2$. We show that the constraints lead to a correct counting of degrees of freedom if nonminimal terms are included with fine tuned coefficients and the background space is of the Einstein type, very much like the Fierz-Pauli case. We also examine the existence of local symmetries.

Weighing The Black Holes Of GW150914. (arXiv:1706.01768v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yuan K. Ha, relevance 13.74

We evaluate the mass of the black holes of GW150914 at their event horizons via quasi-local energy approach and obtain the values of 71 and 57 solar masses, compared to their asymptotic values of 36 and 29 units, respectively, as reported by LIGO. A higher mass at the event horizon is compulsory in order to overcome the huge negative gravitational potential energy surrounding the black holes and allow for the emission of gravitational waves during merging. We estimate the initial mass of the stars which collapsed to form the black holes from the horizon mass and obtain the impressive values of 95 and 76 solar masses for these progenitor stars.

On the spectrum of DW Hamiltonian of quantum SU(2) gauge field. (arXiv:1706.01766v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by I.V. Kanatchikov, relevance 4.09

The spectrum of masses of the colorless (color neutral) states of the DW (De Donder-Weyl) Hamiltonian operator of quantum SU(2) Yang-Mills field theory on $\mathbb{R}^D$ obtained via the precanonical quantization is shown to be purely discrete and bounded from below. The scale of the mass gap is estimated to be of the order of magnitude of the scale of the ultra-violet parameter $\varkappa$ introduced by precanonical quantization on dimensional grounds.

Quantum gravity effects on Hawking radiation of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes. (arXiv:1706.01753v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by T. Ibungochouba Singh, I. Ablu Meitei, K. Yugindro Singh, relevance 45.44

The correction of Hawking temperature of Schwarzschild-de Sitter (SdS) black hole is investigated using the generalized Klein-Gordon equation and the generalized Dirac equation by taking the quantum gravity effects into account. We derive the corrected Hawking temperatures for scalar particles and fermions crossing the event horizon. The quantum gravity effects prevent the rise of temperature in the SdS black hole. Besides correction of Hawking temperature, the Hawking radiation of SdS black hole is also investigated using massive particles tunneling method. By considering self gravitation effect of the emitted particles and the space time background to be dynamical, it is also shown that the tunneling rate is related to the change of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and small correction term $(1+2\beta m^2)$. If the energy and the angular momentum are taken to be conserved, the derived emission spectrum deviates from the pure thermal spectrum. This result gives a correction to the Hawking radiation and is also in agreement with the result of Parikh and Wilczek.

Heterotic Hyper-Kahler Flux Backgrounds. (arXiv:1706.01725v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Nick Halmagyi, Dan Israel, Matthieu Sarkis, Eirik Eik Svanes, relevance 11.18

We study Heterotic supergravity on Hyper-Kahler manifolds in the presence of non-trivial warping and three form flux with Abelian bundles in the large charge limit. We find exact, regular solutions for multi-centered Gibbons-Hawking spaces and Atiyah-Hitchin manifolds. In the case of Atiyah-Hitchin, regularity requires that the circle at infinity is of the same order as the instanton number, which is taken to be large. Alternatively there may be a non-trivial density of smeared five branes at the bolt.

Cosmological constraints on a unified dark matter-energy scalar field model with fast transition. (arXiv:1706.01706v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Iker Leanizbarrutia, Alberto Rozas-Fernández, Ismael Tereno, relevance 1.29

We test the viability of a single fluid cosmological model containing a transition from a dark-matter-like regime to a dark-energy-like regime. The fluid is a k-essence scalar field with a well-defined Lagrangian. We constrain its model parameters with a combination of geometric probes and conclude that the evidence for this model is similar to the evidence for $\Lambda$CDM. In addition, we find a lower bound for the rapidity of the transition, implying that fast transitions are favored with respect to slow ones even at background level.

Quantum Aspects of Nonlocal Approach to the Cosmological Constant Problem. (arXiv:1706.01683v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ichiro Oda, relevance 0.00

We have recently presented a manifestly local and general coordinate invariant formulation of a nonlocal approach to the cosmological constant problem which has been proposed by Carroll and Remmen. In this article, based on our formulation, we investigate some quantum aspects of this approach to the cosmological constant problem. In particular, we explicitly evaluate quantum effects to the effective cosmological constant from matter fields at one-loop level, and show that the effective cosmological constant receives radiative corrections and is not stable against quantum corrections so that it must be fine-tuned at every stage in the loop expansion. Next, we will propose a new scale-invariant model of a nonlocal approach to the cosmological constant problem, and show explicitly that in this new model the effective cosmological constant is indeed stable against radiative corrections.

Black hole as topological insulator (II): the boundary modes. (arXiv:1706.01630v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Jingbo Wang, relevance 17.70

In the previous paper Ref.\cite{wangti1}, it was claimed that the black hole can be considered as a kind of topological insulator. For BTZ black hole in three dimensional $AdS_3$ spacetime two evidences were given to support this claim: the first evidence comes from the black hole "membrane paradigm", and the second evidence comes from the fact that the horizon of BTZ black hole can support two chiral massless scalar field with opposite chirality. Those are two key properties of 2D topological insulator. For higher dimensional black hole the first evidence is still valid but the second fails. In this paper, starting from the boundary BF theory, which can be used to describe the boundary degrees of freedom of black hole in arbitrary dimension, we shown that the isolated horizon of $3+1-$D spherical black hole can support massless scalar field and vector field. Those two fields can be used to construct a massless Dirac field through the $2+1-$dimensional bosonization, which also appears on the boundary of $3+1-$D topological insulators.

Conserved charge fluctuations at vanishing and non-vanishing chemical potential. (arXiv:1706.01620v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Frithjof Karsch, relevance 0.33

Up to 6th order cumulants of fluctuations of net baryon-number, net electric charge and net strangeness as well as correlations among these conserved charge fluctuations are now being calculated in lattice QCD. These cumulants provide a wealth of information on the properties of strong-interaction matter in the transition region from the low temperature hadronic phase to the quark-gluon plasma phase. They can be used to quantify deviations from hadron resonance gas (HRG) model calculations which frequently are used to determine thermal conditions realized in heavy ion collision experiments. Already some second order cumulants like the correlations between net baryon-number and net strangeness or net electric charge differ significantly at temperatures above 155 MeV in QCD and HRG model calculations. We show that these differences increase at non-zero baryon chemical potential constraining the applicability range of HRG model calculations to even smaller values of the temperature.

Heavy Fermion Production and Primordial N-Spectra. (arXiv:1706.01612v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Danjie Wenren, relevance 0.61

We compute the non-adiabatic production of heavy fermion during inflation due to its coupling with inflaton. The coupling, partly inspired by axion monodromy, comes from the modulation of the fermion mass by the inflaton field. Even though the fermion mass is always much higher than the Hubble scale and the density of the produced fermions is low, they can still have detectable signatures in the cosmic microwave background. Their contributions to the primordial $N$-spectra are then analyzed in detail and compared with those from the fermion's bosonic super-partner. At the classical level, where the produced particles are treated as classical sources, the effect on the $N$-spectra is proportional to the density of the produced particles and the fermion and boson cases have the same contribution. Quantum interference, however, leads to distinction between the two cases. Implications of this similarity and distinction are discussed before making general remarks about the limitations of our calculation and possible ways of overcoming them.

Vertex operator algebras of Argyres-Douglas theories from M5-branes. (arXiv:1706.01607v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jaewon Song, Dan Xie, Wenbin Yan, relevance 2.01

We study aspects of the vertex operator algebra (VOA) corresponding to Argyres-Douglas (AD) theories engineered using the 6d N=(2, 0) theory of type $J$ on a punctured sphere. We denote the AD theories as $(J^b[k],Y)$, where $J^b[k]$ and $Y$ represent an irregular and a regular singularity respectively. We restrict to the `minimal' case where $J^b[k]$ has no associated mass parameters, and the theory does not admit any exactly marginal deformations. The VOA corresponding to the AD theory is conjectured to be the W-algebra $\mathcal{W}^{k_{2d}}(J,Y)$, where $k_{2d}=-h+ \frac{b}{b+k}$ with $h$ being the dual Coxeter number of $J$. The Schur index of the AD theory is identical to the vacuum character of the corresponding VOA, and the Hall-Littlewood index computes the Hilbert series of the Higgs branch. We find that the Schur and Hall-Littlewood index for the AD theory can be written in a simple closed form for $b=h$. We also conjecture that the associated variety of such VOA is identical to the Higgs branch. The M5-brane construction of these theories and the corresponding TQFT structure of the index play a crucial role in our computations.

Hawking radiation of massive bosons via tunneling from black strings. (arXiv:1706.01598v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Zhong-Wen Feng, Shu-Zheng Yang, relevance 17.99

In the present paper, the Hawking radiation of massive bosons from 4-dimensional and 5-dimensional black strings are studied in quantum tunneling formalism. Firstly, we derive the Hamilton-Jacobi equation set via the Proca equation and WKB approximation. Then, the tunneling rates and Hawking temperature of the black strings are obtained. Our calculations show that the tunneling rates and Hawking temperatures are related to the properties of black strings' spacetime. When compare our results with those of scalars and fermions cases, it finds that they are the same.

Resonant Transmission in One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics with Two Independent Point Interactions: Full Parameter Analysis. (arXiv:1706.01595v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kohkichi Konno, Tomoaki Nagasawa, Rohta Takahashi, relevance 0.00

We discuss the scattering of a quantum particle by two independent successive point interactions in one dimension. The parameter space for two point interactions is given by $U(2)\times U(2)$, which is described by eight real parameters. We perform an analysis of perfect resonant transmission on the whole parameter space. By investigating the effects of the two point interactions on the scattering matrix of plane wave, we find the condition under which perfect resonant transmission occurs. We also provide the physical interpretation of the resonance condition.

The Quantum Null Energy Condition in Curved Space. (arXiv:1706.01572v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Zicao Fu, Jason Koeller, Donald Marolf, relevance 39.96

The quantum null energy condition (QNEC) is a conjectured bound on components $(T_{kk} = T_{ab} k^a k^b$) of the stress tensor along a null vector $k^a$ at a point $p$ in terms of a second $k$-derivative of the von Neumann entropy $S$ on one side of a null congruence $N$ through $p$ generated by $k^a$. The conjecture has been established for super-renormalizeable field theories at points $p$ that lie on a bifurcate Killing horizon with null tangent $k^a$ and for large-N holographic theories on flat space. While the Koeller-Leichenauer holographic argument clearly yields an inequality for general $(p,k^a)$, more conditions are generally required for this inequality to be a useful QNEC. For $d\le 3$, for arbitrary backgroud metric satisfying the null convergence condition $R_{ab} k^a k^b \ge 0$, we show that the QNEC is naturally finite and independent of renormalization scheme when the expansion $\theta$ and shear $\sigma_{ab}$ of $N$ at point $p$ satisfy $\theta |_p= \dot{\theta}|_p =0$, $\sigma_{ab}|_p=0$. This is consistent with the original QNEC conjecture. But for $d=4,5$ more conditions are required. In particular, we also require the vanishing of additional derivatives and a dominant energy condition. In the above cases the holographic argument does indeed yield a finite QNEC, though for $d\ge6$ we argue these properties to fail even for weakly isolated horizons (where all derivatives of $\theta, \sigma_{ab}$ vanish) that also satisfy a dominant energy condition. On the positive side, a corrollary to our work is that, when coupled to Einstein-Hilbert gravity, $d \le 3$ holographic theories at large $N$ satisfy the generalized second law (GSL) of thermodynamics at leading order in Newton's constant $G$. This is the first GSL proof which does not require the quantum fields to be perturbations to a Killing horizon.

Bulk Renormalization Group Flows and Boundary States in Conformal Field Theories. (arXiv:1706.01568v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by John Cardy, relevance 5.78

We propose using smeared boundary states $e^{-\tau H}|\cal B\rangle$ as variational approximations to the ground state of a conformal field theory deformed by relevant bulk operators. This is motivated by recent studies of quantum quenches in CFTs and of the entanglement spectrum in massive theories. It gives a simple criterion for choosing which boundary state should correspond to which combination of bulk operators, and leads to a rudimentary phase diagram of the theory in the vicinity of the RG fixed point corresponding to the CFT, as well as rigorous upper bounds on the universal amplitude of the free energy. In the case of the 2d minimal models explicit formulae are available. As a side result we show that the matrix elements of bulk operators between smeared Ishibashi states are simply given by the fusion rules of the CFT.

How important is non-ideal physics in simulations of sub-Eddington accretion onto spinning black holes?. (arXiv:1706.01533v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Francois Foucart, Mani Chandra, Charles F. Gammie, Eliot Quataert, Alexander Tchekhovskoy, relevance 7.90

Black holes with accretion rates well below the Eddington rate are expected to be surrounded by low-density, hot, geometrically thick accretion disks. This includes the two black holes being imaged at sub-horizon resolution by the Event Horizon Telescope. In these disks, the mean free path for Coulomb interactions between charged particles is large, and the accreting matter is a nearly collisionless plasma. Despite this, numerical simulations have so far modeled these accretion flows using ideal magnetohydrodynamics. Here, we present the first global, general relativistic, 3D simulations of accretion flows onto a Kerr black hole including the non-ideal effects most likely to affect the dynamics of the disk: the anisotropy between the pressure parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, and the heat flux along magnetic field lines. We show that for both standard and magnetically arrested disks, the pressure anisotropy is comparable to the magnetic pressure, while the heat flux remains dynamically unimportant. Despite this large pressure anisotropy, however, the time-averaged structure of the accretion flow is strikingly similar to that found in simulations treating the plasma as an ideal fluid. We argue that these similarities are largely due to the interchangeability of the viscous and magnetic shear stresses as long as the magnetic pressure is small compared to the gas pressure, and to the sub-dominant role of pressure/viscous effects in magnetically arrested disks. We conclude by highlighting outstanding questions in modeling the dynamics of low collisionality accretion flows.

Renormalization theory for the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states at $T>0$. (arXiv:1706.01524v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Pawel Jakubczyk, relevance 0.00

Within the renormalization group framework we study the stability of superfluid density wave states, known as Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phases, with respect to thermal order-parameter fluctuations in two and three-dimensional ($d\in \{2,3\}$) systems. We analyze the renormalization-group flow of the relevant ordering wave-vector $\vec{Q_0}$. The calculation indicates an instability of the FFLO-type states towards either a uniform superfluid or the normal state in $d\in\{2,3\}$ and $T>0$. In $d=2$ this is signaled by $\vec{Q_0}$ being renormalized towards zero, corresponding to the flow being attracted either to the usual Kosterlitz-Thouless fixed-point or to the normal phase. We supplement a solution of the RG flow equations by a simple scaling argument, supporting the generality of the result. The tendency to reduce the magnitude of $\vec{Q_0}$ by thermal fluctuations persists in $d=3$, where the very presence of long-range order is immune to thermal fluctuations, but the effect of attracting $\vec{Q_0}$ towards zero by the flow remains observed at $T>0$.

$\Delta N_{\text{eff}}$ and entropy production from early-decaying gravitinos. (arXiv:1706.01495v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni (1,2), Lawrence M. Krauss (2,3) ((1) Case Western Reserve University, (2) Arizona State University, (3) Australian National University), relevance 6.25

Gravitinos are a fundamental prediction of supergravity, their mass ($m_{G}$) is informative of the value of the SUSY breaking scale, and, if produced during reheating, their number density is a function of the reheating temperature ($T_{\text{rh}}$). As a result, constraining their parameter space provides in turn significant constraints on particles physics and cosmology. We have previously shown that for gravitinos decaying into photons or charged particles during the ($\mu$ and $y$) distortion eras, upcoming CMB spectral distortions bounds are highly effective in constraining the $T_{\text{rh}}-m_{G}$ space. For heavier gravitinos (with lifetimes shorter than a few $\times10^6$ sec), distortions are quickly thermalized and energy injections cause a temperature rise for the CMB bath. If the decay occurs after neutrino decoupling, its overall effect is a suppression of the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom ($N_{\text{eff}}$). In this paper, we utilize the observational bounds on $N_{\text{eff}}$ to constrain gravitino decays, and hence provide new constaints on gravitinos and reheating. For gravitino masses less than $\approx 10^5$ GeV, current observations give an upper limit on the reheating scale in the range of $\approx 5 \times 10^{10}- 5 \times 10^{11}$GeV. For masses greater than $\approx 4 \times 10^3$ GeV they are more stringent than previous bounds from BBN constraints, coming from photodissociation of deuterium, by almost 2 orders of magnitude.

Curvature-Squared Multiplets, Evanescent Effects and the U(1) Anomaly in N = 4 Supergravity. (arXiv:1706.01486v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Zvi Bern, Alex Edison, David Kosower, Julio Parra-Martinez, relevance 0.72

We evaluate one-loop amplitudes of N = 4 supergravity in D dimensions using the double-copy procedure that expresses gravity integrands in terms of corresponding ones in Yang--Mills theory.We organize the calculation in terms of a set of gauge-invariant tensors, allowing us to identify evanescent contributions. Among the latter, we find the matrix elements of supersymmetric completions of curvature-squared operators. In addition, we find that such evanescent terms and the U(1)-anomalous contributions to one-loop N = 4 amplitudes are tightly intertwined. The appearance of evanescent operators in N = 4 supergravity and their relation to anomalies raises the question of their effect on the known four-loop divergence in this theory. We provide bases of gauge-invariant tensors and corresponding projectors useful for Yang--Mills theories as a by-product of our analysis.

What if gravity becomes really repulsive in the future?. (arXiv:1706.01484v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Imanol Albarran, Mariam Bouhmadi-López, João Morais, relevance 0.00

The current acceleration of the Universe is one of the most puzzling issues in theoretical physics nowadays. We are far from giving an answer on this letter to its true nature. Yet, with the observations we have at hand, we analyse the different patterns that the gravitational potential can show in the future. Surprisingly, gravity not only can get weaker in the near future, it can even become repulsive; or equivalently, the gravitational potential may become negative. We show this remark by using one of the simplest phenomenological model we can imagine for dark energy. We have as well reviewed the statefinder approach of these models. For completeness, we have also showed the behaviour of the density contrast of dark matter and dark energy for these simple (yet illustrative models). Our results are displayed at present and how they evolve in the future.

Full-sky Gravitational Lensing Simulation for Large-area Galaxy Surveys and Cosmic Microwave Background Experiments. (arXiv:1706.01472v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ryuichi Takahashi, Takashi Hamana, Masato Shirasaki, Toshiya Namikawa, Takahiro Nishimichi, Ken Osato, Kosei Shiroyama, relevance 5.88

We present 108 full-sky gravitational lensing simulation data sets generated by performing multiple-lens plane ray-tracing through high-resolution cosmological $N$-body simulations. The data sets include full-sky convergence and shear maps from redshifts $z=0.05$ to $5.3$ at intervals of $150 \, h^{-1}{\rm Mpc}$ comoving radial distance (corresponding to a redshift interval of $\Delta z \simeq 0.05$ at the nearby universe), enabling the construction of a mock shear catalog for an arbitrary source distribution up to $z=5.3$. The dark matter halos are identified from the same $N$-body simulations with enough mass resolution to resolve the host halos of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) CMASS and Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs). Angular positions and redshifts of the halos are provided by a ray-tracing calculation, enabling the creation of a mock halo catalog to be used for galaxy-galaxy and cluster-galaxy lensing. The simulation also yields maps of gravitational lensing deflections for a source redshift at the last scattering surface, and we provide 108 realizations of lensed cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps in which the post-Born corrections caused by multiple light scattering are included. We present basic statistics of the simulation data, including the angular power spectra of cosmic shear, CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies, galaxy-galaxy lensing signals for halos, and their covariances. The angular power spectra of the cosmic shear and CMB anisotropies agree with theoretical predictions within $5\%$ up to $\ell = 3000$ (or at an angular scale $\theta > 0.5$ arcsin). The simulation data sets are generated primarily for the ongoing Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey but are freely available for download at this http URL

Intertwined order and holography: the case of the parity breaking pair density wave. (arXiv:1706.01470v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rong-Gen Cai, Li Li, Yong-Qiang Wang, Jan Zaanen, relevance 2.82

We present a minimal bottom-up extension of the Chern-Simons bulk action for holographic translational symmetry breaking that naturally gives rise to pair density waves. We construct stationary inhomogeneous black hole solutions in which both the U(1) symmetry and spatially translational symmetry are spontaneously broken at finite temperature and charge density. This novel solution provides a dual description of a superconducting phase intertwined with charge, current and parity orders.

Renormalization in a Lorentz-violating model and higher-order operators. (arXiv:1706.01466v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by J. R. Nascimento, A. Yu. Petrov, Carlos M. Reyes, relevance 8.72

The renormalization in a Lorentz-breaking scalar-spinor higher-derivative model involving $\phi^4$ self-interaction and the Yukawa-like coupling is studied. We explicitly demonstrate that the convergence is improved in comparison with the usual scalar-spinor model, so, the theory is super-renormalizable, and there is no divergences beyond two loops. We compute the one-loop corrections to the propagators for the scalar and fermionic fields and show that in the presence of higher-order Lorentz invariance violation, the poles that dominate the physical theory, are driven away from the standard on-shell pole mass due to radiatively induced lower dimensional operators. The new operators change the standard gamma-matrix structure of the two-point functions, introduce large Lorentz-breaking corrections and lead to modifications in the renormalization conditions of the theory. We found the physical pole mass in each sector of our model.

A simple test for stability of black hole by $S$-deformation. (arXiv:1706.01447v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Masashi Kimura, relevance 6.98

We study a sufficient condition to prove the stability of a black hole when the master equation for linear perturbation takes the form of the Schr\"odinger equation. If the potential contains a small negative region, usually, the $S$-deformation method was used to show the non-existence of unstable mode. However, in some cases, it is hard to find an appropriate deformation function analytically because the only way known so far to find it is a try-and-error approach. In this paper, we show that it is easy to find a regular deformation function by numerically solving the differential equation such that the deformed potential vanishes everywhere, when the spacetime is stable. Even if the spacetime is almost marginally stable, our method still works. We also discuss a simple toy model which can be solved analytically, and show the condition for the non-existence of a bound state is the same as that for the existence of a regular solution for the differential equation in our method. From these results, we conjecture that our criteria is also a necessary condition.

Criticality of models interpolating between the sine- and the sinh-Gordon Lagrangians. (arXiv:1706.01444v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by N. Defenu, V. Bacsó, I. G. Márián, I. Nándori, A. Trombettoni, relevance 0.00

We introduce and study the properties of a class of models interpolating between the sine-- and the sinh--Gordon theories in $1+1$ dimensions. These models show the peculiarities, due to the preservation of the functional form of their potential across RG flows, of the two limiting cases: {\em i)} the sine-Gordon, not having conventional order/magnetization at finite temperature, but exhibiting Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition; and {\em ii)} the sinh-Gordon, not having a phase transition, but being integrable. The considered interpolation, which we term as sn-Gordon model, is performed with potentials written in terms of Jacobi functions. The properties of the sn-Gordon theory are discussed: all the critical points, except the sinh-Gordon one, are of BKT type. We also argue about the comparison with another natural interpolation, builded by considering the coupling constant $\beta$ as a complex quantity, in a way similar to the analytical continuation $\beta \to i \beta$ often used to pass from the sine- to the sinh-Gordon or viceversa.

The numerical initial boundary value problem for the generalized conformal field equations. (arXiv:1706.01416v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Florian Beyer, Jörg Frauendiener, Chris Stevens, Ben Whale, relevance 5.21

In this paper we study a numerical implementation for the initial boundary value formulation for the generalized conformal field equations. We propose a formulation which is well suited for the study of the long-time behaviour of perturbed exact solutions such as a Schwarzschild or even a Kerr black hole. We describe the derivation of the implemented equations which we give in terms of the space-spinor formalism. We discuss the conformal Gauss gauge, and a slight generalization thereof which seems to be particularly useful in the presence of boundaries. We discuss the structure of the equations at the boundary and propose a method for imposing boundary conditions which allow the correct number of degrees of freedom to be freely specified while still preserving the constraints. We show that this implementation yields a numerically well-posed system by testing it on a simple case of gravitational perturbations of Minkowski space-time and subsequently with gravitational perturbations of Schwarzschild space-time.

Milne-like spacetimes and their role in Cosmology. (arXiv:1706.01408v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Eric Ling, relevance 7.42

Milne-like spacetimes are a class of FLRW models which admit $C^0$ spacetime extensions through the big bang. The boundary of a Milne-like spacetime can be identified with a null cone in the extension. We find that the comoving observers all emanate from a single point in the extension. This suggests that something physical may have happened there. Next we ask what role these spacetimes have in modern cosmology. We find that Milne-like spacetimes are inconsistent with classical cosmology theory in which a radiation-dominated era follows immediately after the big bang. However, Milne-like spacetimes are consistent with inflationary theory. In fact the very nature of Milne-like spacetimes solves the horizon problem. We note that this has already been observed for the Milne universe in [2] and [25]. Next we show, assuming a finite initial condition on the energy density, that Milne-like spacetimes naturally exhibit a slow-roll inflationary era. This makes Milne-like spacetimes good models for inflationary theory. We also show that Milne-like spacetimes still admit $C^0$ extensions under well-behaved perturbations.

Multi-Skyrmions on $AdS_2 \times S_2$, Rational maps and Popcorn Transitions. (arXiv:1706.01397v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Gianni Tallarita, Fabrizio Canfora, relevance 0.57

By combining two different techniques to construct multi-soliton solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional Skyrme model, the generalized hedgehog and the rational map ansatz, we find multi-Skyrmion configurations in $AdS_{2}\times S_{2}$. We construct Skyrmionic multi-layered configurations such that the total Baryon charge is the product of the number of kinks along the radial $AdS_{2}$ direction and the degree of the rational map. We show that, for fixed total Baryon charge, as one increases the charge density on $\partial\left( AdS_{2}\times S_{2}\right) $, it becomes increasingly convenient energetically to have configurations with more peaks in the radial $AdS_{2}$ direction but a lower degree of the rational map. This has a direct relation with the so-called holographic popcorn transitions in which, when the charge density is high, multi-layered configurations with low charge on each layer are favored over configurations with few layers but with higher charge on each layer. The case in which the geometry is $M_{2}\times S_{2}$ can also be analyzed.

Distinguishing Spin-Aligned and Isotropic Black Hole Populations With Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:1706.01385v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Will M. Farr, Simon Stevenson, M. Coleman Miller, Ilya Mandel, Ben Farr, Alberto Vecchio, relevance 9.65

The first direct detections of gravitational waves from merging binary black holes open a unique window into the binary black hole formation environment. One promising environmental signature is the angular distribution of the black hole spins; systems formed through dynamical interactions among already-compact objects are expected to have isotropic spin orientations whereas binaries formed from pairs of stars born together are more likely to have spins preferentially aligned with the binary orbital angular momentum. We consider existing gravitational wave measurements of the binary effective spin, the best-measured combination of spin parameters, in the four likely binary black hole detections GW150914, LVT151012, GW151226, and GW170104. If binary black hole spin magnitudes extend to high values we show that the data exhibit a $2.4\sigma$ ($0.015$ odds ratio) preference for an isotropic angular distribution over an aligned one. By considering the effect of 10 additional detections, we show that such an augmented data set would enable in most cases a preference stronger than $5\sigma$ ($2.9 \times 10^{-7}$ odds ratio). The existing preference for either an isotropic spin distribution or low spin magnitudes for the observed systems will be confirmed (or overturned) confidently in the near future.

Effective Chern-Simons actions of particles coupled to 3D gravity. (arXiv:1706.01375v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tomasz Trześniewski, relevance 2.66

Point particles in 3D gravity are known to behave as topological defects, while gravitational field can be expressed as the Chern-Simons theory of the appropriate local isometry group of spacetime. In the case of the Poincar\'{e} group, integrating out the gravitational degrees of freedom it is possible to obtain the effective action for particle dynamics. We review the known results, both for single and multiple particles, and attempt to extend this approach to the (anti-)de Sitter group, using the factorizations of isometry groups into the double product of the Lorentz group and AN(2) group. On the other hand, for the de Sitter group one can also perform a contraction to the semidirect product of AN(2) and the translation group. The corresponding effective action curiously describes a Carrollian particle with the AN(2) momentum space. We derive this contraction in a more rigorous manner and further explore its properties, including a generalization to the multiparticle case.

Renyi entropies and C_T for higher derivative free scalars and spinors on even spheres. (arXiv:1706.01369v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by J.S. Dowker, relevance 0.45

General expressions for the R\'enyi entropies and central charges for higher derivative free spinors and scalars on even spheres are obtained using a direct spectral method on a compact lune division of the sphere. Formulae and numbers are rapidly obtained for any dimension and order of derivative.

The relation between the conformal anomaly and the hyperbolic free energy is briefly explored using standard expansions.

A field theoretic derivation of the central charge formula for higher derivative scalars in any (even) dimension, given by Osborn and Stergiou and by Gliozzi {\it et al}, is thereby provided. The corresponding extension to spinors is made.

Generalised Bernoulli polynomials play an important technical role.

On the Catalysis of the Electroweak Vacuum Decay by Black Holes at High Temperature. (arXiv:1706.01364v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by D. Canko, I. Gialamas, G. Jelic-Cizmek, A. Riotto, N. Tetradis, relevance 10.46

We study the effect of primordial black holes on the classical rate of nucleation of AdS regions within the standard electroweak vacuum at high temperature. We find that the energy barrier for transitions to the new vacuum, which determines the exponential suppression of the nucleation rate, can be reduced significantly, or even eliminated completely, in the black-hole background if the Standard Model Higgs is coupled to gravity through the renormalizable term $\xi {\cal R} h^2$.

Cosmological Asymptotics in Higher-Order Gravity Theories. (arXiv:1706.01360v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Georgios Kolionis, relevance 1.89

We study the early-time behavior of isotropic and homogeneous solutions in vacuum as well as radiation-filled cosmological models in the full, effective, four dimensional gravity theory with higher derivatives. We use asymptotic methods to analyze all possible ways of approach to the initial singularity of such universes. In order to do so, we construct autonomous dynamical systems that describe the evolution of these models, and decompose the associated vector fields. We prove that, at early times, all flat vacua as well as general curved ones are globally attracted by the "universal" square root scaling solution. Open vacua, on the other hand show in both, future and past directions a dominant asymptotic approach to horizon-free, Milne states that emerge from initial data sets of smaller dimension. Closed universes exhibit more complex logarithmic singularities. Our results on asymptotic stability show a possible relation to cyclic and ekpyrotic cosmologies at the passage through the singularity. In the case of radiation-filled universes of the same class we show the essential uniqueness and stability of the resulting asymptotic scheme, once more dominated by $t^{1/2}$, in all cases except perhaps that of the conformally invariant Bach-Weyl gravity. In all cases, we construct a formal series representation valid near the initial singularity of the general solution of these models and prove that curvature as well as radiation play a subdominant role in the dominating form. A discussion is also made on the implications of these results for the generic initial state of the theory.

Supergeometry of $\Pi$-Projective Spaces. (arXiv:1706.01359v2 [math.AG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Simone Noja, relevance 0.00

In this paper we prove that $\Pi$-projective spaces $\mathbb{P}^n_\Pi$ arise naturally in supergeometry upon considering a non-projected thickening of $\mathbb{P}^n$ related to the cotangent sheaf $\Omega^1_{\mathbb{P}^n}$. In particular, we prove that for $n \geq 2$ the $\Pi$-projective space $\mathbb{P}^n_\Pi$ can be constructed as the non-projected supermanifold determined by three elements $(\mathbb{P}^n, \Omega^1_{\mathbb{P}^n}, \lambda)$, where $\mathbb{P}^n$ is the ordinary complex projective space, $\Omega^1_{\mathbb{P}^n}$ is its cotangent sheaf and $\lambda $ is a non-zero complex number, representative of the fundamental obstruction class $\omega \in H^1 (\mathcal{T}_{\mathbb{P}^n} \otimes \bigwedge^2 \Omega^1_{\mathbb{P}^n}) \cong \mathbb{C}.$ Likewise, in the case $n=1$ the $\Pi$-projective line $\mathbb{P}^1_\Pi$ is the split supermanifold determined by the pair $(\mathbb{P}^1, \Omega^1_{\mathbb{P}^1} \cong \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1} (-2)).$ Moreover we show that in any dimension $\Pi$-projective spaces are Calabi-Yau supermanifolds. To conclude, we offer pieces of evidence that, more in general, also $\Pi$-Grassmannians can be constructed the same way using the cotangent sheaf of their underlying reduced Grassmannians, provided that also higher, possibly fermionic, obstruction classes are taken into account. This suggests that this unexpected connection with the cotangent sheaf is characteristic of $\Pi$-geometry.

Non Projected Calabi-Yau Supermanifolds over $\mathbb{P}^2$. (arXiv:1706.01354v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Sergio L. Cacciatori, Simone Noja, Riccardo Re, relevance 0.00

The aim of the present paper is to start a systematic characterisation of non-projected supermanifolds. We concentrate on supermanifolds with fermionic dimension 2, considering the case when the reduced manifold is a complex projective space. We show that non-projected projective superspaces $\mathbb P^{n|2}$ can be constructed only for bosonic dimension 1 and 2. After reporting the classification of all the non-projected supermanifolds over $\mathbb P^1$ of dimension $1|2$, we show that all the non-projected supermanifolds of dimension $2|2$ over $\mathbb P^2$ are completely characterised by a certain 1-form $\omega$ and by a locally free sheaf $\mathcal F$ of rank $0|2$, satisfying $Sym^2 \mathcal{F} \cong K_{\mathbb{P}^2}$. We will call them $\mathbb P^{2|2}_\omega(\mathcal F)$. Remarkably, all of such non-projected supermanifolds result to be also Calabi-Yau supermanifolds and they are non-projective. Instead, we show that every non-projected supermanifolds over $\mathbb{P}^2$ admits an embedding into a super Grassmannian. As explicit examples, we carry out a detailed study of two meaningful cases: when $\mathcal F$ is decomposable and when it is the cotangent bundle over $\mathbb P^2$. In the decomposable case, the corresponding supermanifold cannot even be embedded into the $\Pi$-projective superspaces $\mathbb P^{n}_{\Pi}$ introduced by Manin and Deligne. However, when $\mathcal F$ is the cotangent bundle over $\mathbb{P}^2$, then $\mathbb P^{2|2}_\omega(\mathcal F)$ and the $\Pi$-projective plane $\mathbb P^{2}_{\Pi}$ do coincide, thus revealing a surprising relationship between $\Pi$-projective geometry and the cotangent bundle of ordinary projective spaces. Finally, we explicitly construct embeddings into super Grassmannians for our two examples.

Generalized Dirac structure beyond the linear regime in graphene. (arXiv:1706.01332v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by A.Iorio, P.Pais, I.A.Elmashad, A.F.Ali, Mir Faizal, L.I.Abou-Salem, relevance 0.00

A generalized Dirac structure survives beyond the linear regime of the low-energy dispersion relations of graphene. The corresponding emergent field theory is a table-top realization of specific quantum gravity scenarios with a fundamental minimal length, whose role here is played by graphene lattice spacing. A generalized uncertainty principle of the kind compatible with this scenario is also obtained. Finally, we emphasize how this set up naturally points to certain Lorentz-violating field theories.

Superconformal Symmetry and Correlation Functions. (arXiv:1706.01325v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Michael Nirschl, relevance 1.84

The N = 2, 4 superconformal symmetry constraints in d = 4 for four point functions of chiral primary 1/2-BPS operators are derived. The operators are described by symmetric traceless tensors of the internal R-symmetry group. A substantial simplification is achieved by introduction of null vectors. Two variable polynomials corresponding to different R-symmetry representations are constructed. The Ward identities for superconformal symmetry are obtained as simple differential equations. The general solution is presented in terms of a constant, a single variable function and a two variable function. An interpretation in terms of the operator product expansion is given for the case of fields of equal dimension and for the so called (next-to)extremal cases. The result is shown to accommodate long multiplets, semishort and short multiplets with protected dimension. Generically also non-unitary multiplets can appear. It is shown how to remove them to obtain a unitary theory. Implications of crossing symmetry for the four point functions studied are derived and discussed. It is shown that crossing symmetry fixes the single variable function in the general solution to be of free field form using singularity arguments. For a restricted set of next-to-extremal correlation functions with S3 symmetry amongst the first three fields it is shown that the amplitude is fixed up to normalization to free field form. We compute the conformal partial wave expansion of all representations in this amplitude and compute an averaged value of the anomalous dimensions for long multiplets given spin and twist in each relevant representation at first order in 1/N. Finally assuming the universal singularity structure we derive the general large N amplitude of four identical 1/2-BPS operators in the [0, p, 0] representation in terms of D functions. Explicit expressions for all coefficients are given.

Topological Order and Screening in Superconducting Films. (arXiv:1706.01310v1 [cond-mat.supr-con])
in hep-th by E. C. Marino, D. Niemeyer, Van Sérgio Alves, T. H. Hansson, relevance -0.45

We derive an effective low-energy action for thin superconducting films taking into account the realistic full electromagnetic interaction among the charged carriers using the pseudo QED approach. The leading term is a topological BF action, just as in idealized 2d models with a 2d Maxwell action. Although the topological order is the same in the two models, the screening behaviour differ qualitatively. The Meissner effect, characteristic of superconductivity, is absent in the pseudo QED case, where the magnetic field around a vortex shows a power-law rather than an exponential decay inside the superconductor as originally found by Pearl. Electric charges are also only screened by a power law, while the quantum vortex correlation function exhibits an exponential decay, which can be taken as a sharp signature of superconductivity. We also show that there is a frequency threshold corresponding to the superconducting gap, below which there is no propagation of surface plasmons. The low-frequency threshold disappears when the system returns to the normal metallic phase and the SC gap vanishes, as expected in a topologically ordered phase.

Iterated Elliptic and Hypergeometric Integrals for Feynman Diagrams. (arXiv:1706.01299v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, M. van Hoeij, E. Imamoglu, C.G. Raab, C.-S. Radu, C. Schneider, relevance 0.00

We calculate 3-loop master integrals for heavy quark correlators and the 3-loop QCD corrections to the $\rho$-parameter. They obey non-factorizing differential equations of second order with more than three singularities, which cannot be factorized in Mellin-$N$ space either. The solution of the homogeneous equations is possible in terms of convergent close integer power series as $_2F_1$ Gau\ss{} hypergeometric functions at rational argument. In some cases, integrals of this type can be mapped to complete elliptic integrals at rational argument. This class of functions appears to be the next one arising in the calculation of more complicated Feynman integrals following the harmonic polylogarithms, generalized polylogarithms, cyclotomic harmonic polylogarithms, square-root valued iterated integrals, and combinations thereof, which appear in simpler cases. The inhomogeneous solution of the corresponding differential equations can be given in terms of iterative integrals, where the new innermost letter itself is not an iterative integral. A new class of iterative integrals is introduced containing letters in which (multiple) definite integrals appear as factors. For the elliptic case, we also derive the solution in terms of integrals over modular functions and also modular forms, using $q$-product and series representations implied by Jacobi's $\vartheta_i$ functions and Dedekind's $\eta$-function. The corresponding representations can be traced back to polynomials out of Lambert--Eisenstein series, having representations also as elliptic polylogarithms, a $q$-factorial $1/\eta^k(\tau)$, logarithms and polylogarithms of $q$ and their $q$-integrals. Due to the specific form of the physical variable $x(q)$ for different processes, different representations do usually appear. Numerical results are also presented.

Optomechanical analogy for a toy cosmology with a quantized scale factor. (arXiv:1706.01292v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by J. A. Smiga, J. M. Taylor, relevance 0.00

The simplest cosmology --- the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker-Lema\^{i}tre (FRW) model --- describes a spatially homogeneous and isotropic universe where the scale factor is the only dynamical parameter. Here we consider how quantized electromagnetic fields become entangled with the scale factor in a toy version of the FRW model. A system consisting of a photon, source, and detector is described in such a universe, and we find that the detection of a redshifted photon by the detector system constrains possible scale factor superpositions. Thus, measuring the redshift of the photon is equivalent to a weak measurement of the underlying cosmology. We also consider a potential optomechanical analogy system that would enable experimental exploration of these concepts. The analogy focuses on the effects of photon redshift measurement as a quantum back-action on metric variables, where the position of a movable mirror plays the role of the scale factor. By working in the rotating frame, an effective Hubble equation can be simulated with a simple free moving mirror.

Semiclassical approach to atomic decoherence by gravitational waves. (arXiv:1706.01287v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Diego A. Quiñones, Benjamin Varcoe, relevance 4.29

A new heuristic model of interaction of an atomic system with a gravitational wave is proposed. In it, the gravitational wave alters the local electromagnetic field of the atomic nucleus, as perceived by the electron, which changes the energy of the system. The spectral decomposition of the wave function is calculated, from which the energy of the system can be obtained. The results suggest a shift in the energy difference of the atomic energy levels, which will induce a small detuning to any given resonant transition. The detuning increases with the quantum numbers of the levels, making the effect more prominent for Rydberg states. We performed calculations on the Rabi oscillations of atomic transitions, estimating how they would vary as a result of the proposed effect.

Extended Gauge Theory, Bi-Spinors, and Scalar Supersymmetry. (arXiv:1706.01269v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alex Jourjine, relevance 4.91

Within the context of the extended bi-spinor gauge theory we describe a new off-shell realization of scalar supersymmetry (s-susy) of massless interacting fields with U(1), U(1) x SU(N) and U(1) x SU(N_1) x SU(N_2) gauge groups. S-susy acts in the space of graded differential forms. The realization is non-linear in the non-abelian case. S-susy would not require the doubling of the SM particle spectrum. Instead, essentially only the forth generation of quarks and leptons would be needed as extra field content. The theory is by construction globally U(2,2) invariant and is an example of a supersymmetric CFT.

Study of the one-way speed of light anisotropy with particle beams. (arXiv:1706.01267v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by B. Wojtsekhowski, relevance 0.00

Concepts of high precision studies of the one-way speed of light anisotropy are discussed. The high energy particle beam allows measurement of a one-way speed of light anisotropy (SOLA) via analysis of the beam momentum variation with sidereal phase without the use of synchronized clocks. High precision beam position monitors could provide accurate monitoring of the beam orbit and determination of the particle beam momentum with relative accuracy on the level of $10^{-10}$, which corresponds to a limit on SOLA of $10^{-18}$ with existing storage rings. A few additional versions of the experiment are also presented.

Deflection Angle of Light by Wormholes using the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem. (arXiv:1706.01244v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kimet Jusufi, relevance 8.43

In this letter, we have investigated the deflection angle of light by wormholes using a new geometrical method known as Gibbons-Werner method (GW). In particular we have calculated the deflection angle of light in the weak limit approximation in two wormhole spacetime geometries: Ellis wormhole and Janis-Newman-Winnicour (JNW) wormhole. We have employed the famous Gauss-Bonnet theorem (GBT) to the Ellis wormhole optical geometry and JNW wormhole optical geometry, respectively. By using GBT, we computed the deflection angles in leading orders by these wormholes and our results were compared with the ones in the literature.

Constraints on Lorentz symmetry violations with Lunar Laser Ranging. (arXiv:1706.01243v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Adrien Bourgoin, Aurélien Hees, Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte, Sébastien Bouquillon, Gérard Francou, Marie-Christine Angonin, relevance 9.95

We present new constraints on Lorentz symmetry (LS) violations with lunar laser ranging (LLR). Those constraints are derived in the standard-model extension (SME) framework aiming at parameterizing any LS deviations in all sectors of physics. We restrict ourself to two sectors namely the pure gravitational sector of the minimal SME and the gravity-matter coupling. We describe the adopted method and compare our results to previous analysis based on theoretical grounds. This work constitutes the first direct experimental determination of the SME coefficients using LLR measurements.

Comment on "Zero mass limit of Kerr spacetime is a wormhole". (arXiv:1706.01213v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by V. S. Manko, relevance 15.78

It is argued that the main results of the paper of Gibbons and Volkov (arXiv:1705.07787) come from erroneous interpretations of the surface $r=0$ in the Kerr and Kerr-(anti)de Sitter spacetimes.

Theta Expansion of First Massive Vertex Operator in Pure Spinor. (arXiv:1706.01196v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Subhroneel Chakrabarti, Sitender Pratap Kashyap, Mritunjay Verma, relevance 0.00

We provide the covariant superspace equations that are sufficient to determine the complete $\theta$ expansion of the vertex operator of the open string massive states with $(mass)^2=1/\alpha'$ in pure spinor formalism of superstring theory. These equations get rid of the redundant degrees of freedom in superfields and are consistent with the BRST conditions derived in [1]. Further, we give the explicit $\theta$ expansion of the superfields appearing in the unintegrated vertex to $O(\theta^3)$. Finally, we compute the contribution to a 3-point tree amplitude with the resulting vertex operator upto $O(\theta^3)$ and find its kinematic structure to be identical to the corresponding RNS computation.

Kink Dynamics in a Parametric $\phi^6$ System: A Model With Controllably Many Internal Modes. (arXiv:1706.01193v1 [nlin.PS])
in hep-th by A. Demirkaya, R. Decker, P. G. Kevrekidis, I. C. Christov, A. Saxena, relevance 0.00

We explore a variant of the $\phi^6$ model originally proposed in Phys. Rev. D 12, 1606 (1975) as a prototypical, so-called, "bag" model where domain walls play the role of quarks within hadrons. We examine the steady state of the model, namely an apparent bound state of two kink structures. We explore its linearization, and we find that, as a function of a parameter controlling the curvature of the potential, an {\it effectively arbitrary} number of internal modes may arise in the point spectrum of the linearization about the domain wall profile. We explore some of the key characteristics of kink-antikink collisions, such as the critical velocity and the multi-bounce windows, and how they depend on the principal parameter of the model. We find that the critical velocity exhibits a non-monotonic dependence on the parameter controlling the curvature of the potential. For the multi-bounce windows, we find that their range and complexity decreases as the relevant parameter decreases (and as the number of internal modes in the model increases). We use a modified collective coordinate method [in the spirit of recent works such as Phys. Rev. D 94, 085008 (2016)] in order to capture the relevant phenomenology in a semi-analytical manner.

Thermodynamic Product Formula in Modified Gravity and Kerr-MG/CFT Correspondence. (arXiv:1706.01184v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Parthapratim Pradhan, relevance 20.46

We study the thermodynamic properties of \emph{inner} and outer horizons of scalar-tensor-vector gravity (STVG) or modified gravity (MG) and its consequences on the holographic duality. We derive the thermodynamic product formula for this gravity. We consider both spherically symmetric solution and axisymmetric solution of MG. We find that the area product formula for both cases is \emph{not} mass-independent because they depends on ADM mass parameter while in Einstein gravity this formula is mass-independent. We also examine the \emph{first law} is fulfilled at the inner horizon (IH) as well as outer horizon (OH). We also derive other thermodynamic products and sums. We further derive the \emph{Smarr like mass formula} for this kind of black hole (BH) in MG. Moreover, we derive the area bound for both the horizons. Furthermore, we show that the central charges of the left and right moving sectors are same via universal thermodynamic relations. Finally, we derive the mass-independent area product combinations for regular MG BH. In the Appendix section, we discuss the most important result of \emph{Kerr-MG/CFT correspondence}. We find the central charges for Kerr-MG BH is $c_{L}=12J$ which is same as in Kerr BH. We also derive the dimensionless temperature for extreme Kerr-MG BH which is $T_{L} = \frac{1}{4\pi} \frac{\alpha+2}{\sqrt{1+\alpha}}$, where $\alpha$ is a free parameter. This is actually dual CFT temperature of the Frolov-Thorne thermal vacuum state. In the limit $\alpha=0$, we find the dimensionless temperature of Kerr BH. Consequently, Cardy formula gives us microscopic entropy for extreme Kerr-MG BH, $S_{micro} = \frac{\alpha+2}{\sqrt{1+\alpha}} \pi J $ for the CFT which is completely in agreement with macroscopic Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.

Do event horizons exist?. (arXiv:1706.01180v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Valentina Baccetti, Robert B. Mann, Daniel R. Terno, relevance 17.72

Event horizons are the defining feature of classical black holes. They are the key ingredient of the information loss paradox which, as paradoxes in quantum foundations, is built on a combination of predictions of quantum theory and counterfactual classical features: neither horizon formation nor its crossing by a test body is observable. Furthermore, horizons are unnecessary for the production of Hawking-like radiation. We demonstrate that when this radiation is taken into account it prevents horizon crossing/formation in a large class of models. We conjecture that horizon avoidance is a general feature of collapse. The non-existence of event horizons dispels the paradox, but opens up important questions about thermodynamic properties of the resulting objects and correlations between different degrees of freedom.

Renormalizability, vDVZ discontinuity and Newtonian singularity in higher-derivative gravity. (arXiv:1706.01173v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yun Soo Myung, relevance 7.05

It was proposed that if a higher-derivative gravity is renormalizable, it implies necessarily a finite Newtonian potential at the origin, but the reverse of this statement is not true. Here we show that the reverse is true when taking into account the vDVZ discontinuity which states that the theory obtained from massive one by taking zero mass limit is not equivalent to the theory obtained in the zero mass case. The surviving degree of freedom in the zero mass limit is an extra scalar which does not affect the light bending angle, but affects the Newtonian potential. This asserts that in order to make the singularity cancellation, the number of massive ghost and healthy tensors matches with that of massive ghost and healthy scalars.

A Comment On Berry Connections. (arXiv:1706.01149v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gregory W. Moore, relevance 0.00

When families of quantum systems are equipped with a continuous family of Hamiltonians such that there is a gap in the common spectrum one can define a notion of a Berry connection. In this note we stress that, in general, since the Hilbert bundle defining the family of quantum systems does not come with a canonical trivialization there is in fact not a single Berry connection but rather a family of Berry connections. Two examples illustrate that this remark can have physical consequences.

Synchronous frequencies of extremal Kerr black holes: resonances, scattering and stability. (arXiv:1706.01112v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Maurício Richartz, Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Emanuele Berti, relevance 15.32

The characteristic damping times of the natural oscillations of a Kerr black hole become arbitrarily large as the extremal limit is approached. This behavior is associated with the so-called zero damped modes (ZDMs), and suggests that extremal black holes are characterized by quasinormal modes whose frequencies are purely real. Since these frequencies correspond to oscillations whose angular phase velocity matches the horizon angular velocity of the black hole, they are sometimes called "synchronous frequencies". Several authors have studied the ZDMs for near-extremal black holes. Recently, their correspondence to branch points of the Green's function of the wave equation was linked to the Aretakis instability of extremal black holes. Here we investigate the existence of ZDMs for extremal black holes, showing that these real-axis resonances of the field are unphysical as natural black hole oscillations: the corresponding frequency is always associated with a scattering mode. By analyzing the behavior of these modes near the event horizon we obtain new insight into the transition to extremality, including a simple way to understand the Aretakis instability.

The Gribov problem in Noncommutative gauge theory. (arXiv:1706.01098v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Patrizia Vitale, relevance 5.56

We review the problem of Gribov ambiguity of non-Abelian gauge theories related to the topology of the bundle of gauge connections.

We then show that there is a similar phenomenon for noncommutative QED over Moyal space, despite the structure group being Abelian, and we exhibit an infinite number of solutions for the equation of Gribov copies. This is a genuine effect of noncommutative geometry which disappears when the noncommutative parameter vanishes.

Hilbert Transforms and Sum Rules of Bessel Moments. (arXiv:1706.01068v2 [math.CA] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yajun Zhou, relevance 0.00

Using Hilbert transforms, we establish two families of sum rules involving Bessel moments, which are integrals associated with Feynman diagrams in two-dimensional quantum field theory. With these linear relations among Bessel moments, we verify and generalize two conjectures by Bailey-Borwein-Broadhurst-Glasser and Broadhurst-Mellit.

The fragmentation instability of a black hole with $f(R)$ global monopole under GUP. (arXiv:1706.01066v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lingshen Chen, Hongbo Cheng, relevance 11.99

The fragmentation of black hole containing $f(R)$ global monopole under GUP is studied. We focus on that the black hole breaks into two parts. We derive the entropies of the initial black hole and the broken parts while the generalization of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is introduced. We find that the $f(R)$ global monopole black hole keeps stable instead of breaking because the entropy difference is negative without the generalization. The fragmentation of the black hole will happen if the black hole entropies are limited by the GUP and the considerable deviation from the general relativity leads the case that the mass of one fragmented black hole is extremely small and the other one is extremely large.

Point-Particle Effective Field Theory III: Relativistic Fermions and the Dirac Equation. (arXiv:1706.01063v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by C.P. Burgess, Peter Hayman, Markus Rummel, Laszlo Zalavari, relevance 0.00

We formulate point-particle effective field theory (PPEFT) for relativistic spin-half fermions interacting with a massive, charged finite-sized source using a first-quantized effective field theory for the heavy compact object and a second-quantized language for the lighter fermion with which it interacts. This description shows how to determine the near-source boundary condition for the Dirac field in terms of the relevant physical properties of the source, and reduces to the standard choices in the limit of a point source. Using a first-quantized effective description is appropriate when the compact object is sufficiently heavy, and is simpler than (though equivalent to) the effective theory that treats the compact source in a second-quantized way. As an application we use the PPEFT to parameterize the leading energy shift for the bound energy levels due to finite-sized source effects in a model-independent way, allowing these effects to be fit in precision measurements. Besides capturing finite-source-size effects, the PPEFT treatment also efficiently captures how other short-distance source interactions can shift bound-state energy levels, such as due to vacuum polarization (through the Uehling potential) or strong interactions for Coulomb bound states of hadrons, or any hypothetical new short-range forces sourced by nuclei.

Spontaneous growth of vector fields in gravity. (arXiv:1706.01056v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Fethi M. Ramazanoğlu, relevance 0.00

We show that the spontaneous scalarization scenario in scalar-tensor theories is a specific case of a more general phenomenon. The key fact is that the instability causing the spontaneous growth in scalars is due to the nonminimal coupling in the theory, and not related to the nature of the scalar. Another field with the same form of coupling undergoes spontaneous growth as well. We explicitly demonstrate this idea for vectors, naming it "spontaneous vectorization", and study spherically symmetric neutron stars in such a theory. We also comment on other tensor fields the idea can be applied, naming the general mechanism "spontaneous tensorization".

Ergodicity of spherically symmetric fluid flows outside of a Schwarzschild black hole with random boundary forcing. (arXiv:1706.01004v1 [math.AP])
in gr-qc by Yuri Bakhtin, Philippe G. LeFloch, relevance 10.00

We consider the Burgers equation posed on the outer communication region of a Schwarzschild black hole spacetime. Assuming spherical symmetry for the fluid flow under consideration, we study the propagation and interaction of shock waves under the effect of random forcing. First of all, considering the initial and boundary value problem with boundary data prescribed in the vicinity of the horizon, we establish a generalization of the Hopf--Lax--Oleinik formula, which takes the curved geometry into account and allows us to establish the existence of bounded variation solutions. To this end, we analyze the global behavior of the characteristic curves in the Schwarzschild geometry, including their behavior near the black hole horizon. In a second part, we investigate the long-term statistical properties of solutions when a random forcing is imposed near the black hole horizon and study the ergodicity of the fluid flow under consideration. We prove the existence of a random global attractor and, for the Burgers equation outside of a Schwarzschild black hole, we are able to validate the so-called `one-force-one-solution' principle. Furthermore, all of our results are also established for a pressureless Euler model which consists of two balance laws and includes a transport equation satisfied by the integrated fluid density.

On the Bose symmetry and the left- and right-chiral anomalies. (arXiv:1706.01001v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by J. S. Porto, A. R. Vieira, A. L. Cherchiglia, Marcos Sampaio, Brigitte Hiller, relevance 0.53

It is generally assumed that in order to preserve Bose symmetry in the left- (or right-chiral) current it is necessary to equally distribute the chiral anomaly between the vectorial and the axial Ward identities, requiring the use of counterterms to restore consistency. In this work, we show how to calculate the quantum breaking of the left- and right-chiral currents in a way that allows to preserve Bose symmetry independently of the chiral anomaly.

Curvature invariant characterization of event horizons of four-dimensional black holes conformal to stationary black holes. (arXiv:1706.00995v5 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by David D. McNutt, relevance 29.29

We introduce three approaches to generate curvature invariants that transform covariantly under a conformal transformation of a four dimensional spacetime. For any black hole conformally related to a stationary black hole, we show how a set of conformally covariant invariants can be combined to produce a conformally covariant invariant that detects the event horizon of the conformally related black hole. As an application we consider the rotating dynamical black holes conformally related to the Kerr-NUT-(Anti)-de Sitter spacetimes and construct an invariant that detects the conformal Killing horizon along with a second invariant that detects the conformal stationary limit surface.

In addition, we present necessary conditions for a dynamical black hole to be conformally related to a stationary black hole and apply these conditions to the ingoing Kerr-Vaidya and Vaidya black hole solutions to determine if they are conformally related to stationary black holes for particular choices of the mass function. While two of the three approaches cannot be generalized to higher dimensions, we discuss the existence of a conformally covariant invariant that will detect the event horizon for any higher dimensional black hole conformally related to a stationary black hole which admits at least two conformally covariant invariants, including all vacuum spacetimes.

Quantum simulation of traversable wormhole spacetimes in a Bose-Einstein condensate. (arXiv:1706.00981v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by Jesús Mateos, Carlos Sabín, relevance 8.71

In this work we propose a recipe for the quantum simulation of traversable wormhole spacetimes in a Bose-Einstein condensate, both in $1+1D$ and $3+1D$. While in the former case it is enough to modulate the speed of sound along the condensate, in the latter case we need to choose particular coordinates, namely generalized Gullstrand-Painlev\'e coordinates. For weakly interacting condensates, in both cases we present the spatial dependence of the external magnetic field which is needed for the simulation, and we analyze under which conditions the simulation is possible with the experimental state-of-art.

Compact Chern-Simons vortices. (arXiv:1706.00969v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by D. Bazeia, L. Losano, M.A. Marques, R. Menezes, relevance 1.61

We introduce and investigate new models of the Chern-Simons type in the three-dimensional spacetime, focusing on the existence of compact vortices. The models are controlled by potentials driven by a single real parameter that can be used to change the profile of the vortex solutions as they approach their boundary values. One of the models unveils an interesting new behavior, the tendency to make the vortex compact, as the parameter increases to larger and larger values. We also investigate the behavior of the energy density and calculate the total energy numerically.

Einstein's Equations from Varying Complexity. (arXiv:1706.00965v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Bartlomiej Czech, relevance 7.06

A recent proposal equates the circuit complexity of a quantum gravity state with the gravitational action of a certain patch of spacetime. Since Einstein's equations follow from varying the action, it should be possible to derive them by varying complexity. I present such a derivation for vacuum solutions of pure Einstein gravity in three-dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. The argument relies on known facts about holography and on properties of Tensor Network Renormalization, an algorithm for coarse-graining (and optimizing) tensor networks.

Fermionic approach to weighted Hurwitz numbers and topological recursion. (arXiv:1706.00958v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. Alexandrov, G. Chapuy, B. Eynard, J. Harnad, relevance 1.97

A fermionic representation is given for all the quantities entering in the generating function approach to weighted Hurwitz numbers and topological recursion. This includes: KP and 2D Toda $\tau$-functions of hypergeometric type, which serve as generating functions for weighted single and double Hurwitz numbers; the Baker function, which is expanded in an adapted basis obtained by applying the same dressing transformation to all vacuum basis elements; the multipair correlators and the multicurrent correlators. Multiplicative and differential recursion relations are deduced for the adapted bases and their duals, and a Christoffel-Darboux type formula is derived for the pair correlator. The quantum and classical spectral curves linking this theory with the topological recursion programme are derived, as well as the generalized cut and join equations. The results are detailed for four special cases: the simple single and double Hurwitz numbers, the weakly monotone case, corresponding to signed enumeration of coverings, the strongly monotone case, corresponding to Belyi curves and the simplest version of quantum weighted Hurwitz numbers.

Bouncing cosmology from warped extra dimensional scenario. (arXiv:1706.00950v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ashmita Das, Debaprasad Maity, Tanmoy Paul, Soumitra SenGupta, relevance 1.47

From the perspective of four dimensional effective theory on a two brane warped geometry model, we examine the possibility of "bouncing phenomena"on our visible brane. Our results reveal that the presence of warped extra dimension lead to a non-singular bounce on the brane scale factor and hence can remove the "big-bang singularity". We also examine the possible parametric regions for which this bouncing is possible.

Phase structure and propagators at nonvanishing temperature for QCD and QCD-like theories. (arXiv:1706.00943v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Romain Contant, Markus Q. Huber, relevance 0.83

We investigate the universality of truncation schemes for Dyson-Schwinger equations developed for quantum chromodynamics in theories which differ from quantum chromodynamics only in the gauge group. Our specific choices are the gauge groups $SU(2)$ and $G_2$, for which lattice calculations at nonvanishing chemical potential are possible. Thus, corresponding calculations can provide benchmarks for testing calculations with functional equations. We calculate the quark and gluon propagators and determine the chiral and dual chiral condensates at vanishing density to determine the confinement/deconfinement and chiral transitions, respectively. We can reproduce the expected type of transitions in the quenched and unquenched cases. In general, all three theories react very similarly to modifications of the employed model for the quark-gluon vertex.

Basic geometric and kinematic features of the Standard Cosmological Model. (arXiv:1706.00895v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Dmitrij Nagirner, Svetlana Jorstad, relevance 2.47

In this paper we calculate quantitative characteristics of basic geometric and kinematic properties of the Standard Cosmological Model ($\Lambda$CDM). Using equations of Friedman uniform cosmological models we derive equations characterizing a $\Lambda$CDM, which describes the most appropriate real universe. The equations take into account the effects of radiation and ultra-relativistic neutrinos. We show that the universe at very early and late stages can be described to sufficient accuracy by simple formulas. We derive moments when densities of gravitational components of the universe become equal, when they contribute equally to the gravitational force, when the accelerating expansion of space starts, and several others. The distance to the expanding spherical horizon and its acceleration are determined. Terms of the horizon, second inflation, and second horizon are explained. The remote future of the universe and the opportunity in principle of connection with extraterrestrial civilizations are discussed.

Testing the Einstein's equivalence principle with polarized gamma-ray bursts. (arXiv:1706.00889v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Chao Yang, Yuan-Chuan Zou, Yue-Yang Zhang, Bin Liao, Wei-Hua Lei, relevance 0.00

The Einstein's equivalence principle can be tested by using parameterized post-Newtonian parameters, of which the parameter $\gamma$ has been constrained by comparing the arrival times of photons with different energies. It has been constrained by a variety of astronomical transient events, such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), fast radio bursts as well as pulses of pulsars, with the most stringent constraint of $\Delta \gamma \lesssim 10^{-15}$. In this letter, we consider the arrival times of lights with different circular polarization. For a linearly polarized light, it is the combination of two circularly polarized lights. If the arrival time difference between the two circularly polarized lights is too large, their combination may lose the linear polarization. We constrain the value of $\Delta \gamma_{\rm p} < 1.6 \times 10^{-27}$ by the measurement of the polarization of GRB 110721A, which is the most stringent constraint ever achieved.

On Large $N$ Limit of Symmetric Traceless Tensor Models. (arXiv:1706.00839v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Igor R. Klebanov, Grigory Tarnopolsky, relevance 0.00

For some theories where the degrees of freedom are tensors of rank $3$ or higher, there exist solvable large $N$ limits dominated by the melonic diagrams. Simple examples are provided by models containing one rank-$3$ tensor in the tri-fundamental representation of the $O(N)^3$ symmetry group. When the quartic interaction is assumed to have a special tetrahedral index structure, the coupling constant $g$ must be scaled as $N^{-3/2}$ in the melonic large $N$ limit. In this paper we consider the combinatorics of a large $N$ theory of one fully symmetric and traceless rank-$3$ tensor with the tetrahedral quartic interaction; this model has a single $O(N)$ symmetry group. We explicitly calculate all the vacuum diagrams up to order $g^8$, as well as some diagrams of higher order, and find that in the large $N$ limit where $g^2 N^3$ is held fixed only the melonic diagrams survive. While some non-melonic diagrams are enhanced in the $O(N)$ symmetric theory compared to the $O(N)^3$ one, we have not found any diagrams where this enhancement is strong enough to make them comparable with the melonic ones. Motivated by these results, we conjecture that the model of a real rank-$3$ symmetric traceless tensor possesses a smooth large $N$ limit where $g^2 N^3$ is held fixed and all the contributing diagrams are melonic. A feature of the symmetric traceless tensor models is that some vacuum diagrams containing odd numbers of vertices are suppressed only by $N^{-1/2}$ relative to the melonic graphs.

Universal Scaling Laws for Correlation Spreading in Quantum Systems with Short- and Long-Range Interactions. (arXiv:1706.00838v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Lorenzo Cevolani, Julien Despres, Giuseppe Carleo, Luca Tagliacozzo, Laurent Sanchez-Palencia, relevance 0.30

We study the spreading of information in a wide class of quantum systems, with variable-range interactions. We show that, after a quench, it generally features a double structure, whose scaling laws are related to a set of universal microscopic exponents that we determine. When the system supports excitations with a finite maximum velocity, the spreading shows a twofold ballistic behavior. While the correlation edge spreads with a velocity equal to twice the maximum group velocity, the dominant correlation maxima propagate with a different velocity that we derive. When the maximum group velocity diverges, as realizable with long-range interactions, the correlation edge features a slower-than-ballistic motion. The motion of the maxima is, instead, either faster-than-ballistic, for gapless systems, or ballistic, for gapped systems. The phenomenology that we unveil here provides a unified framework, which encompasses existing experimental observations with ultracold atoms and ions. It also paves the way to simple extensions of those experiments to observe the structures we describe in their full generality.

Unwinding strings in semi-flatland. (arXiv:1706.00835v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dieter Lust, Erik Plauschinn, Valentí Vall Camell, relevance 0.00

We study the dynamics of strings with non-zero winding number around T-duality defects. We deduce that the physics near the core of such non-geometric objects involves winding modes that are not captured by the supergravity approximation, and we argue that such corrections are T-dual to the modes responsible for quantum corrections of semi-flat elliptic metrics. We furthermore construct a solution of double field theory that captures part of such near-core physics.

An UV Completion of Five Dimensional Scalar QED and Lorentz Symmetry. (arXiv:1706.00796v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by F. Marques, M. Gomes, A. J. da Silva, relevance 10.40

We study a five dimensional Horava-Lifshitz like scalar QED with dynamical exponent z=2. Consistency of the renormalization procedure requires the presence of four quartic and one six-fold scalar couplings besides the terms bilinear in the scalar fields. We compute one-loop radiative corrections to the parameters in the original Lagrangian employing dimensional regularization in the spacial part of the Feynman integrals and prove the relevant Ward identities. By using renormalization group methods, we determine the behavior of the coupling constants with changes in the energy and discuss the emergence of Lorentz symmetry at low energies.

The Space of Vacua of 3d $\mathcal{N}=3$ Abelian Theories. (arXiv:1706.00793v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Benjamin Assel, relevance 0.28

We use brane techniques to study the space of vacua of abelian 3d $\mathcal{N}=3$ gauge theories. The coordinates on these spaces are the vevs of chiral monopole and meson operators, which are realized in the type IIB brane configuration of the theory by adding semi-infinite $(1,k)$ strings or F1 strings. The study of various brane setups allows us to determine a basis of chiral operators and chiral ring relations relevant to each branch of vacua, leading to the algebraic description of these branches. The method is mostly graphical and does not require actual computations. We apply it and provide explicit results in various examples. For linear quivers we find that the space of vacua has in general a collection of Coulomb-like branches, a Higgs branch and mixed branches. For circular quivers we find an extra branch, the geometric branch, parametrized by monopoles with equal magnetic charges in all $U(1)$ nodes and meson operators. We explain how to include FI and mass deformations. We also study $\mathcal{N}=3$ theories realized with $(p,q)$ 5-branes.

(Higgs) vacuum decay during inflation. (arXiv:1706.00792v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aris Joti, Aris Katsis, Dimitris Loupas, Alberto Salvio, Alessandro Strumia, Nikolaos Tetradis, Alfredo Urbano, relevance 2.30

We develop the formalism for computing gravitational corrections to vacuum decay from de Sitter space as a sub-Planckian perturbative expansion. Non-minimal coupling to gravity can be encoded in an effective potential. The Coleman bounce continuously deforms into the Hawking-Moss bounce, until they coincide for a critical value of the Hubble constant. As an application, we reconsider the decay of the electroweak Higgs vacuum during inflation. Our vacuum decay computation reproduces and improves bounds on the maximal inflationary Hubble scale previously computed through statistical techniques.

Relativistic geoids and time dependence: quasilocal frames versus isochronometric surfaces. (arXiv:1706.00791v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Marius Oltean, Richard J. Epp, Paul L. McGrath, Robert B. Mann, relevance 1.01

In a recent paper [D. Philipp, V. Perlick, D. Puetzfeld, E. Hackmann, and C. L\"ammerzahl, Phys. Rev. D 95, 104037 (2017)], a definition of a general-relativistic geoid, restricted to stationary spacetimes, was presented in terms of "isochronometric surfaces". In this note, we explicate how this definition is just a special, highly restrictive case of our earlier formulation of the general-relativistic geoid using quasilocal frames, which is valid for generic, non-stationary spacetimes [M. Oltean, R.J. Epp, P.L. McGrath, and R.B. Mann, Class. Quantum Grav. 33, 105001 (2016)]. Moreover, like the isochronometric surface geoid, we show how our "geoid quasilocal frame" (GQF) can also be defined, simply and operationally, in terms of redshift measurements.

Algebraic Properties of Einstein Solutions in Ghost-Free Bimetric Theory. (arXiv:1706.00787v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mikica Kocic, Marcus Högås, Francesco Torsello, Edvard Mortsell, relevance 0.00

A known fact is that an Einstein solution in one sector in ghost-free bimetric theory implies an Einstein solution in the other sector. Earlier studies have also shown that some classes of bimetric models necessitate proportional solutions between the sectors. Here we consider a general setup of the parameters in the theory as well as the general algebraic form of the potential. We show that, if one sector has an Einstein solution, the solutions are either proportional or block proportional with at most two different eigenvalues in the square root governing metric interactions.

Testing Emergent Gravity with Isolated Dwarf Galaxies. (arXiv:1706.00785v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Kris Pardo, relevance 0.00

Verlinde (2016) has proposed a new modified theory of gravity, Emergent Gravity (EG), as an alternative to dark matter. EG reproduces the Tully-Fisher relationship with no free parameters, and agrees with the velocity curves of most massive, spiral galaxies well. In its current form, the theory only applies to isolated, spherically symmetric systems in a dark energy-dominated Universe, and thus can only be tested fairly with such systems. Here I develop equations for EG's velocity curve predictions given a realistic, extended mass distribution. I apply this to isolated dwarf galaxies. Then I test the predictions from EG versus the maximum velocity measurements of 81 isolated dwarf galaxies with projected shapes close to circular. I find that EG severely underpredicts the maximum velocities for those galaxies with measured velocities v>165 km/s. Most of these galaxies have greater HI gas masses than stellar masses, and it is seems that EG is unable to describe these systems well. Rotation curves of these isolated, HI gas-rich, nearly spherical dwarf galaxies would provide the definitive test of EG.

Black holes from CFT: Universality of correlators at large c. (arXiv:1706.00771v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Per Kraus, Allic Sivaramakrishnan, River Snively, relevance 16.47

Two-dimensional conformal field theories at large central charge and with a sufficiently sparse spectrum of light states have been shown to exhibit universal thermodynamics. This thermodynamics matches that of AdS$_3$ gravity, with a Hawking-Page transition between thermal AdS and the BTZ black hole. We extend these results to correlation functions of light operators. Upon making some additional assumptions, such as large $c$ factorization of correlators, we establish that the thermal AdS and BTZ solutions emerge as the universal backgrounds for the computation of correlators. In particular, Witten diagrams computed on these backgrounds yield the CFT correlators, order by order in a large $c$ expansion, with exponentially small corrections. In pure CFT terms, our result is that thermal correlators of light operators are determined entirely by light spectrum data. Our analysis is based on the constraints of modular invariance applied to the torus two-point function.

Gaussian distribution of LMOV numbers. (arXiv:1706.00761v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Mironov, A. Morozov, An. Morozov, A. Sleptsov, relevance 0.20

Recent advances in knot polynomial calculus allowed us to obtain a huge variety of LMOV integers counting degeneracy of the BPS spectrum of topological theories on the resolved conifold and appearing in the genus expansion of the plethystic logarithm of the Ooguri-Vafa partition functions. Already the very first look at this data reveals that the LMOV numbers are randomly distributed in genus (!) and are very well parameterized by just three parameters depending on the representation, an integer and the knot. We present an accurate formulation and evidence in support of this new puzzling observation about the old puzzling quantities. It probably implies that the BPS states, counted by the LMOV numbers can actually be composites made from some still more elementary objects.

Sub-subleading Soft Graviton Theorem in Generic Theories of Quantum Gravity. (arXiv:1706.00759v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alok Laddha, Ashoke Sen, relevance 5.88

We analyze scattering amplitudes with one soft external graviton and arbitrary number of other finite energy external states carrying arbitrary mass and spin to sub-subleading order in the momentum of the soft graviton. Our result can be expressed as the sum of a universal part that depends only on the amplitude without the soft graviton and not the other details of the theory and a non-universal part that depends on the amplitude without the soft graviton, and the two and three point functions of the theory. For tree amplitudes our results are valid in all space-time dimensions while for loop amplitudes, infrared divergences force us to restrict our analysis to space time dimensions five or more. With this restriction the results are valid to all orders in perturbation theory. Our results agree with known results in quantum field theories and string theory.

Half-BPS Wilson loop and AdS$_2$/CFT$_1$. (arXiv:1706.00756v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Simone Giombi, Radu Roiban, Arkady A. Tseytlin, relevance 12.67

We study correlation functions of local operator insertions on the 1/2-BPS Wilson line in ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory. These correlation functions are constrained by the 1d superconformal symmetry preserved by the 1/2-BPS Wilson line and define a defect CFT$_1$ living on the line. At strong coupling, a set of elementary operator insertions with protected scaling dimensions correspond to fluctuations of the dual fundamental string in AdS$_5 \times S^5$ ending on the line at the boundary and can be thought of as light fields propagating on the AdS$_2$ worldsheet. We use AdS/CFT techniques to compute the tree-level AdS$_2$ Witten diagrams describing the strong coupling limit of the four-point functions of the dual operator insertions. Using the OPE, we also extract the leading strong coupling corrections to the anomalous dimensions of the "two-particle" operators built out of elementary excitations. In the case of the circular Wilson loop, we match our results for the 4-point functions of a special type of scalar insertions to the prediction of localization to 2d Yang-Mills theory.

Electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations around a cosmic string in de Sitter spacetime. (arXiv:1706.00749v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by A. A. Saharian, V. F. Manukyan, N. A. Saharyan, relevance 15.97

The electromagnetic field correlators are evaluated around a cosmic string in background of $(D+1)$-dimensional dS spacetime assuming that the field is prepared in the Bunch-Davies vacuum state. The correlators are presented in the decomposed form where the string-induced topological parts are explicitly extracted. With this decomposition, the renormalization of the local vacuum expectation values (VEVs) in the coincidence limit is reduced to the one for dS spacetime in the absence of the cosmic string. The VEVs of the squared electric and magnetic fields, and of the vacuum energy density are investigated. Near the string they are dominated by the topological contributions and the effects induced by the background gravitational field are small. In this region, the leading terms in the topological contributions are obtained from the corresponding VEVs for a string on the Minkowski bulk multiplying by the conformal factor. At distances from the string larger than the curvature radius of the background geometry, the pure dS parts in the VEVs dominate. In this region, for spatial dimensions $D>3$, the influence of the gravitational field on the topological contributions is crucial and the corresponding behavior is essentially different from that for a cosmic string on the Minkowski bulk. There are well-motivated inflationary models which produce cosmic strings. We argue that, as a consequence of the quantum-to-classical transition of super-Hubble electromagnetic fluctuations during inflation, in the postinflationary era these strings will be surrounded by large scale stochastic magnetic fields. These fields could be among the distinctive features of the cosmic strings produced during the inflation and also of the corresponding inflationary models.

Internal clock formulation of quantum mechanics. (arXiv:1706.00743v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Przemysław Małkiewicz, Artur Miroszewski, relevance 0.62

The basic tenet of the present work is the assumption of the lack of external and fixed time in the Universe. This assumption is best embodied by general relativity, which replaces the fixed space-time structure with the gravitational field, which is subject to dynamics. The lack of time does not imply the lack of evolution but rather brings to the forefront the role of internal clocks which are some largely arbitrary internal degrees of freedom with respect to which the evolution of timeless systems can be described. We take this idea seriously and try to understand what it implies for quantum mechanics when the fixed external time is replaced by an arbitrary internal clock. We put the issue in a solid, mathematically rigorous framework. We find that the dynamical interpretation of a quantum state of a timeless system depends on the employed internal clock. In particular, we find that the continuous spectra of well-known dynamical observables like the position of a free particle on the real line may turn discrete if measured in unusual clocks. We discuss the meaning of our result for attempts at quantization of global gravitational degrees of freedom.

Photon mass via current confinement. (arXiv:1706.00734v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Vivek M. Vyas, Prasanta K. Panigrahi, relevance 0.00

A parity invariant theory, consisting of two massive Dirac fields, defined in three dimensional space-time, with the confinement of a certain current is studied. It is found that the electromagnetic field, when coupled minimally to these Dirac fields, becomes massive owing to the current confinement. It is seen that the origin of photon mass is not due to any kind of spontaneous symmetry breaking, but only due to current confinement.

Universal diffusion in holography. (arXiv:1706.00718v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shao-Feng Wu, Bin Wang, Xian-Hui Ge, Yu Tian, relevance 2.22

We study a composite diffusive mode of charge and energy in various holographic models with momentum dissipation. Based on the simple Einstein-Maxwell-Axion model, we consider the correction from high curvature and anisotropy, which both invalidate the well-known viscosity bound. A particular theory that non-minimally couples the translation-breaking sector to the electromagnetic sector has also been explored, which break the recently proposed bounds on the electric conductivity and charge diffusivity. At high temperatures, we show that the composite mode appears in general, associated with two features: the diffusion constant and the butterfly velocity constitute a Planckian relation; the holographic renormalization group flow of the composite conductivity does not run but approaches the electric conductivity at horizon. Under strong momentum dissipation, the Gauss-Bonnet curvature does not affect the composite mode that appears in the simple model, but this is not the case for other corrections. Moreover, we find that a universal bound on the composite conductivity is saturated exactly in many holographic models, but for the particular theory, saturation happens at high temperatures or strong momentum relaxation. At last, we discuss that the diffusive transport may be responsible for the ubiquity of high-temperature linear resistivity in strange metals.

Relativistic Time Dilation and Length Contraction in Discrete Space-Time using a Modified Distance Formula. (arXiv:1706.00693v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by David Crouse, Joseph Skufca, relevance 9.64

In this work, the relativistic phenomena of Lorentz contraction and time dilation are derived using a modified distance formula appropriate for discrete space. This new distance formula is different than Pythagoras's theorem but converges to it for distances large relative to the Planck length. First, four candidate formulas developed by different people over the last 70 years will be considered. Three of the formulas are shown to be identical for conditions that best describe discrete space; this equation is then used in the rest of the paper. It is shown that this new distance formula is applicable to all size-scales, from the Planck length upwards, and solves two major historical problems associated with a discrete space-time model. One problem it solves is maintaining isotropy in discrete space. The second problem it solves is the commonly perceived incompatibility of the model's concept of an immutable "atom" of space and the Lorentz contraction of this atom required by special relativity. With the new distance formula, it is shown that the Lorentz contraction of the atom of space does not occur regardless of the relative velocities of two reference frames. It is also shown that time dilation of the atom of time does not occur. Also discussed is the possibility of any object being able to travel at the speed of light for specific temporal durations derived in this work.

An axion-like scalar field environment effect on binary black hole merger. (arXiv:1706.00678v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Qing Yang, Li-Wei Ji, Bin Hu, Zhou-Jian Cao, Rong-Gen Cai, relevance 11.52

Environment, such as the accretion disk, could modify the signal of the gravitational wave from the astrophysical black hole binaries. In this article, we model the matter field around the intermediate-mass binary black holes by means of an axion-like scalar field and investigate their joint evolution. In details, we consider the equal mass binary black holes surrounded by a shell of axion-like scalar field both in spherical symmetric and non-spherical symmetric cases, and with different strength of the scalar field. Our result shows that the environmental scalar field could essentially modify the dynamics. Firstly, in the spherical symmetric case, with increasing of the scalar field strength, the number of circular orbit of the binary black hole is reduced. It means that the scalar field could significantly accelerate the merger process. Secondly, once the scalar field strength exceeds certain critical value, the scalar field could collapse into a third black hole with its mass being larger than the binary. Consequently, the new black hole collapsed from the environmental scalar field could accrete the binary promptly and the binary collides head-on between each other. In this process, there is almost no any quadrupole signal produced, namely the gravitational wave is greatly suppressed. Thirdly, when the scalar field strength is relatively smaller than the critical value, the black hole orbit could develop eccentricity through the accretion of the scalar field. Fourthly, during the initial stage of the inspire, the gravitational attractive force from the axion-like scalar field could induce a sudden turn in the binary orbits, hence result in a transient wiggle in the gravitational waveform. Finally, in the non-spherical case, the scalar field could gravitationally attract the binary moving toward the mass center of the scalar field and slow down the merger process.

On the features of Matese-Whitman mass function. (arXiv:1706.00674v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Dibyendu Shee, Debabrata Deb, Shounak Ghosh, B.K. Guha, Saibal Ray, relevance 0.53

In the present paper we exhaustively examine the physical status of the socalled Matese-Whitman mass function [J.J. Matese and P.G. Whitman, Phys. Rev. D, 22, 1270 (1980)]. As a first step, we construct the relevant Einstein field equations with an anisotropic matter distribution under the approach of Conformal killing Vector. In the intermideate step we find a set of exact solutions by using the Matese-Whitman mass function. Eventually we conduct several physical tests to explore features of the applied mass function in connection to the specific compact stars. It can be observed that all the features of the model based on the Matese-Whitman mass function are of physical interests.

Boundary Hamiltonian theory for gapped topological orders. (arXiv:1706.00650v1 [cond-mat.str-el] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Yuting Hu, Yidun Wan, Yong-Shi Wu, relevance 2.48

In this letter, we report our systematic construction of the lattice Hamiltonian model of topological orders on open surfaces, with explicit boundary terms. We do this mainly for the Levin-Wen stringnet model. The full Hamiltonian in our approach yields a topologically protected, gapped energy spectrum, with the corresponding wave functions robust under topology-preserving transformations of the lattice of the system. We explicitly present the wavefunctions of the ground states and boundary elementary excitations. We construct the creation and hopping operators of boundary quasi-particles. We find that given a bulk topological order, the gapped boundary conditions are classified by Frobenius algebras in its input data. Emergent topological properties of the ground states and boundary excitations are characterized by (bi-) modules over Frobenius algebras.

New BCJ representations for one-loop amplitudes in gauge theories and gravity. (arXiv:1706.00640v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Song He, Oliver Schlotterer, Yong Zhang, relevance 3.83

We explain a procedure to manifest the Bern--Carrasco--Johansson duality between color and kinematics in n-point one-loop amplitudes of a variety of supersymmetric gauge theories. Explicit amplitude representations are constructed through a systematic reorganization of the integrands in the Cachazo--He--Yuan formalism. Our construction is independent on the amount of supersymmetry or the number of spacetime dimensions. The cancellations from supersymmetry multiplets in the loop as well as the resulting power counting of loop momenta is manifested along the lines of the corresponding superstring computations. The setup is used to derive the one-loop version of the Kawai--Lewellen--Tye formula for the loop integrands of gravitational amplitudes.

Frame Rotation in the Szekeres Spacetimes. (arXiv:1706.00622v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Charles Hellaby, relevance 5.00

The Szekeres metric is an inhomogeneous cosmological model without any symmetries. The standard Riemann-type coordinates can be transformed into spherical-type coordinates, but the metric is no longer diagonal, and the constant "radius" 2-spheres, 2-hyperboloids or 2-planes are known to be "non-concentric". Since the transformation into spherical-type coordinates is "radius" dependent, we question whether these coordinates have the same orientation on each 2-surface. To answer this question, we set up an orthonormal tetrad (ONT), and investigate its variation. We find that a relative rotation of the tetrad is generic, and it can increase systematically under conditions that are not very restrictive. We search for paths along which the tetrad is constant, and find they only exist under very restrictive conditions. In the process, we create a systematic method for defining an ONT with chosen properties from a given metric.

Birefringence induced by pp-wave modes in an electromagnetically active dynamic aether. (arXiv:1706.00604v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Timur Yu. Alpin, Alexander B. Balakin, relevance 11.02

In the framework of the Einstein-Maxwell-aether theory we study the birefringence effect, which can occur in the pp-wave symmetric dynamic aether. The dynamic aether is considered to be latently birefringent quasi-medium, which displays this hidden property if and only if the aether motion is non-uniform, i.e., when the aether flow is characterized by the non-vanishing expansion, shear, vorticity or acceleration. In accordance with the dynamo-optical scheme of description of the interaction between electromagnetic waves and the dynamic aether, we shall model the susceptibility tensors by the terms linear in the covariant derivative of the aether velocity four-vector. When the pp-wave modes appear in the dynamic aether, we deal with a gravitationally induced degeneracy removal with respect to hidden susceptibility parameters. As a consequence, the phase velocities of electromagnetic waves possessing orthogonal polarizations do not coincide, thus displaying the birefringence effect. Two electromagnetic field configurations are studied in detail: longitudinal and transversal with respect to the aether pp-wave front. For both cases the solutions are found, which reveal anomalies in the electromagnetic response on the action of the pp-wave aether mode.

Observed galaxy power spectrum in cubic Galileon model. (arXiv:1706.00567v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Bikash R. Dinda, Md. Wali Hossain, Anjan A Sen, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we study the effects of general relativistic corrections on the observed galaxy power spectrum in thawing class of cubic Galileon model with linear potential that preserves the shift symmetry. In this scenario, the observed galaxy power spectrum differs from the standard matter power spectrum mainly due to redshift space distortion (RSD) factor and relativistic effects. The RSD term enhances the matter power spectrum both at larger and smaller scales whereas the relativistic terms further enhance the matter power spectrum only at larger scales. In comparison with $\Lambda$CDM, the observed galaxy power spectrum is always suppressed at large scales in this scenario although this suppression is always small compared to the canonical quintessence scenario.

A Newtonian Analysis of Multi-scalar Boson Stars with Large Self-couplings. (arXiv:1706.00547v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nahomi Kan (NIT, Gifu College), Kiyoshi Shiraishi (Yamaguchi University), relevance 0.00

We study solutions for boson stars in the multi-scalar field theory with global symmetry $[U(1)]^N$. The properties of the boson stars are investigated by the Newtonian approximation with the large coupling limit. Our purpose is to study the models bringing about exotic mass distributions which explain flat rotation curves of galaxies. We propose plausible models in which coupling matrices are associated with various graphs in graph theory.

Noether symmetry in $f(T)$ teleparallel gravity. (arXiv:1706.00537v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Nayem Sk, relevance 0.00

Hao Wei has claimed in $\mathrm{Phys. Lett. \textbf{B707}, 298 (2012)}$ that Noether symmetry in the context of teleparallel $f(T)$ theory of gravity admits $f(T)\propto T^{n}$, (where $n$ is an arbitrary) in matter domain era in Friedmann- Robertson universe. But, it has been shown that the conserved current obtained under the process does not satisfy the field equations in general. Here, it is shown that Noether Symmetry admits $f(T)\propto T^\frac{3}{2}$ along with a conserved current $ a \dot a T^\frac{1}{2}$ in teleparallel $f(T)$ gravity. Thus, their claim is not correct.

Reheating in Constant-roll $F(R)$ Gravity. (arXiv:1706.00507v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by V.K. Oikonomou, relevance 0.00

In this work we address the reheating issue in the context of $F(R)$ gravity, for theories that the inflationary era does not obey the slow-roll condition but the constant-roll condition is assumed. As it is known, the reheating era takes place after the end of the inflationary era, so we investigate the implications of a constant-roll inflation era on the reheating era. We quantify our considerations by calculating the reheating temperature for the constant-roll $R^2$ model and we compare to the standard reheating temperature in the context of $F(R)$ gravity. As we demonstrate, the new reheating temperature may differ from the standard one, and in addition we show how the reheating era may restrict the constant-roll era by constraining the constant-roll parameter.

Fock representation of gravitational boundary modes and the discreteness of the area spectrum. (arXiv:1706.00479v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Wolfgang Wieland, relevance 5.51

In this article, we study the quantum theory of gravitational boundary modes on a null surface. These boundary modes are given by a spinor and a spinor-valued two-form, which enter the gravitational boundary term for self-dual gravity. Using a Fock representation, we quantise the boundary fields, and show that the area of a two-dimensional cross section turns into the difference of two number operators. The spectrum is discrete, and it agrees with the one known from loop quantum gravity with the correct dependence on the Barbero--Immirzi parameter. No discrete structures (such as spin network functions, or triangulations of space) are ever required---the entire derivation happens at the level of the continuum theory. In addition, the area spectrum is manifestly Lorentz invariant.

Spin-orbit precession along eccentric orbits for extreme mass ratio black hole binaries and its effective-one-body transcription. (arXiv:1706.00459v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Chris Kavanagh, Donato Bini, Thibault Damour, Seth Hopper, Adrian C. Ottewill, Barry Wardell, relevance 6.30

In this work we present an analytical gravitational self-force calculation of the spin-orbit precession along an eccentric orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole, following closely the recent prescription of Akcay, Dempsey, and Dolan. We then transcribe this quantity within the Effective-One-Body (EOB) formalism, thereby determining several new, linear-in-mass-ratio, contributions in the post-Newtonian expansion of the spin-orbit couplings entering the EOB Hamiltonian. Namely, we determine the second gyro-gravitomagnetic ratio $g_{S_*}(r,p_r,p_{\phi})$ up to order $p_r^2/r^4$ included.

Critical point in the phase diagram of primordial quark-gluon matter from black hole physics. (arXiv:1706.00455v3 [nucl-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Renato Critelli (1), Jorge Noronha (1), Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (2,3), Israel Portillo (3), Claudia Ratti (3), Romulo Rougemont (4) ((1) Sao Paulo U., (2) Rutgers U., (3) Houston U., (4) IIP, Brazil), relevance 6.81

Strongly interacting matter undergoes a crossover phase transition at high temperatures $T\sim 10^{12}$ K and zero net-baryon density. A fundamental question in the theory of strong interactions, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), is whether a hot and dense system of quarks and gluons displays critical phenomena when doped with more quarks than antiquarks, where net-baryon number fluctuations diverge. Recent lattice QCD work indicates that such a critical point can only occur in the baryon dense regime of the theory, which defies a description from first principles calculations. Here we use the holographic gauge/gravity correspondence to map the fluctuations of baryon charge in the dense quark-gluon liquid onto a numerically tractable gravitational problem involving the charge fluctuations of holographic black holes. This approach quantitatively reproduces ab initio results for the lowest order moments of the baryon fluctuations and makes predictions for the higher order baryon susceptibilities and also for the location of the critical point, which is found to be within the reach of heavy ion collision experiments.

Soft Hair as a Soft Wig. (arXiv:1706.00436v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Raphael Bousso, Massimo Porrati, relevance 12.60

We consider large gauge transformations of gravity and electromagnetism in D=4 asymptotically flat spacetime. Already at the classical level, we identify a canonical transformation that decouples the soft variables from the hard dynamics. We find that only the soft dynamics is constrained by BMS or large U(1) charge conservation. Physically this corresponds to the fact that sufficiently long-wavelength photons or gravitons that are added to the in-state will simply pass through the interaction region; they scatter trivially in their own sector. This implies in particular that the large gauge symmetries bear no relevance to the black hole information paradox. We also present the quantum version of soft decoupling. As a consistency check, we show that the apparent mixing of soft and hard modes in the original variables arises entirely from the long range field of the hard charges, which is fixed by gauge invariance and so contains no additional information.

Warped $AdS_6\times S^2$ in Type IIB supergravity III: Global solutions with seven-branes. (arXiv:1706.00433v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Eric D'Hoker, Michael Gutperle, Christoph F. Uhlemann, relevance 0.80

We extend our previous construction of global solutions to Type IIB supergravity that are invariant under the superalgebra $F(4)$ and are realized on a spacetime of the form $AdS_6 \times S^2$ warped over a Riemann surface $\Sigma$ by allowing the supergravity fields to have non-trivial $SL(2,{\mathbb R})$ monodromy at isolated punctures on $\Sigma$. We obtain explicit solutions for the case where $\Sigma$ is a disc, and the monodromy generators are parabolic elements of $SL(2,{\mathbb R})$ physically corresponding to the monodromy allowed in Type IIB string theory. On the boundary of $\Sigma$ the solutions exhibit singularities at isolated points which correspond to semi-infinite five-branes, as is familiar from the global solutions without monodromy. In the interior of $\Sigma$, the solutions are everywhere regular, except at the punctures where $SL(2,{\mathbb R})$ monodromy resides and which physically correspond to the locations of $[p,q]$ seven-branes. The solutions have a compelling physical interpretation corresponding to fully localized five-brane intersections with additional seven-branes, and provide candidate holographic duals to the five-dimensional superconformal field theories realized on such intersections.

Gravitational Wave -- Gauge Field Dynamics. (arXiv:1706.00431v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by R. R. Caldwell, C. Devulder, N. A. Maksimova, relevance 10.05

The dynamics of a gravitational wave propagating through a cosmic gauge field are dramatically different than in vacuum. We show that a gravitational wave acquires an effective mass, is birefringent, and its normal modes are a linear combination of gravitational waves and gauge field excitations, leading to the phenomenon of gravitational wave -- gauge field oscillations. These surprising results provide insight into gravitational phenomena and may suggest new approaches to a theory of quantum gravity.

Symmetric-Gapped Surface States of Fractional Topological Insulators. (arXiv:1706.00429v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Gil Young Cho, Jeffrey C. Y. Teo, Eduardo Fradkin, relevance 4.30

We construct the symmetric-gapped surface states of a fractional topological insulator with electromagnetic $\theta$-angle $\theta_{em} = \frac{\pi}{3}$ and a discrete $\mathbb{Z}_3$ gauge field. They are the proper generalizations of the T-pfaffian state and pfaffian/anti-semion state and feature an extended periodicity compared with their of "integer" topological band insulators counterparts. We demonstrate that the surface states have the correct anomalies associated with time-reversal symmetry and charge conservation.

Holography for field theory solitons. (arXiv:1706.00425v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sophia K. Domokos, Andrew B. Royston, relevance 2.33

We extend a well-known D-brane construction of the AdS/dCFT correspondence to non-abelian defects. We focus on the bulk side of the correspondence and show that there exists a regime of parameters in which the low-energy description consists of two approximately decoupled sectors. The two sectors are gravity in the ambient spacetime, and a six-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The Yang-Mills theory is defined on a rigid AdS_4 x S^2 background and admits sixteen supersymmetries. We also consider a one-parameter deformation that gives rise to a family of Yang-Mills theories on asymptotically AdS_4 x S^2 spacetimes, which are invariant under eight supersymmetries. With future holographic applications in mind, we analyze the vacuum structure and perturbative spectrum of the Yang-Mills theory on AdS_4 x S^2, as well as systems of BPS equations for finite-energy solitons. Finally, we demonstrate that the classical Yang-Mills theory has a consistent truncation on the two-sphere, resulting in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills on AdS_4.

The quantum description of BF model in superspace. (arXiv:1706.00421v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Manoj Kumar Dwivedi, relevance 1.12

We consider the BRST symmetric four dimensional BF theory, a topological theory, containing antysymmetric tensor fields in Landau gauge and extend the BRST symmetry by introducing a shift symmetry to it. Within this formulation, the antighost fields corresponding to shift symmetry coincide with antifields of standard field/antifield formulation. Further, we provide a superspace description for the BF model possessing extended BRST and extended anti-BRST transformations.

Conformality of $1/N$ corrections in SYK-like models. (arXiv:1706.00412v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Stéphane Dartois, Harold Erbin, Swapnamay Mondal, relevance 2.61

The Sachdev-Ye--Kitaev is a quantum mechanical model of $N$ Majorana fermions which displays a number of appealing features -- solvability in the strong coupling regime, near-conformal invariance and maximal chaos -- which make it a suitable model for black holes in the context of the AdS/CFT holography. In this paper we show for the colored SYK model and several of its tensor model cousins that the next-to-leading order in the $N$ expansion preserves the conformal invariance of the $2$-point function in the strong coupling regime, up to the contribution of the Goldstone bosons leading to the spontaneous breaking of the symmetry and which are already seen in the leading order $4$-point function. We also comment on the composite field approach for computing correlation functions in colored tensor models.

Oscillating soliton stars with network of domain walls. (arXiv:1706.00406v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Stephen Owusu, Francisco A. Brito, relevance 0.00

In this work we study oscillating soliton stars (oscillatons) with network of domain walls. We consider a Lagrangian with three scalar fields coupled among themselves by a specific potential. We choose an appropriate potential to admit the formation of network of domain walls on the oscillatons. With small perturbations applied to this potential, we then compute the Einstein-Klein-Gordon (EKG) equations numerically and analyze the mass profile of this new object. From the results we discuss how the stability of the oscillatons is affected by the network. At some conditions the network provides a `bouncing stability' to the oscillatons.

Thermalized Axion Inflation. (arXiv:1706.00373v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ricardo Z. Ferreira, Alessio Notari, relevance 1.60

We analyze the dynamics of inflationary models with a coupling of the inflaton $\phi$ to gauge fields of the form $\phi F \tilde{F}/f$, as in the case of axions. It is known that this leads to an instability, with exponential amplification of gauge fields, controlled by the parameter $\xi= \dot{\phi}/(2fH)$, which can strongly affect the generation of cosmological perturbations and even the background. We show that scattering rates involving gauge fields can become larger than the expansion rate $H$, due to the very large occupation numbers, and create a thermal bath of particles of temperature $T$ during inflation. In the thermal regime, energy is transferred to smaller scales, radically modifying the predictions of this scenario. We thus argue that previous constraints on $\xi$ are alleviated. If the gauge fields have Standard Model interactions, which naturally provides reheating, they thermalize already at $\xi\gtrsim2.9$, before perturbativity constraints and also before backreaction takes place. In absence of SM interactions (i.e. for a dark photon), we find that gauge fields and inflaton perturbations thermalize if $\xi\gtrsim3.4$; however, observations require $\xi\gtrsim6$, which is above the perturbativity and backreaction bounds and so a dedicated study is required. After thermalization, though, the system should evolve non-trivially due to the competition between the instability and the gauge field thermal mass. If the thermal mass and the instabilities equilibrate, we expect an equilibrium temperature of $T_{eq} \simeq \xi H/\bar{g}$ where $\bar{g}$ is the effective gauge coupling. Finally, we estimate the spectrum of perturbations if $\phi$ is thermal and find that the tensor to scalar ratio is suppressed by $H/(2T)$, if tensors do not thermalize.

Frozen up Dilaton and the GUT/Planck Mass Ratio. (arXiv:1706.00368v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aharon Davidson, Tomer Ygael, relevance 0.00

By treating modulus and phase on equal footing, as prescribed by Dirac, local scale invariance can consistently accompany any Brans-Dicke $\omega$-theory. We show that in the presence of a soft scale symmetry breaking term, the classical solution, if it exists, cannot be anything else but general relativistic. The dilaton modulus gets frozen up by the Weyl-Proca vector field, thereby constituting a gravitational quasi-Higgs mechanism. Assigning all grand unified scalars as dilatons, they enjoy Weyl universality, and upon symmetry breaking, the Planck (mass)$^2$ becomes the sum of all their individual (VEV)$^2$s. The emerging GUT/Planck (mass)$^2$ ratio is thus $\sim \omega g_{GUT}^2/4\pi$.

Gauge reducibility of superstring field theory and Batalin-Vilkovisky master action. (arXiv:1706.00352v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hiroaki Matsunaga, relevance 5.30

In this paper, we show that there exists a hidden gauge reducibility in superstring field theory based on the small dynamical string field $\Psi \in \mathcal{H}_{\beta \gamma }$ whose gauge variation is also small $\delta \Psi \in \mathcal{H}_{\beta \gamma }$. It requires additional ghost-antighost fields in the gauge fixed or quantum gauge theory, and thus changes the Batalin-Vilkovisky master action, which implies that additional propagating degrees of freedom appear in the loop superstring amplitudes via the gauge choice of the field theory. We present that the resultant master action can take a different and enlarged form, and that there exist canonical transformations getting it back to the canonical form. On the basis of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, we obtain several exact results and clarify this underlying gauge structure of superstring field theory.

On global aspects of duality invariant theories: M2-brane vs DFT. (arXiv:1706.00345v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by G. Abellan, C. Las Heras, M.P. Garcia del Moral, J.M. Pena, A. Restuccia, relevance 0.39

Supermembrane compactified on a $M_9\times T^2$ target space is globally described by the inequivalent classes of torus bundles over torus. These torus bundles have monodromy in $SL(2,Z)$ when they correspond to the nontrivial central charge sector and they are trivial otherwise. The first ones contain eight inequivalent classes of M2-brane bundles which at low energies, are in correspondence with the eight type II gauged supergravities in $9D$. The relation among them is completely determined by the global action of T-duality which interchanges topological invariants of the two tori. The M2-brane torus bundles are invariant under $SL(2,Z)\times SL(2,Z) \times Z_2$. From the effective point of view, there is another dual invariant theory, called Double Field Theory which describe invariant actions under $O(D,D)$. Globally it is formulated in terms of doubled $2D$ torus fibrations over the spacetime with a monodromy given by $O(D,D,Z)$. In this note we discuss T-duality global aspects considered in both theories and we emphasize certain similarities between both approaches which could give some hints towards a deeper relationship between them.

Comments on real tachyon vacuum solution without square roots. (arXiv:1706.00336v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by E. Aldo Arroyo, relevance 0.00

We analyze the consistency of a recently proposed real tachyon vacuum solution without square roots in open bosonic string field theory. We show that the equation of motion contracted with the solution itself is satisfied. Additionally, by expanding the solution in the basis of the curly $\mathcal{L}_0$ and the traditional $L_0$ eigenstates, we evaluate numerically the vacuum energy and obtain a result in agreement with Sen's conjecture.

A new method to sum divergent power series: educated match. (arXiv:1706.00329v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gabriel Álvarez (1), Harris J. Silverstone (2) ((1) Departamento de Física Teórica II, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, (2) Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA), relevance 0.00

We present a method to sum Borel- and Gevrey-summable asymptotic series by matching the series to be summed with a linear combination of asymptotic series of known functions that themselves are scaled versions of a single, appropriate, but otherwise unrestricted, function $\Phi$. Both the scaling and linear coefficients are calculated from Pad\'e approximants of a series transformed from the original series by $\Phi$. We discuss in particular the case that $\Phi$ is (essentially) a confluent hypergeometric function, which includes as special cases the standard Borel-Pad\'e and Borel-Leroy-Pad\'e methods. A particular advantage is the mechanism to build knowledge about the summed function into the approximants, extending their accuracy and range even when only a few coefficients are available. Several examples from field theory and Rayleigh-Schr\"odinger perturbation theory illustrate the method.

Simplicity condition and boundary-bulk duality. (arXiv:1706.00312v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Fen Zuo, relevance 0.90

In the first-order formulation, general relativity could be formally viewed as the topological $BF$ theory with a specific constraint, the Plebanski constraint. $BF$ theory is expected to be the classical limit of the Crane-Yetter~(CY) topological state sum. In the Euclidean case, the Plebanski constraint could be lifted in an elegant way to a quantum version in the CY state sum, called the simplicity condition. The constrained state sum is known as the Barrett-Crane~(BC) model. In this note we investigate this condition from the topological field theory side. Since the condition is in fact imposed on the faces, we want to understand it from the viewpoint of the surface theory. Essentially this condition could be thought of as resulting from the boundary-bulk dualtiy, or more precisely from the recent "bulk=center" proposal. In the language of topological phases, it corresponds to the diagonal anyon condensation, with the BC model being the condensed phase.

The CY state sum, and correspondingly the BC model, is usually constructed with a modular tensor category~(MTC) from representations of a quantum group at roots of unity. The category of representations of quantum group and that of modules of the corresponding affine Lie algebra are known to be equivalent as MTCs. This equivalence, together with the simplicity condition in the BC model, guarantees the construction of a full 2d rational conformal field theory through the Fuchs-Runkel-Schweigert formalism. We thus obtain a full-fledged 4d quantum geometry, which we name as "stringy quantum geometry". Some attracting features of such a new geometry are briefly discussed.

Tidal Forces in Kiselev Black Hole. (arXiv:1706.00281v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by M. Umair Shahzad, Abdul Jawad, relevance 18.14

The aim of this paper is to examine the tidal forces occurred in Kiselev black hole surrounded by radiation and dust fluids. It is noted that radial and angular component of tidal force change the sign between event and Cauchy horizons. We solve the geodesic deviation equation for radially free falling bodies toward Kiselev black holes. We explain the geodesic deviation vector graphically and point out the location of event and Cauchy horizons in it for specific values of radiation and dust parameter.

Effective action for reggeized gluons, classical gluon field of relativistic color charge and color glass condensate approach. (arXiv:1706.00278v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. Bondarenko, L. Lipatov, A. Prygarin, relevance 0.00

We discuss application of formalism of small-$x$ effective action for reggeized gluons, \cite{Gribov,LipatovEff,BFKL}, for the calculation of classical gluon field of relativistic color charge, similarly to that done in CGC approach of \cite{Venug,Kovner}. The equations of motion with the reggeon fields are solved in LO and NLO approximations and new solutions are found. The results are compared to the calculations performed in the CGC framework and it is demonstrated that the LO CGC results for the classical field are reproduced in our calculations. Possible applications of the NLO solution in the effective action and CGC frameworks are discussed as well.

A complete non-perturbative renormalization prescription for quasi-PDFs. (arXiv:1706.00265v2 [hep-lat] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Constantia Alexandrou, Krzysztof Cichy, Martha Constantinou, Kyriakos Hadjiyiannakou, Karl Jansen, Haralambos Panagopoulos, Fernanda Steffens, relevance 0.00

In this work we present, for the first time, the non-perturbative renormalization for the unpolarized, helicity and transversity quasi-PDFs, in an RI' scheme. The proposed prescription addresses simultaneously all aspects of renormalization: logarithmic divergences, finite renormalization as well as the linear divergence which is present in the matrix elements of fermion operators with Wilson lines. Furthermore, for the case of the unpolarized quasi-PDFs, we describe how to eliminate the unwanted mixing with the twist-3 scalar operator. We utilize perturbation theory for the one-loop conversion factor that brings the renormalization functions to the MS-scheme at a scale of 2 GeV. We also explain how to improve the estimates on the renormalization functions by eliminating lattice artifacts. The latter can be computed in one-loop perturbation theory and to all orders in the lattice spacing. We apply the methodology for the renormalization to an ensemble of twisted mass fermions with Nf=2+1+1 dynamical light quarks, and a pion mass of around 375 MeV.

The (2,0) Superalgebra, Null M-branes and Hitchin's System. (arXiv:1706.00232v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Piotr Kucharski, Neil Lambert, Miles Owen, relevance 7.78

We present an interacting system of equations with sixteen supersymmetries and an SO(2)\times SO(6) R-symmetry where the fields depend on two space and one null dimensions that is derived from a representation of the six-dimensional (2,0) superalgebra. The system can be viewed as two M5-branes compactified on $S^1_-\times {\mathbb T}^2$ or equivalently as M2-branes on ${\mathbb R}_+\times {\mathbb R}^2$, where $\pm$ refer to null directions. We show that for a particular choice of fields the dynamics can be reduced to motion on the moduli space of solutions to the Hitchin system. We argue that this provides a description of intersecting null M2-branes and is also related by U-duality to a DLCQ description of four-dimensional maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills.

Fermi observations of the LIGO event GW170104. (arXiv:1706.00199v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by On behalf of the Fermi-GBM, Fermi-LAT collaborations, relevance 0.86

We present the \emph{Fermi} Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) and Large Area Telescope (LAT) observations of the LIGO binary black hole merger (BBH) event GW170104. No candidate electromagnetic counterparts was detected by either GBM or LAT. A detailed analysis of the GBM and LAT data over timescales from seconds to days covering the LIGO localization region is presented. The resulting flux upper bound from the GBM is (5.2--9.4)$\times$10$^{-7}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ in the 10-1000 keV range and from the LAT is (0.2--13)$\times$10$^{-9}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ in the 0.1--1 GeV range. We also describe the improvements to our automated pipelines and analysis techniques for searching for and characterizing the potential electromagnetic counterparts for future gravitational wave events from Advanced LIGO/VIRGO.

The generating functional of correlation functions as a high momentum limit of a Wilson action. (arXiv:1706.00198v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by H. Sonoda, relevance 0.00

It is well known that a Wilson action reduces to the generating functional of connected correlation functions as we take the momentum cutoff to zero. For a fixed point Wilson action, this implies that for momenta large compared with the cutoff, the action reduces to the generating functional. We elaborate on this simple observation.

Integrability properties of renormalization group flow. (arXiv:1706.00197v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ilmar Gahramanov, Edvard T. Musaev, relevance 0.00

We consider the Polchinski RG equation for a theory of matrix scalar fields interacting with single trace operators and show that it can be written in a Hamiltonian form for a specific choice of the cut-off function. The obtained Hamiltonian equations are a non-linear generalization of the shock-wave equation that is known to be integrable. We present an infinite tower of conserved quantities and recover their relation to Motzkin polynomials.

Asymptotically simple spacetimes and mass loss due to gravitational waves. (arXiv:1706.00160v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Vee-Liem Saw, relevance 7.00

The cosmological constant $\Lambda$ used to be a freedom in Einstein's theory of general relativity, where one had a proclivity to set it to zero purely for convenience. The signs of $\Lambda$ or $\Lambda$ being zero would describe universes with different properties. For instance, the conformal structure of spacetime directly depends on $\Lambda$: null infinity $\mathcal{I}$ is a spacelike, null, or timelike hypersurface, if $\Lambda>0$, $\Lambda=0$, or $\Lambda<0$, respectively. Recent observations of distant supernovae have taught us that our universe expands at an accelerated rate, and this can be accounted for by choosing $\Lambda>0$ in Einstein's theory of general relativity. A quantity that depends on the conformal structure of spacetime, especially on the nature of $\mathcal{I}$, is the Bondi mass which in turn dictates the mass loss of an isolated gravitating system due to energy carried away by gravitational waves. This problem of extending the Bondi mass to a universe with $\Lambda>0$ has spawned intense research activity over the past several years. Some aspects include a closer inspection on the conformal properties, working with linearisation, attempts using a Hamiltonian formulation based on "linearised" asymptotic symmetries, as well as obtaining the general asymptotic solutions of de Sitter-like spacetimes. We consolidate on the progress thus far from the various approaches that have been undertaken, as well as discuss the current open problems and possible directions in this area.

Wilson lines in the MHV action. (arXiv:1706.00052v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by P. Kotko, A. M. Stasto, relevance 0.39

The MHV action is the Yang-Mills action quantized on the light-front, where the two explicit physical gluonic degrees of freedom have been canonically transformed to a new set of fields. This transformation leads to the action with vertices being off-shell continuations of the MHV amplitudes. We show that the solution to the field transformation expressing one of the new fields in terms of the Yang-Mills field is a certain type of the Wilson line. More precisely, it is a straight infinite gauge link with a slope extending to the light-cone minus and the transverse direction. One of the consequences of that fact is that certain MHV vertices reduced partially on-shell are gauge invariant -- a fact discovered before using conventional light-front perturbation theory. We also analyze the diagrammatic content of the field transformations leading to the MHV action. We found that the diagrams for the solution to the transformation (given by the Wilson line) and its inverse differ only by light-front energy denominators. Further, we investigate the coordinate space version of the inverse solution to the one given by the Wilson line. We find an explicit expression given by a power series in fields. We also give a geometric interpretation to it by means of a specially defined vector field. Finally, we discuss the fact that the Wilson line solution to the transformation is directly related to the all-like helicity gluon wave function, while the inverse functional is a generating functional for solutions of self-dual Yang-Mills equations.

Witten Diagrams for Torus Conformal Blocks. (arXiv:1706.00047v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Per Kraus, Alexander Maloney, Henry Maxfield, Gim Seng Ng, Jie-qiang Wu, relevance 19.27

We give a holographic description of global conformal blocks in two dimensional conformal field theory on the sphere and on the torus. We show that the conformal blocks for one-point functions on the torus can be written as Witten diagrams in thermal AdS. This is accomplished by deriving a general conformal Casimir equation for global conformal blocks, and showing that Witten diagrams obey the same equation. We study the semi-classical limit of n-point conformal blocks, and show that these equal the action of a network of bulk world-lines obeying appropriate geodesic equations. We give an alternate description in the Chern-Simons formulation of 3D gravity, where the conformal blocks are described by networks of Wilson lines, and argue that these formulations are equivalent.

Vacuum Topology and the Electroweak Phase Transition. (arXiv:1706.00040v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yiyang Zhang, Francesc Ferrer, Tanmay Vachaspati, relevance 0.85

We investigate if the topology of pure gauge fields in the electroweak vacuum can play a role in classical dynamics at the electroweak phase transition. Our numerical analysis shows that magnetic fields are produced if the initial vacuum has non-trivial Chern-Simons number, and the fields are helical if the Chern-Simons number changes during the phase transition.

The Weak Null Condition and Kaluza-Klein Spacetimes. (arXiv:1706.00026v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Zoe Wyatt, relevance 17.32

In this paper we prove the non-linear stability of a system of non-linear wave equations satisfying the weak null condition. In particular, this includes the case of the non-linear stability of Minkowski spacetime times a $d$-torus subject to perturbations depending only on the non-compact coordinates. Our argument very closely follows the proof of the non-linear stability of Minkowski spacetime in [Lindblad-Rodnianski-2010].

Entanglement and quantum transport in integrable systems. (arXiv:1706.00020v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Vincenzo Alba, relevance 23.27

Understanding the entanglement structure of out-of-equilibrium many-body systems is a challenging yet revealing task. Here we investigate the entanglement dynamics after an inhomogeneous quench in integrable systems. This is the prototypical setup for studying quantum transport, and it consists in the sudden junction of two macroscopically different states. By exploiting the recently developed integrable hydrodynamic approach and the quasiparticle picture for the entanglement dynamics, we conjecture a formula for the entanglement production rate after joining two semi-infinite reservoirs, as well as the steady-state entanglement entropy of a finite subregion. We show that both quantities are determined by the quasiparticles created in the Non Equilibrium steady State (NESS) appearing at large times at the interface between the two reservoirs. Specifically, the steady-state entropy coincides with the thermodynamic entropy of the NESS, whereas the entropy production rate reflects its spreading into the bulk of the two reservoirs. Our results are numerically corroborated using tDMRG simulations in the paradigmatic XXZ spin-$1/2$ chain.

An upper bound on transport. (arXiv:1706.00019v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Thomas Hartman, Sean A. Hartnoll, Raghu Mahajan, relevance 11.52

The linear growth of operators in local quantum systems leads to an effective lightcone even if the system is non-relativistic. We show that consistency of diffusive transport with this lightcone places an upper bound on the diffusivity: $D \lesssim v^2 \tau_\text{eq}$. The operator growth velocity $v$ defines the lightcone and $\tau_\text{eq}$ is the local equilibration timescale, beyond which the dynamics of conserved densities is diffusive. We verify that the bound is obeyed in various weakly and strongly interacting theories. In holographic models this bound establishes a relation between the hydrodynamic and leading non-hydrodynamic quasinormal modes of planar black holes. Our bound relates transport data --- including the electrical resistivity and the shear viscosity --- to the local equilibration time, even in the absence of a quasiparticle description. In this way, the bound sheds light on the observed $T$-linear resistivity of many unconventional metals, the shear viscosity of the quark-gluon plasma and the spin transport of unitary fermions.

Scale anomaly of a Lifshitz scalar: a universal quantum phase transition to discrete scale invariance. (arXiv:1706.00016v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Daniel K. Brattan, Omrie Ovdat, Eric Akkermans, relevance 8.23

We demonstrate the existence of a universal transition from a continuous scale invariant phase to a discrete scale invariant phase for a class of one-dimensional quantum systems with anisotropic scaling symmetry between space and time. These systems describe a Lifshitz scalar interacting with a background potential. The transition occurs at a critical coupling $\lambda_{c}$ corresponding to a strongly attractive potential.

Absence of a Charge Diffusion Pole at Finite Energies in an Exactly Solvable Interacting Flat Band Model in d-dimensions. (arXiv:1706.00015v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Philip Phillips, Chandan Setty, Shuyi Zhang, relevance 0.00

Motivated by recent bounds for charge diffusion in critical matter, we investigate the question: What sets the scale for charge diffusion in a scale-invariant system? To make our statements precise, we analyze the diffusion pole in an exactly solvable model for a Mott transition in the presence of a long-range interaction term. To achieve scale invariance, we limit our discussion to the flat-band regime. We find in this limit that the diffusion pole which would normally obtain at finite energy is pushed to zero energy resulting in a vanishing of the diffusion constant. This occurs even in the presence of interactions in certain limits, indicating the robustness of this result to the inclusion of a scale in the problem. Consequently, scale-invariance precludes any reasonable definition of the diffusion constant. Nonetheless, we do find that a scale can be defined, all be it, irrelevant to diffusion, which is the product of the squared band velocity and the density of states.
