Articles for August 2017
Basic quantizations of $D=4$ Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic $\mathfrak{o}^{\star}(4)$ symmetries. (arXiv:1708.09848v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. Borowiec, J. Lukierski, V.N. Tolstoy, relevance 5.90

We construct firstly the complete list of five quantum deformations of $D=4$ complex homogeneous orthogonal Lie algebra $\mathfrak{o}(4;\mathbb{C})\cong \mathfrak{o}(3;\mathbb{C})\oplus \mathfrak{o}(3;\mathbb{C})$, describing quantum rotational symmetry of four-dimensional complex space-time, in particular we provide the corresponding universal quantum $R$-matrices. Further applying four possible reality conditions we obtain all sixteen Hopf-algebraic quantum deformations for the real forms of $\mathfrak{o}(4;\mathbb{C})$: Euclidean $\mathfrak{o}(4)$, Lorentz $\mathfrak{o}(3,1)$, Kleinian $\mathfrak{o}(2,2)$ and quaternionic $\mathfrak{o}^{\star}(4)$. For $\mathfrak{o}(3,1)$ we only recall well-known results obtained previously by the authors, but for other real Lie algebras (Euclidean, Kleinian, quaternionic) as well as for the complex Lie algebra $\mathfrak{o}(4;\mathbb{C})$ we present new results.

Kinematic Space for Conical Defects. (arXiv:1708.09838v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jesse C. Cresswell, Amanda W. Peet, relevance 3.16

Kinematic space can be used as an intermediate step in the AdS/CFT dictionary and lends itself naturally to the description of diffeomorphism invariant quantities. From the bulk it has been defined as the space of boundary anchored geodesics, and from the boundary as the space of pairs of CFT points. When the bulk is not globally AdS$_3$ the appearance of non-minimal geodesics leads to ambiguities in these definitions. In this work conical defect spacetimes are considered as an example where non-minimal geodesics are common. From the bulk it is found that the conical defect kinematic space can be obtained from the AdS$_3$ kinematic space by the same quotient under which one obtains the defect from AdS$_3$. The resulting kinematic space is one of many equivalent fundamental regions. From the boundary the conical defect kinematic space can be determined by breaking up OPE blocks into contributions from individual bulk geodesics. A duality is established between partial OPE blocks and bulk fields integrated over individual geodesics, minimal or non-minimal.

Cosmological discordances II: Hubble constant, Planck and large-scale-structure data sets. (arXiv:1708.09813v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Weikang Lin, Mustapha Ishak, relevance 0.38

We examine systematically the (in)consistency between cosmological constraints as obtained from various current data sets of the expansion history, Large Scale Structure (LSS), and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from Planck. We run (dis)concordance tests within each set and across the sets using a recently introduced index of inconsistency (IOI) capable of dissecting inconsistencies between two or more data sets. First, we compare the constraints on $H_0$ from five different methods and find that the IOI drops from 2.85 to 0.88 (on Jeffreys' scales) when the local $H_0$ measurements is removed. This seems to indicate that the local measurement is an outlier, thus favoring a systematics-based explanation. We find a moderate inconsistency (IOI=2.61) between Planck temperature and polarization. We find that current LSS data sets including WiggleZ, SDSS RSD, CFHTLenS, CMB lensing and SZ cluster count, are consistent one with another and when all combined. However, we find a persistent moderate inconsistency between Planck and individual or combined LSS probes. For Planck TT+lowTEB versus individual LSS probes, the IOI spans the range 2.92--3.72 and increases to 3.44--4.20 when the polarization data is added in. The joint LSS versus the combined Planck temperature and polarization has an IOI of 2.83 in the most conservative case. But if Planck lowTEB is added to the joint LSS to constrain $\tau$ and break degeneracies, the inconsistency between Planck and joint LSS data increases to the high-end of the moderate range with IOI=4.81. Whether due to systematic effects in the data or to the underlying model, these inconsistencies need to be resolved. Finally, we perform forecast calculations using LSST and find that the discordance between Planck and future LSS data, if it persists as present, can rise up to a high IOI of 17, thus falling in the strong range of inconsistency. (Abridged).

Comparing metric and Palatini approaches to vector Horndeski theory. (arXiv:1708.09796v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by E. A. Davydov, relevance 1.40

We compare cosmologic and spherically symmetric solutions to metric and Palatini versions of vector Horndeski theory. It appears that Palatini formulation of the theory admits more degrees of freedom. Specifically, homogeneous isotropic configuration is effectively bimetric, and static spherically symmetric configuration contains non-metric connection. In general, the exact solution in metric case coincides with the approximative solution in Palatini case. The Palatini version of the theory appears to be more complicated, but the resulting non-linearity may be useful: we demonstrate that it allows the specific cosmological solution to pass through singularity, which is not possible in metric approach.

Multi-critical $\square^k$ scalar theories: A perturbative RG approach with $\epsilon$-expansion. (arXiv:1708.09795v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Mahmoud Safari, Gian Paolo Vacca, relevance 0.72

We employ perturbative RG and $\epsilon$-expansion to study multi-critical single-scalar field theories with higher derivative kinetic terms of the form $\phi(-\Box)^k\phi$. We focus on those with a $\mathbb{Z}_2$-symmetric critical point which are characterized by an upper critical dimension $d_c=2 n k/(n-1)$ accumulating at even integers. We distinguish two types of theories depending on whether or not the numbers $k$ and $n-1$ are relatively prime. When they are, the theory admits a local potential approximation. In this case we present the beta functional of the potential and use this to calculate some anomalous dimensions and OPE coefficients. These confirm some CFT data obtained using conformal block techniques, while giving new results. In the second case where $k$ and $n-1$ have a common divisor, the theories show a much richer structure induced by the presence of derivative operators. We study the case $k=2$ with odd values of $n$, which fall in the second class, and calculate the functional flows and spectrum. These theories have a phase diagram characterized at leading order in $\epsilon$ by four fixed points which apart from the Gaussian UV fixed point include an IR fixed point with purely derivative interactions.

Reduced Theoretical Error for QED Tests with 4He+ Spectroscopy. (arXiv:1708.09768v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by C.P. Burgess, P. Hayman, Markus Rummel, Laszlo Zalavari, relevance 0.00

We apply point-particle effective field theory (PPEFT) to electronic and muonic 4He+ ions, and use it to identify linear combinations of spectroscopic measurements for which the theoretical uncertainties are much smaller than for any particular energy levels. The error is reduced because these combinations are independent of all short-range physics effects up to a given order in the expansion in the small parameters R/a_B and Z*alpha (where R and a_B are the ion's nuclear and Bohr radii). In particular, the theory error is not limited by the precision with which nuclear matrix elements can be computed, or compromised by the existence of any novel short-range interactions, should these exist. These combinations of 4He measurements therefore provide particularly precise tests of QED. The restriction to 4He arises because our analysis assumes a spherically symmetric nucleus, but the argument used is more general and extendable to both nuclei with spin, and to higher orders in R/a_B and Z*alpha.

Split Weyl transformations in quantum gravity. (arXiv:1708.09760v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Carlos M. Nieto, Roberto Percacci, Vedran Skrinjar, relevance 21.73

We discuss various realizations of the Weyl group in the background field expansion of quantum gravity, in the presence of a cutoff, as required in applications of the functional renormalization group. In order to study the background--dependence, special attention is given to split gauge transformations, which act on the background field and fluctuation keeping the total metric unchanged. The results generalize previous works on global and local scale transformations.

When Does the Inflaton Decay?. (arXiv:1708.09755v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by C. Armendariz-Picon, relevance 0.00

In order for the inflaton to decay into radiation at the end of inflation, it needs to couple to light matter fields. In this article we determine whether such couplings cause the inflaton to decay during inflation rather than after it. We calculate decay amplitudes during inflation, and determine to what extent such processes have an impact on the mean and variance of the inflaton, as well as on the expected energy density of its decay products. Although the exponential growth of the decay amplitudes with the number of e-folds appears to indicate the rapid decay of the inflaton, cancellations among different amplitudes and probabilities result in corrections to the different expectation values that only grow substantially when the number of e-folds is much larger than the inverse squared inflaton mass in units of the Hubble scale. Otherwise, for typical parameter choices, it is safe to assume that the inflaton does not decay during inflation.

Schwinger effect for non-Abelian gauge bosons. (arXiv:1708.09753v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Michael Ragsdale, Douglas Singleton, relevance 5.89

We investigate the Schwinger effect for the gauge bosons in an unbroken non-Abelian gauge theory (e.g. the gluons of QCD). We consider both constant "color electric" fields and "color magnetic" fields as backgrounds. As in the Abelian Schwinger effect we find there is production of "gluons" for the color electric field, but no particle production for the color magnetic field case. Since the non-Abelian gauge bosons are massless there is no exponential suppression of particle production due to the mass of the electron/positron that one finds in the Abelian Schwinger effect. Despite the lack of an exponential suppression of the gluon production rate due to the masslessness of the gluons, we find that the critical field strength is even larger in the non-Abelian case as compared to the Abelian case. This is the result of the confinement phenomenon on QCD.

Corpuscular slow-roll inflation. (arXiv:1708.09736v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Roberto Casadio, Andrea Giugno, Andrea Giusti, relevance 0.00

We show that a corpuscular description of gravity can lead to an inflationary scenario similar to Starobinsky's model without requiring the introduction of the inflaton field. All relevant properties are determined by the number of gravitons in the cosmological condensate or, equivalently, by their Compton length. In particular, the relation between the Hubble parameter $H$ and its time derivative $\dot H$ required by CMB observations at the end of inflation, as well as the (minimum) initial value of the slow-roll parameter, are naturally obtained from the Compton size of the condensate.

Condition on Ramond-Ramond fluxes for factorization of worldsheet scattering in anti-de Sitter space. (arXiv:1708.09673v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Linus Wulff, relevance 12.75

Factorization of scattering is the hallmark of integrable 1+1 dimensional quantum field theories. For factorization of scattering to be possible the set of masses and momenta must be conserved in any two-to-two scattering process. We use this fact to constrain the form of the Ramond-Ramond fluxes for integrable supergravity anti-de Sitter backgrounds by analysing tree-level scattering of two AdS bosons into two fermions on the worldsheet of a BMN string. We find a condition which can be efficiently used to rule out integrability of AdS strings and therefore of the corresponding AdS/CFT dualities, as we demonstrate for some simple examples.

Coherent states quantization and affine symmetry in quantum models of gravitational singularities. (arXiv:1708.09670v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Hervé Bergeron, Ewa Czuchry, Przemysław Małkiewicz, relevance 4.24

We employ the framework of affine covariant quantization and associated semiclassical portrait to address two main issues in the domain of quantum gravitational systems: (i) the fate of singularities and (ii) the lack of external time. Our discussion is based on finite-dimensional, symmetry-reduced cosmological models. We show that the affine quantization of the cosmological dynamics removes the classical singularity and univocally establishes a unitary evolution. The semiclassical portrait based on the affine coherent states exhibits a big bounce replacing the big-bang singularity. As a particularly interesting application, we derive and study a unitary quantum dynamics of the spatially homogenous, closed model, the Mixmaster universe. At the classical level it undergoes an infinite number of oscillations before collapsing into a big-crunch singularity. At the quantum level the singularity is shown to be replaced by adiabatic and nonadiabatic bounces. As another application, we consider the problem of time. We derive semiclassical portraits of quantum dynamics of the Friedman universe with respect to various internal degrees of freedom. Next we compare them and discuss the nature of quantum evolution of the gravitational field.

The Construction of Monopoles. (arXiv:1708.09660v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by H.W. Braden, V.Z. Enolski, relevance 2.44

We show that the Higgs and gauge fields for a BPS monopole may be constructed directly from the spectral curve without having to solve the gauge constraint needed to obtain the Nahm data. The result is the analogue of the instanton result: given ADHM data one can reconstruct the gauge fields algebraically together with differentiation. Here, given the spectral curve, one can similarly reconstruct the Higgs and gauge fields. This answers a problem that has remained open since the discovery of monopoles.

The Fermionic Signature Operator and Space-Time Symmetries. (arXiv:1708.09643v1 [math-ph])
in gr-qc by Felix Finster, Moritz Reintjes, relevance 0.00

We show that and specify how space-time symmetries give rise to corresponding symmetries of the fermionic signature operator and generalized fermionic projector states.

Noether symmetries for fields and branes in backgrounds with Killing vectors. (arXiv:1708.09620v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Josep M. Pons, relevance 14.41

We show that Belinfante construction of an improved energy-momentum tensor can be carried over to curved backgrounds, in analogy to the case of flat spacetime. The results hold irrespective of the background being dynamical or a fixed, non-backreacting one. It turns out that the analogous would-be canonical energy-momentum tensor is not covariantly conserved in general, but its Belinfante "improvement" is. We relate this last tensor with the Hilbert tensor obtained by functionally derivating the Lagrangian with respect to the metric. When the background in non-dynamical, we discuss some issues concerning the Noether conserved currents associated with its Killing symmetries and the role played by the Belinfante tensor. Next we study extended objects ($p$-branes) either in a dynamic or in a fixed background, and obtain the Noether identities associated both with target spacetime and world volume diffeomorphisms. We show that in field theory as well as with extended objects, the Killing symmetries of the background become ordinary rigid Noether symmetries of the theory in this fixed background. With the example of Maxwell theory in Minkowski spacetime we show in an appendix the role of the Belinfante tensor in the construction of these symmetries.

On $AdS_2/CFT_1$ transfer matrices, Bethe ansatz and scale invariance. (arXiv:1708.09598v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alessandro Torrielli, relevance 0.00

We explicitly calculate the $AdS_2 \times S^2 \times T^6$ transfer-matrix eigenvalues in the massless sector using the exact integrable S-matrix, for up to 5 particles. This enables us to conjecture the general pattern. We use the conjectured form of the eigenvalues to write down a set of massless Bethe ansatz equations. The same procedure applies to the relativistic as well as to the non-relativistic situation. In the relativistic case, the right and left modes decouple. We speculate that the relativistic massless Bethe ansatz we obtain in that case might capture the integrable structure of an underlying 2D critical theory. We finally take advantage of some remarkable simplifications to make progress in the massive case as well.

Exploring the string axiverse and parity violation in gravity with gravitational waves. (arXiv:1708.09592v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Daiske Yoshida, Jiro Soda, relevance 0.00

We study gravitational waves in the presence of the string axion dark matter and the gravitational Chern-Simons coupling. We show that the parametric resonance of gravitational waves occurs due to the axion coherent oscillation and the circular polarization of gravitational waves is induced by the Chern-Simons coupling. For example, the gravitational waves should be enhanced ten times every $10^{{-8}}\,\,{\rm pc}$ in the presence of the axion dark matter with mass $10^{-10}\,\,{\rm eV}$ provided the coupling constant $\ell=10^{8}\,\,{\rm km}$. After $10\,\,{\rm kpc}$ propagation, the amplitude of GWs are enhanced by $10^{10^{12}}$ and the polarization of GWs becomes completely circular. However, we have never observed these signatures. This indicates that the Chern-Simons coupling constant and/or the abundance of the light string axion should be strongly constrained than the current limits $\ell\leq10^{8}\,\,{\rm km}$ and $\rho\leq0.3\,\,{\rm GeV/cm}^{3}$.

Five-dimensional Myers-Perry Black Holes as Particle Accelerators. (arXiv:1708.09576v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jincheng An, Sijie Gao, relevance 18.50

It has been shown that black holes could be used as particle accelerators to create arbitrarily high center-of-mass (CM) energy if certain critical conditions are satisfied. Most studies so far are confined in four-dimensional spacetimes. In this paper, we present a systematic analysis on five-dimensional Myers-Perry black holes and find some novel properties compared to four-dimensional Kerr black holes. Firstly, we give a rigorous proof that untrhigh energy collisions cannot occur near a five-dimensional nonextremal black hole. Secondly, For extremal black holes, we find a critical condition on the particles' parameters causing ultraenergetic collisions. Thirdly, when the spacetime contains a naked singularity, we show that the CM energy could diverge at the singularity if one of the particle just bounces back at the singularity. Finally, we explore a special and important case where the naked singularity just begins to form. Surprisingly, the ultraenergetic collisions do not need any fine-turning in that case. However, we find that one of the conserved angular momentums must be nonzero.

Quantum Energy Teleportation in Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories. (arXiv:1708.09544v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Wu-Zhong Guo, Feng-Li Lin, relevance 5.42

We construct a set of quasi-local measurement operators in 2D CFT, and then use them to proceed the quantum energy teleportation (QET) protocol and show it is viable. These measurement operators are constructed out of the projectors constructed from shadow operators, but further acting on the product of two spatially separated primary fields. They are equivalently the OPE blocks in the large central charge limit up to some UV-cutoff dependent normalization. However, we show that the probabilities of their measurement outcomes are UV-cutoff independent. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that despite of their quasi-locality, the OPE blocks do satisfy the causality constraints. To show the essence of quantum entanglement for the viability of QET, we prove a no-go theorem if taking the long time limit $T\to \infty$, where $T$ is the time duration between Alice's and Bob's operation. Beyond this limit we find the QET can be successfully realized. In contrast, we find that these measurement operators cannot violate CHSH inequality.

Decompositions of amplituhedra. (arXiv:1708.09525v1 [math.CO])
in hep-th by Steven N. Karp, Lauren K. Williams, Yan X Zhang, relevance 0.00

The (tree) amplituhedron A(n,k,m) is the image in the Grassmannian Gr(k,k+m) of the totally nonnegative part of Gr(k,n), under a (map induced by a) linear map which is totally positive. It was introduced by Arkani-Hamed and Trnka in 2013 in order to give a geometric basis for the computation of scattering amplitudes in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. In the case relevant to physics (m=4), there is a collection of recursively-defined 4k-dimensional BCFW cells in the totally nonnegative part of Gr(k,n), whose images conjecturally "triangulate" the amplituhedron--that is, their images are disjoint and cover a dense subset of A(n,k,4). In this paper, we approach this problem by first giving an explicit (as opposed to recursive) description of the BCFW cells. We then develop sign-variational tools which we use to prove that when k=2, the images of these cells are disjoint in A(n,k,4). We also conjecture that for arbitrary even m, there is a decomposition of the amplituhedron A(n,k,m) involving precisely M(k, n-k-m, m/2) top-dimensional cells (of dimension km), where M(a,b,c) is the number of plane partitions contained in an a x b x c box. This agrees with the fact that when m=4, the number of BCFW cells is the Narayana number N(n-3, k+1).

Closed Timelike Curves Produced by Moving Naked Line Singularities. (arXiv:1708.09505v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Caroline Mallary, Gaurav Khanna, Richard Price, relevance 4.16

We examine the existence of closed timelike curves (CTCs) in a singular spacetime which preserves the Weak Energy Condition everywhere outside the singularities. We propose a model spacetime containing two naked line singularities which are free to move relative to each other. This spacetime becomes a Minkowski spacetime a finite distance away from each of the line singularities. The CTCs under investigation do not need to enter the singularities, and can be confined to regions that are weak-field. We demonstrate that the existence of such naked singularities can present causality problems even in nonsingular, energetically realistic regions of the spacetime.

Fast scrambling in holographic Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pair. (arXiv:1708.09493v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Keiju Murata, relevance 8.57

We demonstrate that a holographic model of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pair exhibits fast scrambling. Strongly entangled quark and antiquark in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory are considered. Their gravity dual is a fundamental string whose endpoints are uniformly accelerated in opposite direction. We slightly increase the acceleration of the endpoint and show that it quickly destroys the correlation between the quark and antiquark. The proper time scale of the destruction is $\tau_\ast\sim \beta \ln S$ where $\beta$ is the inverse Unruh temperature and $S$ is the entropy of the accelerating quark. We also evaluate the Lyapunov exponent from correlation function as $\lambda_L=2\pi/\beta$, which saturates the Lyapunov bound. Our results suggest that the fast scrambling or saturation of the Lyapunov bound do not directly imply the existence of an Einstein dual. When we slightly decrease the acceleration, the quark and antiquark are causally connected and an "one-way traversable wormhole" is created on the worldsheet. It causes the divergence of the correlation function between the quark and antiquark.

The normal gravity field in relativistic geodesy. (arXiv:1708.09456v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Sergei M. Kopeikin, Igor Yu. Vlasov, Wen-Biao Han, relevance 0.00

Modern geodesy is subject to a dramatic change from the Newtonian paradigm to Einstein's theory of general relativity. This is motivated by the ongoing advance in development of quantum sensors for applications in geodesy including quantum gravimeters and gradientometers, atomic clocks and fiber optics for making ultra-precise measurements of the geoid and multipolar structure of the Earth's gravitational field. At the same time, VLBI, SLR, and GNSS have achieved an unprecedented level of accuracy in measuring coordinates of the reference points of the ITRF and the world height system. The main geodetic reference standard is a normal gravity field represented in the Newtonian gravity by the field of a Maclaurin ellipsoid. The present paper extends the concept of the normal gravity field to the realm of general relativity. We focus our attention on the calculation of the first post-Newtonian approximation of the normal field that is sufficient for applications. We show that in general relativity the level surface of the uniformly rotating fluid is no longer described by the Maclaurin ellipsoid but is an axisymmetric spheroid of the forth order. We parametrize the mass density distribution and derive the post-Newtonian normal gravity field of the rotating spheroid which is given in a closed form by a finite number of the ellipsoidal harmonics. We employ transformation from the ellipsoidal to spherical coordinates to deduce the post-Newtonian multipolar expansion of the metric tensor given in terms of scalar and vector gravitational potentials of the rotating spheroid. We compare these expansions with that of the normal gravity field generated by the Kerr metric and demonstrate that the Kerr metric has a fairly limited application in relativistic geodesy. Finally, we derive the post-Newtonian generalization of the Somigliana formula for the gravity field on the reference ellipsoid.

Weak coupling limit of F-theory models with MSSM spectrum and massless U(1)'s. (arXiv:1708.09452v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Damian Kaloni Mayorga Pena, Roberto Valandro, relevance 1.61

We consider the Sen limit of several global F-theory compactifications, some of which exhibit an MSSM-like spectrum. We show that these indeed have a consistent limit where they can be viewed as resulting from an intersecting D-brane configuration in type IIB. We discuss the match of the fluxes and the chiral spectrum in detail. We find that some D5-tadpole canceling gauge fluxes do not lift to harmonic vertical four-form fluxes in F-theory. We discuss the connection between splitting of curves at weak coupling and remnant discrete symmetries.

Asymptotics in the time-dependent Hawking and Unruh effects. (arXiv:1708.09430v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Benito A. Juárez-Aubry, relevance 17.50

In this thesis, we study the Hawking and Unruh effects in time-dependent situations, as registered by localised spacetimes observers in several asymptotic situations.

(Full abstract inside document.)

Ultra-spinning exotic compact objects supporting static massless scalar field configurations. (arXiv:1708.09399v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shahar Hod, relevance 1.63

Horizonless spacetimes describing highly compact exotic objects with reflecting (instead of absorbing) surfaces have recently attracted much attention from physicists and mathematicians as possible quantum-gravity alternatives to canonical classical black-hole spacetimes. Interestingly, it has recently been proved that spinning compact objects with angular momenta in the sub-critical regime ${\bar a}\equiv J/M^2\leq1$ are characterized by an infinite countable set of surface radii, $\{r_{\text{c}}({\bar a};n)\}^{n=\infty}_{n=1}$, that can support asymptotically flat static configurations made of massless scalar fields. In the present paper we study analytically the physical properties of ultra-spinning exotic compact objects with dimensionless angular momenta in the complementary regime ${\bar a}>1$. It is proved that ultra-spinning reflecting compact objects with dimensionless angular momenta in the super-critical regime $\sqrt{1-[{{m}/{(l+2)}}]^2}\leq|{\bar a}|^{-1}<1$ are characterized by a finite discrete family of surface radii, $\{r_{\text{c}}({\bar a};n)\}^{n=N_{\text{r}}}_{n=1}$, distributed symmetrically around $r=M$, that can support spatially regular static configurations of massless scalar fields (here the integers $\{l,m\}$ are the harmonic indices of the supported static scalar field modes). Interestingly, the largest supporting surface radius $r^{\text{max}}_{\text{c}}({\bar a})\equiv \text{max}_n\{r_{\text{c}}({\bar a};n)\}$ marks the onset of superradiant instabilities in the composed ultra-spinning-exotic-compact-object-massless-scalar-field system.

Holographic Entanglement of Purification. (arXiv:1708.09393v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Tadashi Takayanagi, Koji Umemoto, relevance 54.01

We study properties of the minimal cross section of entanglement wedge which connects two disconnected subsystems in holography. In particular we focus on various inequalities which are satisfied by this quantity. They suggest that it is a holographic counterpart of the quantity called entanglement of purification, which measures a bipartite correlation in a given mixed state. We give a heuristic argument which supports this identification based on a tensor network interpretation of holography. This implies that the entanglement of purification satisfies the strong superadditivity for holographic conformal field theories.

Conformal solids and holography. (arXiv:1708.09391v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by A. Esposito, S. Garcia-Saenz, A. Nicolis, R. Penco, relevance 9.71

We argue that a $SO(d)$ magnetic monopole in an asymptotically AdS space-time is dual to a $d$-dimensional strongly coupled system in a solid state. In light of this, it would be remiss of us not to dub such a field configuration $solidon$. In the presence of mixed boundary conditions, a solidon spontaneously breaks translations (among many other symmetries) and gives rise to Goldstone excitations on the boundary$-$the phonons of the solid. We derive the quadratic action for the boundary phonons in the probe limit and show that, when the mixed boundary conditions preserve conformal symmetry, the longitudinal and transverse sound speeds are related to each other as expected from effective field theory arguments. We then include backreaction and calculate the free energy of the solidon for a particular choice of mixed boundary conditions, corresponding to a relevant multi-trace deformation of the boundary theory. We find such free energy to be lower than that of thermal AdS. This suggests that our solidon undergoes a solid-to-liquid first order phase transition by melting into a Schwarzshild-AdS black hole as the temperature is raised.

Solving the Bars-Green equation for moving mesons in two-dimensional QCD. (arXiv:1708.09379v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yu Jia, Shuangran Liang, LiuJi Li, Xiaonu Xiong, relevance 0.81

The two-dimensional QCD in the large $N$ limit, generally referred to as the 't Hooft model, is numerically investigated in the axial gauge in a comprehensive manner. The corresponding Bethe-Salpeter equation for a bound $q\bar{q}$ pair, originally derived by Bars and Green in 1978, was first numerically tackled by Li and collaborators in late 1980s, yet only for the {\it stationary} mesons. In this paper, we make further progress by numerically solving the Bars-Green equation for {\it moving} mesons, ranging from the chiral pion to charmonium. By choosing several different quark masses, we computed the corresponding quark condensates, meson spectra and their decay constants for a variety of meson momenta, and found satisfactory agreement with their counterparts obtained using light-cone gauge, thus numerically verified the gauge and Poincar\'{e} invariance of the 't Hooft model. Moreover, we have explicitly confirmed that, as the meson gets more and more boosted, the large component of the Bars-Green wave function indeed approaches the corresponding 't Hooft light-cone wave function, while the small component of the wave function rapidly fades away.

On Holographic Entanglement Density. (arXiv:1708.09376v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nikola I. Gushterov, Andy O'Bannon, Ronnie Rodgers, relevance 37.14

We use holographic duality to study the entanglement entropy (EE) of Conformal Field Theories (CFTs) in various spacetime dimensions $d$, in the presence of various deformations: a relevant Lorentz scalar operator with constant source, a temperature $T$, a chemical potential $\mu$, a marginal Lorentz scalar operator with source linear in a spatial coordinate, and a circle-compactified spatial direction. We consider EE between a strip or sphere sub-region and the rest of the system, and define the "entanglement density" (ED) as the change in EE due to the deformation, divided by the sub-region's volume. Using the deformed CFTs above, we show how the ED's dependence on the strip width or sphere radius, $L$, is useful for characterizing states of matter. For example, the ED's small-$L$ behavior is determined either by the dimension of the perturbing operator or by the first law of EE. For Lorentz-invariant renormalization group (RG) flows between CFTs, the "area theorem" states that the coefficient of the EE's area law term must be larger in the UV than in the IR. In these cases the ED must therefore approach zero from below as $L \to \infty$. However, when Lorentz symmetry is broken and the IR fixed point has different scaling from the UV, we find that the ED often approaches the thermal entropy density from above, indicating area theorem violation.

Generally covariant dynamical reduction models and the Hadamard condition. (arXiv:1708.09371v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Benito A. Juárez-Aubry, Bernard S. Kay, Daniel Sudarsky, relevance 3.22

We recall and review earlier work on dynamical reduction models, both non-relativistic and relativistic, and discuss how they may relate to suggestions which have been made (including the matter-gravity entanglement hypothesis of one of us) for how quantum gravity could be connected to the resolution of the quantum-mechanical measurement problem. We then provide general guidelines for generalizing dynamical reduction models to curved spacetimes and propose a class of generally covariant relativistic versions of the GRW model. We anticipate that the collapse operators of our class of models may play a r\^ole in a yet-to-be-formulated theory of semiclassical gravity with collapses. We show explicitly that the collapse operators map a dense domain of states that are initially Hadamard to final Hadamard states -- a property that we expect will be needed for the construction of such a semiclassical theory. Finally, we provide a simple example in which we explicitly compute the violations in energy-momentum due to the state reduction process and conclude that this violation is of the order of a parameter of the model -- supposed to be small. We briefly discuss how this work may, upon further development of a suitable semiclassical gravity theory with collapses, enable further progress to be made on earlier work one of us and collaborators on the explanation of structure-formation in a homogeneous and isotropic quantum universe and on a possible resolution of the black hole information loss puzzle.

Quantum teleportation through time-shifted AdS wormholes. (arXiv:1708.09370v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Rik van Breukelen, Kyriakos Papadodimas, relevance 15.67

Based on the work of Gao-Jafferis-Wall and Maldacena-Stanford-Yang, we observe that the time-shifted thermofield states of two entangled CFTs can be made traversable by an appropriate coupling of the two CFTs, or alternatively by the application of a modified quantum teleportation protocol. This provides evidence for the smoothness of the horizon for a large class of entangled states related to the thermofield by time-translations. The smoothness of these states has some relevance for the firewall paradox and the proposal that some observables in quantum gravity may be state-dependent. We notice that quantum teleportation through these entangled states could be used in a laboratory setup to implement a time-machine, which allows the observer to travel far in the future.

Reconstructing GKZ via topological recursion. (arXiv:1708.09365v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hiroyuki Fuji, Kohei Iwaki, Masahide Manabe, Ikuo Satake, relevance 2.41

In this article, a novel description of the hypergeometric differential equation found from Gel'fand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky's system (referred to GKZ equation) for Givental's $J$-function in the Gromov-Witten theory will be proposed. The GKZ equation involves a parameter $\hbar$, and we will reconstruct it as the WKB expansion from the classical limit $\hbar\to 0$ via the topological recursion. In this analysis, the spectral curve (referred to GKZ curve) plays a central role, and it can be defined as the critical point set of the mirror Landau-Ginzburg potential. Our novel description is derived via the duality relations of the string theories, and various physical interpretations suggest that the GKZ equation is identified with the quantum curve for the brane partition function in the cohomological limit. As an application of our novel picture for the GKZ equation, we will discuss the Stokes matrix for the equivariant $\mathbb{C}\textbf{P}^{1}$ model and the wall-crossing formula for the total Stokes matrix will be examined. And as a byproduct of this analysis we will study Dubrovin's conjecture for this equivariant model.

Decoherence of black hole superpositions. (arXiv:1708.09353v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Andrew Arrasmith, Andreas Albrecht, Wojciech H. Zurek, relevance 19.60

We consider the decoherence of a black hole "Schr\"odinger cat"- a non-local superposition of a Schwarzschild black hole in two distinct locations - due to the Hawking radiation it inevitably emits. An environment interacting with a system acquires information about its state, e.g. about its location. The resulting decoherence is thought to be responsible for the emergence of the classical realm of our Universe out of the quantum substrate. However, this view of the emergence of the classical is sometimes dismissed as a consequence of insufficient isolation and, hence, as non-fundamental (i.e., for practical purposes only). A black hole can never be isolated from its own Hawking radiation environment that carries information about its location. The resulting decoherence rate turns out to be given by a surprisingly simple equation that, remarkably (and in contrast to known cases of decoherence), does not involve Planck's constant $\hbar$.

Conformally Invariant Vector-Tensor Field Theories Consistent with Conservation of Charge in a Four-Dimensional Space. (arXiv:1708.09293v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Gregory W. Horndeski, relevance 0.98

In this paper I shall construct, in a four-dimensional space, all vector-tensor field theories that are conformally invariant, consistent with conservation of charge, and flat space compatible. By the last assumption I mean that the Lagrangian of the theory in question, is well defined and differentiable, when evaluated for either a flat metric tensor (and) or vanishing vector field. Under these assumptions there exists only two classes of Lagrangians. One is represented by the Lagrangian which yields the Bach tensor density multiplied by a constant, while the other is represented by a constant multiple of the usual Lagrangian that yields Maxwell's equations. Thus under the aforementioned assumptions, the field equation obtained by varying the vector field, must be Maxwell's.

Black holes, the Big Bang and the habitable universe: Are they really compatible?. (arXiv:1708.09270v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by A. A. Hujeirat, relevance 5.26

Astronomical observations have confirmed the existence of BHs and the occurrence of the Big Bang event to beyond any reasonable doubt.

While quantum field theory and general theory of relativity predict the mass-spectrum of BHs to be unlimited, both theories agree that their creation is irreversible.

In this article I argue that the recently-proposed SuSu-objects (: objects that are made of incompressible superconducting gluon-qurak superfluids), may not only entail the required properties to be excellent BH-candidates, but also encoding a hidden connection to dark matter and dark energy in cosmology. If such connection indeed exists, then the inevitable consequence would be that our universe is infinite and subject to repeated Big Bang events of the second kind, which makes the habitability of the universe certain and our cosmic relevance insignificant and meaningless.

Amplitudes on plane waves from ambitwistor strings. (arXiv:1708.09249v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tim Adamo, Eduardo Casali, Lionel Mason, Stefan Nekovar, relevance 5.37

In marked contrast to conventional string theory, ambitwistor strings remain solvable worldsheet theories when coupled to curved background fields. We use this fact to consider the quantization of ambitwistor strings on plane wave metric and plane wave gauge field backgrounds. In each case, the worldsheet model is anomaly free as a consequence of the background satisfying the field equations. We derive vertex operators (in both fixed and descended picture numbers) for gravitons and gluons on these backgrounds from the worldsheet CFT, and study the 3-point functions of these vertex operators on the Riemann sphere. These worldsheet correlation functions reproduce the known results for 3-point scattering amplitudes of gravitons and gluons in gravitational and gauge theoretic plane wave backgrounds, respectively.

Anti-de Sitter geon families. (arXiv:1708.09228v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gyula Fodor, Péter Forgács, relevance 18.32

A detailed perturbative construction of globally regular, asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) time-periodic solutions of Einstein's equations with a negative cosmological constant (AdS geons) is presented. Starting with the most general superposition of the $l=2$ even parity (scalar) eigenmodes of AdS at linear order, it is shown that at the fifth order in perturbation theory one obtains five one-parameter geon families, two of which have a helical Killing vector, one with axial symmetry, and two others without continuous symmetries. The details and some subtle aspects of the perturbative expansions are also presented.

Propagation of self-localised Q-ball solitons in the $^3$He universe. (arXiv:1708.09224v1 [cond-mat.other])
in gr-qc by S. Autti, P.J. Heikkinen, G.E. Volovik, V.V. Zavjalov, V.B. Eltsov, relevance 0.00

In relativistic quantum field theories, compact objects of interacting bosons can become stable owing to conservation of an additive quantum number $Q$. Discovering such $Q$-balls propagating in the Universe would confirm supersymmetric extensions of the standard model and may shed light on the mysteries of dark matter, but no unambiguous experimental evidence exists. We report observation of a propagating long-lived $Q$-ball in superfluid $^3$He, where the role of $Q$-ball is played by a Bose-Einstein condensate of magnon quasiparticles. We achieve accurate representation of the $Q$-ball Hamiltonian using the influence of the number of magnons, corresponding to the charge $Q$, on the orbital structure of the superfluid $^3$He order parameter. This realisation supports multiple coexisting $Q$-balls which in future allows studies of $Q$-ball dynamics, interactions, and collisions.

A novel approach to neutrino mixing analysis based on singular values. (arXiv:1708.09196v1 [hep-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by K. Bielas, W. Flieger, J. Gluza, M. Gluza, relevance 0.86

One of fundamental questions in neutrino physics studied through diverse experiments is that of the number of neutrino flavors. In this context, we analyze neutrino mixing and argue that properties of singular values of mixing matrices provide well-suited figures of merit when evaluating neutrino data in search for extra neutrino species. We show that physical mixing matrices need to have the property of being a contraction and consider present data in form of interval matrices which appear to contain mostly unphysical neutrino mixings. We propose an improved description of the admissible three-dimensional mixing space as a convex hull over experimentally determined unitary mixing matrices parametrized by Euler angles. We show how to identify unitarity-breaking cases based on singular values and construct their unitary extensions yielding a complete theory of minimal dimensionality larger than three through the theory of unitary matrix dilations. Our findings provide new concepts in neutrino mixing analysis allowing for a consistent treatment of neutrino phenomena, including extra neutrino species, and go towards refined neutrino mass and mixing model constructions.

Topological Space in Homological Mirror Symmetry. (arXiv:1708.09181v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Matsuo Sato, relevance 2.49

In the mirror symmetry including the T-duality, the observables coincide in the A- and B-model on different manifolds. Because the observables are determined by how the strings propagate on the manifolds, the observed geometry by the A- and B-model will coincide. In this paper, we prove that the moduli space of the pseudo holomorphic curves in the A-model on a symplectic torus is homeomorphic to a moduli space of Feynman diagrams in the configuration space of the morphisms in the B-model on the corresponding elliptic curve. These moduli spaces determine the $A_{\infty}$ structure of the both models. Therefore, this homeomorphic topological space will be the observed geometry by the strings.

Thermal Hawking radiation of black hole with supertranslation field. (arXiv:1708.09169v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Mikhail Z. Iofa, relevance 19.50

Using the analytical solution for the Schwarzschild metric containing supertranslation field, we consider two main ingredients of calculation of the thermal Hawking black hole radiation: solution for eigenmodes of the d'Alambertian and solution of the geodesic equations for null geodesics. For calculation of Hawking radiation it is essential to determine the behavior of both the eigenmodes and geodesics in the vicinity of horizon. The equation for the eigenmodes is solved, first, perturbatively in the ratio $O(C)/M$ of the supertranslation field to the mass of black hole, and, next, non-perturbatively in the near- horizon region. It is shown that in any order of perturbation theory solution for the eigenmodes in the metric containing supertranslation field differs from solution in the pure Schwarzschild metric by terms of order $L^{1/2}= (1-2M/r)^{1/2}$. In the non-perturbative approach, solution for the eigenmodes differs from solution in the Schwarzschild metric by terms of order $L^{1/2}$ which vanish on horizon. Using the simplified form of geodesic equations in vicinity of horizon, it is shown that in vicinity of horizon the null geodesics have the same behavior as in the Schwarzschild metric. As a result, the density matrices of thermal radiation in both cases are the same.

Relativistic numerical cosmology with Silent Universes. (arXiv:1708.09143v4 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Krzysztof Bolejko, relevance 0.52

Relativistic numerical cosmology is most often based either on the exact solutions of the Einstein equations, or perturbation theory, or weak-field limit, or the BSSN formalism. The Silent Universe provides an alternative approach to investigate relativistic evolution of cosmological systems. The silent universe is based on the solution of the Einstein equations in 1+3 comoving coordinates with additional constraints imposed. These constraints include: the gravitational field is sourced by dust and cosmological constant only, both rotation and magnetic part of the Weyl tensor vanish, and the shear is diagnosable. This paper describes the code simsilun (free software distributed under the terms of the reposi General Public License), which implements the equations of the Silent Universe. The paper also discusses applications of the Silent Universe and it uses the Millennium simulation to set up the initial conditions for the code simsilun. The simulation obtained this way consists of 16,777,216 worldlines, which are evolved from z=80 to z=0. Initially, the mean evolution (averaged over the whole domain) follows the evolution of the background $\Lambda$CDM model. However, once the evolution of cosmic structures becomes nonlinear, the spatial curvature evolves from $\Omega_K =0$ to $\Omega_K \approx 0.1$ at the present day. The emergence of the spatial curvature is associated with $\Omega_M$ and $\Omega_\Lambda$ being smaller by approximately 0.05 compared to the $\Lambda$CDM.

Gravitational baryogenesis of vacuum Inflation. (arXiv:1708.09137v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Zhiqiang Huang, Qing-yu Cai, relevance 4.00

We show that in the vacuum inflation model, the gravitational baryogenesis mechanism will produce the baryon asymmetry. We analyze the evolution of entropy and baryon number in the vacuum inflation model. The comparison between dilution speed and the chemical potential may give a natural interpretation for decouple temperature of the gravitational baryogenesis interaction. From the result, the mechanism can give acceptable baryon-to-entropy ratio in the vacuum inflation model.

Full diffeomorphism and Lorentz invariance in 4D ${\cal N}=1$ superfield description of 6D SUGRA. (arXiv:1708.09106v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hiroyuki Abe, Shuntaro Aoki, Yutaka Sakamura, relevance 5.75

We complete the four-dimensional ${\cal N}=1$ superfield description of six-dimensional supergravity. The missing ingredients in the previous works are the superfields that contain the sechsbein $e_4^{\;\;\underline{\nu}}$, $e_5^{\;\;\underline{\nu}}$, $e_\mu^{\;\;\underline{4}}$, $e_\mu^{\;\;\underline{5}}$ and the second gravitino. They are necessary to make the action invariant under the diffeomorphisms and the Lorentz transformations involving the extra dimensions. We find the corresponding superfield transformation laws, and show the invariance of the action under them. We also check that the resultant action reproduces the known superfield description of five-dimensional supergravity through the dimensional reduction.

Memories of a Theoretical Physicist. (arXiv:1708.09093v2 [physics.hist-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Joseph Polchinski, relevance 0.00

While I was dealing with a brain injury and finding it difficult to work, two friends (Derek Westen, a friend of the KITP, and Steve Shenker, with whom I was recently collaborating), suggested that a new direction might be good. Steve in particular regarded me as a good writer and suggested that I try that. I quickly took to Steve's suggestion. Having only two bodies of knowledge, myself and physics, I decided to write an autobiography about my development as a theoretical physicist.

This is not written for any particular audience, but just to give myself a goal. It will probably have too much physics for a nontechnical reader, and too little for a physicist, but perhaps there with be different things for each. Parts may be tedious. But it is somewhat unique, I think, a blow-by-blow history of where I started and where I got to.

Probably the target audience is theoretical physicists, especially young ones, who may enjoy comparing my struggles with their own. Some disclaimers: This is based on my own memories, jogged by the arXiv and Inspire. There will surely be errors and omissions. And note the title: this is about my memories, which will be different for other people. Also, it would not be possible for me to mention all the authors whose work might intersect mine, so this should not be treated as a reference work.

Bose-Einstein Condensates in Charged Black-Hole Spacetimes. (arXiv:1708.09057v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Elías Castellanos, Juan Carlos Degollado, Claus Lämmerzahl, Alfredo Macías, Volker Perlick, relevance 19.03

We analyze Bose-Einstein condensates on three types of spherically symmetric and static charged black-hole spacetimes: The Reissner-Nordstr\"om spacetime, Hoffmann's Born-Infeld black-hole spacetime, and the regular Ay\'on-Beato-Garc\'ia spacetime. The Bose-Einstein condensate is modeled in terms of a massive scalar field that satisfies a Klein-Gordon equation with a self-interaction term. The scalar field is assumed to be uncharged and not self-gravitating. If the mass parameter of the scalar field is chosen sufficiently small, there are quasi-bound states of the scalar field that may be interpreted as dark matter clouds. We estimate the size and the total energy of such clouds around charged supermassive black holes and we investigate if their observable features can be used for discriminating between the different types of charged black holes.

On Kawai theorem for orbifold Riemann surfaces. (arXiv:1708.09052v1 [math.DG])
in hep-th by Leon A Takhtajan, relevance 0.00

We prove a generalization of Kawai theorem for the case of orbifold Riemann surface. The computation is based on the formula for the differential of the holomorphic map from the cotangent bundle of the Teichm\"uller space to the $\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{C})$-character variety, which allows to evaluate explicitly the pullback of Goldman symplectic form in the spirit of Riemann bilinear relations. As a corollary, we obtain a generalization of Goldman's theorem that the pullback of Goldman symplectic from on $\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R})$-character variety is a symplectic form of the Weil-Petersson metric on the Teichm\"uller space.

Coulomb-type interaction under Lorentz symmetry breaking effects. (arXiv:1708.09024v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by R. L. L. Vitoria, H. Belich, K. Bakke, relevance 12.69

Based on models of confinement of quarks, we analyse a relativistic scalar particle subject to a scalar potential proportional to the inverse of the radial distance and under the effects of the violation of the Lorentz symmetry. We show that the effects of the Lorentz symmetry breaking can induced a harmonic-type potential. Then, we solve the Klein-Gordon equation analytically and discuss the influence of the background of the violation of the Lorentz symmetry on the relativistic energy levels.

Perturbative dynamics of thin-shell wormholes beyond general relativity: an alternative approach. (arXiv:1708.09019v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Emilio Rubín de Celis, Cecilia Tomasini, Claudio Simeone, relevance 5.09

Recent studies relating the approximations for the equations of state for thin shells and their consequent perturbative evolution are extended to thin-shell wormholes in theories beyond general relativity and more than four spacetime dimensions. The assumption of equations of state of the same form for static and slowly evolving shells appears as a strong restriction excluding the possibility of oscillatory evolutions. Then the new results considerably differ from previous ones obtained within the usual linearized approach.

A confinement criterion for gauge theories with matter fields. (arXiv:1708.08979v3 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jeff Greensite, Kazue Matsuyama, relevance 5.03

A generalization of the Wilson loop area-law criterion is proposed, which is applicable to gauge theories with matter in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. This new criterion, like the area law, is stronger than the statement that asymptotic particle states are massive color singlets, which holds even for theories described by the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism.

Generating five-dimensional Myers-Perry black hole solution using quaternions. (arXiv:1708.08969v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Zahra Mirzaiyan, Behrouz Mirza, Elham Sharifian, relevance 13.93

The Newman-Janis and Giampieri algorithms are two simple methods to generate stationary rotating black hole solutions in four dimensions. In this paper, we obtain the Mayers-Perry black hole from the Schwartzchild solution in five dimensions using quaternions. Our method generates the Mayers-Perry black hole solution with two angular momenta in one fell swoop.

Effective holographic models for QCD: glueball spectrum and trace anomaly. (arXiv:1708.08968v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alfonso Ballon-Bayona, Henrique Boschi-Filho, Luis A. H. Mamani, Alex S. Miranda, Vilson T. Zanchin, relevance 8.85

We investigate effective holographic models for QCD arising from five dimensional Dilaton-Gravity. The models are characterized by a dilaton with a mass term in the UV, dual to a CFT deformation by a relevant operator, and quadratic in the IR. The UV constraint leads to the explicit breaking of conformal symmetry whereas the IR constraint guarantees linear confinement. We propose semi-analytic interpolations between the UV and the IR and obtain a spectrum for scalar and tensor glueballs consistent with lattice QCD data. We use the glueball spectrum as a physical constraint to find the evolution of the model parameters as the mass term goes to zero. Finally, we reproduce the universal result for the trace anomaly of deformed CFTs and propose a dictionary between this result and the QCD trace anomaly. A nontrivial consequence of this dictionary is the emergence of a $\beta$ function similar to the two-loop perturbative QCD result.

Discrete Symmetries of Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Manifolds. (arXiv:1708.08943v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andre Lukas, Challenger Mishra, relevance 9.98

In this paper, we classify non-freely acting discrete symmetries of complete intersection Calabi- Yau manifolds and their quotients by freely-acting symmetries. These non-freely acting symmetries can appear as symmetries of low-energy theories resulting from string compactifications on these Calabi-Yau manifolds, particularly in the context of the heterotic string. Hence, our results are relevant for four-dimensional model building with discrete symmetries and they give an indication which symmetries of this kind can be expected from string theory. For the 1695 known quotients of complete intersection manifolds by freely-acting discrete symmetries, non-freely-acting, generic symmetries arise in 381 cases and are, therefore, a relatively common feature of these manifolds. We find that 9 different discrete groups appear, ranging in group order from 2 to 18, and that both regular symmetries and R-symmetries are possible.

Generalised diffeomorphisms for E$_9$. (arXiv:1708.08936v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Guillaume Bossard, Martin Cederwall, Axel Kleinschmidt, Jakob Palmkvist, Henning Samtleben, relevance 0.61

We construct generalised diffeomorphisms for E$_9$ exceptional field theory. The transformations, which like in the E$_8$ case contain constrained local transformations, close when acting on fields. This is the first example of a generalised diffeomorphism algebra based on an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra and an infinite-dimensional coordinate module. As a byproduct, we give a simple generic expression for the invariant tensors used in any extended geometry. We perform a generalised Scherk--Schwarz reduction and verify that our transformations reproduce the structure of gauged supergravity in two dimensions. The results are valid also for other affine algebras.

Sub-radian-accuracy gravitational waveforms of coalescing binary neutron stars in numerical relativity. (arXiv:1708.08926v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Kenta Kiuchi, Kyohei Kawaguchi, Koutarou Kyutoku, Yuichiro Sekiguchi, Masaru Shibata, Keisuke Taniguchi, relevance 0.00

Extending our previous studies, we perform high-resolution simulations of inspiraling binary neutron stars in numerical relativity. We thoroughly carry through a convergence study in our currently available computational resources with the smallest grid spacing of $\approx 63$--86~meter for the neutron-star radius 10.9--13.7\,km. The estimated total error in the gravitational-wave phase is of order 0.1~rad for the total phase of $\gtrsim 210$\,rad in the last $\sim 15$--16 inspiral orbits. We then compare the waveforms (without resolution extrapolation) with those calculated by the latest effective-one-body formalism (tidal SEOBv2 model referred to as TEOB model). We find that for any of our models of binary neutron stars, the waveforms calculated by the TEOB formalism agree with the numerical-relativity waveforms up to $\approx 3$\,ms before the peak of the gravitational-wave amplitude is reached: For this late inspiral stage, the total phase error is $\lesssim 0.1$\,rad. Although the gravitational waveforms have an inspiral-type feature for the last $\sim 3$\,ms, this stage cannot be well reproduced by the current TEOB formalism, in particular, for neutron stars with large tidal deformability (i.e., lager radius). The reason for this is described.

Capacity of entanglement and distribution of density matrix eigenvalues in gapless systems. (arXiv:1708.08924v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Yuya O. Nakagawa, Shunsuke Furukawa, relevance 12.56

We propose that the properties of the capacity of entanglement (COE) in gapless systems can efficiently be investigated through the use of the distribution of eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix (RDM). The COE is defined as the fictitious heat capacity calculated from the entanglement spectrum. Its dependence on the fictitious temperature can reflect the low-temperature behavior of the physical heat capacity, and thus provide a useful probe of gapless bulk or edge excitations of the system. Assuming a power-law scaling of the COE with an exponent $\alpha$ at low fictitious temperatures, we derive an analytical formula for the distribution function of the RDM eigenvalues. We numerically test the effectiveness of the formula in relativistic free scalar boson in two spatial dimensions, and find that the distribution function can detect the expected $\alpha=3$ scaling of the COE much more efficiently than the raw data of the COE. We also calculate the distribution function in the ground state of the half-filled Landau level with short-range interactions, and find a better agreement with the $\alpha=2/3$ formula than with the $\alpha=1$ one, which indicates a non-Fermi-liquid nature of the system.

Oscillons from String Moduli. (arXiv:1708.08922v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Stefan Antusch, Francesco Cefala, Sven Krippendorf, Francesco Muia, Stefano Orani, Fernando Quevedo, relevance 0.00

A generic feature of string compactifications is the presence of many scalar fields, called moduli. Moduli are usually displaced from their post-inflationary minimum during inflation. Their relaxation to the minimum could lead to the production of oscillons: localised, long-lived, non-linear excitations of the scalar fields. Here we discuss under which conditions oscillons can be produced in string cosmology and illustrate their production and potential phenomenology with two explicit examples: the case of an initially displaced volume modulus in the KKLT scenario and the case of a displaced blow-up Kaehler modulus in the Large Volume Scenario (LVS). One, in principle, observable consequence of oscillon dynamics is the production of gravitational waves which, contrary to those produced from preheating after high scale inflation, could have lower frequencies, closer to the currently observable range. We also show that, for the considered parameter ranges, oscillating fibre and volume moduli do not develop any significant non-perturbative dynamics. Furthermore, we find that the vacua in the LVS and the KKLT scenario are stable against local overshootings of the field into the decompatification region, which provides an additional check on the longevity of these metastable configurations.

Spherical collapse model in agegraphic dark energy cosmologies. (arXiv:1708.08915v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by M. Rezaei, M. Malekjani, relevance 0.00

Under the commonly used spherical collapse model, we study how dark energy affects the growth of large scale structures of the Universe in the context of agegraphic dark energy models. The dynamics of the spherical collapse of dark matter halos in nonlinear regimes is determined by the properties of the dark energy model. We show that the main parameters of the spherical collapse model are directly affected by the evolution of dark energy in the agegraphic dark energy models. We compute the spherical collapse quantities for different values of agegraphic model parameter $\alpha$ in two different scenarios: first, when dark energy does not exhibit fluctuations on cluster scales, and second, when dark energy inside the overdense region collapses similar to dark matter. Using the Sheth-Tormen and Reed mass functions, we investigate the abundance of dark matter halos in the framework of agegraphic dark energy cosmologies. The model parameter $\alpha$ is a crucial parameter in order to count the abundance of dark matter halos. Specifically, the present analysis suggests that the agegraphic dark energy model with bigger (smaller) value of $\alpha$ predicts less (more) virialized halos with respect to that of $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. We also show that in agegraphic dark energy models, the number of halos strongly depends on clustered or uniformed distributions of dark energy.

A Convolutional Neural Network For Cosmic String Detection in CMB Temperature Maps. (arXiv:1708.08878v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Razvan Ciuca, Oscar F. Hernández, Michael Wolman, relevance 1.28

We present the convolutional neural network used in reference [11] to detect cosmic strings in Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropy maps. By training our neural network on numerically generated CMB temperature maps with and without cosmic strings the network can produce prediction maps that locate the position of the cosmic strings and provide a probabilistic estimate of the value of the string tension $G\mu$. The network as applied to noiseless simulations of CMB maps with arcminute resolution was able to locate strings and accurately determine the value of the string tension for sky maps having strings with string tension as low as $G\mu=5\times10^{-9}$.

Black hole fusion in the extreme mass ratio limit. (arXiv:1708.08868v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Roberto Emparan, Marina Martinez, Miguel Zilhao, relevance 17.45

We present a simple, general, and accurate construction of the event horizons for the fusion of two neutral, rotating black holes with arbitrary orientation and values of their spins, in the extreme mass ratio limit where one black hole is much larger than the other. We compute several parameters that characterize the fusion and investigate their dependence on the black hole spin and orientation axis. We also exhibit and study the appearance of transient toroidal topology of the horizon. An earlier conjecture about universal critical exponents before and after an axisymmetric pinch is proven.

On the existence of the field line solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. (arXiv:1708.08849v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ion V. Vancea, relevance 3.57

The main result of this paper is the proof that there are local electric and magnetic field configurations expressed in terms of field lines on an arbitrary hyperbolic manifold. This electromagnetic field is described by (dual) solutions of the Maxwell's equations of the Einstein-Maxwell theory. These solutions have the following important properties: i) they are general, in the sense that the knot solutions are particular cases of them and ii) they reduce to the electromagnetic fields in the field line representation in the flat space-time. Also, we discuss briefly the real representation of these electromagnetic configurations and write down the corresponding Einstein equations.

Generalized Pure Lovelock Gravity. (arXiv:1708.08827v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Patrick Concha, Evelyn Rodríguez, relevance 1.82

We present a generalization of the n-dimensional (pure) Lovelock Gravity theory based on an enlarged Lorentz symmetry. In particular, we propose an alternative way to introduce a cosmological term. Interestingly, we show that the usual pure Lovelock gravity is recovered in a matter-free configuration. The five and six-dimensional cases are explicitly studied.

Thermal diffusivity and butterfly velocity in anisotropic Q-Lattice models. (arXiv:1708.08822v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dujin Ahn, Yongjun Ahn, Hyun-Sik Jeong, Keun-Young Kim, Wei-Jia Li, Chao Niu, relevance 1.40

By using a holographic method we study a relation between the thermal diffusivity ($D_T$) and two quantum chaotic properties, Lyapunov time ($\tau_L$) and butterfly velocity ($v_B$) in strongly correlated systems. It has been shown that $D_T/(v_B^2 \tau_L)$ is universal in some holographic models as well as condensed matter systems including the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models. We investigate to what extent this relation is universal in the Q-lattice models with infrared (IR) scaling geometry, focusing on the effect of spatial anisotropy. Indeed it was shown that $\mathcal{E}_i := D_{T,i}/(v_{B,i}^2 \tau_L)$ ($i=x,y$) is determined only by some scaling exponents of the IR metric in the low temperature limit regardless of the matter fields and ultraviolet data. Inspired by this observation, in this work, we find the concrete expressions for $\mathcal{E}_i$ in terms of the critical dynamical exponents $z_i$ in each direction. By analyzing the IR scaling geometry we identify the allowed scaling parameter regimes, which enable us to compute the allowed range of $\mathcal{E}_i$. We find the lower bound of $\mathcal{E}_i$ is always $1/2$, which is not affected by anisotropy, contrary to the $\eta/s$ case. However, there may be an upper bound determined by anisotropy.

String tensions in deformed Yang-Mills theory. (arXiv:1708.08821v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Erich Poppitz, M. Erfan Shalchian T, relevance 0.21

We study k-strings in deformed Yang-Mills (dYM) with SU(N) gauge group in the semiclassically calculable regime on ${\rm I\!R}^3 \times S^1$. Their tensions T$_{\text{k}}$ are computed in two ways: numerically, for $2$ $\le$ N $\le$ $10$, and via an analytic approach using a re-summed perturbative expansion. The latter serves both as a consistency check on the numerical results and as a tool to analytically study the large-N limit. We find that dYM k-string ratios T$_{\text{k}}$/T$_{\text{1}}$ do not obey the well-known sine- or Casimir-scaling laws. Instead, we show that the ratios T$_{\text{k}}$/T$_{\text{1}}$ are bound above by a square root of Casimir scaling, previously found to hold for stringlike solutions of the MIT Bag Model. The reason behind this similarity is that dYM dynamically realizes, in a theoretically controlled setting, the main model assumptions of the Bag Model. We also compare confining strings in dYM and in other four-dimensional theories with abelian confinement, notably Seiberg-Witten theory, and show that the unbroken $Z_N$ center symmetry in dYM leads to different properties of k-strings in the two theories; for example, a "baryon vertex" exists in dYM but not in softly-broken Seiberg-Witten theory. Our results also indicate that, at large values of N, k-strings in dYM do not become free.

Modular Constraints on Conformal Field Theories with Currents. (arXiv:1708.08815v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jin-Beom Bae, Sungjay Lee, Jaewon Song, relevance 5.89

We study constraints coming from the modular invariance of the partition function of two-dimensional conformal field theories. We constrain the spectrum of CFTs in the presence of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic currents using the semi-definite programming. In particular, we find the bounds on the twist gap for the non-current primaries depend dramatically on the presence of holomorphic currents, showing numerous kinks and peaks. Various rational CFTs are realized at the numerical boundary of the twist gap, saturating the upper limits on the degeneracies. Such theories include Wess-Zumino-Witten models for the Deligne's exceptional series, the Monster CFT and the Baby Monster CFT. We also study modular constraints imposed by $\mathcal{W}$-algebras of various type and observe that the bounds on the gap depend on the choice of $\mathcal{W}$-algebra in the small central charge region.

Casimir Force for the ${\mathbb C}P^{N-1}$ Model. (arXiv:1708.08807v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Antonino Flachi, Muneto Nitta, Satoshi Takada, Ryosuke Yoshii, relevance 0.00

In this work, we derive exact self-consistent solutions to the gap equations of the $\mathbb{C}P^{N-1}$ model on a finite interval with Dirichlet boundary conditions in the large-$N$ approximation. We find two classes of solutions describing an unbroken-confining phase and a broken-Higgs phase, favoured for larger and smaller sizes of the system, respectively. We compute the vacuum energy and the Casimir force and observe that the sign of the force is attractive in the Higgs phase, while it can change from repulsive to attractive in the confining phase.

Large-N CP(N-1) sigma model on a finite interval and the renormalized string energy. (arXiv:1708.08805v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alessandro Betti, Stefano Bolognesi, Sven Bjarke Gudnason, Kenichi Konishi, Keisuke Ohashi, relevance 0.00

We continue the analysis started in a recent paper of the large-N two-dimensional CP(N-1) sigma model, defined on a finite space interval L with Dirichlet (or Neumann) boundary conditions. Here we focus our attention on the problem of the renormalized energy density $\mathcal{E}(x,\Lambda,L)$ which is found to be a sum of two terms, a constant term coming from the sum over modes, and a term proportional to the mass gap. The approach to $\mathcal{E}(x,\Lambda,L)\to\tfrac{N}{4\pi}\Lambda^2$ at large $L\Lambda$ is shown, both analytically and numerically, to be exponential: no power corrections are present and in particular no L\"uscher term appears. This is consistent with the earlier result which states that the system has a unique massive phase, which interpolates smoothly between the classical weakly-coupled limit for $L\Lambda\to 0$ and the "confined" phase of the standard CP(N-1) model in two dimensions for $L\Lambda\to\infty$.

Conditions for equivalence of static spherically symmetric spacetimes to almost Friedman-Robertson-Walker. (arXiv:1708.08797v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Constantinos Skordis, relevance 5.10

We determine the conditions under which a static spherically symmetric spacetime metric is equivalent to a perturbed Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric. We construct the correspondence between the two metrics and discuss a simple application.

Boosted Schwarzschild Metrics from a Kerr-Schild Perspective. (arXiv:1708.08774v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Thomas Mädler, Jeffrey Winicour, relevance 5.19

The Kerr-Schild version of the Schwarzschild metric contains a Minkowski background which provides a definition of a boosted black hole. There are two Kerr-Schild versions corresponding to ingoing or outgoing principle null directions. We show that the two corresponding Minkowski backgrounds and their associated boosts have an unexpected difference. We analyze this difference and discuss the implications in the nonlinear regime for the gravitational memory effect resulting from the ejection of massive particles from an isolated system. We show that the nonlinear effect agrees with the linearized result based upon the retarded Green function only if the velocity of the ejected particle corresponds to a boost symmetry of the ingoing Minkowski background. A boost with respect to the outgoing Minkowski background is inconsistent with the absence of ingoing radiation from past null infinity.

Quantum vacuum, dark matter, dark energy and spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. (arXiv:1708.08769v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Antonio Capolupo, relevance 0.00

We study the vacuum condensate characterizing many physical phenomena. We show that such a condensate may leads to non-trivial components of the dark energy and of the dark matter and may induces the spontaneous supersymmetry breaking, in a supersymmetric context. In particular, we consider the condensate induced by thermal states, fields in curved space-time and mixed particles.

General formulas for conserved charges and black hole entropy in Chern-Simons-like theories of gravity. (arXiv:1708.08767v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. R. Setare, H. Adami, relevance 16.94

This paper deals with the problem of defining off-shell conserved charges in a set of theories known as Chern-Simons-like theories of gravity (CSLTG). The method is derived in a general way, which may find applications in a wide set of theories, and then specified to the case of Generalized minimal massive gravity (GMMG), where known results of the central charge and black hole entropy are reproduced. The results for the charges are useful to the community and can be applied to all three-dimensional gravity theories within the class of CSLTG which includes almost all of them. The given specific examples show a consistency check of the more general method.

Generalized plane waves in Poincar\'e gauge theory of gravity. (arXiv:1708.08766v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Milutin Blagojević, Branislav Cvetković, Yuri N. Obukhov, relevance 8.57

A family of exact vacuum solutions, representing generalized plane waves propagating on the (anti-)de Sitter background, is constructed in the framework of Poincar\'e gauge theory. The wave dynamics is defined by the general Lagrangian that includes all parity even and parity odd invariants up to the second order in the gauge field strength. The structure of the solution shows that the wave metric significantly depends on the spacetime torsion.

Note on relation between bottom-up holographic models and large-Nc QCD. (arXiv:1708.08733v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by S.S. Afonin, relevance 8.06

We discuss a derivation of the quadratic in fields part of action of bottom-up holographic models from some general properties of the large-Nc limit in QCD. The importance of rescaling of five-dimensional fields is emphasized using the soft wall model as an example.

Vacuum energy via dimensional reduction of functional determinants. (arXiv:1708.08730v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Cesar D. Fosco, Francisco D. Mazzitelli, relevance 1.34

We apply a `dimensional reduction' mechanism to the evaluation of the functional integral for the vacuum energy of a real scalar field in the presence of non-trivial backgrounds, in d+1 dimensions. The reduction is implemented by applying a generalized version of Gelfand-Yaglom's theorem to the corresponding functional determinant. The main outcome of that procedure is an alternative representation for the Casimir energy, which involves one spatial dimension less than the original problem. We show that, for some configurations, important information about the reduced problem can be obtained. We also show that the reduced problem allows for the introduction of an approximation scheme which is novel within this context.

On divergences in non-minimal N=4 conformal supergravity. (arXiv:1708.08727v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. A. Tseytlin, relevance 5.32

We review the question of quantum consistency of N=4 conformal supergravity in 4 dimensions. The UV divergences and anomalies of the standard ("minimal") conformal supergravity where the complex scalar $\phi$ is not coupled to the Weyl graviton kinetic term can be cancelled by coupling this theory to N=4 super Yang-Mills with gauge group of dimension 4. The same turns out to be true also for the "non-minimal" N=4 conformal supergravity with the action (recently constructed in arXiv:1609.09083) depending on an arbitrary holomorphic function $f(\phi)$. The special case of the "non-minimal" conformal supergravity with $f= e^{2\phi}$ appears in the twistor-string theory. We show that divergences and anomalies do not depend on the form of the function $f$ and thus can be cancelled just as in the "minimal" $f=1$ case by coupling the theory to four N=4 vector multiplets.

Averaged Energy Conditions and Bouncing Universes. (arXiv:1708.08713v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Massimo Giovannini, relevance 13.60

The dynamics of bouncing universes is characterized by violating certain coordinate invariant restrictions on the total energy-momentum tensor, customarily referred to as energy conditions. Although there could be epochs where the null energy condition is locally violated, it may perhaps be enforced in an averaged sense. Explicit examples of this possibility are investigated in different frameworks.

Cosmic History of Chameleonic Dark Matter in $F(R)$ Gravity. (arXiv:1708.08702v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Taishi Katsuragawa, Shinya Matsuzaki, relevance 0.00

We study the cosmic history of the scalaron in $F(R)$ gravity with constructing the time evolution of the cosmic environment and discuss the chameleonic dark matter based on the chameleon mechanism in the early and current Universe. We then find that the scalaron can be a dark matter. We also propose an interesting possibility that the $F(R)$ gravity can address the coincidence problem.

Labelled tree graphs, Feynman diagrams and disk integrals. (arXiv:1708.08701v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xiangrui Gao, Song He, Yong Zhang, relevance 0.00

In this note, we introduce and study a new class of "half integrands" in Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) formula, which naturally generalize the so-called Parke-Taylor factors; these are dubbed Cayley functions as each of them corresponds to a labelled tree graph. The CHY formula with a Cayley function squared gives a sum of Feynman diagrams, and we represent it by a combinatoric polytope whose vertices correspond to Feynman diagrams. We provide a simple graphic rule to derive the polytope from a labelled tree graph, and classify such polytopes ranging from the associahedron to the permutohedron. Furthermore, we study the linear space of such half integrands and find (1) a nice formula reducing any Cayley function to a sum of Parke-Taylor factors in the Kleiss-Kuijf basis (2) a set of Cayley functions as a new basis of the space; each element has the remarkable property that its CHY formula with a given Parke-Taylor factor gives either a single Feynman diagram or zero. We also briefly discuss applications of Cayley functions and the new basis in certain disk integrals of superstring theory.

Gregory-Laflamme analysis of MGD black strings. (arXiv:1708.08686v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by A. Fernandes-Silva, R. da Rocha, relevance 8.75

The minimal geometric deformation (MGD), associated with the 4D Schwarzschild solution of the Einstein equations, is shown to be a solution of the pure 4D Ricci quadratic gravity theory, whose linear perturbations are then implemented by the Gregory-Laflamme eigentensors of the Lichnerowicz operator. The stability of MGD black strings is hence studied, through the correspondence between their Lichnerowicz eigenmodes and the ones associated with the 4D MGD solutions. Its is shown that there exists a critical mass driving the MGD black strings stability, above which the MGD black string is precluded from any Gregory-Laflamme instability. The general relativistic limit leads the MGD black string to be unstable, as expected, corresponding to the standard Gregory-Laflamme black string instability.

Feynman rules for higher-spin gauge fields on AdS$_{d+1}$. (arXiv:1708.08668v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Charlotte Sleight, Massimo Taronna, relevance 12.81

We determine the Feynman rules for the minimal type A higher-spin gauge theory on AdS$_{d+1}$ at cubic order. In particular, we establish the quantum action at cubic order in de Donder gauge, including ghosts. We also give the full de Donder gauge propagators of higher-spin gauge fields and their ghosts. This provides all ingredients needed to quantise the theory at cubic order.

A non-polynomial gravity formulation for Loop Quantum Cosmology bounce. (arXiv:1708.08667v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Stefano Chinaglia, Aimeric Colleaux, Sergio Zerbini, relevance 0.48

Recently the so-called mimetic gravity approach has been used to obtain corrections to Friedmann equation of General Relativity similar to the ones present in loop quantum cosmology. In this paper, we propose an alternative way to derive this modified Friedmann equation via the so-called non-polynomial gravity approach, which consists in adding geometric non-polynomial higher derivative terms to Hilbert-Einstein action, which are nonetheless polynomials and lead to second order differential equation in Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker spacetimes. Our explicit action turns out to be a realization of the Helling proposal of effective action with infinite number of terms. The model is investigated also in presence of non vanishing cosmological constant and a new exact bounce solution is found and studied.

Correlators in higher spin AdS_3 holography from Wilson lines with loop corrections. (arXiv:1708.08657v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yasuaki Hikida, Takahiro Uetoko, relevance 1.32

We study the correlators of the 2d W_N minimal model in the semiclassical regime with large central charge from bulk viewpoint by utilizing open Wilson lines in sl(N) Chern-Simons gauge theory. We extend previous works for the tree level of bulk theory to incorporate loop corrections in this paper. We offer a way to regularize divergences associated with loop diagrams such that three point functions with two scalars and a higher spin current agree with the values fixed by the boundary W_N symmetry. With the prescription, we reproduce the conformal weight of the operator corresponding to a bulk scalar up to the two loop order for explicit examples with N=2,3.

Extremal Vanishing Horizon Kerr-AdS Black Holes at Ultraspinning Limit. (arXiv:1708.08654v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S.M. Noorbakhsh, M.H. Vahidinia, relevance 44.97

By utilizing the ultraspinning limit we generate a new class of extremal vanishing horizon (EVH) black holes in odd dimensions ($d\geq5$). Starting from the general multi-spinning Kerr-AdS metrics, we show the EVH limit commutes with the ultraspinning limit, in which the resulting solutions possess a non-compact but finite area manifold for all $(t,r\neq r_+)=const.$ slices. We also demonstrate the near horizon geometries of obtained ultraspinning EVH solutions contain an AdS$_3$ throats, where it would be a BTZ black hole in the near EVH cases. The commutativity of the ultraspinning and near horizon limits for EVH solutions is confirmed as well. Furthermore, we discuss only five-dimensional case near the EVH point can be viewed as a super-entropic black hole. We also show that the thermodynamics of the obtained solutions agree with the BTZ black hole. Moreover we investigate the EVH/CFT proposal, demonstrating the entropy of $2$d dual CFT and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy are equivalent.

The complex side of the TS/ST correspondence. (arXiv:1708.08642v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Alba Grassi, Marcos Marino, relevance 0.65

The TS/ST correspondence relates the spectral theory of certain quantum mechanical operators, to topological strings on toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. So far the correspondence has been formulated for real values of Planck's constant. In this paper we start to explore the validity of the correspondence when $\hbar$ takes complex values. We give evidence that, for threefolds associated to supersymmetric gauge theories, one can extend the correspondence and obtain exact quantization conditions for the operators. We also explore the correspondence for operators involving periodic potentials. In particular, we study a deformed version of the Mathieu equation, and we solve for its band structure in terms of the quantum mirror map of the underlying threefold.

New observational constraints on $f(T)$ cosmology from radio quasars. (arXiv:1708.08603v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Jing-Zhao Qi, Shuo Cao, Marek Biesiada, Xiaogang Zheng, Zong-Hong Zhu, relevance 0.57

Using a new recently compiled milliarcsecond compact radio data set of 120 intermediate-luminosity quasars in the redshift range $0.46< z <2.76$, whose statistical linear sizes show negligible dependence on redshifts and intrinsic luminosity and thus represent standard rulers in cosmology, we constrain three viable and most popular $f(T)$ gravity models, where $T$ is the torsion scalar in teleparallel gravity. Our analysis reveals that constraining power of the quasars data (N=120) is comparable to the Union2.1 SN Ia data (N=580) for all three $f(T)$ models. Together with other standard ruler probes such as Cosmic Microwave Background and Baryon Acoustic Oscillation distance measurements, the present value of the matter density parameter $\Omega_m$ obtained by quasars is much lager than that derived from other observations. For two of the models considered ($f_1$CDM and $f_2$CDM) a small but noticeable deviation from $\Lambda$CDM cosmology is present, while in the framework of $f_3$CDM the effective equation of state may cross the phantom divide line at lower redshifts. These results indicate that intermediate-luminosity quasars could provide an effective observational probe comparable to SN Ia at much higher redsifts, and $f(T)$ gravity is a reasonable candidate for the modified gravity theory.

Induced Ellipticity for Inspiraling Binary Systems. (arXiv:1708.08569v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lisa Randall, Zhong-Zhi Xianyu, relevance 2.31

Although gravitational waves tend to erase eccentricity of an inspiraling binary system, ellipticity can be generated in the presence of surrounding matter. We present a semi-analytical method for understanding the eccentricity distribution of binary black holes in the presence of a supermassive black hole in a galactic center. Given a matter distribution, we show how to determine the resultant eccentricity analytically in the presence of both tidal forces and evaporation up to one cutoff and one matter-distribution-independent function, paving the way for understanding the environment of detected inspiraling black holes. We furthermore generalize Kozai-Lidov dynamics to situations where perturbation theory breaks down for short time intervals, allowing more general angular momentum exchange, such that eccentricity is generated even when all bodies orbit in the same plane.

Puzzles and pitfalls involving Haar-typicality in holography. (arXiv:1708.08561v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ning Bao, Aidan Chatwin-Davies, relevance 6.48

Typical holographic states that have a well-defined geometric dual in AdS/CFT are not typical with respect to the Haar measure. As such, trying to apply principles and lessons from Haar-random ensembles of states to holographic states can lead to apparent puzzles and contradictions. We point out a handful of these pitfalls.

Kinklike structures in models of the Dirac-Born-Infeld type. (arXiv:1708.08512v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D. Bazeia, Elisama E.M. Lima, L. Losano, relevance 0.15

The present work investigates several models of a single real scalar field, engendering kinetic term of the Dirac-Born-Infeld type. Such theories introduce nonlinearities to the kinetic part of the Lagrangian, which presents a square root restricting the field evolution and including additional powers in derivatives of the scalar field, controlled by a real parameter. In order to obtain topological solutions analytically, we propose a first-order framework that simplifies the equation of motion ensuring solutions that are linearly stable. This is implemented using the deformation method, and we introduce examples presenting two categories of potentials, one having polynomial interactions and the other with nonpolynomial interactions. We also explore how the Dirac-Born-Infeld kinetic term affects the properties of the solutions. In particular, we note that the kinklike solutions are similar to the ones obtained through models with standard kinetic term and canonical potential, but their energy densities and stability potentials vary according to the parameter introduced to control the new models.

Simple $\mathbb{Z}_2$ lattice gauge theories at finite fermion density. (arXiv:1708.08507v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Christian Prosko, Shu-Ping Lee, Joseph Maciejko, relevance -0.20

Lattice gauge theories are a powerful language to theoretically describe a variety of strongly correlated systems, including frustrated magnets, high-$T_c$ superconductors, and topological phases. However, in many cases gauge fields couple to gapless matter degrees of freedom and such theories become notoriously difficult to analyze quantitatively. In this paper we study several examples of $\mathbb{Z}_2$ lattice gauge theories with gapless fermions at finite density, in one and two spatial dimensions, that are either exactly soluble or whose solution reduces to that of a known problem. We consider complex fermions (spinless and spinful) as well as Majorana fermions, and study both theories where Gauss' law is strictly imposed and those where all background charge sectors are kept in the physical Hilbert space. We use a combination of duality mappings and the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ slave-spin representation to map our gauge theories to models of gauge-invariant fermions that are either free, or with on-site interactions of the Hubbard or Falicov-Kimball type that are amenable to further analysis. In 1D, the phase diagrams of these theories include free-fermion metals, insulators, and superconductors; Luttinger liquids; and correlated insulators. In 2D, we find a variety of gapped and gapless phases, the latter including uniform and spatially modulated flux phases featuring emergent Dirac fermions, some violating Luttinger's theorem.

Black hole elasticity and gapped transverse phonons in holography. (arXiv:1708.08477v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lasma Alberte, Martin Ammon, Matteo Baggioli, Amadeo Jiménez, Oriol Pujolàs, relevance 9.08

We study the elastic response of planar black hole (BH) solutions in a simple class of holographic models with broken translational invariance. We compute the transverse quasi-normal mode spectrum and the propagation speed of the lowest energy mode. We find that the speed of the lowest mode relates to the BH rigidity modulus as dictated by elasticity theory. This allows to identify these modes as transverse phonons---the pseudo Goldstone bosons of spontaneously broken translational invariance. In addition, we show that these modes have a mass gap controlled by an explicit source of the translational symmetry breaking. These results provide a new confirmation that the BHs in these models do exhibit solid properties that become more manifest at low temperatures. Also, by the AdS/CFT correspondence, this allows to extend the standard results from the effective field theory for solids to quantum-critical materials.

ABJ Quadrality. (arXiv:1708.08472v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Masazumi Honda, Yi Pang, Yaodong Zhu, relevance 1.47

We study physical consequences of adding orientifolds to the ABJ triality, which is among 3d N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory known as ABJ theory, type IIA string in AdS_4 x CP^3 and N=6 supersymmetric (SUSY) Vasiliev higher spin theory in AdS_4. After adding the orientifolds, it is known that the gauge group of the ABJ theory becomes O(N_1)xUSp(2N_2) while the background of the string theory is replaced by AdS_4 x CP^3/Z_2, and the supersymmetries in the both theories reduce to N=5. We propose that adding the orientifolds to the N=6 Vasiliev theory leads to N=5 SUSY Vasiliev theory. It turns out that the N=5 case is more involved because there are two formulations of the N=5 Vasiliev theory with either O or USp internal symmetry. We show that the two N=5 Vasiliev theories can be understood as certain projections of the N=6 Vasiliev theory, which we identify with the orientifold projections in the Vasiliev theory. We conjecture that the O(N_1)xUSp(2N_2) ABJ theory has the two vector model like limits: N_2 >> N_1 and N_1 >> N_2 which correspond to the semi-classical N=5 Vasiliev theories with O(N_1) and USp(2N_2) internal symmetries respectively. These correspondences together with the standard AdS/CFT correspondence comprise the ABJ quadrality among the N=5 ABJ theory, string/M-theory and two N=5 Vasliev theories. We provide a precise holographic dictionary for the correspondences by comparing correlation functions of stress tensor and flavor currents. Our conjecture is supported by various evidence such as agreements of the spectra, one-loop free energies and SUSY enhancement on the both sides. We also predict the leading free energy of the N=5 Vasiliev theory from the CFT side. As a byproduct, we give a derivation of the relation between the parity violating phase in the N=6 Vasiliev theory and the parameters in the N=6 ABJ theory, which was conjectured in arXiv:1207.4485.

Menagerie of AdS$\boldsymbol{_2}$ boundary conditions. (arXiv:1708.08471v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Daniel Grumiller, Robert McNees, Jakob Salzer, Carlos Valcárcel, Dmitri Vassilevich, relevance 9.90

We consider different sets of AdS$_2$ boundary conditions for the Jackiw-Teitelboim model in the linear dilaton sector where the dilaton is allowed to fluctuate to leading order at the boundary of the Poincar\'e disk. The most general set of boundary condtions is easily motivated in the gauge theoretic formulation as a Poisson sigma model and has an $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ current algebra as asymptotic symmetries. Consistency of the variational principle requires a novel boundary counterterm in the holographically renormalized action, namely a kinetic term for the dilaton. The on-shell action can be naturally reformulated as a Schwarzian boundary action. While there can be at most three canonical boundary charges on an equal-time slice, we consider all Fourier modes of these charges with respect to the Euclidean boundary time and study their associated algebras. Besides the (centerless) $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ current algebra we find for stricter boundary conditions a Virasoro algebra, a warped conformal algebra and a $\mathfrak{u}(1)$ current algebra. In each of these cases we get one half of a corresponding symmetry algebra in three-dimensional Einstein gravity with negative cosmological constant and analogous boundary conditions. However, on-shell some of these algebras reduce to finite-dimensional ones, reminiscent of the on-shell breaking of conformal invariance in SYK. We conclude with a discussion of thermodynamical aspects, in particular the entropy and some Cardyology.

${\rm BMS}_3$ invariant fluid dynamics at null infinity. (arXiv:1708.08470v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Robert F. Penna, relevance 6.86

We revisit the boundary dynamics of asymptotically flat, three dimensional gravity. The boundary is governed by a momentum conservation equation and an energy conservation equation, which we interpret as fluid equations, following the membrane paradigm. We reformulate the boundary's equations of motion as Hamiltonian flow on the dual of an infinite-dimensional, semi-direct product Lie algebra equipped with a Lie-Poisson bracket. This gives the analogue for boundary fluid dynamics of the Marsden-Ratiu-Weinstein formulation of the compressible Euler equations on a manifold, $M$, as Hamiltonian flow on the dual of the Lie algebra of ${\rm Diff}(M)\ltimes C^\infty(M)$. The Lie group for boundary fluid dynamics turns out to be ${\rm Diff}(S^1) \ltimes_{\rm Ad} {\rm \mathfrak{vir}}$, with central charge $c=3/G$. This gives a new derivation of the centrally extended, three-dimensional Bondi-van der Burg-Metzner-Sachs (${\rm BMS}_3$) group. The relationship with fluid dynamics helps to streamline and physically motivate the derivation. For example, the central charge, $c=3/G$, is simply read off of a fluid equation in much the same way as one reads off a viscosity coefficient. The perspective presented here may useful for understanding the still mysterious four-dimensional BMS group.

Probing axions with neutron star inspirals and other stellar processes. (arXiv:1708.08464v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc by Anson Hook, Junwu Huang, relevance 0.00

In certain models of a QCD axion, finite density corrections to the axion potential can result in the axion being sourced by large dense objects. There are a variety of ways to test this phenomenon, but perhaps the most surprising effect is that the axion can mediate forces between neutron stars that can be as strong as gravity. These forces can be attractive or repulsive and their presence can be detected by Advanced LIGO observations of neutron star inspirals. By a numerical coincidence, axion forces between neutron stars with gravitational strength naturally have an associated length scale of tens of kilometers or longer, similar to that of a neutron star. Future observations of neutron star mergers in Advanced LIGO can probe many orders of magnitude of axion parameter space. Because the axion is only sourced by large dense objects, the axion force evades fifth force constraints. We also outline several other ways to probe this phenomenon using electromagnetic signals associated with compact objects.

Monte-Carlo closure for moment-based transport schemes in general relativistic radiation hydrodynamics simulations. (arXiv:1708.08452v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Francois Foucart, relevance 0.99

General relativistic radiation hydrodynamics simulations are necessary to accurately model a number of astrophysical systems involving black holes and neutron stars. Photon transport plays a crucial role in radiatively dominated accretion disks, while neutrino transport is critical to core-collapse supernovae and to the modeling of electromagnetic transients and nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers. However, evolving the full Boltzmann equations of radiative transport is extremely expensive. Here, we describe the implementation in the general relativistic SpEC code of a cheaper radiation hydrodynamics method which theoretically converges to a solution of Boltzmann's equation in the limit of infinite numerical resources. The algorithm is based on a gray two-moment scheme, in which we evolve the energy density and momentum density of the radiation. Two-moment schemes require a closure which fills in missing information about the energy spectrum and higher-order moments of the radiation. Instead of the approximate analytical closure currently used in core-collapse and merger simulations, we complement the two-moment scheme with a low-accuracy Monte-Carlo evolution. The Monte-Carlo results can provide any or all of the missing information in the evolution of the moments, as desired by the user. As a first test of our methods, we study a set of idealized problems demonstrating that our algorithm performs significantly better than existing analytical closures. We also discuss the current limitations of our method, in particular open questions regarding the stability of the fully coupled scheme.

Low momentum expansion of one loop amplitudes in heterotic string theory. (arXiv:1708.08409v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Anirban Basu, relevance 0.00

We consider the low momentum expansion of the four graviton and the two graviton--two gluon amplitudes in heterotic string theory at one loop in ten dimensions, and analyze contributions upto the D^2 R^4 interaction from the four graviton amplitude, and the D^4 R^2 F^2 interaction from the two graviton--two gluon amplitude. The calculations are performed by obtaining equations for the relevant modular graph functions that arise in the modular invariant integrals, and involve amalgamating techniques used in the type II theory and the calculation of the elliptic genus in the heterotic theory.

Spinning AdS Loop Diagrams: Two Point Functions. (arXiv:1708.08404v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Simone Giombi, Charlotte Sleight, Massimo Taronna, relevance 11.21

We develop a systematic approach to evaluating AdS loop amplitudes based on the spectral (or "split") representation of bulk-to-bulk propagators, which re-expresses loop diagrams in terms of spectral integrals and higher-point tree diagrams. In this work we focus on 2pt one-loop Witten diagrams involving totally symmetric fields of arbitrary mass and integer spin. As an application of this framework, we study the contribution to the anomalous dimension of higher-spin currents generated by bubble diagrams in higher-spin gauge theories on AdS.

Cloud of strings in f(R) gravity. (arXiv:1708.08398v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by J. P. Morais Graça, Iarley P. Lobo, I. G. Salako, relevance 6.28

In this paper, we derive the solution for a spherically symmetric string cloud configuration in a $d$-dimensional spacetime in the framework of $f(R)$ theories of gravity. We also analyze some thermodynamical properties of the joint Black Hole-String cloud solution. For its Hawking temperature, we found that the dependence of the mass with the horizon is significantly different in both theories. For the interaction of the Black Hole with a thermal radiation, we found that the shapes of the curves are similar, but shifted.

A 1+5-dimensional gravitational-wave solution: curvature singularity and spacetime singularity. (arXiv:1708.08389v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Yu-Zhu Chen, Wen-Du Li, Wu-Sheng Dai, relevance 24.85

We solve a $1+5$-dimensional cylindrical gravitational-wave solution of the Einstein equation, in which there are two curvature singularities. Then we show that one of the curvature singularities can be removed by an extension of the spacetime. The result exemplifies that the curvature singularity is not always a spacetime singularity; in other words, the curvature singularity cannot serve as a criterion for spacetime singularities.

A glassy phase in quenched disordered graphene and crystalline membranes. (arXiv:1708.08364v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn] UPDATED)
in hep-th by O. Coquand, K. Essafi, J.-P. Kownacki, D. Mouhanna, relevance 0.00

We investigate the flat phase of $D$-dimensional crystalline membranes embedded in a $d$-dimensional space and submitted to both metric and curvature quenched disorders using a nonperturbative renormalization group approach. We identify a second order phase transition controlled by a finite-temperature/finite-disorder fixed point unreachable within the leading order of $\epsilon=4-D$ and $1/d$ expansions. This critical point divides the flow diagram into two basins of attraction: that associated to the finite-temperature fixed point controlling the long distance behaviour of disorder-free membranes and that associated to the zero-temperature/finite-disorder fixed point. Our work thus strongly suggests the existence of a whole low-temperature glassy phase for quenched disordered graphene, graphene-like compounds and, more generally, crystalline membranes.

Quantum Bound States in Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory. (arXiv:1708.08363v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Lyonell Boulton, Bernd J Schroers, Kim Smedley-Williams, relevance 0.45

We give rigorous proofs for the existence of infinitely many (non-BPS) bound states for two linear operators associated with the Yang-Mills-Higgs equations at vanishing Higgs self-coupling and for gauge group SU(2): the operator obtained by linearising the Yang-Mills-Higgs equations around a charge one monopole and the Laplace operator on the Atiyah-Hitchin moduli space of centred charge two monopoles. For the linearised system we use the Riesz-Galerkin approximation to compute upper bounds on the lowest 20 eigenvalues. We discuss the similarities in the spectrum of the linearised system and the Laplace operator, and interpret them in the light of electric-magnetic duality conjectures.

Special geometry on the moduli space for the two-moduli non-Fermat Calabi-Yau. (arXiv:1708.08362v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Konstantin Aleshkin, Alexander Belavin, relevance 0.00

We clarify the recently proposed method to compute a Special K\"ahler metric on a Calabi-Yau complex structures moduli space that uses the fact that the moduli space is a subspace of specific Frobenius manifold. We apply this method to computing the Special K\"ahler metric in a two-moduli non-Fermat model which has been unknown until now.

Orbifold equivalence: structure and new examples. (arXiv:1708.08359v1 [math.QA])
in hep-th by Andreas Recknagel, Paul Weinreb, relevance 0.00

Orbifold equivalence is a notion of symmetry that does not rely on group actions. Among other applications, it leads to surprising connections between hitherto unrelated singularities. While the concept can be defined in a very general category-theoretic language, we focus on the most explicit setting in terms of matrix factorisations, where orbifold equivalences arise from defects with special properties. Examples are relatively difficult to construct, but we uncover some structural features that distinguish orbifold equivalences -- most notably a finite perturbation expansion. We use those properties to devise a search algorithm, then present some new examples including Arnold singularities.

Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe via String-Inspired CPT Violation at Early Eras. (arXiv:1708.08350v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Nick E. Mavromatos (King's College London), relevance 3.01

In four-space-time dimensional string/brane theory, obtained either through compactification of the extra spatial dimensions, or by appropriate restriction to brane worlds with three large spatial dimensions, the rich physics potential associated with the presence of non-trivial Kalb-Ramond (KR) axion-like fields has not been fully exploited so far. In this talk, I discuss a scenario whereby such fields produce spontaneous Lorentz- and CPT-violating cosmological backgrounds over which strings propagate, which in the early Universe can lead to Baryogenesis through Leptogenesis in models with heavy right-handed neutrinos.

Unification of Constant-roll Inflation and Dark Energy with Logarithmic $R^2$-corrected and Exponential $F(R)$ Gravity. (arXiv:1708.08346v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S.D. Odintsov, V.K. Oikonomou, L. Sebastiani, relevance 0.00

In this paper we investigate how to describe in a unified way a constant-roll inflationary era with a dark energy era, by using the theoretical framework of $F(R)$ gravity. To this end, we introduce some classes of appropriately chosen $F(R)$ gravity models, and we examine in detail how the unification of early and late-time acceleration eras can be achieved. We study in detail the inflationary era, and as we demonstrate it is possible to achieve a viable inflationary era, for which the spectral index of primordial curvature perturbations and the scalar-to-tensor ratio can be compatible with the latest observational data. In addition, the graceful exit issue is briefly discussed for a class of models. Finally, we discuss the dark energy oscillations issue, and we investigate which model from one of the classes we introduced, can produce oscillations with the smallest amplitude.

Modified Entropic Force due to Rainbow Gravity. (arXiv:1708.08324v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by Zhong-Wen Feng, Shu-Zheng Yang, relevance 3.06

In this paper, we study the modified entropic force approach by using a new kind of rainbow gravity (RG) model. First, we investigat the RG corrected thermodynamics of a black hole. Then, according to Verlinde's theory, the quantum corrections to entropic force are obtained. The result shows that the modified entropic force is related not only to the properties of the black hole, but also to the Planck length $\ell_p$ and the rainbow parameter $\gamma$. Moreover, based on the RG corrected entropic force, the modified Einstein's field equation and the modified Friedmann equation are also derived.

Packing extra mass in compact stellar structures: An interplay between Kalb-Ramond field and extra dimensions. (arXiv:1708.08315v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Sumanta Chakraborty, Soumitra SenGupta, relevance 0.65

We have derived the Buchdahl's limit for a relativistic star in presence of the Kalb-Ramond field in four as well as in higher dimensions. It turns out that the Buchdahl's limit gets severely affected by the inclusion of the Kalb-Ramond field. In particular, the Kalb-Ramond field in four spacetime dimensions enables one to pack extra mass in any compact stellar structure of a given radius. On the other hand, a completely opposite picture emerges if the Kalb-Ramond field exists in higher dimensions, where the mass content of a compact star is smaller compared to that in general relativity. Implications are discussed.

Studying superconformal symmetry enhancement through indices. (arXiv:1708.08307v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mikhail Evtikhiev, relevance 0.00

In this note we classify the necessary and the sufficient conditions that an index of a superconformal theory in $3\leq d \leq 6$ must obey for the theory to have enhanced supersymmetry. We do that by noting that the index distinguishes a superconformal multiplet contribution to the index only up to a certain equivalence class it lies in. We classify the equivalence classes in $d=4$ and build a correspondence between ${\cal N} = 1$ and ${\cal N}>1$ equivalence classes. Using this correspondence, we find a set of necessary conditions and a sufficient condition on the $d=4$ ${\cal N} = 1$ index for the theory to have ${\cal N}>1$ SUSY. We also find a necessary and sufficient condition on a $d=4$ ${\cal N}>1$ index to correspond to a theory with ${\cal N} > 2$. We then use our results to study some of the $d=4$ theories described by Agarwal, Maruyoshi and Song, and find that the theories in question have only ${\cal N} = 1$ SUSY despite having rational central charges. In $d=3$ we classify the equivalence classes, and build a correspondence between ${\cal N} = 2$ and ${\cal N}>2$ equivalence classes. Using this correspondence, we classify all necessary or sufficient conditions on an ${\cal N}=1-3$ superconformal index in $d=3$ to correspond to a theory with higher SUSY, and find a necessary and sufficient condition on an ${\cal N} = 4$ index to correspond to an ${\cal N} > 4$ theory. Finally, in $d=6$ we find a necessary and sufficient condition for an ${\cal N} = 1$ index to correspond to an ${\cal N}=2$ theory.

Pinning of longitudinal phonons in holographic spontaneous helices. (arXiv:1708.08306v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tomas Andrade, Matteo Baggioli, Alexander Krikun, Napat Poovuttikul, relevance 8.10

We consider the spontaneous breaking of translational symmetry and identify the associated Goldstone mode -- a longitudinal phonon -- in a holographic model with Bianchi VII helical symmetry. For the first time in holography, we observe the pinning of this mode after introducing a source for explicit breaking compatible with the helical symmetry of our setup. We study the dispersion relation of the resulting pseudo-Goldstone mode, uncovering how its speed and mass gap depend on the amplitude of the source and temperature. In addition, we extract the optical conductivity as a function of frequency, which reveals a metal-insulator transition as a consequence of the pinning.

Triviality of Entanglement Entropy in the Galilean Vacuum. (arXiv:1708.08303v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Itamar Hason, relevance 31.65

We study the entanglement entropy of the vacuum in non-relativistic theories with Galilean or Schr\"{o}dinger symmetry. We find on general grounds that it must vanish and clear some confusion in the literature.

Dual Scale Invariance Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Turbulence. (arXiv:1708.08294v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Itamar Hason, relevance 0.00

We discuss spontaneous symmetry breaking of dual (space and time) scale invariance in the context of turbulence.

Cosmological Solutions in 2+1 Dimensional New Massive Gravity in the presence of the Dirac field. (arXiv:1708.08293v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ganim Gecim, Yusuf Sucu, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we consider $2+1$ dimensional gravitational theory including a Dirac field that is minimally coupled to New Massive Gravity. We investigate cosmological solutions of the field equations by using the self-interaction potential form obtained by the existence of Noether symmetry. In this context, we obtain cosmological solutions that corresponds to inflationary as well as the oscillationary epochs of the universe. Moreover, we have seen that the Dirac field behaves like a dark energy in these epochs of the universe.

An effective action model of dynamically scalarizing binary neutron stars. (arXiv:1708.08285v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Noah Sennett, Lijing Shao, Jan Steinhoff, relevance 0.00

Gravitational waves can be used to test general relativity (GR) in the highly dynamical strong-field regime. Scalar-tensor theories of gravity are natural alternatives to GR that can manifest nonperturbative phenomena in neutron stars (NSs). One such phenomenon, known as dynamical scalarization, occurs in coalescing binary NS systems. Ground-based gravitational-wave detectors may be sensitive to this effect, and thus could potentially further constrain scalar-tensor theories. This type of analysis requires waveform models of dynamically scalarizing systems; in this work we devise an analytic model of dynamical scalarization using an effective action approach. For the first time, we compute the Newtonian-order Hamiltonian describing the dynamics of a dynamically scalarizing binary in a self-consistent manner. Despite only working to leading order, the model accurately predicts the frequency at which dynamical scalarization occurs. In conjunction with Landau theory, our model allows one to definitively establish dynamical scalarization as a second-order phase transition. We also connect dynamical scalarization to the related phenomena of spontaneous scalarization and induced scalarization; these phenomena are naturally encompassed into our effective action approach.

Holography and thermalization in optical pump-probe spectroscopy. (arXiv:1708.08279v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Bagrov, B. Craps, F. Galli, V. Keränen, E. Keski-Vakkuri, J. Zaanen, relevance 0.00

Using holography, we model experiments in which a 2+1D strange metal is pumped by a laser pulse into a highly excited state, after which the time evolution of the optical conductivity is probed. We consider a finite-density state with mildly broken translation invariance and excite it by oscillating electric field pulses. At zero density, the optical conductivity would assume its thermalized value immediately after the pumping has ended. At finite density, pulses with significant DC components give rise to slow exponential relaxation, governed by a vector quasinormal mode. In contrast, for high-frequency pulses the amplitude of the quasinormal mode is strongly suppressed, so that the optical conductivity assumes its thermalized value effectively instantaneously.

Gravitational Effective Action at Second Order in Curvature and Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:1708.08253v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Xavier Calmet, Salvatore Capozziello, Daniel Pryer, relevance 0.89

We consider the full effective theory for quantum gravity at second order in curvature including non-local terms. We show that the theory contains two new degrees of freedom beyond the massless graviton: namely a massive spin-2 ghost and a massive scalar field. Furthermore, we show that it is impossible to fine-tune the parameters of the effective action to eliminate completely the classical spin-2 ghost because of the non-local terms in the effective action. Being a classical field, it is not clear anyway that this ghost is problematic. It simply implies a repulsive contribution to Newton's potential. We then consider how to extract the parameters of the effective action and show that it is possible to measure, at least in principle, the parameters of the local terms independently of each other using a combination of observations of gravitational waves and measurements performed by pendulum type experiments searching for deviations of Newton's potential.

Chiral anomalies in six dimensions from harmonic superspace. (arXiv:1708.08238v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sergei M. Kuzenko, Joseph Novak, Igor B. Samsonov, relevance 2.72

We develop a superfield approach to compute chiral anomalies in general ${\cal N}=(1,0)$ supersymmetric gauge theories in six dimensions. Within the harmonic-superspace formulation for these gauge theories, the anomalous contributions to the effective action only come from matter and ghost hypermultiplets. By studying the short-distance behaviour of the propagator for the hypermultiplet coupled to a background vector multiplet, we compute the covariant and consistent chiral anomalies. We also provide a superform formulation for the non-abelian anomalous current multiplet in general ${\cal N}=(1,0)$ supersymmetric gauge theories.

Exactly solvable models of growing interfaces and lattice gases: the Arcetri models, ageing and logarithmic sub-ageing. (arXiv:1708.08237v3 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xavier Durang, Malte Henkel, relevance 0.00

Motivated by an analogy with the spherical model of a ferromagnet, the three Arcetri models are defined. They present new universality classes, either for the growth of interfaces, or else for lattice gases. They are distinct from the common Edwards-Wilkinson and Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality classes. Their non-equilibrium evolution can be studied from the exact computation of their two-time correlators and responses. The first model, in both interpretations, has a critical point in any dimension and shows simple ageing at and below criticality. The exact universal exponents are found. The second and third model are solved at zero temperature, in one dimension, where both show logarithmic sub-ageing, of which several distinct types are identified. Physically, the second model describes a lattice gas and the third model interface growth. A clear physical picture on the subsequent time- and length-scales of the sub-ageing process emerges.

Topological magnetoelectric pump in three dimensions. (arXiv:1708.08198v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED)
in hep-th by T. Fukui, T. Fujiwara, relevance 2.26

We study the topological pump for a lattice fermion model mainly in three spatial dimensions. We first calculate the U(1) current density for the Dirac model defined in continuous space-time to review the known results as well as to introduce some technical details convenient for the calculations of the lattice model. We next investigate the U(1) current density for a lattice fermion model, a variant of the Wilson-Dirac model. The model we introduce is defined on a lattice in space but in continuous time, which is suited for the study of the topological pump. For such a model, we derive the conserved U(1) current density and calculate it directly for the $1+1$ dimensional system as well as $3+1$ dimensional system in the limit of the small lattice constant. We find that the current includes a nontrivial lattice effect characterized by the Chern number, and therefore, the pumped particle number is quantized by the topological reason. Finally we study the topological temporal pump in $3+1$ dimensions by numerical calculations. We discuss the relationship between the second Chern number and the first Chern number, the bulk-edge correspondence, and the generalized Streda formula which enables us to compute the second Chern number using the spectral asymmetry.

Charged AdS black hole heat engines. (arXiv:1708.08176v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Shao-Wen Wei, Yu-Xiao Liu, relevance 32.14

We study the heat engine by a $d$-dimensional charged anti-de Sitter black hole by making a comparison between the small-large black hole phase transition and the liquid-vapour phase transition of water. With the help of the first law and equal-area law, we obtain an exact formula for the efficiency of a black hole engine modeled with a Rankine cycle with or without a back pressure mechanism. When the low temperature is fixed, both the heat and work decreases with the high temperature $T_{1}$. And the efficiency increases with $T_{1}$, while decreases with the charge $q$. For a Rankine cycle with a back pressure mechanism, we find that both the maximum work and efficiency can be approached at the high temperature $T_{1}$. In the reduced parameter space, it also confirms the similar result. Moreover, we observe that the work and efficiency of the black hole heat engine rapidly increase with the number of spacetime dimensions. Thus higher-dimensional charged anti-de Sitter black hole can act as a more efficient power plant producing the mechanical work, and might be a possible source of the power gamma rays and ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays.

Cosmological Perturbation Theory Using the FFTLog: Formalism and Connection to QFT Loop Integrals. (arXiv:1708.08130v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by Marko Simonović, Tobias Baldauf, Matias Zaldarriaga, John Joseph Carrasco, Juna A. Kollmeier, relevance 0.00

We present a new method for calculating loops in cosmological perturbation theory. This method is based on approximating a $\Lambda$CDM-like cosmology as a finite sum of complex power-law universes. The decomposition is naturally achieved using an FFTLog algorithm. For power-law cosmologies, all loop integrals are formally equivalent to loop integrals of massless quantum field theory. These integrals have analytic solutions in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions. We provide explicit formulae for the one-loop and the two-loop power spectrum and the one-loop bispectrum. A chief advantage of our approach is that the difficult part of the calculation is cosmology independent, need be done only once, and can be recycled for any relevant predictions. Evaluation of standard loop diagrams then boils down to a simple matrix multiplication. We demonstrate the promise of this method for applications to higher multiplicity/loop correlation functions.

Dyonic configurations in nonlinear electrodynamics coupled to general relativity. (arXiv:1708.08125v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by K.A. Bronnikov, relevance 1.78

We consider static, spherically symmetric configurations in general relativity, supported by nonlinear electromagnetic fields with gauge-invariant Lagrangians depending on the single invariant $f = F_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu}$. After a brief review on black hole (BH) and solitonic solutions, obtained so far with pure electric or magnetic fields, an attempt is made to obtain dyonic solutions, those with both electric and magnetic charges. A general scheme is suggested, leading to solutions in quadratures for an arbitrary Lagrangian function $L(f)$ (up to some monotonicity restrictions); such solutions are expressed in terms of $f$ as a new radial coordinate instead of the usual coordinate $r$. For the truncated Born-Infeld theory (depending on the invariant $f$ only), a general dyonic solution is obtained in terms of $r$. A feature of interest in this solution is the existence of a special case with a self-dual electromagnetic field, $f \equiv 0$ and the Reissner-Nordstr\"om metric.

On the notions of energy tensors in tetrad-affine gravity. (arXiv:1708.08109v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Daniel Canarutto, relevance 0.54

We are concerned with the precise modalities by which mathematical constructions related to energy-tensors can be adapted to a tetrad-affine setting. We show that, for fairly general gauge field theories formulated in that setting, two notions of energy tensor--the canonical tensor and the stress-energy tensor--exactly coincide with no need for tweaking. Moreover we show how both notions of energy-tensor can be naturally extended to include the gravitational field itself, represented by a couple constituted by the tetrad and a spinor connection. Then we examine the on-shell divergences of these tensors in relation to the issue of local energy-conservation in the presence of torsion.

Gauge Five-brane Solutions of Co-dimension Two in Heterotic Supergravity. (arXiv:1708.08066v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shin Sasaki, Masaya Yata, relevance 3.48

We continue to study the BPS gauge five-brane solutions of codimension two in ten-dimensional heterotic supergravity. The geometry including the dilaton and the NS-NS $B$-field are sourced from the monopole chain in $\mathbb{R}^2 \times S^1$. We find that the geometry is asymptotically Ricci flat and the dilaton is no longer imaginary valued. These properties are contrasted with the smeared counterpart discussed in our previous paper. We perform the T-duality transformations of the solution and find that it never results in a non-geometric object.

Is it possible to detect dark matter sector with graphene transport experiments?. (arXiv:1708.08051v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Marek Rogatko, Karol.I.Wysokinski, relevance 0.33

The electrons in graphene for energies close to the Dirac point have been found to form strongly interacting fluid. Taking this fact into account we have calculated thermal transport coefficients in a gravity model which considers {\it dark sector}. The perpendicular magnetic field $B$ modifies transport parameters. In the present approach $B$ does not lead to quantization of the spectrum and formation of Landau levels. Gauge/gravity duality has been used in the probe limit. The dependence on the charge density of the Seebeck coefficient and thermo-electric parameters $\alpha^{ij}$ nicely agree with recent experimental data for graphene. For the studied geometry with electric field perpendicular to the thermal gradient the effect of {\it dark sector} has been found to modify the transport parameters but mostly in a quantitative way only. This makes difficult the detection of this elusive component of the Universe by studying transport properties of graphene.

Adiabatic non-resonant acceleration in magnetic turbulence and hard spectra of gamma-ray bursts. (arXiv:1708.08029v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in hep-th by Siyao Xu, Bing Zhang, relevance 0.00

We introduce a non-resonant acceleration mechanism arising from the second adiabatic invariant in magnetic turbulence and apply it to study the prompt emission spectra of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The mechanism contains both the first- and second-order Fermi acceleration, originating from the interacting turbulent reconnection and dynamo processes. It leads to a hard electron energy distribution up to a cutoff energy at the balance between the acceleration and synchrotron cooling. The sufficient acceleration rate ensures a rapid hardening of any initial energy distribution to a power-law distribution with the index $p \sim 1$, which naturally produces a low-energy photon index $\alpha \sim -1$ via the synchrotron radiation. For typical GRB parameters, the synchrotron emission can extend to a characteristic photon energy on the order of $\sim 100$ keV.

Electromagnetic fields with vanishing quantum corrections. (arXiv:1708.08017v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Marcello Ortaggio, Vojtěch Pravda, relevance 6.34

We show that a large class of null electromagnetic fields are immune to any modifications of Maxwell's equations in the form of arbitrary powers and derivatives of the field strength. These are thus exact solutions to virtually any generalized electrodynamics containing both non-linear terms and higher derivatives. This result holds not only in a flat or (anti-)de Sitter background, but also in a larger subset of Kundt spacetimes.

Conformal Killing horizons and their thermodynamics. (arXiv:1708.08015v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Alex B. Nielsen, Andrey A. Shoom, relevance 45.38

Certain dynamical black hole solutions can be mapped to static spacetimes by conformal metric transformations. This mapping provides a physical link between the conformal Killing horizon of the dynamical black hole and a Killing horizon of the static spacetime. We show how this conformal relation can be used to derive thermodynamic properties for the dynamical black holes. Although these horizons are defined quasi-locally and can be located by local experiments, they are distinct from other popular notions of quasi-local horizons such as apparent horizons. Thus in the dynamical Vaidya spacetime describing constant accretion of null dust, the conformal Killing horizon, which is null by construction, is the natural horizon to describe the black hole.

Gravitational leptogenesis in Natural Inflation. (arXiv:1708.08007v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in hep-th by Alexandros Papageorgiou, Marco Peloso, relevance 1.25

We compute the gravitational leptogenesis generated from the parity-violating gravitational waves sourced by an abelian gauge field coupled to a pseudo-scalar inflation. We show that, once the CMB bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio is enforced, the lepton asymmetry produced by this mechanism during inflation is too small to account for the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe, irrespectively of the inflaton potential, the strength of its coupling to the gauge field, and the details of reheating.

Irreversible thermodynamic description of dark matter and radiation creation during inflationary reheating. (arXiv:1708.08004v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Juntong Su, Tiberiu Harko, Shi-Dong Liang, relevance 9.29

We investigate the matter creation processes during the reheating period at the end of inflation in the early Universe, by using the irreversible thermodynamic of open systems. The matter content of the Universe is assumed to consist of the inflationary scalar field, which, through its decay, generates relativistic matter, and pressureless dark matter, respectively. At the early stages of reheating the inflationary scalar field transfers its energy to the newly created matter particles, with the field energy decreasing to near zero. The general equations governing the irreversible matter creation during reheating are obtained by combining the thermodynamics description of the matter creation and the gravitational field equations. A dimensionless form of the general system of the reheating equations is also introduced. The role of the different inflationary scalar field potentials is analyzed by using analytical and numerical methods, and the evolution of the matter and scalar field densities, as well as of the cosmological parameters during reheating, are obtained. Typically, the values of the energy densities of relativistic matter and dark matter reach their maximum when the Universe is reheated up to the reheating temperature, which is determined for each case, as a function of the scalar field decay width, the scalar field particle mass, and of the cosmological parameters. An interesting result is that particle production leads to the acceleration of the Universe during the reheating phase, with the deceleration parameter showing a complex dynamics. Once the energy density of the scalar field becomes negligible with respect to the matter densities, the expansion of the Universe decelerates, and inflation has a graceful exit after reheating.

Quasitriangular structure and twisting of the 2+1 bicrossproduct model. (arXiv:1708.07999v1 [math.QA])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S. Majid, P. K. Osei, relevance 1.46

We show that the bicrossproduct model $C[SU_2^*]{\blacktriangleright\!\!\triangleleft} U(su_2)$ quantum Poincare group in 2+1 dimensions acting on the quantum spacetime $[x_i,t]=\imath\lambda x_i$ is related by a Drinfeld and module-algebra twist to the quantum double $U(su_2)\ltimes C[SU_2]$ acting on the quantum spacetime $[x_\mu,x_\nu]=\imath\lambda\epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho}x_\rho$. We obtain this twist by taking a scaling limit as $q\to 1$ of the $q$-deformed version of the above where it corresponds to a previous theory of $q$-deformed Wick rotation from $q$-Euclidean to $q$-Minkowski space. We also recover the twist result at the Lie bialgebra level.

Fourier series of modular graph functions. (arXiv:1708.07998v1 [math.NT] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Eric D'Hoker, William Duke, relevance 0.00

Modular graph functions associate to a graph an $SL(2,Z)$-invariant function on the upper half plane. We obtain the Fourier series of modular graph functions of arbitrary weight $w$ and two-loop order. The motivation for this work is to develop a deeper understanding of the origin of the algebraic identities between modular graph functions which have been discovered recently, and of the relation between the existence of these identities and the occurrence of cusp forms. We show that the constant Fourier mode, as a function of the modulus $\tau$, consists of a Laurent polynomial in $y = \pi \, {\rm Im} (\tau)$ of degree $(w,1-w)$, plus a contribution which decays exponentially as $y \to \infty$. The Laurent polynomial is a linear combination with rational coefficients of the top term $y^w$, and lower order terms $\zeta (2k+1) y^{w-2k-1}$ for $1\leq k \leq w-1$, as well as terms $\zeta (2w-2\ell-3) \zeta (2\ell+1)y^{2-w}$ for $1 \leq \ell \leq w-3$. The exponential contribution is a linear combination of exponentials of $y$ and incomplete $\Gamma$-functions whose coefficients are Laurent polynomials in $y$ with rational coefficients.

Back-reaction of quantum processes and modified gravitational dynamics. (arXiv:1708.07997v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Vyshnav Mohan, relevance 3.40

In this paper, we seek to find a modified theory of gravity that accounts for the back-reaction of QED on curved spacetime. It is already known that vacuum fluctuations induce interactions between gravity and photons. An effective action for electromagnetism, which encodes the details of such quantum process, is utilized to get a set of modified Maxwell's equation and a new Lagrangian for the dynamics of gravity. Imposition of Cauchy predictability on these modified Maxwell's equations lead us to a new effective metric, from which the Lagrangian can be calculated. The new Lagrangian for gravity turns out to be a function of not just the higher order derivatives of the metric tensor but also the polarization of the photon. This immediately results in phenomenon such as gravitational birefringence and existence of black holes with polarization dependent event horizons.

Breakdown of the Equal Area Law for Holographic Entanglement Entropy. (arXiv:1708.07982v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Fiona McCarthy, David Kubiznak, Robert B. Mann, relevance 40.34

We investigate a holographic version of Maxwell's equal area law analogous to that for the phase transition in the black hole temperature/black hole entropy plane of a charged AdS black hole. We consider proposed area laws for both the black hole temperature/holographic entanglement entropy plane and the black hole temperature/2-point correlation function plane. Despite recent claims to the contrary, we demonstrate numerically that neither proposal is valid. We argue that there is no physical reason to expect such a construction in these planes.

On complexity growth in massive gravity theories, the effects of chirality and more. (arXiv:1708.07981v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mahdis Ghodrati, relevance 2.80

To study the effect of parity-violation on the rate of complexity growth, by using "Complexity=Action" conjecture, we find the complexity growth rates in different solutions of the chiral theory of Topologically Massive Gravity (TMG) and parity-preserving theory of New Massive Gravity (NMG). Using the results, one can see that decreasing the parameter $\mu$, which increases the effect of Chern-Simons term and increases chirality, would increase the rate of growth of complexity. Also one can observe a stronger correlation between complexity growth and temperature rather than complexity growth and entropy. At the end we comment on the possible meaning of the deforming term of chiral Liouville action for the rate of complexity growth of warped CFTs in the Tensor Network Renormalization picture.

Analytical study of anisotropic compact star models. (arXiv:1708.07971v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by B.V.Ivanov, relevance 0.00

A simple classification is given of the anisotropic relativistic star models, resembling the one of charged isotropic solutions. On the ground of this database, and taking into account the conditions for physically realistic star models, a method is proposed for generating all such solutions. It is based on the energy density and the radial pressure as seeding functions. Numerous relations between the realistic conditions are found and the need for a graphic proof is reduced just to one pair of inequalities. This general formalism is illustrated with an example of a class of solutions with linear equation of state and simple energy density. It is found that the solutions depend on three free constants and concrete examples are given. Some other popular models are studied with the same method.

Inflationary $\alpha-$attractors and $F(R)$ gravity. (arXiv:1708.07963v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Kuiroukidis, relevance 0.00

We consider a generic class of the so-called inflationary $-\alpha$ attractor models and compute the cosmological observables in the Einstein and Jordan frames, of the corresponding $F(R)-$gravity theory. We find that the two sets coincide (to within errors from the use of the slow-roll approximation) for moderate and large values of the number of e-foldings $N$, which is the novel result of this paper, generalizing previous results on the subject (see e.g. Ref. (\citen{oik1})). We briefly comment on the possible generalizations of these results.

On a gravitational self-interaction parameter for point-particles. (arXiv:1708.07951v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Iva Stavrov Allen, relevance 0.00

Relativistic, electrically neutral point-particles can be given mathematical foundation by doing a careful accounting of self-interaction energies. In this paper we examine a self-interaction parameter and present a continuous framework which interpolates between classical and relativistic point-particles.

Fibrations in CICY Threefolds. (arXiv:1708.07907v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lara B. Anderson, Xin Gao, James Gray, Seung-Joo Lee, relevance 0.00

In this work we systematically enumerate genus one fibrations in the class of 7,890 Calabi-Yau manifolds defined as complete intersections in products of projective spaces, the so-called CICY threefolds. This survey is independent of the description of the manifolds and improves upon past approaches that probed only a particular algebraic form of the threefolds (i.e. searches for "obvious" genus one fibrations as in [1,2]). We also study K3-fibrations and nested fibration structures. That is, K3 fibrations with potentially many distinct elliptic fibrations. To accomplish this survey a number of new geometric tools are developed including a determination of the full topology of all CICY threefolds, including triple intersection numbers. In 2,946 cases this involves finding a new "favorable" description of the manifold in which all divisors descend from a simple ambient space. Our results consist of a survey of obvious fibrations for all CICY threefolds and a complete classification of all genus one fibrations for 4,957 "Kahler favorable" CICYs whose Kahler cones descend from a simple ambient space. Within the CICY dataset, we find 139,597 obvious genus one fibrations, 30,974 obvious K3 fibrations and 208,987 nested combinations. For the Kahler favorable geometries we find a complete classification of 377,559 genus one fibrations. For one manifold with Hodge numbers (19,19) we find an explicit description of an infinite number of distinct genus-one fibrations extending previous results for this particular geometry that have appeared in the literature. The data associated to this scan is available at this http URL .

Semiclassical Length Measure from a Quantum-Gravity Wave Function. (arXiv:1708.07895v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Orchidea Maria Lecian, relevance 14.68

The definition of a length operator in quantum cosmology is usually influenced by a~quantum theory for gravity considered. The semiclassical limit at the Planck age must meet the requirements implied in present observations. The features of a semiclassical wave-functional state are investigated, for which the modern measure(ment)s is consistent. The results of a length measurement at present times are compared with the same measurement operation at cosmological times. By this measure, it is possible to discriminate, within the same Planck-length expansion, the corrections to a Minkowski flat space possibly due to classicalization of quantum phenomena at the Planck time and those due to possible quantum-gravitational manifestations of present times. This~analysis and the comparison with the previous literature can be framed as a test for the verification of the time at which anomalies at present related to the gravitational field, and, in particular, whether they are ascribed to the classicalization epoch. Indeed, it allows to discriminate not only within the possible quantum features of the quasi (Minkowski) flat spacetime, but also from (possibly Lorentz violating) phenomena detectable at high-energy astrophysical scales. The results of two different (coordinate) length measures have been compared both at cosmological time and as a perturbation element on flat Minkowski spacetime. The differences for the components of the corresponding classical(ized) metric tensor have been analyzed at different orders of expansions. The comparison of the results of (straight) length measures in two different directions, in particular, can encode the pertinent information about the parameters defining the semiclassical wavefunctional for (semiclassicalized) gravitational field.

Bouncing cosmological solutions from f(R,T) gravity. (arXiv:1708.07874v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hamid Shabani, Amir Hadi Ziaie, relevance 2.02

In this work we study classical bouncing solutions in the context of $f({\sf R},{\sf T})={\sf R}+h({\sf T})$ gravity in a flat {\sf FLRW} background using a perfect fluid as the only matter content. Our investigation is based on introducing an effective fluid through defining effective energy density and pressure; we call this reformulation as the "effective picture". These definitions have been already introduced to study the energy conditions in $f({\sf R},{\sf T})$ gravity. We examine various models to which different effective equations of state, corresponding to different $h({\sf T})$ functions, can be attributed. It is also discussed that one can link between an assumed $f({\sf R},{\sf T})$ model in the effective picture and the theories with generalized equation of state ({\sf EoS}). We obtain cosmological scenarios exhibiting a nonsingular bounce before and after which the Universe lives within a de-Sitter phase. We then proceed to find general solutions for matter bounce and investigate their properties. We show that the properties of bouncing solution in the effective picture of $f({\sf R},{\sf T})$ gravity are as follows: for a specific form of the $f({\sf R,T})$ function, these solutions are without any future singularities. Moreover, stability analysis of the nonsingular solutions through matter density perturbations revealed that except two of the models, the parameters of scalar-type perturbations for the other ones have a slight transient fluctuation around the bounce point and damp to zero or a finite value at late times. Hence these bouncing solutions are stable against scalar-type perturbations. It is possible that all energy conditions be respected by the real perfect fluid, however, the null and the strong energy conditions can be violated by the effective fluid near the bounce event.

A New Duality Between $\mathcal{N}=8$ Superconformal Field Theories in Three Dimensions. (arXiv:1708.07861v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Nathan B. Agmon, Shai M. Chester, Silviu S. Pufu, relevance 0.00

We propose a new duality between two 3d $\mathcal{N}=8$ superconformal Chern-Simons-matter theories: the $U(3)_1 \times U(3)_{-1}$ ABJM theory and a theory consisting of the product between the $\left(SU(2)_3\times SU(2)_{-3}\right)/\mathbb{Z}_2$ BLG theory and a free ${\cal N} = 8$ theory of eight real scalars and eight Majorana fermions. As evidence supporting this duality, we show that the moduli spaces, superconformal indices, $S^3$ partition functions, and certain OPE coefficients of BPS operators in the two theories agree.

Post-Newtonian parameters $\gamma$ and $\beta$ of scalar-tensor gravity for a homogeneous gravitating sphere. (arXiv:1708.07851v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Manuel Hohmann, Andreas Schärer, relevance 0.22

We calculate the parameters $\gamma$ and $\beta$ in the parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism for scalar-tensor gravity (STG) with an arbitrary potential, under the assumption that the source matter is given by a non-rotating sphere of constant density, pressure and internal energy. For our calculation we write the STG field equations in a form which is manifestly invariant under conformal transformations of the metric and redefinitions of the scalar field. This easily shows that also the obtained PPN parameters are invariant under such transformations. Our result is consistent with the expectation that STG is a fully conservative theory, i.e., only $\gamma$ and $\beta$ differ from their general relativity values $\gamma = \beta = 1$, which indicates the absence of preferred frame and preferred location effects. We find that the values of the PPN parameters depend on both the radius of the gravitating mass source and the distance between the source and the observer. Most interestingly, we find that also at large distances from the source $\beta$ does not approach $\beta = 1$, but receives corrections due to a modified gravitational self-energy of the source. Finally, we compare our result to a number of measurements of $\gamma$ and $\beta$ in the Solar System. We find that in particular measurements of $\beta$ improve the previously obtained bounds on the theory parameters, due to the aforementioned long-distance corrections.

Generalized Toda Theory from Six Dimensions and the Conifold. (arXiv:1708.07840v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sam van Leuven, Gerben Oling, relevance 0.00

Recently, a physical derivation of the Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa correspondence has been put forward. A crucial role is played by the complex Chern-Simons theory arising in the 3d-3d correspondence, whose boundary modes lead to Toda theory on a Riemann surface. We explore several features of this derivation and subsequently argue that it can be extended to a generalization of the AGT correspondence. The latter involves codimension two defects in six dimensions that wrap the Riemann surface. We use a purely geometrical description of these defects and find that the generalized AGT setup can be modeled in a pole region using generalized conifolds. Furthermore, we argue that the ordinary conifold clarifies several features of the derivation of the original AGT correspondence.

Holographic pinning. (arXiv:1708.07837v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Niko Jokela, Matti Jarvinen, Matthew Lippert, relevance 15.47

In a holographic probe-brane model exhibiting a spontaneously spatially modulated ground state, we introduce explicit sources of symmetry breaking in the form of ionic and antiferromagnetic lattices. For the first time in a holographic model, we demonstrate pinning, in which the translational Goldstone mode is lifted by the introduction of explicit sources of translational symmetry breaking. The numerically computed optical conductivity fits very well to a Drude-Lorentz model with a small residual metallicity, precisely matching analytic formulas for the DC conductivity. We also find an instability of the striped phase in the presence of a large-amplitude ionic lattice.

Bayesian naturalness, simplicity, and testability applied to the $B-L$ MSSM GUT using GPU Monte Carlo. (arXiv:1708.07835v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Panashe Fundira, Austin Purves, relevance 0.00

The lack of decisive experimental results to settle fundamental questions in physics has led to increasing reliance upon intuitive criteria such as naturalness, simplicity, and testability. We argue that Bayesian inference automatically accounts for these criteria, favoring models that are natural, simple, and testable. We review existing work on Bayesian naturalness, and apply it to the problem of the proton mass. The result shows that Bayesian naturalness provides a better quantification of naturalness than other measures. We then apply a similar analysis to a simple GUT. The results suggest, and we argue, that Bayesian inference favors simple theories. Using Monte Carlo integration on a GPU, we apply this analysis to the $B-L$ MSSM GUT to simultaneously weigh the simplicity and naturalness of that model and find it to be favored over the puzzle model. In the conclusion we briefly argue that testable models also will be favored by Bayesian inference and discuss implications for future research.

On Birkhoff's theorem in ghost-free bimetric theory. (arXiv:1708.07833v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mikica Kocic, Marcus Högås, Francesco Torsello, Edvard Mortsell, relevance 1.19

We consider the Hassan-Rosen bimetric field equations in vacuum when the two metrics share a single common null direction in a spherically symmetric configuration. By solving these equations, we obtain a class of exact solutions of the generalized Vaidya type parametrized by an arbitrary function. Besides not being asymptotically flat, the found solutions are nonstationary admitting only three global spacelike Killing vector fields which are the generators of spatial rotations. Hence, these are spherically symmetric bimetric vacuum solutions with the minimal number of isometries. The absence of staticity formally disproves an analogue statement to Birkhoff's theorem in the ghost-free bimetric theory which would state that a spherically symmetric solution is necessarily static in empty space.

Topological superconductivity of spin-3/2 carriers in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal. (arXiv:1708.07825v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])
in hep-th by Bitan Roy, Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi, Matthew S. Foster, Andriy H. Nevidomskyy, relevance 1.85

We investigate topological Cooper pairing, including gapless Weyl and fully gapped class DIII superconductivity, in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal. The latter describes effective spin-3/2 carriers near a quadratic band touching and captures the normal-state properties of the 227 pyrochlore iridates and half-Heusler alloys. Electron-electron interactions may favor non-$s$-wave pairing in such systems, including even-parity $d$-wave pairing. We argue that the lowest energy $d$-wave pairings are always of complex (e.g., $d + i d$) type, with nodal Weyl quasiparticles. This implies $\varrho(E) \sim |E|^2$ scaling of the density of states (DoS) at low energies in the clean limit, or $\varrho(E) \sim |E|$ over a wide critical region in the presence of disorder. The latter is consistent with the $T$-dependence of the penetration depth in the half-Heusler compound YPtBi. We enumerate routes for experimental verification, including specific heat, thermal conductivity, NMR relaxation time, and topological Fermi arcs. Nucleation of any $d$-wave pairing also causes a small lattice distortion and induces an $s$-wave component; this gives a route to strain-engineer exotic $s+d$ pairings. We also consider odd-parity, fully gapped $p$-wave superconductivity. For hole doping, a gapless Majorana fluid with cubic dispersion appears at the surface. We invent a generalized surface model with $\nu$-fold dispersion to simulate a bulk with winding number $\nu$. Using exact diagonalization, we show that disorder drives the surface into a critically delocalized phase, with universal DoS and multifractal scaling consistent with the conformal field theory (CFT) SO($n$)${}_\nu$, where $n \rightarrow 0$ counts replicas. This is contrary to the naive expectation of a surface thermal metal, and implies that the topology tunes the surface renormalization group to the CFT in the presence of disorder.

Self-forces in arbitrary dimensions. (arXiv:1708.07813v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Abraham I. Harte, Peter Taylor, Éanna É. Flanagan, relevance 1.21

Bodies coupled to electromagnetic or other long-range fields are subject to radiation reaction and other effects in which their own fields can influence their motion. Self-force phenomena such as these have been poorly understood for spacetime dimensions not equal to four, despite the relevance of differing dimensionalities for holographic duals, effectively two-dimensional condensed matter and fluid systems, and so on. We remedy this by showing that forces and torques acting on extended electromagnetic charges in all dimensions $d \geq 3$ have the same functional form as the usual test body expressions, except that the electromagnetic field appearing in those expressions is not the physical one; it is an effective surrogate. For arbitrary even $d \geq 4$, our surrogate field locally satisfies the source-free field equations, and is conceptually very similar to what arises in the Detweiler-Whiting prescription previously established when $d=4$. The odd-dimensional case is different, involving effective fields which are not necessarily source-free. Moreover, we find a 1-parameter family of natural effective fields for each odd $d$, where the free parameter--a lengthscale--is degenerate with (finite) renormalizations of a body's stress-energy tensor. While different parameter choices can result in different forces, they do so without affecting physical observables. Having established these general results, explicit point-particle self-forces are derived in odd-dimensional Minkowski spacetimes. Simple examples are discussed for $d=3$ and $d=5$, one of which illustrates that the particularly slow decay of fields in three spacetime dimensions results in particles creating their own "preferred rest frames:" Initially-static charges which are later perturbed have a strong tendency to return to rest. Our results easily extend also to the scalar and gravitational self-force problems.

General relativistic weak-field limit and Newtonian N-body simulations. (arXiv:1708.07769v2 [astro-ph.CO] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by Christian Fidler, Thomas Tram, Cornelius Rampf, Robert Crittenden, Kazuya Koyama, David Wands, relevance 0.78

We show how standard Newtonian N-body simulations can be interpreted in terms of the weak-field limit of general relativity by employing the recently developed Newtonian motion gauge. Our framework allows the inclusion of radiation perturbations and the non-linear evolution of matter. We show how to construct the weak-field metric by combining Newtonian simulations with results from Einstein-Boltzmann codes. We discuss observational effects on weak lensing and ray tracing, identifying important relativistic corrections.

First Order Formalism for Generalized Vortices. (arXiv:1708.07754v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D. Bazeia, L. Losano, M.A. Marques, R. Menezes, I. Zafalan, relevance 1.02

This work develops a procedure to find classes of Lagrangian densities that describe generalizations of the Abelian Maxwell-Higgs, the Chern-Simons-Higgs and the Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs models. The investigation focuses on the construction of models that support vortices that obey the stressless condition and lead to first order differential equations which are compatible with the equations of motion. The results induce the appearance of constraints that restrict the choice of the Lagrangian densities, but help us to introduce an auxiliary function that allows to calculate the energy without knowing the explicit form of the solutions.

Improved constraints on the dark energy equation of state using Gaussian processes. (arXiv:1708.07750v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Deng Wang, Xin-He Meng, relevance 0.00

We perform a comprehensive study of the dark energy equation of state (EoS) utilizing the model-independent Gaussian processes (GP). Using a combination of the Union 2.1 data set, the 30 newly added H(z) cosmic chronometer data points and Planck's shift parameter, we modify the usual GaPP code and provide a tighter constraint on the dark energy EoS than the previous literature about GP reconstructions. Subsequently, we take the "controlling variable method" to investigate directly the effects of variable matter density parameter $\Omega_{m0}$, variable cosmic curvature $\Omega_{k0}$ and variable Hubble constant $H_0$ on the dark energy EoS, respectively. We find that too small or large $\Omega_{m0}$, $\Omega_{k0}$ and $H_0$ are all disfavored by our GP reconstructions based on current cosmological observations. Subsequently, we find that variable $\Omega_{m0}$ and $\Omega_{k0}$ affect the reconstructions of the dark energy EoS, but affect hardly the reconstructions of the normalized comoving distance $D(z)$ and its derivatives $D'(z)$ and $D"(z)$. However, variable $H_0$ affects the reconstructions of the dark energy EoS by affecting obviously those of $D(z), D'(z)$ and $D"(z)$. Furthermore, we find that the results of our reconstructions support substantially the recent local measurement of $H_0$ reported by Riess et al.

Extended Phase Space Analysis of Interacting Dark Energy Models in Loop Quantum Cosmology. (arXiv:1708.07716v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Hmar Zonunmawia, Wompherdeiki Khyllep, Nandan Roy, Jibitesh Dutta, Nicola Tamanini, relevance 0.00

The present work deals with the dynamical system investigation of interacting dark energy models (quintessence and phantom) in the framework of Loop Quantum Cosmology by taking into account a broad class of self-interacting scalar field potentials. The main reason for studying potentials beyond the exponential type is to obtain additional critical points which can yield more interesting cosmological solutions. The stability of critical points and the asymptotic behavior of the phase space are analyzed using dynamical system tools and numerical techniques. We study two class of interacting dark energy models and consider two specific potentials as examples: the hyperbolic potential and the inverse power-law potential. We found a rich and interesting phenomenology including the avoidance of big rip singularities due to loop quantum effects, smooth and non-linear transitions from matter domination to dark energy domination and finite periods of phantom domination with dynamical crossing of the phantom barrier.

Towards rapid transient identification and characterization of kilonovae. (arXiv:1708.07714v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by Michael Coughlin, Tim Dietrich, Kyohei Kawaguchi, Stephen Smartt, Christopher Stubbs, Maximiliano Ujevic, relevance 0.31

With the increasing sensitivity of advanced gravitational wave detectors, the first joint detection of an electromagnetic and gravitational wave signal from a compact binary merger will hopefully happen within this decade. However, current gravitational-wave likelihood sky areas span $\sim 100-1000\,\textrm{deg}^2$, and thus it is a challenging task to identify which, if any, transient corresponds to the gravitational-wave event. In this study, we make a comparison between recent kilonovae/macronovae lightcurve models for the purpose of assessing potential lightcurve templates for counterpart identification. We show that recent analytical and parametrized models for these counterparts result in qualitative agreement with more complicated radiative transfer simulations. Our analysis suggests that with improved lightcurve models with smaller uncertainties, it will become possible to extract information about ejecta properties and binary parameters directly from the lightcurve measurement. Even tighter constraints are obtained in cases for which gravitational-wave and kilonovae parameter estimation results are combined. However, to be prepared for upcoming detections, more realistic kilonovae models are needed. These will require numerical relativity with more detailed microphysics, better radiative transfer simulations, and a better understanding of the underlying nuclear physics.

Field redefinitions and Plebanski formalism for GR. (arXiv:1708.07694v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Kirill Krasnov, relevance 0.00

We point out that there exists a family of transformations acting on BF-type Lagrangians of gravity, with Lagrangians related by such a transformation corresponding to classically equivalent theories. A transformation of this type corresponds to a particular field redefinition. We discuss both the chiral and non-chiral cases. In the chiral case there is a one-parameter, and in the non-chiral case a two-parameter family of such transformations. In the chiral setup, we use these transformations to give an alternative derivation of the chiral BF plus potential formulation of General Relativity that was proposed recently. In the non-chiral case, we show that there is a new BF plus potential type formulation of GR. We also make some remarks on the non-chiral pure connection formulation.

Determination of many-electron basis functions for a Quantum Hall ground state using Schur polynomials. (arXiv:1708.07658v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Sudhansu S. Mandal, Sutirtha Mukherjee, Koushik Ray, relevance 0.18

A method for determining the ground state of a planar interacting many-electron system in a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane is described. The ground state wave-function is expressed as a linear combination of a set of basis functions. Given only the flux and the number of electrons describing an incompressible state, we use the combinatorics of partitioning the flux among the electrons to derive the basis wave-functions as linear combinations of Schur polynomials. The procedure ensures that the basis wave-functions form representations of the angular momentum algebra. We exemplify the method by deriving the basis functions for the 5/2 quantum Hall state with a few particles.

Classical r-matrices for the generalised Chern-Simons formulation of 3d gravity. (arXiv:1708.07650v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Prince K Osei, Bernd J Schroers, relevance 0.30

We study the conditions for classical r-matrices to be compatible with the generalised Chern-Simons action for 3d gravity. Compatibility means solving the classical Yang-Baxter equations with a prescribed symmetric part for each of the Lie algebras and bilinear pairings arising in the generalised Chern-Simons action. We give a new construction of r-matrices via a generalised complexification and derive a non-linear set of matrix equations determining the most general compatible r-matrix. We exhibit new families of solutions and show that they contain known solutions for special parameter values

Hartle-Hawking wave function and large-scale power suppression of CMB. (arXiv:1708.07633v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Dong-han Yeom, relevance 15.48

In this presentation, we first describe the Hartle-Hawking wave function in the Euclidean path integral approach. After we introduce perturbations to the background instanton solution, following the formalism developed by Halliwell-Hawking and Laflamme, one can obtain the scale-invariant power spectrum for small-scales. We further emphasize that the Hartle-Hawking wave function can explain the large-scale power suppression by choosing suitable potential parameters, where this will be a possible window to confirm or falsify models of quantum cosmology. Finally, we further comment on possible future applications, e.g., Euclidean wormholes, which can result in distinct signatures to the power spectrum.

BMS in higher space-time dimensions and Non-relativistic BMS. (arXiv:1708.07564v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by D.G. Delmastro, relevance 0.00

Master's thesis. We present a study of the BMS Group is higher space-time dimensions, and the extension of this group to non-relativistic systems.

Perturbed redshifts from N-body simulations. (arXiv:1708.07552v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Julian Adamek, relevance 1.58

In order to keep pace with the increasing data quality of astronomical surveys the observed source redshift has to be modeled beyond the well-known Doppler contribution. In this letter I want to examine the gauge issue that is often glossed over when one assigns a perturbed redshift to simulated data generated with a Newtonian N-body code. A careful analysis reveals the presence of a correction term that has so far been neglected. It is roughly proportional to the observed length scale divided by the Hubble scale and therefore suppressed inside the horizon. However, on gigaparsec scales it can be comparable to the gravitational redshift and hence amounts to an important relativistic effect.

Wang and Yau's Quasi-Local Energy for an Extreme Kerr Spacetime. (arXiv:1708.07532v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Warner A. Miller, Shannon Ray, Mu-Tao Wang, Shing-Tung Yau, relevance 3.42

There exist constant radial surfaces, $\mathcal{S}$, that may not be globally embeddable in $\mathbb{R}^3$ for Kerr spacetimes with $a>\sqrt{3}M/2$. To compute the Brown and York (B-Y) quasi-local energy (QLE), one must isometrically embed $\mathcal{S}$ into $\mathbb{R}^3$. On the other hand, the Wang and Yau (W-Y) QLE embeds $\mathcal{S}$ into Minkowski space. In this paper, we examine the W-Y QLE for surfaces that may or may not be globally embeddable in $\mathbb{R}^3$. We show that their energy functional, $E[\tau]$, has a critical point at $\tau=0$ for all constant radial surfaces in $t=constant$ hypersurfaces using Boyer-Lindquist coordinates. For $\tau=0$, the W-Y QLE reduces to the B-Y QLE. To examine the W-Y QLE in these cases, we write the functional explicitly in terms of $\tau$ under the assumption that $\tau$ is only a function of $\theta$. We then use a Fourier expansion of $\tau\left(\theta\right)$ to explore the values of $E[\tau\left(\theta\right)]$ in the space of coefficients. From our analysis, we discovered an open region of complex values for $E[\tau\left(\theta\right)]$. We also study the physical properties of the smallest real value of $E[\tau\left(\theta\right)]$, which lies on the boundary separating real and complex energies.

Novel vacuum conditions in inflationary collapse models. (arXiv:1708.07527v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gabriel R. Bengochea, Gabriel León, relevance 0.29

Within the framework of inflationary models that incorporate a spontaneous reduction of the wave function for the emergence of the seeds of cosmic structure, we study the effects on the primordial scalar power spectrum by choosing a novel initial quantum state that characterizes the perturbations of the inflaton. Specifically, we investigate under which conditions one can recover an essentially scale free spectrum of primordial inhomogeneities when the standard Bunch-Davies vacuum is replaced by another one that minimizes the renormalized stress-energy tensor via a Hadamard procedure. We think that this new prescription for selecting the vacuum state is better suited for the self-induced collapse proposal than the traditional one in the semiclassical gravity picture. We show that the parametrization for the time of collapse, considered in previous works, is maintained. Also, we obtain an angular spectrum for the CMB temperature anisotropies consistent with the one that best fits the observational data. Therefore, we conclude that the collapse mechanism might be of a more fundamental character than previously suspected.

Attractive Strings and Five-Branes, Skew-Holomorphic Jacobi Forms and Moonshine. (arXiv:1708.07523v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Miranda C.N. Cheng, John F.R. Duncan, Sarah M. Harrison, Jeffrey A. Harvey, Shamit Kachru, Brandon C. Rayhaun, relevance 0.00

We show that certain BPS counting functions for both fundamental strings and strings arising from fivebranes wrapping divisors in Calabi--Yau threefolds naturally give rise to skew-holomorphic Jacobi forms at rational and attractor points in the moduli space of string compactifications. For M5-branes wrapping divisors these are forms of weight negative one, and in the case of multiple M5-branes skew-holomorphic mock Jacobi forms arise. We further find that in simple examples these forms are related to skew-holomorphic (mock) Jacobi forms of weight two that play starring roles in moonshine. We discuss examples involving M5-branes on the complex projective plane, del Pezzo surfaces of degree one, and half-K3 surfaces. For del Pezzo surfaces of degree one and certain half-K3 surfaces we find a corresponding graded (virtual) module for the degree twelve Mathieu group. This suggests a more extensive relationship between Mathieu groups and complex surfaces, and a broader role for M5-branes in the theory of Jacobi forms and moonshine.

Oblique Confinement at $\theta\neq 0$ in weakly coupled gauge theories with deformations. (arXiv:1708.07520v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mohamed M. Anber, Ariel R. Zhitnitsky, relevance 2.91

The main focus of this work is to test the ideas related to the oblique confinement in a theoretically controllable manner using the "deformed QCD" as a toy model. We explicitly show that the oblique confinement in the weakly coupled gauge theories emerges as a result of condensation of $N$ types of monopoles shifted by the phase $\exp(i\frac{\theta+2\pi m}{N})$ in Bloch type construction. It should be contrasted with conventional and commonly accepted viewpoint that the confinement at $\theta\neq 0$ is due to the condensation of the electrically charged dyons which indeed normally emerge in the systems with $\theta\neq 0$ as a result of Witten's effect. We explain the basic reason why the "dyon" mechanism does not materialize-- it is because the Witten's effect holds for a static magnetic monopole treated as an external source. It should be contrasted with our case when $N$- types of monopoles are not static, but rather the dynamical degrees of freedom which fluctuate and themselves determine the ground state of the system.

Fundamental Physics from Future Weak-Lensing Calibrated Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Galaxy Cluster Counts. (arXiv:1708.07502v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Mathew Madhavacheril, Nicholas Battaglia, Hironao Miyatake, relevance 0.60

Future high-resolution measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) will produce catalogs of tens of thousands of galaxy clusters through the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect. We forecast how well different configurations of a CMB Stage-4 experiment can constrain cosmological parameters, in particular the amplitude of structure as a function of redshift $\sigma_8(z)$, the sum of neutrino masses $\Sigma m_{\nu}$, and the dark energy equation of state $w(z)$. A key element of this effort is calibrating the tSZ scaling relation by measuring the lensing signal around clusters. We examine how the mass calibration from future optical surveys like the Large Synoptic Survey (LSST) compares with a purely internal calibration using lensing of the CMB itself. We find that, due to its high-redshift leverage, internal calibration gives constraints on cosmological parameters comparable to the optical calibration, and can be used as a cross-check of systematics in the optical measurement. We also show that in contrast to the constraints using the CMB lensing power spectrum, lensing-calibrated tSZ cluster counts can detect a minimal $\Sigma m_{\nu}$ at the 3-5$\sigma$ level even when the dark energy equation of state is freed up.

q-Painleve equation from Virasoro constraints. (arXiv:1708.07479v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by A. Mironov, A. Morozov, relevance 1.28

The q-Painleve equation, satisfied by the Fourier transform of the q-Virasoro conformal blocks at c=1, is interpreted as a reformulation of the string equation and two other Virasoro constraints in the $5d$ Dotsenko-Fateev matrix model.

Backreaction in Axion Monodromy, 4-forms and the Swampland. (arXiv:1708.07456v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Irene Valenzuela, relevance 0.36

Axion monodromy models can always be described in terms of an axion coupled to 3-form gauge fields with non-canonical kinetic terms. The presence of the saxions parametrising the kinetic metrics of the 3-form fields leads to backreaction effects in the inflationary dynamics. We review the case in which saxions backreact on the K\"ahler metric of the inflaton leading to a logarithmic scaling of the proper field distance at large field. This behaviour is universal in Type II string flux compactifications and consistent with a refinement of the Swampland Conjecture. The critical point at which this behaviour appears depends on the mass hierarchy between the inflaton and the saxions. However, in tractable compactifications, such a hierarchy cannot be realised without leaving the regime of validity of the effective theory, disfavouring transplanckian excursions in string theory.

Towards the map of quantum gravity. (arXiv:1708.07445v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jakub Mielczarek, Tomasz Trześniewski, relevance 12.28

In this paper we point out some possible links between different approaches to quantum gravity and theories of the Planck scale physics. In particular, connections between Loop Quantum Gravity, Causal Dynamical Triangulations, Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity, Asymptotic Safety scenario, Quantum Graphity, deformations of relativistic symmetries and nonlinear phase space models are discussed. The main focus is on quantum deformations of the Hypersurface Deformations Algebra and Poincar\'{e} algebra, nonlinear structure of phase space, the running dimension of spacetime and nontrivial phase diagram of quantum gravity. We present an attempt to arrange the observed relations in the form of a graph, highlighting different aspects of quantum gravity. The analysis is performed in the spirit of a mind map, which represents the architectural approach to the studied theory, being a natural way to describe the properties of a complex system. We hope that the constructed graphs (maps) will turn out to be helpful in uncovering the global picture of quantum gravity as a particular complex system and serve as a useful guide for the researchers.

Power-counting during single-field slow-roll inflation. (arXiv:1708.07443v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Peter Adshead, C.P. Burgess, R. Holman, Sarah Shandera, relevance 0.48

We elucidate the counting of the relevant small parameters in inflationary perturbation theory. Doing this allows for an explicit delineation of the domain of validity of the semi-classical approximation to gravity used in the calculation of inflationary correlation functions. We derive an expression for the dependence of correlation functions of inflationary perturbations on the slow-roll parameter $\epsilon = -\dot{H}/H^2$, as well as on $H/M_p$, where $H$ is the Hubble parameter during inflation. Our analysis is valid for single-field models in which the inflaton can traverse a Planck-sized range in field values and where all slow-roll parameters have approximately the same magnitude. As an application, we use our expression to seek the boundaries of the domain of validity of inflationary perturbation theory for regimes where this is potentially problematic: models with small speed of sound and models allowing eternal inflation.

Dirac field and gravity in NC $SO(2,3)_\star$ model. (arXiv:1708.07437v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dragoljub Gočanin, Voja Radovanović, relevance 1.16

Action for the Dirac spinor field coupled to gravity on noncommutative (NC) Moyal-Weyl space-time is obtained without prior knowledge of the metric tensor. We emphasise gauge origins of gravity (i.e. metric structure) and its interaction with fermions by demonstrating that a classical action invariant under $SO(2,3)$ gauge transformations can be exactly reduced to the Dirac action in curved space-time after breaking the original symmetry down to the local Lorentz $SO(1,3)$ symmetry. The commutative, $SO(2,3)$ invariant action can be straightforwardly deformed via Moyal-Weyl $\star$-product to its NC $SO(2,3)_\star$ invariant version which can be expanded perturbatively in the powers of the deformation parameter using the Seiberg-Witten map. The gravity-matter couplings in the expansion arise as an effect of the gauge symmetry breaking. We calculate in detail the first order NC correction to the classical Dirac action in curved space-time and show that it does not vanish. This significant feature of the presented model enables us to potentially observe the NC effects already at the lowest perturbative order. Moreover, NC effects are apparent even in the flat space-time limit. We analyse NC modification of the Dirac equation, Feynman propagator and dispersion relation for electrons in Minkowski space-time.

Scalar-Tensor Teleparallel Gravity With Boundary Term by Noether Symmetries. (arXiv:1708.07430v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ganim Gecim, Yusuf Kucukakca, relevance 0.00

In the framework of teleparallel gravity, the Friedman-Robertson-Walker cosmological model with scalar tensor theory where scalar field is non-minimally coupled to both the torsion scalar and boundary term is studied. Utilizing the Noether symmetry approach in such a theory, we obtain the explicit forms of the couplings and potential as a function the scalar field. We present some important cosmological solutions for the modified field equations using these functions getting via the Noether symmetry approach. Finally, the interesting cosmological properties of these solutions are discussed in detail, and it is shown that they can describe a universe lead to the late time accelerating expansion.

Black hole shadow in an asymptotically-flat, stationary, and axisymmetric spacetime: the Kerr-Newman and rotating regular black holes. (arXiv:1708.07427v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Naoki Tsukamoto, relevance 21.61

The shadow of a black hole can be one of strong observational evidences for stationary black holes. If we see shadows at the center of galaxies, we would say whether the observed compact objects are black holes. In this paper, we consider a formula for the contour of a shadow in an asymptotically-flat, stationary, and axisymmetric black hole spacetime. We show that the formula is useful for obtaining the contour of the shadow of several black holes such as the Kerr-Newman black hole and rotating regular black holes. Using the formula, we can obtain new examples of the contour of the shadow of rotating black holes if assumptions are satisfied.

Axion field induces exact symmetry. (arXiv:1708.07423v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by P. Mitra, relevance 1.69

While no regularization is consistent with the anomalous chiral symmetry which occurs for massless fermions, the artificial axion-induced symmetry for massive fermions is shown here to be consistent with a standard regularization, even in curved spacetime, so that it can be said to have no anomaly in gauge or gravitational fields. Implications for theta terms are pointed out.

Symmetry breaking and effective photon mass. (arXiv:1708.07414v1 [physics.optics])
in hep-th by Yong-Hae Ko, Gwang-Il Kim, Sok-Hyon Won, Nam-Chol Kim, relevance 1.61

We suggest a possibility that the photon can acquire a finite mass in a medium when the external interaction and symmetry is broken on the basis of Chern-Simons gauge theory.

Fermion inter-particle potentials in 5D and a dimensional restriction prescription to 4D. (arXiv:1708.07410v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by L.P.R. Ospedal, J.A. Helayël-Neto, relevance 0.39

This work sets out to compute and discuss effects of spin, velocity and dimensionality on inter-particle potentials systematically derived from gauge field-theoretic models. We investigate the interaction of fermionic particles by the exchange of a vector field in a parity-preserving description in five-dimensional $(5D)$ space-time. A particular dimensional reduction prescription is adopted $-$ reduction by dimensional restriction $-$ and special effects, like a pseudo-spin dependence, show up in four dimensions $(4D)$. What we refer to as pseudo-spin shall be duly explained. The main idea we try to convey is that the calculation of the potentials in $5D$ and the consequent reduction to $4D$ exhibits new effects that are not present if the potential is calculated in $4D$ after the action has been reduced.

Quantum fields as deep learning. (arXiv:1708.07408v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by Jae-Weon Lee, relevance 6.02

In this essay we conjecture that quantum fields such as the Higgs field is related to a restricted Boltzmann machine for deep neural networks. An accelerating Rindler observer in a flat spacetime sees the quantum fields having a thermal distribution from the quantum entanglement, and a renormalization group process for the thermal fields on a lattice is similar to a deep learning algorithm.

This correspondence can be generalized for the KMS states of quantum fields in a curved spacetime like a black hole.

The Basic Mechanism for Suppressed SUSY. (arXiv:1708.07405v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by John A. Dixon, relevance 0.00

Suppressed SUSY is a new mechanism for `breaking SUSY'. It requires Supergravity. It is independent of and very different from spontaneous or explicit SUSY breaking. A recent paper illustrates some of its results. In this paper, the basic mechanism of Suppressed SUSY is explained in a simple SU(5) Yang Mills Theory, with a special set of Scalars. Supersymmetry is not needed for this limited purpose.

Symbol, Surface operators and $S$-duality. (arXiv:1708.07388v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by ShengLiang Cui, Bao Shou, relevance 0.40

We study rigid surface operators in the $N=4$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with gauge groups $SO(n)$ and $Sp(2n)$. Using maps $X_S$ and $Y_S$ between these two theories, Wyllard made explicit proposals for how the $S$-duality map should act on certain subclasses of surface operators. We study the maps $X_S$ and $Y_S$ further and simplify the construction of symbol invariant of rigid surface operators by a convenient trick. By consistency checks, we recover and extend the $S$-duality maps proposed by Wyllard. We find new subclasses of rigid surface operators related by $S$-duality. We try to explain the exceptions of $S$-duality maps. We also discuss the extension of the techniques used in the $B_n/C_n$ theories to the $D_n$ theories.

Uniform energy bound and Morawetz estimate for extreme components of spin fields in the exterior of a slowly rotating Kerr black hole II: linearized gravity. (arXiv:1708.07385v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Siyuan Ma, relevance 5.84

This second part of the series treats spin $\pm2$ components (or extreme components) of the linearized gravitational perturbations (linearized gravity) in the exterior of a slowly rotating Kerr black hole, following the hierarchy introduced in our first part [15] on the Maxwell field. This hierarchy lies in the fact that for each of these two components defined in Kinnersley tetrad, the resulting equations by performing some first-order differential operator on it once and twice, together with the Teukolsky master equation, are in the form of an "inhomogeneous spin-weighted wave equation" (ISWWE) with different potentials and constitute a linear spin-weighted wave system. We then prove energy and integrated local energy decay (Morawetz) estimates for this type of ISWWE, and utilize them to achieve both a uniform bound of a positive definite energy and a Morawetz estimate for the regular extreme Newman-Penrose components defined in the regular Hawking-Hartle tetrad.

Logarithmic corrections of charged hairy black hole in (2+1) dimension. (arXiv:1708.07383v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by J. Sadeghi, B. Pourhassan, F. Rahimi, relevance 12.05

We consider a charged black hole with a scalar field that is coupled to gravity in (2 + 1)-dimensions. We compute the logarithmic corrections to the corresponding system using two approaches. In the first method we take advantage of thermodynamic properties. In the second method we use the metric function that is suggested by conformal field theory. Finally, we compare the results of the two approaches.

Maximum redshift of gravitational wave merger events. (arXiv:1708.07380v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Savvas M. Koushiappas, Abraham Loeb, relevance 1.48

Future generation of gravitational wave detectors will have the sensitivity to detect gravitational wave events at redshifts far beyond any detectable electromagnetic sources. We show that if the observed event rate is greater than one event per year at redshifts z > 40, then the probability distribution of primordial density fluctuations must be significantly non-Gaussian or the events originate from primordial black holes. The nature of the excess events can be determined from the redshift distribution of the merger rate.

Hyperbolic Relaxation Method for Elliptic Equations. (arXiv:1708.07358v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Hannes R. Rüter (1), David Hilditch (1 and 2), Marcus Bugner (1), Bernd Brügmann (1) ((1) Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Jena, Jena, Germany, (2) CENTRA, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal), relevance 0.00

We show how the basic idea of parabolic Jacobi relaxation can be modified to obtain a new class of hyperbolic relaxation schemes that are suitable for the solution of elliptic equations. Some of the analytic and numerical properties of hyperbolic relaxation are examined. We describe its implementation as a first order system in a pseudospectral evolution code, demonstrating that certain elliptic equations can be solved within a framework for hyperbolic evolution systems. Applications include various initial data problems in numerical general relativity. In particular we generate initial data for the evolution of a massless scalar field, a single neutron star, and binary neutron star systems.

Black Hole Spin Axis in Numerical Relativity. (arXiv:1708.07325v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Robert Owen, Alex S. Fox, John Freiberg, Terrence Pierre Jacques, relevance 11.34

Colliding black holes are systems of profound interest in both gravitational wave astronomy and in gravitation theory, and a variety of methods have been developed for modeling their dynamics in detail. The features of these dynamics are determined by the masses of the holes and by the magnitudes and axes of their spins. While masses and spin magnitudes can be defined in reasonably unambiguous ways, the spin axis is a concept which despite great physical importance is seriously undermined by the coordinate freedom of general relativity. Despite a great wealth of detailed numerical simulations of generic spinning black hole collisions, very little attention has gone into defining or justifying the definitions of the spin axis used in the numerical relativity literature. In this paper, we summarize and contrast the various spin direction measures available in the SpEC code, including a comparison with a method common in other codes, we explain why these measures have shown qualitatively different nutation features than one would expect from post-Newtonian theory, and we derive and implement new measures that give much better agreement.

Observable tensor-to-scalar ratio and secondary gravitational wave background. (arXiv:1708.07293v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Arindam Chatterjee, Anupam Mazumdar, relevance 10.58

In this paper we will highlight how a simple vacuum energy dominated inflection-point inflation can match the current data from cosmic microwave background radiation, and predict large primordial tensor to scalar ratio, $r \sim \mathcal{O}(10^{-3}-10^{-2})$, with observable second order gravitational wave background, which can be potentially detectable from future experiments, such as DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (DECIGO), Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (eLISA), Cosmic Explorer (CE), and Big Bang Observatory (BBO).

Entanglement Properties of Boundary State and Thermalization. (arXiv:1708.07268v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Wu-zhong Guo, relevance 18.68

We discuss the regularized boundary state $e^{-\tau_0 H}|B\rangle_a$ on two aspects in both 2D CFT and higher dimensional free field theory. One is its entanglement and correlation properties, which exhibit exponential decay, the parameter $1/\tau_0$ works as a mass scale. The other concerns with its time evolution. We investigate the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition on correlation function of \emph{local} operators in finial state to detect the thermal properties. Interestingly we find the correlation functions in the initial state $e^{-\tau_0 H}|B\rangle_a$ also partially satisfy the KMS condition, which hints the regularized boundary states do hide some thermal information. The role of time evolution is pointed out. We generally analyse quantum quench by a pure state and find that the exponential decay in the initial state is a necessary condition for thermalization in 2D CFT, but it seems not in higher dimension. As a byproduct we find in an large $\tau_0$ limit the thermal property of 2-point function in $e^{-\tau_0 H}|B\rangle_a$ also appears.

Delocalizing Entanglement of Anisotropic Black Branes. (arXiv:1708.07243v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Viktor Jahnke, relevance 28.75

We study the mutual information between pairs of regions on the two asymptotic boundaries of maximally-extended anisotropic black-brane solutions. This quantity characterizes the local pattern of entanglement of thermofield double states which are dual to these geometries. We analyse the disruption of the mutual information in anisotropic shock wave geometries and show that the entanglement velocity plays an important role in this phenomenon. Besides that we compute several chaos-related properties of this system, like the entanglement velocity, the butterfly velocity and the scrambling time. We find that the butterfly velocity and the entanglement velocity violate the upper bounds proposed in 1311.1200 and 1612.00082, but remain bounded by their corresponding values in the infrared effective theory.

Compact, Singular G2-Holonomy Manifolds and M/Heterotic/F-Theory Duality. (arXiv:1708.07215v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Andreas P. Braun, Sakura Schafer-Nameki, relevance 0.69

We study the duality between M-theory on compact holonomy G2-manifolds and the heterotic string on Calabi-Yau three-folds. The duality is studied for K3-fibered G2-manifolds, called twisted connected sums, which lend themselves to an application of fiber-wise M-theory/Heterotic Duality. For a large class of such G2-manifolds we are able to identify the dual heterotic as well as F-theory realizations. First we establish this chain of dualities for smooth G2-manifolds. This has a natural generalization to situations with non-abelian gauge groups, which correspond to singular G2-manifolds, where each of the K3-fibers degenerates. We argue for their existence through the chain of dualities, supported by non-trivial checks of the spectra. The corresponding 4d gauge groups can be both Higgsable and non-Higgsable, and we provide several explicit examples of the general construction.

Quasi-Topological Ricci Polynomial Gravities. (arXiv:1708.07198v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yue-Zhou Li, Hai-Shan Liu, H. Lu, relevance 3.35

Quasi-topological terms in gravity can be viewed as those that give no contribution to the equations of motion for a special subclass of metric ans\"atze. They therefore play no r\^ole in constructing these solutions, but can affect the general perturbations. We consider Einstein gravity extended with Ricci tensor polynomial invariants, which admits Einstein metrics with appropriate effective cosmological constants as its vacuum solutions. We construct three types of quasi-topological gravities. The first type is for the most general static metrics with spherical, toroidal or hyperbolic isometries. The second type is for the special static metrics where $g_{tt} g_{rr}$ is constant. The third type is the linearized quasi-topological gravities on the Einstein metrics. We construct and classify results that are either dependent on or independent of dimensions, up to the tenth order. We then consider a subset of these three types and obtain Lovelock-like quasi-topological gravities, that are independent of the dimensions. The linearized gravities on Einstein metrics on all dimensions are simply Einstein and hence ghost free. The theories become quasi-topological on static metrics in one specific dimension, but non-trivial in others. We also focus on the quasi-topological Ricci cubic invariant in four dimensions as a specific example to study its effect on holography, including shear viscosity, thermoelectric DC conductivities and butterfly velocity. In particular, we find that the holographic diffusivity bounds can be violated by the quasi-topological terms, which can induce an extra massive mode that yields a butterfly velocity unbound above.

Axionic black branes in the k-essence sector of the Horndeski model. (arXiv:1708.07194v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Adolfo Cisterna, Mokhtar Hassaine, Julio Oliva, Massimiliano Rinaldi, relevance 6.74

We construct new black brane solutions in the context of Horndeski gravity, in particular in its K-essence sector. These models are supported by axion scalar fields that depend only on the horizon coordinates. The dynamics of these fields is determined by a K-essence term that includes the standard kinetic term $X$ and a correction of the form $X^{k}$. We find both neutral and charged exact and analytic solutions in $D$-dimensions, which are asymptotically anti de Sitter. Then, we describe in detail the thermodynamical properties of the four-dimensional solutions and we compute the dual holographic DC conductivity.

Topology, geometry and quantum interference in condensed matter physics. (arXiv:1708.07192v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Alexander G. Abanov, relevance -1.88

The methods of quantum field theory are widely used in condensed matter physics. In particular, the concept of an effective action was proven useful when studying low temperature and long distance behavior of condensed matter systems. Often the degrees of freedom which appear due to spontaneous symmetry breaking or an emergent gauge symmetry, have non-trivial topology. In those cases, the terms in the effective action describing low energy degrees of freedom can be metric independent (topological). We consider a few examples of topological terms of different types and discuss some of their consequences. We will also discuss the origin of these terms and calculate effective actions for several fermionic models. In this approach, topological terms appear as phases of fermionic determinants and represent quantum anomalies of fermionic models. In addition to the wide use of topological terms in high energy physics, they appeared to be useful in studies of charge and spin density waves, Quantum Hall Effect, spin chains, frustrated magnets, topological insulators and superconductors, and some models of high-temperature superconductivity.

The Einstein-Vlasov system in spherical symmetry II: spherical perturbations of static solutions. (arXiv:1708.07191v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Carsten Gundlach, relevance 1.12

We reduce the equations governing the spherically symmetric perturbations of static spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system (with either massive or massless particles) to a single stratified wave equation $-\psi_{,tt}=H\psi$, with $H$ containing second derivatives in radius, and integrals over energy and angular momentum. We identify an inner product with respect to which $H$ is symmetric, and use the Ritz method to approximate the lowest eigenvalues of $H$ numerically. For two representative background solutions with massless particles we find a single unstable mode with a growth rate consistent with the universal one found by Akbarian and Choptuik in nonlinear numerical time evolutions.

The Casimir effect for pistons with transmittal boundary conditions. (arXiv:1708.07167v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Guglielmo Fucci, relevance 0.00

This work focuses on the analysis of the Casimir effect for pistons subject to transmittal boundary conditions. In particular we consider, as piston configuration, a direct product manifold of the type $I\times N$ where $I$ is a closed interval of the real line and $N$ is a smooth compact Riemannian manifold. By utilizing the spectral zeta function regularization technique, we compute the Casimir energy of the system and the Casimir force acting on the piston. Explicit results for the force are provided when the manifold $N$ is a $d$-dimensional ball.

D-brane Disformal Coupling and Thermal Dark Matter. (arXiv:1708.07153v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Bhaskar Dutta, Esteban Jimenez, Ivonne Zavala, relevance 0.50

Conformal and Disformal couplings between a scalar field and matter occur naturally in general scalar-tensor theories. In D-brane models of cosmology and particle physics, these couplings originate from the D-brane action describing the dynamics of its transverse (the scalar) and longitudinal (matter) fluctuations, which are thus coupled. During the post-inflationary regime and before the onset of big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), these couplings can modify the expansion rate felt by matter, changing the predictions for the thermal relic abundance of dark matter particles and thus the annihilation rate required to satisfy the dark matter content today. We study the D-brane-like conformal and disformal couplings effect on the expansion rate of the universe prior to BBN and its impact on the dark matter relic abundance and annihilation rate. For a purely disformal coupling, the expansion rate is always enhanced with respect to the standard one. This gives rise to larger cross-sections when compared to the standard thermal prediction for a range of dark matter masses, which will be probed by future experiments. In a D-brane-like scenario, the scale at which the expansion rate enhancement occurs depends on the string coupling and the string scale.

Double Field Theory description of Heterotic gauge symmetry enhancing-breaking. (arXiv:1708.07148v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Gerardo Aldazabal, Eduardo Andres, Martin Mayo, Victor Penas, relevance 4.40

A Double Field Theory (DFT) description of gauge symmetry enhancing-breaking in the heterotic string is presented. The construction, based on previous results for the bosonic string, relies on the extension of the tangent frame of DFT. The fluxes of a Scherk-Schwarz like generalized toroidal compactification are moduli dependent and become identified with the structure constants of the enhanced group at fixed "self-dual" points in moduli space. Slight displacements from such points provide the breaking of the symmetry, gauge bosons acquiring masses proportional to fluxes. The inclusion of fermions is also discussed.

Numerically evaluating the bispectrum in curved field-space - with PyTransport 2.0. (arXiv:1708.07130v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by John W. Ronayne, David J. Mulryne, relevance 1.15

We extend the transport framework for numerically evaluating the power spectrum and bispectrum in multi-field inflation to the case of a curved field-space metric. This method naturally accounts for all sub- and super-horizon tree level effects, including those induced by the curvature of the field-space. We present an open source implementation of our equations in an extension of the publicly available PyTransport code. Finally we illustrate how our technique is applied to examples of inflationary models with a non-trivial field-space metric.

On $a$-$F$ dimensional interpolation. (arXiv:1708.07094v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by J.S.Dowker, relevance 2.53

A dimensional interpolation between the free energy and conformal anomaly on spheres is derived for free scalar and spinor fields on the basis of standard field theory. The regularisation used is an extension of one by Candelas and Weinberg. It yields a (known) simple integral which is shown to be identical to the interpolations introduced by Giombi and Klebanov using earlier AdS/CFT results. The extension to GJMS--type higher derivatives is made with a hint of a possible, kinematic resolution of the non--minimal Type-B mismatch being presented.

Another form of the sphere conformal anomaly is given.

High-Energy Neutrino Emission from Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: Prospects for Coincident Detection with Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:1708.07075v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Shigeo S. Kimura, Kohta Murase, Peter Mészáros, Kenta Kiuchi, relevance 0.82

We investigate current and future prospects for coincident detection of high-energy neutrinos and gravitational waves (GWs). Short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs) are believed to originate from mergers of compact star binaries involving neutron stars. We estimate high-energy neutrino fluences from prompt emission, extended emission, X-ray flares, and plateau emission, and show that neutrino signals associated with the extended emission are the most promising. Assuming that the cosmic-ray loading factor is $\sim10$ and the Lorentz factor distribution is lognormal, we calculate the probability of neutrino detection from extended emission by current and future neutrino detectors, and find that the quasi-simultaneous detection of high-energy neutrinos, gamma rays, and GWs is possible with future instruments or even with current instruments for nearby SGRBs having extended emission. We also discuss stacking analyses that will also be useful with future experiments such as IceCube-Gen2.

A systematic approach to tensor hierarchies. (arXiv:1708.07068v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sylvain Lavau, relevance 0.84

In the present paper, we dwelve into the relationship between tensor hierarchy structures in supergravity theories, and Leibniz algebras. The tensor hierarchies naturally emerge from gauging procedures in supergravity models. Given a set of 1-form fields taking values in a representation $V$ of the symmetry Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ of the model, these techniques provide a tower of $p$-form fields that induce covariance of the $p$-form field strengths. The goal of this paper is two-fold: we first show that the choice of an embedding tensor $\Theta:V\to\mathfrak{g}$ induces a Leibniz algebra structure on $V$. Leibniz algebras are non-skew-symmetric generalizations of Lie algebras. In a Leibniz algebra, the product may admit a non-vanishing symmetric part, so that the usual Jacobi identity may not be satisfied anymore, to the benefits of the Leibniz identity. Then we show how a given Leibniz algebra $V$ gives rise to a family of embedding tensors taking values into sub-Lie algebras of $V$, showing that the two notions are responding to one another. Finally we propose a systematic construction of the tensor hierarchy algebra that is dependent on the fewest data possible: a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, a representation $V$, an embedding tensor $\Theta$ and a choice of a lift of the symmetric bracket on $V$. The construction provides a classification of tensor hierarchies in terms of the lifts of the symmetric bracket.

The double copy: gravity from gluons. (arXiv:1708.07056v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Chris D. White, relevance 3.92

Three of the four fundamental forces in nature are described by so-called gauge theories, which include the effects of both relativity and quantum mechanics. Gravity, on the other hand, is described by General Relativity, and the lack of a well-behaved quantum theory - believed to be relevant at the centre of black holes, and at the Big Bang itself - remains a notorious unsolved problem. Recently a new correspondence, the double copy, has been discovered between scattering amplitudes (quantities related to the probability for particles to interact) in gravity, and their gauge theory counterparts. This has subsequently been extended to other quantities, providing gauge theory analogues of e.g. black holes. We here review current research on the double copy, and describe some possible applications.

A Universal Constraint on the Infrared Behavior of the Ghost Propagator in QCD. (arXiv:1708.07031v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Fei Gao, Can Tang, Yu-xin Liu, relevance 1.18

With proposing a unified description of the fields variation at the level of generating functional, we obtain a new identity for the quark-gluon interaction vertex based on gauge symmetry, which is similar to the Slavnov-Taylor Identities(STIs) based on the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin transformation. With these identities, we find that in Landau gauge, the dressing function of the ghost propagator approaches to a constant as its momentum goes to zero, which provides a strong constraint on the infrared behaviour of ghost propagator.

Short GRBs with small opening angles: implications on local neutron star merger rate and GRB/GW association. (arXiv:1708.07008v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Zhi-Ping Jin, Xiang Li, Hao Wang, Yuan-Zhu Wang, Hao-Ning He, Qiang Yuan (1), Fu-Wen Zhang (2), Yuan-Chuan Zou (3), Yi-Zhong Fan, Da-Ming Wei (1) ((1) PMO, (2) GLUT, (3) HUST), relevance 0.00

Short duration GRBs (SGRBs) are widely believed to originate from neutron star mergers and the merger rate can be estimated via the observed GRB rate with the correction of the outflow half-opening angles. The jet breaks in the afterglow lightcurves of SGRBs, rarely detected so far, are crucial for such an approach. In this work we report the detection of jet decline behaviors in the late optical afterglows of GRB 150424A and GRB 160821B and find $\theta_{\rm j}\sim 0.1$ rad. Together with the four events (GRB 051221A, GRB 090426A, GRB 111020A and GRB 130603B) reported before 2015 and the other three "identified" recently (GRB 050709, GRB 060614 and GRB 140903A), we thus have a sample consisting of nine SGRBs (including one long-short event) with a reasonably estimated $\theta_{\rm j}$. In particular, three events in the sample are local (i.e., their redshifts are $\leq 0.2$), with which we can conservatively estimate the local neutron star merger rate density to be $\sim 130~{\rm Gpc^{-3}~yr^{-1}}$, and the real value may be $\sim 10$ times higher, suggesting a very promising detection prospect of advanced LIGO/Virgo in their full sensitivity runs. Inspired by the typical $\theta_{\rm j}\sim 0.1$ rad found in the current sample, we further investigate whether the off-beam GRBs (in the uniform jet model) or the off-axis events (in the structured jet model) can significantly enhance the GRB/GW association or not. For the former the enhancement is at most moderate, while for the latter the enhancement can be much greater and a high association probability of $\sim 10\%$ is possible.

Nonlinear electrodynamics and magnetic black holes. (arXiv:1708.07006v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by S.I. Kruglov, relevance 22.49

A model of nonlinear electrodynamics with two parameters, coupled with general relativity, is investigated. We study the magnetized black hole and obtain solutions. The asymptotic of the metric and mass functions at $r\rightarrow\infty$ and $r\rightarrow 0$, and corrections to the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m solution are found. We investigate thermodynamics of black holes and calculate the Hawking temperature and heat capacity of black holes. It is shown that there are phase transitions and at some parameters of the model black holes are stable.

From Path Integrals to the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation: Time Evolution in Spacetimes With a Spatial Boundary. (arXiv:1708.07001v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Justin C. Feng, Richard A. Matzner, relevance 6.90

We reexamine the relationship between the path integral and canonical formulation of quantum General Relativity. In particular, we present a formal derivation of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation from the path integral for quantum General Relativity by way of boundary variations. One feature of this approach is that it does not require an explicit 3+1 splitting of spacetime in the bulk. For spacetimes with spatial boundary, we show that the dependence of the transition amplitudes on spatial boundary conditions is determined by a Wheeler-DeWitt equation for the spatial boundary surface. We find that variations in the induced metric at the spatial boundary can be used to describe time evolution--time evolution in quantum General Relativity is therefore governed by boundary conditions on the gravitational field at the spatial boundary. We then briefly describe a formalism for computing the dependence of transition amplitudes on spatial boundary conditions. Finally, we argue that for nonsmooth boundaries, meaningful transition amplitudes must depend on boundary conditions at the joint surfaces.

Thermal entropy of a quark-antiquark pair above and below deconfinement from a dynamical holographic QCD model. (arXiv:1708.06995v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David Dudal, Subhash Mahapatra, relevance 10.83

We discuss the entropy carried by a quark-antiquark pair, in particular across the deconfinement transition. We therefore rely on a self-consistent solution to Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity, capable of mimicking essential features of QCD. In particular we introduce a novel model that still captures well the QCD confinement and deconfinement phases, while allowing the introduction of a temperature in a phase which resembles the confined phase, this thanks to it being dual to a small black hole. We pay due attention to some subtleties of such model. We confirm the lattice picture of a strong build-up of thermal entropy towards the critical temperature T_c, both coming from below or above T_c. We also include a chemical potential, confirming this entropic picture and we consider its effect on the speed of sound. Moreover, the temperature dependent confinement phase from the holography side allows us to find a string tension that does not vanish at T_c, a finding also supported by lattice QCD.

The Viability of Phantom Dark Energy: A Brief Review. (arXiv:1708.06981v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kevin J. Ludwick, relevance 0.00

In this brief review, we examine the theoretical consistency and viability of phantom dark energy. Almost all data sets from cosmological probes are compatible with dark energy of the phantom variety (i.e., equation-of-state parameter $w<-1$) and may even favor evolving dark energy, and since we expect every physical entity to have some kind of field description, we set out to examine the case for phantom dark energy as a field theory. We discuss the many attempts at frameworks that may mitigate and eliminate theoretical pathologies associated with phantom dark energy. We also examine frameworks that provide an apparent measurement $w<-1$ while avoiding the need for a phantom field theory.

Morawetz estimate for linearized gravity in Schwarzschild. (arXiv:1708.06943v2 [math.AP] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lars Andersson, Pieter Blue, Jinhua Wang, relevance 0.00

The equations governing the perturbations of the Schwarzschild metric satisfy the Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli-Moncrief system. Applying the technique introduced in [2], we prove an integrated local energy decay estimate for both the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli equations. In these proofs, we use some constants that are computed numerically. Furthermore, we make use of the $r^p$ hierarchy estimates [13, 32] to prove that both the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli variables decay as $t^{-\frac{3}{2}}$ in fixed regions of $r$.

Hawking radiation-quasinormal modes correspondence for large AdS black holes. (arXiv:1708.06869v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Dao-Quan Sun, Zi-Liang Wang, Miao He, Xian-Ru Hu, Jian-Bo Deng, relevance 33.04

It is well-known that the non-strictly thermal character of the Hawking radiation spectrum generates a natural correspondence between Hawking radiation and black hole quasinormal modes. This main issue has been analyzed in the framework of Schwarzschild black holes, Kerr black holes and nonextremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes. In this paper, by introducing the effective temperature, we reanalysis the non-strictly thermal character of large AdS black holes. The results show that the effective mass corresponding to the effective temperature is approximatively the average one in any dimension. And the other effective quantities can also be obtained. Based on the known forms of frequency in quasinormal modes, we reanalysis the asymptotic frequencies of the large AdS black hole in three and five dimensions. Then we get the formulas of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and the horizon's area quantization with functions of the quantum "overtone" number $n$.

Boson stars in Einstein-SU(2) non-linear sigma model. (arXiv:1708.06863v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alex Giacomini, Marcela Lagos, Julio Oliva, Aldo Vera, relevance 1.32

In this work we show that the SU(2) non-linear sigma model admits self-gravitating, asymptotically flat, boson star configurations. By exploiting the generalized hedgehog ansatz for spherically symmetric spacetimes, we are able to reduce the system to three independent equations that are numerically integrated. This procedure allows for the construction of gravitational solitons without the inclusion of a potential on the matter sector. The solutions are characterized by three parameters: the frequency of the effective complex scalar as well as the values of such scalar and the lapse function at the regular origin. We find evidence that the boson stars can be constructed for any combination of these three parameters and that the boson stars masses are not bounded from above, which is consistent with the fact that the scalars in the SU(2) target space, being Goldstone bosons, are massless. Even more, these configurations have a finite charge associated to a U(1) global symmetry. For the system and symmetries under consideration, these boson stars cannot decay into hairy black holes since we also show that regular, non-degenerate black holes, in this setup do not exist.

Frequency-Dependent Responses in 3rd Generation Gravitational-Wave Detectors. (arXiv:1708.06843v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Reed Essick, Salvatore Vitale, Matthew Evans, relevance 0.84

Interferometric gravitational wave detectors are dynamic instruments. Changing gravitational-wave strains influence the trajectories of null geodesics and therefore modify the interferometric response. These effects will be important when the associated frequencies are comparable to the round-trip light travel time down the detector arms. The arms of advanced detectors currently in operation are short enough that the strain can be approximated as static, but planned 3$^\mathrm{rd}$ generation detectors, with arms an order of magnitude longer, will need to account for these effects. We investigate the impact of neglecting the frequency-dependent detector response for compact binary coalescences and show that it can introduce large systematic biases in localization, larger than the statistical uncertainty for 1.4-1.4$M_\odot$ neutron star coalescences at $z\lesssim1.7$. Analysis of $3^\mathrm{rd}$ generation detectors therefore must account for these effects.

Quantum computational complexity, Einstein's equations and accelerated expansion of the Universe. (arXiv:1708.06811v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xian-Hui Ge, Bin Wang, relevance 1.18

We study the relation between quantum computational complexity and general relativity. The quantum computational complexity is proposed to be quantified by the shortest length of geodesic quantum curves. We examine the complexity/volume duality in a geodesic causal ball in the framework of Fermi normal coordinates and derive the full non-linear Einstein equation. Using insights from the complexity/action duality, we argue that the accelerated expansion of the universe could be driven by the quantum complexity and free from coincidence and fine-tunning problems.

The Five-Loop Four-Point Integrand of N=8 Supergravity as a Generalized Double Copy. (arXiv:1708.06807v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Zvi Bern, John Joseph M. Carrasco, Wei-Ming Chen, Henrik Johansson, Radu Roiban, Mao Zeng, relevance 0.28

We use the recently developed generalized double-copy procedure to construct an integrand for the five-loop four-point amplitude of N=8 supergravity. This construction starts from a naive double copy of the previously computed corresponding amplitude of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory. This is then systematically modified by adding contact terms generated in the context of the method of maximal unitarity cuts. For the simpler generalized cuts, whose corresponding contact terms tend to be the most complicated, we derive a set of formulas relating the contact contributions to the violations of the dual Jacobi identities in the relevant gauge-theory amplitudes. For more complex generalized unitarity cuts, which tend to have simpler contact terms associated with them, we use the method of maximal cuts more directly. The five-loop four-point integrand is a crucial ingredient towards future studies of ultraviolet properties of N=8 supergravity at five loops and beyond. We also present a nontrivial check of the consistency of the integrand, based on modern approaches for integrating over the loop momenta in the ultraviolet region.

Time-Reversal Breaking in QCD$_4$, Walls, and Dualities in 2+1 Dimensions. (arXiv:1708.06806v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Davide Gaiotto, Zohar Komargodski, Nathan Seiberg, relevance 0.46

We study $SU(N)$ Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in 3+1 dimensions with $N_f$ degenerate fundamental quarks with mass $m$ and a $\theta$-parameter. For generic $m$ and $\theta$ the theory has a single gapped vacuum. However, as $\theta$ is varied through $\theta=\pi$ for large $m$ there is a first order transition. For $N_f=1$ the first order transition line ends at a point with a massless $\eta'$ particle (for all $N$) and for $N_f>1$ the first order transition ends at $m=0$, where, depending on the value of $N_f$, the IR theory has free Nambu-Goldstone bosons, an interacting conformal field theory, or a free gauge theory. Even when the $4d$ bulk is smooth, domain walls and interfaces can have interesting phase transitions separating different $3d$ phases. These turn out to be the phases of the recently studied $3d$ Chern-Simons matter theories, thus relating the dynamics of QCD$_4$ and QCD$_3$, and, in particular, making contact with the recently discussed dualities in 2+1 dimensions. For example, when the massless $4d$ theory has an $SU(N_f)$ sigma model, the domain wall theory at low (nonzero) mass supports a $3d$ massless $CP^{N_f-1}$ nonlinear $\sigma$-model with a Wess-Zumino term, in agreement with the conjectured dynamics in 2+1 dimensions.

Running of the Spectrum of Cosmological Perturbations in String Gas Cosmology. (arXiv:1708.06793v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Robert Brandenberger, Guilherme Franzmann, Qiuyue Liang (McGill), relevance 0.00

We compute the running of the spectrum of cosmological perturbations in String Gas Cosmology, making use of a smooth parametrization of the transition between the early Hagedorn phase and the later radiation phase. We find that the running has the same sign as in simple models of single scalar field inflation. Its magnitude is proportional to $(1 - n_s)$ ($n_s$ being the slope index of the spectrum), and it is thus parametrically larger than for inflationary cosmology, where it is proportional to $(1 - n_s)^2$.

Universal RCFT Correlators from the Holomorphic Bootstrap. (arXiv:1708.06772v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sunil Mukhi (1), Girish Muralidhara (1,2) ((1) IISER Pune, (2) ICTS Bengaluru), relevance 1.54

We elaborate and extend the method of Wronskian differential equations for conformal blocks to compute four-point correlation functions on the plane for classes of primary fields in rational (and possibly more general) conformal field theories. This approach leads to universal differential equations for families of CFT's and provides a very simple re-derivation of the BPZ results for the degenerate fields $\phi_{1,2}$ and $\phi_{2,1}$ in the c < 1 minimal models. We apply this technique to compute correlators for the WZW models corresponding to the Deligne-Cvitanovi\'c exceptional series of Lie algebras. The application turns out to be subtle in certain cases where there are multiple decoupled primaries. The power of this approach is demonstrated by applying it to compute four-point functions for the Baby Monster CFT, which does not belong to any minimal series.

Maxwell's Equations in the Myers-Perry Geometry. (arXiv:1708.06766v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Oleg Lunin, relevance 7.25

We demonstrate separability of the Maxwell's equations in the Myers-Perry-(A)dS geometry and derive explicit solutions for various polarizations. Application of our construction to the four-dimensional Kerr black hole leads to a new ansatz for the Maxwell field which has significant advantages over the previously known parameterization.

The S-matrix Bootstrap III: Higher Dimensional Amplitudes. (arXiv:1708.06765v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Miguel F. Paulos, Joao Penedones, Jonathan Toledo, Balt C. van Rees, Pedro Vieira, relevance 1.87

We consider constraints on the S-matrix of any gapped, Lorentz invariant quantum field theory in 3+1 dimensions due to crossing symmetry, analyticity and unitarity. We extremize cubic couplings, quartic couplings and scattering lengths relevant for the elastic scattering amplitude of two identical scalar particles. In the cases where our results can be compared with the older S-matrix literature they are in excellent agreement. We also extremize a cubic coupling in 2+1 dimensions which we can directly compare to a universal bound for a QFT in AdS. This paper generalizes our previous 1+1 dimensional results of arXiv:1607.06109 and arXiv:1607.06110.

Self-interacting Spin-2 Dark Matter. (arXiv:1708.06764v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Xiaoyong Chu, Camilo Garcia-Cely, relevance 0.00

Recent developments in bigravity allow one to construct consistent theories of interacting spin-2 particles that are free of ghosts. In this framework, we propose an elementary spin-2 dark matter candidate with a mass well below the TeV scale. We show that, in a certain regime where the interactions induced by the spin-2 fields do not lead to large departures from the predictions of general relativity, such a light dark matter particle typically self-interacts and undergoes self-annihilations via 3-to-2 processes. We discuss its production mechanisms and also identify the regions of the parameter space where self-interactions can alleviate the discrepancies at small scales between the predictions of the collisionless dark matter paradigm and cosmological N-body simulations.

Black Holes and High Energy Physics: From Astrophysics to Large Extra Dimensions. (arXiv:1708.06763v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Michael Florian Wondrak, Marcus Bleicher, Piero Nicolini, relevance 16.94

Up to now, Einstein's general theory of relativity has passed all experimental tests. But yet we know that it is not a fundamental theory and that it is incompatible with quantum theory. While several extended and improved gravitational theories on classical and quantum level are nowadays available, it is a great challenge to find experimental setups to check their signatures.

We discuss recent developments in direct observation of black holes comprising gravitational waves from black hole mergers, radio interferometry images of black hole shadows, and Hawking radiation of black holes in particle accelerators. These investigations cover the full black hole mass range from microscopic to stellar and supermassive black holes. We comment on the associated strong-field tests of Einstein's general theory of relativity and implications for quantum gravity.

Special emphasis lies upon the physics of large extra dimensions and black hole evaporation, the existence of a minimal black hole mass, and the cross sections of higher-dimensional black holes. We complete this short review with the latest experimental constraints at the Large Hadron Collider.

Flat Monodromies and a Moduli Space Size Conjecture. (arXiv:1708.06761v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Arthur Hebecker, Philipp Henkenjohann, Lukas T. Witkowski, relevance 0.00

We investigate how super-Planckian axions can arise when type IIB 3-form flux is used to restrict a two-axion field space to a one-dimensional winding trajectory. If one does not attempt to address notoriously complicated issues like Kahler moduli stabilization, SUSY-breaking and inflation, this can be done very explicitly. We show that the presence of flux generates flat monodromies in the moduli space which we therefore call 'Monodromic Moduli Space'. While we do indeed find long axionic trajectories, these are non-geodesic. Moreover, the length of geodesics remains highly constrained, in spite of the (finite) monodromy group introduced by the flux. We attempt to formulate this in terms of a 'Moduli Space Size Conjecture'. Interesting mathematical structures arise in that the relevant spaces turn out to be fundamental domains of congruence subgroups of the modular group. In addition, new perspectives on inflation in string theory emerge.

Quantum solitonic wave-packet of a meso-scopic system in singularity free gravity. (arXiv:1708.06731v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by Luca Buoninfante, Gaetano Lambiase, Anupam Mazumdar, relevance 7.89

In this paper we will discuss how to localise a quantum wave-packet due to self gravitating macroscopic object by modifying the Schr\"odinger equation beyond General Relativity. In particular, we will study soliton-like solutions in infinite derivative ghost free theories gravity, which resolves the gravitational $1/r$ singularity in the potential. We will show a unique feature that a quantum spread of such a gravitational system is larger than that of the Newtonian's gravity, therefore enabling us a window of opportunity to test such theories of gravity in near future at a table-top experiment.

Gravitational Lensing by Rotating Wormholes. (arXiv:1708.06725v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kimet Jusufi, Ali Övgün, relevance 8.95

In this paper the deflection angle of light by a rotating Teo wormhole spacetime is calculated in the weak limit approximation. We mainly focus on the weak deflection angle by revealing the gravitational lensing as a partially global topological effect. We apply the Gauss-Bonnet theorem (GBT) to the optical geometry osculating the Teo-Randers wormhole optical geometry to calculate the deflection angle. Furthermore we find the same result using the standard geodesic method. We have found that the deflection angle can be written as a sum of two terms, namely the first term is proportional to the throat of the wormhole and depends entirely on the geometry, while the second term is proportional to the spin angular momentum parameter of the wormhole. A direct observation using lensing can shed light and potentially test the nature of rotating wormholes by comparing with the black holes systems.

Topology and strong four fermion interactions in four dimensions. (arXiv:1708.06715v2 [hep-lat] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Simon Catterall, Nouman Butt, relevance 0.73

We study massless fermions interacting through a particular four fermion term in four dimensions. Exact symmetries prevent the generation of bilinear fermion mass terms. We determine the structure of the low energy effective action for the auxiliary field needed to generate the four fermion term and find it has an novel structure that admits topologically non-trivial defects with non-zero Hopf invariant. We show that fermions propagating in such a background pick up a mass without breaking symmetries. Furthermore pairs of such defects experience a logarithmic interaction. We argue that a phase transition separates a phase where these defects proliferate from a broken phase where they are bound tightly. We conjecture that by tuning one additional operator the broken phase can be eliminated with a single BKT-like phase transition separating the massless from massive phases.

de Sitter relativity in central charts. (arXiv:1708.06638v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ion I. Cotaescu, relevance 14.83

The relative geodesic motion in central charts (i.e. static and spherically symmetric) on the $(1+3)$-dimensional de Sitter spacetimes is studied in terms of conserved quantities. The Lorentzian isometries are derived, relating the coordinates of the local chart of a fixed observer with the coordinates of a mobile chart considered as the rest frame of a massive paticle freely moving on a timelike geodesic. The time dilation and Lorentz contraction are discussed pointing out some notable features of the de Sitter relativity in central charts.

Dilatonic black holes in gravity's rainbow with a nonlinear source: the effects of thermal fluctuations. (arXiv:1708.06634v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by S. H. Hendi, B. Eslam Panah, S. Panahiyan, M. Momennia, relevance 9.36

This paper is devoted to investigate nonlinearly charged dilatonic black holes in the context of gravity's rainbow with two cases: I) by considering the usual entropy, II) in the presence of first order logarithmic correction of entropy. First, exact solutions of dilatonic Born-Infeld gravity with an energy dependent Liouville-type potential with black hole interpretation are obtained. Then, thermodynamic properties of the mentioned cases are studied, separately. It will be shown that although mass, entropy and heat capacity are modified due to the presence of first order correction, the temperature remains independent of it. Furthermore, it will be shown that divergencies of the heat capacity, hence phase transition points are also independent of first order correction whereas the stability conditions are highly sensitive to variation of the correction parameter. Except for the effects of first order correction, we will also draw a limit on values of the dilatonic parameter and show that it is possible to recognize AdS and dS thermodynamical behaviors for two specific branches of the dilatonic parameter. In addition, the effects of nonlinear electromagnetic field and energy functions on thermodynamical behavior of the solutions will be highlighted and dependency of critical behavior, on these generalizations will be investigated.

Double Hodge Theory for a particle on Torus. (arXiv:1708.06625v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by Vipul Kumar Pandey, Bhabani Prasad Mandal, relevance 0.25

We investigate all possible nilpotent symmetries for a particle on torus. We explicitly construct four independent nilpotent BRST symmetries for such systems and derive the algebra between the generators of such symmetries. We show that such a system has rich mathematical properties and behaves as double Hodge theory. We further construct the finite field dependent BRST transformation for such systems by integrating the infinitesimal BRST transformation systematically. Such a finite transformation is useful in realizing the various theories with toric geometry.

Long-range interactions from $U\left(1\right)$ gauge fields via dimensional mismatch. (arXiv:1708.06585v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Joao C. Pinto Barros, Marcello Dalmonte, Andrea Trombettoni, relevance 3.37

We show how certain long-range models of interacting fermions in $d+1$ dimensions are equivalent to $U\left(1\right)$ gauge theories in $D+1$ dimensions, with the dimension $D$ in which gauge fields are defined larger than the dimension $d$ of the fermionic theory to be simulated. For $d=1$ it is possible to obtain an exact mapping, providing an expression of the fermionic interaction potential in terms of half-integer powers of the Laplacian. An analogous mapping can be applied to the kinetic term of the bosonized theory. A diagrammatic representation of the theories obtained by dimensional mismatch is presented, and consequences and applications of the established duality are discussed. Finally, by using a perturbative approach, we address the canonical quantization of fermionic theories presenting non-locality in the interaction term to construct the Hamiltonians for the effective theories found by dimensional reduction. We conclude by showing that one can engineer the gauge fields and the dimensional mismatch in order to obtain long-range effective Hamiltonians with $1/r$ potentials.

A mathematical comment on gravitational waves. (arXiv:1708.06575v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jean-François Pommaret (CERMICS), relevance 0.18

In classical General Relativity, the way to exhibit the equations for the gravitational waves is based on two "tricks" allowing to transform the Einstein equations after linearizing them over the Minkowski metric. With specific notations used in the study of {\it Lie pseudogroups} of transformations of an $n$-dimensional manifold, let $\Omega=({\Omega}\_{ij}={\Omega}\_{ji})$ be a perturbation of the non-degenerate metric $\omega=({\omega}\_{ij}={\omega}\_{ji})$ with $det(\omega)\neq 0$ and call ${\omega}^{-1}=({\omega}^{ij}={\omega}^{ji})$ the inverse matrix appearing in the Dalembertian operator $\Box = {\omega}^{ij}d\_{ij}$. The first idea is to introduce the linear transformation ${\bar{\Omega}}\_{ij}={\Omega}\_{ij}-\frac{1}{2}{\omega}\_{ij}tr(\Omega)$ where $tr(\Omega)={\omega}^{ij}{\Omega}\_{ij}$ is the {\it trace} of $\Omega$, which is invertible when $n\geq 3$. The second important idea is to notice that the composite second order linearized Einstein operator $\bar{\Omega} \rightarrow \Omega \rightarrow E=(E\_{ij}=R\_{ij} - \frac{1}{2}{\omega}\_{ij}tr(R))$ where $\Omega \rightarrow R=(R\_{ij}=R\_{ji})$ is the linearized Ricci operator with trace $tr(R)={\omega}^{ij}R\_{ij}$ is reduced to $\Box {\bar{\Omega}}\_{ij}$ when ${\omega}^{rs}d\_{ri}{\bar{\Omega}}\_{sj}=0$. The purpose of this short but striking paper is to revisit these two results in the light of the {\it differential duality} existing in Algebraic Analysis, namely a mixture of differential geometry and homological agebra, providing therefore a totally different interpretation. In particular, we prove that the above operator $\bar{\Omega} \rightarrow E$ is nothing else than the formal adjoint of the Ricci operator $\Omega \rightarrow R$ and that the map $\Omega \rightarrow \bar{\Omega}$ is just the formal adjoint (transposed) of the defining tensor map $R \rightarrow E$. Accordingly, the Cauchy operator (stress equations) can be directly parametrized by the formal adjoint of the Ricci operator and the Einstein operator is no longer needed.

Limit on graviton mass from galaxy cluster Abell 1689. (arXiv:1708.06502v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Shantanu Desai, relevance 0.00

To date, the only limit on graviton mass using galaxy clusters was obtained by Goldhaber and Nieto in 1974, using the fact that the orbits of galaxy clusters are bound and closed, and extend up to 580 kpc. From positing that only a Newtonian potential gives rise to such stable bound orbits, a limit on the graviton mass $m_g<10^{-29}$ eV was obtained (PRD 9,1119, 1974). Recently, it has been shown that one can obtain closed bound orbits for Yukawa potential (arXiv:1705.02444), thus invalidating the main \emph{ansatz} used in Goldhaber and Nieto to obtain the graviton mass bound. In order to obtain a revised estimate using galaxy clusters, we use dynamical mass models of the Abell 1689 (A1689) galaxy cluster to check their compatibility with a Yukawa gravitational potential. We assume mass models for the gas, dark matter, and galaxies for A1689 from arXiv:1703.10219 and arXiv:1610.01543, who used this cluster to test various alternate gravity theories, which dispense with the need for dark matter. We quantify the deviations in the acceleration profile using these mass models assuming a Yukawa potential and that obtained assuming a Newtonian potential by calculating the $\chi^2$ residuals between the two profiles. Our estimated bound on the graviton mass ($m_g$) is thereby given by, $m_g < 1.37 \times 10^{-29}$ eV or in terms of the graviton Compton wavelength of, $\lambda_g>9.1 \times 10^{19}$ km at 90\% confidence level.

Review on Spinor Field and Applications to Physics. (arXiv:1708.06497v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by K. P. S. de Brito, relevance 1.12

A review about spinor fields is presented, constructing a outlook through the last century. Spinor was explored in many contexts more and more in the last decades. Besides this, more papers about this issue has been produced in the last decade than in the others before it. As examples, classifications of spinor fields on the bulk and on compactified seven-manifolds done by the author are revised and some results about spinor fields on this contexts are explored, like generating of brane by singular spinors in the bulk, invariants on five-dimensional black holes and spectral decomposition of a quantum field on compactified dimensions at low energies.

Gravitational wave signature of a mini creation event (MCE). (arXiv:1708.06490v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by S.V. Dhurandhar, J.V. Narlikar, relevance 0.85

In light of the recent discoveries of binary black hole events by the LIGO detectors, we propose a new astrophysical source, namely, the mini creation event (MCE) as a possible source of gravitational waves (GW) to be detected by LIGO. The MCE is at the heart of the quasi steady state cosmology (QSSC) and is not expected to occur in standard cosmology. Generically, the MCE is anisotropic and we assume a Bianchi Tpye I model for its description. We compute its signature waveform and assume masses, distances analogous to the events detected by LIGO. By matched filtering the signal we find that, for a broad range of model parameters, the signal to noise ratio of the randomly oriented MCE is sufficiently high for a confident detection by advanced LIGO (aLIGO).We therefore propose the MCE as a viable astrophyical source of GW.

Scale-Dependent Galaxy Bias from Massive Particles with Spin during Inflation. (arXiv:1708.06473v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah, Cora Dvorkin, relevance 0.23

The presence of additional particles during inflation leads to non-Gaussianity in late-time correlators of primordial curvature perturbations. The shape and amplitude of this signal depend on the mass and spin of the extra particles. Constraints on this distinct form of primordial non-Gaussianity, therefore, provide a wealth of information on the particle content during inflation. We investigate the potential of upcoming galaxy surveys in constraining such a signature through its impact on the observed galaxy power spectrum. Primordial non-Gaussianity of various shapes induces a scale-dependent bias on tracers of large-scale structure, such as galaxies. Using this signature we obtain constraints on massive particles during inflation, which can have non-zero spins. In particular, we show that the prospects for constraining particles with spins 0 and 1 are promising, while constraining particles with spin 2 from power spectrum alone seems challenging. We show that the multi-tracer technique can significantly improve the constraints from the power spectrum by at least an order of magnitude. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of non-linearities due to gravitational evolution on the forecasted constraints on the masses of the extra particles and the amplitudes of the imprinted non-Gaussian signal. We find that gravitational evolution affects the constraints by less than a factor of 2.

Very low scale Coleman-Weinberg inflation with non-minimal coupling. (arXiv:1708.06455v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Kunio Kaneta, Osamu Seto, Ryo Takahashi, relevance 0.00

We study viable small-field Coleman-Weinberg (CW) inflation models with a help of a non-minimal coupling to gravity. The simplest small-field CW inflation model (with a low scale potential minimum) is incompatible with the cosmological constraint on the scalar spectral index. However, there are possibilities to make the model realistic. First, we revisit the CW inflation model supplemented with a linear potential term. We next consider the CW inflation model with a logarithmic non-minimal coupling, and illustrate that the model can open a new viable parameter space which includes that of the model with a liner potential term. We also show parameter spaces where the Hubble scale during the inflation can be smaller than $10^{-6} $ GeV, $10^9$ GeV, and $10^{10}$ GeV for the number of $e$-folds of $40,~50$, and $60$ respectively, with other cosmological constraints being satisfied.

A model of chiral spin liquids with Abelian and non-Abelian topological phases. (arXiv:1708.06446v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Jyong-Hao Chen, Christopher Mudry, Claudio Chamon, A. M. Tsvelik, relevance 1.41

We present a two-dimensional lattice model for quantum spin-1/2 for which the low-energy limit is governed by four flavors of strongly interacting Majorana fermions. We study this low-energy effective theory using two alternative approaches. The first consists of a mean-field approximation. The second consists of a Random Phase approximation (RPA) for the single-particle Green's functions of the Majorana fermions built from their exact forms in a certain one-dimensional limit. The resulting phase diagram consists of two competing chiral phases, one with Abelian and the other with non-Abelian topological order, separated by a continuous phase transition. Remarkably, the Majorana fermions propagate in the two-dimensional bulk, as in the Kitaev model for a spin liquid on the honeycomb lattice. We identify the vison fields, which are mobile (they are static in the Kitaev model) domain walls propagating along only one of the two space directions.

Yang-Lee Zeros of the Yang-Lee Model. (arXiv:1708.06444v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])
in hep-th by Giuseppe Mussardo, Riccarda Bonsignori, Andrea Trombettoni, relevance 0.55

To understand the distribution of the Yang-Lee zeros in quantum integrable field theories we analyse the simplest of these systems given by the two-dimensional Yang-Lee model. The grand-canonical partition function of this quantum field theory, as a function of the fugacity z and the inverse temperature beta, can be computed in terms of the Thermodynamics Bethe Ansatz based on its exact S-matrix. We extract the Yang-Lee zeros in the complex plane by using a sequence of polynomials of increasing order N in z which converges to the grand-canonical partition function. We show that these zeros are distributed along curves which are approximate circles as it is also the case of the zeros for purely free theories. There is though an important difference between the interactive theory and the free theories, for the radius of the zeros in the interactive theory goes continuously to zero in the high-temperature limit beta ->0 while in the free theories it remains close to 1 even for small values of beta, jumping to 0 only at beta = 0.

Grassmannian sigma model on a finite interval. (arXiv:1708.06399v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Dmitriy Pavshinkin, relevance 0.00

We discuss the two-dimensional Grassmannian sigma model $\mathbb{G}_{N, M}$ on a finite interval $L$. The different boundary conditions which allow to obtain analytical solutions by the saddle-point method in the large $N$ limit are considered. The nontrivial phase structure of the model on the interval similar to $\mathbb{C}P(N)$ model is found.

Kerr-Newman black hole in the formalism of isolated horizons. (arXiv:1708.06383v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Martin Scholtz, Aleš Flandera, Norman Gürlebeck, relevance 23.57

The near horizon geometry of general black holes in equilibrium can be conveniently characterized in the formalism of weakly isolated horizons in the form of the Bondi-like expansions (Krishnan B, Class.\ Quantum Grav.\ 29, 205006, 2012). While the intrinsic geometry of the Kerr-Newman black hole has been extensively investigated in the weakly isolated horizon framework, the off-horizon description in the Bondi-like system employed by Krishnan has not been studied. We extend Krishnan's work by explicit, non-perturbative construction of the Bondi-like tetrad in the full Kerr-Newman spacetime. Namely, we construct the Bondi-like tetrad which is parallelly propagated along a nontwisting null geodesic congruence transversal to the horizon and provide all Newman-Penrose scalars associated with this tetrad. This work completes the description of the Kerr-Newman spacetime in the formalism of weakly isolated horizons and is a starting point for the investigation of deformed black holes.

Nonperturbative quantization \`{a} la Heisenberg and thermodynamics of monopole configurations. (arXiv:1708.06381v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Vladimir Dzhunushaliev, Vladimir Folomeev, Hernando Quevedo, relevance 9.05

For field theories in which no small parameter is available, we propose a definition of nonperturbative quantum states in terms of the complete set of Green functions, based upon the utilization of Heisenberg's quantization procedure. We apply this method to obtain the energy spectra of a quantum monopole and of a flux tube. The partition function and thermodynamic quantities for one quantum monopole are evaluated numerically.

A dilute gas of noninteracting quantum monopoles is considered, for which the partition function and thermodynamic quantities are evaluated as well.

All the obtained statistical and thermodynamic functions contain quantum corrections associated with the internal structure of the quantum monopole.

Minimal gravity and Frobenius manifolds: bulk correlation on sphere and disk. (arXiv:1708.06380v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Konstantin Aleshkin, Vladimir Belavin, Chaiho Rim, relevance 0.00

There are two alternative approaches to the minimal gravity - direct Liouville approach and matrix models. Recently there has been a certain progress in the matrix model approach, growing out of presence of a Frobenius manifold (FM) structure embedded in the theory. The previous studies were mainly focused on the spherical topology. Essentially, it was shown that the action principle of Douglas equation allows to define the free energy and to compute the correlation numbers if the resonance transformations are properly incorporated. The FM structure allows to find the explicit form of the resonance transformation as well as the closed expression for the partition function. In this paper we elaborate on the case of gravitating disk. We focus on the bulk correlators and show that in the similar way as in the closed topology the generating function can be formulated using the set of flat coordinates on the corresponding FM. Moreover, the resonance transformations, which follow from the spherical topology consideration, are exactly those needed to reproduce FZZ result of the Liouville gravity approach.

Fluffing Extreme Kerr. (arXiv:1708.06378v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by K. Hajian, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, H. Yavartanoo, relevance 7.75

We present a one-function family of solutions to 4D vacuum Einstein equations. While all diffeomorphic to the same extremal Kerr black hole, they are labeled by well-defined conserved charges and are hence distinct geometries. This family of solutions form the "Extremal Kerr Phase Space". We show the symplectic structure of this phase space remains invariant under a $U(1)$ Kac-Moody algebra which is generated by currents $\mathbb{J}_n$ and Virasoro generators $\mathbb{L}_n$ with central charge six times angular momentum of the black hole. This symplectic symmetry algebra is well-defined everywhere on the spacetime, near the horizon or in the asymptotic flat region. Out of appropriate combination of $\mathbb{J}_n$ charges, we construct another Virasoro algebra at the same central charge. Requiring that these two Virasoro algebras should describe the same system leads us to a proposal for identifying extreme Kerr black hole microstates, dubbed as extreme Kerr fluff. Counting these microstates, we correctly reproduce the extreme Kerr black hole entropy.

On Bouncing and Nonsingular Solutions in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet Cosmology. (arXiv:1708.06371v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Laura Sberna, Paolo Pani, relevance 0.92

It is generically believed that higher-order curvature corrections to the Einstein-Hilbert action might cure the curvature singularities that plague general relativity. Here we consider Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, the only four-dimensional, ghost-free theory with quadratic curvature terms. For any choice of the coupling function and of the scalar potential, we show that the theory does not allow for bouncing solutions in the flat and open Friedmann universe. For the case of a closed universe, using a reverse-engineering method, we explicitly provide a bouncing solution which is nevertheless linearly unstable in the scalar gravitational sector. Moreover, we show that the expanding, singularity-free, early-time cosmologies allowed in the theory are unstable. These results rely only on analyticity and finiteness of cosmological variables at early times.

General-Relativistic Simulations of Four States of Accretion onto Millisecond Pulsars. (arXiv:1708.06362v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Kyle Parfrey, Alexander Tchekhovskoy, relevance 0.00

Accreting neutron stars can power a wide range of astrophysical phenomena including short- and long-duration gamma-ray bursts, ultra-luminous X-ray sources, and X-ray binaries. Numerical simulations are a valuable tool for studying the accretion-disk--magnetosphere interaction that is central to these problems, most clearly for the recently discovered transitional millisecond pulsars. However, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) methods, widely used for simulating accretion, have difficulty in highly magnetized stellar magnetospheres, while force-free methods, suitable for such regions, cannot include the accreting gas. We present an MHD method that can stably evolve essentially force-free, highly magnetized regions, and describe the first time-dependent relativistic simulations of magnetized accretion onto millisecond pulsars. Our axisymmetric general-relativistic MHD simulations for the first time demonstrate how the interaction of a turbulent accretion flow with a pulsar's electromagnetic wind can lead to the transition of an isolated pulsar to the accreting state. This transition naturally leads to the formation of relativistic jets, whose power can greatly exceed the power of the isolated pulsar's wind. If the accretion rate is below a critical value, the pulsar instead expels the accretion stream. More generally, our simulations produce for the first time the four possible accretion regimes, in order of decreasing mass accretion rate: (a) crushed magnetosphere and direct accretion; (b) magnetically channeled accretion onto the stellar poles; (c) the propeller state, where material enters through the light cylinder but is prevented from accreting by the centrifugal barrier; (d) almost perfect exclusion of the accretion flow from the light cylinder by the pulsar wind.

Finite-action solutions of Yang-Mills equations on de Sitter dS$_4$ and anti-de Sitter AdS$_4$ spaces. (arXiv:1708.06361v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Tatiana A. Ivanova, Olaf Lechtenfeld, Alexander D. Popov, relevance 19.52

We consider pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory on four-dimensional de Sitter dS$_4$ and anti-de Sitter AdS$_4$ spaces and construct various solutions to the Yang-Mills equations. On de Sitter space we reduce the Yang-Mills equations via an SU(2)-equivariant ansatz to Newtonian mechanics of a particle moving in ${\mathbb R}^3$ under the influence of a quartic potential. Then we describe magnetic and electric-magnetic solutions, both Abelian and non-Abelian, all having finite energy and finite action. A similar reduction on anti-de Sitter space also yields Yang-Mills solutions with finite energy and action. We propose a lower bound for the action on both backgrounds. Employing another metric on AdS$_4$, the SU(2) Yang-Mills equations are reduced to an analytic continuation of the above particle mechanics from ${\mathbb R}^3$ to ${\mathbb R}^{2,1}$. We discuss analytical solutions to these equations, which produce infinite-action configurations. After a Euclidean continuation of dS$_4$ and AdS$_4$ we also present self-dual (instanton-type) Yang--Mills solutions on these backgrounds.

Strongly lensed repeating Fast Radio Bursts precisely probe the universe. (arXiv:1708.06357v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Zhengxiang Li, He Gao, Guo-Jian Wang, Bing Zhang, relevance 0.00

Fast Radio bursts (FRBs) are bright transients with millisecond duration at $\sim$ GHz frequencies, whose physical origin is subject to intense debate. Most FRBs are located at high galactic latitudes and have anomalously large dispersion measures (DMs). Attributing DM to an intergalactic medium origin, the corresponding redshifts z are around $0.5-1$. In this case, FRBs have great chance to be gravitationally lensed by intervening galaxies. Since in a lensed FRB system, the time delay between images can be measured to extremely high precision because of the large ratio $\sim10^9$ between the typical galaxy-lensing delay time $\sim\mathcal{O}$(10 days) and the narrow width of the bursts $\sim\mathcal{O}$(ms), we propose accurate measurements of time delays between images of lensed FRBs as a powerful probe for precision cosmology. Here we show that, within the flat $\Lambda$CDM model, the Hubble constant $H_0$ can be constrained with an uncertainty of $0.48\%$ from accurate measurements of time delays of 10 such systems. More importantly, on the basis of the distance sum rule, the cosmic curvature will be constrained to a precision of $\sim0.056$ in a model-independent way. Such a direct and model-independent constraint on the cosmic curvature will provide a stringent direct test for the validity of the Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric and break the intractable degeneracy between the cosmic curvature and dark energy, offering the opportunity in investigating the nature of dark sectors of the universe.

$\eta$-symbols in exceptional field theory. (arXiv:1708.06342v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yuho Sakatani, Shozo Uehara, relevance 0.66

We present the universal form of $\eta$-symbols that can be applied to an arbitrary $E_{d(d)}$ exceptional field theory (EFT) up to $d=7$. We then express the $Y$-tensor, which governs the gauge algebra of EFT, as a quadratic form of the $\eta$-symbols. The usual definition of the $Y$-tensor strongly depends on the dimension of the compactification torus while it is not the case for our $Y$-tensor. Furthermore, using the $\eta$-symbols, we propose a universal form of the linear section equation. In particular, in the SL(5) EFT, we explicitly show the equivalence to the known linear section equation.

Mellin-(Schwinger) representation of One-loop Witten diagrams in AdS. (arXiv:1708.06339v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Carlos Cardona, relevance 7.55

In this paper we consider Witten diagrams at one loop in AdS space for scalar $\phi^3+\phi^4$ theory. After using Schwinger parametrization to trivialize the space-time loop integration, we extract the Mellin-Barnes representation for the one-loop corrections to the four-particle scattering up to an integration over the Schwinger parameters corresponding to the propagators of the internal particles running into the loop. We then discuss an approach to deal with those integrals.

A class of non-equilibrium states and the black hole interior. (arXiv:1708.06328v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Kyriakos Papadodimas, relevance 10.25

We consider a class of non-equilibrium pure states, which are generally present in an isolated quantum statistical system. These are states of the form $|\Psi\rangle=e^{-{\beta H \over 2}} U e^{{\beta H \over 2}} |\Psi_0\rangle$, where $U$ is a unitary made out of simple operators and $|\Psi_0\rangle$ is a typical equilibrium pure state with sharply peaked energy. We argue that in a system with a holographic dual these states have a natural interpretation as an AdS black hole with transient excitations behind the horizon. We explore the interpretation of these states as pure states undergoing a time-dependent spontaneous fluctuation out of equilibrium. While these states are atypical and the microscopic phases of the wavefunction are correlated with the matrix elements of simple operators, the states are partly disguised as equilibrium states due to cancellations between contributions from different coarse-grained energy bins. These cancellations are guaranteed by the KMS condition of the underlying equilibrium state $|\Psi_0\rangle$. However, in correlators which include the Hamiltonian $H$ these cancellations are spoiled and the non-equilibrium nature of the state $|\Psi\rangle$ can be detected. We discuss connections with the proposal that local observables behind the horizon are realized as state-dependent operators. The states studied in this paper may be useful for implementing an analogue of the "traversable wormhole" protocol for a 1-sided black hole, which could potentially allow us to extract the excitation from behind the horizon. We include some pedagogical background material.

Some Exact Solutions for Maximally Symmetric Topological Defects in Anti de Sitter Space. (arXiv:1708.06327v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Orlando Alvarez, Matthew Haddad, relevance 12.58

We obtain exact analytical solutions for a class of SO($l$) Higgs field theories in a non-dynamic background $n$-dimensional anti de Sitter space. These finite transverse energy solutions are maximally symmetric $p$-dimensional topological defects where $n=(p+1)+l$. The radius of curvature of anti de Sitter space provides an extra length scale that allows us to study the equations of motion in a limit where the masses of the Higgs field and the massive vector bosons are both vanishing. We call this the double BPS limit. In anti de Sitter space, the equations of motion depend on both $p$ and $l$. The exact analytical solutions are expressed in terms of standard special functions. The known exact analytical solutions are for kink-like defects ($p=0,1,2,\dotsc;\, l=1$), vortex-like defects ($p=1,2,3;\, l=2$), and the 'tHooft-Polyakov monopole ($p=0;\, l=3$). A bonus is that the double BPS limit automatically gives a maximally symmetric classical glueball type solution. In certain cases where we did not find an analytic solution, we present numerical solutions to the equations of motion. The asymptotically exponentially increasing volume with distance of anti de Sitter space imposes different constraints than those found in the study of defects in Minkowski space.

Quantum groups, Yang-Baxter maps and quasi-determinants. (arXiv:1708.06323v1 [math-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Zengo Tsuboi, relevance 0.56

For any quasi-triangular Hopf algebra, there exists the universal R-matrix, which satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation. It is known that the adjoint action of the universal R-matrix on the elements of the tensor square of the algebra constitutes a quantum Yang-Baxter map, which satisfies the set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation. The map has a zero curvature representation among L-operators defined as images of the universal R-matrix. We find that the zero curvature representation can be solved by the Gauss decomposition of a product of L-operators. Thereby obtained a quasi-determinant expression of the quantum Yang-Baxter map associated with the quantum algebra $U_{q}(gl(n))$. Moreover, the map is identified with products of quasi-Pl\"{u}cker coordinates over a matrix composed of the L-operators. We also consider the quasi-classical limit, where the underlying quantum algebra reduces to a Poisson algebra. The quasi-determinant expression of the quantum Yang-Baxter map reduces to ratios of determinants, which give a new expression of a classical Yang-Baxter map.

Constraining Generalized Non-local Cosmology from Noether Symmetries. (arXiv:1708.06310v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sebastian Bahamonde, Salvatore Capozziello, Konstantinos F. Dialektopoulos, relevance 0.67

We study a generalized nonlocal theory of gravity which, in specific limits, can become either the curvature non-local or teleparallel non-local theory. Using the Noether Symmetry Approach, we find that the coupling functions coming from the non-local terms are constrained to be either exponential or linear in form. It is well known that in some non-local theories, a certain kind of exponential non-local couplings are needed in order to achieve a renormalizable theory. In this paper, we explicitly show that this kind of coupling does not need to by introduced by hand, instead, it appears naturally from the symmetries of the Lagrangian in flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology. Finally, we find de-Sitter and power law cosmological solutions for different nonlocal theories. The symmetries for the generalized non-local theory is also found and some cosmological solutions are also achieved under the full theory.

Comments on Higher Rank Wilson Loops in ${\cal N}=2^*$. (arXiv:1708.06288v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by James T. Liu, Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas, Shan Zhou, relevance 0.80

For ${\cal N}=2^*$ theory with $U(N)$ gauge group we evaluate expectation values of Wilson loops in representations described by a rectangular Young tableau with $n$ rows and $k$ columns. The evaluation reduces to a two-matrix model and we explain, using a combination of numerical and analytical techniques, the general properties of the eigenvalue distributions in various regimes of parameters $(N,\lambda,n,k)$ where $\lambda$ is the 't Hooft coupling. In the large $N$ limit we present analytic results for the leading and sub-leading contributions. In the particular cases of only one row or one column we reproduce previously known results for the totally symmetry and totally antisymmetric representations. We also extensively discusss the ${\cal N}=4$ limit of the ${\cal N}=2^*$ theory. While establishing these connections we clarify aspects of various orders of limits and how to relax them; we also find it useful to explicitly address details of the genus expansion. As a result, for the totally symmetric Wilson loop we find new contributions that improve the comparison with the dual holographic computation at one loop order in the appropriate regime.

Higher Spin Superfield interactions with the Chiral Supermultiplet: Conserved Supercurrents and Cubic Vertices. (arXiv:1708.06262v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by I. L. Buchbinder, S. James Gates Jr., Konstantinos Koutrolikos, relevance 0.11

We investigate cubic interactions between a chiral superfield and higher spin superfield corresponding to irreducible representations of the $4D,\, \mathcal{N}=1$ super-Poincar\'{e} algebra. We do this by demanding an invariance under the most general transformation, linear in the chiral superfield. Following Noether's method we construct an infinite tower of higher spin supercurrent multiplets which are quadratic in the chiral superfield and include higher derivatives. The results are that a single, massless, chiral superfield can couple only to the half-integer spin supermultiplets $(s+1,s+1/2)$ and for every value of spin there is an appropriate improvement term that reduces the supercurrent multiplet to a minimal multiplet which matches that of superconformal higher spins. On the other hand a single, massive, chiral superfield can couple only to higher spin supermultiplets of type $(2l+2\hspace{0.3ex},\hspace{0.1ex}2l+3/2)$ and there is no minimal multiplet. Furthermore, for the massless case we discuss the component level higher spin currents and provide explicit expressions for the integer and half-integer spin conserved currents together with a R-symmetry current.

Causality and existence of solutions of relativistic viscous fluid dynamics with gravity. (arXiv:1708.06255v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Fabio S. Bemfica (Rio Grande do Norte U.), Marcelo M. Disconzi (Vanderbilt U.), Jorge Noronha (Sao Paulo U.), relevance 6.40

A new approach is described to help improve the foundations of relativistic viscous fluid dynamics and its coupling to general relativity. Focusing on neutral conformal fluids constructed solely in terms of hydrodynamic variables, we derive the most general viscous energy-momentum tensor yielding equations of motion of second order in the derivatives, which is shown to provide a novel type of resummation of the relativistic Navier-Stokes equations for which causality holds. We rigorously prove existence, uniqueness, and causality of solutions of this theory (in the full nonlinear regime) both in a Minkowski background and also when the fluid is dynamically coupled to Einstein's equations. Linearized disturbances around equilibrium in Minkowski spacetime are stable in this causal theory and the second law of thermodynamics is satisfied. A numerical study reveals the presence of a hydrodynamic attractor for a rapidly expanding fluid. Further properties are also studied and a brief discussion of how this approach can be generalized to non-conformal fluids is presented.

Validity of black hole complementarity in the BTZ black hole. (arXiv:1708.06251v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yongwan Gim, Wontae Kim, relevance 19.37

Based on the gedanken experiment for black hole complementarity in the Schwarzschild black hole, we calculate the energy required to duplicate information in the BTZ black hole under the assumption of absorbing boundary condition and its dual solution of the black string, respectively, in order to justify the validity of the no-cloning theorem in quantum mechanics. For the BTZ black hole, the required energy for the duplication of information can be made fairly small, whereas for the black string it exceeds the total mass of the black string, although they are related to each other under the dual transformation. So, the duplication of information might be possible in the BTZ black hole in contrast to the case of the black string, so that the no-cloning theorem could be violated for the former case. To save the duplication of information for the BTZ black hole, we perform an improved gedanken experiment by using the local thermodynamic quantities near the horizon rather than those defined at infinity, and show that the no-cloning theorem could be made valid even in the BTZ black hole. We also discuss how this local treatment for the no-cloning theorem can be applied to the black string as well as the Schwarzschild black hole innocuously.

Stability of Oscillating Gaseous Masses in Massive Brans-Dicke Gravity. (arXiv:1708.06245v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by M. Sharif, Rubab Manzoor, relevance 0.00

This paper explores the instability of gaseous masses for the radial oscillations in post-Newtonian correction of massive Brans-Dicke gravity. For this purpose, we derive linearized perturbed equation of motion through Lagrangian radial perturbation which leads to the condition of marginal stability. We discuss radius of instability of different polytropic structures in terms of the Schwarzschild radius. It is concluded that our results provide a wide range of difference with those in general relativity and Brans-Dicke gravity.

Inflationary universe in terms of a van der Waals viscous fluid. (arXiv:1708.06244v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by I. Brevik, E. Elizalde, S.D. Odintsov, A.V. Timoshkin, relevance 0.00

The inflationary expansion of our early-time universe is considered in terms of the van der Waals equation, as equation of state for the cosmic fluid, where a bulk viscosity contribution is assumed to be present. The corresponding gravitational equations for the energy density in a homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker universe are solved, and an analytic expression for the scale factor is obtained. Attention is paid, specifically, to the role of the viscosity term in the accelerated expansion; the values of the slow-roll parameters, the spectral index, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio for the van der Waals model are calculated and compared with the most recent astronomical data from the Planck satellite. By imposing reasonable restrictions on the parameters of the van der Waals equation, in the presence of viscosity, it is shown to be possible for this model to comply quite precisely with the observational data. One can therefore conclude that the inclusion of viscosity in the theory of the inflationary epoch definitely improves the cosmological models.

Noncommutative effects on holographic superconductors with power Maxwell electrodynamics. (arXiv:1708.06240v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Suchetana Pal, Sunandan Gangopadhyay, relevance -25.91

The matching method is employed to analytically investigate the properties of holographic superconductors in higher dimensions in the framework of power Maxwell electrodynamics taking into account the effects of spacetime noncommutativity. The relationship between the critical temperature and the charge density and the value of the condensation operator is obtained first. The Meissner like effect is then studied. The analysis indicate that larger values of the noncommutative parameter and the parameter $q$ appearing in the power Maxwell theory makes the condensate difficult to form. The critical magnetic field however increases with increase in the noncommutative parameter $\theta$.

Deducing Cosmological Observables from the S-matrix. (arXiv:1708.06239v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by S. P. Miao (NCKU), T. Prokopec (Utrecht), R. P. Woodard (Florida), relevance 1.17

We study one loop quantum gravitational corrections to the long range force induced by the exchange of a massless scalar between two massive scalars. The various diagrams contributing to the flat space S-matrix are evaluated in a general covariant gauge and we show that dependence on the gauge parameters cancels at a point considerably {\it before} forming the full S-matrix, which is unobservable in cosmology. It is possible to interpret our computation as a solution to the effective field equations --- which could be done even in cosmology --- but taking account of quantum gravitational corrections from the source and from the observer.

Matter fields interacting with photons. (arXiv:1708.06230v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by A. I. Arbab, relevance 0.56

We have extended the biquaternionic Dirac's equation to include interactions with photons. The electric field is found to be perpendicular to the matter magnetic field, and the magnetic field is perpendicular to the matter inertial field. Inertial and magnetic masses are found to be conserved separately. The magnetic mass density is a consequence of the coupling between the vector potential and the matter inertial field. The presence of the vector and scalar potentials, and the matter inertial and magnetic fields are found to modify the standard form of the derived Maxwell's equations. The resulting interacting electrodynamics equations are found to generalize those of axion-like fields of Frank Wilczek or Chern-Simons equations. The axion field satisfies massive Klein-Gordon equation if Lorenz gauge condition is violated. Therefore, axion could be our massive photon. The electromagnetic field vector, $\vec{F}=\vec{E}+ic\vec{B}$, is found to satisfy massive Dirac's equation in addition to the fact that $\vec{\nabla}\cdot\vec{F}=0$, where $\vec{E}$ and $\vec{B}$ are the electric and magnetic fields, respectively.

Magnetic Charge and Photon Mass: Field String Singularities, Modified Dirac Condition, and Magnetic Confinement. (arXiv:1708.06229v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by Timothy J. Evans, Douglas Singleton, relevance 0.95

We study magnetic charge in the presence of a photon mass and find very simple and physical potentials and fields. Several properties of magnetic charge with a photon mass differ markedly from magnetic charge with a massless photon: (i) the string singularities of the two, usual 3-vector potentials become real singularities in the magnetic fields, (ii) the two 3-vector potentials become gauge inequivalent and physically distinct solutions, (iii) the magnetic field depends on the axial angle and is no longer rotationally symmetric, (iv) a combined system of electric and magnetic charge carries a field angular momentum even when the electric and magnetic charges are located at the same place, (v) the usual Dirac quantization condition is altered. Given the reality of the string singularity the only way to "hide" the string is to require a QCD-like flux tube confinement between opposite magnetic charges {\it i.e.} magnetic charge, like color charge, should always be confined.

Revealing how different spinors can be: the Lounesto spinor classification. (arXiv:1708.06222v1 [physics.gen-ph])
in hep-th by J. M. Hoff da Silva, R. T. Cavalcanti, relevance 0.00

This paper aims to give a coordinate based introduction to the so-called Lounesto spinorial classification scheme. We introduce the main ideas and aspects of this spinorial categorization in an argumentative basis, after what we delve into a commented account on recent results obtained from (and within) this branch of research.

Critical (Chiral) Heisenberg Model with the Functional Renormalisation Group. (arXiv:1708.06200v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Benjamin Knorr, relevance 0.65

We discuss the Heisenberg model and its chiral extension in an extended truncation with the help of functional methods. Employing computer algebra to derive the beta functions, and pseudo-spectral methods to solve them, we are able to go significantly beyond earlier approximations, and provide new estimates on the critical quantities of both models. The fixed point of the Heisenberg model is mostly understood, and our results are in agreement with estimates from various other approaches, including Monte Carlo and conformal bootstrap studies. By contrast, in the chiral case, the formerly known disagreement with lattice studies persists, raising the question whether actually the same universality class is described.

Spectrum of Yang-Mills theory in 3 and 4 dimensions. (arXiv:1708.06184v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marco Frasca, relevance 0.49

We solve exactly the Dyson-Schwinger equations for Yang-Mills theory in 3 and 4 dimensions. This permits us to obtain the exact correlation functions till order 2. In this way, the spectrum of the theory is straightforwardly obtained and comparison with lattice data can be accomplished. The results are in exceedingly good agreement with an error well below 1\%. This extends both to 3 and 4 dimensions and varying the degree of the gauge group. These results provide a strong support to the value of the lattice computations and show once again how precise can be theoretical computations in quantum field theory.

Equivalence principle in context of large uniform acceleration - a quantum mechanical perspective. (arXiv:1708.06179v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by Sukanta Bhattacharyya, Sunandan Gangopadhyay, Anirban Saha, relevance 0.00

We study the effect of large acceleration of an uniformly accelerated frame on the validity of weak equivalence principle. Specifically we demonstrate how the behaviour of free quantum particle, as observed by an observer with large uniform acceleration, completely changes from that of a quantum particle emmarsed in a uniform gravitational field. We also extend our analysis to the simplest noncommutative space scenario to show that while spatial noncommutativity does not affect the quantum particle in a gravitational field, it does alter the energy eigenvalues of a quantum particle as seen from a frame with very large uniform acceleration.

Solving Heun's equation using conformal blocks. (arXiv:1708.06135v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marcin Piątek, Artur R. Pietrykowski, relevance 5.45

It is known that the classical limit of the second order BPZ null vector decoupling equation for the simplest two 5-point degenerate spherical conformal blocks yields: (i) the normal form of the Heun equation with the (holomorphic) accessory parameter determined by the 4-point classical block on the sphere, and (ii) a pair of the Floquet-type linearly independent solutions of the normal form Heun equation. A key point in a derivation of the above result is the classical asymptotic of the 5-point degenerate blocks in which the so-called heavy and light contributions decouple. In the present work the semi-classical heavy-light factorization of the 5-point degenerate conformal blocks is studied. In particular, a mechanism responsible for the decoupling of the heavy and light contributions is identified. Moreover, it is shown that the factorization property yields a practical method of computation of the Floquet-type Heun's solutions. Finally, it should be stressed that tools analyzed in this work have a broad spectrum of applications, in particular, in the studies of spectral problems with the Heun class of potentials, sphere-torus correspondence in 2d CFT, the KdV theory, the connection problem for the Heun equation and black hole physics. These applications are main motivations for the present work.

Adiabatic suppression of the axion abundance and isocurvature due to coupling to hidden monopoles. (arXiv:1708.06047v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Masahiro Kawasaki, Fuminobu Takahashi, Masaki Yamada, relevance 0.00

The string theory predicts many light fields called moduli and axions, which cause a cosmological problem due to the overproduction of their coherent oscillation after inflation. One of the prominent solutions is an adiabatic suppression mechanism, which, however, is non-trivial to achieve in the case of axions because it necessitates a large effective mass term which decreases as a function of time. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we provide an analytic method to calculate the cosmological abundance of coherent oscillation in a general situation under the adiabatic suppression mechanism. Secondly, we apply our method to some concrete examples, including the one where a string axion acquires a large effective mass due to the Witten effect in the presence of hidden monopoles.

Superradiance of charged black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity. (arXiv:1708.06037v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Octavio Fierro, Nicolas Grandi, Julio Oliva, relevance 8.59

In this paper we show that electrically charged black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity suffer from a superradiant instability. It is triggered by a charged scalar field that fulfills Dirichlet boundary conditions at a mirror located outside the horizon. As in General Relativity, the unstable modes exist provided the mirror is located beyond a critical radius, making the instability a long wavelength one. We explore the effects of the Gauss-Bonnet corrections on the critical radius and find evidence that the critical radius decreases as the Gauss-Bonnet coupling $\alpha$ increases. Due to the, up to date, lack of an analytic rotating solution for Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory, this is the first example of a superradiant instability in the presence of higher curvature terms in the action.

Topological invariants of Floquet systems: general formulation, special properties, and Floquet topological defects. (arXiv:1708.05993v1 [cond-mat.str-el])
in hep-th by Shunyu Yao, Zhongbo Yan, Zhong Wang, relevance 0.62

Periodically driven (Floquet) systems have been under active theoretical and experimental investigations. This paper aims at a systematic study in the following aspects of Floquet systems: (I) A systematic formulation of topological invariants of Floquet systems based on the cooperation of topology and symmetries. Topological invariants are obtained for the ten symmetry classes in all spatial dimensions, for both homogeneous Floquet systems and Floquet topological defects. (II) A general theory of Floquet topological defects, based on the proposed topological invariants. (III) Models and proposals of Floquet topological defects in low dimensions. Among them are Floquet Majorana zero modes and Majorana Pi modes in vortices of topologically trivial superconductors under a periodic driving. In addition, we also clarified several notable issues about Floquet topological invariants. Among other issues, we prove the equivalence between the effective-Hamiltonian-based band topological invariants and the frequency-domain band topological invariants.

On the Genus of the Moonshine Module. (arXiv:1708.05990v1 [math.QA] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Gerald Höhn, relevance 0.45

We provide a novel and simple description of Schellekens' seventy-one affine Kac-Moody structures of self-dual vertex operator algebras of central charge 24 by utilizing cyclic subgroups of the glue codes of the Niemeier lattices with roots. We also discuss a possible uniform construction procedure of the self-dual vertex operator algebras of central charge 24 starting from the Leech lattice. This also allows us to consider the uniqueness question for all non-trivial affine Kac-Moody structures. We finally discuss our description from a Lorentzian viewpoint.

Non-radial Oscillation Modes of Compact Stars with a Crust. (arXiv:1708.05985v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by C. Vasquez Flores, Zack B. Hall II, Prashanth Jaikumar, relevance 0.00

Oscillation modes of isolated compact stars can, in principle, be a fingerprint of the equation of state (EoS) of dense matter. We study the non-radial high-frequency l=2 spheroidal modes of neutron stars and strange quark stars, adopting a two-component model (core and crust) for these two types of stars. Using perturbed fluid equations in the relativistic Cowling approximation, we explore the effect of a strangelet or hadronic crust on the oscillation modes of strange stars. The results differ from the case of neutron stars with a crust. In comparison to fluid-only configurations, we find that a solid crust on top of a neutron star increases the p-mode frequency slightly with little effect on the f-mode frequency, whereas for strange stars, a strangelet crust on top of a quark core significantly increases the f-mode frequency with little effect on the p-mode frequency.

On the $C^k$-embedding of Lorentzian manifolds in Ricci-flat spaces. (arXiv:1708.05911v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Rodrigo Avalos, Fábio Dahia, Carlos Romero, relevance 0.00

In this paper we investigate the problem of non-analytic embeddings of Lorentzian manifolds in Ricci-flat semi-Riemannian spaces. In order to do this, we first review some relevant results in the area, and then motivate both the mathematical and physical interest in this problem. We show that any $n$-dimensional compact Lorentzian manifold $(M^{n},g)$, with $g$ in the Sobolev space $ H_{s+3}$, $s>\frac{n}{2}$, admits an isometric embedding in an $(2n+2)$ -dimensional Ricci-flat semi-Riemannian manifold. The sharpest result available for this type of embeddings, in the general setting, comes as a corollary of Robert Greene's remarkable embedding theorems, which guarantee the embedding of a compact $n$-dimensional semi-Riemannian manifold into an $n(n+5)$-dimensional semi-Euclidean space, thereby guaranteeing the embedding into a Ricci-flat space with the same dimension. The theorem presented here improves this corollary in $n^{2}+3n-2$ codimensions by replacing the Riemann-flat condition with the Ricci-flat one from the beginning.

Linearized modified gravity theories with a cosmological term: advance of perihelion and deflection of light. (arXiv:1708.05900v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Hatice Özer, Özgür Delice, relevance 0.00

Two different ways of generalizing Einstein's General Theory of Relativity with a cosmological constant to Brans-Dicke type scalar-tensor theories are investigated in the linearized field approximation. In the first case a cosmological constant term is coupled to a scalar field linearly whereas in the second case an arbitrary potential plays the role of a variable cosmological term. We see that former configuration leads to a massless scalar field whereas latter leads to a massive scalar field. General solutions of these linearized field equations for both cases are obtained corresponding to a static point mass. Geodesics of these solutions are discussed for two physically relevant cases. First one is the advance of the perihelion and the second one is the deflection of light rays. The contribution of the scalar field, cosmological term or minimum of the potential to these phenomena are derived.

Holographic vector mesons in a dilaton background. (arXiv:1708.05833v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Rico Zöllner, Burkhard Kämpfer, relevance 22.67

Within a holographic framework, we consider vector mesons riding on a gravity-dilaton background. The latter one is determined directly from a Schr\"odinger equivalent potential which delivers a proper $\rho$ meson Regge trajectory. The mapping on the dilaton potential yields a thermodynamic phase structure with a first-order transition.

Generalized Three-Form Field. (arXiv:1708.05795v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Pitayuth Wongjun, relevance 0.00

A generalized three-form field is an extended version of the canonical three-form field by considering a Lagrangian of the generalized three-form field as a function of the kinetic and the mass terms. In this work, we investigated cosmological models due to this generalized three-form field. It is found that one can use the three-form field to interpret the non-relativistic matter without the caustic problem. Moreover, by analyzing the dynamical system, a viable model of dark energy due to the generalized three-form field can be obtained.

Antisymmetric Wilson loops in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM beyond the planar limit. (arXiv:1708.05778v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by James Gordon, relevance 0.58

We study the $\frac{1}{2}$-BPS circular Wilson loop in the totally antisymmetric representation of the gauge group in $\mathcal N =4 $ supersymmetric Yang-Mills. This observable is captured by a Gaussian matrix model with appropriate insertion. We compute the first $1/N$ correction at leading order in 't Hooft coupling by means of the matrix model loop equations. Disagreement with the 1-loop effective action of the holographically dual $D5$-brane suggests the need to account for gravitational backreaction on the string theory side.

Borcea-Voisin Mirror Symmetry for Landau-Ginzburg models. (arXiv:1708.05775v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Amanda Francis, Nathan Priddis, Andrew Schaug, relevance 0.00

FJRW theory is a formulation of physical Landau-Ginzburg models with a rich algebraic structure, rooted in enumerative geometry. As a consequence of a major physical conjecture, called the Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence, several birational morphisms of Calabi-Yau orbifolds should correspond to isomorphisms in FJRW theory. In this paper it is shown that not only does this claim prove to be the case, but is a special case of a wider FJRW isomorphism theorem, which in turn allows for a proof of mirror symmetry for a new class of cases in the Landau-Ginzburg setting. We also obtain several interesting geometric applications regarding the Chen-Ruan cohomology of certain Calabi-Yau orbifolds.

Finding Schwarzschild metric component grr and FLRW's k without solving the Einstein's equation, rather by a synergistic matching between geometric results enfranchised by Newtonian gravity. (arXiv:1708.05739v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Eduardo I. Guendelman, Avi Rabinowitz, Arka P. Banik, relevance 0.00

As is well known, some aspects of General Relativity and Cosmology can be reproduced without even using Einstein's equation. As an illustration, the 0 - 0 component of the Schwarzschild space can be obtained by the requirement that the geodesic of slowly mov- ing particles match the Newtonian equation. Given this result, we shall show here that the remaining component (grr) can be obtained by requiring that the inside of a Newtonian ball of dust matched at a free falling radius with the external space of unspecified type. This matching determines the external space to be of Schwarzschild type. By this, it is also possi- ble to determine that the constant of integration that appears in the Newtonian Cosmology, coincides with the spatial curvature of the FLRW metric. All we assumed was some classical boundary conditions and basic assumptions.

Remarks on a $B \wedge F$ model with topological mass from gauging spin. (arXiv:1708.05730v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Patricio Gaete, José A. Helayël-Neto, relevance 2.50

Aspects of screening and confinement are reassessed for a $B \wedge F$ model with topological mass with the gauging of spin. Our discussion is carried out using the gauge-invariant, but path-dependent, variables formalism. We explicitly show that the static potential profile is the sum of a Yukawa and a linear potential, leading to the confinement of static external charges. Interestingly enough, similar results are obtained in a theory of antisymmetric tensor fields that results from the condensation of topological defects as a consequence of the Julia-Toulouse mechanism.

On the Conservation of Information in Quantum Physics. (arXiv:1708.05727v2 [quant-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Marco Roncaglia, relevance 11.58

According to quantum mechanics, the informational content of isolated systems does not change in time. However, subadditivity of entropy seems to describe an excess of information when we look at single parts of a composite systems and their correlations. Moreover, the balance between the entropic contributions coming from the various parts is not conserved under unitary transformations. Reasoning on the basic concept of quantum mechanics, we find that in such a picture an important term has been overlooked: the intrinsic quantum information encoded in the coherence of pure states. To fill this gap we are led to define a quantity, that we call coherent entropy, which is necessary to account for the "missing" information and for re-establishing its conservation. Interestingly, the coherent entropy is found to be equal to the information conveyed in the future by quantum states. The perspective outlined in this paper may be of some inspiration in several fields, from foundations of quantum mechanics to black-hole physics.

The 3d Stress-Tensor Bootstrap. (arXiv:1708.05718v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Anatoly Dymarsky, Filip Kos, Petr Kravchuk, David Poland, David Simmons-Duffin, relevance 0.93

We study the conformal bootstrap for 4-point functions of stress tensors in parity-preserving 3d CFTs. To set up the bootstrap equations, we analyze the constraints of conformal symmetry, permutation symmetry, and conservation on the stress-tensor 4-point function and identify a non-redundant set of crossing equations. Studying these equations numerically using semidefinite optimization, we compute bounds on the central charge as a function of the independent coefficient in the stress-tensor 3-point function. With no additional assumptions, these bounds numerically reproduce the conformal collider bounds and give a general lower bound on the central charge. We also study the effect of gaps in the scalar, spin-2, and spin-4 spectra on the central charge bound. We find general upper bounds on these gaps as well as tighter restrictions on the stress-tensor 3-point function coefficients for theories with moderate gaps. When the gap for the leading scalar or spin-2 operator is sufficiently large to exclude large N theories, we also obtain upper bounds on the central charge, thus finding compact allowed regions. Finally, assuming the known low-lying spectrum and central charge of the critical 3d Ising model, we determine its stress-tensor 3-point function and derive a bound on its leading parity-odd scalar.

Asymptotic Dynamics in Perturbative Quantum Gravity and BMS Supertranslations. (arXiv:1708.05717v1 [hep-th] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by Sangmin Choi, Uri Kol, Ratindranath Akhoury, relevance 10.94

Recently it has been shown that infrared divergences in the conventional S-matrix elements of gauge and gravitational theories arise from a violation of the conservation laws associated with large gauge symmetries. These infrared divergences can be cured by using the Faddeev-Kulish (FK) asymptotic states as the basis for S-matrix elements. Motivated by this connection, we study the action of BMS supertranslations on the FK asymptotic states of perturbative quantum gravity. We compute the BMS charge of the FK states and show that it characterizes the superselection sector to which the state belongs. Conservation of the BMS charge then implies that there is no transition between different superselection sectors, hence showing that the FK graviton clouds implement the necessary vacuum transition induced by the scattering process.

Massive Spin-2 Scattering and Asymptotic Superluminality. (arXiv:1708.05716v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kurt Hinterbichler, Austin Joyce, Rachel A. Rosen, relevance 0.00

We place model-independent constraints on theories of massive spin-2 particles by considering the positivity of the phase shift in eikonal scattering. The phase shift is an asymptotic $S$-matrix observable, related to the time delay/advance experienced by a particle during scattering. Demanding the absence of a time advance leads to constraints on the cubic vertices present in the theory. We find that, in theories with massive spin-2 particles, requiring no time advance means that either: (i) the cubic vertices must appear as a particular linear combination of the Einstein-Hilbert cubic vertex and an $h_{\mu\nu}^3$ potential term or (ii) new degrees of freedom or strong coupling must enter at parametrically the mass of the massive spin-2 field. These conclusions have implications for a variety of situations. Applied to theories of large-$N$ QCD, this indicates that any spectrum with an isolated massive spin-2 at the bottom must have these particular cubic self-couplings. Applied to de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley massive gravity, the constraint is in accord with and generalizes previous results obtained from a shockwave calculation: of the two free dimensionless parameters in the theory there is a one parameter line consistent with a subluminal phase shift.

A String Theory Which Isn't About Strings. (arXiv:1708.05707v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kanghoon Lee, Soo-Jong Rey, J. A. Rosabal, relevance 0.00

Quantization of closed string proceeds with a suitable choice of worldsheet vacuum. A priori, the vacuum may be chosen independently for left-moving and right-moving sectors. We construct {\sl ab initio} quantized bosonic string theory with left-right asymmetric worldsheet vacuum and explore its consequences and implications. We critically examine the validity of new vacuum and carry out first-quantization using standard operator formalism. Remarkably, the string spectrum consists only of a finite number of degrees of freedom: string gravity (massless spin-two, Kalb-Ramond and dilaton fields) and two massive spin-two Fierz-Pauli fields. The massive spin-two fields have negative norm, opposite mass-squared, and provides a Lee-Wick type extension of string gravity. We compute two physical observables: tree-level scattering amplitudes and one-loop cosmological constant. Scattering amplitude of four dilatons is shown to be a rational function of kinematic invariants, and in $D=26$ factorizes into contributions of massless spin-two and a pair of massive spin-two fields. The string one loop partition function is shown to perfectly agree with one loop Feynman diagram of string gravity and two massive spin-two fields. In particular, it does not exhibit modular invariance. We critically compare our construction with recent studies and contrast differences.

Strongly-coupled anisotropic gauge theories and holography. (arXiv:1708.05691v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dimitrios Giataganas, Umut Gürsoy, Juan F. Pedraza, relevance 7.21

We initiate a non-perturbative study of anisotropic, non-conformal and confining gauge theories that are holographically realized in gravity by generic Einstein-Axion-Dilaton systems. In the vacuum our solutions describe RG flows from a conformal field theory in the UV to generic scaling solutions in the IR with generic hyperscaling violation and dynamical exponents $\theta$ and $z$. We formulate a generalization of the holographic c-theorem to the anisotropic case. At finite temperature, we discover that the anisotropic deformation reduces the confinement-deconfinement phase transition temperature suggesting a possible alternative explanation of inverse magnetic catalysis solely based on anisotropy. We also study transport and diffusion properties in anisotropic theories and observe in particular that the butterfly velocity that characterizes both diffusion and growth of chaos transverse to the anisotropic direction, saturates a constant value in the IR which exceeds the bound given by the conformal value.

Asymptotically flat scalar, Dirac and Proca stars: discrete vs. continuous families of solutions. (arXiv:1708.05674v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, Alexandre M. Pombo, Eugen Radu, relevance 8.61

The existence of localized, approximately stationary, lumps of the classical gravitational and electromagnetic field -- $geons$ -- was conjectured more than half a century ago. If one insists on exact stationarity, topologically trivial configurations in electro-vacuum are ruled out by no-go theorems for solitons. But stationary, asymptotically flat geons found a realization in scalar-vacuum, where everywhere non-singular, localized field lumps exist, known as (scalar) boson stars. Similar geons have subsequently been found in Einstein-Dirac theory and, more recently, in Einstein-Proca theory. We identify the common conditions that allow these solutions, which may also exist for other spin fields. Moreover, we present a comparison of spherically symmetric geons for the spin $0,1/2$ and $1$, emphasising the mathematical similarities and clarifying the physical differences, particularly between the bosonic and fermonic cases. We clarify that for the fermionic case, Pauli's exclusion principle prevents a continuous family of solutions for a fixed field mass; rather only a discrete set exists, in contrast with the bosonic case.

Testing Lorentz Symmetry using High Energy Astrophysics Observations. (arXiv:1708.05672v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Floyd W. Stecker, relevance 13.45

We discuss some of the tests of Lorentz symmetry made possible by astrophysical observations of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays, gamma-rays, and neutrinos. These are among the most sensitive tests of Lorentz symmetry violation because they are the highest energy phenomena known to man.

Experimentally feasible quantum optical tests of Planck-scale physics. (arXiv:1708.05659v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by S. P. Kumar, M. B. Plenio, relevance 2.05

Recently it was proposed to use cavity-optomechanical systems to test for quantum gravity corrections to quantum canonical commutation relations [Nat. Phys. 8, 393-397 (2012)]. Improving the achievable precision of such devices represents a major challenge that we address with our present work. More specifically, we develop sophisticated paths in phase-space of such optomechanical system to obtain feasible accuracy and precision under shot noise and contributions from higher-order corrections to the optomechanical Hamiltonian. Furthermore, we propose a method to increase precision by using squeezed states of light. Finally, we demonstrate the robustness of our scheme to experimental imperfection, thereby improving our prospects of carrying out tests of quantum gravity with near-future optomechanical technology.

Emergent Geometry Through Holomorphic Matrix Models. (arXiv:1708.05658v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Stephen Pietromonaco, relevance 0.16

Over the years, deep insights into string theory and supersymmetric gauge theories have come from studying geometry emerging from matrix models. In this thesis, I study the N=1* and N=2* theories from which an elliptic curve is known to emerge, alongside an elliptic function called the generalized resolvent into which the physics is encoded. This is indicative of the common origin of the two theories in N=4 SYM. The N=1* Dijkgraaf-Vafa matrix model is intrinsically holomorphic with parameter space corresponding to the upper-half plane. The Dijkgraaf-Vafa matrix model 't Hooft coupling S has been previously shown to be holomorphic on the upper-half plane and quasi-modular with respect to SL(2,Z). The allowed N=2* coupling is constrained to a Hermitian slice through the enlarged moduli space of the holomorphic N=1* model. After explicitly constructing the map from the elliptic curve to the eigenvalue plane, I argue that the N=1* coupling S encodes data reminiscent of N=2*. A collection of extrema (saddle-points) of S behave curiously like the quantum critical points of N=2* theory. For the first critical point, the match is exact. This collection of points lie on the line of degeneration which behaves in a sense, like a boundary at infinity. I also show explicitly that the emergent elliptic curve along with the generalized resolvent allow one to recover exact eigenvalue densities. At weak coupling, my method reproduces the inverse square root of N=2* as well as the Wigner semi-circle in N=1*. At strong coupling in N=1*, I provide encouraging evidence of the parabolic density arising in the neighborhood of the line of degeneration. To my knowledge, the parabolic density has only been observed asymptotically. It is interesting to see evidence that it may be exactly encoded in the other form of emergent geometry: the elliptic curve with the generalized resolvent.

Bulk viscosity from hydrodynamic fluctuations with relativistic hydro-kinetic theory. (arXiv:1708.05657v1 [nucl-th])
in hep-th by Yukinao Akamatsu, Aleksas Mazeliauskas, Derek Teaney, relevance 1.82

Hydro-kinetic theory of thermal fluctuations is applied to a non-conformal relativistic fluid. Solving the hydro-kinetic equations for an isotropically expanding background we find that hydrodynamic fluctuations give ultraviolet divergent contributions to the energy-momentum tensor. After shifting the temperature to account for the energy of non-equilibrium modes, the remaining divergences are renormalized into local parameters, e.g. pressure and bulk viscosity. We also confirm that the renormalization of the pressure and bulk viscosity is universal by computing them for a Bjorken expansion. The fluctuation-induced bulk viscosity reflects the non-conformal nature of the equation of state and is modestly enhanced near the QCD deconfinement temperature.

Beyond delta: Tailoring marked statistics to reveal modified gravity. (arXiv:1708.05652v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Georgios Valogiannis, Rachel Bean, relevance 0.74

Models that seek to explain cosmic acceleration through modifications to General Relativity (GR) evade stringent Solar System constraints through a restoring, screening mechanism. Down-weighting the high density, screened regions in favor of the low density, unscreened ones offers the potential to enhance the amount of information carried in such modified gravity models.

In this work, we assess the performance of a new "marked" transformation and perform a systematic comparison with the clipping and logarithmic transformations, in the context of $\Lambda$CDM and the symmetron and $f(R)$ modified gravity models. Performance is measured in terms of the fractional boost in the Fisher information and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for these models relative to the statistics derived from the standard density distribution. We find that all three statistics provide improved Fisher boosts over the basic density statistics. The model parameters for the "marked" and clipped transformation that best enhance signals and the Fisher boosts are determined. We also show that the mark is useful both as a Fourier and real space transformation; a marked correlation function also enhances the SNR relative to the standard correlation function, and can on mildly non-linear scales show a significant difference between the $\Lambda$CDM and the modified gravity models.

Our results demonstrate how a series of simple analytical transformations could dramatically increase the predicted information extracted on deviations from GR, from large-scale surveys, and give the prospect for a potential detection much more feasible.

Are black holes about information?. (arXiv:1708.05631v2 [physics.hist-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Christian Wuthrich, relevance 29.62

Information theory is increasingly invoked by physicists concerned with fundamental physics, including black hole physics. But to what extent is the application of information theory in those contexts legitimate? Using the case of black hole thermodynamics and Bekenstein's celebrated argument for the entropy of black holes, I will argue that information-theoretic notions are problematic in the present case. Bekenstein's original argument, as suggestive as it may appear, thus fails. This example is particularly pertinent to the theme of the present collection because the Bekenstein-Hawking formula for black hole entropy is widely accepted as 'empirical data' in notoriously empirically deprived quantum gravity, even though the laws of black hole thermodynamics have so far evaded empirical confirmation.

Power radiated by a binary system in a de Sitter Universe. (arXiv:1708.05621v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Béatrice Bonga, Jeffrey S. Hazboun, relevance 14.89

Gravitational waves emitted by high redshift sources propagate through various epochs of the Universe including the current era of measurable, accelerated expansion. Historically, the calculation of gravitational wave power on cosmological backgrounds is based on various simplifications, including a $1/r$-expansion and the use of an algebraic projection to retrieve the radiative degrees of freedom. On a de Sitter spacetime, recent work has demonstrated that many of these calculational techniques and approximations do not apply. Here we calculate the power emitted by a binary system on a de Sitter background using techniques tailored to de Sitter spacetime. The common expression for the power radiated by this source in an FLRW spacetime, calculated using far wave-zone techniques, gives the same expression as the late time expansion specialized to the de Sitter background in the high-frequency approximation.

Photon time delay resulting from vacuum fluctuations: the vacuum as a dielectric. (arXiv:1708.05612v2 [physics.gen-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by G. B. Mainland, Bernard Mulligan, relevance 0.00

It is not possible to detect a vacuum fluctuation without a test particle interacting with the vacuum fluctuation in a measurable manner. In the quantum electrodynamics calculation presented here, a photon traveling through the vacuum is used as the test particle to determine properties of the vacuum resulting from vacuum fluctuations. In particular, this article (1) discusses the mathematical procedure for describing a lepton-antilepton bound state that is a vacuum fluctuation, (2) describes the photon interacting with and being incorporated into the bound state to form a quasi-stationary bound state, and (3) calculates the electromagnetic decay rate of the quasi-stationary bound state.

Null hypersurface quantization, electromagnetic duality and asympotic symmetries of Maxwell theory. (arXiv:1708.05606v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Arpan Bhattacharyya, Ling-Yan Hung, Yikun Jiang, relevance 15.28

In this paper we consider introducing careful regularization in the quantization of Maxwell theory in the asymptotic null infinity. This allows systematic discussions of the commutators in various boundary conditions, and application of Dirac brackets accordingly in a controlled manner. This method is most useful when we consider asymptotic charges that are not localized at the boundary $u\to \pm \infty$ like large gauge transformations. We show that our method reproduces the operator algebra in known cases, and it can be applied to other space-time symmetry charges such as the BMS transformations. We also obtain the asymptotic form of the U(1) charge following from the electromagnetic duality in an explicitly EM symmetric Schwarz-Sen type action. Using our regularization method, we demonstrate that the charge generates the expected transformation of a helicity operator. Our method promises applications in more generic theories.

General treatment of quantum and classical spinning particles in external fields. (arXiv:1708.05601v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yuri N. Obukhov, Alexander J. Silenko, Oleg V. Teryaev, relevance 0.00

We develop the general theory of spinning particles with electric and magnetic dipole moments moving in arbitrary electromagnetic, inertial and gravitational fields. Both the quantum-mechanical and classical dynamics is investigated. We start from the covariant Dirac equation extended to a spin-${\frac 12}$ fermion with anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments and then perform the relativistic Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation. This transformation allows us to obtain the quantum-mechanical equations of motion for the physical operators in the Schr\"odinger form and to establish the classical limit of relativistic quantum mechanics. The results obtained are then compared to the general classical description of the spinning particle interacting with electromagnetic, inertial and gravitational fields. The complete agreement between the quantum mechanics and the classical theory is proven in the general case. As an application of the results obtained, we consider the dynamics of a spinning particle in a gravitational wave and analyze the prospects of using the magnetic resonance setup to find possible manifestations of the gravitational wave on spin.

The instability of anti-de Sitter space-time. (arXiv:1708.05600v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Grégoire Martinon, relevance 15.52

In this review, we retrace the recent progress in the anti-de Sitter (AdS) instability problem. By instability we mean that for large classes of initial data, any perturbation of AdS space-time, however small, leads to the formation of a black hole. Since the seminal work of Bizo\'n and Rostworowski in 2011, many different kinds of numerical experiments were performed in asymptotically AdS space-times, unveiling a very intricate structure of the instability. In particular, many efforts were dedicated to the search of islands of stability, i.e.\ families of initial data that resist black hole formation. Many analytical and numerical tools were deployed to disentangle stable from unstable initial data, and shed new light on the necessary and sufficient conditions for collapse. Recently, research beyond spherical symmetry became more and more engaged. This is a very promising channel of investigation toward a deeper understanding of the gravitational dynamics in asymptotically AdS space-times.

Dispersion of gravitational waves in cold spherical interstellar medium. (arXiv:1708.05576v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Dániel Barta, Mátyás Vasúth, relevance 1.88

We investigate the propagation of locally plane, small-amplitude, monochromatic gravitational waves through cold compressible interstellar gas in order to provide a more accurate picture of expected waveforms for direct detection. The quasi-isothermal gas is concentrated in a spherical symmetric cloud held together by self-gravitation. Gravitational waves can be treated as linearized perturbations on the background inner Schwarzschild spacetime. The perturbed quantities lead to the field equations governing the gas dynamics and describe the interaction of gravitational waves with matter. The resulted field equations decouple asymptotically for slowly varying short waves to a set of three PDEs of different orders of magnitude. A second-order WKB method provides transport equations for the wave amplitudes. The influence of background curvature already appears in the first-order amplitudes, which gives rise to diffraction. We have shown that the transport equation of these amplitudes provides numerical solutions for the frequency-alteration. The energy dissipating process is responsible for decreasing frequency. The decrease is significantly smaller than the magnitude of the original frequency and exhibits a power-law relationship between original and decreased frequencies. The frequency deviation was examined particularly for the transient signal GW150914. Considering AGNs as larger background structures and high-frequency signals emitted by BNS mergers, the frequency-deviation grows large enough to be relevant in future GW-observations with increased sensitivity.

Relativistic model for cold spherical interstellar gas clouds. (arXiv:1708.05570v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Dániel Barta, relevance 0.51

We investigate insterstellar gas spheres by determining the metric functions, the material distribution, and the features of particle orbits in terms of stability and geodesics. An exact solution of the Einstein's equations for interstellar gas clouds is derived that is compatible with the results of recent astronomical measurements. The solution determines the distribution of pressure and density, and it is suitable to describe the energy, speed, trajectory, and further relevant physical features of the cloud's particles. We describe the spacetime inside the nebula and give the density profile and the geodesics of particles. We find that circular orbits are stable and the cloud rotates rigidly by an angular velocity that is inversely proportional to the radius.

A new approach to twisted K-theory of compact Lie groups. (arXiv:1708.05541v1 [math.KT])
in hep-th by Jonathan Rosenberg, relevance 0.00

This paper explores further the computation of the twisted K-theory and K-homology of compact simple Lie groups, previously studied by Hopkins, Moore, Maldacena-Moore-Seiberg, Braun, and Douglas, with a focus on groups of rank 2. We give a new method of computation based on the Segal spectral sequence which seems to us appreciably simpler than the methods used previously, at least in many key cases.

Non-Geometric Vacua of the $\mathbf{\text{Spin}(32)/\mathbb Z_2}$ Heterotic String and Little String Theories. (arXiv:1708.05428v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Anamaría Font, Christoph Mayrhofer, relevance 0.00

We study a class of 6d $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ non-geometric vacua of the $\text{Spin}(32)/\mathbb Z_2$ heterotic string which can be understood as fibrations of genus-two curves over a complex one-dimensional base. The 6d $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ theories living on the defects that arise when the genus-two fiber degenerates at a point of the base are analyzed by dualizing to F-theory on elliptic K3-fibered non-compact Calabi-Yau threefolds. We consider all possible degenerations of genus-two curves and systematically attempt to resolve the singularities of the dual threefolds. As in the analogous non-geometric vacua of the $E_8\times E_8$ heterotic string, we find that many of the resulting dual threefolds contain singularities which do not admit a crepant resolution. When the singularities can be resolved crepantly, we determine the emerging effective theories which turn out to be little string theories at a generic point on their tensor branch. We also observe a form of duality in which theories living on distinct defects are the same.

Newton-Cartan Gravity and Torsion. (arXiv:1708.05414v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Eric Bergshoeff, Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis, Luca Romano, Jan Rosseel, relevance 2.93

We compare the gauging of the Bargmann algebra, for the case of arbitrary torsion, with the result that one obtains from a null-reduction of General Relativity. Whereas the two procedures lead to the same result for Newton-Cartan geometry with arbitrary torsion, the null-reduction of the Einstein equations necessarily leads to Newton-Cartan gravity with zero torsion. We show, for three space-time dimensions, how Newton-Cartan gravity with arbitrary torsion can be obtained by starting from a Schroedinger field theory with dynamical exponent z=2 for a complex compensating scalar and next coupling this field theory to a z=2 Schroedinger geometry with arbitrary torsion. The latter theory can be obtained from either a gauging of the Schroedinger algebra, for arbitrary torsion, or from a null-reduction of conformal gravity.

Diffusion in inhomogeneous media. (arXiv:1708.05412v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Aristomenis Donos, Jerome P. Gauntlett, Vaios Ziogas, relevance 1.44

We consider the transport of conserved charges in spatially inhomogeneous quantum systems with a discrete lattice symmetry. We analyse the retarded two point functions involving the charge and the associated currents at long wavelengths, compared to the scale of the lattice, and, when the DC conductivity is finite, extract the hydrodynamic modes associated with charge diffusion. We show that the dispersion relations of these modes are related to the eigenvalues of a specific matrix constructed from the DC conductivity and certain thermodynamic susceptibilities, thus obtaining generalised Einstein relations. We illustrate these general results in the specific context of relativistic hydrodynamics where translation invariance is broken using spatially inhomogeneous and periodic deformations of the stress tensor and the conserved $U(1)$ currents. Equivalently, this corresponds to considering hydrodynamics on a curved manifold, with a spatially periodic metric and chemical potential.

Gravitino and Polonyi production in supergravity. (arXiv:1708.05393v4 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andrea Addazi, Sergei V. Ketov, Maxim Yu. Khlopov, relevance 0.80

We study production of gravitino and Polonyi particles in the minimal Starobinsky-Polonyi $\mathcal{N}=1$ supergravity with inflaton belonging to a massive vector supermultiplet. Our model has only one free parameter given by the scale of spontaneous SUSY breaking triggered by Polonyi chiral superfield. The vector supermultiplet generically enters the action non-minimally, via an arbitrary real function. This functon is chosen to generate the inflaton scalar potential of the Starobinsky model. Our supergravity model can be reformulated as an abelian supersymmetric gauge theory with the vector gauge superfield coupled to two (Higgs and Polonyi) chiral superfields interacting with supergravity, where the $U(1)$ gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken. We find that Polonyi and gravitino particles are efficiently produced during inflation. After inflation, perturbative decay of inflaton also produces Polonyi particles that rapidly decay into gravitinos. As a result, a coherent picture of inflation and dark matter emerges, where the abundance of produced gravitinos after inflation fits the CMB constraints as a Super Heavy Dark Matter (SHDM) candidate. Our scenario avoids the notorous gravitino and Polonyi problems with the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and DM overproduction.

The (Weak) Gravitational Field of a Dirac Monopole. (arXiv:1708.05360v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by E. Banyas, J. Franklin, relevance 0.00

We establish the gravitational detectability of a Dirac monopole using a weak-field limit of general relativity, which can be developed from the Newtonian gravitational potential by including energy as a source. The resulting potential matches (by construction) the weak-field limit of two different solutions to Einstein's equations of general relativity: one associated with the magnetically monopolar spray of field lines emerging from the half-infinite solenoid that makes up the Dirac monopole, the other associated with the field-energetic source of the solenoid itself (the Dirac string). The string's gravitational effect dominates, and we suggest that the primary strong-field contribution of the Dirac configuration is that of a half-infinite line of energy, whose GR solution is known.

Proca stars with nonminimal coupling to the Einstein tensor. (arXiv:1708.05358v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Masato Minamitsuji, relevance 0.00

We investigate Proca star (PS) solutions, namely boson star (BS) type solutions for a complex vector field with mass and nonminimal coupling to the Einstein tensor. Irrespective of the existence of nonminimal coupling, PS solutions are mini-BS type, but the inclusion of it changes properties. For positive nonminimal coupling parameters, PS solutions do not exist for central amplitudes above some certain value due to the singular behavior of the evolution equations. For negative nonminimal coupling parameters, there is no such singular behavior but sufficiently enhanced numerical resolutions are requested for larger amplitudes. Irrespective of the sign of the nonzero nonminimal coupling parameter, PSs with the maximal Arnowitt-Deser-Misner mass and Noether charge are gravitationally bound. Properties of PSs are very similar to those of BSs in scalar-tensor theories including healthy higher-derivative terms.

Chern-Simons deformation of vortices on compact domains. (arXiv:1708.05348v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by S. P. Flood, J. M. Speight, relevance 0.45

Existence of Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs (MCSH) vortices in a Hermitian line bundle $\L$ over a general compact Riemann surface $\Sigma$ is proved by a continuation method. The solutions are proved to be smooth both spatially and as functions of the Chern-Simons deformation parameter $\kappa$, and exist for all $|\kappa|<\kappa_*$, where $\kappa_*$ depends, in principle, on the geometry of $\Sigma$, the degree $n$ of $\L$, which may be interpreted as the vortex number, and the vortex positions. A simple upper bound on $\kappa_*$, depending only on $n$ and the volume of $\Sigma$, is found. Further, it is proved that a positive {\em lower} bound on $\kappa_*$, depending on $\Sigma$ and $n$, but independent of vortex positions, exists. A detailed numerical study of rotationally equivariant vortices on round two-spheres is performed. We find that $\kappa_*$ in general does depend on vortex positions, and, for fixed $n$ and radius, tends to be larger the more evenly vortices are distributed between the North and South poles. A generalization of the MCSH model to compact K\"ahler domains $\Sigma$ of complex dimension $k\geq 1$ is formulated. The Chern-Simons term is replaced by the integral over spacetime of $A\wedge F\wedge \omega^{k-1}$, where $\omega$ is the K\"ahler form on $\Sigma$. A topological lower bound on energy is found, attained by solutions of a deformed version of the usual vortex equations on $\Sigma$. Existence, uniqueness and smoothness of vortex solutions of these generalized equations is proved, for $|\kappa|<\kappa_*$, and an upper bound on $\kappa_*$ depending only on the K\"ahler class of $\Sigma$ and the first Chern class of $\L$ is obtained.

Kinetic mixing between a Higgs and a nearly degenerate Dark scalar: oscillations and displaced vertices. (arXiv:1708.05328v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Daniel Boyanovsky, Junmou Chen, relevance 1.22

Extensions beyond the Standard Model allow for a gauge singlet scalar to be kinetically coupled with the Higgs. We consider kinetic mixing between a Dark scalar gauge singlet \emph{nearly degenerate} with the Higgs, focusing on the \emph{dynamical} aspects of the mixing phenomena. The renormalization program is carried out by obtaining the one-loop effective action which yields an effective non-hermitian Hamiltonian to study the dynamics of mixing. The scalar Higgs becomes a coherent superposition of the mass eigenstates, thus kinetic mixing leads to oscillations and common decay channels in striking similarity with neutral meson mixing. Near degeneracy yields an \emph{enhancement} of the kinetic coupling. For small kinetic mixing we find that the mass eigenstates feature different lifetimes which result in a wide separation of time scales of evolution along with important coherence aspects from Dark scalar-Higgs interference. The wide separation of scales is manifest as displaced decay vertices which could potentially be a telltale experimental signal of kinetic mixing.

Line defect Schur indices, Verlinde algebras and $U(1)_r$ fixed points. (arXiv:1708.05323v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andrew Neitzke, Fei Yan, relevance 1.84

Given an $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field theory, we reconsider the Schur index $\mathcal{I}_L(q)$ in the presence of a half line defect $L$. Recently Cordova-Gaiotto-Shao found that $\mathcal{I}_L(q)$ admits an expansion in terms of characters of the chiral algebra $\mathcal{A}$ introduced by Beem et al., with simple coefficients $v_{L,\beta}(q)$. We report a puzzling new feature of this expansion: the $q \to 1$ limit of the coefficients $v_{L_,\beta}(q)$ is linearly related to the vacuum expectation values $\langle L \rangle$ in $U(1)_r$-invariant vacua of the theory compactified on $S^1$. This relation can be expressed algebraically as a commutative diagram involving three algebras: the algebra generated by line defects, the algebra of functions on $U(1)_r$-invariant vacua, and a Verlinde-like algebra associated to $\mathcal{A}$. Our evidence is experimental, by direct computation in the Argyres-Douglas theories of type $(A_1,A_2)$, $(A_1,A_4)$, $(A_1, A_6)$, $(A_1, D_3)$ and $(A_1, D_5)$. In the latter two theories, which have flavor symmetries, the Verlinde-like algebra which appears is a new deformation of algebras previously considered.

On subregion holographic complexity and renormalization group flows. (arXiv:1708.05313v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Pratim Roy, Tapobrata Sarkar, relevance 10.01

We investigate subregion holographic complexity in the context of renormalization group flow geometries. We use both the Poinca\'re slicing and the Janus ansatz as holographic duals to renormalization group flows in the boundary conformal field theory. In the former metric, subregion complexity is computed for a disc and a strip shaped entangling region. For the disc shaped region, consistent emergence of length scales for flow to the deep infra-red, and modifications to the volume law are established. For strip shaped regions, the absence of a compatible renormalization along the flow is shown to result in the fact that the complexity cannot locate holographic phase transitions in a sharp domain wall scenario. For smooth domain walls, we find that the complexity is an indicator of such phase transitions, and give numerical evidence that its derivative changes sign across a transition. Finally, the complexity is computed numerically using the Janus ansatz.

Equivalence of Meson Scattering Amplitudes in Strong Coupling Lattice and Flat Space String Theory. (arXiv:1708.05309v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Adi Armoni, Edwin Ireson, Davide Vadacchino, relevance 0.00

We consider meson scattering in the framework of the lattice strong coupling expansion. In particular we derive an expression for the 4-point function of meson operators in the planar limit of scalar Chromodynamics. Interestingly, in the naive continuum limit the expression coincides with an independently known result, that of the worldline formalism. Moreover, it was argued by Makeenko and Olesen that (assuming confinement) the resulting scattering amplitude in momentum space is the celebrated expression proposed by Veneziano several decades ago. This motivates us to also use holography in order to argue that the continuum expression for the scattering amplitude is related to the result obtained from flat space string theory. Our results hint that at strong coupling and large-$N_c$ the naive continuum limit of the lattice formalism can be related to a flat space string theory.

Vacua and walls of mass-deformed K\"{a}hler nonlinear sigma models on $SO(2N)/U(N)$. (arXiv:1708.05243v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Bum-Hoon Lee, Chanyong Park, Sunyoung Shin, relevance 0.00

We construct walls of mass-deformed K\"{a}hler nonlinear sigma models on $SO(2N)/U(N)$, by using the moduli matrix formalism and the simple roots of $SO(2N)$. Penetrable walls are observed in the nonlinear sigma models on $SO(2N)/U(N)$ with $N>3$.

Regular Multi-Horizon Black Holes in Modified Gravity with Non-Linear Electrodynamics. (arXiv:1708.05226v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Shin'ichi Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov, relevance 19.69

We investigated the regular multi-horizon black holes in the Einstein gravity, $F(R)$ gravity and the 5 dimensional Gauss-Bonnet gravity, all of them coupled with non-linear electrodynamics. We presented several explicit examples of the actions which admit the solutions describing regular black hole space-time with multi-horizons. Thermodynamics of the obtained black hole solutions is studied. The explicit expressions of the temperature, the entropy, the thermodynamical energy and the free energy are obtained. Although the temperature vanishes in the extremal limit where the radii of the two horizons coincide with each other as in the standard multi-horizon black hole like the Reissner-Nordstr\" om black hole or the Kerr black hole, the larger temperature corresponds to the larger horizon radius. This is different from the standard black holes, where the larger temperature corresponds to the smaller horizon radius. We also found that the specific heat becomes positive for the large temperature, which is also different from the standard black holes, where the specific heat is negative. It should be also noted that the thermodynamical energy is not identical with the ADM mass. Furthermore in case of the Gauss-Bonnet gravity, it is demonstrated that the entropy can become negative.

Gravitational Scattering Amplitudes and Closed String Field Theory in the Proper-Time Gauge. (arXiv:1708.05215v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Taejin Lee, relevance 5.53

We construct a covariant closed string field theory by extending recent works on the covariant open string field theory in the proper-time gauge. Rewriting the string scattering amplitudes generated by the closed string field theory in terms of the Polyakov string path integrals, we identify the Fock space representations of the closed string vertices. We show that the Fock space representations of the closed string field theory may be completely factorized into those of the open string field theory. It implies that the well known Kawai-Lewellen-Tye (KLT) relations of the first quantized string theory may be promoted to the second quantized closed string theory. We explicitly calculate the scattering amplitudes of three gravitons by using the closed string field theory in the proper-time gauge.

Perturbations of Pulsating Strings. (arXiv:1708.05202v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sorna Prava Barik, Kamal L. Panigrahi, Manoranjan Samal, relevance 1.83

We discuss the semiclassical quantization of circular pulsating strings on different subspaces of AdS5 x S5 background with and without the presence of three form fluxes. We perform the worldsheet fluctuation on those string solution, where we focus only the bosonic sector of string action. We find the quadratic action and the corresponding equations of motion in terms of scalar quantities and invariants of the geometry. We discuss stabilities of the string dynamics by studying the solutions of perturbed equation of motion.

One loop light-cone QCD, effective action for reggeized gluons and QCD RFT calculus. (arXiv:1708.05183v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S.Bondarenko, L.Lipatov, S.Pozdnyakov, A.Prygarin, relevance 0.54

The effective action for reggeized gluons is based on the gluodynamic Yang-Mills Lagrangian with external current for longitudinal gluons added, see [1]. On the base of classical solutions, obtained in [2], the one-loop corrections to this effective action in light-cone gauge are calculated. The RFT calculus for reggeized gluons similarly to the RFT introduced in [3] is proposed and discussed. The correctness of the results is verified by calculation of the propagator of $A_{+}$ and $A_{-}$ reggeized gluons fields and application of the obtained results is discussed as well.

On Thermal Gravitational Contribution to Particle Production and Dark Matter. (arXiv:1708.05138v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Yong Tang, Yue-Liang Wu, relevance 0.00

We investigate the particle production from thermal gravitational annihilation in the very early universe, which is an important contribution for particles that might not be in thermal equilibrium or/and only have gravitational interaction, such as dark matter (DM). For particles with spin 0, 1/2 and 1 we calculate the relevant cross sections through gravitational annihilation and give the analytic formulas with full mass-dependent terms. We find that DM with mass between TeV and $10^{16}$GeV could have the relic abundance that fits the observation, with small dependence on its spin. We also discuss the effects of gravitational annihilation from inflatons. Interestingly, contributions from inflatons could be dominant and have the same power dependence on Hubble parameter of inflation as that from vacuum fluctuation. Also, fermion production from inflatons, in comparison to boson, is suppressed by its mass due to helicity selection.

Ghost-free vector superfield actions in supersymmetric higher-derivative theories. (arXiv:1708.05129v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Toshiaki Fujimori, Muneto Nitta, Keisuke Ohashi, Yusuke Yamada, Ryo Yokokura, relevance 0.33

We systematically construct ghost-free higher-derivative actions of Abelian vector supermultiplets in four-dimensional ${\cal N}=1$ global supersymmetric theories. After giving a simple example which illustrates that a naive introduction of a higher-derivative term gives rise to a ghost, we discuss possible building blocks for a ghost-free action and explicitly show that their bosonic parts have no ghost mode and the auxiliary field $\boldsymbol{D}$ does not propagate. Higher-derivative terms yield higher powers of the auxiliary field $\boldsymbol{D}$ in the actions, and the D-term equations of motion consequently admit multiple solutions in general. We confirm that the well-known supersymmetric Dirac-Born-Infeld action falls into this class. We further give another example in which the standard quadratic kinetic term (Maxwell term) is corrected by a quartic term of the field strength. We also discuss possible couplings to matter fields and a deformed D-term potential.

No Rescue for the No Boundary Proposal. (arXiv:1708.05104v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Job Feldbrugge, Jean-Luc Lehners, Neil Turok, relevance 3.82

In recent work, we introduced Picard-Lefschetz theory as a tool for defining the Lorentzian path integral for quantum gravity in a systematic semiclassical expansion. This formulation avoids several pitfalls occurring in the Euclidean approach. Our method provides, in particular, a more precise formulation of the Hartle-Hawking no boundary proposal, as a sum over real Lorentzian four-geometries interpolating between an initial three-geometry of zero size, {\it i.e}, a point, and a final three-geometry. With this definition, we calculated the no boundary amplitude for a closed universe with a cosmological constant, assuming cosmological symmetry for the background and including linear perturbations. We found the opposite semiclassical exponent to that obtained by Hartle and Hawking for the creation of a de Sitter spacetime "from nothing". Furthermore, we found the linearized perturbations to be governed by an {\it inverse} Gaussian distribution, meaning they are unsuppressed and out of control. Recently, Diaz Dorronsoro {\it et al.} followed our methods but attempted to rescue the no boundary proposal by integrating the lapse over a different, intrinsically complex contour. Here, we show that, in addition to the desired Hartle-Hawking saddle point contribution, their contour yields extra, non-perturbative corrections which again render the perturbations unsuppressed. We prove there is {\it no} choice of complex contour for the lapse which avoids this problem. We extend our discussion to include backreaction in the leading semiclassical approximation, fully nonlinearly for the lowest tensor harmonic and to second order for all higher modes. Implications for quantum de Sitter spacetime and for cosmic inflation are briefly discussed.

Dissimilarities of reduced density matrices and eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. (arXiv:1708.05090v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Song He, Feng-Li Lin, Jia-ju Zhang, relevance 3.60

We calculate various quantities that characterize the dissimilarity of reduced density matrices for a short interval of length $\ell$ in a two-dimensional (2D) large central charge conformal field theory (CFT). These quantities include the R\'enyi entropy, entanglement entropy, relative entropy, Jensen-Shannon divergence, as well as the Schatten 2-norm and 4-norm. We adopt the method of operator product expansion of twist operators, and calculate the short interval expansion of these quantities up to order of $\ell^9$ for the contributions from the vacuum conformal family. The formal forms of these dissimilarity measures and the derived Fisher information metric from contributions of general operators are also given. As an application of the results, we use these dissimilarity measures to compare the excited and thermal states, and examine the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) by showing how they behave in high temperature limit. This would help to understand how ETH in 2D CFT can be defined more precisely. We discuss the possibility that all the dissimilarity measures considered here vanish when comparing the reduced density matrices of an excited state and a generalized Gibbs ensemble thermal state. We also discuss ETH for a microcanonical ensemble thermal state in a 2D large central charge CFT, and find that it is approximately satisfied for a small subsystem and violated for a large subsystem.

Corner contributions to holographic entanglement entropy in AdS4/BCFT3. (arXiv:1708.05080v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Domenico Seminara, Jacopo Sisti, Erik Tonni, relevance 30.77

We study the holographic entanglement entropy of spatial regions with corners in the AdS4/BCFT3 correspondence by considering three dimensional boundary conformal field theories whose boundary is a timelike plane. We compute analytically the corner function corresponding to an infinite wedge having one edge on the boundary. A relation between this corner function and the holographic one point function of the stress tensor is observed. An analytic expression for the corner function of an infinite wedge having only its tip on the boundary is also provided. This formula requires to find the global minimum among two extrema of the area functional. The corresponding critical configurations of corners are studied. The results have been checked against a numerical analysis performed by computing the area of the minimal surfaces anchored to some finite domains containing corners.

Evolution of the Universe caused by the averaged potential of the quantum scalar field. (arXiv:1708.05055v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Vladimir V. Belokurov, Evgeniy T. Shavgulidze, relevance 0.00

We study the quantum theory of the singular scalar field $\varphi $ minimally coupled to gravity. In our approach, the scalar field is treated as a true quantum variable, while the scale factor $a(t)$ is supposed to be classical. We evaluate the quantum average of the self-interaction potential $V(\varphi)$ and use it in the modified differential equation for the Hubble parameter.

Universal RG Flows Across Dimensions and Holography. (arXiv:1708.05052v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nikolay Bobev, P. Marcos Crichigno, relevance 3.97

We study RG flows between superconformal field theories living in different spacetime dimensions which exhibit universal properties, independent of the details of the UV and IR theories. In particular, when the UV and IR theories are both even-dimensional we establish exact universal relations between their conformal anomaly coefficients. We also provide strong evidence for similar relations between appropriately defined free energies for RG flows between odd-dimensional theories in the large $N$ limit. Holographically, these RG flows across dimensions are described by asymptotically AdS black branes in a gauged supergravity theory, which we exhibit explicitly. We also discuss the uplift of these solutions to string and M-theory and comment on how the entropy of such black branes is captured by the dual field theory.

Inflation versus collapse in brane matter. (arXiv:1708.05048v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. A. Zheltukhin, relevance 0.50

Mapping of fundamental branes to their worldsheet (ws) multiplets originating from spontaneous breaking of the Poincare symmetry is studied. The interaction Lagrangian for fields of the Nambu-Goldstone multiplet is shown to encode $R^2$ gravity on the ws. The power law $k_{p}\sim T_{p}^{\frac{3-p}{2(p+1)}}$ for the SO(D-p-1) gauge coupling $k_{p}$ as the function of the p-brane tension $T_{p}$ is assumed. It points to the presence of asymptotic freedom and confinement phases in brane matter. Their connection with collapse and inflation of the branes is discussed.

Leading multi-soft limits from scattering equations. (arXiv:1708.05016v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Michael Zlotnikov, relevance 0.00

A Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) type formula is derived for the leading gluon, bi-adjoint scalar $\phi^3$, Yang-Mills-scalar and non-linear sigma model $m$-soft factors $S_m$ in arbitrary dimension. The general formula is used to evaluate explicit examples for up to three soft legs analytically and up to four soft legs numerically via comparison with amplitude ratios under soft kinematics. A structural pattern for gluon $m$-soft factor is inferred and a simpler formula for its calculation is conjectured. In four dimensions, a Cachazo-Svr\v{c}ek-Witten (CSW) recursive procedure producing the leading $m$-soft gluon factor in spinor helicity formalism is developed as an alternative, and Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten (BCFW) recursion is used to obtain the leading four-soft gluon factor for all analytically distinct helicity configurations.

Shear hydrodynamics, momentum relaxation, and the KSS bound. (arXiv:1708.04997v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Tudor Ciobanu, David M. Ramirez, relevance 2.35

In this paper we investigate the behavior of the shear hydrodynamic response functions in a simple holographic model exhibiting momentum relaxation. We compute several stress tensor response functions in the transverse channel, and from there derive the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density, $\eta/s$, using two different methods. The two values differ from each other, one which satisfies the KSS bound $\eta/s \geq \frac{1}{4\pi}$ and one which does not, and we discuss the causes and implications of this result.

The Higher Spin Rectangle. (arXiv:1708.04996v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Menika Sharma, relevance 2.02

The chiral algebra of the symmetric product orbifold of a single-boson CFT corresponds to a "higher spin square" algebra in the large $N$ limit. In this note, we show that a symmetrized collection of $N$ bosons defines a similar structure that we refer to as the higher spin rectangle algebra. We explore the relation of this algebra to the higher spin square algebra. The existence of such a truncated algebra hints at bulk theories interpolating between Vasiliev higher spin theory and string theory.

Hyperbolic Geometry and Closed Bosonic String Field Theory II: The Rules for Evaluating the Quantum BV Master Action. (arXiv:1708.04977v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Seyed Faroogh Moosavian, Roji Pius, relevance 0.00

The quantum Batalian-Vilkovisky master action for closed string field theory consists of kinetic term and infinite number of interaction terms. The interaction strengths (coupling constants) are given by integrating the off-shell string measure over the distinct string diagrams describing the elementary interactions of the closed strings. In the first paper of this series, it was shown that the string diagrams describing the elementary interactions can be characterized using the Riemann surfaces endowed with hyperbolic metric with constant curvature -1. In this paper, we construct the off-shell string measure as a function of the Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates of the Teichmuller space of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. We also describe an explicit procedure for integrating the off-shell string measure over the region inside the moduli space that corresponds to the elementary interactions of the closed strings.

Spacetime-bridge solutions in vacuum gravity. (arXiv:1708.04971v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sandipan Sengupta, relevance 5.57

Spacetimes, which are representations of a bridge-like geometry in gravity theory, are constructed as vacuum solutions to the first order equations of motion. Each such configuration consists of two copies of an asymptotically flat sheet, connected by a bridge of finite extension where tetrad is noninvertible. These solutions can be classified into static and non-static spacetimes. The associated SO(3,1) invariant fields, namely the metric, affine connection and field-strength tensor, are all continuous across the hypersurfaces connecting the invertible and noninvertible phases of tetrad and are finite everywhere. These regular spacetime-bridge solutions do not have any analogue in Einsteinian gravity in vacuum.

On the global "two-sided" characteristic Cauchy problem for linear wave equations on manifolds. (arXiv:1708.04953v1 [math-ph])
in gr-qc by Umberto Lupo, relevance 5.45

The global characteristic initial value problem for linear wave equations on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds is examined, for a class of smooth initial value hypersurfaces satisfying favourable global properties. First it is shown that, if geometrically well-motivated restrictions are placed on the supports of the (smooth) initial datum and of the (smooth) inhomogeneous term, then there exists a continuous global solution which is smooth "on each side" of the initial value hypersurface. A uniqueness result in Sobolev regularity $H^{1/2+\varepsilon}_\mathrm{loc}$ is proved among solutions supported in the union of the causal past and future of the initial value hypersurface, and whose product with the indicator function of the causal future (resp. past) of the hypersurface is past compact (resp. future compact). An explicit representation formula for solutions is obtained, which prominently features an invariantly defined, densitised version of the null expansion of the hypersurface. Finally, applications to quantum field theory on curved spacetimes are briefly discussed.

Non-singular spacetimes with a negative cosmological constant: IV. Stationary black hole solutions with matter fields. (arXiv:1708.04947v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Piotr T. Chruściel, Erwann Delay, Paul Klinger, relevance 11.55

We use an elliptic system of equations with complex coefficients for a set of complex-valued tensor fields as a tool to construct infinite-dimensional families of non-singular stationary black holes, real-valued Lorentzian solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton-scalar fields-Yang-Mills-Higgs-Chern-Simons-$f(R)$ equations with a negative cosmological constant. The families include an infinite-dimensional family of solutions with the usual AdS conformal structure at conformal infinity.

Non-Riemannian geometry, Born-Infeld models and trace free gravitational equations. (arXiv:1708.04934v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Diego Julio Cirilo-Lombardo, relevance 0.42

Non-Riemannian generalization of the standard Born-Infeld (BI) Lagrangian is introduced and analized from a theory of gravitation with dynamical torsion field. The field equations derived from the proposed action lead to a trace free gravitational equation (non-riemannian analog to the trace free equation (TFE) from[1][2][3]) and the field equations for the torsion respectively. In this theoretical context, the fundamental constants arise all from the same geometry through geometrical invariant quantities (as from the curvature R). New results involving generation of primordial magnetic fields and the link with leptogenesis and baryogenesis are presented and possible explanations given. The physically admisible matter fields can be introduced in the model via the torsion vector h. Such fields include some dark matter candidates such as axion, right neutrinos and Majorana and moreover, physical observables as vorticity can be included in the same way. From a new wormhole soluton in a cosmological spacetime with torsion we also show that the primordial cosmic magnetic fields can originate from h? with the axion field (that is contained in h) the responsible to control the dynamics and stability of the cosmic magnetic field but not the magnetogenesis itself. The analisys of Grand Unified Theories (GUT) in the context of this model indicates (as we have been pointed out before) that the group manifold candidates are based in SO(10), SU(5) or some exceptional groups as E(6),E (7), etc.

Scalar field dynamics in a BTZ background with generic boundary conditions. (arXiv:1708.04905v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alan Garbarz, Joan La Madrid, Mauricio Leston, relevance 6.88

The revisit the dynamics of a massive scalar field in a BTZ background taking into account the lack of global hyperbolicity of the spacetime. We approach this issue using the strategy of Ishibashi and Wald which finds a unique smooth solution as the causal evolution of initial data, each possible evolution corresponding to a positive self-adjoint extension of certain operator in a Hilbert space on the initial surface. Moreover, solutions obtained this way are the most general ones satisfying a few physically-sensible requirements. This procedure is intimately related to the choice of boundary conditions and the existence of bound states. We find that the scalar field dynamics in the (effective) mass window $-3/4\leq m_e^2\ell^2<0$ can be well-defined within a one-parametric family of distinct boundary conditions ($-3/4$ being the conformally-coupled case), while for $m_e^2\ell^2\geq 0$ the boundary condition is unique (only one self-adjoint extension is possible). It is argued that there is no sensible evolution possible for $m_e^2\ell^2<-1$, and also shown that in the range $m_e^2\ell^2 \in [-1,-3/4)$ there is a U$(1)$ family of allowed boundary conditions, however, the positivity of the self-adjoint extensions is only motivated but not proven. We focus mainly in describing the dynamics of such evolutions given the initial data and all possible boundary conditions, and in particular we show the energy is always positive and conserved.

Quark-antiquark potential in defect conformal field theory. (arXiv:1708.04884v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michelangelo Preti, Diego Trancanelli, Edoardo Vescovi, relevance 4.55

We consider antiparallel Wilson lines in N=4 super Yang-Mills in the presence of a codimension-1 defect. We compute the Wilson lines' expectation value both at weak coupling, in the gauge theory, and at strong coupling, by finding the string configurations which are dual to this operator. These configurations display a Gross-Ooguri transition between a connected, U-shaped string phase and a phase in which the string breaks into two disconnected surfaces. We analyze in detail the critical configurations separating the two phases and compare the string result with the gauge theory one in a certain double scaling limit.

Thermodynamics of irreversible particle creation phenomena and its cosmological consequence. (arXiv:1708.04857v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Abhik Kumar Sanyal, Subhra Debnath, relevance 9.88

The study of particle creation phenomena at the expense of the gravitational field is of great research interest. It might solve the cosmological puzzle single-handedly, without the need for either dark energy or the modified theory of gravity. In the early universe, following graceful exit from inflationary phase, it serves the purpose of reheating the cold universe, which gave way to the hot Big-Bang model. In the late universe, it led to late time cosmic acceleration, without affecting stand-ard Big-Bang-Nucleosynthesis (BBN), Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), or Structure Formation. In this chapter, we briefly review the present status of cosmic evolution, develop the thermodynamics for irreversible particle creation phenomena and study its consequences at the early as well as in the late universe.

Neutron stars in the braneworld within the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity. (arXiv:1708.04837v4 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by I. Prasetyo, I. Husin, A. I. Qauli, H. S. Ramadhan, A. Sulaksono, relevance 0.73

We propose the disappearance of "the hyperon puzzle" in neutron star (NS) by invoking two new-physics prescriptions: modified gravity theory and braneworld scenario. By assuming that NS lives on a $3$-brane within a $5d$ empty AdS bulk, gravitationally governed by Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld (EiBI) theory, the field equations can be effectively cast into the usual Einstein's with "apparent" anisotropic energy-momentum tensor. Solving the corresponding brane-TOV equations numerically, we study its mass-radius relation. It is known that the appearance of finite brane tension $\lambda$ reduces the compactness of the star. The compatibility of the braneworld results with observational constraints of NS mass and radius can be restored in our model by varying the EiBI's coupling constant, $\kappa$. We found that within the astrophysically-accepted range of parameters ($0<\kappa<6\times10^6\text{m}^2$ and $\lambda\gg1~ \text{MeV}^4$) the NS can have mass $\sim2.1~ \text{M}_\odot$ and radius $\sim10$ km.

Simple cosmological model with inflation and late times acceleration. (arXiv:1708.04823v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Marek Szydlowski, Aleksander Stachowski, relevance 0.00

In the framework of polynomial Palatini cosmology, we investigate a simple cosmological homogeneous and isotropic model with matter in the Einstein frame. We show that in this model during cosmic evolution, it appears the early inflation and the accelerating phase of the expansion for the late times. In this frame we obtain the Friedmann equation with matter and dark energy in the form of a scalar field with the potential whose form is determined in a covariant way by the Ricci scalar of the FRW metric. The energy density of matter and dark energy are also parametrized through the Ricci scalar. The early inflation is obtained only for an infinitesimally small fraction of energy density of matter. Between the matter and dark energy, there exists interaction because the dark energy is decaying. For characterization of inflation we calculate the slow roll parameters and the constant roll parameter in terms of the Ricci scalar. We have found a characteristic behaviour of the time dependence of density of dark energy on the cosmic time following the logistic-like curve which interpolates two almost constant value phases. From the required numbers of $N$-folds we have found a bound on model parameter.

Massive charged Dirac fields around Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes: quasibound states and long-lived modes. (arXiv:1708.04761v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Yang Huang, Dao-Jun Liu, Xiang-hua Zhai, Xin-zhou Li, relevance 8.88

The behavior of a massive charged test Dirac field in the background of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole is investigated. Especially, we obtain the frequencies of quasibound states by solving the Dirac equation numerically both in time and frequency domain. Our results suggest that although the absence of superradiance excludes the existence of stationary solutions for massive Dirac fields, it is still possible to find arbitrarily long-lived solutions.

Gravitational energy and radiation of a charged black hole. (arXiv:1708.04758v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Luciano Combi, Gustavo E. Romero, relevance 9.97

We analyze the energy configuration of a charged black hole in the Teleparallel Framework of General Relativity. We obtain the energy-momentum tensor of the gravitational field in a stationary frame, and we calculate its contribution to the total energy of the system. We study the same gravitational field measured by an accelerated frame and we analyze how the energy-momentum tensor is transformed. We found that in the accelerated frame, a Poyinting-like flux appears for the gravitational field but not for the electromagnetic field.

Static phantom wormholes of finite size. (arXiv:1708.04715v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Mauricio Cataldo, Fabian Orellana, relevance 10.63

In this paper we derive new static phantom traversable wormholes by assuming a shape function with a quadratic dependence on the radial coordinate r. We mainly focus our study on wormholes sustained by exotic matter with positive energy density (as seen by any static observer) and a variable equation of state $p_r/\rho<-1$, dubbed phantom matter. Among phantom wormhole spacetimes extending to infinity, we show that a quadratic shape function allows us to construct static spacetimes of finite size, composed by a phantom wormhole connected to an anisotropic spherically symmetric distribution of dark energy. The wormhole part of the full spacetime does not fulfill the dominant energy condition, while the dark energy part does.

Remarks on non-singular black holes. (arXiv:1708.04698v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Valeri P. Frolov, relevance 18.18

We briefly discuss non-singular black hole models, with the main focus on the properties of non-singular evaporating black holes. Such black holes possess an apparent horizon, however the event horizon may be absent. In such a case, the information from the black hole interior may reach the external observer after the complete evaporation of the black hole. This model might be used for the resolution of the information loss puzzle. However, as we demonstrate, in a general case the quantum radiation emitted from the black hole interior, calculated in the given black hole background, is very large. This outburst of the radiation is exponentially large for models with the redshift function $\alpha=1$. We show that it can be suppressed by including a non-trivial redshift function. However, even this suppression is not enough to guarantee self-consistency of the model. This problem is a manifestation of a general problem, known as the "mass inflation". We briefly comment on possible ways to overcome this problem in the models of non-singular evaporating black holes.

Cosmological Zero Modes. (arXiv:1708.04694v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Niayesh Afshordi, Matthew C. Johnson, relevance 4.52

We introduce a new family of primordial cosmological perturbations that are not described by traditional power spectra. At the linear level, these perturbations live in the kernel of the spatial Laplacian operator, and thus we call them cosmological zero modes. We compute the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropy induced by these modes, and forecast their detection sensitivity using a cosmic-variance limited experiment. In particular, we consider two configurations for the zero modes: The first configuration consists of stochastic metric perturbations described by white noise on a "holographic screen" located at our cosmological horizon. The amplitude of the power spectrum of this white noise can be constrained to be $\lesssim 9 \times 10^{-14}$. The second configuration is a primordial monopole beyond our cosmological horizon. We show that such a monopole, with "charge" $Q$, can be detected in the CMB sky up to a distance of $11.6 ~ Q^{1/4}\times$ horizon radius (or $160~ Q^{1/4}$ Gpc). More generally, observational probes of cosmological zero modes can shed light on non-perturbative phenomena in the primordial universe, beyond our observable horizon.

Bunge on gravitational waves. (arXiv:1708.04665v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Gustavo E. Romero, relevance 2.50

I discuss the recent claims made by Mario Bunge on the philosophical implications of the discovery of gravitational waves. I think that Bunge is right when he points out that the detection implies the materiality of spacetime, but I reject his identification of spacetime with the gravitational field. I show that Bunge's analysis of the spacetime inside a hollow sphere is defective, but this in no way affects his main claim.

Penrose-like inequality with angular momentum for minimal surfaces. (arXiv:1708.04646v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Pablo Anglada, relevance 1.48

In axially symmetric spacetimes the Penrose inequality can be strengthened to include angular momentum. We prove a version of this inequality for minimal surfaces, more precisely, a lower bound for the ADM mass in terms of the area of a minimal surface, the angular momentum and a particular measure of the surface size. We consider axially symmetric and asymptotically flat initial data, and use the monotonicity of the Geroch quasi-local energy on 2-surfaces along the inverse mean curvature flow.

Exploring Free Matrix CFT Holographies at One-Loop. (arXiv:1708.04644v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jin-Beom Bae, Euihun Joung, Shailesh Lal, relevance 4.30

We extend our recent study on the duality between stringy higher spin theories and free CFTs in the $SU(N)$ adjoint representation to other matrix models namely the free $SO(N)$ and $Sp(N)$ adjoint models as well as the free $U(N)\times U(M)$ bi-fundamental and $O(N)\times O(M)$ bi-vector models. After determining the spectrum of the theories in the planar limit by Polya counting, we compute the one loop vacuum energy and Casimir energy for their respective bulk duals by means of the CIRZ method that we have introduced recently. We also elaborate on possible ambiguities in the application of this method.

AGT/Z$_2$. (arXiv:1708.04631v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Bruno Le Floch, Gustavo J. Turiaci, relevance 1.06

We relate Liouville/Toda CFT correlators on Riemann surfaces with boundaries and cross-cap states to supersymmetric observables in four-dimensional N=2 gauge theories. Our construction naturally involves four-dimensional theories with fields defined on different Z$_2$ quotients of the sphere (hemisphere and projective space) but nevertheless interacting with each other. The six-dimensional origin is a Z$_2$ quotient of the setup giving rise to the usual AGT correspondence. To test the correspondence, we work out the RP$^4$ partition function of four-dimensional N=2 theories by combining a 3d lens space and a 4d hemisphere partition functions. The same technique reproduces known RP$^2$ partition functions in a form that lets us easily check two-dimensional Seiberg-like dualities on this nonorientable space. As a bonus we work out boundary and cross-cap wavefunctions in Toda CFT.

Fermionic spinon theory of square lattice spin liquids near the N\'eel state. (arXiv:1708.04626v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Alex Thomson, Subir Sachdev, relevance 1.47

Quantum fluctuations of the N\'eel state of the square lattice antiferromagnet are usually described by a $\mathbb{CP}^1$ theory of bosonic spinons coupled to a U(1) gauge field, and with a global SU(2) spin rotation symmetry. Such a theory also has a confining phase with valence bond solid (VBS) order, and upon including spin-singlet charge 2 Higgs fields, deconfined phases with $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological order possibly intertwined with discrete broken global symmetries. We present dual theories of the same phases starting from a mean-field theory of fermionic spinons moving in $\pi$-flux in each square lattice plaquette. Fluctuations about this $\pi$-flux state are described by 2+1 dimensional quantum chromodynamics (QCD$_3$) with a SU(2) gauge group and $N_f=2$ flavors of massless Dirac fermions. It has recently been argued by Wang et al. (arXiv:1703.02426) that this QCD$_3$ theory describes the N\'eel-VBS quantum phase transition. We introduce adjoint Higgs fields in QCD$_3$, and obtain fermionic dual descriptions of the phases with $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological order obtained earlier using the bosonic $\mathbb{CP}^1$ theory. We also present a fermionic spinon derivation of the monopole Berry phases in the U(1) gauge theory of the VBS state. The global phase diagram of these phases contains multi-critical points, and our results imply new boson-fermion dualities between critical gauge theories of these points.

Superconductivity vs quantum criticality: effects of thermal fluctuations. (arXiv:1708.04624v1 [cond-mat.supr-con])
in hep-th by Huajia Wang, Yuxuan Wang, Gonzalo Torroba, relevance 0.00

We study the interplay between superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior of a Fermi surface coupled to a massless $SU(N)$ matrix boson near the quantum critical point. The presence of thermal infrared singularities in both the fermionic self-energy and the gap equation invalidates the Eliashberg approximation, and makes the quantum-critical pairing problem qualitatively different from that at zero temperature. Taking the large $N$ limit, we solve the gap equation beyond the Eliashberg approximation, and obtain the superconducting temperature $T_c$ as a function of $N$. Our results show an anomalous scaling between the zero-temperature gap and $T_c$. For $N$ greater than a critical value, we find that $T_c$ vanishes with a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless scaling behavior, and the system retains non-Fermi liquid behavior down to zero temperature. This confirms and extends previous renormalization-group analyses done at $T=0$, and provides a controlled example of a naked quantum critical point. We discuss the crucial role of thermal fluctuations in relating our results with earlier work where superconductivity always develops due to the special role of the first Matsubara frequency.

Higgs Assisted Q-balls from Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons. (arXiv:1708.04620v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Fady Bishara, George Johnson, Olivier Lennon, John March-Russell, relevance 0.00

Motivated by recent constructions of TeV-scale strongly-coupled dynamics, either associated with the Higgs sector itself as in pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB) Higgs models or in theories of asymmetric dark matter, we show that stable solitonic Q- balls can be formed from light pion-like pNGB fields carrying a conserved global quantum number in the presence of the Higgs field. We focus on the case of thick-wall Q-balls, where solutions satisfying all constraints are shown to exist over a range of parameter values. In the limit that our approximations hold, the Q-balls are weakly bound and parametrically large, and the form of the interactions of the light physical Higgs with the Q-ball is determined by the breaking of scale symmetry.

Quantum Field Theory of X-Cube Fracton Topological Order and Robust Degeneracy from Geometry. (arXiv:1708.04619v4 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kevin Slagle, Yong Baek Kim, relevance 2.18

We propose a quantum field theory description of the X-cube model of fracton topological order. The field theory is not (and cannot be) a topological quantum field theory (TQFT), since unlike the X-cube model, TQFTs are invariant (i.e. symmetric) under continuous spacetime transformations. However, the theory is instead invariant under a certain subgroup of the conformal group. We describe how braiding statistics and ground state degeneracy are reproduced by the field theory, and how the the X-cube Hamiltonian and field theory can be minimally coupled to matter fields. We also show that even on a manifold with trivial topology, spatial curvature can induce a ground state degeneracy that is stable to arbitrary local perturbations! Our formalism may allow for the description of other fracton field theories, where the only necessary input is an equation of motion for a charge density.

The quantization of a Kerr-AdS black hole. (arXiv:1708.04611v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Claus Gerhardt, relevance 30.67

We apply our model of quantum gravity to a Kerr-AdS spacetime of dimension $2 m+1$, $m\ge2$, where all rotational parameters are equal, resulting in a wave equation in a quantum spacetime which has a sequence of solutions that can be expressed as a product of stationary and temporal eigenfunctions. The stationary eigenfunctions can be interpreted as radiation and the temporal as gravitational waves. The event horizon corresponds in the quantum model to a Cauchy hypersurface that can be crossed by causal curves in both directions such that the information paradox does not occur. We also prove that the Kerr-AdS spacetime can be maximally extended by replacing in a generalized Boyer-Lindquist coordinate system the $r$ variable by $\rho=r^2$ such that the extended spacetime has a timelike curvature singularity in $\rho=-a^2$.

Modeling approaches for precise relativistic orbits I: Analytical, Lie-series, and pN approximation. (arXiv:1708.04609v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Dennis Philipp, Florian Wöske, Liliane Biskupek, Eva Hackmann, Enrico Mai, Meike List, Claus Lämmerzahl, relevance 0.97

Accurate orbit determination and modeling plays a key role in contemporary and future space missions. To fully exploit the technological capabilities, and to correctly interpret all measurements, relativistic orbital effects need to be taken into account. Within the theory of General Relativity, the equations of motion for freely falling test objects, such as satellites orbiting the Earth, are given by the geodesic equation. We analyze and compare different methods to solve this equation in a spherically symmetric background, i.e. for the Schwarzschild spacetime, as a test bed. We investigate satellite orbits around the Earth and use direct numerical orbit integration as well as the semi-analytical Lie-series approach. The results are compared to the exact analytical solution in terms of elliptic functions, which serves as the reference. For a set of exemplary orbits, we determine the respective accuracy of the different methods. Within the post-Newtonian approximation of General Relativity, modified orbital equations are obtained by adding relativistic corrections to the Newtonian equations of motion. We analyze the accuracy of this approximation with respect to the fully relativistic setting. Therefore, we solve the post-Newtonian equation of motion using the eXtended High Performance Satellite dynamics Simulator (XHPS). For the same initial conditions, we compare orbits in the Schwarzschild spacetime to those in its post-Newtonian approximation. Moreover, we compare the magnitude of the relativistic contributions to several typical perturbations of satellite orbits due to, e.g., solar radiation pressure, Earth's albedo, and atmospheric drag.

Lichnerowicz-type equations with sign-changing nonlinearities on complete manifolds with boundary. (arXiv:1708.04602v1 [math.AP])
in gr-qc by Guglielmo Albanese, Marco Rigoli, relevance 1.15

We prove an existence theorem for positive solutions to Lichnerowicz-type equations on complete manifolds with boundary and nonlinear Neumann conditions. This kind of nonlinear problems arise quite naturally in the study of solutions for the Einstein-scalar field equations of General Relativity in the framework of the so called Conformal Method.

Notes on microstates, Tsallis statistics and entropic gravity formalism. (arXiv:1708.04596v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Everton M. C. Abreu, Jorge Ananias Neto, Albert C. R. Mendes, Daniel O. Souza, relevance 5.19

It is an old idea to realize Einstein's equations as a thermodynamical equation of state. Since then, there has been new conjectures to understand gravity from another point of view. In this way we can accept that the gravitational field is not an underlying one like an emergent force from other approaches based on the knowledge of relativity, quantum and black holes thermodynamics, and different statistical formalisms. One important question concerning this gravity/thermostatistics correspondence is whether the holographic screen could be well defined for a nonrelativistic case of a source mass. Hence, to understand the actual role of the holographic screen is a very relevant issue. In this letter we have analyzed the entropy as a function of the holographic screen in some different scenarios. We have disclosed modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) from Verlinde's ideas. Besides, we have calculated some cosmological elements using the same ideas. The results obtained using MOND will guide us to obtain other cosmological results.

Stability of spherically symmetric timelike thin-shells in general relativity with a variable equation of state. (arXiv:1708.04588v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by S. Habib Mazharimousavi, M. Halilsoy, S. N. Hamad Amen, relevance 2.37

We study spherically symmetric timelike thin-shells in $3+1-$dimensional bulk spacetime with a variable equation of state for the fluid presented on the shell. In such a fluid the angular pressure $p$ is a function of both surface energy density $\sigma $ and the radius $R$ of the thin-shell. Explicit cases of the thin shells connecting two non-identical cloud of strings spacetimes and a flat Minkowski spacetime to the Schwarzschild metric are investigated.

Is Teleparallel Gravity really equivalent to General Relativity?. (arXiv:1708.04569v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Luciano Combi, Gustavo E. Romero, relevance 0.91

An axiomatization of the so-called Teleparallel Equivalent to General Relativity is presented. A set of formal and semantic postulates are elaborated from where the physical meaning of various key concepts of the theory are clarified. These concepts include those of inertia, Lorentz and diffeomorphism invariance, and reference frame. It is shown that Teleparallel Gravity admits a wider representation of space-time than General Relativity, allowing to define properties of the gravitational field such as energy and momentum that are usually considered problematic. In this sense, although the dynamical equations of both theories are equivalent, their inequivalence from a physical point of view is demonstrated. Finally, the axiomatic formulation is used to compare Teleparallel Gravity with other theories of gravity based on absolute parallelism such as non-local and f(T) gravity.

Stable Gravastars: Guilfoyle's electrically charged solutions. (arXiv:1708.04566v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ayan Banerjee, J. R. Villanueva, Phongpichit Channuie, Kimet Jusufi, relevance 2.56

Compelling alternatives to black holes, namely, gravitational vacuum star (gravastar) models: the multilayered structure compact objects, have been proposed to avoid a number of theoretical problems associated with event horizon and singularities. In this work, we construct spherically symmetric thin-shell charged gravastars model where the vacuum phase transition between the de Sitter interior and the external Reissner-Nordstr$\ddot{\text{o}}$m spacetime (RN) are matched at a junction surface, by using the cut-and-paste procedure. Gravastar solutions are found among the Guilfoyle exact solutions where the gravitational potential $W^2$ and the electric potential field $\phi$ obey a particularly relation in a simple form $ a\left(b-\epsilon \phi \right)^2 +b_1$, with $a,\,b$ and $b_1$ are arbitrary constants. The simplest ansatz of Guilfoyle's solution is implimented by the following assumption that the total energy density $8\pi \rho_m+\frac{Q^2}{ r^4}$ = constant, where $Q(r)$ is the electric charge up to a certain radius $r$. We show that, for certain ranges of the parameters, we can avoid the horizon formation which allow us to study the linearized spherically symmetric radial perturbations about static equilibrium solutions. To give theoretical support of our solution we also analyzed the physical and geometrical properties of gravastar configurations.

Expansion of All Multitrace Tree Level EYM Amplitudes. (arXiv:1708.04514v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yi-Jian Du, Bo Feng, Fei Teng, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we investigate the expansion of tree level multitrace Einstein-Yang-Mills (EYM) amplitudes. First, we propose two types of recursive expansions of tree level EYM amplitudes with an arbitrary number of gluons, gravitons and traces by those amplitudes with fewer traces or/and gravitons. Then we give many support evidence, including proofs using the Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) formula and Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten (BCFW) recursive relation. As a byproduct, two types of generalized BCJ relations for multitrace EYM are further proposed, which will be useful in the BCFW proof. After one applies the recursive expansions repeatedly, any multitrace EYM amplitudes can be given in the Kleiss-Kuijf (KK) basis of tree level color ordered Yang-Mills (YM) amplitudes. Thus the Bern-Carrasco-Johansson (BCJ) numerators, as the expansion coefficients, for all multitrace EYM amplitudes are naturally constructed.

Quantum Field Theory, Feynman-, Wheeler Propagators, Dimensional Regularization in Configuration Space and Convolution of Lorentz Invariant Tempered Distributions. (arXiv:1708.04506v6 [physics.gen-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by A. Plastino, M. C. Rocca, relevance 4.34

The Dimensional Regularization of Bollini and Giambiags (Phys. Lett. {\bf B 40}, 566 (1972), Il Nuovo Cim. {\bf B 12}, 20 (1972). Phys. Rev. {\bf D 53}, 5761 (1996)) can not be defined for all Schwartz Tempered Distributions Explicitly Lorentz Invariant (STDELI) ${\cal S}^{'}_L$. In this paper we overcome here such limitation and show that it can be generalized to all aforementioned STDELI and obtain a product in a ring with zero divisors.

For this purpose, we resort to a formula obtained in [Int. J. of Theor. Phys. {\bf 43}, 1019 (2004)] and demonstrate the existence of the convolution (in Minkowskian space) of such distributions. This is done by following a procedure similar to that used so as to define a general convolution between the Ultradistributions of J. Sebastiao e Silva [Math. Ann. {\bf 136}, 38 (1958)], also known as Ultrahyperfunctions, obtained by Bollini et al. [Int. J. of Theor. Phys. {\bf 38}, 2315 (1999), {\bf 43}, 1019 (2004), {\bf 43}, 59 (2004),{\bf 46}, 3030 (2007)]. Using the Inverse Fourier Transform we get the ring with zero divisors ${\cal S}^{'}_{LA}$, defined as ${\cal S}^{'}_{LA}={\cal F}^{-1}\{{\cal S}^{'}_L\}$, where ${\cal F}^{-1}$ denotes the Inverse Fourier Transform. In this manner we effect a dimensional regularization in momentum space (the ring ${\cal S}^{'}_{L}$) via convolution, and a product of distributions in the corresponding configuration space (the ring ${\cal S}^{'}_{LA})$. This generalizes the results obtained by Bollini and Giambiagi for Euclidean space in [Phys. Rev. {\bf D 53}, 5761 (1996)].

We provide several examples of the application of our new results in Quantum Field Theory. In particular, the convolution of $n$ massless Feynman propagators and the convolution of n massless Wheeler propagators in Minkowskian space.

The Weiss Variation of the Gravitational Action. (arXiv:1708.04489v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Justin C. Feng, Richard A. Matzner, relevance 1.97

The Weiss variational principle in mechanics and classical field theory is a variational principle which allows displacements of the boundary. We review the Weiss variation in mechanics and classical field theory, and present a novel geometric derivation of the Weiss variation for the gravitational action: the Einstein-Hilbert action plus the Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary term. In particular, we use the first and second variation of area formulas (we present a derivation accessible to physicists in an appendix) to interpret and vary the Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary term. The Weiss variation for the gravitational action is in principle known to the Relativity community, but the variation of area approach formalizes the derivation, and facilitates the discussion of time evolution in General Relativity.

Black hole quasinormal modes in the era of LIGO. (arXiv:1708.04476v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Cecilia Chirenti, relevance 11.47

After a long wait, gravitational wave astronomy has finally begun. Binary black hole mergers are being detected by LIGO and Virgo, and theorists are starting to receive a wealth of data to be analized. At this point we can at long last begin to test alternative theories of gravity and different models of compact objects. One powerful tool to do this is the perturbative analysis of background spacetimes. The objective of this brief review is to introduce the notion and analysis of black hole quasinormal modes, starting from the linear perturbation theory and including a brief discussion of numerical methods and astrophysical implications in the gravitational wave signals recently detected. With these basic ingredients, more sophisticated analyses and applications are possible.

World sheets of spinning particles. (arXiv:1708.04461v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D.S. Kaparulin, S.L. Lyakhovich, relevance 1.53

The classical spinning particles are considered such that quantization of classical model leads to an irreducible massive representation of the Poincar\'e group. The class of gauge equivalent classical particle world lines is shown to form a $[(d+1)/2]$-dimensional world sheet in $d$-dimensional Minkowski space, irrespectively to any specifics of classical model. For massive spinning particles in $d=3,4$, the world sheets are shown to be cylinders. The radius of cylinder is fixed by representation. In higher dimensions, particle's world sheet turn out to be a toroidal cylinder $\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{T}^D$, $D=[(d-1)/2]$. Proceeding from the fact that the world lines of irreducible classical spinning particles are cylindrical curves, while all the lines are gauge equivalent on the same world sheet, we suggest a method to deduce the classical equations of motion for particles and also to find their gauge symmetries. In $d=3$ Minkowski space, the spinning particle path is defined by a single fourth-order differential equation having two zero-order gauge symmetries. The equation defines particle's path in Minkowski space, and it does not involve auxiliary variables. A special case is also considered of cylindric null-curves, which are defined by a different system of equations. It is shown that the cylindric null-curves also correspond to irreducible massive spinning particles. For the higher-derivative equation of motion of the irreducible massive spinning particle, we deduce the equivalent second-order formulation involving an auxiliary variable. The second-order formulation agrees with a previously known spinning particle model.

The Regularized Hadamard Expansion. (arXiv:1708.04447v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Felix Finster, Margarita Kraus, relevance 3.10

A local expansion is proposed for two-point distributions involving an ultraviolet regularization in a globally hyperbolic space-time. The regularization is described by an infinite number of functions which can be computed iteratively by solving transport equations along null geodesics. The resulting regularized Hadamard expansion gives detailed and explicit information on the dynamics of the regularization effects.

Matter Effects on LIGO/Virgo Searches for Gravitational Waves from Merging Neutron Stars. (arXiv:1708.04359v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Torrey Cullen, Ian Harry, Jocelyn Read, Eric Flynn, relevance 0.00

Gravitational waves from merging neutron stars are expected to be observed in the next 5 years. We explore the potential impact of matter effects on gravitational waves from merging double neutron-star binaries. If neutron star binaries exist with chirp masses less than roughly 1 solar mass and typical neutron-star radii are larger than roughly 14 km, or if neutron-star radii are larger than 15-16 km for the chirp masses of galactic neutron-star binaries, then matter will have a significant impact on the effectiveness of a point-particle-based search at Advanced LIGO design sensitivity (roughly 5% additional loss of signals). In a configuration typical of LIGO's first observing run, extreme matter effects lead to up to 10% potential loss in the most extreme cases.

A qualitative and numerical analysis of cosmological models based on assymetric scalar doublet: classical + phantom scalar field. I. A case of minimally interacting scalar fields: the qualitative analysis. (arXiv:1708.04349v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Yu.G. Ignat'ev, relevance 0.00

The paper provides a qualitative and numerical analysis-based investigation of cosmological models founded on an asymmetrical scalar doublet comprising of a classical and a phantom scalar fields. Presence of a phantom scalar field allows one to consider also classical scalar fields with attraction of like-charged particles which significantly extends a diversity of cosmological models' behaviours. It is shown that a cosmological model based on an asymmetric scalar doublet in the case of minimal interaction has 9 singular points 2 of which are attractive and the rest are non-stable saddle ones. It is also shown that a presence of even essentially weak phantom field significantly changes the dynamics of a cosmological model.

Thermoelectric Transport Coefficients from Charged Solv and Nil Black Holes. (arXiv:1708.04335v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Raúl E. Arias, Ignacio Salazar Landea, relevance 12.57

In the present work we study charged black hole solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell action that have Thurston geometries on its near horizon region. In particular we find solutions with charged Solv and Nil geometry horizons. We also find Nil black holes with hyperscaling violation. For all our solutions we compute the thermoelectric DC transport coefficients of the corresponding dual field theory. We find that the Solv and Nil black holes without hyperscaling violation are dual to metals while those with hyperscaling violation are dual to insulators.

Deformation of the quintom cosmological model and its consequences. (arXiv:1708.04319v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by J. Sadeghi, B. Pourhassan, Z. Nekouee, M. Shokri, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we investigate the effects of non-commutative phase-space on the quintom cosmological model. In that case, we discuss $\Lambda_{1}$, $\Lambda_{2}$ and other cosmological parameters and show that they are associated to deformation parameters $\theta$ and $\beta$. Generally one can say that, the non-commutative parameter plays important role in physics and here also help us to arrange the divergency of cosmological constant. We draw time-dependent scale factor and investigate the effect of non-commutative parameters. Finally, we take advantage from non-commutative phase-space and obtain the deformed Lagrangian for the quintom model. In order to discuss some cosmological phenomena as dark energy and inflation, we employ Neother symmetry.

Renormalization Group Flow of the Higgs Potential. (arXiv:1708.04305v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Holger Gies, René Sondenheimer, relevance 0.00

We summarize results for local and global properties of the effective potential for the Higgs boson obtained from the functional renormalization group, which allows to describe the effective potential as a function of both scalar field amplitude and RG scale. This sheds light onto the limitations of standard estimates which rely on the identification of the two scales and helps clarifying the origin of a possible property of meta-stability of the Higgs potential. We demonstrate that the inclusion of higher-dimensional operators induced by an underlying theory at a high scale (GUT or Planck scale) can relax the conventional lower bound on the Higgs mass derived from the criterion of absolute stability.

Exponential nonlinear electrodynamics and backreaction effects on Holographic superconductor in the Lifshitz black hole background. (arXiv:1708.04289v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Zeinab Sherkatghanad, Behrouz Mirza, Fatemeh Lalehgani Dezaki, relevance -10.98

We analytically describe the properties of the s-wave holographic superconductor with the Exponential nonlinear electrodynamics in the Lifshitz black hole background in four-dimensions. Employing an assumption the scalar and gauge fields backreact on the background geometry, we calculate the critical temperature as well as the condensation operator. Based on Sturm-Liouville method, we show that the critical temperature decreases with increasing exponential nonlinear electrodynamics and Lifshitz dynamical exponent, z, indicating that condensation becomes difficult. Also we find that the effects of backreaction has a more important role on the critical temperature and condensation operator in small values of Lifshitz dynamical exponent, while z is around one. In addition, the properties of the upper critical magnetic field in Lifshitz black hole background using Sturm-Liouville approach is investigated to describe the phase diagram of the corresponding holographic superconductor in the prob limit. We observe that the critical magnetic field decreases with increasing Lifshitz dynamical exponent, z, and it goes to zero at critical temperature, independent of the Lifshitz dynamical exponent, z.

Two time solution to quantum measurement paradoxes. (arXiv:1708.04275v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Michael Grady, relevance 0.52

It is hypothesized that the Langevin time of stochastic quantum quantization is a physical time over which quantum fields at all values of space and coordinate time fluctuate. The average over paths becomes a time average as opposed to an ensemble average. It is further hypothesized that the Langevin time also paces the motion of particles through coordinate time and is equal to the coordinate time of the present hypersurface in the frame of the Hubble expansion. Despite having a preferred frame, special relativity continues to hold in this formulation as a dynamical symmetry due to the presumed Lorentz invariance of interactions. The measurement process becomes an integral part of the theory and is realized as a process of spontaneous symmetry breaking. The continuously fluctuating history of fields, characteristic of having two times, and the switch from ensemble averages to time averages allows for logical and straightforward explanations of many quantum measurement paradoxes. The fluctuating history also evades hidden-variable prohibitions allowing an essentially classical system to underlie quantum mechanics. These changes to the stochastic quantization paradigm makes this stochastic classical system differ somewhat from standard quantum mechanics, so, in principle, distinguishable from it.

Homotopy Theoretic Classification of Symmetry Protected Phases. (arXiv:1708.04264v1 [math.AT])
in hep-th by Jonathan A. Campbell, relevance 0.00

We classify a number of symmetry protected phases using Freed-Hopkins' homotopy theoretic classification. Along the way we compute the low-dimensional homotopy groups of a number of novel cobordism spectra.

Perturbations in generalized Galileon theories. (arXiv:1708.04262v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by R. Kolevatov, S. Mironov, V. Rubakov, N. Sukhov, V. Volkova, relevance 3.23

We discuss the approaches by Deffayet et al. (DPSV) and Kobayashi et al. (KYY) to the analysis of linearized scalar perturbations about a spatially flat FLRW background in Horndeski theory. We identify additional, potentially important terms in the DPSV approach. However, these terms vanish upon a judicious gauge choice. We derive a gauge invariant quadratic action for metric and Galileon perturbations in $\mathcal{L}_3$ and $\mathcal{L}_3+\mathcal{L}_4$ theories and show that actions obtained in the DPSV and KYY approaches follow from this gauge invariant action in particular gauges.

Oscillating Spin-2 Dark Matter. (arXiv:1708.04253v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Luca Marzola, Martti Raidal, Federico R. Urban, relevance 0.00

We show that the coherent oscillations of a spin-2 field from bimetric theory can easily account for the observed dark matter abundance. We obtain the equation of motion for the field in a cosmological setting and discuss in detail the phenomenology of the model. The framework is testable in precision measurements of oscillating electric charge in atomic clocks, using atomic spectroscopy and in dedicated resonant mass detectors as well as in axion-like-particles experiments, which therefore provide a new window to probe and test gravity itself. We also comment on possible multimetric extensions of the framework that straightforwardly implement the clockwork mechanism for gravity.

Broadcasting qubits through relativistic fields. (arXiv:1708.04249v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Robert H. Jonsson, Katja Ried, Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Achim Kempf, relevance 2.41

We show that wireless quantum broadcasting through relativistic quantum fields is impacted by geometry in nontrivial ways that can be traced to the no-cloning principle. To study these phenomena, we extend the framework of models usually employed in the field of relativistic quantum information to allow for the non-perturbative description of, e.g., quantum state transfer. We consider, in particular, the case of 1+1 spacetime dimensions, which already allows a number of interesting scenarios, pointing to, for example, new protocols for quantum secret sharing.

An Exact Operator That Knows Its Location. (arXiv:1708.04246v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nikhil Anand, Hongbin Chen, A. Liam Fitzpatrick, Jared Kaplan, Daliang Li, relevance 6.42

We use conformal symmetry to define an AdS$_3$ proto-field $\phi$ as an exact linear combination of Virasoro descendants of a CFT$_2$ primary operator $\mathcal{O}$. We find that both symmetry considerations and a gravitational Wilson line formalism lead to the same results. The operator $\phi$ has many desirable properties; in particular it has correlators that agree with gravitational perturbation theory when expanded at large $c$, and that automatically take the correct form in all vacuum AdS$_3$ geometries, including BTZ black hole backgrounds. In the future it should be possible to use $\phi$ to probe bulk locality and black hole horizons at a non-perturbative level.

Monstrous entanglement. (arXiv:1708.04242v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Diptarka Das, Shouvik Datta, Sridip Pal, relevance 29.40

The Monster CFT plays an important role in moonshine and is also conjectured to be the holographic dual to pure gravity in AdS3. We investigate the entanglement and Renyi entropies of this theory along with other extremal CFTs. The Renyi entropies of a single interval on the torus are evaluated using the short interval expansion. Each order in the expansion contains closed form expressions of the modular parameter. The leading terms in the q-series are shown to precisely agree with the universal corrections to Renyi entropies at low temperatures. Furthermore, these results are shown to match with bulk computations of Renyi entropy using the one-loop partition function on handlebodies. We also explore some features of Renyi entropies of two intervals on the plane.

Butterfly Velocities for Holographic Theories of General Spacetimes. (arXiv:1708.04237v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yasunori Nomura, Nico Salzetta, relevance 16.84

The butterfly velocity characterizes the spread of correlations in a quantum system. Recent work has provided a method of calculating the butterfly velocity of a class of boundary operators using holographic duality. Utilizing this and a presumed extension of the canonical holographic correspondence of AdS/CFT, we investigate the butterfly velocities of operators with bulk duals living in general spacetimes. We analyze some ubiquitous issues in calculating butterfly velocities using the bulk effective theory, and then extend the previously proposed method to include operators in entanglement shadows. We explicitly compute butterfly velocities for bulk local operators in the holographic theory of flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes and find a universal scaling behavior for the spread of operators in the boundary theory, independent of dimension and fluid components. This result may suggest that a Lifshitz field theory with z = 4 is the appropriate holographic dual for these spacetimes.

Simple conformally recurrent space-times are conformally recurrent PP-waves. (arXiv:1708.04227v1 [math-ph])
in gr-qc by Carlo Alberto Mantica, Luca Guido Molinari, relevance 0.00

We show that in dimension n>3 the class of simple conformally recurrent space-times coincides with the class of conformally recurrent pp-waves.

Light ring stability in ultra-compact objects. (arXiv:1708.04211v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Pedro V. P. Cunha, Emanuele Berti, Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, relevance 3.66

We prove the following theorem: axisymmetric, stationary solutions of the Einstein field equations formed from classical gravitational collapse of matter obeying the null energy condition, that are everywhere smooth and ultracompact (i.e., they have a light ring) must have at least two light rings, and one of them is stable. It has been argued that stable light rings generally lead to nonlinear spacetime instabilities. Our result implies that smooth, physically and dynamically reasonable ultracompact objects are not viable as observational alternatives to black holes whenever these instabilities occur on astrophysically short time scales. The proof of the theorem has two parts: (i) We show that light rings always come in pairs, one being a saddle point and the other a local extremum of an effective potential. This result follows from a topological argument based on the Brouwer degree of a continuous map, with no assumptions on the spacetime dynamics, and hence it is applicable to any metric gravity theory where photons follow null geodesics. (ii) Assuming Einstein's equations, we show that the extremum is a local minimum of the potential (i.e., a stable light ring) if the energy-momentum tensor satisfies the null energy condition.

Equivalence of relativistic causal structure and process terminality. (arXiv:1708.04118v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Aleks Kissinger, Matty Hoban, Bob Coecke, relevance 11.73

In general relativity, `causal structure' refers to the partial order on space-time points (or regions) that encodes time-like relationships. Recently, quantum information and quantum foundations saw the emergence of a `causality principle'. In the form used in this paper, which we call `process terminality', it states that when the output of a process is discarded, then the process itself may as well be discarded. While causal structure and process terminality at first seem to be entirely different notions, they become equivalent when making explicit what the partial order actually encodes, that is, that an event in the past can influence one in its future, but not vice-versa. The framework in which we establish this equivalence is that of process theories. We show how several previous results are instances of this result and comment on how this framework could provide an ideal, minimal canvas for crafting theories of quantum gravity.

Normal Products and Zimmermann Identities in Configuration Space BPHZ Renormalization. (arXiv:1708.04115v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Steffen Pottel, relevance 0.00

The notion of normal products, a generalization of Wick products, is derived with respect to BPHZ renormalization formulated entirely in configuration space. If inserted into time-ordered products, they admit the limit of coinciding field operators, which constitute the normal product. The derivation requires the introduction of Zimmermann identities, which relate field monomials or renormalization parts with differing subtraction degree. Furthermore, we calculate the action of wave operators on elementary fields inserted into time-ordered products using the properties of normal products.

Configuration Space BPHZ Renormalization on Analytic Spacetimes. (arXiv:1708.04112v1 [math-ph])
in hep-th by Steffen Pottel, relevance 4.97

A configuration space version of BPHZ renormalization is proved in the realm of perturbative algebraic quantum field theory. All arguments are formulated entirely in configuration space so that the range of application is extended to analytic spacetimes. Further the relation to the momentum space method is established. In the course of that, it is necessary to study the limit of constant coupling.

Poisson-Lie T-duality of String Effective Actions: A New Approach to the Dilaton Puzzle. (arXiv:1708.04079v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Branislav Jurco, Jan Vysoky, relevance 1.00

For a particular class of backgrounds, equations of motion for string sigma models targeted in mutually dual Poisson-Lie groups are equivalent. This phenomenon is called the Poisson-Lie T-duality. On the level of the corresponding string effective actions, the situation becomes more complicated due to unresolved difficulties with the dilaton field.

A novel approach to this problem using Levi-Civita connections on Courant algebroids is presented. After the introduction of necessary geometrical tools, new formulas for the Poisson-Lie T-dual dilaton fields are derived. This provides a version of Poisson-Lie T-duality for string effective actions.

Noncommutative Scalar Quasinormal Modes of the Reissner Nordstr\"om Black Hole. (arXiv:1708.04066v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marija Dimitrijević Ćirić, Nikola Konjik, Andjelo Samsarov, relevance 8.35

Aiming to search for a signal of space-time noncommutativity, we study a quasinormal mode spectrum of the Reissner Nordstr\"om black hole in the presence of a deformed space-time structure. In this context we study a noncommutative (NC) deformation of a scalar field, minimally coupled to a classical Reissner Nordstr\"om background. Our model is thus semiclassical from the beginning and scalar field is in addition minimally coupled to U(1) gauge field. The deformation is performed via particularly chosen Killing twist to yield a geometrical form of the action, which maintains the diffeomorphism invariance manifest, as well as the invariance under a deformed gauge symmetry group. We find the quasinormal mode solutions of the equations of motion governing the matter content of the model in some particular range of system parameters which corresponds to a near extremal limit. In addition, we obtain a well defined analytical condition which allows for a detailed numerical analysis. Moreover, there exists a parameter range, rather restrictive though, which allows for obtaining a QNM spectrum in a closed analytic form. We also argue within a semiclassical approach that NC deformation does not affect the Hawking temperature of thermal radiation.

Thermal form-factor approach to dynamical correlation functions of integrable lattice models. (arXiv:1708.04062v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Frank Göhmann, Michael Karbach, Andreas Klümper, Karol K. Kozlowski, Junji Suzuki, relevance 0.00

We propose a method for calculating dynamical correlation functions at finite temperature in integrable lattice models of Yang-Baxter type. The method is based on an expansion of the correlation functions as a series over matrix elements of a time-dependent quantum transfer matrix rather than the Hamiltonian. In the infinite Trotter-number limit the matrix elements become time independent and turn into the thermal form factors studied previously in the context of static correlation functions. We make this explicit with the example of the XXZ model. We show how the form factors can be summed utilizing certain auxiliary functions solving finite sets of nonlinear integral equations. The case of the XX model is worked out in more detail leading to a novel form-factor series representation of the dynamical transverse two-point function.

Conformal Thermal Tensor Network and Universal Entropy on Topological Manifolds. (arXiv:1708.04034v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lei Chen, Hao-Xin Wang, Lei Wang, Wei Li, relevance 19.93

Partition functions of quantum critical systems, expressed as conformal thermal tensor networks, are defined on various manifolds which can give rise to universal entropy corrections. Through high-precision tensor network simulations of several quantum chains, we identify the universal entropy $S_{\mathcal{K}} = \ln{k}$ on the Klein bottle, where $k$ relates to quantum dimensions of the primary fields in conformal field theory (CFT). Different from the celebrated Affleck-Ludwig boundary entropy $\ln{g}$ ($g$ reflects non-integer groundstate degeneracy), $S_{\mathcal{K}}$ has \textit{no} boundary dependence or surface energy terms accompanied, and can be very conveniently extracted from thermal data. On the M\"obius-strip manifold, we uncover an entropy $S_{\mathcal{M}} = \frac{1}{2} (\ln{g} + \ln{k})$ in CFT, where $\frac{1}{2} \ln{g}$ is associated with the only open edge of the M\"obius strip, and $\frac{1}{2} \ln{k}$ with the non-orientable topology. We employ $S_{\mathcal{K}}$ to accurately pinpoint the quantum phase transitions, even for those without local order parameters.

Composite Fermions and their Pair States in a Strongly-Coupled Fermi Liquid. (arXiv:1708.04023v3 [cond-mat.quant-gas] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hagen Kleinert, She-Sheng Xue, relevance 0.00

Our goal is to understand the phenomena arising in optical lattice fermions at low temperature in an external magnetic field. Varying the field, the attraction between any two fermions can be made arbitrarily strong, where composite bosons form via so-called Feshbach resonances. By setting up strong-coupling equations for fermions, we find that in spatial dimension $d>2$ they couple to bosons which dress up fermions and lead to new massive composite fermions. At low enough temperature, we obtain the critical temperature at which composite bosons undergo the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), leading to BEC-dressing massive fermions. These form tightly bound pair states which are new bosonic quasi-particles producing a BEC-type condensate. This may be the origin of high-$T_c$ superconductivity and a similar form of composite superfluidity. A quantum critical point is found and the formation of condensates of complex quasi-particles is speculated over.

Universal Boundary Entropies in Conformal Field Theory: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study. (arXiv:1708.04022v3 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Wei Tang, Lei Chen, Wei Li, X. C. Xie, Hong-Hao Tu, Lei Wang, relevance 8.40

Recently, entropy corrections on nonorientable manifolds such as the Klein bottle are proposed as a universal characterization of critical systems with an emergent conformal field theory (CFT). We show that entropy correction on the Klein bottle can be interpreted as a boundary effect via transforming the Klein bottle into an orientable manifold with nonlocal boundary interactions. The interpretation reveals the conceptual connection of the Klein bottle entropy with the celebrated Affleck-Ludwig entropy in boundary CFT. We propose a generic scheme to extract these universal boundary entropies from quantum Monte Carlo calculation of partition function ratios in lattice models. Our numerical results on the Affleck-Ludwig entropy and Klein bottle entropy for the $q$-state quantum Potts chains with $q=2,3$ show excellent agreement with the CFT predictions. For the quantum Potts chain with $q=4$, the Klein bottle entropy slightly deviates from the CFT prediction, which is possibly due to marginally irrelevant terms in the low-energy effective theory.

Unruh effect as a noisy quantum channel. (arXiv:1708.04016v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc by Doyeol Ahn, relevance 13.02

We studied the change of the nonlocal correlation of the entanglement in Rindler spacetime by showing that the Unruh effect can be interpreted as a noisy quantum channel having a complete positive and trace preserving map with an operator sum representation. It is shown that the entanglement fidelity is obtained in analytic form from the operator sum representation, which agrees well numerically with the entanglement monotone and the entanglement measure obtained previously. Non-zero entropy exchange between the system Q and the region II of the Rindler wedge indicates the nonlocal correlation between casually disconnected regions. We have also shown the sub additivity of entropies numerically.

Light Deflection and Gauss-Bonnet Theorem: Definition of Total Deflection Angle and its Applications. (arXiv:1708.04011v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Hideyoshi Arakida, relevance 3.38

In this paper, we re-examine the light deflection in the Schwarzschild and the Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime. First, supposing a static and spherically symmetric spacetime, we propose the definition of the total deflection angle $\alpha$ of the light ray by constructing a quadrilateral $\Sigma^4$ on the optical reference geometry ${\cal M}^{\rm opt}$ determined by the optical metric $\bar{g}_{ij}$. On the basis of the definition of the total deflection angle $\alpha$ and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, we derive two formulas to calculate the total deflection angle $\alpha$; (i) the angular formula that uses four angles determined on the optical reference geometry ${\cal M}^{\rm opt}$ or the curved $(r, \phi)$ subspace ${\cal M}^{\rm sub}$ being a slice of constant time $t$ and (ii) the integral formula on the optical reference geometry ${\cal M}^{\rm opt}$ which is the areal integral of the Gaussian curvature $K$ in the area of a quadrilateral $\Sigma^4$ and the line integral of the geodesic curvature $\kappa_g$ along the curve $C_{\Gamma}$. As the curve $C_{\Gamma}$, we introduce the unperturbed reference line that is the null geodesic $\Gamma$ on the background spacetime such as the Minkowski or the de Sitter spacetime, and is obtained by projecting $\Gamma$ vertically onto the curved $(r, \phi)$ subspace ${\cal M}^{\rm sub}$. We demonstrate that the two formulas give the same total deflection angle $\alpha$ for the Schwarzschild and the Schwarzschild--de Sitter spacetime. In particular, in the Schwarzschild case, the result coincides with Epstein--Shapiro's formula when the source $S$ and the receiver $R$ of the light ray are located at infinity. In addition, in the Schwarzschild--de Sitter case, there appear order ${\cal O}(\Lambda m)$ terms in addition to the Schwarzschild-like part, while order ${\cal O}(\Lambda)$ terms disappear.

Non-linear collisional Penrose process: How large energy can a black hole release?. (arXiv:1708.04003v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ken-ichi Nakao, Hirotada Okawa, Kei-ichi Maeda, relevance 10.11

Energy extraction from a rotating or charged black hole is one of fascinating issues in general relativity. The collisional Penrose process is one of such extraction mechanisms and has been reconsidered intensively since Banados, Silk and West pointed out the physical importance of very high energy collisions around a maximally rotating black hole. In order to get results analytically, the test particle approximation has been adopted so far. Successive works based on this approximation scheme have not yet revealed the upper bound on the efficiency of the energy extraction because of lack of the back reaction. In the Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime, by fully taking into account the self-gravity of the shells, we find that there is an upper bound on the extracted energy, which is consistent with the area law of a black hole. We also show one particular scenario in which the almost maximum energy extraction is achieved even without the Banados-Silk-West collision.

On the `simple' form of the gravitational action and the self-interacting graviton. (arXiv:1708.03977v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by E. T. Tomboulis, relevance 0.00

The so-called $\Gamma\Gamma$-form of the gravitational Lagrangian, long known to provide its most compact expression as well as the most efficient generation of the graviton vertices, is taken as the starting point for discussing General Relativity as a theory of the self-interacting graviton. A straightforward but general method of converting to a covariant formulation by the introduction of a reference metric is given. It is used to recast the Einstein field equation as the equation of motion of a spin-2 particle interacting with the canonical energy-momentum tensor symmetrized by the standard Belinfante method applicable to any field carrying nonzero spin. This represents the graviton field equation in a form complying with the precepts of standard field theory. It is then shown how representations based on other, at face value completely unrelated definitions of energy-momentum (pseudo)tensors are all related by the addition of appropriate superpotential terms. Specifically, the superpotentials are explicitly constructed which connect to: i) the common definition consisting simply of the nonlinear part of the Einstein tensor; ii) the Landau-Lifshitz definition.

Forms of action for perfect fluid in General Relativity and mimetic gravity. (arXiv:1708.03944v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc, hep-th by S.A. Paston, relevance 0.00

We consider various forms of action allowing us to describe a perfect fluid in the framework of General Relativity. First we consider a potential motion without pressure. Starting from an action in terms of the current density vector built similarly to the action of a single particle, we build a series of equivalent actions through various changes of variables. The results are then generalized to the cases of motion with vorticity and the presence of pressure. The obtained forms of action are compared to the previously known variants. We discuss the possibilities to use the obtained results to formulate the theories containing a description of a perfect fluid. A new form of action is proposed for mimetic gravity, which allows a motion with vorticity for mimetic matter as a perfect fluid.

Implications of binary black hole detections on the merger rates of double neutron stars and neutron star-black holes. (arXiv:1708.03939v2 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Anuradha Gupta, K. G. Arun, B. S. Sathyaprakash, relevance 10.17

We show that the inferred merger rate and chirp masses of binary black holes (BBHs) detected by advanced LIGO (aLIGO) can be used to constrain the rate of double neutron star (DNS) and neutron star - black hole (NSBH) mergers in the universe. We explicitly demonstrate this by considering a set of publicly available population synthesis models of \citet{Dominik:2012kk} and show that if all the BBH mergers, GW150914, LVT151012, GW151226, and GW170104, observed by aLIGO arise from isolated binary evolution, the predicted DNS merger rate may be constrained to be $2.3-471.0$~\rate~ and that of NSBH mergers will be constrained to $0.2-48.5$~\rate. The DNS merger rates are not constrained much but the NSBH rates are tightened by a factor of $\sim 4$ as compared to their previous rates. Note that these constrained DNS and NSBH rates are extremely model dependent and are compared to the unconstrained values $2.3-472.5$ \rate~ and $0.2-218$ \rate, respectively, using the same models of \citet{Dominik:2012kk}. These rate estimates may have implications for short Gamma Ray Burst progenitor models assuming they are powered (solely) by DNS or NSBH mergers. While these results are based on a set of open access population synthesis models which may not necessarily be the representative ones, the proposed method is very general and can be applied to any number of models thereby yielding more realistic constraints on the DNS and NSBH merger rates from the inferred BBH merger rate and chirp mass.

Singularities and Cyclic Universes. (arXiv:1708.03929v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Mariusz P. Dabrowski, relevance 0.00

The models of cyclic universes and cyclic multiverses based on the alternative gravity theories of varying constants are considered.

$\mathcal N=3$ four dimensional field theories. (arXiv:1708.03906v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Iñaki García-Etxebarria, Diego Regalado, relevance 2.17

We briefly review a class of four dimensional $\mathcal N=3$ field theories constructed by taking a quotient of $\mathcal N=4$ SYM with gauge group $U(N)$. The quotient involves a discrete symmetry that only exists for specific, order one, values of the coupling constant, so the resulting theories are intrinsically strongly coupled. These theories admit a simple realization in string theory as the worldvolume theory of a stack of D3 branes probing a generalized orientifold plane, or S-fold. Their holographic dual is given by a non-trivial F-theory fibration over $AdS_5 \times S^5/\mathbb Z_k$ which is weakly curved but with the string coupling frozen at an order one value.

Lovelock black holes surrounded by quintessence. (arXiv:1708.03884v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Sushant G. Ghosh, Sunil D. Maharaj, Dharmanand Baboolal, Tae-Hun Lee, relevance 15.58

Lovelock gravity consisting of the dimensionally continued Euler densities is a natural generalization of general relativity to higher dimensions such that equations of motion are still second order, and the theory is free of ghosts. A scalar field with a positive potential that yields an accelerating universe has been termed quintessence. We present exact black hole solutions in $D$-dimensional Lovelock gravity surrounded by quintessence matter and also perform a detailed thermodynamical study. Further, we find that the mass, entropy, and temperature of the black hole are corrected due to the quintessence background. In particular, we find that phase transition occurs with divergence of heat capacity at the critical horizon radius, and that specific heat becomes positive for $r_h<r_c$ allowing the black hole to become thermodynamically stable.

TASI Lectures on Scattering Amplitudes. (arXiv:1708.03872v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Clifford Cheung, relevance 1.88

These lectures are a brief introduction to scattering amplitudes. We begin with a review of basic kinematical concepts like the spinor helicity formalism, followed by a tutorial on bootstrapping tree-level scattering amplitudes. Afterwards, we discuss on-shell recursion relations and soft theorems, emphasizing their broad applicability to gravity, gauge theory, and effective field theories. Lastly, we report on some of the new field theoretic structures which have emerged from the on-shell picture, focusing primarily on color-kinematics duality.

Gravitational closure of weakly birefringent electrodynamics. (arXiv:1708.03870v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jonas Schneider, Frederic P. Schuller, Nadine Stritzelberger, Florian Wolz, relevance 2.50

We derive the gravitational dynamics of the tensorial geometry which underlies the most general linear theory of electrodynamics that features weak birefringence in vacuo. This derivation is performed by way of gravitational closure, which is a mechanism that employs the causal structure of any canonically quantizable matter dynamics on some tensorial spacetime geometry in order to derive canonical dynamics for the latter. The resulting eleven-parameter family of weak gravitational field equations allows to predict where vacuum birefringence will occur, if there is any.

Cosmological perturbations in the entangled inflationary universe. (arXiv:1708.03860v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Salvador J. Robles-Pérez, relevance 5.47

In this paper it is presented the model of a multiverse made up of universes which are created in entangled pairs that conserve the total momentum conjugated to the scale factor. For the background spacetime it is assumed a FRW metric with a scalar field with mass $m$ minimally coupled to gravity. For the fields that propagate in the entangled spacetimes it is considered the perturbations of the spacetime and the scalar field, whose quantum states become entangled too. They turn out to be in a quasi thermal state and the corresponding thermodynamical magnitudes are computed. Three observables are expected to be caused by the creation of the universes in entangled pairs: a modification of the Friedmann equation because the entanglement of the spacetimes, a modification of the effective value of the potential of the scalar field by the backreaction of the perturbation modes, and a modification of the spectrum of fluctuations because the thermal distribution induced by the entanglement of the partner universes. The later would be a distinctive feature of the creation of universes in entangled pairs.

Global existence of smooth solution to relativistic membrane equation with large data. (arXiv:1708.03839v1 [math.AP])
in gr-qc by Jinhua Wang, Changhua Wei, relevance 2.75

This paper is concerned with the Cauchy problem for the relativistic membrane equation (RME) embedded in $\mathbb R^{1+(1+n)}$ with $n=2, 3$. We show that the RME with a class of large (in energy norm) initial data admits a global, smooth solution. The data is indeed given by the short plus type, which is introduced by Christodoulou in his work on formation of black holes \cite{Christodoulou}. Adapted to the quasilinear feature of RME, we construct two multiplier vector fields associated with the membrane geometry and present an efficient way for proving the global existence of smooth solution to geometric wave equation with double null structure.

A Class of Minimally Modified Gravity Theories. (arXiv:1708.03757v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama, relevance 0.00

We investigate the Hamiltonian structure of a class of gravitational theories whose actions are linear in the lapse function. We derive the necessary and sufficient condition for a theory in this class to have two or less local physical degrees of freedom. As an application we then find several concrete examples of modified gravity theories in which the total number of local physical degrees of freedom in the gravity sector is two.

Scaling dimensions in QED$_3$ from the $\epsilon$-expansion. (arXiv:1708.03740v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lorenzo Di Pietro, Emmanuel Stamou, relevance 0.30

We study the fixed point that controls the IR dynamics of QED in $d = 4 - 2\epsilon$. We derive the scaling dimensions of four-fermion and bilinear operators beyond leading order in $\epsilon$-expansion. For the four-fermion operators, this requires the computation of a two-loop mixing that was not known before. We then extrapolate these scaling dimensions to $d = 3$ to estimate their value at the IR fixed point of QED$_3$ as function of the number of fermions $N_f$. The next-to-leading order result for the four-fermion operators corrects significantly the leading one. Our best estimate at this order indicates that they do not cross marginality for any value of $N_f$, which would imply that they cannot trigger a departure from the conformal phase. For the scaling dimensions of bilinear operators, we observe better convergence as we increase the order. In particular, $\epsilon$-expansion provides a convincing estimate for the dimension of the flavor-singlet scalar in the full range of $N_f$.

Operator mixing in $\boldsymbol{\epsilon}$-expansion: scheme and evanescent (in)dependence. (arXiv:1708.03739v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Lorenzo Di Pietro, Emmanuel Stamou, relevance 0.00

We consider theories with fermionic degrees of freedom that have a fixed point of Wilson-Fisher type in non-integer dimension $d = 4-2\epsilon$. Due to the presence of evanescent operators, i.e., operators that vanish in integer dimensions, these theories contain families of infinitely many operators that can mix with each other under renormalization. We clarify the dependence of the corresponding anomalous-dimension matrix on the choice of renormalization scheme beyond leading order in $\epsilon$-expansion. In standard choices of scheme, we find that eigenvalues at the fixed point cannot be extracted from a finite-dimensional block. We illustrate in examples a truncation approach to compute the eigenvalues. These are observable scaling dimensions, and, indeed, we find that the dependence on the choice of scheme cancels. As an application, we obtain the IR scaling dimension of four-fermion operators in QED in $d=4-2\epsilon$ at order $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^2)$.

Linearization of a warped $f(R)$ theory in the higher-order frame II: the equation of motion approach. (arXiv:1708.03737v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Yuan Zhong, Ke Yang, Yu-Xiao Liu, relevance 2.09

Without using conformal transformation, a simple type of five-dimensional $f(R)-$brane model is linearized directly in its higher-order frame. In this paper, the linearization is conducted in the equation of motion approach. We first derive all the linear perturbation equations without specifying a gauge condition. Then by taking the curvature gauge we derive the master equations of the linear perturbations. We show that these equations are equivalent to those obtained in the quadratical action approach [Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 104060], except the vector sector, in which a constraint equation can be obtained in the equation of motion approach but absent in the quadratical action approach. Our work sets an example on how to linearize higher-order theories without using conformal transformation, and might be useful for studying more complicated theories.

Evolution of small-mass-ratio binaries with a spinning secondary. (arXiv:1708.03720v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Niels Warburton, Thomas Osburn, Charles R. Evans, relevance 1.02

We calculate the evolution and gravitational-wave emission of a spinning compact object inspiraling into a substantially more massive (non-rotating) black hole. We extend our previous model for a non-spinning binary [Phys. Rev. D 93, 064024] to include the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon spin-curvature force. For spin-aligned binaries we calculate the dephasing of the inspiral and associated waveforms relative to models that do not include spin-curvature effects. We find this dephasing can be either positive or negative depending on the initial separation of the binary. For binaries in which the spin and orbital angular momentum are not parallel, the orbital plane precesses and we use a more general osculating element prescription to compute inspirals.

Solutions to the Cosmic Initial Entropy Problem without Equilibrium Initial Conditions. (arXiv:1708.03677v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Vihan M. Patel, and Charles H. Lineweaver, relevance 16.93

The entropy of the observable universe is increasing. Thus, at earlier times the entropy was lower. However, the cosmic microwave background radiation reveals an apparently high entropy universe close to thermal and chemical equilibrium. A two-part solution to this cosmic initial entropy problem is proposed. Following Penrose, we argue that the evenly distributed matter of the early universe is equivalent to low gravitational entropy. There are two competing explanations for how this initial low gravitational entropy comes about. (1) Inflation and baryogenesis produce a virtually homogeneous distribution of matter with a low gravitational entropy. (2) Dissatisfied with explaining a low gravitational entropy as the product of a 'special' scalar field, some theorists argue (following Boltzmann) for a 'more natural' initial condition in which the entire universe is in an initial equilibrium state of maximum entropy. In this equilibrium model, our observable universe is an unusual low entropy fluctuation embedded in a high entropy universe. The anthropic principle and the fluctuation theorem suggest that this low entropy region should be as small as possible and have as large an entropy as possible, consistent with our existence. However, our low entropy universe is much larger than needed to produce observers, and we see no evidence for an embedding in a higher entropy background. The initial conditions of inflationary models are as natural as the equilibrium background favored by many theorists.

Intermediate inflation driven by DBI scalar field. (arXiv:1708.03676v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by N. Nazavari, A. Mohammadi, Z. Ossoulian, Kh. Saaidi, relevance 0.00

Picking out DBI scalar field as inflation, the slow-rolling inflationary scenario is studied by attributing an exponential time function to scale factor; known as intermediate inflation. The perturbation parameters of the model are estimated numerically for two different cases and the final result is compared with Planck data. The diagram of tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ versus scalar spectra index $n_s$ is illustrated, and it is found out that they are in acceptable range, as suggested by Planck. In addition, the acquired values for amplitude of scalar perturbation reveals the ability of the model for depicting a good picture of the universe in one of the earliest stage. As a further argument, the non-Gaussianity is investigated displaying that the model prediction stands in $68\%$ CL regime; according to latest Planck data.

Light of Planck-2015 on Non-Canonical Inflation. (arXiv:1708.03675v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Kh. Saaidi, A. Mohammadi, T. Golanbari, relevance 0.00

Slow-roll inflationary scenario is considered in non-canonical scalar field model supposing a power-law function for kinetic term, and using two formalisms. In the first approach, the potential is considered as a power-law function, that is the most common approach in studying inflation. Hamilton-Jacobi approach is selected as the second formalism, so that the Hubble parameter is introduced as a function of scalar field instead of the potential. Employing the last observational data, the free parameters of the model are constrained, and the predicted form of the potential and attractor behavior of the model are considered in detail.

Birefringence as source of dark matter hidden photons. (arXiv:1708.03660v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Ariel Arza, Jorge Gamboa, relevance 0.00

We study a model where photons interact with hidden photons and millicharged particles through a kinetic mixing term. Particularly, we focus in vacuum birefringence effects and we find a bound for the millicharged parameter assuming that hidden photons are a piece of the local dark matter density

Long-lived inverse chirp signals from core collapse in massive scalar-tensor gravity. (arXiv:1708.03651v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Ulrich Sperhake, Christopher J. Moore, Roxana Rosca, Michalis Agathos, Davide Gerosa, Christian D. Ott, relevance 0.00

This letter considers stellar core collapse in massive scalar--tensor theories of gravity. The presence of a mass term for the scalar field allows for dramatic increases in the radiated gravitational wave signal. There are several potential smoking gun signatures of a departure from general relativity associated with this process. These signatures could show up within existing LIGO--Virgo searches.

Introduction to the Spectrum of N=4 SYM and the Quantum Spectral Curve. (arXiv:1708.03648v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Nikolay Gromov, relevance 0.00

This review is based on the lectures given by the author at the Les Houches Summer School 2016. It describes the recently developed Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) for a non-perturbative planar spectrum of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory in a pedagogical way starting from the harmonic oscillator and avoiding a long historical path. We give many examples and provide exercises. At the end we give a list of the recent and possible future applications of the QSC.

Nonexistence of Extremal de Sitter Black Rings. (arXiv:1708.03627v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marcus Khuri, Eric Woolgar, relevance 20.46

We show that near-horizon geometries in the presence of a positive cosmological constant cannot exist with ring topology. In particular, de Sitter black rings with vanishing surface gravity do not exist. Our result relies on a known mathematical theorem which is a straightforward consequence of a type of energy condition for a modified Ricci tensor, similar to the curvature-dimension conditions for the $m$-Bakry-\'Emery-Ricci tensor.

A unified approach to $\chi^2$ discriminators for searches of gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences. (arXiv:1708.03605v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Sanjeev Dhurandhar, Anuradha Gupta, Bhooshan Gadre, Sukanta Bose, relevance 0.00

We describe a general mathematical framework for $\chi^2$ discriminators in the context of the compact binary coalescence search. We show that with any $\chi^2$ is associated a vector bundle over the signal manifold, that is, the manifold traced out by the signal waveforms in the function space of data segments. The $\chi^2$ is then defined as the square of the $L_2$ norm of the data vector projected onto a finite dimensional subspace (the fibre) of the Hilbert space of data trains and orthogonal to the signal waveform - any such fibre leads to a $\chi^2$ discriminator and the full vector bundle comprising the subspaces and the base manifold constitute the $\chi^2$ discriminator. We show that the $\chi^2$ discriminators used so far in the CBC searches correspond to different fiber structures constituting different vector bundles on the same base manifold, namely, the parameter space. The general formulation indicates procedures to formulate new $\chi^2$s which could be more effective in discriminating against commonly occurring glitches in the data. It also shows that no $\chi^2$ with a reasonable degree of freedom is foolproof. It could also shed light on understanding why the traditional $\chi^2$ works so well. As an example, we propose a family of ambiguity $\chi^2$ discriminators that is an alternative to the traditional one. Any such ambiguity $\chi^2$ makes use of the filtered output of the template bank, thus adding negligible cost to the overall search. We test the performance of ambiguity $\chi^2$ on simulated data using spinless TaylorF2 waveforms. We show that the ambiguity $\chi^2$ essentially gives a clean separation between glitches and signals. Finally, we investigate the effects of mismatch between signal and templates on the $\chi^2$ and also further indicate how the ambiguity $\chi^2$ can be generalized to detector networks for coherent observations.

The Asymptotic Behavior of Bouncing Cosmological Models in $F(\mathcal{G})$ Gravity Theory. (arXiv:1708.03592v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Andrey N. Makarenko, Alexander N. Myagky, relevance 0.00

We reconstruct $F(\mathcal{G})$ gravity theory with an exponential scale factor to realize the bouncing behavior in the early universe and examine the asymptotic behaviour of late-time solutions in this model. We propose an approach to the construction of asymptotic expansions of solutions of the Friedmann equations on the basis of Puiseux series.

Canonical Field Anticommutators in the Extended Gauged Rarita-Schwinger Theory. (arXiv:1708.03588v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Stephen L. Adler, Marc Henneaux, Pablo Pais, relevance 2.11

We reexamine canonical quantization of the gauged Rarita-Schwinger theory using the extended theory, incorporating a dimension $\frac{1}{2}$ auxiliary spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ field $\Lambda$, in which there is an exact off-shell gauge invariance. In $\Lambda=0$ gauge, which reduces to the original unextended theory, our results agree with those found by Johnson and Sudarshan, and later verified by Velo and Zwanziger, which give a canonical Rarita-Schwinger field Dirac bracket that is singular for small gauge fields. In gauge covariant radiation gauge, the Dirac bracket of the Rarita-Schwinger fields is nonsingular, but does not correspond to a positive semi-definite anticommutator, and the Dirac bracket of the auxiliary fields has a singularity of the same form as found in the unextended theory. These results indicate that gauged Rarita-Schwinger theory is somewhat pathological, and cannot be canonically quantized within a conventional positive semi-definite metric Hilbert space. We leave open the questions of whether consistent quantizations can be achieved by using an indefinite metric Hilbert space, by path integral methods, or by appropriate couplings to conventional dimension $\frac{3}{2}$ spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ fields.

Gauged $U(1)$ Clockwork Theory. (arXiv:1708.03564v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hyun Min Lee, relevance 2.04

We consider the gauged $U(1)$ clockwork theory with a product of multiple gauge groups and discuss the continuum limit of the theory to a massless gauged $U(1)$ with linear dilaton background in five dimensions. The localization of the lightest state of gauge fields on a site in the theory space naturally leads to exponentially small effective couplings of external matter fields localized away from the site. We discuss the implications of our general discussion with some examples, such as mediators of dark matter interactions, flavor-changing $B$-meson decays as well as D-term SUSY breaking.

On the simplified path integral on spheres. (arXiv:1708.03557v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Fiorenzo Bastianelli, Olindo Corradini, relevance 4.90

We have recently studied a simplified version of the path integral for a particle on a sphere, and more generally on maximally symmetric spaces, and proved that Riemann normal coordinates allow the use of a quadratic kinetic term in the particle action. The emerging linear sigma model contains a scalar effective potential that reproduces the effects of the curvature. We present here further details on the construction, and extend its perturbative evaluation to orders high enough to read off the type-A trace anomalies of a conformal scalar in dimensions d = 14 and d = 16.

Massive gravitons in arbitrary spacetimes. (arXiv:1708.03554v4 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Charles Mazuet, Mikhail S. Volkov, relevance 6.07

We present two different versions of the consistent theory of massive gravitons in arbitrary spacetimes which are simple enough for practical applications. The theory is described by a non-symmetric rank-2 tensor whose equations of motion imply six algebraic and five differential constraints reducing the number of independent components to five. The theory reproduces the standard description of massive gravitons in Einstein spaces. In generic spacetimes it does not show the massless limit and always propagates five degrees of freedom, even for the vanishing mass parameter. We illustrate these features by an explicit calculation for a homogeneous and isotropic cosmological background. We find that the gravitons are stable if they are sufficiently massive, hence they may be a part of Dark Matter at present. We discuss also other possible applications.

Tensor Models, Kronecker coefficients and Permutation Centralizer Algebras. (arXiv:1708.03524v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Joseph Ben Geloun, Sanjaye Ramgoolam, relevance 1.88

We show that the counting of observables and correlators for a 3-index tensor model are organized by the structure of a family of permutation centralizer algebras. These algebras are shown to be semi-simple and their Wedderburn-Artin decompositions into matrix blocks are given in terms of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of symmetric groups. The matrix basis for the algebras also gives an orthogonal basis for the tensor observables which diagonalizes the Gaussian two-point functions. The centres of the algebras are associated with correlators which are expressible in terms of Kronecker coefficients (Clebsch-Gordan multiplicities of symmetric groups). The color-exchange symmetry present in the Gaussian model, as well as a large class of interacting models, is used to refine the description of the permutation centralizer algebras. This discussion is extended to a general number of colors $d$: it is used to prove the integrality of an infinite family of number sequences related to color-symmetrizations of colored graphs, and expressible in terms of symmetric group representation theory data. Generalizing a connection between matrix models and Belyi maps, correlators in Gaussian tensor models are interpreted in terms of covers of singular 2-complexes. There is an intriguing difference, between matrix and higher rank tensor models, in the computational complexity of superficially comparable correlators of observables parametrized by Young diagrams.

Accurate inspiral-merger-ringdown gravitational waveforms for non-spinning black-hole binaries including the effect of subdominant modes. (arXiv:1708.03501v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ajit Kumar Mehta, Chandra Kant Mishra, Vijay Varma, Parameswaran Ajith, relevance 6.79

We present an analytical waveform family describing gravitational waves (GWs) from the inspiral, merger and ringdown of non-spinning black-hole binaries including the effect of several non-quadrupole modes [($\ell = 2, m = \pm 1), (\ell = 3, m = \pm 3), (\ell = 4, m = \pm 4)$ apart from $(\ell = 2, m=\pm2)$]. We first construct spin-weighted spherical harmonics modes of hybrid waveforms by matching numerical-relativity simulations (with mass ratio $1-10$) describing the late inspiral, merger and ringdown of the binary with post-Newtonian/effective-one-body waveforms describing the early inspiral. An analytical waveform family is constructed in frequency domain by modeling the Fourier transform of the hybrid waveforms making use of analytical functions inspired by perturbative calculations. The resulting highly accurate, ready-to-use waveforms are highly faithful (unfaithfulness $\simeq 10^{-4} - 10^{-2}$) for observation of GWs from non-spinning black hole binaries and are extremely inexpensive to generate.

Sandpile probabilities on triangular and hexagonal lattices. (arXiv:1708.03493v3 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Adrien Poncelet, Philippe Ruelle, relevance 0.00

We consider the Abelian sandpile model on triangular and hexagonal lattices. We compute several height probabilities on the full plane and on half-planes, and discuss some properties of the universality of the model.

Tunable low energy Ps beam for the anti-hydrogen free fall and for testing gravity with a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. (arXiv:1708.03485v6 [physics.ins-det] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by André Rosowsky, relevance 0.00

The test of gravitational force on antimatter in the field of the matter gravitational field, produced by earth, can be done by a free fall experiment which involves only General Relativity, and with a Mach-Zehnder interferometer which involves Quantum Mechanics. This article presents a new method to produce a tunable low energy (Ps ) beam suitable for trapping the (Hbar + ) ion in a free fall experiment, and suitable for a gravity Mach-Zehnder interferometer with (Ps). The low energy (Ps) beam is tunable in the [10 eV, 100 eV] range.

Non-perturbative finite-temperature Yang-Mills theory. (arXiv:1708.03482v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Anton K. Cyrol, Mario Mitter, Jan M. Pawlowski, Nils Strodthoff, relevance 0.58

We present non-perturbative correlation functions in Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature. The results are obtained from the functional renormalisation group within a self-consistent approximation scheme. In particular, we compute the magnetic and electric components of the gluon propagator, and the three- and four-gluon vertices. We also show the ghost propagator and the ghost-gluon vertex at finite temperature. Our results for the propagators are confronted with lattice simulations and our Debye mass is compared to hard thermal loop perturbation theory.

Renormalizability and Newtonian potential in scale-invariant gravity. (arXiv:1708.03451v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Yun Soo Myung, relevance 2.03

There is a conjecture that renormalizable higher-derivative gravity has a finite classical potential at the origin. In this work we show clearly that the scale-invariant gravity (SIG) satisfies the conjecture. This gravity produces the better-behaved $1/k^4$ UV behavior as needed for renormalizability. It turns out that the SIG has the linear classical potential of $V\propto r$ and it is a UV complete theory.

(p,q)-strings probing five-brane webs. (arXiv:1708.03404v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Justin Kaidi, relevance 2.81

In recent work, globally well-defined Type IIB supergravity solutions with geometry $AdS_6 \times S^2$ warped over a Riemann surface $\Sigma$ were constructed and conjectured to describe the near-horizon geometry of $(p,q)$ five-brane webs in the conformal limit. In the present paper, we offer more evidence for this interpretation of the supergravity solutions in terms of five-brane webs. In particular, we explore the behavior of probe $(p,q)$-strings in certain families of these $AdS_6 \times S^2\times \Sigma$ backgrounds and compare this behavior to that predicted by microscopic, brane web considerations. In the microscopic picture, we argue that the embedding of a probe string may give rise to the formation of string junctions involving open strings anchored on the branes of the web. We then identify a quantity on the supergravity side that is conjectured to be equivalent to the total junction tension in a class of backgrounds corresponding to brane webs with four semi-infinite external five-branes. In the process, we will show that for general brane web backgrounds, the minimal energy probe string embeddings do not coincide with the embeddings preserving half of the background supersymmetries.

Scalar absorption by charged rotating black holes. (arXiv:1708.03370v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Luiz C. S. Leite, Carolina L. Benone, Luís C. B. Crispino, relevance 14.36

We compute numerically the absorption cross section of planar massless scalar waves impinging upon a Kerr-Newman black hole with different incidence angles. We investigate the influence of the black hole electric charge and angular momentum in the absorption spectrum, comparing our numerical computations with analytical results for the limits of high and low frequency.

Color Characters for White Hot String Bits. (arXiv:1708.03342v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Thomas L. Curtright, Sourav Raha, Charles B. Thorn, relevance 0.00

The state space of a generic string bit model is spanned by $N\times N$ matrix creation operators acting on a vacuum state. Such creation operators transform in the adjoint representation of the color group $U(N)$ (or $SU(N)$ if the matrices are traceless). We consider a system of $b$ species of bosonic bits and $f$ speciesof fermionic bits. The string, emerging in the $N\to\infty$ limit, identifies $P^+=mM\sqrt{2}$ with $M$ the bit number operator and $P^-=H\sqrt{2}$ with $H$ the system Hamiltonian. We study the thermal properties of this string bit system in the case $H=0$, which can be considered the tensionless string limit: the only dynamics is restricting physical states to color singlets. Then the thermal partition function ${\rm Tr} e^{-\beta mM}$ can be identified, putting $x=e^{-\beta m}$, with a generating function $\chi_0^{bf}(x)$, for which the coefficient of $x^n$ in its expansion about $x=0$ is the number of color singlets with bit number $M=n$. This function is a purely group theoretic object, which is well-studied in the literature. We show that at $N=\infty$ this system displays a Hagedorn divergence at $x=1/(b+f)$ with ultimate temperature $T_H=m/\ln(b+f)$. The corresponding function for finite $N$ is perfectly finite for $0<x<1$, so the $N=\infty$ system exhibits a phase transition at temperature $T_H$ which is absent for any finite $N$. We demonstrate that the low temperature phase is unstable above $T_H$. The lowest-order $1/N$ asymptotic correction, for $x\to1$ in the high temperature phase, is computed for large $N$. Remarkably, this is related to the number of labeled Eulerian digraphs with $N$ nodes. Systematic methods to extend our results to higher orders in $1/N$ are described.

Testing pseudo-complex general relativity with gravitational waves. (arXiv:1708.03334v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Alex B. Nielsen, Ofek Birnholtz, relevance 4.17

We show how the model of pseudo-complex general relativity can be tested using gravitational wave signals from coalescing compact objects. The model, which agrees with Einstein gravity in the weak-field limit, diverges dramatically in the near-horizon regime, with certain parameter ranges excluding the existence of black holes. We show that simple limits can be placed on the model in both the inspiral and ringdown phase of coalescing compact objects. We discuss further how these bounds relate to current observational limits. In particular, for minimal scenarios previously considered in the literature, gravitational wave observations are able to constrain pseudo-complex general relativity parameters to values that require the existence of black hole horizons.

Reconstruction of an AdS Radiation/Boson Star Bulk Geometry Using Light-cone Cuts. (arXiv:1708.03331v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Gabriel Trevino, relevance 15.30

Light-cone cuts have recently been proposed as a method to reconstruct the conformal metric of a holographic spacetime. We explore how additional information about the bulk geometry gets encoded in the structure of these light-cone cuts. In particular, we study how the hyperbolic angle related to a cusp in the light-cone cut encodes information about the matter content of the spacetime. We provide an explicit numerical example reconstructing the metric for a 4- dimensional spacetime composed by the superposition of a boson star and a gas of radiation in AdS.

Twisted Sisters: KK Monopoles and their Zero Modes. (arXiv:1708.03330v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Csaba Csaki, Yuri Shirman, John Terning, Michael Waterbury, relevance 0.99

We find the conditions for the existence of fermionic zero modes of the fundamental representation in the background of a Kaluza-Klein (KK) monopole. We show that while there is no zero mode without a real mass, a normalizable zero mode appears once the real mass is sufficiently large. This provides an elegant explanation for the known decoupling of KK monopole effects in supersymmetric theories when a large real mass term is added. We also present an application where the correct counting of KK zero modes plays an essential role in understanding the non-perturbative effects determining the low-energy dynamics.

Emergent Phase Space Description of Unitary Matrix Model. (arXiv:1708.03298v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Arghya Chattopadhyay, Parikshit Dutta, Suvankar Dutta, relevance 4.59

We show that large $N$ phases of a $0$ dimensional generic unitary matrix model (UMM) can be described in terms of topologies of two dimensional droplets on a plane spanned by eigenvalue and number of boxes in Young diagram. Information about different phases of UMM is encoded in the geometry of droplets. These droplets are similar to phase space distributions of a unitary matrix quantum mechanics (UMQM) ($(0 + 1)$ dimensional) on constant time slices. We find that for a given UMM, it is possible to construct an effective UMQM such that its phase space distributions match with droplets of UMM on different time slices at large $N$. Therefore, large $N$ phase transitions in UMM can be understood in terms of dynamics of an effective UMQM. From the geometry of droplets it is also possible to construct Young diagrams corresponding to $U(N)$ representations and hence different large $N$ states of the theory in momentum space. We explicitly consider two examples : single plaquette model with $\text{Tr} U^2$ terms and Chern-Simons theory on $S^3$. We describe phases of CS theory in terms of eigenvalue distributions of unitary matrices and find dominant Young distributions for them.

A swamp of non-SUSY vacua. (arXiv:1708.03293v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by U. H. Danielsson, G. Dibitetto, S. C. Vargas, relevance 2.41

We consider known examples of non-supersymmetric AdS$_7$ and AdS$_4$ solutions arising from compactifications of massive type IIA supergravity and study their stability, taking into account the coupling between closed- and open-string sector excitations. Generically, open strings are found to develop modes with masses below the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound. We comment on the relation with the Weak Gravity Conjecture, and how this analysis may play an important role in examining the validity of non-supersymmetric constructions in string theory.

Final Thoughts on the Power Spectra of Scalar Potential Models. (arXiv:1708.03253v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by D. J. Brooker (Florida), N. C. Tsamis (Crete), R. P. Woodard (Florida), relevance 0.73

We give final shape to a recent formalism for deriving the functional forms of the primordial power spectra of single-scalar potential models and theories which are related to them by conformal transformation. An excellent analytic approximation is derived for the nonlocal correction factors which are crucial to capture the "ringing" that can result from features in the potential. We also present the full algorithm for using our representation, including the nonlocal factors, to reconstruct the inflationary geometry from the power spectra.

Stability of stationary-axisymmetric black holes in vacuum general relativity to axisymmetric electromagnetic perturbations. (arXiv:1708.03248v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kartik Prabhu, Robert M. Wald, relevance 21.70

We consider arbitrary stationary and axisymmetric black holes in general relativity in $(d +1)$ dimensions (with $d \geq 3$) that satisfy the vacuum Einstein equation and have a non-degenerate horizon. We prove that the canonical energy of axisymmetric electromagnetic perturbations is positive definite. This establishes that all vacuum black holes are stable to axisymmetric electromagnetic perturbations. Our results also hold for asymptotically deSitter black holes that satisfy the vacuum Einstein equation with a positive cosmological constant. Our results also apply to extremal black holes provided that the initial perturbation vanishes in a neighborhood of the horizon.

UV physics and the speed of sound during inflation. (arXiv:1708.03226v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Francisco G. Pedro, relevance 6.96

We consider inflation as an effective field theory and study the effects of the addition to the Lagrangian of irrelevant operators with higher powers of first derivatives on its dynamics and observables. We find that significant deviations from the two-derivative dynamics are possible within the regime of validity of the effective field theory. Focusing on monomial potentials we show that the main effect of the terms under consideration is to reduce the speed of sound thereby reducing the tensor fraction, while having little impact on the scalar tilt. Crucially, these effects can arise even when the UV cut-off is well above the inflationary Hubble parameter.

Klein-Gordon field from the XXZ Heisenberg model. (arXiv:1708.03207v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jakub Bilski, Suddhasattwa Brahma, Antonino Marcianò, Jakub Mielczarek, relevance 1.75

We examine the recently introduced idea of Spin-Field Correspondence focusing on the example of the spin system described by the XXZ Heisenberg model with external magnetic field. The Hamiltonian of the resulting nonlinear scalar field theory is derived for arbitrary value of the anisotropy parameter $\Delta$. We show that the linear scalar field theory is reconstructed in the large spin limit. For $\Delta=1$ a non-relativistic scalar field theory satisfying the Born reciprocity principle is recovered. As expected, for the vanishing anisotropy parameter $\Delta \rightarrow 0$ the standard relativistic Klein-Gordon field is obtained. Various aspects of the obtained class of the scalar fields are studied, including the fate of the relativistic symmetries and the properties of the emerging interaction terms. We show that, in a certain limit, the so-called polymer quantisation of the field variables is recovered. This and other discussed properties suggest a possible relevance of the considered framework in the context of quantum gravity.

The Tachyon Propagator. (arXiv:1708.03192v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by D. G. Barci, C. G. Bollini, M. C. Rocca, relevance 0.43

Following the canonical quantization procedure for a tachyon field, the usual Hamiltonian and the creation and annihilation operators are obtained. The observation that the mass hyperboloid $p^2-m^2=0$ is one-sheeted, as opposed to the case of bradyons where $p^2+m^2=0$ is two-sheeted, leads to the construction of a base which is unbounded for negative as well as for positive energies. There is a zero-energy eigenfunction from which all other states can be constructed by repeated application of decreasing or increasing operators, within this Fock space the vacuum expectation value of the chronological product of field operators is shown to coincide with Cauchy's principal-value Green's function.

The Tachyon Field below the mass barrier. (arXiv:1708.03185v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by D. G. Barci, C. G. Bollini, M. C. Rocca, relevance 0.00

We consider a tachyon field whose Fourier components correspond to spatial momenta with modulus smaller than the mass parameter. The plane wave solutions have them a time evolution which is a real exponential. The field is quantized and the solution of the eigenvalue problem for the Hamiltonian leads to the evaluation of the vacuum expectation value of products of field operators. The propagator turns out to be half-advanced and half-retarded. This completes the proof [4] that the total propagator is the Wheeler Green function [4,7].

Poincar\'e-Pleba\'nski formulation of GR and dual simplicity constraints. (arXiv:1708.03182v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Vadim Belov, relevance 0.24

We revise the classical continuum formulation behind the Spin Foam approach to the quantization of gravity. Based on the recent applications of the current EPRL-FK model beyond triangulations, we identify the tension with the implementation of the `volume' part of simplicity constraints, required to finish the reduction from the topological BF theory to gravity. The crucial role played by 4d normals and the condition of their closure, in the linear version of constraints, necessitates the extension of the configuration space, which we supplement with an additional condition of vanishing torsion. We characterize fully the extended Poincar\'{e} BF theory both at the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian levels. The simplicity constraints are introduced naturally, in the spirit of Pleba\'{n}ski formulation, and we give their tetradic dual version to that of using 3-forms. This brings us much closer to the metric theory of General Relativity.

Do photons travel faster than gravitons?. (arXiv:1708.03177v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Damian Ejlli, relevance 0.44

The vacuum polarization in an external gravitational field due to one loop electron-positron pair and one loop millicharged fermion-antifermion pair is studied. Considering the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) radiation and gravitational waves (GWs) in an expanding universe, it is shown that by taking into account QED effects in curved spacetime, the propagation velocity of photons is superluminal and can exceed that of gravitons. We apply these results to the case of the GW170817 event detected by LIGO. If the EM radiation and GWs are emitted either simultaneously or with a time difference from the same source, it is shown that the EM radiation while propagating with superluminal velocity, would be detected either in advance or in delay with respect to GW depending on the ratio of millicharged fermion relative charge to mass $\epsilon/m_\epsilon$.

Two particle entanglement and its geometric duals. (arXiv:1708.03164v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Muhammad Abdul Wasay, Asma Bashir, relevance 16.25

We show that for a system of two entangled particles, there is a dual description to the particle equations in terms of classical theory of conformally stretched spacetime. We also connect these entangled particle equations with Finsler geometry. We show that this duality translates strongly coupled quantum equations in the pilot-wave limit to weakly coupled geometric equations.

$I$ in generalized supergravity. (arXiv:1708.03163v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by T. Araujo, E. Ó Colgáin, J. Sakamoto, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, K. Yoshida, relevance 2.33

We showed in previous work that for homogeneous Yang-Baxter (YB) deformations of AdS$_5\times$S$^5$, the open string metric and coupling, and as a result the closed string density $e^{-2 \Phi} \sqrt{g}$, remain undeformed. In this work, in addition to extending these results to the deformation associated with the modified CYBE, or $\eta$-deformation, we identify the Page forms as the open string counterpart for RR fields and demonstrate case by case that the non-zero Page forms remain invariant under YB deformations. We give a physical meaning to the Killing vector $I$ of generalized supergravity and show for all YB deformations: 1) $I$ appears as a current for center of mass motion on the worldvolume of a D-branes probing the background, 2) $I$ is equal to the divergence of the noncommutativity parameter, 3) $I$ exhibits "holographic" behavior, where the radial component of $I$ vanishes at the AdS boundary, and 4) in pure spinor formalism $I$ is related to a certain state in the BRST cohomology.

Interactions of Irregular Gaiotto States in Liouville Theory. (arXiv:1708.03162v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sang-Kwan Choi, Dimitri Polyakov, Cong Zhang, relevance 0.84

We compute the correlation functions of irregular Gaiotto states appearing in the colliding limit of the Liouville theory by using "regularizing" conformal transformations mapping the irregular (coherent) states to regular vertex operators in the Liouville theory. The $N$-point correlation functions of the irregular vertex operators of arbitrary ranks are expressed in terms of $N$-point correlators of primary fields times the factor that involves regularized higher-rank Schwarzians of the above conformal transformation. In particular, in the case of three-point functions the general answer is expressed in terms of DOZZ (Dorn-Otto-Zamolodchikov-Zamolodchikov) structure constants times exponents of regularized higher-derivative Schwarzians. The explicit examples of the regularization are given for the ranks one and two.

Unseen Progenitors of Luminous High-z Quasars in the R_h=ct Universe. (arXiv:1708.03155v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Marco Fatuzzo, Fulvio Melia, relevance 1.19

Quasars at high redshift provide direct information on the mass growth of supermassive black holes and, in turn, yield important clues about how the Universe evolved since the first (Pop III) stars started forming. Yet even basic questions regarding the seeds of these objects and their growth mechanism remain unanswered. The anticipated launch of eROSITA and ATHENA is expected to facilitate observations of high-redshift quasars needed to resolve these issues. In this paper, we compare accretion-based supermassive black hole growth in the concordance LCDM model with that in the alternative Friedmann-Robertson Walker cosmology known as the R_h=ct universe. Previous work has shown that the timeline predicted by the latter can account for the origin and growth of the > 10^9 M_sol highest redshift quasars better than that of the standard model. Here, we significantly advance this comparison by determining the soft X-ray flux that would be observed for Eddington-limited accretion growth as a function of redshift in both cosmologies. Our results indicate that a clear difference emerges between the two in terms of the number of detectable quasars at redshift z > 6, raising the expectation that the next decade will provide the observational data needed to discriminate between these two models based on the number of detected high-redshift quasar progenitors. For example, while the upcoming ATHENA mission is expected to detect ~0.16 (i.e., essentially zero) quasars at z ~ 7 in R_h=ct, it should detect ~160 in LCDM---a quantitatively compelling difference.

Quantum corrections in thermal states of fermions on anti-de Sitter space-time. (arXiv:1708.03148v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Victor E. Ambrus, Elizabeth Winstanley, relevance 10.29

We study the energy density and pressure of a relativistic thermal gas of massless fermions on four-dimensional Minkowski and anti-de Sitter space-times using relativistic kinetic theory. The corresponding quantum field theory quantities are given by components of the renormalized expectation value of the stress-energy tensor operator acting on a thermal state. On Minkowski space-time, the renormalized vacuum expectation value of the stress-energy tensor is by definition zero, while on anti-de Sitter space-time the vacuum contribution to this expectation value is in general nonzero. We compare the properties of the vacuum and thermal expectation values of the energy density and pressure for massless fermions and discuss the circumstances in which the thermal contribution dominates over the vacuum one.

Ghost-free higher derivative unimodular gravity. (arXiv:1708.03133v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Enrique Alvarez, Sergio Gonzalez-Martin, relevance 0.00

The unimodular version of the ghost-free higher derivative gravity is obtained. It is the unimodular reduction of some particular lagrangians quadratic in curvature.

Energy in higher-dimensional spacetimes. (arXiv:1708.03122v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Hamed Barzegar, Piotr T. Chruściel, Michael Hörzinger, relevance 7.64

We derive expressions for the total Hamiltonian energy of gravitating systems in higher dimensional theories in terms of the Riemann tensor, allowing a cosmological constant $\Lambda \in \mathbb{R}$. Our analysis covers asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes, asymptotically flat spacetimes, as well as Kaluza-Klein asymptotically flat spacetimes. We show that the Komar mass equals the ADM mass in asymptotically flat space-times in all dimensions, generalising the four-dimensional result of Beig, and that this is not true anymore with Kaluza-Klein asymptotics. We show that the Hamiltonian mass does not necessarily coincide with the ADM mass in Kaluza-Klein asymptotically flat space-times, and that the Witten positivity argument provides a lower bound for the Hamiltonian mass, and not for the ADM mass, in terms of the electric charge. We illustrate our results on the Rasheed Kaluza-Klein vacuum metrics, which we study in some detail, pointing out restrictions that arise from the requirement of regularity, seemingly unnoticed so far in the literature.

Spin Hall effect of gravitational waves. (arXiv:1708.03113v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Naoki Yamamoto, relevance 0.53

Gravitons possess a Berry curvature due to their helicity. We derive the semiclassical equations of motion for gravitons taking into account the Berry curvature. We show that this quantum correction leads to the splitting of the trajectories of right- and left-handed gravitational waves in curved space. This is the spin Hall effect (SHE) of gravitational waves. We find that the SHE of gravitational waves is twice as large as that of light. Possible future observations of the SHE of gravitational waves can potentially test the quantum nature of gravitons beyond the classical general relativity.

Conformal Bootstrap Analysis for Single and Branched Polymers. (arXiv:1708.03072v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by S. Hikami, relevance 5.99

The conformal bootstrap theory is studied by the determinantal method for the self-avoiding walk, which is equivalent to a dilute polymer in a solvent. The equivalence of the branched polymer in D dimensions to Yang-Lee edge singularity in D-2 dimensions is discussed by the determinantal method with the use of the N=0 limit in O(N) vector model.

Electroweak Sphaleron with Dimension-6 Operators. (arXiv:1708.03061v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xucheng Gan, Andrew J. Long, Lian-Tao Wang, relevance 0.00

New physics at the TeV scale can affect the dynamics of the electroweak phase transition in many ways. In this note, we evaluate its impact on the rate of baryon-number violation via sphaleron transitions. We parameterize the effect of new physics with dimension-6 operators, and we use the Newton-Kantorovich method to numerically solve the resulting equations of motion. Depending on the sign of the coefficient of the dimension-6 operators, their presence can either increase or decrease the sphaleron energy at the level of a few percent, parametrically of order $m_W^2 / \Lambda^2$ where $\Lambda$ is the scale suppressing the dimension-6 operator. The baryon-number washout condition, typically written as $v_c / T_c > 1$, is directly proportional to the sphaleron energy, and we discuss how the presence of dimension-6 operators can affect electroweak baryogenesis.

General formulae for dipole Wilson line correlators with the Color Glass Condensate. (arXiv:1708.03051v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Kenji Fukushima, Yoshimasa Hidaka, relevance 0.00

We present general formulae to compute Wilson line correlators with the Color Glass Condensate described by the McLerran-Venugopalan model. We explicitly construct a complete and non-orthogonal set of color-singlet bases and write matrix elements down, so that the exponential of the matrix leads to the Wilson line correlators. We further develop a systematic perturbative expansion of dipole Wilson line correlators in terms of $1/N_c$ where $N_c$ is the color number. As a phenomenological application we calculate the flow harmonics $v_n\{m\}$ in the dipole model and discuss the $N_c$ scaling.

The Torus Operator in Holography. (arXiv:1708.03048v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Donald Marolf, Jason Wien, relevance 12.50

We consider the non-local operator ${\mathcal T}$ defined in 2-dimensional CFTs by the path integral over a torus with two punctures. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study the spectrum and ground state of this operator in holographic such CFTs in the limit of large central charge $c$. In one region of moduli space, we argue that the operator retains a finite gap and has a ground state that differs from the CFT vacuum only by order one corrections. In this region the torus operator is much like the cylinder operator. But in another region of moduli space we find a puzzle. Although our ${\mathcal T}$ is of the manifestly positive form $A^\dagger A$, studying the most tractable phases of $\text{Tr}( {\mathcal T}^n)$ suggests that ${\mathcal T}$ has negative eigenvalues. It seems clear that additional phases must become relevant at large $n$, perhaps leading to novel behavior associated with a radically different ground state or a much higher density of states. By studying the action of two such torus operators on the CFT ground state, we also provide evidence that, even at large $n$, the relevant bulk saddles have $t=0$ surfaces with small genus.

Coherent states in fermionic Fock-Krein spaces and their amplitudes. (arXiv:1708.03047v2 [math-ph] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Robert Oeckl (CCM-UNAM), relevance 0.35

We generalize the fermionic coherent states to the case of Fock-Krein spaces, i.e., Fock spaces with an idefinite inner product of Krein type. This allows for their application in topological or functorial quantum field theory and more specifically in general boundary quantum field theory. In this context we derive a universal formula for the amplitude of a coherent state in linear field theory on an arbitrary manifold with boundary.

Dear Qubitzers, GR=QM. (arXiv:1708.03040v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Leonard Susskind, relevance 2.08

These are some thoughts contained in a letter to colleagues, about the close relation between gravity and quantum mechanics, and also about the possibility of seeing quantum gravity in a lab equipped with quantum computers. I expect this will become feasible sometime in the next decade or two.

What's the Point? Hole-ography in Poincar\'e AdS. (arXiv:1708.02958v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Ricardo Espíndola, Alberto Guijosa, Alberto Landetta, Juan F. Pedraza, relevance 13.42

In the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study bulk reconstruction of the Poincar\'e wedge of AdS$_3$ via hole-ography, i.e., in terms of differential entropy of the dual CFT$_2$. Previous work had considered the reconstruction of closed or open spacelike curves in global AdS, and of infinitely extended spacelike curves in Poincar\'e AdS that are subject to a periodicity condition at infinity. Working first at constant time, we find that a closed curve in Poincar\'e is described in the CFT by a family of intervals that covers the spatial axis at least twice. We also show how to reconstruct open curves, points and distances, and obtain a CFT action whose extremization leads to bulk points. We then generalize all of these results to the case of curves that vary in time, and discover that generic curves have segments that cannot be reconstructed using the standard hole-ographic construction. This happens because, for the nonreconstructible segments, the tangent geodesics fail to be fully contained within the Poincar\'e wedge. We show that a previously discovered variant of the hole-ographic method allows us to overcome this challenge, by reorienting the geodesics touching the bulk curve to ensure that they all remain within the wedge. Our conclusion is that all spacelike curves in Poincar\'e AdS can be completely reconstructed with CFT data, and each curve has in fact an infinite number of representations within the CFT.

Super-light baryphotons, Weak Gravity Conjecture and Exotic instantons in Neutron-Antineutron transitions. (arXiv:1708.02956v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Andrea Addazi, relevance 3.83

In companion papers \cite{Addazi:2015pia,Addazi:2016rgo}, we have discussed current bounds of a new super-light baryo-photon, associated to a $U(1)_{B-L}$ gauged, from neutron-antineutron current data, which are competitive with E\"otv\"os type experiments. Here, we discuss the implications of a possible baryo-photon detection in string theory and quantum gravity. The discovery of a very light gauge boson should imply the violation of the Weak Gravity Conjecture, carrying deep consequences in our understanding of holography, quantum gravity and black holes. On the other hand, we show how the detection of a baryo-photon would also exclude the generation of all $B{-}L$ violating operators from Exotic Stringy Instantons. We will disclaim the common statement in literature that neutron-antineutron may indirectly test at least a $300-1000\, \rm TeV$ scale. Searches of baryo-photons can provide indirect informations of the Planck (or String) scale (quantum black holes, holography and non-perturbative stringy effects). This strongly motivates new neutron-antineutron experiments with adjustable magnetic fields dedicated to the detection of super-light baryo-photons.

A rapid holographic phase transition with brane-localized curvature. (arXiv:1708.02953v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Barry M. Dillon, Basem Kamal El-Menoufi, Stephan J. Huber, Jonathan P. Manuel, relevance 9.51

We study the finite-temperature properties of the Randall-Sundrum model in the presence of brane-localized curvature. At high temperature, as dictated by AdS/CFT, the theory is in a confined phase dual to the planar AdS black hole. When the radion is stabilized, \`a la Goldberger-Wise, a holographic first-order phase transition proceeds. The brane-localized curvature contributes to the radion kinetic energy, substantially decreasing the critical bubble energy. Contrary to previous results, the phase transition completes at much larger values of $N$, the number of degrees of freedom in the CFT. Moreover, the field value of the bulk scalar on the TeV-brane is allowed to become large, while remaining consistent with back-reaction constraints. Assisted by this fact, we find that for a wide region in the parameter space tunneling happens rather quickly, i.e. the nucleation temperature becomes of the order of the critical temperature. At zero temperature, the most important signature of brane-localized curvature is the reduction of spin-2 Kaluza-Klein graviton masses and a heavier radion.

Extended mimetic gravity: Hamiltonian analysis and gradient instabilities. (arXiv:1708.02951v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kazufumi Takahashi, Tsutomu Kobayashi, relevance 0.48

We propose a novel class of degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor theories as an extension of mimetic gravity. By performing a noninvertible conformal transformation on "seed" scalar-tensor theories which may be nondegenerate, we can generate a large class of theories with at most three physical degrees of freedom. We identify a general seed theory for which this is possible. Cosmological perturbations in these extended mimetic theories are also studied. It is shown that either of tensor or scalar perturbations is plagued with gradient instabilities, except for a special case where the scalar perturbations are presumably strongly coupled, or otherwise there appear ghost instabilities.

Non-Abelian gauge preheating. (arXiv:1708.02944v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Peter Adshead, John T. Giblin Jr, Zachary J. Weiner, relevance 6.55

We study preheating in models where a scalar inflaton is directly coupled to a non-Abelian $SU(2)$ gauge field. In particular, we examine $m^2 \phi^2$ inflation with a conformal, dilaton-like coupling to the non-Abelian sector. We describe a numerical scheme that combines lattice gauge theory with standard finite difference methods applied to the scalar field. We show that a significant tachyonic instability allows for efficient preheating, which is parametrically suppressed by increasing the non-Abelian self-coupling. Additionally, we comment on the technical implementation of the evolution scheme and setting initial conditions.

Python Open Source Waveform Extractor (POWER): An open source, Python package to monitor and post-process numerical relativity simulations. (arXiv:1708.02941v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Daniel Johnson, E. A. Huerta, Roland Haas, relevance 0.67

Numerical simulations of Einstein's field equations provide unique insights into the physics of compact objects moving at relativistic speeds, and which are driven by strong gravitational interactions. Numerical relativity has played a key role to firmly establish gravitational wave astrophysics as a new field of research, and it is now paving the way to establish whether gravitational wave radiation emitted from compact binary mergers is accompanied by electromagnetic and astro-particle counterparts. As numerical relativity continues to blend in with routine gravitational wave data analyses to validate the discovery of gravitational wave transients, it is essential to develop open source tools to streamline these studies. Motivated by our own experience as users and developers of the open source, community software, the Einstein Toolkit, we present an open source, Python package that is ideally suited to post-process their data products to compute the gravitational wave strain at future null infinity in high performance environments. This new software fills a critical void in the arsenal of tools provided by the Einstein Toolkit Consortium to the numerical relativity community.

Exact black strings and p-branes in general relativity. (arXiv:1708.02916v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Adolfo Cisterna, Julio Oliva, relevance 8.18

We present a new set of analytic solutions of general relativity with a negative cosmological constant, which describe black strings and black p-branes in arbitrary number of dimensions, $D$. The solutions are supported by minimally coupled, free scalar fields, carrying finite energy density.

Primordial non-Gaussianity in Horndeski-type model for Inflation. (arXiv:1708.02911v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Avneet Singh, relevance 0.00

We consider a member of the family of scalar-tensor theories of Inflation - the so-called Horndeski model for Inflation, for which we calculate the non-Gaussianity (NG) and the power spectrum of curvature perturbations. We concentrate on the determination of the power spectrum, and the bi-spectrum along with the associated $f_\mathrm{NL}$ parameter and the Spectral Index. We follow the methodology outlined within the Quantum field theory framework (S-matrix approach and Weinberg's 'in-in' formalism) and compare - whenever necessary - our findings with those obtained via the traditional $\delta$N formalism. The work contained herein is an extensive review of the existing literature on this subject and the 'Inflationary theory' in general, along with some newly developed techniques and calculations.

Are Dark Energy and Dark Matter Different Aspects of the Same Physical Process?. (arXiv:1708.02907v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by R. E. Kastner, S. Kauffman, relevance 1.20

It is suggested that the apparently disparate cosmological phenomena attributed to so-called 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' arise from the same fundamental physical process: the emergence, from the quantum level, of spacetime itself. This creation of spacetime results in metric expansion around mass points in addition to the usual curvature due to stress-energy sources of the gravitational field. A recent modification of Einstein's theory of general relativity by Chadwick, Hodgkinson, and McDonald incorporating spacetime expansion around mass points, which accounts well for the observed galactic rotation curves, is adduced in support of the proposal. Recent observational evidence corroborates a prediction of the model that the apparent amount of 'dark matter' increases with the age of the universe. In addition, the proposal leads to the same result for the small but nonvanishing cosmological constant, related to 'dark energy, as that of the causet model of Sorkin et al.

Quantum Spectral Curve for the eta-deformed AdS_5xS^5 superstring. (arXiv:1708.02894v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Rob Klabbers, Stijn J. van Tongeren, relevance 4.08

The spectral problem for the ${\rm AdS}_5\times {\rm S}^5$ superstring and its dual planar maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory can be efficiently solved through a set of functional equations known as the quantum spectral curve. We discuss how the same concepts apply to the $\eta$-deformed ${\rm AdS}_5\times {\rm S}^5$ superstring, an integrable deformation of the ${\rm AdS}_5\times {\rm S}^5$ superstring with quantum group symmetry. This model can be viewed as a trigonometric version of the ${\rm AdS}_5\times {\rm S}^5$ superstring, like the relation between the XXZ and XXX spin chains, or the sausage and the ${\rm S}^2$ sigma models for instance. We derive the quantum spectral curve for the $\eta$-deformed string by reformulating the corresponding ground-state thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations as an analytic $Y$ system, and map this to an analytic $T$ system which upon suitable gauge fixing leads to a $\mathbf{P} \mu$ system -- the quantum spectral curve. We then discuss constraints on the asymptotics of this system to single out particular excited states. At the spectral level the $\eta$-deformed string and its quantum spectral curve interpolate between the ${\rm AdS}_5\times {\rm S}^5$ superstring and a superstring on "mirror" ${\rm AdS}_5\times {\rm S}^5$, reflecting a more general relationship between the spectral and thermodynamic data of the $\eta$-deformed string. In particular, the spectral problem of the mirror ${\rm AdS}_5\times {\rm S}^5$ string, and the thermodynamics of the undeformed ${\rm AdS}_5\times {\rm S}^5$ string, are described by a second rational limit of our trigonometric quantum spectral curve, distinct from the regular undeformed limit.

Glitches: the exact quantum signatures of pulsars metamorphosis. (arXiv:1708.02887v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by A.A. Hujeirat, relevance 1.20

The observed recurrence of glitches in pulsars and neutron stars carry rich information about the evolution of their internal structures. In this article I show that the glitch-events observed in pulsars are exact quantum signatures for their metamorphosis into dark super-baryons (SBs), whose interiors are made of purely incompressible superconducting gluon-quark superfluids. Here the quantum nuclear shell model is adopted to describe the permitted energy levels of the SB, which are assumed to be identical to the discrete spinning rates $\Omega_{SB},$ that SBs are allowed to rotate with. Accordingly, a glitch-event corresponds to a prompt spin-down of the superconducting SB from one energy level to the next, thereby expelling a certain number of vortices, which in turn spins-up the ambient medium. The process is provoked mainly by the negative torque of the ambient dissipative nuclear fluid and by a universal scalar field $\phi$ at the background of a supranuclear dense matter. As dictated by the Onsager-Feynman equation, the prompt spin-down must be associated with increase of the dimensions of the embryonic SB to finally convert the entire pulsar into SB-Objects on the scale of Gyrs. Based on our calculations, a Vela-like pulsar should display billions of glitches during its lifetime, before it metamorphoses entirely into a maximally compact SB-object and disappears from our observational windows. The present model predicts the mass of SBs and $\Delta \Omega/\Omega$ in young pulsars to be relatively lower than their older counterparts.

Non-singular spacetimes with a negative cosmological constant: V. Boson stars. (arXiv:1708.02878v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Piotr T. Chruściel, Erwann Delay, Paul Klinger, Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor, Armin Rainer, relevance 3.75

We prove existence of large families of solutions of Einstein-complex scalar field equations with a negative cosmological constant, with a stationary or static metric and a time-periodic complex scalar field.

On Borwein's conjectures for planar uniform random walks. (arXiv:1708.02857v1 [math.CA])
in hep-th by Yajun Zhou, relevance 0.00

Let $ p_n(x)=\int_0^\infty J_0(xt)[J_0(t)]^n xt\,\mathrm{d}\, t$ be Kluyver's probability density for $n$-step uniform random walks in the Euclidean plane. Through connection to a similar problem in 2-dimensional quantum field theory, we evaluate the third-order derivative $ p_5'''(0^{+})$ in closed form, thereby giving a new proof for a conjecture of J. M. Borwein. By further analogies to Feynman diagrams in quantum field theory, we demonstrate that $ p_n(x),0\leq x\leq 1$ admits a uniformly convergent Maclaurin expansion for all odd integers $ n\geq5$, thus settling another conjecture of Borwein.

Sheaf lines of Yang-Mills Instanton Sheaves. (arXiv:1708.02853v5 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sheng-Hong Lai, Jen-Chi Lee, I-Hsun Tsai, relevance 1.85

We calculate a sheaf line in CP^3 which is the real line supporting sheaf points on CP^3 of SL(2,C) Yang-Mills instanton (or SU(2) complex Yang-Mills instanton) sheaves for some given ADHM data we obtained previously. We found that this sheaf line is indeed a special jumping line over S^4 spacetime. In addition, we calculate the singularity structure of the connection A and the field strength F at the corresponding singular point on S^4 of this sheaf line. We found that the order of singularity at the singular point on S^4 associated with the sheaf line in CP^3 is higher than those of other singular points associated with normal jumping lines. We conjecture that this is a general feature for sheaf lines among jumping lines.

Projective Superspaces in Practice. (arXiv:1708.02820v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Sergio Luigi Cacciatori, Simone Noja, relevance 0.00

We study the supergeometry of complex projective superspaces $\mathbb{P}^{n|m}$. First, we provide formulas for the cohomology of invertible sheaves of the form $\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^{n|m}} (\ell)$, that are pull-back of ordinary invertible sheaves on the reduced variety $\mathbb{P}^n$. Next, by studying the even Picard group $\mbox{Pic}_0 (\mathbb{P}^{n|m})$, classifying invertible sheaves of rank $1|0$, we show that the sheaves $\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb {P}^{n|m}} (\ell)$ are not the only invertible sheaves on $\mathbb{P}^{n|m}$, but there are also new genuinely supersymmetric invertible sheaves that are unipotent elements in the even Picard group. We study the $\Pi$-Picard group $\mbox{Pic}_\Pi (\mathbb{P}^{n|m})$, classifying $\Pi$-invertible sheaves of rank $1|1$, proving that there are also non-split $\Pi$-invertible sheaves on supercurves $\mathbb{P}^{1|m}$. Further, we investigate infinitesimal automorphisms and first order deformations of $\mathbb{P}^{n|m}$, by studying the cohomology of the tangent sheaf using a supersymmetric generalisation of the Euler exact sequence. A special special attention is paid to the meaningful case of supercurves $\mathbb{P}^{1|m}$ and of Calabi-Yau's $\mathbb{P}^{n|n+1}$. Last, with an eye to applications to physics, we show in full detail how to endow $\mathbb{P}^{1|2}$ with the structure of $\mathcal{N}=2$ super Riemann surface and we obtain its SUSY-preserving infinitesimal automorphisms from first principles, that prove to be the Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{osp} (2|2)$. A particular effort has been devoted to keep the exposition as concrete and explicit as possible.

Two Ramond-Ramond corrections to type II supergravity via field-theory amplitude. (arXiv:1708.02805v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hamid R. Bakhtiarizadeh, relevance 0.00

Motivated by the standard form of string-theory amplitude, we calculate the field-theory amplitude to complete the higher-derivative terms in type II supergravity theories in their conventional form. We derive explicitly the $ O(\alpha'^3) $ interactions for the RR (Ramond-Ramond) fields with graviton, B-field and dilaton in the low-energy effective action of type II superstrings. We check our results by comparison with previous works that have been done by the other methods, and find an exact agreement.

Localization in the Rindler Wedge. (arXiv:1708.02803v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by M. Asorey, A. P. Balachandran, G. Marmo, A. R. de Queiroz, relevance 22.76

One of the striking features of QED is that charged particles create a coherent cloud of photons. The resultant coherent state vectors of photons generate a non-trivial representation of the localized algebra of observables that do not support a representation of the Lorentz group: Lorentz symmetry is spontaneously broken. We show in particular that Lorentz boost generators diverge in this representation, a result shown also in [1] (See also [2]). Localization of observables, for example in the Rindler wedge, uses Poincar\'e invariance in an essential way [3]. Hence in the presence of charged fields, the photon observables cannot be localized in the Rindler wedge.

These observations may have a bearing on the black hole information loss paradox, as the physics in the exterior of the black hole has points of resemblance to that in the Rindler wedge.

Fractional exclusion and braid statistics in one dimension: a study via dimensional reduction of Chern-Simons theory. (arXiv:1708.02791v2 [cond-mat.str-el] CROSS LISTED)
in hep-th by Fei Ye, P. A. Marchetti, Z. B. Su, L. Yu, relevance 0.50

The relation between braid and exclusion statistics is examined in one-dimensional systems, within the framework of Chern-Simons statistical transmutation in gauge invariant form with an appropriate dimensional reduction. If the matter action is anomalous, as for chiral fermions, a relation between braid and exclusion statistics can be established explicitly for both mutual and nonmutual cases. However, if it is not anomalous, the exclusion statistics of emergent low energy excitations is not necessarily connected to the braid statistics of the physical charged fields of the system. Finally, we also discuss the bosonization of one-dimensional anyonic systems through T-duality.

A Spacetime Geometry picture of Forest Fire Spreading and of Quantum Navigation. (arXiv:1708.02777v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by G.W. Gibbons, relevance 7.30

The problem of finding null geodesics in a stationary Lorentzian spacetime is known to to be equivalent to finding the geodsics of a Randers-Finlser structure. This latter problem is equivalent to finding the motion of charged particles moving on a Riemannian manifold in a background magnetic field or equivalently, by a generalization of Fermat's principle, to Zermelo's problem of extremizing travel time of an aeroplane in the presence of a wind. In this paper this triad of equivalences is extended to include recent model of the spread of a forest fire which uses form of Huyghen's principle. The construction may also be used to solve a problem in quantum control theory in which one seeks a control Hamiltonia taking an initial state of a quantum mechanical system with its own Hamiltonian to a desired final state in least time.

The associated stationary spacetime may be thought of as defined on an extended quantum phase space (Souriau's evolution space), the space of quantum stares being complex projective space equipped with its Fubini-Study K\"ahler metric. It is possible that this spacetime view point may provide insights relevant for our understanding of quantum gravity.

Out-of-bounds hydrodynamics in anisotropic Dirac fluids. (arXiv:1708.02759v4 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Julia M. Link, Boris N. Narozhny, Egor I. Kiselev, Jörg Schmalian, relevance 1.19

We study the hydrodynamic behavior in two-dimensional, interacting electronic systems with merging Dirac points at charge neutrality. The dispersion along one crystallographic direction is Dirac-like, while it is Newtonian-like in the orthogonal direction. As a result, the electrical conductivity is metallic in one and insulating in the other direction. One element of the shear viscosity tensor violates the famous lower bound for the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio,an effect that can be probed via anisotropic thermal Hagen- Poiseuille flow.

Quantum Fluctuations in Mesoscopic Systems. (arXiv:1708.02752v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by F. Benatti, F. Carollo, R. Floreanini, H. Narnhofer, relevance 0.64

Recent experimental results point to the existence of coherent quantum phenomena in systems made of a large number of particles, despite the fact that for many-body systems the presence of decoherence is hardly negligible and emerging classicality is expected. This behaviour hinges on collective observables, named quantum fluctuations, that retain a quantum character even in the thermodynamic limit: they provide useful tools for studying properties of many-body systems at the mesoscopic level, in between the quantum microscopic scale and the classical macroscopic one. We hereby present the general theory of quantum fluctuations in mesoscopic systems and study their dynamics in a quantum open system setting, taking into account the unavoidable effects of dissipation and noise induced by the external environment. As in the case of microscopic systems, decoherence is not always the only dominating effect at the mesoscopic scale: certain type of environments can provide means for entangling collective fluctuations through a purely noisy mechanism.

Self-gravity Correction to the Chandrasekhar Limiting Mass of White Dwarfs. (arXiv:1708.02730v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Anarya Ray, Pronobesh Maity, Parthasarathi Majumdar, relevance 0.00

While computing the Fermi degeneracy pressure of electrons in a white dwarf star within the framework of hydrostatic equilibrium, we depart from the extant practice of treating the electrons as a free fermion gas, by including the effect of the star's self-gravity as an effective gravitational potential. By the star's self gravity, we mean the gravitational field due to the star itself, resulting from the mass of its constituent atoms, the mass of the atom being effectively the mass of the proton. Modifying the free particle Hamiltonian with this effective potential, we employ first order quantum mechanical perturbation theory to compute the degeneracy pressure, in order to study the effect of inclusion of this self-gravity of the star on the Chandrasekhar limiting mass. The final effect is found to be non-trivial, but perhaps a shade too small to alter any major observational result.

Criteria of existence for bounce solutions in false vacuum decay with gravity. (arXiv:1708.02689v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nicholas W. K. Wong, Jiangbin Gong, Yen-Kheng Lim, Qing-hai Wang, relevance 1.79

The bounce solutions of self-interacting scalar fields coupled to gravity are studied using a semi-classical approach. We found that bounce solutions have a maximum required barrier curvature, in addition to the known minimum required barrier curvature. In particular, as the maximum barrier curvature is approached, the scale factor of the well-known Colemen-De Luccia (CDL) bounce solutions become divergent. Unlike the CDL or its more general oscillating bounce counterparts, this cannot be considered as a subset of the Hawking-Turok solution.

Properties of size-dependent models having quasiperiodic boundary conditions. (arXiv:1708.02672v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by E. Cavalcanti, C.A. Linhares, A. P. C. Malbouisson, relevance 0.00

Boundary conditions effects are explored for size-dependent models in thermal equilibrium. Scalar and fermionic models are used for $D=1+3$ (films), $D=1+2$ (hollow cylinder) and $D=1+1$ (ring). For all models a minimal length is found, below which no thermally-induced phase transition occurs. Using quasiperiodic boundary condition controlled by a contour parameter $\theta$ ($\theta=0$ is a periodic boundary condition and $\theta=1$ is an antiperiodic condition) it results that the minimal length depends directly on the value of $\theta$. It is also argued that this parameter can be associated to an Aharonov-Bohm phase.

Casimir Effect in the Rainbow Einstein's Universe. (arXiv:1708.02627v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by V. B. Bezerra, H. F. Mota, C. R. Muniz, relevance 0.00

In the present paper we investigate the effects caused by the modification of the dispersion relation obtained by solving the Klein-Gordon equation in the closed Einstein's universe in the context of rainbow's gravity models. Thus, we analyse how the quantum vacuum fluctuations of the scalar field are modified when compared with the results obtained in the usual General Relativity scenario. The regularization, and consequently the renormalization, of the vacuum energy is performed adopting the Epstein-Hurwitz and Riemann's zeta functions.

On the equivalence between different canonical forms of F(R) theory of gravity. (arXiv:1708.02624v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Nayem Sk., Abhik Kumar Sanyal, relevance 0.00

Classical equivalence between Jordan's and Einstein's frame counterparts of F(R) theory of gravity has recently been questioned, since the two produce different Noether symmetries, which couldn't be translated back and forth using transformation relations. Here we add the Hamiltonian constraint equation, which is essentially the time-time component of Einstein's equation, through a Lagrange multiplier to the existence condition for Noether symmetry to show that all the three different canonical structures of F(R) theory of gravity, including the one which follows from Lagrange multiplier technique, admit each and every available symmetry independently. This establishes classical equivalence amongst all the three.

Quantum simulation of rainbow gravity by nonlocal nonlinearity. (arXiv:1708.02623v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Maria Chiara Braidotti, Claudio Conti, relevance 4.11

Rainbow gravity modifies general relativity by introducing an energy dependent metric, which is expected to have a role in the quantum theory of black holes and in quantum gravity at Planck energy scale. We show that rainbow gravity can be simulated in the laboratory by nonlinear waves in nonlocal media, as those occurring in Bose-condensed gases and nonlinear optics. We reveal that at a classical level, a nonlocal nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation may emulate the curved space time in proximity of a rotating black hole as dictated by the rainbow gravity scenario. We also demonstrate that a fully quantized analysis is possible. By the positive $\mathcal{P}$-representation, we study superradiance and show that the instability of a black-hole and the existence of an event horizon are inhibited by an energy dependent metric. Our results open the way to a number of fascinating experimental tests of quantum gravity theories and quantum field theory in curved manifolds, and also demonstrate that these theories may be novel tools for open problems in nonlinear quantum physics.

Generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions from gauged supergravity. (arXiv:1708.02589v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gianluca Inverso, relevance 0.40

A procedure is described to construct generalised Scherk-Schwarz uplifts of gauged supergravities. The internal manifold, fluxes, and consistent truncation Ansatz are all derived from the embedding tensor of the lower-dimensional theory. We first describe the procedure to construct generalised Leibniz parallelisable spaces where the vector components of the frame are embedded in the adjoint representation of the gauge group, as specified by the embedding tensor. This allows us to recover the generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions known in the literature and to prove a no-go result for the uplift of $\omega$-deformed SO(p,q) gauged maximal supergravities. We then extend the construction to arbitrary generalised Leibniz parallelisable spaces, which turn out to be torus fibrations over manifolds in the class above.

Effects of primordial black holes quantum gravity decay on galaxy clustering. (arXiv:1708.02588v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Alvise Raccanelli (1,2), Francesca Vidotto (3), Licia Verde (1, 4), ((1) ICC UB, (2) Johns Hopkins University, (3) Radboud University, (4) ICREA), relevance 17.21

It has been recently suggested that small mass black holes (BHs) may become unstable due to quantum-gravitational effects and eventually decay, producing radiation, on a timescale shorter than the Hawking evaporation time. We argue that the existence of a population of low-mass Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) acting as a fraction of the Universe dark matter component can be used to test proposed models of quantum decay of BHs via their effect on galaxy number counts. We study what constraints future galaxy clustering measurements can set on quantum-gravity parameters governing the BH lifetime and PBH abundance. In case of no detection of such effects, this would rule out either the existence of a non-negligible number of small PBHs, or the BH quantum decay scenario (or both). In case of independent observations of PBHs, the observables discussed here could be used to study the quantum effects that modify the final fate of BHs.

On $D=6$, $\mathcal{N}=(2,0)$ and $\mathcal{N}=(4,0)$ theories. (arXiv:1708.02573v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by L. Borsten, relevance 2.63

Using a convolutive field theoretic product, it is shown here that the "square" of an Abelian $D=6$, $\mathcal{N}=(2,0)$ theory yields the free $D=6$, $\mathcal{N}=(4,0)$ theory constructed by Hull, together with its generalised (super)gauge transformations. This offers a new perspective on the $(4, 0)$ theory and chiral theories of conformal gravity more generally, while at the same time extending the domain of the "gravity = gauge $\times$ gauge" paradigm.

A Truncation of 11-Dimensional Supergravity for Fubini-Like Instantons in AdS_4/CFT_3. (arXiv:1708.02530v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by M. Naghdi, relevance 0.83

From a consistent Kaluza-Klein truncation of 11-dimensional supergravity over AdS_4 x CP^3 x S^1/Z_k, with a general 4-form ansatz, we arrive at a set of equations and solutions for the included fields. In particular, we have a bulk equation for a self-interacting (pseudo)scalar with arbitrary mass. By computing the energy-momentum tensors of the associated Einstein equations and setting them to zero, to avoid the backreaction, we solve the resulting equations with the bulk one and get solutions corresponding to marginal and marginally relevant deformations of the boundary CFT_3, which break the conformal symmetry. These bulk (pseudo)scalars are SU(4) x U(1)-singlet and the corresponding solutions break all supersymmetries and parity because of the associated (anti)M-branes wrapping around specific and mixed internal and external directions. As a result and according to AdS_4/CFT_3 duality rules, we would realize the boundary counterpart in three-dimensional Chern-Simon U(N) field theories with matters in fundamental representations. In particular, we build a SO(4)-invariant Fubini-like instanton solution by setting a specific boundary Lagrangian. The resulting solution is used to describe the dynamics of thin-wall bubbles that cause instability and big crunch singularities in the bulk because of the unboundedness of the boundary double-hump potential from below. Relations to mass-deformed ABJM model, O(N) vector models and scale invariance breaking are also discussed. Meanwhile, we evaluate corrections for the background actions because of the bulk and boundary instantons.

Introduction to Integrability and One-point Functions in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM and its Defect Cousin. (arXiv:1708.02525v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. de Leeuw, A.C. Ipsen, C. Kristjansen, M. Wilhelm, relevance 0.00

These lectures give a basic introduction to $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory and the integrability of its planar spectral problem as seen from the perspective of a recent development, namely the application of integrability techniques in the study of one-point functions in a defect version of the theory.

Mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau threefolds from mirror pairs of quasi-Fano threefolds. (arXiv:1708.02489v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Nam-Hoon Lee, relevance 0.00

We present a new construction of mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau manifolds by smoothing normal crossing varieties, consisting of two quasi-Fano manifolds. We introduce a notion of mirror pairs of quasi-Fano manifolds with anticanonical Calabi-Yau fibrations using recent conjectures about Landau-Ginzburg models. Utilizing this notion, we give pairs of normal crossing varieties and show that the pairs of smoothed Calabi-Yau manifolds satisfy the Hodge number relations of mirror symmetry. We consider quasi-Fano threefolds that are some blow-ups of Gorenstein toric Fano threefolds and build 6518 mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau threefolds, including 79 self-mirrors.

Reviving The Shear-Free Perfect Fluid Conjecture In General Relativity. (arXiv:1708.02462v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Muzikayise E. Sikhonde, Peter K. S. Dunsby, relevance 0.13

Employing a Mathematica symbolic computer algebra package called xTensor, we present $(1+3)$-covariant special case proofs of the shear-free perfect fluid conjecture in General Relativity. We first present the case where the pressure is constant, and where the acceleration is parallel to the vorticity vector. These cases were first presented in their covariant form by Senovilla et. al. We then provide a covariant proof for the case where the acceleration and vorticity vectors are orthogonal, which leads to the existence of a Killing vector along the vorticity. This Killing vector satisfies the new constraint equations resulting from the vanishing of the shear. Furthermore, it is shown that in order for the conjecture to be true, this Killing vector must have a vanishing spatially projected directional covariant derivative along the velocity vector field. This in turn implies the existence of another \textit{basic} vector field along the direction of the vorticity for the conjecture to hold. Finally, we show that in general, there exist a \textit{basic} vector field parallel to the acceleration for which the conjecture is true.

Bulk viscous matter and recent acceleration of the universe based on causal viscous theory. (arXiv:1708.02437v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Jerin Mohan N D, Athira Sasidhara, Titus K Mathew, relevance 8.67

Evolution of the bulk viscous matter dominated universe has been analysed using the full causal, Israel-Stewart theory for the evolution of bulk viscous pressure in the context of recent acceleration of the universe. The form of bulk viscosity is taken as $\xi=\alpha\rho^{1/2}. $ We obtained analytical solutions for the Hubble parameter and scale factor of the universe. The model parameters have been computed using the Type Ia supernovae observational data. The evolution of the prominent cosmological parameters were obtained. The age of the universe for the best estimated model parameters is found to be less than observational value. The viscous matter behaves like stiff fluid in the early evolutionary phase and then evolves to a negative pressure fluid in the later phase. The equation of state is found to be stabilized with value $\omega >-1$ and thus, the model is not showing any of the phantom behaviour during the evolution. The local as well as generalized second law of thermodynamics are satisfied in this model, while it was shown by many that the local second law is breaking in the Eckart formalism approach. The statefinder geometric diagnostic shows that the present model is distinct from the standard $\Lambda$CDM model of the universe. One of the marked deviation seen in this model compared to a corresponding model using Eckart approach is that the bulk viscosity decreases with expansion of the universe, while in it increases from negative value in the early universe towards positive values values in the Eckart formalism.

Planck-scale dual-curvature lensing and spacetime noncommutativity. (arXiv:1708.02429v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Leonardo Barcaroli, Stefano Bianco, Laura Pensato, relevance 5.77

It was recently realized that Planck-scale momentum-space curvature, which is expected in some approaches to the quantum-gravity problem, can produce dual-curvature lensing, a feature which mainly affects the direction of observation of particles emitted by very distant sources. Several gray areas remain in our understanding of dual-curvature lensing, including the possibility that it might be just a coordinate artifact and the possibility that it might be in some sense a by product of the better studied dual-curvature redshift. We stress that data reported by the IceCube neutrino telescope should motivate a more vigorous effort of investigation of dual-curvature lensing, and we observe that studies of the recently proposed "$\rho$-Minkowski noncommutative spacetime" could be valuable from this perspective. Through a dedicated $\rho$-Minkowski analysis, we show that dual-curvature lensing is not merely a coordinate artifact and that it can be present even in theories without dual-curvature redshift.

A Robust Method to Test the Einstein's Equivalence Principle. (arXiv:1708.02396v1 [astro-ph.HE])
in gr-qc by H. Yu, S. Q. Xi, F. Y. Wang, relevance 0.55

The Einstein's weak equivalence principle (WEP) is one of the foundational assumptions of general relativity and some other gravity theories. In the theory of parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN), the difference between the PPN parameters $\gamma$ of different particles or the same type of particle with different energies, $\Delta \gamma$, represents the violation of WEP. Current constraints on $\Delta \gamma$ are derived from the observed time delay between correlated particles of astronomical sources. However, the observed time delay is contaminated by other effects, such as the time delays due to different particle emission times, the potential Lorentz invariance violation and none-zero photon rest mass. Therefore, current constraints are only upper limits. Here we propose a new robust method to test WEP basing on the fact that the gravitational time delay is direction-dependent. This is the first method which can naturally correct other time delay effects. Using the time delay measurements of BASTE gamma-ray burst (GRB) sample and the gravitational potential of local super galaxy cluster Laniakea, we find that the constraint on $\Delta \gamma$ of different energy photons can be as low as $10^{-14}$. In the future, if more gravitational wave events and fast radio bursts with much more precise time delay measurements are observed, this method can give a reliable and tight constraint on WEP.

Black hole in closed spacetime with an anisotropic fluid. (arXiv:1708.02373v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Hyeong-Chan Kim, relevance 16.78

We study spherically symmetric geometries made of anisotropic perfect fluid based on general relativity. The purpose of the work is to find and classify black hole solutions in closed spacetime. In a general setting, we find that a static and closed space exists only when the radial pressure is negative but its size is smaller than the density. The Einstein equation is eventually casted into a first order autonomous equation on two-dimensional plane of scale-invariant variables, which are equivalent to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation in general relativity. Then, we display various solution curves numerically. An exact solution describing a black hole solution in a closed spacetime was known in Ref. [1], which solution bears a naked singularity and negative energy era. We find that the two deficits can be remedied when $\rho+3p_1>0$ and $\rho+p_1+2p_2< 0$, where the second violates the strong energy condition.

Holographic Heat Current as Noether Current. (arXiv:1708.02329v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hai-Shan Liu, H. Lu, C.N. Pope, relevance 11.19

We employ the Noether procedure to derive a general formula for the radially conserved heat current in AdS planar black holes with certain transverse and traceless perturbations, for a general class of gravity theories. For Einstein gravity, the general higher-order Lovelock gravities and also a class of Horndeski gravities, we derive the boundary stress tensor and show that the resulting boundary heat current matches precisely the bulk Noether current.

Wormholes with fluid sources: A no-go theorem and new examples. (arXiv:1708.02324v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by K.A. Bronnikov, K.A. Baleevskikh, M.V. Skvortsova, relevance 5.57

For static, spherically symmetric space-times in general relativity (GR), a no-go theorem is proved: it excludes the existence of wormholes with flat and/or AdS asymptotic regions on both sides of the throat if the source matter is isotropic, i.e., the radial and tangential pressures coincide. It explains why in all previous attempts to build such solutions it was necessary to introduce boundaries with thin shells that manifestly violate the isotropy of matter. Under a simple assumption on the behavior of the spherical radius $r(x)$, we obtain a number of examples of wormholes with isotropic matter and one or both de Sitter asymptotic regions, allowed by the no-go theorem. We also obtain twice asymptotically flat wormholes with anisotropic matter, both symmetric and asymmetric with respect to the throat, under the assumption that the scalar curvature is zero. These solutions may be on equal grounds interpreted as those of GR with a traceless stress-energy tensor and as vacuum solutions in a brane world. For such wormholes, the traversability conditions and gravitational lensing properties are briefly discussed. As a by-product, we obtain twice asymptotically flat regular black hole solutions with up to four Killing horizons. As another by-product, we point out intersection points in families of integral curves for the function $A(x) = g_{tt}$, parametrized by its values on the throat.

Some interacting dark energy models. (arXiv:1708.02293v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Martiros Khurshudyan, Asatur Khurshudyan, relevance 0.00

In this paper we study new cosmological models involving new forms of non-gravitational interaction between cold dark matter and dark energy. The main purpose is to demonstrate the applicability of the forms of interaction to the problem in modern cosmology known as accelerated expansion of the large scale universe. It is well known, that a non-gravitational interaction can improve theoretical prediction, but a fundamental theory allowing to derive the form of the interaction is missing. Therefore, an active sought to find a correct form of the interaction from various phenomenological assumptions is still one of the active branches of research in modern cosmology. Besides cosmographic analysis, we perform $Om$ analysis.

Entangled de Sitter from Stringy Axionic Bell pair I: An analysis using Bunch Davies vacuum. (arXiv:1708.02265v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sayantan Choudhury, Sudhakar Panda, relevance 13.56

In this work, we study the quantum entanglement and compute entanglement entropy in de Sitter space for a bipartite quantum field theory driven by axion originating from ${\bf Type~ IIB}$ string compactification on a Calabi Yau three fold (${\bf CY^3}$) and in presence of ${\bf NS5}$ brane. For this compuation, we consider a spherical surface ${\bf S}^2$, which divide the spatial slice of de Sitter (${\bf dS_4}$) into exterior and interior sub regions. We also consider the initial choice of vaccum to be Bunch Davies state. First we derive the solution of the wave function of axion in a hyperbolic open chart by constructing a suitable basis for Bunch Davies vacuum state using Bogoliubov transformation. We then, derive the expression for density matrix by tracing over the exterior region. This allows us to compute entanglement entropy and R$\acute{e}$nyi entropy in $3+1$ dimension. Further we quantify the UV finite contribution of entanglement entropy which contain the physics of long range quantum correlations of our expanding universe. Finally, our analysis compliments the necessary condition for the violation of Bell's inequality in primordial cosmology due to the non vanishing entanglement entropy for axionic Bell pair.

Small Fermi Surfaces and Strong Correlation Effects in Dirac Materials with Holography. (arXiv:1708.02257v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yunseok Seo, Geunho Song, Chanyong Park, Sang-Jin Sin, relevance 1.49

Recent discovery of transport anomaly in graphene demonstrated that a system known to be weakly interacting may become strongly correlated if system parameter(s) can be tuned such that fermi surface is sufficiently small. We study the strong correlation effects in the transport coefficients of Dirac materials doped with magnetic impurity under the magnetic field using holographic method. The experimental data of magneto-conductivity are well fit by our theory, however, not much data are available for other transports of Dirac material in such regime. Therefore, our results on heat transport,thermo-electric power and Nernst coefficients are left as predictions of holographic theory for generic Dirac materials in the vicinity of charge neutral point with possible surface gap. We give detailed look over each magneto-transport observable and 3Dplots to guide future experiments.

Critical behavior of the QED$_3$-Gross-Neveu model: Duality and deconfined criticality. (arXiv:1708.02256v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lukas Janssen, Yin-Chen He, relevance 0.21

We study the critical properties of the QED$_3$-Gross-Neveu model with $2N$ flavors of two-component Dirac fermions coupled to a massless scalar field and a U(1) gauge field. For $N=1$, this theory has recently been suggested to be dual to the SU(2) noncompact CP$^1$ model that describes the deconfined phase transition between the Neel antiferromagnet and the valence bond solid on the square lattice. For $N=2$, the theory has been proposed as an effective description of a deconfined critical point between chiral and Dirac spin liquid phases, and may potentially be realizable in spin-$1/2$ systems on the kagome lattice. We demonstrate the existence of a stable quantum critical point in the QED$_3$-Gross-Neveu model for all values of $N$. This quantum critical point is shown to escape the notorious fixed-point annihilation mechanism that renders plain QED$_3$ (without scalar-field coupling) unstable at low values of $N$. The theory exhibits an upper critical space-time dimension of four, enabling us to access the critical behavior in a controlled expansion in the small parameter $\epsilon = 4-D$. We compute the scalar-field anomalous dimension $\eta_\phi$, the correlation-length exponent $\nu$, as well as the scaling dimension of the flavor-symmetry-breaking bilinear $\bar\psi\sigma^z\psi$ at the critical point, and compare our leading-order estimates with predictions of the conjectured duality.

Quasi-normal modes of a strongly coupled non-conformal plasma and approach to criticality. (arXiv:1708.02252v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Panagiotis Betzios, Umut Gürsoy, Matti Järvinen, Giuseppe Policastro, relevance 7.43

We study fluctuations around equilibrium in a class of strongly interacting non-conformal plasmas using holographic techniques. In particular we calculate the quasi-normal mode spectrum of black hole backgrounds that approach to Chamblin-Reall plasmas in the IR. In a specific limit, related to the exact linear-dilaton background in string theory, we observe that the plasma approaches criticality and we obtain the quasi-normal spectrum analytically. We regulate the critical limit by gluing the IR geometry that corresponds to the non-conformal plasma to a part of AdS space-time in the UV. Near criticality, we find two sets of quasi-normal modes, related to the IR and UV parts of the geometry. In the critical limit, the quasi-normal modes accumulate to form a branch cut in the correlators of the energy-momentum tensor on the real axis of the complex frequency plane.

6D Fractional Quantum Hall Effect. (arXiv:1708.02250v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Jonathan J. Heckman, Luigi Tizzano, relevance 1.07

We present a 6D generalization of the fractional quantum Hall effect involving membranes coupled to a three-form potential in the presence of a large background four-form flux. The low energy physics is governed by a bulk 7D topological field theory of abelian three-form potentials with a single derivative Chern-Simons-like action coupled to a 6D anti-chiral theory of Euclidean effective strings. We derive the fractional conductivity, and explain how continued fractions which figure prominently in the classification of 6D superconformal field theories correspond to a hierarchy of excited states. Using methods from conformal field theory we also compute the analog of the Laughlin wavefunction. Compactification of the 7D theory provides a uniform perspective on various lower-dimensional gapped systems coupled to boundary degrees of freedom. We also show that a supersymmetric version of the 7D theory embeds in M-theory, and can be decoupled from gravity. Encouraged by this, we present a conjecture in which IIB string theory is an edge mode of a 10+2-dimensional bulk topological theory, thus placing all twelve dimensions of F-theory on a physical footing.

Are tiny gauge couplings out of the Swampland?. (arXiv:1708.02249v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Miguel Montero, relevance 9.54

There is significant evidence suggesting that continuous global symmetries are always gauged in quantum gravity. However, very weakly gauged symmetries seem global to an effective field theory expansion in powers of Newton's constant. We show that, at least for Einsteinian quantum gravity on AdS, such extremely weak gaugings are indeed in the Swampland: Consistency with AdS black hole thermodynamics requires the bulk gauge coupling $g^2$ not to vanish faster than $\sim\exp(\ell^{d-1}/G)$, where $\ell$ is the $AdS_{d+1}$ radius and $G$ is Newton's constant as we take the $G\rightarrow0$ limit. This translates to a constraint in the dual large $N$ CFT, namely, that the two-point function coefficient of the current $C_J$ cannot grow faster than $\exp(N^2)$ in the large $N$ limit. We also recover a previously known logarithmic relationship between the cutoff of the effective field theory in AdS, Planck's mass, and the AdS radius.

Sterile Neutrinos and B-L Symmetry. (arXiv:1708.02247v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Pavel Fileviez Perez, Clara Murgui, relevance 0.46

We revisit the relation between the neutrino masses and the spontaneous breaking of the B-L gauge symmetry. We discuss the main scenarios for Dirac and Majorana neutrinos and point out two simple mechanisms for neutrino masses. In this context the neutrino masses can be generated either at tree level or at quantum level and one predicts the existence of very light sterile neutrinos with masses below the eV scale. The predictions for lepton number violating processes such as mu to e and mu to e gamma are discussed in detail. The impact from the cosmological constraints on the effective number of relativistic degree of freedom is investigated.

Symmetries of the refined D1/D5 BPS spectrum. (arXiv:1708.02244v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Nathan Benjamin, Sarah M. Harrison, relevance 2.15

We examine the large $N$ 1/4-BPS spectrum of the symmetric orbifold CFT Sym$^N(M)$ deformed to the supergravity point in moduli space for $M= K3$ and $T^4$. We consider refinement under both left- and right-moving $SU(2)_R$ symmetries of the superconformal algebra, and decompose the spectrum into characters of the algebra. We find that at large $N$ the character decomposition satisfies an unusual property, in which the degeneracy only depends on a certain linear combination of left- and right-moving quantum numbers, suggesting deeper symmetry structure. Furthermore, we consider the action of discrete symmetry groups on these degeneracies, where certain subgroups of the Conway group are known to play a role. We also comment on the potential for larger discrete symmetry groups to appear in the large $N$ limit.

Black hole solutions in Gauss-Bonnet-massive gravity in the presence power-Maxwell field. (arXiv:1708.02239v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by B. Eslam Panah, S. Panahiyan, relevance 14.49

Motivated by recent progresses in the field of massive gravity, the paper at hand investigates the thermodynamical structure of black holes with three specific generalizations: i) Gauss-Bonnet gravity which is motivated from string theory ii) PMI nonlinear electromagnetic field which is motivated from perspective of the QED correction iii) massive gravity, motivated by high energy gravitational regime. The black holes presented by this set up are extracted and their thermodynamical properties are calculated. It will be shown that although massive and Gauss-Bonnet gravities are both generalizations in gravitational sector, but they show opposing effects regarding the critical behavior of the black holes. Furthermore, a periodic effect on number of the phase transition is reported for variation of the nonlinearity parameter and it will be shown that for super charged black hole, system is restricted in a manner that prevents reaching the critical behavior and acquiring phase transition. In addition, the effects of geometrical structure on thermodynamical phase transition will be highlighted.

CFT data and spontaneously broken conformal invariance. (arXiv:1708.02220v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Georgios K. Karananas, Mikhail Shaposhnikov, relevance 13.60

We derive consistency conditions for the CFT data, that systems with exact but spontaneously broken conformal invariance must satisfy.

Parameter estimation of gravitational wave echoes from exotic compact objects. (arXiv:1708.02217v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Andrea Maselli, Sebastian H. Völkel, Kostas D. Kokkotas, relevance 1.55

Relativistic ultracompact objects without an event horizon may be able to form in nature and merge as binary systems, mimicking the coalescence of ordinary black holes. The postmerger phase of such processes presents characteristic signatures, which appear as repeated pulses within the emitted gravitational waveform, i.e., echoes with variable amplitudes and frequencies. Future detections of these signals can shed new light on the existence of horizonless geometries, and provide new information on the nature of gravity in a genuine strong-field regime. In this work we analyze phenomenological templates used to characterize echolike structures produced by exotic compact objects, and we investigate for the first time the ability of current and future interferometers to constrain their parameters. Using different models with an increasing level of accuracy, we determine the features that can be measured with the largest precision, and we span the parameter space to find the most favorable configurations to be detected. Our analysis shows that current detectors may already be able to extract all the parameters of the echoes with good accuracy, and that multiple interferometers can measure frequencies and damping factors of the signals at the level of percent.

Hunting high and low: Disentangling primordial and late-time non-Gaussianity with cosmic densities in spheres. (arXiv:1708.02206v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc by Cora Uhlemann, Enrico Pajer, Christophe Pichon, Takahiro Nishimichi, Sandrine Codis, Francis Bernardeau, relevance 0.00

Non-Gaussianities of dynamical origin are disentangled from primordial ones using the formalism of large deviation statistics with spherical collapse dynamics. This is achieved by relying on accurate analytical predictions for the one-point probability distribution function (PDF) and the two-point clustering of spherically-averaged cosmic densities (sphere bias). Sphere bias extends the idea of halo bias to intermediate density environments and voids as underdense regions. In the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity, sphere bias displays a strong scale dependence relevant for both high and low density regions, which is predicted analytically. The statistics of densities in spheres are built to model primordial non-Gaussianity via an initial skewness with a scale-dependence that depends on the bispectrum of the underlying model. The analytical formulas with the measured nonlinear dark matter variance as input are successfully tested against numerical simulations. For local non-Gaussianity with a range from $f_{\rm NL}=-100$ to $+100$ they are found to agree within 2\% or better for densities $\rho\in[0.5,3]$ in spheres of radius 15 Mpc$/h$ down to $z=0.35$. The validity of the large deviation statistics formalism is thereby established for all observationally relevant local-type departures from perfectly Gaussian initial conditions. The corresponding estimators for the amplitude of the nonlinear variance $\sigma_8$ and primordial skewness $f_{\rm NL}$ are validated using a fiducial joint maximum likelihood experiment. The influence of observational effects and the prospects for a future detection of primordial non-Gaussianity from joint one- and two-point densities-in-spheres statistics are discussed.

Optimally setting up directed searches for continuous gravitational waves in Advanced LIGO O1 data. (arXiv:1708.02173v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Jing Ming, Maria Alessandra Papa, Badri Krishnan, Reinhard Prix, Christian Beer, Sylvia J. Zhu, Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein, Oliver Bock, Bernd Machenschalk, relevance 0.00

In this paper we design a search for continuous gravitational waves from three supernova remnants: Vela Jr., Cassiopeia A (Cas A) and G347.3. These systems might harbor rapidly rotating neutron stars emitting quasi-periodic gravitational radiation detectable by the advanced LIGO detectors. Our search is designed to use the volunteer computing project Einstein@Home for a few months and assumes the sensitivity and duty cycles of the advanced LIGO detectors during their first science run. For all three supernova remnants, the sky-positions of their central compact objects are well known but the frequency and spin-down rates of the neutron stars are unknown which makes the searches computationally limited. In a previous paper we have proposed a general framework for deciding on what target we should spend computational resources and in what proportion, what frequency and spin-down ranges we should search for every target, and with what search set-up. Here we further expand this framework and apply it to design a search directed at detecting continuous gravitational wave signals from the most promising three supernova remnants identified as such in the previous work. Our optimization procedure yields broad frequency and spin-down searches for all three objects, at an unprecedented level of sensitivity: The smallest detectable gravitational wave strain $h_0$ for Cas A is expected to be 2 times smaller than the most sensitive upper-limits published to date, and our proposed search, which was set-up and ran on the volunteer computing project Einstein@Home, covers a much larger frequency range.

Weil-Petersson geometry on the space of Bridgeland stability conditions. (arXiv:1708.02161v3 [math.AG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yu-Wei Fan, Atsushi Kanazawa, Shing-Tung Yau, relevance 0.00

Inspired by mirror symmetry, we investigate some differential geometric aspects of the space of Bridgeland stability conditions on a Calabi-Yau triangulated category. The aim is to develop theory of Weil-Petersson geometry on the stringy K\"ahler moduli space. A few basic examples are studied. In particular, we identify our Weil-Petersson metric with the Bergman metric on a Siegel modular variety in the case of the self-product of an elliptic curve.

Electroweak Vacuum Stability and Gravitational Vacuum Polarization in Schwarzschild Black-hole Background. (arXiv:1708.02138v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Kazunori Kohri, Hiroki Matsui, relevance 22.80

In this paper, we investigate how the gravitational vacuum polarization affects stabilities of the electroweak vacuum in the Schwarzschild black-hole background. By using the renormalized vacuum field fluctuation $\left< { \delta \phi }^{ 2 } \right>_{\rm ren}$ which is approximately expressed by the thermal Hawking temperature $T_{\rm H}$ around the black-hole horizon ($r\approx 2M_{BH}$), we discuss the vacuum stability around the Schwarzschild black hole. In particular, we newly investigate the stability of the electroweak vacuum around evaporating primordial black holes (PBHs) by taking into account the back-reaction effects on the effective Higgs potential $V_{\rm eff}\left( \phi \right)$ which was ignored in past works. By incorporating these effects and analyzing the stability of the vacuum, we show that one evaporating black hole does not cause serious problems in vacuum stability of the standard model Higgs and obtain an upper bound on the evaporating PBH abundance $\beta \lesssim \mathcal{O}\left(10^{-21}\right) \left({m_{\rm PBH}}/{10^{9}{\rm g}} \right)^{3/2}$ not to induce any catastrophes.

Constraints on Spatially Oscillating Sub-mm Forces from the Stanford Levitated Microsphere Experiment Data. (arXiv:1708.02117v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ioannis Antoniou, Leandros Perivolaropoulos, relevance 0.00

A recent analysis by one of the authors\cite{Perivolaropoulos:2016ucs} has indicated the presence of a $2\sigma$ signal of spatially oscillating new force residuals in the torsion balance data of the Washington experiment. We extend that study and analyse the data of the Stanford Optically Levitated Microsphere Experiment (SOLME) \cite{Rider:2016xaq} (kindly provided by the authors of \cite{Rider:2016xaq}) searching for sub-mm spatially oscillating new force signals. We find a statistically significant oscillating signal for a force residual of the form $F(z)=\alpha \; cos(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\; z +c)$ where $z$ is the distance between the macroscopic interacting masses (levitated microsphere and cantilever). The best fit parameter values are $\alpha=(1.1 \pm 0.4)\times 10^{-17}N$, $\lambda=(35.2\pm 0.6)\mu m$. Monte Carlo simulation of the SOLME data under the assumption of zero force residuals has indicated that the statistical significance of this signal is at about $2\sigma$ level. Private communication with members of the SOLME group has indicated that this previously unnoticed signal is most probably due to a systematic effect (diffraction of non-Gaussian tails of the laser beam). Thus it can only be useful as an upper bound of the amplitude of new spatially oscillating forces on sub-mm scales. Assuming gravitational origin emerging from a fundamental modification of the Newtonian potential of the form $V_{eff}(r)=-G\frac{M}{r}(1+\alpha_O \cos(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\; r+\theta))\equiv V_{N}(r)+V_{osc}(r)$, we evaluate the source integral and obtain a bound $\alpha_O < 10^7$ for $\lambda \simeq 35 \mu m$. Thus, we get no useful constraints on the modified gravity parameter $\alpha_O$. However, the constraints on the general phenomenological parameter $\alpha$ can be useful in constraining other fifth force models related to dark energy (chameleon oscillating potentials etc).

Constructing Neutron Stars with a Gravitational Higgs Mechanism. (arXiv:1708.02113v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Nicola Franchini, Andrew Coates, Thomas P. Sotiriou, relevance 0.00

In scalar-tensor theories, spontaneous scalarization is a phase transition that can occur in ultra-dense environments such as neutron stars. The scalar field develops a non-trivial configuration once the stars exceeds a compactness threshold. We recently pointed out that, if the scalar exhibits some additional coupling to matter, it could give rise to significantly different microphysics in these environments. In this work we study, at the non-perturbative level, a toy model in which the photon is given a large mass when spontaneous scalarization occurs. Our results demonstrate clearly the effectiveness of spontaneous scalarization as a Higgs-like mechanism in neutron stars.

String-Inspired Special Grand Unification. (arXiv:1708.02078v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Naoki Yamatsu, relevance 1.04

We discuss a grand unified theory (GUT) based on an $SO(32)$ GUT gauge group broken to its subgroups including a special subgroup. In the $SO(32)$ GUT on six-dimensional (6D) orbifold space $M^4\times T^2/\mathbb{Z}_2$, one generation of the SM fermions can be embedded into a 6D bulk Weyl fermion in the $SO(32)$ vector representation. We show that for a three generation model, all the 6D and 4D gauge anomalies in the bulk and on the fixed points are canceled out without exotic chiral fermions at low energies.

Excited Boson Stars. (arXiv:1708.02057v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Lucas G. Collodel, Burkhard Kleihaus, Jutta Kunz (University Oldenburg), relevance 0.00

Axisymmetric rotating radially excited boson stars are analyzed. For several fixed parameter sets, the full sets of solutions are obtained. In contrast to the nodeless boson stars, the radially excited sets of solutions do not exhibit a spiraling behavior. Instead they form a loop, when the boson frequency is varied from its maximal value given by the boson mass to a minimal value and back. Thus for all allowed boundary data of the scalar field at the origin, there are two distinct solutions, except for the endpoints. While one endpoint corresponds to the trivial solution, the other one represents the most compact solution. The energy density and the pressures of the solutions are analyzed. A decomposition of the scalar field into spherical harmonics is performed, and stability considerations are presented.

Lovelock vacua with a recurrent null vector field. (arXiv:1708.02036v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Marcello Ortaggio, relevance 12.95

Vacuum solutions of Lovelock gravity in the presence of a recurrent null vector field (a subset of Kundt spacetimes) are studied. We first discuss the general field equations, which constrain both the base space and the profile functions. While choosing a "generic" base space puts stronger constraints on the profile, in special cases there also exist solutions containing arbitrary functions (at least for certain values of the coupling constants). These and other properties (such as the pp-waves subclass and the overlap with VSI, CSI and universal spacetimes) are subsequently analyzed in more detail in lower dimensions $n=5,6$ as well as for particular choices of the base manifold. The obtained solutions describe various classes of non-expanding gravitational waves propagating, e.g., in Nariai-like backgrounds $M_2\times\Sigma_{n-2}$. An appendix contains some results about general (i.e., not necessarily Kundt) Lovelock vacua of Riemann type III/N, and of Weyl and traceless-Ricci type III/N. For example, it is pointed out that for theories admitting a triply degenerate maximally symmetric vacuum, all the (reduced) field equations are satisfied identically, giving rise to large classes of exact solutions.

First order discrete Faddeev gravity at the strongly varying fields. (arXiv:1708.02035v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by V.M. Khatsymovsky, relevance 9.80

We consider the Faddeev formulation of general relativity (GR), which can be characterized by a kind of $d$-dimensional tetrad (typically $d$=10) and a non-Riemannian connection. This theory is invariant w. r. t. the global, but not local, rotations in the $d$-dimensional space. There can be configurations with a smooth or flat metric, but with the tetrad that changes abruptly at small distances, a kind of "antiferromagnetic" structure.

Previously, we discussed a first order representation for the Faddeev gravity, which uses the orthogonal connection in the $d$-dimensional space as an independent variable. Using the discrete form of this formulation, we considered the spectrum of (elementary) area. This spectrum turns out to be physically reasonable just on a classical background with large connection like rotations by $\pi$, that is, with such an "antiferromagnetic" structure.

In the discrete first order Faddeev gravity, we consider such a structure with periodic cells and large connection and strongly changing tetrad field inside the cell. We show that this system in the continuum limit reduces to a generalization of the Faddeev system. The action is a sum of related actions of the Faddeev type and is still reduced to the GR action.

Stability and causality of non-local theories. (arXiv:1708.02027v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Janos Polonyi, relevance 0.84

The regularized theories are non-local at the scale of the cutoff, leading so to the usual difficulties of non-local theories. In this work the conservation laws and causality are investigated for theories with multi-cluster action. The conservation laws are found to play a less significant role than in local theories because due to the non-locality the conserved quantities are not integrals of the motion, and they can exist even without underlying symmetries. Moreover, the conservation of the energy can not prevent instability brought about by the unbounded nature of the energy from below. Thereby a sufficient condition of stability gets lost. Theories, obtained by appropriate point splitting of local interactions are shown to be causal.

Three point functions in higher spin AdS_3 holography with 1/N corrections. (arXiv:1708.02017v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yasuaki Hikida, Takahiro Uetoko, relevance 0.83

We examine three point functions with two scalar operators and a higher spin current in 2d W_N minimal model to the next non-trivial order in 1/N expansion. The minimal model was proposed to be dual to a 3d higher spin gauge theory, and 1/N corrections should be interpreted as quantum effects in the dual gravity theory. We develop a simple and systematic method to obtain three point functions by decomposing four point functions of scalar operators with Virasoro conformal blocks. Applying the method, we reproduce known results at the leading order in 1/N and obtain new ones at the next leading order. As confirmation, we check that our results satisfy relations among three point functions conjectured before.

Phenomenological Construction of New Dictionaries for Holographic Conductors. (arXiv:1708.01993v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Hironori Hoshino, Shin Nakamura, relevance 9.00

We propose new dictionaries for holographic conductors that enable us to compute carrier densities and mean velocities of charge carriers in the system. The carrier density, which differs from the charge density, is the total number density of both the positive and the negative charge carriers. The mean velocity is the mean value of the velocities of all charge carriers. These quantities are not conjugate to the sources that are given by boundary values of bulk fields, and we cannot compute them by using the conventional method in holography. In the present work, we introduce a phenomenological model of charge transport, and we establish the dictionary by comparing the results of the phenomenological model and those from the holography. We show that the mean velocity agrees with the velocity of an analog black hole on the worldvolume of the probe D-brane, and it can be read from the spectrum of the fluctuations.

Massive graviton dark matter with environment dependent mass: A natural explanation of the dark matter-baryon ratio. (arXiv:1708.01969v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Katsuki Aoki, Shinji Mukohyama, relevance 0.00

We propose a scenario that can naturally explain the observed dark matter-baryon ratio in the context of bimetric theory with a chameleon field. We introduce two additional gravitational degrees of freedom, the massive graviton and the chameleon field, corresponding to dark matter and dark energy, respectively. The chameleon field is assumed to be non-minimally coupled to dark matter, i.e., the massive graviton, through the graviton mass terms. We find that the dark matter-baryon ratio is dynamically adjusted to the observed value due to the energy transfer by the chameleon field. As a result, the model can explain the observed dark matter-baryon ratio independently from the initial abundance of them.

Global inconsistency, 't Hooft anomaly, and level crossing in quantum mechanics. (arXiv:1708.01962v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yuta Kikuchi, Yuya Tanizaki, relevance 0.22

An 't Hooft anomaly is the obstruction for gauging symmetries, and it constrains possible low-energy behaviors of quantum field theories by excluding trivial infrared theories. Global inconsistency condition is recently proposed as a milder condition but is expected to play an almost same role by comparing high symmetry points in the theory space. In order to clarify the consequence coming from this new condition, we discuss several quantum mechanical models with topological angles and explicitly compute their energy spectra. It turns out that the global inconsistency can be saturated not only by the ground-state degeneracy at either of high symmetry points but also by the level crossing (phase transition) separating those high symmetry points.

On the hydrodynamic attractor of Yang-Mills plasma. (arXiv:1708.01921v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Michał Spaliński, relevance 1.32

There is mounting evidence suggesting that relativistic hydrodynamics becomes relevant for the physics of quark-gluon plasma as the result of nonhydrodynamic modes decaying to an attractor apparent even when the system is far from local equilibrium. Here we determine this attractor for Bjorken flow in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory using Borel summation of the gradient expansion of the expectation value of the energy momentum tensor. By comparing the result to numerical simulations of the flow based on the AdS/CFT correspondence we show that it provides an accurate and unambiguous approximation of the hydrodynamic attractor in this system. This development has important implications for the formulation of effective theories of hydrodynamics.

Towards asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae with gravitational-wave observations - I. Cowling approximation. (arXiv:1708.01920v2 [astro-ph.SR] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Alejandro Torres-Forné, Pablo Cerdá-Durán, Andrea Passamonti, José A. Font, relevance 1.05

Gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae are produced by the excitation of different oscillation modes in the proto-neutron star (PNS) and its surroundings, including the shock. In this work we study the relationship between the post-bounce oscillation spectrum of the PNS-shock system and the characteristic frequencies observed in gravitational-wave signals from core-collapse simulations. This is a fundamental first step in order to develop a procedure to infer astrophysical parameters of the PNS formed in core-collapse supernovae. Our method combines information from the oscillation spectrum of the PNS, obtained through linear-perturbation analysis in general relativity of a background physical system, with information from the gravitational-wave spectrum of the corresponding non-linear, core-collapse simulation. Using results from the simulation of the collapse of a 35 $M_{\odot}$ presupernova progenitor we show that both types of spectra are indeed related and we are able to identify the modes of oscillation of the PNS, namely g-modes, p-modes, hybrid modes, and standing-accretion-shock-instability (SASI) modes, obtaining a remarkably close correspondence with the time-frequency distribution of the gravitational-wave modes. The analysis presented in this paper provides a proof-of-concept that asteroseismology is indeed possible in the core-collapse scenario, and it may serve as a basis for future work on PNS parameter inference based on gravitational-wave observations.

Large-scale structure in mimetic Horndeski gravity. (arXiv:1708.01850v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Frederico Arroja, Teppei Okumura, Nicola Bartolo, Purnendu Karmakar, Sabino Matarrese, relevance 1.74

In this paper, we propose to use the mimetic Horndeski model as a model for the dark universe. Both cold dark matter (CDM) and dark energy (DE) phenomena are described by a single component, the mimetic field. In linear theory, we show that this component effectively behaves like a perfect fluid with zero sound speed and clusters on all scales. For the simpler mimetic cubic Horndeski model, if the background expansion history is chosen to be identical to a perfect fluid DE (PFDE) then the mimetic model predicts the same power spectrum of the Newtonian potential as the PFDE model with zero sound speed. In particular, if the background is chosen to be the same as that of LCDM, then also in this case the power spectrum of the Newtonian potential in the mimetic model becomes indistinguishable from the power spectrum in LCDM on linear scales. A different conclusion may be found in the case of non-adiabatic perturbations. We also discuss the distinguishability, using power spectrum measurements from LCDM N-body simulations as a proxy for future observations, between these mimetic models and other popular models of DE. For instance, we find that if the background has an equation of state equal to -0.95 then we will be able to distinguish the mimetic model from the PFDE model with unity sound speed. On the other hand, it will be hard to do this distinction with respect to the LCDM model.

Resonant Tidal Excitation of Oscillation Modes in Merging Binary Neutron Stars: Inertial-Gravity Modes. (arXiv:1708.01839v1 [astro-ph.HE] CROSS LISTED)
in gr-qc by Wenrui Xu, Dong Lai, relevance 0.00

In coalescing neutron star (NS) binaries, tidal force can resonantly excite low-frequency (< 500 Hz) oscillation modes in the NS, transferring energy between the orbit and the NS. This resonant tide can induce phase shift in the gravitational waveforms, and potentially provide a new window of studying NS interior using gravitational waves. Previous works have considered tidal excitations of pure g-modes (due to stable stratification of the star) and pure inertial modes (due to Coriolis force), with the rotational effect treated in an approximate manner. However, for realistic NSs, the buoyancy and rotational effects can be comparable, giving rise to mixed inertial-gravity modes. We develop a non-perturbative numerical spectral code to compute the frequencies and tidal coupling coefficients of these modes. We then calculate the phase shift in the gravitational waveform due to each resonance during binary inspiral. We adopt polytropic NS models with a parameterized stratification. We derive relevant scaling relations and survey how the phase shift depends on various properties of the NS. We find that for canonical NSs (with mass M = 1.4M_sun and radius R = 10 km) and modest rotation rates (< 300 Hz), the gravitational wave phase shift due to a resonance is generally less than 0.01 radian. But the phase shift is a strong function of R and M, and can reach a radian or more for low-mass NSs with larger radii (R > 15 km). Significant phase shift can also be produced when the combination of stratification and rotation gives rise to a very low frequency (< 20 Hz in the inertial frame) modified g-mode. We also find that some inertial modes can be strongly affected by stratification, and that the m = 1 r-mode, previously identified to have a small but finite inertial-frame frequency based on the Cowling approximation, in fact has essentially zero frequency, and therefore cannot be excited.

One loop corrected conformally coupled scalar mode equations during inflation. (arXiv:1708.01831v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sibel Boran, Emre Onur Kahya, Sohyun Park, relevance 0.00

We employ a fully renormalized computation of the one loop contribution to the self-mass-squared of the conformally coupled (CC) scalar interacting with gravitons during inflation to study how inflationary produced gravitons affect the CC scalar evolution equation. The quantum corrected scalar mode functions turn out to get a secular growth effect, proportional to a logarithm of the scale factor at late times.

Nonlinear and quantum effects in analogue gravity. (arXiv:1708.01825v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Florent Michel, relevance 3.89

The present thesis deals with some properties of classical and quantum scalar fields in an inhomogeneous and/or time-dependent background, focusing on models where the latter can be described as a curved space-time with an event horizon. While naturally formulated in a gravitational context, such models extend to many physical systems with an effective Lorentz invariance at low energy. We shall see how this effective symmetry allows one to relate the behavior of perturbations in these systems to black-hole physics, what are its limitations, and in which sense results thus obtained are "analogous" to their general relativistic counterparts. The first chapter serves as a general introduction. A few notions from Einstein's theory of gravity are introduced and a derivation of Hawking radiation is sketched. The correspondence with low-energy systems is then explained through three important examples. The next four chapters each details one of the works completed during this thesis, updated and slightly reorganized to account for new developments which occurred after their publication. The other articles I contributed to are summarized in the last chapter, before the general conclusion.

Planck stars: new sources in radio and gamma astronomy?. (arXiv:1708.01789v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Carlo Rovelli, relevance 2.50

A new phenomenon, recently studied in theoretical physics, may have considerable interest for astronomers: the explosive decay of old primordial black holes via quantum tunnelling. Models predict radio and gamma bursts with a characteristic frequency-distance relation making them identifiable. Their detection would be of major theoretical importance.

Complexity/Action duality of shock wave geometry in a massive gravity theory. (arXiv:1708.01779v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yan-Gang Miao, Long Zhao, relevance 1.92

On the holographic complexity dual to the bulk action, we investigate the action growth for a shock wave geometry in a massive gravity theory within the Wheeler-De Witt (WDW) patch at the late time limit. For a global shock wave, the graviton mass does not affect the action growth in the bulk, i.e. the complexity on the boundary, showing that the action growth (complexity) is the same for both the Einstein gravity and the massive gravity. Nevertheless, for a local shock wave that depends on transverse coordinates, the action growth (complexity) is proportional to the butterfly velocity for the two gravity theories, but the butterfly velocity of the massive gravity theory is smaller than that of the Einstein gravity theory, indicating that the action growth (complexity) of the massive gravity is depressed by the graviton mass. In addition, we extend the black hole thermodynamics of the massive gravity and obtain the right Smarr formula.

Flavours and Infra-red Instability in Holography. (arXiv:1708.01775v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Arnab Kundu, relevance -1.46

Within a phenomenological holographic model in $(4+1)$-bulk dimensions, defined by Einstein-gravity with a negative cosmological constant, coupled to a Dirac-Born-Infeld and a Chern-Simons term, we explore the fate of BF-bound violation for a probe scalar field and a fluctuation mode of the corresponding geometry. We assume this simple model to capture the dynamics of a strongly coupled SU$(N_c)$ gauge theory with $N_f$ fundamental matter, which in the limit ${\cal O} \left( N_c \right) \sim {\cal O}\left(N_f\right)$ and with a non-vanishing matter density, is holographically described by an AdS$_2$-geometry in the IR. We demonstrate that, superconductor/superfluid instabilities are facilitated and spontaneous breaking of translational invariance is inhibited with increasing values of $\left(N_f / N_c \right) $. This is similar, in spirit, with known results in large $N_c$ Quantum Chromodynamics with $N_f$ quarks and a non-vanishing density, in which the chiral density wave phase becomes suppressed and superconducting instabilities become favoured as the number of quarks is increased.

The black ring entropy from the Weyl tensor. (arXiv:1708.01742v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Ze-Wei Zhao, Chun-Kai Yu, Nan Li, relevance 20.18

A black ring is an asymptotically flat vacuum solution of the Einstein equations with an event horizon of topology $S^1\times S^2$. A connection between the black ring entropy and its Weyl tensor $C_{\mu\nu\lambda\rho}$ is explored by interpreting the Weyl scalar invariant $C_{\mu\nu\lambda\rho} C^{\mu\nu\lambda\rho}$ as the entropy density in 5-dimensional space-time. We calculate the proper volume integral of $C_{\mu\nu\lambda\rho} C^{\mu\nu\lambda\rho}$ for a neutral black ring and prove that it is proportional to the entropy of a thin black ring. Similar calculations are extended to more general cases: the black string, the black ring with two angular momenta, and the black ring with a cosmological constant. The proportionality still maintains or is valid at least at the leading order.

S-matrix element of two R-R and one NS states. (arXiv:1708.01735v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Mojtaba Mohammadzadeh, Mohammad R. Garousi, relevance 0.79

We explicitly calculate the disk-level S-matrix element of two closed string R-R and one open string NS vertex operators in RNS formalism. We show that the amplitude satisfies various duality Ward identities. In particular, when one of the R-R is zero-form, the other one is two-form and the NS state is gauge boson, the amplitude transforms under S-duality Ward identity to the amplitude of one dilaton, one B-field and one gauge boson which has been recently calculated explicitly.

We have also proposed a soft theorem for disk-level scattering amplitude of arbitrary number of hard closed strings and one soft open string at the leading order of soft momentum, and shown that the above amplitude satisfies the soft theorem.

Statistical nature of infrared dynamics on de Sitter background. (arXiv:1708.01734v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Junsei Tokuda, Takahiro Tanaka, relevance 14.57

In this study, we formulate a systematic way of deriving an effective equation of motion(EoM) for long wavelength modes of a massless scalar field with a general potential $V(\phi)$ on de Sitter background, and investigate whether or not the effective EoM can be described as a classical stochastic process. Our formulation gives an extension of the usual stochastic formalism to including sub-leading secular growth coming from the nonlinearity of short wavelength modes. Applying our formalism to $\lambda \phi^4$ theory, we explicitly derive an effective EoM which correctly recovers the next-to-leading secularly growing part at a late time, and show that this effective EoM can be seen as a classical stochastic process. Our extended stochastic formalism can describe all secularly growing terms which appear in all correlation functions with a specific operator ordering, which will not be a big drawback because the commutator of a light scalar field becomes negligible at large scales owing to the squeezing.

SU(2) graph invariants, Regge actions and polytopes. (arXiv:1708.01727v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Pietro Donà, Marco Fanizza, Giorgio Sarno, Simone Speziale, relevance 0.23

We revisit the the large spin asymptotics of 15j symbols in terms of cosines of the 4d Euclidean Regge action, as derived by Barrett and collaborators using a saddle point approximation. We bring it closer to the perspective of area-angle Regge calculus and twisted geometries, and compute explicitly the Hessian and phase offsets. We then extend it to more general SU(2) graph invariants, showing that saddle points still exist and have a similar structure. For graphs dual to 4d polytopes we find again two distinct saddle points leading to a cosine asymptotic formula, however a conformal shape-mismatch is allowed by these configurations, and the asymptotic action is thus a generalisation of the Regge action. The allowed mismatch correspond to angle-matched twisted geometries, 3d polyhedral tessellations with adjacent faces matching areas and 2d angles, but not their diagonals. We study these geometries, identify the relevant subsets corresponding to 3d Regge data and flat polytope data, and discuss the corresponding Regge actions emerging in the asymptotics. Finally, we also provide the first numerical confirmation of the large spin asymptotics of the 15j symbol. We show that the agreement is accurate to the per cent level already at spins of order 10, and the next-to-leading order oscillates with the same frequency and same global phase.

Latest astronomical constraints on some nonlinear parametric dark energy models. (arXiv:1708.01717v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Weiqiang Yang, Supriya Pan, Andronikos Paliathanasis, relevance 1.24

We consider nonlinear redshift-dependent equation of state parameters as dark energy models in a spatially flat Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker universe. To depict the expansion history of the universe in such cosmological scenarios, we take into account the large scale behaviour of such parametric models and fit them using a set of latest observational data with distinct origin that includes cosmic microwave background radiation, Supernove Type Ia, baryon acoustic oscillations, redshift space distortion, weak gravitational lensing, Hubble parameter measurements from cosmic chronometers and finally the local Hubble constant from Hubble space telescope. The fitting technique avails the publicly available code Cosmological Monte Carlo (CosmoMC), to extract the cosmological information out of these parametric dark energy models. From our analysis it follows that those models could describe the late time accelerating phase of the universe, while they are distinguished from the $\Lambda-$cosmology.

Hamilton-Jacobi formalism to warm inflationary scenario. (arXiv:1708.01714v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by K. Sayar, A. Mohammadi, L. Akhtari, Kh. Saaidi, relevance 0.00

Hamilton-Jacobi formalism as a powerful method is being utilized to reconsider warm inflationary scenario, where the scalar field as the main component deriving inflation interacts with other field. Separating the context to strong and weak dissipative regimes, the goal is followed for two popular function of dissipation coefficient. Applying slow-rolling approximations, the required perturbation parameters are extracted and by comparison to the latest Planck data, the free parameters are restricted. Possibility of producing an acceptable inflation is studied where the result shows that for all cases the model could successfully suggests amplitude of scalar perturbation, scalar spectral index , its running, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio.

On the Effective Field Theory for Quasi-Single Field Inflation. (arXiv:1708.01709v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xi Tong, Yi Wang, Siyi Zhou, relevance 0.74

We study the effective field theory (EFT) description of the virtual particle effects in quasi-single field inflation, which unifies the previous results on large mass and large mixing cases. By using a horizon crossing approximation and matching with known limits, approximate expressions for the power spectrum and the spectral index are obtained. The error of the approximate solution is within 10% in dominate parts of the parameter space, which corresponds to less-than-0.1% error in the $n_s$-$r$ diagram. The quasi-single field corrections on the $n_s$-$r$ diagram are plotted for a few inflation models. Especially, the quasi-single field correction drives $m^2\phi^2$ inflation to the best fit region on the $n_s$-$r$ diagram, with an amount of equilateral non-Gaussianity which can be tested in future experiments.

Boundary harmonic coordinates and the localised bounded $L^2$ curvature theorem. (arXiv:1708.01667v2 [math.AP] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Stefan Czimek, relevance 0.00

In this paper, we prove two results. First, we show the existence of boundary harmonic coordinates on Riemannian $3$-manifolds with boundary that satisfy only low regularity integral bounds on the Ricci curvature and the second fundamental form of the boundary, and a volume radius estimate. This result follows by extending the known theory of Cheeger-Gromov convergence for manifolds to include manifolds with boundary in a low regularity setting. Second, we prove a localised version of the bounded $L^2$ curvature theorem of Klainerman-Rodnianski-Szeftel. The localisation is achieved by using the above existence of boundary harmonic coordinates together with the author's extension procedure for the constraint equations.

Existence of locally maximally entangled quantum states via geometric invariant theory. (arXiv:1708.01645v2 [math.AG] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Jim Bryan, Zinovy Reichstein, Mark Van Raamsdonk, relevance 10.00

We study a question which has natural interpretations in both quantum mechanics and in geometry. Let $V_1,..., V_n$ be complex vector spaces of dimension $d_1,...,d_n$ and let $G= SL_{d_1} \times \dots \times SL_{d_n}$. Geometrically, we ask given $(d_1,...,d_n)$, when is the geometric invariant theory quotient $\mathbb{P}(V_1 \otimes \dots \otimes V_n)// G$ non-empty? This is equivalent to the quantum mechanical question of whether the multipart quantum system with Hilbert space $V_1\otimes \dots \otimes V_n$ has a locally maximally entangled state, i.e. a state such that the density matrix for each elementary subsystem is a multiple of the identity. We show that the answer to this question is yes if and only if $R(d_1,...,d_n)\geqslant 0$ where \[ R(d_1,...,d_n) = \prod_i d_i +\sum_{k=1}^n (-1)^k \sum_{1\leq i_1<\dotsb <i_k\leq n} (\gcd(d_{i_1},\dotsc ,d_{i_k}) )^{2}. \] We also provide a simple recursive algorithm which determines the answer to the question, and we compute the dimension of the resulting quotient in the non-empty cases.

Deep searches for broadband extended gravitational-wave emission bursts by heterogeneous computing. (arXiv:1708.01609v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Maurice H.P.M. van Putten, relevance 0.00

We present a heterogeneous search algorithm for broadband extended gravitational-wave emission (BEGE), expected from gamma-ray bursts and energetic core-collapse supernovae. It searches the $(f,\dot{f})$-plane for long duration bursts by inner engines slowly exhausting their energy reservoir by matched filtering on a {\em Graphics Processor Unit} (GPU) over a template bank of millions of one-second duration chirps. Parseval's Theorem is used to predict the standard deviation $\sigma$ of filter output, taking advantage of near-Gaussian noise in LIGO S6 data over 350-2000 Hz. Tails exceeding a mulitple of $\sigma$ are communicated back to a {\em Central Processing Unit} (CPU). This algorithm attains about 65\% efficiency overall, normalized to the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). At about one million correlations per second over data segments of 16 s duration $(N=2^{16}$ samples), better than real-time analysis is achieved on a cluster of about a dozen GPUs. We demonstrate its application to the capture of high frequency hardware LIGO injections. This algorithm serves as a starting point for deep all-sky searches in both archive data and real-time analysis in current observational runs.

Charged Randall-Sundrum black holes in Higher Dimensions. (arXiv:1708.01603v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Michael Meiers, Luke Bovard, Robert Mann, relevance 17.90

We extend some solutions for black holes in the Randall-Sundrum theory with a single brane. We consider a generalised version of the extremal black hole on the brane in n + 1 dimensions and determine an asymptotic value of the geometry for large black holes.

On flavor symmetries of phenomenologically viable string compactifications. (arXiv:1708.01595v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Saul Ramos-Sanchez, relevance 0.00

Heterotic orbifolds can explain the origin of flavor symmetries and the flavor representations of matter fields in particle physics as a result of the geometric properties of the associated string states in the compact space. After a review of the method to obtain flavor symmetries in these models, we determine the most frequent non-Abelian flavor symmetries appearing in promising Abelian heterotic orbifolds. Interestingly, these symmetries correspond only to D_4, Delta(54) and products of these symmetries and Abelian factors. A large set of promising models exhibits purely Abelian flavor symmetries. We finally explore the phenomenological potential of a sample model endowed with Delta(54) assuming certain ad hoc flavon expectation values.

Possible Signatures of Inflationary Particle Content: Spin-2 Fields. (arXiv:1708.01587v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Matteo Biagetti, Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni, Matteo Fasiello, relevance 0.00

We study the imprints of a massive spin-2 field on inflationary observables, and in particular on the breaking of consistency relations. In this setup, the minimal inflationary field content interacts with the massive spin-2 field through dRGT interactions, thus guaranteeing the absence of Boulware-Deser ghostly degrees of freedom. The unitarity requirement on spinning particles, known as Higuchi bound, plays a crucial role for the size of the observable signal.

Integrability of the Einstein-nonlinear $SU(2)$ $\sigma$-model in a nontrivial topological sector. (arXiv:1708.01579v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andronikos Paliathanasis, Tim Taves, P.G.L. Leach, relevance 3.33

The integrability of the\ $\Lambda-$Einstein-nonlinear $SU(2)$ $\sigma$-model with nonvanishing cosmological charge is studied. We apply the method of singularity analysis of differential equations and we show that the equations for the gravitational field are integrable. The first few terms of the solution are presented.

Not Doomed to Fail. (arXiv:1708.01563v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Anne Taormina, Katrin Wendland, relevance 1.01

In their recent manuscript "An Uplifting Discussion of T-Duality", arXiv:1707.08888, J. Harvey and G. Moore have reevaluated a mod two condition appearing in asymmetric orbifold constructions as an obstruction to the description of certain symmetries of toroidal conformal field theories by means of automorphisms of the underlying charge lattice. The relevant "doomed to fail" condition determines whether or not such a lattice automorphism g may lift to a symmetry in the corresponding toroidal conformal field theory without introducing extra phases. If doomed to fail, then in some cases, the lift of g must have double the order of g. It is an interesting question, whether or not "geometric" symmetries are affected by these findings. In the present note, we answer this question in the negative, by means of elementary linear algebra: "geometric" symmetries of toroidal conformal field theories are not doomed to fail. Consequently, and in particular, the symmetry groups involved in symmetry surfing the moduli space of K3 theories do not differ from their lifts.

Renormalizability of the Refined Gribov-Zwanziger action in the linear covariant gauges. (arXiv:1708.01543v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by M. A. L. Capri, D. Fiorentini, A. D. Pereira, S. P. Sorella, relevance 5.15

The Refined Gribov-Zwanziger framework takes into account the existence of equivalent gauge field configurations in the gauge-fixing quantization procedure of Euclidean Yang-Mills theories. Recently, this setup was extended to the family of linear covariant gauges giving rise to a local and BRST-invariant action. In this paper, we give an algebraic proof of the renormalizability of the resulting action to all orders in perturbation theory.

Thermodynamics of de Sitter black hole in massive gravity. (arXiv:1708.01520v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yu-Bo Ma, Ren Zhao, Shuo Cao, relevance 30.53

In this paper, by taking de Sitter space-time as a thermodynamic system, we study the equivalent thermodynamic quantities of de Sitter black hole in massive gravity, and furthermore obtain the equivalent thermodynamic quantities of the space-time. Our results show that the entropy of this type of space-time takes the same form as that in Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter space-time, which lays a solid foundation for deeply understanding the universal thermodynamic characteristics of de Sitter space-time in the future. Moreover, our analysis indicates that the equivalent thermodynamic quantities and relevant parameters play a very important role, especially in the investigation of the stability and evolution of de Sitter space-time.

Graviton propagator, renormalization scale and black-hole like states. (arXiv:1708.01485v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by X. Calmet, R. Casadio, A.Yu. Kamenshchik, O.V. Teryaev, relevance 12.06

We study the analytic structure of the resummed graviton propagator, inspired by the possible existence of black hole precursors in its spectrum. We find an infinite number of poles with positive mass, but both positive and negative effective width, and studied their asymptotic behaviour in the infinite sheet Riemann surface. We find that the stability of these precursors depend crucially on the value of the normalisation point scale.

Short-range test of the universality of gravitational constant $G$ at the millimeter scale using a digital image sensor. (arXiv:1708.01482v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by K. Ninomiya, T. Akiyama, M. Hata, M. Hatori, T. Iguri, Y. Ikeda, S. Inaba, H. Kawamura, R. Kishi, H. Murakami, Y. Nakaya, H. Nishio, N. Ogawa, J. Onishi, S. Saiba, T. Sakuta, S. Tanaka, R. Tanuma, Y. Totsuka, R. Tsutsui, K. Watanabe, J. Murata, relevance 0.00

The composition dependence of gravitational constant $G$ is measured at the millimeter scale to test the weak equivalence principle, which may be violated at short range through new Yukawa interactions such as the dilaton exchange force. A torsion balance on a turning table with two identical tungsten targets surrounded by two different attractor materials (copper and aluminum) is used to measure gravitational torque by means of digital measurements of a position sensor. Values of the ratios $\tilde{G}_{Al-W}/\tilde{G}_{Cu-W} -1$ and $\tilde{G}_{Cu-W}/G_{N} -1$ were $(0.9 \pm 1.1_{\mathrm{sta}} \pm 4.8_{\mathrm{sys}}) \times 10^{-2}$ and $ (0.2 \pm 0.9_{\mathrm{sta}} \pm 2.1_{\mathrm{sys}}) \times 10^{-2}$ , respectively; these were obtained at a center to center separation of 1.7 cm and surface to surface separation of 4.5 mm between target and attractor, which is consistent with the universality of $G$. A weak equivalence principle (WEP) violation parameter of $\eta_{Al-Cu}(r\sim 1\: \mathrm{cm})=(0.9 \pm 1.1_{\mathrm{sta}} \pm 4.9_{\mathrm{sys}}) \times 10^{-2} $ at the shortest range of around 1 cm was also obtained.

Majorana Neutrino as Bogoliubov Quasiparticle. (arXiv:1708.01438v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kazuo Fujikawa, Anca Tureanu, relevance 0.33

We suggest that the Majorana neutrino should be regarded as a Bogoliubov quasiparticle that is consistently understood only by use of a relativistic analogue of the Bogoliubov transformation. The unitary charge conjugation condition ${\cal C}\psi{\cal C}^{\dagger}=\psi$ is not maintained in the definition of a quantum Majorana fermion from a Weyl fermion. This is remedied by the Bogoliubov transformation accompanying a redefinition of the charge conjugation properties of vacuum, such that a C-noninvariant fermion number violating term (condensate) is converted to a Dirac mass. We also comment on the chiral symmetry of a Majorana fermion; a massless Majorana fermion is invariant under a global chiral transformation $\psi\rightarrow \exp[i\alpha\gamma_{5}]\psi$ and different Majorana fermions are distinguished by different chiral $U(1)$ charge assignments. The reversed process, namely, the definition of a Weyl fermion from a well-defined massless Majorana fermion is also briefly discussed.

Minimal surfaces in AdS C-metric. (arXiv:1708.01433v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Hao Xu, relevance 9.40

We shed some light on the field theory interpretation of C-metric by investigating the minimal surfaces which are homologous to the given boundary regions. The accelerating black holes change the asymptotic structure of the space-time. We focus on the geometry features of the minimal surface and study how deep it reaches into the bulk. The regularized area of the minimal surface is not well defined and we introduce a new quantity $D(m,\theta_0)$, defined as the minimal surface divided by the area of the given boundary region, to study the system.

Studies of a general asymptotically flat black hole/hairy black hole transition model with methods familiar from holography. (arXiv:1708.01411v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yan Peng, relevance 9.11

We study the asymptotically flat quasi-local black hole/hairy black hole model with nonzero mass of the scalar filed. We disclose effects of the scalar mass on transitions in a grand canonical ensemble with condensation behaviors of a parameter $\psi_{2}$ similar to approaches in holographic theories. We find that more negative scalar mass makes the phase transition easier to happen. We also obtain an analytical relation $\psi_{2}\varpropto(T_{c}-T)^{1/2}$ around the critical phase transition points implying a second order phase transition. Besides the parameter $\psi_{2}$, we show that metric solutions can be used to disclose properties of transitions. At last, we point out that black hole/hairy black hole transitions in a box are strikingly similar to holographic conductor/superconductor transitions.

Kochen-Specker theorem revisited. (arXiv:1708.01380v1 [quant-ph])
in hep-th by Del Rajan (Victoria University of Wellington), Matt Visser (Victoria University of Wellington), relevance 0.00

The Kochen-Specker theorem is a basic and fundamental 50 year old non-existence result affecting the foundations of quantum mechanix, strongly implying the lack of any meaningful notion of "quantum realism", and typically leading to discussions of "contextuality" in quantum physics. Original proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem proceeded via brute force counter-examples; often quite complicated and subtle (albeit mathematically "elementary") counter-examples. Only more recently have somewhat more "geometrical" proofs been developed. We present herein yet another simplified geometrical proof of the Kochen-Specker theorem, one that is valid for any number of dimensions, that minimizes the technical machinery involved, and makes the seriousness of the issues raised manifest.

Harvesting large scale entanglement in de Sitter space with multiple detectors. (arXiv:1708.01359v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Shingo Kukita, Yasusada Nambu, relevance 41.98

We consider entanglement harvesting in de Sitter space using a model of multiple qubit detectors. We obtain the formula of the entanglement negativity for this system. Applying the obtained formula, we find that it is possible to access to the entanglement on the super horizon scale if sufficiently large number of detectors are prepared. This result indicates the effect of the multipartite entanglement is crucial for detection of large scale entanglement in de Sitter space.

Self-gravitating oscillons and new critical behavior. (arXiv:1708.01344v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Taishi Ikeda, Chul-Moon Yoo, Vitor Cardoso, relevance 0.00

The dynamical evolution of self-interacting scalars is of paramount importance in cosmological settings, and can teach us about the content of Einstein's equations. In flat space, nonlinear scalar field theories can give rise to localized, non-singular, time-dependent, long-lived solutions called {\it oscillons}. Here, we discuss the effects of gravity on the properties and formation of these structures, described by a scalar field with a double well potential. We show that oscillons continue to exist even when gravity is turned on, and we conjecture that there exists a sequence of critical solutions with infinite lifetime. Our results suggest that a new type of critical behavior appears in this theory, characterized by modulations of the lifetime of the oscillon around the scaling law and the modulations of the amplitude of the critical solutions.

Relativistic (2,3)-threshold quantum secret sharing. (arXiv:1708.01339v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Mehdi Ahmadi, Ya-Dong Wu, Barry C. Sanders, relevance 0.93

In quantum secret sharing protocols, the usual presumption is that the distribution of quantum shares and players' collaboration are both performed inertially. Here we develop a quantum secret sharing protocol that relaxes these assumptions wherein we consider the effects due to the accelerating motion of the shares. Specifically, we solve the (2,3)-threshold continuous-variable quantum secret sharing in non-inertial frames. To this aim, we formulate the effect of relativistic motion on the quantum field inside a cavity as a bosonic quantum Gaussian channel. We investigate how the fidelity of quantum secret sharing is affected by non-uniform motion of the quantum shares. Furthermore, we fully characterize the canonical form of the Gaussian channel which can be utilized in quantum information processing protocols to include relativistic effects.

Boundary Holographic Witten Diagrams. (arXiv:1708.01328v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andreas Karch, Yoshiki Sato, relevance 15.56

In this paper we discuss geodesic Witten diagrams in generic holographic conformal field theories with boundary or defect. Boundary CFTs allow two different decompositions of two-point functions into conformal blocks: boundary channel and ambient channel. Building on earlier work, we derive a holographic dual of the boundary channel decomposition in terms of bulk-to-bulk propagators on lower dimensional AdS slices. In the situation in which we can treat the boundary or defect as a perturbation around pure AdS spacetime, we obtain the leading corrections to the two-point function both in boundary and ambient channel in terms of geodesic Witten diagrams which exactly reproduce the decomposition into corresponding conformal blocks on the field theory side.

The Spectrum of Permutation Orbifolds. (arXiv:1708.01258v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Christoph A. Keller, Beatrix J. Mühlmann, relevance 1.09

We study the spectrum of permutation orbifolds of 2d CFTs. We find examples where the light spectrum grows faster than Hagedorn, which is different from known cases such as symmetric orbifolds. We also describe how to compute their partition functions using a generalization of Hecke operators.

Gravitational waves from first-order phase transitions: Towards model separation by bubble nucleation rate. (arXiv:1708.01253v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ryusuke Jinno, Sangjun Lee, Hyeonseok Seong, Masahiro Takimoto, relevance 0.67

We study gravitational-wave production from bubble collisions in a cosmic first-order phase transition, focusing on the possibility of model separation by the bubble nucleation rate dependence of the resulting gravitational-wave spectrum. By using the method of relating the spectrum with the two-point correlator of the energy-momentum tensor $\left< T(x)T(y) \right>$, we first write down analytic expressions for the spectrum with a Gaussian correction to the commonly used nucleation rate, $\Gamma \propto e^{\beta t}\rightarrow e^{\beta t-\gamma^2t^2}$, under the thin-wall and envelope approximations. Then we quantitatively investigate how the spectrum changes with the size of the Gaussian correction. It is found that the spectral shape shows ${\mathcal O}(10)\%$ deviation from $\Gamma \propto e^{\beta t}$ case for some physically motivated scenarios. We also briefly discuss detector sensitivities required to distinguish different spectral shapes.

Appropriate Inner Product for PT-Symmetric Hamiltonians. (arXiv:1708.01247v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Philip D. Mannheim, relevance 0.54

A Hamiltonian $H$ that is not Hermitian can still have a real and complete energy eigenspectrum if it instead is $PT$ symmetric. For such Hamiltonians three possible inner products have been considered in the literature, the $V$ norm, the $PT$ norm, and the $C$ norm. Here $V$ is the operator that implements $VHV^{-1}=H^{\dagger}$, the $PT$ norm is the overlap of a state with its $PT$ conjugate, and $C$ is a discrete linear operator that always exists for any Hamiltonian that can be diagonalized. Here we show that it is the $V$ norm that is the most fundamental as it is always chosen by the theory itself. In addition we show that the $V$ norm is always equal to the $PT$ norm if one defines the $PT$ conjugate of a state to contain its intrinsic $PT$ phase. We discuss the conditions under which the $V$ norm coincides with the $C$ operator norm, and show that in general one should not use the linear $C$ operator but for the purposes that it is used one can instead use the antilinear $PT$ operator itself.

Electromagnetic $\delta$-function sphere. (arXiv:1708.01222v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Prachi Parashar, Kimball A. Milton, K. V. Shajesh, Iver Brevik, relevance 0.00

We develop a formalism to extend our previous work on the electromagnetic $\delta$-function plates to a spherical surface. The electric ($\lambda_e$) and magnetic ($\lambda_g$) couplings to the surface are through $\delta$-function potentials defining the dielectric permittivity and the diamagnetic permeability, with two anisotropic coupling tensors. The formalism incorporates dispersion. The electromagnetic Green's dyadic breaks up into transverse electric and transverse magnetic parts. We derive the Casimir interaction energy between two concentric $\delta$-function spheres in this formalism and show that it has the correct asymptotic flat plate limit. We systematically derive expressions for the Casimir self-energy and the total stress on a spherical shell using a $\delta$-function potential, properly regulated by temporal and spatial point-splitting, which are different from the conventional temporal point-splitting. In strong coupling, we recover the usual result for the perfectly conducting spherical shell but in addition, there is an integrated curvature-squared divergent contribution. For finite coupling, there are additional divergent contributions; in particular, there is a familiar logarithmic divergence occurring in the third order of the uniform asymptotic expansion that renders it impossible to extract a unique finite energy except in the case of an isorefractive sphere, which translates into $\lambda_g=-\lambda_e$.

On the Casimir scaling violation in the cusp anomalous dimension at small angle. (arXiv:1708.01221v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Andrey Grozin, Johannes Henn, Maximilian Stahlhofen, relevance 0.51

We compute the four-loop $n_f$ contribution proportional to the quartic Casimir of the QCD cusp anomalous dimension as an expansion for small cusp angle $\phi$. This piece is gauge invariant, violates Casimir scaling, and first appears at four loops. It requires the evaluation of genuine non-planar four-loop Feynman integrals. We present results up to ${\mathcal O}(\phi^4)$. One motivation for our calculation is to probe a recent conjecture on the all-order structure of the cusp anomalous dimension. As a byproduct we obtain the four-loop HQET wave function anomalous dimension for this color structure.

CMB constraints on the inflaton couplings and reheating temperature in $\alpha$-attractor inflation. (arXiv:1708.01197v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Marco Drewes, Jin U Kang, Ui Ri Mun, relevance 0.46

We study reheating in $\alpha$-attractor models of inflation in which the inflaton couples to other scalars or fermions. We show that the parameter space contains viable regions in which the inflaton couplings to radiation can be determined from the properties of CMB temperature fluctuations, in particular the spectral index. This may be the only way to measure these fundamental microphysical parameters, which shaped the universe by setting the initial temperature of the hot big bang and contain important information about the embedding of a given model of inflation into a more fundamental theory of physics. The method can be applied to other models of single field inflation.

Critical flavour number of the Thirring model in three dimensions. (arXiv:1708.01160v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Björn H. Wellegehausen, Daniel Schmidt, Andreas Wipf, relevance 0.41

The Thirring model is a four-fermion theory with a current-current interaction and $U(2N)$ chiral symmetry. It is closely related to three-dimensional QED and other models used to describe properties of graphene. In addition it serves as a toy model to study chiral symmetry breaking. In the limit of flavour number $N \to 1/2$ it is equivalent to the Gross-Neveu model, which shows a parity-breaking discrete phase transition. The model was already studied with different methods, including Dyson-Schwinger equations, functional renormalisation group methods and lattice simulations. Most studies agree that there is a phase transition from a symmetric phase to a spontaneously broken phase for a small number of fermion flavours, but no symmetry breaking for large $N$. But there is no consensus on the critical flavour number $N^\text{cr}$ above which there is no phase transition anymore and on further details of the critical behaviour. Values of $N$ found in the literature vary between $2$ and $7$.

All earlier lattice studies were performed with staggered fermions. Thus it is questionable if in the continuum limit the lattice model recovers the internal symmetries of the continuum model. We present new results from lattice Monte Carlo simulations of the Thirring model with SLAC fermions which exactly implement all internal symmetries of the continuum model even at finite lattice spacing. If we reformulate the model in an irreducible representation of the Clifford algebra, we find, in contradiction to earlier results, that the behaviour for even and odd flavour numbers is very different: For even flavour numbers, chiral and parity symmetry are always unbroken. For odd flavour numbers parity symmetry is spontaneously broken below the critical flavour number $N_\text{ir}^\text{cr}=9$ while chiral symmetry is still unbroken.

Early-universe cosmology in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. (arXiv:1708.01150v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Laura Sberna, relevance 1.39

Theoretical arguments and cosmological observations suggest that Einstein's theory of general relativity needs to be modified at high energies. One of the best motivated higher-curvature extensions of general relativity is Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, in which a scalar field is coupled to quadratic curvature invariants. This theory is inspired by an effective string-theory model and its predictions dramatically differ from Einstein's theory in high-curvature regions - such as the interior of black holes and the early universe - where it aims at resolving curvature singularities. In this work we derive cosmological solutions in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity for quadratic and for exponential coupling functions, and for any spatial curvature. We discuss already known solutions and find new nonsingular, inflationary, and bouncing solutions. We study the linear stability of these solutions and the absence of ghosts, finding that all the aforementioned solutions are unstable against tensor perturbations. We then introduce a simple, quadratic potential for the scalar field. In some cases the presence of a mass term cures the tensor instability. The proposed model is therefore a viable and attractive candidate for inflation, and one in which the scalar field is naturally provided by the gravitational sector.

Impact of New Physics on the EW vacuum stability in a curved spacetime background. (arXiv:1708.01138v1 [hep-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by E. Bentivegna, V. Branchina, F. Contino, D. Zappalà, relevance 13.15

It has been recently shown that, contrary to an intuitive decoupling argument, the presence of new physics at very large energy scales (say around the Planck scale) can have a strong impact on the electroweak vacuum lifetime. In particular, the vacuum could be totally destabilized. This study was performed in a flat spacetime background, and it is important to extend the analysis to curved spacetime since these are Planckian-physics effects. It is generally expected that under these extreme conditions gravity should totally quench the formation of true vacuum bubbles, thus washing out the destabilizing effect of new physics. In this work we extend the analysis to curved spacetime and show that, although gravity pushes toward stabilization, the destabilizing effect of new physics is still (by far) the dominating one. In order to get model independent results, high energy new physics is parametrized in two different independent ways: as higher order operators in the Higgs field, or introducing new particles with very large masses. The destabilizing effect is observed in both cases, hinting at a general mechanism that does not depend on the parametrization details for new physics, thus maintaining the results obtained from the analysis performed in flat spacetime.

Extended solutions for the biadjoint scalar field. (arXiv:1708.01103v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Pieter-Jan De Smet, Chris D. White, relevance 0.00

Biadjoint scalar field theories are increasingly important in the study of scattering amplitudes in various string and field theories. Recently, some first exact nonperturbative solutions of biadjoint scalar theory were presented, with a pure power-like form corresponding to isolated monopole-like objects located at the origin of space. In this paper, we find a novel family of extended solutions, involving non-trivial form factors that partially screen the divergent field at the origin. All previous solutions emerge as special cases.

Anisotropic Gravitational Collapse and Cosmic Jets. (arXiv:1708.01040v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Donato Bini, Carmen Chicone, Bahram Mashhoon, relevance 1.94

Consider a dynamic general relativistic spacetime in which the proper infinitesimal interval along one spatial coordinate direction decreases monotonically with time, while the corresponding intervals increase along other spatial directions. In a system undergoing such complete anisotropic collapse/expansion, we look for the formation of a cosmic double-jet configuration: free test particles in the ambient medium, relative to the collapsing system, gain energy from the gravitational field and asymptotically line up parallel and antiparallel to the direction of collapse such that their Lorentz factors approach infinity. A strong burst of electromagnetic radiation is expected to accompany this event if some of the free test particles carry electric charge. Previous work in this direction involved mainly Ricci-flat spacetimes; hence, we concentrate here on inhomogeneous perfect fluid spacetimes. We briefly explore the possible connection between these theoretical cosmic jets and astrophysical jets. We also discuss other general relativistic scenarios for the formation of cosmic jets.

Matching Renormalisation Schemes in Holography. (arXiv:1708.01037v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Shinji Hirano, relevance 0.61

In holography there is a one-to-one correspondence between physical observables in the bulk and boundary theories. To define physical observables, however, regularisation needs to be implemented in both sides of the correspondence. It is arguable whether the correspondence should extend to regularisation and renormalisation scheme which are not physical in the conventional sense. However, if we are to take the renormalisation group (RG) interpretation of holography seriously, its precise understanding appears to require the matching of regularisations and renormalisation schemes in the bulk and boundary theories. We address this question in the AdS_5/CFT_4 correspondence by considering a simplest physical quantity, the Casimir energy of the N=4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory on R x S^3, in a {\zeta}-function regularisation and show that there are choices of scheme which match the bulk AdS result including the radial cutoff dependent corrections when the cutoff is kept finite. We further discuss the implication of this result to the RG interpretation of holography.

Calculating Observables in Inhomogeneous Cosmologies I: General Framework. (arXiv:1708.01031v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Charles Hellaby, Anthony Walters, relevance 1.71

We lay out a general framework for calculating the variation of a set of cosmological observables, down the past null cone of an arbitrarily placed observer, in a given arbitrary inhomogeneous metric. The observables include redshift, proper motions, area distance and redshift-space density. Of particular interest are observables that are zero in the spherically symmetric case, such as proper motions. The algorithm is based on the null geodesic equation and the geodesic deviation equation, and it is tailored to creating a practical numerical implementation. The algorithm provides a method for tracking which light rays connect moving objects to the observer at successive times. Our algorithm is applied to the particular case of the Szekeres metric. A numerical implementation has been created and some results will be presented in a subsequent paper. Future work will explore the range of possibilities.

Elementary particles with continuous spin. (arXiv:1708.01030v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Xavier Bekaert, Evgeny D. Skvortsov, relevance 2.94

Classical results and recent developments on the theoretical description of elementary particles with "continuous" spin are reviewed. At free level, these fields are described by unitary irreducible representations of the isometry group (either Poincar\'e or anti de Sitter group) with an infinite number of physical degrees of freedom per spacetime point. Their basic group-theoretical and field-theoretical descriptions are reviewed in some details. We mention a list of open issues which are crucial to address for assessing their physical status and potential relevance.

Hydrogen-like Spectrum of Spontaneously Created Brane Universes with deSitter Ground State. (arXiv:1708.00987v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Aharon Davidson, relevance 0.92

Unification of Randall-Sundrum and Regge-Teitelboim brane cosmologies gives birth to a serendipitous Higgs-deSitter interplay. A localized Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati scalar field, governed by a particular (analytically derived) double-well quartic potential, becomes a mandatory ingredient for supporting a deSitter brane universe. When upgraded to a general Higgs potential, the brane surface tension gets quantized, resembling a Hydrogen atom spectrum, with deSitter universe serving as the ground state. This reflects the local/global structure of the Euclidean manifold: From finite energy density no-boundary initial conditions, via a novel acceleration divide filter, to exact matching conditions at the exclusive nucleation point. Imaginary time periodicity comes as a bonus, with the associated Hawking temperature vanishing at the continuum limit. Upon spontaneous creation, while a finite number of levels describe universes dominated by a residual dark energy combined with damped matter oscillations, an infinite tower of excited levels undergo a Big Crunch.

Aharonov-Bohm Scattering by Vortices of Dimensionally-Reduced Yang-Mills Field. (arXiv:1708.00963v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Kiyoshi Shiraishi, Atsushi Nakamula, relevance 1.50

If two dimensions of six-dimensional space-time are compactified, a topological configuration of Yang-Mills gauge field appears as a cosmic string in four dimensions, whose thickness is of the same order as the size of the compact space. We consider scattering of low-energy fermions by this object.

Marginally Trapped Surfaces and AdS/CFT. (arXiv:1708.00957v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Brianna Grado-White, Donald Marolf, relevance 42.62

It has been proposed that the areas of marginally trapped or anti-trapped surfaces (also known as leaves of holographic screens) may encode some notion of entropy. To connect this to AdS/CFT, we study the case of marginally trapped surfaces anchored to an AdS boundary. We establish that such boundary-anchored leaves lie between the causal and extremal surfaces defined by the anchor and that they have area bounded below by that of the minimal extremal surface. This suggests that the area of any leaf represents a coarse-grained von Neumann entropy for the associated region of the dual CFT. We further demonstrate that the leading area-divergence of a boundary-anchored marginally trapped surface agrees with that for the associated extremal surface, though subleading divergences generally differ. Finally, we generalize an argument of Bousso and Engelhardt to show that holographic screens with all leaves anchored to the same boundary set have leaf-areas that increase monotonically along the screen, and we describe a construction through which this monotonicity can take the more standard form of requiring entropy to increase with boundary time. This construction is related to what one might call future causal holographic information, which in such cases also provides an upper bound on the area of the associated leaves.

Null Geometry and the Penrose Conjecture. (arXiv:1708.00941v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Hubert L. Bray, Henri P. Roesch, relevance 19.18

In this paper, we survey recent progress on the Null Penrose Conjecture, including a proof of the conjecture for smooth null cones that are foliated by doubly convex spheres.

Phantom wormholes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory. (arXiv:1708.00935v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Prieslei Goulart, relevance 9.19

In this paper we give an electrically charged traversable wormhole solution for the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory when the dilaton is a phantom field, i.e. it has flipped sign kinetic term appearing in the action. In the limit when the charge is zero, we recover the anti-Fisher solution, which can be reduced to the Bronnikov-Ellis solution under certain choices of integration constants. The equations of motion of this theory share the same S-duality invariance of string theory, so the electrically charged solution is rotated into the magnetically charged one by applying such transformations. The scalar field is topological, so we compute its topological charge, and discuss that under appropriate boundary conditions we can have a lump, a kink, or an anti-kink profile. We determine the position of the throat, and show the embedding diagram of the wormhole. As a physical application, we apply the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to compute the deflection angle of a light-ray that passes close to the wormhole.

The First Detection of Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:1708.00918v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Andrzej Królak, Mandar Patil, relevance 3.04

This article deals with the first detection of gravitational waves by the advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors on 14 September 2015, where the signal was generated by two stellar mass black holes with masses 36 $ M_{\odot}$ and 29 $ M_{\odot}$ that merged to form a 62 $ M_{\odot}$ black hole, releasing 3 $M_{\odot}$ energy in gravitational waves, almost 1.3 billion years ago. We begin by providing a brief overview of gravitational waves, their sources and the gravitational wave detectors. We then describe in detail the first detection of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger. We then comment on the electromagnetic follow up of the detection event with various telescopes. Finally, we conclude with the discussion on the tests of gravity and fundamental physics with the first gravitational wave detection event.

Vertex Algebras for S-duality. (arXiv:1708.00875v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Thomas Creutzig, Davide Gaiotto, relevance 2.81

We define new deformable families of vertex operator algebras $\mathfrak{A}[\mathfrak{g}, \Psi, \sigma]$ associated to a large set of S-duality operations in four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory. They are defined as algebras of protected operators for two-dimensional supersymmetric junctions which interpolate between a Dirichlet boundary condition and its S-duality image. The $\mathfrak{A}[\mathfrak{g}, \Psi, \sigma]$ VOAs are equipped with two $\mathfrak{g}$ affine vertex subalgebras whose levels are related by the S-duality operation. They compose accordingly under a natural convolution operation and can be used to define an action of the S-duality operations on a certain space of VOAs equipped with a $\mathfrak{g}$ affine vertex subalgebra. We give a self-contained definition of the S-duality action on that space of VOAs. The space of conformal blocks (in the derived sense, i.e. chiral homology) for $\mathfrak{A}[\mathfrak{g}, \Psi, \sigma]$ is expected to play an important role in a broad generalization of the quantum Geometric Langlands program. Namely, we expect the S-duality action on VOAs to extend to an action on the corresponding spaces of conformal blocks. This action should coincide with and generalize the usual quantum Geometric Langlands correspondence. The strategy we use to define the $\mathfrak{A}[\mathfrak{g}, \Psi, \sigma]$ VOAs is of broader applicability and leads to many new results and conjectures about deformable families of VOAs.

Spread of entanglement in a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev chain. (arXiv:1708.00871v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Yingfei Gu, Andrew Lucas, Xiao-Liang Qi, relevance 18.13

We study the spread of R\'enyi entropy between two halves of a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) chain of Majorana fermions, prepared in a thermofield double (TFD) state. The SYK chain model is a model of chaotic many-body systems, which describes a one-dimensional lattice of Majorana fermions, with spatially local random quartic interaction. We find that for integer R\'enyi index $n>1$, the R\'enyi entanglement entropy saturates at a parametrically smaller value than expected. This implies that the TFD state of the SYK chain does not rapidly thermalize, despite being maximally chaotic: instead, it rapidly approaches a prethermal state. We compare our results to the signatures of thermalization observed in other quenches in the SYK model, and to intuition from nearly-$\mathrm{AdS}_2$ gravity.

Anomalous Dimensions for Boundary Conserved Currents in Holography via the Caffarelli-Silvestri Mechanism for p-forms. (arXiv:1708.00863v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Gabriele La Nave, Philip Phillips, relevance 1.67

Although it is well known that the Ward identities prohibit anomalous dimensions for conserved currents in local field theories, a claim from certain holographic models involving bulk dilaton couplings is that the gauge field associated with the boundary current can acquire an anomalous dimension. We resolve this conundrum by showing that all the bulk actions that produce anomalous dimensions for the conserved current generate non-local actions at the boundary. In particular, the Maxwell equations are fractional. To prove this, we generalize to p-forms the Caffarelli/Silvestre (CS) extension theorem. In the context of scalar fields, this theorem demonstrates that second-order elliptic differential equations in the upper half-plane in ${\mathbb R}_+^{n+1}$ reduce to one with the fractional Laplacian, $\Delta^\gamma$, when one of the dimensions is eliminated. From the p-form generalization of the CS extension theorem, we show that at the boundary of the relevant holographic models, a fractional gauge theory emerges with equations of motion of the form, $\Delta ^\gamma A^t= 0$ with $\gamma$ $\in R$ and $A^t$ the boundary components of the gauge field. The corresponding field strength $F = d_\gamma A^t= d\Delta ^\frac{\gamma-1}{2} A^t$ is invariant under $A^t \rightarrow A^t+ d_\gamma \Lambda$ with the fractional differential given by

$d_\gamma \equiv (\Delta)^\frac{\gamma-1}{2}d$, implying that $[A^t]=\gamma$ which is in general not unity.

Perturbative contributions to Wilson loops in twisted lattice boxes and reduced models. (arXiv:1708.00841v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Margarita García Pérez, Antonio González-Arroyo, Masanori Okawa, relevance 0.45

We compute the perturbative expression of Wilson loops up to order $g^4$ for SU($N$) lattice gauge theories with Wilson action on a finite box with twisted boundary conditions. Our formulas are valid for any dimension and any irreducible twist. They contain as a special case that of the 4-dimensional Twisted Eguchi-Kawai model for a symmetric twist with flux $k$. Our results allow us to analyze the finite volume corrections as a function of the flux. In particular, one can quantify the approach to volume independence at large $N$ as a function of flux $k$. The contribution of fermion fields in the adjoint representation is also analyzed.

On the Renormalization Group perspective of $\alpha$-attractors. (arXiv:1708.00830v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Gaurav Narain, relevance 0.00

In this short paper we outline a recipe for the reconstruction of $F(R)$ gravity starting from single field inflationary potentials in the Einstein frame. For simple potentials one can compute the explicit form of $F(R)$, whilst for more involved examples one gets a parametric form of $F(R)$. The $F(R)$ reconstruction algorithm is used to study various examples: power-law $\phi^n$, exponential and $\alpha$-attractors. In each case it is seen that for large $R$ (corresponding to large value of inflaton field), $F(R) \sim R^2$. For the case of $\alpha$-attractors $F(R) \sim R^2$ for all values of inflaton field (for all values of $R$) as $\alpha\to0$. For generic inflaton potential $V(\phi)$, it is seen that if $V^\prime/V \to0$ (for some $\phi$) then the corresponding $F(R) \sim R^2$. We then study $\alpha$-attractors in more detail using non-perturbative renormalisation group methods to analyse the reconstructed $F(R)$. It is seen that $\alpha\to0$ is an ultraviolet stable fixed point of the renormalisation group trajectories.

Modified Wigner equations and continuous spin gauge field. (arXiv:1708.00827v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mojtaba Najafizadeh, relevance 5.63

In this paper, we first propose the bosonic (fermionic) modified Wigner equations for continuous spin particle (CSP). Secondly, starting from the (Fang-)Fronsdal-like equation, we will reach to the modified action of bosonic (fermionic) continuous spin gauge field in flat spacetime, presented recently by Metsaev in A(dS) spacetime. We shall also explain how to obtain the proposed modified Wigner equations from the gauge-fixed equations of motion. Finally, we will consider the massive bosonic (fermionic) higher-spin action and, by taking the infinite spin limit, we will arrive at the modified bosonic (fermionic) CSP action.

Isotropic quantum walks on lattices and the Weyl equation. (arXiv:1708.00826v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano, Marco Erba, Paolo Perinotti, relevance 0.00

We present a thorough classification of the isotropic quantum walks on lattices of dimension $d=1,2,3$ for cell dimension $s=2$. For $d=3$ there exist two isotropic walks, namely the Weyl quantum walks presented in Ref. [G. M. D'Ariano and P. Perinotti, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062106 (2014)], resulting in the derivation of the Weyl equation from informational principles. The present analysis, via a crucial use of isotropy, is significantly shorter and avoids a superfluous technical assumption, making the result completely general.

Localization of binary mergers with gravitational-wave detectors of second and third generation. (arXiv:1708.00806v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Joseph Mills, Vaibhav Tiwari, Stephen Fairhurst, relevance 0.65

The observation of gravitational wave signals from binary black hole mergers has established the field of gravitational wave astronomy. It is expected that future networks of gravitational wave detectors will possess great potential in probing various aspects of astronomy. An important consideration for successive improvement of current detectors or establishment on new sites is knowledge of the minimum number of detectors required to perform precision astronomy. We attempt to answer this question by assessing ability of future detector networks in detecting and localizing binary neutron stars mergers in the sky. This is an important aspect as a good localization ability is crucial for many of the scientific goals of gravitational wave astronomy, such as electromagnetic follow-up, measuring the properties of compact binaries throughout cosmic history, and cosmology. We find that although two detectors at improved sensitivity are sufficient to get a substantial increase in the number of observed signals, at least three detectors of comparable sensitivity are required to localize majority of the signals, typically to within around 10 deg$^{2}$ --- adequate for follow-up with most wide field of view optical telescopes.

Comment on "Acceleration of particles to high energy via gravitational repulsion in the Schwarzschild field" [Astropart. Phys. 86 (2017) 18-20]. (arXiv:1708.00799v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Alessandro D. A. M. Spallicci, relevance 3.24

Comments are due on a recent paper by McGruder III (2017) in which the author deals with the concept of gravitational repulsion in the context of the Schwarzschild-Droste solution. Repulsion (deceleration) for ingoing particles into a black hole is a concept proposed several times starting from Droste himself in 1916. It is a coordinate effect appearing to an observer at a remote distance from the black hole and when coordinate time is employed. Repulsion has no bearing and relation to the local physics of the black hole, and moreover it cannot be held responsible for accelerating outgoing particles. Thereby, the energy boost of cosmic rays cannot be produced by repulsion.

Quantum Black Holes. (arXiv:1708.00748v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Badis Ydri, relevance 27.34

This article is divided into three parts. First, a systematic derivation of the Hawking radiation is given in three different ways. The information loss problem is then discussed in great detail. The last part contains a concise discussion of black hole thermodynamics. This article was published as chapter $6$ of the IOP book "Lectures on General Relativity, Cosmology and Quantum Black Holes" (July $2017$).

Review of M(atrix)-Theory, Type IIB Matrix Model and Matrix String Theory. (arXiv:1708.00734v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Badis Ydri, relevance 1.67

A review of M-(atrix) theory (the BFFS matrix quantum mechanics), type IIB matrix model (the IKKT matrix model) and Matrix String Theory (the DVV matrix gauge theory) is presented.

Graviton multi-point amplitudes for higher-derivative gravity in anti-de Sitter space. (arXiv:1708.00705v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by M.M.W. Shawa, A.J.M. Medved, relevance 15.14

We calculate graviton multi-point amplitudes in an anti-de Sitter black brane background for higher-derivative gravity of arbitrary order in numbers of derivatives. The calculations are performed using tensor graviton modes in a particular regime of comparatively high energies and large scattering angles. The regime simplifies the calculations but, at the same time, is well suited for translating these results into the language of the dually related gauge theory. After considering theories of up to eight derivatives, we generalize to even higher-derivative theories by constructing a "basis" for the relevant scattering amplitudes. This construction enables one to find the basic form of the n-point amplitude for arbitrary n and any number of derivatives. Additionally, using the four-point amplitudes for six and eight-derivative gravity, we re-express the scattering properties in terms of the Mandelstam variables.

A guide to two-dimensional conformal field theory. (arXiv:1708.00680v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Joerg Teschner, relevance 4.94

This is a review of two-dimensional conformal field theory including some of the relations to integrable models. An effort is made to develop the basic formalism in a way which is as elementary and flexible as possible at the same time. Some advanced topics like conformal field theory on higher genus surfaces and relations to the isomonodromic deformation problem are discussed, for other topics we offer a first guide to the literature.

Projected constraints on the dispersion of gravitational waves using advanced ground- and space-based interferometers. (arXiv:1708.00671v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Anuradha Samajdar, K. G. Arun, relevance 0.61

Certain alternative theories of gravity predict that gravitational waves will disperse as they travel from the source to the observer. The recent binary black hole observations by Advanced-LIGO have set limits on a modified dispersion relation from the constraints on their effects on gravitational-wave propagation. Using an identical modified dispersion, of the form $E^2=p^2c^2+{\mathbb A}\; p^{\alpha} c^{\alpha}$, where ${\mathbb A}$ denotes the magnitude of dispersion and $E$ and $p$ are the energy and momentum of the gravitational wave, we estimate the projected constraints on the modified dispersion from observations of compact binary mergers by third- generation ground-based detectors such as the Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer as well as the space-based detector Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. We find that third-generation detectors would bound dispersion of gravitational waves much better than their second-generation counterparts. The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, with its extremely good low-frequency sensitivity, would place stronger constraints than the ground-based detectors for $\alpha \leq 1$, whereas for $\alpha > 1$, the bounds are weaker. We also study the effect of the spins of the compact binary constituents on the bounds.

Universality of tunnelling particles in Hawking radiation. (arXiv:1708.00661v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Harold Erbin, Vincent Lahoche, relevance 14.29

The complex path (or Hamilton-Jacobi) approach to Hawking radiation corresponds to the intuitive picture of particles tunnelling through the horizon and forming a thermal radiation. This method computes the tunnelling rate of a given particle from its equation of motion and equates it to the Boltzmann distribution of the radiation from which the Hawking temperature is identified. In agreement with the original derivation by Hawking and the other approaches, it has been checked case by case that the temperature is indeed universal for a number of backgrounds and the tunnelling of particles from spin $0$ to $1$ (and in some cases with spin $3/2$ and $2$). In this letter we give a general proof that the temperature is indeed equal for all (massless and massive) particles with spin from $0$ to $2$ on an arbitrary background (limited to be Einstein for spin greater than $1$) in any number of dimensions. Moreover we propose a general argument to extend this result to any spin greater than $2$.

Lattice oscillator model on noncommutative space, eigenvalues problem for the perturbation theory. (arXiv:1708.00655v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Sêcloka Lazare Guedezounme, Antonin Danvidé Kanfon, Dine Ousmane Samary, relevance 1.56

Harmonic oscillator in noncommutative two dimensional lattice are investigated. Using the properties of non-differential calculus and its applications to quantum mechanics, we provide the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the corresponding Hamiltonian. First we consider the case of ordinary quantum mechanics, and we point out the thermodynamic properties of the model. Then we consider the same question when both coordinates and momentums are noncommutative.

Simulation strategies for the massless lattice Schwinger model in the dual formulation. (arXiv:1708.00649v1 [hep-lat])
in hep-th by Daniel Göschl, Christof Gattringer, Alexander Lehmann, Christoph Weis, relevance 0.17

The dual form of the massless Schwinger model on the lattice overcomes the complex action problems from two sources: a topological term, as well as non-zero chemical potential, making these physically interesting cases accessible to Monte Carlo simulations. The partition function is represented as a sum over fermion loops, dimers and plaquette-surfaces such that all contributions are real and positive. However, these new variables constitute a highly constrained system and suitable update strategies have to be developed. In this exploratory study we present an approach based on locally growing plaquette-surfaces surrounded by fermion loop segments combined with a worm based strategy for updating chains of dimers, as well as winding fermion loops. The update strategy is checked with conventional simulations as well as reference data from exact summation on small volumes and we discuss some physical implications of the results.

Lie and Noether point Symmetries for a Class of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. (arXiv:1708.00619v1 [math.CA])
in gr-qc by Leonidas Karpathopoulos, Andronikos Paliathanasis, Michael Tsamparlis, relevance 0.00

We prove two general theorems which determine the Lie and the Noether point symmetries for the equations of motion of a dynamical system which moves in a general Riemannian space under the action of a time dependent potential $W(t,x)=\omega(t)V(x)$. We apply the theorems to the case of a time dependent central potential and the harmonic oscillator and determine all Lie and Noether point symmetries. Finally we prove that these theorems also apply to the case of a dynamical system with linear dumping and study two examples.

Holographic Entanglement Negativity for Adjacent Subsystems in $\mathrm{AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d}$. (arXiv:1708.00612v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Parul Jain, Vinay Malvimat, Sayid Mondal, Gautam Sengupta, relevance 26.92

We establish our recently proposed holographic entanglement negativity conjecture for mixed states of adjacent subsystems in conformal field theories with concrete higher dimensional examples. In this context we compute the holographic entanglement negativity for mixed states of adjacent subsystems in $d$-dimensional conformal field theories dual to bulk $AdS_{d+1}$ vacuum and $AdS_{d+1}$-Schwarzschild black holes. These representative examples provide strong indication for the universality of our conjecture which affirms significant implication for diverse applications.

Recovering a MOND-like acceleration law in mimetic gravity. (arXiv:1708.00603v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Sunny Vagnozzi, relevance 0.64

We reconsider the recently proposed mimetic gravity, focusing in particular on whether the theory is able to reproduce the inferred flat rotation curves of galaxies. We extend the theory by adding a non-minimal coupling between matter and mimetic field. Such coupling leads to the appearance of an extra force which renders the motion of test particles non-geodesic. By studying the weak field limit of the resulting equations of motion, we demonstrate that in the Newtonian limit the acceleration law induced by the non-minimal coupling reduces to a Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)-like one. In this way, it is possible to reproduce the successes of MOND, namely the explanation for the flat galactic rotation curves and the Tully-Fisher relation, within the framework of mimetic gravity, without the need for particle dark matter. The scale-dependence of the recovered acceleration scale opens up the possibility of addressing the missing mass problem not only on galactic but also on cluster scales: we defer a full study of this issue, together with a complete analysis of fits to spiral galaxy rotation curves, to an upcoming companion paper.

Application of Time Transfer Functions to Gaia's global astrometry - Validation on DPAC simulated Gaia-like observations. (arXiv:1708.00541v1 [astro-ph.IM])
in gr-qc by Stefano Bertone, Alberto Vecchiato, Beatrice Bucciarelli, Mariateresa Crosta, Mario G. Lattanzi, Luca Bianchi, Marie-Christine Angonin, Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte, relevance 0.20

A key objective of the ESA Gaia satellite is the realization of a quasi-inertial reference frame at visual wavelengths by means of global astrometric techniques. This requires an accurate mathematical and numerical modeling of relativistic light propagation, as well as double-blind-like procedures for the internal validation of the results, before they are released to the scientific community at large. Aim of this work is to specialize the Time Transfer Functions (TTF) formalism to the case of the Gaia observer and prove its applicability to the task of Global Sphere Reconstruction (GSR), in anticipation of its inclusion in the GSR system, already featuring the suite of RAMOD models, as an additional semi-external validation of the forthcoming Gaia baseline astrometric solutions. We extend the current GSR framework and software infrastructure (GSR2) to include TTF relativistic observation equations compatible with Gaia's operations. We use simulated data generated by the Gaia Data Reduction and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) to obtain different least-squares estimations of the full stellar spheres and gauge results. These are compared to analogous solutions obtained with the current RAMOD model in GSR2 and to the catalog generated with GREM, the model baselined for Gaia and used to generate the DPAC synthetic data. Linearized least-squares TTF solutions are based on spheres of about 132,000 primary stars uniformly distributed on the sky and simulated observations spanning the entire 5-yr range of Gaia's nominal operational lifetime. The statistical properties of the results compare well with those of GREM. Finally, comparisons to RAMOD@GSR2 solutions confirmed the known lower accuracy of that model and allowed us to establish firm limits on the quality of the linearization point outside of which an iteration for non-linearity is required for its proper convergence.

Wavepackets on de Sitter spacetime. (arXiv:1708.00538v1 [math-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by João C. A. Barata, Marcos Brum, relevance 29.44

We construct and analyze the asymptotic behaviour of wavepackets on de Sitter spacetime, whose masses are consistently defined from the eigenvalues of a Casimir element in the universal enveloping algebra of the Lorentz algebra. Furthermore, we show that, in the limit as the de Sitter radius tends to infinity, the wavepackets tend to the wavepackets of Minkowski spacetime and the plane waves arising after contraction have support sharply located on the mass shell.

A remark on generalized complete intersections. (arXiv:1708.00517v1 [math.AG])
in hep-th by Alice Garbagnati, Bert van Geemen, relevance 0.00

We observe that an interesting method to produce non-complete intersection subvarieties, the generalized complete intersections from L. Anderson and coworkers, can be understood and made explicit by using standard Cech cohomology machinery. We include a worked example of a generalized complete intersection Calabi-Yau threefold.

Straight spinning cosmic strings in Brans-Dicke gravity. (arXiv:1708.00507v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by S. Mittmann dos Santos, J. M. Hoff da Silva, J. L. Cindra, relevance 0.99

It is presented an exact solution of straight spinning cosmic strings in Brans-Dicke theory of gravitation. The possibility of the existence of closed timelike curves around these cosmic strings is analyzed. Furthermore, the stability about the formation of the topological defect discussed here is checked. It is shown the existence of a suitable choice for the integration constants in which closed timelike curves are not allowed. We also verify if it is possible that the obtained spacetime can be the source that describes the observed rotational curves in some galaxies.

A cosmological open quantum system. (arXiv:1708.00493v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Sarah Shandera, Nishant Agarwal, Archana Kamal, relevance 1.23

We derive the evolution equation for the density matrix of a UV- and IR- limited band of comoving momentum modes of the canonically normalized scalar degree of freedom in two examples of nearly de Sitter universes. Including the effects of a cubic interaction term from the gravitational action and tracing out a set of longer wavelength modes, we find that the evolution of the system is non-Hamiltonian and non-Markovian. We find linear dissipation terms for a few modes with wavelength near the boundary between system and bath and nonlinear dissipation terms for all modes. The non-Hamiltonian terms persist to late times when the scalar field dynamics is such that the curvature perturbation continues to evolve on super-Hubble scales.

Galileon string measure and other modified measure extended objects. (arXiv:1708.00458v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by T.O. Vulfs, E.I. Guendelman, relevance 1.16

We show that it is possible to formulate string theory as a "Galileon string theory". The galileon field $\chi$ enters in the definition of the integration measure in the action. Following the methods of the modified measure string theory, we find that the final equations are again those of Polyakov. Moreover, the string tension appears again as an additional dynamical degree of freedom. At the same time the theory satisfies all requirements of the galileon higher derivative theory at the action level while the equations of motion are still of the second order. A galileon symmetry is displayed explicitly in the conformal string worldsheet frame. Also we define the galileon gauge transformations. Generalizations to branes with other modified measures are discussed.

Bayes Keeps Boltzmann Brains at Bay. (arXiv:1708.00449v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Don N. Page, relevance 0.00

Sean Carroll has recently argued that theories predicting that observations are dominated by Boltzmann Brains should be rejected because they are cognitively unstable: "they cannot simultaneously be true and justifiably believed." While such Boltzmann Brain theories are indeed cognitively unstable, one does not need to appeal to this argumentation to reject them. Instead, they may be ruled out by conventional Bayesian reasoning, which is sufficient to keep Boltzmann Brains at bay.

Expanding the Bethe/Gauge Dictionary. (arXiv:1708.00445v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Mathew Bullimore, Hee-Cheol Kim, Tomasz Lukowski, relevance 6.56

We expand the Bethe/Gauge dictionary between the XXX Heisenberg spin chain and 2d N = (2,2) supersymmetric gauge theories to include aspects of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. We construct the wave functions of off-shell Bethe states as orbifold defects in the A-twisted supersymmetric gauge theory and study their correlation functions. We also present an alternative description of off-shell Bethe states as boundary conditions in an effective N = 4 supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Finally, we interpret spin chain R-matrices as correlation functions of Janus interfaces for mass parameters in the supersymmetric quantum mechanics.

Green's functions and Hadamard parametrices for vector and tensor fields in general linear covariant gauges. (arXiv:1708.00444v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Markus B. Fröb, Mojtaba Taslimi Tehrani, relevance 5.57

We determine the Green's functions and Hadamard parametrices in curved spacetimes for linearized massive and massless gauge bosons and linearized Einstein gravity with a cosmological constant in general linear covariant gauges. These vector and tensor parametrices are more singular than their Feynman/de Donder-gauge counterpart, with the most singular part proportional to $\sigma^{-2}$ and $\sigma^{-3}$, respectively. We also give explicit recursion relations for the Hadamard coefficients, and indicate their generalization to $n$ dimensions. Furthermore, we express the divergence and trace of the vector and tensor Green's functions in terms of derivatives of scalar and vector Green's functions, and show how these relations appear as Ward identities in the free quantum theory.

CMB in the river-frame and gauge invariance at second-order. (arXiv:1708.00441v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Omar Roldan, relevance 5.81

GAUGE INVARIANCE: The Sachs-Wolfe formula describing the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies is one of the most important relations in cosmology. Despite its importance, the gauge invariance of this formula has only been discussed at first order. Here we discuss the subtle issue of second-order gauge transformations on the CMB. By introducing two rules (needed to handle the subtle issues), we prove the gauge invariance of the second-order Sachs-Wolfe formula and provide several compact expressions which can be useful for the study of gauge transformations on cosmology. THE RIVER-FRAME: we introduce a cosmological frame which we call the river-frame. In this frame, photons and any object can be thought as fishes swimming in the river and relations are easily expressed in either the metric or the covariant formalism then ensuring a transparent geometric meaning. Finally, our results show that the river-frame is useful to make perturbative and non-perturbative analysis. In particular, it was already used to obtain the fully nonlinear generalization of the Sachs-Wolfe formula and is used here to describe second-order perturbations.

Thermal Fluctuations in a Hyperscaling Violation Background. (arXiv:1708.00438v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Behnam Pourhassan, Mir Faizal, Sudhaker Upadhyay, Lina Al Asfar, relevance 17.23

In this paper, we study the effect of thermal fluctuations on the thermodynamics of a black geometry with hyperscaling violation. These thermal fluctuations in the thermodynamics of this system are produced from quantum corrections of geometry describing this system. We discuss the stability of this system using specific heat and the entire Hessian matrix of the free energy. We will analyze the effects of thermal fluctuations on the stability of this system. We also analyze the effects of thermal fluctuations on the criticality of the Hyperscaling violation background.

Asymptotically Safe Standard Model Extensions. (arXiv:1708.00437v1 [hep-ph])
in hep-th by Giulio Maria Pelaggi, Alexis D. Plascencia, Alberto Salvio, Francesco Sannino, Juri Smirnov, Alessandro Strumia, relevance 0.47

We construct asymptotically safe extensions of the Standard Model. The weak and hypercharge gauge couplings are made safe adding a large number of extra charged fermions. To achieve safety also in the Higgs self-coupling, the minimal construction features a right-handed neutrino around 10^14 GeV. A natural variant, with all new masses close to the Fermi scale, is obtained by implementing a TeV-scale double see-saw mechanism. We also construct models featuring dynamical generation of scales that include Dark Matter candidates. The large extra degrees of freedom allow for intriguing atypical phenomenological scenarios, such as cold Dark Matter arising from a relativistic freeze-out.

Hofstadter's Butterfly and Langlands Duality. (arXiv:1708.00436v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])
in hep-th by Kazuki Ikeda, relevance 0.00

We dig out a deeper mathematical structure of the quantum Hall system from a perspective of the Langlands program. An algebraic expression of the Hamiltonian with the quantum group is a cornerstone. The Langlands duality of the quantum group sheds light on the fractal structure of Hofstadter's butterfly. This would imply a "quantum Langlands duality".

Gravitational Wave Searches for Aligned-Spin Binary Neutron Stars Using Nonspinning Templates. (arXiv:1708.00426v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Hee-Suk Cho, Chang-Hwan Lee, relevance 0.00

We study gravitational wave searches for merging binary neutron stars (NSs). We use nonspinning template waveforms towards the signals emitted from aligned-spin NS-NS binaries, in which the spins of the NSs are aligned with the orbital angular momentum. We use the TaylorF2 waveform model, which can generate inspiral waveforms emitted from aligned-spin compact binaries. We employ the single effective spin parameter $\chi_{\rm eff}$ to represent the effect of two component spins ($\chi_1, \chi_2$) on the wave function. For a target system, we choose a binary consisting of the same component masses of $1.4 M_{\odot}$ and consider the spins up to $\chi_i= 0.4$, We investigate fitting factors of the nonspinning templates to evaluate their efficiency in gravitational wave searches for the aligned-spin NS-NS binaries. We find that the templates can achieve the fitting factors exceeding $0.97$ only for the signals in the range of $-0.2 \lesssim \chi_{\rm eff} \lesssim 0$. Therefore, we demonstrate the necessity of using aligned-spin templates not to lose the signals outside that range. We also show how much the recovered total mass can be biased from the true value depending on the spin of the signal.

Quantum Hall Effect and Langlands Program. (arXiv:1708.00419v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Kazuki Ikeda, relevance 0.41

Recent advances in the Langlands program shed light on a vast area of modern mathematics from an unconventional viewpoint, including number theory, gauge theory, representation, knot theory and etc. By applying to physics, these novel perspectives endow with a unified account of the (integer/ fractional) quantum Hall effect. The plateaus of the Hall conductance are described by Hecke eigensheaves of the geometric Langlands correspondence. Especially, the particle-vortex duality, which is explained by S-duality of Chern-Simons theory, corresponds to the Langlands duality in Wilson and Hecke operators. Moreover the Langlands duality in the quantum group associated with the Hamiltonian describes fractal energy spectrum structure, know as Hofstadter's butterfly. These results suggest that the Langlands program has many physically realistic meanings.

Anisotropic solutions by gravitational decoupling. (arXiv:1708.00407v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by J Ovalle, R Casadio, R da Rocha, A Sotomayor, relevance 0.00

We investigate the extension of isotropic interior solutions for static self-gravitating systems to include the effects of anisotropic spherically symmetric gravitational sources by means of the gravitational decoupling realised via the minimal geometric deformation approach. In particular, the matching conditions at the star surface with the outer Schwarzschild space-time are studied in great details, and we describe how to generate, from a single physically acceptable isotropic solution, new families of anisotropic solutions whose physical acceptability is also inherited from their isotropic parent.

First higher-multipole model of gravitational waves from spinning and coalescing black-hole binaries. (arXiv:1708.00404v4 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Lionel London, Sebastian Khan, Edward Fauchon-Jones, Cecilio García, Mark Hannam, Sascha Husa, Xisco Jiménez Forteza, Chinmay Kalaghatgi, Frank Ohme, Francesco Pannarale, relevance 8.14

Gravitational-wave observations of binary black holes currently rely on theoretical models that predict the dominant multipoles (l,m) of the radiation during inspiral, merger and ringdown. We introduce a simple method to include the subdominant multipoles to binary black hole gravitational waveforms, given a frequency-domain model for the dominant multipoles. The amplitude and phase of the original model are appropriately stretched and rescaled using post-Newtonian results (for the inspiral), perturbation theory (for the ringdown), and a smooth transition between the two. No additional tuning to numerical-relativity simulations is required. We apply a variant of this method to the non-precessing PhenomD model. The result, PhenomHM, constitutes the first higher-multipole model of spinning black-hole binaries, and currently includes the (l,m) = (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (2,1), (3,2), (4,3) radiative moments. Comparisons with numerical-relativity waveforms demonstrate that PhenomHM is more accurate than dominant-multipole-only models for all binary configurations, and typically improves the measurement of binary properties.

Scattering of the $\varphi^8$ kinks with power-law asymptotics. (arXiv:1708.00403v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Ekaterina Belendryasova, Vakhid A. Gani, relevance 0.00

We study the scattering of the $\varphi^8$ kinks off each other, namely, we consider those $\varphi^8$ kinks that have power-law asymptotics. The slow power-law fall-off leads to a long-range interaction between the kink and the antikink. We investigate how the scattering scenarios depend on the initial velocities of the colliding kinks. In particular, we observe the `escape windows' -- the escape of the kinks after two or more collisions, explained by the resonant energy exchange between the translational and vibrational modes. In order to elucidate this phenomenon, we also analyse the excitation spectra of a solitary kink and of a composite kink+antikink configuration.

BAO Extractor: bias and redshift space effects. (arXiv:1708.00375v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Takahiro Nishimichi, Eugenio Noda, Marco Peloso, Massimo Pietroni, relevance 1.16

We study a new procedure to measure the sound horizon scale via Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO). Instead of fitting the measured power spectrum (PS) to a theoretical model containing the cosmological informations and all the nonlinear effects, we define a procedure to project out (or to "extract") the oscillating component from a given nonlinear PS. We show that the BAO scale extracted in this way is extremely robust and, moreover, can be reproduced by simple theoretical models at any redshift. By using N-body simulations, we discuss the effect of the nonlinear evolution of the matter field, of redshift space distortions and of scale-dependent halo bias, showing that all these effects can be reproduced with sub-percent accuracy. We give a one-parameter theoretical model based on a simple (IR) modification of 1-loop perturbation theory, which reproduces the BAO scale from measurements of halo clustering in redshift space at better than $0.1\%$ level and does not need any external UV input, such as coefficients measured from N-body simulations.

Extended Reissner-Nordstr\"om solutions sourced by dynamical torsion. (arXiv:1708.00374v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Jose A. R. Cembranos, Jorge Gigante Valcarcel, relevance 2.64

We find a new exact vacuum solution in the framework of the Poincar\'e Gauge field theory with massive torsion. In this model, torsion operates as an independent field and introduces corrections to the vacuum structure present in General Relativity. The new static and spherically symmetric configuration shows a Reissner-Nordstr\"om-like geometry characterized by a spin charge. It extends the known massless torsion solution to the massive case. The corresponding Reissner-Nordstr\"om-de Sitter solution is also compatible with a cosmological constant and additional U(1) gauge fields.

Classification of Matrix Product States with a Local (Gauge) Symmetry. (arXiv:1708.00362v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ilya Kull, Andras Molnar, Erez Zohar, J. Ignacio Cirac, relevance 5.76

Matrix Product States (MPS) are a particular type of one dimensional tensor network states, that have been applied to the study of numerous quantum many body problems. One of their key features is the possibility to describe and encode symmetries on the level of a single building block (tensor), and hence they provide a natural playground for the study of symmetric systems. In particular, recent works have proposed to use MPS (and higher dimensional tensor networks) for the study of systems with local symmetry that appear in the context of gauge theories. In this work we classify MPS which exhibit local invariance under arbitrary gauge groups. We study the respective tensors and their structure, revealing known constructions that follow known gauging procedures, as well as different, other types of possible gauge invariant states.

Vacuum solutions around spherically symmetric and static objects in Starobinsky model. (arXiv:1708.00345v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Sercan Çıkıntoğlu, relevance 0.00

The vacuum solutions around a spherically symmetric and static object are studied in Starobinsky model with perturbative approach. The differential equations for the components of the metric and the Ricci scalar are obtained and solved by using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. The presence of higher order terms in this gravity model leads to the formation of a boundary layer near the surface of the star allowing the accommodation of the extra boundary conditions on the Ricci scalar. Accordingly, the metric can be different from the Schwarzschild solution near the star depending on the value of the Ricci scalar at the surface of the star while matching the Schwarzschild metric far from the star. The modified vacuum solution leads to deviations from general relativity that could be measured in light bending observations.

A Semi-Classical Schwinger-Keldysh Re-interpretation Of The 4D Majorana Fermion Mass Term. (arXiv:1708.00338v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Yi-Zen Chu, relevance 4.29

We offer a semi-classical re-interpretation of the 4D Majorana fermion mass term as an `influence action' in the Schwinger-Keldysh formulation of fermionic Quantum Field Theories.

Dynamical symmetries, coherent states and nonlinear realizations: the SO(2,4) case. (arXiv:1708.00334v1 [hep-th])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Andrej B. Arbuzov (BLTP-JINR), Diego Julio Cirilo-Lombardo (INFIP-CONICET and BLTP-JINR), relevance 0.00

Nonlinear realizations of the SO(4,2) group are discussed from the point of view of symmetries. Dynamical symmetry breaking is introduced. One linear and one quadratic model in curvature are constructed. Coherent states of the Klauder-Perelomov type are defined for both cases taking into account the coset geometry. A new spontaneous compactification mechanism is defined in the subspace invariant under the stability subgroup. The physical implications of the symmetry rupture in the context of non-linear realizations and direct gauging are analyzed and briefly discussed.

Can a charged decaying particle serve as an ideal clock in the presence of the magnetic field?. (arXiv:1708.00327v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Roberto Pierini, Krzysztof Turzynski, Andrzej Dragan, relevance 0.00

We investigate a model of a supposedly ideal clock based on the decay rate of a charged particle in circular motion in a constant magnetic field. We show that the time measured by an ideal clock depends on the acceleration. However, the effect becomes visible at an order of magnitude of 10^{28} g, therefore confirming the validity of the ideal clock hyphotesis for realistic accelerations.

Dp-brane dynamics and thermalization in type IIB Ben Ami-Kuperstein-Sonnenschein models. (arXiv:1708.00326v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dariush Kaviani, relevance 3.39

We study the world volume Hawking temperature of all type IIB rotating probe Dp-branes, dual to the temperature of different flavors at finite R-charge, in the Ben Ami-Kuperstein-Sonnenschein holographic models including the effects of spontaneous breakdown of the conformal and chiral flavor symmetry. The model embeds type IIB probe flavor Dp-branes into the Klebanov-Witten gravity dual of conformal gauge theory, with the embedding parameter, given by the minimal radial extension of the probes, setting the IR scale of conformal and chiral flavor symmetry breakdown. We show that when the minimal extension is positive definite and additional spin is switched on, the induced world volume metrics of only certain type IIB probe branes admit thermal horizons and Hawking temperatures despite the absence of black holes in the bulk. We find that the world volume black hole nucleation is non-trivial and depends on the world volume dimension and topology of the non-trivial internal cycle wrapped by the probe. We find, in addition, that by varying the minimal extension of the probe, large hierarchies of temperature scales get produced, with the temperature behavior varying dramatically, depending on the type of probe. We also derive the energy-stress tensor of the thermal probes and study their backreaction and energy dissipation. We show that at the IR scale the backreaction is non-negligible and find the energy can flow from the probes to the bulk, dual to the energy dissipation from the flavor sectors into the gauge theory.

Free energy and boundary anomalies on $\mathbb{S}^a\times \mathbb{H}^b$ spaces. (arXiv:1708.00305v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Diego Rodriguez-Gomez, Jorge G. Russo, relevance 4.14

We compute free energies as well as conformal anomalies associated with boundaries for a conformal free scalar field. To that matter, we introduce the family of spaces of the form $\mathbb{S}^a\times \mathbb{H}^b$, which are conformally related to $\mathbb{S}^{a+b}$. For the case of $a=1$, related to the entanglement entropy across $\mathbb{S}^{b-1}$, we provide some new explicit computations of entanglement entropies at weak coupling. We then compute the free energy for spaces $\mathbb{S}^a\times \mathbb{H}^b$ for different values of $a$ and $b$. For spaces $\mathbb{S}^{2n+1}\times \mathbb{H}^{2k}$ we find an exact match with the free energy on $\mathbb{S}^{2n+2k+1}$. For $\mathbb{H}^{2k+1}$ and $\mathbb{S}^{3}\times \mathbb{H}^{3}$ we find conformal anomalies originating from boundary terms.

We also compute the free energy for strongly coupled theories through holography, obtaining similar results.

Synthesis of Majorana mass terms in low-energy quantum systems. (arXiv:1708.00281v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED)
in hep-th by L. Lepori, A. Celi, A. Trombettoni, M. Mannarelli, relevance 0.50

We discuss the problem to generate genuine Majorana mass terms, leading to a Majorana condition for neutral spinors, in condensed matter systems. We start focusing on Weyl semimetals, lattice systems hosting point-like Fermi surfaces with linear dispersion and definite effective chiralities. There, as well as on metals with extended Fermi surfaces, mass terms can be induced by an attractive interaction, and are commonly assumed to be analogous to the Majorana ones known in particle physics. However, the Majorana condition is not implemented in the spinor space, but in a internal space for the atoms. Therefore, the so-synthesized mass terms critically involve Weyl spinors with opposite effective chiralities, similarly to a Dirac mass term. Correspondingly, the symmetry breaking pattern and the resulting low-energy spectrum are generally different from the ones considered in particle physics. These facts have important phenomenological consequences: for instance they imply that the mass terms synthesized as above are unsuitable to simulate a see-saw mechanism, proposed to give mass to the neutrinos of the Standard Model. Alternative schemes for the synthesis of genuine Majorana mass terms in realistic lattice set-ups, exploiting space-dependent pairings with nonzero total momentum, are identified and discussed.

Ground state for a massive scalar field in BTZ spacetime with Robin boundary conditions. (arXiv:1708.00271v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Francesco Bussola, Claudio Dappiaggi, Hugo R. C. Ferreira, Igor Khavkine, relevance 5.39

We consider a real, massive scalar field in BTZ spacetime, a 2+1-dimensional black hole solution of the Einstein's field equations with a negative cosmological constant. First, we analyze the space of classical solutions in a mode decomposition and we characterize the collection of all admissible boundary conditions of Robin type which can be imposed at infinity. Secondly, we investigate whether, for a given boundary condition, there exists a ground state by constructing explicitly its two-point function. We demonstrate that for a subclass of the boundary conditions it is possible to construct a ground state that locally satisfies the Hadamard property. In all other cases, we show that bound state mode solutions exist and, therefore, such construction is not possible.

Bell's Theorem for Temporal Order. (arXiv:1708.00248v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Magdalena Zych, Fabio Costa, Igor Pikovski, Caslav Brukner, relevance 3.16

Time has a fundamentally different character in quantum mechanics and in general relativity. In quantum theory events unfold in a fixed time order while in general relativity temporal order is influenced by the distribution of matter. When the distribution of matter requires a quantum description, temporal order is expected to become non-classical -- a scenario beyond the scope of current theories. Here we provide a direct description of such a scenario. We consider a massive body in a spatial superposition and show how it leads to "entanglement" of temporal orders between time-like events in the resulting space-time. This entanglement enables accomplishing a task, violation of a Bell inequality, that is impossible under classical temporal order. Violation of the inequality means that temporal order becomes non-classical -- it cannot be described by locally defined classical variables. Our approach provides a quantitative method for investigating quantum aspects of space-time and gravity.

Effect of radiation-like solid on CMB anisotropies. (arXiv:1708.00237v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Peter Mészáros, relevance 0.00

We compute the CMB angular power spectrum in the presence of the radiation-like solid with the same pressure to energy density ratio as for the radiation but with nonzero shear modulus. The effect can be observable not only for large-angle anisotropies as shown by Balek and \v{S}kovran [2015] but also for very small-angle ones.

The extended Einstein-Maxwell-aether-axion model: Exact solutions for axionically controlled pp-wave aether modes. (arXiv:1708.00204v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Alexander B. Balakin, relevance 21.13

The extended Einstein-Maxwell-aether-axion model describes internal interactions inside the system, which contains gravitational, electromagnetic fields, the dynamic unit vector field describing the velocity of an aether, and the pseudoscalar field associated with the axionic dark matter. The specific feature of this model is that the axion field controls the dynamics of the aether through the guiding functions incorporated into the Jacobson's constitutive tensor. Depending on the state of the axion field these guiding functions can control and switch on or switch off the influence of acceleration, shear, vorticity and expansion of the aether flow on the state of physical system as a whole. We obtain new exact solutions, which possess the pp-wave symmetry, and indicate them by the term pp-wave aether modes in contrast to the pure pp-waves, which can not propagate in this field conglomerate. These exact solutions describe a specific dynamic state of the pseudoscalar field, which corresponds to one of the minima of the axion potential, and switches off the influence of shear and expansion of the aether flow; the model does not impose restrictions on the Jacobson's coupling constants and on the axion mass. Properties of these new exact solutions are discussed.

A possible new cosmological redshift effect due to $\Lambda$ on traveling gravitational waves in Friedmann universes. (arXiv:1708.00176v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Stefano Viaggiu, relevance 1.79

In this paper we continue the investigation concerning the propagation of gravitational waves in a cosmological background using Laplace transform \cite{A}. We analyze the possible physical consequences of the result present in \cite{A} where it is argued that a non-vanishing positive abscissa of convergence caused by the de Sitter expansion factor $a(t)=e^{Ht}$ implies a shift in the frequencies domain of a traveling gravitational waves as measured by a comoving observer. In particular, we show that in a generic asymptotically de Sitter cosmological universe this redshift effect does also arise. Conversely, in a universe expanding with, for example, a power law expansion, this phenomenon does not happen. This physically possible new redshift effect, although negligible for the actual very low value of $\Lambda$, can have interesting physical consequences concerning for example its relation with Bose-Einstein condensation or more speculatively with the nature of the cosmological constant in terms of gravitons, as recently suggested in \cite{B} near a Bose-Einstein condensation phase.

A waveform model for eccentric binary black hole based on effective-one-body-numerical-relativity (EOBNR) formalism. (arXiv:1708.00166v1 [gr-qc])
in gr-qc by Zhoujian Cao, Wen-Biao Han, relevance 5.97

Binary black hole systems are among the most important sources for gravitational wave detection. And also they are good objects for theoretical research for general relativity. Gravitational waveform template is important to data analysis. Effective-one-body-numerical-relativity (EOBNR) model has played an essential role in the LIGO data analysis. For future space-based gravitational wave detection, many binary systems will admit somewhat orbit eccentricity. At the same time the eccentric binary is also an interesting topic for theoretical study in general relativity. In this paper we construct the first eccentric binary waveform model based on effective-one-body-numerical-relativity framework. Our basic assumption in the model construction is that the involved eccentricity is small. We have compared our eccentric EOBNR model to the circular one used in LIGO data analysis. We have also tested our eccentric EOBNR model against to another recently proposed eccentric binary waveform model; against to numerical relativity simulation results; and against to perturbation approximation results for extreme mass ratio binary systems. Compared to numerical relativity simulations with eccentricity as large as about 0.2, the overlap factor for our eccentric EOBNR model is better than 0.98 for all tested cases including spinless binary and spinning binary; equal mass binary and unequal mass binary. Hopefully our eccentric model can be the start point to develop a faithful template for future space-based gravitational wave detectors.

Quintessential Inflation in a thawing realization. (arXiv:1708.00156v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Abhineet Agarwal, R. Myrzakulov, M. Sami, Naveen K. Singh, relevance 0.00

We study quintessential inflation with an inverse hyperbolic type potential $V(\phi) = {V_0}/{\cosh \left( {\phi^n}/{\lambda^n} \right)}$, where $V_0$, $\lambda$ and "n" are parameters of the theory. We obtain a bound on $\lambda$ for different values of the parameter n. The spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar-ratio fall in the $1 \sigma$ bound given by the Planck 2015 data for $n \geq 5$ for certain values of $\lambda$. However for $3 \leq n < 5$ there exist values of $\lambda$ for which the spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar-ratio fall only within the $2 \sigma$ bound of the Planck data. Furthermore, we show that the scalar field with the given potential can also give rise to late time acceleration if we invoke the coupling to massive neutrino matter. We also consider the instant preheating mechanism with Yukawa interaction and put bounds on the coupling constants for our model using the nucleosynthesis constraint on relic gravity waves produced during inflation.

Code subspaces for LLM geometries. (arXiv:1708.00035v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)
in hep-th by David Berenstein, Alexandra Miller, relevance 3.69

We consider effective field theory around classical background geometries with a gauge theory dual, in the class of LLM geometries. These are dual to half-BPS states of $\cal{N}=$ 4 SYM. We find that the language of code subspaces is natural for discussing the set of nearby states, which are built by acting with effective fields on these backgrounds. This work extends our previous work by going beyond the strict infinite $N$ limit. We further discuss how one can extract the topology of the state beyond $N\rightarrow\infty$ and find that uncertainty and entanglement entropy calculations still provide a useful tool to do so. Finally, we discuss obstructions to writing down a globally defined metric operator. We find that the answer depends on the choice of reference state that one starts with. Therefore there is ambiguity in trying to write an operator that describes the metric globally.

What if? - Exploring the Multiverse through Euclidean wormholes. (arXiv:1708.00025v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Mariam Bouhmadi-López, Manuel Kraemer, João Morais, Salvador Robles-Pérez, relevance 4.96

We present Euclidean wormhole solutions describing possible bridges within the multiverse. The study is carried out in the framework of the third quantization. The matter content is modelled through a scalar field which supports the existence of a whole collection of universes. The instanton solutions describe Euclidean solutions that connect baby universes with asymptotically de Sitter universes. We compute the tunnelling probability of these processes. Considering the current bounds on the energy scale of inflation and assuming that all the baby universes are nucleated with the same probability, we draw some conclusions about what are the universes more likely to tunnel and therefore undergo a standard inflationary era.

Metamorphoses of a photon sphere. (arXiv:1708.00019v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
in gr-qc by Andrey A. Shoom, relevance 7.89

There are circular planar null geodesics at $r=3M$ around a Schwarzschild black hole of mass $M$. These geodesics form a photon sphere. Null geodesics of the Schwarzschild space-time which do not form the photon sphere are either escape to null infinity or get captured by the black hole. Thus, from the dynamical point of view, the photon sphere represents a smooth basin boundary that separates the basins of escape and capture of the dynamical system governing the null geodesics. Here we consider a Schwarzschild black hole distorted by an external, static, and axisymmetric quadrupolar gravitational field. We study null geodesics around such a black hole and show that the photon sphere transforms into a fractal basin boundary that indicates chaotic behavior of the null geodesics. We calculate the box-counting fractal dimension of the basin boundary and the related uncertainty exponent, which depend on the value of the quadrupole moment.

Lyman-alpha Constraints on Ultralight Scalar Dark Matter: Implications for the Early and Late Universe. (arXiv:1708.00015v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Takeshi Kobayashi, Riccardo Murgia, Andrea De Simone, Vid Iršič, Matteo Viel, relevance 0.00

We investigate constraints on scalar dark matter (DM) by analyzing the Lyman-alpha forest, which probes structure formation at medium and small scales, and also by studying its cosmological consequences at high and low redshift. For scalar DM that constitutes more than 30% of the total DM density, we obtain a lower limit m >~ 10^{-21} eV for the mass of scalar DM. This implies an upper limit on the initial field displacement (or the decay constant for an axion-like field) of phi <~ 10^{16} GeV. We also derive limits on the energy scale of cosmic inflation and establish an upper bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio of r < 10^{-3} in the presence of scalar DM. Furthermore, we show that there is very little room for ultralight scalar DM to solve the "small-scale crisis" of cold DM without spoiling the Lyman-alpha forest results. The constraints presented in this paper can be used for testing generic theories that contain light scalar fields.

Subaru Telescope limits on cosmological variations in the fine-structure constant. (arXiv:1708.00014v1 [astro-ph.CO])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Michael T. Murphy (1), Kathy L. Cooksey (2) ((1) Swinburne University of Technology, (2) University of Hawaii at Hilo), relevance 0.00

Previous, large samples of quasar absorption spectra have indicated some evidence for relative variations in the fine-structure constant ($\Delta\alpha/\alpha$) across the sky. However, they were likely affected by long-range distortions of the wavelength calibration, so it is important to establish a statistical sample of more reliable results, from multiple telescopes. Here we triple the sample of $\Delta\alpha/\alpha$ measurements from the Subaru Telescope which have been `supercalibrated' to correct for long-range distortions. A blinded analysis of the metallic ions in 6 intervening absorption systems in two Subaru quasar spectra provides no evidence for $\alpha$ variation, with a weighted mean of $\Delta\alpha/\alpha=3.0\pm2.8_{\rm stat}\pm2.0_{\rm sys}$ parts per million (1$\sigma$ statistical and systematic uncertainties). The main remaining systematic effects are uncertainties in the long-range distortion corrections, absorption profile models, and errors from redispersing multiple quasar exposures onto a common wavelength grid. The results also assume that terrestrial isotopic abundances prevail in the absorbers; assuming only the dominant terrestrial isotope is present significantly lowers $\Delta\alpha/\alpha$, though it is still consistent with zero. Given the location of the two quasars on the sky, our results do not support the evidence for spatial $\alpha$ variation, especially when combined with the 21 other recent measurements which were corrected for, or resistant to, long-range distortions. Our spectra and absorption profile fits are publicly available.

Relaxion: A Landscape Without Anthropics. (arXiv:1708.00010v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Ann Nelson, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, relevance 0.00

The relaxion mechanism provides a potentially elegant solution to the hierarchy problem without resorting to anthropic or other fine-tuning arguments. This mechanism introduces an axion-like field, dubbed the relaxion, whose expectation value determines the electroweak hierarchy as well as the QCD strong CP violating $\bar{\theta}$ parameter. During an inflationary period, the Higgs mass squared is selected to be negative and hierarchically small in a theory which is consistent with 't Hooft's technical naturalness criteria. However, in the original model proposed by Graham, Kaplan and Rajendran (2015), the relaxion does not solve the strong CP problem, and in fact contributes to it, as the coupling of the relaxion to the Higgs field and the introduction of a linear potential for the relaxion produces large strong CP violation. We resolve this tension by considering inflation with a Hubble scale which is above the QCD scale but below the weak scale, and estimating the Hubble temperature dependence of the axion mass. The relaxion potential is thus very different during inflation than it is today. We find that provided the inflationary Hubble scale is between the weak scale and about 3 GeV, the relaxion resolves the hierarchy, strong CP, and dark matter problems in a way that is technically natural.

Yangian Symmetry for Fishnet Feynman Graphs. (arXiv:1708.00007v1 [hep-th])
in hep-th by Dmitry Chicherin, Vladimir Kazakov, Florian Loebbert, Dennis Müller, De-liang Zhong, relevance 2.45

Various classes of fishnet Feynman graphs are shown to feature a Yangian symmetry over the conformal algebra. We explicitly discuss scalar graphs in three, four and six spacetime dimensions as well as the inclusion of fermions in four dimensions. The Yangian symmetry results in novel differential equations for these families of largely unsolved Feynman integrals. Notably, the considered fishnet graphs in three and four dimensions dominate the correlation functions and scattering amplitudes in specific double scaling limits of planar, gamma-twisted N=4 super Yang-Mills or ABJM theory. Consequently, the study of fishnet graphs allows us to get deep insights into the integrability of the planar AdS/CFT correspondence.

Tensor Networks in a Nutshell. (arXiv:1708.00006v1 [quant-ph])
in gr-qc, hep-th by Jacob Biamonte, Ville Bergholm, relevance 17.18

Tensor network methods are taking a central role in modern quantum physics and beyond. They can provide an efficient approximation to certain classes of quantum states, and the associated graphical language makes it easy to describe and pictorially reason about quantum circuits, channels, protocols, open systems and more. Our goal is to explain tensor networks and some associated methods as quickly and as painlessly as possible. Beginning with the key definitions, the graphical tensor network language is presented through examples. We then provide an introduction to matrix product states. We conclude the tutorial with tensor contractions evaluating combinatorial counting problems. The first one counts the number of solutions for Boolean formulae, whereas the second is Penrose's tensor contraction algorithm, returning the number of $3$-edge-colorings of $3$-regular planar graphs.

Existence and uniqueness of solutions to Y-systems and TBA equations. (arXiv:1708.00001v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)
in hep-th by Lorenz Hilfiker, Ingo Runkel, relevance 0.72

We consider Y-system functional equations of the form $$ Y_n(x+i)Y_n(x-i)=\prod_{m=1}^N (1+Y_m(x))^{G_{nm}}$$ and the corresponding nonlinear integral equations of the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz. We prove an existence and uniqueness result for solutions of these equations, subject to appropriate conditions on the analytical properties of the $Y_n$, in particular the absence of zeros in a strip around the real axis. The matrix $G_{nm}$ must have non-negative real entries, and be irreducible and diagonalisable over $\mathbb{R}$ with spectral radius less than 2. This includes the adjacency matrices of finite Dynkin diagrams, but covers much more as we do not require $G_{nm}$ to be integers. Our results specialise to the constant Y-system, proving existence and uniqueness of a strictly positive solution in that case.
