Sermons (reverse chronological order):

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1/6/13 The 10 Worst Excuses of the Bible [mp3]

8/7/11 Jesus Coming on the Water [mp3]
Matthew 14:22-33

7/24/11 The Mustard Seed [mp3]
Matthew 13:31-32

7/17/11 The Wheat and the Tares [mp3]
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

6/19/11 Science and Creation [mp3]
Genesis 1, Psalm 8.

5/29/10 Science and the Resurrection [mp3]
John 20:19-29, 1 Thess. 5:15-22

12/26/10 Isaiah the Poet [mp3]
Isaiah 59

12/19/10 That Reminds Me... [mp3]
Isaiah 7

8/15/10 Coexist [mp3]
Luke 12:49-53; Deut 18:9-13; Lev 19:17

6/20/10 Can You Keep a Secret? [mp3]
Mark (various), Matthew 10:26-27, 7:6

6/6/10 Do Not Love the World [mp3]
James 4:1-6, 1 John 2:15-17, Job 31

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